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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1905)
THE:, OREGON; DAILY JOURNAL,--PORTLANDtL: THURSDAY EVENING.', MARCIi:X3. rjZVL "V: .. t . - , 11 CTTT XOTICZS. ' $8.75; jnMWUlm A of Jot 4, nut tleoet .Hays of rwiiua, iiww. fw, v eubdirsitoa P of Jot 4. Merchant , National j, s luck ef Portland. Trustee. Ao.oh. BLOCK . .. 6, subdivision -A at kt 1. Richard Prince. ai liu- .e.inrilvUlna. It ,nf : lot .1. Richard C - - lVutce. 11. Ml: suhdlTlsloa (I o( krt L Joha ' M. Shrlglrr, $1 ; subdlrlsloB of kt 1, . t, W. Leirk. IJK; subdivision iC ot tot 1. - . Jena Dounerberg. $2.10; eubUlTlalon' of , tot 1. Aaaa Louie Hlegera. $2.10: ennth 42H tret; or worta Be leei w ,iuuunwn ' i H lot 1. except Oregon -A Cailtoroit ' . Railroad Company's right o( way, Richard C, Prince, $t.H: aonth 42Vt feel of seeth 85 fret of oubdlTtaka u( lot 1 . except Oregoa California Railroad Company right of way,, KkharVl C. ,1'rtnce. $0.10; . a .rib 434 tt Of euulb 86 tret of eolKllri. ; , ekn B of lot I. Clarence at. . Dlllr f. $060; " aorta 43 S feet of couth 8 feet of stibdlvl- ' "; own S of to 1 except Onfw California kail rued Cbninany'a right of way, Clareaca ' M Dilley, "; south 43lr foot of sobdlrl. ' , Hoi (l ot M 1. ft W. 1lek. $0.60; south . 4H foot of subdivision II (t ,l, C. W. Ulrk, $0.50; oortk 42S foot of obdlTlslou , :' U of lot I except Oregon CaUfornl Kail . road Compauy a rlrut of way, Hlcusrd U , Prince, 0-4v; subdlrlslon A of tot 2. Ana ' " '. Man. $2.10; condlvlsioo B of lot I, Robert " tshlll, $2.10; oubdtrmlou C of lot S. Tort laad Trust Company of Oregon. tl.lMi aiih- . dtTl.loo U of lot 2.- Portland Troat- CoaopanT - of Oroitoa f l.W; auMltUloa M of lot 1 g. Mnrbatriu,, II.IW; aubdlrialcm r of lot 2. H. Mttraacoia, ( auhdirlaloa O of lot S. ' t War f. taaro. llt; aiUxllrlaloo II of lot t. Ward C Wrtnwro. IS.W; oubdivnikm A Of lot . W. B. IH l.tB; aubdlvlaloB B - of lot S, W, E. Jlor. $L76; aubdlrlalon C .'.of lot 3, W. K. Iter. l.T9j aobdltolon D ot lot S. W. K. I let, $1.74; all of oubOlTlaloo E of lot caat of lroo CallforaU .' Kallroad raaonTa right of war, v . , A. farrlo, tlX; all of aubdlTtaioB r ot .kit . oaat ot Orogoa California Railroad Com- , panr'a rirot of wax. W. A. Currlo, l.o; ' aU of ubdjTtatoa O of lot 1 caat of Oregon, ' at California Railroad Company' rtgbt of way, W. A. Cnirlo, 0.16; all of anodlrtalon K ot lot M of Oregon CaUfornla Hall , road Oonpaay'a right at way, Kato Hoot- t, (0.1S: all of aabdlTtaion O of lot . ; woat of Oregon A California. Railroad Com, naay'a right of way, kUta Romotach, 0.40; ' aiiMlTtalw A of lot 4. It R. Ulbbn.,HK; aobdlTlaloa B of lot . U. K. Ulbha, l.0; autxilrlslon C of lot 4, Ooorgo Arnold, il.W; " " ouodlrlaloa D of lot 4. Uoorgo Arnold, II-40; aU ot anbdtrlaioa B of lot 4 woat of Oregon . . A California Railroad Company'a rtgbt of way. Ward C. Hot mora. tu.oO;. all of anh- dlrtalam r of lot 4 woat ot Orocoa A Call- fnrnla Railroad Coainany'a - right at way. Ward C Wot mora, (u.ou; all ot anbdlrlalon - ot lot 4 caat of Orogoa CaUfornla Rail- road Company'a right ot way, C. W. Lcick.; all of anbdirlaloa F of lot 4 mat of Orogoa CaUfornla Railroad Company'a rl'ht of way, C. W. Lelrk, W.fto; all of auuuiTlaloa O ot lot 4 excrpt Orogoa CaU fornla Railroad . Company'a light at way, Kraaroa M. Rtcocoa, 0.T5; nil of cnbdlri . . aioo u at lot 4 woat of Oregon a California Railroad Company' right of way, rrancca M. UK run,; aU of aubdlrlaton H o lot 4 oaat ot Orogoa California Railroad vomany'n right of way, a W. liclt. KlJO. FIM K. 4. .iiorthi 1M fort ot lot 1 caat ot : Orocoa - California Railroad Company' . rut of way,' - Wart I a Winch, 47 -SO;. Booth . ' fc foot of norrh ao trot of lot I caat of . -Orocoa A California Railroad Company' right ot way. timer B. ColweU, $2.25: aouta wi fMt Af Int 1 oaot of (JMttB A California '. Irallroad Company' right of way, Mary A. i larko. $1-0. all of lot 1 woat of Orogoa A California Railroad Company' right ot way. ldara A.. Hrea, xw; auoairiaioa a . or lot a J. H. Benr. 11.80: anbdlTlalon B lot lot 2. J. H. Bryor. $LB3; subdlTlaloa C of lot 2, K. C. Jorgonaan. $1.SS: aobdiTlalon V of lot a, Kat B. Montgomary, i.o; . onrtn u foot of onhdlTlaioB X of lot 2. Mary A. Clarke. $0 : aouth 4S foot af nb- -auruua, i n tot a. nvnao a. loang, i.o: norta M f-t ot salKllTialoa f if kit 1 ' huaao W." Oppmhoff, $0.46 aonth 1T fool . . of aabdiTlaloa of lot 3. rrcd r. Boody, '; north 40 foot af wont IftO foot of lot 3. Prod r. Boody. $3.70; north 00 foot af oaat M tact of lot 1 Sanaa M. Opponhotf. i $0o; coat 42 ta feat af aooth CO fort af i worth VM fort at lot- a. rrod r. Boody. ! tl.ofi; woat I2TH loot of Booth 40 ft of I north un fort of lot a, ooha A. Uoack. 1 $.1.10: oaat 42 H foot of aonth 110 trot of 1 lot t, tL AoaUn, $1.90; woat 127 H foot ot ' i Booth 110 toot of lot 1. Ix la Arnold, $1.75; ' annh 120 fact of Int 4. lawn A. Back, t $r.M; woat 42H toot of oaat W feet of . ' north 110 fact of M 4. WUlUa 11. Bod- 1 man. IIJIO; went 4214 fact of caat U j f-ot of north 114 teat of tot 4, Barak o. i fcodaaaa, IM -s.,.:;-,w. i A tract ot Und tying watweaa the eaata Un of liowall a too bo nad a Una 110 foot eouth ' thereof and parallel therewith and betweoa . The east Una of rroot etreet and a line '. x5 foot wool of and parallol with the woat . I lino of Corhott atreet. llwaaaa Schneider, --.-MB.-.--,,. . A. . t, - ..." L,. . . ... OltTLArTD HOMXBTItJlD BLOCK T. north 110 fart af lot 1, Aramute brouangti. $4.10; ' onoth 190 foot of lot 1. Oraoa U Branaugh, j ); aubdirlalon A of lot 2, Ella L Wya : koop. $1.60 ; eubdlTtatoa H of lut 2, EUa . 1.. Wynkeon, $1.40; enbdrrUlon C af Int 2. Olive I Warner, $1.0; anbdtTiaioa I of lot S, Laer . Taorwla. $; aubdlrlaioa , I of 1st l Abbia , U. Crocker, $2.10; aub- i dlrMoa r of lot 2. Abbie U Crocker. $3.10; I eontA 100 foot of west 20 feat of eobdiTt- ' etoa O of let 1 Jamee CoUlne, $0.$0; aooth ' 100 foot of ewbdlTtaton H ot lot 3. Jaawe Colllne, fl-SOi aorth 70 feet of aobdlYfctlon ' ' 0 of W 3. U W. Wynkeon, $0.86: aowtk i 100 feet of caat 10 feet of anbdlrattoa O ! of lot 2, U W. Wynkoop, $0.40; north 70 I feet of enhdrrlaMa H ot lot 2, L. W. Wyw- ". koon. $0 ; anbdlrkriea A of lot 3, Owoa J Klgor, $1.0; -ntMUnotoa B of lot $. Joha Kjttpp, $1 00; enMlTiotoa 0 of lot $. lira, r. t. Boody, $1.00; anbdrrlalon D of lot I, Thamaa aV-bjortoor, $1 0; aubdirlalon of I lot 1, Asm K. reldamn. $2.10; aobdlTMna i P of lot A, Anna K. Peldmaa, $2.10; anb oiTiaien w or ax a, mciibo . itonraa.; onbdtTlatoa H of let 3. Mellnd . Monran. $1-10: lot 4. Etooa Bramaorr. $14.00. BLOCK . lot 1. lolra C Lnrkel. $14.00; lot 2. Ore- ' ga A CaUfonaU Railroad Company. $14.04t; Ma a, uregow m vaiiiarma 'Houroea ueaa. i near. $14 00; eabdlvtaloa A of lot 4, George I n, npriBBpaojw, oi-ev; anoatnaioB at or aot 4. alary Borlaa-antNr. $1.0T BandtrtsoMi 0 of 1st 1. KewtoB L. Ollham. ll.aoi sokalTt- t eloa D af lot I, Cart BtMiitnger. $1.00; aab- dlrMea of let 4. Oarar Fotaen, $1.10; j aabdlrtalon 9 at tot 4. Ooror roloen. $2.10; woat 2 foot at otdirUke O of lot 4. Adolnh naanman. $L7: eaot feet of enh. i dlatnloa 41 e at a. .OyeWB M. al.Uay, .';llot : ononraaaoa n ar tot e, tiyraa at. afrrtay, $210. BLOCK , asMtonilon A ot lot 1 1. - Atar-r - iohneen, $1.BQ; aobdlrkrioa B of ; lot L alary K. ooBaaoa, $140; nortA t ot Mtidrrieaan C of lot 1, Mr. P. 1. Bener, f $a.ii; aooth H of anhdioletoa C of lot 1, i loo la Malar. $aS6; snhdlvMloa D of lot t. R. K. Mlaohaaa. $1 00; autxrlrMoa R of lot 1. aatea S. Aapenwall Katate. Rdre of, . $2.10; aobdlrlatoo p of let 1, Jaaans Aanon 1. wall Rotate. HeJrn of. $2.10: aorth 12714 f fort af eobdlTlaloa G of lot 1, New trie L. Rilham. U.I L6n; aooth 42. feet at anhdlrl- ' aloe U of lot 1, JndHh, U. Hmmaoe, $o.M; - mbdlowtoa H of lot 1. Jadlta 11. Hlnmana, $2 JO; aabdlolBloB 1 of lot 2 Chorion K. Toeapaeton, Trvato. $1.05; anhdirleloa S of ' 'lot 3. rhariea B, TVtnpleton. Truateo, $1.0; i. enbdlrlalon of Int 2, Charles R. Tampleton, , Tlwtea, $0.70; aahdlrlawa 4 of lot 3. Char lea , R. Temple ton. Tnuitee, $0.70: autxllrlaloa I 4 of let 3, rharle B. Templeton. Trustee, . $1.04: aabdlelalon of lot 2 Cbarlea It. Templeton. Trod toe, $1.0$; anbdlTlalon T ot ; lot 2 rarle R. Templeton. Trnateo. $1.20; anbdlrialon 8 of lot 2. Cbarlea R. Templetoa, 1- Troetee. $1.30; euhdlTlaloo ot lot 8. (laarlee - K. Templeton. Trustee, $1.30; eubdlrtetoa 10 of lot 2. rhariea B. TempVtea. Truateo, . $1.20; anbdlTwIon ' II of lot 3. Charles R. , Templetoa. Tmate. $1.20; aoMlrl.lon 11 of i lot 1 rhariea R. Trmnlctna, Traatoa. $1.03; . aahdJTtaioa 1$ of lot 1 Charlea R. Temple tna, Traatee, $1.05; Berth 22H foot of west BO feet of north of lot a (lertrude Mark. $0.70; eontli S2t4 feet af aorth 49 feet of woat 40 feet of north H of lot $, Jinn Iwrmaek. $0.7$;- Booth M ot lot 3. Mar - Pinch, flM; Booth 2214 feet of aorth 26 feet of west B7V, feet of north H of lot $. Mr; B. A. Gerrtann. $0 60; aoutb 32t4 feet ot aooth 4$ feet ot woat fi?Vt feet of north H of lot a. Mr. K. A. Carrie $0.00: west 2314 feet, ot nest 44 fret of north 4ft fret of Berth of lot I. J Teram. $n.0: oaat 52 H feet of Knmu oft feet of north to of lot a. tnore. a On. - oey. $0 40; coat 4$ foot of weet 125 foot of . . aorta o tact or norm H ex lot ft. Leeore , B. Gregory, $0.B0: met 112U feet of enoU 5 tret of north hi of lot $, Ignore B. Oreg ; ory. $206; lot 4, Oregon A California Rait ' - road Compear. $14 00. BLOCK 10. lot 1. . Oregon A California Railroad Company, $I40; nbdiTlloa A' of lot 2, lnh An.lrew, ' . $1.74; awhdlTMoa B of lot 3, loha Aadrow, $L7S aohdlTlaloa C of lot J. John Andrew, (I B; Mhdlrlaloa ft of lot 3, John Andrew, $1.73; anhdlrloloa R of lot 3, Jnba Andrew, 41. 