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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1905)
i Ti: .CnZCCII DAILY - JOUCU . PORTLAND. VEDJn:SDAy EVENING," MARCH 3,' 1SC3. ' OITT XOTICXa. r Be recti -d wl.' tO.P: lot 1. Jobe'W. : Lap torn tod wlie, W. In. VuMI aad wife. , mi a, joha w. ! ana wira. w, , "K. tiaruelt and wife f'-ou; lot 4. Jona W, - aad p'e. W. . 'et.t and wife, 6".wi; kit 0, Juan W. La ton and wlr, ,W. II, Rarnett and wife, ko.ooi lot 0. Jobl W. lanceoa and wife.. W. U. BameU aad .'. 8.00; lot T. John W. n aad , wife. W. H. Harnett and wife, tnt 8. J eh a W. Lana and, if. .. -ereett .V nd wife, .j,io; lot 8. -n V. Lancdou ana wite, w. IX. i t and wire, 50.70 IV. SOPH la 'U KR Wllh Tl. II, ' Harnett aad e. xou; lot 11. J oca W. Lau-.ion aad W. II .Rarnett and wife. '. Oo.ou: lot IS. Jobs W. lauoou aad wife. .5 w. u. Haraatt aad wit. tU.ttu: lot IS. Job : W. Umdna and wllu. W. IL -Barnett aad , wire, lot 14, Jobs W. Laredo and . '? wife, W. H. Baxoatt aad wife. -$0.00; lot : in, Joan w. Lanf don aad wife. W. a. Bur nett aaa wire, au.oo; lot n, Jobm w. Lang. ; don and wife, W. H. Baraett and wife. $o.ko. L0cK 8. lot 1, Joan w. Lanrdoa and wife, W. Lanrdoa aad wife, to. H. Baraett aad , ; wife, u.a- lot I. Joba W. Lanfdon and , ,"' Burnett aad wife. To. 80: lot t . John W. Unidoa -aad wife, W, H. Barnett ; "4 wife, T.6v; lot 8. Joba W. tencdn aad w- Baroatt and wit. 0 60; lot ' . John W. Laordoa and wlf, W. U. Bar ; nett and wife, $0.60; hit T, Job W. Lanp- i aaa wit, w. h. Harnett aaa wile,; -., lt , John W. Lanf do aad wife. W. H Barnatt ana wif ji 70 . TBHWII4.I0KB HOMJCHTSJklV BLOCK " 1. ' kit ' . larwinitT .. Laod Company. o. r , Trwllllgr .Land tVimpaBr, Jot , 8,1 TVrwllllfre and , Cutupan, i-VT f i- Terwlllloer : Land Coaipaor. ' . !" 8- Terwllllgrr . Land: Oompaay, ; w.l1 Tarwlllla-er Laod Company. ' ' W TenrllUa Laod fmau. ' ' tot fc. TerwllllrM LanM Ihanll. A tract of land Irhif betweea blorka I and ' :. . Terallllcer Homeatead, aad betweea tb 'ti footh Una of aiear aTaava and the aorta , Hue of Admiral avenue, Ierwllll(ec Land . Conpaax, v ' - ' BWILL10KH HOMEITTCAD BLOCK 1. lot 1. JarwIUIsor Land Coatpaar. - 1 lot f, Terwllllf er , La4 Oemaa.Bj, ' lot 8, ' TerwIlllKer Land Companr, , , J lot , 4, - T-trllllT Land Coaipanr. t : k ; TerwlllliT ' Land fompanr, kit , ."TerwlllKer - Land Cooipaar;" lot 1 T. TerwUllier . Land Vompane, htH:k 8. lot I. Terwilllr Land Comoanr - fo.ou: tot z, Terwiincor liod vonpanj, au.oa ' lot , Trwllllger. Land Compear, io. lot 4. ' Terwllllger ' Laad t'ompany, U.n - .kH B, TfTWIIIIer Land fompanr, - l ( lot a, Tfrwiuiior Land Tompaar,.' (u.M .: lot T. Terwllllfer Land (lompaar. ' fO.MI lot , TerwllllKe Land Comoanr, : fO.M) - tot lvrwllllaer Land Coainaar. M.TS . lot , " Terwtlircer Laod ' Coaipanr, r . lot It, TerwIlllnrT Laod Oompaaj. fo.dn; . lot li Terwllllaor Land Comaaar. 10 lot i Terwllllcrr Laod Company, 0.0, , MMX'K ,,lot 1, TrwUIIr Land Comnany, C'.av: ax a, Terwnii(r utna ivmaaay,' t 8, : Terwllllcvr Land Coapany, , fu.TS tUt 4, Terwllllcer - Land Company. ; io.W; -i lot. k Terw1lller Land , Cempaay. , .. let T. . Trrwllller ' Land Compear, lot ... Terwllllf Land ttoeipany. . . lot, B, ' TiTWllllavr Land Cempany, 1 . lot lit, TerwIllUror -Land tympany, . i f' lot 11. TrwllhirM 1.a nA fnnli lot l Terwllllf;) Lend Company. 10 80. J' i. n n o, jov 1. irwiiiiew una imnpiari Ei.av: m z. lerwiiucer una tympany, ao.oo t I, Trrwllllcet Laad Oompanr, I0.S0 t 4, Torwlllla-er Land t'ompany. , Torwiinrer Land lompany. lot e. Jot , lot T, lot .' Terwllllgor Ind Compear, ' TvrwJIUrer Land Company, Terwllllfer Land Company. Terwllllger Land Company, lot a. HI-OCK a. lot 1. Terwllllcn Laad Company . ti.l): lot a, TrrwHllfer Load Company, ).) m a, . 'lerwiiiiger Laoa compaay, 00.00 lot 4. TerwIlliKf ' Lend Company, . o. TO . lot 5, . Twwlllliter Land f ompaay, ' 0.n , Jot a, Twllllr - Lead ompany, lot T. TerwilllKer Laod Company, o.n . lot 8. ; Terwllllier land Company, .' lot 0. Terwllllaee lna (VimniDT. B Oil lot ly Terwllllr Land Company. 10 0(1. t, 101 1. iTrwiiiiBW Laoa uomnany, av.Bu; an z. Terwiuifrr Ind umpany, ID. so kk 9, -irrwiiiicer ina company,, bu.oti lot 4, Mt S. Twwllllfrr ' Land Company, Terwlllleer - Land Company, Tn-wllllKer Laod Compear, ' o. In lot lerwiincvT lana company, Terwlllleer Lnd Oomoanr. . Kt i , jerwiinaer una . lompeny, ' let . 10, Terwlllleer Land Company, .: ' lot II. .:trwllllcer I Laod Cempany. bit ' 12. TerwIlUeee. I nit tennanr. " " ' BLOCK 8. lot 1. Terwlllleer I-and Cnmneee. - 80.00; lot Z. Terwintger Lend Couuetay, fo.oo; , : lot 8.' Terwlllleer Load Oompeay. , ).); . ' lot , 4, Trwllll(ef Laod Compaay. .0i 1 wr. r,Mtm T ' r ' L ao. ' it -'. Terwllllirer .Land . Company, 80.80; , ; i lot ,T, - Tnrwtllleer Laod Company, . lo.SOi Jot 8, . Terwllllf rr Land Company. ' 80.80. v, 101 1, leewiuifer iMua wmpany. Ci.av: tor z. TerwiiUfer Laad Company, S0.tx; . t K Terwllllfer Laad Company. :P:tS "-. lot J lot 4, , Terwllllicer liad - Compaay, - 8.K: 8, Terwllllfer Land Comnany, 8I.I0 ?. TcrwUllaer Laad Cempany, 8aM; Terwllllfer Load , Company, - 80.80; . lot , H , xerwiiiirer. UM company, lot JO, . Terwllllfrr Laod Company, ' : v lot 11. . Terwllllfer' Land Compaay, If lot IS, ' Terwllllfer Ind CVimpany, ' lot 1.1. " Terwllllfer Land Company. Terwllllfer Land- Compaay, , lot IS, Terwllllfer Land Comnany,. '.lot .18. Terwllllfer Laod Company. lot 17, Terwllllf er" Laod . Company. - . lA 11 eoiiM' t .. , 1 , BLOCK 18, bt 1. Terwllllfer Iad ComDany, ... 4; lot i. Terwllllfer Laad Comnany. 8o.8n; f . lot 8, Terwllllfer Land Company, 8"Wl :? , lot 4, Terwllllfer Land ' Compaay,,' 80.80; ' fc lerwiiuzer inna tompany, bo.ou - lot 8, . Terwllllfer Land Company, 80.80 1.0'. et T, Terwllllfer. Land Company," io.aO , joi , . Terwllllfer, laid Company, 80 80; . ; lot A, Terwllllfer Land ' Compaay, 80.80; : v. lot 10. Terwlllffer Land Company,'' 80.80. rwn tv mi, 101 . 'lerwiiiifor iaaa uoaapaay. ; 80.80: lot f. Terwllllfer Laad Compaay, 80.43; lot a. jerwujiee MM wiapeuj, , lot 4, Terwllllfer' land Compaay. lot 6. Terwllllfer ; Load Comnanr.v o.Tft; fO.TS; 80.60; 81.00; 80.80; ).M; fcfi! 80.80; 80.00; 80.80; 80.80; fOOO; 80.00; 80.80; 80.80; 80.80; t lot ' 8, Terwllllfer Land Compaay, ' ' ' lot T. - Terwllllfer Laad Compaay. '.;;.' Kit 8, Terwllllfer Laad mpeay,. wn e. jerwuiinee tana tmmnany, , '' lot 10, Terwllllfer Land Compaay, - Kit II,- Terwllllfer Laad Comnany,- - -bit IS,- Terwllllfer land Company. " lot 11, Terwllllfer Land Company, ' loC-1,J-Terw1llef Land Companr,- " : lot UV Terwllllfer Load Compnoy, ' : .: lot 18, Terwllllfer Land Company. tnt IT, Terwllllfer land Compaay, Kt J8, Terwllllfer 'laad Company, lot 1, Terwllllfer Land Companr, bit' 111' Terwlllleer land Cottinane. an Tii lot 81, '' Terwllllfer land Cempany. ; 8.Ta '.". 'BIICK 12. lot 1. Terwllllfer land Company, - 80. TO: let i Terwllllfer land Compaay, 80 T0 ; i ' - lot 8, Terwllllfer Laod Company, 80.80; e . 1 erwuiierer , iana tompeny, : let 8,''Terwllllfer land Oompany, lot -8, i8erwllllier ' land Company, brt Terwllllfer Land Company, ' lot ' 8e ' Terwllllrert Land Company, . , ( lot 8, , Terwllllfer laod Company, ( lot 10, Terwllllfer Land ' Company, I . Kit ' 11, Terwllllfer Lend Company.' , . ' lot ' 18, "Terwllllfer Land Compaay, v . Vt IV Terwllllfrr Land Company, . lot 14. "Terwllllfer Land Compaay, .. lot 18. M. K. Mwlaert. 80.80: lot ill . i i . e- wi , lorwiuieer uaa fora- , ", C."ZJa '"K ! 11 M- ". 80.T0, . ... 1 BLOCK IS, Vol 1. Terwllllfer La iid Compaoy, 8o.8l) lot i Terwllllfer Land Cempany, 80.8O; V' I" ; Terwllllfer Laad , Company, 80.80; h m,Kr -lerwniifer . uh inmpany, ' , lot 8. Terwllllfer land Company, '. bit 8, Terwllllfer Laod Company, ; '; . Kit T,' Terwllllfer. Land Company, " bit . 