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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1905)
voJ ::5 .... THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THUKSPAY EVENING, MARCH .' 4 TODAY'S DUESSED HEATS .: ; ; DJOP. Ill HARKET ;U" ''"T """" Receipts Larger and Demand Is ; . Not - So -Brisk - Spring y i ; Lambs the Exception. l. , EGGS SLIGHTLY LOWER ; T v WITH HEAVIER RECEIPTS Potato Market Has a fair Tone ' at Present ValuesLocal Onions Better. . , ' yreat Street. - Man. 30. Tb principal dim at th 1-orUaad wboleeaie axarketa fee- - , Veal market going dowa. - ''.-. Iir.aard beg not as high. L-..-aga "lower with lrg receipts. AVv.. .1. Loral onion, feellag better. v -i-. - Pout aearket kaa fair ten. - Mar Barranaeato aalOMP to. .. ,.-.;v s Freeh halibut Benre pleaUfnl. , .- 1 ' ', Hopa Ana hot oalet. . ' 'J -' IMmIUji ceatlaf allgbtly hotter. - ' '"1 . Taal Market la Betas Daws. - . ' The eeal market la goto dowa. Tae hlgk : prleee earn braackt very Seaer ehlpmeBta to market and the reaalt la that front etreet te eeer-euDplled with poor trade etock. flood real will aril all rlfht at Dreamt prlntM Boeto i tkaa. oat tbera ia a lark at demand tor the rue. per grade. . rV-me Teal wln . market la hardly lit far eblpnmit aad eoev aUxatoa an iheaaeetTea are aaplalolnc. - Sreaaed Hog Are Vat Be High. r Tbare are beaTler reeelpta af dreaaed beaa along tbe etreet todar aad tbe market to not aa high. Tbe feet tbat tbe UTaatoek mar ket kaa ebewa a decline for aw tlaae did not " kart the aurket oa great etreet until today, whea tbe batcbere aald they eenld bar llee. etertt cheeper. The market I talr at " lfc'"tprTia Iaa-W Art Baldly Co-to-. . ' - Net-ithet.iwilng the fart that ether w)'ei - nt dreaaed njeate are weak aad lower, there I t as jrxeelleat dMual rollnf for print lamb ami tbe anotatloe which raled yterdy are being really aajilotalaed today. -.(,- '.; .. ,.-;, - , t mm 1mm WHh Land Eeeeiata. - - - Rerrlpt af tf anew a eaaalderabU laereaee . ei4 tbe araeket leaey " r the etreet la sot rrry bearlly aewatoeked with . . . ... BrrlTala. bat f t en Id atorage eperatlnaa, tbe T'V et taa arriraai aeias pe mm - CHrktle Setter. " .tik in i te the aasDllea ef poultry today bat the demeadm each that former pree ere -y ---iJ- a, I... mm fbHkaiadfl SKt fw dr-MMt trkyi. would 11 t rt. tmt nt rei eW PW w.nwm. . f d-ml nsilatM rMliBaff Batter ' a. e I In a ttl Thtt aappllea are axrw fMuajt tbe toer ""el and price are awem a 7; -the potato market there I bat a alight lm- . ... mi., deeleea are rr.i. hnrlna at eoaotry polnta. TeHerday- uotatwaa are rail of today. rey patamaa are torn. - .-.' - a. u alaaaa Id Xa . ' . ., - f p,lxw, aalraaa were rerelTed from tbe Haerameana Her I hi. Moral u aad fnund a aood demand at lie per poaad. rreab baUbat ta allrtlly mora pleaUfal it Te per ponad. Oolambla Hear reeeere are et lee epriag , " ' . er. Arm nrrnt Bat male. ' Tbe bop market I arm bat eery MttJ baeleeea tor.J ZT.JTL 2,, 'Sam aamber of ardera are la at tbe praaaat Talaea. Teday a wbeleaala rmtattoaa. a rented, are aa folwwa: dWa.' Vlaar aad' lea. WHB1T Nominal! tkib aad red. Met bla AELlmii rmlk .O0; brew lOBMWV.!. I24.&0: rrarked. .apar mom. , 4 KLOl - r...tere Ogw l-.teeta, M a, .ir.libl" tTb eaaorte. .(.; eley. 14 10: graham, fee. WOO; lua, t4.4Bi re. t:..?i!;.:...b'h"--ft7,. oe M pTJ ILdLeCt 1 ' maa - ' m . diinga. . aborta. eeaatry, tni ebop, "au-Timothy. Willamette valley, . faaey, aianiuwne- erdlnarr. (l2.U0Ctl.0O; eaelera Oregon, J.1-"' , eu.uv; graia, 'j , attar, ZgS aad Vmdtry. 1 1, v n v.v . 1 I aie eiiee. SDe. - IrLTTHIt -Oty -eeeataery, beat, - mtki tex-oad grede. aeVrT! eiit.lde fern-jr. ;r: erdtaari. Kie, t-aUtorala,. tt30c: (ton, II ir . rm V. . mm, fM.M. lee.. ' t HIK8K Kev Kail eraaah tela. 1e Yoang Amertea. ITll7Se eeetara, UttlllHi Cflirtirnle. ir; thi-dder. Ida. fOlLTKI Ajuraene. eiira w. a. 14 W pee It; rnoefere. era. lAvie pre- yeoeg. iaUi broiler. W oo(S.oe per i! geeee. V prt It; tnraeya. uvjiea per w, aed, auSVb Pec la. . -. . . Kapa. Waal aad Xldea. " HOP Ooatrart. JP06, lQlle; 10O4 crop, !4mZI 'r far ebato. UClZSHa (or prime and eedlome. . wool. 1 el'p. ealley. enerae ta medlare. IIt Ibc-i flae, . U&Xe; aaatara Oregoa, 1U HHKKltlKINS Sbearlnj. IBeyine; abort wool, W , . ... . .... tttMi'dlKi In. TUW Prlaw-var lb, tOSei Ma. S - !taa 1 mi-jm t-HITTlal BARK-dM . per lb, twjlag '"mbcsA-Drr bldra. No. 1. 14 lb and op. 4r: dry ealf. No. 1. aader i Iba, lMUel dry ealted bldea, ateera, enand. Iba er eear. IS el 4.1, .. Ui IK. n . - tW. .. oeree nior. mint rm u . v.w..iv, mi. eerb,. II nol.tu; eojt bldea, earb, XSfiaOe; goat akloa, . eommea. earh, 104J1&C) A agora, Ttlth wool oa, each, Biti1.00. ' t POTATOES Beet Oregoa, BoOtl Oft. ear M. t. a. b. eoejitry. M)WMic; eecond grade, 80S0e Hili DUTUlg, nr vi, mwnmmi mmriM ewme, 1.00tl.U5; aveeu. beet, ll.0jl.ei; erated, f 1 T5; near California, Ac par lb. ONION I3.uuata.0t barer' prleee, eeaatry, fa.aoia.Tn;AaetmlU. i,0U14.u; garUe. 0 ' lor er lb. . rBhWH rKbrm Apptea, extra fancy, II BO: : faner Oreaea. 