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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1905)
it t::- cnzccn daily jouhiial, pcotLand, Wednesday evening, march ta, uc3. c.riAL cc::::issto;i gut KlEFAQi: FC-l 7A1 s::::iis to contnoi ,-;.a V Persontl Frisnds and Party Lead era Have Cxtn Urging H!nvto Do Co. , t WILL D0U3TLES3 BE V democratic nominee 'Will Poll a 'Heavy Independent Vote at Well at That of His V- j Own Party, f , Dr. " Harry - Lane has" decided to be ' come a candidal for the Democratic "nomination for mayor. .His decision ' was. reached today. - For several weeka past his friends bay been urging- him . to enter the race, but he waa reluctant to do ao.' His consent to run makes It ..certain that he. will be the .Democratic nominee. . lor - aitnougti ueorge n. . Thomas, the only other Democratic can didate, haa many JWarm friends they aenerallr reco-tnlae .the fact that Dr. " ', Lane la the strongest candidate whom I the Democrats could put forward. -' t Dr. Jam haa Caen very muca disuv ! cllned to enter ttf field but hla friends f land many of the leading Democrats of '.: the city nave urged him so strongly to " tdo ao that he finally yielded to their . persuasions.' It la ; the general . bellef that no other man whom the Democrats , could name would Poll ao large a vote. i Dr. . Lane haa a very large circle of , personal friends and will hav the aup '.. --v port of many Republicans as well as . v ; Democrats. ; He ia one of the beat public , .. speakers . In Portland and three years ' ago, when he ran for the stale senate T agalnat Judge McGinn he proved himself . . a remarkable vote-getter. , . - . . . Though pitted agalna a strong oppo nent, and with -a heavy, normal Repub . Hcaa "majority - to overcome, Dr. Lane came within less than iOt votes of aleo- i Una. e - .' i Hla friends have strong hopes that ' Dr. Lane will be elected mayor. He wiu - undoubtedly command the full strength , t of his ewn party snd will also receive a .,: ,.1 heavy Independent vote, for he la known ' as a man of high standards In publlo af- ' fairs. .. .", : ;- . 7 PRINCE OF SLANG WILL tX WORK OUT THE PROBLEM Adolph Mechler. the boy whose classic slang caused Police Judge Hogtie summon interpreters a montn ago. !t proving a Judicial problem. After he had been kept In Jalt'Js days he was taken Into court this morning. . The boy didn't knew , where to go nor, what to , I don't want to . to back to Ban FrancUtco,H-he said. "I just ame from .. there. - I would prefer striking north." " " Judge Hogue ran hla hand through his hair and looked perplexed. He appealed - to Detective Hawlay of the Boya and 1- nlrla -AM asvletv. Thai detective Bald he would "see about It." '- ' ' f ... Two advertisements caTIltiirtor boys I 'to work were finally furnished the lad the legal advisors of the prosecuting attorney, and' he waa directed how to : ' VI nil the Blares. "" ; -- "If you don't get work" come back to' the Jail tonight and yon win oe xur-i ' nlahed with a bed." ssld the court. "I'll eome back all right," muttered v Adolph. "I'll hit a brakabeara and light V out; that's what I'll do. Dese guys Can -' talk all dey wants to about problems . It won't take me no time to work ais ; tlns-ouC" lf, ' ' '. ; T' : "' STOCK COMPANY'S v V SEASON ENDS SUNDAY ' A. K. Ballard, manager of the Colum bia theatre, .this morning met the mem bers of the stock' company, and an nounced that" the regular season of tl ' weeks of the stock, company would come to an end with Sunday night's perform anca of "A Contented Woman. .v. He asked them if the jr would accepts material reduction or salaries 'for a summer season, ' to begin week - after . next Moat of the members agreed, and ' It Is quite probable that the house will reopen then. . v - ' Howard Gould Is In the hospital and ; must remain there for many weeks, and hla place will be filled by Donald Bowles as leading: man. Probably minor changes wilt be made as to the personnel of the company. ' Virtually,.' however, the Columbia-stock company aeason ends-next Sunday .nighty and this announcement will probably serve to stimulate attend ance at the remaining performances of the company as now constituted. , SCHRAM FAMILY WAS v v .' VEFJY NEAR TO DEATH -V'-'.:' ' v''"'- V."'' " Gus Bchram and hla wife and two children. owe their lives to a , railway : switchman, who roused