8, s Terwllllfer land Company, ! :. kit 8. , Terwllllf er 1 Laad Company, , . J w"mnrr urn uu VOWflUT, eO.OO. i , ' HLOCK 14. Kit 1. Terwllllfer Land Company, , -: : lot 8. Terwllllfer Lead Compaay, 80 BO; bit 8, Terwllllfef Land Company, 80.80; ., . .. lot . Terwllllfer Load Company, 80 80; V -. lot .8,'. Terwllllfer Lead Company, 80.80; Kit 8, , Terwllllfer land Company, 80.80; 1 m i, ' iPTwiimiT iem loapany, au.aii ! -Kit n. Terwjiiifer land compaay, '' ' lot 8. ' Terwllllfer Laod Compaay, i .; lot 10, Terwllllfer Lead . Company, let 11, Terwllllfer Land Co Bine ay, s, 'i Kit It, ' Terwllllfer Land ' Compear, lot 1.1, Terwllllfer . Land Company, Kit 14. Terwllllfer land Compuiy. lot in, Terwiiifer . Load Company,; . Kit 18,; 'Terwllllfer Lend Company, fo 80; . lot 17, Terwllllfer .Laad Company,. 80.00; . lot 18 Terwllllfer Land - Compaay, 8O-80. , ruitu in. m i. rerwinifer land company. ' ao.ov; in z. terwllllfer iana company, , Kit 8. Terwllllfer land Company, . lot 4. , Terwllllfer . land Company, Kit ; 8, i Terwlllleer taad Company, . K 8.' TerwIllireT land Compear. Kit T. Terwlllieee. land Companr. in . ;. Kd 8. Terwllllfer land Onmpaay. 80.80. ,. BLOCK 18, Kit 1. Terwllllfer land Company. . 80.80; let . Terwllllfer laad Company, 8O.H0; . I . ioi n, jerwiinaer iana lompiny, . lot 4, ,i Terwllllfer land Compeer, 'T.'. M l.. Terwllllfer , land Cempany, " i ' Kit 8, Terwllllfer Land Company. ' lot T. Terwlllleer land Company, lot 8. . TjerwHIIeer land Cora nam. BLOCK IT, lot 1. Terwlllleer land Comiienr, 80.80: lot J. Terwllllfer laod Company, 80.80; , . . jo a,.--lerwiinrer land compaay, let 4, Terwllllfer laad Compaay. - bit 8, Terwllllfer land Company," lot 8, Terwllllfer land Company, . tot T. ' Terwllllfer land Company, , lot 8. Terwllllaer laod Compear, . I Kit . . Terwllllfer Leed Cnmpeny, .'-lot 10, Terwllllfer land Company, Kit II. firei '; eer land Companr, M '11 ' t - load Compear, lot r 1 -i f omeany, 80 80; ' ' t : ' C o- -nr. d M); r, HH; ', i; , i ; oitt Moncrt. eeiee ; lot 18. TBrwIIP- land Compaay. 80.80. BLOCK 18, bt LOCK 18. bit 1 ivrwlllleee l.nd Conn rwllilfar Land Comi-enr; let X, l-miillfa Land Compaaf, 8 t 3. Twwliiiaer Land Coin wear, m lot 4 lerwlli.eer Land 2"erwlltii(er Laud Terwllllfer . land Terwllll.rf Lead lot ' lot 8, lot T. lot 8, , Terwllllfer: land 8, Terwllllfer laud 10. Terwllifeee l.M ' BLOC. 18. lot k et. B. HwCiert. ' Wli A K. Bwlfert. 8tl.70; bit , 8. Hwlf art, J0.HO- lot 8, M. t Kwlfert. , lot 8 Terwllllfer , Laad Oompanr. 't e, Aiwiiueer laua company. bit lot ' lot" lot ' bit ' lot lot lot T. Kerwiuifer land Terwllllfer Laad 8. 8, It 12. Terwlllleer Terwlllleee. Land Terwlllleer Terwllllfrr Land Terwllllfer" Land 14. Terwlllleer Land bit IS, M. K. owlfert. 80.80: bit 18. , Bwlfert, 80.80; lot IT, at. K. Swtfort, 80JJO; - Bt 18. M. Bwlfert, 80.80. v I'BDIVrSJUM OF PART OK BLOCKS NtTbf BKRKIl 8 AND 4. fULTUM f A UK BLOCK 8. anbdlrlaloa, 8 of lot D. t'eUf rindley, fo.65; MbdlrlaloB 1 of lot t, H. K. Laaf. 80.86. ItlU'a: 4. BUhdlvleloe I a! loft A H Mt. ' Leaf, 80 U; eubdlrUloa I of lot A. H. K. ao; aooqieialoa c bit A, - 11. au &o; aabdleleloa 4 of lot A, H. K. 88: aunotrlaloa 8 ef bit A. 11. U. -00: f nudlrlaloa 8 of lot A. li. ll. Lone. . CAbUUIN UKI0HT8 BtXTK S3, lot L Kllaa a. vonon meimie, tteira ox, fl ' Kllaa A. Coraon Ketato, tletro of. KUna a. Careen ratate. Main of, Vllaa A. Careoa Kaiata, Heh-a at. A. Careoa fauia, Helra of, 80.80: kit z. .3o; mt , 1.30; lot 4, lot 8. (ilea A. corona JMtate. lielra of, 80.80; bit Kllaa- A. Caraoa Kaute: Helra of. 80.30: lot ' Kllaa A. Careoa Katate, Helra of. 80.80) lot 8, Kllaa A; ' Careea BaUU. Helra of. 80.80. BLOCK 84, lot L Klna A. Caraoa KaUU. Helra or,; lot z. fiiaa A. Caraoa Lata to. iielra i.:i: lot a, Kllia A. Careoa Kaute. llrlra 1.W1; lot 4, Elian A. Caraoa KataU. Uelra so: lot 8. KUoa A. Caraoa Batata. Helra .40. BLOCK 88. lot 1. Kline A. Cornea Rotate, Main or, fo.oo; lot 8, Ellaa A. Caraoa Raute, Uelra ef, 80.80; lot It, Kllaa A. Caraoa , Kaute, Hetra ef, 80.80; hit 4, Kllaa A. Caraoo - Bauta. Helra of. eO.00: lot 8. Kllaa A. Caraoa - Bauta, Helra el, ao .00; lot 8, Kllaa A. Caraoa aauio, 11 lire at, ao.ou; tot T, Kllaa. A. caraoa : Ketato. Helra of. 80. 00: lot B. Kllaa A. Caraoa KaUU, Helra of. 80.00; bit 8, Kllaa A. Caraoa saute, Uelra 01, o.ov: lot 10, Kllaa A. Car aoa Kaute, Iielra ef, 8O.B01 lot 11, BUaa A. Caraoa Kauta. Iielra of, 80-80; bat 12, Kllaa ! A. Caraua ratate, Helra of. 80.80; lot 13, 'Kllaa A. Caraoa CaUte, Helra of, 80.80 ; Kit M. Kllaa A.. Caraoa Kaute, Helra of. 80.S0; bit IS, Bona U. etturfia, 80.80: lot 8. Bona It. Blurrle. 80.80. BLOCK 84, lot 1. Kllaa. A. Caraoa KaUto, Helra of. 80.801 lot a. Kllaa A. " tamea Kaute, Helra of. 80.48; lot 8, kvilee A. ,. Carawt Knuta, Uelra of. 80.70: bit 4, Kllaa A. Caraoa KaUta, Hetra of, 81.15; kit 8,. Kllaa A. Caraoa Ifcuu, Helra of, 8o.o; lot 8. Kllaa A. Careoa bull, Helra of, 80.80; lot T. Kllaa A. caraoa nun, 11 wire or, fa 00. cnuOCK st, " lot 1. E1IU A. Caraoa KaUU. Helra of. AO an: tot X, Kllaa A. Caraoa Kaute, Helra ef, fo.oo; Kit S, Kllaa A. Caraoa Kaute, Helra of, 80.80; . lot 4, Ellaa A. Caraoa Katate, Helra of, 80.00; m o, r.naa a. caraoa rauu, tteira ot,; lot 0, Kllaa A. Caraoa Keuu,- Helra of. 80.80; lot T, Kllaa A. Careoa Keuu, -iielra of, 80.0O; lot 8. Kllaa A. Caraoa Eeute. Helra of. 80.80: let P.. Kllaa A. Caraoa BaUW, Helra ef, 80a0; lot IO, Kllaa A. Caraoa KaUU, Helra of, 8O.80; lot 1L, Kllaa A. Careoa Katate, Helra of, 80.88; art 14, Kium a. caraeai huu. neira or ao-oo; ' lot 18, Kllaa A. Caraoa KaUte, Helra of, 80.8W; bit 14. Kllaa A. Caraoa KeUte. Helre ef. 80 no: lot 16, Kllaa A.. Caraoa Kaute, Helra of. 80.80; tot ia, naa A. caraoa Kauter Helra or, 00.00; lot 17, Kllaa A. Caraoa KaUU. Helra of. 80.00: "lot 18. Kllaa A. Caraoa Katate, Helra of, 80.80; ' lot 18, Kllaa A, Caraoa Keuu, Helra of, ao.oii; lot 80, Kllaa A. Caraoa KaUU. Helra of, 80.80; "let 81. Kllaa A. Caraoa eleuw, Helra ot, nun,a ao, m 1, a.nia a. caraoa Kauta, Helra of, 8O.80; Kit S. Kllaa A. Caraoa KaUU, - Helra Of. 80. BO! bat 8. Kllaa A. Cereoa bMete. Hetra of, 80.00; lot 4- Kllaa A,- Careea Kauta. Helra of, 80 no; bit 8. Kllaa A. Careoa Keuu. tieira or, fo.vti; let o. Kllaa A. Caraoa KaUU, ' Helra of, 80.8O; lot 7. KUoa A. Caraoa Ketato. neira 01, au.ou; an a, a, una a. caraua oat ate, Helra af, fo.av. . BIAX'K !. Ellaa A. Caraoa . KaUU, Helra or, ft. 00. BLOCK 40. lot 1 BUaa A. Caraoa Katate, Helra of, 80.40; lot , 8, Kllaa A. Caraoa BeUbt, Helra of, 80.40; lot 8, Kllaa A. Caraoa Kauta, Hetra of, 80.46; bit , 4,. Kllaa A. Caraoa Keuu, Helra of, let 8, Kllaa A. Caraoa batata, Helra of, 80.46; bit ?. Kllaa A. Caeaon Kaute, Helra of. 80.80; lot . Kllaa A. Caraoa Katate,. Helra of, 80.60; lot 'B,' Kllaa A. Careoa KetaU. Uelra of, 80.80. BUHh, a. lot 1. KUaa.aV. Caraoa KaUU, Helra of, 88 0. , ' CAKMON IIK10HTS Lot P. Kllaa A. Careoa . 1 , 1 lira Mnw nan, e if f ratau, Helra or. 80.15; lot J. BUM A. Caraoa K.iate, Helra f,;"kit. M, KUoa A. Caraoa - Ratate. Helra of, 80.70; bit 8, Kllaa A, Caraoa r-aiaio, neira or, ao.zu; lot 1, r.iiaa a. Caraoa i' Keuu. Hern or, 80.70; lot V, Kllaa A. Caraoa , Ketate, Helra of. 80.X0; tot V. KUaa A. Caraoa Mate. Helra a?. 80.70: bit W, KUaa A. Car aoa notaie, neira 01, A trbufalar tract of knd 1lnf between tbf : eeet lino of the Pert land A Willamette Tal- lay Railway Oompany a rlfht of way and Ue eater fine ot Horrlaoa atroet acuadod eaat orly la lu praoeat eoorae aad the aorta Una of rinko Caralbora avaatbaa laad claim, W, K. ttmitk, 84-80. -i ' A tract of lead 'bouoded aad deeerlbed 08 followa: OommeaK-lnf at tba iBUraoetkga of . too Bortb Inso of Kin lea Caratbera doaatloa , lead claim wltb tba eaet Una ef Hood atroet I . tbeoca aaat aloof aald donation land claim to - tba went bank of tba WillaatotU rlrer at low alar mark; tneeee aoatborly alotif tba want beak ef Willamette rlrar to a point 48.48 feet aoatk of tba aortk Una ef tba eakl do aatloa load claim tbeaea wwat 868 feat; tneace aorta) aloof 8 olraifbt line to wbora : tba aame wonld be lataraecied be the north una at i.iateia atrect 11 exuaaed eaaurl; a-ly In aloof , iu preeeal oearae: tbence weeUrlr anid azuaaMa of tba nor Lb lino of Lincoln otrotl to a point 100 feet aaat ot tba aaat Una of Hood atroet; tbeaea eortk 100 feet aloof a Una 100 afoot aaat of and parallel with tba aaat lke of Heed atroet; tbeaea ' Weet aloof a Una 100 foot aorta of aad par allel with tba aorth lino of Lincoln aueetir extended eaaterly to tba went lino of Hood treet: tberx-e a.irtk alonr the