7540)8ae aer box: ebeaa aradee ..Tile, e" ovm, whct. . , . 1 M A. 4m box: Japaneae arangea, u9aKe box: baaanaa. 4S09c per ih: lemoaa, eaolce. t2.Tt per box; ftory. 13.00 per hex: Uawe, Mexi-an, a&e per uav felaeaBBW tHl.u0ttM.001 eraabarrlea. aeet. era. til 00 pre btl. , VBOBTABI.KH Toraiaa, TRBMir "per a eermta. ll.UUexl.10 pet aaek; beet. II. m - ear k: Oregoa radlahea, tr per doe: ettibege. Oregoa. per em: faiirornia, i iimI 15 , kttaea, kotbooaa. ta.2ftl-&0 pee erete; greet eeeeera. fe aer lb: CkUl peppera, lie pee lb rvlrry. U f"V P0 per cratel tomatoex, kwrtrt. U.KO: Itexleaa. 13 erllkj peeeBisa. l.uf tM; pie phtnt. die pee box; airing Beeaa, IF! raaiuiowef, ore boo. il 61.; v Callfornat. II.H aei enter rkuberb. e per lb: pamekla. le c i mJkmjrr-.vTVm.mmm ur : ,. rhlmrvey Ftp. Udtrer Pip. Fire-' PmoflDf , lr)r - TH.'' BulMlnj Hrlr.k. I lod lAalng. Vlirlfl4 tea vttsk. . : ; .it Offlr-e anrl Taord Toot nVeny Bt-, rortlajid. Or. rhono Main 1. MARKElS d Tkd Btwa Bad c4Bmbal f d d baMi M nicn CTcaaag-ea d prlntadi lm thia rnxot et d Jeanej re faxmlaB4 kj Ora d d bock. Itarr Oooko Oo. OB ' d omeo Umr of Trtkda Brokora,, d lot TUri itmb. i ;. , ...... v,' d baeradteb. T08e par Hi: eproata. Be; artirbokee. boulie per doa; botboae lettaca. l.6url.TI tier box: Oregoa rediahea, Soiieoe rrr oca; greea oawae. awe pv. ' lre per lb; aptaacb, 79e per box; equeeb. t ie per ID UBIK0 Freaeb. H4(,e per lb: llga. CoUtoi-Ua Maek, tMbim. per lb; CaUforala white. per lb. Plume, pitted, per lb; deled, goWaa. 4k tier lb; tarda? fl.M per lb-lb box. wreaeria. Beta. ct. frGAK Hark baetaOurie. ; powdered, ,O0; (rait groan I. ted, .06; dry gramilatea. i.i; beet gTaouUted. e "o; extra O. . oldra 4J. 5.-o; bbla, 10ci M bbla, 8So; boxea. Sue adTaace on aaek baala, leaa SBe Dot cwt tor eeh. 1ft dxya: maple, levjio par ,10. ' rorKICB fai-knge braad. 14.Sff. Uno Belra. xe. a, aa. 6a.10a.ll.dfJ; Uble. dairy. Box. 111.00; looa, im ported Urerpool. , IIT.OO; 100a,; ia. 1 UO; extra floe. bbla. I. aa. Be, lua, KSul no balk, ,(2v iba, 4.Uujft.0; aaeka, Boe. 8de. . .. HALT Coarae Half groond. 100. per 'too, f J.uo; Boa. per tea. T.o; Urerpool. lillup rack. tia.00 per toa: PO-lb roea, pi.uu; w-w, e (A. bore price apply to aalea of Tea tbka .ear lot. Car lota at euactal prieej eubjoct to floe taatlonal, 1 iHAl.N BAOBnientU, fp.lDDO.uo per HICK Imperial Jawaa. No. 1. de: No. I, 4c; New OrleaeBB. bead. . In.! . Adjaa. ttvole, e. ... . ..... BKANH Bmall White; aei large wn, -ti.. pink. : bayoo. U-oi; Llmaa. Hil hteHcaa rede. Te. ... - NUTttPeanat.. TH'I Jamboa, P- per m; raw, IOe. per Tb; roaated. ; ooeoaBnU, Sotitue per do; walnou. 1401Be per lb; pine nata, luuix'a per in; nieaory - rheetBut, eaatera. lBOlne per lb; BraU tmn. lae per in; nmerra, p-r oaaa, 140e per lb; Imoao. lajia pee ee. - raiata, Oaal 00, te. BOPB Per ManlU. 14e; teodard, dial. Ir: latle- brand alaal, . ixAU Oil reari or A.irmj pr gal; water white, trap bbla. IB He par gl; wooden, 17o per gal; bradllgbt. 170-deg, eaeea, t per gal: Iron bole, Jtfh per gaL bble,. xee tier gal (ore, eaaea, mm per , -la eaeea. to par xral bbxt, tap per get ' I - BKN7JNt-da-deg. eaoe tba per tal. teom bbl 1He per gal. . WH1TB X.EAIK TOO ra, T, rmrtm, ovw- lot. Te per lb; leee lote. Be per lb. , WIBR NAIIB Preaent baaa at .. - -LINHKED OIL Pare raw In bhta, flle Bar gal; eaaea, mie per gal; genalno kettle boiled, eaeea. Bsc ear mmm Khla 3e nee eal Iota. .oo per . toa; lea tkaa .ear lot, UQ.U0 per too. Meeta. rat PREKH 14 MATS front erreet Beef, dtrAHe per lb: perk, bloca, Tfee P park ere. t per io; . euiio. e r row. RO per 10; mniinn, -wvue mirm lamb with pelt. t2.B0nXxtli awe, dr; eeal. extra. TVi71ie; ordloary, 04 Te per lb; boot, .? . limn RAinn fjtt . , u una nr, irawu bm. Id to 14 Iba. 1JS4 per lb; 14 te Id iba. IJWe per lb; IK to to the. IJe per lb; eettage, r per fb; break fiat heeoa, llf lee per lb; plenlc per Ih; regular abort elears, w eaioked, ' per lb; emoted, 10 14c pee lb; deer beeker aeemoked. Be per lb: mookevt, 10 per lb; Valoa butt. 10 to II Iba. anenaokad, le pee Ih; amoked. e per lb; elear belllea, bb amoked. lie per lb: amoked. 12e pat lb. LOCAL LABI Kettle leaf, 10a, 104 f per lb: be. 10U- per lb; bo-lb tine, 10,e per lb: team reeorred. 10a. IS, per Ik; Ba, per tt; tuba. Ae per lbi Ma), 9 par Ih. CAbNFO ItAI.MON OolembU rlrer 1-1 talk. 1 U: .ih' talla.. 1150: faner l ib Ban. W.00: H-lb faaey Bate. faory l ib orale. z.TB A laaa a lain. pum. aoajewei rmm, e-, aweaije. riMlf Bock ood. Te par lb: Bona ore, le pee lb: halibut. Te. per. in; eraoa. pio per ooe; etrinad haaa. fOJI V per lb: eet- ah. Te " per " Tbl aalmea. efclaook. IBri trelbel, per lb; froee allTeraldea. Te per lb: here lag, 5 per lb: aolee, oo per id; hrlmpe. 0e per lbi ehad, draaaed. pee lb; pereB, ne per ID, enaa roe, p. ro, araw, e per lb; blaek end, de per lb; Columbia rlrer emelt. fie per B: el leer amelt, bo pr lb; lebeter. IxVfce; freah maraeeel, ne per id; erawflah. 