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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1905)
J t::: czzz:i daily jour.riAL. rcmxAUD. wediizcday evening, march 3. . iscj. ;. 11 G:nrL3 Bought on Credit Thursday, or Friday will be Charged on April Accoli- i;6 Different Store ,5f y .WQshlntcii Sts. ARE MADS OF SELECTED wools, aire carefully spun, and have an even, lofty threadthe world's best ART. SHOP t SECOND FLOOR ANNEX PcrUand's Foremost y Store with Largest Stocks i r on Pacific Coast Shop r: c enes IE 'T ' ; 'V!,.,, '.. Sales Start Tomoirow .... !. .'.' .. . , ' . ','... ' t ' ' ' :: J ' :'.'.!'..'.,.. ' ' ...... ,' . . . . .. .... ... ' . . . i " . ............ .. , ,. .. . J . ,. . , ... -. most Store in THE PUBLIC CAME, SAW AND MARVELED. THE GRAND OPENING EXPOSITIONS WERE SO FAR IN ADVANCE OF ALL OTHERS THAT -WE .WERE AWARDED THE VICTOR'S PRIZE WITH ' OUT A DISSENTING .VOICE.; WE HAVE HAVE RETROGRADED THE OLDS, WORTM AN & KING ORGANIZA TION HAS PRESSED STEADILY FORWARD-AND WILL EACH DAY EACHTwEEKEACH" MONTH AND YEAR. "TO.HXVE AND TO HOLD" IS OUR MOTTO. WE HOLD BY PERSEVERING IN' PROGRESS.' THE LAUREL WREATH OF VICTORY. SITS EASY ON OUR BROW TO GLOAT OR BOAST OVER SUCH A VICTORY AS OURS WOULD ILL BEFIT A HOUSE OF THIS CHARACTER. V j . v 4i Y', WE DESIST.- HAVING PROVEN OUR POSITION AS FOREMOST IN THE, STYLE WORLD. WEjOPEN TOMORROW A SERIES OF F'r ' ;-' :-: y Special Easter JSales that will fix this store just as firmly in the people's minds as foremost in value giving as it is already fixed as the absolute fashion center of the Western states ; The Easter Sales Bring Exceptional Values to (he f1;W6meh'sv;fe and Children's; JCiiit Firat Floor. THURSDAY. ' FRIDAY, " SATUR DAY,' WE OFFER THESE RARE r' -yyy y bargains :.':;:" ' . ' ,Womett'8Finc-Swis-RibWhite-' Lisle Vests, . low neck, , sleeveless ;.': silk tape and crochet, trimming; " - big 35c value. Special, each ... . 22e Women's High Grade ' Black Dsle Hose, black . lace boot with, , fancy openwork top, fine black all-lace lisle. Black Lisle, with jdaintily embroidered boots, a traly 'aristocratic- line,, all , first class imported goods; $L0O and $L25 are our regular prices.' v ' Special for 3 days at, pair; . .'. .6 Women's Black All-Lace . Lisle Hose, fiaished foot, double sole; 33c v." i"; values, for, pair. . , .". , . .' ..... . ;10 . Something Extra Good for , V . ' ,. :'-; , the Children ' ?': '''; Children's High Grade Black O. K; Im- ported Hose, fine ribbed, double knee, , heel and toe ; have sizes 6, 7, ?y2, 8, --: 8yi only ; regularprices 49c, 53cy 57c, elcT 65c. r bale-Fricer all sizes, pair. .29 Boys' . Summer Weight r Balbriggan Shirts and Urawers, siees to 34;. : our famous 25c quality." Spe- " cial,; each i'."'.'.'. ....... .". . . . . The Easter Sale Brings ADuring J v' : . ! Attractions in the '.V'-v-?! 5 Wardrobe ; Salons V ART SHOP AND BABY-TO-MISS ;, ; ;. y: :" STORE. ;, : y: -'1 West Annex Second Floor. Remarkable values that will make the openings long to be, remembered , as , rea-ieuer aays . ior Dargains oi a high, class .nature by.: buyers of Fine Lingerie, Art Pieces and Infants' Wear.; Ladies' Petticoats,' of fine mercerized ) satin,- graduating accordion flounce; with ruffle, EtOns, navy, light or dark " brown, slate and black ; regular price ' $1.75. ' Special at. . , . . . ... . .. 