The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 29, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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    ;r z:t djuly j::alT: r c?lai:d. v.zd::::sda ; evsnii.o. march i3,
atared at iko mntis ef rllMt Or,
far iranaaoruUv luwti to .
M Miur,
totae far riwl mnlM! Far aa A. 1 r
paper, t eeutj lo w SO , I eaatti A
' 44 P. a Mala.
.Editorial Booms.
Sualata Of Oca...
roKUOM ADTUxnni lmnnrTinri.
Vrerland-Saagcmla Special Ad-rrrtlalTis ApW.
1W aaae lrt haw Xerki Tribua SulleV
lag. Ukicega. ... . . .
' ' ? ' Tarau ay Ourtor. '
Tk Dally Journal, wits Bueday, 1 . yr. . .fT.W
The Kally Journal, 1 year. .777..... " -00
laa jiaur Journal, with Sunday, f mastae.
Taa IJallr Journal, Hon tba.
iaa iuy Journal, 1
with MnruUt 1 BMtU.
, ?ue ijaiiy journal, raoDthe. ....
la iJeuy journal, with Sunday. 1 moats..
Tk Dal If, par week., delivered, Bumtar
Included ........... .
; Tb Dally, par , week, delivered.
- eacept ........i... ...
' Term ar
J fully Joaml ltk Saader. 1 year,
9 b bulla Jamil 1 ...
4 .W
Th Italiy Journal, With Sunday, "" Hi
Tbe Dally Journal, month -'8
The Pall Journal, with SuXiUy, mootbs.ll
Th flally Journal. moth 140
Tba Dally Journal, wltb'Suuday, 1 Burnt..
Tha Italiw .T
Tba Sunday Journal 1 yer. ...... S-0
Ta euaday Journal. month.. ........... 1.90
-' - .Taa Semi-Weealy. JaunaJ. ;
Th Semi Weekly Journal, I to 11 Bag
. ach Wiia HI...-. tA Anil lufkcft re-
.jport 1 roar ,7............"...l-9
, tUmlttancee should ba aaada by draft, P
Sotee, express orders and small amounts
acceptable la J and S-cent nmt.MiU-ja.
r. 0. Ba 11
m rvo a
Portland. Or.
whim tk lonum. m m rorao.
Tba Joamal caa ka teuad aaM at tto
failowlna nlaoaai - , .-w.
HOICK. IlUJsO a. BoDar Co. W. B. Mo
CH1CAOO PoatofSea Maw aonrpaay, ITS Doar-
born atraat. -BENyiR.
COIA Kaujdrtcb Bank Stattaaary
, ruaipaar. Sal avantaaaUl abroad J. auaca.
nutoontn bjmi coru atroria.
DIJNHMUIH. AU J. MrCarroHo. ' '
JUNKAU, ALASKA FoatatCra Book atara.
kANMA PITT V.. too Nam MM1.
U AMOELE B. r. Oardnar. aatb
Bprtn atrooti OUvar- llnaaa. M baulk
npnna; atraat.
kllNNKAl'Ol.lB kf. J. Karaaaaam, M laatk
Third atraat. . , .
NRW YOKk cfTT BrmHaiuVa, Vaia
in.uaH-Kiiim how eoaiDai
. flHAHA billiard Hotel
Millard Hotel Naa
S.wa araod:
Btatinurv MMMir 1 HA aaroH a
AI,T LAKN QIT V Konroa Hotel Mawa atand
- Barrow Braa.. 4a Woat Barond atraat
' T. LOL'IB PhlUa Boadar. Locuat atraat
It 1 1AS UK MB AHa.
' iAN PRANOIHUO W; N. ArdtB:" Pmlara Flotol
Nawa atand, and inm Markat atraati Oold
. aailtk Braa., VW Butter atraat, and Balnt
rrancta bntot; tatar 4 Oraar. rarrr butlaV
- 'tar; Kr Wnaatlor, SOS Rataena itsaot
. IATTLB Balalaa. Orand Wwa ataaB; Saatara
nawa rampanr.
. RPOKANB, WAHM J oka W. Oarhaai Oa.
' TA(XMA, WUB.-Oaatral Nairn . aoapaJ
"T Hotl Taenna Nawa atanJL ' '
... T1CTORIA, B. O Victoria Bank BtaMaaarr
' . At Portland ASctioa roonja. til rM atrcaL
" tt 10 a. at. Bala of title Itora and carp to.
IV L. roM. anrtloaaar
Br Uoorca Baker a Co.. Park and Aldrr
atroata, at 10 a. m. Bala of bouaabalA. rural-
turn, urorfa Bakor at Co.. aurtlonrrra.
Br B. U K. OlUnnn. 418 Waabla(taa atraat,
' at 10 a. . Bala of kauaaaold luraltura. , 8.
N. GUman. nuoooaaar. r
: A araar 4rararbaaa baa Bada ta aapaar
, tar orrr- aarthorn Nrrada. It baa eauard
baarr rain in tba Bacranwate valla and
Uahtrr nmonnta ta tba north Parlac atatru
Hi. bwuriniM la fhja rilatrlra noatlima nr.
Mow tba aoraat aa4 l!t fraita aorurrad' thU
aumlaa crnarntlr tarauabout Oracoa and Waab-
taatr. Tka faHowlaa; maslannt wind aelorlUr
antfrrpartads BnoajDaata. auira, aoatbraat)
. WlanraiucBa, a artrM, HU. iU rocateUO.
Ba aillaa. Hit
' htodarataly baararalaa ar raaarted ta tba
Inwar Mkalaalppl Tallar and want a-alf atetea,
fair waathar roaUanoa la ta bttanawt Taltrir
ad tka AtUntJ data. -
Tba Indira tteaa ar for abunaia In tela dl
trlrt toalakr and Tburaday. . Urkt froau ar
arababla toalabt la was tarn oragoa and Waal
arm Waablngun. : v y. ; ., . ...
