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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1905)
rr:z crzccn d.mly joutjiaju fctland, Thursday evening. jIiaech so, iscj. CITY lOOCl xnrt Boncit. am Btmcrxs, crrr boticex CTTT V0TICEX CITT XZ A. LMrttL 4115: east 1 (I ( tot 4. leshekia B. aad W. A. Lewis. tt-18. t'OCK H. tot 1, Clem' t Xetata.. kcir ef. ia-Su: lot X - t . . aaa Gsaanr . . I. : Clra. of. I . r .j. i lot X Ana Slanet, k "Oj tot 4, Aaa S .out. 4.u; tot . Ana t . li ' a t M - of 1st 4. C e.e Ce- r ". net ' of. ILJj Waat tit tot X "T i. Iwktr I tote, k e o., ( J. All of I LACK 1. Lara, -r,' t. ere there' Adiuitoa, except . t t of wailmlr kt - feet, Joaa C. ! J. ; A tract jf lc-4 baried and eeecrtbed . - lolkmi loau orlug at Intexwettoa of east , Baa al Fo4 street vita north Una of m . ' ntrset;. tn-vie eeetsrly as aorta Una ef Baser arrest Ma feet; taeae northerly paniiel . wlb weet aloe Haa at Wood street M l . tali thanee westerly psrallel with north " Una ( Bator Mrtat to aaat Una at 1 ood i atraat; tbened noatherty on aaat Uaa ot fcood .' atreet Deauulng, Usury he nee la ad Ksuia, v balm at.- 420. CAIUTH8' ADDITION TO CARCTSE' . ADDITION to tea (It af Portland FLOCK ' SL' " wwi, BiAnn. aw amt a nana. fJU.OO. itLUCt U Uoaw ' puthle Hoaqital A Dtanenaarr at PortUad. - BUM.K 11. Homeopath! HuentUI iiapaary at Portland. 60.40. BLOCK N, Homeopathic Hospital A LleDenearv at Part land. 14.00. BLOCK O. Homeopathic Hna- , r'Ul . Dispensary at rorllsud. BLOCK P. undivided H ot lot 1. Ibex Land . . vuiian;,.H.iu ngomaM Ik at (oi a, inex (.;.lal Coppu, 11.10: undivided tt at lot i "i vena uompeny,; Beaiviocu ttt at d. Ihe t-enA IVia II IDl aadl. -aidrd H ot kt t, lbn Land cmnanr, io; . ;"'TUa u at lot o, ibrz laaa uompaof, '. Ii.101 undlrldcd H af lot 1. Ibex Land Ma 'Baar, $3.10; Badlftded H of lot a, ltwx laod Coaipaor. Aa.10: aadlrlocd H af lot 1. Aaaa B. OoaaaU, ft. 10: endlTlded H at let Aaaa M. Ooaaait. 12. li): undlrldml if " a. Aaaa b. unaaiL fa.iu; nai 'adl1d4 H of Vat , 'Bdl1ded H of lot aaiTidfd H of lot ' ttndlrldad iL of lot BLOCK Q. lot 1, Clara Ball, M iOj aorta 0 ai m a, nara bu. u.: amta i fat ot lot ft. OaraiaB avln at Iaa dotlat. JVj lot s, 0Tmaa aarlnf loan Society, X0; lot a, Gcraua 8ld A (mi Bo eletjr. S.7B: lot i. Uwan Pt1b A Loaa, : lot a, Oaraiaa Nartu( a Loaa Koelfty, 4.t0; aortb faat af wast M fast t! J- T,!ariBaa- Saatafr laa SoaUt. O tOt aoatk tl feat ot Vol T. Ornaaa Bar- ln Loaa loclat; y. aa.; aorra w at aaat TO fi faat of lot t. Clara BalL iO.60 tl.o kt aa ' JTtLMt"' of OofUalmslil. 1.88. i rum a. B,.0armaa Bailac A Loaa Boclv. ' A trirt' f UaJ- lvlaar ' han rK annth 'Itaa at Maada atraat and ta aortbarly Una tkell B. sad W. aaoa m. .moriu aa.iu; S, Aaaa B. Conor it, 43.10; , Aaaa B. CaaaalL (3.10; T. Aaaa B. Coaaall. (3.10; Anna B (Innnall. II lfL oioca as. vararaara' Aaaiuoa to urataarr . AddltloBV a abowa sa Ui dub of Cortland ... aobllahad by ta TUIa Goaraotaa A Traat tBpanr, 1003, and aatwtaa taa arast Una of Mood traat and a Una 40 faat aaat of '. and paraUrl wlta tea aaat. Una at Corbatt ., airaat. r, oauta, fo.u. ;, t. ' f- CABrTHBRaV. ADDITIOM M . CA atnTITEBJt ; A1MJITI0S to tba Cltr af Portland BUWJK 's 8. -wrat -40 toot ot aorta M trat of block fk . Haanab Caabra. 3.U(-rcat 40 fmt af aootb Tl acraaora a, C M. llr-ooa, -n.oo. .iJ ' BIXM1C , Tbsaiat 7!"rV1rara, I4.4". , HIAM'K tnai Anatla. (Zl.oft. BLOCK 40, lot 1, I. H. Paraar, lat,; lot t, K. H. t Krbw aa ao Im a al . u b.M m r. a. K. IL Parkar. t4.40: aaat 4.1 foot i . of lot a, B. H.' Parfcrr; (0.1S; east d.l fft j, J H., 'irk, fO.18; aaat 4 t faat wi t , n. n. raraar,- au. io: aaat a. a . of lot B. B. Parker, weat IS.i : ' let , D. W. CaapbaU. L0S; wast faat foat a 1 . KT etBoot ir frt of lot 4, D. W. Caaip- . ""1 .tu;"'i "mo ov aa ae.a roa a m i, .M i, and P. i. Maaa. fl.oo: ; waat m feat at .aaat SBj fart at etrnth or lot a, Joan B. and F. 1. kUnn. to. ;.Bt M faat of mat 51 JT feat of lot B. . . Owt NothBacIa, 41.10; aaat M feat of r-wi oJ.a laai i aoata n.a faat at let a. , aorta Natboasla. 40.53; Mat IS ttct ' at waat to a rart or tot a. T. W. Da Haff. , 0?' taatot Waat T4. tart of eneia ar lot a. p. w. Da Haft. 40.40 waat 101 4 teat ot aorU H of lot 4. Oerntaa MaTlaf 4 Lpaa Bodaty, 13. U: aortk t feat aat H at Boot H of lot 4. Geraaa IJattaa A Loaa Soelaty. 40. to; waat 101.4 test Of Booth 4 of lot T. Oarmaa Maalaa . Loaa Soelary. 3.15: north 101 4 ttet ot woruj a or M i, oaraa carpratar, txin; - It a, Oaraaia Barlna A Loaa Ssrlatr. a4.HL BLOCK 41. aaat. T a faat ol lot . t" John : 1. and Laara a, Laata, 44.00; west 43 trot . Ill m t w. ana m. aaott,; lot . 3, ?i Bmltk- ad.40: to) a. Law la "VI. rr'. M 40i J . Mra. Aoala Oaport, 44.40: lot EL Pardlnatid OanAmi . iTIll. , . ! lot , B. V. and B. L. t rraacv ,4.e0; r x. Wtb. 1 Jtoot of 1st T, Canadian Settlers' 0"Py. .Ltd.. 40.XOf lot 4, faaadlaa - aattlara'Loaa A Traat Company, ixd.. 44.40. BUKTrTla, wt 1. i. u. bawl - , M-aOj lot t, aUtacbakT 4 40; lot 1, Josrak PollTka, 44,40: lot 4, iascpb ; PoUka, 44.40! let 8, Prank PoUrka. 44.40; .lot 4, IJaak PoUrka, $4.40; lot T. . Catharine """''; t a, utbanne Banal, 94.40. r lot J, A. d. Uanuoond. 44.40; lot B. Dladan- na aoo aua ju. HninaM,; lot 4, . niadaana aadJaUa U Hanmoad, "44.40; lot 4. A. 0. Haauaoad, (4.40; lot tl"A. 0. - lUaPmond. 44.40; aaat 4 feat of lot T. A. ' . Haammad. 40.J3; east 4 feat ot lot 4. A. U. Han mood. 0Jo; waat 40 faat at W f, Tbaooora gcon. fjXIO; waat 40 faat , an rot a, laaooora nana, az.10. -.' A-traet ot Und ketweaa blorka 4 and' 44, i Cratbara AddiUoa ta Canitbere ' Addlrloa and betwaaa tba aortb Una of Porter atraat . ' and a Haa 100 feat aortb ttereof and parallel - therewith. A. O. Hammond. fS.00. ,, A tract at land katwesa blorka 43 and 44, . Caratbere Addttlaai' ta Caratbsra Addition. ..and aetweta tba aostb Itae ot Hooker atraat , aaa a una jw rest aoata to error aad parauel .i. ' tbrrawlth, Theodora Bans. 45.00. CABirTHRKS AUDITION Tn rtitrntipv " ADDITION ta tba City of Portland BLOCK .jba, can su net or wast 100 fret af tot T, " Dc SWtk, 4X10 adit 50 faat at wait ,100 faat at lot 4. W. IV Bmttk, 43.10. . BLOCK 44. lot 1.- 2 oka lnl.nK.r aa aX- lot 1. Joba "pltanibera, 44. 40: lot t. Jobs M wipti n.w; ro a, vaxnariaa a . Tbar- kalana, 44. 40;, rot 4. Joerf Kratacba, 44.40; T tot 4. Mlrbaal BfTtalatt. 44.0; latL a! ; Crocrrr, 44.4; tot 4V . A CrockrrT 44.40. .... BIK'eS. tot L Henry B. Baaft, tM-. , tot . Hanrt B. Baaft, 44.40; tot 4. Jl.kk.l , Boopart, 44.40; tot 4. Lea Priea. 44.40: 5 AJ;1' . " ; Brto". . 44.40T tot 4. Abaaafl a. "Bartoa," 4.40: tot T.AbasU . f. Barton, 44.401 tot 4, AhataH B. Baraoa. , fi.40. BLOCK 44, tot 1, Job? Kl).k. 440; w J? f e-0: . Joba 8di.k . 4.40; tot a, John Bedlak, 44.40; tot ft, Joaa tUa,4.40 tot 4, joka Brdlak. 44.40j ' lot T, John Sadlak. 44.401 tot 4. Joaa ledlak. ,.44-40., BLOCK 47. west H of tot L aoala : IaT)a, 3 20; want H at tot t, Joaje DaTla, ' 4a.; north ta W frit af aaat H et tot i 1' Thomas Malnharf, 40.00; seat U af lot 1. T?m?" J'S" ' teJt af east H of tot t. Patrick M array. . 4LS0; tot 4, KUanbeth Mornn, 44.40: wast St li fret af east 14 S-S frVr af lo 4, Aooi T ;;ratkai 11.150; aaat UU fr. of tot d. '5"'2? r- ?! 1-4 teat ttt tot - 4,, Rohrrt aad Mary p. MeBwea. , ;., 41.40: tot B, Malisaa R. Huf, H0; lot t , laellaaa B. Baft, 44.40; lot 7, Italians kinnaa, 44.40J tot 4. B.llaaa C lZrai 44.44. v BLOCK 44, aaat loo faat af tot t, ' . U P. and Sarah It. Ontario, Id.Mwast , frrt ( lot 1, T. It. Ucn tan thVLr. $o.Vr. ''J. waat. 4 feat of tot S. P. hi Llcbtastbaiar . t tn aai aaat int tot t .atb 11 T i; -'. , oatk H at tot S. Joha Dndtoy. tllo; lot . 8. Joka Dndtoy. 44.t0; tot 4. Jokn Dadtoy. ' ; - t!; ! 5" ur rtoaloc A Loaa ttoriety. V - 44 M; waat TB faat of lot T, kC B. CSten: , thaler. 43.15; wast 79 feat of tot 4. If . B. IJahtaatnalar. 44.8; aaat 41 feet af tot T. , y f . kt. Llebteatbator. 4140; aaat 41 faat of . s. tot , P. hL UchtoaUalar. fl.30. BLOCK , . 44, aoatk. U at tot i, Hsaa Welatre-, 4.: ... north. H of tot L Andrew Ha noon. 13)., ,- , A- tract of Jand lya bvrweea two lines . raapectlrrly feat and r30.4 feat oorth of ' aid parallel wttb the north Una at Artbnr ; atraat and ketwaan the -west Ilea af Water 1 atreat aad a. Hoe 104 fret west thereat and parallel therewith, Andrew Banana. ; CARD THRU ADDITION TO CARUTHEH"' . ..ADDITION t the City at Portland BLOCK 44. tot . I. W. Baker, 44.40; tot 4 ltd - ward MeodsnbalL 44-40: tot 4. fedward Man. ' , deabalL 44.40; tot B. El chard Martia, 44.401 J. tot oJ! Hannah MarOa, 44.40: tot 1, link . Lassen, 44.40; aoatk H of lot t. Rasa Lar. ; ars. 43.20 north H at tot 4, Belinda Do Ian, .; 43.30, ' A trsrt ot lead tytnj between twa ' Unas rreaoctlTelT ton and 420.4 fart aortb af and ' parallel with tba north Una at Artbnr street ..'aad betwaaa tba east Ilea at front street .