7R: onMlrtaion P of lot 3. Jha Aarfrow. $174; anhrilTlatna 1 of lot 2. John Andrew, . $1 7ft; esholrtot.ia H of M t John Andrew, 11.75: eubdlTtsloa 1 of lot 2. John Andrew. $I.T; lot $. Bpeneer H. Cooper. $14.00; west !., 2H feet at north 110 feet of lot 4, Arnold . Kiaatarhora, $1.T: all of east 4ft ft of lot 4 lying north of Aregon A California ' Railroad cnmpeny right ot way. w. A. lowfa. . mr, ' A nraet of land lying between the oast line of Ohio atreet and -a line 42 VJ feet -,voat of and parallel therewith aod between o line 110 feet Booth of aad parallel with then eoath line of Hamilton aretin end the north line of Oregon A California Railroad ( ntepsnj a right of way, Bi Ai Mk. ' fK trart of land he twee a two llaan resneetleely 424 feet aad M feet oaat of end parallel wnn the eoat Hne of Ohio atreet and be- tsree a line lio feet aonth of and parallel with the enuth line of Hamilton arenua end ths north lloe of Oregon A California Kail mad Cnanpaaf'e right of Bay, W. A. Lewie, " 4. . ri il.AMI HnvryTTtATW-BtlTK lt. eaH A feet of west Nft feet of north fid feet U Y 4, atasAV a. tiilikfafiad. !.; ail CRT B0TICM. of lot 4 Booth at Oregon CaUforali; Rail road Gosopany'a right ot way. fhoaulx la eurance Company. $1.20. BLOCK. 11. tot 1, Joseph A. htruwbrldga Kstalo. lieira of, $14.00; tot 2 Joarpa A. BtrowbrUlge . Katate, Uelra ef. $14.00; lot 4. Joeeph A. trw brldge toUle, Uelre of, fln-OOi north 44 fart, of lot J, Xboma rWhoeldor. $2.10; aoutb $0 feet of Burlh 40 feat ef lot S, Antoa Blsrtiefbergor. $2.10; aooth $0 feet of aorth Uu feat of lot a. Alexandria hJeaol. $4.10; wool Hi feet et aooth 110 feet of lot 0. Joaepk M. Nlckum, $Xa0; oaat W feet of aoutb 110 feet ot lot a, Mmoa Blelner. $1 ho. BLOCK 12, lot 3, Maoleay KotsU Company,' $14.00; east $0 feet of subdlTlaloa A of lot S, Hadle A. Wrinkle. O.sOi, east 60 feet ct BUbOiTlatoa B of lot 3, Hadle A. Wrinkle, $ats; wrst t loot of aobdiTlalon A of lot 3, John H. l-omeroy, $1.06; woat OO feet of subdiTlsiou B of lot , John U. fomerey. $!.(; subdlTlalaa C ot lot . I-ervp U. Blyth, ; $I.KJ; oubdiTieloB O of lot 4 i'ercy U. Blyth.' $1JX; aubdlrlaloii s N m , -orey as. "ti". e-'". --" j alon P of lot S, rwrcy H. Blyth. $2.10; eub- ; aiTiswn u ul lot i, rrrcy n. oijiu, e-", subdivision H ot lot a. Percy H. Blyth. $2.10. BLOCK 13. lot 1. . WUllam a Ketlwlmnr, $14.00; north 40 feet uf lot 2. C. V BesL. trt-20; west 60 feet ef sooth 170 feet et lot 2, C. V. Heal, $4.20; norU 4214 font ot east 110 feet of south "o t of hit 3, Uoorgla A.. PoBearoy, $1.S0; aortli 42i feet ot eaat 110 feet of south 127 feet of lot 2, J. P. aUmpel, $L0O; south bft feet of neat 110 feet of lut 2. 'lliemiore Bracket and J. Wlaterholdnr, $3.S0f east H ef lot , t harlra K. Laud, $8.00; east H of lot 4, Cbarhe K. Ladd, . $4.00. BLOCK 14. ana dlTlka A of lot 1, William, A. Morrow, $l.0ii; subdivision B ot lot 1, William A. Alurmw, $1.W); subdlTlaloa C of lot 1, Prse tua w. GlUettrT $100; aubdWIoloa D of lot 1, Preston W. ' Ulllette, $1.00; . eubdivlelua B of lot .1, Albert Peareniiach, $2.10; sob diTlsion P ot lot L Albert Pehrenbavh, $2.10; subdivision O of lot 1., Joha , Kopschlegl. XI 111, aiitullTtalaB H of lot 1. John KoO" - nrhlegl, $3.1o; lot 3. Alamo W. Wltherell, lO.ou; eaat v or kit s. miaa as. r . unw rencr,. $8.00; east H of lot 4, Willie 0. Clark. $8.00. BLOCK - IB, tot 1, Thomas Bcanelder, $14.00; north of lot S aonth of the Oregon A California Railroad Cone pnny'a right of way, Inmaa. Pooloen; A Co., $4.40; all of tot 3 north aad weet ef Oregon A California Railroad Company's right of way. J. K. Marley. $4.40; U of South M of lot 1 except Oregon A California Railroad Company's, riant of way, Elllsoa Eaeamp ment No. L 17 0. 0. P., $4.00; all ot east H of lot B exoept Oregoa A CaUfornla Rail road Compaay'a right of- way, Joseph A. Btroorbrldga, Bf akUU, Holes ef. $6-20; west 42s teat of east 85 feet of north 100 feet of lot 4, Ori El its Banturd, $1.76 1 caat 42 H feet,. of north 100 foot ot lot 4, Oil K. 8an ford Batata,' Heir of. $LT6; east 40 feet' et west 100 feet of Booth 100 fee of lot 4, Thomas K. West, $1.00; neat 88 feet ofat 40 feet of weet 120 feet of aonth 100 feet of lot 4. Aug est Wry lor, $1.40. KP.RRIGAK'S 8CBDITI8ION of a Part of Lots 1 snd 3 ef Block A la PertlaM Homeeioao-e BLOCK A, east M of tot 1. Juaa V. and Wlldn P. Lank in. $5.44; east Vk of tot 2. Jeka V. and Wild P. Laakin, $ 20: oaat 46 feet of west H of tot 2, Peullnc Jargen eon. - $1.35: an bdl vision 1 of tot 2. Kate O. Bcnsloaa, $1.40; anbdlTlalon 3 of tot X Kat Ii. Besaloas. $1.66; BubdlTistoa ot tot 3. Rate D. Heaswon, $1.6&i aubdlrlaloa 4 of lot 3, Kate 1. Hosaloaa.. $16) subdlTkstoe 6 of lot 2, Eugene A. oooakjos, $0.00; onh dlrtaton 4 ef tot 2, Kogens A. oeealone, $0.84; subdiTlatoal 7 ef lot 2, Bugena A. Bemtoaa, $16. . -.- : - rORTLAKD HOMBBTBATV- BLOCK B. anb- dlTlsioa A of sot 1, BoruerB coantiee ia eeatment Trust, Lti. ILK); enbdlrUloa B ef tot I, M. . and b. OaUaglwr, $1.50; ubdlrtsion C of tot 1, William Jt. Walpola, $1.60', snbdlTtslon O ot tot A, Jacob Michel, $1.60; snbdlTlsioB B of tot 1, Toonua H. Bmitk B4 ao- arao B4 feet of tot 2. Henry Benuett, $3.00; all of lot 1 except west 44 feet, WllUsa B. Walpole, 4.76: north 40 feet of west H or jot a. W. i. flltoa,; east . H of tot t, Joha T. Lankln, $440; aonth $4.7 feet f west 44 ot tot 4. Joha IX. Kennedy. $2.16: tot 4. John D. Kennedy. 5.70Tlot 67 John 6. Keniedy, $7J0; lot 4, oha P. Kennedy, $7.40. BLOCK C, lot 1. Mary A. Park. $.2B; lot 2. Lonla Xlmmer man, $8,69; lot $, Oeorg Bollock Bstatat Metre et, $4.0$. ' . ' . FULTON PARK BLOCK 14, tot T, PnltoB Pultoa Paltoa Pultoa - Park . Laad Company, $0.60; lot 4, Park Land Company, $0.60; tot 4, I -ark Laad Camaiv. $0.40: lot 4. , Park Land Company,. $0.40;. lot 8, Paltoa Park Lead Company, $0.00; tot . Paltoa Park Land Company, $o0; lot 10, Pultoa Park Laad Cemnany, $0.40. BLOCK 17. tot T. PnltoB Park Land Company, $0 40: tot , Pulton Park Land Company, $0,401- 'tot . Pultoa Park Land Company, $0.40; lot in Pnlioe Park. Land Oomnanr. . $0.40: lot ill. Pulton fark' Laud Company. $0.40; lot 12. Pulton .Park Laad ; Uomiauy, $0.00. . BLOCK 26. aoaU 6ft feet et tot. 14. A. W. Tobla, $0 49; north 46 feet ef aoatk 130 feet ef lot 14. Btdaey 8. Mitchell. $0.a-. Berth 40 feet. of V 14, WUllam and Charlea H. Hathaway, $0.70; lot 7, Paltoa Park Land Company, ' $0.70; lot 4, E Una bath Eg- WU mVa kUJInlljnr41 U4B rr ft. amta. v, awv , n is sees both Eggert, 40.70; lot 12, Elisabeth Kggert. $0.70. BLOCK 24, lot 18, Pulton park Laad company, ai.oo. BiAt,a sa. an , n. m. Lombard.; tot 4. B. kL Lombard. 40.40;. lot 4. Oeerge B. MelBtaah, $0.40; tot 10. P. Wheeler, $0.40; tot 11, EUnsheth Eggert. $0.40; tot 13, KUaabeth Bggert, $0.40, BLOCK Si, tot U- Kalpb W. Hoyt. $1.00; lot 2, Ralnh W. Hon. $0.70: tot 4. Joha Oleblaeh. $0.86; tot 4, ioha ttleeioeb. $1.00; tot ft. joha Oleeeark. $0.80. BLOCK 40, aU ef , weet 60 feet of tot 1 except north 60 feet, , WUllam H. McTariand, $0.60; soot 60 fact ot swat 104 feet et tot L, Oregon Building A Leaa Asaocistlon. $0.20: north 64 feet of weet 00 feet of tot L, Oregoa Building A Leaa AaocUttoa. $0.30; east Mo feet of lot L Mark J. Coosa tor., $0.70: tot 3, Uesle Kv Young. $0un; let a, Mary uacBes,; . t. . ii en m, m a s.tajjb v. m i iwinei e-.ww m r, llBgwas, $0.40; tot 4. Kim Hail,. $0.40; tot T. ferry Jeanaoa, $, lot n, tiouin u, Olrrin, $0.40: lot 4. Collin & Gtrrta, $0.60; tot 10, L tL Rant, $0.40; lot 11. O. C Koaetake, $0.40? tot 13. B. M. a Lombard. - $0.40; lot 13, B. aT. Lombard, $0.40; tot 14, , C. J. Decker. $0.40; tot 1ft, Mary Xoaata, i ka an: Uc i. Man Koeata. $0.40: tot IT. Mary I. Oomateek, $0.60. , BLOCK 41, tot T. W. BL Martxaa $0.40; tot 4. W. M. . MartnaU, $0.40; lot 6, Win lam Maraiatosb, Trwstee, $0.40; tot M, Willi am Macklntoah. Tnmtea, $0,401 tot 11, Rlale M. Orabb. IOjOO; W T) Willi. m Helnlne an OA. RIICIC OIL 1. William Hathaway ana uisrles n. Taeenpnen, $o.gv- lot s, wiuism uataaway aad Charlea H. Thompson, $0.66: tot $. Wil liam Hathnway- and Charlea H. Tbompaoa. $0.30: tot 4, William Hathaway aad Charlea H. Thompnon, $0.66: tot 6. William Hatha way and Charles H. Thnmpson, $0.40; tot 4. Cntrinn Haasea. $0.40; tot T. Catrlna Hssaea. $0.40. BLOCK ' 44, ' lot 1, B. B. Carmine. $0.40;- tot 3. Maod Bewail. $0.40; tot 6, Clara V. Carmine, 40.40; tot a, Clara V. Carmine. 40 6ft; lot ft, Edward fl. Bewstl. $0.60: tot 6. Edward O. Bewail. $0.40; lot t" Cote E. ruuiann. $0 40: tot , Cobn K. Cnlllaon. $040. BLOCK 4T. tot 1. Marin Btorkmaa. . 40.4ft: tot 2. Maria tori man. $0.40: tot 8, Henrietta Poppletoa, $0.40; tot 4. W. J. nrambu, $040; lot , WUllam H. Wsrrsn. $0.60: tot S, William H. Warren, $0.40; lot T. Preir 0. Buffom, $0.40; tot ft. Pred O. Boffnm, $0.40. . BLOCK 48. lot 1. ran Marqaam. $0.40; tot 3, Emma afsr qasm, $0.40; tot 2. Joha P. Coyne. $0,40; lot 4. Alloc W. Caswell. 40.40: lot ft. C. J. , Decker, . $0.40 tot 4, 0. J. Decker. $n.tl0i lot T. c A. uccaer. so.e":, lot a, v. iecaer. ?n.40; tot B, Thomas A. Clarke, $0.40; tot 0. Valerie Rogers. $0.40; lot -11. Valeria Rogers, $0.60; tot IX. Valerie Roavre, $0o; lot 14, Valerie Rogers, $0.40; lot 14, Tbomaa A. Clarke, 40.40; lot 16, Tbomaa A. Clarke, $0.40i tot 16, Bra p. "teeL $0.70; lot 17. Walter . B. Preston, $0.00; tot' 14, llenrr Btarena, .$0 40; tot 18, Alls W. Caswell, 40.40: lot 20. Joha P. Come. $0.40: tot 31. ' James Blake, $0.40: tot 22. Tha .Title Ouir- antea A Trust Cnmpaay. $0.40. BLOCK 44, lot 1, Era P. Steal. 