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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY1 EVENING. MARCH SO. 1CCX iJi" i' 1 1 :, 't - 1 .1 ' : Entered it the paetofftc ef rVwtlaad. -. Tr traapwuttoa thrvsgk the ensile u WW atlea Batter. - Postage tut stogie eopla: Ber ea A IS ar 1 MI paper, 1 not: lit I 80 for, S eeattj Kit AS M baga, S Will ' .s t TXLxraom. ....Mala JB8 roiinnai uooBtg.e,,.. ...... roiEiav AOTntTmv EzrutureAxirs. .. Vm.i.. 1 u 1 1 iMtlHla Aaeacy . 180 uau iml has lurk I XrlbuoS atoUd- . lac. Chicago, i " v -'f flVBSCUmOV SATO. ' aw fla I lal ' " Til flatly Journal, vwlth Bnaday, 1 year . . ." Tha irally J oar sal. 1 year "J? Tba Dally Jouraal, witk Buuoay, asoetha. S.JS The Italia Journal. months...... AOO The bail Jouraal, with Band, S asoatbe, J-JS The Iially Josrssl. S nxmtaa. ... ....e.S0 Ilia Itallr Junruj. wlta Hundar. 1 tuoath.e- aae uuuy. Bar week. ewueres Included ............. 'She Dally, car week. dellrered. .. excepted .................... ...t : ... '.r .'" i. V Mall. Tv. luji. xm.i t.h a Ma 1. aaa..'.tT.0a Tha Italia JanraaL 1 aaar AOS The Dally Journal, wltb Hand a, months. J Tha Dally Jouraal, month v".fI2 . srna It. 11- (tk unAr 'X -l SI aa ba Dallr Journal. Bbontbs 1.40 The Daiir Journal, with Sunday, t swath. .J6 Tbe Dally Journal. 1 mouth .....e "JO Tba Banday Journal, 1 year. ....... f.uu ' The Sunday Journal. woetha. .....AS ' Tba Sweat-Weakly ' IstnWaL e . , Iffhe Beml-Weekly Journal. 8 to IS raw i i n . . t m iMtktt pa. ' WaUttanraa should as made' by dreVti, poeUI - VMM, exprea ardara aad email ajaoaata iN awoanuM, la -aae e SriOOSLXAL. ' t. 0. Box 11J. Portland. Or. - - vnu TKX OUUCXX. MAT TOtnro. Tba' Journal cam following places: . ' " BOIMB. IDAHU B. Bailer Oevj CHICAGO rVaitofllee Km aarpaay, ITS Mat Jb.aVEV, COIX). rendrlck Book BUtle-v-y mmpany. SIS Seventeenth etreet; Black, r iteeoth sad Csrtia strata. ..- . ; rUr.aUUL CAU J. atrCarrana. 3UNKAU, ALAbKA Poatolfira Book atora. , , kANUAS CITY Vaa Haw Nrwa aeaipaar. Ur ANOELUS B. F. Oardnar. . Seatb ' amrtnc atraat; OUtar Balnea, SoaU i irlna atraat. . Ki-N a4POU8 M. J). laTanaa,. M Tlrd Btrwat. HI YORK CITT BrMUna'a, Cnloa OMAHAatiUard Hotel Nwa ataadi Mrgaatb ktatioaerv company, ISO raraooi atraat. - ALT LAJil Clfy Kaayoa UoUl Wawa aUad; barrow Braa.. 43 Waat Sacoad atnet. aoatb. ST. LOCIB-blHa Boadar. Sla Laeaat atraat; K. T. Jatt. MM Ollra atraat. FRANCISCO W. R. Ardlnf. Palaea natal Mcwa at.ud. and IMS Market atraat: Oold ' amltb Broa., 130 Butter atraat. aad Saint rrUOl PUUII, VVJSMSir m VJI W, araaajaar ai am - Inr; N. ' Whaatley. SOS Natoana atraat. -BCATTLB Rataiar Craad Vawa ataadi Baatara . Nawa eoaipaBy. . v . BPOKANa. WAsn. Joan W. Oarbaa A Oa. TACOatA. WAUH. Central Mawa eoiapany; Hotel Taeema Nawa ataad. - i .VICTORIA, B. C. Vletarta Book SUtloaery r y':' 'v WXATEXX UFOAT. - Tba ' eUararbaaea yeatardaj aver Karada baa BMived. eaatward to Colorado; raia r aaow baa (allnt (aaeraJlr la Nernda, Orefoo, aaatera , Waatalogtoa, Idabo, weatara btonuaa, Utah, waatera Ootorada aad nor Ui era Artaooa. and tba 29 desreee below normal. Sharp freata oer erred . 1hla aaornlDaT la aorthera Callloraia, Waatera Orejroa aad weatara WaahlairtoB. Raia baa alao acFiirrrd la tha middle Mia- alaaippl and Ohio valleya, while fair weather PBerallr araralla elaewbera eaat of tba Rocky Bioontalna, wltb tempera t urea above tba aaa- auaal aeerafe. The ladlcatloa re for filr weather la thta dUtrhrt Friday, wltb ah are froeta tonight la waatera Oracoa iud weatara Waahlnilua, It .f' .' 'i lfAlaMAa UCOIilS. ;;V '.. - ,y '. Jamea R. Akla. ta; Amtm Kekel, SA. ' ' , Keeert O. Roberta, 88; Minnie Henna rd. St. : Hmeat Btephena. SB: Bulla Beley, 17, - Hero-end H, Benedict, U; PrUaroaa Tranees Klhlo. 34. Wlltlam H. Walla, 8: Dai ay Clarke Bmltb. 94. Walter B. Hocheon, 2S; CeUa H. VanDyfce. 18. ' - ' Weddlnv Cardav W. 8. Bmlth A Co., Waah bqrtaa blddu, eor. Saartb aad WaabtDjtam ate. . ; . . SIXTHS. .V-V'r'-: WORTH alareb 10. ta Mr. and btra. Yeaaoh M. Worth, 1071 Eaat Morrlaoo atreet: a aon. BOON March 25, to Mr. and Mra. aoaepb U. Boob, 614 PettygroTe atreet: a daairhtrr. VflDT U,n 1 U W. . Um VrfaMe v. Hart, 743 Orertoa atreet; a aaa. KRACIEFK8KA March 27, ta Mr. and Mra. Jacob SLractefeaka, r 17t Caratbera atraat; ,'AUKB Mareb T, to Mr. aad Mra. Oraek John, I Txnettaei Aeae, 7W Beat Parlor atreet: daachtac . -.. ... ....... , BROOKS Marrh M. H-nry - H. Braoka, Br.,' ared M yeara. at St. Vtoeewt a . borpttal; - raiat a, enzpbaema. Borlal at Rlrarrlcw ccne- tery. ft! ITl'HET.I March 20. Harry B." Mltetl, . aa-ed 22 yean, at Brattle, Waah.; caoaa, aeprJraajla. Barlal at Rl Terr lew cemetery, m &ASSO March 2, BylTrater T. Daraao. ared 2 yeara, 1st Maeoln atreet; ranee, c - awlnai axnlagitla. Borlal at Lose Fir ' On laalia limi am Orearm Oty ear Baa. ' aear jSjellwond; aeedera. erientine, complete. CSnntea to a. a. Portlaad IMamtloa aaeocUtloai ifortlaad, Oraroa. ; .v..- . . . The Kdward Holana undertakng i ueny. ' faneral dlraetora aad amhalmera. SW-'ilOT SOT, . P. Slaley A Boa. funeral direr tore aad I emfealaiera, enraer Third and Madtaaa atreeta, ! Offlea of eotmtjr eoroaer. 'Teleahoai Mala S. . u . . . li .... INraeral wreath aad cot Bowara a apeclalty at Rone City Ureeabnaae, TweatyHncoad aad " feaat Morruwa, ops. cemetery. :. ,, .. . ... ; i" dart Broa. for Bowrri. 288 Morrlaoa atraat, . i .. . -. mx WJIATB TAABBTrAB. '" i Jarmle Robb ta F. Clarno. ptrca property ' '' I beulnalnn eoothweat eumer lot ft, block . IX Irrlnc'a addition TOO noea MrMiirjey and wire ta a. A. Back aer. Mock 12, Good Moraine- addition.. ' 60 WllUam 1. Hill and wife to W. KUetarAv lot 2, block t. Midway Aanex addition. S60 Slomaa CalboUe' arrhbUhoa of tba dloeeea : of Oreaoa to A. fhrletie, ktU 1, 4, block 21 f'oark addllloa SSn i Irwta-Hodaoa. camnaay to I). A Hnlmaa et aL, part bkk 1SS. Conch addltloa.. 1 Fanny 1.' Lotinc and baabaad to R. B. Hueworth. parrel laad eectioa 18, town. ' ablp 1 aoatb, raure 1 eaat , 1 Hawthorne eat te to i. Baerlerher, lot a, block S, Hewthorae'a Ktrat addition. ' 600 Jowepa Imacaa et al. ta t iohoa fUiln , ImIMIm mmmii atlM I I lu,l nlna eeat rorner fractional block 1U- "' ' J. mea J. ne' adrtltloa Laetnda Hnaa et a I. to It. Wh-tb, Berth MT feet lot 8. block 78, 8t)ben, ad- " dlttoa ..... ,000 Jotia MrKernaa et aL to . Bmfotirtia at., ww . a w trr-yt. , w, miria . AlMna 1 R. U. Robblna to U O. Kent, lot I, block S, Rnaedale Annex - 1 ,J. Fraak Wateoa and wife ta R. W. " : rimer. Iota 16 and 18. block 18, Point ' View , i. 170 Riwrt A. Taylor and wife to O. Bailth, . ' lota 1 and 2. block 8. Krelra , . IW J P. Bool be and wife t I. B. Blpllotrr. M l, block ill, Womllawa ITS aKman t.aiaoiic nrcnoiaonv ot let aioreae cr ureroa to a. i arurua. mm a. dmjcm Nellie M. Thora and 'benMnd wii.'P - Kaler, lot 2. block 2. BaHarairy Hill .. 1SSS ueorre Mct.Toaaey ana wire aa a), r. MOoakey, andlrloed S eonth U aoatb. - weal aecUoa IS, townahlp 2 porta. raeere I went sue SrnHr MarehaU aad hnaband tet I. Mer. , atialL lot a. block 217. HolUday addl tloa .( leaae I. Wella and wife to a. K. Clark. KaHta feet hrclanlnit US feet weat of iMemacttne Cherry and Hlah atreeta., Ilewrletia Adaaea and baahand ta M. W. Metlea. bit 4. bark 4. Adama addltloa, 3M I. '. Alnawortb aad wire to f. aome, enorh Mil feet lot A blnek . tic- ' illaa'a addltkia 1,894 a Hnrronetta e al to M.Keraaa. a i ano 4. pMrc in. .artn A iblna .. j I. Pnwmea and wlfa to M. i. Ellle, t e-i aad eo, SteiaVaalt e. . 00 J0.1E8 ARRESTED ; AT SPRIKCFIELD Wanted ; for Several Months by Eugene Police But He Defied , Them to Take Him.' , ' LARGE AUDIENCE HEARS: ' CONSUL MILLER TALK Portland Physician Is Married to Daughter of , " Lane , County Family. . ( i' . (Bpedal Dtepatrh to Tba loornal.) -j ' Kuano, Or, March 10. Hafrey, com monly . known aa ' "Bi" Jones,' wui ar reated yeaterdajr avenunx at Bprlng- deld by Conauble John Smith, on A atata warrant, charctna him with, As sault 'and battery upon Policeman Qeorre Croner,- whom he struck while realatlna; arreet Juatlca ot the reaoe 'Wlntermeier plaoedi Jonea under 1 5S bonda to appear tor trial. Hla. brother depoalted that amount In cash with the Judge. : jonea is only II years old, but for montha haa defied the police to ar reat him., He baa ridden. Into the town frequently and fought arreet.,:'. A larre audience heard Consul-Gen eral It B. Miller at the Eugene theatre laat night- deliver hla lecture, on the Ruaeo-Japaneae war. '... ' Miss Nina WUklns, daughter of F. M. Wllklns, and Cr, Condon C. MoCarnack of Portland, were married at the home of the bride's parenta In thla city yea terday at noon.' - Rev. B. F. Rowland, paator' of Humphrey .Memorial M. H church, officiated. Oladye WUklna, sla ter of the bride, waa flower glrL Mr. and-Mra. MoCarnacka will reside in Portland. Both are graduates of tbs University of Oregon. KILLED BY MIXING ; PATENT MEDICINES (Spedal Dla patch to Tha Joarnab) Butte, March 0. The-body of Wil liam Vraklne, stationary engineer, who recently came to Butte from Elk Point, Ida, waa found last night in a room of the Grand lodging house, wbere K had lain for two daya. On the bureau near the body waa a titter of patent medicines, of every va riety, and - advertised as cure-aiis ana speciflca for- every known ! ailment ' It Is believed the Indiscriminate taking of these remedies poisoned Uraklna, caus ing his death. ' ''r.