(. an n Uaa 104 feet eeat of aad parallel lin BWUDBM VWWH, fbV, " A treat af land between two Hoes v soafUaaly KO.B feet aad 841 teat north ot and parallel with tba aorta Hits af Artbar vi ft street aed between the west Hoe of Water atraat aaa a fine irai west thereof sad parallel therewith, Hnpble rVbad, 41.1k). , A tract , at land bring between two lines 'raapeeUaely S20.B. feet bd 841 feet aortb af and parallel with the north Una af Artbnr a 1 part and between tba east Use ot Proof atreet aad a line 104 feet eaet thereof and parallel therewith, J a rare anraua, 41.(0. . A tract ot land lylof btween twa lines reapertlaely S30.4 feet and 841 feat north of -and parallel wttk the north line ot Artbnr atreet-and betwaaa the went line of Front atreet and the east Uaa at first atraat, Wil liam Plledner. 43.(5. . . , A tract of land jinc between ' twa' tinea reapertieely Sno foot and 430 4 feet Honk of sad parallel wttk tba north Una af Artbar ' street aod betweea the west Una af Kraal street aad the aaat line ot Plrat street, Oregon rtairwar as riHTia-nuon vjompear, a.t.nn. CAni'THrtHV A0OITION TO "A UTItlrt' '', AIIIHTION aa ihav City af Pnrtland BLOCK M. lot 1. aopble ahsd. 44.40 tot t, dopble - r ncnan, ee-ao; im a, cooc la ftraao, aa. at; 1 f, tot 4, bopnia oehAd, 4.40; let 4, .jiaBsa "5"''! ' -' ! - c--- P. A. Harotuav 44.40 ; cr. 44.40: tot 4. V- B. r-a I f . tbUCK 51. tot L . a .. ; lot - I. WllUarh fur .a . i, VllUaJn Plledner , 44.40: l"t 4. a fllUMt, 4A4o; W-t 6, wi,.iaaj ir. Aa I. a v..n.M l,.Me 14 au; tot 7. WllUasi rUedner. 44.40: tot a. wll lllisai Plladnar. AAanT i. LOt at It tot wiajoa atuwii at risaiaauon uee nanr, 44.40; tot 4. Oracoa Ballwaa A Nartauua (wmoenr, 44.40; lot 4. Oreaoa BaUwar A iari..i.oa Comaany. $4.40; tot d. Crragoa Railway A KarlgaUoa Coooaoy,; 44.4o; tot uw at nangauoa Cooosoy,. (4.1 ft. .?"? ''"ey CO 44.401 lot 4. Oreraa KaDway A Nsr oiar.; tot T, Oregon Ball' uempany. isTutauoa ; ' - p.wp mr , ui huh aftwuwa v Kanratloa Company. 44.40; tot a, Oreaoa a.ii.s A. I iuiiwii a Nealgattoa Cetuoaay. 44.40. BLtM'af fa, tot . 1, Albert Wright, 44.40; lot 3, jnnaa it. Ban, 44.44; tot 4, Wllllas ...P. a Mercer. 44.40: tot 4. Ida B. aterorr, 44.40! tot ft, Brroa P. Boooa. 44.40: soatb H at .tot. 4, p. wtldL 43.30; north H at tot a, John V. Lena la, 13.40; lot 7. Lonli , Arnold, 44.40: .tot 4L Loots Arnold. 44.40. . BLOCK 54,. tot 1, PraakUa Drake, 44.40; tot 3, rraotlla Drake, 44.40; anUrldad of tot 4. kllsa Maleon. 43.80; aodlrlded of tot 4. Hush w. Hetoao. 13.IW: lot Jacob liaJthaut, 44.40; tot 4, Vrary Taylor,; m o. aisry u Btael, i weal of tot 7, llarmlna Uaehlan.. .2o; waat at tot a, ftarmlaa Uachles, 43.30: east ' .of tot 7. Nannie B. Taylor, 43.30; eaat of tot 4. Nannie B. Tailor. 43.30. BLOCI 4ft. tot I. nchoal District No. I. 44.40; tot . hcnoel olalrt. K' t aa .... La a Dtotrlot No. h, 44.40: tot 4, fcrhool Disuirt no. 1. Ba.40; tot ft. Reboot Dtatrld I. 49. 40: lot o. School UUlrlat No. 1, 44.40; . lot f. school District. No. 1, 44.40; lot 4, School District No. 1, 44.40, BLOCK B4, tot 1. Beth U INipe, 44.of tot tV aetb L. lopa, 44-40; lot 4, Preston, W. ClUrtta, 1 44.4.1; tot 4, Mollla BUnford. 44.40; tot 4. . Wuilsn B. Jolly. ta.fto; tot 4, William B. Jolly. 44.50; tot T. BarHa artade. 44.60; r tot 4. kfartiB nehade. 48.60. BLOCK 67. - tot 1, 0. B. a. Pnjmmer. 4A.40; north. of tot 8. 0. F. B. Plnmmer. 43.20: asaib 4 of tot. 4. A. Oalrlo,. 4.I.30; north u of tot a.- A. Qulrlo. 4S. 30; soatb of tot 4, Hoi I Is Alger, 43.80; tot 4, Hollls Alger, -44.40; lot 4. James 1 Joknalane. . 44. 4U: tot S. Jamas U Johns tone;-44.40; anath 26 feat H ansa e.a reea l lot T, aodio u. one, 40.10: wast 60 teat af east td.ft feat of tot , Abble O. Joaa. 43.10; waat 60 feet of east ftd.4 feat of tot ft. Abb la O. June, 13.10; north zn root or east HO feet of lot 7. u. P. 8. Plammor. 40.10: eaat 4.4 feet of tot 4. O. P. B. Clam mar, 40.36; west ftO feet- of tot 7, Kaanle B.. Taylor. 43.10; west. 50 feet at 'tot 4, Nannls K. Taylor. 48.10. BLOCK 6a, lot 1, Busts C. Post saute. Heirs af, 44.44; tot 8. Suele 0, Post Ha lata. Hairs of, ' 44.40: lot 4. OttrUa Bartach. 44.40: tot 4. OttaUa Bartach, 44.40; 1st 4, PbllUn and . JaUa A. Lawtoa, $4. an. a, alary Akers 44.40; west S3 feet at tot T. launaaael Baptist ChaKh, 43.00; west 43 feet af tot B. Imaaaael Baptist Church, 42.40: aaat , 4Vj eet ef tot T, Boale V. Post Batata, . Hrlra ef, 41.80; east 44 VI fast of tot 4, ,1 Bosle 0. Post Estate. Heirs of.. 41.40. BLOCK 64, west 41.4 feet of north to test . ot tot I,' A., r. Neoaert, 40.66: south 26 . feet of tot 1, A, P. NeanerV 43.20; aaa) feet ot north 86 feet ot totlHenr W bard, I 4L66 tot 8,, John Wldnees. 44.40; lot 8, fi. Ur. taunberaen. 44.40; tot 4. Bmlly J. Y, afoora. HM: tot B. John Cork lab. ' 44.40: lot 4, Coward J. Hart, 44.40) west H of tot T. Paanle I, Dlrdricb, 43.80; weet Vi af tot Panola K. -Diedrlch,, 43.80; east H of tot 7. Louis Cobn, 44-80; aaat H of - tot a. Lsoia Cohn. 43 3U. ' BLOCK 40. lot L James Hnniphrey, 44.40: kt 8, James Mara- pbrsy.. 44.40: .tot . Av P. Nranert. 44.40: -tot 4. taai R. Laag. 44.40: east 44 fret of tot 4, Loala C. rJoomo. (2.60; east 40 feat of tot a. Lamia C, 8hoa. 4X60: a - 44.6 feet at tot ft, IsabeUa Bottler, 41-40; -waat ' 44.4 teat ef tot A IsabeUa Bottler. -410; kt 7, May Back Bla. 44.401 tot . 4. Moy Baca nin, sUAeun. at. tot a. Michael kfeCalrstt Batata, Hairs of. 44.40; . kt X. Oarmam ha Tinas A Loaa aocArtr. 44.40: - Berth 84 feat of tot 4. Garmaa Bsrlnga A Loan Boelsty. tt.lOt Booth IB feet of tot 4. Aogasta Mark, 1.40l tot a. Aogoata Marks. 44740; tot tv-W. A and L B-.Xewlv 44.40; tot A W. A. aad I- B. Law la. 84.40: tot 7. rWIUlas riiBsis, 44.40; tot 4, . WUUaji Isen- .naa, 44.4a A tract at toad beta-sea twa Uses reeaaetreerr 800 feet and 820.6 faat north of aad paraUrl with tba north Una at Artbar atreet aad between tba west Una. af Plrat atreet -and a line lot feet west thereof and asm Hal taarewna, jsrssa tmmparey, ' A traat of land tartaa - between tw raapeetlTaly- 800 faat aad 230.6 teat north at aad Baraltol W1U tba north Una at Artbar atreet and between the aaat Una of Beooad atreet and a Una 404 feet aaat thereof aad parsUel therewith. Mar Baek tun, 61.80. - A trart of land betwaaa twa Unas raspactlsery C20.6 feat tad 841 feet north at and aeraiial "with-tba aorta- Una at Art her atreet sod be tweea the waat Moo af Ptrst street aad a Una 304 teat waat af aad parallel therewith, : jtraaettoaabafwaea twa Usee reerpertlrely 820.4 feet and 841 feel Berth af and parallel with the -aorta Una at Artbar atreet aad betwaaa tba eaat Uaa ef rtoeoad atreet aad a Uaa 104 fast east the rear an Bare therewith. W. A. aad I. B. Lewta. 41.40. - A tract ot land between two Uara respect! rely 830.4 feet aad 841 feat north of and parallel with tba north Una ef Artbnr street aad betweea tba waat Una af Bacoad atraat and n Una 104 faat weet thereof aad parallel ; therewith, Isabella Bottler, A tract of toad betweea twa Usee leanaaljtely 880.6 feat and 841 feet north at asd parallel with the north una at Artbar street ana Be tween the aaat Una af Third atreet and a Hat log feet eaat- thereof and parallel therewith, . Henry Ttmm, 41-40. 1 A tract at land between twa Use reeoectlrely .800 feat and 220.6 faat Berth ef nnd parallel with tba aortb Una at Arthur atreet and betweea the west Una of tecond street and a Una 104 feet west thereof aod paraxial there with, Bagar nnam A tract of land lalnc ng swtweea epertlTely 800 aad 220.6 eat north ef aad parallel with tba north Una af Artbnr atreet and between tba aaat Una at Third atreet and a Uaa 106 fast east thereof and parallel therewith, Anton Bleshofbergar. 41,40, CARrmtfto AnDiTioB to CABrmtKRir ADDITION to toe viiy 01 rortisan nun a S3, tot L Edward Brady, 44.40; tot 8, Ho ward ItrSdy. 44.40: lot S. Israel Madwad, ' 44.40J tot 4, laabeha Bottler, 44.40; tot ft, Henry Ttmm, .44.40: . soatb H ot lot 4, .Oeella Tlmm. 4X20: north U ot tot 4. Anna C. Eoanlrke, 42.30; lot T. Bdward Brady, 44,40- lot g. Clara m. . Hardlog, ,.M."--.t.3-J, l4ar Powtoton, ' 44.40: tot 2. Edgar Poppleton, 44.40; tot 4, BMrae Pormleton. 44.40: eaat TflU. fear of ' tot 4, Patrick Mnrray, 43.20; west SO fact af tot d, Oeorra P. Bottler, 41.20; west H at lot a, 4. nanry noimng, ez.s; west y of tot 6, J. Henry Woltring, 42.80; east y, at tot 8, Anton Blarwofberger, 42.80; east H ef tot 4, Anton Blarbofbarger. 42.20;. tot tT Thaopbll Bllleter. 44.40; aontk 40 tret ot kt 8, Tbeophll BUIeter, 44.66; north 10 ' feet of lot 4. Anton Blschofbarger, fatft. BLOCK (4. north H Of tot 1. .Charles F. Horrkar. 4120: etrnth tt of lot L Katie P. Bebenelck, 1180: tot 8, KaUa P. Bsbe- ' nalck: (4.40; lot 8, Joka P. Caplea. 44.40; lot 4, Jokn P. Caplee, 44 40; ' west . 44 feet of , lot B, Mike Epstein, 44.00; waat prl feat ot tot 4. Mlkd Epauln, 44.00: east 10H feet at tot 4, Anna B. Weltrlns. 40.40: aaat ; JOVi fret af tot 4. Anna K. Woltring 40.40; ' tot 7, Anna K, Woltring. 44.40; tot 8, Anna . B. Woltring. 44.40. BLOCK B lot 1. Addle B. Mnrray, (4.40; tot 8, Addl B. Mnrray, 44:40; tot 4, Prank H. Gran. 44.40: tot 4, O, P. 8. Ptamneri 44.40; east 84 4-4 test of tot 8. J. B. O. Tbompeon, 41. 40; west Tt 8-4 feet of lot B, James Short, , 43.00; ; east St 6-4 rest of eontb U of lot 6. J. K. C Thompson, 40-70; weat 71 2-4 feet ot aoath U ef tot (I, James abort, 41. 