30.60: tot 2, Et' P. '"BteeC $0.40; tot , J. E. Beott, $0.40; tot SIB Hcntf 10110; lot A. Hiram W: ROOT. $0.40; tot 4. Hiram W. ttUay. $040; tot 7. Ella P. Perklneon, . $0.40; lot 4, Oerer P. Olsea, $0.40; tot 4. Era ft. Priea. $0.40; lot 10, A. R. Praaels, $0.40; lot 11, Et P. BteeL $0.60; tot IX Era P. Bteel, $0,110. ' BLOCK 60. lot 1, William Marklntooh, $06; ''lot 1. William Mackintosh, $0.40; tot $, , William Macklnbstb. 40.66: lot 4. Mar A. ' Deaey, $0.40; lot 6, William H. Dsney, $0 ao; tot 4. ! ' Ted ford, $0.40; tot 7, Joseph Klmon, Trnetee,; lot a. Kinn i, rail ing, $0.40; lot B. Karlfa J. Palling, $0.60; . Int 10. Patrick Htirbre. $0.40: tot II. Patrlrk . Hugties, $0.40; tot 12. paltoa Park Land Company. $0.40. BliOCK 61, lot I. Joeeph nimon. Troatee, $n.6S( lot 3, Joeeph Blmon, Traatee, $0.40. BLOCK 62. lot I, Patrick . and Mary Ho ghee. $n.0: let 4, PtrHek and Mary Hughes, $0.40: tot .-a, Katherlna rWienermenn, $0.40; lot , 4, William ' Ioeer, $nno: lot $, William Henry, $0 40; tot 4. . William Henry. $0.40; tot T. Jan Ryan, $0.40; lot 4. Henrietta A. Popplrton, $0.40; ' lot 4, Henrietta A. Poppletoa, $0.60; lot 10. 'Pnlten Perk Laed Comnaay, $0.40:, , loo H. . UjeVgraff, $0.4n: tot 12. La H. t'Ddecreff. $0 4U. BLOCK 63. tot 6. B. M. tamhard. $0.46: let 6. B. M. Lombard, $0.60; lot T, Ann McQuillan, $0.40; lot 4. 8. O. - Crowe 10.00: tot 4. 8, 1. Crowe. - $0.40. . BLOCK 4t. lot T. B. at. Iximbard and Paltoa . Park Land Company, $0.80; tot ft, - B. M. Lou-.tsird snd Pnlton Park Land company. loan. tt a. B. M. Lombard aad Pultoa Park , Lend Company. $0.40; lot 10. B. M, Lom bard and Pultoa Park lad Company, $0.40; tot IK-B. M. Lombard and Pulton Park Led Company, $0.40; tot 12, B. M. Lombard snd Pal inn Park lan Cempanr, $0.60 BIXX K : 46. Bcbonl District No. I, $7 20. BLOCK oA ' Int l.Mtrma P. Card well Estatei Helm of. ' $0.40; kit 3. Byron P. Cardwell Rotate. Heir "..of. $0.40; tor 4, Brron P. Cardwell Estate. Helm of.' 40.4n; tot 4, Brrea P. Cardwell Relate. Hnr-ef. goon; lor a. Hyena P. Card ' wetl KMste. Heirs of. $0.40; tot 4. Byron r. Cardwell Katate. Heir W, $0.40: tot 7. Brron P. Cardwell H Late. Relra of. 40.40: lut $ BjfoA l: UrtwcU Mala, Uelra of. CTTT VfrTIOZB. $0.eo: tot . Brroa P. Cardwell Estate Hslrs . et. 40.00; tot 10, Byron P. Cardwell Estate. Heirs of. $0.40; tot II. rJyrou P. Cnrdwell k.taw. Urtrs of, $0); tot 1. Bfrom V. CardweU Kauta. Hair of, $0.40. BLOCK 47, tot 1, Pred 3talyer, $0.40;' tort Pred Buiyw. io.40: tot i . h. M, Bush.. tm : tot . hT hi Bosk. $0.40: tot ft, AUce Kremnr. $0.40; let 4. Alice Kremer, $0.40; lot, T. Anna Kits Btarr, $0.40; tot 8, Amelia K. and M. J. Moree. ).oo: tot 8, l"rlre . WsnkUn. $0.40; tot 10. Willi m N, Perrln, Jo.ou; tot 11, John Tway, $0 40: tot 13, ohn Twy. $0.40. BLOCK 47 H. tot 1. .' Pulton Park Land Company, $0.60; tot 2, Pnlton Park , Land Company,; lot 3, Pultoa Park Land Company, $0.76; . lot 4, Pultoa . Park Land Company, $0.86; tot 6, . Pulton Park Land Company. $0.86. BLOCK 48. tot 1. Iamlee meee. $0.40t W 2. Loola ' Irleao, $0.40; tot 3. Marcua Kddy Rpaoldtns,; lot 4. Chrlat Haaaen. $0.40; lot 6, oka B. Meoalck. $0.40; tot 4, Cbarlea A. iHieher, $0.40i tot T, Cbarlea A- Dueher. $0.40; tot 8, Charlea A. Dueber. $0 40; lot 0, Cbarlea A. Dueber, $0.40; tot 10. Tlca . Voa Bolton, $0.40: tot 11, Horatio R. tlolmee, $o.40: tot 13, Horatio U. Holme. $0.4iX BLOCK 44, bit 1, . Joeeph P. 1. nd Badic A. Wrtnkle, $0.40; tot 2, Joeeph P. D. end ' Bedle A. Wrtnkle. $0.40; tot $, Addl PsrTln. $0,401 lot 4. Addle Parrln, $0.40; ;tot ft, riylTnnn 0. Armiuge, $0,401 tot 4, Andrew Holmes. $0.40; tot t, J. K. Courtney, i $. 70; kt 8. Slaters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary, $0.40: tot . Lucy pougberty, ? $0.40; tot 10, Juaenb Bert. $0.40; lot 1L CoUa C. fllrrtn. $&: tot 1Z Colin C. Olr ln. $0,407 tot 13, Byrranua t. Armltage, $0.60; lot 14. Kylrenne C. .Armltage. $0.66; , tot 1ft, Kootkweat Portland Real Katate Com pany. $0.80; tot 14. Northern Counties In vestment Trust. Ltd., Jo. 40; tot 17. Northern Count lea IneeaUnent Trust, Ltd., $0.40: lot 1 1ft, Northern Counties Investment Trnst. 140.. $0.; tot .10. Josooh Beet, 0.80 tot - 30. Andrew i. Dygert, Jr.. and Sr., $0.40; lot 81. H., L. Martasll. $0.40; lot 22. H. L. MartmlL $0.70; lot 83. A. W. Blrd. $0.40; . tot 24," Same H. Cbaee, - $0 4le; tot - 25, MaaTica N. Coatelto. $0.40 tot 28. Plrat Nattoaal Baak of Portland, Oregon, $0.40; lot 27, Prank M. . Wsrran. $0.40: tot 38, y rrana at. warren, eo.wi. nun to, , ' viixnt rvk. loan: inf 8. Vincent Cook. 80.401 tot 8, Vincent Cook, 40.40; tot 4, Vincent Conk, $0.t: tot - ft, Perdloand A. ' Uta. $0.40: tot 4, WUllam Barnes, 40.40; ln T ti wr ..a Warearet . Allen. $0.40: 'tot 8. . W. and Margaret V. Allen. $0.40; i tot . Sarah MltchelL $O-40j " tot 10. - Maria Waterford, $4.40; let 11, Vlaccnt Cook, $0.40; tot 13, Vlnreat Cook. $0.60. BLOCK Tl. lot 1, Vincent Cook. $0.40; lot V Vincent Cook, ' $0.40; tot 8. Vincent Cook, J0.40; tot 4, Vincent Cook, $0.60; tot 6, Pred Bpagcle, $0.40; tot 4, Prod Spagele, $0.40; tot 7. . Bornnardlne WeatpahL $0.40: lot 8, Bero- hsrdln WeatpahL $0.40; lot 8, J. E. Toong, $0.40; lot 10, Jan Wall. $0.40; tot ll. : Vincent Cook $0.40; tot 12, Vincent Cook, 80.40. BLOCK T2. tot 1. Vincent Cook, 80.40f tot 2, Vloeeot Cook. $0.40; tot 8.. Vincent -Cook, 80.40; tot 4. Vlneeot Co.. $0.40: tot .' 6, Vincent Cook. $0 40; tot , Vincent Cook. $0.40; tot T. Prank aod Mary Hackaey, $0.40; tot 8, Lanra Hnckacy. $0.40; tot 3. Vincent -Cook. $0.40; lot10. Vincent Conk. $0.40; tot . 11, Vucent Cook. $0.40; tot 12, Vincent Cook. , $0.40. BLOCK 78, tot 1. Henry Flerkenatela. iL20; tot 3. Henry Plerkenatara, $1.20; tot . S. Henry Plackenatctn. $1.16: tot 4, Henry Pleckeneteln. $1.06; lot 6. Henry Flecken , stein. $0.86; tot 4, Henry rierkeuatain, $0.70; tot 7, Henry Pleckenatain. $0.68; tot 8. Henry - Plerkenstoin, 40.. --r. BLOCK t4, r, Henry rieekemitelis, $7.20, BLOCK 76. Henry leckensteln, 8.1.06. BLOCK 74. tot 1. Henry : Pleckenotela, $0.30: lot 3, Henry riecken stein. $0.80: tot 8. Henry riectensteln. $0.16; lot 4. Henry Ptorkrnsteln. $0.06. BLOCK , 80, kt W PnKan Land Company. $0.36: tot 2, Pnlton Laad Company. $0.40. BLOCK 81, lot L Pultoa Land Comnany, $0.70; lot 8. Pnlton Land Company, $0.80; tot 8. Pulton sA Compaay. $0.40; tot 4, Pnltoa Land .1 Cempanr. VM tot ft. Pnlron Land Com . pany. $0.60; lot 4, Pulton Land Comtmny. $0.40; lot T, Pnlton Land Company, $0.40; , tot 8, Pnlton Lead Company, $0.40; tot- 8, - Pnlton Land Company, $0.60; tot 10, rnlton lnd Company, $0.80; tot It, Pnlton lend Company. $0.40! tot 12. Pnlton Iind Com pany. $0.40. BtOCK 02,' tot 1. Pnlton Land CompaoT, $0.80; tot 3, Pull on Land Com- Eny, 8040; lot 8. Pulton Land Company, .70; tot 4. Pnlton Lnnd Company, v $0.60: 1 lot 6. Pulton Land Company, $0.40. BIXK'K 03, Henry Pleckenareta. $4.40. BLOCK 84, lot 3, V. Cook, $0.60; tot 4, V. Cook, $0.46; . lot 6. V. Cook, $0.40; tot 8, V. Cook,' $0.40; tot T. T. Cook. $0.$0; tot 8. V. Cook. $06. BLOCK 86. tot 1, V. Cook, 80.36: lot 3. .' V. Cook, $0.06; tot 4. V.. Cook. $0.48; tot .J0, V. Conk, $0.40; tot 11. V. Cook, $0.40. 'llLOCK 84. lot .1. V. Cook. $0.70: tot 8. . Cook, .10.60; lot 8, V. Cook, $0.40; tot 4. V. Cook. $0.6O ; tot 6, V. Cook. $0.40; tot 4, ' V. Cook. $0 40: lot 7. V.- Cook. $0.70: tot 8. V. Cook, $0.40; lot 8, Cook. $0.40; tot 10, V , inon, nii.oo; mi 1 1, t, isos, eo.iei; m f V. Cook, riu; to I.I, t. loot, eu.oo; ioc i ' T. Cook, V; Cook, V. Cook. , "V. Cook. 0.40; tot 16, V. Opek. 0.80; tot 17, V. Took, 0.40; tot 18, V. Cook, 1.40; tot 14, 1.40; tot 18, i 60; tot XO, 1.40: tot 22. l.C0; lot.21, v. took, 1.40; tot 23, V. Cook, . Cook, D.40; lot 24, , V. Cook, $0,40: lot 23. V. Cock, $0.40: tot 24, V. Cook. $0.7Cf BLOCK 87, tot . t- Cook, -: I8.T0; tot 2. V, Cook, 80.40; tot 8.. V., Cook. on; lot 4, V. cook,; io( a, t. ixms. 1.40; lot 4, V. Cook, 1.40; tot 8, V. Cook,' 40; lot 7. V, Cook, 60; tot t, V. Cook. 40: lot la V. Cook. 10. AO: lot 11. V. Cook, 40; tot 13. T. Cook. $0.70. BLOCK 98, : 1. V. Cook. 80.00: tot 2. V. Cook. $0.40; MIT. Cook. 80.40; tot 4, V. Cook. $0.40; tot ft. V. Cook. io.OO; tot 4, V. Cook. $0.40; ' tot 7, V. Cook, $0.40; tot 8, V. Cook, $0.40; - tot 8, V. Cook, $0.40; tot 10, V. Cook, $0.40; tot 11, V. Cook, $4.00; tot It, . Cook. $0.80. BLOCK 88. tot L V, Cook. $0.40; lot 8, V. Cook, $0.40; tot 1, V. Cook, $0.40; tot 4. V. Cool; fi.06; tot 6. V, Cook. $0.5o; lot ft. V. : Cook, $0.40; tot T. V. Cook, $0.40; tot 8. V, Cook, $0.40. BLOCK 100. tot 1. V. Cook. ' $0.70; lot t, V. Cook, $0.40; tot 8, V. Cook, $4.40; tot 4, V. Cook. $0.00; lot 6. V. Cook. $0 40; tot 8, V.. Cook, $0.40; tot 7, V. Cook, ' $0.44; tot 8, V. Cook. $0.40; tot 8, V. Cook, ' $0.40; tot 10. V. Cook, $0.40: lot 11, V, Cook. ; $0.40; lot 12, V. Cook. $0.74. v BLOCK 101. tot 1. V. Cook, $1 S5; lot 2, . ttook. $1.00; tot 8, V. Conk. $0.76. BLOCK 102, kt 1, V. Cook.$0-70; tot 8. V. Conk. $0 40 lot AV-V. Cook, $0.40; tot 4. V. Cook, $0.40; tot 8. V. Cook. $0.00; tot ft, V. Cook, $1.20; lot 7. V. Cook, $1.00; tot 8, V. Cook. $0.46; M r, V. Cook, $0.66; tot 10, V. Cook. $0.40; kt 11. V. Cook. $1.00; tot ii V. Cook. $0.48. BLOCK 108, tot 1, V. Cook-. $0.66; tot 2. V. Cook. $0.40. tot 3, V. Cook, r $0.40; tot 4, V. Cook, aa. . sr t at en. 1 . o g. t I i.CIy Oougianr. $0.80; lot 7 Portland-Clay y, au.ou; kh n, rorutso viay ite naay, $0 20. BLOCK 104. tot 1. 0. J. Decker. $0.40; tot a, c 4. Decker, so oo; lot a, uo : win C. Job neon, $0.40; tot 4. John " Daary, $0.80; lot 6. Kevld W. Kberlln, 40 J; tot . 