them' from their , . slumbers- at , 1 . o'clock ' this morning, when a Are broke out tn'the otdLWsldler build Hg at -Front and Bavler . streets. '' The family waa' sleeping In the second story when the sMf hman broke down a door, andV - hurrying - up . ..the stairway, ' gave the alarm. -,. Schratn had barely . reached the lower story with his family . .when the roof fell In, sending a dense ' shower of sparks high In the air. . Nothing! waa saved- from the building . h-not even the wearing . apparel of the - Inmates. .New furniture had lately beeu ' Installed. Sahram lost about $300 by ' the fire.. The building burned 'waa ths remnant tOf the Weldler mill and turn : ber yards, destroyed by fire -about two i years- ago.- Binoe then the building had been used only as a dwelling-house. The flames are supposed to have orlg f' Inated through defective flue, as the -blase started in ths roof..', Ths loss wUl approximate HOP. . ... -. -. ' ; ' - Sxmpcrnia esjoyt tl9 C Unction cf tbs vrtztr C3t carctive end trevcnUvc tsscbw tha wcrli bsi ever knervm. It b en cH-rcund rzzCdtzi, rroducias to nn czzZzl tZzcU by poiiy bff, v!t'.--3 end cnricLina ttk t!scd C7i wt!ch tfci Izdth cid ttrcrth cf every crnVe tcr.3 end d tend, cAccziU no csistl- (Continued from Page On) . publication. 'He realises that the Ques tion of legality of hla appointment Is moat serious In the light of a precedent, and that If (t should M decided by the attorney general that the president can not appoint special commlaaionera under the Bpooner Dili a serious handicap will J be placed upon the president In carrying forward any special Inquiries relating to the public service, and particularly In relation to affairs in the Panama canal sons.' -... .-. ,. "No, there la nothing In connection with the Panama developmenta on which I would care to aay anything," aaid Mr. Brlatow. Mr. Brlstow read the dis patches here published announcing the charges Carefully twice, and continued: . "It is a good thing for the government that all of the railway stock has been purchased, but the government held about 9t, per cent of it previously, ao that the sale reported will toot have material beating on the . situation. . rwhlle - at ' Panama and . during my trip on the coast my duties have been strictly In regard to the railway line and the" steamships, what their bearing will be upon commerce; and what serv ice the railroad will have to perform for the government In constructing the canal. I have not been Investigating any. of the work of the canal com mis alon. -These duties 'have- been specific, and It la upon these questions that I will report to the president-.. ' "I . have met-Jaiv-Bhonls, but It -was some time ago at a dinner In Washing' ton. and I do not know him very well.' Furtherthan-this the special repre sentative of the' president did not care to talk on the commission change, nor what might have precipitated the de mand- for - resignation f the chairman and entire board. The new develop ments will not affect his work, which wlU continue until . coast commercial Interests, as , affected by- the new a ov ernmeot transportation line,, have been fully determined. . - General Brlstow finished his- work here today, and leavea for Seattle' to morrow morning. . Ha . haa Been , mucn ratified by the assistance he - received from the business men of Portland. He said:'' .-'- . '"''.''.. -i - - . "The gentlemen of the chamber ' of commerce and others have taken noia of the matter ' under Inquiry, and are f umiahlng the- Information I came bore to secure, They. will collect sll needed facta Immediately and forward them to me-at -Washington." ; General Bi latow found the naviga tion committee of tha chamber of- com merce opposed to any participation by tha arovernment in the operation or a commercial steamship line, and strongly In favor of keeping the Panama railroad lu oDeratlon under government owner- shipt permitting a free field and no fa vors for all steamship lines ana snip- rjers on both, sides of the Isthmus. - 1 1 ml H.l4 tenvthv session with -the committee yesterday afternoon, and this morning talked with other business men snd shippers. ' He desires to learn wnat advantaajea there would be to the gen eral publlo In the operation of ,the- Pan ama canal under government ownership, and what the probabilities are for other tasmshln lines to. enter the tradVand handle the business now taaen care or ny the Paclfio Mall Bteamamp company, should that company's contract be can- rlrt by the government.