60; north H of . . . m . as an. w . . . . . , mt o, aawn a, a,w,in, e a, javMUS ' B. Mnrray. M .40: tot I. Joseph Pink. 44.40. A tract of Issd hennaed sad described as follows'. wmmencing at mtiiisactloa of Wast Una of BaeoBd atratt Wltb south Una of Booker street: thence another ty to aortb Una at Woods street) thence west to eest line ot right ot way of Oregon A CaUfornJa Railroad Company; thence northerly stong tba eest Hoe of aa Id right ef way to Its In tersection with the south line of . Hooker street l thence east ta . beginning. (J, B. Bmlth 8102.80. ; CARt'THRnS" ATIMTIO TO CABCTHKRir ADDlTion to me 117 or roniaqa imahk. 7, sU af tot 4 lying west of Oregon A aailfnrnta Ttalrroad CotnnsnT's rtabt of war. Jeremiah Work. 44.06; all of tot lying weat ef- Oregon A California Railroad Com pany ngbt er way. jeremian wonct, si.ko; ill f tot T brtnar west of Oreaoa A Califor nia Ballroad Company's right of way. Ellss heth Banmsartner. 42.46: all of tot 4 Irlne weat ef Oregon A California Ballroad Com- ; panr'i ,flg5t f Oakrlal Ranmgsrtner, Jl.rci. . ri Ail a on, easi so reet. or lot 1, ennl Una Lea, 43.66; east 46 feet af north ; to feet of tot 2, Jenala Hog Lee, $1.40; west 81.6 fart of tot 1, Albert I. and Rials B. Wright, 40.80; weet 81.6. feet of north ' 20 feet of tot 8. Albert B. and Elsie. B. , Wrtght, 40.S8: sooth 40 fort ef tot 8, Mtllxea E. nog. 4X46;' nortb 40 feet ot lot S, Melissa K. ling. 4346; Bmttk lOrreet af eaat go feet of tot . 4. Albert B. Wright, 40 6ft: , ai't 40 feet : of lot 4. Arbert H. ' WrlghL 4X50; annth 10 fret ef west 444 3-no; enoTn jo rrcr 01 west 4rlV m t,. MeUsBS B. Hog, 4a .16; weat Of lot 4. Melissa K. Hag. 41.66; ; 4 sscept the Oregon A California reet et tot 4Vj feet ' all of tot Railroad rompanya right or wit, Mellae B. Hog. 83 00; tot 4. MeUsss E. Hng. 8X46: ( aMtk SO rMt ef tot 1 aaat . of !.. A. v ( allforals Rajlroad tvimpaur i right of Wty, Meuaaa r, 11ns. e-vn; nwn w reet or tot T east of Oregon A California Rallraad txmpsnys right of way. Albert a), and Blale B. Wright 41.40: an of tot 8 eeat of Oreaoa. A California Ballroad Ooatpaay't right ef way. Albert B. Bad Klele B. Wrlskt, S3.VA. BLOCK BO, lot I. Oreaoa Ballway 1 Narlgaftoa Conapaay, 44.40: tot 8, Orrgoa Railway A NseWtatton ttompeny, 44 40; tot 8. Oregon. Ballway A NTlsttott am sear, 64.40; tot 4, Oregon Ballway A Kangatloa ainanr. 44,40; tot 6, Oregon BaUway A N antral ton rnmnany, $4 40; tot 6. Oregoa BaJlwajr 4 BajlgaUoa Coaapsa. 44.40) tot aaa. 14.40; 77B. B. ! t. Oreaoa RAllWar- A Narlaattoa CoaBDenr, 44.40; lot 4. Oraajon Rallmy A Nartgsttoa Company, loaa 40. rirXKjk 70. weat 8 fret df tot 1. Cos a. 40.10; weat. 8 feat of lot 2, Joaepa Cow. 40.10; seat 104.6 feet . ef tot J, Boss Weoer. 44.HO; eaat lu4.ft feet ef tot S, Koea Weber, 44.40; lot 4. Boas Wber,. 44.40; tot 4, Roea Waber. 44. 4U; east 4 faat ef lot 6. Boas Waber, 40.10; aaat ' 3 feet of tot S, tM Weber, 40.10; weat 44.6 faat of mmmt as A Immt of tot 6. Maada- lml R. Marlsioff. 41.40; weat 44.6 feet et eaat 44.4 feat ot tot . Msgdalsal B. Marbv toff, 41.40; west TO feet of tot 6, BcbaarJaa ' aad Lydia Matcher. 43.46: weet TO feet of aa a, aeoasuaa ana LfaiM mucnttr. e-.eo, ' east U of tot T, Joaaoh Cohn. 43.80; aaat Vi of tot i, Joseph Coon, 43.30; west H at tot T. WUhainuoe Maebler, 13.80; waat H of kt 4, wimelnlna Muobler, 43.80; north 7-6 feet of block 70, Cakaowa Owner. 41J6. BLOCK Tl. weat 1 feet of tot I. harsh A. Beniee. 41.80; west 41 feet at tot 1 Sarah a- Barnes,- 11. SO; seat T5.0 teat or lot I. Koea H. Weber, 43.10; eeat 74.B feet ef of tot 4, Baaa H. Weber. 43.40: west 86.6 , reei' or tot . rams Murray. i-ua; west . 86.6 feet ef tot d. Patrick Mnrray. 81.06; east U test of tot a, Lena Apple, 43.; . aaat 6 feet at tot 4, Patrick Morrsy, 40.20; . aaat ft feet of tot H, Pstrlck Murray. 40.30; north 46.66 feet at weal luO feet of lot- 6. - Patrick Marrey. 43.40; weet 10L4 feet -of let 4. TJrsaJs Taptsr. 44.26: weat 1014 feet ' of sooth 4.46 feet af tot 4. Urania Tapfer, wv-ow, seat ti or ani , aaary eacoira, e.w. eaat H of tot 4,' Mary Jacobs, 4X80; west H t lot t, Mrs. Mark O'Nell. x20; weat H or tot a. Bra. Mark O'Nell, 63.20. CARCTleRS, ADDITION TO CARDTHKRS ADDITION tp the- City af Portlaaito-BLOCK T6, eest 40 feet at north 100 teat af block, BaJfoor, Vuthrls A Co., 4X60; weat 80 feat of eaat 100 feet of 'north 100 tret. -Agnes Wstob. (1.70; north 48 feet of sooth 88 feet - ar east 40 feet et block. Man Jaokamlch, 43.50: aaat T4 fort ef snath 60 feet af block. , Hat tie Johnaoa, 43.10; eaat 44 feet af aortb a rare or aoata luo Itav et Bavi, aoaene sad Victoria Klsawetter. 80.46. BLOCK 77. aonthwest U of block, crrua , A. Dolph. 44. 40; block, Wlnfleld T. Step doeepn aimon poo northwest a oi U. k 4M.40: north Ilia BUnford, 4 of AMrtheast M at block, Moll;. eoata 44 af aortbeast 14 af block ' mim II .UI, w-v, Rui 111 . ts of ktock, Rarrab Be Wallace, 48.60; south g of southesat at stock, B. U Caldwell, , A trsct ef toad Bounded tsd doacrthed aa foUowa: Onaaaaewciog at Interssctloa af south Una of Porter street with the weet Una et ' Oregon A CeUfnrnla Ballroad Ooatpaay't right of way.- thence west 66.70 feet, thence south . 306 feet, thence east U8.24 feet to west Hoe .- af Oregon - A California Ballroad Oompaay'a ' right of way, thence northwesterly to begin ning. Mcreua r.aat, o.ou. " A tract at hud bounded nnd deaarlksd sa follows: -Oafflawnriof at bjtaissrttoa af aoatk . line at Porter atreet with eeat Uaa ot Poarth atreet, thence east on Booth line of Potter . atreet 7S.2S feet, thence sooth nt right angles to Porter atreet 100 feet, tbeoce wsa , 64.08 feat aad parallel with Porta street to eaat line et Poarth atreet, thanes northwest ' to bra-Inning, Henry Thomneea Estate,. Heir erf, 46 40. " ' , A tract at had bounded nnd daeerTbad at follows: Commencing at mterserttoa of north line of Woods street and east line of Poarth street, being too feet sooth aed 60.21 feet 'east et sooth west ooroer of block 67, Caratbera Addl t toe ta Oar there1 .Addition, theace eaat on north Una of Woods street 84.80 feet, tbeoce north 100 fast at ; tight aaglea ta Woods street, theaea wast ' and parallel with the Berth Una af Woods atreet. 108.13 feat to east Una af Faarth atraat, OUrer Q. Holmes, 48.10. . ; A tract at Und bounded and Bsacifbat as . follows! ' Omnmanclag at uterseettoa af north' Una of Woods street aad weat Una at Oregon A California Railroad Oompaay'a right of way,' thence weet oa north line of Woods street 4X7 feet, tbeoce north at right hhgle to Woods atreet to a point 100 feet north of aortb Una at Wanda atreet. thence eeat aad parallel with the north line et Woods atraat ; 63 14 feat fa point aa weet line ef uregoa A . California Railroad tympany's right of my, -theace southeaster Ijrta baglsalng, Lou lea at. Paster. 80.06. -A tract ot land boaaded and diaufhid aa follows: Cammearlng aa aoath Una af Por ter street at the Mterasctioa at fourth street; ' thence weat aa aoath Una of Porter atreet - T.8 feet ta weet Una ot eld poarth atreet extended aoetherly; theace aoath 40 feet aa weet Una. af -old Poarth street ei tended aoatherly; thence eeat aad paraUel with seath ' Una at Porter street 106. 14 feet to weet Una af Poarth street; thence aorthweaterly to beglunlftg, 81 lea C MoCTtaoa, 44.30. ' b A tract of tend boautdea aad deacrloed as fbTtows: OenmeaclBg at point aa east line of ronefh. street U0 feet aoath . and 44 feet - east of soma went - earner ot stork 47, Car atbere' addtrtoa ta Caratbera' ad dittos; thence - weet 1UO. is reet to west una aa elo, -nouns street extended seatharly; tbeern aoath 88 reel on west one or oia raunn street ex tended; thence east 11X48 feet ta wast Una et Poarth street aa now sou bill bed; thence " northwesterly ta beainnlsg, U. .'PsBsasdsltl ' Estate, Hetrs of, 42.40. ; - t A tract ef torn, bonoded sad BsaalbsB at ' follow: Commenting- at a point on weet ' line at Poarth atreet, said point, being ISO ' feet Booth aad 10.66 feet east ot soathwest 'corner of block 47, Csrsthera' , addltloe to Oarathare' addition; theaea west and parallel with seath Uaa et Porter street 118.44 feet t to weet Una ef eld Poarth street ex tended aoatherly; thenar north en said waat Uaa ef . eld Poarth street 8f feet; theaea aaat 11X33 feet ta west Una ef Pout-th street: thence southerly to kagtsalng, Harry aV OodabaU, ' 4X40. A trart of land boasded and liaitrlhi a follows: Conrnwnclng at latersecrtoB of north Una of Woods street aad west Una of Fourth , street, Bald pout being 800 feet aoath and 84.74 feet eaet of aoath went corner ot block 47. Camtbera' addition ta Caratbera' addltloe; '' theace weet 134 feet oa aortb Uaa ef Weeds . street extended weeterly ta weet Una af aid i Poarth street, ' abraded aontberly; thence ' north 100 feet on said - west Haa at old Poarth atraat; theace east and parallel With aoath Una of Porter street 114.44 feet to . wast Una ef Poorth atreet ; tbeoce seatharly to beginning. Charles Jenks, s 00. 