4, Pnlton Park Land Company, $0.80; lot T, Pnltoa Park Laad Comnany, $0.70; tot 8. Emm Marenam. $0.40; tot 4. D. II . ' Jackson. $0.40; . tot la Pulton Part Und ; Company, $0.40; tot 11, W. J. Oram be, $0.40: lot 12, W. J. Gramha, 80.40; lot 13, Alliance Trnat Comnaay, Ltd., $0.40; lot 14, Alliance ' Trnat Company, Ltd., $0.70; tot 16, Botbe : rhUd Bmev, $0.36; tot 14. Rothschild Bros., rift; lot IT, J. M. Church, $0.06; tot 18, M. Chnrch, $0.60; lot 18. J. M. Church. $0.40; tot 30. D. H. Jackson. $0.40; tot 21, ' I). H. Jscknon, 80.40; tot 23, Winnie Blmon. $0 70; tot 28, Jessie B. Kirk, $0.40; tot 24, John Otobkm. $0.40; tot 26. John OleMsh, $0.40; tot 24, Alto . MackeaaJ. $0.40; lot 27. AUce Mackemne. $0.40; tot 28. Alice ' MAChenalc, $0.40. BLOCK 105. aooth 80 tret of block ' 106. Brron P. Cardwell Estate, . Heirs of, $1.80; north 120 tret ot block 106. ' City A Bahnrban Railway Campari, $2.86. BLOCK A. tot 1, Etta WllUsms. $0.40; lot 3, Btta Williams, $0.! lot $. Pnlton Psrk Lano. Oompahy, $0.40; krt 4. Bttn Williams, , $0.70; tot 6. Christina Pleek ens tela, $0.00: . lot 6, Christina Pleckenetein. $0.40, BIXK'K B, tot 1, Pnlton Park Laad Company, $0.20; ' tot 3, ' Pnlton Park Land Company, Ai-15 tot 8, Pnlton Park Und Company, : $0.86; Int 4. . Pnlton Park Und Company,, $0.4O; kt ft. Pulton Park Und Company, $0.40; lot 8. ' Pnlton Park Und. Company, $0.40; 1 tot ti- Pnlton . Psrk Und Compaay. $0.60; lot 8, Pnlton Park Und Company, $0.60; kt 8. Paltoa Psrk Und Company, ' $0.66. , ntM-K c lot 1. Pnltoa Park Land Comoanr. .80; let 2, mtton - rnra, lone ompaoy, .40; tot 8, Pnlton Park lend Company, .46; lot 4, Pnlton Park Iad Company, Ml: Int ft. Pulton , Park' lood Comnany. n; lot . 6, Pnlton Park Und Company, .oo; loc T, rmron vara tiBno tompeny, .70; tot 8, Pnlton Perk Und Company, an : Int ft.' Pnlton Park Land Comnany. an an mVlt D. lot 1. Pnltoa Park load ' Company, $1.00; tot 8. Pnlton Park Und Company, $0.40; lot 8, Pnlton Park Und - Company,' $0,80; tot 4, Pulton Park Und Company, $0.40; tot ft. Oregon A California Railroad Company, $046. BLOCK B, north 14 of tot 1. Clara Plnarr. $0.26; north Jut Clara Pinner. $0.!l: aonth U, of - lot 1, Mery U- White, ' $o 80; aonth - -of lot Z. wary i wane. e,'.av: snv e. mane P. Tlgard. $0.T0. BLOCK P, lot 1, Barak -Curley, go.zii; mi a, naraa mriey, aii.eii; tot 8, J. E. Bcott. $0 60; tot 4, peter Corlev. ' an an, w ft. Rothehild Bra.. $1.00: tot 8. . kothchlld Brae., $0.76; tot 7. Rothehild Bros., . lo.TO: tot . 8. . Rothehild Bros., 40.84: tot 8. kothchlld Bros.. $o.6; tot 10. Rothehild Bros.. $0.40. BLOCK U. tot 1. C. 1. Decker. ' lo.nOi tot 2. C . Decker. $0.40: tot . I- Peer. H.B; tot 4. Mary. i. Tinormicy. $o.oo; lot ft, n. u . Thompson,; Kt n, it. u. Tnornpeon, 4II.&&. nt T. R. L. Thoamaon. $0,661 Int 8. A. J. Powers, $0.64; tot 8, A. J. Power. $0.66; tot 10, A. J. Poorer. $0.40; to II, P. H. Mrlev, $0 66! lot 12, P. H. Meeley, , $0.T0. BLOCK II. tot I. P. A. Walpole, . $(i46r tot 8. P. A. Wslpole. $0.40; lot a, , Ann B. Nlaoo. $1.00; tot 4, Ana E. Niton. ftl.ofk tot 8. Ann B, Nlioo. $1,00; weet H feet of tot 4. 1. B. Cnllrk. $0.40; weet 4.1 feet of lot TV I. B. Cnllrk, $0.40: all of tot 8 lying east ot arret ao rest. Bulk W. ' Decker. $0 66; all ef tot T lying eaat of west , 86 feat. Rath W. Decker, $0.40; tot 8, . Moee A. Boa re, $t,on; kt 8, Moses A, 8hare, $1.06:' tot 14. Arties Bntleantnller. 40. an tot ll. iLlsbelh H. Cartta $; tot 11 ratrldk and ' Myy UuHitm, $0,40 let 13, CTTT V0TICX8. Patrick aad Mary Hngh-s. $0.70. BLOCK I. t lot 1, Ann K. Nixon, $0.70; tot 2. Ann R. Nixon. $0.40; lot 3, Ana B. Nixon, $0.40; Jot 4, Ann E. NUoa. $0.46; tot 6. Ann B. vlton, $0.70; tot 4. Harrtet Duabam, $0.46; tot T. Harriet Dunham, $1.36: tot 8. B. M. , Umbard. $1.08; tot 8, Aatbony Neppack, JI.26. BIiCK J, tot t. Byron P. Cardwell iautc, Heirs of, $0.4$: tot 8. Rothehild ' Bras., $0.70; tot 8. Kothchlld Broa., $0.66; tot 4, Rothehild Broa., $0,40; tot ft, Booth , west Portland Reel Katate Company, $0.46; , tot 4. Rothehild Bros., $0.46; lot T. Maurice Itoodman. $0.40? tot 8, Rothehild Broa.. 40. SO; lot 8. Rothcblld Bros., $1.30; tot W, Roth . child Bros., $1.10; lot 11. Rothehild Bros., $1.06; kit 13. Rothcblld Bros., 40.60; tot IT Kothchlld Broav. $0.66; tot 14. ' Rothcblld Bras.. $0.66; tot 16. RorbchlKKBroa., $0.60. , HUK'K K, let 1. Rothcblld Bras., $1.00; lot 8. Kothchlld Bros., $0.46; tot 8. Rothcblld Bros., $o.tiv lot 4. Rothcblld - Bros., $1.00; ! tot 5, Rothcblld Bros.. $1.00;. tot 4, Roth . child Bros., $0.80. BLOCK L, Pnlton Park lad Comnany. $6.3$, BLOCK M, ruitoa I'ark Lend Cempeny, $2.75. FlTLTO ft BLOCK l: tot 1. R. Rlegetmsaa. $0.40; tot 2, B. Rtegelmaaa, 80.66; tot 8, ; H. Rlegelmaaa. $0 66; tot 4. C. H. Plggott, - $0.66; lot ft, ,B. Rtegelmana, $0.60; lot 4. R. Klegelmana, 80.40; tot T, R. Rieftwlmenn. $0.40; tot 8. R. Riegelmana, 40.40. . BLOCK 2. Hobert Pat ton Kstste, Heirs of, $3.80. ' BLOCK 8, aU of block 8 west of Macadam Road, Aaron Wlt. 82.80; lt of block $ ' east of Macadam Road, M. Bentoa William, t $0.16. BLOCK 4, The King Estate, $3.40. I BLOCK 4. Tyler Woodward, $4.60. BLOCK ?T. A launder Kleeel, $4.80. BlwOCK 8, . tot U, H. J. B. Riegelmana. $0.0: tot -'al. ' O. Morrl and W. R. Morrts. $0.4": lot 8. M. O. Morrts and W. R. Morrla, $0.80; tot 4. Alice Berry Nona. $0.40; tot 6, Alice Berry Nnnn. $0.40; tot 6. M. ' O. Morrto and W. R. Morrla. 80.40; tot T. U. 0. Mor. no, $0.40; tot 8. ft. J, R. Biegelmann, $0.40. . A tract of land lying orxwoou A line 40 feet : neoth of and parallel with south Una of block ; 8. Pulton, and the north line of block P. Pnlton Park, and a line 40 feet east of and i parallel with the east Un of block 14. Pul J ton. and a Hoe 40, feet westerly frora and parallel with tha westerly Una of blocks ," 8 and T, Palton, except that portion of eeld , tract erenpled by the City A Suburban Ball ' way Company's right of way, M. U. Morrl and R- Morrla.' $1.86. PrT,TO!-rrllCK 14, tot 1, at, 0. Morrto and W. B.. Mom, $0.40! lo , a. w. ai, i$O80; W.8.. M. G. Morris $0.40; tot 4, M. ii. Morri, soot wc n, T' J1 ' tot ft, M. a. Morris, $0.80; lot 7. M O. Morrl. $0.40: lot 8. U. 0. Morrla, $0.40. " BLOCK 17. tot U H. W. Corbott Katate, Hrlra af, $0.60: tot H. W: Corbett Baute, ' Helra ef, $0.40; tot B. Andrew W. Pream $0.60; lot 4, hadrew W. -renm, $0.40; tot 6. R. J. Preom, $0.40; tot 4, 11.. Prenm. $0.40; tot T, H- W. Corbett Eatnte. Heirs of, $0.40: tot 8. H, W. Corbelt Estate, Ulr tOCTHERlt PORTLAND. 0KBO0W JRiTer - Lotal Irt 1, F. it. jniyifl, c1-uu: en e, ; P. H. Blyth, $0.6; lot T V. B Blyth. 80.85; lot 4, P. H. Blyth. $0.96; tot "b7p, H. Blyth. i 30.86; lot 4, P. H. Blytfc, $0.86; lot 7. P. H. bW $1.10; tot 8, P. H. Blyth. 0.85; v. tot 8. P. u. Blyth. $0.80; tot JO. P. H. Blyth, 80.80; north 28 feet ot lot 11. P. H. i Blyth. $0.40: eouth 27 feet of lot 11, H. 0. . Kroeden. $0.60; lot 13. H. O. rlreedea. $1.15; , tot 13. H. C. Breedea. ji.00; tot 14, H. 0. Breedea, $L06; tot 16, al.-C Breeorn. fl-lj; 'lot 14, H. C. Breedea, $1.25; tot 17. H. C. Breedea, $1.06; lot 18. H. C Breedea, $1.45; totliTH. C. Breedea, $1.66; tot 20. H. C. Breedea, $1.64; tot 21. H. C. Breeder! $1.46; tot 23. H. C. Breedea, $2.06: aodlrlded J 8 - of tot 33, Hannah Maenn, $1.16; nadlrtded 8-8 of tot 24, Hannah Maaoa, $1.15; nndlrlded 2-$ af tot 25, Haaaah Meson, $1.16; nndrvlded r 8-$ ot tot 24, Hnnnah M enf, $1.40; nndlrlded 8-3 of lot 27, Hannah Maaoa. tl.lVr nndlTidrd ', 8-8 ef tot 28. Hannah Maasa, $1.15; undivided 3-8 of tot 28, Hannah Mason, $1.10; nndlrlded ' 3-8 of tot 80, Hsnnah Mason, $1.06; undivided - . of tot 81, Hnnnah Mason, $1.06; nadlTided 8-8 of tot 82, H an oak Msaon, $1.25; nndlrlded . 3-3 of lot 8.1. Henneb Mooon, $1.10; nadtrlded -8-8 of tot 84, Hannah Mason, 11.10; nndtrtded 3-$ of tot 86, Hannah Maoon, $1.16; nndlrlded V 2-$ of tot 34, Hannah Maaoa. $1.15; undivided 2-3 of lot 87, Hannah Maaen, $1.25: a ad prided ' 8-8 of tot 88. Hannah Maano, $1.16; nndlrlded 8-$ of tot 88, Hannah Maaen, $1.16; nndinoed T 2-8 of lot 40, Hannah Msaon, $1.16; undivided 3- $ of tot 41, Hannah Mason, $1.10; nndlvirted 3-8 of tot 42. Haanah Maaon. $1.06; nndlrlded 3-8 of tot 43. Hannah Mason, $0.86; nndlrlded 2 3 of tot 44, Hannah Maano, - S-$ of tot 40. Hannah Mason, , S-$ of tot 44, Hannah Mason. 2-1 of lot 47. Haanah Maaon, . 1-1 of tot 28, J. P. Watoen. , 1-8 of tot 24, J. P. Watson, ' 1-8 of lot 35, J. P. Wataon, 1-S of tot 24, I. P. Watson, : 1-8 ef tot ST. I. P. Watson, , 1-8 of lot 28, J. P. Watson. 1-8 of tot 28, J. P. Watson, 1-8 of tot 80, 1. P. Watson. 1-8 of tot 81, J. P. Watson, : 1-8 of tot 83. J. P. Watson, i 1-8 of lot 83, J. t. Wataon, .1-3 of tot 84. J, P. Wstson, 1-1 of tot 85, 1. P. Wataon, 1-8 of tot 84, . P. Wstson. 1-1 of tot 87, J. P. Wataon, . 1-8 of lot 88. J. P. Wstson, no: nndlrlded .88; nndlrlded 80; nnaiTiaeo 75: nadlTided 66: nndlrlded i.40; nndlrlded 40; nndlrlded 70; nndlrlded 6ft; nndlrlded 65: nndlTtded 66 1 nndlrlded 1.60; nndlrlded do; nnotnoeo 66;. nndi Tided 66: nndirlded 66: nndlrlded M; nndlrlded no; nnainaeo 70; nndlrlded 65: nndlrlded , 1-3 of kt 3W, i. r. wstson. 1.66; nndlrlded 1.66; undivided 1-1 of let 40, J. P. Wataon. ; 1-3 of tot 41, 7. P. wataon, t 1 1 of lot 42.' J. P. Wataon, 66; naalinaea .60;. nadlrlded t nf le dSL 1. P. Wataon. 60; nndlrlded 1-8 of tot 44, 1. P. Wataon, 46: nndlTioen U of lot 46. 1 P. Wataon. 