- - FliendS of tne man' say. mat tney have not known ot his being sick for the past year, atill lie had a mania for tak ing patent medlcltieaw--- - - : ; Trruaia num 4... V "f- LAWRENCE. addiUoa ta dweUlnc. Thirteeatb betweaa Taalao ana laoona eueeu; coat, S200. . 1 ' BKALT Uareb SB, J. Vt. Healy. repairs to atora corner uraae areaua aaa meal naaaiaa- toa atreeta:. coat.' SIM), BTHOBRIi A BABNSTKCnrB March ' 29. Btrobel A Barnatecber, repaira ta hotel earner Foarth and Alder etreeU; coat. $2.610. HliUN March 1. 1 O. BuUn. cotUee, Kaat Alder "betweea Kaat mirty-ronrta- aae aaaf Thlrtr-flfth atreeta: coat, S1.2U0. . BALK March 2, a B. Bale, ret tare. Mont- somery near Vhanmaa atreeta coat, si.eiwt. KOUN March Su. N, Koho, aalnon, Waablna- toa betweea Twenty-third sad Twanty-fourtb atreeu: - coat. Sl.flOO. BI'UKHARDT March St C. Rarkbardt, tto- ahop, roortb betweea .JCMoBbla and Clay atreeta: coat. SIMM. AKBORN March SS. I Sanborn., dwelltns. Eoajeaa street- betweea Kodoay and Unloa MDKLITi INVFJSTMKNT CO. bfarcb IB, Fi delity InreataMBt company, warebooaa. Thir teenth betweaa Jrrliic aad Joboaaa atreeta; coat.. S1U.000. LUND A March SS. John La ad a, cottare. Cook atreet near Alblna arenae: coat. SI. HAD. OEIBK March , Mra. IS. (irler. repairs to reeid.nca. . rreinont atreet netwaaa OarSeM and Unloa arennea:- onat. S2ao. JKNNCNG8 March SS, B. A Jeanlnca, real den ce. Eaat uamaoe between Kaat A lata aae eaat Teatfe streets; coat, H.tfM. v .: Oet roar Inaaranra and abatrect to real from tba Title Gearamee- A Trnat eoav- aetata paoy. Cbai i bee of Ooaamerce bulldlns. OTT BTOTXCZS. ' Mxmnow or btaax btxzxt. the Ooandl of the fMtr at portlanA. deeming It expedient to open, lay oat aad ea tahuah a aew atreet by extending Stare atreet ereaterly la Ita preaent eoaraa and width from tba west line or Twelfth atreet to the eaat Una of Thirteenth atreet. did oa tha let day et rebraary, lSOft, direct the City engineer to survey tba eame and to mark tba boundaries taereot, aae to suae a plat 01 roca aorvey, and a written report containing a full end perfect description of aach propoaed atreet and boaadariea thereof, aad ot the portloa of each lot, tract or part of either to be appropriated for . each atreet, aad tha Ctty - Karl near baring me tie each eurrer, plat and report, aad filed aocb plat aad report In tha office of the Aodltor ot tba City of Portland oa the 7 th day of rebraary, ISTO, and eald report having bees a (lot) tad by ordinance No. Id.esA entitled: "Aa ordinance adopting tha report ot the City En gineer la un Blatter or tna aropooia opening, laying eat and aetabuahlag of a aew atreet by extending Stark atreet weaterly la Ita preaent eooree and width from tbe'weat Una of Twelfth atreet to tba eaat line of Thirteeatb street." Now, therefore, all peraone Interreted are hereby notified that the Ooancll of tbs City of port lass aaa appointee; u. Acsermaa, w. r. White and Bona Bwas viewers to view aald estenaloa of aald atreet and make an estimate of the benelta aad damages oe raaioned by tba opening, laying ost andeetab lleblng of the eame. In accordance with section MS l the charter of tba City of Portland, and aaid viewers to meet at tba office of tba Aodltor of the city at fort land aa Tnureaay. the eth day ot April, 1S06, at the bear , ot 10 o'clock la the forenoon of aald day. The pcopnoca opening, laying oat ana estas ibing of Stark street m 60 rest Is width sad la mors particnlarl boanded sad oascrlbed ss follows: .i Beartnalng st a point is tne -weat una ei Twelfth atreet wbere the same would be in ternee ted by a weaterly extension of tba aoatb Una of Stark atreet, running thence oa the weaterly extenaioa of the sontberly Una of stork arreet to a point .ia tne eaev una or Thirteenth atreet; 'thence northerly along the eaet Una of Thirteenth atreet a diet e ace of 44 fret to a point la tne anata una oi turrn- alde atreet; thence easterly along the eonth Una ot Barnalde atreet a distance of 01. TJ feet to a point la the weaterly eitenaraa or tna north erfy Una of Stark atreet; thence aeatheaeterly along the weaterly extension of the northerly Una ot titers atreet to a ponr in in we-neny line of Twelfth atreet; thence aoatb along toe weaterly line- of Twelfth atreet a eHetance of M.64 feet to a point; thencs eoothweeterly alone- the weaterly line of -Twelfth atreet a dletanee of S.65 feet to tha place of beginning. The pmpneed opening, laying oat' and eatab fishing of Stark atreet will lorlnde and neceeei- tat a tna appropriation is -panuo no, ot tne (allowing deecrlbed parrels or treats of laad : All that portion of lot s or oiocx no. nortn H of I of the City of Portland, lying within tha bonadaiiea of tba proposed opening, laying ont and eetahuahlng of Stark street, as above described, aad eoataiaing o.zio.i aqnare rest. Alao all that portloa of bit B, block KIT, Coach e addltbm. 11 as aoatb of tba anrtb Una of Stark atreet extended weaterly la lte area ast coarse, containing 1.201.8 aqnare feet. . Aleo all that portion oi w i, owes inr. Coach's addition, lying soother ly. of tba aorth line of Btark atreet extended westerly In its preaent enurae, containing lJlal.T aqua re feet. alao au Tnae fewiiva 01 mm o, wrui-a 11, roseb'a sddltloa. lying north of the south Una of Stark street extended weaterly la Its eat reau-ae. containing 503.8 saatre feet. Anao all tnat portioa ot mt i. oiocx inr. Conch e addltloa,. lying between the westerly estenalons of the north and snath lines of Btark eontalains 4.47S.1 eonars feet. All peraona claiming damages by resana of the aporoprlatlon of the nroperty above de- hed, or any pert thereof, In the proposed opening, la Tins oat and eelahltehing of mid atreet are hereby apeelally notified to file their claims for each nemegee wits the Asdltor of the City of Portland before tne eth day of A tail, lonfr. the time annotated far tbs auet- lair of the viewers herein. , - S By erejer pi tne l onncii. - THOU. c. flBTIilrl, ' Asdltor of tbe City of Pnrtbincl. ' Pr-rtl.nd. flreaoa.. laea of first BahUcatliriL Kerch S&. irV-s ' . - FROFOAKD TTJJCFBOaTB OKBTJIAJfOE. Aa-erdtaaace craatlna ta Charlea B. Banai hla eneceaaera aad aaolfwa, the rlcbt, prrra. , lace aad franchlae ta arert pelaa aad atrtua wlrea aad eablaa there, a. ta cane tract aader- froaad eoadalu aad atenholaa, aad to lay . wlraa aad eaalea la aadertaaad eeadaJte " aad Urvtatb aaaahelaa. aad to atretrh wli and aaaaaa elnaa. oear.titaea aad aaraaa the atreeta, alltya, aaeaaea aad poMIe of tha Cltr af PartlaauL far the tneaa Jaf aaaada. alrnele, teareateoa aad latelli- liee i, threaah.aad over aaid wlrea aad blea by aaaaaa af aaeetiialty, aad to eonetrect. aatakliak. anuln and Inatall a teaaabene and telecraiih arateai and aa caadacl a (eaaral telepbooa aad telearapb baalneea wltb la tba aald City ad Portlaad.. aad flxlog ortJaao, aaa iiusax aao peaaattoa as be paid raw ens. Tha City of Part land deaa area, la ss fetlowe Seaala-, 1. TK-, 1 "WrUe M. aai aanar hie al t.eeere end aaalgaa, ba and ba b hereby greeted the right, privilege aad rraaewea TO imles, wltb the B.maaeeey aMpparta, ereas-srojs aad . flstarea, aad string wlraa aad rabies t Serena, and to coast ract sxdergreand eawdulu together with tna aereaeery asan botes sad other applies res, sad te lay, plaos aad stratob wires and cables t Herein, along, over, aiaaa, em aer sjut si 1 iss the atreeta. aliens. BTeeoee and paaue peaces of tbe City of Portlaad for tha traaaaelaeJoa of sosnds, algaabi, eMvenatiea aad latWUgenre. throe rh asd over aald wlrea ad eaeero by aieawa of electricity, ana is esse tract, establish, reals and laatau a teta abeae and Ulegrapb system, aad to oeadoct a reneral telvvboae aad tele era ph ta.hi.e. wltbla the aald lily of Portlaad; provided, and thla