'A tract of land lying betweea tba Berth Una of Woods atreet and the aoath Una at tot 8. block 60, caratbera addl Use ta Car nthers addition aad between the weeterly Urn of Hood street end a line 100 feet westerly from and paraUel therewith. City et Port la no. 43.86. -. CABrTHEBS AnmTtOlt TO rABTJTHERr addition ta toe i:ny or i-ortiioo blx-cb. nana utmaorpn. ao.iu; m a, jobb smir, fta-io; lot a, jamas u. rtuarer.; tot a, J John Muir, so lu; m a, nerman neiuemner, 44.26. BLOCK 83. lot 1. The German Bar ings A Loan. Society. 44.40; north 61 feel of let 8, The Oermsa 8a ring A Loan Bo. claty. 44-86; aoath 8 feet of lot t. Prank P. OUhsm, 40.16; tot 8. Prank P. Ollhsm, 54.80; tot 4. Prank P. Gtusm, 44.86; tot 4. oka A. Lackel, 44.40) lot 4, Sebaatlaa Ply male, 43.801 tot T. George W. Oordoa, 43.20; tot 8. The Oermaa Darings A Loaa Society, 8X16. BLOCK 40, lot 1. Nortbera Counties tnrestment Trust, 44.10; - lot X Northern Coon ties laeestment Trust, B4.B; tot 8, Northern Counties Inrastment Trast. 4.1.00: lot 4. Frank Aw Tell, 4X30; lot 5. frank A, Tan. 6X46 lot 6. Prsak A. Tell. 4X60; lot T, Mary il wsrren, atwra; ioi a. rreatna W. Ollletta, 44 20; tot 4v Carrie E. Wood. 44.20; tot 10, May D. IngaUa. 44 20) north H of tot it Oust 1. and Cares Oleea, 4X10; snath 14 of lot IL Gnstsf A. and Caroline Carlaoa, 4X10; lot It Ells C ftabla, 44.20; tot 1.1. tVanh A. TVIL 84.80. CARCTHERA' ADPITION to the City ef P-ort- laad. aa isia out sy rne con in remand steni Katata AaaoclaUoB BLOCK 100. lot 1, Ora- Cm Ballroad A Narlgstlnai Oompaay, 44.80; t 8, Oregoa BaUrnad A Narigsttoa Oom ' pany, $4. 20; tot 8. Oregon Railroad A Narl ' gat Ion Company.- 44.20; kt 4, Oregoa Rail. road A NaTlgsttoa Company, 44.20; tot 6. .Oreaoa Rallraad A. NsTlrstloa Comnanr. 44.20; lot , Oregoa Railroad A Narration Company, 84.80; lot T, Oregon BsUfsad A JiSTigstioa uompany,; lot a, tregoa Railroad A Nartgarlnn Com pan jr., BLOCK 101. tot 1, United States Steins . A Ieaa Company of Minnesota, 44.20; tot X, I. B. Sentt. 44.20; lot 8, Ibex land Cora- ' pany aad Bobart H. Thompsoa, 44.80). lot 4. Ibex Land Company and Robert H. . Tbompeon, 44.80: tot 6. Errrdlog A Parrell. : 44.'l tot 4, J. E, ftoott. 44 30; tot T. J. E. Hoott, 44.80; tot 8, United States Sarins A Insa Company of Mlnneants. 4 20. BLOCK 102. tot lLlsKle O. Wells, 44 20: tot X Msry rrancea Hurler, 44.20, tot 8. Mary , Prance Hurley, 44.20i lot 4. flracs L. Brn nsogh, 44.20; tot 6, S. J. La Prance , M.: - tot d. B, J. La France, 44.20; sndlrlded of tot T, ilke Land Comnsnr, 43.10; nn dlTtded H of tot 7, Anna B. Connell, 1I0; lot 4. Jacob Loall. 44 20. BLOCK 103. tot j. Peter sad Elale Brener. 44 20; tot X ' Peter and Klaia Breaer, 44.80; tot S, Oregna ' Mortgage Company, Ltd.. 44.2: tot 4, lot tie Trapp, 44 20; tot B. Mollis Stanford, 44.20; tot 4V Mollla Staoford, 44.80; tot T, Maine " Staoford. C; tot 4, MolUe Bun ford, , 44-20.. BTK-B: 104. lot 1. rhe Lend ' Company, ' 44.80; tot " X I bee tsnd rynnnany. 44.20; tot 4. The fad Company, 44.20; tot 4. Ibex Land Compear. 44.80; eaat 60 feet et tot 6, Ibex Lend Com pany, 13.10; eaat 40 feet of lot 4. Ibex Lend ' iomrny, ftilO; air et tot B except east 60 feet, P. O. Wstoh. $1.60) til et tot 4 ' exerpt east BA feet. t. 0. Welch, fl 26; lot 7, Ibex Land Company, 2 r: tot 4, I hex T,m1 Oomoanr. 4X80. R I jfM ' If inn, i 1, Oregon Hallway A NarlraUon Cotn'nany. 44.14; lot 8, Oregon Railway A Nsrlastton Company, 40 " tot a, Oregon BaUway A NaTlgattoa Companr.. 46 10; tot -4. Oregon Railway A Nsrlrstton Compsny. 44 eo: tot 6. Orrgoa Railway A NSTlgstJoa Company, 44.20; tot Oregna'. Railway A Nsrlaattoa Company, 44 20; lot 7, Oregon Ballway A ' Navigation Compaay. 44.20: tot a, oregoa : Railway A Navigation Omptay. 44.20. KlAVCK 104, tot 1, William M. Oregory and J. V. Besch, 44.204 tot X William M. Oregnry 4 J. T. Beach, J4.3: tot 8. WllUers MV liregory snd J. T. Beech. 4 20; tot 4i William M. Gregory sad J. T. Beach, 44.80 tot 4, WUHam M. Orarory sad J. T. Beech 44-0lv, tot 4, WUlhui it. Gregwry and J, rj. al, tot 1. B. U Ray. 44 80: tot 8. PerdUJ-LlC ... m uu . au . i . niiiiaai ai. 1. re gory snd J. V. Besch, 43.46. BLOCK i Kf. Oregon Railway A Navigation Compaay, - 440.76. . BLOCK 104, tot I. Thomas h chanaa. 4U.e0: tot X Thomaa J. Cottel fce- taie. Halm of, 4ILI0; tot , Richard ' B, (Mllna, 44.16; tot 4. Btrharu b. ttoUus. 44.16;- lot 4, Portland Trust Company ot ' Ofwgoe, 44.20; tot a. Portland Trust Cam. . pany ef Oregon, 44.80) weet 48 1-8 feet ot lot T. Leonard Ached. . 41.40: west 83 1-4 ' feet of tot h, Leonard Bcbed. 41-40;. east 6 8-8 feel ef tot 7 Jobs Lewy, 4X40) eaet 4 2-d Ml if tot , John Lewy, BXao. . BUicK lt, lot L An nla K, Nawaome, 44.20; north 47 Vt feat -of tot X Bobart Williams, ..43.16) aoatk 12V4 test at tot X Victoria Pieblger, 11.06; north- H ef tot 4, Tlctorta " Ptoblser. 4XUi: aouth ef tot S. k'raak and Victoria Pleblger. 4X10; kt 4, WUUam h-lng, 44.80; all of tot 4 except Oregoa A California Railroad Ooatpsny's rtgkt et way, WlUlam King. 41 75; . all ef tot 6 except Oregoa A California Railroad Company a right of way, WUUam .King, 41.70; nil et - tot T, except Oregoa A Csllforsls Railroad Oompaay'a rlgkt ef way, William King, 4X10; nil et tot 4 except Oregoa A California Rall- . road Compaay's right , of, way, WUUam King, 4Xu. BLOCK 110. lot 1. Hesry J. "Tbompsoa btau, Hetra of. 44.80; tot X Hesry J. Them peon bitate. Heir af, 44.80; tot 3, D. W. Wakettola, 44.20; tot 4. Buaaa M. 'Wallsce. 44 30) tot 6. reraiosad Uua dorph, 44.20; lot 4, Pardlaand Lander ph. - 44.20; tot 7, Perdlnsod Gandorpb. 44 20; tot 4. kerdlnand Guadarpa,. 44.30, BLOCK 111. all at tot 1 axeept Oregon A CaUforala Rail road Company's right ot my. Charles C . Bmlth, 6X60; all of lot t except Oregon A ; California Railroad Oompaay'a right at way, Cbarlea G. rlmlth, 41.70; all of tot B except . Oregoa A California Railroad Company's right ' ef way,- Cbarlea C. smith. 41. "0; all ef lot 4, except Oregoa A California Ballroad Oom paay a right of way, Charles & Bmlth, 1.66; all at lot ft except Oregon A CaUforala Ball' road Company's right ef way. Cbarlea C . Smith, 44Jk; all of tot 4 except Oregoa A California Railroad Company's right of wsy, . Charles a Smith, 44.20; su et tot T except .Oregon A CkUfornls Railroad Company's right '. of wsy, Cbarlea C. Smith, 44.00) all ef let 4 ., except Oregoa A Co Uf orals Railroad Company'! i right of way, Cbarlea C. Bmlth, 44.20. BLOCK 112, lot 1, Kred Behorae, 44.80; tot 8. Prod Re horse, 44.20: lot 4, Northern Uonntle TnTestment Traat.' Ltd., 810.00) tot 4. Vera Haynee. 10.00; tot 6. Vara Hayaes, . 44-20; tot 4, Northern Counties Ineestment 41 Trust, Ltd.; 44.20; tot - T,- Pred Beborse. 44.20: tot C .Pred Reboree, 44.20. BIXX K : 113, lot t, J. Sweek Katat. Helta of, 44.20; tot 2, J. Sweek Estate, ' Helre et, 44.30; ', north 40 feet of tot 8. J. Sweek Be late. Hair of, BXswf Bouth 10 feat af tot 4, M. W. Smith. 80.66; tot 4,-' at, W. Smith, 44.30: west 4.7 tot of tot 4, Herman H. BUnforth. 4 TO; mat 68 fret : at tot 6. P. L, Wright, 46.40! kt 4, J. W. Sweek Estate, Heire of. 410.00: tot T, J. . W. Sweek Estate, Heir-of, 44.10; tot 8. , 1. W. 6 week KsUta, Heirs of, 44.20. BLOCK 114,' kt 1, George D. Watklas snd B. D. Roed, 44 20: tot X George D. Watklns knd K. D. Rood. 44.80; tot 8, Pranklln Drake, ' 44-20; tot 4, PrankllB Drska. 44-20;- west H "of tot 6. Colombia iBTestment Company No. X 4X10; west H af lot 4, Colombia Inrsat nwnt Company No. 8, 8X10; east Vb ef tot 6. Mary lints. gxiO; eaat H ef tot 4. Mary Lenta, 42.10: undtrlded 4-6 of tot' T, ' Hsnnah Bloom, 63.88; nndinded 4-8 of tot 6. . Hsnnah Bloom, 13.36; and I Tided 1-6 et tot 7, Mathilda, Jennie, Mary and B. Bloom.-40.86; . undlrlded 1-6 of tot B. Mathilda, Jennie. Mary and B. Bloom, 80.88. .BLOCK '116, tot 1. The Nortbera Counties laves tmeat Truat, Ltd., 44.30; tot 8. The Northern Countlee laTeatmeat Trust, Ltd., 84.20; tot 4. EUsa hath A. Thomas. 44.30; tot a, Elisabeth A. Thomas, 44.80) west 40 feet ef tot 4. lease Swett, 82.60; eaat 40 feat ef tot 4, Theresa Brown, fl.TO; aouth H et tot 47 V. K. Rogers, gXH); north t, ef let 4. Prad L. - Rlxra -aad RtaUa bL Rlggs. 42.10: tot T, Byroa P. Card wail Bstata, Heirs of, 44.80; lot ft, Byron P. Card wall EsUto, Heirs ef, 84rt0. BLOCK 114, tot 1. Job H. and Msry D. Middle ton. 44.10; ' tot X Ney Churchman,- 64.30; tot 4, Amand W. Bred - Katsta, Hetra of, 44.20; tot 4, Amand W. Bsed Estate, Helen ef, 44.80; tot 6. Mar Beret U. PaiUng. 44.80; tot , Margaret a . Palling, 44.20; lot T, Mary A. BnUlwunt,; sot. a, Bnaget una t. v. avenawsy fcaUta. Helra ofr 1480, BLOCK 117, tot " 1. Mary Prsarea Hurley, 44-20; tot X George W. Craw, 44.80; lot 3. Mary Prances Barley. 44.80: tot a, Mary rrancea Hertoy, 44.20; tot a, Dora Bprsuer, 44.20; lot 4, . Dors Rprsaer. 44 20; lot T, George tUbbecke. 44.30; tot a, reus nsoiey, biaiua. its. tot 1. EUsn Murpby. 44.20: tot X George Bukowaky, $4.20; tot 4. Carrls Klrktoy. 44.30: tot 4. Georra SeUlrk. 44.30: east H of tot ft, Annie hf. Jacobberger, 42.10: east M ef tot 4, Aanl M. Jaccobberger. 