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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1905)
t::v ctxoii I daily jotrciiAL. fostland. . Thursday evening, march so, isci CITY BOTICTA. CiTT X :i0i. CITT KOTtOSa.' ' (JITS kOTIOU, CITT KOTICXb. CITT BOTlCTft. " SUZLXOAS It ;:C"' '- Rarertt' and wife. -MM: tot .lehB1W'. - Invito and wife, W. u. Burnett and wife, lu.u; tot ft. Joha W, Uixlua u4 -a. w. H. DWHli and wife, -; lot 4, Joea w. la.naijua aad wife, W. H. Fereetb ana, wi'e, Vfto.uv; tot 4, Jena W. 1 ob awl erne, . W. H. BuMtt aad wife, W -l M ft.1 il W. Lang (km. aad wife. W. la. 1 sad wife, lot T. Jobs W. L- a aad wife, W H. Buutl aad wi.'e, lot 6, Joha W. Lungduu -end wife, W.U, Reruelt aad wife, (o.70i lot . ehu W. Lenadou and wife. W. W. barnatt and wtfa, (0.76; .4ot le, aha W. Ls and wua, W. H. ... . J -- . I. I lnkB mr aau ' ' - ' , - - -- iLenedoa aad wire, W. U. Burnett aad wife, o.0; let IX Joha W. U'Ut aad wife. . W. H. Harnett aad "" fc-o0l lot 11. Joha ' MT. Laafdua and wife. W. H. Baraetl aad wife. (OftO; Jot la. Joaa ft. Leaadna and i'. wlfa, W. H. Burnett and wife, til.bO; let - -It, Joha W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. Bar . Ml and wlfa. (0.6O; lot Id, oh W, Leul , ".' doa aad wife,, W. H. BenaMt aad wlta. fa.A ' ..: ' I LOCK 8, lot I, Joha W. Lantdoa aad wife, WM. Rsmett aad wife, (0.T5; lot 3. Jebe ' W. Lenidea and wifa. W, H. Rernett aad arlfs. I0.o0: let S, Jena W. Laaaaea and f wife. W. H. Baraett aad wife, fcl.OO; lot d. John W. Langdoa aad wlfa. W. H. Baraetl .. :' nd wife, (0,60; lot 6, Joha W. Lenadou aad -.. hrtfe. W. H. Baraett and wife,. d.Ml. let rtt aad Wlt. (o.M; lot t, Joaa W.. Uo " dea aad wife, W. U. Baraett aad wlfa M.ert - m a, joaa w. Lanadna aad wife, w. won t aaa wire. au.iu, TBWUXlfiKB UOMKOTaVATV-BfOCK I 'i. larwiuifer lad let TerwUllaer HUi Ooataan, aaa ('(impaaT,. Ci a, f-inwuiim t id, TerwllllKv M ft. . TerwIUIaar llnd tod Lead Land - uoaipaar, Coaipaar. Oomaaay, Cempany, Compear, lot f. Terwllllfer lot T, Terwilllier let ft. TerwtUlier Land vnpanr. f frer af land lrh between blorka . a. Tera-llUaer Boauataad. aad betwet W .. aeafk Uee Af aAn ifliMw and the aartft 1 , jlna af Admiral araaae XarwUUftet Lead . vximaaar. - . laawuxiuBii HQMBiTUP-auiia fc- ' Tarwllllaar Land Oaauaaa, ITrwllllfet Tarwllllr Terwllllnr t Land . Oaapaar. Lead Oompanj, .Land Coateaarr -Iad Cemaear, Iad Compear, f kt ft, 1rwlllirr 9. let K).; :.m; I 0 .UU; i o.o i; I; : o.0; W.(I0. aaal. et a, Tvrwiuiirar '. lot I. 'TerwUllaer ftaad : uompan. :' , ait 8, Terwiuiaer' Land CampaaT. .-i- r BLOCK m. let 1. TarwllUawr Lead C f0 "; let a, TarwUUat Lead Oamwaarw a- J arwHiijrT -- ' ; ..'-lot',-. 4. . TerwUllaer ' .lot t, TwrwIIHter Lead Compear, Land. Vompan, -Land Compear,. Lead , Cempaarr Land Oompaar, Lead ' Cempaaf , Lead Com aaa. Iad -Compear, taad ' Compeuj Lead Com Dear. . tot ', e . Terwllllam lot ; T. TerwalUcer lot' ft, ' Terwllllm rarwiiuaer Terwilirter TerwUllaer Terwllllarr 3. -VarwIIUr-a -iaiad - Uemaaajr BLOCK d. lot 1. TerwUllaer Land VaBUmor, lot 1. ferwtlllaar Laod Com pan, ftV.M; a. . Terwllllarr lot. d. - TerwIUIaar Land Compear.,. Land Com pa a. Lead Company, lot ' ft, TerwIUIaar ' tot .t 'Terwuufer at T. ' Terwllllter' Lead Compear,. Land Company, Lead Compear, Bt a, TWwllllfer lot . .TerwIUIaar O.aO;; l.oo; 0.0ft;; 00; 0.t&; 0.80; OH); 0.80: lot': 11, i A lot la. -T I. -1 , '-' lotc 10lt liarwlliraa Lead Cempau,,. .".-lot l U.. Terwilllier lead Coenpaay.., V lot 1 It, : CerwIUlara Lead lOampaar. BlOCk: L. lot 1. TerwIlUaaa Lead (Je, B0.8O: lot ft. Trrwllllerr Land Oomoaar. ftO.ftO . lot ift, Trrwllllcer Land Compear, . ftU.ftO; kt ' 4, Tarwllllfer Land .lot ft. .Tarwllllrm Land E' a, Tarwllllr Land , .TwwUllrra ' Lead t v Terwillitea-. La ad lot, 8, TerwUllaer ' Land . U. . M BLACK ft. let 1. Terwllllaet Lead Cempaay, Companj, au.oa; Cempanr. (0.80; Company, 80. 80; Compeer. 040; Oempaar.. ftO SO; Company, - (0.80; - ftfl.ftftt-lat S, Tarwilllfter Lead Cenaaaar, i j . t : 4. - TerwUllaer Land . Company.. m a. iwwiiurm . MM iwaii,, Jot. ft. Tarwlllla -Land Compear, ' lot ftV. TerwllUcer ' Lead Compaar, V-lrrriat. Terwlllletaad Compaay, lot JVrwIlllaer Land Cumpaay, . w ... "xn-wuuav vfMli BLOCK T. let I. TerwUllaer Lead Cemi ir. , 10.80; lot ft. TwwIlUfer Land Compear, ' lot .4. ,. Tarwllllaer LaadACoaipaar ! ' lot , t Terwilllier : Lead" Comaaar. . I 80; 80; 80: lot- ft.' TerwUllaer - Laad Comnaar. 80.80: lot) 8, TerwUllaer Lead Compeer, 8( 80; ,j - t rna' l, t. larwiiiiavr law wmpaar, t eu.ev; " lot . 8. . Terwilllcer Land Cempaay, fto.eo; ' ' , V' TerwUllaer ' ftaad (Mupaay, , o.80; .' ,, I6t. 18, rarwlllla . Laad Compear, fto.80; II, Terwilllier am compear, au.iu; -iioa J a. : -jerwiiusT- um . leaHayi, , BLOCK ft. lot I. Trrwllllaer Land .Ceapaar. aV-.-i.i- ft" 80: M X TerwllUrr Lead Compear. 80.80; r . .fct . li TerwMllaer Laad Oomnanr. . fto.80: TerwUllaer Laad Coaipany, 84.80; Compear, -40.80; Company;. - 8A80: Terwilllier . Land aTeawMHier ifi.Tarwllllrer! Tarwllllgrr MM taad; Ceaipaax. , fto.aa ',. i lot a. Tarwiiiigrr Mod Uempaay. 0.8B. -r , H1XK-.K 8, lot 1. Terwilllier jaM Com OCR mnaar.; lot 3. Tnwllllrer Laad Cam pear, ftO-Ati; :,lot,3r Teewiiiiaer Terwilllier Compear, fto.80: ad Compaar 80.80; llet .ftV . V. T. TerwUllaer uaapaar, .; Oompaar, 80.80; Company. (; TerwUllaer i Terwilllier Laad Terwilllier . Lead 1 lot . uompanr. lot ft. . TerwUHrer Laad .Ooaipaarx ; lo lO. Terwiiiiaer taua Compear, ' Compear, . Compear, frompaarv Compear, Cwmoanr, -Oompaar. "Comaaar, I let 11. 'lot 1ft, i mt ja. ; w it. . . Vt IB. 'Trrwllllaer TerwIIUcar Terwilllier TerwUllaer Terwilllier Land Laad Land Laad Laad Laod Lead J lot IS. Tarwiiuaer - lot 17.) TerwUllaer -'t L ' lot M, -TerwUliftrr utmpaar. -Willi rer Laad Com near. 0.80: lot ft, TerwllUirr Laad Comoaar. fto.80: J lot ft, Terwilllier Laad Company, 80.8O! Hot. t' lot V lot i lot i let v.lot- 4. Terwilllier Lead . Uomeaar. ' fto.80: ft, Terwilllier taad . .Compear, fto.80; ft, , Terwilllier ' Land Compear, fto.80; T. Terwilllier Laad Oaaapaar,' fto.80; ft, Terwilllier Laad Company, - 80.80; ft, TerwUllaer , Land . Compear, fto.80; 10. TerwUllaer Laad Camoaae. M.M. ! lot J Blffl'K 11. lot 1. TerwIUIaar Imad Ooaai . .- lot s. Trrwiiiuer laud Compear VH 4. Terwilllier' Land Oompaar, -, let Terwilllier -Land Compear . -., let ft. " TerwUllaer ' Land Compear, ; tot . a. ... jrrwiiiiawr una - tmapaar, . lea,.. T. I Tmrllllrer I Lead -4'amoaar. . . -.- TerwllUir i Lead J-Comaaayv, ' ,,V mt JO, rTerwIUlaeaf-Leadclomaaar, . .aw 11, Tarwiiiiiet . Comnaar, ' Compear,. . Compear, Com pa art COBMIT. . "!. lot ' !, Terwllllier r'' f rot ' 1.1,- Terwilllier let 18, Terwilllier : . - lot in, Terwilllier ; ;.. lot 18, Terwilllier- Laad Comnaar. " lot - IT. Terwilllier Laad Oaaiaaar. ' lot m,:Terwllller laad Compear,' lot 18. TVrwIUlaeri Laa4 Compear; . lot' , Terwilllier Laad Oampaar. mt II, Terwilllci unt Compear. I BICK ll lo 1. Terwilllier Lead Cem a.TO; let X. Terwiiiifer Laad lmnaar, .-v-at a.' -lerwnnaer. una iTmpaay, ; .; t "8,'iTerw1lllier Land Cempaar lot r 8- -'Terwilllier Laad Company, -i." . V l"t ft, Terwilllier land ' Company, t 1, Terwilllier Land Cvmpanr. lot ... - Terwilllier Laad Compear. ' - - i '.lot . "J Terwlltlier Lead Compenr, 2' lot 10,- Terwilllier LaBd"' tVippany, ;-T lot 11, . Terwilllier lawd Cempanr; -' "v-lnt 1ft, Terwilllier land Comnaar, '.! "lot 13,- Teewllllier laad- -Company, lot 14, Trrwllllaer Land Compear. : y Vt 1ft. at. B. Bwlfert, M.8tl; lot IS, If. B. : Rwlaarl ftO.ftO: tot If, TerwUllaer Laad (m t. U panr 10.70; iet 1ft, af. t. w1ert, fto.TO. . -riN a i.t. k i, -lerwiuiier laian uompeny ,- - V i fto.601 lot i Terwilllier Laad Cempanr, (" --' . let av Terwiiiiaer Land - Company, ' ',--i lot d,. - Terwlllliar laind Cempaay, ;J , .V mt ft, .Terwilllier ' Uod Comnaar,- - . lot ft. TerwUllaer lad Company, .' '': - lot T, : Terwilllier Lead Cempaay, V -lot ft, ""Terwilllier Land - Compear, let ft. Terwilllier Land Oompaar,' ;,t v lot 10. Terwilllier - Land Company, ,' BIOCK 14, lot I. TerwUllaer Laad Dew) '; lot K-!