rraacnus is grsotee upoa coaantbat-that tna teleihoaa system constructed ahall be what ia knowa. aa tha automatic era teal similar In kind to ths automatic telephone ayetem now a operation and aae ta tba City of Ban Ulege, Bute of Caltforala. bee. S. Said grantee, hla aacceeaara aad as signs Shall eonstrnct the said andergraond ays- tent, under Ssa airecuea oe the Executive Board or other peeperiy euewU- tuted aatberlty of ths City si ratiaoas. - Within tba fire Umlta of tbs eeat City et Portland, as tbs aanea exlated aa tbe Slat day f rebruarr. A. 1. Iftttt, tha graatas herein hall placs, lay, axalBtaia aad aperato hat asala wlrea asd ether coattocturs is ueoergrouesi oadalts aad pipes, sad ahall saw wltbla savea years from the data ef approval al tola erdt aa ace reanova his amis line wires from tha streets sad alters wlthts the UmUa begtaaiag en rraot ssd Mill atreeta and ronaiag thence westerly along Mill to Weat Park e treat I themes nort early along West Perk street to Stark .i-i' iwm m 11 si hi It aloear Btark sad BaTtt- Ide streets to Thirteeatb atreet; theaee aortb- arla aluae Thlrtaeath atreet to Irrkag BUeeC and thence easterly aleag lrvtog atreet. to rroot treat aad tharesitar sate wires saaii taiasd aad operated la swdyrfreemd ini nines wllhla aald district. All eeeasectJeaa to sabaermers' aUtheea aad to ether pulnu assy he made from sacfe elm ssd 00a ductore. sod with sneb maene. spparatna aad ppllaarea aa amy be reoHrletto. Bald jgraaaee ball file wiU the Asdltor of the Atyof Portland plana la duplicate at sU roedartta. mashotes. dlatrlbatlng poles ssd sU ether eon etramuea propoaed wltbla tha limits of tba treats, alltya, blghwaya aad pablle piscas of ths said ctty. is sacb form and detail aa the BxeentlTS Hoard er other properly oeoatlteted etherlty may reejulre asd approre In wrlUag, and all rekwstlona sad ebaagea shall he Indl rated therein. Perteg tbe enlh-a rork. ef euo rtrsctioa autbartaad by thm francalee ss In- pec tor may be appointed by the Stecntlra Board or ether properly wastltuted satbority to era that ell tbe terms ssd coodltleeaj of this freseblea are strictly csatarmed to. AU poles erected hereafter by vtrtoe af this fraaetieu and grant snail conform la length aad tha wlrea tberooa ahall conform la behtht to the reaanaabla rale asd rrralotkma aooptea ay aaia eie-snrt Board. Basd grantee, sta shall not reaaavs ths poias sfter aw being set tram ana loeatioa to another -anises per mitted ss to do by the said KxeevUvs Board st ether property eoae tinted aatbortty. . ... Provided, that nothing la that sect low torn taiaed ahaD ha caewbraed as prohibiting tba 1 .11. af Portland or ths Camarll tbareof trees. st4 say lima bereatter. exereialag Its pottos power to reeatrs tbe- msla Una wires ef tba grsatee to' be placed In eowdolta la aay ether Beetles ef mid city, prevMed that sock police peerar ahaU ost be exercised except by ordinance aa plicabls silks to sfl. talapbaaa aad telegraph wires aad poles. -- --.- Bee. A last trses or manholes may be cos errected ahmg tbe Una of said conduit for the purpose 01 arioratag sccees thereto, provided that mid traps er manholes ahaU be torauo ir coastracted In conformity with the Isa4rartieaa aad to tba sethtfactloa of tha Bxecntiva Board er other properly enaetttarted eotberlty ef aald ctty; eeid traps ar maaaolea ahan be aa capped sad eovered aa to ba fmnh with tba aarfaca ef the street and ast to interfere Is say way with tha use ef said streets far .travel or traffic. ' ' Bee. 4. The said STaatee. bis sacceeeore sad assigns, may, under tba direction of the Exeea tire Board or ether properly censtitnted sa tbority at the City af Psrtlsnd. make sll necessary exraTatleas, Is say Pert of ths ssld treats, alleys, at pabUc slecee tar toe par poea of erectiag and malntstnlsg polea and other upper ta for hie or tsew wins ec co dactara. and Tor rape 1 nag n.e w tbe .- i-i.. -pipes as -enwdnlts. and said maaboles. aad for plaetas, rapairlag, malntslalng sad opera t lag aald wlreaand sea dactera tear el a. All polee that ere erected end mslatslaed porsaant to the terms af tola arril Mc shall W erected ,dgeof the eide- ik. amlees etoej wise d erected by tbe Biao- ativa Board er athar properly eossWlnswd aa therity. la a good am Tbe Irrecnrlee Board or other toted satbority ahan have' tbe light U said rreatse, hla aattamnrs saslgas, t the fecatioa af aay pole ersamever the awhile esavaaleac snsu reawsra tba meatlea of the aaa of aald raassval tns exi to be paid by aald grantee, hat eunaamiar emlgaa: Waea aay exeavotJea aball hare aeew emdeeaaat to tbs satbority hereby grswted. ik. aantee. Ma tire er aaalgaa. aball restore tbe Pertieei ef the street. el ray ar pablis bigbwsy. excavated to tl mka to Which It .aid work, asd all aald work aball .ba deem la, eompttssea wltb tba reasonable asd Bsxmasarv nZH rwtothma. waaweee wderewhtcfc mar dartoa the con tl aaa ace ef thla frsaeblaa be aeimted from time to, Mms by the said (OemcU on proetded by law. aad said werk etreoaartog aaid streets, alloys sad awhile I law ware hall be dene to tbs eethrfaetlew ef IsWcimctl or swrb offldal er official, ae tbe law max 'deal mate: provided, that tbe paid grantee, bis successors sod assigns,, la . tha roaetroctlon, ens inte nance ar repair . ef hla or their said polea, wires st conduits, withls ths Sre -Umim . of on city er rortisnd, ss ths ssms ex kited on February 81, jBoa, ah sll not sxcsvsta or oostract any one atreet or mors thsa a distance of twe blocks at aay one time. ; Sec 5. ' Nothing la (hla ordinance aball be eswetraed as la Buy wins to prevent tbe proper entborltirs of the aaia rsiy rrons aewwiaa. grading, pavtog. planklag. wylringr s terlsg or doing ssy work that amy be deasrable OS any of the streets, e lie ye or peAHc highways af said city, bat all each wort aball ba dona Injure er prevent the free aaa- ana eweraaon ef tbe aald teli pboae aad talegraab aysams et wld grantee, bis awn lasers end ssaigna. v Bee. A Tbe graatee, Me eat e.nri aad as elgaa, wbaaever or wherever .electric ewrreata re seed ar esnpleyed In or abavt tbe aaa af tha freerktee by thnt ordlneace araoted. 'or tbe arosnd tntmerted tberewMh, shall provide and pat ia one aach mesne end appnaaeea aa will mntrol aad effertaelly contain sorb esrreeH la their proper rbasnebi on bis or their own wrrea, ea aa to pre-reat lajory to the praperty, pipes and other etiaeterea belonging to tbe City of Portland or any other persoa. firm ar em pel a ttoa wltbla ssld dty, and shall rewab? aad re new mid mesne aad appllanees sad tram time to time chance aad Inwirove tha same ss may be lueewary to sceuiapllah aald pwrpnesa, sfl st his er their ewa chars ssd expense sad st bis jar their rlak. aelectiag and adapting each meat and 'epwllaweee ss snail prevent tatory to tha property, plpea or other s tractates be lenglag to the City af Perth) ad er aay pereea, firm er eorpnratlee. - Bee. T. Whenever It shall be aereaeery In grading say street or 'alley ef aaid etty ar In balldlng aay sidewalk or makaeg aay ether lieproveenests thereon, to reanova aay pole ar polea betoaglBg to said grantee, hla ainam er seal roe. ea wbteh any llae ar llaee. ertre er erlres hekenglag to aald graatos. Ma an lain nr aaalgaa. ahalb be et replied or faeteaad. tbe said grantee, ble ibiti easts or aaalgaa. shall, npea race I ring it hoore' notice from tbs Bui ntlre Board or other properly rnastltered en tbority remove aocb pale or pelts, aad It aaid grastae, ble . sac en eases sad seelgaa, epea each notice, aball Begleet or refnee to temun each pnle er poles. tba each pole er polea shall be reaaaved by the Bxeevtree Board or ether prep arty const I toted anrbortty. at tbe expsaae et aid grantee. Ms ainimin er aaslgsa. fc. S. . Whenever any person 1 or umpiny shell have obtelned pumleelsa of tbs properly constituted eetbertrlee of the Ctty of Porrlssd to 11 mil any bnlldisg tbroagb aay street er treats, the grantee. Me esi.oeaars sr esotgne, If be or they have a llae oa aald streets, sa itne aetlee frem sock person or msnusti), aball ralee, remova or sdiwet hie sr their lines no as to aDnw an anobetrnrted ssaaags of seVh lejlbtlng, snd If said grantee, bla enMiaaan or amlgaa, aball after eald aetlee neglect an to do, tha nrooerir . ceeartttated aatbority of the. City of Portland shall, at the expaaae ef said grastae, hla aaceeeaera or assigns, remove said llaee aa far aa tnev are an eoatrartlee to tbe pa-sage ef aald bonding. Bee. p. par tbe parpoa st effeetimfly seree. Ing efflrieat sen be sod far tbe pel mm ef the ontraaed nesteteeance ef the prupeitj. plant. Melsm