80.46: undivided 1-8 of tot 44, 1. P. Watson, $0.40; nndlrlded MM wt T. r. wsioon, eo-ao, auuis i, nndlrlded 8-8 of tot 1, Hannah Mason, $0.36; nndlrlded 8-3 of tot 8. Hsnnah Maaon $0.86; nadlrlded 8-8 ef tot 8, Hsnnah Msaon, 80.3O; nadlrlded t-$ of tot 4, Hannah Maaen, $0 10; nwdlrlded 1-8 of tot t J. P. Wataon, $0.18; nndlrlded 1-8 of tot X J. P. Wstson, $0.15; nndlrlded 1-8 of tot X , MBdlrMed 1-8 anf lot 8. andlvMed 1-8 af tot 8, J. P. Wataon, $0.10; nndlrldad 1-8 of lot A J. P. Wataon. $0.05. BLOCK X nadlrlded 3-8 of tot 1, Hannah Maaon, $0.40; nndlrlded 3-8 et tot X Hannah Maaen, 80,4ft; nndlrlded 8-8 of kt 8, Hsnnah Maaon, 80.4O; nwwrMed 3-8 ef tot 4. Hannah Maano, $4. 48; end Prided 8-8 of tot ft. Hi nosh Msaon. 80.40: nndlrlded 3-8 of tot 4. Hannah Meaah. 80.4O; nndlrlded 3-8 ef tot T, Hannah Maeea. 10.4QI nndlslilaal si jot. 8, iiannan Maaoa, -80.40; nndlrkled 3-8 ef lot 8. Hannah - Maeea, 40.60? anrtiwaon MM kf in, lis anas Maaon, $0.6O; nnntrwled 3-3 of tot 11. Hannah aii.zn; nreiintien a-a or m ja, nsnann $0.40; nndlrlded t-S of tot 13, Hannah $0.80; nndlrlded 8-8 of tot 14, Haanah 80.40; nndlrlded 8-8 of tot 15, Hsnnah Am on, 1 1 1 O 4 I.., ,a T I k 80.40: nndlrlded 3-8 of tot 17 Ilannak Maaon, $; nndlrtdea z-j ot sot la. Mannaa Mason. $0.40; nndlrlded 14 af tot 1. J. P. Watson, $0 20; nadlrlded 1-1 ot tot 2, J. P. Watson, $0.20; kndrrlded 1-8 of tot 8, I. P. Wstoen, $0.20; undivided 1-8 of tot 4. J. P. Wataon, $0.20; nndlrlded 1-8 of tot 5. J. P. Wataon, $0.30; nndlrlded 1-8 of tot 4, J. P. Wstson, $0.20; nndlrlded 14 of. lot 7. J. P. Waomu, 80.20: nndlrlded 1-8 ef lot 8, J. P. 4, J. P. WatBee, $0.26; nndlrlded 1-8 of lot 10, J. P. Watnoo. 80.86: andirlded 1-8 ef tot II. 4. r. Watson, to 10: nndrvlded 1-8 of tot IX J.. P. 40. 80; nndlrlded 1-8 of tot 18. J. P. Wataon, $0.10; nadlrlded 1-8 of tot 14. J. T. Watson, $0.20; nndlrlded 1-8 of tot 16. J., W. . Watson. $0.10; nndlrlded 1-8 or tat 18. J. P. Wataon, $0.20; undirtded 1-8 of tot 17, J. P. : Wstson. 80.06: nndlrlded 1-8 af tot 18. I. P. 7 Watson. 10.20. BLOCK 8. nndlrlded 9-8 of . lot 1. Hannah Mssen. $0.40; nedlrlded - of ' lot Z, Iiannan mason, '.; nnnivioco z-s or tot 8, Henneb Mason, 80.40; nndlrlded 8-8 of - lot A. Hannah Maann. 80.40: andirlded 8-8 of ' kt 5. Hannah Mssen, $0.40; nndlrlded 3-8 of . kt n, Hsnnah Maaoa, au.eii; nnoinnea z-a or lot 7. Hannah -Mason. $0.40: nndlrlded 3-8 ef - lot 8, Hannah Mssen, $0.40; nndlrlded 3-8 of i tot 9. Hannah Maaon, aonn; naairtdea 2-8 or lot 10,- Hsnnah Ms son, $0.50; nndlrlded 3-8 ef . tot 11. Hsunsh Maaon, 80.40; nndlrlded 8-8 of ftot 12, Hannah Mason, 80.40; nndirlded 2-8 of , tot la. Hannah Maano, $0.40: nndlrlded 8-8 of lot 14, Hannah Maaon, 80.40; nndlrlded 8-3 ef tot 16, Hannah Maann, $0.40: andirlded 3-8 of tot 16, Hannah Maenn, 80.40; nndirlded -3 of tot 17. Hannah Maaon, 80.40; nndlrlded 3-8 of ' tot 14, Hannah Maaen, 80.40; nndlrlded 1-8 of tot 1, J.' P. Wataon, 80.2A; nndlrlded 1-8 of tot 2, J. P. Wataon, $0.20; nndlrlded 1-8 ef u I J F. Watson.' po.zo: nndlrlded 1-8 of tot ,4, J. P. Watson, 80.20; undivided 1-8 of lot B, J.' P. Wstson, 80.80; nndlrlded 1-8 ef .tot 8, J. P. Wataon, 80.20;, nndlrlded 1-3 of .lot T, J. P. Wanton, go.zn; nndlrlded 1-8 of J lot ft. I. p. Wataon. 30. in r nndlrlded 1- of tot 8. 1. P. -Wataon, $0.28; nndlrlded 1-8 of , lot 10, i. P. Watson,; nndlrlded J-3 or tot 11, J. P. Watson, .80.20; nndlrlded 1-8 of lot 12, -J. P. Wstson, 80.20; nndlrlded 1-8 of , tot 13. t. P. Watson, 80.JO; nndlrlded 1-3 of . tot 14, J. P. Wataon.. $0.2O; undlrlded 1-8 of - lot 1ft. J.- P.- Watson, 30.20; nndlrlded 1-8 of tot 18, J. P. Wataon, 80.20; nndlrlded 1-8 of lot 17. J. P. Wataon, 80.20; nndlrlded 1-8 nf tot 18. J. P. Watnon, $0.20. BLOCK 4 nn- Aleifted 8-8 nf tot 1. Hannah Mason. 40 .VI nndlrlded 3-8 ef tot 8, Hannah Maaon, 80.80; , nndlrlded 8-3 of tot B, Hannah Maeea, to. SO; nndlrlded 1-1 et tot 7, Hannak Maaoa, so 80 nndlrlded $-3 of lot 6. Hannah Mason, 80.86; nndlrlded 2-8 of tot II, Hannah Mason, $0.80; - nadlrlded 1-8 of tot IX Hannah Maaen, $0.30; nrndlrineo z-a or 101 in, ttannan siaeon. Hason, $0.8ns Ksnon, ataon, $o.l6; - nndinnefl z-3 or mr it, iisnnaa at nedlrlded 1-8 of lot 1. J. P. Wa . nndlrlded 1-8 of tot 8, J. P. Wataon. 80.16; nmilTiie 1-8 or m n, 4, r. watnon. $0.1.1; nndlrlded 1-3 of tot 7, J. P. Wttnon, 4o.l; i-hhIMiImI 1.8 nf kt 8. 1. P. ViIms So IS. ' nndlrlded 1-8 ef lot 11, J. P. Watnon, $nl 15; nndlrlded 1-8 ef tot 18, J. P. Wataon, to 15: nndlrlded 1-8 of mt in, 4, r. watnon, m il ' nedlrlded 1-8 of tot 17. J. P. Wataon. an 18 lot 8. Reel A Personal Estate Oampany, 80.46: lot 4. Real A Personal Katate Cnmnane. $0.45; tot 8, Real A Personal Estate Cem panr. 60.48; snnth 1-3 of tot 8, Real A Per " innal Potato Company, $0.80; north 2-8 of ' tot ft. Hannah Maaon, 88.16: tot 10, Hsnnah , Maenn, $0.80; lot 13. Hannah Means, $0.40; Int 14, Hsnnah Manna, $0 60. tot 14. Hannah ' Mason, an.oo;. hk in.- trasma aunea. CO on ' BLOCK 6, nadlrlded 1-1 of tot I, Hannah Mseon, Hl nndlrlded 2 8 nf tot .1. Hannah Maann. $o.nO; nadlrlded 3-8 ef tot 8, Hsnnah '" Mason. $o..Hi; nndlrlded 8-8 ef tot 7, Hannah t Mason, 40 80, nndlrlded 8-8 of tot- ft, Hannah Mason, $0.K; undivided 2-3 of. let XL, lUaaak ,; Maaoa. Meeon, : Meson, . Meson, MAoan. CITT X0TI0ES. Maaon, 8O.SO1 nadlrlded 81 ef tot 18, Haaaah Maaoa, $0.80; undivided 2-8 ef tot 16, bauaah Maaon, O.SO; nadlTided 2-8 of tot 17, lianas Maaon,,-- uudiriuoa 1- or to 1, 4. r. Wataua, $0.15; undivided 1-8 of lot S,' J, P. 1.16; undlrlded 1-8 ef tot 6, J. P. ,!&; nnUlrlded 1-8 ot tot 7. J. P. .16; nndlrlded: 1-3 of tot 8, . V. 1A; wndlrlded 1-8 of lot 11. J. P. .&; nndlrlded 1-8 of tot 13, J. P. 1.16; undlrlded 1-8 of tot 13, J. P. 1.16: nndirioad 1-8 of lot a7.-J. P. . Wataon, $0.16; tot . 2. KrneaUuo Bcboenbach ler, $0.40; tot 4. kirnestlne HcaeenDocnws, - $11.40; south H of tot 4, John kVcbrenlieriiler, io.80; aorth H of tot 4, Krneellne PoppeL , $0.80; tot 8. jtanaah Maaoa, $0,401 lot 10, Hannah Mason, $4.70; tot 12, Hannah Maaon, $0.00; lot 14, Haanah Maaoa, $0.80; tot 14. Hannak Maoon, o.o; tor. is, inarire w. Higglna, $0.40. BLOCK 4. nadlrlded 84 ot , hit 1 except Oregon A California Rallroe4 Compeoy's right of way, Haanah Maaen, r.30; undlrlded 1-8 of tot 1 except Oregoa California Railroad Company'a right of way. Real A Peraoual EataU Company, $0.15; tot 2. W. B. Baker, $0.80; nndlrlded 3-$ ot tot 8, Hannah Maoon, $0.80; undivided 1-8 ot tot 8, Real A Prnooal Katate Com pany, $0.15; tot 4. Hanaah Maaoa, $0.40; tot ft, Martha M. Crowoll, $0.46; tot 4, Martha M. Crewell. $0.60; tot ft, Amelia Berreih. $0.40; . all of tot f except 'Oregon A California Ball road Com posy's right of way, Amelia Bar rel h. $0.43; all of tot ft except Oregon A C alifornia Railroad CompanyVe right of way. Martha M. CrowslL $0.60; tot 10. Martha M. Crows U. $0.70; all ot tot 11 except Ore gon. A California Railroad Company's right of way, Martha M. Crorsll., $0.46; tot 13. Martha M. Crewell. $o.6v; all of tot IS ex ' cept Oregon A California Bsliroad Company right ef way. Martha U. Crowoll. ": 14, Martha M. lYow.ll. $040; tot 16, John Ti aniu,. . ao V. n Ward. 80.80: ' tot 17, John I5., Ward, $o,40; tot 18, John . John P., Ward, $o.o; sol in, nn ird. $0.40. BLOCK T. tot 1, Ulieth , $0.40: tot 2. Kllaebeth Tonng,, $ .44; Kliaabeth Young, $0.40: tot i. Kllaa- : P. Ward. y Tonng, vl 48- sbllftBftaljBriU . vna Uf) , ru.wvi "a.. , . -Uth loung. 80.80; tot B. Charity H. .Neider- meyer, $0.40; tot 4, Mary P. Adams, $0.40; lot 7. Dells M. Bchroeder. $0.80: -tot 8, Mary P. Adam. $0.40; tot 8. T. A. Ureeley. $0.70; tot 10. Gottfried Meuler, $0.70: tot 11. Annie C. Bchmecr, $0.40; tot 12. Annie C. oV-hmser. $0.40; lot 1ST Joseph Beat. 80.40; tot 14. Joerpa nest,; lor jo. u. 80.40; tot 14. IX. W. Hoelblng. $0.80; tot 17, Bophla Wlgerber; $0.40; Tot , 18, Sophie . Welagerber. VLtO. i BLOCK 8. tot V Guy . Hep net, 80.40; tot 2. Ouy Bennett. $0.40; 'toTt.Ouy Bennett. $0.40; Jot J-J.: nett, 10.80; .tot, B, Percy. H. Blyth. $040; kt T, Percy Jl. urn, ao.ou, his s 7 ' r H. Blyth. JtO-40; lot 8. Louise H. Smith. $a80; tot ST UmWn H. Smith. $0.p; tot 10, : Harriett B. Klllen. $0.40; .tot 11, Ooorge ! H. Vsughan, $0.60: lot ..1 . ior8w .H. i Vaaghaa. $0.60. BLOCK 8. tot 1. Albert ; Dnmkc, io.40; tot 8. Albert Demke, $0.40; ' W K j.xl, Kelaeh SA. SO Int 7. JaCOb -Relscli, 40.401V tot - Jaooh Re lech,. $0.50; ) kit lO. Jscos Keasrn, m a. Demke. $0.00: tot 4. Albert Demke, $0.40; lot 4. C P. Oskce. $0.40; tot 8. C. r. Oekes. $0.40; all of lot 11 lying east of west 34 feet of said lot. C. P. Oakea, $0.40: all of tot 11 lying eaat of west 3ft feet ot said lot, C.-P. Oakes, $0.66; rat St ' tot 11. Oregoa 4V California Railroad tym pany, $0.16; west 24 feet of tot 12, Oregon A. rellfnenle Re 1 1 mad ComnaBT. $0.16. BLOCK 10, tot 1. Perry Henohsw. Trnstes. ,A ... i . . L . nM,,A OA SA. u.ou; m a, rerry nosHw, 1'ewn IX'iS ' tot B. Edward Hughes Kstste, Heirs of $0.40; : tot .7, Edward Hughes Kstste. Helra of, $0.40: ; tot 8. Ed word Hughes Estate. Heir ef. $0.70; tot 11, Kdward Hughe Estate, Helra of. $0.60: tot 13. Edward Hughe Katate. Heirs of, $0.66; tot Jeel W. Crocker, 80.80; tot , 4. Jeel V. Crocker. $0.40; tot 8,; flewg. :rller, $0.40', tot 8. Ollre McCrty. 80.40; r tot l4 Ollr McCarty, $0.70; all of tot 18 except weat 48 feet, Alex. Kissel $0.40; kll of lot 14 except west 48 feet, Alex i Kieuel. $0 46; westr 43 feet of tot 13. Karl V Raasenbech, $0J6l 4 reet of I tot 14. Karl Raassnbach. $0.85. BLOCK 11, lot 1. , Marr C, Burt, $0.40: tot 8, Georgo K. and H. L Stephen eon. fo.40; tot B.-A. W. Bold, - lng, $0.o; tot T. Henry A. Beldtnc.8j0.ftO; .-. tot ft. Cora N. Balding. 