- ' . SAYS MINING STOCK : HAS LITTLE VALUE C. C. Laughlin Suet M. A. Butler Senator Mitchell's Ex-Part-ner, for Damages.' ' Fraudulent . representation of . tha value of mining stocks Is alleged In a suit entered today in the circuit court for fS.vOO damages by C C Laughlin against ' M. A. BuUer, an attorney. Laughlin claims that' Butler told him that the Weatherby-Bonansa Consoli dated Gold Mlnln'g -company owned the Weatherby .group of mines snd the Bonanza, Badger, Mammoth and Mam moth Elephant mines In Baker county, which were, worth 1500.000, and that that sum had been paid in by holders of stock. He says that Butler repre sented to him that the properties would be made to pay Immense profits in a few months by . the . expenditure : of a small aum of money in Installing plants and opening, for operation .the . rich ore shoots that itad been louno.. ana . inai 100,000 shares of stock at II. each had been turned over to the treasury y the stockholders for sale to the- public, and that these shares were worth 'much more than the price at which they could be bought. , " . It la claimed then, that Laughlin bought 1,000 shares at to cents a share and later bought T6.000 shares which Butler aHeged were owned by C B. Wade, ifn Insolvent debtor of Pendle ton, which could be disposed of for 11.000, on the authority of Wade'a re ceiver, and . Laughlin paid for those shares 11,8001 1.600 cash and giving a note for the balance. The complaint states tnat represen tations of Butler were fraudulent, and that the properties of which he spoke so hlshlr ss carrying- Immense bodies of rich ore were really valueless, snd that the money he paid for the stock waa taken from him in tne Knowledge that he waa buying something that was worth nothing. ' ; ':, LAUTH CASE ARGUED Vtt BEF0RE SUPREME COURT . i . ' . :' ' . ' (Special Diapatrk U The Josrnel.V Balem. Or., March St. The case of George Lauth, who stands convicted In the lower . court of murdering Mrs. Loretta Jones, aft Oregon City In Sep tember',' 1J04, was argued before the supreme sourf today. Lauth was sen tenced to be hung January tl but a bill Of exceptions was filed and a stay of execution granted. ' " The arounda of appeal are that tne trial court erred In stating In the pres ence of the jury that freniy caused by jealousy waa no defense upon a pie of Insanity and that an error , was com mitted by : permitting ' John , Page to serve ss a juror, because hs waa dis qualified to act aa such.. - - ; DAXOIBOITSXT XsUXTBstD. C.'B. Bamsby, foreman at tha Acme mills, was seriously injured yesterday afternoon by a stick of timber, which, catching la a machinery belt, threw him to - the ground with- such force as to fracture hla skull. He was taken to Oood Samaritan hospital. Hla condition this afternoon shows no improvement. Bamsby la an unmarried man-and lived with his two sisters at 101! Mllwaukls street.: . .. : , . . '-I' - t IOWAU OOVU X-M-TBOTZsTa. Howard Oould, who underwent a seri ous operation at the North Pacific sani tarium, Monday. Is resting easy todsy and there seem to be no bad tfiects. Re covery Is almost assured, . Russian Government in Favor of Ending Fighting-, But Mobil-' ; izing New Troops. NO CHANCE OF POSITION v OF ARMIES AT THE FRONT Reforms Promised Pqland-7-Un ' willing Soldiers' Shot Down V Terms Asked by Czar. (Jomsl Ineetal Berviea.1 ' St' Petersburg. March ZV.-A promi nent diplomat said today: "The. govern ment la now for peace, hut Will continue to prepare for war." x - . A commission under the presidency of the Grand Duke Nicholas Nlcholalevlteh la carefully reviewing the altuatlon with reference to the prosecution of the war. and ei pacta to jrnake a complete report to the emperor within. 10 days. . There is the best authority for. the statement that three army corps, one consisting of grenadiers, will be mobil ized. - ' . -' 1 - ! ... it is reported authoritatively that Russia haa indirectly made known to Japan negative conditions upon .which peace' may be concluded, namely; no ces sion -of territory, and no Indemnity, leaving Japan to -determine whether ne gotiations can be begun upon that bait I a. It Is understood that no reply from Ja pan has yet reached the Russian gov ernment, Another report has It , that Japan Intimated a demand fon $S00,000,- 000 Indemnity v v, Chief of Staff Karkevitch reports to day that there Is no-change In. the post tlqn of the armies at the front.. Bus- slan sharpshooters' on March it. had a conflict with a. force of , Japanese in fantry and cavalry at' Khouan Chlllne. General Llnevltch inapected the second army and found the troops In excellent oonditlon..