aad evebanae eeaetrnrled and operated under fata fraacbiee. tbe grsatee, bis soceesaon and naaaree shall seep" end aaatatata Ms or tbetr polee. enndvrte, plant, arefem aad exebairre la good order aad repair and eheB reader efrV4eat service thronxbovt the entire term ef thla grant. If the grantee, his ran nawa and aaetres. aboil fall at any Mate to kees la good repair ths poles, aneafnlta. wlraa. pleat, system end ex 1 hears 1 ieali aeted. operated and maiu mined sneer this frenrbies. er shell fall sarin the peeled - of tbte reaeSims - to - raetder effteent aervlee. tee Conecri ef said etty may dertare thla a,iaat and all the rlgfla aad prtvllrrea bereia 'oefened forfei ted. asd anaei adindirstloa -tf forfeiture by s eenrf of tenwiectaait iwrui. Diet toe thta freoehlee ssd all the risers see ertvllegee eosferred thereby slratl hern me mill and rotd. bat no d"'T ef fnrfettnra hereof imlkJiay it pftssuPuJsOSlmJt eacb decree : adjudicating sacb forfeiture the ssld grsatee, hb) auccoaaora or smlgua, shsU pisos aald plant, seat ess. earbaswe ane property tn good order sod repair end ebeO render effW-leal eerrloe tbarsbyaad thereat tor. - nee. 10. That eicot . ss berelssftor pro. aided aaM , grsatee. ah am 1' 1 muse er, aaai-ne, ball net, wrtbeeit the roneaat of the etty. evldeeteed b.w ordinaaee, arU or traasfer tbs enadalm. poem. was. er appllawsies ef any klad ar Sesuliillns. . er sell, leeee. sasisa er transfer sny st tbs rights ers privileges berets nthnrtoed or greeted, to any persoa. eompaev treat ar ampuiatkaa. aew ar bare after aagaged la tbe briesjhaae and telegraph baeiaeaa. aud ahall aet at aay time eater tote aay esmbtaa IhMV directly ar ladlroctly, wltb sny pereea er paraaas). ar aay corner a ilea, coaesraiag tne rata to be obsrsed far teienhons sad tele graph aw wlta aay afaeer or ofakmra, eas- p torse oa maaagara at aay er me- 1 system ewoaatrnetsd or beiag operated 1 aaid city; arn elded, bowerer, that ssld grantee, hla tatneeun er aeetkaa, may aaslga thla fraauaklaa - to a earnoratloe oraentaed br aim aeder the lews ef the Bute at Oregea, er aoaaa other atata of .the United states, rsr ths parpoaa of carrying ea e general tole pbena end telegraph buaiaesa, ssd ef owmlag, teeeli acting, aaatossraiae sad aoeraUng lines. eeedalta. eabees, wares ssd ether sleetrtcsl emcrors, together with an aeceaaary nsa , .aervlee wires asd beasw connections, to awed for tba traasailmlim of aoaada, eigne bj and intalilgeoes by nwsaa of alectrtrlty La tba City af Portland: and pravMed, farther, tost notice at ssld eeeliamant eaieU be Sled with the, Aodltor af tha City of Portlaad wltbla alxty te aaya aaay tas axaeauea e asas aeaign- 11. That an toleraeoae Unrs. soasuattsd er ngnrateS. no oar said fraacbhM aball bare complete . copper metallic eiroslta, aad that tbe eaadnlt ayatssa annstractad aad laid down aader said franchise ahaU be at aoeb ams aad capacity aa atiiumiaodate wires, cab lee er eoaductera safScient te AxaTtde fsc toa tbsa ssad (1S.0SS) lelephaaea. . That tbs teat or charge tar sa anlhmtted. taaVpeadeat, asetslllc circaM. telephone service Is the system .established Of maintained aader said franchise,' ss king as sueb system duea aot roBsect sad s change with mere tbsa haa ttwasaad (lO.vuM tebrphnaes ebail set exceed Blx Twaaty-Sra Ooe-thai1radtse SS.Stl Dol lars per month far a tdepaoas tostsiied la aay dm ar preaaiees rsr eueisom pur Bevanty-Sva . One HooeVedthe r nwnth tor a la- 1S3.TS) uotlsrs stalled to s prrrats resloeacs, sad that whea said system shall cosiprtaa mora teas ten thousand (10.000) tehrpbonaai tbe amssal rant ar charge for the afareasld aervlee aball ast be ImtMSid By Bears tbss a num equal to Blx (Id Sl) Dollars per aanaaa tor each on thou sand tetephoaea la aald elty . eoaaaeted with aald ayateav.lB axcoea ot tea thooaaad; pro wl eo that a diacoaat or iwsaty-ore so.zb) Csass par asoath ahall ba made for payment os or be fere the 10th day st tbs month la which the aarviee rendered: aad praviatd. however. that la any case ths rent shall not exceed SAO0 per month for bail asas booses aae. per aoatb tor roswreucc. - aee. is. rne aaia grezuse. ana eon lasai . id aaaia-ns. m eaaatdsratloa ot the franchlae. righto aad prlvflegea granted by thai ordlaaacs sad aa teeapeaaatioa therefor, shall, sa the arst aay er January ot aaca year ourug tae term of aald trench lee, pay to tbe City of Port land a. asas equal te ene per eaat oC.tba me or receipts of said grsatee, hla sad assigns boralng said-(raschlae and operating tbe is me. for aach aad erery preeedlag year daring the bra of ssld fran cs lee, which eompeaaatloa shall, however, aaaeaat to Bat Waa thaa tbe aaa at tl.OOO far each ef tbs following ' years, te-wiu . lBuo. UoS, lt0, 1S1I. ISIS, ltfH, lin. sad net lees thaa tbe aaa at SAOoo far each at tba follewtog years, to-wltt ISIS, IBIS, 1S17, JSIs, ibis, isas, lBzi. isa. iko, mt. uns. ltoa, aad aet leaa thaa the aaa af ASrWO fusT eerh or tae xeiiewieg years, xe-witi in, smb. IB2B, Aud as further, comnenaatioa the aald eraatee. Ml Successors aad aaslgna, shall within SO daya from the commence men t ot ' tbs opera. tlon of ths asld telenhone axcbsDrs. Install. equip sod maintain a police patrol telepbooa ayataa for tbs City of Portland, connected with suitable awitrhooara la police stauoa. teiepbonea to ' be placed la boxes os poles of ths aald company or at places designs ted by the city, the same to be placed wbere ss dealg Bated wltbla tba district-eoxered by the com pany's' wires; conduits sr- poles, er where ether poles or conduits ere a reliable; T5 telephones are to be installed aa aooa as ths company baa poles erected and wires laid, and 85 teiepbonea are to be inetolled each year thereafter an til SU0 thereof are Bo Installed; B telephones may bs placed oa sos Una and tbs dty U to sapply the boxes to be placed oa tbe poles therefor. The entire police teieohone ayetem ahall be the property of ths City of Portland st the termination, forfeiture or abaadoaateat et thla franchise. tbo an ebail, aa farther i iiiawsilsa to tbe etty. aaa- sort aw ayataa wlta tas operating room or headqsjarters of tbe Firs Deportment ef tbe Cltr of Fwrtmad bs twe sr three Uses, ss emoted, aad elece telephone aad estoaaha la sacb general of aosr'e haadawarSers ef tha Fire fi ei I leant aad see la each of the aea.tal otneers' reetoeaoM. tbe aald grantee - to ars vide are alarm toaoribone aystsm whea t egaii el by the City at PortLsed. Tba City of Pertland aball baas the aaa of aaeb reedoctors asd af sacb character aa a.edtd by tbs are alarm, eoltce patrol toarpboae aad tolegrapb aeetea aad water department telegrspb and telepboos ajateaua la ths esdeigiuend caadabts and river csbies ef tbe aoarpaay aad tbe right te string wires for sacb parpsa ee oa the grantee 'e .polea. The City Ball, City Crematory, City Bars, City Jail sad ether efneee sf tbs City sf Portlsad to he oa nailed with each may bs necessary for the aee. . sf ths several denartmiate end efTiree at the etty. Aad ssld frsaeblaa may bs forfeited by tbe failure of tbe grantee, hla aad aa. aissa. te maka naiaaat ef tbs shove provided for sod to perform the acta above provided lor. Provided, however ,' that tha ampiaaaMea above lied aball be to ad dltloa to ail ether, either general ar seeape- rws, taxes aew imposes apoa tae niai holders of atotUar franchisee, or watch m he hoecaftot as leriad er Imposed. . Prevldsd. that tba aaid grantee, bis sweet sere or ssalgaa, aball keep at an times daring tbe time for which tba fraareuae to ernirted. tall aad correct beeke af eoceen t sad make emsrterir renearto la writtog to the Aadlror of tbe City ef Porteaad, aaid reports to eeajtala SB its statement hi weU as la detail at. "all . receipts sU aad all exrendirarea for sll teeatbar erlth a full Stat ease t af all aad debts, aa wall aa earn other hferwasttoa as to tba easts end predts at aaid aerla and tba Saaaeial eowditloea of tba aaid grsatee, bla eercumoie ar m eigne, sod tba Aaditar of .the Cltv af Pert at ad amy toapsct ar examine eauae to be inspected or examined, st sit sore ssd Provided, further, that so charge ahall bs ma da -or exacted by tha grantee, big eoccea sora or smtgns, from sny subaeriber or patroa of ssld tolrphone syetem autll at least Three ThoaaeBd (Il,0O0) teiepbonea are toatalled and In actual opera tioa sad see la tbs City of Portland. Bee, 1. - The work ef eonetrnctlng said tele- PhoaeJ plant, eyatem aad exchange to ns cos. strnrted, maintained and oterated aader tbe areelaieaa of tha fraaebkm herein eras ted shall bs commenced Is good faith with Is