- lot ' , let- ft, Terwilllier Land v- ., let T, Terwilllier - Laad ,-'" ; mt ,,' Terwilllier Land - , , " lot - ft. Terwilllier ' Laad Compear. Compear. J, I wmpanr, Oompaar, ' Cempanr, ' Company, Company, Oiaipany, . Com pa ay. Cempanr, Compenr, ' Cemaanr. m , lot 18, Terwilllier Laad Mot 'I, Terwilllier laind . . lot IX Terwilllier Land ),, " let 1ft,, TerwHIIier- Laad 1 y let 14, . f erwllllier Lead , .i lot - 15, - Terwlllier Laad lot 18, ' Terwilllier land ! ' lot ' IT.. Terwilllier Land ' " , lal 8 at -r ft . a " 11. war w llllf" a-aw are (-omMar,- ; . BLOCK 15. let 1. Terwlllli . Terwilllier Land Company, rllUaer Land Cempaay, 80 80; ret Land Compear, , ft.rt; ftA.ftO; lot ft. Tera lot ft. - Terwlllli tat r 4,. Terwilllier land Company. M ot) fcH ft, Terwilllier Mad . Connanr. 80.80; lot , ft. Terwilllier --Laad Compear, ft0.8O lot T, Terwilllier' Lead Comoaar. 80.80: In ft. Terwilllier land Oampaar, (0.80, BIK'K 18, lot I. Terwilllier land Com near, fto.80; lot 1 Terwilllier Laad Cempanr. fo.80; Int. 8. Terwilllier land , Company. , let mt let let let 4.- Terwilllier Laad Cempanr, . (o 80; ft, Terwlllirer laad Company. .ftDwi; 8, Terwilllier Land Compeey,; T," Terwilllier Land Compeer, - (O ta); ft, . Terwilllier Land 'Uomeaar. M 8a "LOCK IT. . 1. TerwUllaer Laad Compear, .' . ftn.'ftO; lot i Terwiiiiaer Jaad Oompaar, iet lot lot Terwilllier land Compear, . TerwUllaer Terwilllier . ft. laad feiapaar, and Company, and Company, land Oemnenr. land Compeer, ft. "P lot T,' Terwilllier let -. Terwilllier let ft Terwllllavw lei lft," Terwilllier M 11.. TerwUllaer lot Jit, Terwilllier ummn . i ompenrk V iana Und land laed land land V and . 1 Cempanr, Cempaar, Compear. Company, Compear. (eatpaay. . Cnmeeer, ' lot lot ..lot M . ! t 11. II. 18, M, Terwll..ef Tr'' -r Tee r t 'Vt it. -Cmb pear . ftO.ftfl. 'WlUlfar Laud Coaioaur. .er Lead Coanwnr , '' -: . hiXH ti to, tot 1, aoeo nil 1 I let 4. Ttw 4, wiii r ft, rwlllir d. 1 t4rallllatfr Land liad Land tHuuaar, t'oaipeaj, t)oo.oanr Coo.ian. Cootuaef,;; -'"'; it.ooi i.aUi; UOU. 0.7o; a-t f, - Trrwlliijrr lt ft. Trwl1llr lot . .Tprwllllaer Land Laa ad Lead ronpanr b4 10. lrwllllfrr luxa a, lot 1, M. K. BKiaert, lot S. 11. K. tlwlnrt. ItltO! lot S. M. K a"l w;. ."i a. K. Bwlrt, M M! lot forwiiK Laad. UaaiBanjF, ); t'aipao, .ly o; Ut lot let lot ft, . 'ferwllllavr iTorwIlllfar , lerwt liter a, TvatJHIzer', 10, "larwlllfa 11. tarwllllew Land Laad Laad Laad Land Laad laod Land Lead t'owpaar. ''ftVf-i; t'oaioaajr, :; Conpaajr. ft" : Compear, , let Coaipeur , aa.oi; .; Coaipanr, Cam pa ay, Et, It,, t 13. . '. . 11V. Terwllllarr Terwiu aer t'ompaa, Ceawaar, Taraniiiaar U.du; kit ML ftf. K. Uwlmt an an- la W V Bwliert, ftO-ftO-n lot IT. 1L B. ftwlftact, ftO.ftU; lot 18. -U. ftV Hwlfert, ftO.oll. - IBDIVIftlON or HUT or BLOCK! Nl'af BKRBO 1 AND 4, IILTO.V l'aKKBI)Ct ft. eundlelrloa S af lot b, retlx rindler, (O fto; ' auhdlrlaloa 1 er lot D, li. B. Lanft, ItLftft. . BLOCK 4. ..aobdlrlalea 1 of lot A, 11. K. - Loaf, fOM; aubdlrlalea 1 af lot A. IL K. . Lee, ', ) t;"aiixllrulow 8of :rat-aw-H.-ak - Lau( W.fto; aabdlrlalva d at lot a, il. U. Lewi,, W.85; aubdlrlaloa ft af lot A. H. H. lama, o.M; eupdirbwa .f of lot A, )i, H. ' Lone, (0.58. ' , CXnaON BaJOHTft BLOCK SS, lot, L Bllam X. Caraon ftaUte, ' Helra of, (0 80; Jot ft. Villa A. Caraaa KaUta, Helra af, t0.80; lot ft. - Kllaa A. Careea Kauta, Helra of. 80. SO; let 4. Kllat A. Caraoa Betate, Helra af, (0.30s lot I. - v i , -. . 4aHAA uik. , -ut. i.. . a Bllaa A. Caraoa Kalalr, Helra pf, 80.30; lot ft. a-iaa A. caraoa lata i, ueira or, au.oo; lot t, Biiaa A. Careea kalatr, Helra of. (0.aOj lot ft. BUaa A. Caraoa KaUte. Helra ef. BLOCK 84, lot 1. Ellaa A. Caraoa BaUtai llelra - of, ei). ju; mt s, aiiaa A. caraaa Katata. Helra of, 0.30; lat ft, Kllaa A. Caraea Katate, Helra ' of,; lot 4, ftllu A. Caraoa Bauta, Helra af,; lot ft, Kllaa A. CaraeD aetata. Heft- 1.40. 88. let 1. Kllaa A. Camsft ftetate. Helra of. .80: lot K JCllaa A. Caraoa fteiale. lielra of, I BaUta, Halt af, ; Bauta, Helra af, . Kauta, Helra ef, ) eo: lot ft. Kllaa A. Caraaa 8.811: mt 4. Kllaa A. Caraaa 0.80; lot ft, Kllaa A. Caraoa; mt a, c-iiaa a, lareee X0 lot T, Kllaa k. Caraoa 1.80; let ft. Kllaa A, Oaraua aetata, air Ira at, Katata, llelra af, . ftVtale, Hair of. lautr, Helra of. r.ww. af, a. kt ft, iiaa a. varaoa 1.00: lot 10. Kllaa A. Car- ; aoa Baute, Halra af, (0.80; lot 11, BUaa . , Caraoa KaUte, llelra of, (0.8U; lot U. KUaa A. tmaaaa Fata la. Helra af. 8U.B0: lot IS. Ellaa A.. Caraoa Batata. Halra of. (O.ftO; lot -. 14. Ellaa A. Caraoa uuia, Halra or.; lot 16, Boa 11. (turfU. fti.ftu: art 18. Koee ' M. Blorila, (0.88. BLOCK 88. tat L, KUaa A. Caraoa BeUU. Hetra af, 80.80; lot ft. Kllaa A. Sreos EaUte, Helra af, (o.4&; lot ft. KUaa A. raea Kauta, Helra of, 80.10; lot 4, Kllaa A. Caraoa Katata, Helra ef, fU5; kt ft, Kllaa A. "Caraoa Katata, llelra of, 80.80; lot ft, Kllaa A. Caraoa Baute. Helra of. (0 80; lot T. Kllaa A. Caraoa: KaUlo, Helra ef. (0.80. BLOCK 8T, lot 1,. Ellaa A. Caraoa EaUta, Helra of, 80 80; lot ft, BUaa A. Careen Kaute, Helra of. (O.ftu; . let ft, Kllaa A.'Careoa Kaute, Hrtra at.; - lot 8, BUaa A. Caraoa, Batata, Helra of.. (0.80; : lot ft. Kllaa A. Caraoa ftautr, Hrtra cf. fto.80; lot o, Kllaa A. caraea KaUU. Helra of, lot T. Kllaa A. Caraoa Baute, Helra of, lot ft. Kllaa A. Caraoa Batata. Helra of. . lot .. Kllaa A. Caraoa Katata, Helra otr i lot i, aiiaa A. caraoa aatau, item ot, . tot 11. Kllaa A. Caraoa Katata, Halra of, 1 , jev ia, auaa A. ijaraoa aeiaia, oral at lot KL BUaa A. Caraoa KaUte. Ueira of. lot 14. Bllaa A, Caraoa Katata, Helra at, 80.801 lot 1ft. Ellaa A. Caraoa Kauta, Helra eL (0 80; let la, Kiiaa A. uaraoa aetata, naira ex, i , ait if. auaa A. caraoa aauta, tieira at, , ' lot 18, .Ellaa A. Careea Baute. .Helra of. ; tot 19, Bllaa A. Caraea Batata, Helra of, fto.80; tot 20, Kllaa A. Caraaa Bauta. Helra at, 80.80; ..tot 21. Kllaa A. Caraea Kaute, Helra of, (0.80. , BLOCK ftl. tot X, KUaa A. Caraoa Katata. Helra ef. 80.80: lot B. BUaa A. Caraoa Batata. Hetra of, (0.80; lot ft, Kllaa A. Caraaa Katata. ao; ipt a. Kllaa A. caraoa Kauia, 0 tot ft, Kllaa A. Caraoa KaUte, K0; lot 8, KUaa A. Careoa Bauta. .80; lot T, KUaa A. Caraea Katata, 80 tot ft. Kllaa A. Caraoa Katata. llelra at, Helra of, i ; Hetra of, Jletra i Of, ti. .M I en a,. A.k' uo n , . t , - . , KauU, iitlra of, ftt.uO. : BLOCK o'. lot 1, . Kllaa A. CaftMa Katata, Helra of. fto.aOi lot , a, a nee a. varaoa rauti,, ueira ot. .ft, Kllaa A. Caraon Kaute, Helra of, : d, Bllaa -A. Caraea Bauta, Helra of. ; ft, Bllaa A. Careea Batata. Halra af, - ft, Ellaa A. Caraoa Katata, Helra ot, . I. BUaa A. Caraoa Katata. Helra of. . Kllaa A. Caraoa Batata. - llelra of. 80.80 ' BIAXK X, tot 1, Bllaa A. Caraoa Bauta, Helra of, (8.0ft. v , ' niaA ft lra,-t a, A1 TmaeJa. fBTmlaik at I A HB BeTf, ft. 4 ftftUwl a- BlftH .nftKII, BJV4)wfe CARSON HKiaUTS Lot V, Kllaa A. Caraoa aetata, eira er, au,io; mt U, Kllaa A. tvraoa 8 Eat ate, Hrtra of, ( . BaUta, llelra af, I Katata, llelra of. J .wh lot It, Kiiaa A. uaraoo l.tO;lot 8, KHaa A. Caraoa .30; tot T Blum A.' Caraoa I. TO; tot U, Kllaa A. Caraoa .20: tot T. Kllaa A. Caraea mum, tieira or, ..Batata, llelra of. i Baute, Halra of. (uTo: lot W, KUaa A. Car- aoa aaute, uoira er. ,, A trlaaialar tract e laad Irlol watweaa tha , eaat line of Ut fort laad A Willamette Val- - tor Baliwar Ooaapaar's rlft-M af war and iha ' ceoter Una of Harrleoa atreet eilaaaed eaat. , arlr la Ita preeeat eoeree aad the 'Borta Una af r re lee Carninoro ayaatioa laad alaim, W. K; Bmltk. (4.80.. - A tract .laad brejadid aad ftie.rluid aa fotlowa: Commaarlci at te lataraaetkai af . the aerth late ot llatoa Cera there donatio laad claim wltb tao mat Baa af Mood rtreel; ' (beam aaa( fttoai aald donation Uod claim ta ' tna want baak of tea WUtaawtta, rrrcr at tow water mark: taoaea aoataarl along tbe woat .bank at Wfllametla Mrar to a, point 4S.4ft teat BMta ot taa aorta Una (ba aald na na tarn laad claim; ttwaca wwat ftftft feat; v taeaoe aorta a ami a atralirhl Haft ta wbera the ewr weald be Internet tod lr tha aorta II aa at Lteaola street If extended easterly la - Ita araaaut aaaraa; Mtaara weatarlr amni laid alteoetoa oft. the aortb Ilea at Lincoln atreet to a point luo feel aaat at tha aeat v lied at Hood atreet) taenea aonft 100 feet ,a!oBffa Una I0 toot eaat ot aad parallel wite im aaea um as nan etarei. . weet atoaft a Baa 100 reel north of aad par allel with tha north Una ot Lincoln atreet If , eareaaed -eeeterkr