20e per doa; Bounder, Be, per . lb; turr-oe. Te per lb. : . tivnTHHn Knoaiaraiar nay, per. gai. .ae; per ear, Te per m.' ri.AlHarl ebetl, per tag, U.0O; tlaaa, 2.00 per boa, ,. ' i. . , CATTLE MARKET IS '' REPORTED STRONG Receipts Small in Local Yards I . - Arrivals Are Much . Like . i : x Previous Week. ' Fortland I'eloa Itockyaroa,. Marek SO. Lira- atork reeelrrta: , (artle Tteiar. SO: ereek are. 17. it ta reeaarkable tbat today a reeelpta ta tbe Ureatork aurkel eompara eeey mark like theae.ef tbe preTkma week. Taea taa total meal -eonetxted- of-BT - eattax,-wl-total rattle formed th only arrtenla. The market la In eery good nbepe. Tbe bog market M reported weak and dull, while abeep are quiet. The ofrlrlal prleee ruling m Heeatork today i lloga Heet -eaatera Oreaoo. 16 0; btoeker and hln fata, B5.2S; atorkara aad. feeder, 4.onr 4.7ft. : . Cattle Beat eaateea Oregoa eteere. 14 noej 4.1U! light and medlnra ateera, W.o0xl7&: eM and light row,, 2.ftnxX7Bi atocker aad leeder. 2.00; Bulla, ll.ftO. . Hheep Beet fancy abeep. $4 fSOjfru.OO; Wa, H.2&414.BU; eprlng tombe, IHjc, , . ; ,V : 'aULITMUr HOOB BXOW, ' , Ckk-IXO, March 10. Ueeetock reeelpta; , - Hog. Cattle. Hheep. Cbwaao . : lft.ono Kaneaa City T.600 , 1.800 6 P00 Omaha a.000 T.ono Hog opened iteady aad alow with a,tan wir. orer. Beeelnfa a year ago were iBYono. Prleee i Mixed. m.iuv.ti lwuk e-ioy&Jo; light, &.0ft.5.U0. ... ' ... Cattle Btedy.- -.wir:e'-wT Sheep 10c higher. " . e, 1 ' . . i COHON CLOSES FIVE -' . . TO TEN POINTS UP . i . ' -t Kew York. March M. Cotton opeaed itroag and higher and eloaed with future aoowlng a rlae of o to 1U pornm. , . , , , Today'! official eottoa market! Opea. High. Ixw. CI roe. Jaaoary ...i... ...... 7H1 TM TOO TlKS Marco ............. ion i iv April v Tr , TH ?S:n:n:..:T.T.: July ' . . . ........ . . Tim , T Augeat TT.7- 7711 Heptember .,,,..., ,7 774 Ih-iober ............ 7U& T(M Nrrember . . . IMoeuiber ........... 772 T83 TM ,Trel TM TnmIT T4 TT:t74 7I T.VIWHO T '. Tl.4 TM 7A4tfHn To4 74. Td77HH TT2T3 TT4i7 T7BW7V 773 ' IAB rBAlf CIBCO LOCAL STOCXB. , ' '. Baa Preaeleeo, Marrh 30. Local "etockt "eloa. lag, 10l .-. m.i .. , - i ' BM. ' ::::::::::: 6.T 07 B r o't OU'aj mtmm 44 rentra roetgi Water... Hprlng 'Valley Watef.; Central Light Muiuel Ktertrle I'ariAc Light P. F. Oaa A Blectrle. Ulant lewder .. Hawaiian Itommerclal. Hnaokaa Bagar. BT4 II S Kllaeee Huxar. ....... Makaeell Korar............ t'aatihaa enfrar A lank a Pick ere' ....... (aj. rralt Coaoera ....... oo .......100 i ai. wine Aeaa..,,., Ueeaale Bteameblp '"; rrw TOBB BlTaTBUtT. . " ew tora. March iki. 'Tbtodore Price' eeH mtie tne derreaee la eottoa acreege at 20 per real, mark are plentiful In the loan' crowd. Japan bond laoae la eery heerlly oeeraold. Hell way Bteel eorapaalee report for Mareb ahowa tbe Beat month oa reeord. Hie eehway etplo eloa te expected to delay the Bronx rone tr we tie for all mootba. Hanker ear tne flnanelng ,.f the .apanea. Iroa will hare henlly enr aeneeela'iie effect oa the toooey merket. The l,a kiNf to (h etihtreeury vlei. Fritter Tim Baaa. of Bog I aad rat I aa c a aged. " , - - 1 1-BC1T8 Apple, a-aporaieo, rm-e per lb: apricot. Hiiao per to; 7 per lb laaa; peeebea. hll per lb; paara. m, u.. lull,, l.hiu, aar H: Tone in Dressed Meats It Not Co Firm and With Exception of. Spring Lambs Values Are tower Livestock Market Quiet. ;' MOTIDER Former Advances avQuarter and ; : Latter an Eighth Cent in v 'r Chicago Market. JULY OPTION FAILS TO t FOLLOW LEAD OF OTHERS Drops an Eighth in Price at the Close---Corn Market lm ' proves Latter. i TODAT'S whbat markct. Open - :ieao t'loaa . . Today. Today. "' Wed. tl-12 1112 ll ,e .. ..,' Loaa. . ' w. . : ; s ... Cbleago. aUrrk . Logaa Bryaa aay: Tbe wheat market cJoaed Ira. Tbe early trena-tk far way to a weak epell. tbe market recording a new low prtee. JTrom tala point It rallied while at Umea the ef forta of tba bulk aeemed labored, tbe buying waa peree thelee peralatrat. Tbe deterred futaro bar bow been nade preeaara for ao loac a period tbat liquidation must Beeeaearlly be ulto eum plete. Add to tbl the tremeadona amount of hort"elllng which kaa takea place With "Th prlre at tbe rluae tonight I4e aoder the hlgk nrtee. It la aafe to aaaume that tbe market 1 pretty well enld out. rornloVrlug tba a bora faeu we bellere w would rather buy wheat ea tbe aatbaefc. , lattar Taa ImyreToi. The men aaarket anade aa early dla la eympathy with wheat, pubMqoently reaetlag and beeomlB gnlta firm. The break In tbe price eaeme to bare atlmalated export. ' Wa feel that an Inereaaed raah deaiaaa weuia oo aw bringing la better price. Per the time being tbe market will Ton likely aoatlaoa a Terr good trading affair. . ' Oat Oaa Henry. . Tb oata market eloaed Beery. .At ao time during tb aeaaloa did It enow aa eaap. la proTtakm the early weaaaeea came largely through eympathy with the weak ana la other pita. Boea little oapport Beamed to be teadered. IXHMliuonn oaem BaeoaBgeeu ere ever eeuiao at the memtat likely ta Chang tba tread of lb market. . -- Today- aranal amrxeta: V.: -. whbjIT. - 'i : - l- Open, e- Blgb. - Lot. Cloae. May.; inly.. Sept. . 