sot asm thaa east aoatsa rraa tae aeta or tna graarrag ef aald franrwase aad abeU be eaw tlsaaaaly aiamaled there efter la good faith aad sbaBJ be eeaeplefsd wlthto ast mare thaa three rears thereof bar Thet tbs aaM grantee, ba ea re mi ere sad saigas ahall la gbed faitb key eat sad axpead for material aad labor seed aad perfarawd.ia tbe eemtroetiea sf said teeepaoas putat, aystea aaa exeaaage, ineiao- tog efAce aad ascbangs box I dings, poles, dolts. . manholes, wins, eablee. awitehbe tel. phonic sppsrataa asd appitaacea. tba fol lowing earn wltbla tbe parted bereinaftee men tinned restieeti vely : Fifty Thmmaad (SSO.Oovl tmluua wltbla aae year sfter tbe grant of the fraacbiee betels eraetdi d for paased. sp preved aad became effective: Two Handred aad Mfty Tbcweend (g2Z.000) Dollars within twe years .after, the great of , tba frsuchlse herein nrovided for In neeaed. anteroved and becomes effective, and rivs Hundred Thousand (taOS.000) Hollars within three years sfter tha grant ef tba franchlae herein provided for la paased, approved and becomes sffectlrs. That the entire total coat-ef said plant sfter be ing fully completed, is estimated et One Mil- Uoa 111.000.000) Dollars. See, id.. The Bxecatlve 1 Hoard of "tbe City sf Portland, or other ta-operly canatltuted satbority thereof. shall ' have - the power and aatbority to regulate the manner of erecting aald poles, eonetrnctlng aid conduits ssd string Ing and laying aaid wires sad carrying oat ths proriBions ot tnis orojnsnce. 'ins grantee. Die snttteeare and aalgne, ahall have tbe right and privilege to change or exchange tba tele- fibone syatea snthoriaed to be cnastrscted n arctloa 1 of this francblse for a me sue 1 ayatea only epoa cotiaent of the Con sell or other nropes. entborlty of the tllty ef Port- lead, Brat obtained, - -. IS. Paid grantee, bla eocceeaors and fe aalgne. hereby agrees ssd mvrnants to in deanxfy aad eave baaleas ths CMy ef Pert hmd sgsinst aU damages, testa aad ei peases lie Is.nm, to which aid dry amy be etib Ject la eunatqwenn of tbe acts or neglects af grantee, bis set i isam aad aaelgiie. bis er then e genie or wrvests. Is aay amnaer ararlsg frea the rights end prlvllegaa granted herein. All rnrhta. ssthartty and grants herein res- taiaed ot eonrerrea are rorrber eooeutioned ba ears' in. nndet standing -aad agree ment tsex at prmmsv in tas srreats aaa perbrie pieces, bereis conferred are ant te epiiete to any way ss ss .shear. meat ef the aientes'a pi unortta er vs lees er be as Beset er item of em unship In the seers Iss 1 thereof te the .mat that aaid ctty ahall ever aces I re by gan heai any ar all af aid greatee's, hla esc t teams' er aeelgna' property. See. IS. Tbe rigkta. prmiegae aad frae. ble. aali tarmiaate st the explrstlos sf twenty-See yeara- frees tba data of the ef this ardlnesjee. sad aball iiiaaai the day thia ardiaaaaa beriatt ef fores sad IT. That aims tbe ex sera tioa of the period for which this fraechjse w greeted, tbe City sf Part lead" iiasrvia the right at Its elee flee end span the pet meat there fay of a fair tains Lies thereof to be made and determined as-berersafler provided, to pnreheae as as ea tlrety aad take over to Its self stl rf the stractsd, opersted and maintained nnanr ' the nbts conferred by -thla grant . wbus may pa eiraatea OS, a, .em auea newer tse erreets. seen una asd powie Places et tae t uy or Port tee ia neetioa i ot taia with all real, peraoaal and mixed property, epvsratae, appusnrss. apputteimscee at every klad Sad eeocripaoa. lncluog rhneae la action. . contracts, earaKx-lptseas and good will, asking ap. eonautaaag and aex In ueom.itla with each plant, eyatea aad ex change as operated aad esalatalaed eoder the rlghU aad fraarhlass hereto greeted. Provided, however, that before the city shall bars toe aatbortty to parch see or take over Sueb pis at and property, tbe owestioa "Whether or set tae city ahall ecqatre or take sack Pleat aad property ahall nrat as sanminaa Is tas voter! et tha city st ths regular elect loo tar city of. Beers next precedisg tha axptrattoa of the period tor wnlcn uie rraocsjae a aanteg. case the value tioa of ssld ptaat. ere tarn sxebange la 1U entirety can be paid oat of tha aaaaat roscueoa . of tbe city. In adoirkm ta tbe payment ef the other ei ternary sx. pendltares thereof, tbsa tbe afaramtlve veto et a auOorUy et tae emraora voUag at sktctioa 'Shall ba neram.ry te sathorlae the acquleirien at aaeb pleat, ayatem, exchange aua property ay the etty. ia case, aewever. the vahutloa of aaid omat. avmea sad ex. cAsaae ahall as far exceed tha aaaaal revseaaa at the ctty la addltloa to tbe paymeat si ether necesesry expenoitures tnoreoc ia ewes ss a meant as to reader It ana try to laal bonded ludebtedaeea for sa re, thaa toe anMaloahia af ewes propasltlea tbe a red ore for tba aeqabUtloa thereof ahall specify thereto tbs . a awe at ot tbe proposed boodvd jladebtedneae, tba rats sf Inter eat tbareoa and. whether aaeb boaded iadetitedaea ahall he 'incurred. Aa af flrmaOva . vsto ef at least twe ' thirds (S-8) sf ths elect ore ret lag tbereaa at auch elect loo ahaU ba necessary te eerara each acqaeeitlee aad to warraat tba leeoaaee of aunidual beads there fee. Is terastotog tba vataatioa of aald phut aad prop erty to be pnrthaasd and taken over by tha ctty there ahall be ex ended therefrom sny vala atiea af fiantbhtga ar graata derived from tna tty ec rertMBd to malnteia ssa spersts ssie plaot aad property, bat there abaQ be toclsded In each vataatloe tbe vsloe of all polea, cross, anna, braces., wlrea. caudal te. manhokm.' build Inge, real estate, aerltchbeerda. terephoaea. aad all real, peraeaal and mixed property, lac lading all a ppara rue, appliances, sppnrtenancsa. coo tracta, cboaea la acttoa and good will of every ktna aaa eeecripnee, meaiug as ssa rssxxtnut law end need la eoaaartl.n with aaeb a ptaat. Tstem, exrhsuge ssd tel.pboae and eeveerraph balnea. The price OT aulas tioa to be paid by the dty at Pert Is ad for aid property, plant, ayatem and exchange aad telephone and tele graph baUaears aball be fixed aad determined kr three arblMtore. ana ana seated by tbe Oeua- ril of the city, a aot bar by the greater, his eat exams and aaalgaa, sad tba third appelated bv the two oa ehoaen. aad tha declatoe la writ ing, at aald three arbltrabora sr s majority of tbsa. maae a eupucaa aaa sigaea ay teem. aoe aVUvered to tba Mayor of tbe Ctty of Pert land aad Ik. ateea Sa tbe eranaee. bla aocea Bore ar aaatgaa, aball be final aad bled lag upoa the parties, aad aid price aad eluatioa shell t-e pate m in grantee aereas, nm as! rne, before nld rraa tee. but eaalaraa. ahaU he denrived ef the right to BHraxala, oparato aad oejey aald prop erty, plant, system ssd exchange, sad apoa pa reseat by the city to aaid eraatee. hie esw l iws uts er saiga, of sack a pries end valsstlos so oaaeraalned as aaaiiaeii, Mid plaat aad prep arty ee valued, so reheat J sad paid tor, aberl haosene tbe property of tbe CHy of Portlaad by vtrtoe bersof. sad peyment therefor - m aforesaid, and wfrheat tbe axeewtioa ef aay Instrument of emirsyanes. Bhoald aald: graatea. bla a. earns er aaalsaa. aealeet for a rS- eeaable time after It baa beam dtmmlatd that the ctty to Bathortasd to and wUI porch aaa aad take ever aaid Pleat and props sfter sauries to that effect from tbe dty. ta M aa arbitrator, er to esse tbe two erbl trstars cboaea by tba Oeaaell et the dty ssd ths rreotee. hla aaceeeeore er ssagns, re speetirely aegieet tor s reesasmble Osse after their apesUntaeat to oea-et a third wbttrator, thea -aad ta either ef eald eoeee tbe JJadga of the Oupmaee Oawrt of the. State ef Oragoa ahall appetot three arbltratora to drtaratae' tbe price er vataatioa to be paid tor aaid plaat and prop erty, aad the dmtetoa ef aald three ei blue tors ar a amtorlty af thea ae c boats by the ledges sf tbs Bapvaae Court, assde Is writing ia ex plicate asd do mod to the partMe as afere seld, aball bs final sad bradtag apse tbe per ttea. t tbe elty abeU elect sat to eewaire eoch ebat aad piupeny sr abaa aet aasvasas tba name and tbe city aball elect' to grant a new ar additional fraacbiee ta Ilea thereof, ar any axteaaloa ot the expiring er expired fran chise greeted by this erdtoeece. aad If as ap. eJlewtiooi be Bade by tba grsatee herein, hie sr eeslgns. for aocb sew ar add! ttoaal er extewded fieaJilae, tbsa asd la thai mid sreaitao. Ms essxeseora aad aaalgns aball have the first sad prefereetlal right to toko aad reawlve suck bsw. addltioaal or -ex. taaded frawchles. aad It aald graatoa. Me aa rseeove- er aaaigas. does ant take