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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1905)
6, THE ) OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND WEDNESDAY 'EVENING, MARCH 1CC3. YOUNGEST OF- ALL ...-.. . . J.J: TDE EVANGELISTS W Rev. Henry W." Stough, On o the Leaders of the ; v Movement, r'l "'v CHARITIES SYSTEM IN CHICAGO HIS PLAN i ... -' r. 1,1 ' . "'"' 1 . .... '. . .... .." . il -lV - 1 V ' l- . '"I it i' Large V Audience K Heart' Him ' i Preach en Sin," In Calvary Y.', '''. Baptist Church. :vl;-': -t The youngest of tbe evangelists new in Portland Is Rev. Henry W. Stough - whose station is, at the Calvary baptist , t. i courcn. nesaqusrters ror aiatriet no. . His demeanor substantiates the stats- v vment that ha is only 14 years of age. y .for as conducts hlmseir out of the put I pit off the stage, as It wars Ilka i i : brilliant young college student, full of '.''energy and ambition, who la fond, of . . athletics of all description. . . And yet Dr. Stough la one of the most ' ' earnoat, sincere and doctrinal of preach ' era, devoid of the first suggestion of -.1 sensationalism. Thus fsr'ln the csm palgn ha has tslksd mostly for ths bene ; r fit of Christians nd esch of his ser '. 'JU mu has hsd a tendency toward draw - , lna Una. distinction between. .thc :: ' church member and the Christian. . "Vou may be a member of ths church - -and yst far from Christianity," Is his srgument. - "There Is a rast difference, ' i Vnleas you lead ths life of a Christian. . '. you are not a Christian." . Out in ths eighth district It is harder to attract crowd than hers In the pop ' ulsce psrt f ttje .jrlty. 'but- the attend ' Bnce at Dr Stough's meetings Increases .. night sfter Bigot ai.J he la beginning ' to make people understand that ha la a power In thle evangelistic movement. Btougb, when all else la said. U s great ; . preacher,' a' fins evangelist,' a cultured . gentleman and a ganlal friend. ' He la getting bald, and right where the hair - 'atepa growing big, round, Jovial faos -' begins. His voles la plessing, his per '- " sonsllty magnetic. , . lie talks straight and ' wants you to understand that ho . believes all ha says, whether you ao ospt that belief aa a sufficient guaran ' tso or not is another matter; but you : will go back to ths church and-hear him again and finally ha ll make you ' think that what ha saya is about cor rect, - . . ' . v : .. ' ' . Dr. ' Stough ' comes from' Ohio, ' the ' atate of U teamen and preachers. ' lis "is the son of a well-to-do merchant af ' Bryan, Ohio, and was educated at Ober - lln. a strong Congregational Institution. : Although preaching waa far from his ambition. Dr. Btough drifted into it by - , , virtue Of 'a one year-a secretaryship In . V the T. M. C A. of Eaat Liverpool, ' .-' ' town near his home. In MM he had .'.become a full fledged minister and went . with Moody Into Chicago oa his world's ; fair campaign. . Three' years later ha bs cams pastor of ths Congregational ' church at Oak era, outside of Chi : cago, and while' there Dr. Stough ertg ', lnated.. the associated charities system. which is rapidly ' becoming . general throughout the Unltad States: In' his own pastorite ths deserving poor were given holldsgii'f-twe .weeks in; the woods and Oelda and housed and fed by the church. . This always occurred 1 in the summer months and 10 wars cared ) . for, at; a time. ;. , i ' ;' .