la -tee- went Baa af Uaod treet J tbeaoa aorta a loaf toe east 11 ne ot load atreet ta place of beilnnln, Portland LuatberlBi Maatitaetarlnt Compedy, (38.40. A traot at land irlna bataaaa -two Uoee ro ' apaetlralr BO feat aad 100 ftaet north wf and parallel arlth thw Berth lino af Llaoota atreet aatendad eeelerly and eetweea toe aaat Uaa at Heed atreet aad a Ita 800 feat aaat thereof , and parallel tWaa-lcfe., Aaato wad Edward j Onto. (0.80. , . , A tract at -taad- lyUur bat a era tha Berth Una at Lai cola atrert axuaded eeaierly aad a Una 60 feat aorta thereof aadV aeraUei therewMh " and between the aaat Uaa at Hoed atreet aad A a Uaa 100 foot aaat af and parallel therewith, f I'ortiaad Immbarlaft aiaaafaotarlaB Cempaaf , SO.fto ' A tract at laod Bswaded ud aearrtbed aa fet . ' towai OomnMnrlnf at ft point aa tna left - hank at tha Willamette rfrer 10 feet Booth at tha aoatlataat comet ef no pnmpla(-hauaa; ' teence weal loo . eeti , taeaca aortb Boo fett: theeee t aaat - to tha - - weat ' hank a WlUemetta rleer at tow water mark; thaaca aft tha woat hank at on Id near w a point daa aaat of place of beglnnmi; . theara weat to plana of beglnnlBc Alee a f certain ribt ot war 18 teat wide aitaadma ' la a aortliwealerly direct km tram aald Uaet ; ta tha aaat Uaa at Uoad atreet. iULf at forv land. (4.88. , '.- A tract of tond bowoded aad deecrlbed aa fwl , towa: CemieenrtiMT at the eoutheeet eeroer - at the Kllaa be th Oaru there doaatloa land . alalm : thsaca weat to tbe aoetoeeat earner of i Cere the ra' Addltloa to (be Citf of Partlaad aa ' mid oat br the Awath iNa-tland Real Batata Aaaoclatton; thanco north oa tha aaat Una at - aald addltloa lo tha north eaat asraar of aald v addltloa; thaaca. went ta tha aaat Uaa ot ' Macadam atreet) tfceaea Berth alonft- tha aaat . Una at Macadaai atrert ta Ita latoraeetloa " with taa aerth Uaa ot Lincoln atreet It aa ' traded aaa tor ly; thaaca aaat aloai aald r traetoa of Uacala atreet to taa Intereecttoa with tha weet Una of a tract af laad eew , reyed br hi. 0. Barren and wlfa to tee tort ' laad Lamberlnft a) aUoafactartnft Cvmpanr by deed recorded la book SVpaia lift. aVeeord .of Poada, MaltBOmah Ooentr; thanca aenth la taa aaathwaat etirner ot tract eea reyed br tha Booth Partlaad Heal Katata Aeeoele v ttoa to the rartmad Lamaernai Haaafaetar- , tni Cempaay or deed and reeoraid m ftook 1 84, pea aa. Record ot Oeeda. Maltanmai Coaatr; thaaca aaat ta lbs Borthweat corner o( tha water woraa tract, aeetma a, toamahlp 1 aenth, raaaa 1 aaat, Willamette merMlaa; thaaca aaat M- tha W A la met re rtrer at tow water mark tbeaes Saoth tkaf tha maaader ; hire at aald rleer ta bum at bertasma. aaea aad eineat tna rhrbt of war of tbe Portland W tile metre Valler Railway Cempanr and road Company e rliht af way tad tha W Il ia metta rtrar and between tha asatb howadarr .. Una of a tract owned br the Maltaomah ; Traak factory, aertloa 10. towaahlp 1 aoath, , ranie 1 aaat, WllUaaetU Herldlaa. aad tha . nrth Bae of a tract of laad eaat af the Port land A WiltaaMtta Taller tUllroad Ooaipaar'S rliht of way owned br Aathoar Boaae aad : Richard turf, ettaated U secttoa lu, town. : ahlp I avath. re are 1 eeL WiltaaMtta atertdlaa. Maria Arnold. Treat ee, T an. . A tract at taad trial batweea two -II eea re aaeadeelr 38 feet aad 43 33 feet . aoath ot and parallel with the aoath He at tract at lend owned bf tha M alt name h Trank , ractarr, aertloa. 10, tee-neb I p aoath, raaia 1 eeaW WllUaeVtU Merldlaa. and hetweea . tha aaat Una ot Macadaai med and the weat Hae af tbe Pen land A WUtaatrtte Taller . Kallmad tVt.aapaar e rbjht - af war. Marls Arnold, (O.fto. A tract of land hnaadrd sad dearrlbed as fot . towa; (am mead ai at ho totereectloa ef the north Una ot Terwilllier donation land claim with tar weet Boo nt Mare dam Tread; ' (hears eeath ao feet) theneft weat 080 feet; Ibeaca aerth AMI feet:thenca aaat 880- feet to plaea-ef htftlnnlaft, - Cltf . at Partlaad, ilT. 1ft. ' tract of ad hnnaded and aVwilhed aa f -wel Cemmeerlnl at tke - latereertlna I a. b..e aarth Uaa ad Ua Im a II I lam ' -; tat (0.45: tot $0.48; tot (0.4S; tot 80.88; lot 80.50 : lot . had. alalm with the aaat Uaa 'at Macadam road! tbeaee eouth eft deftroea aaat ftl feet; thence aouU UK dcrera weet 1.40 chalna; tbeaca north ftv de(reca weet XII feet; thence north 144 desrera eaat 1.40 chelae to plant of betiaulns. Joha kirhley, 1170. - ' A tract, af lead beandrd aad doacrlBed aa . fullowa: Cnmmeorlnft luS feet aouth ef the loteraectloft af the eaat line of Maeada-ai , road with the north Uaa of the Terwimief doaatloa laad claim; theara aoath ftw 8rees . aaat IU1 feat; theara. nor Ih 31 feeti tuenra er.alargr ta weatarlr beak t WlUaamtta rlror; ' thenca aorUeaat - alonft said " rlrar 178 feeti thaaca Berth ft aaa roes weal 04ft feet; thenar aoath ft decree 1ft ailuuiee ' weat fta.4 feeti tbeaee aorta Sft dtftfiaa want , 8il feet; tbeaca south Iu0.ft teat to place at ,, brMnaUi(k eamiMl U. and Jaatoa 0, Oarraaea, a . . . .,'--.' - A treat of had aoasded and ttoaarland as tot towa: Commaaclni 1W3 feat aoath at later. . Section at eaat Una of Macadam road with north Una of TarwUltier doaatloa land alalm; ; tbe nee aouth ftv octrees aaat ftil feet tbeaes aortb ST fecit thenc aoath ft deftroea aaat ta . weat beak of WIUaBMtta rlrar at law water ' Bark; thenca Sootswert llool Us wast bank - sf aafd rtrer 141 feet; thenca aarth 8ft de. ftreee waU ftfio feet: thaaca north 1075 fret to place at beinnlii, , Cbarla Baooa BataU. Balrs Of, (II.OoT .... , A uact of land hesaded aad drecribod a foV ,towa..flommeeelai at, a pel at ta the-aaat , line et Macadanitwad 1BM.T8 tart eeatk ot . the InteraectloB at the aaat line af Macadam road with the north Una sf Terwlllliar do- aattoa lead Halm; thenca' sooth aienf aaat " Una of Macadam road to tba aerth real earner . af "J. Oberla's Uirec-acra tract," rseardrd . la Book O. pete 63. Racord ef Daeda. f Maltaomah Cooaty) theses aoath SO dea-reea eaat . 10.13 chalna to weat hank ot WllUmette - rleer at tow-water mark; thence . northerly slona tha weet; bank of said rleer to- the 5 nth Uaa of Charles P. Baooa Batata, Hra at Trset, section 10, towaahla 1 aoath, reose 1 asst.. WlUaamtta Merldlaa; tbeaea West aloof tba South Una ef the said . Charles P. Race a KaUte, halra sf. tract, U Kea pf heftaalaft. Multnomah Traak 1'BC r. 18.00. t,- . -., . A tract at laad lrlnft hetweea tha soath Una f Maltaomah frank- raetorr tract, eco ' Uon 18, tewnahlp 1 aealh, raofts 1 aaat, Will amette Meridian, and a Una Sft feet sooth thereof and parallel therewith, and hetweea ; tha aaat Uaa of rMacadant road and the weat Una of the Portland A Willamette Taller ' a- tract" ef land lylna hetern ' tws lines reapectleclr .i5 tact aad ltf.28 feat sooth af and parallel with tha aoath Una sf 'Mnlt- aomah Xniak lactury tract, acctloa 10, towa aklp 1 koata, raacs 1 seat, Willamette Merldlaa. and hetwaaa the - aaat Ilea at tha Macadaai mad aad the west Una af tha Part- w eiiaariia fiuay Mliroaa isamaf l rl(bt af war. Loo la Oberle. (0-80. v A tract ot land Irteft bete ecu two Unas ro pectlrely 01.23 feet and 121.35 feet aoath af aad parallel with tha eooth Una af Maltaa-toah.ffa-ank ractarr tract, aecttoa 10, town ahlp 1 aoath, re ate 1 aaat. WUlametu Merldlaa. aad hetweea the aaat line ot Mac adaai road aad tha weat Uaa ot Portland A Willamette Valler Railroad Company's rlftht ot war, Clara Bobrrtt, (0.40. A tract of laad lying hetweea two Unas rs apectlTelr 131.89 feet and laftft fact aoath of and parallel with the aoath Una ot Mult nomah Trnnk raetorr tract, aretlaa 10, taws ahlp 1 aoath. range i aeat. Willamette mertd- ea. ana nrtween tna eaat line of Macadam road and the weat bne ef tha Partlaad A Wil lamette Valley Baliwar 'Companr'a rliht at war, Katharine reldmaar. (0.40. A tract of laad lrlaft hetweea two llaea rs- . spcetltelr 308.38 lea? aad 148.35 tact aoath of and Jparallel with tha aaath Una ot Malt- aomah Traak raetorr tract, aectlea 10, tewa ahl 1 aoath. raaia 1 aaat. Willamette saerid- . Ian. and between tha aaat Una of Macadam r road aad tha weat Uaa at tha Partlaad A Wil lamette Valler Railway Cvornaajr'a rlcht af war, rater utwrw, SO aa. , , . AU that porUoa oa a tract af tend lyrai weat et tha rlcht at war at tha Partlaad a WU - lamette Valler Kallroad Company booaded aad iteacrthad aa followa: Cooiakeaclae oa tha aaat Una of Macadam read at tha nortnweat cornea, cf fU-eers tract aotd ta KobllUetal., " raecrded tat book M. para Wl Becord of .ueoda, Multnomah Coantr; thenca aoath decrees 3ft mlautea, eaat RTS chains; tbeaoa eouio no aaiieaa. weei I. pa caatna: tnenca north (ft decrees 83 mlnataa, west kja) ehaine: tociy-e north U drireca ft mtoatea. eaat 1.01 ,' chelua, u place at bcglaalsft. -JaavM Meaactt, . (0 45. , , A tract ef had bsaaded sad aeacirhed aa A4- town: Comarenclni at a point la tbe weat 111 af the rlcht et war of the Partlaad A WU . lameitei Valler' Kallroad Oampaar which M . 