- ,. '..- : .- .- The government Is taking a firm stand agalnat (recalcitrant soldiers - who re fused to go .to war. At Platogorak 49 soldiers were tried by court martial Two , ringleaders were . shot, and tl given IS years' penal : servitude - In chains, ' The emperor today issued a rescript addressed to M. Maxlmovltch, governor general of Poland, ordering- him to elab orate a scheme of reforms necessary for the prosperity of Poland,: but lawfully and firmly, to. suppress present disturb ances.- .'..".' - - Vice Admiral Doubassof f, ' who acted as commissioner for Russia in tha Inter national commission over the North s Incident, haa been appointed : aide-de camp general to tha emperor. . - , A dispatch from Durban, NataL states that the steamer Dart arrived today from Rangoon, and reports passing on March It to warships and 14 colliers steaming- eastward. 260 miles northeast of Madagascar. . , ; jAPAjr xi wAannra. Washington. March St.-It la stated here that Japan has received an urgent warnlnv from neutral powers to beware of all mediation from any government. snd to Inalst upon direct negotiations with St. Petersburg-, v -' . oaits mnt! : y, wesrsai Bpeeisi eemee.i - - . New Tork. March ft Half of the new-Japanese loan of 1 150,000.000 was offered the American public today by Kuhn, Loeb ' Co. Advance subscrip tions Indicate that the Hat will not be open long-.. ... . r HANGS HIMSELF IN - V . V. THE DALLES JAIL .. (Sperlal Dbpatcb to lbs Joareal.) The Dalles, Or March 21. Carl San- delln committed suicide laat night In the county jail by hanging himself with bis suspenders, which he attached to an eye-bolt in his cell. His temporary Insanity waa caused by congestion of the brain, and he waa to have been taken to the asylum today. He was removed from the city -jail yesterday. Sunday he requested the chief of po lice to care for him and seemed de mented. , He was a laborer. , residence unknown.-and a native of Sweden. He bad planned his death while la -the city jail, aa a rope made from a blanket was found in his ceil tms morning. e wrote s partial story of hla life, and left a letter to his sweetheart in Mis soula. Mont. . No inquest was considered necessary. - . RUNAWAY TRAIN SMASHES DYNAMITE AND BLOWS UP . . (Jeensl Special service. ' ' -New Tork. March J.., A runaway subway construction train crashed into the bulkhead at the bottom of tha shaft at One Hundred and Sixty-eighth street today. It ia feared that several labor- era lost their lives In , the explosion, which followed. The shock of the ex plosion was felt nearly a mile. - The po lice reserves and two companies of flro men hurried, to the scene. Two firemen were overcome by smoke, while at tempting to run a second train through the tnnnel to the bottom of the ahafL It Is said a quantity of dynamite behind the bulkhead was exploded by the con cussion and the timbers caught Are. " AMERICANS WILL BE . APPOINTED RECEIVERS (JoarnsI Rpeelsl Berries.) Washington. . March St. Secretary Taft was in consultation With the presi dent this morning regarding the appoint ment of. Americana as receivers of the customs of Santo Domingo. Five pr six will be appointed, one for each or the principal porta. El O. Rhode of Balti more will probably be receiver of Santo Domingo city, with general supervision over the other receivers. ; .,, , . MILLER'S BONdS WILL LIKELY BE RAISED . - . . . i ..I . ,..'. II. W. Miller, indicted by the federal grand jury with H. K. Klncart. M. J. Hogue and Charles- Nlckell. for- con spiring to commit subornation of per jury in connection with the land frauds. wss returned to the city yesterday by a federal ' officer after having been ar rested at Red lands, CaL He will be given a hearing In the federal court. Miller was indicted ror having oper ated near Med ford and liacer, this state, and was arrested at Roseburg. He gave ,f 2,000 bonds st that place and re moved to California. It wss not 10 days later, the officers declare, before he waa performing similar operations li California. It is likely that heavier bonds, wUl be required, - . '..:' '.' - . l: .... ,- ;.