4X10; wast H ef tot 4. weat ft et tot 4. east ef tot T. ttnenna Ann nowa, a-iu; Catherine- Aaa Howe, ftXJO) John Klrklev. 42.10: asat H of tot 8. Joka Kirk lay. X10; west V, I of lot T. net 1. Wright, 4X10; weat H of tot S, Pred U WnrhW-tXIO. BLOCK 114. ' tot 1. Uasle 0. "Walla, 44 20: tot X- Uxxle , C. Walk, 44.80; tot X J. a. MeAJpln. 44.20; tot d. J. B. McAlpla, 44.80) tot 4. Benjsmln " P. nnd Phoebe J. Johnaoa, 44.30: tot . Bea- lamia P. aad Phoebe j. Johnson, 44 20; tot T I.lssle C. Wells, 44-20; tot 4, Ltaals C - Welle, 44.80. BLOCK 130, tot I. Oregon ' Railroad A Nsrlgstlon Compose, 44.80; tot X Oregoa Railroad A Barigattoa Company, 44.80; tot X Oregoa Rallraad A Navigation Company, 44.80) tot a. Oregoa Railroad A ' Nsvigattoa Com pany. 44 20; tot 4. Oregoa . Railroad A NaTlgsttoa Company, 44.20: lot ' 4, Oregoa Railroad A Narigsttoa Company, 44.80; tot T, Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Compaay. 84.80; lot t. Oregon Ballroad A Navigation Company. 44 20. BLOCK 121, lot 1, Oregon Ballroad A Nsrigattoa Com pany. (4.80; tot 8, Oregon-Ballroad A Navi gation Compaay, 44.20: lot 4. Oregoa Ball road A NaTlgsttoa Company. 44.20: tot ' 4. Oregem Rallraad A Nartgadoe Company, ' 44.80; tot B, Oregon Ballroad A Navigation - tVHnpaay. 44.80: lot 4. Oregon Rallraad A Navlgstlon Company, 44.20; tot T, Oregon Railroad A Nevtgatloa Company,' 44.80; tot - 4. Oregon Ballroad A Nsrlgatton Company. ' 44.20. BLOCK 128. tot 1. Oregoa Ballroad A Nsrigattoa Company, 44.20; tot 8, Oregon - Railroad A Navigation Company,. 44.80; tot 8. Oregoa Ballroad A NarlgsUon Company. 44-80) lot 4. Oregoa- Railroad A Navlgatloa Company. 44.80; 0 Oregon Railroad A Nsvfgsttoa Company, 44.20; tot 4, Oregon Railroad A' Navigation Coarpany, 44.80; tot T, Oregoa Railroad A N eviration Company, ' 44.80: tot S, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. 44-. BLOCK 123, tot I, Laws Umnria. 44.20: tot 8. Laura mm sa.9ii: lot B. rresmn - 64-20; tot dPresten W. Gillette. 44.JO; tot B.. Arthur O. Cborchley. 44.20; tort. Arthur fli Cborchley, 44.20; tot 7, ISTeatore' Mort fsge Security compsny, i.ra., .; KH o. L L. Temptoton. 44 20. BLOCK 124. tot 1, CnroUne Vtntlne, 44 80; lot X Caroline Van. tins, 44.80; tot 4, Amanda W. Reed Estate. Helra et. 44.20; tot 4, Amanda W, Reed ' Katate. Heirs of, 44 .80; tot 6, Camllae Van " tine, 44.80; tot 6. Caroline Vantlne 44.20; - tot T, Caroline Vantlne. 44 20 ; lot 4, Caro lina' Vantlne. 44.80. BLOCK 126, . kt L A. J. Olesy. 44 20; tot t. A. J. fltoay, 44 80; ; north H ot tot t, Joseph Nellaea. - 4X10; south ot kt 8, 1 Goldenberg, 42.10; tot ' d. Ad and A. R. Panno, 44 20; tot B. Ore gen Mortgage -Company, 44.20; aouth 4 ef - lot 4, Alice U Bowen, tzio; north H of tot 4. Cbsrlss Hongbton, 4X10; tot T, H. P. and Flora a Gerssscb, 44 80; kt S. Cora B. and LUUan A. Ie Lund, 44.20, BIOCK 124, tot 1. Jdllo H. Berger, 44.80; lot 8. - Ida M Berger. 440: tot 4,, George S. knd . Minnie Livingston. 44.80; kt 4. Martha Henanaw, 44 30 : tot 6, A. ta rpenn, 44.20; ' lot 4, Pred B. Pierce, 44.80) east 67 feet of ' tot T. German Saving A Loaa Society, 4X40; east 87 feet of lot 8, Germsa Saving A Loan Society, 4340; weet 44 feet ef tot 7. J. H. ; Rrhitow, 41.60; weat 44 feet ef tot 4. J. ' H. Brlstow. 41.40. BLOCK 127. tot 1, William Tit DrlakeU,. 44.80; tot X WlUlam B. Drte kell, 44 80; tot 4. Perry H. Blyth, 44.20; , tot-4. Prank snd Lou tea B. Bammelln, 44.20; tot 6. WUUam. B. DrlakeU. 4420; tot 4, William B. Drlakell. 44.80; kt T, Jesse H. SettlemleT. 14.20; tot 4, laaae Oevnrtx, 64.20. BLOCK 124. east Ttl feet ol tot 1, louls Msrott. 44.15; weat 28 feet ef lot 1. Hannak U Hardy. II 06; weat 26, feet ef tot X Han. ' nab L. Hardy, 41061 north ef east T8 ' feet' of tot 87 Msry Coleman. 41.66; aouth H of east 76 feet of tot X RrMget Kennedy and John Kennedy Eeute, Heirs of, 61.66; . tot X City of Portland, 44.20: tot 4. Con stance knd Pred Tillman, 44 ! B, Mar cus Bnedy. 48.00: snath H et lot 4, Sarak Cob, $4.00; north t of tot X M. J. Moss, " 44.00; tot T, Fourth Preetiyterlaa Cbnrcb, ' 4H.O0; tot 4. Pourth ' Presbyter! as Church.. IsOO. BliOCK 120. tot I. Pred Bpsgeto. ' 46.001 orth 3d feet ef tot X Leroy J. Bwtts . tor. 43.78: south 14 feet of tot X John Mulr, - 6X23; north 43 feet of tot X John Mulr, 64 70; south 6 feet ef tot 8. Marleass R. Boyd, 11.80; tot 4, Marleeea B. Boyd. 4H.0O; all of tot 6 except Oregon A California Rall- - mad Company's rlxbt et my. Nannie- M. .. Starr, 6X4i; all of tot 4 except Oregoa A , California Railroad Company's right of wsy, Nannie M. Stsrr. ATDO; east 4 of tot 7, Hannah McCarthy, 42.10; aaat af tot X lUnnah McCarthy, 63.10; west 14 of tot 1. Mrs. Msrtln A. Elfers. 2 IO; toi X Mrs, Mtrtln A. Elfers. 4X10. BUiTK 140. sll 'af tot 1 except Oregon A Csllfornln Rsll r mad Company's right of wsy, Charles Csrdl. ' nsIL 43.00; lot 2. Pred W. Preba, 44 : tot 8. Kittle M. Stark, 44.80; tot 4, Kittle M. Stark. 44 W: weet to ef tot 67 Alice i K. Welster, 4XI0 went H of, tot 47 Alice : R. Welater, 4X10; east H ef tot B. Robert ' Livingstone, 42.10;. east Vi of tot 4. Robert IJTtBratnae. 4X1": eaet g gf M 7. Israel asd Mary Dautnff. 4X10; east 4 of tot S. --- Israel and Msry Dsatoff.' 83. !: Wast 14 of tot 7. P. A. I1.v. Trustee, 42 10; west H ' of lot X 4. A. Daly. Truatee, 4X10. BI.OCc! . 1.11, tot 1. P. Bras.- 4 oo: all of sooth u ' of tot except Oregoa A" CaUforala ' Rslbmud Company' right at wsy, George M. Waldea, ' 8X40; gll. ef aorth H of tot 8 exerpt Oregoa A California - Retiree Conrpaay'a right ef way. rally" af. Pord, 4X40;. sll ef tot 8 except Orrgoa I A CaUforala Railroad Com. pa ay's right ef wsy, PhlUp lawloo, A3-40; jMI at tot 4 -aocapt -Oregon, A- CaUfomU Balk- and J. Y. Beach. 4X24: let A. William mad AininaBT's tsbral ton, 46.00; eaat 40 feet of tot B except Ore eoo A i ' n.ilroad Com Dear a rtxbt of wsy, Haulla Bmlth. 4X16; eest 44 duel ef aostb So feet of tot a except Oregon A CallfornU Railroad Compaay's right ef way. Eetalls Bmttk. 40 40: weet 51 feet of lot B etrept Oregon A California Batlresd Com. Jaay's right ot wsy. Willi eat M. lengory, X16) west 61 feet ef sou Ik 30 feat ef tot except orrgoa A CaUforala Ballroad Com pany s rlgkt of wsy, WUHsm M. Gregory, 40.86; north 80 feet ef tot 6 except Oregon ; A CaHfomia Railroad Comaany's right of my, John H. Mlddleton, 43.40: 11 of tot T except Oregoa A CaUfornin Railroad I Com pany's' right of wag. Jehu H. Middtotim. 43.00; all of lot 4 except Oregoa A LaUfor. nla . Railroad Coenpsny's right et wsy. Olg M. Laag. 42.86. LOCK 1st, let 1, Laura Psalkea, 44.20) tot X Grajt nlp, 4-20; tot 8. Alice J. Plimpton, 44.80; 1 v"? J. PUmpton. 84.80: tot X Aaoa a Bjreft. 48,00; tot 4. Ida B. Gere, 44.06: tot J. R. V. Straus. 4X0; kt 4. R. P. Htrsaa 4XB. BLOCK 1SS, tot L PiwdA. Uts. 44.80; tot . X Pred A Lit. 4.80; tot X William Tar rant, 44 20! tot X WlllUm Tarrant. 44 20, tot 8. Plrat M. B. Church. Trustee, 44.30: tot .. Plrat VL B. Church, Trastee. 44.80, tot T, Pred A. Lit. 44.80J tot X Pred A. ' Uta, 44.8a BLOCK 134.' tot , A. Uo, M. llaUrwood. 44 20; tot idallne M. Underwood. 64.20: tot 8, Nsnc 8. Atkranrm . Katste, Helra of'. 44.805 tot Nancy B. Atkinson EsUte, petrs of. 84.80: lot 6. ftamner 1. Barber, 44.20: tot Xbumaer I. Barber, 44.80) tot TV WlUlam C. Harmar. 44.20; kt X Wllllakt .C. Hrmr. 34.. RLOCB; 138. east Vk al W 1, rrank J. Bchuck. 4X10; eaat et tot i Schnck. 4X10: weat et tot 1, W'l'Uat P. Olda. X10: weat U f kt X WUUam P. Old. 43.10 nortk H of tot X A. R. and tl ! Bettner.' X10r aouth btt X Dantol W. Hnelblng. fXlOl tot d. DtJ-l. .IJ2 ing, 44.30; lot 6. George Stowell, 44.80; tot 4, tleorge Stowell, 44.20) tot 7. Aicxamtor 6. P.ttaU. 44 80: tot X Alexander PattaUo. 44.20. BLOCK 13 "west 86 'ee ef tot 1. Mare J. Nalmea. 61.06: east T8 feet 'of tot hard, 4 20. BLOCK 137. tor I. at, w. Smltn. 44.20: tot X U. W. Smith. 4d.3o; tot X M. W. Smith, 44.101 tot 4. M. w. .Smlth7 44 8n; tot X. M. W. "mith, 44.20; let X ST. W. Smith. 44.20: tot T. M W. - Smith. 44 86t - , 4. - M.- vVi. Smithy. 44.20. BUICK 13X tot 1. Oregon Ballroad A Nevl gatloa Compsny. 44.80; lot X Oregon Ball road 4f Navigation Compsny 44.20; tot X Oregon Ballroad A Navlgstlon Compsny, 64 0! tot d. Oregoa Railroad A NavlgaUoa Compaay, 44.80) tot X Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Compsny. 44.20: tot ,4. Orefn" - Railroad A Navigation Compsny, 44 .80; tot -T. Oregon Railroad A NsvlgsOoa Comptny, 84.80; lot X Oregon Railroad A NsTlgatton Company. 44.80. BLOCK 134,' tot r Wa Railroad A Navigation Compaay, 44.80; tot X Oregon Ballroad A Navigation Company, 44.80: lot X Oregoa Ballroad A Navigation Company. 64.20: lot-, Oregoa, Ballroed A Navlgatloa Compaay. 480; tot .; Railroad A Navlgatloa Company. 440; tot X Oregon Railroad A Nsvigattoa Compsny, 44.20) tot T. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. 44.20) tot 8, Oregoa Railroad A NaTlsatton Company; 44.2a' BI-OCK 140. tot 1. Oregoa Railroad A N s rig Uon Company. 64 80; tot X Oregon Railroad A Bsvlgstlon Company, 4.20; tot X . Oregon RaUroad A Nat 'ration Company, 44 20; tot 4. Oregoa Railroad A Nsvlgstioa Company, 4.S0; lot 6. Oregon Railroad A NavlgaUoa Company, 84.80; lot A. Oregoa Railroad A Nsvlgstioa Company. 