18 feet Wih of the tetereeetloa of the weat , Una af said right of war with the north Una ef a one acre tract coo reyed to Bode Kub tor. recorded la hook (3. paaa ftoft. Becord et imeaa, atnunemaa uoantn; tneaca Bona 88 dm -:' fim (5 mlnatea. - weat 18ft feet, ta Macadam i road: Uaa re north a lour the neat line mi Macadam road ft feet: thanca aoath 8ft decrees se mi autre, aeat iov Teat, to us watt una ef : tha aforesaid rlftht et war; thenca aontherlr . eioea tue eera rwei oa war ie p'ace or ne ilnnlnc. Aathea Staff aad, Klohard r. fttorB, . (0.T6. ; A tract at laad boaaded and dearrlbai as follows; OommeoctBi at Borthoaat aaraar af 'TorwiHifter Ooaauoa laad claim; tbeaee Berth V 88 dear cos S4 mlealee. waat lt.ft chalna: - thence aoath ft dairies lft mlnatea. waat 1.40 - ehama; teence aoath t deireea, wait 8-06 , chalna thence soath (.18 chains: thaaca south d den race, weet 8.11 chalne: thence aoath h( decrees tft aalnaten. aeat S.TB chains, aa place ; at bee malar: tbeaca north ftft arinea ftft mla atea, waat Uft feet, ta eaat lie ot tba rhrbt ot : war af the Partlaad A Willamette Valler Railroad Compear; tbeaee seaUierlr etoaisald rliht of war "ft feeti tbeaee eeath ftft ertreee ft mUratee. eaat 3S4 feeti thence Borth 30 ae ireea. seat 180 chalna; thenca. north ft da- Eca. aaat s.uft Chalna, to place of beclnnleg. thoar Bofiw and Richard . Storp, (10.83. S A tract et land h snded aad deacrfhad aa rotmwe: commcacu.( ntl laet north, li ireea tl-mhtulea eaat. , ef Iha north weet ot the reran two a ore tract, re cat dad la hoot -Q, pecs' Soft, Record at Oeeda, MuHaeeaah Coangr; thaaes east Tft drftraea, T mlaatee soath, to weet Una ef rlibt ef way et the Portland A Willamette Valley Railroad Com pear; thanca north lft da( i eea. aaat W feet, more er leas, to drleewar; thaaca Berth ftft do gees. (5 mh-iutea waat, along aald driveway cast Use of Macadam road, thenca soath 11 aeareee. 27 mlnatae weet. to nlaoa ot haala- ., Bin. Kama L, Cole. (0.85. foBewa: OnmaMnetn- at Borthweat earner ef . tha ft'aiaa two-acre tract- la book Bale ftutl. Record ot Deeds. Maltaomah Omenta ', thence north lft aefreea. eaat 80 feet: thenca eon lb ftft da.rtte ftS mlnatea. seat lftij Toot: - - - - um.u la a . m m . . north ftft deaieea S5 mnretee. weet lirS.ft feet. follows: Cnmmenclei (o feet north, . lft 8e . greee 37 mlaotea aaat, aad 713 feet aoath, aft dtigtaaa IS mmatee coat, from nortbwoat cor ner af the Paraa two-acre tract, recorded la ' nook d. pare S03, Record ef Dceda, Multnomah tioantri thence aoath M0 sunn 13 mlnatea. aaat JlT-a teet; tnoace 8HJ1 feet: thenca north north lft Tft drcre weat I13.S feet: thence soath 10 de cites lft m la u tee, weat oft.T feet; thenca north Tft de- fraea 60 mlnatea. waat 87 feet; thence sooth ft degrees 37 mlnatea, weat 10.3 feet; thenca ' aoath Tft lwl ftft mlaotea, eaat 87.8 feet; thence smith M decreee lft mlaatee. weet (84 feet. to (usa.. etJbaflBBlBft. Carrie Klrklcr, A tniet of laad hoanded and oascrftwd 'as tnV laws: Coarmenclnl is dt traea 37 mlnatee ' eaat. (ft feet front the asrthweet coraer of the ratan iwo-acro tran, reenraea re none; u pace aos, Becord of liecoa, Maltnomah Coantr: ee aos, Beoord thence aerth 18 I is tie ireea mi miBatea, aaal ao aoath Tft drftraea 80 mmatee, eaat feeti 07.0 feet: tlieoce- aoath 10 aaariaa 18 mla atee, weet 884 feet: thence north ftft dcgnoa IS mlnatea. weet T1.3 feet ta Place ef be lanlni. Joha Mler, ftO.ftO. A tract ef land eoewted and described as followal Commeactn 174 fret north ot Bortbweat corner of the I'eian two-acre tract. . recorded hi book O. pare Soft, Record of Deede. Multnomah County; thence north IS degrees 37 '. mlnatea. aaat 44.5 feet: thenca -soath Tft de- ftrioa T mlaatee, eaat 83.4 foot; thenca eeath hv 10 deT aeireee lft mlnatea, west 40 fi it; north Tft d'n"''S ft mlaotce. west ftft feet, place at hailsnlaa ,. . . a-"--e,. vaanaa 4. UolswsrU, BO. A A tract eft land. Boonded aad deer r lard ad foltowa; OammraelBf 110 J) feet north, 13 de creee 87 mmatee eeet, from anrUrweet corner at the racan twe-ecrc tract, recorded ha hook, O. pais sua, Record of Itoed. Maltaomah Coaatr: thence north 18 dtitwo 37 mlnatee, eeet 38-1 feet; thence aoath TO drgraea ft mlnatea, eaat - SB 5 feet; thenca soath 10 decreee 15 mine tee, . weat 88.7 feet: tbeoc aarth 78 drgrtia 60 2 mlnatea. waat 87 feet, 8s piece of heg'aalag, Ixala Oberle, (0.30. , A tract of land boweded aad deecrfned as , fnllowa: Commencing at the north weat anr nor of the Ooodnoagh A Clark toar-aars tract, recoriled ta bona r, pare 487, Record of Deede, Maltnemak Oauat; thence north 35 drgrma. ' eaat 1 07 chalna; (hence aoath aft deftreee ftft jnlnoaav waat 7.38 chalna, ta tbe waat bank ef the WlUamhlre rleer at tow water mark; thence an tbe weet hank ef aald river 8-08 i chalna; Uienre Borah hH drirme 3S mlnatea, . wait T.14 chains, to pleas si beglnnlag. Cath erine Pagan, (7 30. ; 'A tract ot land boaaded and laet' fined -no " followoi Comaieachii at aorthweet corner et the uoodaoaia m Clark foar-arre tract, re corded la hook P. Bare 4(7. Record ef Mil! taeniae Connt; tlienco Booth 34 deireea, weet a. 44 rhalne; rheece aoath 81 degreea 80 Mai tbea ; t hence drcreea., aaat 4.3ft rhalne KM (O Salnntea. weat T.14 chalna, ta Blaco st lanlng, Btaalager A Co.. ftft.OO. ' A tract ot laad huanded sad oeei-rlbed aa fnllowa-. OMnsrenrlng S 84 chains ana tn, (4 e , greee weet, of north weat comer ef tbe Uend noath A Clerk -foor-acre tract, recorded la honk P. pace 407. Record ef Oeeda. MaHnomah twenty; tbeaca seaib 34 decreee,', weet J. in chelaai tbeaca aeoth tft oerreee. weet .83 ehalnai theaca aoath tft decreee lft mmatee. eaat ft 87 .enelne, to tha weat hank of tha WUmmettS rlrer; thence atowg the weet baak af eald rarer north 31 deireea. aaal A40 rhalsei thenca Berth 80 degrees do m Ian tee. ee 8B5 chains, la (Isca sf keglaalaa, Lpah : tlmmermaa. (n 40. A tract et land bnoarled gad oWtlheet 88 M- Laoamesrhaft aarth lft aogrsas 37 ml - a tea, seat 18X1 feet, froftt northwest corner et tha Faxaa two-acre 'tract, recorded lo book O, pars 11. Record sf Lmmos, Multnomah County) theaca aoath 76 degreee T mlaatee, eeet 174.1 feet; tbeaoa Bortliweeierlr 34 feet along tha weet line nf lbs tight of way of aba P laht 64 way ef aba Port Valler Railroad Company; ireea I mlautea, weet 171.1 land A Willamette . thence north 76 decreee ' feet ,- thence aouth 13 deireee ftl mlnatee. weat ' to placs s( begwnmg. jr, A, (innihtk, A tract et laad boaaded sad deeecleed as fbl lewai Commeaclng at lbs eoatbweal tea a at ot toe uooaaoagn a ciara lour-acra unci Mlaoaih A Clark four-acre tract, re la ueok P, hsie 487. Record of Deede nek County; Uence souih 76 degreed ilea, seat 7.14 chalas; theeee aorrn lft coraea u li Mnltnoaiah - - - , . . 1 deireee 46 mlaotea. eaat 100 feet: theaca ,w uua. aaa. ...a uujb. norm 78 degraea 16 mtautaa, waat eat en a uaa, . tbeaes south 83 decreee. weet 103.8ft feet, ta place ot beglnalni. Partlaad Truat Cempanr et , Uegan. g4.a5, ' ' - - ; - - -. -.- A tract af land hoanded aad deerrlbed as fol lows: Oummenshift at tha auateweet corner ot the Oeedaouab A Clark four-acre tract, re sordad la naoh r, page, 407. Heeord ef DeeUe, MaJtaoaaah Cvootr ; thenca south t6 acireoa 8ft miautee, east l.oo cnaina,, w ine n luauiat.e Hear; theeee aouth 4 degrees, waat hi. I feeti thence north Tft ovcreee. mlnutee weet. Is at Ilea af Meeadam readi theaca aorta at , degreea 47 mlnutee. east 47 teat. Store or leas, to place ef beclnulnc. Cbarlea Delta, (3.40. . A tract at laal bouMdsil and daautlbad. aa fol low a: Commeaclng at a euhe In the eaat Una ef Maeodeaa road aft llnka eeutberly rrem ibs souihwoa( euraer ef the Brick X aid tract, section 15. townablB i aouth. rejue 1 eeet, Willamette meridian; thanca aeoth IS degreea. .80 mlautea aaat. parallel with aaath llae ot CM Brick lard tract, 8.U chalna to waat ak af WIUaBatla rlvee et tow water mark! .thanca alonft weet beuk at aakj rlrer .south 40 nag-tna, waat aft links; thence aarth T6 do greea. 