1.134, ,.12V a j.ix a .- ,7 .erne . .to ' ; COaVN. 4T1, OAT. ,T .rT4 .1(7 U . .SHVA kferrA... .edUN ,4TA 4T4 .47 '' May July...., .47', .41 May..,,. ,2t4 - . . . , July..... t .l 1 .ae -bpc.. M .30 J MJEBS POBK.- - May..... Jaly...... 11ITH It T . IIRTH iBBBtb Ja.iauj 1S.MV l2.T2Vill2.S0B LABD. MareB..,- T 'Tool T.0TV.B T.23I4B April., May.... inly...,. '' f ' T.T J 14 T 10 ' T0 1m , T.37WB .' IrlHI uim ' T.27HB SBOBT UBS. May.,..i inly Dept...., e BWI t .) r T.ljfi 4a T.12V T.10 at ' eo-waod 1 .aa4 a aaeeaaeamaaaal . SELLING OF MAY IS mZ-w; CONTINUED IN 'FRISCO Baa Praneloro, March B. P. rluttoa A Co. aay: The celling of May wheat eontlaaed todar aad tb mark at agala dropped Ue. Ke- eelpta, while Bot large, are giaaler tbaa the- oemaaa. ioia axrecioo loe aeoroy opnona. Iteremhee ; -waa freely offered, but waa well aopparted by the balm, whe-etlll think that tb crop le not yet a mured aad era waiting tor better prbea. In barley May contlaoea weak and ante iok le. Tbl k duo largely to tbe Belling by pfodareen, who bellre tbat new barley will be delivered la May. peeember waa firm with few offer la eeldeae aad holder of tale optlna are TaTorug the nou auie. Heeeipta are email. Today a ofOelal 113" a. m. market: ' WHKAT. Oneei. . llurh. - Iw. ' Cloae. May........1.43 -1.43 1.41; 1.24 lleoembor 1.27H t-Zl 1.37 i 1.27 oaaui . May.......... 1.1H . lid 1 .81 rKTJUST, iiirmtTB ato ct.kababcib. Chkaa. March BO.. Prlmarr receipt Today Year Age 1 . ) 1 Bunb. " Buah. Wheat .i.'....-,.ixv5 H7,ota Corn 690.UUU lUS.OUO Khlpment were: Wheat 237.000 270 Onfl Cora... r...... T74.0UO ' Total clearance: near, 14,000 .barraB; core. BB.OOO Bwaaeak . " cbioawo oBAnr ca lot Cbk-aa. March 20, Orala eal Vita: '. Care . Urada Bet. 104 Wheat ....... ... . . 0 . 21 Cora , 27 . IH5 Oata : 121 121 Wheat can today: Mlnneepoli. SM; OumtB, a, I aar ago: miuneapeiia. ioa, xiaiuta, ou, UTnOPOfJL BAXJI arjaUXT. . TJeemaol. March an.- Wheat. Mar. oh IMd. lower; July, Hentemher da IVd. Ud a , Hd lower; . Cora May, 4a 44. i lower. BTlaaeaaolla ttoaka Ml one po Ho, Marcb tt). The atocka ef wheat kera a bow a doexwaae of 200,000 boa be el for fir day. -.,,-..: : jnrW .you oonjx lumxxT. New Tork. March MO. Coffee -future eloaed anrbaaged to 0 potato, higher. Today offtHal market: . Bid. Aak.l Marrk ,.... 50 an.Aolrleptember April ...... d.M d.ftAlOrtober . May 80 BoolNoTember Jane ...... B70 a.7llNeember July 6.TS. 0i January . Augwat .v.t .0 6 B0,yeoraary Bid. Aak .14.84 17.00 i T.08 T.10 . T.10 j l . 7.20 T.2TI . T.2S T.30 . T.(W I K ToraigB Ooffoa aUrlketa. ; New Tork. March BO. Ilaer oof fee ap; ..i It (ndl baea. Ilambur W to U on: alee. 31.0O0 beg. Bio receipt, 2,090 pas; Baato, B,(KW Boga, ' ' r "' .' Teek Raah flaffao. : 'Wnr "York, atareb u. Oa.h coffee: Jh.,T KU, lOjri I.O. a trmmwm, m-mv. , 7 ooaTrocx atnmie btocxs. Baa Fraarteeo, March 0. Oflclal floslBC, log aeeeloa: Bid. Bid. . ,18 . .12 . .02 . .11 Bullloa .1 r Bdcner .20 doa. Cak-Va.... Opblr i T.oo Caledonia ...... .47, Mexican v..,.; l-O (oo. Mercar ... j ,M gcorptoa ....... .21 Baraga uu.. Ho toa I l!nloa Cea ..... Yellow Jacket . F.xeheauer ...... .42 .7 .21 Hale A Noecroaa TODAY'S PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET X "' ' ' '" , BT OpUop, , Oilcag o $1.11 H 4 Vllwaukee ........ ..4. i l.UH Kanaaa Cltr,..., New Tork ....... Mtlwaukea .14 Ta L1IB i-om - 1.IIH 1.01S , St. Loula.. Mlnneopolla . Dulutn Ban FranMaeo 1424 il:; "Per eenul i , ajBjaaaBBSBjpxaiexamieyaPBjB LEATHER STOCKS DECEIVE CCOST Preferred Issue Cains Three Dol- lars , and a Half dn ti' Fair Trading.: TENNESSEE COAL I.R0N HAS BIG RISE Southern Iron arid Steel Com- v panies Advance on Merger - ' Talk.' ADVaJtCaW. Amalgamated ..... VI Com. Pael Hmelter, com ..... ' HlC N. W Mmelter, pfd Greet Weat Cer A Pound., e... V. 111. Central Car A Found., p.. ILoala A Naah Metropolltaa JlelNorf. A -Weat (lot-A Weat ..... HlPenasylTanU Bep. Bteel. com.. 1 Hark Ja., pfd Hep. Bteel. pfd ... 1 14 Teea. Caol .. Tex. A'Tae ...... Hi Leather, com Kubber, rom T leather, pfd Wle. Ceat., com .. 1 IHteeL pfd ... Weat er tlalom i...J Hi t. j ..u.. . ... .v. LOHSICB. . - Kf a a a , Atchleoa, oaa . Brook lya Bt.- Paurr..T7 ( ana dla a Pa . Katy, com .... Katy, pfd v. . . . North Aaierlraa H mayor I Halt. A Ohio -.ttneaa. A Obex AAlBrle, oom ... HI Erie, let pfl IMImoort Pae N. . Control Bock la., com . 41 Btael Boutbara By . S. p., com ., Wabaah, pfd V. P.. com, Bteel. com ....... W pfd-..-- Wle. CeaU. pfd Wall ' Street, New- Tork.'- Mart ' So! Tb feature of tb toek market today waa tke etreagth abowa by tb aoatbera Iroa and ateel eompnalea, Teaaeaaea Coal A Iroa ahowliuj aa adranco of 1 polnta from tb preeiou cloning. Tb preferred leauea of the United Bute Bteel company alee abowed a (nod amount of atrerigtb. Bepubllo leaa A Bteel bad a rlae of 1 point In tba common aad 1 polnta la tbe preferred. The beer tret adranee ef tbe day waa Blade by rolled Btata Leather preferred, by a rtee of l4 polnta. Tbe common wa atrong and atrrancea 1ft poiata. . Today' ofBclal atarket: .