The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 29, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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cnr iroTicii.'
.'. f.T5; subdlrUtoa O of lot ; Merchant Na
lleaei ' neea I rvniiw, iTwitTi r""t
oubdirlelDa r of lot 4. Merchant National
Hank uf Portland, Trustee. fo.85.' BLOCK
. -. subdivision t M M 1, Weosra V. i-riBce,
fl.auj BondlrUloa B o lot 1. Richard 0,
PriiM. HIM; aot-rilvialoa C- of kit 1. Job I
' M, Xhrlgley. ft.uo; suDdrrUloa D of lot 1,
. c. W. Lelck, II 30: eubdlvlstoa M of Jot 1.
Joha line Berbers. 13.10: subdlrtalos F of
.tot 1. Abu Louise HlMm. 12.10; sooth
t 42H fret of aorth S3 feet ef aobdleUloa
M or lot i. except uregta at vsmira
Railroad Cnwir'i right of war, Klchsrd
- - c. Prince. fn.10; souU 42M fwt of aorta
' M feet of subdivision O of lot 1 aiospt
' Oregoa 4 California Railroad Company's
right of war, Kk-kant C JTUcn. 10;
north 434 fret of aoutte SS foot of auhdtvl-'-.
too B of lot I, Clsreace M. Inller. t" 0;
Berth 424 fret at anulk Ho foot of snbdlrl-
eUe Q e tot 1 npl Oregoa CsllfornU
Kallroad Company a right of war. Clarence
-r M. Dlller. fo.40; south 42 H foot of aubdlvl
stoa U of lot I. V. W. Lelck. $0.30; south
'. 4SH fort of subdteMlou U of lot I. C. W.
l-elck.; Berth 41 foot of sabdlvistoa
H of lot 1 except Oregon 4 California Rail
read Companr'a right of, war. Klchsrd O.
'" Prises, 80.40; subdlrUloa i ul kit It, Ana
' ' Klnn. subdlrlslou B of lot 8. Robert
' tahlll. 41.10: subdlvUton 0 of lot 1 fort-
land Trust oompsur of Oregon,, wow
d-rlatos Oitlrtt PortUnd Tniat Companr
' of Orrgoa, fl.OO; ssbdinsioa m at m a. j.
Macastvla,; subdlrlsloa F of tot 2. S.
. ' Mat-betelo,; sebdlvUioa 6 of tot 2.
Ward C. Wetmere. filo; subdlvtaloa H of
lot 1. Ward C Wtlmora. II. 10; eubdlvlsloB
A of lot a, W. B. Her, tl.uSj subdlrlslou B
- Of kit 3. W. B. Her. II. T6; ai.bdlTl.too, C
of lot 1, W. B. llor, fl.16: subdlrUtoa D
of lot 8. W. E. liar, fl.TI; aU of aubdl-Utoa
K of lot f oaat of Orrgna California
". HaUraad Companr! rtit. of war, W. A.
t-urrta. ft.36; all of .aubdUlaioa T of lot
,3 aat ofi)raoa Callfotala Kallroad Com-
paar'a Hirht of -war. W. A. Carrie. II :
J aU of aabdlrlaloa of lot I oaat of Oragoa
- : California Kallroad Coaipanr'a rUht of
war. W. A. Oarrta, 10.16; all of anbdlTlaloa
. r of lot I woat of Onfoa CaUfornla Uall-
Ma A iiMiunv'l rtftTht of Vlf. KatO ltOBl-
atara, fU.U; all of anbdlaiatoa O of lot I
'. woat of r(oa Oallforata Railroad Coja-
paar rlgat ar war, a,ara nonriaea,
.. aalxtiTlaioa A of lot 4, H. II. Ullba,
iKolTlahia of lot 4. U. B. Ulbba.
aakdlTlaloa 0 of lot a, Gftrn Arnold,
auhdtTiaton D of lot a. uaarae ArpoKJ,
all of aabdlrlaloa B of lot 4 wat of Orofoa
"-' A VallforaU Kallroad Coaipaara riirnt of
.. war. Ward C Wataaora. .fO.MH) all of anb
dlTlaloa r of lot 4 woat of Orrfoa di CaU-
-t rorala Railroad CoBtpanr Tlbt wf war.
Ward C Wrtatora. lO.aO; all of aabdlTratoa
R of lot 4 oaat of Orvffoa 4a California Rail
road Coaipanr'a rlcht of war, C W. Lotrk.
' fo.KOi all of aatMllTlaloa r of lot 4 oaat of
Orrgoa 4V CaUfornla Railroad Cnnpanr'l
' , rlbt of war, C. W.' llrk, fO.WI; all of
; aabdlTlaloa O of lot 4 aaerut Orccva CaU
fornla Railroad Oorapanj a rlabt of war,
rranraa at. Htatnaa, fu.7ft; all of anbdlrl
alon H at lot 4 woat of Orocoa A California
Railroad Coaipanr'a right of war, ttaaera
at. Htc-ana, fw.06: all of aubdtTlalea H o'
.lot 4 oaat of Oregon it-California Kairroarl
-r--twpanr'a rllt f war, C W. Llek. f.i.
RIXX'K . borth loo fort of lot 1 oaat of
Orroa 4 t-Ulfornla Kallroad Companr'a
, ' , right , of war. Martin Wloch. 17.30; aouth
an foot, af north law fi-rt of lot 1 oaat of
roa at California Railroad- Cotapaar'a
rta-ht of war. tctnarr B. ColwaiL, tXK: aoutk
;ai foot at lot 1 rant of Urraoa a. California
; Railroad Companr'a rlgat of war, alary A.
t'larka. fl.M; all of lot I wrat of Orrgon
' dt California Kallroad Company 'a .rtjrht of
- way. laiara A. Hork, aabdlrlaloa A
of lot , J.. H.- Mrywr, fl.ltn; anhdlylaloa B
of lot X. i. H, Baror. fl.HA; autxllrlaloa C
of lot 2. B. C. Jorcaoara. 11.56; aabdlrlaloa
1 of tot 1 Kata B. MoatconMrr. fl.M;
. Bftrtk 1& fort of aabdlrlaloa U of lot 2.
.' Marr A. Clark. fOJSO; aoaU 4 foot af ana.
dlrtalon B -of lot X, Roao A. Iming,;
. nortfc m frot af aabdlrlaloa K of lot
, Raaaa M. tippanaorf, fo.46; asnlk ITS frot
of anbdlrlatoa If of lot a. Krad r. Boodr.
:. f ; north (0 faot af woat IM f-wt of
. lot 3. ITrod T. Boadr.ftTO; norm 80 frat
, or oaat au tart of Kit a, Baaaa at, f ipprnoorr,
ftl.ftO; oaat 42 fort Of aoutk frt of
north 12U lWt of lot .1 YtrA " V. Boodr.
' ' fl.6; waat 127V foot of aoatk at) fnt of
aorta m rrt at lot a, ia a. Hooch.
1.1. Hi; oaat 4t fort af aontk 110 frrt of
" - lot 3, It. Anatla. fl.fO; woat 1374 frot of
aontk lut fort of lot S, lam -a Arnold. fA.76;
aoutk lat) tort af lot 4, Laara A. Barar,
fl.ltn; wrat 4314 f"t of oaat M fM f
north 110 fact of lot 4, W llllaai It. JVxl
"man, fl.M; wrat'43H foot of not UH
fort af north 110 feat at lot 4, Barak t.
Badaua. II. 0.
' A trart at land trtnir batwroa tha aoath llaa
af Ijowtll arraaa and a lino 110 fort aoutk
' tharoof aad aarallrl tbarawlth and aatwora
' tha oaat llaa of Front atraot and . a Una
- fort want of and parallrl wlta tha woat
lino of Corbatt a tract, Ttwaaaa BckaaMar,
IS.M. '
IMHTIJINi noifnTBATV- BUnr T, north
Mia faat of lot 1. Aramlnto Hronaaga. M.I0;
v nouth 130 fort at lot 1. (iraoa U hroaaurh,
fKHO; auhrtlrlaloa A af lot 2. Ella U Wya
. hoop. 11. Ki; aabdlrlaloa B of lot 3, Blla
1.. Wrnkaop. II. no; aabdlrlaloa C of lot 3.
' Oltr h, Warner. II Bo; anbdlrlaloa II of
j lot , Larr H. Msrwln, fl.aos auMtrUloB
P. of lot 1 AbMa U Orockar, 12. lot aub--
dirlaloa r of lot 3. Abfcla U Oorkor, f3.IO;
, anatk 100 fort of woat 30 foat af anbdlrl-
aloa a of lot J. Jamoa Colli oa. fu.a0; aontk
. lc ft of aabdlrlaloa H of lot 3. Jaatra
(Ulna. ft. 30; north 70 fort af aabdlrlaloa
ti of WH 3, U W. Wrnkoop, fo.xft; aoulh
ion foot of oaat 10 foat of aabdlrlaloa
. . .' lot 3. U W. Wrakooa. fO.atl; north TO
' fort af anharrlaloa H of lot 3, U W. Wy
konp,; anbdlrtakm' A af lot 3. Oaoraa
Eicrr, fi.nn: aabitirlaloa B af lot 3. . Joha
. Kaapp.; aabdlrlaloa C of lot 3. atra.
r. r. Boodr. Il.eo: anMlrlaloa U of lot 3.
Tkomaa Hrbtvrldar.; anbdirtaloa K of
m a, Anna. raioman. fxio: anlMllTlalna
V of .lot 3. Anaa K. Foldman, 13.10; aub
dlrlaloa 0 of lot 3. airllnd B. Morgaa. 13.10;
: anbdirtaloa H of lot 3. Mrllnd K. Morgan.
J3.l.. lot 4. (Mmoa Blanaam 1 14.00. BLOCK
. lot 1, Joha C. lairkrl. flduo; lot 3. Ora-
Ea dt CaJirorala Railroad Company, I14.0O;
t 3, rrgua California Railroad Coav
Mar. H0; aabdlTlatoa A of lot 4, Ooorgo
11. 8ar1nf ewyw,; aabdlrlaloa B of lot
. Mary ppringawyar.; auhdlrtaloa C
tu. uiinam. UV"; raMin.
aton D af lot 4. Carl Bkhln(rr. f i.0; aab
dlrlaloa H of lot 4. Uarar Kohvra, $2.10;
aabdlrHrioa r af lot i. Oarar Knlara, 13.10;
wrat 33 foot af aabdlrlaloa Q of lot 4.
Adnlph Haaamaa. fl.7ft; oaat 6 fort af auh
dlrtaloa U of tat a. Cyrna at. McKar. fft.36;
aahdlrlalna H af lot 4, ( yraa M. MrKay.
Jit. 10. BLOCK , avbtrlrtaloa A of V.t 1.
larr K. Job noon. 11.80; atibdlrlalna R of
- lot 1. Marr B. Job noon, fl.DO; aortk H of
anhdlrlaloa 0 of lot I. Vrw. F. 1. tlanrr,
fO.Mt; aontk H of aabdlrlaloa C af lot 1,
: taala Malar. tO.fn; ookdirlaloa D of lot 1.
B. M. Ulaohaaa. II. PO; aubdlrlaloa R of lot
. Janwa ft. Arprawall Kutatr. Halra of,
3310) aubdlriaion V of lot 1. Jamoa Aanra
wall Batata, lirlra af, 32.10; north 127Vit
, fort of aubdlriaion O of lot 1, New too U
. tillham, 31. ft; aooth 41 frot of anbdlrl-ak-n
C w H L Jodlth H. Hintnana, Ki.50;
oobdlrlalon H of lot 1. Judltk U. Mlnmaoa.
fUlft; aabdlrlaloa 1 of lot 3. Charlra R.
Trmnlrtoa. Trnator. fl.ftS; aalNHrlaloa 2 of
lot 4. Char Ira R. Trmplrtoa. Trantra, 11.00;
anbdlrlalon 1 of lot 3. cbarlra II. Trmplrton.
Trnatra, fO.TO; uhdlrlaloa 4 of lot 2. I hnrlra
K. Trmplrton. Trnatra, fo.TO; aurallrlaloa
R of lot I. Ckarkra R. Trmplrton. Troatrr.
ft on; atrbdlrlaloa f of lot 3, Cbarlra B.
Tratplotoa. Truelrr. f 1.03; anMlrlaloa T of
lot 3 .Charlra R. Trajplrton. Traalra, f 1.30;
atibdlrlalon a of lot 3. Cbarlra H. Trmplrton,
, Truatro. II 10; anbdlrlalon of lot 2. Cbarlra
, K, Trmploton. Trnatra, 11.30; aubdlrlaloB 10
of lot 2. Charlra U. Tamplrtoa. Traatae.
31.20; aabdlrlaloa 11 of lot 3. Cbarlra R.
Trmplrton, Traatoa, fl.30; aabdlrlaloa 13 of
lot. 1 Charlra K. Trmnlrtoa, Truataa. f 1.03;
aabdlrlaloa 13 af lot 1. Charlea R. Trmplo-
toe, Trnator. II. OR; north 22 fort of Wrat
. no feat of north ty of lot I, Uortrud Mark.
30. TO; wath 234 frrt of north at fort of
wrat M (ret of north Ut of lot 3. Jamra
Cormack Ifl.Tm aooth t of lot 3. Marr
rinrh. IT.ftft; aoath Tt fret of north D3.I
feet of woat 87 H fort of north 14 of lot 3,
Mra. R. A. Oarrlaoa, 30 90: aoath 22 H frrt
of "!. '"A " "H rt of north
H of lot t. Mm.. R. A. OarrlooB. fo.OO:
want ' 224 frrt af oaat 4A fart of
north 4.1 fort of aorth H of lot 3, Emma
1 Taram, 30.40: eaat Zii fort of north
46 fret of north of lot 8. Unor B. Urea
, orr. f0 40; raat S fort of arrat 125 frrt of
a or in inoi or aorrn n oi lot 3, Lanor
B. Cregorr. tO.fOi raat 11214 f.t of aoath
4 feet of north H of lot 3. Inora II. Ore,
orr. 33.3ft', lot 4. Oregoa A ( allforala lull.
roao uannanr. flaw. - huhk Id. lot 1,
I'regoB taiiiornia nallroail fow,f.nT
II4 U0; aubrllrlalaa A of lot 3, Joha Aarirew.
uuuiTa.ra oi ioi a, jii Andrew,
31.71; aabdlrlaloa C of lot 2. Joha Andrew.
fl.Tft; aatHllrlaloB D of lot 2. Joha Andrew.
" 11.73; aabdlrlaloa E of lot 2, Joha A ad re w,
. fl.TH; anlallrlatoa r of lot 2, Joha Andrew.
fl.JS; aabdlrlaloa O of lot 2. Joba Andrew.
Sl.TB; aabdlrlaloa II of lot 3, Jnka Andrew,
LTR; aabdlrlaloa I of lot 2 Joha Aadrew,
f 1-73 : lot 3, ftpeaoar If. Cooper. 114.00; weat
42t feet of north 110 feet of lot 4, Arnold
Blaaterhota, fl.TS; all of oaat H feet of
' lot 4 lying aorth af Oragoa A California
' Rallmad Compaar'f right of war, W. A.
Lrwla. ft. 711.