eaar line of Hood atroet to place of befloalaa, Portlaad LamnarlBf Mfnataetwlnf Csmpaay, $.16. eu. A tract at laod lylaf betweea two laoa ro epeetlTaly 90 feat aad loo feet north of aad parallel with tba Bortb Una of Llaoola atreot attended eaaterly and between the aaat Una ef Hood atreot and a Una 100 feat aaat thereof aad parallel . Uerawlth, Aaule and Kdvard Cole ao mi . I VA tract of load, lylaf betweea tb4 aorth line I of Ltaeatoatraai onl ended aaaarl fnd a line sov lee 1 hottb inereoK nna parallel taarawith . aad batweoa tba aaat Una el Hood atreot and a lino IOO feet eeet of and narellel iheieilte " iortlaad Laoibarluf jaaaufaclarlag Cumpanj, A tract of laad boanded aad deocrlbad od fol lowa: Comiaonrtnf at a pomt ea tba left bank et tba Willamette rlrer 10 feat aoau ef tba aoatbeaat corner ef tea piieiplnf-bouee; tbenco weal 100 , feet; tbenoe aorth SOU fett: thence rsat to the weal bank ef WlllaaertU rlrer at low water mark; hence up tba weet bank of aald rlrer to a' point doe eeet of kleca of beflnnlnf; tbeaea weat to place of beflrmlnf. Aloe a certalB rlfbt of war 10 feet wlda eitextlnf la a aaribweotarlr direct lea from aald tract to too eaet una at lenwl. fa Nil. A tract of la ad troaaded fad eeaerlbod ka fol lowa: uomnieacmf at tba aoalbeaat of . the Kline be tb Ceratbere doaatloa load claim 1 tbeaea west to tba eoatoeeat corner of Ceratiiere' Addllloa ta too City ef Portlaad aa laid oat- by I be Booth Portland Beat KaUU Aaoaamtleat thence aorth on the eeet line of aald addition to too nortaaaat oorner of aald tedltluai thence want ta toe eaat line of lacadam atreot; tlteaca aorth alonf the eaat line of Macadam elreet U lu Intereecttaa with ta north line of Lincoln atreet If ef- tenaea eeeterir! tnoaca eaet alone eeia ee. I tenaloa ef Lincoln atroet to lu taterooctlaa wltb the want line et a tract of land eoo reyed by M. C. Barrel! and wife to the Port land Lamberlnf 4 Maaafactartnf Compaay by deed recorded la book 88. pafe IIP, Record 01 Deeua, Huiinoman Count : tbenco eoutb to tbe Booth weet corner of a tract eoaeeyed or tea nnaia i-nniaaq n-eei aautn Aaaocia tioa to the Portland Lamberlnf Maanfactur tag Compaay by deed and recorded In book 84. neae 2. Ilaourd ef Ieeoav Mnllne-neb County ; tbence eaat to the northwest corner ef toe water wort a tract, aectlea 8, towoabti 1 atrath, now 1 eeet, WUlametu OMrtdlan taonoa east to tne Willamette rlrer at water mark ; tkeaae oouik aloof tbe maender Inra of aald rlrer re piace of beflnnlnf. Bare and etcept tbe rlfbt ef way ef the Portland WUUmette V la ue t Wi ley Ktuway oomoaoy aad a tract owned by Warwick, urafoa aaUwty Karif atioe Compaay, 8.W0 0O. A tract of lead lylaf betweea (84 weft line ef the Portland WUlametu Valley Rail road Company'a rlfbt of way and tbo WU lamette rlrer aad betweea the aoath bnaadary line ef a tract owned by tbe Maltaomaa Trunk Foetecy, sect loo 10, kownablp 1 aoutb, ran re 1 eaat, WUlametu Mori di a a, aad the Cctk line of a tract of land eaat of tbe Port nd Willamette Vtlley Railroad Compaay'a rlfht ef way ewaed by Aataoay Boffe and Richard Btora, aitualed la aertlon li. town otlp 1 aonth. ' ranf I eaat. .Willamette Meridian! Marie Arnold. Trot tee, $7.80, A tract Of lead ly-iaf betweea two 11 nee ao. apectleely 28 feet aad 43.28- feet eoulh of a ua parallel with the aoath lino at a tract ef laad owned by the Multnomah Trass Factory, Section 10, township $ oealb, ronfo 1 eeet. Willamette Merldiaa, and betweea the eaat Boa of Macadaat road and tbe West line ef the Portland W II la met U Teller Bsllmad Cnmpaay a nh af way, ' Marl Arnold. $0.80. k A tract of lend boaedel and dWrrhodaa fol Iowa: . Commend nf at tbe letereectloa of the aorth Una- ef Terwllllfer doaatloa Mad claim wltb tba west Uno ef Macadam roadi thence south 8.10 feet) tbence .west and feetl thence north M feet; thence eeat feet J" plaee . of bef InaUf. city ef .Portland, $17.1. ' . f A tract' ef land bnaodad and a ace Used a f llowal Oammoaclafl at the Intrreeetlna e toe ooriB aaae at v ze .i.t .; II, I ; CoU'UaJir. fo.t , CuttJiMiny. , fo.tai; Companr. 80. 80; LVumpaay. , 80.011; Company. ( 8i.8u; Company, 80-8o; Company, lotto. 80.7O: U. K.; M.OOi 80.00; Compaay, au.ou; Company, 80 w; Company,- io.oo; Company,' 80.811; Company. 80 ! Oompany, 80.011; Company, 80.0i; CoHioauy. 80.00; bi. E. orrr Bonoea. Und Holm with the eaat Boa ef K-ceoem rood; tbeaea eooij, 88 aVfreeo eaet -l feet; tbeoce ooutb 'i defreee weet l.0 cbalna; tbenoa aorth 88 Oefreee weat 81 feet: toeaea aorth I defreea eaat 1.40 cbata) to f laoa of beflnnlnf, John Klrkley. Iz.70. , A tract of mad bounded and deaertbed aa followa: Commenrluf 1V3 feet euutb at tba iMtereertloa j of the cut Use of Macadam road wltb tba aorth lino of the Terwllllfer doaatloa laad claim; tbenco ooutb a) defreea eeat Ml feet; thence aorth 37 fret; Uenee er.Bterly to wcaurly bank of Willamette rlrer: tbeaea north eeat alonf aald rlrer ITS feet; tbeoce aorta- 88 deareee wool 48 feet; thence eoulh 8 defreea 18 mlaaua weet 82.4 feet I thence north mt defreea weat 821 feet; theaee aoath 100.8 feet to place of beflnnlnf, Bamaal U, aad Jamea O. Uorraacb, A tract of lend fceeadrd and 00 ere rood aa fob Iowa; . CoaaieBelaf 1P8 feet ooutb of tnter aeetloa of eaat Una of Macadam .road with north Una ef TerwiiUfer donation land eUtm; tbeoce Booth kS defreea eaat 821 feet; tbence aorth tl feet: tbenco ooatb 88 defreea eaet ta weet beak of Willamette rlrer at bw water mark 1 tbence aoaebweat a loaf the want bonk of aald rlrer 142 feet: theaee aorth 88 de. freee weal 888 feet: tbence aorth 108.78 feet 10 p Dloca of berlnnlne. Cberlea P. Kaute, Helra of, fv 00. . . , A a-act of laod bouuded and eeeerlbed of fol- - Iowa: Commeoiiuf at a point la the eaat - line of Macadam road 8VZ.78 feet aoutb of tbe inlererrtlou of the aaat Una of Macadam road with tbe north Uno of Terwllllfer 00 natloa land elalmi tbenco aoath aloaf aaat , Una- of Macadam road la tbe nortbwoat corner . of ft. Oborle'a three-acre tract.'.' recorded la Book . tl. pafo zo3, Bacerd ef iMeda. Multnomah Countys tbeaea ooutb 88 difraeB eaet 10.82 efaalna to weet bank of Willamette river at low-water mark; thence northerly alonf the went bank of aald rlrer to tbe . aoath Up of . Cberlea p. , Bacon KaUU , neira - or. Tract, auction 10, nownahln 1 -i. . eui, . m iiieawito eeiuwa. tbence weat alonf tba ooutb Una ef tbe aald , Cberlea P. Bacou BaUU, helra ef, tract, U Blaaa ot beflueanf, MulUaaeah Trunk Kae- , er. eio.ou, , A tract of laad lytraT bet' tweaa the aoath Una of Multnemal ah Trunk factory tract, eec- tlon 10, townaiilp I neath, renfe 1 aaat, Wlll : ametu Meridian, and a Una 28 feet ooutb thereof aad parallel therewith, and betweea t the aaat Una ef Macadam road and the weat Hoe ef tbe Portland "WtllametU Valley auiiroao (xapaa a rlfht ot way, - Johna, $0.40. . a tract of land lyinf betweea two Hbm reepertlrely 43.88 feet aad 88.28 feet aoutb ef aad parallel with tba aoath line et Mult- aomaa, jruak rectory tract, oaetloa 10, towa ohlb 1 aoutb, ranee 1 eaat.. WUIamatU . Meridian, aod betweea tbe eaat Una ef the Macaaam road and the weat line at the Port- land Willamette Valley lullroad Oampoay'f rlfbt of way. Loalo Oberle. $0.80. . ' A tract ef land Irian between to linen ee. apectleely 8.1.28 feet aad 121.28 feet Booth of , aod parallel with the aonth Una ef Multne- man J leak r ectory tract, aectlea 10, town ' ehlp 1 aoutb, re nfe 1 aaat, WUlametu ' MerldUa. aad between tbe eaat Una of Mae . kUm read and tba weet Una ef Fort laod a Wlllanetto Valley Ballrsad OBmpaay 'tSbt of war. Clara Boberu, $0.40. 