44.80: let 7, Oregon Bailroad A Navigation Compaay. 44.20: lot 8, Oregon Ballroad A Nsrigattoa Company. 44.80. BLOCK 141. tot 1. Oregon Railroad A Nsvt gatloa Company. 44-80; tot X Oregoa Ball road A Navigation Compaay. 44.20; tot .X Oregoa Ballroad A Navigsttoa Camnany. M 20; lot 4, Oregoa Railroad A .Navigation Company. 44.20; lot 6, Ore goo Railroad A Nsvigattoa Company. 00) tot 4. Oregoa - Rallreed- Nsvlgstioa Company; X4.20; tot T. Oregon Ballroad A Nsvlgstioa Compdny, 'it 20: lot X Oregon Railroad A -Navlgatloa Company, 44.8oTOCK 14X tot 1. Richard nndBlln Punk. fCtO; tot X 5 ""us. Rlls Punk. 4-20; lot X Martha Mary Tnytor. 44.80; lot X -Martha Mary ' Tay U. 44-20; tot X Pred Spagels. 44.30; tot X Pred pa- K la, 44.20; tot T, John Mulr. 44.30) lot 8. bs Mulr, 84-80. BLOCK 14X kt 1. Oregon Ballroad A Narigsttoa .Company. 84.80) tot X Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatloa Compsny. ' 44.80; lot X Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company. 44 20: lot 4. .Oregon Ikilroad A v-.-i.-.i . v.nnane. 64.10: tot 8. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Comaany. . 44.20; tot X Oregoa Haiiroaa at j,,iaui "'" 44 80; lot T. Oregoa Railroad A Nangatton Compsny. 44 20; lot 5, fr goo Railroad A Navirattoa Comnuy. 44 20. BLOCK 144. weat to of tot I. Peter Glhonl 4X10; west H af tot 8. Peter Glhonl. 4X10: east H of lot X X hf, Bmlth, 4X10; east H at tot X 8. M. Bmlth. -- - - O aks $3.16; east U of kt X John Kerratob, 4X10) east H of lot e. X Job X Job John Ker- rutoh, 4X10; weat aranx a ax arc tot X e'nba P. Hart- S3, in; rest H ef tot X John P. Hsrt- maaT tX10: kt 4. Mary V Mlddleton. 4X80 63-tu; tot e, atarr e-. w...uw. wmv. tot X Mary X Middle ton, 64.20; weal H er tot li Lenore X Gregory, 43.10) east 4 of tot J, Sadie A. Wrinkle, 42.10; eaat U ef tot X' Sadie A. Wrinkle. 43X10; west H ef tot X Abram Mttoy. 4XIX BLOCK 146. tot 1.' Oregon Ballroad A Nsetastton Company. 44.20; lot X Oregoa Railroad A NsvlgsUon Compsny. 44-SOl tot X Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Compaay. M 20; tot 4. Oregon Railroad A NsvlgsUon Company. 44.20; tot X Oregon Ballroad A NsvlgsUon Company. 44.80) lot 4. Oregon .Railroad A Navigsttoa (Somnanv. 44.80: tot T. Oresoo RsUrosd A Nsvlcatlos . Company. 54.20; tot X Oregon - Railroad A Navlgatloa Compsny. 44.20. BIXrCK 144. tot 1. Matilda Sandaton. 44.2n; - tot X Matilda Baadatoae. 44.25; tot 4, Matll i da Sandstone. 44 80: tot 4. MstUda Saiid , stoas, 44.80) tot 4, Oregon Railroad A Navl gaUoa Compaay. 44.20; tot X Oreea Ball road A Navigsttoa Compaay, 44J0: lot T, rw.- uniirnad A Nsvlssttoa Oomoanr. 44.20; tot S, Oregon Balkroad A NavlgaUoa (ompaay, 44.80. BLOCK 147, tot l Looia M. AaplnwaU. 44.20; tot X Sarah YM Edith and Samoal L. Campbell. 44.20; tot X Sarah v Kitttk and Ramael L. CampbeU. 44.20: lot X Sarah V.. Edith and Samuel L. Camp bell. fttaO; lot X H. J. Tbomjswn testate, Heira of. 44.20: tot X He J. Thorn peon Katste. Hetra of. 44-80) eaat U ef tot. T. Adam Oatlln. 4X10; eaat H of lot .Adam Cstlla, 42.10: west H of tot T, Alliance Truat Compaay of Dundee, Scotland. 43. Io; west H ef tot X Alliance , arast nmpesy - a. m m Mm a A eBrh e. ftk tm"F 114 fnrntn-r Ra1h-oad - aBaay a - right - ot jr f Abraham DIUey, 41.70; sll ex weat v er roc 1 except Oregoa A CaUforala Balkroad Cem . psny's right ot way. Cyrus Culpaa. 41.70; till of north H ef let 8 except Oregoa A CaUforala Ballroad Comnanr'e right of my. Harvey S. Greea, 41-26; all of aoatk ot lot 8 except Oregoa A California Railroad . Compaay' right of way, Lawrence StranX 41.26: all et tot 4 except Oregoa A Califor nia Ballroad Company's rlgkt of war. Low . rence BtranX 43.86) all ef tot 4 except Oregoa A CsUfornls Railroad Company' right et my. Lawrence StranX 4X18; tot 5 Iwrence Strand, 44.20; tot 4, Lawrence StranX 44.20; south V et esst ti of tot T, Iwreace Strand. 11.06; north H el esst H ef let T. Hsrrey X' Green, 41.06; weet 60 feet ef tot T, Hereey X Creen tX10; east H el tot X Cyrus Culpun, 4X10: west 14 of tot X Abram Dllley, 43.10. BLOCK 140. tot 1, John P. Caplee, 44 30; Berth .of tot X loon P. Copies. 4X10; south of lot a William H. Ssytor. 41.10: tot . William H. Say tor. 44.: lot 4. A. U Mllla, J4 20; east H of tot 0, rred H. Strong, J.10; eaat H ef tot 4, Pred H. Btrong, 4X10; weet H of tot 6. Christopher Kauf. man." 4X10: west H of tot X Christopher Kaufmsn. fXlO; tot T. Mr. B. A, Owen Adair, 44 80; tot 8. Mr. B. A. Owens Adair, 44 80, BLOCK 160. tot 1. Preston W. Gil totte? 42.06) kt i Msry Gillette. IX in; north 40 fret ef tot X P. D- Matthews. Trus tee. 41.48; south 10 feet ef tot X Welter Kletta. 40.40; all of tot 4 except Oregoa A CaUforala Railroad Compaay' right et way, Walter Kletta. 41.46; sll of tot 6 weat et . Oregon A CaUforai Railroad Company' right et way. J. Lnger. 40.40: til ef tot 4 rest ef Oregon A California Railroad Com pany' rlgkt of wsy, Wslter Klstts. 40.40; sll ot lot 4 .west ef Oregna A California Railroad Compsny' right of way, Adeline Wild. 40.30', sll of tot T west of Oregon A Callfomls Railroad Company's rlgkt of wsy. John B. Wild. 40.10; sll of kt T esst of Oregon A . California Railroad Company's . right et wsy, Josephine 0. Orerend, 40.40; sH ef lot esst et Oregon A Callfornis Rail mad Company" right of wsy, Josephine G. Orerend. 4L00. BLOCK 161. tot I. Oregoa Railroad A Navigsttoa Compsny, 42.06; tot 2. Oregon Railroad A Navlgstlon Company, ' 6X06; lot 8, Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Compaay. 4306; tot 4. Oregoa RaUroad A Navigation Company. 4306; tot 6. Oregon Ralrcoad A NavlgaUoa Company. 42.06; tot 6. Oregon Railroad A NavlgaUoa Company, 42.06; tot T. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. 43.06:, tot B. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation company. $2 06. BLOCK 162, tot 1.. Kdward Knowlrs, BXifts south 30 feet ot tot X Artbnr B. MrBreen, 40.60; north 80 feet ef tot.X Joseph C. Bayer. 41.26; south SB feet of north 37 feet of tot 8, Joseph C. Rayer. 11.16; sortb 4 feet ef tot ' 4. Artkiw R. McBreen. 0 6: aoath IS feet of tot X Peter Hook Irk. 60. 66: kt X Peter Hohklrk, 4X06; tot 6. The Title Gnersntee A Traat Company. $2.06; toi 4. The Title (Ins ran tea A Trust -Company: 42.06) tot 7. Joseph C. Rayer snd Peter Hohklrk. 42.06; bt X Joeepk C. Rarer sad Peter Hohklrk. J2 66. BLOCK 163, tot 1. Vh-tnr K. Strode, XOft:- tot X bats Strode. 4X06; tot X Perdlnand R artel a. 4X06) let X Perdlnand Bartam. 4X061 kt X Oscar and Lacy Shaa tack, 4X06; tot X Oscar aad Lacy Bbnt rack, 4X061 tot T, Prank nnd Msrf Haekeney. 4X05; tot X Phillip Oe verts. 13. M. BIOCK , 164, v tot X Elisabeth 'A. Thompson, 4X06; lot X Elisabeth A. Thempenn, 4X04; tot X ' James B. Thomneea. 00: tot 4. James a, Thompson. $2.06: kt 6, Hsnnah C Stew- lura, a.oi sag , axanman M ejwweai, eavwe ria44 K TSrVur'TT BmltkT 44.20; 'tot 4itr W. tnSth. 44 Tm; tot 6. bl ' W. smith. 44.30: lot X. M. W. Smith. 44.80) tot T, u... w.ih..A Ai! lot 4. Henry Wain- -tot -4, BlbberblA,-Tbomae. ft66; tot 4. eTktlastaiJuaitB ewe A UWsE14lBl, fAAk 1 ait. BUVVti ariwBaai 'tot 1. John .0. Hoffman. 4X06; tot X Ban J. Brherner, 4X06: tot 8. Ells C. BsMs. JX06; tot 4, r.lla C Ssbln. 4X06; tot 6. oha Mulr, SXOb; tot X Auto, and Rose Bukowskr. 4X06) tot T. John Mnlr,.4Xo6; , kt S WUUam M. Ladd, Truatee. 63.U6. ' BLOCK 16X tot 1. Oregon Ballroad A Navi gation Compaay, aX06; tot X Orefo Rail road A Navlgatloa Company, SXwS; tot X Oregoa Railroad A Navtgattoa Company. 4XV6; tot 4. Oregon Ballroad A NsvlgsUon , Comaany, 43 06; lot 4. Oregoa Railroad A Navigslloa Compaay. 4X06; tot' X Oregon Railroad A Navigsttoa Comaany. 4X06; tot : T. Oregon Railroad A Nsvigattoa Company, ' 4X06; tot 4. Oregon Railroad A NavlgaUoa Company, 4X06. BLOCK 167,' tot t. Oregon , Railroad A NavigsUen Compaay. 4X06; tot . X Oregon RaUroad A NavlgaUoa Company. 4X06; lot 6. Oregoa Ballroad A NsvlgsUon . Company. 4X04; tot 4. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company. ftXOft; tot 4. Oregon - Railroad A Navigsttoa Company. 42.68: tot 4, Oregoa Railroad A NavlgaUoa Company, ft.08) lot 7. Oregoa Railroad A NavlgaUoa 'ompaay. 42.05; tot 4, Orrgoa Railroad A ; Nsvigattoa Company, $105. BLOCK 166, tot 1. Oregoa Ballroad A NavlgaUoa Company, . 4X04; tot 3. Oregoa Railroad A NsvlgsUon Compaay, 2.06; lot X Oregoa Ballroad A Navlgstlon Compose. 42.06; tot X Oregoa Ralrmed--A- Narlgetton- lessrWByV-48.061 - tot ' 6. Oregon Railroad A Nsvlgstioa Company, JX06; lot 6. Oregon7 Railroad A Navigsttoa Ooipesy, 4X06; tot 7, Oregon Railroad A : Navlgatloa Company. 4X06; tot X Oregon . Railroad A Nsvigattoa Compsny, , 83.06. BLOCK 150, tot 1. Oregoa Railroad A Navl- gallon Osnipany. 4X06: tot X Oregoa Rall read A Navlgatloa Compaay. 4X06i tot 4. Oreaoa Railroad A Nsvlxstton Company. 4X06: tot -' Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Compaay, fx 06; lot 6, Oregon RaUroad A Navigation Company, X06; lot 6, Oregon rMuiruen. m navigauoa tompany, i,in; on " T. Ore-son Railroad A NavtaaUoa Company. 