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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1905)
XT THE ORECjdM. DAILY JOURNALS 'PORTLAND,. THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH H. ZZZ. : GATIIECIuS DATA: Ggcrcttc end v ;S. Tofccco I!c!:Its m goveo'it CURED FREB IN 0N2 DAY.; i ,i. '- T r . -. V, y -y - ""-:. .V "" ' -i ,- ;, - -J -;t ;'-?'- ' 1 . ' ' f- ' - . ... ...i "',- 1 . - ... . . '.,., I II II II II ii - x I I ' I I w w II I f I I I I I I ' j"- i f ' i ' ii i ii i ' ' Bna m m m m m m : msna . m sagas 5i tsi if ills ' ' .".-. , ' '(" ' .. . - . , '.j . . - if . '" ' s -' : ; . , ' ET th hblt of wing woo4 for - fucL - Yu hti money by lo inr to. Tb kind of wood we eU'U wily kindled and (ires full ,heat value. Try u with an order. . . DANFIELD -VEYSEY FUEL GO. .!2b353 80 Third St. mm Nobby Spring Slioes for Little Mm Extra Special for Friday and Saturday It Ii bm thit yoa elwajre. ft the beet, both lntjrl end quality while the prices are not too hlfh. but Just to your llkln. - BIAT mrmaxMx. xr tov cajt. ;: Extra Big Reductions on Standard Shoes Bueh well-kjjown brands the Bunker HUl and Red, School Hone Bhoee. solid Jemther Uiroartjout, jThese Shoes are wear reeUtere. All leathers, all styles.. Blses. I uTlH D, E and EE, . i Enron's Shoe , Th Stor of Styl and Vlue" ;-''r-: :; .'17 230-2327.101x18011 Street , Portland, Oregon ' Bvacuua xjt orr. . Iflprlt Dtosalrk to Tbe lomtl.) . Falrm. Or, March The aenkence f Charlee Van tuya was commuted ' "7, lZ CoroiTor' PWinberlala to expire April 9. 'Van buys wi cei Vlcted of burslary In Baker .county and MTOtenred oa lincember tl. 1 102, to aervc Jive years... V-,..; -,r, A ' mnMl TnaMas em rainitlr AUTOMATIC TIIOHE FRANCHISE PRINTED Important Amandmtnts Mad . Which Will Prevent a Sell-1. : Out to CompetftorJ";' Councilman I . Zimmerman's amend taeota to the frmaohta for -the pi'upoaed automatic telephone system la this city were passed at tbe special meeting of the- council yesterday afternoon, after which the franchise was Ordered ' pub lianeo. The amendments provide that the company must Install an automatic system, ana uiat no caanirea in the make of phone shall be niade without the consent of the council; that 1,00 'phones must be working before any charge la exacted of subscribers; that the. police1 patrol telephone ayatent must be ready for operation within M day after the automat to system Is In tailed. and that not more than two blocks of street may be closed at one time while the corporation Is laying the under ground conduits. ' Those who favored publishing the or dinance were Councllmen Albee, Fleget, Foeller, Sharkey, Whiting and Zimmer man; those . opposed were Council men Bberrett, Rumelln and Merrill. . "The reasonJ desire to Insert the word 'automatic in that franchise Is to prevent these people from selling out to the Pacific States Telephone Tele graph company." said Councilman Zim merman ' yesterday. . "If the franchise' Is granted without providing for the In stallation of the automatic system this company will be able to aell out to tbe other company at any time. It it .Is designated In the franchise thai noth ing but the automatic system shall be Installed, the other company cannot ac quire the franchise, for it Is under eon tract to tike nothing but the Bell teak phone for a number of years.1-, ; ; UNIVERSITY PARK : ' ; - PLANS IMPROVEMENT "-The nfvertlty Park Civic Improve ment club la one of Xbe snoot active or ganisations of Its sort in the city, and ita members are doing much toward the. Improvement or Aha. peninsula district. It has turned Its attention to the Ports mouth ' school, and will ' beautify ' the grounds by. sowing lawns and planting shrubs and Sowers..' ' Heretofore ' the grounds about - the school have- been In a deplorable con dition. In rainy weather great puddles of water surround the building, making it almost I on possible for teachers or pupils to reach It. The school direc tors have agreed to employ a -man to level off tbe grounds, and the member of the 'club will sow th.e-lawn and plant U goncrsa '"1. ' J Chamber of. Commerce Will Aid