, William Bandar. bfrrtl VlcOolra, 2S.
. Carl Roraaud, S0 rnnla Bsr. SO.
. M . Tboodor Modva. Z: Uabr DU Caddr, 24
, Ws. B. Walla. T; KUaabatb P. rinnaf, M.
, R. 1. Powlrr. 2T: KUI M. Markanal. 17.
:. T. J. atcAdaaw. IT: laara F. TaorlBCtoa, 30.
woaf wiaa. as: noa nuf. av.
, AlnandorZbarchlll. Ml Kdaa Ba lector, 33.
' E & Majar, 4i; gnata Parnam. M. ,
- Waddlna Caxda. W. O. 8ml tb Oa Waab.
; iMte Bide., ear. Paurtb aad Waaklw ata.
BOinnaTAK March BS, to Mr. aad Mr.
I n.
ra. Uourt
( P. naaranuu. BU Bvarvtt ttrorti a
WAIJtKR aterrb M, te Mr., aad Mr.
-tWalkn, ,t Baal Bkmatb
danabtar. '
jVARIH March tt, to Mr. and Mr. Fare
, A aria, m Baat ncataaatB atraat, aortal a
f NODORABS Marrh M,' to Mr. and Mm. A. 1.
Bandaraaa. Ill North BrvauU atnwt: a
SHE1JH1N March M. to Mr. aad Mra. Braaat
. . tfatidou, 7H BaaaaU atrratl a aan,
' " ' CQBTAoioxn ntinm. :
CTWU0 March 9R, Rubor Oammlaf, 43t
. Btark auoct; ararioa forer,
' MrflRATH Marth CA. Tboma B. MKJratk
MM iat rear, at Park bote I; rf nftr, carbolic
arid pououia. Burial ai roriar, wia.
CAPr March 29. Kuacna P. Cappa. aaod
. roara, BM Baaom atnwt;. canaa. (onabot
wound la heart. Burial at Clarkamaa. Or.
; CARVKB March . H, N. J. Carrrr, accd M
roara, at' Oood Banartaa hnapltal; cauaa.
."' tractor ( akall.- BurUl at lxD klr ctma-
trrr. '
tUK'im-htarch SO. Jeajrf B. Blocum. rd
, raara. 3o Barlar atraati can, aplnal
aianinrjua. irariai at Kirarnrw camrtcrr.
tBAMMOND March 38, Mabel K. Hammond,
afd 31 roar. 473 Yamhill atract; canaa,
, baallar tabarcular manlDiitla. BarUl tt Ora-
foa City, Or. . .' . ,.- , -M. .
' Oamatorloa aa Oraawn City aar Baa., axiar
all wood; andara, artoa title oompWta. cbarBaa
. Adalta, (aii cblldraa, tM. Vlaltora a. av
to p. m. Portland CranaaUoa aaaaalalkia.
ortlaad, Oragoat , ..... . , ...
. Tba Edwnrd Borama Cadrrtaklnf caanaay,
raaaral dtiotluia a4 amkilraara. -, 33 Third
a mat. naaa mn.
I. P. Plnlor Boa. fmaral
awibalaMra, inraar Third and Mndlaoa au lata.
Ulaoa ai couaiy caronar. xatapoonn Mala a.
- " rnwaral wraatha and rat flowora a anoctalty
t Boa City Biaaahuaaa. Twanty ainaad aa
'" kart Morrlaoa, apn. awtary. . , , j .
v'j' tux pninjiijiriu 'J ' '
Partlaad Truat Company ta l A. Mar. :1
' tn. part lot IN. ,bkck ; uadlTldod
' ' ' H Intmat part tot 10. block , OoW- '
amltk ddlno ...... ....f (,S0
Arna Blank and boabah'td O. P. mi.
lar at al.. hit 3. btork T, J. M. (lold-
amlth murrey of BaUtha addltloa ... ' MO
.0. r. Bitter to P. Bauer. t a, black '
, 3, Worth Irrlmrton I.1M
X, R. Lambert to A. Maeaat aad wife, , ,
- Int 4. blork 1. Bice addlttoa MS
loha B. MrAale and wife t B. B. . 1
'. v . Pltrbor aad wlfr, tola , I. blork , '
' Multnomah 3,000
Tit la Guaranty A Truat rompaaj to M.-......
O. Arnold, waat 13 1-3 feet lot .
' eaat 111 J feet tot T. Work, 10. Til.
too' addition i " T87
Jaaiea P. Hart aad wife to B. Prta- ; . .
eee. at aL, tot 4. block 1. Meadow.
a land 1.700
Oak Park Land enainaiiy ta M. Pnaer, '
mt 10, block 13,. Oak Park tddltloa ',
. ho. -3 1 t
Imtxl Week and wlfa to . Cnrklah.
lola I, 3 aad .i. bk-k SI, ritj Jn.000
, fn Hewett .and wlfa to J. W.1 Oor- .. .
man. aouth Wl feet lot II... blork I.
UnealT lllfklaad 4 KM)
Adam H. ttonld and wife to A. ). Pnl-' .
ten, anr(h t norihweat M anntkweat H
nnrtlou 14, towuohlp 1 aoulb, raa( ...
eart ...... , ' Vjt
trul r.,Bea ta W. BaUJa. aadlrldai " .
I.i ) elte.Ul
Uttla HwnryVlscher l Master of
v Six Languaje and Som
" Dialects. ;;r
Hungariarv" Who Has Sean AI
.'. th World's Fairs Sincfl
v J H Was Born.
.Though rldcnt of thl wort (J. only
tight yea re, Hanry Flacher ha eaally
won' fortmoit plao amonf Jurenll
f lobe-trottr, and-lD dolog bo ha mna-
Henry Fiaher.
tared aiz languag. beald any number
of lrocue and dialect. Ho la the bob
of Mor. K. Flacher, Hungarian Commie.
aioner at the Lewla aad Clark fair.