A tratf of land lying between rh eaat
lino of Ohio atroet and a Una 4214 feet
eaat of and parallel therewith and between
. a unr 110 fart aooth of aad parallel wnk
- the aontk Una of Hamilton arenaa and tha
aorth Una of Oregon California Railroad
frmnaara right of . war. . Blana Btalaot,
i low. .
- A trot af land between two llnea rea parti eel f
424 feet aad M fort oaat af and parallel
with taw eaat Una af rlhla afreet and he.
twrea a tine 110 fort aooth of and parallel
with the anath line of Hamilton arenna and
: the north lino af Oregon A California Rail
road laaapaajr'a right of war, W. A Lew la,
fa a. -nHTl.AKT
HOMrfTBAIv-Mhrit " .10, oaat
i! feet Of .weat Ml feet of Borth 110 feel
' lot 4, llrarr r. VHdrbraad fl.M;, an
of lot 4 aoath of Oregoa 4 Calif oral a Ball
, road Companr'a right of war. I'hoeolx lu
nan tkmiuaar. 1 1 20. KLUCK II. kit 1,
Joarph A. HlroWbrldga Batata. Uelra of,
iia.uo: lot t. J nor oh a. Rlrowbrldga Katata,
. lirlra . at, 114.00; lot 4, Joaei'h A. tttrow
prldfa tat a la. lirlra 'of,. IIB.oO; aorrh-otl
- Trot or ji a, Tnoataa acBneioar, "i
aoutk 30 foot of aorth ao feet of lot 3.
Antoa Blmraofbergrr, 2 10; aouth 30 fret
of north VJU feot of lot 3. Alelandtia KlrarL
. 44.1S; weat 86 feet of aouth 110 feat of lot
a. Joarph M. Mrkam, f3.M0; eaat M frrt
of aouth 110 foat af lot 3, 84 moo btelnor.
f.1.80. - BLOCK 13. lot 2. Maelear Batata
. I Man pa by, tin. 00; eaat AO feat at aubdlrlaloa
A or tot a, aaoia a. wrinaio, ao.oo; oax
60 feet of aubdlrlaloa' B of lot 3. Madia A.
' Wrinkle.; wrat 00 feat af aubdlrlaloa
A of lot 3. M II. Pometwr. f 1.00; woat
0 fort af aubdlrlaloa B of lot 3. Joha H.
' IVtawror. fl oft; aubdlrlaloa 0 . af lot 3.
Porcr H. Birth, 1 1. BO; aubdlrlaloa D of
lot 8, Carer H. Klyth, fl.po: auadlrHloa
B of lot a. Perry 11. Mirth, filo; aubdlrl
aloB r af lot 3. Percy H. Birth. 32.10; aub
dlrlaloa U of. lot- 3, Percr U. Blyth, 12. lo;
aubdlriaion H of lot it, Percy H. Blth,
12. lu. KLtH'K 13, - lot I,. . William B.
Kacbelmer, fl.00; north 80 feat of lot 2.
C. f. seal. 4.30; weat at fret of aoath IT4
fret af lot 3, C. K. Hoal, ft. 30; north 42Mi
feet of oaat 110 faat of aouth 1T0 teat of
lot 3. Ueorata A. Fomoror. aorta
- 424 fort of eaat 110 feat of aouth 12TU fret
or lot a, . r. Jaampet.; aouiB no real
or eaat no raet ot ioc a.- -iBooooro Dracaer
and 1. Wlnterhntdor. eaat 44 of lot 3.
. Charlea K. Ladd. 3H.O0; aaat 14 of lot Aj
t'harba ' K. - Ladd, f.00. BLOCK 14. euu
dlrlalon A of kit L William A. Morrow,
fl.lto; aabdlrlaioa B of lot 1, William A.
. Morrow,; .aubdlrlaloa C of lot 1. Ifea
toa W. UiUetta, II. wo; aubdlrlaloa I of lot
v 1, Prratoa W. Ulllette, fl.lW) aabdlrlaloa
K of lot 1. Albert KebranMrh, 12.10; aub
dlrlaloa r of lot 1, Albert' tVhraabarh. I2J0;
autxllrlaloa O ot lot L, John Kopachlrgl,
2.lo; aubdlrlaloa 11 of lot 1. Joha Kop
arhlegt, 12.10; lot 2. Alamo W. Wltberell,
fl.uo: oaat H -of lot 3. Mlaa M. r. Law
renor. flt.00; eaat U of lot 4, Wlllla a.
f'Urka.' fS.00. BLOI.K 15, . lot 1, Tnotnaa
BVonrioa,, f if.00; aorth U of lot 8 aouth
af tha Vrregoa 4 CaUfornla Railroad Com-
Car's right of war, Inman. Poulorn 4 Co.,
.Mi; all of lot 3 north aad weat of Oregoa
' 4 CaUfornla Railroad Companr'a right of
war. J. K. Marler. ft HO; all of aouth U
of lot 2 axeept Oragoa 4 CaHfornla -Railroad
Company'a right or war, Eiuaoa nucamp
nrot No. 1. I. 0. O. r., M.ou: all of eaat
H of lot 3 neept Oregoa 4 Calif or ala Rall-
" road Companr'4 light of war, Joaaph A.
- Btrowhrldge, St., tatate. Heir af, 33.20;
' waat 42 1 feat of eaat 85 feet of north 100
r feet af lot 4. Orl Bllaa Hantoro, f; aaat
42t4 feet f north 100 feet ot lot 4. Otla
K. aaaford Eatate, Halra of. fl.TI; aaat 40
feat of weat 1A0 fret of aouth lo0 feet of
lot 4. Tbomaa B. Weat,; eaat i net
ot aaat 40 feat of waat 120 tret of aoath
100 fort of lot 4. Auguat Wrrler.. fl.40.
KKBRIOAN't Hl'BUIVlBloN of a Part of Lou
1 and 3 of Block A la for nana llomeeleaa
BLOCK A. eaat 44 of lot 1. Joha V. and
w line av- uaatn. ao.oo; eaai vt or at a.
joaa v. aaa wiiaa r, ianain, ao.u; eaat
43 frrt ot weat H of lot 3. Paulina J or gen
aen. II. anbdlrlalon 1 of kit 3. Kate 1).
Hreetona, fl.30; anbdlrlalon 3 af lut 2. Kata
T. aeaatona. l.b&; aubdlriaion I of lot 2.
Kata D Heealooa. II. Co; aubdlrlaloa 4 of
lot 2. Kata I. Baaaloaa, fl.M; aubdlrlaloa
3 of lot 2. Kotae A. Baaalona, 30.30; aob-
atninoa of lot a, Engeaa A. aeaaioan,;
aiibdlruiloB T of lot 3, Kugaae A. aeaaloaa,
81. NW"
dirlaloa A of tot L horthera Count lea In
reatment Tri
uat. Ltd.. ai
1,50: aabdlrlaloa B
af tot 1.
M. J. and I. (lalUgher, fl.Ko;
aubdlrlaloa C of lot 1. William K. Waloole,
Sl.IMi; anhdlrlaloa D of tot 1, Jacob Michel.
I. on: aabdlrlaloa B of tot 1. Thomaa 11.
rimlth. f4..10; wrat M feet af lot 3. Heary
Beaaatt, 3.1.00: all of tot I eicept weat 6
'feet, William B. Walpoto, fs. 73; .aorth 40
' feet at wrat U of tot 3. W J. Wlloa. 32.41):
eaat 44. of tot .1, . Joha V.-Xaakla,- ft.Oo;
-anatlt 36.T feet ot went H lot 3, Joba D.
'. Kennedy. f2.l8; tot 4. Joha P. Kennedy.
f7l tot 3, Joha li. Kaaardr. 17.00; tot a,
John C. Kennedr. 17.00. BLOCK C. tot 4,
' Marr AT Park, 2o; tot 2, Lonla Ilmmer-
maa.; m uoaft ueiiaca ajatata.
iicira or. an.uD.
Park - Lead Company, fn.ftO; lot a. Kultoa
' Park Laud Oempanr, $0.60; lot 5, Fulton
lark Land company,
Iark . Land Company,
Park Land Company.
(ti.oo: lot 4.
o.eo; lot a,
o.oo;- tot ,
Park ' Land Company, to 00; tot 10. Pulton
, Park Land Companr, 30,00. BLOCK IT, tot
T, Kultoa Park laind Companr. fo.Sti; tot
- a. Pulton Park Land Companr,
. Fulton Park lad Companr,'
10, Kultoa Park Land Companr,
. lt, Kultoa Park Land Company,
KIVX'K as. aoutk 35 feet af tot 14. A. W
jr. rmun - Mimi vuhiimu. ,
Tohla. f) 00; north eft feet of aouth 120
feet of tot 14. Hldnef 7,. Mitchell, fO.nti;
north Ml feet of tot 14, William and Charlea
II. Uathawwr. "f .T0; tot 7, Knlton park
Land Companr. fo.TO; lot , Kllaabeth Kg-
Crt. fo.70; lot a. Kllaibeth Egtrert, fO 70;
t 10. Kllsabeth Kggert, fo.TO; tot 11. Kllaa
heth Knert. 40. TO: tot 12. Kllaabeth Kcaert.
fo.TO. BLOCK 36. tot IN, Fultoa Park Land
tompany, l.. dian n. sa. lot T. . M.
Lombard, fo.ou; tot 8, Jl. U.. Lombard, 10.00;
' tot 8. Ueorge H. Mrlnloah, fo.oo; lot 10, Y.
-Wheeler. fo.a: tot II, KUaahath Kairert.
fo.OO: lot 12. Kllaabeth F-ggert, BUhCK
M. lot 1. Ralph W. Iloyt, fl.OO; tot 2,
Ralph W. Hoyt. 30.T0; tot 8, John Qleblach,
B0.H6: tot 4. John alebtach. 81.00: tot 3.
joha Cleblarh, fo.03. BLOCK 40. all of
weat 50 feet of tot 1 eicept north 60 feet,
William H. MrFarland. 10.80; eaat 60 feet
of waat 100 feet at lot 1, Oregon Building
4 Ian Anaoclatton. fo.30; Borth 30 feet of
weat 30 feet nf tot 1, Oregoa Building 4
Loaa Association. f0.30; raat 10 fret of
tot 1. Mark J. Comatocb. f0.7; tot 2, I.I sale
K. Voaog. fo.oo; lot 3. Marr Hughea, fo.oo;
. tot 4. Marr Hughea. 30.00; tot 6. Patrick
' Hughea. fu.f; tot , Kim Hall, fo.oo; tot
T. IVrry Johnaon, fo.on; lot 3. Collin C.
Olrrtn,; tot 3. Collin C. Olrrln, fO.50;
tot 10. I. H. Harat. fo.60; lot 11. (I. C.
Konetaka. fo.30; lot 12. B. M. Urmbard.
30.30; tot 13. B. M. Lombard, fo.ou; lot 14.
C. J. Decker, fo.aO; tot 15, Marr Kooata,; lot 1. Marr Kooata, fo.00: tot IT.
Mary J. . Comatork, fo.00. BIAH'K 41, lot
T. W. M. Martxall, fo on; lot 8. W. M.
, Martaall, fQ ou; lot 3. William Mackintosh.
True tee, fn.eYi; lot 10, William Mackintosh.
' Truatea, fo.oni lot II. Klale M. Crahh, 10.00;
tot 12, William Helming, 30.05. BLOCK 46,
tot 1. William Hathaway and Charles H.
Thompson, fo.30' lot 3, William Hathaway
,Ha I1...U. II -riu. BOM- I a ailL
um. v-.v., iiiiBH na,Hwav I
- In m Ha thenar aad t'harWa H-.Thuiiiuenn.
- Malhawae eS I'll Tl, It I I i, ,i
fO.jn: lot 4.- Wlltlsra Hathaway and Charles
H. Thompsoa.' fo.86; tot 5. WllUara llatha-
' war snd Charlea H. Thompsoa, fo.00; tot
8. Ca trine Hansen, fo.00; tot T. Cattina
Hansen." fn On. BLOCK 43, lot 1. H. B.
Carmine, fo.fln; V 3. Maud Bewell, fo.00;
tot 8. Clara V. Carmine, fo.OO; lot 4. Clara
V. Carmine, fo nn; tot 8. KOward O. Sawall,
fO.M) ; tot 3, Kdward 1. Bewail, fo 00; lot
T, Coba E. Culllsoa. fn.60; lot 8, Cohn B.
Calllaoa. fo.OO. BLOCK 47, lot 1, Maria
Ptockman, . fo.00; lot 2, Maria Btorkmaa,
' 30.00: tot 3. Henrietta Poppleton, fo.00; tot
4. W. 1. tlramba. fn.&O: lot 6, William H.
: Warrea, fo.60; tot 0, William H. Warren,
30.60; lot T. Fred Q. Buff urn. 10.00; lot 8,
Yrd 0. Buffnrii, fo.OO. BLOCK 48. tot 1. Marquara. 30.60; lot 2, Emma Mar
qoam, 80.6O; lot 3. Joha F. Coyne. fo.OO;
lot 4. Alice W. Caswell, fO.60: tot 6, U. J.
Ilecker. fO.On; lot 6, C. J. Decker, fO.OH;
Vt T. C. J. Decker, fo.TO; tot 8. C. J. Pecker,
fO.30: tot 3. Thomas A. Clark a, fO.00; tot
10. Valerie Rogers, fo.60; tot 11, Valerie
Btigera, 30.50; tot 12, Valeria Rogers, fo t0;
tot 13, Valerie Rogers. fo.OO; lot 14, Thomas
A. Clarke, fo.60: lot 18. Thomas A. Clsrke.
10.00; tot 16. Era I. Steal, 10.70; tot 17.
- Walter B. Prestos, fO.BO; tot 18. llenrr
Bferena, fl M; tot 18, Allca W. Caswell,; lot 30, Joha F. Coyne, fo.orr; let 21.
Jamea Blake, fo.00; lot 22. Tha Title tluar
antee 4 Trent Company. fl.OO. BLOCK 40;
tot 1, Brs P. Rteel, fO.60: tot 3. Era P.
Hteel, fO.OOt tot 8, t. E. Boott, 10.30; lot
4. J. E. Hcott, 10 60; lot 6, lllram W. Hilar.
. fo.W; tot 8. lllram W. ltlley. fl.OO: tot
T. Ella F. Perklnaoa,; lot 8, Oarar
V. Olaea. fO 00; lot 8, Bra H, Price, fo.on;
lot 10, A. R. Fraacla, f0.6n; tot 11. Era
P. 8teel. fO.OO; tot 12. Era P. Hteel. fO.Otk
BLOCK 50. tot 1, William Mackintosh, fo.35;
tot 2. William Mscklntosk, 30.40; lot 8.
William Mackintosh. 40.55; tot 4. Msrr A.
Ilsnrr, fO.OO; tot 8. William II. Deney, fo.60:
tot 8, II. C. Tedfnrd, 10.00; lot T, Joseph
.; HlmoB. Trustee, 30.80; lot 3, KarKa J. Pall.
Inc. 30.00: lot H. Ksrlfs J. Kslllna. 30.00:
tot 10. Patrick Hughea. fo.OO: tot 11. Patrick
Hughea. fooo; tot 12. Faltaa Park Lsnd
fn.60; tot 6. William Henrr. fl.OO; .lot 6.
Wllllsm Henrr. fn.60; tot T. Jsne Kyan.
flan;- tot 8. Henrietta 'A. Poppletna,';
tot 8. Hrarletta A. Popptetoa, 30.60; lot 10,
Knlton- Park Lsnd .Companr, fl.OO; tot 11.