80.70; tot 11. W. i, D. BoWIng, $0.40; tot 13, Henry A. Beldlng, $0.66; tot 18. Emlle C. Pety. $0.70; tot 14, Bmllo C Pety, 80.76; tot 3. Kroest P. Pooch. $0.40; tot 4, Ernest P. Dosch. $0.H tot 4. H. A. and A. W. Beldlng. $0.40; tot 8. H. A. and A, W.' Beldlng. $0.40; weet 28 feet , of tot 10. Oregoa A CaUfornla Railroad Com- Sony. $0.80; oaat 84 feet of tot '10, Em . Parker, $0.40; tot 13. Bra J. Parker. $0.40; tot 14, W. D. Beldlng, $0.40. BLOCK US. tot 1, icneph P. Kelly, $0.45; tot 8, ' Charlen W. DrnoeheL $0.40; lot ft, A. C. Lohmlre. $0.40: lot 7, A, C. Ibmlre, $0.40; lot 4. H. A. and A. W. Beldlng 80.70; tot II. Martla Winch. $0 40; tot IS. Mary P. Pinch. $0.80: tot 18, Mary P. Pinch. 80.40; ' let 17, Rudolph Becker. $0.48; tot 18. Bn dolph Becker, JO. 46; lot 8. W. C. McMillan. ; $0.40; tot 4. W. C. McMllUa. $0 40; lot 4. C. MeMIUan, 8X40; tot t, W. .0. Mc ' Mlllaa, $0.40; tot 10, Alicia J. -Rata. $0.70; lot 12. Ellaa .Tared. $0.40 : r tot 14. Ellaa Jsred. $0.40; tot 14, Mary P,, Pinch, $0.60. BLOCK IS, andirlded H of lot 1. T, P. Braodea. $0.80; nndlrlded U of tot 1. Helen A. Jonee, $00; lot 8, Jamah Humphrey, ' $0.64; tot 6. James Humphrey. 80.40; tot . 1 Jsmee Humphrey, $0.40; tot ft. Robert ( Jaeobaon. $0 70; kt 11, Donga - Kngelutad, ?0.40; , tot 13, Dprl'ga EngeUtad. $0.40; tot 5, W. ft. Ward. $0.70; tot 14, W. a. Ward. 8.TB; tot X Real A Personal Eatat Com ny, $0.40: tot 4, Real A Personal Batata ntpaay. $0.40; tot ft. rrenrta Claraa, $0.40; tot . Prancla Clams. $0.40; tot 10. W. , Weuhoff. $0.70; tot 11 Albert L. Arbert ' sen, $0-40; tot 14. Joseph Do Martini, $0.40; m XT, aucnaei xtnnerc, eu.ioi e oe, oucnooi BoUert. $0.80. , BLOCK . 14. tot 1. Prod. B. Miller, $0.40; tot ft. Rrchara rai nnger, $0.40: tot ft. Joeeph Dc Martini, Bo.ftO; tot 7. William P. Burrell, Trnetee, $0.40; west 34 feet of tot 8. Oregon A California Rall . road Cemoanr. 80.80: eeet 84 feet of lot 8. i W. B. Watson, $0.40: lot 11. Boohls Webv gerrjer, - eo.on; m is, oopoie wemgoroer, 1 $0.40; kt 16, George Kltrmayer. $0.40; tot t 17. James U CovewalU $0.40; tot 18, Jsmoa L. Carswen, $0.40; tot X Anna B. Keene. t $0.40; kt 4. Anns B. Keene, $0.40; lot 6, Anna B. Keene. 80.80: tot 8, Anna E. Kerne, 80.40; tot 10, Anna B. Keene, $0.70; lot 12, - Anna B. Keene, $0.40: tot 14, Anna B, Keene. $0.40; kt 14. Anna B.' K re rat, $0 40: lot 18. Darid kt. WaUlnda. $0.46; tot 20, Pred f Bpageie, $0.46. BLOCK 16. tot 1, Jomea 1 I, Caraveell. $0 40; tot 8, James L. Carowell, $0.40; tot 8, James L. Carawell. $0.40; tot J. James U Carewell, $0.40; tot 8. James K CarsweU. 80.48; tot 4, Jama U Carawell. . $0.40; tot 7. Lllllaa Carawell. $0.40; tot ft. Tames L. Carawell, $0.60; lot ft, James L. arswerr7$0.70rtot 10, Jamee U CarsweU. $0.70; let 1L Jsmea U Carawell, $0.40: lot IX James L. Carawell. 80.40: tot IX Lllllaa CarsweU. 10 80: north' 14 ef tot 14. Kate i; I ur, mj , . r"-t wmo -rm , v, ' w, ne,r . currar. wo ma; aonin hum is, Kiien , McNnlty,. $0.30; south H of tot 14, Ellen McNulty. $o..K); tot 16. Hannah Mosoa. $0.40; : tot II, Rndolpk Becker. $0.70; tot 18. Kn ; dolph Becker, $0.76: tot 18, Kat Cnrray. ; 80.711: tot 80. Rllea McNulty. 80.80. BLOCK ', 14, tot 1, Joseph snd E. Weber. $0.4O; tot Z. Joseph and K. Weber, go.fto; lot ft, Joaepk . snd B. Weber, 80.40; lot 4, Joseph snd B. Weber, $0.80; tot 8, Joseph and B. Weber, $0.40; . lot 4. Joseph and B. Weber, 80.40; tot 7. Joseph and E. .Weber, . $0.40; tot, ft. Joeeph and B. Weber, $0.40; lot 8, Joarnh and B, Weber,' 8a 70; tot 10, Joarnh and B. Weber. $0.70; lot 11, Joseph snd B. Weber, XO AO, lot IX. Joaenh and R. Weber. ftO en- w,. 16, Joseph and R. Weber. $0-40; lot tX Michael Thnnler.'; let 14. Mlenaei Tannler, . 80.40: tot 14. Anne Btoct. 80.40: kt 17. -Pnlten 1'nlted ArUsane' Bulkllng Aseeeis- tion. 80.86: kt 18. Kreert Hooae, 30.00; tot e-lft. Ana Rtock. $0.80: kt 30. Joeeph Weber, ao.Zfl. BLOCK 17, lot 1. '. M. McLeod, io.60: kt X C M. McLeod, $0.60: tot 8. C. M. otcLeod, $0.40: tot 8, a M. McLeod. - $0.80; tot 4. C U. McLeod, $0.40: tot ft, ; 0. M. McLeod, $0.40; tot ft, ft M. McLeod, .' $00; lot 7. C. M. McLeod, $0.40; tot ft. - C. M. McLeod, $0.40; lot ft.. Ptora I. Crit- , tend en, $4.70; tot 10. Pkra B. Crittenden. $0.70; tot 12, . M, McLeod, $0.80; tot 14. C. M. McLeod, $0.40; tot 14, C. M. McLeod, $0.40; tot 18, 0. M. McLeod. $0.40; lot 11, Hannah Mason, $0.40; tot 1$, Hsnnah Mason. fO.ftO; kt 15, Hannah Mason, $0 40: tot 17, Hannah Msaon, so.ou; lot la, at. atcnoity, 80 70; tot 21. hi. McNulty, $0,40; tot 20, l. airniuiry, sii.oii; lot zo, A, Keller. $0.70; kt 22, A. Keller, : io 40;. kt' 14. A. Keller, $0 40; . kt 28. Ktlaa aad jnen . Kllsa and John Kllsa and John Atphonae Lenoir.' $0.40) tot 85, Alpbnnoe : Lenoir, $0.40; tot 34, Alpbons Lentr, $0.40; . tot 37, Hannah Maann. $0.40; to 28. Hsnnah Mason, $0.40. BLOCK 18. kt 1, Clare. N. Mcleod, $0.40; kt 8. ' CUra H. -Mcleod. $0.40; tot 8, The Hlberalan Karlnen Bank, $0.40; tot T, The Hibernian Barings Bsnk, in. ao; kt 8. Udwlg Wllkelm. $0,70; tot It, Lndwlf Wllhelm, $0.40; tot IS.. Belomon Betas. $0.40; lot 15, Bolomon Relaa, $0.40; let 17. Mary I. Hedges, $0.40; kt 18, Mary 1. Hedge -i$0.70; tot 31. Hannah . Mason, ' 80.40; kt 33, Hannah Mason, $0.40;' tot 26, ; Usnnsh Maoon. $0.40; tot 28. Hsnnah Mason. i $0.40: tot X Marianne Vindetenr, $0.80; lot '' 4, Marianne Vandelear, $0 80: lot 4., Clara , K. McLend. $0.40; tot 8, William aad Annie Benta. $0.4fl; tot. 10. W. P. Burrell. Traatee. $0.70; tot It W. P, Borren, Trnetee, $0.40; r tot 14. B. H. itnnmn. eo ov; kt 14. James 8. Johnston,, $0.40: tot 1ft. Jo rnra a, Joha atone, $0.40;- tot 20, Northern Counties In- - - . , V . A so Va. I-. m n i reotiui 11, sne-i, imih, r"i", n. as.- . sri O. Andeeaon, 80 40; let 24, W. A. and Lillle '. C. Vlggera, Sn.ftn; tot 27, ,W. A. and Lillle C, Vlggers. $0 80- lot 28. W. A. snd Ulll C. Vlggers. an no:, bmk K. in. lot 1, - W. F. ' Bnrrell. Trustee. - $0.40: tot 9, W. p. Burrell, Trnetee. $0.40: tot I, W. P. 'BnrreU. , Tmstee. $0 40; tot 4. W. P. Barrell. Trustee. , to 8A; kt 6. CI era N. McLeod. $0.40; lot 4. ' William Pried Is Oder, $0.40; Int 7. William ? Friedlander. $0.40; tot . WUllam Pried - landee, $0.40: tot 8. William ledlanler. 80.70: tot 10. William Fried lander, an. To: lot 11, I nlted Btatee National Bank, BOftn; Int 12, Valted Btstsa Natloaal Bonn,-$0.40; 'tot 18. 1'altod 8 to tee National Heat. $0.40 let 14, I'Blted Bute National Baak, $0.80; " tot It, Halted fttato National Bank, $0.40; tot 14, raited fit ties Rational Bank. BO.ftIM c tot 17, II.. M. and W. M. ,Caka, 80 0; kt 18, U, M. a4 W. Tat. Cafes. $0.40; ,ot 18, ' Wataon, 61 'Watson, J Wetaoa, $0 Watson ill Wataon, $( Wataoa, $( Watson '4t CITT J "T1CT 8. Artkar W. Qrahm." TO; tot to, Haaash ,-Msaua. $0.70; lot 11, Ka--i MeoB, $o.; - tot 21, Everett - K. Bmlia, ' i; tot hi. Johanna Irving. $ 40; tot i Jmle and '4 Cora N. Beto-iiftY t '"; tot . ,- . isala and Cora N. Beiaiua. - I (.no; tot 5 L Usale aud Cora N. BeliUng, ' j.u; tot li, A. W. ad 11. A. Beldlng, $l.; tot 2. A. W. and H A. Bekling, Hon. BLOCK 80. , lot 1. W. P. Burrell. Truateo. $0.e0; tot 8, W. P, Burrell, Trustee, $0.40; tot 8, W. P. Burrell, , Tmstee. $0.40: tot 4, W. P. B-wreU, Trustee, $0.40; tot 6, W. P. Burrell. Trustee, $0.40; tot A W. P. Burrell. Tnxtee, $0.o: tot 7, W. P. Barrett. Trustee, $o..); tot $ Altoa , P. McCarthy, $0.40; lot U, W. t. Burrell, Trnetee.- $0.70; tot 10, Alice P. McCarthy. fi),70: tot 13. AUeesy. Met arlhy, $o.40; tot I, Edward W. aad Helen M. Hsoaell. $0.40; tot It. Kra May Uaaaatt, $0.40; kt It Jessie I B. Ploch, fO.Iki; tot 18, Josale B. 8. . Plock, $0.40; lot 1ft. JeosU E. 8. Kkck. ' $0.40; tot 17. Jessie R. S. Fleck, $0.80; tot 18, Jenste R, B. Heck. $0.40; lot 1. Jesale K. B. Meek, $0.70;. tot 80, Jessie . B. Plock, $0.70;. tot. hi. Jamra 8. Johnstone, $0.40; tot 23, Jaaeee g. Johnstone. $0.40; lot 86, Marls B. Hoxsls, $4.40; lot 24. MartoK. Hoxsls, $0.40; , tot 38, Beeslngar - A Co., - TruBtea, $0.40; tot 24, Beasinger : A ' Co., ( Tnulae, $0.40; , lot 27, ; Beeoluger A Co.. Trnetee, $0.00; lot 28, Bosslnger A Co., Trustee, $0 0. BLOCK '31, tot 1. J- st. TlMnrpson, $0.40; lot 8. J. M. Taompnon, " $0.4o; kt B. Llxate htorrlsoa, $0.ftu; kt T, Deloe D. Near, $0.80; kt ft. Dew D. Near, $0.70; tot 11. John A. Jehoston aad Jamee Olem, $0.40:. tot IS, Joha A. Johnston snd - Jsmes Oleen, ' $0.40;.. tot 16. Mm. Lorlna ' Morrison. $0.80; let 17. Hlberula Barlngi Bank, 10.40: tot. IS. BlbernU Barings Bank, $0.70; lot . X. W. Hannaman. $0 40; kl 2.1. Bernard C. McChrthy,; tot 85. Nek. He M. Ward, $0.40; tot 87. Cbnrtoe P. Uttle, $0.60; tot 3. Hermaa Bleeg. 40.40) tot 4, Harms a Btoeg.. $0.40; tot 4, Hermaa Bleeg, $0.40; tot 8, A. W. aad H. Beldlng, $0.40; . lot 10, Pannle A. Curtis. $0.70; tot 12, . Nettle 0. Uradoa. $0.40;- tot 14, Nettle O. " Oradoa, $0.40; tot 14. Boxanaa - Courtney, '$0.60; lot 18. William P. Courtney, $0.40; tot 80, Josia BulUraa. $0.70; tot 22, H. L. iTatum and J. J. Bowen. $0.40; kt 34, . Beymonr U. Prkndley, $0.40; lot 24. W. P. Barrell, Trnateo. $0.40; kt 2ft, Bessie Zlav , mer. $0.40. BLOCK 22. tot ll A. Krumrey, - 4O.80: lot 8. O .and Louisa Larhmetr. 80.40: "lot 6. Albert Krumrey, $0.40; tot 7, Jennla nower,; nil n, jennla sower, oo.iu; " " xi, f m n, ssiissr, on,w ei wm-w I B. Miller. 80.40; lot IB, Willamette Tribe I Nov-4, Improrod Order of Red Men. $0.40; I -tot 17, Willamette Tribe- No. 4, lmprored oroer. of Bed Men, $0407 tot 18, a, It tie nj. Bmmoas. $0.70; -tot- tl. Mery B. Hoxate. . to.40; lot 23, Mary K. Hoxsio, $0.40; tot j 26, Mary E. Bens la, $0.40; tot 27. Lloals ' Beldlng, $0.40; lot 2, Ueergo - Uch meter, v $0.40; tot 4, George Uchmeler, $0.40: tot J 4, Sarah- B. Krrraoa. . $0.40; tot 8, Sarah , BL, Kreraan,' $0.40; tot 10, H. B, - Long, t $0.70;. kt .lt. H, , B, . Long, - 80.40: tot 14. H. R. Un$, $0.40; tot 14, McKlnley Mitchell xl ftfafia. Lr. 1 KAET ll. wJ taWll 48.