91.19 Ladies' Fine Nainsook Nightgowns, : low1 round slip-over neck and elbow ' sleeves,', in kimono style, trimmed with fine Val. lac.e edging and ribbon, or gowns of fine cambric, Empire ' style, yoke of "4-inch embroidery in j, sertion between two rows of lyj-inch . J embroidery insertion, , embroidery ' edging , and V-shaped neck and sleeves; regular price $2.00. Special at .. . fV '-. .1.29 Ladies' Fine Cambric , Drawers, deep ; lawn ruffle, with three rows of hem- stitching and fine Val. lace edging of ' sartie material, with two clusters -of -four, fine tucks each and 4VJinch fine embroidery edging; regular ,i price $U5. Special at 89 , . ART SHOP. . . Extra Fine Quality Linen partly em broidered edge or finger-stamped, in a great, wriety-of". styles' of designs, all sizes, in Doilies and Centerpieces. ..1Wweek at. . .. . . ..HALF PRICE Tr ! Jeryv Lessons Given. I . ropui ar A AND Silks Uresis Goods DRASTICALLY REDUCED FOR THE EASTER jSALES Sc.'AMex-t.-Floor.Ui:jl The Wanted Mohairs Included. A Grand 3-Day Banquet of Bargains.' WEDNESDAY, .THURSDAY FRI DAY AND SATURDAY v . SILKS ' AND DRESS GOODS GREATLY REDUCED. . - '19-inch ; Colored faff eta, in plain and , changeaNe colorings, all colors to se lect from? the ,best -wearing and firi- ; . ished taffetas made for drop skirts, v suits and linings ; regular 85c grade. . Special for 4 days only, per 5 ; yard.y;,.....,..:.......i..68 Swell 1905 Novelty Suit Silks all the , "new colors1 and designs- to : choose , from ; regular85c grade. Spe- ' ' cial for 4 day only, peryardr.63 .Swell 1905 Novelty Suit Silks,' all the new, colors ; and : designs to choose ' from; regular $1.00 grade. Spe- . "" cial for 4 days only, per yard. , .76 Swell 1905 Novelty Suit Silks, all the ' v' new colors and designs to choose ..from ; regular $1.25. Special for ; -; t 4 days only, per yard. ... .. . . . ..93 19-inch ' Black Taffeu;' regular 85c grade, . Special. for ,4 days only, , - -per yard .. ...... . .69. 3-irich. Black TaffeU J ? regular $1.25 vt grade, t Special for 4 days only'. per yard ,k,v., .96f X".i COLORED; DRESS GOODS. H ' ' 58-inch English Mohair Brillian tine, all - colors,. with rich silk finish; regular ,1 50c grade. " Special for 4 days only, per yard 41 Regular $1.00 Spring 1905 Suitings, all . new. weaves and colors, unequaled at ' the regular price. "Special for 4 t .days only, per. yard. . ....... i :76 Regular $1.75 ' Spring- 1905 Suitings, ' " new ; checks , and mixtures, . also y . French Prunellas, all colors and combinations.; Special for 4 ' ' ' ' i days only, per yard. ,?1J29 Regular $2.00 Spring 1905 Suitings and Imported English Mohairs; a grand assortment of new down-to-date fab " rics, the fchoice of the world's .best .makers: Special for 4 days ; 1 only, per yard. . . . ; i. , I ... .. .$1.49 New Black English Mohair Brilliantine ' and Sicilians, all fast dyes 'and silk ; finish-- ''. ' ; ":x.r-. i' , 50c Regular, grade -Special only, ; per yard V. '. . . . .. . .. . . .41 75c , Regular grade. Special only, '" ' .' ; per yard , . '. ...... . . . . . .65 85c Regular, grade Special only, .. per yard V. .... . ...... ....... .71 $1.00 Regular'grade.:, Special only, -per yard . ...... . , . ... . I. . $1.23 Regular grade. Special pnly, per yard. .... .... . . .$1.04 $1.50 Regular grade. Special ' 1 " ' only, per yard .7. . . . .$14 $1.75 Regular grade.' Special , 'only,1 per yard. ............ .f 1.47 $2.00. Regular gradev .Special . ' only, per yard. ....... .$1.67 ,$2.50 Regular grade. Special ' only, per yard ......$2.17 v The above are the best makes and values shown, and are all bought by us direct from the makers in Bradford, England. V . , iV V . '";'' . RESULT OF L C SCHOOL VOTE AT 10 A..M. Arthur Taylor. K. A. BHOOREN. . . . . . . . . . ,, .................. .10.4M Reginald Carter. BKLLBOT "THR TIORTON-, , , . ................ 5.374 Ma Huirhea, KNIGHT 8HOR COM PANT . . . .................. 7I.1K1 Our Da Pna. PORTLAND DKUVKRT COMPANY .......... . . .. , . I7.05 Charl Adlar, WOODARD. CLARKH CO. . . . . ,.. ...... S1.8T Arthur Undbors. UNDBORO OROCERT ..... ... '' y ' ' V .1 '. i -J- 1 : : J a .. J';."