1 A tract ef laad lylnf between tare llnea re apectlrely 121. reel aad 148J9 feet ooutb of and parallel with tba aoath line of Mult " om? Trunk Poctorr tract, oectlon 10, towa , hlp 1 eouUi, roofe I aaat, WUlametu merld- Ian. and between tbe eaat Ilea ot Macadam - road and tba wort line ef tbe Portland WU lametu 1 alley Railway Company e tiftlt of aweiaeriue reiaaua, ao.u. A tract of lead lrlne between tarn It apectleely 206.25 feet and 148.25 feet ooatb of aad .parallel with the aoath Una of Mult nomah Trunk factory tract, oectlon 10, town ablp 1 ooatb, ranfa 1 aaatt Willamette morld- ton, and betweea tba aaat line ot Macadam . rood and the west line of the Portland WU lametu Valley Railway Company a rlfht of . way, r-eier uoerie, po-ao. tt-AII that poetleo e e tract ef land lytuf , of the. rlfht ef way ef tbe Portland t WU laraette V a lley Railroad Compaay bounded - and deeerlbed of followa: ConiawnclBf oa the - eaat lane of Macadam road at tbe portlier eel , comer ot a ttt-aere tract aald to KobllUet al., recorded tat book -M. pafe - 281, - Bacerd- of Imeda. Mallnonwh County; tbeoce aoutb 88 defreea i lorn a tee, eeet 8.78 ehaiaai tbeoce aoath 30 dearoea, weet LOP chalne; theaee . north 88 deareeo 85 minataa, weet 8.20 chalne; , tbence-north IS defreea 8 mlnutee, eaat 1.07 ruaino, to piece ac nf laataf, Janitf awnaett. $0.46. ' A treet of laad boanfed eea eleeerlheA ao M. Iowa: Oommeoewf at a point In the weat Una wi ue riaui ot way or toe 1 net iana oe W1P lamette Valley bUUroad Company which la 15 feet Bortb of the ieteraei tijea ef the aee - line of aald rlfbt of way with tbe aorth Una - ef a ooe-eiTe tract conreyed to Bedo Kub ler, recorded la book 82. pafe 808, Record of . leeaa,. aeiiDomaa tjouniy : uieace north 00 ue . free 86 mlnutee, went 188 feat, to Macadam toad; tbence north alone tba eaat line ef -.Macadam road 62 feet: theaee aoath 88 defreea - mmaiee. eaex irni 1 eel, to toe went line er . tbe afaroaald rlfbt ef way; thence aoattwrly amain ut eaio rigac ot way 10 place or oe inn1n(, AaUuay atoffe aad Richard p. atorp, A ' tract ef Ttnd bouoded and deerrfhed ao followa: Comoteactaf at ncrlbeoet corner of Terwllllfee doaatloa laad claim; tbence north 88 deartea 84 minatee. weet 14.8 chalna: thence ooutb 2 dereee 18 mlnutee, weat 1.40 cbahiBi tbeaea south I defreea, weet 8.06 Chains: theoee aonth S.16 rhalaa: tbence aonth aerreea, west f.U chalna: tbeoce aoath ad ' defreea 88 mlnutee. eaat 8.78 rhalaa, aa place of beflnnlnf: tbeoce Bortb 88 defreea 38 mla- utee, weet 888 feet, to eaat line ot tbe rlfht of 1 War of the Part la nit a Willamette. Vellee Railroad Company; tbence aoulherly alonf aald lit bt ef way 8X3 feet: taence aoath 88 defreea . 89 mlaatee, eaat 2&4 feet: thence north 20 de- trees, eeat ziej eea lea; tbence north 23 do freeo, ooot e.Qe cnaina, to puce ot beflnnlnf Anthony Rotre and Richard P. Btora. 810.03. , A tract of land b nnded and deeerlbed aa ) followa: Commeoch.f 816.1 feet aortb, 13 de freea 81 mlnutee eaat. of tbe north wool corner 01 toe reran two-acre tract, recotded la book O. pafe 303. Record of Deeds, Maltnomah . County; theaee eaat T defreea, 7 mlavnue ; Booth, to weet Una ef rlf lit of Way of tbe rortianu m w liiomeiie i alley euiirooa core . paayl theaee north 18 defreea, east 80 faet, . more er ieee, to driveway; tbeaea Berth 88 de- Keee, z muiatea weet. aloof aald driveway east Una of Macadam roadi tbenee ooutb 11 aofreee, zr ai iae tee weat, to puce 8f aefla ; nhif. Bmma L. Cote, 80.84. A tract ef laad bovadoB aad deecrfbed aa foUowa: - Commendnf at northwest corner of tne r eran two-acre tract, awroroed la nook U, 1 pore 8U8, Record of tleeda, Maltnomah County; tbence aorth 13 defreea. eaat 80 feet: tbeoce aonth 88 defreea 36 mlnutee, eaat 188.8 feet; thence aoath 12 duaiaaa. treet 60 recti tbeaea aorta bb ocfrosa an m ion tee, weet im.a feet. , to piace ot Definninf , rrea noble, eo.nb. A tract of land bouaded and deeerlbed . f ou owe: Ooumonctnf 60 feet berth, 18 de , frees 87 mlaatee eaat. aad 712 feet aoath, 88 defreea 13 mlnutee east, from north weat eor . nor ot the Facea two-acre tract, recorded bt boob u, pace sos, necoro. or lieeoe, Maltnomah eaat ilVi feetl tbence north 18 dtftaaa. eeat 88.5 feet; tbence north 76 defreea 7 minatee. weet 113,8 feel; tbeoce eoutb 10 dea-rere 16 minatee, west en.i reel: tbence norm in ae ereee 60 mlnutee. west 87 feet: tbenda aoutb . IS defreea in mlantee. went 10.8 feet: tbence nnath T aefreeo bp mi no tea, coot 8T.8 feet; . tbeaea aonth 10 dearreee 13 minatee, weat 884 feet, to piece of beflnnlnf, Carrie Kirk lay, il.oo. ' . tract ef land. bouaded and deecrtbetl aa fol lows: Oommenelnf 18 defreea 87 minatee riat B0 feat from the aeruweot eeraer of the afaa two-acre tract, recorded In book O, pare 308, Record of Heeds, Multnomah Oouaty ; tbence aorth 18 defreea 27 mlnutee, eaat 60 ' feet; tbenoa ooatb 78 define 80 mmatea. eaat 87.8 feet: theaee Booth 10 defreea IS mla atee, weat 88.3 feet; tbence north 88 defreea , If minatee, west 71.3 feet te Blaoe ef be- ilnnlu, John Mler,- 80.SO1 . tract of land bounded and deocrrbed oa follows! Cooimenclnf feet north of ' northwest comer of tbe Paraa two-acre tract, . recorded hi booh O, pace 808, Record et Dvoda. Multnotaaa County: tbence north 38 defreee 87 minatee, eaat 44.5 feet: tbence aoutb 78 de ' freeo T mibatea, east 83.4 feet: tbence eoutb ' 10 dafTsaa 18 mlaatee, weat 40 feet; theoee north 78 defreea 8 uiiaatea. weet 86.6 feet, te puce ei uefinnuif. wsariea 4. uouwartb. ' A tract of Mad notjaded and dtoi iOied aa 1 followa: exenmenemf lio.f feet north, 13 de . freeo 27 mlnatea eaat, from aorthwest corner et the Fa ran two-acre tract, recorded la bonk O, Bare B09, It otero of msaa, Maltnomah County: J tbence north IS dofj aaa 87 mlnatea, eaat 88,7 feet; tbeoce Boat 7e aerreea t mlaatee. eeat ' 88 6 feet: thence nnath 10 defreea 16 anlnntea, . weet 28.7 teat t tbeaae north 78 defreee 88 filautaa, weat 87 feet, H 8 aaa of -'--trw. Loelf Oberle, $8.20. . A treet ef laad bounded and deecrfhed aa tollewe: Cornmcncinf at tbe northweet cor ner ef tba Moodoouf h Clark four-acre tract, . recorded In boob P, pare 4U7, Record ef Deeda, MultDOmib Cnoatt tbence Bortb 25 derreeo, eaet 3.07 chalna 1 tbence aoath 88 faume u ai lee tee, weat 7.28 chalna. to tbe weet hank of tbe Willamette rlrer at lew water mark; ' tlience up the weet bank et oald.riTer 8.08 ehelaa; tbeoce north m drrraoe 83 mlnatea. weet 7.14 chalna. ta place el beflnaUf, Ualhr crlna Pafaa, $7.20. A tract of Uad bounded and doacrlberl aa 1 followa: CommenclBf et noruweet l.wiwc at - tbe Uoodaraaf h at Clark fvapaere treet, ro- - Corded to booh P, nape 487, Record ef Deeds, Multaomob County; tbence aoutb 14 defreee, weet 8.84 cbaiaa; J hence aoath 81 defreee 80 mlnutee, aaat 0P8 chalna; tbence north 23 - dea-reea. eaat 4.38 chalna; tbeaea aorth 88 de freea 80 Blnulea, wast 7 J4 chalna, te place et beflaalnf, Blouin-fer a CO.. $0.00. A treat ef Mad bounded end eeeerlbed aa followa: Cemmeuelnf 884 cbaiaa ooutb, 84 ao freee wast- ot north weat corner ot tbe Unad Bouf b A Clark fear-acre tract, recorded hi book , P. par 4PT. Record of Deeds. Malunauh Coantyi theoee aoath 24 dearoea, wast 1.18 chalna; thence south 33 defreea. weat .82 chalna; tbenee oneth T8 aerreea 18 mlnatea, eeat 8.87 cbAlea, te tbe weat bank ot the WUMraelte rlrer;. tbence ilmf tbe weat bank ef eald rlrer aorth 85 derreea, eaet 3.40 eh tine; thence north 80 defreee 40 mlantee, weet 480 chalne. to place et bsf laalag, Latin Bimiaerman, 88.4a. A tract ot land bnaadad knd deect tried u fet apwai CuaoeBlri( Berth 1$ defreee ft mla- CITY BtmCIa. alee, aaat 183.1 feet, from northweet Corner ef tbe Paeaa two-acre tract, recorded la book O, rate,, Beonrd of Boeda, Mnltnooiah County; beiice odatb 76 drfrota 7 minutes, aaat 178.2 feet; thence aortbweaterly 84.6 feet along weet lie of the rlekt of war of the Pi eei aa e iiianwiw vnuer eaiiivwi wmiymny, teaoco aorth 76 defreea 1 nilnuua, weet 171.1 , feet; Uktnoo aoutb IS defreea 31 mlnutee, weat 84 feet, to pifoo et boflnnlnf, V, A. Keadlca, . ' $0.88 - 1 A tract of laad beaaded aad deem bed aa fol Kiwa: Comaieaclnf at the aoatbweat euroer ef : tbe Ooodnoufb A Clark four-acre tract, re corded la book T, pafe 487, Record of Oeeda. ' Multnomah County; tbence Boot a TB defreea 16 uiuiutee, eaat T.14 cbaiaa: tbeoce north 18 derroea 46 mlnutee. ' eaat 100 feet! tbence tbence aouth $2 defreea, weet 103.06 foot. U , place of bertnalpf, parUand Troat Companr at Orefoa, $4.X. A tract of land bounded aad deeerlbed aa tel , biwo: Commenchif at tbe eouthweat- corner ot tbe aoodnuufu A Clark four-acre tract, ra ; cordad la book P, BOfe, 407, bacerd ot Deeda, Muluomab County) tbeaea sbaUt 76 6itrbaa 80 mlnulee, eaet 7.M3 cboUo, to tbe WlllainetU rlrori