-. sba. 14 nw.vv. avh AtJ, nnt-iaiaur Anitv eaa-gg, ejpv,uBw( rv .20, W. D. Beldlng. $0.70; tot 23, A. and - a. w. Beldlng,; lot 24, Llxale Beraing. .80.40; tot. 24, Marl E. Hoxate. $4.40; tot 28, Usslc Beldlng; 80.44. BLOCK 83,: tot 1. Mary B. Taylor. $0.00; lot 3, Maed W. Woolfolk. 80.60; tot 6, Darld Goodoall. $0.40; lot 7, Clara B. Crane, 40.00; tot B; Mary BL Hassle, 80.70;, lot It. Cslrary Preabyterlaa ' Chnrch, $0.40; tot 1J, Calvary. Preabyterlaa , Church, $0.46; tot 16, Bnsaana Clmaterman, $0,40; tot -17, - ha saan a Blmmerman, $0.40; tot 14, Bunxnnn - UmmermaB, $0.70; tot 21. Roaaana Clmmerman, $0.40; tot 28. Boeanaa - Eimmerman. $0.40; tot 36,, otttsanna -tUav ; msrenn, $0.40: tot 14, Buaanna Ktmasrrman. , $0.40; tot 2. 0 at and Deoa Boh ler. $0.40; , tot 4. 0. M. and Dona Bonier. $040; tot , 4. Braao B, Ouatber, $0.40; tot 8. .Joseph . Pinko, $0.80; tot 10, Ida Loeweneon, $0.70; tot 13, George Wright Host No. 1. G. A. B, 40.40; tot 14. eoha Mattblesen, $0.80; . tot 14, Boo K. Laurence, 80.40; toj 18 A. W. - Joses. $0,40; lot 30, hUfglo W. Little, 40.70; kt 23.' Magxle R. Jones aad Mary , A. Cooky, .$0,40; riot 34, Michael Monler, $0.80; tot 27. WIRielmlna , Vahl. $0.40 tot - 38, . ChrUtUa . Jobnaoo, $0 40, BIXX'K 24. tot J, Hannah Maaoa, 80.36; tot 2. Hannah . Manoo. 80,40: tot 3. Hannah Mason. 80.40: let 4, Hannah Msaon, $0.44; tot 6, Henaek Maaon, $0.-40; tot 4, Hannah Mason, $0.40: tot 7. Hannah Mason, $0.46: lot ft, Haanah Maaon. $0.40; tot 8, Hannaa Maaoa, $0.40; tot 10, Haanah Maaon, $o.T0; lot ll Hsa- Bah htason. $0.60: kt 12. Haanah Maaoa. fo.40; kt 13, Haanah Maaoa, $0.60; kt 4, Hannak Maaon, $0 40; lot 18, Hannak , Mason, 80.40; lot 14, Usnnsh Mseon, $0.40; j lot 17.' Hannah Maaon, 10.66: tot ii, Han Bah Mason, $0.40; tot 18. Hannah Maaon, $0.70; tot 80.. Hannah Magna. $0.70; tot 21. Haaaah Maaon, $0.40; . kt 22. Haa , Bah Maaoa, $0.40; tot - ' S3. Han nah Maoon, $0,40; lot t4. Haaaah Maaon, $0.40; lot , Hannah Msaon, $0.40; . lot . M. Haanah Mason,' $0.40; lot 27. Haanah Mason. $0.40: tot 28, Hannah Maaon, $0.40. - BLOCK 88. lot 1. Margaret aiackay, $4.16; re Mackay, $4.76: kt 4. Margaret Mack ay, $4.85. BLOCK 24. subdivision 1 of tot A. ' Maggie Mnrnhy. 80.40; sabdirtolen 8 ef tot A. Maggie Mnrnhy, $0.40: subdlrbnon $ ot tot A, Dells R. Dale, $4.40; aubdlrlatoa ; 4 ef tot A, L. H. aad A. H. Maxwell, $0.40; - onhdlTlaton 8 of tot , A, Margaret White, . $0 40; anbdlrbrion 8 of tot A, .Margaret White. $0.40; subdtrtslon t of lot, A. Marga ret White, $0.40; aubdlrlatoa S of tot A, 1 Jennie Carrie, $0.40: anbdlTlalon t et lot' A. 0 Jennie Carrie, $0.70: aubdlrtakn 10 of lot 4 A. Jennie Currle. 80.70: onbdtrhiioa 11 of lot A, Jennie Currle, $0.40; anbdirlaloa 13 " of tot A. Gander J. Ttummlnf. $0.40; aob- dlrlakn 18 of tot A. Margaret White, $0 40; anooinaioa if 01. log a, margarct White, , $0.40; anbdirlaloa 15 of tot A. C. Hanesn. '$0.40; aobdtrinloB 1$ of tot A, TilllcVP. CorneUns, $0.60; Subdivision 17 of tot A. .- TllUe - P. Cnrnrllna. $0.40; subdivision 18 , of tot A; M. J. Potter. $0.40; subdivision 1 of lot B, Wesley Miller, $0.40; awbdlrleioa $ ef kt B, Wealey Miller. $0.40; anbeUrlatoa 8 of lot B, Jail a Marqaam, 80.40; aubdl- ; Thrlon 4 of tot B, .Julia Marqaam. $0.40; 1 aubdlrlatoa t of tot B, Gnnoee J. Ramming, $0.40; aubdlTlsvon 4 ef tot B. Mary E. Adams, 800; aoMlrhnoa 7 ef kt B. W. P. Bnrrell, . Tmstee, $0 ao; anhdlrlaioa 8 of tot B. W. ' P. BarreD, Troatee, $&40; aubdlvletoa 8 of tot reu, TrnsTian, suou; eubdlvsitoe n of kt P. BnrrelL Trnetee, $0.70; on bdJ vision M B, WP. BnrreU Trustee, $0.70; Islon 11 of tot B, W. P. BnrreU, Tras- it. w, r. 10- nf kt aabdirlslon . tee. $0.40: anhdlrMon 18 of tot B- W. P. : Burrell. Traatee, $0.40; eobdtetotoo 18 of kt B, Mary B.- Adama. $0.80; snbdlvlsioa It , o lot B. Mary B. Adaase, $0.40; aahdirlaloa . It of kt B, Mary E. Adams, 80.40; eub- , nirunoa in or set . jamee w. Brandt,;. smoajrwion 11 or sot a. en : Ramming. 80.40; anbdlrtoloB It ef tot : B. r. Harrell. Trnetee, $0.00. BUN K 87, . lot 1, Ellaa H. BehoUhora Katate. Hrlrs of, r 84,86; kt 8. Bllea H. VbolltMra Rstata. Holrs of. $4JB; snhdirlskn 1 air kt A, C M. Buaeill,. Tmstee, $0.40; aabdirlslon 8 af tot A, C M. Ruaaelt, Trnste. $0.44; . snbdlrlsleal of tot A, C. M. Rnssell. Tmstee, $0.40; anbdlrtaloa 4 of lot A, C. M. Buacell, - Trnatee, 40.40; snbdlrlsioa. 6 of let A, C. M. Roasell, to.40: sabdl virion B of tot A,; C, M. - RnsseU, Trustee, $0.40; - anbdlrkton 4 of : lot A. C. M. Rook 11, Traatee, $040; anbdl ' Hotel 1 of tot A. Mot Back Hla, $0.46; anbdlrmtoa 8 of tot A, W. P. Bnrrell. Tms tee, $0.40:'msbdletston 8 of tot jA, Mey Back Hin, 80.85;, onbdlristott 10 of lot A. W. ' P. Bnjreil, , Trustee. $0.86: anbdlrkton '! of tot B, hf. J. Daffy, $0.40; cabdlrletoa 1 of lot B, Hong Che Haw. $0.40; aubdirlalon , t of tot B,. W. H. McBldowney aad J. T. Leonard. $0.80: anbdlrhiloo 4 of tot B, W. '; P. BnrrelL Trortee, $0.80; anbdlrtalon $ J of -lot B, W. H. McKldowney aad J. T. - Ieaard. -80.40; - anbdJ vision 8 of tot B. C. M. RusesU, $0.60; aubdlrlaloa f ot lot , B. W. , M. Uw. $0.40; .aubdirlalon 8 of ,kt , B. Moy Bark Hln, ' $0.40; aubdirlalon 8 of block B.,W." M. Uw. $0.86; eabdlTlston - 10 of kt B. Moy Back Bin. 30 .16. BUM'K 28, tot 1. Jennla and 1. M. Belcher. 18.S6; tot 8, Jamee B. Polbemna. M.85, , LOT 28, anbdirlaloa 1 of tot 8, William and Roslna . Gelger, 80.56: snbdlTtslon 3 of lot 2. Wil liam ' and Rosrn Oelger, $0.66; aabdirlslon $ of tot 1 William and Roelna Oalger, $0.66; abdlrklon 4 of tot 3, William, and Boaiaa . Oelger, $0.66; snbdlrlston 8 of tot 1 Wll llom and .Roslna -Gelger, . $0.85; . aobdlTlslon 4 of tot 2, William gad Roslna OetaTer, $0.66; ' suhdirkkm 7 of tot 3, William, and Roslna Oelger, $0.68; onbdlrlalon 8 of lot X VVil , llsm lad Roelna Oelger, 80.66; snbdlrklon 8 of tot 2. William and Roslna Oelger, $0.66; , anbdlrtslen 10 ef -tot 2, William and .Roelna 'Oelger, $0.56; subdivision , 1 -of lot 4, Mrs. M. J. Wenmer,, $0.40; subdivision 3 nf tot , 4. Mrs. M. J. Weamer. $0.40; . snbdlrltton ' $ ot lot 4. Mrs. M-. J. Weamer, $0.60; enb ' division 4 ef let 4, Mm. M. J, Weamer. $0.80; eubrMTlstou 6 of kt 4. Mrs. M. J. ' Weamer. $0.40; snhdlrtoton $ of let 4, Mrs. . M. J.-Weamer. 10.40: eubdlTlsloe 7 of b 4, Mrs. M. J. . Weamer. $0.78; snhdirlslon $ of lot 4, airs, au 4. wesmrr. 80.76; subdl ' rislon 8 of tot 4, Mr. M. J. Wenmrr. 10.00. . BLOCK 88,' tot 1. . Margaret H. Denholm. $0.46; tot 8. Msrgarrt H. Denbotaj, . $0.80; tot' X: Margaret ,H.- .Denholm, . 100; ' tot .' 4, Margaret ' , Denholm, ' . $0.06; ' tot ,B, Margaret, H. Ilenholm, , $0.96; tot A Margaret , Tl. ' Denholm. ' IO.OO; lot t. Margaret H. Denholm, $0.80; kt 8. Margarat H. Denholm, AL46;. tot $. Margaret t- H. Ilenbelm,. $0.861 ' tot 14. - Margaret H. Denholm, $n.o, BITCK SO. aubdlrlaloa -I of hit A, Emily H. and James- Cnrron. $0.78; ' onbdlrbilon 3 of lot A. Frederick Rnert, $0.80; eahdlTlalon 8 ef tot A. Frederick Kg- cert. $0.76: snbdlrlaton 4 of tot A. Frederick Kggert, $0.70; snbdirlalon 6 of tot A. Fred erick Eggert. $0.70;. subdlTlaloa 4 ef tot A, W, P.. Burrell.' Tmstee, $0.4 subdivision f of tot A. Jenkins A Btarons, d.ftft; oubdlrl- ; alon I of kt B, W. P. Bnrrell. Tmstee. $0.76; 1 mbdlrlslon t ef lot B, W. P. Burrell, Trne- tee, , . . , , , .... , A tract of land lying betweee the aonth Una of Vermont street and the north line-of aob dlrmkn T ef tot A, block 80. host been Port lend, .aad between the. eeet Bne of P eons vi va n Is etreet and the westerly line ot the : Oreco A California Railroad Cmpsay a right of way. Martha M, CrowelL $1.10. - ,K liet t of laad lying between the snath Un of Vermont street and tlie north line of sua. drrtakn 1 of let B. bhvk -30, Bon them Port- laad, ftaft bctwocB the weet lie ot Connect!. CTTT V0TICX8. - cot street and the easterly line of the Oregps) -' A CaUfornia Railroad Coaupany'g light war, C. P. Crowell Katate, i r ef, IMP. ; OI THKHW POaTLANO, oBRUOiv BLOCh 31. , , tot 1, -loeua Reioa, $0.40; tot 8. ttoiomow leiss, .; tot ft, Bilomon B' sa, $0-4 ' t 4, r -mon. Rclos. $0.40; tot a, 80 kirn. n : j. s, ..w; kt 4, bolomon Belts, ftMi tot . 1, iotuon tsa, $0.sw; tot 4, bom- .11 Raise. ' I .; lot 8, b-kmon Reks, $0.00: tot Mi., t oon Relea,; tot 11, Hl Raton, ; '.-.; lot 12, Botomoa Reins, Hi; tot 1 Kou-ooo Re las, $; lot 14. l. , $'."; tot 16, Itotomon lie 1st, $,; K 10, ; hVikraen Raise, 8o.o BLOCK ii. lot 1. hanash Maaon, $4 80; kt 3. Haanah ksapn. 4.-U. tuit'i A aubdlrlaloa 1 of tot 1. James 8, Reed. $0.40; subdivision 8 of tot , 1, James S, Reed. $0.40; aubdlrlsloB $ ef let i ' 1.- James B. Reed, $0.40; aubdirlalon 4 ef tot 1, James B, Reed. $0.40; subdlTlaloa $ , of lot I, Jamee 8. Reed, $0.86; eubdivUlon 3 of tot 1, Anna 8. Bjohmaa. $0.46; h. . dlvlsloa T ef tot I, Anna b. Bjokmaa, $0.i; - anbdlrkton 8 of tot 1, J. B. Pllklnftton-anal " , A..W. Wright 80.40-. sabdlrtska 8 of tot , ,. 1. J. N. Burt, $0.40; eubdlvUlon 10 of tot 1. J. N. Burt, $0.40; subdlTlaloa 11 of lot 1, Anns Olson, $0.40; aubdivlsion 18 of W J. ' J. B. Pliklngton aad A. W. Wright. 