...'.'. ? i Total ......'...............,....,.. . m ............. C ; Scattering..,,. .......... .4 t.I3S ' i i.fJavi: j v V- rtv.-V )':-,., . i ;.'''' , f - ... . Orand total ......................... ..... ................. .5.J& ;y GRAND EASTER SALE OF y Silverware and Gold-Plated Clocks Forma a wonderfully attractive, Yeatura of tha Grand Openings. THIRD FLOOR STORES. Teaspoons, exfra At plate; special sale prloe, set of six. SO Dessert Spoons, extra A- plate; special sals price, aat of six. .....11.65 Table Spoons, extra Al plate; special sal price, set of six. ........ .... .. Table Porka. extra Al plate; special sal prlce,.et ...SI. SO Table Knives,. 11 dwt. warranted r special -smi price, the doaen ........ .i. 3.1ft ! 1847 ROGERS BROS.' SILVERWARS 1.10 1.40 2.0S 2.TO 3.60 5.20 Col Meat Forks. French army finish, fancy pattern, our 7 ralue; special at each .......v........... .6Sd Cream Ladle, French cray finish, fancy pattern, our TOo value; special at. each s .60 Oravr Ladles, French frar finish, fancy pattern, our too 'value; special at, . . - each ., ..774 Berry Spoons fancy patterns, our II. tl value; special at, eaeh -98 Coffeo Booona. fancv natterns. onr 11.71 balue: soeclal at. the dosen. . .S2.SS Bouillon Spoons, fancy patterns, our IJ.Oe value; specie! at. the dosen...... S4.2S Chase Scoop, fancy. patterns, our value; special at. escn .......Bji.iSO Butter Knives, fahcy patterns, our t(e value; special at each.. ...... 45 Sfcgart Shells, fancy patterns, our itc. value; special at, each. .......... .....35 , ., f. "'; ' : qdadr'tjpijs rtsATa warbs ouaraatoed. ;. y" .' ';r,.'w' ' Bread or Blseutt Trays, our ttli value; special at. each ...-S2.50 Cake BaskeU. French xray finish, our $0 value; special at, each........ S2. 55 Cake BaaMta, satin finish, our f X.00 value: special at, each....,., Sl.TO Fern Dishes and llnlris;. French gray finish, our M.00 value; apeclal at, ach.$5.10 Dessert Sugar-and; Creams,. French gray finish,' our $4.85 value; special at, pair .24.12 Covered. Butter Dishes, French ray finish, our IS.7S value; special at. each.S3.20 Syrup and Plate; French gray finish, our $. value; special at. pair.. ... .$2.97 Napkin Rlngs French gray fftilah.' our T value; special st, ach... ....... 56 Our tSo-'value; special at,, each. . . . . . J.'. ..; 28 Ash Trays, satin finish, our tto value;, speclsl at. each. .-..'. TO Salt and Peppers. French gray finish, our II. value; special at. pair. .. .21.15 Salt and Peppera, burnished,-our value; speelaf at. the pair... ..894 Nut Sts, Tint picks and nutcracker.' our ISo valoespeeial at. setTrrvvrr.25 Bon-Bon, handled, gold lined, our 11.11 value; special at, each. .......... .21.40 Toothpick Holders, our 7se value; special at, each..,...;.........., 6 Our lo value;. special at, each .....i.... ........ 774 Nut Crackers, our llo value; special at, each.............:.,.. ....10 GOLD-PLATED CLOCKS AT ' SPECIAL OPENING PRICES FANCT OOLD- :.,-.'.'- ' PLATED CLOCKS.- , , .-.i -:"? ' Oar ll.K value; special at, each. s. .; ...2 Our 11.71 value; special at. each..............-.. 2 Our IMs value; special at, each; J 8 Our 11.11 value; apeclal at, each 8 Our I4.M value; special at. each.. ....8 On value: Bneclal at. each. ............8 Our 111.0s value; special at, eaeh....: ......$12.80 French. Oold-Plated Clocks with candelabra or I pieces, our xu value; special at. each i..'... .............. ...i,. ..$8.80 Fancy Odd-Plated Clocks with . pieces eandelabra. our 111 value; special . at. each ...$15.20 Baby to Miss Stores Our stock of infants and children's wear wss sever, so complete ss now. They all hare a style of their own; nothing old, but all new and down-to-date; they have tha standard for style, fit, material and make for years. This year they are mors charming than ever and oonatdering the cost of the garment we should clothe .every child In Portland.