Tba lad I a maater of trfe Oerman,
FTencli,: Ergtlah.- Hungaiiaa and Oreuk
language. baaldea . having : - eomplata
maatary of tha Italian and a number f
kindred language or Ltln dorlTauon.
uch aa Roumanlanv and other uaed by
KuroDean ; dependencies.
He waa born in Hungary, hnd naa at
tended erery world' fair . lno that
tint. With hi parent ha attended the
MUlenlal .expoalttoa at Budapeet and
alo the exposition at Bucharest. He
waa at tha Parla exposition, at Qlaagow,
at Athena. Dublin. 8t Louie, and la now
In Portland to add to hla world-wide ex
perlencea by attending the Lwl .and
Clark exposition. : . . v i -
Ho ta at tha Hill Military academy.
and one of the- greatest-Joya of hla Jlfe
la tha oadet uniform that he ha worn
alnca matriculating there. When the
tailor measured him for a ault Ha purred
out hla cheat . to It limit, explaining
that he wanted to look like a general,
tt la aaid at tha achool that hla
ability to learn trie languages la wonder
ful. In Dublin he' acquired a brogue
that ha oalla Irish. In Olaagow h ae
aulred Gaelic. ' '. . . T i
It Is likely that as a linguist he ha
no eejual in tb world or anytning Iln
his year'. ' - . -. ' ' -..
(Continued from Pag One.)
I doubt very much whether Portland
will - bo able to accommodate the
crowds.', ho remarked.' "The fair has
been very well advertiaed In New Tork
and Waahlngtoa, wher I spent much of
my lima, and the people all want to
hear about it. Many people a axed m
about OrewottMU ollraate aad Its
aourees, and many of tbem ar thinking
of coming her to !!. Director George
Roberta or tha mint tola me tnai n
waa deeplr Interested In the Lewi and
Clark fair and that the exhibit from hla
department would ba fully equal to that
t Bl "'-! 'rK- owhlMf a.
of tha great attraction of th St. Loula
The grand jury win recanrene at 10
o clock next Tueaday morning., ita aea
alona - will and with the close of this
term of court, . Monday, April 10. . A
ma of Important' evidence baa been
gathered by T. B. Neuhaueen during the
last alx weeka and. will be the basis of
further indictment. United States Dia
trlct Attorney Heney will probably ar
rive from Ban FTanciaco tnia wees. :
ah m bi MniPa IaTisia
(pedal Dtopalch to Tb Jouraal.)
Butte. Mont,. March - . Bamnel
Olive, a miner., was inatmntly killed In
th Anaconda mine At an early hour tola
morning, hi neck being broken in . a
fall of 100 feet. Olive atepped on a
loosened piece of lagging,' throwing him
down th shaft, his body bounding from
on set of timbers to another.
, .yv:..' -tj v
(Special DUpatch to The launai.)
Vi Grande. Or., March 30. A blla-
aard struck thla aectlon about midnight
and one anqw ta falling today, driven
by a high wind. Th storm cover th
entire valley and there are prospect of
a very heavy fall of snow. . It la, how
vr, not very cold.
H Intereat aat H tot i. Mot 1, OoVd- ' i
ami in addltkm - ' - 1
Maaraa Uoodeaouirh to Athlon Lumber
company, lota 1 an J, aioca av Altilaa -
Uomaataad 1.000
Oeora . taajerou to I. U Hartman.
truatee. Mta T and a, ck 11, Maw. .
tborae a-rirat nddlthm .,1.000
,0. Aineworth and wlfa to M. Lakbar. .
anarU 1 feet lot 1. north I 3- '
feat lot 3, blork a. MeMllma'a addlttoa. 1,000
, ,'. -
Oet' your Inam a era and ahatimila ( raal
aatnte from th Title aaraata A Truat eaan-
f Uam matte kulHUn.
.lriniorirs Pikatrr.
HEWITT Mireb Si, i. D. Hewitt dwetllnf.
riandee between- Twenty-flrst aad Twenty,
aemnd atreta: coat. 32.000.
0IBB March 3ft, P. D. Olbba, wellln. Till.
aeok betweea niitaaath . aad Bareatoaath
atreeta: roar. P U1. '
LBAt'll March , O. B. Laaeh, repair ta
dwelllaf, larabe' Beat Plsnav etruetoi coal,
. .
OI.INAN M.tfh 3. R. Ollea hrV. repair te
.lore. Fleat betweea Uraat and her ma a
eireela! Ce(- , a ...
CAMKKY March int. Mra. I. M."Ckay,
dwelling, Twenty-Brat aad Kim MrMtai coal,
AV Ml. . '
01. MAN March . B, I..OIIin, anbvho)w,T
nnrnaine nerwaaa lenui ana t.icratb Strom
. t. . m
v " J" " asm - f p . a . fam av
i.i:v-iiii:! I.....
Western Csctiort' of , Alliancs
Mests at Nashviils to Discuss
: Church ", Qutstfons. "
(Joamat aseelal antaa.l
Nashville, Tenn.. Mdreh . Preeby
terlana from all parts of th watera
world are arriving to attend th mt
ing of the weatarn aectlon of th Pan
Preabyterlan AHIaao. which will be In
Mion In th First rreabyterlan church
of this city during tha remainder of the
week. Several hundred delegate and
visitor ar expected and In thla. the
moat Important maeting of the organl
tion yet held, th following church
Will be repreasntedi
Preabyteriasj church In .Canada. Pres
byterian church la th United State
of America, preabyteria church In the
United States, Cumberland Preabyteriaa
church. United Presbyterian church. Re
formed Presbyterian church. Synod and
General Synod. Associate " Reformed
Synod of the South, Reformed (Dutch)
church in America, Reformed-Oerman)
church in the United State, and th
Preabyterun church ' of Mexico and
Brastl' - - -
. Tba local" Presbyterfane av "made
elabortte prcparatlona for receiving and
eatertaJnlng th delegatea ' Tha alli
ance 1 not a legislative body; tta work
la to discus church and religious ques
tions. - Among the prominent person to
take part are Dr. Jame A. Worden, su
perintendent of th Sunday achool pub
lication of the Presbyterian church;
Dr. William R. Robert, a La ted clerk of
the- Presbyterian General Aaaembly; Dr,
John' H. Push, moderator of th Re
formed Synod; Dr. J. M. Schick of
Washington, editor of th Christian In
telllgencer; Dr.. George M. Rlcherde-of
th theological nemlnary of th Re
formed church. Mew Brunswick, N. .