-' Once Dr. Stough ' got' Into '" reform , movement which had for its principal . ..object ths closing of the Hawthorns ' Wrk race track at Chicago. It did not . ' fully succeed, but the preacher -son ths ; distinction of having his Ufa threatened ' - repeatedly by gamblara. ' "At Calvary last night .Dr. Stough de- ; ' llvered ' a charactariatlo sermon. . His r subject waa that one awful word, "Sin." '. '' l ; Sin," said he. la disobedience to Ood, ' It is treason against high heaven. -. It t strikes at the oharacter of Ood. ' It is ; ' rebellion. It would put Ood off the ; .throne of ths onlveras aad overthrow all government This is why It l so halnoua. Ths rasa -of - BMa -hsvs -done . their worst. And Ood has sounded iu - death knell, "neither will I be with you any mora.' The sinner hag broken all ". connection with heaven, for your Inlqui ties have separated between yon and ;your Ood and your sins have hid His - "When sin entered the world it began . r to propagate Itself. Its power of repro- . Suction by hereditary example sad in' fluence is appalling. The fathers have ' ." eaten sour g napes and ithe children's . .. teeth are ast on edge. No bodily disease ever was so-contsgloug aa sin .contagion. .' . The codlln moth that cost an eastern state hundreds of thousands of dollars "began Us "career as an apparently In- . offensive larvae In a cotton batten box ; i on a laboratory , window. 8 in sUrted . ' with Mother Eve In a look asTt did with , ,' Achan. . Sow a thought and at laat reap !,:.:. .. destiny. . And It will not stop until tt goes through every part of ths life. - .'it will confuse the conscience, delude ; . the- intellect, vitiate ths affections, deaden the emotions, weaken ths will. . ,. ,, i ? "If men could only realise how many ths Influence ef their lives Was leading V ' to mini Sin always causes others to suffer, snd Achan Involved bis wife and nnobent children.' My boy, if you only ' I' knew how your career of sin is putting !-;, gray hairs . In your mother's head and J ;- wringing the blood out of her heart! ,C- "Achan'g sin, like every other men's; i was at last found out. . Two things you .- , nr u of first of death: second, - , bs sure your sin will find you out.' y Cain ever heard the pitiful cry for mercy .' of his tnardered brother, ,81ns corns - hack to haunt aa like apectred ghosts. ; Conscience, memory snd their ceaseless ; :, ' tngs will st Isst bring sins to light. :, -' ., ' "Finally sin will be punished. Ths . 'srful that slnneth It shall die.' for the .' - - wsges of sin is death.' This is Ood's sentence. . Better deal' with sin. I ones . ' ' heard of a young man who, far nut on his ranch, was bitten with a centipede. ? Because it mates better and toorc Iicalthf f ood OVAL BAK1N4 " '. .-: ;vr- ......... . 1 i: "- ". r . ..t - '' r - . v v : .. RAISING FAMILY: FOR GOD OR BAAL? Dr. Thomas Needham Asks Ear nest Questions at Forbes ' Presbyterian Church. . Ths Forbes Presbyterian church, thai nns new sdincs on the 'corner of Oan tsnbein avenus and Sellwood street, was yesterday ths scene of great events. The afternoon Bible study brduffnt out scores Of pafefci who had heard of Dt. Thomas Nsedham'g exceptional ability as a Bible teacher. He reached a high standard in his reading, on ths subject; of "Christ, our shepherd." . ' . . : " '' Evsry inch of spacs waa required for the svsnlng service. Song service com. me need promptly oa time, and everybody wanted to alng. The big cborua cannot nave its own way in this church. Mr, Powers, the gifted alnxer and leader does not have to eoax them to 'slng-lt out." -i ney win not Keep stui. When ths preacher appeared he found aa au dlenos ready for tha heart-searching ser mon. from ths great testing scene on Mount Carmel, and all 'realised that a testing time had come to Forbes church. "How long halt yo ' between two tnougnisr now long wait at tha part Ing of the wsysT - Dec1ds--decld "now. decide right.": This is ths central idea around which-tha preacher bull ( strong wrnwrn.. w 1L, jnuioi, wisoom,' tuning sarcasm an4 tsnder comfort, and all the time tha word of Ood, are In evidence In. Mr. Need ham's sermoosv -. SeelngThe sword upon the Isnd, bs gives wsrnlng lias a xaimrur watchman. Hs holds light ror ths wanderer, throws a rope to tha ah I p wrecked. - Prom peril of the seas, from the sword, from ths hand of Cannibals In south America, ood In bid mercy dellv. ered Thomas Needham, that . be might onng gooa luiings or sajvauon to uae in Portland.