anch aew, vddttlonal nr assewded fraacblsa. bat toe aeae to. sfter bib ar tbetr elect Ion net to take the aaa, granted by tba ctty to aay ether eerpnre ttoaraeewslettoB er ladlvidnal, thsa aad to that esse aid other caorsttoa, aeiirbittoa ar ta iieaui tah-msi aaam new. addltwmal or extdst tresamma shall to add I Ilea to. ths aanatke to ba said to tbe dty for aaeb oeer. aOdl tkam) ot extended frssmblaa. pay to aid Ssssea, Ma Ban looses er sasigsa, er to the ty bet Psrflssd to trust tar eald grantee, hi. saiiisass aad aawlgae, at ar berora the tlas each new, additional ar txesad.d freseblea takea affect, ami befeve aid grsntea. bb awe- ceesora sr ssdga. sbsll bs deprived I af. tat .u - aad enjoy aid plaat aad property, the fair- ead eewlavhle graatoe. ba eattants er sesigna, waiea tns Ciiv of Perttaad by thla ere tioa .reserves itha right to porch ssa end take ever, the vslasOoe Ov-reof end tbe price to be ewldtberef or te aid grantae. bla oameeara asd asslgss. to bs Used ead deter mined In the aaa Peaaasr as K the. aettos Slavs pror1tad -J"Lxtag and AerarsslnJmr the Brice ssd vshattoa st emtd ptaat aad property la tbe ease the Ctty Sec. IS. Within thirty (SO) .dnye after tbe riling- asT tha arrnaaace tha aM graatea enaii hla wltb tbe Aodltor of the city of Portland s band to the aaa of Twenty-fire Tweosoad ((K.OOO) DoUars. with" two saffletent saswtaa, to be epsvoved by the etoya. caafftloqod: werk ad ewaatracttog the pUat. aystea aad rxebanga to ba osejrtroewd aad eperated seder the prothwoae ef tbte frencbiae. Is swodfalth. witbto aot aars thaa eight mouths frost the data ef great -at of sack frsaeblaa. aaa tnet eald work abaU ba esaUaeeealy presacated taersefiar to good tatfb and obeli be J?? with a pole line eondait sad serltrbbeard alM mate capacity of ant teas tbsa toa thaaaand I ie. oarri ti li i wee wnms bw a years thereafter- . ebs srsntos. bla . mmv tba am. ef money pertively within tbe periods praacrlbed by BectWra IS ef Una erdleeece. . Thtrd That eerh and every street, elley er blsbway. ar aay portloa thereof, that aay be fMirVal ar torn a by said grsstes aader the rewrtasone af this ordinance shall be ra pes rod aad pat ia a goad order ssd ewBdWoa aa tba saw waa la before It wwa m disturbed sr tora ap sad be thereafter amis tai nod tar a period ef one year. ! IWtk-That tba gretrtee. hie m.Laaii a sesigna, shall pay SB uaaiegie. ceete sad ss-penaes- whatsoever to which the dty may be objected Is ti af tbe acta er wsg leru of grawtes. kle saiiaeort er asslgne. hla or their em aata ee areata In say miaaic arising frea tbe. rights ssd privileges granted . rifttr That said avowees, bto asruaors ead saigas, toa 11 fsithfoiry keep sat each asd every tera tad tnadttloav by tbto ordlnancs. " ' Bee. JS. That aaf aeajleet, fat rare er refowsl to comply with any sf tas niaJIUea ef thai franchise or grsat, amy rherwepoa effect a forfeiture hereof, aad tbe Mid City et Port laad say by Ita Onagri! with tbe approval ef tbe Mayor ef add dty, deektrs this grsat aad aU tne rights and privileges hereto 'Con ferred, forfeited aad apoa edjsdlratlen sf forfei tore by e court of competent Verted Ictlou tele fi Became asd all tbe privileges sod rights conferred thereby sbsll be feme aall and void. See. S0i Ths aald grsatee shall wltbla thirty (SO) dsys after thle ordinance sbsll bs Is force ss provided la Beetioa One Hundred gad Klgbt (KM) ef the llierter ef the City et Portlsnd. Bis Is the sfSes et Oa Aodltor of ths dty a written acceptance of thla ordi nance ssd franchise hereto greeted and tbe fauore apoa the part of tbe grantee hernia to She sack written acceptance wttkls the time herein oped Bed. obeli .be Sctmed an abandonment aad rejertloa st tbs franchise, rights ssd prlvUeges herein conferred aad thio ordinance ahan forever bo pan aad veld and each acceptance by grantee sbsll be BaqasU Bed end obeli bs en si i eplaata of all tbs t erase, eondttons asd lestrtettoae eeetoiaad la tola ordinance. CASK LEFT BY BEATTIE FOUND IN HOTEL SAFE Seattle, March 10. On March I, l0t. 3. J. Beat tie, for IS years' travel ing repreaentatlva of the Bebwa bacher oompany of this city, left two certlflcatea .of deposit,- for -tha sum of 11,161, In an envelope st the Cecil hotel for aafa keeping. They were placed in the , safe -and Beattie went away, , A month later he died and ths envelope waa forgotten. Not . until . yesterday, when the safe was cleaned out, was It brought to view.; . : ' The money wdw sent to Captain Wal lace of the Pacific Cos et Company; who la executor of the estate and who ta forwarding ths funds he receives to Beettie's little girl In Scotland. . Since the death of Beattie monev left at hotels In NewMextro, Arixona and several other places hit been turned over to, the executor, until 41 Is e ques tion In Cspis In Wallace-g mind If he will . ever get the catu-loft by the dead cirr ronczA r koyosis Afgrr vy yo ntrxoTX- mit or rtaur stazxt (ynxi. Kotice h) hereby giren too t the Auditor et the City of Portlsnd bat preoared s pro. poeed saoanest fur Ui luiprov- tut of Vet treet mm loo fat south ot the seua Use of Orsrvr street to 100 ' feet north of the aorth lias ef Urotrr street, sad -. bu aeeertalued . what ha deea a Junt . portion inent of coot of Die laprorvnwBt la accordance wltb ths special anil pecsUar eraeuie wmTsa sy ssch parcel of ' laso aao lot. or part .thereof within ths soeeesamnt district, end has spportloned tbe cost for aid Improvement in th. aesuuia sat imnalis each peroel ot- Und sod lot or part tberaut. ss IU euara ei auca proposea saseasaoent. AOT Oblectlnaa tn tha nBtf(uu,HMi ef r tor Mid improvement most he made to writing e. .the .Council ssd riled with the Auditor witn a 10 daya from tha data of tbe Bret pun. Ucatlon of thla e-i,L,aj mtA aKlaatlona will be beard had determined by tbe Council before lu, laasi, u i sua fiMiMiua laaii,, lu e,sjb " ea.u wuroveaieut, . , ' ' ' POBTLAN u BLOCK 106. lot rHsary Wdn hard. S4.S0: kt liunr. ur.i,k.,.i as ml: let , Henry Waiabard. (a-SU; lot d. Henry Welniiard, Sl.TH; kit 6, Henry Weinharii, ' SS.Tft; lot g. Henry Welnbexu. S4.S0; Jot T, Henry Weinaard. St.iJO: lot S, Hesry WcIb- - hard. S4.Su. . BLOCK 10H, Rmlth A Watsoa . woraa, S1S.WO. BLOt b, lOT, at - J, Bmlth A Watsoa Iron Works, H : lot 2. Smith W a(son Irou Works, St So; at A Bmitk A Wateoa Iron Works. S4.; t'd, rlmltb A Watooa lroa Work a. Jl.lH); lot 5. nmitn a wataoa Jroa Worka, S4.Su; lot , Smith A Wataoa Iran Works. S4.SD: lot T. Smith A Wataoa lroa Works,' Sd-SOl lot A Smith A Wsteoa Iron Works. St. 20. BLOCK ISO,, lot 1. Oregoe Compaay. S4.20; let A Oregon Company, S4.SU; lot Si Oregoa Com. Kny, ft.); lot d. Oregoa Company . M.Su; : Sr Prank Hornatrom. S4.20: north lot S, Sophia Hall, a 10; south H' lot A -Jotw-, . iiot, v. iot m t, n. Williams, ea-su; lot 8, K. Wllllama, S4.20. BLOCK 121, aorth 1 feet of lot 1,- Sects M. Parker, 0.40; north BO feet of weat SO feet ef lot S, Made , M. Parker, B0.8S; eaet-Se feet of west 40 feet of lot 1, Beck le OurdoB, east test or wat 40 -feet of lot A Bscklt Oordon, Sl.tS- aaat a fast sf lot . A Hsamgsrdnar, fAfto; ' eortk IS feet et mat SO feet of lot S, A. Haeaigerdner, 0.M: south 1 toot of aarth 30 feet of eeat 60 feet of lot g. Marie Pake, SO. 18 ! aoatb SO feet of tot t, Marie Hake,; lot . Marie Hake, 1.0S; lot S. Jacob Mayer, S0.90; tot - S, Jacob Mayer, S3. HOI aoatb SS feet of lot , 7, Jacob Merer SAeft; north JO feet ef west SO reet of lot 7. Henry K. McUlna. 1 eb; west SO feet of lot A Hcory K. Me (iian. north 20 feet of reet SO feet oi lot i, socle it. Porker. SO. ST.: east SO feet of lot S. Hade M. Parker, S0.8S. BIXrL'K a 1x2, un, al. Usle. S4.20; tot g, Joseph Blmeu, Trustee, 4.J0; kit A John Xlsy toa, 4.i; lot 4, Jobs Ctartoa. Se.ltk A .triangular tract ef lead lying ' betwerh -he aoatherly line of tot 4. block 12A Port lend, tbe north Hne ef block 10, ' Ceruthero' Addltloa to Portlaad. snd s tins 100 feet west of snd parallel with the west lies ef r uei street, sons I ley too, go. to, . . ' A tract of land Ivlna hatwaaa tha - annth. ; erly Has of h S, block 122, Portland, and inw nxnrtBariv line at htnr, m. n e. - i.. ditloa to Portland, xsii between the seat una ar second street and n line 100 reel eaat ef and parallel therewith. Baviaga Leaa BocletV of Ban Pranelam Sll M rOBTLAND BLOCK 122. lot A. Bavipgec Ueaa Hodety of Baa rreuclaco, gt.SU; lot e.' asvings a urns Bortety af Baa Fran vteco, (4.S0; lot 7. Boawell A. Lemeoa. S4.SO; lot 8, ttoawell BV Lamaoa., $4.20. . BLOCK ixa. MH 1. Jooa A. Oerlls. S4.S0; lot X, soon a, uerun, M.zo:' lot a. UcrmaB'' Bav togs A Loss Society. Sl.20: lot 4. Oeorn H. Chance, S4.20; lot 6. Kate llradersou.; lot a, orvia and Margaret E. Keliog. S4.S0: lot. Orvtn Keliog. 