Dr. R. H. Warden aad Dr. John Bcvh
ringer of the Canadian Preabyteriaa
church, and President Black of th Mis
souri valley college of th Cumberland
Presbyterian Aaaembly. ..
; . (Continued from Page One.) 1
hopeleaan rX th man who knowa that
only a few day will elapne before he
must expiate on th gallows bla mar
deroua act i-" '. ' . k --
This I th tim when eentenc nrast
ba pronoynced on tha defendant In the
oasa of the atate of Oregon agaloat
Frank Ougilelmo,'. said Judge Oeland.
Ia the defendant preacnt
"The defendant la her,, your honor,'
aid Mr. Manning.'' ' ; -
- Pursuant with th aUtut and th
custom in this atata. I wlU aak If there
b any legal cause why sentence should
not be pronounced at tnia time,- -
"May It please tha court," answered
Mr. Ferrer; "the defendant cornea today
to receive sentence. He realise that he
must Dr th penalty for such a crime
aa that for which he ha been convicted
and has no destra to ay anything m
his own behalf. -
"Stand up," whispered Sheriff word
to th prisoner, and the yosng Italian
aroaa to hear th pronouncement vc hla
doom.' '',.-',-. I ' .. ' .ti I i- f ;
it i tb lodgment or tnta eowrr xnat
Frank Ouglleime. a hall bo delivered by
th aheriff to th aupertntandent of th
penitentiary within 10 days, and that oa
th th day t May. In thr year of our
Ixrd. . 1105. m tha. yard or th. panltan-
tutry. he shall ba hangM y th neck un
tBh I dead."
Guglielmo was taken from tha court'
room down tha a teal stairway and again
plaoad In hi oelL Immediately ha re
gained the remarkable composure that
ha marked hla manner for th past few
weeka and mad preparation to accom
pany th Sheriff deputy to Salem. H
'4 waa taken to ui 4 o'clock Boutnara pa.
clfle train and at o'clock thla averting
will do in in euatoay oi in peaitentiary
Tha death warrant, drawn by Deputy
Clerk Marion Johnson, sets forth In
minute detail the atory of tha crime and
tha legal proceeding, from tb tun of
hi apprehension to"' th tim of tha
pronouncement of aenteno. .. ..
Burdock Blood Bitter sivea a man a
clear head, an active brain, a atrong,
vigorous body- makea him fit for tha
battle of life. , . . . ....
V ,' , - , -.1
(Special Mapatch to Tb Journal.) "
Salem, March Oovemor chai
berlain thla mornlna" appointed R. R.
Wallao of Astoria as member of the
board of barbers' examiner; Dr. 8.
BundT of Medford, member of the
tat boara.or dental examiner; f.-h.
Carter of Ashland. H. C Kinney of
OranU Pas aad W. L Vawter.of Md
ferd, aa regent of tb Ashland Normal
school. . v
Hyomei Cares This Common and Dia-
..'-V' . acreeabHe Disease. . ?
Hyomsl cure eatarrh by tha lmpl
method of breathing it Into th air
passage of. tb lung. It kill th germ
of th catarrhal poison, heal and
soothes th Irrttatad mueous membrane,
enter th blood with th oxygen and
kill th germ present there, effectu
ally driving this dlseas from th y-
tem.' ' "" '
t If yon hara any or ' tha- following
symptom, catarrhal germ ar- at work
aomwhr In th muooua membrane of
th aoa. throat, bronchial tube or
tissue of th lungs.. --- . .
offensive breath
dryaeaa at to aaee
haaklaea af Veto
dlaeherca from tha aea
stoppage at the aeaa t
alshl .
achina mt th hade
pain airoea ue era
pala la back of I
pala to fraat af the. roppUite la the threat
. hMd . . inoath aaan white
tendency to take .cold aleeptog ,
burnto la la tb tick Use hack el th pal-
a to
hawkia to clear the
tb aaee
drrneee of the thrust
In tb amrnlng
tow of etraatb
apaaaa ef aoushln
uush abort aad hack
Ins Nk wera Bight aad
loan ta vital fere
e feeliaf ef tlsktaea
pala la the cheat .
a cough
atitrh la aide i .
ns af aab
variable appetite
low ratrlCed at tlaani
rale la of Iretay -
axpKtantlag. yaUew
dltacnlty la ereathiag
acraaa tba apoer part
Hyomel will euro th dlaeaae.' de
stroy activity of all germ life In tb
respiratory organ, enrich and purify
tb - blood with additional oson. and
after a few day uae f this treatment
th majority of . the, symptoms will
bar disappeared. In a few week th
cure will be complete. ,
Catarrh ar catarrhal j colds cannot
stot when Hyorael la uaed. 'This la a
strong, autement, but Waodard, Clark
Co. emphasise. It by rreelng to re
fund your money If Iiyom! doe not
The Cilers Co-operative Piano
Clats to Close Saturday Night
Don't Put Off Your Purchase
T Until tht Last Minute, f "
Splendid Record of the Last Rour
. Days' SelHof Purchasers
' Cominf From EYerywhere Is
- Your Name Among Them?
"No more piano elub after th elos
of this month," were tbe Instructions
of our Mr. Hy Kllers Just before he
left for 'Frisco. But th sal ha been
extended one day ever to make" It close
with the week. , o buyer really have
one ui oi arace. T -- -
- Since the announcement that - our
cluba were to close with the month the
intereat In buvlns baa been extremely
lively. Here la the record of tha past
tour aays sales;
Mra Mary J. Merrill. Whitney piano
Mrs. A. V. MoCord. Hobart M. Cable
Mrs.i A. B. Wheeldon, Weber piano; Mr.