- ... . "Do not run after popularity.! he said last night. "A fashionable . church often no more than a holy refrigerator. The one popular person to follow Jesus Christ His popularity - la ths right sort, and ha la popular In the right way. Parents are responsible for, their liuiiurru m viiwiuv Ul uuo w I, t HOW are you raising your family for Ood or for' ths world? 'This Is ths direct question no parent oould dodge. Some choose to follow Baal In life, but-mone want hlra In death. But If a man won't have Christ for his savior and maatsr tn lire, ns may be io lata to find him in the hour of death." - Ko doctors, no neighbors, no remedies for miles. He knew It meant death in a few moments If something was not dond. Hs rescbed for his chisel and severed tha Injured finger.' Aa It rolled off tha block ha saw tha black drop of poison oos from it -One moment more and. it would have been' too late. . Better deal 'With sin now.. Thla is Ood's mo ment of grace tomorrow may . be too lata." - ., Douglas county is getting a reputation as the scens of tragedies In the shape of murders ana . suicides almost a half dosen within ths psst month or so. - CO, mw Maav. Rev1. Henry W. Stough, Addreaginf an Andienc at CaJTkry Baptist COHDMIICOD, MAfMS A PIGMY But fori All That. Dr. Ostrom Says He Is Worth the V ' ; Whole World. . v : Laat night's audience at the First Congregational church was a large one. The service opened with a half hour of goapet songs, In which ths congregation Joined heartily. ' Every seat in the chorus was occupied, and Director Hu lls beamed with pleasure Whether seated at his little organ, sending forth the smooth, sweet notes of his song, or leading the -large cborua under-his charge, the personality of this man is a powerful factor in the meetings' success. ' Dr. Ostrom'g theme for. the evening waa "A Broad Religion," and choosing nia text from Mat l;Xl, hs began a fer vent plea for an 1 acceptance of the Savior who had provided a great salva tion for great sinners. Hs said In psrt: "Everywhere In ths Bible man la rep resented great except when in contrast with Jesus. - Then ho Is meaner than pigmy. - Man la a great creature. think of what the martyred President Oarfleld said: - 'When 1 meet a boy feel like taking Off my hat to him, be cause I do not know ths greatneaa that is buttoned under his tiny jacket' - "Bo great ia man that he can become as purs ss ths driven snow, or lowsr than the beast; that -his passlona and moods swing lilts a penduIuihY- So great la man that ths possibility of his great neaa Is not always manifest, and when it becomes manifest It Is astonishing. So great Is man. that hs is rior-called ths csbln, not the hovel or ths hut, but the temple of tha Holy Ohost - Man is no trifling commodity; he is like unto a continent with tall peaks and soft vl leys, with rivers and lakes, with har bors and eoast lines. One man is worth ths whole world. . ' " t'Do away with tha contrast with Obd and man. and man goea so high up that hs la almost god. Tet withal man la a great sinner - as wall. 1 believe 1 In the depravity of man. - The Scriptures tell us that, we are born lit als Even ths little child needs oonstsnt watching and constant cautioning. - Take a .baby front the beat minister's family lit Ore gon, put him by himself snd he writ be come a downright heathen. ,."01d fashioned orthodoxy ' doea not need to prove ita right to your Indorse ment and mine. When I say old-faahr loned I do not mean that you must la dorse avert emphasis of every man who was rated ss orthodox a hundred years ago... I mean tha old orthodox shoe. Put in larger ayeleta If you will, use red or green laces If you wtlL put spe cial curves on ths soles and mora lifts on ths heels, but give us ths old last fitted to the foot, the old Isather tanned to turn water, and tha whole thing put together to atay." At