80 mlnutee weet, naraUal with south line ef said Brick lard tract, 6.34 chains . ta the sect Una et htaemdam roadl theoce sorth 30 degrees, eaat 84 11a ka, atoag eaat Una ef .. Maeaiiaei reed ta Blaco of. beglauli Vlau. II a) . A tract at land hoanded sad dssorttad aa tot- towai Canaainaa at , eaalhaaet aSTBir Of - Mock 0, Portland HonMetaed; thence eaat to . weal una of Macadam roan; tnenca nrx-iaeru -. alaae aalA aal Una m llacedam road ta IIS ' Intaraactloa with the seat Una at the sld eeoatr road l tbeaee aouth rrly aleeg aaal Uaa ' et eld coaatr road to tha place ft beg tuning, 1 Unknown Owner, (T,80. . , . , - A tract of lead haanded and daeatlhed aa fol- towa: Oooimeaclag at the aeathwast coraer at Joha hiemaa tract, recoreeu la hook 38, Bage 48ft, Record of Oeeda, Msluosaak teuatj: theaca asatb 88 dacresa. waat ISO feat; theoce aouth 23 degress M miautee, seat to weet hank ef Willamette rlrer at tow ' water mark: theaca a toe a us wsst eea a e j Mid rteee earth SO decreee. oast ta aoath- ' eeet earner ef aald Joha Kteraen tract; thanca , north T5 (ureal SO m Inn lea, waat atoag the ' soath Uaa ot aald Joha Kiernaa tract te - nUaa a kaataalna. Hlraaa TarwUlurar. 86.40- " A tract et Taad boawled aad daaerlbed as fol lower Commaaclni M the eeet una et macau- a Bail weara aanaa lalarnaeU the WOaterlT aiteneluo lu Ita nreeent oaaras tha aarth Una of the Keller A Wymaa ana acre tract, re corded ta nook O, Base 803, Racord ef Deed. ' Multnomah County! theoce along eaat line at ' Macadam mad north 31 decreee 80 mlaatee, -woat 138 4 feet; thence Berth 14 degreea 10 mla aua, weat 14.4 feet; thence north T degreea ' CO mlnatea. weat T 5 feet, as the ftUce et ao , ginning; theaca aaat I1 fact to west baak - of Willamette rtrer at tow water mark; thence - north along tha weat bask ef aald rrrcr 107 - feet; tbeaee west T81.T feet te eaat Una ot Macadam road; thence aoath f eegTeea 80 mta- ' a tee. coat lea. 44 feet, te place of biglaalag, . Joha W. Laagdeav Oe.ftO. , A tract ef laad housdsd od described as fnl lowa: , Commeaelni In the eaat line of Mac adam road where name to Internee te - wia Una mt thm- heller A Wrmaa tract, recorded la book O, page JhXa, Beeordof a)eeua,. MUlinoaias kwbj . tnencw ewwan along east Una ef Macadam read aa foltowa: Borth 31 degrees AO aUnulee, woat 13X4 fact: eneane nartb 14 aVeraea lO mlnatae. weat 1V4.4 feet: theoce nurth t degreea 80 nil autre, weet a08 leet; theaca Berth 3 degreea ft mlnataa, . weat ftftJft feet aa the Blaco et haglanlng; thanca aaat TeOaHl feet to weat baak af Wil lamette rleer at lew water muki thence ' northerlr htooft tha waat bank ef aald rlrar 6os.d feet) thence north 16 dagreaa 10 mln - ataa, eaat 110.T test, aiora er tone, te aaaU Una ef Motfett tract, secttoa 13, township 1 ' anutk. raaaa 1 aaat. Willamette merldlaa ' tbeaca weet atone aoath Una of aald Moffett tract ta the eaat Una ef Macadam road) thence . aoath alonft Us east Una of Macadam road . to plane of hog tan lug, Xnrwllllger Lead ts aaae tU n " A tract of laad bnunded and dneri Ibed aa fal towai Omiimanilag la tha aeat Hae at Mee . sdaut road where asme Is Intersected br the , north Hae et Keller, A Wrmaa one-acre tract,, recorded In hook O. aais (Oft. Record of Deede, Multnomah Coantr: thence northerlr atone aaat Una af Macadaai laad as follows; North ' ftl decrees 10 mlautea. weat 138.4 feet: theaca - north 14 decreee 10 m taa tea, weat 184.8 feetv- thenca nnrth 1 Oerreee aa SMaatea, west '- feet as place 6f begtsolng; taeans east te weat hank af Willamette rlrer at tow water mark ' theaca northerly ahmg weat Bank ef aald near as.ia reel: tnenca west is essi ae or aie - adam reed: thence eeatberlr atoni eaat line v nt Macadaai rued, soath ft l ioaaraajal fact: thenca am v Bilnatna. aaat 30.0ft feet, to plana el beg laming. ' Mare V. Mreaa. SS SO. ' A tract et laad boaaded aad- Boo er Ibed ss fnl lowa: Oommcndag at a point ha tha eaat Uaa ; of Mscadsm' road Where aame la Inwraected br berth Tats ef Valler A Wrmaa tract, recorded la book O, aage 803. Retard ef Deeds. Multuoamh Coaat; thence aarth atong the eaat line ot Macao a re roe a as rouows 'North 11 6srsa (0 mlnataa. weet 138.4 feet " thenca north 14 deereda- 10 mlnataa. weal 113Jh .(set so the plana af beglnnlngi theaca . eaat to weet bank sf Willamette rlrer at tow -water mark; tlienee northerly along woat bank at aaM near es ssata lino at wary r. ui tract, tsoatdtd la book 3b4. Base 8ft. Re of Dai da. Multnomah Coantr; thence weet ' atoag eouth Una ef said tract Is eaat lias ef Macadam read; thanca aaath atong east Hits of Macadam road to pleas ot kaglaalag. Aaal - K. Barnrtt, (4.80. ... A tract at land bounded and de serial 8 aa foe-lows-. Commaarlag at a- point hi eaat line . at Macadam road where asms Is internee ted . by the north llae of - the heller A Wymaa one-acre tract, recorded la book 0. page ftoa, lteeord ef Oeeda, Maltnoraah Orient? ; theses aorta n annua av minutes, west iaa. root; . theara north 14 deal aoa 10 mlnataa. 118.34 feat; theaca eeet te weat hank af Wll .laniette rlrer at tow water mark; tbeaes aoatherly alonft tha weet hank ef aaM rleer : 8M.4 feat; thence weet 467.04 feeti thence north ' 38 digisas. weet 3 feet; theaca weat 100 (cot; . Uiease aerth 83- cVigiws. west 186.18 feet, ts i' Isce of begiaalng. rietrber Una, (18.80. tract st land I 'lag hetweea tbe sooth Una ef Boandarr atreet and weateflr, atlciratoa Sum fit rrg tireeeht eourns end a Mas 141.46 ' feet soatherlr from aad psrsUsI therewith . Bad batweea the west llae et Meeadam rood and the dlThrtoa line between aortlona 18 and 16, tow nali lp 1 sooth, rangs 1 eaat, WlUsm , atte meridian, K. W. U lag ham and Emma L, Oarbett, (18.30, A tract ef tnnd lying between (we Unas ra spscUrslr L11.4S feet and 44J.1I feet aoath 'ef aad parallel with swath line ef llewadsry etreet and a weatarlr satenstaa ef same ta tla preeeat ewarae and between the weeterrr Ine of Macadam road and tbs dlrlaloa Una ba weea aectloaa 18 and 18, tewnehip 1 soath. ran re l east, wuiamens merieian, ona a Blachena. Truatee. ftaftOO. - - A tract et lead lying between two Itasa re ' spectlrslr 443.1ft feet snd 800.68 feet snath ' of snd parallel wltb soath Una at Horn Aery atreet aad a weatarlr sitenston st earns la Its arssest eoeree snd between the wectcrlr line . ef Macadam road and the dlrtoton Una be - twcea sections 18 and lft, tewnahlp I aenth, i raage I eaat. Willamette toar kllaa. Otorlada O. Hautft. (40 SO. ...... A tract ef mod Trial between two lines re aper tlrelr OM.nft feet snd ftaft.ft feet soath ef . snd parallel wltb the eouth llae at Boandarr - street sad a w enter ly eateealna af Bests hi lu preeeat eiarea and ftctwrea the weeterly Una i of Macadam road snd the division line he tweea aectloaa 18 snd 13, fowneblp 1 aoath. - re are 1 eeet. Willamette sear hi lea, A aaa H. Harnett. A'15 40. . A tract et laad lrrag hetweea) 8 line ftaXS feet eouth ef soft parallel with soath llae et Hournlary - streat ana a westerly exteeetoa thereof la lie nreeent aoores sod the snath boundary lias ef tbe TsrwIUiier donation . laad rUlm, snd between the west - line . ef Oreea'a Addltloa Ie Portland and tbs dl rlaloo Una between sections 18 snd IS. tows- ship 1 sosth. range 1 east. WlllaaMtta merla- laa. aona er. latniana, eae.oii. A tract ef bind bounded and described 86 fol lowal CoTsamncIng at a point h the aaat Una af Macadam read where the seme la terseeted by , tha aoath Dne of heller A Wrmsn one-acre tract, recorded la hook ' If, pais hue. aurora et image, muitnotaaa uoeoty tee oca soata aa eoetb ft degress SO mlaatee, east 100 f theaca north Sft jurist, west SO feet : th . north. d) grce ftO mlnatea, east 100 feet; uaaa lajria ao WRi aaa. mwm er iwi, I west 60 feel; thence nneth AO deireea 36 .m lee tee. wsst 100 feet: thence ennth jB decreee, eeet 3S feet, lo ptsos ' Of Degiaaiui, i.ity or r-ortiann, su.en. A tract of land beeeiltd and deacrlaad as fol low a: Oommencfng st d point la the west bank at Wlllaaiette rfrer at tow water mark ios.14 fed aerth ot aouth Una ef Terwilllier dona ttoa land claim) teence north 80 da truss 8 mlnatea. west ie eaat una er Macadam ma; thence north IS degrees, wwrt ftna feeti themes north IT atglms 4 mine tee, wsat 841 64 feet: theaca north 31 os"ot 37 mlnutee, west ' 87 . 