Alna Party Hlnsej Mlas Coren Bart,
lett. Weser'Rev. C. T. Wilson. Weber
Mr. George Lawrence, Weber; Mr. Kub.t
White, Milton; Miss .Minnie Pound,
Schumann: Mrs. Wllda Belknap, Prine
vlUe, Kimball; Mr. Gua Hager, Hobart
M. Cable; . Mr. Henry Miller. Story
Clark: Mr. John Allen. Kimball; Mien
zoe 'Tanaey, . Hobart - M. cable; Mr.
Frank Ireland. Lejster: Mr. D. A. l
Mackintosh, Clarendon: Mre. Anna
Harbke.. Kimball: Mra. Lincoln Smith,
Kimball; Mr. K. K. Mccroshie, Kimbaii;
Mlaa Mads Murphy, Clarendon: Mr.
Richard ft. Bohman. Baus: Mr. A.
Mlnnlck. Weber; Mr. Rd Lubking. Kim
ball; Mr. K. tt. Deffenbaugb, Kimball;
Mr. George Gaignard. Brlnkerboft; Mr.
Thoa. M. Bio. Kimball; Mrs. Hattle
Toung, victor: Mra J. M. Henderson,
Hobart M. Cable;- Miss Ella M. wood
run, 'rni.i . nr. -a. ( - v, ,i i u'i gnmi-
shall.'aV Wendell; Mr. Geo. How ton,
Kaua- Mr. H. H. Lurwen, Jacob Doll: Mr.
W. F. BweUand. Kimball; Mr. John
Hutchinson, Clarendon;. Mr. 'O. E. Car-
S enter, Marshall a Wendell Mr. C C
ummers. Clarendon: Mr. J. B. Coto.
Later; alias Maggie Adier, uiarenaon.
We would stroncly advl you not to
put off your aelection until th very last
moment. There I bound to be a rush
the day these clubs cloae, aa many have
been conaldering a purchase, or wait
Ins to consult some member of the fam-
iiy. bo lr you coma at onee yoa win
isve much mor leisure to examine and
UomDir oiano and a rice.
nememoer, mere i no rea tape aooui
- . . i . - - . . .
joining thea cluba, no Initiation, no
waiting. We ar now prepared to de
liver your piano at once. New piano
ar arrlvtna now from tha factories at
moat daily and both our atore and our
immense warehouse ar brim foil of as
lovelv instruments aa were ever Disced
at the disposal of buyers, and club buy-
era are gettins; mem at nE w wnuifl-
saie pricea
Every . instrument 4 is fully sua ran
teed and w further agree-to refund all
money paid if inetrument fall In any
way to Drove exactly aa represented.
Th smallest priced piano in thla
club sale Is 1117, snd this is one that
sells In tha regular retail way for 120.
Cash payment for It and all other pianoa
in ciud a is v ana weesiy install
ments 11.21. There are six clubs la all
In this oo-opratlv eal and every one
clear up to our highest priced and choic
est makes the (Jlilckerlng, Weber and
Kimball piano la proportionately re
duced. Com In and learn all the par
ticular of thl sale, you will always
b glad tnat you nave. Kitier 1'iano
House, 161 Waahlngtoa Street, corner
(Continued frota Pag Osa)
ience ftr It was announced that tha,
reaoiutlona bad been unanimously
adopted. Somebody broke tba atlllneaa
with a nand-clap. - Immediately pan
demonium, broke .loose, and for. nearly
nv minute th applause waa deafen
ing. Cheers, hand-clapping, tamping of
feet aad snout and tha waving ef hat
and - handkerchiefs disturbed th usual
solemnity of tb church aa tha multl-
tud vented . Ita disapproval of th at
tack on th avangcliata. Finally order
was restored and tha -meeting proceeded.
At tb Centenary church, tb only op
position t th Toaolutton developed.
Thla oam from Rev. William K. Ran
dall, pastor or th central .Baptist
church and leader of th cedrs from
tba Second- Baptiat congregation. Mr.
Randall spoke for th liberty of the
pre, aad believed th resolution vary
untimely. Rev. B. N. Allen was In
stantly on hi feet end nrgad their adop
tion, jwlntlne; out tha contampt In which
tb uregonian nBtr-along i i
llglon. Hla remarks were greeted with
cheer and applause and tha resolution
are adopted almost unanimously.
At th First Congregational church
the vote waa unanimous. -
. At Calvary Baptist church th pro
test waa read by Rev. Jerome R. Mo
Olsda. who explained Just why it wss
necessary to make such a protest. Other
ministers spoke for th reaoiutlona On
of them referred to th Oregonian a
an insult to th oity'a moral, which
should be excluded from erery home,"
and another aald that he needed no con
version to what appeared to be a general
condemnation of th paper that when
ha cam to - Portland two years ago,
th first day h picked up a copy ef th
heet and found therein n Insult to
th ministry. Ha hd never looked at a
second copy sine than. He urged the
people to atop taking tha Oregonian and
transfer their aubacriptloB to Tba Jour
nal, "the only fair paper In th city.''
Evangelist Stougu mad It dear that
ha and Bla associate 'had no part tn
preparing tha resolution, although they
deplored th fact that for th first tim
In any of tha eitlee thev have vlalted
they anS their caus had been held up to
rtdiould In Portland. Of th anttr au
dlenc. probably 11" remained seated
when tha vote waa taken) .
At th Sunnysld church th resolu
tion wer nnanlmoualy adopted with a
cheer by th 0 people present. And
after that a standing vota of gratitude
to Tha Journal for Ita farr treatment of
the cburchea was unanimously given.
and a repreeentativ was Instructed to
convey tha thanks of th congregation
to- Th journal. ...