tlwoce south 4 dtftaea, west 62.2 fast; tbeoce aurtb 76 orareea, 80 mlnutea weat, t eaat Hoe of Macadam road: tbence aortb 81 . drrreee 47 mJnuua, east 47 feet, more or laoa, - to place of beflnnlnf. Charlee Del th. $2.40. . A tract of land bouoUed and described on fob Iowa: Commeucluf at a ouke In the eaat line ot moraaaaa reaa ao unaa auauerir rcoae ibw . soulbweet eornar ot the Brlok Xard trac. aectloa 15, townabtp 1 aoath, ranfa 1 eaat, Willamette meelitlee tbenee Bealb 76 deOreee. ' 80 mlnutee cost, parallel with south line et ', Bold Brick Yard uoet, $.15 eaaine to weat ' bonk of WUUmette rlrer at low water mark; theoee alonf weet bank of aald river auutk eu tiifrmi, weet af iinao, t nonce norm ia ee mil no mUutaa meet, earallel with aouth Una of aald Brick Vard ira.t, 8JS4 cbaiaa ' to Ue eaat Una ef MacauaBt road; tbenee north 80 defreea, eaat 8 Unka, aloof eeat line ot Macadam read b place of befbuilnf. . Joba eVMraaa., ... . A mo of i.h-4 bahaal deeerlbed aa fol lows; Comaienclnr at eouUmast corner at block O, Portland Bmnaauad; thence eaat to weat line at Macadam road; tbenoa nor marly ' alonf aald weat line ef Macadam road to Ha tateraectlon with . tbe out Una et ibe old county road; tbenee eoatberly alonf eaat Uae . of old county road to ue plaee of prf lamiaf . l,nkru, Owrw tf H A tract of land bounded Bad deecrfbed aa fol- ' lowot Commendnf at Ibe aoutbwaot corner et John kUoraaa tract, reeorded tn book 28, pare 488, Heoord of r Deeda, Multnomah ' County; tbenco ooatb- 80 decree, west ISO feet; tbence eoutb 78 defreee So mlnaus, east to west bank ef Willamette rlrer at low water mark; thence alonf tbe wool bank et aald live aorth 40 dea-reeej east te aouth coat eornar of aald John B. tern an tract; Umbo north 76 defreea 80' minutes, weet aloof tbe Santa . Ilea of aata John Klernea tract place ef beflnnlnf, Hiram TcrwIUlfor, $5.40. ' A tract of land bounded and deeerlbed aa fol lowa: Commenelna- to the east line of Macao : am coed where aema lateraecU tba W eater ly f extmioloo la iu present course the north line ot tue Keller at wyati one-acre traci, rw eneAad le book II. aua So, tlaraird ef Deeda. Maltnomah Ooanty; thence a keif east line of 1 Macaaam road north i oef reea ou minutoa. . weet 1HH.4 feet: tbence north 14 decree 10 anla- , aloe, weet 1P4.4 foot; tbeoce north 7 defreea 80 mlnatea. weat f .8 feet, a the place ot be- nlnnlne: tbenee eeat 7UU A faet to west beak of Willamette river at low water mark, tbenee north a iouf tbe weat bank of aald rOjer Itfl feet; tbence weet 731.78 feet to eaat Uae of Macadam road; tbence eoutb 7 defreea 80 mu aieo, eeat aon-oe lees, to piaue ot twf oeiai. - I.J.. ULT ta..a- BO Oil A treat of land hounded end deaerlbed Be fol- . lowa: Oomatenduf la tba east line ef Mac - adam road where aame M lateraecud by the aorth line of the Keller A Wymoa one-acre tract, recorded la book O, pafe 802, Record of Deeds, Multnomah County; tbence norther ly alone eaat line or Macadam naa as follows; awia ea ueziwee ov auinetee, weev loei -tbeoce uerth 14 defreea 10 mlnutea. weet 1P4.4 fret: thence north 7 defreee 80 mlnatea, west ztm leet; inence norm a ur isss o muauiee, weet ao JM feet aa tba Blaoe ef bectontnr: ' tbenee east 740-4$ feet to weat beak of Wil lamette rieer at low water mark: A aorthnrlr alonf tba wast bank ot aaht rl boci.O feet: tbeaea north 18 defreea 18 mla ulea, eaat 110.7 fact, more er lean, to ooatb Una at Moffolt tract, oectlon 15, township 1 aouta, ranee I eaat, wuiaaaeita merwian . tbence 'tr8et alone aouth Hue et aald Moffat ' tract to the eaat line ef Macadam road; theaee south alonf tbe east line of Macadam road to place of beflaalnf, lorwUllfur Land Coot land bouaded aad deeerlbed a fol lows: Oacaweaclna In tba seat line of Mac adam rued where same hi Intersected by tbe ' north line ot Keller wytnaa one-acre tract, recorded In book O. Dare 803. Record ef Deeda. Multnomah County t tbence northerly aloof eaat line of Macadam road ao foUowa: Nortn ' 21 defreea 80 mlnumn, weat 138.4 feet; theses ...aorta 14 as ress tv mm nice, west tv-t,e took; tbenee north 7 deareeo 3B mlnatea. west 176. PC feet aa place ef be fieri tun townee east to west bank or wi lamette river at low water mars i tbeaea northerly aloof weat bank of aald liver aa.10 feet: tbenee weat te eaet una or Mac adam read; tbeoce southerly akmf eeat line et Macadam - ruao. aouta a oefreee a minatee, eaar mj feet; tbeace aoath T del iota 80 aUnatee, eaat 80.08 feet, to place ef brflnnlof Mary P, Ureen, $8.80. A tract ef lead bounded aad deecrrhed aa fol. - low: Coniawaclnf at a point In tbe eaat Una et Macadam load where aama bt toterseeled br north Uno of Kellee A Wrman - tract, recorded la bonk 0. pafe 303, Record ef - luaaa, Muniiomao cuaaiy; inence norm aionf tbe eaat Una ot Macadam road aa followa: North xi decree 80 mlnutee. weat 138.4 feet theaee aorth 14 derreeo 10 mlnatea. wee - 118.8b feet aa tbe place of bet Inn tot; tbence east to weat bank ef Willamette river at water mark ; tbenee Borllierlr alonf weat bank ' ef aald river to ooutb Una ef Mary P. Green - tract, recorded In book 234. pate 68, Record af Heeds, Multnomah County: tbenee west abmf sou lb Una ot said tract to east Uae ef Macadam road; tbence aoaih alonf eaat line et Macadam road te place ef beg lunlAf , A una K. Bamett. $4.80. A tract of land bouaded Bad deeerlbed no fol low: fammenelnf at a point la eaat line ef Macadam road Where aame la intersected by tbe north line ef the Keller Wyman one-acre tract, rioeraeq in Book u. pace a-uz. Record of Deeda, Multnomah County; tbeace aorth Zl afroco aw mlnutee, west 1M.0 feet; .' tbeoce aorth 14 drfreaa 10 mlautea, weet 113.34 feet; thence eeat to want bank ef Wil lamette river at low water mart: oootberly a loaf the west bank at eald river av.4 reet;ueaee weet4aT.04 feetitneace aoru i- 23 deciaio. weet 26 feet; tbenoa weat 108 faet; tbeace Berth 33 defreea, weat 186.88 feet, to ' puce of beflnnlnf, letch er Linn, flu.MO. - A tract -of lemt tyttrr betaeeh the fonttr Ifnt f Boundary atreet ana a weateriy etteneion ef same In It present eoura and a line 131.48 teet oouToeriy rroro ana parallel toerewiio 7 and between the wort line -of Macadam road and the dlrlaloa line betweea eeet lone 18 and 16, towaahlp 3 aoath, ronfo 1 eeet, Willam ette merldiaa. E. W. Blaf bant and Kauna L. Corbett. 8111.10. 1 A tract ot Uad lyhtf betweea two 11 nee re- apeetlvely 181.48 feet end 443.18 feet south of sad parallel with ooutb Uae of Boundary - atreet and a waaterly extenaloa of (am la tta preaeat coarse sad between tbe westerly line et Macadam read aad the dlvlaioa Uae be " twaea oeetbina 18 and 13, towneblp 1 eoutb. ran re l eaat, wuiameito B-oritiULB, fana a . ttlnvhian TImIm i H M .' A tract ef land lymf between two lmee re . apectleely 44.1.18 feet and M1.88 feet aoath ' of and paraUel with eoutb Uae ef boundary ' ktreet and n wtuterly ettenaion ef aame In ita p recent course and Betweea tbe weaurly Uae ef Macadam nod end tbe division line be tween seel tons la and id. towash b 1 aonth ranf e 1 eaat. WUUaatte awrldiaa. Clarlnda CI. HmlU. $40.20. A tract ef land lrtnf between two line re anaetlvely "BO M feet and 838.5 teet aoutb ef , and parallel with tne eoatn uae or Boundary elreet and a waaterly extension of aame an lu , present course end Between the sweeter y Uno , ef Macadam rood aad the divlalon Una be tweea sectloas 18 and 15, township 1 aoutb. - ranf i east, n uiametie meriutaa, Anna u. BarneTl. k M 40. A tract at bind tytnr betweea a line 828.B ,. feet ooutb of sad parallel wltb ooatb Una of rmunnary atreet ana a weateriy exteneftoa thereof la -Ita present course and tbe aonth ' boundary line et tbe Terwllllfer doaatloa .land cUhn, . and between the west line ot . ureoa a Addition to 1' net land and the all. vie too Una between eeet lone 18 and IS, town- ahlp 1 aouth. nuure 1 eaat. Wlluunette merld- tan, conn w. aanfoon, A tract of laad bounded aad deeeribed aa fol- Jowai Commenelnf at a point In tba eaat , line ef Macadam toad where the aame bt In ' tereected by the ooatb line Keller A Wymsa one-acre tract, recorded ta book M, pare 884, Record of Deeda, Multnomah Oouaty I tbence eoutb 33 defreea, went 26 feet; tbence 23 defreee. weat 26 feet: tbence too 80 miaou, coot 100 feet; 28 defreee, weet 80 feat: tbenee south ov - tbeace north north 88 defreea 80 mlnutee, east 100 feet; tbenee aorth 88 derreee, weal 00 feet; thence Bortb 88 dea-reea 30 minatee. weat 100 feetl ; tbencf aouth 33 defreee, eeet 2$ feet to place m-i euinaiiof, i.nj ot reriieeo, eo.eo, ' A tract of land bounded aad deeerlbed aa fol Kiwot Centmeoebif at o point bt tbe wool bank ef W 11 la matte river at low water mark 102.24 feet north ot ooatb line of Terwllllfer doaatloa land claim; tbence north 6V defreee 2 mlantee, west to eaat line ef Macadam road; thence north 18 drftaas, wool 884 feet; thence north 17 dfii 4 m mutes, west 88.54 fset; i thence Bortb 21 defreee 27 mlnutee. weat 870 04 feetl tbenee anulh 88 defreea 18 pila- ; Ptse, eaet 100 feet; thence north 21 deareeo 87 mlBuue, weat 38 feet; tbence south MP de freea 18 minute, seat 481.