64 feet! (acnes soath ft e grace lft to ta ct ee, eaat 10O feet; tbeaee north 31 dpgraee 87 mlnaten, waat SS feel: thence eneth at de- Sm lft aOnetee, eeet 481.3 feet ha blaea et laalaft, ., Jehft Uatoer Jonas . Compear, A tract e Mod baatHtod aad deerrlned aa tot. -towel Commencing at tha eoethaaal tar eel af thd Terwiniier danattoa laad claim! thence weet 8 .aft chalna; thence north 14 decreee 80 ..mlnatea, .seat I t chains: thence coal ; chalna W-'weet benh ef W Die metre rlrer at toer water mark; theeee 1 mlawtee. weat lft chafna south 14 tiroes i to ftmea of begia- nine. Leata Oherbe. A1 00. A tract ef land boearted aad 8 am mud ss fol . towei Oemmeeetog where the Berth llae ef , Tuomss Htepheaa ennatlrte. land clan later peeta the weet bask of al or Willamette river at I a anew wee 6.40 chefna: low ttatee mark; theaca aenth lft decrees, eeal 483 rhaUie: thanca aaa tat 1 A7 chaaatl thenca Borth 406 - chaise- te place ef hsglnntoi, save and sxespt .3 sere dsscTlbed la huuk and, pate 73, Becord ' of Oeeda, Maltoomah Usual, Loula Arnold. ' (0.80. . . . . ' A treat of lasd oeotvied aad. dcecrlbed aa rob towai . Oommeuclag al s point ftuft feet soath. - rrly from where tke south Ilea ot Teranillger doaatloa land claim IntereecU tna aaat line of Macadam mad, and theeee eaaterlr 134 A teat at right antics ss lbs place of betlnatogl thence snaUtcrlr 'M0 feet parallel wkh the ; eaaterlr line ef Mecadaa road; theaca east, erlj VXI fret to weet Una of light of war et tba Portlaad A WllUmette Valler .Railroad ' Compear; tbeaee hortberly 80 feet atoag aahl ' right at wart theoce weeierlr to fttoca st ha : ginning , Joha Arnold. (0.86. A tract of land bounded and daaerlbed aa fcJ , Iowa: Commencing at eouth weat corner ef Louis Arnold tract, eeet loo 1.1. towneblp 1 out a. range I eaat. Willamette merMlaa; - thenca-aaath 13 degrees, eeet-337 ehaliie; lueacc east a cnainn to wee nana -lamella river at low water mark; tbeaes Berth lo degress, weet ASS chains; t hence west te ' place uf beginning, William and Kosma Oat- 1 Attract Of' Mod" hounded and deoerlbed ss fol- Ine,- ruMaailn at - eontliweat corner ef tbe William aad Roalas Oelger tract, orrtloa ; 16. towaahlp 1 aoath, range 1 aaat, Willam ette merldlaa ; tlienee weet 8.08 ckatnai thence . eouth 14 degrees 80 mlautea. seat i.tu eueiaai . - - . a lei aulia- , tliaaea north 14 de ireea u mlaatee, weal 1.10 chelae, to place , ef beginning, OalUorala Pewdai . works, e- oa - -, - . - A trsct ef -land lying between the west Use ' of Macadam mad and the eaat line ef btoeke . SS UT MMa a aalbaa lavtlaad. OrasOB. and betwesa Ibs ssathera boundsr sf Ibs 1 are II : Uger donation land claim and the aerth Una i of blocks 36 sad 34, betttbera Partlaad, Ore- em. snd alee north llae ef Carolina aueet, . . Thorn pans. (00.00.. ... A tract of land lying hetweea the west Uaa of Macadam mad and tha seat Una ef lots 8. ' 7, ft aad ft. block ft, Ureeo's Addition te . Portland, and between the south Use ef tha Terwilllier donation land claim and tha soath , Use of lots ft and ft. block ft, Oreea'a Addlttoa ' tn Owml DlarH, Na 1. 88.80. . A tract ot laad lying between the weet Has ' af Pulton Park and tee dlvlaloa llae hetweea .ascttoua lft sod 16. township 1 aouth. range . 1 eaat. Wlllaaiette meridian, sod between the south lino of the niacin road snd tbs north line ef block Id, r'altoa Park, rutto Park ' ) - A . ao oo A tract ofland lying between th wwrt Uaa . ef Itilua Parkland the dlvlaloa line hetweea sect lone 21 and S2, townahlp 1 aoath. ranee , 1 coat. Willamette merldlaa. and between the South (Ins ot Perth atreet and tbs north lias ei ins eireei on too surtn eioe oa na aa lulton Park. Pulton Park Company., (4.80. A treat ot laad ananaad end deeirlbed BB fol- towa: Commencing 10 chalna waet aad X83 chains aarth. T degreee west, ef aortheast cor ner ef block , Pulton; thence eeet 8.60 chains; thence, earth ft dtirees. wsst XI .,ebalns thence weet slang south line sf .Ne vada atreet te a point north 1 dmrreee, wast ' A 10 chains, from place of nectanlng) tbeaes south T aagreee, eaat 3.10whalna. ta place at , beginning, Kate S. Bingham. (3.1ft. " A tract or una noonoea aaa aeecrinea an ror bnva) CnatBiaaclae lO chelae weet of north- aaat corner et block 1. Pulton; thence north 1 - Orrene, weet 6.0a chains, to eouth llae ef Neeaila etreet; theene weet alone aouth line of Nevada atreet te esst line of right of way of tbe lletrooolltaa Railway Oomnanr nontberlv elnee eaat line of nald rlaht of war to nurth line of block 46, Palton I'ark; thenca : eaat skroc north line of Pulton Parh te pises nr Dcg inning, tl. w. Cornell aetata, item ec : 84 an - A tract et laad hoanded and dencrlbsd aa tal lows: Oommenchift st aoutheaat corner of block 4, rultoni thanca eaaterlr atong north line ef nicer view cemetery, erction sc. town- ahlp 1 aoath. range 1 asst. Willamette merid ian, te weet line of Meeadam road; the - northerlr atong west Uns of ssld road te nortbeaat corner ot block 4, Pal too: tbeaee , soatherlr a loot tbe eaaterlr Una ef block e. Pulton, to ilaee of bet Inning, George X. and aery at. tiugbea, 81. JD. A traet af Mai hnotMlait end deenrtned OS tnt lows: Commenelsg 31.80 chalna weet and ft .10 -chains north of eoutaaeat corner ox Hteouens donation land claim: thanes north 70 decreee. ,wcet 84 3-3 rode; thenca north 30 dea-reea. east te eaat line of Canny street thence esst to cast Uns of Hood street; the ore , worto ie aaipvm ewrr ai mn .. vaa , . Pulton Park; thence eouth TO degtais, eeet ft ' chalna, mors or toes, to west Uns ef Tar lor1 Ferry road; thence soath 25 dogiemv weet tM chains; ' thence north TO - degrees, waat lft chalna. te place ef, begiaalng, Herman Meta- aae A tract sf land bsanded and ftescrthed as fol lows: Commands! st northeast comer 1st ft, block 103, rnlion Park; thenca north 80 feet; tnencn north SO decrees, eaat 846 test, ta stake 80 feet soath from eouth line of the Metager tract, Awcttoa 33. towneblp 1 enath, ' ranee 1 coat. Willamette Bier kllaa: thenar. eaaterlr parallel with aouih Uneof aald Me la ter tract in a ataae in weet line ot leyew e Kerry mad: thence soatherlr te ssst Uns sf block 108. Palton Park? theoce north 100 feet W ipuri liVaetlX TSajftTalsrT V fteeS aSaua BV Avar i are. asawy . waat 100 fast to place at begiaalng, Fortlaad l lay compear.- Aa Irmanlar tract st land trail bet a eea the - soath line ot block 4. Palton. and aa neater I y - exteaatoa ef the came la Its present courss snd the west line ef Macadam road, the .' north Use ef Hector CampbeU donation land . claim, westerly Una ef Macadam read aad the eeet rrly Una of Tayhira fmj road, Blr- , errlew Ceaaeterr Areoctatlou. (87.00. r A trsct af land lying between the north Una of Hector Caiapbell'e donation laad claim aad tha aoath boundar et tbe City of Portland and between the weat Una. ef tha Willamette . river at tow water mark and tbe wectcrlr line ef Mcene's rerrr road aad Taylor'a Perrr mad, aare and eacrpt ntot 1, ss-shown aa it ho map - ef Portland,- (rreiroa. Bubltohed bp The Title OoarsBlae A Truat Company, nUilatered. Na. Tft. Rlrervlew Centeterr Aaaoclatlon. (32X80, ' A tract ot laad bounded aad dcecrlbed aa fnl lowa: Commencing at the tntaraarttoaf et the north' Uns of trsct described la book A, pagw r 6HO, Record ot Deeda, Multnomah County, .wllh seat Una ef Taypoc'i Perrr road; thence aortb- . erlr a loot said read 300 feet; tbeaes weat 80 feet to eaat line of Mace dam mad; thanes aouth 300 feet; thence eeet to place of no i. ginning, aacnrltp aaviage A Treat Oompaar, ' (1.80. A tract af toad hnntvTed sad deecrtlicd ha fnl- - tows: Osmmenrlng 80 feet aoath aad SO feet weat af one th weat corner ef htocft ftft. Pah , tna Park; thence eaat 880 feet; thence sosth ftn feet; theoce west 130 feet;, theoce -eoulh 34 feet; thence went 130 feet; theses Berth SUO fret te place of beginning, Brroa P. Card- - wen CBiaie. rtetre oi, a-.ev. . . A Ireet of land bona tied and deai'l Ibed aa fn. ilnrn- Comoiaealea et the luiaiastihai t