-.. .( . . -.. , 'Infants' White Slips and Christening Robs from. ............ .25a to $15.00 Infants' White Skirts, from ,'.iw.. Z5 " I4.6U Infants' Flannel Skirts, from.'. v.:.. ...25d e $3.75 Infanta' Pinning Blankets, from 25t o $3.00 Infanta' Knit or Cloth Sacques, from 35 s $3.60 Lnfants' Knit Bootees, from...... rv....J. .....; .'. 74 $2.00 Infants Ing Coats, from t ............ d .....81.25 o 835.00 Infanta' Short CoaU, from $1.75 e $40.00 Infants' Circular Capes, from .....$2.75 o $10.00 Infants' Velfs, from 30 65r Infants' Bonnets, from .......... f ..'........ ..... ...2$ to $15.00 Infanta' Bibs, from 5 to 65 Infants' Shirts, from . .........25 to $2.00 Infants' Wool Bands, from ... .30t to 75 Infants' Dispers, from 25f 75 Infants Shawls, from ......................... .v 65 to $5.00 Infanta' Trimmed Baskets and Hampers, from...... ,.$4.00 to 825.00 Infanta ITntiimmed Baskets. and Hampers, . from1.'. 50 ts $10.00 Infants - Scales j $7.50 Infants' Shoes - and .Moccasins. ;. from.... .......25 to 65 We are also showing a large assortment of Infants' .French hand-made gar menta: r. . . , ; . ' : ' ' . .'-.'!"...' '" InfanU' French hand-made Sllpn. .1 .$2.50 to $20.00 Infants French hand-made Skirts .82. OO to 87.50 Infants' French hand-mad Bibs .i .$1.25 to 83.50 InfanU' French hand-made Bonnets .$2. SO o $5.00 Infants' French hand-road Pillow Slips, from. ............. J . $4.00 to $7.50 -itiJI -J'.rixr'iri. CONFrSMATION pRESSES.yy. 7 . ' - ' . , The most charming creations we have over shown, or wo think," you hare ever seen. They smbraoa everything from th extreme simple to the exquisitely elab orate. 1 We are also showing a full Una of the two-plecs young ladles' dresses; a style especially for misses from 14 to II years. , ' . '-. Regular) 11.71 'Circular Capes, at. ...... . Regular 11.11 Circular Capes. .at.i ,.. v Regular 11.71 Circular Capes, , at . ......... . Regular' 14.0 Circular Capes.-at. Regular 14.10 Circular vCapea, at. ..s.. Regular tt.Ct Circular Capes, at. ......... Regular is.xs circular tapes, at... Regular 17. Circular Capes, at,,. ... ........ ., , Regular Regular Circular Capes, 'at....,..."......,,......, Circular Cspes, at. .... , . . . . .............. . . ........... . .Circular. Cspes, at. . . . . ,r It, eoe ssestoew 1.9T 2.39 2.78 2.99 3.38 4.08 i 4.4)9 5.23 5.97 6.99 WeEasterSale y:,;:y;-u, in .:the Small Wares Aisles -'; , . First Floor. .. ;y ,.! - Needed by . everybody every day. These little trade magnets are forceful business brlngers. Scan the list..r No doubt there's a saving here for you. TOILET SUNDRIES. - Crystaline, Camphor, a sure preventive of moths and insects, large size box; our 10c value.' Special sale price, . the box . . . . , . . .-. . ..... . .5f) r . : 25c' TOILET SOAP 10c 'v " Witch' Hazel ToiletrSoap, 3 eakes in- box; our 25c value.' Special sale - ' ; ' price, the- box..........-......104 ' 25c CASTILE SOAP 15c y ; Large size bars of White Castile Soap,' 2 pounds in bar; our 25c value. Special sale price, the bar . . . . . .15 85c NAIL BRUSHES 25c'.. , French Nail' Brushes, extra quality, . with white bone handles ; our 35c value Special sale price, each. .25 i 35c CLOTH BRUSHES 21c. Cloth "Brushes,. assorted styles, large i size ; our 35c value. Special sale . price, each .......... . . .. ... . .21 $L25 HAND MIRRORS 79c. T White. Celluloid Hand 'Mirrors, extra ; . heavy, bevel glass, good size ; our ' $1.25 valtie.; Special at, each'. .79d Safet jTPins," Tieavy quality," iarge7me-" dium and small sizes,, one dozen on card, nickel plated or , blacks Spe-v cial sale price, the card . .