, Lou 11. L'pdegraff, fi.00; tot 12. Loa H.
1 ndngraff, fn.on. BLOCK 83, tot 8. B. M.
Iaibard. 30.4ft; tot a. B. M. 'Lombard. 10.60;
lot T. Anna Mcgulllaa. foOO; lot a, it. n.
Crowe.-- fo.60; tot 8, 8. II. Crewe, fo.60.
BMMJK 64. tot T, B. M. t an bard snd Pultna
ark Land comnanr, fo.oo; tot 8. B. M.
ombard aad Fnlton Park tnd Companr.
30.60; tot 3. B, M. liombar4 snd Fnltoa Park
.. Und Company, fn.60; lot In. B. M. Ixm
hsrd and Knlton park La ed Cowipsnr. fn.on;
tot II. B. M. Lombard and Fnlton Park Lsnd
- Compsnr. 30.00; lot 12. B. M. lnahard and
. Fultna Park lnd Companr, In on. DlH K
00. rV-honl District J. I. IT.- BfH K OH.
' lot I, Byron P. Csrdwetl K-atste. Hairs of.
: fo.SOi tot 2. Byres p. Cardwell Katata, Heirs
of.; tot 3. Ryroa P. Csrdwall 'Eatate.
Helra af. fn.60; tot 4. Heron P. Csrdwetl
,. Fatste. Heirs of. In. 00; lot 8, Hyena P. Card
well r.tste -Hetrs of. fO.aO; lot 3. Byron p.
Cardwell Estste. Heirs of. fo.60: tot T.
Byres P- ardwall Rstate, Heirs of. 30.60;
lot 3, Brroa P. Cardwell fcetatr, Uelra, at,
fo.oo; lot
io.Oti; tot
fO.00; lot
fo.oo: tot
-1 IWftsf aaA Mt. RIIK'K sal a In 1 Ifuaaeiki I .
8lmoa. Trnat-e. ft. 66; tol 2, Jeeenk Hlmon. t "7 VlSaer 30 2B north u
Trnatra. fo.oo. BLOCK 52. tot f. Pstrick H J Ai Snnee in i?i5 2e
MrrM7agkoSli,Wi.0t J P,Knerlne ' ? W J?2J; Sajf H Vt
rl'JL-IlTfaoTS;. L.10! . .,... rLf? V.t 2. Msrr I White, fo 30: tot 3. Charles
30.30; lot f. Byroa P. Cardwell Katata.' Helra
- or,; lot lO, Byron r. arawaii
llelra af, fo.00; lot 11. Byreo P. Cardwell
Kelate. Helra of, fO.OO; lot la. -nrroa i r.
' r.rrf-.ll v.t.i. li.ira of. 80.00. BLOCK
07. lot 1, Kred .rltalyer, fO .80; tot- 2. Pred
Btalrer, io.: -t 3. h. M. Buah.. MM;
lot -4. riT af.- Boah. fo.aO: lot 8, Alloa
.Kramer, f0.o: lot ,.. Allca Kramer, ' fowl;
? M T, Anna Kllaa Starr, ftJ.00; lot f. Amelia
K. and hi. J. Moree. f o .ao: lot Prlra
Wanklla, laaQ; M 10. WUllam N.. rerrln.
foat); lot 11. Joha Twar.; M 13.
Joha Twar. f0.. BLOCK 07 H. lot 1.
Pultoa Park Land Company, fo.IV; lot 2.
t Pultoa i Park Laud Companr, . fo.oo; lot 3.
Pulton Park Iad . Company. lO.TS; lot 4,
-nltoa . Park Land Compear 10 no; tot : 5,
' Pulton Park Ind Companr, t0.. BLOCK
x. lot 1. Iulae Frleae. fu.30; lot 1 Iolaa
Prleea, f0.0; tot 8. Marraa Kddr Huauldlna.
fo.00; lot 4. Ckrlat I Una en,; tot .
Joha B. Meaalck. f0,u; tot ft, ChrW-a A.
Daehor. fuou; tot T. Charlea A. Ouaber.
fu.oo; lot a, Charlea A. Ooeber.; let
a Charlea A. - iNieber. fO.ot); tot 10. - Tlea
Von Bolton, fo.30; tot 11, Horatio B. Uolmea.
fo.oo: tot 12, Horatio K. Uolmea. faoO.
HUM'K a-M 1,. Joaaph t, 11. aad 1 Madia
' A. Wrinkle, fo.00; tot 2. Joaaph ". d
Badl A. Wrinkle. fO.oOt tot 3. Addle Parrln,
-; tot 4. Addla ' parrla, lO.Oo; lot 0,
Bylranna 0. Analtaf a, fo.00; tot 4. Andrew
; Holmes. fO.eo; tot T. J. K. foartaar. fo TO;
tot f. Blatera of the Hour LNama of Jaaua
-" and Marr. 10-00; tot . LWy Dougherty,
fO.OOj to 10. Joarph Beat. fO.oO; tot 11.
-CoUa C. Olrrla, fo.00; tot 12, Colin C. Olr
rln, fO.M; tot 13, rylvaoaa C. Armltage.
lo fi;-lot 14, "ylranua C. Afmitagr, 10. .V;
tot 18, Hotithweat Portland Bral Katata Com
pany. fu.ti; lot. 10, Northara Count Ire la
reatment Trtutt, Ltd., f0.4o; lot IT. Northara
Coautlea. Inreatmenr Truat. Ltd., 30. 00; tot
18. Northern Conntlea Iwreatmeat Trvat.
Ud.. fo.00; lot 13. Joarph Beat, fu.t0: . tot
' 20. Andrew J. Hygert, Jr., and Br., 10.00;
lot 21. H. L. Martaall. fo.00; tot 22. H. L.
MartaalL fo.70; tot 33. A. W. Balrd. fO.00;
lot 24. James II. Chaae, fO.00; tot ,
- Maurice ft. Coatelto, fo.60; tot 20, Pint
National Bank of Portland, Oregon, 30.00;
lot 37, Frank M. Warren, fo 60: tot 33,
' Prank U. Warren. 80.00. BLOCK TO. tot I,
Vincent Cook. fO.OO; tot 3, Vincent ' Cook,
30.00; lot 3, Vincent Cook, fo.60; tot 4,
' Vincent Cook, fo.00: lot 5, .Ferdlnaad A.
, ,. - ao eo. Lt a WIM1. l ,i BO Alk
i.iia, a-'.v., v. uii.w u ..- . , - i
lot T, U. W. and Margaret V. Allen, 0.00;
kit 8, O. W. and Maraaret V.- Alien. -
n, - a" o;
tot 3. Harsh Mitchell, fo 00; tot 10, Marts
Watrrford. fO.00: tot 11. Vincent Oook, fo.60;
tot 12. Vincent Cook. fo.oO. BLOCK Tl. tot
-l. VlnecBt Cool. 30 on; lot -m, Tinceat nw,
to at): lot 3, Vincent Cook, 30.00; tor 4.
Vincent ctaok . lot 6. Fred Boagele.
an an: lot a. Pred Baaaeto. 30.60: tot T.
Bernhardlna Weatnahl. fo.OO: lot 8, Bera-
bardloe Westpabl. fo.60: tot 3. J. X. Toung,
10.60; tot 10, Jane Wall. fO 00; tot II,
' Vlneeht . Cook to an: tot 12. Vincent Cook.
30.60. BLOCK 72. lot 1. Vincent Oook. fo.30;
lot 2, Vincent Cook. fO.60; tot 3, Vincent
Cook, 10.00; tot 4. Vincent Cook. fO.00: tot
. Vincent cook, an.oil; lot a, vioceni iwi,
lo an: tot T. Frank nnd Msrr Hsrkner. 30.60:
' tot 8, lAora Hsrkarr. 10.00; tot 3. Vincent
Cook. fo.OO; lot in. Vine-eat Cook. fO.60; tot
11. Vincent Cook. fO.M; tot 12. Vincent Cook
- an on. HI.OCK 73. tot 1. llenrr Flerkenateln
.81.20; -tot 3. Henry Fleckenateln. 11.20; tot
3. Henry lleckenateln, fl.10: lot 4. llenrr
Kleckanateln, 1 1. flu: tot o. Henry rieonen
atria. 30.35: tot a. Hesrr Fleekenrteta. fo.TO:
tot T. Henry Flerkrnetrln. fo.55; tot f, Henry
Flerkenateln, fn.!. BI.tH'K T4, Henrr
Flerkenateln,- f7.20. ,-" BI1CK -T3. - Henrr
Fleckenstela. f.'1.05. BLOCK 76, lot 1. Henrr
- Fleckenatela, 30.30: tot X llenrr Klc-hrn
Btefb. 30.20: tot 8. Henrr Flerkenateln. lo.tri;
lot 4. Henrr FlerkenstelB. fo.05. BLOCK
00, tot 1, Fulton Land Companr, fO.n; lot
a. Fulton Land compear. o.4u. vi.
tot 1. Kaltoa Land Oomnanr. 30.70: tot 2.
Pultna Lead Comnanr. 80.60: lot 3. Fnltoa
'land Company, foot): tot 4. Fnltoa Land
Cmnpanr.; tot 3. Fnltoa Land Com-
panr, fn.fn; lot 3. Fnltoa Lasd tympany.
fn.40; tot, fFultoa Land Companrx- foao;
lot 3. Pulton Land Comnanr. 80.011: tot 0.
Fnltoa Lasd Companr. fo.60; lot lo. Fulton
Land Companr. ftMW; tot It. Fnltoa land
Companr. la 00; lot 43, Fnltoa Land Com-
I panr- 30.30. - BLOCK- 02, tot 1. fnltoa Iad
t'ompany. so. no; lot z. raitoa usna torn.
Kny. fO.M: lot Knlton Land Contpnnr.
.70: lof 4. Pulton I .and Companr. tn.oO:
, tot 6. Fulton Ind Companr. 30.40. BLOCK
to, Hanrr riockenatein. f4.4t. 4.
tot 3. V. Conk, fO.M; lot 4. V. Cook, fo.oo;
.Mi, V. Cook, fn.on; tot 0. V. Cook, fn.60;
tot T. V. Cook. fO.00: tot 3. V. Cook, 80.80.
BLOCK. S3, lot 1. V. Cook. 30.3ft: tot 2.
V. Cook. fft.Oft: tot 0, V. Cook. fo.4A: lot
10, V. Cook, fO.30: tot 11. V. Cook, fo.60.
BLOCK v. tot I. V. Cook. . fo.TO; tot X
V. Cook, fn.on; tot 2, V. Conk, fn.on; tot 4,
. Cook, fo.6n; tot 6, V. Conk. 30.00;' tot 6,
V. Cook, fo.ou; tot T, V. Conk, 10 70; tot ,
V. Cook, fn.on; lot 3. V. Cook. lo.OO; tot 10,
V. Cook, lo.oo; tot II, V. Cook, fl.OO; lot 13,
' V. t'ook. 3n.nO: tot 1:1. V. Co.. lo oo: tot 14.
1 V, Cook, 30.6O; tot 15, V. Cook, 30.001 tot 16,
. V. cook. B". no; tot li, v. rook, an.mii mt in,
.. V. Cook, fn.on: tot 1ft, V. Cook, fn.m; tot 2n,
V. Cook, fn.ejrf tot St, V. Cook, fo.oo: tot 23,
V. Conk, fo .Si: lot 23, V. Conk, fn.on; lot 24.
V. Cook, fn.on; tot 2ft. "V, Cook, fo.00; tot So.
V. Cook. tn.To. BI.OCW 7, lot 1. V. Cook.
a", in;
' fn.on;
an.TO; mt Z, v, cook,: ati.nn; mt n, v. t ook.
lot 4. v, cook, ft wt; lot o, v. t ooa,
tot , V. Cook, fn.on; tot T. V. Conk.
tot a. V. cook, fn.on; lot n, v. cook,
fo.oo: tot 10.
. v. conk, lot li. v. cank.
fo.60; tot 12. T. Cook. fo.TO.
tot I. V. Cook, fn.on: tot 2. V.
f. Cook. 3n.70. BLOCK W.
tot 1, V. Cook, an on; lot 2. v. fook. fo.oo;
lot 3, V. Cook, fl.OO; tot 4, V. Conk. f).0O;
tot 8, V. Cook. fl.OO; lot 6. V. Cook, fi.00;
lot T, V. Cook, fo on; tot 8, V. Cook, fn.oo;
-tot I). V. Cook, loon: tot 10. V. Cook. In. on:
tot 11, V. Cank, fO.OO; lot 12, V. Cook, fo.oo.
BMICK m. lot 1, v. conk, fn.on; lot a, v.
Conk, fO.60;
Cook, il.uft;
Conk, fn.on;
lot a, v. took, eu nt; lot 4. v.
tot R. V. Cook, fo.uti; tot a, V.
tot T. V. Cook, fo.00: tot 3, V.
t ona, tnit:n. itsi. Kit 1, v. i-osb.
80.70; lot 2, V. Conk, 80.00; tot 3, V. Conk,
fo.on; tot 4, V. Cook, fo.60; tot 5. V. Cook.
fn.on; tot 6, V. Conk, fi.00; tot T. V. Cook,
fo.00: tot 8. V. Oook, fi.00; tot 0. V. Cook.
, fo.oo; tot 10. V. Cook. fo.OO: lot 11, V. Oook,
f i.oo; tot 12. V. Cook. fo.TO. BLOCK lot,
' tot 1, V. Cook, ft. 36; tot I V. Cook, fl.OO;
tot 3, V. Cook, f 1.7ft. .BLOCK 102. tot 1. V.
Cook. fo.TO; -tot 2, V. Conk, fn.oo; tot S, V.
Cook,' fo.on; tot 4. V. Cook, fn.on; tot 8, V.
t'enk, fl.80; lot 8, V. Cook, fl.2n; lot T. V.
Cook. 11.00: tot 8. V. Cook. 3o.85: lot 3. V.
Cook, f 1.55; tot TO. V. Cook, fn.on; tot II, V.
Cook!; lot 12. V. Cook, fo.65. BLOCK
J0.1, lot I. V. cook, fn.oo: tot 3, V. t eok.
fn.00: lot 3. V. Conk. to. on: tot 4. V. Cook.
fi.80; tot 8. V. Cook, 80.60; tot 8. Portland
Clay Compsnr. fo.OO; lot T. - Portland Clar
Comnanr. 10.00: lot 8. Portland Clay C01
u . n , , -. , m ,
P""'. W' f- e . . un.i'r
I"" w...
tot 2. C, rj.
wia C. Johnson. - 30. en: tot 4, - John I Miner
fo.60; tot 3. Darld W. EherUn, 30.00; tot
6,-KoHoB Park Land Companr, fo.oo; tot
.7. Fnltoa I'ark Lead Comnanr, fo.TO; tot
8. Emma Maronam, fO.60; tot 8, D. II.
. Jacksoa, fo.00; tot 10. Fulton Park Land
. Companr. fo.60: tot 11. W. J. Orsrabs. 80.60;
lot 12. W, J. Ursmbs. fn.60; tot 13. Alliance
Truat Companr, Ltd.. f 1.60; tot 14. Alliance
. Treat Companr, Ltd., fo.TO: tot IS. Botha
. child Bros., fo.88; tot 16. Rothschild Bros.,
. fo.lft; tot IT, J. M. Church, 80.05: lot 13,
J. M. Church, I0.6O; tot IS, J. M. Church.
fn.60; tot 30. D. H. Jackson, 80.60; tot 21,
II. H..Jackaoa, fO 00: lot 22, Minnie Rlronn,
fO.TO; lot 23. Jeaale E. Kirk. fl.OO; lot 24,
John Olehlih. fl.OO; tot 25, John Oleblsh.
fo.W; tot 26, Alios MsckeoAle.. fO.60; lot
.. 27, AUce Mackaasie. 10.90; lot 23. Alice
Maekensla, fn.6U. BLOCK 105, aoath 80 feet
of block 105. Brroa P. Cardwrll Katatr,
- Heirs of, fl.OO; north 120 feet of block ton.