the north Una of Liebermaa tract, recorded In hook 61. page 88ft, Record at Oeeda. Multnomah County, with the east line of old Taylor rerrr anaTthA . seat ssnA WML eett theeee eaat ta Wlllaawtte rtrerl theaca follow Inc the meanderlare ot aaM rtrer ta the aortb , line of eeld Liebermaa tract; thence went te . the place at beginning, llenrr u. Ospeat, (0.00. - - A tract ef land branded and ftentrlbed aa fol- ' towa: Corn me or tu ft chalna eaat and lft ' rhalne aouth of northwest corner of ear threat quarter of secttoa 33. tewnehip I aoath. range 1 eaat, WlUssnrrts meridian; thanca eeet ( etialaei thence aeau a aegrees, west a. tv . rhalne: thence weet 4.30' chalna te eaat line ' of Macadam med; thence northerlr atong eeet line of Macadam mail to piece et neginamg, . Ba. aill Havlnan A Trnat rnmnanc. MLTA A tract ef land hoanded led eeectihsd aa tot. lows: Commencing st horthweet corner of -block TC Pulton Park: (hence north 7ft feet ' thence eeat te west bank sf Willamette river . st tow water mark: tbeaee alone- the weet . beak of rlrer le aortoeaat corner et niori u, - Pnlua Park I thence weat to place af begta- ' ataa ruuvlae IJehwnia. ftft.OO. A tract of toed hoanded end dmrrThsd 88 fel lows: Comtoeucliit at aoalheaat corner of tot 4, bier. 1. rulton: thence southerly atonw west line nr Taymv-e r anlat la feet aertherlr fm ml block T. rulton: thence norther I V alone Una narallel with northerlr Una of block T. Peltoa, te Ita toternsettoe with the eeatberlr llae et tot e. Mock L, rslten, B. J. Rsbjcl man. 80 16. ' ' A tract at land baanded aad ftrarrlbed so fnl lowa; Commencing 37.1ft chalna north and 1344 chalna wart ef eeatheeet eornsr of Tliemaa fttewhena donattoa laad claim; thence north Tft digriis. esst 8.08 chains, te weet bank et Wlllsmette rlrer at low water mark; thence along weat bank of aald river, north - 40 degrees, esst 1.40 chains; theeee earth ft degreee 30 mlaatee. esst .88 ehaln; tbeaee west 7 11 chalna: theaca snath d degress 80 mutates, eaet ft. aft chalna, te the piece et be ginning, Pre ne tee a ftchmltt ftft. 40. A tract ef land bsanded ssd diotrtbed 8 fnl lowa: Commencing at three-mile post ta Mac adam road; thence east te west bank ef Wll tomette rtrer et tow water merk; thcace aerth atoag tbs weat bask ot aald rleer to eon l beer! corner at block M, raltaa Park; thsaca weet eloag ths soath line of blocks M sad N, Pslloe Park, to Macadam mad; ee sooth to Bisee ef baglnnlag. I " NlcleL (7.30. ' , A tract at land bounded gad) dtarrfhe BS fol io wa: CVwimenctng anrth lft eVgreeo. weet . 2.83 ehslss, from asatbesst iiot'iisi sf TTmcnas Stephens Sonet Ion lead claim thcace weet 6.74 chelnaj thenca aarth 33 A it see SO mlaatee, weet XXa chains; thcace Berth 35 degreee 16 mlnatea, weet 1.08 cbsiaa; thence aorth d 1 degreee (0 mlnatea, weet 44 chain; thence north ft d'grue SO mlnatea. weet 3 60 chalna; .thenca north 31 ftigtiaa. west t chelae! theeee r nnrth XV dag n is. weet d ehatna; thence north ' digme west 13) eea I no theaca aenth 3) Agraas, east 8 - ahslaai thence eouth ' 1 degreee, esst 4. ST rhalne. ta place ef be- ginning, Joseph snd Ftsek W'bher. (IT 40. A tract ef land buna did aad eeeerlbed aa fol. towel Cam men log at eotnl la the eaet line et Macadam read where seme to tuter aecfed by aouth line of Thoraea fttenhens 0e Bettaa leed claim: theeee north ft degrees SO 1 missies, weet l.TS rha me: theoee north 88 deli lis 30 mlnatea, weet 1.33 chalna; t peace . eeet parallel with ths ssld doaatloa land ', claim llae ft T4 chains te weet bank ef W 11 . kmstte freer st tow water merkt Ihence enath erly lft dea-reea, essi loot tbe weal beat of aald rleer, (43 3. feeti tbeaee weat pa' iel 1 with and 150 feet one Ik of the orejtb I ef the Themne Btepbeas dnnstton Isnd ela.-e to .the east Una st Macadam read; thence s Use of Maesdam road 'place at . begutalsg, MeuerKk U k... y. 7.3. ' ' ' A uact et bud knantit aa4 awhir t-1 f fnllowa: Oonunenclni al aoatheaat earner ef ' lot bv. block 16. ramthsra Portland; tnenca . west 3144 fast; thence south 6 deireee 80 ' mlnatea, eaat to Berth line ef Rersda at reel; - theoee ssat atong north line of Nevada atreet te weat line ef Macadam road; thence aortb .stoaft weat-line' of , Macadam road 10. Btecft et beginning, Joseph Weuer, (0.10. A tract of laad beuadsd ssd descrlBSd se . follows; Commeaclog at lateraeeUoa af west ' llnw sf Macadam mad with math Uns st No ' veda atreet: theoce west 314 A feet along eeath line ef Naeada street; I hence aouth ( deireee , 80 aisutee, aaat 68.23 feet; theoce cast 314.6 'feet: theoce north 6 deireea 80 mmatee. weal 6848 feat, to plana et beginning. Meichtor Tssalsr, (I. TO, . A tract of land boaaded and described as follows: Commeneing 15.13 feet north, ft de- greea 30 mlnutee eaat. from Bortbeaat corner of block 1, Pulton i thsncs northerlr along tna .wee loe of Maoaia mad 306JHI feet; tlicaca waat 214.6 feel; Uncoee north 86.86 feet to eeutb Una et hcrsda street; tbeaes wssl 3T4S feeti Uence. eoeta ISO (eat; thence south a degreee Ml mlnnlea, eeat fttl.ftft feet; theoce aarth 8ft deireee 41 minutes, east 31133 feet, - to-place of beglBBlnft. Base Rouse. (8.63. -. - A tract of land Uvanded and deecrlhcd ns follows: Commencing 347 rbatne aarth. . se ed BHautea seat, and (.83 chaiaa swiin nartheaat uernar ef block 1. Pul . weal 1US.43 feat; .Ihence north drgrees. west 1 ts south Una st Nsrada atreet; theoee eaet 183.43 feet: thence aoath ta pUos ef baglaatoft, ' Charles D. sad KUaa ChrUteuaea, " . - A Waet ef 'lead linnadid and dcecrtbed as follows: Commencing st sertbosst corner of hlech L. Pulton; thence west 10 chalna i thence . aortb T degrees, waet (.83 chalna! tlienee eaat "4U0.T3 fret; live nee aouth 8, degrees 68 Bias, ssat 34IA8 feet iheare north hO de ; greee 41 minutes, eaat 811.33 feet I .thence south ft da greea 30 mlaatre. eaat 1X13 feet, te place ef beginning, r. KUasorge, (B..76. '. ,'A tract ef land hoanded eoA described fts lollowe: Commencing st souiheait corner of block 4TV. Pultoo Park: thcace weat " f" to eaat line ef f irst etreet; thence northe0 , feet to south Use of lgaa street: thcace ssst te nerthweat corner af aald block; theoce - southerly atone weet Uae et aald block te place of begtaalag, raliea Park .Land Oomnanr. ' A'umct ef land boaaded aad described as - foDows: Commsnrlng al-aaatheest onrner of block 67V,, Palton Park; thence weet SOU feet( theeee eouth 80 feet; thence eeet 3oO feet, thence north 80 feet te pines of begin" to 8. An-ik iwibwl Baal Katata roninaay. 8 L.PO. - A tract sf laad boaaded ssd described st f follows: Commeaclng st s sntat 60 feet soath ssd 80 feet eM ef Borthweei corner of block TS. rnltna Park- thanea aoeth 1M feCtl thence - weet u0 feet; Uence asrth 360 fart) Uaraca esst sou test le place et Btftianinft, vewaieaa - ttoa Beth Israel, (ft.00. . . A tract, ef land heandes) had eCaerlnBd aa ' follows: ConuTjeaelni 30 feet aouth and 30 ' taat waat a Mih-aat aorner nf block 73. PuHoa Park) thence ssst 760 feet", thence .eeath to uterssctlrm st north Uns ef Poplar etreet with weet line ef Eight! arenas; thcace weatarlr' ta Klrventh a venae; theaca aarth te " north line ef ftprace street ; theoce west 380 - feet; tlienee north to n point ftv fact eaaft of math eaat earner ef block 84. nuum fere; . thenca weet luo feet; thence oar U 80 fast; theoce esst 30 fsst: theoee asutb M feet to , pUce of beglnnlag. Vincent Cook. ftM.Su. A tract or toad senndad aad eeeertbed 61 " foUowa; Commeaclng at nor threat corner of lot A block 108, rulton Park: thaaca sorth . 80 fast) thence north 40 esgreae. esst ftM.4 ; feet, te eouth Use et Metager tract. Beet toa 23. towneblp 1 eoeth. racge 1 east. Willam ette merldlaa; theaca northeasurlr peraliel with west line ef ssld Metager tract ta asatb - Una ot Hsssl street: thence weet te a point dne Berth et northwest euraer ef Mock tut, l-ultnm Park! thence aoath to Borthweat COT par at aald block 108: thaaca eaat loft feet te Slate ot beginning. Vincent Cook. (M OO. trsct of Isnd lying between the center Tine ' et Second street If c tended eooth In Ita pree , eat cenrae and the dirletoa llae between sec tions ftl aad 23, township 1 eeath. range 1 eaat,' Willamette meridian, and between a Uns ' On aa aalk aT anil narallel With WOUth Una 0f blerta 83. 64 and 8S. rnltna park.