9r. Chapman Cries Shame a Oreffeaiaa
. ' , At tag Toa Mashing. ' , : ,
. "8hame upon tb newspaper that
would attempt to ridlcul a man Ilk
Ir. Daniel a Toy." aald Dr. J. Wilbur
Chapman at th Marquam Grand the.
tre at the noon meeting today.
Tb tbeatr waa packed and th vaat
audience applauded . vigorously - -
Xrr. Toy work among alnner la
of th most effective kind and he Is a
man of . marvelous grace. Sham upon
th paper that tria to ridlcul a maa
Ilk him." . - t
...An Immense thrang crowded th lobby
and even th Idwlk near th entrance
today. Every seat was taken long be
fore th hour for th service. Th
aisle wir' crowded' down tilr and
vn to th galleries. -' - -
Dr. Chapman spoke 'a ad ' told of -
number of axperlencea n had hd with
various so-called wPPrs of certain
typaa.- . i .-
nrs oixvx
Special 3 days only
Keacmgs ror '
Tbro Days Only
0 Vltl AM THA u make yoa a eharee l( 1
fall la call you by name In full, earn of
your frlaoda.. eaemtoa or rival. 1 promav
to tali yo wbetbo your baabaM. wlfa af
ewetheert U true or fa lee, tall y bow to
al tka lore o( the one you moat deetre.
area I bang k mile away: how to acra-d In
bnel. apaculatton, lawpaltol hew to
aaarry tb an ef your eboicai sew to ra.
gala youth, health and vitality. S
evil htSaene. rare drink hahftt ,
ajaaenrae. cur all aarvoua Oleei
How can I have aood inebt
flow J arend la buelneeel
Row eai I make my ka happy t, .
Row caa I eonauar my mleet
How .
Row i
eaa I marry the aa I a rami -
aa I marry well - - - - . .
now aoos can I marry T
Row eaa I enneuee my rival t '
Row can -t-smbo-y nee tov a!--
Row aa will aiy lover ampin .
Row eaa I gat a lattarf . ' '
.--, How. can I gut a good pnattlaat , .
- Row baa I mn bed taftoentoSf . ...
Row ran I eontral nny enal m
' Row bjak diet ant e think ef mar
" Row eaa 1 bald my heaband' tor I
How eaa I heap my wife' level
BOTT.IUir.Y. i TO "T, , AKU t"t,.
, suikj WaHRiNOTON St.. cos Firra
- . . , AMD WAsmNOTOM SIS .
0OOn e-BOOkf house, hall, closeta; all
. In nlo order; at Peninsula; , very
cheap at $1,000. . .
S-aVOOM new, .modern, up-to-date cot
' tag a, all flrat class, large rooms, con-
- 'orete wslks; lot 40x20 feet, in Hoi
.laday park; a ale horn and cheap at
' 11.600.
S-BOOM house, all la fin order, lftfrx
100 ground, choice location on car
- liner house cost alone to build K.ZvO;
aell now 1 3.1 00.
S-moOat,hnuaa-on Mill street, near Sixth
-treet. west sldet I4J6. -
S-atOOht new, modern home In North
Portland; will trade for a farm.'
S-MOOaf new, modern horn In Highland
Aoamon;, win traae iot iana.
S-BOOaf new. modern housa. brick baa-
ment, ' porcelain bath, fcaa, cement
. waias; iot fzxao rest; on west aide;
I3,0. , , - .......
e0 ACTAXS, U miles from Portland;
only tl& per acre.
ISO AOmim.-all Bret- olaa land: all
fenced: fine large house and barn;
abundance of frulta and berries; 9
acres cultivated; running water; 14
' miles southeast from Portland; good
reads. Price, Including Implement.
and crop, $10,600. ..v' ... .
10 ACmBS Nice land, near Woodstock
. will trad Into a bom tn Portland and
pay nome-casn. .
SS AOBBS. all aood aoll: Ix acraa eultl
. vated; 40 acres pasture; 1$ acres in
' woods; good 7 -room house; good barn.
xau reet; auiidinga nearly new:
good orchard; running and springs ol
water; 1 mile to school, near LCen.
ter, Waah.; mile to boat landing; a
cnaap rarm (a.tuv
40 Aomas, good land.' part Improved;
good - bouse, bam 10x49 feet. . with
abed, other outbuilding: all In good
condition; running stream of water;
1.000 cords of wood, besides some ce
dar; on mil to sicappoo railroad
station and boat- landing, 1 mile
from Portland. Price only $1.(0.
SO-AOBB PAJtxC, new houae, barn, etc.;
a.ovu com a oi wooa on term; i mtiea
from Portland, convenient to both
river ana rail tranaportatlon ll.iOO.
avoatars, all improved; 1 acre straw-
oerries, nw I - room hou; nea
Lenta ear Una Cheao at 11.1&.
in Arratmn aim m '
new house, 4 chicken yards; good well
t nous and running; stream ; sta
tion on car una on tn land ii.ioi.i
S ACHae On car lln; all cultivated:
will divide and aell on easv term a.
S ACTSBS On car line; all cultivated:
iiw appia orcnira ana otner rrults;
house and barn: sell on eaav tarma.
40 AOaVjrn Part culUvsted; 4 room
house, barn,, outbuilding, orchard.
running water; convenient to Colum
bia river; a cheap nlaca. 1771.
ISS ACxtUhlair firnt-c lass soll.-inv-apyyi
n man nuui or cultivation, 21 acre
timber; fine l-room houae, nice con-
aniun; large irame Darn, with alio,
smokehouse pslnted, fruit drier, wood
shed, workshop. 4 acres choice fruits;
one third mile to creamery, store,
achool and church; 1 mile to Van
couver, In Clark county, Washington;
one of th beat farms In tha state.
law avvavsia, au acrea fenced, j acre
cultivates, i acres seeaea to pastur.
nice stream of. water, front on main
road, tb mil to school, 17 miles from
Portland, near Tualatin river; bar
gain, tl.tOO.