City 4 Bubnrbsa Railway Companr. fX35.
BLOCK A. tot 1. Etta Williams, fo.90; tot
2. Ktu Williams. fo.TSr tot 8. Fnlton Park
lend Companr. f0.4o; tot 4. Etta Wllllama,
10.70; tot 5. Thrlatlos Fleckenstela, 10.00:
lot 6, Christina Kleckanateln. 10 40. BUK'K
B. tot 1. Fnltoa Psrk Land Companr. fo.30;
tot 2, Fnltoa Park I And Companr, 30.3ft:
tot 8, Fultoa Park Isind Companr, fl.35;
4 lot 4. Fnltoa Park Lend Company, f.40;
lot 5, Fulton Park 1a sd Companr,. f0.40;
tot 8, Fnlton Park Lead Companr, 10.40;
tot T, Fnltoa Park Lead Company, 30.60;
. lot 8. Fultoa Park Lssd Company, fn.60;
'. lot . Fnltoa Park Land Comnanr, f0.66.
. BLOCK 0, tot 1. Fultoa Park Land Company,
fo.30; tot 2, Fnltoa Park Land Companr.
fO.eo; tot 8, Fultoa Park Land Companr,
fo.4,1; tot 4, Fultna Park I-and Companr,
fn.ftn; lot 8, Fultoa Park Land Companr,
fn.on; tot 6. Fnltoa Park Land Companr,
fO.Oft; tot T, Fnltoa Park Ind Compsnr.
J 0.70) lot 8, Fultna Psrk lnd Companr.
n.fto; tot 8. Fnlton Park Land Compsnr.
. to.35. BLOCK D, tot t. Fnlloa Park land
Compsnr, fl.OO; tol 2, Fnlton Psrk Lsnd
Compsnr, fo.OO; tot 8. Fultoa Psrk Lsnd
Compsnr, 30.0O tot 4. Fnltoa Psrk Lsnd
compsnr, sn.nn; k n, uregon at caiirsrnis
Hit z. stsry- ia, wuiie. v'.ou;
F. Tlgard, fo.TO. BLOCK F, lot 1. Bsrsk
mrley, au.zn; 101 a. nsraa toriry, no. 40;
tot 8. I. E. Scott. 30.50; tot 4, Peter Curler.' lot 8. Rotbchlld Bros., fl.OO; lot 6,
Kothcblld Broa.. fn.Tft; lot T. Rotbchlld Bros.,
fn.TO; tot 8. Rotbchlld Bros., fn.3A: lot 3.
Rotbchlld Bros.. fo.Oft; lot, 10. Rotbchlld
Bros.. fOOO, BLOCK O. lot 1. C f. Decker.
fl.M; tot J. C J. Decker. fo.40;
tot 3. , . flecker. fo.55; lot
4. Msrr fibormler. fn.eo; tot 6, E. I.
Thompsoa, 80.80; tot 6. K. I,. Thovtpaon.
fl.M; tot T. B. L. Thninrson. 30.65; tot 8.
A. J. Powers, fo.56; lot 3. ,A. J. Powers,
fn.RT,; tot 10. A. J. Powa-a, 0.4n; vt 11,
P. It. Marley, In OS; lot 3. P. H. Marler.
fo.TO. . BLOCK II. tot 1. F. A. Walpole.
fn.45: lot 2. F. A. Walpole. fo.80; lot 8.
Ann E. KUon. 11.00 tot. 4, Ann E. Minn.
II nft; tot I, Ana K. Niton, li no; west 85
feet nf tot 6. J. B. Colics. f04n; west 3.1
feet 'Of- lot T. t. B. Cullck. t. 40; ell of
let 8 lying esst of west 66 feet. Roth W,
liecker, fn.n.1: all of tot T lyiag eaat f weat
oft feet. Both W. Decker, fn 60; tot 8,
Moses A. 8 ha re, fl.OO; tot , Meecs A. Bhsre.
fl.rm; tot la, Agnes Bnttenmntler, fo.on;
tot 11, l.Ubeth II. fnrtla, f.T8; . tot 12.'
rtrlt-k and , Mirf , Hughes, fo.30; lot 13,
f.eH.'k aad Mare Hnattea 30.10. BLOCK I,
-r tot 1, Ann K, 'lu, ft. TO; tot 2. -Ana B.
nitoa, K't a. Ana m. ntxon, ev.wo,
' lot 4. Aan B. Nlxoa, fo.OO; tot 3. Ann a
Mxoa, 10.70; lot a. Harriet Dunham.;
r tot T, Harriet Dunbam. - f 1.28; tot a. B. M.
lainhara. Blnll l..r a Anthonr NeOPBCh.
f 1.2b. - BLOCK J., tot l. Brroa P, Cardwell
Katata. llelra of.- food: lot .2. BoUicblld
f broa., 30.70; lot 3, Kathcblld Broa., fo.oo;
ioc a, noiacaua woe., po.oo; u w, ,M
1 Weat Portland Real Katata CODlDany. fo.43
tot , Jtotb'-blkt Bros., fo.45; tot T, Maurice
'UoMnan, ao.ou; lot a, uotot-niia nroa., e-'-'.
tot a, Itothchlld Bros., fl.20: tot 10. Hoth
rblld Brua., 41.10; tot 11, Kothrhlld Broa.,
II. Oft; lot 12 RoUchlld Broa., fo.fto; tot IS.
jtotbcblld Broa., fu.WI; tot 14. Rotbchlld
Broa., fo 56; tot 1A, Rotbchlld Broa., fO.RO.
BLOCK K, lot 1. Kothcblld Broa., fl.OO; tot
2. Kothcblld Bros., fo.M: lot 3. Kothrhlld
: Bras., $.m: tot 4. Kothcblld Bros.. fl.OO;
tot 5, Kothcblld Broa., fl.OO; tot 4. Both
rhlld Bros., fO.lrO. BLOCK L. Pnltoa Park
, Ind Companr. fS.flV, BLOCK M, Fulton
Park Land Companr. 32.73.
Fl'LTON BLOCK 1, tot 1. K. Rlrgalmaaa,
80.00; tot 8. B. Rlegelmaaa, 30.3; tot 3.
- R. Klaaalmann. 30.531 tot 4. C. II. Plgaott,
fo.W: tot 6. B. Rlegelmana, fO.M; lot 6,
K. Rlegelmana. fo.60; tot 7, R. Klafelmann,
fo.oo; tot -3. B. Klrgeimana, eu.oo. utter.
2. Robert Pattoa Katata, Hdra of, 12. SO.
' BLOCK 3, all of block 3 west of Macadam
"Road. Aaron' Walt,- 12 ); nil of Mock 8
east of Macadam Road. M. Beaton Williams.
. fn.15. BLOCK , The King Estate, 33.40.
BLOCK 3, Tyler Woodward, ft 50. BLOCK
; 7, Alexander, Klracl. fl b0. BLOCK , tot
1, 11, J. B. Blrgulmann, 30.60; tot 2, M.
' 0. Morris and W R. Morrla, 10.80; lot .3.
ILa. Morrla Vnd W. R. Morrla. fO.30; lot
4. AUce Berry Knna, fO.60; tot 6, Allca
; Berry Nana. 30.60: tot 8. M. O. Morrla
'' and W. R. Morrla, $0.60; lot T. If. 0. Mor
. rla, 30.60; lot f, H. J. R. Blegelmana, fO.00.
A tract of laad Ivine Mtak A Una 60 feet
sooth of sad parallel with Booth Una of block
a. rutton, ana the norm una at oiors, .
" Fnlton Park, and a line 00 feet east of and
parallel with tha east line ot block 16. Fnl
toa. and a Hoe 60 feet waaterlr from and
: parallel with tha wssterly llus ot blocks
, and T, Fulton, except that aorttoa af aald
, tract ocenptod br tha Cltr 4 Bubarbaa Bsll
war Company's right of way, M. li. Morris
snd W. K. Morris. 31.33. " -
Fl'LTON BLOCK 16. lot 1, M. 0. Morrla and
W. B. Morris, fO.BO; lot 3. M. u. rnorria.
300; tot 8. M. O. Morris, fO.60; lot 4. Mi
tt. Morris, f0.0: tot , M. 0. Morris, fO.00;
tot 4. M. U. Morris. 30.00; tot T. M. .
I Morrla. fo.90: lot .OJ,,, Morris, fo.00.
ItLtMJK IT, lot 1,, U. ,W. lorooil aetata,
ii.i .a ao on. w o tr ae frttmtt Katata.
Heirs o.; lot 8. Andrew W. Frwsm.
I OI, ' aU.fJUi IOI, , 4VIU1.W TV . a- WTaa saa, a
30.60; lot 4, Andrew, W.Freum. 80.60; tottr-
6. K. J. Fream. Kl.on: mt a, K. J. rream,
' an on. lot 1. it W. irhett Estste. Hairs of.
- fo.60; lot 8, H. W. Corbatt Estate, Halra
' of, fO.60.
SOtmiERS ' PORTLAND.' 0RE00M (River
Its Irt I. P. H. Birth. fl.OO: tot 2.
P. II. Birth, fO.IV.; tot 3, P. H. Birth, f.5;
lot 4, P. H. Birth. 3006: lot 5. P. H. Birth. tot 6. p. II. Birth,, fo.oft; tot 7. P.
, H. Birth. 31.15: tot 8. P. H. Birth. 80.35;
tot , P. II. Blyth. fo.00; tot 10, P. H.
Birth.. fn.ftO; north 23 feet of tot 11. P. H.
Blyth, fO. 40: south 37 feet Of tot 11. H. C.
. Broaden. f0.60r tot 12. H.-fl. Breedea, fl.18;
tot 13. B. C. Breedea, fl.OO; lot 14. H. 0.
Breedea. 11.06; lot 15, II. C. Breedea, fl.16;
tot 18. H. C. Breedea, tl.2S; tot 17. II. C.
Breedea. fl.65; lot 18. II. C. Breedea, 31.45;
tot in. H. C. Breedea. 31.55; tot 20. H. C.
Breedea. fl.OO; tot 21. H. C. Breedea. 81.65;
tot 22, H. C. Breedea. 12.06: nndlvlded 2 8
of tot 23, Hannah Mason, fl.16; nndlelded
2-3 of tot 24. Hannah Mason, 11.1ft; undivided
- 2-3 of tot 25. Hannah Mason, fl.16; BBdlvlded
2-3 of tot 28, Hannah Maaoa, 11.40; undivided
2-3 of tot 27, Hannah Maaoa, 31.16; undivided
2- 3 of tot2S, Hannah Maaoa, fl.16; andlvlded
. 2-3 of tot 20, Hannah Maaoa, 81.10; andlvlded
3- 3 of lot 30. Hannah Maaoa. 1.03; andlrlded
2-2 of tot 81, Hannah Mason, 11.06; nndlvlded
.2-3 f tot 83, Hannah Maann. 11.2ft; undivided
3A of tot l, llaouah Vlaaon 81.10; dmllTlrte.1
2-3 of tot .14. Hannah Mason, 81.10; andlvlded
' 2-3 of lot 35, Ilsnnsh Maaoa, 81.16; undivided
2-8 of tot M, Hannah Maaoa. 81.13; andlvlded
2-3 of lot .17. Hannah .Maaoa, 11.2ft: andlvlded
. 2-3 of tot Stl, Hannah Maaoa. flOS; andlrlded
- 2-3 of tot 30, Haanah Mason, 31.16: andlvlded.
' 2-8 of lot 4o, Hannah Maaoa. 81.16; andlvlded
2-3 af tot 41, Hannah Mason, 81.10; andlrlded
2-8 of lot 42. Hannah Maaoa, f 1.06; undivided
2-3 of tot 43, HaBBah Maaoa, fn.B6; andlvlded
2-8 of lot 44. Hannah Maaoa, fn.AO; andlvlded
2-3 of lot 4ft. Hannah Maaoa. 10.8ft; andlvlded
2-3 of tot 40, Hannah Mssea, fn.on; andlvlded
- 2-3 of tot 47. Hsnnah Mssoa, 80.75; andlvlded
1-8 of tot 23, J. F. Wntson, f0.53; BBdlvlded
1-8 of tot 24, J. F. Watsoa, fn.on; andlvlded
1-3. of tot 25, J. F. Wstsoa, fl.OO; andlvlded
- 1-3 of tot 28, J. F. Wstsoa, 10.70; andlvlded
1-3 of tot 27, J. F. Wstsoa, fo.55; andlvlded
1-3 of tot 2H, J, P.-Wstsoa, 30.65; uadlvlded
13 of tot 2n, J. F. .Wstsoa. fo.65; andlvlded
' 1-3 of tot 3n, J. F. Watsoa, fn.60; andlvlded
1-8 af lot 81, J. F. Wslsoa, to 6n; andlvlded
1-3 of lot ,12, J. F. Watsoa, f0.85: andlvlded
. 1-3 of lot 33, J. F. Wstsoa, fl.ftft; andlvlded
' 1-3 nf tot 34, J. F. Wstsoa, 30.65; nndlvlded
1-3 of tot m. J. F. Wstsoa, 80.66; andlvlded
1-3 of tot 38. J. F. Watson, fl.ftft: andlvlded
1,3 of lot 37. J.' F. Watsoa. fn.TO; andlvlded
-1-3 of tot 33, J. F. Watsoa, fo M; andlvlded
1-3 of tot 30, J, F. Watson, fo.fto; andlvlded
1-3 of tot 40, J. F. Wstsnn. fo.65;. andlvlded
I 1-3 of tot 41, J. F. Wstson, fl.ftft: andlvlded
1-3 of tot 42. J. F. Wstson. fn.ftn; andlvlded
1-3 of lot 4.1. J. F. Wstson, ft.&O; andlvlded
. 1-3 of tot 44. J. F. Wstsoa, f 1.4ft; undivided
1-3 of tot 45, J. F. Wstson, to. 4ft; andlvlded
. 1-3 of lot 48, J, F. Watson, fn.40; nndlvlded
j-a or lot 47, j. r. wstsnn. e".a. niAit n i,
undivided 2-3 of tot 1, Hannah Mssoa, 80.35;
andlvlded 2-3 ef tot 2. Ilsnnsh Mssoa 80.25;
undivided, 2-3 of tot 8.. Ilsnnsh Mssoa, fO.30;
. andlvlded 2-3 of lot 4. Hannah Maaoa, fn.10;
andlvlded 1-3 of lot 1. J. F. Wateoa. fn.lft;
andlvlded 1-3 of tot 2, J. F. Wstson, fn.lft;
nnaiviaeri j-3 or lot a, J. r. wsraoa, an.i";
nadlrlded 1-S of tot 4. J. F.' Watsoa. 80.06.