-, , : j.-' "i-'"':-y P t":Vv liiiVv "1 ,.-.,-;, ' !.;':. '.'('- -.: ,','"''-''' " .''''. , , -.,':., -v". .,:.-' 4''.. . ' 4 t : '"" ' i7wr".i'-; ... , -,. -v;i ...... , i, Vv : ;'v'.."t,,) ... ,v , ,, v-, AGED FARMER IS -SERIOUSLY HURT Horses Suddenly v. Frightened Overturn Hack and .Occupant . Sustains Broken Bones. .r i i ORDINANCE PASSED TO . REGULATE POOL ROOMS Law to Place Recorder on Flat Salary : l Passed Over . Veto of Mayor. " "'.'; " SpeeUl DUpstch te The VaoraaL) ' last evening.' while George Beamls, a farmer 70 yearaloidt.relllnB'Jv ?" wesv pi mis mvj, wss urui r steel kbrldge en his ' war home, his horses took flight and; turning quickly, utfset the covered" hack In which Mr. Beamls was traVellnaY throwing him to the. floor of the bridge in such a way as to break his collarbone. It was found. inm, in .uuiuun iw ww.m.. bone, he splintered a rib so that, a piece of the bone bad pricked the right- lung. Physicians believe that , be "will - re cover. - "''"' . The city council laat evening paaaed an ordinance providing for the- closing of all establishments in which billiard snd pool tables are kept for hire, from midnight to a. m., and on Sundays, and provided a fine for a violation of ths, ordinance of from $10 to 1-6. ' ' WW. h-.II rtmmmmA nvM the mavoKB i WMU.. - ii . - veto the ordinance, passed two weeks ago. placing the City recoroer on m ,iuu salary of ITS a month. The recorder heretofore collected fees, his pay ag gregating about 11,200 a year. ', FIRST SAWMILL IS NOW IN HOME VALLEY , (Special Dwpstdi Is The JoamsL) n . v.ll.- lVaah March It. Colli - num. t-m-.. ... ... ter, Hipp 4k Wetson's new sawmill, with r.t in one to f s.000 feet a day. la the flret mill to enter thle neck of the wood, and people are juouani. , nri.K ... Rvlln. Miller. Bene and Wind River Lumber company have granted the new mill men free right -of way lor Jly miiea ui wmw i vir the year round, j- , GRADING BEGINS ON MOUNT HOOD RAILWAY . . r - "" - (Sseelal Dlspsteh to The ' fcarasl.). tt bi. . - af aerh ' 1 9 Mas on. SIeblsch er Joplln, contractors for grad in. eh nrndbed of the ML Hood rail road, have pitched tents on ths eaat r, fa. S-ta VV On account of the great merit and popularity of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR for Coughs, Colds', arid . Lung Trouble, - several . manufacturers V. are advertising 'imitations with similar , sounding names with the view -of : profiting . by the ') favorably known reputation of FOLEY'S , HONEY AND TAR. 'vz: 'JC Yy-, -;: . DO HOT DE IUP0SED OPOf ; . Wc originated Honey an.d Tar as a Throat and Lung Remedy and unless you get FID ILE Y'S HONEY AIID TAR you do not get the ongirial ancl genufn 2. ':' Remember the name' and insist upon havingFoLEY's Honey and Tar! Do' not risk , your life or health by taking imitations, which cost . you "' the jamc ; as . the genuine, --;j--rVe;FotEY,';HoNEr.WDTAR is put up in three sizes 25c, 50c and $1.60. . - Prc:rcd cnlj b, FCLEY fi CO., 02-C-1-C3 Ohb Slrc:J, C!:!::::, C ' . e. '... '.'..,-...-- - : .i"': . " : tAUE-DAVIS DRUG, COMPANY, AND ",'. -..". I -isr-l-. ; . . y .. ., ; The bleak wind and rain of March will soon be over and Old Sol will shine brigbUy, making yoiir old Fall suit look like two. sfjot ' ,V - 1 You We have f breasted vogue with UPHOLSTERING Have your furniture and mat tresaea repaired before the fair visitors arrive. OUR WORK 18 -THB BEHT AND TUB- CHJCAP EBT. . 356 Burnside Street .. non iuox sr. side') of the valley,' and have besun slashing on the right of way for the proposed road. The graders are to com plete their; work by July I, when track laying wlU begin, and W. U. Bccles. prealdont of the road, hopes to have the railway In operation -by October 1, la time to move the greater portion of the Hood River applenp.i - - - - Rlghta of way have been amicably se cured for the greater part of the dis tances, but In some Instances President Eceles haa met with resistance, and aaya he expects to take cases into court. However,, he does not-expect this to Interfere with construction work. x " 1 s 1 , i i . i . . SPEEGLFS -MOTOR WILL- BE SHOWN AT THE FAIR . E. X. Speegle. ao laventor. will exhibit at the Lwla and Clark exposition a new motor for