-y. j DaaCBTPTlON. Aaaeonda Mlalag Co. Aaial. Copper Co....... Atchlaee. com do preferred A at. Car A Koood., ee do preferred Am, Sugar, com...... Am. Bmelt., coax. .... 141 100 121 10T 'dr)V 147 m do areferred. . . Baltimore A Ohio, com W DlaWlnPPfal .eaoaaea Braokfya atapld TTaaalt. IT "A (aaaaian fee., aoax.. Cbl. A Alton, com.... 14i mm aaWltMriax4 ........ Chi. A lit. Weat., earn Cbl., MIL A at. Paul, till. A North., cam.. Cbl. Terminal Rr . Cbeaapeak A Obta..., Colo, b-nei A Iron, cam tpom. Mouth., oom.... . do Xd preferred. , , mm oai imiiiiva,,,,,,! eia. a Hooaoa PeU Laeka. V- Wort. D. A B. P.. coat...... do preferred .... ... . Brie, oom .. do 2d preferred...... do let neeferred. . . IBM cWd-Bpod 41 40 4&H aou Bnu, Jlliaol Central........ io IWVj loalarine A MaakTina.. Metro. Btreet B...... 141 H 123 arannaiun Hy..., ...... Mexican Central fly.... ML. St. P. A Bt. M.... Vat fFQw?HtT&4 eaaaaai Mlaaourl PaclBe. ........ M.. B. A T.. com....... do preferred., Ifew York Central luellor) l4 ) 5 4t. lrtt'ellol!lr)1-4i Norfolk A Wee Men, com MVal PA norm America . . . 100 4 141 W 100 100' N. T Oat. A Waatern ei at .0214 ( 3 lanylraala Be P. U. U A C. Co 140 142 4 no. 1IOS llu Steel Car. "TU OO PaTTTM I IV, e t a . PaclAc Mall B. B. Co.. Heeding, oom . do a. coed preferred de flrat preferred.. Bep. Iron A Bteel, .coa do prefeed. ........ Bock latand. oom.... OO pTftf CbTMI a a o-e e fcmtber jy. com... do preferred . Bee them Peclflc. ..w,. do preferred..,. .... , m ' B2.W M M ax 23 T 14 pe 67 IIS t. L. A B. V., 2d pfd. 70 1 Bt. IJ. B. T ZB V.1 27 sa do preferred Texaa A PacuV., lenneaaee Coal A Iroa. Toledo. St. L. A W.... lH ft Mb 04 2 ST-e W 6T 12 12 'ik 'iiii lopu ion 431,1 42 114- 1IH ze 26 Z aS 1" 2l 2B 23U 22 11 M 0.1 92 S 2 47 41 22 )C f sow do ptfttFt0 tDKQ !"-1 DC. aTrOtal. w. do iwferrd. . .v V. B. lMlir,t3M, CpO WT9tf-nOm . eeee D. B Kubber. em.u. do preferred.. D. S. Steel Co., oom.... do preferred Wheel. A Lake Brie... do eoad preferred... WHcoaela Ceatral,- eom do preferred. ........ . W. XT. Telegraph Wabaah, com do preferred. . Bnbber Ouode. ......... do preferred Cell amoey. 24 per 13 12a iro l"o 424 42 114 SB' US. SOI it -1 inb an M Ol M 23 4H S2 4T SOU 100 Total aalek for day. SHrJ.BOO aharea. xovoyAa atnmr itocxb. Baa Fraaeiaee, mornlag aeaaloa;. March , BXO racial eloa. , v , Bid. , v Bid. Montaaa .....t2.2HtAdam ........$ .14 Midway ....... l.&2ViMohawk .27 MeNamara .... . imxle- Beuaoat ...... l.I24 ll .96- .nxA .so 1 .2S North BUr .... ' .Do RcxtBTaTe4 lit ttlll, e 1 II (told Mount .... ..M Jim Batter .... - Tl Nevada ,U Ton. Bite a .... Red Top ....... .40 Uold Pield , .72 Hewrtetorm ..... .47- Columbia Mt ... lambo Jumbo, Bx 4... Biaea Bart ... HI leer 4lek .... Gold Anchor ... Bar O'Brien .c ',40 .22 '.72 .04 .X3 ,T .79 iipnir Toa . nuu ti lwld,'! BonoaT oorm rocxs. .. Beaten, Mareb XO.OfMal copper .' : Bid - , . . Adeeutare . ..$ 5.50 Mohawk " .?. , Alkma 21.10 ' Old Oom Arcadian .... ISO Oeeool AtUntl ...... 1400 Pheenli,.,., Calumet ..... S7I.00 JQ-ilnejr ...., Unlr Went . 13.110 Hhaanoa . Copper Banc TI.7S Trlnltr ..... Iiom. deal . . Victoria , ... OMokllM - lOOA Wlouna ...... cloeln : Bid! . la.M - ... aa.oo . . an mi . l.S7t . IUUlOK . T.T , 10.00 . 4.2ft . lino . - OA AO Greea Cold . (ireeae Copper Mam fA.,.... h.TJ llale Boyai i, 2S.O0 jBrltlah Col . 10.71 .1 , ; -1- POBTLAXD BAJTX IT ATXMXBT. CVarlBx Balaace ...4S0.aM.T , l ie . "Btorllag 'Bote. ' Kew Tork. March SO. Starring re toa: pjaad, 4SS; SO day. 44. .,(. SILVERTON TO HAVE ; - MODERN OPERA HOUSE (Special DWpatrb to The Joemal.) Dllverton, Or, March 10. Ex-8enator to J, Adams snd Edwin Porter last even. Ing bought a block on -Water street, where they will erect aa opera hose te cost 111.000. A board of trade has been organised In the city to make- an exhibit st the Lewi and cinrk fair. ' ita urii meeiing will be Jm14 this evcaiflg. 129 CULLY QL SALE FilOVEO-1,1 SUIT D Lamar' Confidential Man Hat Demanded Larje Sum as Commission on Transfer.' TWO AND A HALF MIUICN - ' IS, THE CONSIDERATION General- Electric Company of New York Said to Be Pur-' . chasers of Copper Mine, f. V " 8pecll Dlepatck to Tk JoaraaLV ' ' Ban Praiiclaiio IXnrrh 2d. JllBeO Hart. wig A. Cohan, formerly confidential man and mana-er of Captain. J. Dt.Unur, riled Bla auit lor to,uuo eommiaaion on th. aala af the araal Rllllv Hill CODDer mlna ta Bhaata county, thia tranafer ha been aeeapted aa b zacr. , i na aun waa tba flrat reliable Information of the nmuul ..I. eahlnh Io oa M in tha com plaint of Uia former employe to be for 12.190.000, ana tn puronaaer xno Oaneral Elect rlo company, or prominent official of that conoera, haTinff off loaa Bt BcbenecUdy, N. Y. , . , , V " i Tnia la.tna .argent onutm a,, in Bhaata Miaiilr. aa tba Mountain Coo per company Been rod Ita holdinga be fore tbey ware worth anything like thalr proeent vain, i n ttuiiy nut own An.iua ..vara! hunrlred f BCit lft deDth. la equipped '-am b, b good mining plant and b amelter having capacity of 110 tona daily; tbe latter ia Bept in conaiant. eommiaaion.' ." ' '"''' 't' ;'' Tha tranefar,. Blleges Mr. Cohan. Is to B mad April 1. when the new manage ment aaeumea entire control. . in oun -.