4.tfri lot B, Ids H. Cleer. ft So. BLOCK laa. - lot 1. Lory A. Dodd Ksute. Urire ef. i.S0; lot A Lacy ' A. Podd . Bwtate. Heirs of, sd.SO; lot A Ueerge II. Chance, S4.Su: tot d, George H. Cbaare. S4.SU) tot S, Btvphes Meade Kstate. Heirs at, 4 20; sooth 40 feet of ioc a, Hiepbea Mesds heiute. Heirs ef, SASH; -Berth 10 fret of lot A C. C New rsstle. SOJIA: weat an Cast lot . r) Newcastle, a So- veai OS roe ot.lot A C. C. Lacy A. hodd Estate. Beers ef. tK40; east . 10 feet, of tot S lacy' A. Dooy ltotate. Heirs of. Su.e0. BLOCK 1ST, lot 1. Josephine . amutaa,; Mt 3, Josephine A. KlOStorasan. S4.SS- lot A Aheaham H. Rneeee. S4.S: lot e. Joseph Day, t.kO; lot S. Thomas piiiseaa, es.-u; ni t, g. k, Hey, M.xu; aoatb 18 - feet of lot 7. It. U Hay. $1 56; .north Si 1-9 feet of lot T. Mary B, Arbackle, 2.oS; let A Mary B. Arbackto. S4 SO. BLOCK 138, all af wat 100 feet of blork except . noria eo reet, . argaaeBto Tnorlew, . se.ho; ' all Of aaat lis)' feet Af bloeb eiaaat baeh .So feet, Joaephtas Sullivan, (4.6.1; north 30 - i. 1 ox wea, lvu reet or a iocs, -Hattta ttoht- - Smith. $2 60; south SO feet ot earth 0 . feet of wat 100 feet of black - .ljsals . a. Rleherds, J.80: earth b fees of Mat lis) feet of block, Oackr Mlhooe. BLOCK 130 lot 1, Peter 1. Mann, $4-20; rot A Peter e. mono, es.i; m s, rrter J. Mans. XX. on lot 4, Mary Moblnsaa Xstote. Helro of. SO.SO; tot s, Mary Robinson Kstate. Heirs sf, Sz.s!t; lot S, Joha W. aad Helaa Mae. Coma, S4.S0; lot 7, Peter J. M.nn, 4.20; tot A Peter a. menu, as.zu, suk K 140, lot 1, a. L. Mendenhall Katate, Helra of. S4.S0; tot A Louie f Cbamia. Estate, Heirs af. S4-20; -4nl 1 LOO La V. Chemln Kstata 111. . W.a: lot 4. Louie r. Chemln lestote, . lldra i,. ,,.ei, e. a, nemos r. 11 lea, pi iu lot S, H. fc, Burnbam, S4.a): lot T. t. M. Watte. V.?0'. . M- .rot"- HBO. BLOCK i7.V . .'...". nsy, lot j, Michael J fleiet. lot 8, Charles L. fsrker.; lot 4, James B. Johatoas. $4 10; V S. 0. M. Bmitk aad Bene A BalUle. S4.20: aoatb 4 feet of lot a o u a.i,b aad Bono A Baltlo, $4.05. morth t (M o( 1 lot S. Sti) 'Frances Hurley, 10. IS; aoatb " -T . f . . '' . "ances Hnrety. gil.iwi , north 14 feet of tot 7, Annie K. Harktos. Sl.SO; lot S. Annie B. Barkis, as CARUTBRRS ADDITION to the City of Pert. SrZT , m i' ' '. laoama uulneaa. S4.40; lot A Tboaas Guinea n, S440; tot A "ba Campbell. S4.41I; let 4. Jobs Csmp. '. "1 Z. . ' ar.o, aiarg r. ninoo, et.SU. BLOCK S. lot 1. Kslams River Booa Wm- pany.; pona of lot a. Charles Walter. RHP ft ,' "t w- rullertoo, S'i.20; tot A Kelaae Hirer Boom -Com pa nr. S4.40; lot . Thomas Maua, S4.40; lot S, Thomas Menu, S4.4o: lot , Thomaa Maan. M.eo; mt 7. Tboaus Mass, $4.40; tot nam ma Hirer noom rempaay. St. 40. BLOCK S lot 1 Biwlaaa .111.. t.'-.. . -, . $4-efl; lot A Bodnew (iiiaan Raisfe . e m e o, - noiiner .UI1B0B KalUlfe, Heirs m, ev eo; mi e. Miner Henorthg, St. en; at JL.!1.! i?"6' . n: "o A I Oslboua CottoL $4 .40; tot 7. Collets M. Frsser. $4.40; S5 . JC"U eae $4.40. BLOCK 4. J b h. P."rrr- 40; tot A Charles - 1.. Parker, $4.40; tot A Jobs Laekrt et al.. $4.40: lot 4. Joha Lockel et al., S4.40; tot 5, B. Witter Morris, $4.40; tot A William A. flroomea. 44.40: lot T. Rarah I a, ., $4.40: tot . Thome o Gulnesn, $4.40. BIxicK o. eaet loo leet ot mi j, atna Baker. $4.20; we-t .$ feet ef tot 1, William Plledner, $0.; weet S.B feet ef tot A William Plied-netv- $0.3S ; west AB feet of lot A WlllUm Plledner. $0.2o; eaat 100 feet ef tot J.- J. W. Baker. $4.20; eat 100 feet of tot 8. Perr (j. Bsker Pststs. Belts of, $4.20 tot A , Wllllta ..rTlcdner. $4.40; lot A Willi. Plledner, ft. 40; tot S. - William filed oar, $4.4nf tot t. William Flisdner, $4.40; lot 8 WlllUm riledner. $4.40, BLOCK A lot 1. ? P7. $4.40; i lot A Delphlae Wbalea. $4.40; bit A Rebecca . norbfeld. $4.40; lot 4. William rliednar. k4 so ie s wrmi.a. : riledBrr, $4.40: lot 6, Charles rritech, $4.40; Sr . lfat.riTvJOT- S4.40f. lot S, Lydls H. Taylor. 14.40. BLOCK V w i Ooldtteln. $4.40; lot 2, Alice F. Taylor, $4.40; wvat aov feet of tot 8. Peter Taylor, il.ns fV' s" . "I "i-- 1 W- Prt. ! I' i. ' e, -, eaat atfe reet of !" A retf Ttylor, o.2B; net s feet of : - L . ?'ri r'"": weT iow feet of fat S, Cane diss A Americas Mortgage A ... . T,' , . iol reet ef lot . Alfred I. .. tarmac. . aa an. lu a - J. W. Blckman, $4.40. ' , ' A tract ot lend bounded snd described ss follows: Commencing at a point In the east Use ot Second street, ssld point being 60 feet south of the intereectios ef tbe sou Ik lino of Sherman tract wltb the eeat Use of Beeasd street, thence aoatb along tbe eaet line of Second atreet to a point 100 feet, eooth of tba eonth line of Bhermaa atreet; thencs eeat 71.71 feet slon s line 100 feet sooth of Vnd parallel with ths south Una ef Bhermaa street; thence north SA1 feet along a line 71.71 feet east ef sad parallel with the east line of Second street; thence anrtb B4 de grees 8 mlnuta, weat 16 5 feet; thenr weat S feet alosg a line SB feet aoatb af aad parallel with the annth line of Sherman street: tbeste north 1 feet along a Una 64. 01 feet eaat ot aad parallel with tbo eatt line of abroad etreet: thence west skmg s llae Do feet snath of snd parallel with tbs south tins' ot Bhermaa .atreet to tbe place ef be. ginning. J. W. flick men. $2.70. - . . A tract of land bounded aad described' aa follows! Commencing at the aorth west cor ner of lot 1, block 7. Carotbert' Addltloa te Portland, thence aoatb along tbe wat line of lata 1 and A block 7. Cerutbers' Addition to Cortland to a point loo fat aoatb of sostb line of Sherman atreet; thence Weet 84.81 feet along a line 100 feet Booth of aad parallel wltk tbe sooth . line or ftbermea street; thence north 2A1 feet along a Una 71.71 feet eed e ssd parallel erlth tbe aet Ilea- of Second etreet; theses north 64 de grees, 80 nilnntea. wesi 10,8 feet; thence weet S fat alosg a line SB feet south sf and parallel wltb the annth llae of Bhermaa street; thence north along a llae Aoi fat eeat ef aad parallel with tbe east Hne af Second street to Ita Intersection with tbe annth Una of Rnermse street; thencs etst along the Booth Una ef Sherman etreet te place ef beginning. Waller A Harford. $4.00. CAArTORe' ADIHTlOv te resvitad BtOCK H: mt I. Hoeney. tHtean testate. Heirs ef, $4.40: tot 8. Rodney Hllsaa Karate. Weirs ef. $4.4"; bit- 3. Rodney Cilleea Fetate, Heirs sf, fltut let A Lale May tsttsl, fteS; cmr xttvx ' t f i,ise1 . aeetk H of lot 8, IaiI Mer CotteL $8.20; I aorth H of lot 8, Ckertot W. Cettol, : ' v lot S, Kudaey tlllua testate. Heirs af, $4.e; ' lot 7, Booey uilsaa K.tste, t-lro ef. $4.4o; b-t A kuMusty Olieeu I jute, b. -ea of. 1LOCK 8, lot 1. Barab 1: BUse-Mrry, $4.40; lot A Bsrab ' J. Stan-berry. $4. en; tot- 8., 1. B'saeherry, 1 10;. tot 4. Dareb . I berrr, be.e; lot 6, Barab 1. k -neocrry.' , , s tot a. rtsrek -J. teu"errr. $4.40: ' t f,'Hl J. e- -rry, M : -lot A bar-, J. bisn' -rrr, 1. Bi u a i. lot 1. ' ry tl. Uoi .y, i.W; )t A k. J. I aad. $4.w.; .lot 8. leery L. 1 toa. k : t - 4. MarOn Hrbade. $4.40: tot li. if' -er aad henry Hen do, $4.4u; lot A Joha v, Hi. !"'T' I. Wtlrk, $4,401 hit , ibeTitke Ouarantee a Trust Company. $4.40. r.1.11- ot 1. Oeorte aud Barak Uumuert. SA40; tot A Joseph ibsnk, $4.40; aet 7T 't. 2'.fclt biartha A. Cooledge. 8AS0; wat 21-5 feet of lot A Heekell Brows, $I Su; W,T .S feet of tot A Heekell Brown. fl! aet 77 fat ef.lot 4. fred. Keubaeer. "' fr"' ww ea leet of tot 6. Alfred " J. ' I.'.." 88' " 88 Veet of wat 1 feet . . s ,L0,5 Semtor, t. as; aaat AS fat of '"J .Hfbl ..Brown. $0.20; eaat S B feet . .A : Beakell Brown, $0.80; wref 101 fat of. tot . Mary Augusta Baurata, $4 20! lot .ejeenb K. heldermeyer. $4.4; lot , A Otto ?0,irh.! d' !. BLOCK 11 tot 1, .Mirths . A .oul.'. $ """i" H of tot A Adolph Colsea, IJ ii; toutk of lot 1., Dora A. SfJF' J"1 J?;M't L-.Thurlow. a4 i0!.k l0' J' C- eetty. S4.40I bt & A.Btko" f erroll $4 40; tot A Aatbony p. Carroll, $4.4o; tot 7, John P-mery. $4.4o; M S. Joha Kmery.'