S AOBBI, nicety Improved; cholc tree
v iruue. Tineynra, atrawoerriee, rasp
berries, blackberries; nice hou, well
finished; bam; st Oak Orov. on Ore
gon City car iln; 400.
S17 Ahlagtoa hldg. Fortlaad, Or.
Farm, Big Snap
SO AOBBS, all good land, all well fenced
ana crone-rencea ; lay well; 43 acre
cultivated; 4 acres orchard; new 4
roora house, frame bam, 14x50 feet,"
with sheds, all rustic siding, dreesed,
shingle roof; spring and -erunning
stream of water: IS acres sowed to
oats: a acres In I've; 4 acre in vetch;
1 ax-r In potatoes; J cows, 1 wagon,
all farm- Implements; telephone in
house; 4 mil to school, t months in
the year; XH miles from county seat
town In Willamette valley, on good
road; all goes now . 7- , ,
SIT AMswrtoa Bldf., FortJaad, Or.
'. . (Joarnal Bneeial Service.)'
I x Angeles, -March 2 Perfected
plans for a toll-delivery to release tb
prisoner on th ccoml - floor of the
county tall ha been discovered. Mrs. C.
K. Schmidt, wlfa ef a wealthy ljong
Beach contractor, who is tinder sentence
for seven years for burglary, smuggled
files, saws and money. Into th jail for
her husband and other prisoner In th
plat. . Thl morning tb woman appealed
for an ex tension of 10 days 'stay for
her husband, th tim for hi removal
to tha penitentiary having arrived, Th
request waa" granted, but aoon after,
ward the plot waa dts-overed and be
will now be erit at ece.
V a ",
25 c
-aj .f-t- -r-,-nasmnnnnnnsjBwax '.- ,'. r " ; J
Special 3 dayi Only OC
,.' .'. . . . . . i-' t 1 .
there are a ' art take Is th nredlcttoaa
mad by tb rat aad wadartal paychl.
Taa amy arfab to fcaaw if It I aavtaabl to
wake a cfcaaga la kaaiaaaa, ta tore, ta sme
rlasa .'...
, "Shalt J aaored la m saw sadrrteklsB T .
bjtton1' ebtala ny hopev ar wlabaa. my
"Bnatl I aver n)oy the birsria ef weslthf"
Ta I truat my frtoadsr
' !!!! ' nmlar' '.. .i ".
"Whoa aba II I marry r ' ,
.. inw eftea sbaU I a-rrvr .. ..
- 'Shall I ot b tooreedr' --. . ....
"Doe otber aaer the lev tha rarhtfatlf
helnnea to mr .... ..-',
"Am ll tooad I totarar4 . ..
- there rival Is my tor?" " .
"WW, (ball sy tor affair torVtoal I
"Wboa hn mv aomeaHa tmnnto "'
"Row n I make my life and btu hjsaf F
. -"Wae aball my abeeat trtond returar ...
. "Why a I not recetv tottorr. ,
. RopEg10 to t DAILT tun gOWDlT. ri
291 Korrison St, Corner ath
Floos ef Bosbem Baanml Fanora.
- ?1700
Hawthorne av., near K. t4th t., new
cottage, 6 rooms, flrst-clsns plumbing
and everything ub to date; Only 0
cash, balane on time. . 8, 111.)
"- f 3000
Sunnyside, N. K. cor. R. Main and K.
Ilth at, Urge lot SSxlOO feet and new
hou a t room, bath, full basement,
atreeta Improved, doe to ear lines. (rJ.
111.) - ' ' ' '"" -.
"'! 92200 . , 1
Two fine lots In the best ' part of El
Portland, cloe to B. Morrison st, cur
fin and within easy, walking distance
of tha business canter, la f, ito.i
- i 91000 L
TwoTull lot. 100x100 feet each, tt.
oor. E. Pin and K. 10th ata
$1000 -
Tw. ana htilldlna- lota 10010 fet. N.
K. cor. K. Pin and K. 10th sts. (K. P.
141.). ' ... . ,
. .?.r " 83300 -
S. R. eor Tarsart and K sth sts.. lot
MxlO fset, and nrut-rlaa modern rest
dence, bath, full basement, brick foun
dation, electrie lights, sneaking tube,
good barnta--i-
Pin lot on T-arrabe at. 48x10 feet.
minmn' waua, iiviii --'.. o
splendid view of river and harbor. tU.
1IM-'; KBoo
Wllllama ava. near Hancock at, EOxlOt
feet and cottage rooms, barn. Thin is
a very pretty place and dmslrabl home.
Irhnvler at., bet. 11th and Hat ata. lx
100 feet and handsome houae rooms.
grate, basement, furnace, ate in. ii.j
Morria atThear TTftlOn V.71arg lot
10x125 feet, houae room a, furnace, full
baaement; term a on third cash, Balane
on tim. (A. i i
William ava and Alberta at., 64x100
feet, and new cottage ( roome, bath.
pantry, gas and aewer. (;
S2100 ' "
Union av sear Palling St., 10x10 feet
and hou 7 rooms, oain, sic ia. tn.)
- $1600
Union avs- near Beech at- 10x100 feet
and cottage rooma, gas. ia. aia.i
All the above mentioned propertl
ra good value tot tbe price riven. We
can arrange for aaay term a on most of
The Title Guarantee
& Trust Co
S aad T Chambe1 of Ovaasaaro. '
Houses, Furn i ture,
lO-BOOSt house on Cherry st. near Wlli-
isms ave. All modern, bviii) root lot,
plenty fine fruit. A nice horn. ,
BOOK eotUge, lot 100x111 feet, small
barn, fin fruit, jtear Hawthorn car.
A lovely home, on easy term 11 loo.
BOOM cottage, mew. modem, full lot
Very easy term till.