- BIOCK 2, aadlvlded 2-3 af tot 1, Hannah
' Maaoa, fn.40; andlvlded 2-3 of tot 2. Hannah
Maann, 30.40; andlvlded 2-8 of lot 8. Hannah
'Mason, fn.40; andlvlded 3-3 af tot 4, Ilsnnsh
Mssoa, 10.40; andlvlded 2-3 of tot 5. Hsnnsh
Mssoa, fn.40; andlvlded 2-3 af tot 8, Hsnnsh
Mason, fo.40; andlvlded 2-8 af lot T. Hannah
Mason, n.4n; andlvlded 14 at Kt a, llannss
Mssoa. fn.40; andlrlded 2-3 of lot 8. Hsnnsh
Mssoa, fn.60; andlrlded 2 3 af tot 10. Hannah
Maana, fO.60; andlrlded 2-3 of tot II. Hsnnsh
Mssoa, ft. 2ft: andlrlded 2-3 af tot 12. Hsnnah
Mason, M.40; andlvlded 2-8 of tot 13, Hannah
Maaoa, fn.80; andlvlded 2-3 ef lot 14, Hannah
Mason, f).4n; nndlvlded 2-3 of tot 15, Hsnnsh
Mason,; andlvlded 2-8 of tot 16. Hsnnsh
Mssna, 30.40; aadlvlded 2-3 of tot IT. Hsnnsh
Ma eon, to. 10; nndlvlded 2-3 of tot 18, Masnah
Mssoa. f0.4O: andlvlded 1-3 of tot 1. J.. F.
Watson, fn.zn- andlvlded 1-8 or .lot 2. J. F.
slson.2nT1iidlVldcrI"r-flrBr Tnt"3."J.J"wr
Wstson, fn.2n; andlvlded 1-3 of tot 4. 1. F.
Wstsoa, 80.20; andlvlded 1-8 af tot 8. J. F.
Watsoa, f2n; andlvlded 1-8 of tot 6. J. F.
Wstsoa, fn.20; andlvlded 1-8 of tot T. J. F.
Wstsoa, fO.20; undivided 1-8 of lot 8. 1. F.
Watsoa, f0.2O; nndlvlded 1-3 of tot . J. F.
Wateoa, to 2ft; andlvlded- 1-8 ef tot 40, J. F.
Watsoa, 80.25; aodlvlded 1-8 of lot II, J. F.
Watsoa, 10 10; nndlelded 1-8 of tot 12, J. F.
Wstsoa. 30.2O; andlvlded 1-3 of tot 13. J. F.
Wstsoa,; andlvlded 1-3 of tot 14, J. F.
Wstsoa. to. 20; andlvlded 1-8 of lot 15. I. F.
Wstson, 30.10; andlvlded 1-3 of tot 16. J. F.
Watsoa, fn.20; andlvlded 1-8 of tot IT. J. F.
Watson, fn.05; 'undivided 1-8 of tot 18, J. F.
. Wstssn. fO.20. BLOCK 8. andlvlded 2-8 of
lot 1, Hsnnsh Maaoa. 10.40; BBdlvlded 2-8 of
lot 2, Hannah Maaoa, 10.40; andlrlded 2-8 of
tot 8, Haanah Mason. In. 40; uodlrldrd 2-8 of
. tot 4. Hsnnsh Mssoa. 10.40; andlrlded 2-3 of
tot 6. Hsnnsh Msson, fn.40; andlvlded 2-8 of
tot 8. Hsnnsh Msaon, l0.4O; andlvlded 2-8 of
Jot T, Hsnnsh Msson,. 30.40; aadlvlded 3-8 af
tot 8, Hannah Mssoa. 10.40; andlvlded 2-1 of
lot 8. Hannah Mssoa. fn.ftO: andlrlded 2-3 of
tot 10, Hsnnsh Mssoa, 30.50; andlvlded 2-3 ef
tot 11. Hsnnsh Mssea, 80.40; andlvlded 2-3 of
tot 12, Hsnnsh Mssoa, fn.40; undivided 2-3 of
' tot 1.1, Ilsnnsh Msson, -tn. 40; nndlvlded 2-8 of
tot 14, Hsnnsh Maann. fn.40; andlrlded 2-3 of
tot 15, Hsnnsh Msson, 10.40; nndlvlded 2-8 of
' tot 10, Hsnnsh Msaoa, 10.40; andlvlded 1-3 af
tot IT, Hsnnsh Msson, 80.40; undivided 2-8 ef
. tot 18, Hsnnah, Mssoa. fl.40; andlrlded 1-3 of
tot 1, J. F. Wstson, 80.20; nndlvlded 1-8 of
. tot 2. J. V. Wstsoa, f).2n; andlvlded 1-8 of
tot 3. J. P. Wstsnn, fn.20; andlvlded 1-8 of
tot 4, J. V, Wstson, fn.20; undivided 1-3 of
lot 8, J. P.. Wstsoa, to 30; andlvlded 1-8 of
tot 8, J. F. Wstsoa, tn.20 aadlvlded 1-8 of
tot T. J. F. Watsoa, fo.2n; undivided 1-3 of
tot J. F. Wstson, to an; andlrlded 1-8 of
tot 8. i. T. Wstson, 10.25; andlvlded 1-8 of
lot 10, 1. T. Wstsnn. 10 2ft; andlvlded 1-3 of
lot 11, J. F. Watsoa, 30 20; untllrlded 1-8 of
.. lot 12, J. F. Wstsoa, t0.20; andlvlded 1-3 of
.lot 13, J. F. Watsoa. o 20; untllrlded 1-8 of
tot 14, J, F. Watson, fo 20; andlvlded 1-8 af
lot 16, J. F, Wstsoa, In 2D; andlvlded 1-8 of
lot 16. J. F. Watsoa, to. 211; andlrlded 1-3 of
-lot 17,-J. F. -WatooB, fn.2o- aadlvlded 4-8-af
tot 18. J. F. Wstsoa. 10.20. BLOCK 4. m.
divided 3-8 of tot 1. Hannah Msson. 80.30;
andlvlded 2-8 of tot 8, Hannah Mssna, 80.30;
undivided 3-3 of tot 8, Hsnnsh Mssoa. to. Ml;
, Undivided 2-8 of tot T, Hsnnsh Mssoa, 10.30;
nndlvlded 2-8 of lot 8, Hsnnsh Mssoa, fo.35;
undivided 2-3 of lot 11, Hsnnsh Msson, to 0;
undivided 2-3 of tot 13, Hsnnsh Mssna, In. .10;
' undivided 2-8 of tot 15, Hannah M it son, 30.30;
' undivided 2-8 of tot 17, Hsnnsh Msson, fn.80;
andlrlded 1-3 of lot 1, J. F. Watson, fn 1ft;
andlrlded 13 of lot 8, J. F. Watsoa, fo 16;
nndlvlded 1-3 of tot B, J." F. Wstsoa. fn.15;
, nndlvlded 1-3 of tot T. J. F. Watsoa, 30.15:
nndlvlded 1-3 of lot A. 1. F. Watson, fn.lft;
nndlelded 1-3 of tot 11, J. F. Wstson, 10.15;
...undlrldrd 1-8 ef lot 11, J. .F. Wstson, In 16;
andlrlded 1-8 nf tot 15, J. F. Wstsoa, In. 1ft l
' andlrlded 1-3 of tot 17. J. F. Wstsnn. fl.18;
tot 2. Rcsl 4 Personal Estste Companr. 10.45;
lot 4, Rrsl 4 Prrsnnsl Estste Compsnr,
fn.48; tot 6. Reel 4 FeraonsI Fatste Cots,
pany. to 4ft: south 1-8 ar tot 8, Real 4 per
sonal Estate Companr, fn.80! north 2-.1 af
tot 8, Hannah Maann, In 1.1 1 lot in, Hannah
. Mason. 0 t); ot 12. Ilsnnsh Mssna. fn.on;
lot 14. Hsnnsh Mason, toon, lot 16. Hannah
Mason, fl.80; tot 18. Hsonsb Mssoa. toon.
BLOCK ft. aadlvlded 2-8 nf lot I, Flannsh
' Mason. lo..m; andtvidtl 2-3 ef Ant 2. ' Ilsnnsh
Mssna, " :m: nndlvlded 2 3 nf 'tot 5. Ilsnnsh
Msaon, tn..W: andlrlded 3 .1 ef tot T, Hsnnsh
Mssoa. to.3n; andlrldrd 2 3 of tot 8. Hsnnsh
Mssoa, f.3J,"Undlvloe4 2-3 af lot 11, Haaaak
. Maaoa, 3O.30 andlrlded 3-8 af tot 13. Haaaah
, Mssoa, fu.8; undlrlUed 2-3 of tot 15. Hansen
Massu, to.Su; untllrlded 3-8 of tot IT, Hannah
stsson. su. ju: unairiaea i-a et es 4. e. s
4. a. a.
a. J. f.
5, J. F.
T.-J. F.
Wstsoa, f Ift; andlvlded I I of lot 3.
wstsoa, fo. is; uodtriaea i-a ot an
Wtaoo. an.lftl undivided 1-3 of lot
1a.-oM Ll IAi. Mn.lletrfed 1-S of lot 8. J. F.
Wstsoa, fo.lB; andlrlded 1-3 of lot 11, J. F.
, Wstsoa, fl.16; andlrlded 11 ot lot 13, J. F.
"Wstsoa, to. 16; undivided 1-3 of lot ,15, J. F..
Vitas ill Ift: undlTlded 1-3 of lot IT. J. F.
Wstson, to. 15; tol 3. Kroeetlua Bcaoeobechc
er, 10.00; tot 4, Krnestino acnoenoecnier,
to 80; south H of -sot a, Joba Bcbrenuechler,; north of tot 8, Kraeallue PeppeL
f.80; tot 8, Hannah Maaoa, fo.60: tot 10,
Hannah Maaoa, fU.To: tot 12. Haanah Msaoa,
Sn HO. I, II uunnak Waeia 111 Oil: tot 16.
Hsnnsh Msson, fo.OO; lot 18. Charles W.
' H 141 Ins, fo.60. BLOCK 6, nndlvlded 3-8 of
tot 1 etcept Oregoax4 California Railroad
companr a ngnt ot - war. uannao .
fo.30 ; undlrlded 1-3 of tot 1 eicept Oregon
4 California Railroad Companr'a right of
war. Real 4 Personal Estate Compear. 30.18;
ln. a w ,U Umhmm Kj l At I - Mnill .tiled 2-3 Of
tot 8. Haanah Maaoa. to. 80; undivided 1-1
of lot S, Beal 4 Paraonal Katata Cotnpsay,
tO.16; tot 4, Hannah Maaoa, 30.60: lot S.
Martha M. Crowe 1 1, fO 46; tot 6. Martha M.
CroweU, fO.OO; tot f. Amelia Berreta. 80.60;
- all of lot T except Oregoa 4 California Kail-
r tot T eseept Oregoa t CBiiiornia nsii
Compsny's right af war. Amelia Ber
fo.46; all of lot 8 except Oregoa 4
rata Railroad Company'! right, of way.
. road oomi
reth. fo.t
Martha M. f'mwell. 30.60: tot 10. Martha
",M. Crowell, fo.TO; all of lot 11 ecept Ore
goa 4 California Railroad Companr'a right
of war. Martha M. Crowell. 80.46: tot 12.
. Martha M. Crowell. f0 60; all ot tot 18 a-
eept oregoa 4 caiirornia vaiarosoj uii"i "
right of war. Martha M. Crowell. 30.4&: tot
14, Martha M. Crowell. f0.a0: lot 15, Joha
P. Ward, 80.60: Sot 1. Joha P. Ward. fO 00;
lot IT, JoVo P. Ward, f .0; lot 18. Jobp
P. Ward, fu.30. ' BLOCK T. tot 1. EUssbeth
Young, 10.80; lot 2, Kllaabeth Toung, f).60
lot 8. Elisabeth Toung, fooOr tot . Elisa
beth Toamr. fO.60; tot 5. Charltj B. N'Mer-,
mryer, fo.40; tot 6. Marr F. Adams, 30.80;
lot T. Delia M. Bchroedcr. t0.80; tot a, Marr
F. Adams, fO.60; tot 8. T. A. Llvesler, 0.T0;
tot 10, Uotftrled Metaler. fO.TO: tot 11 Aanie
C. Bchmrer. fO.60: tot 12. Annie C. Bchmoer,
fO.60: tot 18. Joseph Beat, f) 80; tot ,14,
Joseph Bast. fO.00; tot 16, D, W. Hoelblng,
fo.OO; lot 18. D. W. Horlblag. fo.60; tot IT.
nophla Wetogerher. .fo.60; tot 13. oopbla
Welsgerber. fo.60. BLOCK 8, tot 1. Our
Bennet, to. 60; tot 3. Our .Bennett. 80 00;
tot 3, Our Bennett, fO.00; tot . 'Joy B'O
netC 0 60: tot . Percy H. Birth. 80 60;
tot T. Percr H. Birth. fO eOi tot . JT
n sink an en lot a Louisa H. Smith,
30.80; tot 8, Ltmlsa 0. Smith. fO.fpj tot 10,
- . . . ' "V- ,T. a, a ' i.
r"," tr.
li v. net... anftn. tot IX fseorca M.
Vsaghaa. fi.50. BLOtK 8, tot 1. ATbert
Demka, 80.60; tot 8, Albert I "emir, 80.60;
it a J,nh 30.00: tot T. Jacob
Kelsca. , fo.en;- tot 3, Jeeob Relarh, fn.60:
tot 10, Jacob Heura, eu.oo; a, aiwo
Itemke. fo.oo; tot 4. Albert Drmke, fo.OO;
ttCf. Osket, fO.60; lot 8. U. F. Oakefc
to. 80; all of tot 11 lying east af west 28
feet of said tot, C. F. Oakea, fO.M; all
af tot 13 Irlng eaat of weat 28 feet oi aald
tot, 0. F. Oakea, f.; weat 28 feet ot
tot 11. Oregoa 4 California Railroad Com
paay, 30.16; weat 28 feat of tot 12, Oregoa
4 CsllfornlB Railroad Compsay, fo.18.
BLOCK 10, lot 1, Ferrr Heashsw, Trastee,
fO.OOr tot 3. Ferrr Henshaw, Trustee 30.60;
lot 6, Edward Hnghea Katste, Helra of. 80.60:
tot T, Edward Hughea Katata, Helra af. fO.60;
lot 8. Edward Hugbea Katste. Heirs of, fo.70;
L., 11 IMnHl Unhe Va t a I m Heirs of.
fO.BOot 12, Rdwsrd Hughes Estate. Heirs
er,; lot 3. Joel w. t-rocBsr, au.e; ioi
4. Joel W. Crocker, 10.60; tot 8. Ueorca
Keller, 80 60; tot 8. Olive MrCartr. to. 80;
lot 10. OHva McCsrtr. fn.TO; all -of lot If
except weet 42 feet, Alex Kissel. f0.40;
all of lot 14 except west 42' feet. Alex
Kissel, fa 46; weet 43 fort of tot 13. Karl
RaBaanbaca.. 80.25; weat 42 feet of tot 14.