$ feet to place of bcfionlna, Joba Ha leer J sees Cum pa ay, $12.00. . A treat of laad bounded and deecrfbed aa fnl Iswst Commencbif nt tbe ooutheaet earner ef tbe Terwllllfer dona t Ion land elalmi tbence Cent 6.36 chalne; tbence aortb 14 defreea 80 In u tea. eaat 1.8 chelea: theaee eaet 8 xfl chalna te want bank ot orn lamette etver at low water stark; loence snath 14 art race so mlaatee, weet 1 8 etialn to place el beflo- nlnr. Lonbi liberie. $i oo. A tract of land Beaaded and daerrlbed a fol Kiwa; Commencbif where the aorth Una of Tbosaaa Biepliena dnaatlon land elobn inter sects tbe weet beak ef Willamette river at bw water mart: thence weet 1 40 ehelna: v tbence enurb 1.1 defreea, eaet 4 88 ehaioa: mane aaaterij' 0.17 chalat; Uiear aoru 4.83 , cm Boram chalna te place ef beftnnmt, aave aad eaeept .2 acre described b book zoo, pace 78, Beaord of Haaila. Muliaomah County, Loala Aruoid. , W.b '...... . . i ' A tract of land hounded and deecrlhed ee fnl- .' low: Clsaimeactuf at a point 3U8 feet aoutb arly from where the aoath line of Terwllllfer duaatloa Mod claim unerase U the Beat line of ftauadam reed, and tbenee eeeleriy lie a teet ' Bt rurbt ana lee aa the niece of beklnnlna; tbence poutliorly 80 feet parallel with tbe : eaaterly line of Macadaat rood; tbence oost- erly 80 feet to weet Una ef lf bt of way of , tbe Portlaad Willamette Volley Railroad Company; Uieace northerly 80 feat alonf said ., rlfbt ef wsyi thence weateriy to nieae ac ho- f lualnf . Joba Arnold. $0.80. '.' A tract eaT leeA hnaieileel ami OaOHlbad B fol- iswai Commenelna at south weet oorner ot . Louie Arnold tract, oectlon 13. towneblp I :outh, rente 1 eaat, WUmavetiemerMlao; theoos ooutb 13 defreea, east 127 chalne; ' tbeaM-a eaet f ehalie to weet bank of Wil lamette river af low water mark; tbeace aortk 10 dtfrena, weat 8.26 cbaiaa; tbence west U place at baa lamina. WUlUm pad Beaton mi- rv- $4.20. -- . tr.. ..r mmAmI aa- I Ilia BB fol- Kiwa: Commeoriae at aoutbwaot corner ef , tbe William and bVoalaa Usurer tract, eectloo 15. towaahlo 1 amiln. ran a a 1 eeat. Wllloaa- ' ette meridian; thence weet 8.08 chalne! tbeace ooutb 14 defreee 30 filnote. eaat l.7-tatnet theaee eaat 8.08 chalna; tbenee north l ,oe- 80 mlnatea, went 1.10 chalna, -to puw laalaa wn Ml lu. 1...... i"-. I I 1 - ao e . A tract ef bud lying betweea the went line ef Macadam road and Ue eaat line ef bhirfca , 88. 87 and 82, aoatuera PortlaBd. Ore on. and ' between the milhaia houiutarv of tbo Tcrwil- Ibrer doaatloa land claim and Ue north una of blorka 26 and 24, bonthern portlaad. Ore- oo. and alee aorth line et Carolina atreet. L Tbempsoa. 800.00. -' A tract ef load lykif between the west lute of Macadam' rued aod th eaat line of tots 8. 7, 8 and 8, block 8, Ureen Addition te - Pen Und, and betweea tba euatk Use of Uie TerwIUice doaotma Und claim aad tbe nnath line ot lota 6 and . block 6, O rasa's Aoyutiaa - to Pertlaod. Benoot THetrlct N. L $3.80,, A tract et land lylaf betweea tba waet Una ;; of rnlton Park and the dlrhnon line between sections 18 ad 15. townaklp 1 ooutb. muse , 1 cost, Willamette merklUn. and betweea the outb line of tbe Kiev la road and tbe north . line ef block la, fnl loo Park, PvlUa Park iana company A tract of lam SB. Und Irluf beti tbe Una et Puitan Park and tne aivnuoa line urn , Beet tons tl and 82, township 1 south, rears 1 east. WUlametu aaerblten. and between tbe aouth line of PerU atreet aad Ue north line et ue atreet oe tbe aortb aloe ac blocs an, , FelUa Park. Puiloa Park Oompanr. $4."- . . A tract of land hac-odea end aeecrlhad aa fol lowa: Ocaaienelnf 10 cbaiaa west and 8.83 cbaiaa north, def ree went, of north eeet cor- ner of block 1. Puibn; tbeace eaat 3. SO cneiraa, toeoce Doria o warera. we, e.a ' chalna: thence west alonf aouth line ef Wo- - Vada otrsst.u a no hit earth 7 deareo. 210 chalna, from place of beflnnlnf; tbeace Boa lb 7 defreee, oast 2.10 chain, to place ef ttefinninf, Kate . Blnfham, bz.ib. ' A tract at land boned eT end deeerlbed OS fol lows: Commenelna 10 chalna want of north esat corner of block 1, Pulton; tbenee aortk 7 , defreea, west 8.02 chains, ta south line at Bevsda street; tbeace weat a ion south Una of Nevada atreet to eaat line ot rlfht ef way of tbe Metropolitan Railway Company; tbeace . southerly alonf eaat Una of aald right of way to aorth Una of block 411. Puiloa Park: tbeaea r eaat alonf north line ef Puiloa Park to place : of bef lanlnf., Ut W. Cor belt Batotev Ulrn ot e-to.rH). . A tract of land bounded aad deecrfbed aa fol- - Iowa: -Commenelnf at southeast eartwr of - block 4, Pultosi thence Basts riy a keif north Una of Rrrorvntw Ceuvetery, sertloa 23, towa- ship 1 ooutb, roofe 1 coot, WilUunetU merld .' Mn. to weet Uae of Macadam road: tbeace northerly alonf weat line of aald road to northeast eornar et block 4, Pulton; tbeace sotitnerly aionf tne eaaterly una er oioca a. Pulton, to pUo ef bea tualnf, W tor fa T. and aury M. nuenro, A tract of laad bounded and dtmiflad aa fol Kiwa: Commenelnf 81.80 chalna weat and 8.60 7 enaum nortn or eon ui eeet corner ot loom as htcphene donation land clelm; tbeace north 70 decrees, west B4 2-3 rode) thenra north 20 gear e so, aaat te east line or canny atreet; tnence aaat to east una er Hood atreet; tnenet . .. . . . l. . a.1-ua. V Paltoa Park; Ikanra ooatb 70 defreee, eeet i elialna, more ac lees, to weat line et Taylor' a "--Parry road; tbeace eoutb 23 defreea, weat 6.02 chain; tbence aortb 70 defreea. weat 18 chalna, to place ef nef InnUf. Herman Mtta- Xsr. $12.00. tract of land bnanded and deecrlhed a fol lows; CVimnienciaf at aortheeet (an oat lot B, block 108,- Puiloa Park: tbeoce north 80 fort; tbenee north 40 detrree, out 845 feet, to a stake 80 feet south front ooatb line of tbe , Metarer tract, section ta, towneblp I aouth. rants I eeat. Willamette merldiaa; tbeace eaaterly parallel with aoath tine of aald Meta : aer tract to a oUha In west Uno et Tar lor e - terry road: tbence ooutberly to esat Una et pmea n. rnitoa far: tnenc nortn too teet ta northeast corner ef aald block 103: thane weet 100 feet te place ef bf lanlnf Portland flay Cotnpany. $8.80. An lireauiar tract at land lymf between the ooutb una or piocb as ruiton. ana aa easterly ' exteneiou ot the aame In lu pre Bant course ue weet line or Macaaam roe a, tn i nortb Una ef Hector Campbell doaatloa lead claim, weateriy line ef Macadam road aad tbe eaaterly line of Taylor' a Perry road, Kir ervlew Cemeter Aaaeclntlon. 87.00. A tract of Und lvlnf betweea the aorth line ; of Hector CampbsU' doaatloa Und elolm and tbe eoutb boundary ot the City of Cortland aod betweea tbe weet line of the WUlametu rlrer at low water mark and tba weateriy tin . ot neon retry roe a aaa leyior terry rota, otve end except plot I, aa bowa oath map ef Portland, Orefoa, published by Tbe Title Oaerantee m Trust Company, Rer Istered, No. 75, Rlrer view Crtneury Aseeelstloa, 8.123.80. A tract of land bounded and deeerlbed aa fol lowa: Commenelnf at the Intersection ef tbe nortb line of tract deaerlbed bt bosk A, safe . 