President ' In Settling Pan ; ama's Transportation, f GENERAL ERI3T0W WAS INTERROGATION MARK Asked ; Questions on Which An swers Depends Much of the ; ' Prosperity of Coast. The navigation '.committee of ''the chamber, of commerce will- gather data for the use of 'General J. I Brlatow, special Panama railroad commissioner, In making up his report to ' President Roosevelt, from which the president will determine bis policy In the management or the Panama railroad, tbe disposition of transportation facilities there-and the Pacific Mall contract. General Brlatow departed this morn ing ror the aound cities, on bis way to Washington, having made a tour of the Paclflo coast from Panama' to Seattle. He was entertained at luncheon at. the Arlington club by President W. H. Wheelwright of the chamber of com merce, ' whose guests - were: General Brlstow and his secretary, J. T. Watson, W. - J. Burns, Samuel ConnelL B. A. Worthington and Allen - Lewis. Ques tions of rates, and competitive rail and water lines from the. Facli.o to the At lantic coast, ware Informally discussed. General Brlstow left Portland strongly Impressed with the position of the cham ber of commerce In favor of the govern ment operating the. Panama, railroad practically at cost and offering a free field and no favors in transportatloa across the Isthmus ' and ' for all ocean transportation lines on both sides. : VaclSe Kail CeatraeV . The transportation men of the cham ber do not believe it feasible for the government to operate a-steamship line between Colon and New Orleana or New York, to the satisfaction of commercial Interests of either coast , Regarding the Pactno .Mall ' and ' Its present contract with the Panama railroad,' much inter est is shown by the chamber. In Janu ary, this year, the-secretary of war In formed the Paclflo Mall Steamship com-! pany that the government would. If It so desired, abrogate tbe existing exclu-j slve contract for transporting commodi ties . and .malls across the Isthmus, at the expiration -of six months from the, date of the notice. The government la, now In a position to cancel the contract and open the railroad - to competitive business in July. : General Brlstow asked the navigation . committee' of the cham ber whether, la Its opinion, there were other steamship companies doing busi ness between Paclflo coast points and Panama with which the Panama railroad J oould -enter Into trafflo arrangements more advantageous to the public than are those now existing with the Paclflo Mall conipany.- The committee's reply ' Bast Oould Compete. -"Just at present we are not aware that there are any such companies now lo cated on this coast. But we believe that there la more than one such on the Atlantlo coast 'which, - if given the chance, would gladly put into commis sion a fleet that oould handle tbe busi ness on both coasts fully as well aa the Paclflo 'Mall does." The fact that the Paclflo Mall Steamship company is pro tected by the Panama railroad, and by the transcontinental rail lines, is suffi cient reason why no other, steamship line has ever attempted to compete for the business across the Isthmaa, J. T., Watson, secretary to General Brlatow,. referring to conditions on the Isthmus, aald: Tbe tsvo conspicuous features of life on the isthmus are. the canal and the yellow fever. . Tbe United States govern ment la working out both problems. Tbe Panama railroad will probably be oper ated by the government, at least until the canal is finished. This railroad was built about f 0 years ago by a syndicate that secured xrom the Colombian govern ment an exclusive franchise to transport all commodities and passengers across ths Isthmus. . When' the fTencn ' com pany Undertook to bund a canal It waa confronted by this - franchise, and waa forced to buy tbe - ianma railroad. The -United States, la purchasing the from the French company, also acquired the railroad and five steam. ships, three i of them owned and ' two chartered by the Panama railroad steam ship line, operating between) Colon and New Orleans or New Tork. There Is a question whether this line shall be sold by the