4X06; lot S, Oregon Railroad A Nsvbjtsttoa Compsny. 4X06. BLOCK 100, tot I. Albert .' rrhrenbeeh. 4X06: tot X Albert Prhrenbacb, 5X06; tot 6, Albert Pehrtnbeeh. 4X06: tot . Albert .Prhrenbacb. 4106;' lot X Albert PebrenbacX 4X06: tot 6. Albert Pehrenbarb. 4X06: tot -T. Albert Prbrenbaeh, 42.06) tot a, A inert renrenbarh, gxoa. huiui mi. .tot 1. Catherine W. Owens. 4X06: tot X Catherine W. Owens. 4X06; tot X Elena Sherwood. 6X06; lot 4. Eton Sherwood. 4X06; tot 5. Henry Reck a, 42.06; tot X . 1h. - none. ' t. e T..k . Vl-luuk 43.06; tot 4, Eptscops) Pund of Us Pratestast r.piacopat Church or tne inocrae et urrgon. . Trustee. 4X06. BLOCK 16X tot 1. Verdi- sand Kartells, $Xu6; tot X Perdlnand Bsr- - tells. 62.06: tot X Cart nne E. Wood. 42.06: , tot X Cortone R. Wood. 4X06; tot 6. Jacob vamm, gxoo; lot a. Jacoa kiss. z.un; nx T, Sophie Sutton. 42.06;, tot 4. Sophie But. ' ton. 4X06. BLOCK 166. The Home. 616.40. BLOCK 104, tot 1. The Soma, 4X06;. tot X - inn noma, z.x rot a, l aa uome, z.wb; - tot A.-Tba Homav. 33. 06: lot XTba Home, -4X06; tot 4. The Heme. 4X06; kt T. The . Home. $1 08; tot 6, The ' Home. 4X06. BLOCK loft, all ef tote and 8 weat ef Oregon A California Ballroad Compear' right of way, Joh aad Barbara Wild. 40 86; sll of kt 1 lying esst ot Oregoa A CaUforala Rail road Company's right of wsy, WlUlam L. Greea, 40 40; sll of aorth Bl feet ef tot 3 lytag eest et Orawoa A California Ballroad tompany right ot my, William i ureen. ' 40.46: all ef south 80 feet ef tot lying east of Oregon A California Railroad Com- Kny'a right ef way, l asers a. Gregory. .20: all of lot I Irlna west et Oregon A California Railroad Company' right of " wsy; John aad Barbara Wild, 40.70; all ef lot d lying weet ef Oregoa tf CsUfornls Railroad Company' rlgbt et way, Joaa and Barnara win,; lot a, sxmea n, ruin : lora. 4X06: tot X James N. rail I love. 42.06: lot 7. A. P. Nennert, 43.08; tot X Jacob linger, 4X06. BLOCK 14X kt 1. Rosa Kamlaskr. 4X0B: kt t. Rose Kamlnaky, . h.w, in s, . v. . . . b.w, j . William P. Holts. $3.06; tot X Matthew Reidt. 4X06; tot X Joseph Baser. 4X06: tot iT. Portland Truat Co a. pear, 4X08; tot 4. N. B. Rile. $3.06. BLOCK 147. eaat ef tot : mm. a a A n.M . ee or . L.. . . X J. & Alnawqrth. 41-04: east H ef tot X J. C. Alnsworti, 41.06; -west ef tot 1. Ney Churchman, 81.06: wast Vi of -tot 3, Ner Churchmaa. 61.00: all ot tot t except Oregoa A CaUforala Railroad Company's " ngbt er way, Alliance Trust company, fi-no; all of lot d except Oregon A California Rail road Onmnunr's rutkt ef war. John A. Blust. 41.86; aU of tot 6 sscept Oregon A Callfornis Railroad Comnanr' rlrht of way. William J. Lehigh batata. Heirs ef, 41.40: sll of , tot 6 lying wast ef Oregoa A Callfomls Ball - rood Comoanr'a rirbt ef wsv. William J. - Lehigh Bstata. Heir ef. 40.86: sll ef tot - 4 lying east of Oregoa A CsUfornls Ballroad Cemnaar'n rlrht of. war. Alliance Traat Oompaay. 40.06; aU ef lot T lying west of . Oregon A California Railroad Company' -rirbt et war. WlllUm J. Lehigh Katat. .' Heir of, 40.10: all of tot T lying eaat of - Oregoa A California Rallmsd Com pany 'a ; right ef my, W. P. Wtogsnd. 40.50: sll ef tot except tirego at vaiirernia risinwsa i ompaay s ngnt st wsy, rt. ' wiegsna, ; 41. BX BLOCK IBS, tot 1. Prestos W. 011 - totte, . 41.06; tot 3. William H. Cbnrcblll. 62.0A: tot X Mel ads B. Manx 4X06 4. Mrtlnds B. Morass, 4206: tot 6, Meltada K. M or ran. 42.06: tot X Mellnds B. M or ran. . 4X06; Tot T. Preston W. Gillette, 43.06; tot X Preston W. Gillette. 4X06. BLOCK 100. lot 1, II. C, Pelton. 4X66 tot X D. C. Pel toe, 4X06; lot X Catherine W. Owens, 4X06; tot X Cat serine w, Owens. S3 m; lot X ' David Stearns. 4X061 1st X Dsvld Btearns. 6X06; tot T. Portland Truat Company of Oregoa. $2 06; kt . nprtlasd Trust Cam- pany ef Oregon. 42 03. BIOCK 17X un divided 64 et tot 1. Clem U no snd Irdls Rodney.; tndlvloea of tot x Clem Una sad Lydla Rodney, $1.66; undivided 4 at tot X Clemttne and Lydla Rodney. 41.66; andlvided ui lot , ciemnne ana of tot X Ctom tine sad Lydla Rodney. 41.66; nndlvtded of tot 1 t 1. Hi nab R. Morris. 40.60: undivided ot tot X ' Hsnnah R. Morris. 40.60; sndlvlded U ef tot X Hannah R. Morris. 40-60; undivided Vi it tot 4. Hannah B. Morris. 40.60: tot X a. W. and Marmret V. Allen. 4X08 undivided of tot d. Clr men tine aad LrdU Rodney, 41-65: undivided of lot 7. Clem - enUne and Lydla Rodney, $1.66: Undivided ot tot n, Ctomenune and uyois Koanry. 61.66: undivided U of tot 4. Hannah B. , Morris, 40.60; nodlvlded 14 of tot T, Hsn nah K Morris. 60.60: undivided ta ef tot X ' Hannah R. Morris, 40.6O. BLOCK 1T1. tot 1. Oreenn Railroad A Nsvusttoa i Comnanr 6X06; lot t. Oregoa Eallread A Navigation . Company. 82.05: tot X Oregon Ballroad A Navigation Company. 1306; tot 4. Oregon Ballroad A NavlgaUoa Company, 4X06; tot 6 Orewon Ballroad A Navlxatton Company. 62.06: lot 4. Oreaoa Railroad A NavutaUoe 'CiiuifW. 'BXQOi tot ,7, .4tag.a..Bllrird A NavlgaUoa Company, 4X06: tot X Oregon Railroad navuatwa l ompaay. - mCK 172, tot 1. Oreaoa Railroad A Navl gatloa Company, 42.06; lot X Oregon Ball road 'A NavlgsUoa Company. 4X06; tot X Orewon Railroad A Navtgattoa Oomoanr S06; lot d. Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatloa mpeay. 43.06; tot 6. Oregon' Railroad A NavleatUa rinmnaa. 8X06: tot X Orel Rallraad A Navlgatloa Company, $1 06; tot - B.IIm.1 a. X.dHlU. CmM.. 82.06: tot B. Oregon Railroad A NsvlgsUon compaay, gxoo. un.A lie. lot i. "rag on Rallraad A Navtgattoa Company, 43.06; tot X Omron Rallmsd A Navlxatton Company. 42.06: lot X Orsgna Ballroad A Navlgatloa Company. 43.06; tot d, Oregon Ballroed A , Neviaatloa Compsny. 4X06: lot X Orel . Ballroed A Navigation Compsny. 4X06; tot A Or eon Railroad A Nsvlrsttoa Compsny 4X06: lot 7. Oregoa Railroad A Navtgattoa Company. 42.06: tot 8, Oregon Railroad A , Nsvigattoa Company, 4X0X BLOCK 174. tot . Oresoa Railroad A NavlgaUoa Company ; 4X06; lot 3. Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatloa Company 42.06 tot 6. Oregon Railroad ' Navirattoa Company. 4X06: lot 4. Orel Ballroed A Navigsttoa Company. 4X08: lot - 6. Oreeea Rallraad A Navirattoa Company, S.08; tot X Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatloa aaoaae. 4X06: tot T. Oregoa RaUroad A . Navlgatloa Company. 4X06; tot 6, Oregon Rallraad A Navlgatloa compear, . 82.06. BLOCK 1T4. tot 1. Oregoa RaUroad A Nav ratios Coanmnr. 42.06: tot X Oregon Bail road A Navirattoa Compaay. $2.06: tot X Oreaoa Railroad A Navtoattoa Company. ' 43.06; lot-4. Oregon Rallraad A Nsvlgstioa Compaay. 4X06: tot X Oregon Railroad A Narlntlon Comnanr. 42.06: tot X Railroad A NsvlgsUon Company. 6106) tot ' T. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company. 42.06; lot 6. Oregon Railroad A Navigsttoa iTompanv. 6X06. BLOCK 176, lot 1. C. E. Bneil. 1X06; tot X Joka Mnlr. 42 06; tot S. Joka Mulr. 42 06) tot 4. Joba Mnlr. 4X06; lot 8. John Mulr. 4206; tot 4. Jots Mulr. SjC.on; rn i. e"wo ...... . ... - , au, . . . ... Buell. 4X06. BLOCK ITT. tot 1. Id McCahe Taswell. 43.06: tot 3. Ida McCabe TaswelL 4X06) tot X John Mnlr, $1 16; tot X lobn Mulr, 43.06; tot 6. Jokn Mulr; 6X08; tot X "John Mnlr, 42.08; tot T. John Mulr. 4X06; j tot 8 Oeorra Taiwan, f j va. bmh r nn, nnrilvlded to ef tot I. u. tl. Gsmmose, undivided It ef kt t la II. Gammona. 41.06; 41.00; 41.06; $l.i: nadlvtded ef tot X 0- O. Gammona. .. undivided nadlvlded v, nrHtlvlded . nodlvlded ) undivided : undivided of tot X G. U. Uemmone. ef tot 4, U. i. Gammona. 41.06; of tot 4, O. O. Gammons, 41.00; or Hit T, u. tl, tea masons, 61. oa; of tot 8, ft. t. Gammona. 41. on; of tot 1. James snd Edith itom- '. mnns. 41.00 unnividr h er tot X Ja asd Edith Gammona, 41. nfl; andlvided 4 ot . lot 8. James and Edith Gammona. 41 on; undivided t, et tot 4. Jamee and Kdltk Cam moos. 41.06: undivided to ef tot 4. Jamee ' ssd Edith Gammona, 41.00: serll rleed . ef tot X Jamee snd Edith Gammona 4106; undivided S ef tot T. Jame ,nd KdltB Gam rnona, 41.00; andlvided S of let 6. Jamee ssd Edltk Gsmmons, 41 of. BLOCK IT, tot I. Ssmnel H. Wren. 42.06; lot X J. T. Csse, $3.06; snath 4 of tot X Annie ' A. Rrerk, 61.06: north t of tot X Annie Rrnck. 41. on; Vt 4. Annie Breck. 43.O0; tot 4, Thomas Schneider, 43 06; north to of tot . ' Joseph Rest, 41-06: aowtk Vk ef tot X I'. X Grant Msremam. 61-00; tot T, Tboaaaa Bovd. , 4X06) kt X Thomas BoyX 13-06. BUM'K 10, alt of tot 1 lying seat of Oregna A Celt feraia Ballroad (wmpany's rtgkt ot my, Uak now Owner, to t": I1 et tot 1 tying , weet ef Oregoa A CaUforsls BaMreeit Com vmajt tdsU - nrxy. tr - J. I f 6) all at 1st 8 lykag waat e f UfornU Railroad uniuar't r r Preaiofl W. Gillette, LuA; a., a . lying .west ef Oregon A CaUfor. a I .Company's rtgkt ef wsy. Prea a V totte. 41.46: all of tot 4 lytag -t at , A CAllfornia RaUroed Oempaag a I way, Preston W. Glllerte. 4L10; tot fc. tea W.. Ollletta. 4Xw6) kt X Prw , Gillette, 4X06, tot T. Prestos W. u 4XU6; kt 8, Prettoa W. Gillette. BLOCK 161. tot 1, C. B. Denaaaa. , ' , X C. B. Itonahae, 4X06: tot X Pre. Gillette, $Xu6: tot X Preeaen W. I , 4X06: tot 4. Cbarlea X Donahne. XL to. 4, Cbarlea H. Donahae, 4X06; to 1, C M. Itonahae, 4X06; tot a, Cbarlea B. ane, 4X0X BLOCK 14X tot 1. Oark a. ' X Wood, 4XUS; tot X a'harlw B. X Vee,. 