-l.,laa nn trio aala Will BOt affect the deal, as tha action lies against Captain De Lamar personally, and not against the copper property. Details of development aad or re serve oa the Bully Hill are not known Hn.Mti. hat It In roararded aa a rich property.- with good aye rage values of gold and silver ia tne copper or. - announcement was recently mads that the management would sink to a depU of J.m feet,' .'.-.- v ;-.- i. ...(. , B. C. SMELTERMAN SAYS . ; , RATE WAR IS LIKELY (special Dtepatrh to ta JoaraaL) Vnneumweir. R. C Atarch JO. North country smeltarmea expect a severe smelter rate war If tbe merger . of coast plants planned by Bernard M. Baruch goes through. Tbomas Kiddie, manager ef the Tyee Imelter, at uajmnua, oe Ibawas the tnerger la at the Instance ef ... AnoelMn Hroeltino A Rofinlna C04T1- pany. - He has private Information from Baa Fraaciacv to uia etiecv urn wu.n the inerger Is perfected the combine wUl aak to crush out the competition of tha Independent plants In BtrlUah Cottzmbla. The brant of such a straggle would, nat urally fall heavliy-on tne vroiion anu Tyee smelters, which have eoaat porta. Mr. Kiddle denies that any negotiatlona have been entered Into for his plant er that at Crofton. of WQJlcB Jam reen Io nanaeap. ; , I ARRP SHOOT PROVED IN THE CRYSTAL CONS. . maii h ao Wm- liaii aal r.... On-a rir' llinh II. R- ports just received In this - city from .w-4. i(iMt. hoA en acWDtlotuxllr good strike has been made In the Crystal Consolidated property, oi wiuca uem, W. Lloyd Is manager. A erooacut from .w. v. e .ir tm ontrl te, hxra a, lenath of tl feet, with the hanging wall yet to be reached; tne graae ox ore vpumera . n. n v - tn.r nrevlaualw had LIU. ,...) " In Cryatal Conaolldatod workings. Tbe report nas cauaea cwnumciawi. iioul mm- ' The pHperty Is a Bear, neighbor to the uwk o.irai.w io wrhlrtx a wood a hoot of - galena-blends . ore ' was .'recently opened at aopn. ','---; . BIG WASHOEJURNACE : HAS BEEN BLOWN IN (Bpeelal We patch to Tae Joaraal.) ' Anaconda, March, tl. Tha Waahoe smelter management baa been ncceu-ful ta surtlng- the great blast 'furnace erected here recently, and which has sn IrMtdo-roeeaiiremont -t-ai loci. Pr Inches at the tuyerea. . There are l royerea to delirer the blaat ' Into the farnaee. The furnace, tneasijred by the equate feet of apace oa the inside, has a capacity of 1.001 tons a day. which the management says will be attained la nn ration . under favorable exmdfltlona. This mammoth furnace Is about tha also of three : arerage funaacee at the Washoe.-. ,' . .:' ' : . . . ..; EMPLOYERS1 LIABILITY UW SKIPS CITIES ' , k(Beeeial tMapateh to Tbe JowmaU Olympia. Waah.. -March 10. The su preme court today decided that a city could not be hold responalble for an accident to a city employe In dlaeharge of his doty. ... Andrew - J. Lynch, was drlrer of the fire engine ani received serious injuries by being kicked by one of the homes. Ha alao eontzactea a mail pox while fumigating a Suapect, In conaequenoe he sued Jthe city of North Taklma for damages. . : . ' . ROSEBURG SALOON AND RESTAURANT BURNED " (Bpeelal Dktpatrb to Tbe JoaraaL) Hoaeburg; Or.. March . Plre early this morning destroyed Forest Berry's saloon and M. Butterf leld a restaurant. The origin is unknown, but It is thought to have been Incendiary, A. Q. Johnaon and 8hel!an Carroll wars, severely In lured by s falling cornice at the burning building, both being struck en the back aa they were fighting the flames. The building was a wooden'struoture built in 1167. -The loaa la about, $1,600, with f,40t Insurance. '- ; ' '; " OirTAJOO aTATCatMT. ; r. . .' t , . . . " w . . (Special Dlapatch ta The. Journal. "I ' Ontario, Or., March 10. The output Of tbe Ontario flah hatchery this seaaon win be about 4.I0I.00I fry. Buperln tend en t Broarn has at ready turned III,. 000 Into the rlTer. Tha other fish will be turned out at Interval until about May .. - ' .. ' ' . WO BT HBBXJjrS. (Seeclat-ptxpateb; to The leaf aal.y - Corral 1 la. Or., March to. Tha debate st th Oregoa Agricultural college laat night for tbe Oatch cup waa won by tha Pierian Literary society over the Phlla derphlana. A miatake In figures at first gave the victory to th latter, but thla morning tha error waa corrected and the , laurels handed over to tbs neriaaa,. ,..3C3 XI. :.-. known the wor'1 over, are the ee'v dentlata In Port. and havleg thle we- I renowned fain . evetera for extract, ing, ruling, or croamiag teeth WltO out polo. Hare your teeth -extracted without pain and replaced wKk new ones the aame day.-, - ...'. All work re-sveatset far lea years. SILVER FILLIvd ..v nit T T 60s) T5f to fl.Od vmw a.a.i.w... , . II TO 111 GOLD CROWNS ......... 3.00' to fS.OO rVLl, BIST TEETH. . . .,. .