880, Record of Deed. Maltaomah County, with eaat line of Taylor' a Ferry road; thence oorth- , erly alonf aald rand 200 feetl tbeoce weal 80 feet tn eeat Uae ef Macadam road; tbenee ooutb 300 feet:. Uenee eaet to puc of be Inning, (ocarltr Batlnfa Trust Compaay, 1.20. - A tract of land branded and deocrrbed fol low: OMBaueaebif 80 feat aoath tnd 88 feet feat or asuthwaot earner of bloeh en, rue- toe Park; thence eaat 200 feet; theaee aoath 80 feet) tbenee weet 1.10 feet; tbenco aoutb i TO feetl thence weet 1.10 feel; tbenee north Boo feet to place of beflnnlnf, Hyena t. Card- well Batata. Helra of. $3.00. A tract of land bounded and low: Comaienelaf at the taUrnoettoo of the nortb Rne of Urbcrmoa tract, recorded in book I 81., Pax. 8a.. Becord otLOfer Of.. M u llppoja I Cottnlr. with the coat line of old Tailor Fefr roan: tnenee nortn a ion eaio roan zov reett theoee eat to Wlllaaiett river; Uenee follow Inc the meander to aa ef eaM river te tbe nortb I line ot sold Lleearman-tract; tbeoce weet to tbe place ef bef tnnlaf. Henry a. Dupoat. A tract ef Und bounded and deaerlbed t fcl . Knra: Oommeaelnf 8 chalne eaat and 18 etiatea aoutb ef northweet corner of north eeat 3 aarter of section 22, towneblp 1 south, rsnf esat, WUUmette merldiaa; tbeace eaat 6 .. chalna; thence aoath 8 derreee, weet 370 chalna; thence west 4.30 chains te eaat line . ef Maeadom road; tbeace northerly alonf esat 4ine ot Macaaam roan lo mace ot nef inniof. Security Paring A Tenet Company. $8.70. -A tract of land bnanded and described aa tol- Knroi Comtnenclnf at northweet corner ot block B. Fnl Ion Park: Uenee nortb 75 feet! thenee eeat to weat bank of Willamette river at lew water ntarkt theaee (iouf ta weat ' bank ef rlrer te northeast corner ef block D. . Felton Psrhi tbenee weat to place at bsfln- ninf. Charles ueoerman. .i on. A tract of land bounded and deeerlbed ta fol. low! t'ommenclnr at aoatbeaat corner of bit d. block 1. Fulton: tbenee southerly ' alone west line ef Tsrlor'a Ferry road to a , point 18 feet northerly troat aorlbeaai corner ?r Mock t. rurtoa; tbence northerly aionf a In parallel with northerly line of block 7. ' Fulton, to IU Intel-sect me wltb the ooutberly line of let 8, block 1, Fulton, U. J. Relf al- . ma a, bo.z. A tract at tend bounded tnd deaerfhed ao fnl. : Iowa i ComuMoemf 23.18 chalna north aad 12.84 abalaa weat et aoatbeaat corner ot , Thomas Htepheno doaatloa land elauat thence nortn TP aefreeo, eaet o-oo cnaina, te weat bank of Willamette rlrer at tow water mark; theaee along weet bank of aald river, Bortb , 8 defrocoeO mlaatea, eeat .88 chain tbenee weat T.ll chain; I hence south 4 derreee 30 mlnutee, eeat p-iM ensms, to tne puce ex a. glualnr, Fraaelaca Bcbmllf $3.40. A treat of hand bnanded and described a fol lowa! ComoMnelnf at three-mile poet ta Mac adam road: tbenee eaat ta weat bonk ef Wil lamette river at low water mark! theaee ' Berth aloof the want bank of aald river te Boa the I corner ef block M, Fallon Pork) tlience weal aloaf tb ooutb tin of block M ana n, niton car, to Macaaam road; itiwui-v auaia ae pia-cw wa wea-esiaae aueuuuTU -Nleolal, 87. Hi. A tract of Und bounds aad deecrlhed oa fol- , low: Commeurmf Bortb 18 defreea. weet 2.88 ehakie. from eouLbeaat aorner ef Thorn tepnen donation Und rUimi tbenee west 8.74 . ehelns; tbenee north S3 defreea 80 minatee, weet 2.22 chains; theaee north 85 defreee la ' mlnatea, west 1.08 chain; tbenee aoru 4 defreea. 80 minute, west .84 chain; tbenee north 8 derreea 80 mlaaua, weat g.fio ebalnei thence nortb 21 defreee, weat 2 chalna; Uenee bortb tb di btmb, west d ebln tbence north 4.1 defreee- weat 3.38 chalne) thence aoutb 28 def i we, eeat 8 chaiaa; theoee eoutb 18 tbariea. eaat 4.27 chains, to place et be ' glrmlnf. Joseph and Froak Webber, 317.40. A tract of land bounded aad daacrlbed aa fol owi Comaieaclnf at a poiat In the eaat : line of Macadam road where earn I tntee sec ted by sooth line of Thorn Ptentieue do na tlon Und claim: tbenee north 8 defreea 80 mlnatea. weat !.$ chain; thence north 83 decree 80 mlaatea, weet 1.23 chalne; tbence eaat parallel wltb tbe aald doaatloa land culm line 8.74 chelae to weet bonk of Wlt tamette liver at low water mart) tbenee south erly f defreee, eat t a loot the weat bank nf aald river. 843 38 feet ; tbenc-vweet parallel with and ISO feet sooth of the Booth line of th Thomaa fiepnene doaatloa land claim to tbo eaat I In ot Macadam road) thence aorth alonf eeat line nf Macadam food to tbe -place --of bef Innlaf, Rode t Irk L. Macleay. $J. 20. A usct af k?jl botindad tod ooperlbad at CM' I V0TKXM. . follower CVmimenc-lBf at utbeaat earner et lot 30. blurk 10, fcoutbara Portland: thence west 114a feetl Uenee eoutb 6 decrees 30. , an lea tee. eaat to aorth line et Nevada atreet ; thence eaet akf north) line ef rieieda elreet , to west line ef Mara. lam toad: thence north alona weet Una of Macadam mad to piece . ef beflaalnf. Joseph Weber, $0.70. . A tract ef laad bounded and deecrlhed aa - followa: Cemmenelnf nt Utereectlou of west line of Macadam road wtth aoath lla at he vada atreot: tbence weat 214.5 feet akma satb Ilea of Nevada atreet: tbeoce eoutb 6 dce-reee 30 mmutes, oast 68.33 feet; tlience eaat 214.6 feat; tbenoa north $ decree 30 minatee. want l 60.29 tear, to piece at bef laataf . Molctitor Taanbw, $1.70. '.'', A tract ef Uad hounded aad deeerlbed as followa: Cemmenelnf IS. IS teet north, 8de freea 3$ mtoutee ooot, from nortbeoat oorner , ot block 1. rulion: uenee nortlierly saoof tn -. went lei et Macadam road Wad fe, tbence weet 314.8 feet: tbenee north no. oft feet to outb line et Mvda atroet: tbeoce went J7.6o feet; Uenee ooutb 120 feetl tbenee sooth 3 or reea f m leu lot, east ael.Sav fceC. tWece . north m defraea 41 ounuta. eeat all.2B lech ' t place ef bertnuinf . Roe Robae. $. A tract of load B.mVd aad deeerlbed aa followa: Cemmearliif .KT chain north. 6 oe freee 30 tnlnuun eaat, aod 3-82 chain went ot northeast euraer et Meek 1. Fulton: tbence - west- 4MMA reetr tbenee oastb .eiara.,weat to aouth Hoe ot Nevada etrcet; tbence east 1U3.46 teet; tbence aouth to pUee et bef laaiof, Cberlee U. and Kllaa t'brUteoeea, 2l - ' A tract a hud ooumted nnd deecrlhed aa ' followa: Commenelnf nt nort boast corner or ' block 1, Faltoo; thence wen IP chalne i tbeace north 7 derreee. weet 8P3 ebalna; tbenee eaat 480.72 fleet; tbeace ooatb 8 OeaTeee bm"' nteo. eaat 241 m feetl tbence north 80 oe , ji ii ...a on. an feet: . tbaare eauth 8 deft aaa 80 minatee. east 1243 feet, to piece of bsfinaUg. P. MIBeorfe, . A . - - - ...... . n.l - follows: Uomraeacinf at oootbeaat earner of . kiM aru i , ii-mm weet SOU feet to eeat line of First atroet; tboao Bortb, 300 . tact to ooatb line of Locoa treet; toesce eae. tA Mfk.! ewue a 1.1 block 1 1000 ' ooutberly aloof wast Una of aald block to plaee ot naginnnag, raitea rata ion vwine ee. ' $246. ' a a .a I j-A mwji Aeearfflied BI ' follows: Commenelnf at ooutbeeat rornee of ' block 67H. Puiloa Park; these-e weet 300 feet, - these Hth ell tmmt, theauw Baet 2U0 fee.; theaee north Ml feet te place of beflnatnf. , Mouth Portland Real BaUte Company. l.a. A tract ef Mad beaaded aad deocrlbed m follows: Comaaeaeiaf at a pakne w teat Bowie . en-l aa reea wut mT .-rlh.Ml iOTUC Of BeJCk 13. Pnltnn Pork; theaee aoetb 2n0 feet; thence : ' west 3ia feet: tbenee nortb 2hO feet; Uono eeat 8W) teet to piece et bef lnatof, Canfrsfa- tloa Beth Israel, $.08. . . - - A tract et Und bounded and eeeerlbed aa followa: Commeneluf 30 feet aoutb and 80 reel went of sou lowest eeraer oa ," t-oltne Verk'- theea-a eea 1UI feet: tbameO eoutb to Intereectlon ot north Hoe ef PopUr elreet wltb weet line ef Bbrkth avenaei thence - weourly to Kleventh; tlaence norto to north line ef Bnraee atreet: tl fence went 200 ' feet; theoee Bortb to a point 80 feet east of ner ui eeat corner or amr wo, nia ri theaea, ereet 1110 teat: tbeaea north 88 I0t . tbeace eaat 380 faet: Uenee- aoutb 30 feat to puce of beflnnlnf, Vincent Cook. $03.80. A t-rl air l.wl tmAM amt iteUa-Tlbed 0 r follow: Commenelna nt nertbeeat cat-ear of lot 8. blork 103, Folton Pork; -banco north 80 feet; tbence nortb 40 derree. eeat 8P8.4 ' feet, to eoutb line ot Metofec tract, aectloa 33. township 1 sooth, ruere 3 eeat. Willam ette meridian; tbenee northeaaterly parallel " wltb weet line of aald Vetafer tract to --oath line ef Haael atreet; tbence west to n point dee erartk oC iwa-tSwaet earner of block 103, .. Fulton Pork: tbence ooutb to northweet eor- . nee ml eeld klaek llal: theaieo eaat 100 feet to pUee ot beflnnlnf . Vincent Cook. $0.00. " A tract of land ixbif betweea tbe eeote ln of beeond atreet If exte-oded eoutb la lla preo ent cue re and Ue dWIalou line net ween eee tinea ll and 90. teweahU 1 south. runfO 1 eaat, Willamette merldiaa. and betweea a line . 