Karl Raasarbsch. 30.25. BLOCK 11. lot 1.
lteev f . Rnrt an on: tot 3. George B. and
--H. L- Strpheaaoa, 80.80; tot B. A. W. Brld-
Isg, fanu; lot t. Itrnrr A. neiaing, a.e";
let 8, Cera N. Balding. fo.TO: tot 11. W.
I). Beldlng, to on; tot 13, Henrr A. Beldlng,
'"30.8ft; lot-lft."Emr1 CT Tetr. fO.TO; tot 16.
Kmlle C. Fetr.80.T5; tot 2. Eraest P. Doach.
-fo anj tot 4. krneat P. Roach. 80.60; tot 6,
1 II. A. and A. W. Beldlaa. f0: tot 8. H.
A. and A. W. Beldlng. fo.80; weat 26 feet
af tot 10, Oregon 4 Callforala Railroad One-
Jany. 30.30; eaat 34 feet of tot 10. Eva
. Parker, 80.40; lot 12, Eva J. Parker.
fn.60; lot 14. W. D. Beldlng. fo 80. BUICK
12. tot 1. Joseph F. Kelly, fo.65; lot 3,
Charlea W. nruscbrt, fl.80; tot 6. A. C
Lohmlre. fn.60: lot T, A. C. tVohmtre, fO.60:
tot 8. H. A. ssd 4. W. Beldlng. fo.TO; tot
"11. Martin Winch. 30 80: lot 1.1. Marr F.
Flarh. fn.60; tot 15, Marr F. Finch. fO.60;
tot IT, Rudolph Becker, f0.65; tot 18. Ru
dolph Becker, 10.66; tot 2. W. C. MrMlllaa.
fo io: tot 4. W. C. McMIUaa. foOO; tot 6.
W. a McMIIUa. fO.OO; tot 8, W. 0. Mo-
1 MllUn. fo.on;, tot in, Alicia 4. Hate,;
tot IX Kllsa Jared, fo.60: tot 14, Kllaa
Jared. fO.00; tot 18, Msrr F. Klnck, fo.00.
BLOCK 13. andlvlded H - af lot 1, T. F.
Brandea. f) In: aadlvlded of tot 1. Hales
A. Jones. 30.30; lot 8. Jsasm Humphrey.
' 10.60; tot 5. James Humphrey, 80.60; lot
T. Jamea Humphrey, fo.0O; lot 8. 1 Robert
Jacnbaoa. fn.TO; tot II. Doaga Esgelatsd,
"80.60: tot 13. Dongs Engelsud. fo.80; tot
m aar.a ... m. i... le w at w.aj
ji,, T. , m. i . I , f. IV, r .... .
ffl.TA; tot 2. Real 4 Personal Estate Com
nanr. fO.60; tot 4. Real. 4 Personal Estate
tompanr. nu.oti; lrer a. aisncis viarnn,;
tot 8. Francis CUrao. fo.60; tot 10. W.
Welnhoff. fo.TO; tot II Albert U Albeet
: ana, fO.Ofl; lot 14. Joseph Tie Martini. fO.OO;
' tot 17, Mlchsel Bullert. fu.T5; tot IS, MJchsel
Bullert. BLOCK 14, tot 1. Fred
fl. Miller, fO.00: tot 8, Richard Eh linger.
to.oo: tot 5. Joseph Da Martial, fo.60; tot
T. William F. Borrell. Trustee, to 80: weat
28 feet of lot 8. Oregon 4 Callforala Rail
road Company, fl 30; east 34 feet of tot 8.
W. R. Watsoa, 80.40; tot II. Sophia Wete-
- gerner,; hh is, tanpnia vrratgrrner,
fn.60: lot 15, Oeorire Elttmsyrr. fo.80: tot
17, James u. f-araweii, e".au; .mt in, Jamea
L. Carswell, fn.60; lot 2. A ana E. Keeae,
fO.80; tot 4. Anna R. Keeae. fO.fft; lot 6,
Anna E. Keeae, to. 60: tot 8, Anna K. Keeae,
80.60; tot 10. Anna B. Keen. fo.TO; lot 12.
Anns X. Keeae. fo.60: lot 14, Anna B. Keeae,
fO.60: tot 16. Anna E. Kerne. fO.60: tot 18.
risvid M. Wstklnds. 80.65: tot 20. Pred
Bpagete. 80.65. BLOCK 18, tot 1, Jam as
la Carswell. 30.80: tot 2. Jsmea la. Carswell
. 80.80; lot 3, Jamea L. Carswell. 30.80; tot
4. Jamea L. Carswell. fO.80; lot 8. James
la csrsweii, at). on; lot a, jamea la. carawell,
fl.M; tot T. IJUIss Csrsweii. 0.80; tot 8,
Jsmea L. CarswelL fo.OO; lot 8, Jsxaea L.
Carswell. In. 10: lot 10. Jsmea L. CarswelL
ffl.TO; tot 11, Jsmea L. Csrswell,i fn.60: tot
1X .Jamea L. csrswriK io.qp
Carswell, fO.80; north W -of lot IV-Kste
Currsr, 80.30; aorth H f tot 16, Kate
Currer. fo.30; 1 Booth H of tot 14. El lea
Mc.Nalty, fO.M; south H of tot 18. Ellea
. McNaltr. fo.zo: lot 10, Hsnnsh Mssoa. to. 80;
tot IT, Rudolph Becker. fo.TO; tot 18. Ru
dolph Becker. 10.76; lot 18. Kstt Carrsy.
M.TS; tot 20, Ellen Mc.NultT. BIOCK
18. tot 1, Joarph and E. Weber. fO.60; tot
a, Joaepa ana m. weper. lot a, Joseph
and B. Weber, fo.80; tot 4, Joseph and V
Weber. 80.60: tot 3. Joseph and Bk Weber.
fO.60; lot 6. Joseph and B. Weber. fO.00;
lot T. Joseph and B. Weber,; tot 8.
Joarph and 8). Weber, fO.00; lot 8, Joseph
and B. Weber, fo.TO; tot 10. Joseph and K.
Weber. f0.7o; tot 11, Joseph and B. Weber,
80.60: lot 18. Joseph and E. Weber: 30! 80: tot
16. Joseph and E, Weber. fO.80; tot 12, Michael
tinnier,; lot 14, sucnsei Tsnaier,
rl.80; tot 16. Anna Stock, fn.40; tot IT,
niton I'nlted Artissaa' Bnlldlsg Asaocla
tloo, f0.88; tot 18, Eraest House. 80.80; lot
18, A ana Stock. fO.80: tot 30, Joseph Weber,
10.23. BLOCK 17, lot 1. C. M. McLeod.
fO.80: lot 2, fl. M. McLeod, 30.60; tot 3, C.
M. McLeod. fO. 80; tot 3, 0. M. McLeod.
fO.60; lot 4. C. M. McLeod. fO.80; tot 6,
C. M. McLeod. fO.80; tot 6. C. M. McLead.
80.60; tot T, 0. M. McLeod, 80.60; lot 8.
0. M. McLeod, 80,80; tot 8, Ftora B. Crit
tenden, fO.TO; lot 10, Ftora E. Critteadea.
fo.TO; lot 12. C. M. McLeod. 80.60; tot 14.
C. M. McLeod. fO.00; lot 18. C. M. McLeod.
80.60t tot 18. 0. M. McLeod, fO.00; tot 11.
. Hsnnah Msaoa, fO.OO: tot' 13, Hannah Maaoa,
fo.80; tot 15, Hannah Msson. fO.00: lot IT,
Hsnnsh Mssna. 10.80; tot 18. M. McNaltr.
to. TO; tot 21, M. Mertaitr,
Kllaa and Joha A. Keller,
F.llna and Joha A. Keller,
Kllsa and Joha A. Keller.
Alpboaae Leaolr, 10.00; tot 25. A I phones
Lenoir, fO.80; tot 26, Alphoaa Leolr, fo.60;
tot 27, Hsnnah Msson, fO.60; tot 28, Hsnnsh
Mssoa. fO.On. BLOCK 18, lot 1, Clsrs M.
Mcleod, f) 60: lot 8. Clara K. Mclatod.
fo.00; tot 8. Tha Hlbernlsn Savings Bank,
f) 80; tot T, The Hibernian Bsvinga Bsnk,
80.60; Ult 3, Lndwlg Wllhelm, 80.T0; tot 11.
fv wwi Bsvt ar, BVe-iauwriij tisAarsisa, 4jnr.fVf aw
laulwlg Wllhelm, fO.00; lot 13. lotom
Relss. 80.80; lot IB. BetomoaBelss, fn.l
a. anon,
lot 17, Marr Hedges, fo.80; tot 18. Msrr
I. Hedges, fO.TO; lot 21. Hsnnsh Msaoa,
80.60; lot 23, Hsnnsh Mssna, fo.60; tot 35,
Hsnnah Mssoa. fo.00: tot 38, Haaaah Maana,
fO.OO; tot 2, Marianne Vandeleur, 80.80; tot
4. Marianne Vasdeleus, fn.80: . tot 6, Clara
N. McLeod. to 60; tot I. William and Annie
Rents, to.60: tot 10. W. F. Bnrrrll. Trustee.
'f0.70: tot 12. W. F. Borrell. Trastee, 80.60;
lot 14. B. H. Bohblna. fo 80: lot 18. jsmea
S. Johnstone, fO.60; lot 18, Jsmea 8. John
stone. 80.60; lot 20. North era Counties In
vestment Trust, Ltd., 30.70; lot 22, Csrl
O. Anderson, 10 80; lot 24, W A. and IJIHe
0. Vlggera, fVoo; tot 27, W. A. and Ltllle
C. Vlggers, fo.60; lot 23. W. A. aad Llllle
. C. Vlggers, fn.80;. BUICK 19. lot 1, W.
- Fr- Bnrrell. - Traatae, to. 60; tot 2.. w. ' F.
Bnrrell, Trustee. fO.80; tot 8. W. F. Bnrrell,
Trnstee, 30.60: tot 4, W. F. BurrelL Trastee,
ft on; tot 5, Clara N. McLsod. fo.60: tot 6.
Wllllsm Friedlsnder, 80.6ft; tot T, Wllllsm
Friedlsoder. to.60; tot 8. WUllam Fried.
lander, fl.80; lot 8. Wllllsm Friedlsoder.
fo.TO; tot 10. wnilam Pried hinder, fo.70;
tot It, I'nlted -States Mstlonsl Bsnk, fo.60;
tot 13, I'nlted Ststsa National Bsnk, fn.on;
tot 13. I nlted Ststaa Natlosal Bask, fo.on:
tot 14, 1 nlted States Kstlonsl Bsnk, toon;
tot 15, 1 nlted Ststea Bsttonsl Bsnk, foon;
tot 16, lalted States National Bask. 80.80;
tot IT, H. M. snd W. M. Cake. 80.80; tot
18, a M. tad W. M. Cfka. 80.88; tot 18.
Arthur W. Orshm, tOTO: lot 20. Hsnnah
auwun, e" I". aut S3L nanoau, staauw, vv.vr,
' lot 21. Bnrett It Smith aii au: lot 24.
Johlana Irving, fj.8n; tot .' I, Llsale aad
' Cora N, Beldlng, to 00; tot 1, Llsale Bod
. Cora N, Beldlng, fo.OO; tot ; J. Llssle and
Cora N. Beldlng, 'to.oo; tot Je, A. W, and
H. A. Beldlng, fO.60; tot M, A. W. and
n. a. , nriaing, ntut a, au, ioi j,
' W. F. Bnrrell Trustee. lot 3. W. F.
Burrell, Trustee, fo.oo; tot 8. W. F. BurrelL
Trustee,; tot 4, W, F. Borrell, Trustee.
tx80; lot 5. W. F. Burrell. Trustee, fo.OO;
it a. W. t. BurrelL Trustee, so. SO: tot T.
' W. F. Burrell, Trustee, fo.OO: lot f. Alice
F. McCarthy,; tot 9, W. F. Burrell,
fw--.- til Trta 1 1 ft K lla-a. hat taJa 'aeh V
rl.TO; 'tot 12 'Alice F. McCsrthr. 80.60; tot
I, Kdward W. snd Helen M. Osssett. fO.60:
tot 13. Kva Mar Gassett, fo.00; tot 14.
Bessie m. a. rieca, tot to, Jessie s. a.
t Flock, fO. 80: tot If, Jostle fa. 8. rh.
0.00; lot IT, Jessie B. H. Flack, 80.66; tot
8. Jeaale R. 8. Flack, faon; lot 16, Jeasle
K. 8. neck. 80.70; lot 30, Jessie B. a.
Fleck. -.80.70; tot 21, Jamea B. Jokoatana.
fO.OO; lot 23, Jamea S. Johnatooe. to 00; tot
zn, at aria k. noxsie, fo.60; tot xo tare m.
. Hauls. - fo.OO: u tot : 33.- -ReseJaeev . 4 . Co..
Trustee, to. an; tot 24, Beaaiuger 4 Co..
Trustee, f ).); lot 27. Bessiiurer 4 Co.,
, Trustee, 10 00; lot 28. Besslua-er ' 4 Co.,
Trustee, 30.60.- BLOCK 21. lot 1. - J. -M.
: Thompsoa, 10. 00; lot 8, J. U. Thorn neon,
( fl.80; lut 5. Llsale Morrison, fO.60; tot T,
' Delos D. Near. 10.80: lot n - Deloe D. Near.
fo.70; tot 11. John A. Johns tea aad James
' Olsea. fo.80; lot 1.1, Joha A. Johnston snd
Jsmea Olaen, fo.60; . lot 15, Mrs. Lovlua
Morrison. fu.60. lot ' 17. Hlbernla ' Bavlngs
' Bank, fJ.60; lot 111, Hlbernla Bsvinga Bank.
30.70; tot 21, T. W. Hannaman, to. 80; tot
. 23. Barnard 0. McCarthy, fu.oo; lot 25. Kel-
. lie M. Wsrd, fn.on; lot 27, Charles P. Little,
10.80; lot 2. llermsa Bleeg, fo.80; tot 4,
.- Herman Btoef. fo.00; tot 6, Hermaa Bleeg,
fO.00; tot b. A. W. aad H. BeWlog. fo.60;
tot 10, Fannla-A. Curtia. - fO.TO; tot 12.
inettia u. tiraooa, fo.oo; lot 14, Nettie u.
' (iradoa, fO.00; tot 16, vRoxsnna Courtney
fO.80: tot 18. William P. Courtney,
tot 20. Joels Sullivan. 30. TO: tot 22. 1L L
Tstum and J. J. Bowen.; Jot 24,
Seymour. C. Frlendlev. fo.60; tot 28. W. F.
' Burrell. Trustre. 80.60: lot 38, Bessie Elm.
- mer. fO.60. BLOCK 22, tot 1, K. Krumrey.
flOO; tot 8. G .and Uiulae Lachmelr, fo.80;
lot 8, Albert Kramrer, to.60: tot T. Jennie
; u.. -- ao ato. i... a T i - u a,, t. ..
. n , a-V.UV, Ml, a , Willi, a.vw, W.IV.
tot II. Fred S. Miller, fo.00; tot IS. Fred
' B. Miller. fO.eo; lot 15. Wlllametta Tribe
:' No. 6, Improved Order of Red Men. 30,60;
tot 17, Willamette Tribe No. 8, Improved
oroar ot Ke4 Men, fo 80; lot IP, Kittle K.
KmmoBS. 80. TO: tot 21. Msrr B. Hoxale.