government. rever-Oarrytag .Wwqutto, ksa It was bent. I state Ikes, farts lr end veluDtarlly, hoping ether victims tee toeeeoe aaeit - will proat by , say u. Keen ef tbe mdrreita4, for aloaelf. freely S4 vohialarllr eertlsrs as foUsws: I barebr certify lht I ' waa estanhitety see' perasMDtiy earvq 01 lai looser, asmc e fr. Sam pi. .parkase et Tbbanre-Spwier. . bm (has a rear saw. I bay siOWy disliked tobsere ever slue I teok tbe nnpla, bar. not used any la aar form, and any health has beea Meter u In of psrteace. . . . , Itsv. C. B. veale, BrsaaoB. la. . ' H, H. Braton, Pappsnrood. Csl. " - Leonard U Btsfford, Rlpler. Maine, W. H. r.mmon. Belmont. Ma. O. W. Edam, Box suo, ilowoo. Wis, 1 W K-1 . tut.. , I. ' ' jiwum it. Ward, Southern Hotel. Chicago, 1U rrana Hsnnsn. uienwooa, w. vs. Jsdms Bart Brown. Colorado, Tea. Bussa I. Moore. Santa Boaa. Mo. B. tvffey, a Frank st.. C-battaaoega, Ttoa. i:sitis iiies, ueeoa, yioriaa. W. i. Klteaeas. rt. Smith, Ark. '' H. 0. Dnnaa, Colon Mills, N. C. W. H. HUl, Splnka, Kampar Ce... Mist, W. T. Koeliiep. Walnut Port, Pa. Mrs. AUle Klatchar. BrakebUl. Jam. Bobertson. Berwra. 11L (.has. vecot. BicbnoBq, Ms. . Henry 0, Hobaon, Ureonsbore, AU. Gilbert Brosa, Dallas, N. C. j M. U. DsWItt, Tucker, Ind..Ter. M. Kntawsky, El Bio, CaUf. , . -John W. aeasdy, Miagna, Tel. These people and hundreds ef other Is all parts ef ths country hare beta earad ef . the tobacco kablt by free sample park arc bacro-BperfSc,. It Is a a arnica a, praetlcaUy tasteless rOMey that can be air In food or drink and will rare all forms of tobacco, cIsarMt. ar snarf hsklt without the kaowkadse of the patient. Take, by the patient hlmaslf ue remedy is juat as eeruua te care. r Tobsceo4DMiae win cur.- any esse "Of te bsees habit. Bea the free sample package may ne saxncieai ce cnre.yon er yoer cnone. ne Blatter how long' tobacco bas bees ased. People, are being cared by the tree sample nackarfea ell to. ' tlm.. Try It. It emauaol do any harm, net will surely aW good, ereal ii set snraa-ieec to aaaa. s eempiete care, and It will cost yea nothing. The Boa-era Dm m rhemlcal Co.. B144 Itrth and Bace sts.,. ptarianatl, Ohio, will send yoa, by stall,, prepaid, in plain wrapper, e esmpls package of Tobeceo-dpeclfle exactly like tboae uist eurea .us people names aoeve, anaaniteiy free. WriU for It sew. Do Bet wait. . , Overstocked Just -now . we have too man v ef the finest plane in the world. . UTEINWAY. K8TKT, KMriRSON and many "other splendid pianos ar crowded into our ware rooms until it Is next to Impossible, to-move sbouC . , COMB AND RET.TKVT! TIB OF TUB CONGKSTION WH WILI MAKE IT AN OBBJKCT FOR YOUV We also have a number Of F8BD BQUARK. GRAND AND UPRIGHT pianos which we sim ply must et out of the way. Why not trv one? We will allow you all you tav for It later on toward the purchase of a new one. .. EASY PAYMENTS. See us now.-, Tou will not regret 1U We have a good Used Piano for $150 . ; ' SOULE DROL PIAT.a CO. 171 and 174 Morrison St. Cor. W. Park. Begin Taking Ozornulsjion Today ana rour cure Begins Toaay . Tellow fever la being stamped out at Panama by American sanitary methoda It is now conceded by the best aathort ties that yellow fever is spread by tbe bite of a certain mosquito that ta bred in the open rain barrels and sewera This . Insect Is a female, and no other kind will cause the fever. It Is called the "yellow-legged female mosquito.' Systematio . methods hare been com menced to exterminate It by fumiga tion. : All rain barrels are required to be kept covered; the open sewers that have run through the atreats win be abollahed and covered sewers subs tt tuted. Tellow fever has been stamped out of Cuba by similar methoda, and it will not be lonsvbefore there is not single case of yeHow fever at Pan ama." : , . J- V V t "sty with eandrug s It looked 1 like a eis- esse. Hare ased Hair health akait ta. days and have ae dandruff ea any part of nay scalp. uairtssaneraaa neh healthier looking." (ML vsaleis. 111 endrtxst.. 