-aneV the north line of block Be. tao nertneeeierw northwraterlr lines ef block 13, raUoa. Park. . Henry rirckcnsteln. l4a - A triangular tract of taad lying between the eanth Una ef Tarlora rerrr read, tha ' westerly Una of Bosnsa rerrr road aad tha dlrlelon Una. between tectloar 31 and 3 ' townaklft i soath. raage 1 eaat, Wlllemetts Merldlaa, roniregsttoa Beth larasl. (4.30. i A tract of land lying between the south lies ot Sayaaour rveeue sod tbe soath Una ef Boandarr atreet etteeded wea'erly la ltt nreeent coarss sad between the weal Bae af Aecoad atreet and tha division tine between - sect lone IS aad lft. towaahlp 1 eouth. rente 1 ssst. Willamette Meridian, cove and ateept ' the ladermuhto tract below described. Tar- wllllger litsd Ooaipanr. (60.80. . A tract of land bounded sad deeerlbed ss foV v towat Comnwneliig en eaat stde ef ftlseta i eoaatr rood X"34 feet north and 433 feet mat of south Uns st tbs Terwllllger doaa tloa tosd claim, where same la Intersected Sthe dlrlatoa Uaa betwaea east H sad waat af aald doaaUoa toad claim: tbeaee eoeU degrees 6A mlantrs cast 4S4.3 feet; theara ' north 31 degreea 10 mlaatee east 306.T feet; tbeaee Berth 68 eVrreee 80 mlnetee weat te the aootbwestrrrr llae ef the 8 la via coaatr rood; thence north weet 81 deireee lft min- ntee weet 3004 feet; thence enath a drgrees 46 mlnatee west 43.4 feet te niece at begla- nlng. Oettlleb Indermuhle. 67 so. - . . A Imct mt tend boaaded aad deeerlbed aa (nt. : towa: fiaaiaenrlnr et Borthweei - curner of ' block 148, Caruthera' Addlttoa te the Cltr ot Portland, se laid out br tbe Bonth Portland Heel Estate Aasorlatloni theses sooth 300 feet; theoee weet 480 feet; thence north 300 fsst: thence east 480 fsst te place of begia alng. Mrs. R. A. Owens Adair, (81.00. A trsct af lead hoanded ssd deeerlbed aa fol towa: CommeBrlua- at Borthweat sorner ef black 148, Csrntbsrs' Addlttoa te tbs Cltr of Portlaad. aa laid out br the Soath Portland Real Estate . Aasoetattoai thenca west 80 - feet along the soath Una af Carry street If extended weeterly In Its prone at coarse; thence north 830 feet parallel with tba weat line er rirvt atreet; teence eeet route sewin- ttoa to ths Cltr sf 10111008! as laid out by the oath Portland Real Bauta Aaeeclanea; thence south 330 feet te place at beginning. William M. Oreeore. ha. an. . All the land ased and. occupied bp tbe Ore sea A California Railroad Company for rlaht nt wap porpoeea, sxeept where said right of , war M tore red la etreeta, lying hetweea the north Use of I'lnk-e Cernthers' dona t lea land claim and ths aoa t hern boundary ef the Cltr ' ef Portlaad and between tbe weat bank af I WUlametu olaac eA Joavarsier mer end the eieiaioa iinam ostween aectiowa o aaa a, a and 10. 15 and IX 31 snd 33. towashln 1 south, range 1 eeet. Willamette Meridian, : Oregon. A Calif (C-aU Railroad Com pang. 1. (ex All the a aula tod laad lrlai hetweea the aenth Use ot P. Caruthera' doaatloa laad claim aad the soath Una ef Ellssheth Climbers- done- ttoa land claim and betwaea tbe division line -between sections ft and 10. town ahlp 1 aoath. rente 1 eeet, Wtllsmette Meridian, sad ths ' west Uns ef PI rat atreet, except two Bsrreh) of Is'nd owned by Mrs. B. A. Owens Adsh? -ssd William M. Gregory. Oregon Batlwey A navigation companr. oxz.u. A- tract at land Ivlne hetweea aa eastsrtr eitensloa st tbs north Una ot Cam there street and n line 180 feet north thereof and parallel therewith end between ths met llss nf lluod street and 8 Una ftft tact eaet thereof tad parallel therewith. Jerntlah Wertck. (0.60. Total. ftlO,lT.4H. , ' T7T0B. C. 0ETT.IN. ' Aadltnr ef the Cltr ef Portland. Oars nf ftrat publication. March 37. 10). a mum m fCREE LAIiO iricnEGcrj Q k (be bchent (rain, fruit ana stack sretica ia . , tiatwerU. Thousand, f nynt of land at acteal oat. af iH-uioa. - Deed direct front Sctht of ( i :TC TO-DAY. BOOXUtT and . I" . -erknrrklmeatkwiwt fewer Carae - - ' . ' if Hill A JPeCClAaVTY . KlJ--- swiimoriRtin 3 Trains to the East DcIIy 3 ' Threuth Pnltma v at a edard ssd teartst Wee ing cara dally te Omaha, Chicago, ftpokanei . tourist sleeping ears daily to Kaasas Crtrl tnroogn roinaaa ,"TV ie ally eeadaetedl week I r to Caacage. Recuaua chahjwJaeata free) ta the Kaat del r. t-t , UNION DEPOT. Lcsees. Arrives. CHICAC.O-PORTIA"D antclit. ft-Un. bv I tft a. at. lOsiir. . .., Per The Kaat vU Bavt- rugten. - - - BPOKAKR P7.TRR. Per - Baatern Washing ti n. Walla Walla. Lew- :18 b. 1 DsUr 8 te) a. BV taten, Coear d'Aleae aad Oreet Nsrthsra Dallr. . potato. . A'TLANTIO RZPROtft. :1Sp.nV Dally. , - T ift a. 88, Dallft Per the Rest vU Hoat- 1 niton, i-' Ceini bia River Mention. POR ASTORIA snd way polnta, eoaneetlng with stmr. for 1 1 ware end 00 p. at. Dallr- es. Bandar, neturdar. 10 on p. av ft .oegt av North Beech, etr. Hee- aale. Aah-et. ooc. TamhiU Rleer Route. POR DATTON Or and yamhlll Rleer pelnta, arnws. Ruth aad Tft8.8h. Dallr. . ss. ftoadar. T:8ftB.aV Dallr. atoeae. Aes-et. rtoca. (Wtter Bemxlttlni.y ftoake River Rente. POR- LBW1STON, snd war points Btpsrte. .Waah Ida., from About 6:08 B, BV Dallr. 3:40 a. nv Dally. Spokane and Lewtetea. ex. ftatsrdal ax. Friday.. TICKRT OrPICB. Third aad ! WtaatAaTtsOa Ts v phono Mala Tia. . C. W. BTTNOBB, City TVttrt AgoaaV A. Is CRAI0. Oeaersl Paaaenger Agent. '.--. . ' ". ,','. i,- ; -; , . . .' " '' EAST SOUTH CNI0N DEPOT. Allllea. OTBBXAND BXPR1 trains, for ftalem, Rose bnrw. AshtsBd. Bsira- SJS,BV meeta, Ogden. Baa Pran-I rkace. lltoehton. LoB AB-J n a. m gelee, K1 Paaa, New Or-i leans and the Beet. Moraine train aorta at Woodburnl dallr. except Bandar with- (rata for Mt. Aagel. ftllrertea. S J0 8. ax. 'ltt a. av Brownarille. ft p r I n g flsld. Weadflsg am Natron. - - Albenr psarentor eae-l eeeta at Wsodhura with 4) a. av n0 a. av Itf :. 16:1ft a. m Mt. ABgel aad allrar-i toa local. Corralllt piamagiii. ' nherldaa po conger. im8a.av. 8 16 a. m. anally. IIDslly, crcent Bandar. frtaMd -Oswego Be bur hen Berrton Bad TaahnlQ invuwe. foah of Jefferasa street. Tana Pnetland ftallr fOT OUWeCO 7:80 lly for Oswece T:80 ft. B 1160, 11:06. 3:66. 6:30, :3B.I J .45. lO:10 jv s:ao.lj.ent 10:10 p. a.. 6:60, ft:; :, 0 Dally letcept ftundayl. :i a. m.; 4:10, 11:30 a. av aunaar eniy. c ue rUtsrslBI frem Oewern arrive Perth. d f-f ( SO -a. nv; K. S OB. :!. T:J1. ft K 11 -lft a. nv Dally (except Sunday-) ft:, T; . ftioV 10 iT 11:46 Vhv Except Moaoaj. I3d B, bv Bandar only. 10:0ft a. m. . Leeeaa front same depot Cr Tmtlnft ssd iater. bnau d:kO nv aa. - meniate " ' ' ' ' r Arrive Portlaad 10;10 a. bv , - The innepsooence waaa - - eoerates dallr to Monmouth saw An w, eoo, Boctlni with Bon them Psdfte samps nr a tracBO ''" eSrtrrL- he we sad Baa rmaelaes SaOeertne a-., fare ftl. seeorid-ehim) bertha (t ho. Ttcketa te Baatera polnta aad J rape B, tnina, rwwma awe a-.. htr Ticket Ofnee corner laird an Wh. ractae streeta. Phone Maia.TlA . C. W. wriJiOKB, . ... WV ft COMA", Cltr Ticket Aieftt, TIME CARD OF : TRAINS Portlands UNION DEPOT. Paget Bound Limited, for - Tacsma, Aeat tie. Olramla. ftoatk Bend (:B6 A av and Orar a - Harbor points. North Ooart Limited, for Taeossa. Beattle, Bette. St. Paul. Mto-I seesslts, Chtoaeo, N r .-. ns, York, Bnetoe snd aotata East and Boot Baser. TwIe-CltT Ita press. Tsssbm. See It la. ftpe-i kane. Helena, St. Peal,) Minneapolis tl) lease. New Tork. Bnstea ssd -wl.SvJ raihih sll points Esst I nnthee el. Pucet Aeeed e Kaw Cltr-t. Leu la Special, for Thenars, fteettle. ftpnkane. Bette BUUags. Dearer. Omshs, Ksnses Cltr. St. Louts and all iSOASk. Mr.-. .'''," . points Esst aad Boate-4 mat. All trslao ' dallr except no Searh - . rt . a . w. aaw.i, .a. v. voaauivn, Amlatant fiaaiisl Paamnier Aevtrd, , S28 Morrison et gar. Talrd. forth) od. iav. Astoria & Columbia ; River Railroad Co. .-.Xt lr-ry .', " Lcarsa. CNION DEPOT. Arrlvea. f ': ... .' ' ' ' r : ' ' . ' t-X ft. av Pot Mergers. Rslalsr. it:l s. BV Deity, v CTarakaato, Weat poet. Dallr. . ; Clirtoo, Astorls, War- , v i reams. ' T level. Rem- - ; v- r: : mood, i-Port fttevi aa. ' .. V. OeerhaTt Perk, Seealda. Aatorte aad leaiksre, -" ; Mftiir..- -iietorlft RiBrenv . '.: - .' , . V. MATO. i '"O. f. 68ft P. A Aalorte. d A. STEWART. Com meed a I Agaat. 34ft ft streeV Pheae Kala ftoft, ml ijvJjiK riokwt OfAao ua run ct, r.. esn. Tran-ttMnf're'rit"1 aeW Tr&lriA I ' FAT TO f i - , r r - .. h 6. e e-