$4.40. BLOCK IA weat ' , 5. ! M William BalUa, $0.40; J". "fl .feet of wast 43 fret of lot 1. Lools P. Bene, $1.40; east .83.4 feet of west 43 fat of north fat of lot 2, loole P. B-bo. $0.18; aoatb 15 feet ef eaet 83.0 feet tJot- Lotils p. Bono. $0.80; soatb I foot .J .5"" " t 1. Ooldls BarelU $0.10; north 85 feet of east 83.11 fat of lot A Ooldls BsrelL $1.85;, wat 43 feet of . .south 46 feet of lot J, Komsa Catbolls - Arcfablahop of tbe Diocese ot Oregon. $1.80; wat 48 test of tot 8. Romas Cstholie Arch- - "e v, w muuaj oi uregoa 0 1. iu; mirtn 4 fuet of east e.1.6 feet of tot L Wllllsm Ballle, $2.80; aorth X fat ef aat S8.8 of lot 8, Leult P. Bstio, $1.80; etst 83.6 fret of south 38 feet of lot A Bom.s Cithdtoi ' A rcb bishop of tbe Diocea ef Oregoa, -$1.80 ; lot 4. Koaiaa Catboiic Arcbbhibop of tbe lllocese of Oregon. $4.40;, lot a, Komsa Cetbollc ArcbbUbop at te Diocea of Ore- , yon, $4.40: tot A Bossea Cstholie Arebbtaibop of tba Irlorea ot Oregoa, $4.40; lot 7. - Boaita Cstholie Arrhblobop of the bloreae . . - w , -, wai a.a ivcs a, eaet aa feet of south 11 feet of tot $. Romaa Catho 11c Arrhblahep of ths Dtorese et Oregoe, $0.10; wat 74.5 feet ef south II feat ot tot A Romoa Cetbollc Archbishop of the blocee '. of Oregoa. $0.70; eaet Z8.SS feet ef tot S. . Wllllem Bellle. $1.(0; wat 82.54 fat of . north 30 feat ot lot A Jennie Belcher. $2.70. mrwv ta i. , .. i- a. .a. lot A Pratt Whltremb. $4.40; lot A Pratt Whltcomb, S4.48; tot A laae Ha mm. $4.40: aoatb H of lot A William H. (Ireafrll. $3 X0; "eaat 28 5 feet of north u of tot A Wllllsm H. Orrnfelf $o.65: wast SO feet of earth H of tot A Stephen Prldeanx, $1,811; tot A Anthony. t. Carroll, $4.40; tot 7. Anthony ' V. Carroll. $4.40; tot A Ells U Woodward. $4.4u. BLOCK IS. tot L (J eor re Longford.. $4,401 tot A (leerge Lsngford. $4.40; lot X Psrkrr W. Morey, $4-40; tot . 4, Derby Q' Toole, $4.40; tot B. Ttmmexisa P.- Beott. , SA40; tot A Thomedne p. Hcott. $4.40:" tot ,7, Maud O. Hudson. $4-40: tot 8. Maud O. ftadooa. 84.40. BIKK IA tot 1. Harriet M. Klemaa. $4.0i lot 2, Harriet M. Bletuan, 7 $4.40,' lot A John K. Lots. $4.40; tot 4. ;, R. V. Pratt. $4.40j tot fi. Wttiey B. Allen. $4-40; tot A ktorrea Barde, $4.40; esst to of lot T, Charles L. Parker, $2.20; reet S ef tot S. Charles U Parker. $2.80; weet H sf tot 7. Klinor a Bars, $2.20; wat of lot A Klinor O. Bare. $A20. BUCK 17. kit I, Mary T. U Barnhart, 84.40: lot A Mary D. U Barnhxrt. 84.4U: eaat 10 feet Of lot 1 lharlas T. Papka S.4M,. eal .H feat of aoatb Vi ot tot A Very K. Arberblr. $0.10; weat S.62 feet of north V, ef -tot 8. . Beneoa B. Arbackle, $0.10; net 100 feet . Of lot. A William V p-a tl OO.. . - a ft. rei oi aw a. axsry. B.. amita, eo.xu;. 1st a.- r-o. iu, a soaiiai -a oi Ml n, - Mery B. - Arsvckle, 8i.H aorth- Ve-f iot- S. Beneoa H. Arbwchle, $AS0; lot 7. John- J, and Annie I- Fable. $4.40; ht 8. Joha J. aad - Aade U Pahla, $4.40. . BLOCK IS. tot I. Oerman Baring A Loss Society, $4.4o;. tot .2. Betb L. Pope, $4.40: .lot A Charlea ' K. , Parker. $4.40; tot 4. Charlea K. Parker. $4.4n; . wat SO fat sf tot A Babmcl T. Hinsda, SAI0; ast 5AS fat ef tot A Jobs Barbey. gs-su; at a. rtea neinng. Trustee, . tl en; rat to et tot 7. Joha tieorge tleed. $2.20; eth S feet af wat k sf lot S - John (lenere . Heed SO. lO! aorth 4S feat of eaaat la of lot A Mary Seed, $A10; wot 4 of tot 7. William IL asd Prededck J. Joyce. $2. in: east H of lot S, William H. ssd rrederirft J. Joyce, $2.20." BICK 78. tot 1. evededeh 1 1. Matthews. . $4.40; - tot A reedertck -I. ' Met thaw.. 84.Afl: Lit 2. Uiu. Paaalaaaa. $4 tof- 4. ledger. Pappletoa. $4 4S: tot S. jbiboki . rarwig,,; aon in aa 1-.1 teei or let A CbrmUlB Keller. 83.00: earth 18-3 " feet ot tot A Daniel and istbcrlae A.' Kelly. i.vo; m i, imniei ana t etnenne a. Kelly, so i mt o. nam iiiass twtate, tierre or, k BUKK 80. tot 1, Peter i. Maas, 4: lot A lira bam oka XJilsta. Heirs of. I.40) tot A tlrabaa Olaa ketate. Heirs of, 140; tot 4. James t. Allsrd, $4.40: tot A lis D. Bencbrest. S4.40: lot A W. C. Her. ' aaa. $4 40; tot 7. Jobs W. Curres, $4.40; tot A Peter 1 Mass. $4.40, ." . . CARTTT!KRet ADDITTOM Tf) CAKCTrtEltft ADDITION to tbe City of Portland BLk:K A. all et north 44 feet of tot 1 except weat 23 fat, Barab J. McKltrick, $A8o; eonth 4 feet ef rest BO feet ef lot 1, Aiherr N. Posdlok. $0.38; west 22 feet ef lot 1. Ore- : ton Furuiture Maautactarlng . Cempenr. S'.e-' . w-ai aa lee. et ens a, teresoB eurnirure aaufaeturlng Compaay, $0.8o; all of lot 8 except wat 22 feet. Albert N. Posdlrb, . J3.50; all of north 14 (I let $ except wat ' 8 tat. Carries B. Hall. SA50; sll of aeuth H ot lot S except west . IS fat. Kettle A. A See toa, 2 TO; seat IS feet et tot A -' O. Oordano, $0 06; all ef anrtb H f tot' 4 except wat SI. IS feel IV E. Illge, $1.70; south 25 fat of tot 4. 0. Cordaao. , $2.00; . weet 81.18 feat ef aorth H ot tot 4. li. . 'Cordaao, $2.80; wat SO feet ef tot 6, Dimi. ' aick Ia trend. $8.78; west BO feet af lot g Margaret Ceegrove, $3.76; east 10 fat of ' tot $, 0. Cordaaa, S0.4O; eat 10 -feat of tot A 0. Cot do no. $0.40i tot 7, Oregoa t'urnl. -.,arw . otnpanr, sv.air: mt a. Oregoa Purnltare . Mtnuf erturtag - Company, $4.20. BLOCK B, aarth Et feet of tot I. w.' i- Wttklne, , $1.88: aoatb 2 feet of . tot L Lleaie Appkatone. $X3t kit , ' A Jollua and Carnllne Wstter. $4.20: Siovik I, tot S. Portland Trust Compsny ef Oregsa. $2.10; soatb W of tot 3, . Hocb- ' $4.20; east tk of tot 8. Jane K. Jobnetoae. $2.10: wat af tot A Cbartos A. Welter. $2.10: tot A Perry tl. Be her Bstste, . Heirs of, $4.20; west of 'tot 7, T borne e p. ' Campbell. 8110: east M of tot 7, Jacob Htalder. $2.10; lot S. Jama f. Darlea, $4 2n; ' mt .A D. Men, $AS0; tot lo, Btepbea Maes ' Kxjate,. Helra of. $3.20; tot II. Perry it. Baker Estate. Heirs of. At far. tot IA Perry Baker Rotate, Heirs afL $4.00. BLOCK C, tot 1, Perry O. Baker Route. Heirs sf. .; 101 a, ferry ti. tuter rarata. Heirs , of, $4.20; lot 8. William Wascher. . $4.S0; ' - tot 4. . Wllllem Wearhecr $4.J0; lot A Kllen , Welle. $4.20; sou Ik 4 of tot A. Archie-aad .Carlotta Richardsoo, $AI0; north V. of lot A 8. Oogllelemelll Estate. Helro of. 82 lot ' aoatb '80 feet et tot 7, J. A. Ptreatl. gaVAti; north 20 feet of lot 7. Bmma and Jennie ' . Kafka, $1.70; lot A Kmrea aad Jennla Kafke. , $4.20. BLOCK D. wat H of tot 1. A, . W. , Cheney,, $2.10 wat ot tot A A. W. Cbeney, 82.10; eaat b ef M l; Hal Security- A Mortgage Investment Comanr. $2,10; Mat to of lot A Heritable Security A Mortgage In raiment Oompany. $X10; tot 3., Mmlly J. Schneider, $4.20; tot 4. Kmlly nrnariaer,; lot s, nicsoiss Kcnsnss. .20; tot A Philip New, $4,311; lot 7, Baeen Bailor. S4.SH: lot B. Josenb link liSI. BLOCK K. BBdlrided U ot tot I. fnadoe A Ben Francisco Bank, $2.10; end) rid 1 h, ef tot A London A Baa rrandace Bank, $2.10; sndlrlded V, of tot 1, Dundee Mortrsge Trust Investment Company. Ltd., $2.10; an divided t, of lot A Daades Mortgage A Troot iDrestment Compsny, Ltd., AXIO; tot B. f'srl Ahamdmlh. SAOA. lot A . Clael Xaaa. ' drotb, $4.20; west 14 of lot B. WlllUm H. pays-, as-iu, eaei yt 01 mt o, Fanny Harry, $2.10; tot S, Penny Barry. $4.0i aoatb 4 ' of lot 7, Fenny Barry, $2.10: north ot tot 7. Jtaa Barry, $2.10: tot A' Jama Barrv, $4.20. BLOCK P. tot 1, J. C. Lockel, ft.M), tot A 1. C. Lockel, Slid: tot 8. J. C. Leekel.l 8LZo; tot e, e. c. Lockel, $l.8e; tot a, J. :. Lorts tot 7. rkeL SL2S) tot S. J. .6. Lockel. Sl.Sfl; : 7, t. M. uicgei, si.zn; lot s. j. v- 1-ncxel. 8X00: lot S. 1. C. Laekel. Il 21i lot ifn 1. : C. LeckeL $1.35; tot 11, J. a Lockel, $1.28; Lockel. tot 13,- J. IV LOCkCI, 11.8); lot 18, J. I.ackel, fl.M; tot 14, J. C. Lockel.. 11.50; lot IA J C Lockel. $1.26; lot 1SV tot IA J. IV Locket, gl.oo; mt lu, . , LaekeL 81.60! tot 17. Angnata Marks Sl.aBi tot IA AagtMU Marks, $1.36; lot IB, Augneta Marks. $1.25; tot 20, Augusta Marks. $1.26; tot 21, John B. Blegler. 81. 26; Badlvtded S kit 22. William Montag. $0.80; andlvlded H of tot SS, William Moetag, $0.80; ua- dldded H ef lot 84. wiiiitm Montag, 1 aedlrldew H ef tot 26. William Moatag, I andineeti h M mt a, nenry tiara, aadlrlded of tot 23. Heary Clave, aadlddrd to ef tot 24. Henry Clare. nadlrlded to nt tot 28. Henry Cleave. 80. TA. BLOCK i. lot 1. Isabella B. and W. A. Lewie. 82.80; tot A labelle B. and W. A. lawle. 8.1.101 esst 60 feet ef wat 88 fat sf tot 8. Matilda A. Baker. 11.10 rut an feet af wat S3 feet af tot 4. Matilda A.- Baker. -$2.10; all tot S except weat 63 feet, Rdmand B. Hill. 81.36: all tot 4. except west 53 feet. Rdmand B. Hill. $1.TSi weat 8 fat of weat 80 feet of tot 3. Carle laveratl ssd Belrstors . IseanllM, $0.16; weet 8 fat of wat a fat ., of lot 4. fsrlo l.aroretl and So Ire tore lex. xollae. $0.16; ast 47 fat of tot 5, Carlo ' lavnratl snd Sales tore laeanllna. 8 left; cast 47 feel ot tot 8. (els laearati ami Balvttort laaannne, $1.B6; weet ej feet of tot 8. Rd IXmtrnd B. Hill, $2.10; wee, 75 lwr T Jaba H. Lewie,, tl 06- west 26 fat ef tot 8- I ai,.na ' ' " -rn I .m a aw If. i Jvha li. Uwit, $1.06; east 78 feel of tot Is ' I.. V-