80.60: tot 23, Msrr K. Hoxsle,; tot
i 20. Marr E. Hoxala, fO.60; tot 27. Umda
- Beldlng. fO.60; lot 2. Ueorga lAchaMler,
fo.60; lot 4, Oeorge LechmeXer. fO.60; tot
8, Harsh K. Eversoa. fO.OO; lot 8, Sarah
r. KTeraon,, 101 iu, n. aw iong,
- 10.70: tot 12 H. B laar - 80.80: 'tot 14
H. R. Long. 80.60: tot la. McKlnlev MltchelL
fO.80; tot 13, MrKlaler Mitchell, 80.60; tot
20, W. D. Beldlng. fo.TO; tot 22, A. aad
' A. W. Beldlng, to. 00; tot 24. Llsale Beldlng,
fl.OO; tot 28. Marie E. lioaale, fO.OO; tot
28, Llsale Beldlng, , 80 60. BLOCK 23. tot
1. Msrr B. Taylor, fO.80; tot f, Msnd W.
Woolfolk. fa 80; tot 8, Darld Gosdaall,. fO.00;
w , a, wbbb,; aaa u, aaary si
Hoxsle, fo.TOt lot 11, Calrary -Preabrtorlaa
Charrh, to. 80; tot 13, Cslvsrr Preabrterta
, lenrca, au-wt; ioi in, giusanaa Kimaserman,
80.80; tot IT, 8 asanas Elmmerman, fo.60;
tot 18, Bnaanna Elaaniermaa. 30.70: lot 2L
- HassBaa Blmmermaa, fo.60; lot 23, Susanna
Elmmormaa. fo.80; tot 25. Saeanua Elm.
reus, fo.60; lot 26, SnSanat Zimmerman.
eo La o n aa - a m l a. . ,n. .
wv, a', a., as. mm, a 111, uni naiHT, ev.W,
t 4. 0. hL aad Deaa Bohlrr. 8u.80: tot
6. Bruno R. Ounther. 80.80: tot 8. Joseph
Ftnke, 80.80: tot 10. Ida- Loewensoa,;
tot 12, George Wright Post No. J, O. A. B-,
' fO.80; let 14 Joha Mstthlesee, fo.80; tot
. in. ooue r.. Mnreare. fu.ou; lot 18, A. w.
- Jones, fO.60: tot 30. Maaaie W. Llttls.
fo.70; tot 22. Mafgle B. Jonea aad Marr
A. Cooary, fO.60; lot 24,- Mt-iMel Mauler,
to.60: tot 27, Wllbelmlns VahL fn.00; lot
28, Chrlatiaa Johnson, fo.80. BLOCK 24.
- ioi j,- nannaa Mssoa,; an a, Hannah
Mason. BO.HOt tot S Ir.nnak afaana, SlkaJl'
- krw A U.aa.1) Maa . a . . AO. 1 a TT t
-maaoa,- fa 40: tot A. Haanah Maaoa, fo.60;
101 i , nannaa mssna. so. so; ins a, xl annas
maaoa. so.oti: ant 'P. Ha nits a Maaan glint'
, ax iu, naanan aiaaoa, fn-TO; tot 1L Has
ash Ms aoo, fu.50; lot 12. Hsansh Mssoa.
fo.60: tot 13. Hannah Maaoa, f0.5n; lot
14, Hannah
tot 16, Hannah
Mason, fo.80: tot 16. Hsnnsh Msaoa. 30.60:
lot 17. Haaaah Maaoa, f0.6S; lot 18, Haa
nah Maaoa. fO.60; lot 10, Hannah Mason,
. fOTO; lot 20. Haanah Mason, to. TO:, lot 21.
. HsatuLh -Msaon.- torOO; . tot 22, , Ras
as h Msaoa. fo.60; lot 23. Hsa-
. nas atasss,; tot 24. Haanah Maana.
fuaoj.. tot 20. Haanah Maaoa, t0.6ii; lot
,26. Hannah Mason, f 60; lot 27. Hsnnsh
at aeon,; lot an, Hannah Maaaa, 0.80.
BlatCK 25. lot I, Margaret Markay. 84.16;
' lot 2. Margaret Msekev. 38. .15: lot Mares.
ret Mackay, 34.T5; lot 4. Margaret Markay.
, fO.SS. BLOCK 26. aubdlrlaloa 1 of tot A.
Maggie Murphy, to.60; auhdirlatoa 2 of tot
A. Maggie Murphy, fo.80; subdivision t
of tot A. Pells R. Dale, 30.60; aubdlrlaloa
it as a, in ii. a no. a. IX. Maxwell, fo.on;
anbdlvUtoa 8 of lot A. Margarat .White.
fn.80; anhdlvlaloa 6 of tot A. Margaret
White, fo.60; stibdlvlslon T ef tot A. Margt
, ret White, fO.Sn; aubdlvlstoa 8 of tot A,
Jennie Carrie, fl.Ofl; suhdtvlslou t of lot A.
Jeaale Currle, fo.TO: eobdlvlatna 10 of tot
A. Jennie tirrle. fO.TO; eabdlvlstoa II of
tot A. Jennie Carrie, to an- aaiiMiivtMLn-i is
of tot A. Gander J. Ramming,; sub-
aiTiaioa is or bk a, aargaret White, fu.ou;
aubdlTlslou 14 of tot A, Margaret White,
: fO.OOj aubdlvlsloa lft of tot A, C- Hansen.
tO.60; aubdlvlsloa 16 of lot A. - Til He F.
, CorneUos, f).60; aubdlvlsloa IT of tot A.
, Tillle P. - Cornelias. fO.80; subdivision 18
ef tot A.. M. J. Potter, fo.OO; aabdlrlaloa 1
af tot B. Wealer Miller, fo 60; aubdlvlsloa
2 of tot B, Wester Miller, to.60; aubdrvtstoB
a or est n, JSlia startrssm. fo.60; subdi
. rlsloa 4 of tot B, Julls Msrnuam. ftxoO;
snbd I vision 8 of tot B, Uaader J. Ramming,
80.60; anbdlvlsloa 8 af tot B, Marr lc Adama,
. to.OO: aabdlvlsloa T of tot B. W. F. BurrelL
Truatea. 80.60: aubdlvlstoa 8 nf -int R w
F. Bnrrell, Truatea, fo.on; aabdlTlaloa 8 of tot
B. W. F. BurrelL Truetee, fo.TO; sabdtvlaloa
10 of tot B. W. F. BurreH, Trustse, fn.TO;
' aubdJvUlna 11 of tot B, W. F. Burrell, Tras
tee, eu.oo; annaiviaioB 12 or lot B. w, F.
BurrelL Traatae. fo.60; anhdtvlalnn 13 of tot
H maaaa. a, Soavt. . .. . 1 .
. , .1 n. ...a, e'.ej; tmouiTiaioa IS
of lot B. Mary R. Adama. fO.60; aubdlrlatoa
, jo or vt B) msry h. Ana ms, au.oo; sun.
dirlaloa' 16 sf tot B. Jsmea W. Brandt,
fO.80; subdlvlatoB IT of lot B, Gunder J.
Ramming, to 60: aabdlvlsloa 18 of tot B,
XV tr RiwmH tAM 1,1 rfts m
Al l, Ellea It tVholHvefa Katsfr; Heirs of!
88.35 tot -3, Ellea H. Bchollhorn EtUtc,
Heirs at. m no; aunotrlaloa 1 af tot A.
C M. Rasnell,- Trustee. 80.80; subdlvlsloa
a or an a, u. m. atasaril. Trustee. 10.00;
snbdlvlstoa 8 of lot A, C. M. Russell, Trustee,
fo.80; aubdlvlsloa 4 of tot A, C. M. Russsll,
- Traatre, fl.OO; aubdlvlstoa 8 of lot A. . M.
Russell, fO.60; aabdlvUloa 8 of lot A. C. M.
Russell, Trustee. fO.60; subdlslstou . of
ot a. c m. uasaeij. Trastee. fo.80; sabdi
vtslnu T of tot A. MoT Bsck Hln tn
aubdlvlsloa 8 of tot A, W. F. BurrelL Trus
tee, su.ou; eu dot virion a ar lot A, Mor Back
, Hla, 30 SB; , sundlvtsloa 10 of lot A, W.
F. Burrell. T mates. 30..15: snhAlaleLn-i . 1
' of lot B, M. J. Daffy, to.60; subdivision 2
. of tot B, Hong Che How. 30.60; aabdlvlsloa
a w. mi, ... .,. . M.-miuwwierr ana a . . 1 ,
Leonard. 80.80; aubdlrlsloa 4 of tot B, W.
F. Barrel, Trustee, fn.60; aubdlrlsloa f
af lot B. W. H. MrEldowner nod J. T.
' Leonard. fO.60; sabdlvlaloa 3 ef tot B. C.
M. Russell, 80.80; aubdlvlsloa T of tot B,
W. M. Law, fO.80; stibdivialoa 6 of let
B, Mar Back Hla. 80.80; aubdlriaion 8
, of block B, W. M. Law, t0.85; subdtvlstoa
10 of lot B, Mor Back Hla. 80.85. BIXM'K
28, lot 1. Jesnla and J. M. Belcher, 86.35;
tot 8, Jamea. 8. Polbemns. 8 36. LOT 28.
aabdlvlsloa 1 ef lot 2. Wllllsm and Boslna
Uelger, 30.65; sabdlvlslou 2 of lot 2. Wll-
. llam aad Boslna Gelger, 30.60; sabdlvtslou
8 ef lot 3, Wllllsm and Bosina Oelger, 80.65;
anbdlvtatoa 4 af tot 2. WllUam and Boataa
Gelger. 80.65: aabdlvtalou 8 of lot 2. Wil
liam and Knelua Oelger. 30.66; aabdlvlsloa
- 6 of tot 2. William and Boslna Oelger, fo.ftft;
- anbdlvlston T of tot 3. WllUam aad Boslna
Gelger. ta.5at aubdlvtaloa 8 of tot 2. Wil
liam and Koslna Gelger, 80.55: sabdlvlslou
8 of tot 2, William aad Rosins Oelger, 80 55;
nbdlrlsloa 10 of tot 2, WllUam and Boslna
'Oelger, 30.55; subdivision 1 of tot 4. Mrs.
" M. J. W rawer, fn.eo: aubdlvlsloa 2 of lot
4, Mra. M. J. Wee mer. fo.40; sahdlvlstoa
. 8 of tot 4, Mrs. M. J. Wrsmer, fi.ftO: aub
dlvlstoa 4 of tot 4, Mrs. M. J. Wrsmer
fo.80; tubdlvlsloa.' 8 of lot 4. Mra. M J
Wssmer, fo.60; snbdl vision 8 of lot 4. Mts.
. M. J. W earner, fo.60; snbdl vision . T of tot
4. Mrs. M. J. Weamer. fo.Tt; subdlrlstou t
or tot 4, Mrs.' M. J. .Wrsmer. fo, 75; stibdl
vlslon I of tot 4, Mrs. M. J. Weamer. foo.
. BLOCK 28. lot 1. Margaret H. riholnj.
80.85; lot 2, Margaret H. Denbolm, fo.oo;
', tot ., 8. .Margaret H. DenbolmT ; fn.oo
tot .4, Margaret H. Denholm, fneft:
lot ; 6, j Margaret H. - Ilea holm, fo.95:
tot , Margaret H. Heaholm. io.on;
lot T. Msrgaret H. Denholm. fo.60; tot 8,
1 Msrgaret H. Denbolia, 80.86; tot 8, Msrgaret
H. Denholm. fO. 8ft: tot 10. .Margaret H.
. Denholm, fo.80. BLOCK 30, suhdlvialna 1
of tot A, Kmllr R. aad Jamea Cnrraa, 80.T5:
stthdlvtston 2 af lot A. Frederick Keg-era.
fo.00; sehdlvtsios t of tot A, Frederick Eg
fert, fO.75;- aubdlrlaloa 4 af tot A, Frederl.k
".F.ggert. to. TO) subdlrlsloa f of tot A, Fred
erick Eggert, to. 70; aabdlrietoa 6 af lot A.
. W. P. Burrell, T metre, fo.ou; subdlvmlna T
af tot A, Jenkins 4 fl "evens, 80.60; auhritvt.
rtoa 1 of tot B, W. I. Bntrfll, Trustee, fn.78:
enbdMstoa 2 ef tot B, W. F. BarrelL Tnav
- tea, 80.68. - .....
A tract af land lylsg belweea tha aoath line
ef Verumt street and tha north line of ann
oinaioa 1 or mt Jk, Dtock BO. Houthera Port.
land, ana oetweea roe east llaa of
',, an a-,wa, w nw wmm iiwe 1 1 IWP T
, vsnia street and the westerly llaa af the
irreswe at aiiiorsia auiiireaa uompaar a nasi
ef war, Martha M. CeewelL ft.10.
A trart af land Irlng between the south fine
of Vevaanat street aad the aorth Una of ana
dlvtetoa 8 of tot B. block 80. See t here Port
land, aad betweea tha wast llaa of CnaAwctl-
war, C. F. Crowetl Kstatc, , .rs of. fa 70.
, tot 1, ButomoB Hetas, fo.eo; tot 2, aolomoa
Kelss. 'f; lot 3, Holomoa Belsa. f.4ti;
lot 4. H- U.ioon Belsa. fo.ou; Vt ft. Botoasea.:
hrlss.; tot 0, h Wion K- s. 10.56; lot
T. pvitomoa Helas, f0.5u: tot t. f noa Kelas.
f '-; lor , aolouioa Kelsa, I - .1; tot lo.
ion Betaa, tJ.o; lot 11, 8 -os Retss,
I'm; lot ll B iookui Kelas, j,m; tot 13..
r nouaoa Be as,; lot 14. B-Relss,
t'.oo; lot 15. Soeimoa Belea, ; tot la.
iomoa Belss, fj.rvj. BLOCK II, tot 1,
Hsnnsh Msson,; tot 3, Wanuaa h -son, :
t4.ii. - BLOCK Kt, sabdlrlsloa 1 ot H 1,
Jsmea 8. Reed, fo.60; aubdlrlsloa 3 of tol
. 1, Jsmea 8. Keed. fo.80; aubdlrlslaa 8 ot tot
, 1, Jsmea 8. Heed. 30.60; subdlrlsloa 4 of
lot 1, Jamus S. Reed. 80.80; aubdlvtaloa 3
, of lot 1,. James 8. Keed. fo.35; snbdlvlstoa
6 of tot 1, Anna 8. BJokman, fo.35; sub.
dlrlsloa T of tot 1, Anns M. Biokmsn. fO.60:
aabdirlsloa 8 ot tot lTj. B. Pllklngtoa aadj
A- .w Wrlht, fo. OO j BUhdlvisloa of tot
. 1, J.- N. Burt, to 80; aubdlvlstoa 10 of tot
1. J. N. Burt, fo.80) aubdlrlaloa 11 of lot 1.
- Aaaa. Olson, fo.00; sobdlrtstoo 12 of tot 1.
J. B. Pllklngtoa snd A. W. Wright. 80.65:
' aabdlvUloa la of tot 1. 1. B. Pllklugtoa and
A. W. Wright, f). 85; aubdlraitoa 14 of tot
1, Joha T. Cook., fu.65; aubdlvlsloa 15 ef
tot 1, Joha T. Cook. fu.66; aubdlrlaloa 1 vt
tot 2, Cells M. Frier and Edwin S. McCllner.
fO. 85; subdlrlaloa 2 of tot 3, Cells M. Frier
aad Bdwla tt. McCllncy, fo.85; sultdlrlstoa '
8 of lot 2, Cells M. Frier and Edwla 8.