the cloae of ths lervloe an after meeting was held, In which many strong testimonies wsrs given aa to tha power of the gospel to eave from sin. . .. This svenlng Dr. ostrom will conduct his usual services In the Fliwt Conars tional church, and will Incorporate Into the program a 10-mlnute .service deliv ered In German. ; To this latter a spe cial Invitation id extended to all , English-speaking people. On Fridav next at 11 o'clock a. m. Dr. Ostrom will speak to ths students snd graduates of the.Holmee Buslneaa college In ths auditorium , of the T. M. (X A and at t:3Q aclock of the same (ley hs will address' the pupils of ths High sohool In ths assembly halt - wxlsov sons ucawn. . (MpeeUI blesatHi ta Te' Josri.l.) Ilwsco, WaahJ, March ia Ths saloon of Jack Wilson, a well known sporting man and politician was closed hers yes terday because the town council refused hire a license. The connrll ssys that Mr. WUsoa has failed to keep an orderly bouse. Mr. Wilson claims Jhkt tha re fusal la for political reasons.. f.IAHY FOUND CQRIST AT A LATE Dr. Walton Offers the Grace of the Savior to People of Sunnyside. "C 7. Ths evangellsttd services at Sunny side under th leadership of Rsv. Dr. R. A. Walton, evangelist, and O. F. Pugh, singer, are increasing In interest and power dally. . Last night ths Congrega tional church was full of anxious lis teners to the. message of salvation. By request of the Bunnyslde pastors. Dr. Walton preached a sermon on tha atone ment - Ha handled the eubject in a mas terly way, yet so simply that ths chil dren could giasp and -understand Dr. Walton took for his text Romans, Unt, "That Ood might be Just and the Juatifler of him that belle vet h on Him. Ths sosaker aald ia cart: . "When we come to speak of Justifica tion w engage la the uae of purely le gal terms; justification la a legal propo sition. : Ood's word is His law, and the transgressor needs to be Justified. Now, how can Ood fall to hold transgressor guilty Just becsuss he chooses to believe In Christ? There Is In the first place great need to emphasise tha dignity of tha law ia question. Ood's very nature Is wrapped up In 4 hat law; it ia indeed Himself. For that very reason it netter changes, and Ood Himself must needs be everlastingly opposed to sin.. This law . Is holy and Just It- rightly, ex presses what Ood la and what is beet for the creature. Ood must and will enforce It It is, moreover, honored only . by enforcement ''Now, -what has mors honored ' this law,, the suffering of transgressing hu manity or the death of Jesus Christ T Ths New Testament clearly proclaims that the greater honor of the law was secured by the death .of . tha Son of Ood. Behold the dignity of this -person aa compared 'with the degradation of the transgressors. Aa on small piece of precious metal exceeda the value of many pleqea of alloy so Christ In Ood's sight exceeds .the, value of - tha whole siniuj raca. , . "Again Christ is tha creator and aa auch must ba Infinitely greater and bet ter than the creature. He waa found worthy. -' To . secure , thla wonderful grace of Christ we must comply with ths -conditions of His will. Wa must believe on Him and accept Him aa our personal Savior. Tha white Sag. sf mer cy Is wavfhg over ua tonight; shsll we surrender to- ths king whose right Jt is to relgnT"- " - --V - - The muslo directed by Mr. Pugh is getting, better, the choir platform has been greatly enlarged, and the chorus increased. The latter is aa Important (actor in the meetings. , Over a dosen cards wars signed, and when the.meetlng seemed to have come to a Close nret one, then another, and stiu others cams forward to seek the pardon of their alng, and many found mriai at a. tats nour. . - -. . FIRST JAPANESE CO-ED GIVEN DOCTOR'S DEGREE j - . t ' "yi 1 , 1 , , . ' - oaraI Hpeflal gerrle.) ("''"' Berlin. March -The first doctor's degree conferred on a woman by the University of Marburg has been secured by a J span ess woman, Mlaa Tads lira La or -KumAmoto. ' Miss Urate, for- her de gree wrote sn exceeding erudite thesis, which received the highest encomiums from, the-medioal faculty of the unlver- ey. v - ,'..".., - (apedal M-eelrk tt Di oereal.) '! Northport. Wssh., Msrrh 11. Oenrsa Davis, convicted of wl reheating, waa to day sentenced to five years la tht oenl HOUR MfMBSm:. - OF LITERAL-FIRE Dr.' Toy Uses Spade Language, -. and Stirs People in South : , . Portland. - ' v.