's'ra.M.r. ru Pewltfvely re an awe aavadrwS!, stops aslr falllag, srlags neck ynntkrol color te grey kslr. Aided b HAHrm SOAP, heals. stops Writing, piusautes dse hair gmwthi Large nnr. pottles, a ra inflate . -rase aotsisg wiuwut Pails UaOaslgAa turn. Cat eat and alga tela Frt3::pCn:riS Tag i any or roimwmg areggiais sna get Me, settle HsIrbesHk and k6c. sake Barflna - k H.M mm mmmt Iw OltIL Ii . Os-.ilewark, N. ... prepaid. fornr. sad this ad Free snap not gleen by dragtleta with eat this satin adv. asd Me. for UalitMalth. ateanMheaat s a Address. ...u.-.n.,!,,,. I. ..,..,.. W00OAJU), CXA oo, routs mmm :'-- ',: 'Sty eyQua.iiy.end Q)mbinc to place the mm -.1 -r. In tiiepntm find ;astyieH yvvell on you. We've a shape ior every xacc. :: ..',1,-1 i. ."r. . '.V. Buffum d Pendleton , Vf3llM01NlKrAM The CM Live Oil Imn Isles "gar Axeallamaa," - Its Vitalised Medicinal Food-Properties are Very Quickly Haallaed. In Bringing Healthy- Color to the Cheeks of the Pale end Sallow. llu Producing Strength to the Weak, to the Feeble and the Invalid. ' In Toning up the System of Conval escents from Exhausting Disease.: . In Cleansing the Entire System. . ' ' ' . " In. Nourishing the Wornout. . - ' In Rounding Out, the Thin.. Peaked Faces of Children. ... - '' " - In Building up on their Little Bodies the Desirable pink and White Flesh, and In Dotting their cheeks with the Pretty Color and Dimples that make Mother's Heart Glad. -. ....... .. . OSOhTVZJtXOaT '- f Is an Antidote for all Slews Osid ' - By Xxpoajor a Oold and Wed. To Prove 1U Medicinal Food Merits a . Trial Bottle Free "by Mail ; Win be aent on request Write by letter OzornuUIoai CC.9S Pise SLrNew Yorli All Druggists Two else Mo and 11.00 The la Grande Chronicle may print a daUy edition. . . " . -t. ' , PRICES REDUCSDTfIE FOLLOVYIIYO PRICES ARE RETAIL.; DELIVERED TO CONSUMER: 1H Bulk Newcastle Lump : . ; $5,00 ' Newcastle Nut v ; :l . ; 450 f itnaiarr 6.00 PeacockRc J - ! Other- Cosls'Proportionstely Low. ; $5.50 mm e:so 6.50 7.6b The Pacific-Goast Co. CMAS. H. CUUSt, A ,249 Wiwhingtctotl Telephones 229 and 237 JOURNAL VANT ADS PAY DEST l-'j" f.h.,'ilJi' v- i i ' ii, , ' i AT i 1 1 ii n 'r)n lii i- .v (;. v'-i-...;-.."'5'- : - .. TP i.' TZ a.M' '" A T .Im J aXa.Aa. v i vyo .levers, yv ctsixiiiKtuii ... ... . .' . ........ . . - u "... I . ' .. 1 ,.S. . . - ..... . ' ' ... .'A .. . ',""1", ,fi Near the junction of the Columbia and Snake rivers, opposite famous Kennewick district ; -..r. ; A Limited Amount of These Rich. Fertile Lands Are Selling In t v ; Five, Tea Twenty and forty Acre Tracts 'itWy-U At From 360 to 500 per Acre, . Upon ; ' : V Easy Terms, to Induce Settlement, ''ri'-,: JV , .... -f ; 1 The soil consists largely of volcanic ash and win produce abundant - crops.v Is equal, . if not superior, tothat of the Lewiston and.Clsrkston districts. The lands which sold at those ' mm 1- - - --ii: A s- rv . 1 (Wl mi i.... )1 Rwt ' piaCC at mv all acn sic uuw aciiiua av ttuui tw, vj a,vwv muvi-iu iviug uuuuiui ays,rvw an acre, a nose . wno purcnasea mx we oennnins - were wise, BuyNoBeterc . The immense power plant of the Snake River Irrigation i company at Five Mile rapids on the Snake river will furnish ample water for domestic and irrigation purposes as well as sur- 'plus water power f or maiiafacturing industries..;.;; V:; v ."('-' fv 'y:'r i ' "This;.is. ah opportunity of a: lifetime !!,; ;5:-?4v-fr.: Can you affprd to mic3'it?;i-: :: y; Excursion rates from all points on the O. R ." ft :Nand the Northern Pacific railroads can be had to Two Rivers. For further imrmation or railroad tickets, address " . . E. S Jackson, iGen'J Sales A&ni,l246&isrkU9i Pcrtlnd,Orczon ' Davis. Pendleton. Or. i v Farrow A Co- Eugene, Or. B. JC r. a. 1 T. A. Hudson. Ths Dalle. Or. , J. H. Klerell, Vsnconver, Wash. Frost Bryant, Moro. or. E. 7j. Ferguson, Astoria. Or J. A. Moehnke, Oregon City, Or. . J. H. Cleer, Clarkaton, Wash. ' J. W, OrhMr, CtMhalla. Wash,'-' - Sewley s Co, Luson bldg., ,Tacoms. Wash. . . .. , s, . ,. W.' W Brh. 204-i Pacific block, Se ; stile, Wash.. .- JRererford A Fisher. Jameson block, Ppobaoe. Wash. . ' . J no. A. laroan, . Colfssl WasK Bover wewoomb. 10 N. 2d Street, - Wall. Walla. Wash, i rpeld. Wash. loundgln, Dayton, Wash.. T P. -Reunds, Oa W. I 31 t 'J