80 feet aoath of and parallel with aonth , line ef blorka 83. 64 aod oi, Falun Park, and the north line of blork 83. tbe oortbeeaterly and norUiweeteriy lines et nmca id, soiuan a-aas, lleary riectenetetn, rro-oo. A MaamUf treet of lead Irlof ' the , v. lla af Ta vines fen-e rood, tbe weateriy line of Boone Ferry rood Bad the dlvlaioa line Between aocuoue sew mm, township 1 south, ranfe 1 aaat Wlllamotl ' M arid tan, Coafrefatlon Beth Israel. 84.30. A tract at Uad Irlna betweea tbe ooatb line nt Bermoor eeeuue end the OouU Ills? of Boundary atreet et tended wee erly la IU presebb course and betweea the weat line ef Beeond atreet and the dlrlalon line betweea secttoo 15 and 18, toemehtp 1 aoath. ranfa ' 1 east. Willamette Merldiaa. aave aad ezcept tbe Indermuble tract below ococrioeu. let wll lifer laod Company. $00.80. A trace of land hounded nod deaerlbed ao fOl' ' Iowa : Commenrlnf oa eeat aide ef Blavta . county road 3,034 teet aortb aad 432 feet ueeet ef aoath Ilea ef tbe TerwUllCOr dona- tton land claim, where aame I Intersected by th dlrlaloa line betweea eaat H aad weet of aald doaatloa nna claim: tnenc oouta . M decree 60 mlautea eaat 4M.8 feet; tbenoa north XI detrree 10 mlnutea eaat 205.7 feet tbeace aortb 68 defreee 80 minute wait t the eonthweetsrlr lino of tbo flavin county rood; tbenco nortbwoat 81 defreea 10 atln ' htea weet 200.6 feet: tbeoce south 2 defreea . 46 mlnutea weat 4.1.4 feet to puce el Begin ning. Gottlieb Indermuble, 87.aa A tract ef land bouaded and deocrlbad of fol. low: Commenelnf nt shit th weet earner of block 148, carutbera Addltlua te the Cite et Portland, aa Uld out by the Booth Portland Real Kett Association! tbence aonth 2on feet) theaee weet 4H0 feet; tbenee north 200 feet; thenee taat 80 faet to place of bf la nlnf, Mr. R. A. Owen Adair, $01.80. A tract ot knd bounded and deaerlbed a fol ' tow:. Commenelnf at northwest corner ef , block 148, Caratbera1 Addllloa t tbe City ef . PortUnd, a Mid out by tbe Booth Portland Real BaUte AseorUtiool Uenee weet 30 feet alonf tbe enaU line at Curry treet If eiteaded weateriy In Ita preaeat eon ree; - theaee nortb 820 toot parallel wlU tba weet Uno of First (treet; tbence seat t Ue Bouth- west corner of blork Ills. Carn there- Addi tion to th City ef Portland a laid out by tb Booth Portland -Real KataU , Aaaocia tioa; thence aoetb 320 feet te place at beflaalnf, William M. Grerory. $8.30. Alt th land need and orcapled by tbe Ora goa A California Railroad Company for right ef way purpose, etcept where said Mfbt et way la located In atreet. lylaf betweea tbe Bortb Una ef Flnlce Caruthere' donation land claim and tbe southern boundary et tbe City of Portland aad betweea the weet bank of Willamette titer at low-water mark aad Ue . dlrlaloa Una between arc t lone 4 and 8. $ and 10. 13 nod 18. 21 and 22, township 1 reaVTkV $03.40. AU the inputted laad lylaf between tb ooatb Ilea ot F. tarntben' done tloa land claim and the south line et Kllsabeth Caruthers tloa laad claim and betweea the divulea II -betweea cectloea p and 10, towneblp 1 south, ranf 1 eaat. Will met t Meridian, aad tbe west Una ef Flrat atreet, etcept two pa ree a of land owned by Mr. B. A. Owen Adair and William M. Oregnrr. Oregon Railway eviration company, fbfz.po. A tract ef land lrkna betweea aa eaaterlr eilenaloa of U north Una ef Carutbera treet and a tine 150 feet north thereof and parallel Uerewltb and betweea tb eaat line nf ilond atreet and a Uae 38 feet eaat thereof nd parallel therewith, Jarmiak Werlrk, $0.00. Tsui. 8l0,oi7.4o. ' THOB. C. DKvTtrt, Auditor ef the City ef I'ertlaa4. Date of A rat publication. March 27. 1900. P pr.znLAfiDiriO.iEGc;; In ti t richeat train, fruit nu otocR nctien ak I f l. i noumnm or acre or Ltn at amavl tf I ' . Deed direct from Stf ti ot T--ry. ffvi :t r i RAXLBOAB 3 Trains to the East Dsily-U 7 Theeerh PuIIbmb atoadord ad taefbt Wa- lnt eara dally to Oaaaba, Chleajro, fcpobansi tourlet sleeplnf eara dally to Kanati CItyl , Ureufb Pullman tea run oieeping eara tpersoa ally eoaduetrdl weekly Pa Camera se. Bectlalag chair care (eeet rree) so tne CH IC-t OO- PO RTlet. W D . ; - Brrl,lA-b. ror the East eta Baal tofton. BPOKANB PT.TBR. For Kaatora WtuhUf- tun, waua eraiu. taw leroo. Coeor d'Akaoi $13 p. I 80O.3O." Dally. : . and Orvat KwtaermJ A- noiata. . , A TLA MT! 0 FX Prtrft" Bat U Bart eta Moat Incten. 8 :18 p. OV T18 0. ok. Dally. umuy. Cetnmbla' Bi"rrTTwisuI FOB ASTORIA and wayl fop p. at. petnU, eonaeetlof art U Dally. Imr. for Uwaee aad lea. 8amday. Bortb Beach, err. aUo-iMatwrdey. aalo. Aab-aC dock. 110:00 p. m. About 6:00 gk at, TamklirTTveTlRounv COB BIVWIM Cltr amd Yamhill Bl-ja-e V-Ca a' aa T:88w ov. Point, otmro. Ruth and IDalli. DaUy. anoane, Aah-a. itM--Br t Water oerntlttlne t aaavhe Bluer keat.' FOR LBWI8TOK, Ids., aad way potato from Rloeela Waal. .-en. - IK? Daiir. I '.T. Spokane aad LewUteu. ea. atea,,. pHdaf . TICKET OFTICl rkt-a aaa , paaoe hub TlJk . : - C. W. BT7NOBR, City- TMtbt EAST A SOUTH CBTOIt DBPOT. OVBKLABD BXP tralna, tar Baltoa, bare. Ash laad. mala, tlgdea, ban Prna-tef Cisco, D-acBiou, iae aa-a rales, Bl Paaa, Mrar 0- laana and the Bant. laaealnar. train I neeta at Woodkansl a. II-. ..-aal Obm.I with train fee Mt.l84a tv 88. 9 JO a. m. Anael. Btieertea.1 Browaaerllle. 8 a r I a f-j field. Wondllag a aad ' ' " 48 Hltrno. Albany pemeom P. 8k. met t weedburn Wtth ML Asnl o4 aUlvur-1 B local. CrerrotHe p aoau a. Kberlda faaaeaf ar. T-8 I IB :80 a. at, 8:b 8. m. J4:60 p. aa. ' lVpet toot of JefferBoa afreet. Leare Portlaad. dally for Oeweam 7:30 a. l 1160. th Jf JO. 8:25, ..cTl- lJ p. m Dally (ezcept Sunday), 840, 8:80, 8:38, 10:1 1 i?ai ; liiT ll-0 P- 8. Buadoy aale. $;ud Bt o-i-eoiaar feoat Oswee-e. arrive Portnad 8n 8:30 a. at.; 15. 8:08. 3:15. 8 s 1110 p. B. pony ecpt tsanonyv o:aa, r: 840. 10-10. 11:45 a. aa. Bzcept Maaday. 13 .a p. ao. no easy eeiy. i.w . 1 . e. rkariea ami la I atedlsu pnlnU dally lexcept BWadayl 4:10 n. BV aperatea daily to Menmoath nod AwHe. o-o-Mctlne wUk Kontbera PaeiH eoiapany'l aTOaaf . . -. , -e ile.-iaylan,a Drat -eta at fare frora Portland and Ban Franetoo $20. bartb $8; far 818. etune rmao aaarxaaa c-e TV-kef te Eaatera Poiata and Japan, China, Honolulu and Aaat City Ticket OftVre enor TQilri Third aad WaaaV lag tea atreet. Pbea Mala 712. -cV BT7B0BB. - ' W. . AV fjlty Tlckot Ageat. . -. Pae. aVfWZ. TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portland! CaantaMaBBaBaa vhtww VaU vir - Paget Bound Limited. ror Taooma, Beanie. tilveanU Moure Ba (WBk aod Cry Barbor . T8 8a, nolnto. Nortb Ooott Urn Had. for Taeem. aaatt Is. Butto. 81. PanL Mio-I neapolla, Cbleofo, New) Torn, Bnatrm and potnm aat ana eoatneaat. Twla-Cltv Btnrioa, Tacoma. Beattle. B ken. Helena, Bt. Paul, Mlnaeapolla Chlcafo. New Tnrk. Boutoa aad U.-4XB.I tti 7ia.BX II polnW Beat aaa, Bdntneaat. . . Pnfet Boand a Ran ' "' Clty-Bt. Loau Bnaetal. for Tacoon, Reettle. nokaa. ButU Bllllnau. Teuvr. Omaha. Kanaaoj $ 28 0.8V tJ p. 88. Cltr. Bt. Lou la and a III potato abut aed Booth 1 eeat. All tralna dally reept ea braack, A. D. CRABLTOet. A ml at ant Oeaeral Paaaanaas Afaat, 229 Morrlaoa it., for. Third. iWUtad. Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. KOSt aaiir. Lee eee. - Arrlvea. r $ Ua,a, 8:z8,a.m. '.. .fDaU. I Daily. , . ' W w I kareeaaewbt Nil mm a lew. Leers. tTBIOft PI POT. ArTrvea." . - '- '.-,.--8 -80 a. Bt. For Mayfert. Rainier. uio a an. Dally, , CTaukanle, Waatport, n-jj, Cllftam, Aaterls, War- V . '..?',", , reotoa, FlaveL 11 a at- . aboad. Fort PUre-aa, ; , ( . Oearhart Pork, Beaaida. - ' Aatotla osd $aaabra '.'"; Vd,;.. , 'htarla ttirat; i. ft MATfi, - . 9. 14 r. A Ae eerie, C C k. BTBWART. Coraaiei-ctal Aa-eat. Bat A 'i ttreei. rnoao Mala pue. aafmmmmmmp''amuuno, y - Tbtawt OtSM ita rxsi I a "Traira3or. " at " Trtrrt ,3 ,' TO F- " e p i .