- Revv D. 8. Toy preaches ths cardinal truths' of ths Bible with remarkable plainness, '. smphasls ' and persuasive power. He takes his stand on ths word of Ood, and preaches an almighty Ood of infinite Justice and mercy and love. He preaches sinful man, every one of whom needs, and every one of whom may obtain, salvation through tha grace' that la In Jesus Christ . He preach that man la ssved only by tha grace of Ood, and loat only through his own pervsrseness, and that every man as a result of his own decision will enjoy an eternity of bliss, or endure an eternity a . mam ,- ' -... -;: ' ... ': : 1 Dr. Toy calls things by their right names.- He doean t call tha devil, and I7ait It is not a "little thing;. " , evill not " eet well bv itself " if and quinine and such things brace you op for the time, but they don't cure ;. O.'h-t-'-'-'W t.'.,;vpV'.v ; ,'.'.:'" Ask any intelligent doctor why yon catch cold so, easily. He will say, Because you are a bit run down," j .. He means that the force which nature placed in your body '; ' to keep out disease germs the ' : - -.. - ir..,l enea. ine aoor is open muo way lowara oiaeaaa, - . - v - ' There is not a gravestone in any cemetdry in the world . caused by consumption or pneumonia or any lung trouble '': . whatever,, which did not start with what you call Noth- ' Ing but a cold,''i ; ; , , cold should not be beaten back or drugged over it should be "cured end the general health should be f Doilt up. . , ' Anirni MUrVLKO ENGLISH should be taken at the first symptoms of cold. ' It is a tonic j - for the whole body, a specific for sore throats, r It doesn t matter where the cold is or how it got there, we know that Acker's Cnfflltlt Remedy . will reach it and cure it It ia sold on a positive guarantee. K3 CU2 K3 PAT. If yon have a cold-no matter now flight it means something. Take Acker's) English Remedy at once. Keep it in the house, If it does not relive you'almost instantly, we will refund you the pried paid.- f ;;. .&J' ,M v . .' : . "Acxsa'a Eholiib Rairtov aavsd ror Ufa, - A cough, alight at first; grew constantly worse and I finally bad to giva ttp my work la tha Knife Factory at Waldea. I had frsasnt bleediof spells. Was examined by local doctors, prominent physicians In ew York and at a Medical Col, lege. : They all pronounced my case hopeless, t began using Acixa'a Eaaura Rawsoy and a few bottles cured me. I am today a perfectly wall num." " . (Signed) A. H. SIMPSON, Waldaa, N. Y. . ;' Acker8) KnffUsh Remedy is sold on a posi tive guarantee that the purchase money will be refunded ia case of failure; tic, 10c, and 1.00 per bottle. - i. ' SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY S. C eWDCr.S " tcrefs' Profit-Sr.:- 2s!3 ci?$ V 1 I x If from $7S,to wlwO'sayfaig ion ai' tUcelii';::':?.'': I ' Vi - grade Piano means anything to you, you . ' want t0 ee ui n ow. JAU sold on our easy pty. y J J mCnt Pln f nd5 -f? "tlirif. I ; Allen; i Gfi evil prtnelple, nor sin mistakes, nor-hell an eternal sleep. He stands with tre mendous power for ths facta of . the Bible, and spenda neither . time nor strength In an sffort to peep around the corners of eternity. Those who be lieve that hell la aa endless duration of literal fire and brimstone might say thst Dr. Toy is preaching his doctrine. . But every one who believes at all in future retribution might make a similar claim. The evangeltat never describes hell, but ho takes the Bible and man's