developing power from water, wind and ocean tides. The machine will. It Is said, furnish enormous power from the flow of an ordinary stream, and -la susceptible of application to any small creek that carries enough water to origi nate power. It is a hoiiaontal wheel, with paddles that swing on hinges snd are held to gether with a chain. Placed In the cur rent of a stream the force of the water i received by the paddles on one side bf the wheel; those on the other side are non-resistant. The - adaptlbiUty of the wheel to all sorts of water currents snd uses is Bald to be Its most novel feature. It can be built at small ex pense, and utilised by everyone, from the great mill owner to the farmer who needs power to drive his grindstone. The Inventor claims for the wheel great value as an aid to Irrigation. He aays by Its use water can be Inexpensively pumped to any desired level, and used over and over again. Offl'Ms of the government reclamation bureeji have givea the wheel considerable attention. AMERICANS IN CHARGE OF DOMINICAN CUSTOMS ', ' (Jesraal Bpeetal Bervle.) Washington. Maroh- II. The- -"president has announced that he will appoint Americana to taka charge of the cus toms receipts of the southern ports of Santo Domingo pending final action by the senate on the treaty. Should the senate reject the treaty, the money will be returned. Otherwise It will be dis tributed pro. rata upon the adjudicated claims of foreign countries. . - - giafetied took Canned Oeoaa. Allan & Lewis' Best Brand. saaa , ntf FfflllLEV'S C30PEV AfJ0 c:ld hhd r.ic::"r.::3 cy : - - - vv:: T-' :'. :U;:.;'' a very strong line of men's double and single i ; business suits, made by the best the latest creations at the popular prices of $15, $18, $20 m We eiowa aad hridss werk withes sala. One IS yean' experience la plate work ao shies a. to fit roar atoath comfortably. Dr. W. A. Wlae ha. (osna a Ufa way te extract teeth, stawlstaly wlthoat pals. Dr. T. P. Wise Is aa expert at old rilllsg aae. iv 'A r,- ii ;Iw WISE BROS., Dentists ysUbMj Bailtlss. ear. Third ssd Wash Its. Opea enealass -till a. m. Smidsys frosx t . - to 1. Or. Mala tow,.... i ' NO PAIN Doston Paialss DentiiU StXK inmBZSOaT ST. ' known the world over, are the only dentists in Portland having this world renowned painless system for extract ing, filling, or crowning teeth with out pain. - Have your teeth extracted ' wlthoat pain, and replaced with new 0008 ,100 same day. , :.. - - All work rnaraateed fo tea years. ' silver riuuis 50 ...T5d to fl.OO GOLD FIUJNOS. IS TO tit QOU CROWNS ....S3.00 to 9S.OO FULL. SET TEETH.-. .SS.OO We have a specialist' In chsrge of each department. Beat artificial teeth makers, best crown and bridge work men and gold fillers In the world. ; , ciurwsT astd nxsoa wosx : ' a snozAiirT. Give us a call and you will Snd- we do Juat as we advertise. TM OUI, THD AJTO T.TiST.S Boston Painless Dentists . - sti Mommzsov sr. Opp. Meier m STaak aad OU yesrsemss. Hour 1:10 a. m. to p. m. Sunday, 1:10 a. m. to 13:10 p. m. - - . .To be sure yow are fat the rlfM Place come la- and get bottle of Dr. B. la Graves' tooth powder free. ' HUNTING HER BOY ; HE FALLS FROM SKY (Special tMspateh te Tbe'IearaaT.) ' Moscow, Idaho, March ft. Alva LaU der. aged It' years climbed on the rof of a building after a ball and Ml to the grould a distance of, 14 feet, landing- at the feet of his mother, who was search. lng for him. He. was rendered uncon scious but may recover, although badly bruised and may have internal injuries. Mwmym9Lmmrihm' tbs FnD Nan rtzclhre jrono QcSsba CvwSsCoM I. Oaal.Ci 3 Dar L-lJra..-rs TFFTH ";. Vm us. EDUD DTADj WOODATJD, CXARSE & COHTr:, f. ' . : ; makers, cut in ' A MEASURE OFHELEF ' In your "hardware'SayhiB is af--' forded by this stock through Its - indisputable ; quality and econo mising prices.- Seeing I belie--. lng. : ".:' - '-; : -.!.'. AVERY Ik CO. f. ss Watch and Clock Instrcnce for your repairing. Any watch repaired for 2.60 insured against all accidents for one year, including first repairs, , Clocks. li.tO. .t ... Ill Sixth St., Near Wastiatcn Clocks called for aad delivered. Tele phone Main 1174. TAC3 pa, w. a. win, c:3Tn::3CTa: as aaa seed by sTnWnss ef WeSaya ree V , eolidraa while Teataiaa; foe tuny T- -4. 1 . 1 iTsooUMa the ehiid. eortans the gasas. a. ail pals, earas arlad eaua Bed Is last a. 1 sssMdy Ibrauuihiaa. ' '