- McCllner. f0.66; suhdivistoa 4 of tot 2. Celta
M. Frlee aad. Bdwla S. McCllncy, 80-eWf .
. anbdlvlsloa 5 of tot 2, CeUa M. Friar sad
Edwla 8.. McCllner. fu.65; aabdlrlston 8 of
lot 3. Cells M. Frier and Edwla 8. McCllncy.
. fu.60; subdivision T of tot 3, Cells M. Frier
and Edwla 8. McCllncy, fO.60; subdlvtaloa .
8 of tot 3. CsUs M. Frier and Bdwla H.
. McCllncy, fo.80; subdlvtsina 8 of tot .3, Delia
M. Fvler aad Edwla B, McCllner, fO.00; sub
dlrlaloa 10 of lot 2, CeUa M. Frier aad
. Edwla 8. McCllner, f0.35; subdlvUtoa 11 ot
lot 3, CeUa M. Frier and Edwin S. McCllncy.
.fO.60; subdlriston 12 ot tot 2. CsUa M. Frier
aad Edwla B. McCllner. 80.80; aubdlvlsloa
18 of tot 2. CeUa, M. Frier, and Edwla H.
McCllner, fO.00; anbdlvlsloa 14 of. tot 8,
Cells M. Frier snd Edwin 8. McCllner, 30.80:
aubdlvlsloa 18 ot tot 2. Cells M. trier and ,
Edwin B. McCllner. 80.60. BLOCK 34. sub. .
. tUrlsloa 1 of tot 0, E. C. B runs ugh, 30.30; .
aubdlvlsloa 3 of tot 0, 15. C. Bronaugh, 80. 30;
. subdlrlsloa 8 ef tot (J, K. C. Bronaugh, 30.80;
sabdlvlaloa 4 of tot G, B. 0. Bronsagb, 10.30; -aubdlvlstoa
5 of tot 0, B. C Bronaagh, fu.30:
aubdlvlsloa 6 of tot O, B. C. Braaaaga, 80.30;
' aubdlvlsloa T t tot O, B. C. BroaaBgh, 30.30;
, sahdlvhrtoa 8 of tot G, B. 0. Bronaagh, to. 30;
-aubdlrlaloa 8 of tot O. E. C Bronaugh, 10.30; .
aabdlvUloa 10 of tot O, K. C. Bronaugh, f0.:;
aabdlvUloa 11 of tot G, K. C. Bronaugh, 30.80;
. aubdlraitoa 12 of tot G. X. C. Bronaugh, 30.30;
aabdlvlsloa 13 of tot G, K. C. Brousugb, f ).30;
aabdlvlsloa 14 of tot G, K. C. Bronaugh. 0.40;
aabdlvUloa 16 of tot G, K. C. Bronaugh. fo.45;
anhdlvlaloa 18 of tot fl. K- C. Branauah. 80.30:
. aubdlvlaloB IT of tot G, M. C. Bronaugh.;
aubdlvtaloa 18 of tot G. K. C Bronaugh, to. 30;
aubdlriaion 18 of tot U, K. O.BroBAugb, O.HOi
. aabdlvlsloa 20 of tot O, K. C. Hronsagh, I0.MK
. subdlrlsloa 21 of tot G, 1C C, Broasagh, fl.30;
Bubdivisioa a ot kit u, n. t;. Broosugn, ou.iw,
subdlrlsloa 23 of lot G, K. C. Bronaagh, 30.30;
' anbdlrlatoa 84 of lot G, E. C. Broaaagu. 30.30;
sabdlvUton 28 of lot G, K. C Bronaugh, fo.30;
aubdlvlsloa 26 of lot U, E. C. Broaaugh, 80.30;
subdlvUtoa 27 of tot G, K. C. Broaaugh, fo.30;
aubdlvlsloa 28 of lot 0, K, C. Broaaugh, 80.30;
. aubdlriaion 1 ot tot H. E. C. Bronaugh, 80.30;
aabdlvUloa 2 of tot II, K. C, Broaaugh, to .Bo;
aubdlrlsloa 3 of tot H. R. C. Broaaugh, fO.30;
.. anbdlvtatoa 4 of tot IT, E. C, Bronaugh, fO.8
. aubtltvUloa 8 of tot H, B. C Bronaugh, I
aubdlvtaloa 8 nf lot II. K. C. Brooauab. I
anbdlvUtoa T of lot H, K. 0. Bronaugh. 80.30;
aubdlrlaloa 8 of tot H. E. C Bronaagh, 80.30;
SBbdirlstoa 8 of tot II, K. 0. Bronaagh, to.-TO;.
aabdlvUloa 10 of tot H, Kv C. Bronaugh, fOJtO;
aubdlvlsloa 11 of tot H, E. C. Bronaugh, eo.w;
- anbdlrlalon 12 of tot H, K. C. Bronaugh, f0..1O
subdlrlsloa 13 of tot 1
It. K. c. BrooAuga, wu;
aabdlvUloa 14 of tot H, E. C Broasagh, 10. .10;
subdlvUtoa 15 of tot H. IC C. Broasagh, 30.30;
. subdlvUtoa 16 of tot It, K. C. Bronaugh, fO.30 --
subdlrlsloa IT of tot H, K. C HronAugh. fnjlO; -
aabdlvUloa 18 of tot H. K. C. Bronaugh, fu.30; -
subdlrialoB 10 of tot H.. K. C, Broasagh, 0.30; ;
aubdlvlsloa 20 of tot H, B. C. Broaaugh, 0.36;
aulidlTialoa 21 of tot H, E. C. Broaaugh, fo.30;
subdlvUtoa 22 of tot H. K. C. Broaaugh. f0..1O: '
- aabdlvUloa 23 of tot H, M. C Broaaugh. 30.30;.
sahdlvtatoa 84 of tot H. K. C. Broosugn, 0.30;
- sabdlrlsloa 25 of tot II, R. C. Broasagh, 0.30;
, eabdlvlslou 28 of tot H. E. C BroasuKh. f ).30;.
anbdlvlsloa 27 of lot H. R C. Broosugh. fO.30;
subdlvUtoa 28 nf tot H, K. C. Bronaagh, 80.80.
gLOCK 35, anbdlvUtoa 1 of tot A, Krsdcrli-k
ggert, 80.60r subdlTlslo 2 ot tot A. Fred
, erlrh Kagrrt, fo.80: subdlrlsloa t of lot A.
. Frednick Eggert, 80,60; aubdlrlsloa 4 of tot
A. Frederick Eresrt. 30.60: sabdlrUtoa 6 of
' tot A, Frederick Eggert, 30,60; aabdlvUloa
of Vot A, CVV. Bussell. Trustee, fu.60; -
sabtitvuion t ox tor . a, . ervnerica r.sKw-1.
' fl.OO; anbdlvtatoa 8 of lot A, William, Labbe,
f).80; aubdlvlstoa 8 of tot A, W. W., Logsa,
, 0.60; anbdlvUtoa 10 of lot A. Wlttlam iAube,
30.60; subdlrlsloa 11 af tot A. Aogususta
Arfeld, fo.OO; sabdlvlaloa 12 ot lot A. C, M. .
Russell, Trustee, fo.60 aubdlrlaloa 13 of tot
A. C. M. RusselL Trustee, fu.65; snbdl rlalon
14 of tot A, C M. BasstD. Trustee tOMH
snbdlrUlen 1 sf tot B, W. O. U. and M. A.
liars, fo.ou; aubdlvlsloa t of tot B, Barsh
A.. Brown. fO.OO; aubdlriaion S of tot B,
C. M. Russell, fl.80; (ubdlrlstoa 4 of lot B,
Arthur Mather, fo.80; aubdlvlaloo ef lot B,
Mor Back Hla, fo.601 aabdlvUioa 6 of lot B.
C. M. . Buaarll. Truatea, 80.60; aubdlrUloa T
of tot B, W. r. Burrell, .Trastee, 80.60;
north H of tot 1, Martha M, CroweU, 84.2U.
BLOCK 88, tot 1, Frank H. Gruhb, 80.80;
tot 2, Katherlne L. Trevett, 80.801 lot 3.
Msrrsret H. Denholm, f0.60; tot 4, Margaret
H. benholm, 80.66: tot 8. Margarat H. Dea-.
holm, 0.00: tot 8, Maxwell N. Hamilton,
fX 85; tot 7. Maxwell N. Hamlltna, fu.60;
tot 8, Margaret 11. Denholm, fO.80; lot 8,
Margaret H. Denholm, f0.68; tot 10. Jsmea
F. Bell, fO.80; tot 11, Jsmea F. Belt,;
tot 12, Margaret H. Denholm, fO.80; tot 13,
Margaret II. Denholm, fo.00; tot 14, Jamea
F. Bell, fn.on: tot lo, u. B. menrraa. au.oo;
loa in, unaia nirnaiiiwn, L.
.uu, e
ueorge Btenbouee, fu.ou; m la, lasnsra. n.
McRrlde. an. 86: tot 18. Donald B. McBrlde.
8040; tot 20, Doaald B. McBrlde, 80.85: tot
21. C. P. Nairn, fO 60; lot 22, Donald B.
McBrlde. 80.60: lot 23. Doaald B. McBrlde.
80.65; lot 24. C P. Kslra, 80.8ft; tot 26,
Robert Livingstone, $0.60: tot 28. Robert
I.lvlnestnaa. 30.85: lot 27. Robert Ll rings roe a.
fO.00; tot 28, Margaret H. PenhoLm, 80.65.
BLOCK 87. Hsnnsh Maaoa, 320-70. BLOCK
3fl. Harsh A. Rsr. 310.45.
W. Langrloa aod wire, w. H, itaruen aaa -wife,
fu.60; tot 2, Joha W. Langdoa and
wtfeIa!lTBsrnetrand WUeT 0.60! tot 8,
Joha W. Langdon and wife. W. H. Baraett
and wife, fO.80; tot 4. Joha W. Lanfdou and
wife. W. H. Beraett and wlfa, 80.70. BLOCK
2. tot . Joha W. Langdoa aad wife. W. H. '
Barnrtt and wife, t0.60; tot 3. Joha W.
Langdoa aad Wife, W. H, Baraett and wife..
80.60; tot 3. Joha W. Langdoa aad wife,
W. 11. Bsraett and wife, fo.80; tot 4, Joha
W. Langdoa aad wife. W. H. Baraett and
wife,. fO-TO: tot 6, Job . W. Langdoa and
wife, W. H. Bsraett aad wits. fO.To; tot -8.
Joba W. Langdon and wlfa, W. H. Baraett
and Wife, fo.60: lot T, Joba W. Langdoa and
wife. W. II, Baraett and wife, tO.SOt tot
8. John W. Langdon and wlfa, W. H. Baraett
and wlfa, fl.OO. BIXMJK 8, let 1, Joha W.
Langdon and wlfa, W. H. Barnett and wife. .
80.60; tot 2. Joha W. Langdoa and wife,
W, H. Bennett aad wlfa. 30.60; lot 8. Joha
W. Lsnadoa and wife, W, H. Bsraett and
-' wife, fo.80; tot 4, Henrr L. Johnaoa, t0.T0;
lot ft, Joba W. Laagooa aao wua, w ru.
Barnett and' wlfa, Jf).T0; tot 6, Joba W,
Langdon and Wife, W. H. Baraett and urlfe.
f).80 ; tot T, John W. Langdoa and wife,
W. H. Baraett and wife, fo.80; lot 8. John
W. Langdoa snd wife, w. H. Barnett aad
wife, fo.OO. BLOCK. 4. let 1, Joha W. Lang
doa and wlfa, W. H.. Bennett aad wife.
fo.45; tot 3, Joha W. Langdoa aad wife, .
W.. H. Baraett sad wife, fo.40; tot 8. John '
W. Langdon and wife. W. U. Baraett aad
wife, fo.55; tot 4. Joha W. Langdoa aad
wife, W. H. Baraett aad wife fo.TO: lot 8,
Joha W. Langdoa and wlfa, W. H, Baraett
and wife, 10.80; lot 8, Joha W. Langdoa and
wife. W. IL Baraett aad wife, f ) 80; tot T,
Joha W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. Baraett
and wife, to.60. BLOCK B, lot 1. Joha W.
IatngdoB and wife. W. H. Baraett and wife,
fO.60; tot 2. Joha W. Langdoa. aad wife,
W. H. Baraett aad wife, fO.ftO; tot 8, Joha ,
W. Langdoa and wife. W. H. Baraett and
wife, fn.66; lot 4. Joba W. Langdoa and
wife, W. H. Baraett aad wife, fo.80; tot 6, -John
W. Langdoa aad wife. W. H, Baraett
aad wife, 80.50; tot 6, Joha W. Langdoa
and wife, W. H. Baraett sad wlfa, t0.T0;
tot T, Joha W. Langdoa aad wife. W. H.
Baraett and wife, fn.on; tot f. Joha W. Lang
aoa sad wife, W. II. Bsraett aad wlfa, t0.45;
tot 8, John W. Langdoa and wlfa, W. H.
Barnett aod-wife, toft; tot 10. Joha W.
Langdoa and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife,
in lot II. Joha W. Langdoa and wife.
W. H. Barnett aad wtfe,t0.t5 tot 12, John
W. Langdoa aad wife.
w. I
H. Baraett aad
Wlfa, fO.60; tot 13,' Joha W. lAngdoa and
wife, W. H. Barrett and wire, fO.00; tot 14,
Joha W. Langdoa and wife, W. IL Bsraett
and wife, f .T5. BLOCK 3. tot 1. Joha W.
lAngdoa aad wife. W. H. Baraett aad wife,
to.TfTlot 8, Lrdla A. Mllla, 80.80; tot 8.
Lydla A. MIIU, fl.80; lot 4, Joha W. laing.
don aad wife, W. JL Barnett aad wife,
fn.60; tot 8,' John W. Langdoa Bad wife,
Wa H, Baraett aad wife. f0.fW; tot 8. Joha
W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. Baraett aad
wife, tot T. Joha W. Langdoa aad
wife. W. H. Barnett and - wife, 0.60: tot
8, John W. Langdoa and wlfa. W. H. Baraett
aad wife, f0.6n; tot 8, Joba W. Langdoa and
wife. W. L Beraett aad wife. 0.70; lot 10,
Jnha W. Langdoa and wife. W, H. Baraett
sad wife. 30.70: tot II. Joha W. Langdoa
aad wife. W. H. Barnett and erlfe. 30.60;
tot 13. John W. Langdoa gad wife, W. H.
Beraett and wife, fi.nn; tot 1.1. John W.
lienedea aad wife. W. If. Baraett and wife, tot 14, Jnha W. Langdoa and wife,
w. H. Bsraett sod wlfe.fO.nn; lot 13. Joha
W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. Barnett aad
wife, 30.60; tot 18, Jnha W. laagdoa and
wife, W. H. Barnett aad wife, fo On. BI1CK
T, lot 1, Joaa W. Langdoa aad wUs, W. B.
'- '.'' ,.,''
rut street and tha easterly line of the
4 California Ksitrosd Coaumtnr'a rl
.... ( if ,