(. l&.oo We hare a . specaiut In thrgs of each department, beat artificial teeth, maker, beat crown and bridge work men and gold fillera in the world. , CaVOWaT A-n r ., WOaVat 1 , ; , A A- ZaVi.rr. . - Qtre us a call and you. vUl Jlnd we do'Juit as we advertise. ' .. Tl.OUa, TaU3 Af9 BaXIABU Dostca Pc!n!2ss Dentists ' B91H 'SKOBBXBOaT BT. (W ISala ax -Prank amd Old I Hour 1:10 a. m. to I p. m, Sunday, 1:30 a. m. to 1S:S0 p. m. , . .To be sura yew are is tbe rtrkt pWS corns In and get bottle of Cr, E, It uravear loom powaer ' ire. . . - IJEpYyENIIAn?) f.,- Proprlstor ot the ; . City BreW-ery ZAireet and Btost Ooaanlote ; ;-v , ; . Brewery la tae BortJkareek. ' Cottled Deer a Spedty ' 'TBXBPBOBB Bo. ta. 1 Oflee XBtk aad BaraalAa Bareeta. ; PORTLAND, ORSOON. -' TkeBstOBttf to ' Daaetort - that re lieves an- pain la dental opera Ueaa. Vs rBW .BOB FRIGHTENED TO DEATH ; ; BY SIGHT OF BLOOp (Srdal Dw-aatck to The ocBlkT Bntte. Marcb SO. Fearing shs would be takea to Jail for a crime she did not commit. Mra.-Thomas Aikens, a colored woman of roraythe, la believed to have attemnted suicide In a hotel room at that place. Bha was rouna a oaa wun a gaaa In Iter wrist,. -waica waa too aiignx to novo had a aerloaa conaeqrieBoe,' and whieh had Med - bat tittle. - ho txmrar or violence, aside from this out. was fist- ble en tbe body And no trace of poison could be found st the post mortem ex amination. Doctors say death probably reaulted from Heart failure caused by frisht at the sight Of Wood oa her Mrs. Aikens was the only peraon at the ranch, where WUllam Augher .was killed a few nights ago, with the ex ceptions of the prlnclpala In the tragedy. William McClure has surrenaerea to tne authorities. ". claiming . that he - shot Aughey by accident. The Begress left a heart-broken note for her huaband, 1m ploiing hlm to bellere in her complete Innocence. . : ; . '.. . '':..;-,,. SNOWFALL GENERAL v THROUGHOUT CALIFORNIA . . .' - (Journal Bpeelal BeTTke.) , . ' V Ban Francisco. March 20. A . light snowfall la general throughout Cailf or. nla today-T Thla la the first time In years .snow has fallen in this - section. The snow fell as far south ss San Ber nardino aad the streets were white for the first time in years, the cltlaena en gaging In snowball fights oa the ptin eloal thorourhfares. . - - The too of MountamalpalsTsToo- ered with ' several . Inches and a vary thin covering of snow Is on the ground in the ' vicinity of Ocean Beach. At Summit, the highest point la th Sierras, six feet, of snow -is reported. THREE KILLED AND ; : V; ONE FATALLY HURT ' : . (Joaraal 'Special BaevWe.)' : Huntington, W. Va March 0. John Sandman, - Green Sandman and John Henderson were killed by the explosion of a portable boiler in a sawmill here today. One other man was fatally In Jurod.. .:.-- ' '.-' - : " J Rates Jo W. 0. W. Convention at :T i. ' Los Aneeles. - Aocount of ' convention ' Woodman ' of tha World and Women of Woodoraft to be held at Los Angeles April IS, 1101. the Southern Paolflo. Co. will sell on April II. II and 14, round trip tickets Portland to Los Angeles, limit II days at .rate-of 111. Tickets can be pure chased . at - say southern facino ucket Office, . . ': '"' " BWATalrOWB POXSOB. ' Special Olapatek' to The Joortaxl.) ' Dalle. Or., March -20 Mlaa Minnie Seaforth, a resident of the Luckiamuts district, ' seven miles .from Dallaa, bad a narrow eacnpe from death Monday evening. By tn Intake she . swallowed a pooonful of Iodine Inatead of medicine. which made her deathly sick, and it waa thought she would not recover. Physl clans . have since been In constsnt at; tendance, and the young woman Is now reported out of danger.. - - . - f PBOBT tMJXTMMM PBUXT. i; ,' (Bpeelal DBpatrh to Tba JoernaL) Dallaa, Or., March 10. Heavy frost last night and ths night before has so. vereiy Injured . the fruit crop now In bloom.- The prunes and early peaches are tha worst sufferers. It is feared that moat of the fruit Crop has been killed. - .'- ; ' -'. '- , '- ' Ptefested BVoCkt Oaaaad Bee As. Allen A Lewla Beat Brand. Dr.B.E. WRIGHT OVERBECIC.-STARR & COOKE CO. Members Chicago Board of Trade. , " ', ' , 0BAXB, PBOTTBXOBS, OOTTOB. BTOCXB AID BOnt, ' '"'' 103 Third Street. McKay , Building, Portland.. Or. ", , , t . ;r.. .wa no a btbictxt ookbobbiob btjbxbtss. " .:":. Contlnoou Marketa by Trlvate Wire Qnlrk rtervlce. BKytCHKMCKR Ladd Ja yilton, bankera, ud United fltateai Nalbtmal BaiiA of ijortlajjd. Jc::rn:! "Vr:it Ad" Rctes tTr-"-a abt pt ir;- -- ' . -a a T" - a 1 . 4. I ,J 111 IXm-mi. V t ' we.. tb Uae. , ...y.. Ui H aa It WOBCII FOB U . ,. Betklng laaa. ... , vu , m-ATT t WAJTTBD ad i iilliiatwHS-e-ee e le or Veaaala. Uaartel on to free. XmSXf ee fceadey. .. . .. WTtTTT SAT T teow " (laela . aa Banday loaaa) he (mmB pa BOWTPXT BW, flaata'aag all Baaday laaoea-Tl CeTl pot laua P mm. tVTrWTlWPnrn maat Wj B Joaranl ' buemoai e, br I o'ale.k ei k V lay aad by id e'e". faxonay Ilea . ' bag to aaoara elaaan.eTniaax, - -.