4X0A; lot X Charles X X Wood, 41.40; tot 4. Cbarlea K. B. WooX 4L40: toff. Ceartoa ' K. X Wood, $206: tot X Charles R. X ; Weed, 4X06. BLOCK 163, tot 1. Aaaaada W. Reed Bsuu. Helra of, 4X041 h t X ' tot X Amanda W. Reed Katate. Helre ef. 41-40; kt X Amanda W. Rred Katale. Helra' of. $1.40; tot 7, Amanda W. Reed huw, ' Heirs ef, 8X06; tot X Amaade W. Reed Katate. Hairs ef. 4X04. BLOCK 164. tot . X I'restoa W. Ulllatte, 4X06; tot X Presto ' . W Gillette, 4X06: lot X Prestos W. GU--- tot to, 41.40; kt , Praatea W. Gillette. tl-Os;- tot tri-Peaston . W-GUtotle. 41.75v- tot. X .. rreatva W. GlUette. 41.UO. BLOCK loo, tot , , Prank aad Mary Hackney, 42.06; lot, X Preak aad Mary llachoey, it 06; tot X Kraofc and Mary - lUrkacy. 41.10; : tot i ; X Prank asd Mary Hackney. 41.70; tot, ' . 7, ' Prank aad Mary Hackney, 43.06: tot -X Prsoh and Mary Hackney, $X0X BLOCK . 1KX lot 1, John Mlr, 4X05; tot X John' Mulr. 42.06; tot X .John Mulr. (1.70; tot . X Joka Mulr, 4I.T0; tot 7, Jokn Mulr. 43.06; , tot X John- Mulr,. 4X05, BLOCK 187. tot 1, John Mulr. 6X00; lot X John Mulr. 4X06;, I tot X John Mulr, $1:70; tot V Joba Mulr... ' 41.70) tot T. John Muir, 4X06; tot X John, Mulr, ' 4X0X BLOCK 166. tot 1, Oregoa Railroad A NsvlgsUon' Compaay. 4X05; tot 3, Oregon . Railroad A Navigation Comnsny.e 6X06; tot X Oregon Railroad A Navigation ' Company, $1.70: tot 4. Oregoa Ballroad A Navigation Company, ' 41-70; tot 7, Oregon . . RaUroad A Navigsttoa Company, 4X06; kt 8w ' Oregon, Railroad A Navigation ' Coaroaay.. 43-06. , BLOCK ISO,- tot 1. Oregon Baiiroad . , A Navigation Company, 4X46) let X Oregon Rallrosd A Navigsttoa Compsny, ftXOA; lot--orsgon Rallrosd A NsvigsUoa Company,- - ' $1.70; tot X Oregoa Ballroed A NsvigsUoa -Compsny, 41.70; lot T, Oregon Railroad A --. - Navlgattou tns ps try, - 4Xli tot- 4, Oregoa -- Railroad A Navigation company, 4X0X ' PIRST STREET TKHHRACK8 ef City ef Part land. Uregoa BLOCK A. tot X Thoaua W, . Jenkins, 41.46; tot X Thomaa W. Jenkins. 4X0ftflot 4. Thomaa W. Jenkins. 4Xu6; tot 4. Thorns W. Jcnxiaa, 4X00; tot X Thomaa ' W. Jenkins. 43.161 tot , Tbomne W. Jen- . kins. 4X66; tot T, Thomaa W, Jenklas, tX4i: tot X Thorns TV. Jenkins, 4X46; let ,, Thomaa W, Jenkins. $3.46; tot 10, A. D .. n Uauagnny, s. ju; iox la, names w. kins, 4X40. BLOCK X tot 1. Mary Jen klaa, 4110; kt X Julia B. Clark, 61. 80; tot . X Ida R. Stokes. $X10r tot 4, Thoaua W. : Jenklas, 4X36; tot X Thomas W. Jenklaa 4X16; tot X Thomas W. Jenkins, 4L86; lot. 7. Joseph thartentaer. 41.70) tot X M. B. Smith. 41-SU; tot X hi. B. BmltX 41-40.' BLOCK C, tot 1, Nathan Coy, $1.30; tot X' Nathan Coy. $3.06. BLOCK D, weet 21 feet ' ef tot 1. Homer V. Wood worth, 40.40; weat1 81 feet of tot X Homer V. Weedwerth. 80.40: eaat 127 feet et lot 1. Thomas Schaelder. 4X40; eaat 127 feat et lot X Thomaa Behcet der, $2 00; tot X Tboaaaa- Schaelder, 61 tot X Tbenu Schneider, 41.66; lot ft. T, $1.46 ;- : Burthsrt, 6X06. ' A tract sf land lying ' between two tlftee respectively 60 feet and ISO feet aoath ef aad parallel with the seath Uaa ef Lowell- ' avenue aad betweea twa Hoes respectively 100 feet aad 127 feet weat ef aad, parallel with' the weet Una ef Plat atraat, lboaaae Scauetder, BO.BX , ' A tract ef toad lying between the Booth Una. of LeweU arcane and a Has 50 feet aouth ef and parallel therewith and betweeof the west Una et Plrat street aad a Use . 104 feet west ef and paraUel therewith, X, T. AUTko4t4S0'3-l f, ktock . Pint Btrset Terraces, city of PortUad. Oregon, lylnr aoath ef a line 64 ttet south ef asd aaraiirl with the aoath line ef Lowell avenue aod west ef a Use 127 feet west et aad paraUel with the weet Use ef Pint tret liomer Woodwortk, 41.30. ' - PlRST-STHKCr TEKRACBB, City at Port la ad. Omgoar-BLOCK D, kt 8, Homer V. Wood worth, 4X66; tot 4. Homer V. Woodworm. , 6X70: tot 10, turner V. Wendwortk. 61.66; tot li Homer V. Woodwortk, $1.63. BIXrCK lot X-kredertok A Walnola. 41.10; tot ; X Predarlck A. Walnoto, $1-20; tot X Pred erlck A. Walpoto. $1.30. BLOCK P. tot 1. Predarlck A. Walpol. 4180: tot X Prod , ertok A. Walnoto, $1.60: lot 8. Praaerlck A Walpoto. 41.36; tot X Frederick A. Walpoto, 4X10; tot 4. Prederlrk A. Walpoto, $2.06. PORTIND HOMESTRAD BLOC-K- X eoarh 86 feet ef north ISO feet ef tot X Thome MrNsmee. $1.36; aorth lift feet of kt 1. United States PldsUty A Ganrunte Cora pa ny. 44.60;- Berth, lud feet et Booth la4 feet et lot U A. Gertrude and Julia XV Marks. XLB0! aentb 60 feet of seotk 60 feet of lot J. jamea and ind Kato m. Petersoaj II. 73; east to reet et kt X Jama Collins, 44.60; nortk 60 feet et aoath 100 feet ef weet 106 feet ef lot X Ida B, 4X06; Booth 60 feet of went iw reet Of mi ueuiee as. ewsuw. 3.06; Berth 64 feet ef west loo feet ef lot , Mrs. B. Wlepreckt, X40; kt XJesepfcln Cracker, $10. Ml. BLOCK X tot 1. Raced L. Ray, 41X00; tot X Portland Trust Cere. ' peny et Oregoa. 41X00) tot X Portland Trust Cam pany ef Oregon, (1X00: tot X School llWtrtot No. X. (16 00. BLOCK X enortl rlalea 1 et kt 1. Wllllata T. NntHng. (1-wi: aubdlvlstoa 8 ef let 1. Annie Nutting, i .j-.;' subdlvtston 8 ol tot 1. A. Wolf. I 1.6; -Mbdlvkston 4 at let X I. Schmidt, I l.6i) sabdlvtstoa I af lot L T, X Strode, !.'; eaMlvkiloa 4 ef tot 1. T. K. Strode. (L60; ' saudlvlstoa T of lot 1. Edgar E. end Anote - T. Osnrssa, 4X56: anbdivlstoa 4 "f lot I. . Kdgar E. aad Annie T. Courses. 43.66; ; enn. . dlvlsiea 1 et tot X X Henrr .kVmade, 4Xi; aorth to af sebdlvbitoa 2 of tot X Carolut Rimer, (1.10; eouth H at subdletatoa 8 ef tot X Verona Bollinger, 61.10; eb-M. vlatoa I ef toft X aUchsal Bullnt, l.f ; aubdlvlstoa 4 of tot X H. X Noble, Il-fro.; subdlvtoloa B ef kt X CaroUne Rimer, 41.; ' sabdlvleloa 4 ef lot X Albert Thempsoe, 41.6t; , aubdlvlstoa T of kt X C B. BueU, Stbof ubdirUtoa 4 ef kt X kYaacaa L. Maea, $3. no. MOVER'S SCBDIV18ION8 of tot X Bloch X Portland Homeatead BLOCK X aabdivtatoei 1 et tot X Bnaan C. Batler, 41.80) aabairwoon ot lot t. Marx Allsuck. 4L30: aukdvsoa 8 ef tot X Loci Kmettner. (1J0; soc-il- nstoa B et tot X Joseph urosnca, ti.oo: w o-.. ei.i.ioa a at lot R Joseoh Urbaack. , kiu: . il.6 .) '. 4L30; . a Look. . . aahdlTlaloa 1 et tot X Jeeeph tlrkanak, aaiMtvwian 4 et tot X Jaeeok UrbeecR. aubdlvlstoa 8 ot tot X Lnaia KrwettBer, '. subdlvistoa It at k sanreaws are $1.30. PORTLArTD HOinWTBAD-Buhdlrlirton A ef lot X Eva W. Borteb, 4L0O; subdlvtotoa B ef tot X Br W. Burtrb, (1.40; ubdlvMto . 0 of tot 4, Julia A. UUich. 41.40; sabdivvnoB ' D ef tot X Eton J. Dolson, 4l.0; eabdivweon R et tot X Julia ITIrtch. 4X10) aubdirlaon P ef tot X. JnUa Ulrica. (X10: nubdivu-nn O of tot 4. Eva W. Bench, (X10) s-111-nslon H of tot a. Bra W. Biirtok,,4a.l0. BLOCK X eu 40 reet ef euhdivbitoa A of kt 1. Cyras X Hewlett, 40-86; aouu 1 1 feet et so bdl vlatoa B nf tot 1. Cyrue to. . Howlett. 4L10; north SO feet ef obdlvlea. -. . A of tot 1. Cbarlea W. CotteU. (0 30; nor , . 40 feet et subdivision B of tot 1, Cbarlea V . Cottel L (1.00 ; weet 10 feet at eob-uvlei.. C ef tot 1. Charles W. CottelL (0. 1; e. 104 feet et enbdlvUtoa C of tot 1, 4 - E. Marshall. $1.75; south 4 feet of . - ju leex ex wtoiii.w, v ".. ' Howlett, (0.06; aorth 87 Vi teat ef w- c 10 feet et snbdlvtoton 0 e tot 1. Cka.-e W. CottsU. 40.06; north TH f .at e..t 100 feet of ubdlvltoB D of tot X rr. R Marahall. $11. 30; Booth 44 feet of eaat -104 feet of subdlvlaton D of tot 1, Wlliiao. J. Kelly. (1.45; sabdlvktto E et tot 1. J. R. Jenkel aad H. Maadevllto, (1 to); sub dlvtotoa P of tot 1, Prenk Bekwartwrn, ., SI n; west 00 feet of subdivision O of h-t 1. Patrick Morrsy, SXTO; eaat 80 feet ot - West fart of 'eabdlvlstoa O ef tot 1. - M. Everest, 4X35; eaet M tart et sub-l-elsloa O of tot 1. Oraatllto f. Ruff, (; . ' east 40 feet of eubdlvlatoa H of tot J, Gran ville C. Ruff. (1.10; weet (0 feet of s" dlvlstoa H of lot X John Benoett. 40.iu; lot X Ben Selling, (1600: sebdlvisi. a A ef lot X Bank W. and B.W, Plaher. .f ubdlvlatoa R et kt J. "erah W. a- -W. Planer. (0 80: ath l fewt ef sloe B ot tot X Barak W. Bd B. W. h 80 40; eontb 80 feet ot eubdivloton tot X Sarah W. ssd B. W. Plaber. j north ( feel et abdivlstoa B of tot X A P. Seer. Jr., 40.18: north 4 feet af 6. ' sloe Q et tot X Alfred P. Seers, Jr.. t ' snhdlvlsto C of 1st X Alfred f . Sears . '40.74; enbdlvtelo D ot tot 8, Aiu- 1 w Z . . , . . .... - B . rearm, r, rvawi. - . 7 , 7 -- - Loalee X PraepT ,$0.7. eabdlvtoloc, t , X Georg WstU. 40.76; eaodlr of tot X George W. Watt, (u. 76) a aloe H of tot X Josepkine Krsttlg. eiibdlTUton 1 of tot X Josepkine 1 . $..7: suhdivleloa J ef tot X C. t . , 40.73; subdivision K ef.tot X.C. w. 60 76: subdlvlalou L ot tot 4, Ge- " Wslt. 4.I5; enhdlrletoa M of tot 1. W Wstu, 40.13; subdivision N a' lelva R, Prasp. (0.71; tah --ioe . X Alfred P. Bests. (J.lej t P sf tot X Alfred P. Sers. J ., aubdlrtatoe A of tot 4, Mcvrh'" -Rauk ef fWiiend. Hf; a. tot 4. Mrc- .' pat.o n I 4 , - 8" TA; ' in. TO) am io.TO; a. I'd TO; a t 4. t -r. ' rwt , I Soul Rrr 4. JikB ) V-t X J 1 y t a.