conscience as a proof that it actually exists, and oarrles you along in his argument by his overwhelming logic Thoss who believe that heaven . is a place of listless Inactivity - might say that Dr. Toy preaches his doctrine, but the evangelist doea not aay ao. lis preaches-ths great fact of heaven as eternal Joy, begun here on earth, -and no one who hears Dr. Toy from night to night can believe that ho would keep atil very long even In heaven, unices Christ would command him so to do. He preaches and exalts Christ, first,-last and alwaya, as the only wsy of salva tion, and by -his merciless logic strips man of every other dependence. Bom of hla expressions may be unpolished, but they are never Inapt and never mis understood. - And In bis appeals to the unconverted there Is simply no attempt to work upon - the emotions. All his words might ba summed up in these: "You know your duty." "Will you do It" . No stronger evidence could be given for the Increasing popularity of the South Portland evangelist than that by far the largest week nigh enos gathered tmldst the pouting rain to hear him last evening. Ton may call it by what name you choose, but It Is certain that Dr. Toy preaches an at tractive gospel. His sermon was a characteristic one from the text, "As Mosss lifted 'op the serpent ., in , the wilderness, . sven so must tha Son of Man be lifted, up. he said. ; j j ; . -... . . , , - I.. ij , it OFFICERS SELECTED ; ; FOR CRACK REGIMENT . ' i i i in i : v. i (gpeeUI Dispatch te The Joeraal.) ; Corvallta. Or March ft. Ths fol lowing officers have been selected for the crack regiment that win drill against all comers at the Lewis and Clark .fair In June during the O, A. C encampment: Captain.. Theodora Oarrow; first lieu tenant, Samuel Damon; aeoond lieuten ant R. Essen. ... - v - ' Its a deadly thin-. It you let it alone. - Whiskey resistive force is weak V , . 1 jr ' V , ;:vfv':: REMEDY rV' sudden colds, coughs or AND TO CHRIST WILL BE THE GREAT VICTORY -. . fi . :- ,-V.. ..-. ,1- ..... . t ; Everything points to as great , ' a victory In Portland ss are have ' e seen In any of tha eltles wa have e visited. ..... .... , . : . . The presence of so many mtn- e - lstera in the city at thla time 4 H cheering to us In our work v In- d. e deed, there are . more visiting e 1 pastors bers than wa have yet e Seen. ;.. , ,. ... ( f , ' : . Ths great . crowds at all the 4 meetings provs' ths fact . that 4 i Interest la the work Is deepen ' e lng each day.,-; .. "..'' a f I have .seen more people talc 4 a stand for Christ the first days e- in Portland than In either Los d 4 Angeles or Denver. ' - .1 Tne midnight aervlca tomor . m row night promises ; l- k 4 e , memorable. ... : ,;-:.. -j r 4, ' I expect to aak the Christian S -people. to send The Journal ot e Friday to all parts or thr world, 4 for I want the people everywhere '. ' 'to know of thla marvelous work. e 14 T,; ' 3. WILBUR CHAPMAN. ' e INTEREST GROWS IN v - T?EET-iMEETINGS- : ,:;' -.( ' ' 3. L. McComb and hla band of earnest ' workers conducted, two' great meetings last evening, ona at Third , and Alder atreets, tha other at -Third and Taylor streets.. A great crowd gathered around ths. auto truck, jrh Ira contained a, large number or ministers j and - Christian workers. The Interest In these meet ' ings is growing in numbers from atght 'V to night end people who ..have not at- : tended church services for years are In- dueed to enter the houss of Ood to listen to ths earnest exhortation of the noted ' avsngelists. ' i , , .' .,', an illustration of ths arood ths street meetings are doing: A young man. T a- wholesale liquor dealer,, was irfduced " to enter the church after having been.' earnestly and lovingly dealt with by Mr. MoComb. and promised that from that algbt hs- would- begin m- new-life; and for the first time in his life he would pray., . . v " ' 1 CP.UO COMPANY. 1&A W Tt f- ."V - - -V. v . .- j U