-. . . . .. . .3 Kid Hair Curlers, best .quality, 4 inches long, one dozen in package; our, 8c '. value. 'Special fjale price,the" - package' 5d 15c PIN BOOKS 9c Pin Books, containing Hi toilet pins, in assorted sizes, jet, - white or . as--: sorted heads; our 15c value, Spe-. cial sale price, the book. ........ .9f Wire Coat Hangers, with breast front.' , Special 'sale price, each ..... .'. . . 5a 10c GARMENT FASTENERS 6c . Ball ' and Socket ; Garment Fasteners, 1 black or ; white, two 'dorzen 'on card ; " our 10c value. Special sale price, the card 6d 30c DRESS SHIELDS 19c. ; , Hygienic Odorless ;. White ' Dress " .Shields, size No. 3 ; our 30c value.' . Special sale price, the pair.-....19f Stationery ; 25c WRITING PAPER 12c Extra quality" fine Box Writing Paper, ' in pink," blue, cream, etc., 24 sheets of paper and; 24 envelopes in box; - values to 25c Special safe price, the box I... 12 15c PAPER NAPKINS 10c. 1 White Crepe Paper Napkins, best qual ity; our 15c value.1 Special sale , . price, the hundred. ..... . s. ...,10f LTAGE'S GLUE 11c . Lepage's Fish Glue, in cans ; our 15c ,J- value. .Special sale price, the ; ..lie? can i t , . r t . . . r - , , . BLACK INK 5c David a 4-onnce desk size bottle Magic ' Black Writing Ink. Special sale ' price, the bottle. ......... j. ... .5 , ; HAND BAGS 9Sc. Ladies' Hand Bagv in assorted "leath-' ers. in black, bro- -- ' f.ttcd : Inside. Special f each " ) FASTER SALE BARGAINS IN THR Shop West Annex First Floor. . . MEN'S $1.50 SHIRTS $1.09. y K A line of Men's Woven Madras Shirts,., , , in dark gray, blue and tan, with white V stripes,- cuffs attached; our regular . $1.50 value. Special, each . . , 91.CO MEN'S $1X10 UNDERWEAR 79c - A line of l.( en's Spring-Weight Camels hair Underwear, nicely trimmed and finished, one of our best. and most 7 1 stable garments ; regular" value $1.00. Special, each... .79f MEN'S 35c SUSPENDERS 19c IensuspendeTsrwith" 1eatJierendrr our best 35c values. Special, : """ ; j ' pair .. ... . ; . . .. . ...19t ' V 'yMEN'S 25c SOX 17c A line of Men's New Spring Sox, fash ' ioned and seamless, in gray and dark , red, with fancy stripes; regular f value 25c. Special, pair. ....... 17f Easter Sales in : ; Domestic Aisles Emphatic Savings on Bed Millinery A Red-letter Day Bargains Among the '...!. y Sheetings. , -v"v ?j I .. OPENING QUOTATIONS ; ;: :::,:..T, First Floor. : ""';i: . BLEACHED SHEETINGS QUALITY. ' ,' , 42 inches wide. 45 inches .wide. BEST Special at, yard.. lit? Special at, yard., 12 Special at, yard. .13t Special at,-yard. .15, Special at, yard. .17jfr SpeciaJI at, yard. .104 Special at. yard. .23 BROWN SHEETINGS. ' 50 inches wide.1 54 inches wide. 63 inches widefc 72 inches wide. 90 inches wide. 54 inches wide 63 inches wide, 72 inches wide. 81 inches wide. 90 inches wide. Special at, yard.".14ej Special at, yard. .lCjr Special at, yard.. 17 Special at, yard.. lC Special at, yard. .21? , 15c PILLOW CASES 10c 10,000 Pillow Cases, . made . of " heavy ". round thread sheeting; good 15c , Rvalue. Special sale price each: 1 HANDSOME BEDSPREADS ' ' At Irresistible Prices. ", . V $1.00 BEDSPREADS AT 79c HeavyCrochet Bedspreads, good serv iceable quality ; our $1.00 value; Special sale price, each. 7C $1.25 BEDSPREADS 8$c Crochet Bedspreads, of fine quality, for three quarter size beds; our $1.25 value. Special price, each.CC $2.00 BEDSPREADS $1.5. . . Full Size Bedspreads, of "best quality, - Marseilles patterns, fringed; our ; value. Special sale price, -i each ............. v. ....... . tl.C - $$.50 BEDSPREADS UCl Marseilles and Satin Bedspreads, . very handsome patterns, extra t' ' our $3.50 value. S"?r:-1 re price, each ............ . .. cits " Mars' r- . c r ' t