80.86: anbdlTlalon 13 of tot 1, J. K. Ptlklogioa and A, W. Wright, $0.46; subdlTlaloa 14 of kt , 1," Joha T. Cook. $0.46; aubdlrlaton 15 of lot 1, John T. Cook, $0.45; Bnbdirlskn 1 of . . tot X Cells M. Prior and Edwin H. McCllncy, ; 80.40; aubdirlalon 3 of kt 8, CrUa M. I'rler " aad Kdwla . McCllncr. $0.86; aubdlrlatoa , , , 8 of Ml CeUa M. Frier aad Ad win H. , McCUncy, $0.46; aubdlrlaloa 4 of kt 3. Cell a .... ' M. I'rter and Edwin 8. McCllncy. $0.t;". . siibdivlaloa $ of lot 2, CeUa - M. Pries snd v Edwin McCllncy, $6.46: aubdirlalon 8 of . . . kt 2, Cells M. Frier aad Edwin 8. aleCinry. . , $0 40 i aubdirlalon 7 of lot 2. CeUa M. Frier ., ; and Edwin 8. McCllncy. $0.80; nbdtrkkn J 8 of tot , 3. CeUa M. Frier and Edwin H. McCllncy, $0.60; anbdlTlalon 8 of kt 8. C1I4 ' M. Prior and Edwin 8. MeCMncy, 80.40; sub- dlrlakn JO of kt 3, CeUa M. Frier and . Bdwln 8. McCUncy, $0 .86: snbdlrlaloa 11 of lot 2. Cells M. Frier aod Edwin 8. McCllncy, $0.40; aubdlrlaloa It of tot 3, CeUa M. Friar and Kdwla B. McCllncy, $4.40; snhdirlskn .. ... 18 of kt 3. Cell M. Frier and Kdwla M. ,.. McCllncy, - $0.$0; eubdlrlalon 14 of lot 2. . Cells M. Frier and Kdwla 8. McCUncy. $0.40: . suedlrtsloB 15 of lot 8. CeUa M. Frier -nad ; Bdwln 8. McCllncy, $0.40. , BLOCK $4, anb. -dlTiska 1 ot tot U. B. C. Brooaugh, $0.80 aubdirlalon 8 ot tot 0, B. 0, Brooaugh, $0.80; abdlrtaka 8 of tot 0. K, 0, Brenaogh, tO-ftii sebdlTtslon 4 of lot 0, E. C Bronaughi $0.8u -aubdlrlatoa B of tot O, K. C Brooaugh, $0.80; ., : snhdirlslon 4 of tot G, K. C. Branaugh, $0.80; . 1 aubdirlalon T of tot O, B. C Brouaogb, f0.8iit , , subdlrltkon 8 el lot Or K. C Brooaugh, $0.8u; , . sabdl vision 8 ef tot 0, K. C Brooaugh, $0-801 ' aubdlvUlon 10 of tot 0, E. C. Bronaughi $0.80; onbdlrkloaqi ot tofO, B. C. Bsnnangh. $0.ftt yJ- anbdlVlnlon 13 ot kt 0, K. C. Bronsagh, 80.80; , , aabdirlslon 13 of lot 0, R. C. Brooaugh, $0.80; . aubdivltkia 14 ot kt 0. K. C,, Brooaugh, 80.40; eobdlvlotoa 15 of kt G, IC. C. Brooaugh. $0,461, , aubdirhikn 14 of kt 0, K. C. Brooaugh, $0 80; snbdlrlsioa IT of lot 0, R. C Broosugh, $0.80; - aubdlrlsloa 18 ef tot O, E. ft liroeeugb, $0.30; . . subdivision 18 of tot 0, K. C. Broaaugh, $0,801 aubdlrlsloa 30 af tot U.'K. C Bronsngb, to.80; aubdlrtakn 21 of tot G, K. C. Broosugh, $0.ot sabdlTlstoa 28 ef tot G, B. C. Bronaugb, O.fto; . - ssbdlvlsion 28 of kt 41, B. C Brooaugh, $0.:. . aubdlriskn 84 of tot O, B. C Brooaugh, $0.80; , . aobdiTlalon 20 of tot G. K. C. Bronaugh; $0.80; -anbdirialen 84 of tot O, E. C, .Brooaugh, $0.J0; ' aubdiTkloa 27 of tot O, K. C, Bronaugb, $0.8o; : enbdlrlalon 38 of tot O. . C.- Brooaugh, $0.30; , ,. ' anbdlTlalon 1 of lot H. E.- C. Bronaugb, 80.801 : - snbdlrlsioa. tot tot H, E. C, Brooaugh, $080; .-. . subdivision $ of tot H, B. C. Branaugh, $0.80; anbdlTkika 4 of tot H, B. C. Bronaugb. $0.80; anbdirlaloa B of tot H. Kv C. Branaugh, $0.80; 1 snbdlTlaka 4 of tot H, E. C, Bronaugb, $0 .80; , j;., aubdlrlaloa 7 of lot H, B. C Branaugh, $0.80; ,( , -anbdlrkton 8 of tot H, X. C. Bnmaogh, $0.80; nnkdlrkloa 6 of tot H. K. C. Bronaugb, $0.30; : eubdlrltloa 10 of tot H. B, C. Bronaugb, JO.o;J subdlrlska II of tot H. B. C; Brenangh, fO JorT subdivision It of tot H. K O. Bronaugb, 80.80 lit , Int 11. VI. C . atronsueh. 80.30: anbdirialen 14 of lot H, E. O. Broneugh, 80J0 anhdlTlslen IS ot kt M. B. li. Bronsugn, s.e" -nnhniehunsi M of lot H. E. C Bronaugb. aabdlrklon,17 of kt H, K. C. Branaaga, eebdlrltlon 18 ef tot H. B. 45. Brooaugh, eandtrlskn 18 of kt H, B. C. Krone ugh, anbdlTlalon 20. of lot H. R, C. Bronaagh. aubdlrkka 31 of kt H, B. C. Broaaugh, . anndlrkton 22 of lot H. E. C. Brenaughv ' aubdlrkka 28 of tot H, Kv C. Bronaugb, anbdtrkkn 24 of lot H. E. C. Bronsngb, subdl vision 26 of tot H, B. 0. Broaaugh, " anbdlrtalon 24 of tot H, B.' C Broaaugh, 97 of lot H. K. O. BronenaTh. UMn en nf Int H. B C RronBOurh. 80.80. . BLOCK 38. aabdlrUka 1 of kt A. Frederick ' ' Etgert, $0.40; aubdirlalon 'ot tot A, Fred- erlok trger t, $040: aabdirlslon 1 of lot A. . f Frederics Kggert, $0.40; aubdirlalon 4 of tot A, Frederick. Eggcrt, $0.40; tubdlvlaloo 4 of ..tot A, Fredorick. Kgtt. $0.00; subdlrkkn 0 tot A, C KT- fcnsnslt Trnatee, $0. 40; iTObdlrhUon T of let A, Frrdertck ggert, a $0.40; aabdirtsVon 8 of tot A, Wllllsm Lsbbn. ? $0.40; aabdtrlalon 4 of lot A, W. W. Loans, io.60; snbdlriakn 10 et tot A, WUllam Labbo, $0-40; anbdlrlaton 11 ot .tot A, Aagosuata i ArfeM, $0.40; aubdlrktoa 13 of tot A, C. M. Ransell; Trnetee $0.40; euodlvlalos 1 3 i.ofkt A, C M. Rome 11, Traatee, $0.45; mbdlvjstn ,. -.14 of tot A. ft M.. BuoseU, Trnateo. 80.40; : aubdlrlsloa 1 ef tot B. W. G.-M. sad M. A.., Hays. $0.40; subdivision 3 ef tot, B. Sarah -'- A, Browa. $0,40; aabdlrktoa A of tot B, ft M. Rnssell. $0.40; subdivision 4 of tot B. . ? . Arthur Metber, $0.40! snbdlvialon 8 of tot B, , May Back Hln, $6.4; enbdlrtolon 4 of tot B. C M. Btmeell, Trustee. $0.40; anbdlrkka 7 of lot B. W. P. Bnrrell. Trnatee, $0.40; ' north H of tot 1. Msrthn M.' CrowelL $4.80. m B1XKTT 84, tot i. Frank H. Ornbh, $0.40; , tot t, Katharine U Trerett, $0.40: tot 8. Margarat H. Ikohoiss. $040; tot 4, Margaret r , H. Denholm. $0.46: tot B. Margaret H. Den- holm. . ftO.40; tot i. Maxwell N. -Hamlltoa, : $0.46; lot 7. Maxwell N. Hamilton, $o.); - kt 8. Margaret H. Denholm, 80.40; kt 8. Margaret M. Deahorax,, $0.46; k 10. Jsmea P. Bell, 80.40: kt 11, Jamee W. Bell, 80.48; lot 12, Margaret H. Den holm, $0.40; tot 18, - Margtrst H. Denholm, $0.40: tot 14. Jsmea - P.. BelL- SoTftO: kt 15? D. B. 'McBrlde $0.66; . tot 1 George Stiahnnaa. ' $0.66; tot 17, Oeorge Btanbooee. $0 40; tot 18, Donald B. . McBrlda, $0.41tot 18, Donald B, McBrld. ' 8040: kt ?0. Donald B. McBride, 80.66; tot . "21. C. D. Nairn. $0.80; kt 23, Donald B. MrRiide. 80.40; lot 38, Donald B. McBride, . j 80.46; kt 84. 0. D, Balm, $0.48; kt , ; , Robert Llvlna-stone, $0.80; kt 24. Bohert . Mrlngstono. 80,48; let 87, Robert livingstooe, , $0.40; kt 88. Msrgarrt . iholm. $06., BLOCK 17, Haaaah Mooon, $24.7v, .BLOCK' ' $8. Barah A. - Ray. $10,46. ,. ; , ; , . ;.. OTnrriTlDm0rTBI- W. Unadon. aad wlfa. W. H. Bsroett and : ... a, n. i, e la. nr . I oOii aod . Tfe -W.' H. Bamett end wife, $0 ; kt 8. - Joan w. uagonn osrsri ; and wife. $0.40: kt A Joha W. Ungdon snd, wife. WThV Bernett and wln. $0.70. BIXKK. J, kt 1. John W. Ungdon and wife. W. H. Bamett , and wlfa. $8.40; kt 3, John W. ; i Lanedon and wife, W. H. Bamett aad wlfa, ,,$o.4: kt $. John W. Ungdon and wife. . ' W. H. Bamatt aad wife $0.80; kt 4, John "W. UngAVia and wife. W. H, Bnraetf and lfe, BO.TOj .tot 8. John W. Ingdon andi ; , wtf. W. A Baraett and wife. $o.l0: tot 6, Joha W. Ungdon nd wife, W. H. Bsmett , snd wife,. $0.40: tot T, John, W. Unrdnn and ' wire, W. If. Bamett aad wife,; $0.60; tot ' 8. John W. LengV d wlf. W. H. B.mett and wlfa. $0.4O. BIAMJK 9. tot 1, Joha W. r; Uagtton and -wife. W. H. Bamett aad wife, 34.80: .kt t, Joha W. Ungdon aad wife, W. H.-Bennett and wife. $0.80; let X John J W Ungdon end wlfc W. H. mtt ad tttt, $0.40 -tot 4, Henry Xs Jobnaoa. J0,70J jii, ,lo 8, Joha W. Laardon and wlfg. W. H., Harnett and wtf. 80.70; kb A Job W. Ungdan aad wife. W. H. Bamett aad wife, ; . $ 40; tot 7. Joha W. ; Ungdoa and wire, , W. H. Barnott and wife$0.40; kt 8. John ; , tW. -Ungdon and wife. W. H- .rUrnett and , r wife, $0.40. BLOCK 4. tot I, John W. Long. ; ton aad ' wlfa. W. H. Bennett and rjfw 80.48: tot I, John W. Ungdoa and wife, , W. H. Bamett aad wlfa. $0.40; kt 8, John W. Ungdon and wife. .W.JBBernctt and ; . wife. $0.66; kt 4. John W. Ungdon and .ir.' w n Harnett and wife. $0.70: kk 6. Joha W.- Ungdon and wlfa. W. H. Burnett and wife, $0.40: kt 8, Joha w. I one floe ana si; mt a, soon w. isiswo om Bamett aad wife, $0.40; kt T, , wife, W, H. Bsrnetc ana wue, r'Jni; e j. John W. Ungdoa snd wife, W, H. Bernett . and wife, ao.go. biah.iv i. m i, ener,. - Langdon aad-Wife. W. H. Bamett sad wife. . $0.80: tot 1. John W. Ungdoa und wife. J W. H. Bsmett aad wife, $0.60; kt A; Job; . W. Uagdoa and wife. W. H. Bamett and I ' wife. $0.48; lot 4. Jphn'W. Ungdoa and' ,Ilfe W. li. Bernett Indwife $o; tot B, ' John W. Ungdon and wlfe.W. H. Bamett . , and wlfa. $0.50: tot 8, Jobn and wife. W. it Bsrnett "J1 5- , tot 7. Job' W. Ungdon d wife, W. H. , Bernett aad wife. $0.60: tot 8. John W. ftw' f doa aad wife. W. H. Bsmelt and wife, 80-46 tot 8, John W. Ungdon . aad J. - H. ; Bsmett sod wife, $X66; tot 10, Jnho -W. Ungdon and wife. W. H. Barnett nd wife, t Brt.76: tot it. John W. Ungdon and wife, W. fl. Bsrnett end WIN. 80.75; tot 12, John W. langdon and wife. W. H. Bernett aixf wife. $0.40; totilft., John W. Ungdon and 1 , ' wife . il. Berrrtt and wife, $0.60; to 14, ... John W. Lanrden w- ,H-, r,r"t,'' , and wlfa. $0.76. BIAKK 4. tot 1. John W. langdon and wife. W. H. Bernett and wife, :, 8075riot"3. Lydla A.-Mills. 80.80: tot 8, , Udls A. Mill. $0 40: tot A Jobs W, Lang. ' di? sad wll. W. H. "rett and wife. no 40- M l, John W. . Ungdon - and wife, -M H. Bernett aad wife. $0.80; tot $ John , W Ungdon aod wife, W. H. Bamett and wife. , go 40: tot 7. John W. Unrdnn aad Wife! W. II. Baraett and wlfr.Jo.80; kt 8 John W. Langdon aad wife, W. H. Baraett and wife, $0.40: kt 8. John W. tengdno and : wlfa, W. H. Baraett aad wife. $0 70; tot 10. ' joka W, Ungdoa and wife. W. H. Baraett and wife, o770; kt It. John W. Ungdon and wife. W. H. Bamett and -wrfe,; tot 13.. John . W.Ungikn-ad wlte, W. Ji. " Bernett and wife, $0.40; tot 1.1, ohn w. langdon and Wife, W. H. Baraett and wife. -an on int 14. John W. Unedou and wife. W. H. Bsrnett and wife. $0.a; tot 15. John W. Ungdon and wife. W, H. Baraett ead wife, W.ftnt' tot, 14, John W. lengdon nd - wfe.'W, H. Bamett and wife; ftn.en. BLOCK t, kt 1, Joha W, LangOoB and wile, W. hV. $0.80 aooi $0.4O I ' $0.80; J.';,: joaoj "V- $0.80:,. ,.n $0.80; $0.80; $0.80; $0.80; loan: V "I ?." f