B-BOOat cottage, on Ninth, near Powell
st Easy terms 1700. ,-S-BOOXC
house, full lot, near ear; boa
is new; a genuine, snap, un easy
S-BOOIK flat, all new. hardwood-furni
ture, stationary wasn tuna; rent 939
per month. Near Waahlngton at
a-BOOM flat on Fourth st, new furni
ture nearly all oag, nouse modern;
rent. 14: psrtles leaving city, must
sell. Prlc 1760. . . , .
10 AOBBS, nice t-rorrm hou a a, good barn.
fruit and berries or all Rinds; a beau
tiful country home; near car. Fine
community, less than 7 miles' from
Portlsnd 11450. 1 .
AOBBS, small house. ' near car no
gravel; miiea jrom city
1, AoaxtAoa, cttt nomrr.
Charleson& Smith
SIS Allaky Bldg , OM, S4 and Merrtooa.
I ' have a l-room ' modern Colonial
bouse, with full baaement and large
attic: dumbed for'saa and wired for
electricity; It has cement walk in front
and on- akle. Is convenient to two car
line In Upper Aiblaa and within )
minutes' walk of th steel bridge: is
In a very sightly situation arnd very de
sirable for a home. It is worth ti.lO,
but It must ba sold and no reaeonahle
Offer will 4e refused, and term will
b mad t ault Looh this up at one.
e. - ' .
7 r3.
maty: ;
BBAsnroa ia taa aas aa other slalr
voyaata eharga, aad h Is eaaiere tb
meat Nllabla elalrvayaat la Vortlaaa. '
rr costs tov sro mobjs.
Before yo hv a ehaae ts site ana word
ke win tell yo wkal you call for, your fall .
nam, your mother' maldea aame, your f
tur Wife or baiband'a, same, five date, .
facta, aad aame of departed Or abarot
fr loose. Ha tell . every wlah af your lite,
how la gal auervee In lor, eaurtobip. aaar- .
nag and dlwreel whether you'll be were a.
fill .-I boslnea affaire. In faCT, po matter
what amy be your feart hope or ambltWm.
call thla gifted maa and Bad relief. Ill .
description of your frieada and eaemtos ar
aa real a though tbey atood before you. M
will aend you away bipler, wler sad bolder
tha ever before, . .".'".' "..
., TrXIJI YOU WHEN AXT) .'".' 1
ttO VOU WIHH TO kNOW , . .
Row you caa have good rek T I '
.' Row yoa eaa urmd to buslneaaT . . '
How you eaa amka your bam nappy?'. -How
you eaa cooynrr year nemlea
Row you can marry tbe on yea eh aaee 7
' How (one you can Surry 1 .
How you eaa eonqner your itvall
How aoos your lover wilt pi npuaet "
How you eaa get poattton? ''
- How yo ea remove bad laSueueaeT . ' t
How you eaa become a 'clairvoyant! . , v
-' How reu ran nettle Mar nnaerelat '
.L Rw yon caa bold your bnabaad' tor 1
How yo can hold lour wlfa a lovT
. .1. i.
la will give yo .luck that win auee la
tore, marriage, divorce, eperalarion, bual
seaa. health and tranaacttona af all klaoa:
' reater loot affaettoo. canaa apeedy aad
happy marrlagea. reunlt the - ertedt I
will tell you hew to gala tb lev t the
one yo deetre, even tboagh ml lee sway.
I will tell yoa when you will awrry.
Clairvoyant and medlaaw with marked BM
dlumitio power drvatoped. , '
Prof. Van Cortland
3 1 3K Washington Street
Private Katraaae ea Surth at. " 1 .
Keara te . dally aad Buadav.
Dr. W. Norton Davli.-,
We treat oersaafally H pHvatv. awvia kud
f hi a la a ' -- - - .w fci, a .. . . . fc
heart,ltver, kldar an t kraal tronbla. W
er BTPHIIXI (wlthoet maroarT) t atay
fared forever, la K to SO daya We reumv
STBICTUBB, without eperatto ar pala. It II
Wa .! IiiIm m mmI .f aienflO.
immedlatafy. w ra reetor the sasual vmot
ef ey maa nto M by miaai ef toast
" yacsiiar
We Core Qonorrboea to a Weci
Th ssetaea ' at thla laatluta ara all reealn
tradoatea. bav had aay yean' suoia.
hav beaa knowa to PwHIand far IB years,
aaea a lepatottos to malatal aad will e-
' so aaee astoa aartala aura eaa a ec
Wa raarantaa aa eaura la averv eaae w asdee.
take ar ebars ao fee. Ceaalutatloa free. I-t-
er eeaseeatlal. iMwwrtlr BOOK f us ail
If yau eaaaot aall at ffree, writ tor 1
tto keek. , Bess treatmau u Beam fat
Oflto hear ta aad T to S. . Iaa4ar aad
aouoay. i u.
Th laadlaf spetnts la th Narthwaa.
Xatabilabad las. ,
Taa Hay Batal. Oar. Third an Ma Ita,
roBTLaiD. oaaaoa.
Bon't Fail to Investy:::
rand, nalatlal nine-room rest-
den, close In, west side.
A magnificent home, close in on
west side, seven rooms, strictly
modern, full lot beautiful lawn.
SSaOO Five full lots, modern eight-room
cottage, targe oroaa porencs.
beautiful garden, alyilce fruit.
Wabaah street, three blocks elec
tric care. . .
(IS 00 To loan on good city realdence
real estate. ' - '
f SO Very stylish four-room cottage.
iuii 101. rnoice irmi ana snrun
bery. Atlantic street, on bloctc
electric car. .
f S00 lT-acre place, rich aoll. ona mil
. Beaverton.
$ TBO Very excellent corner lot. 10x115
an eeiiwooa street, v pper AiDina.
1 14H First Street. . .
so ACRES, all clcartd and ftnctd, on
Powell Valley road, svn mils
from Courthouse. Part cash, bal
ane en timt.
Tel. Main 180. ' 70 f Chamber of Ck
The beat wV t d It
to KVK1.YN. 0 -and
lot, ready i
rates and lean.
lfj: '