-.. - A. D. .T. ' tnCttPVaxB 'bOTB are JTearaol "wnnt ad." agwata. Btra ' toA year ad. at ef- ratoa aad xt' . wul Va daUToeed to in Joaraal af. - lee vntkont fenaor ea4 te yea. Vee roar cr i boa a saeaa Waatora Vaiaa, ion ABB rOTaTS. - Xitaar Loot er reaad adiaitl atay lata "11 weraa let i aeat,- aaaa. . rODltn A Blare to hare hair naaltr Turea ana reraroea eanie oar. raoaa aiia 474. rortlaad Curled Hal f actor x. IHTOetell eua-aretal watcb and Pta. Catur. Jdy, Tlllanjook, Kleveath or Tblrteenth a to. LOSTA sold K. of P. watch riwter pieaae ratura to ale Flae at.. aad. xeeolTe reward. -.-- . atZXTIBO BOTIOX, COUiMBIA IX) DO a No, lid. A r. A A. at Bpeelal eoaaaiaalcatlon' thhr (Tbumdajr) OTeatag: T:30 o'eloek. bUaoolc Tea, pie. won la M. at. eearea. e W. IT. larlteU. By B. B. PAUUB. Becratary, flNltBRAHA TBIBB ' Be. 8, iBxpeoved Orde , Bed atao. oso reaniar maenna-e win no ana , la the aow rlwaat, WUIajaette hall. Mo, 1T0W Snood etreet, at B e'okiek A- at, each- Tbaroda, It OABBTE1IBBN. Cblaf o u O. H. U-A, Wnlat Prlday altit;ne; re.' froahnieBta. Ooaaa aad bring jeue ttlrxebv, AUeky belt , ,v e BOTIOX. - MT WirB, Mary Moaaello, baring left me . wltaoat taet eaaee, I will aot bo reapoaalble 'for aar Wile eoatractod by her U.uxy awe - , after thla date. . . . - - (Slawed) , MlCmtr, MOBBBTJ. BXLP WABilll lft .-.--" ' 4.i if - RBOUBB A 4JOOD POHlTIOrJl " la Clerical. TecliBlral er Cnenmerelal Uaa. ; Weaaalat compel eel , . ... nrBee taea. , Aeelotaat bookkeeper Bookkeeper. : '- UrM "fae eterka. ' Bteoearrapbara. t-.' t- - Hotel t-jeek. v ktaaaceea. -rt- Ballmad elerk. , Corrwiwodeat Clerk. .- -r.- Juiiekeeperaa Aerouataata. j TlZT .'of?. - (aiabler. ' ' f aWpplns, clerk. Batry cknrk. ' , BlU alerka. General elerleal. Wbnlcal. eaoxaterclal tea. .Apply BPKINKSrl MBN'B CLKABINU UOfBU : bOe-bOS McKay btdg., 1034 Ud at., PorUaad. WANTBD Moa to leara barber trnrlej g weokt, eeaxphrte: peaitloaa rnaraatoed; talttoa Mraed While loaralngi write for taraaa. Mojor a Barbar Calleca, S44 Clay el. aa Iraaaaiaa. ae lid tor wanted .rewired: eeJerjr.aed aoen. emal to ITA per anoiA gnaraataede 'CaM SM Baet Belaauot at. Beet Aeal. , Ton eaa ISO to $70 aor week If re eaa 4 health, and accident Inearaare oa the , market. iTabw, Mutual Aid aaaoa . dattoa, dot Marqaaa btdg. WANTBD Mea to prepare for Ufa promeo with aood aaMrr goaraateod ar t'nele Sea, I talk It over with Bdgaf B. Baaa, . 1S , vaaexe" bar of Comnaarre. gtaadard Sporlflce are aeleatine aad eooootetrel, . , embrarlnx doctor and drusflet; core aathaia, .- all voaorTal and earoale aleeeaoa. S1H k lreU - WB waat 4 experleaetd nee tor ronnlajt ane. . aaaklng xaaeblneey. Seoalda Baraee laiauaar vO.. Seaalda,.0. - - 4 --- '" ' " WANTED-JI or 4 auartiiaea and atowacatteea at the Watta Marble Works, The Mlaa. Or. WANTTD Carpenter. ' Apply A. K. Bentley. SIT Cbaaabor of Caaiaieree bldg. gTOTKCCTTKB ' wanted. Hawk. 140V,- Third at. Apply Arrta Be WANTBD Ladtea ta keara barber trodei . areok eotnpletei tuition earned while learn. Ins I hejrdreealng. xaaalcorina aad facial jaa. ' aaxa la 4 week; a pedal taraaa aow. Wlite lvae Syeeo llee.. Sao Vraacxeea. . v WANTBD Otrt aboat 14 year of aae for eawM , peeiea to atrt; very light beuat-eorki -eeaall waaea. SOI Gaatenbela are. Ibooe.. taioa jgj4 1 LADIES Tear nam oa St aa va)tsat Sc. peatpald. Beyal Card O., Stratford. WAICTF.D atl(Mle-erer waaraa t keep aoaa,' V , care eeomei. DTOATIOBS WABTTTl BIT! ACTIVB yoang aaa, B, dry gooda and abee , oaleoaMK I ya re' aaparteoca, eaa trial wln dowei good referearea; either all er eat ef town, Addraaa X. 12. Journal. ... ,.- YOCNO au dealrea eltaatloa la afncej eoro . eeteet bookkeeper: ran gtee refereaeea rime former' employer and local refereaeea ekxo. AaVhrea A 40, car eVaxraaa, -. .... STBNOOBAPHBB xranta peeltioe: S year ex perience la enflneertna and railroad wort: reaaonnbl eeUry; reference, , Addaoea W. S. ear Joaraal. , . BOOKKKBPBB' woe Id devote treea eaa to three boaraVaeh week. day doling forenoon! ebarae reaaoaablo. CaU or addraaa 6M beer lock bldg. WANTBD SI toa I to In office er etore aa book, keeper, aaalatent, or othorwtaoi yued ret- aooreun er o, cara urn.. - BOOKKKRl'KB and araftaaxaa deelree ewplor. xaetit from 1 o'clock- to a,, afternoon.. A4 dreae W 4, cere Joaraal WANTBD By barber with 1 H yeare' ter--eneo. Write Rudolph Brhirart TS1 Cornet t. BTrrATIOBB WANTED Kltuatlo he a yoang lady to lt ' erlth koaaeworki-object, a aood boaae rather. than high wagea: would ro Into tae eoaatry. Addreaa IS, ear Journal.' - - f OUNO lady, well experteeeed; wlahea poalrina aa eaabJee or elerk; refereneo; pleaaa Itota alary. Addreaa A SS. care Joarnai. A TOUBrt lady wlahea a pooltloa aa enable la a a mall wboleeaie bona or a email dry ' good or. - 1'booe Mala dlBaV WOBK waafed by a reliable, nrtddle-axed womaa la aatall family; pUla eeoklng. rboae , ' front SOS. , OIRI. wanta aotraeurork la awiall faailly, weat ; aide preferred. Phone Hood S4a hot. 10 and IH. LADT deal re attaatloa aa elerk la deport eient a tore; year' eiperieace. . W T, Jooraai, P0WB1BO, SOPTJOTfl) OOe . . lEatabllahed mi.) WBTBAT ABD BTOOal MMO Booea e, aroaad Ploor. - CBABCBBm OP coa