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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1905)
r .... -ns -ct-zzw daily joihuiat. ronTLAiiD,. vednssday cvnmNo. march tv ?tty rs: i leebena B. aad W. A. Lewis, M.l seat T5 , el ll B, lunula to4 w. A. Iswiai SUA l'-OCK K, tot 1. C'-me4 C- ar .tate, r -irs of. $20; tut I, ' ( '. ua Cum; 11', tfeira af. I it tot a, iu klaaot, t '; tot 4. aba t t, . $4.40; tot I. Aaa h.aeot. fl..; ea-t 18 feet of lot 8. ti sees C"-tsr 1 tata, i-Mrs u. B.ri; wast i, tot of hit A t T O. jV Aaher .tu,F a ot, $ 10. AU ot 1 fCi I. aru.a' iu.. to C"'i-V -O. ; axeept .,( v -A A f aw. '.- W-l eet, Job C. l-.d, 1 I.. ). . , A tract ef UH a- 4 e-d d .scribed aa , tows; vw iateseuoa u mi t a ef r-x . 4 wi,a Borrk Una at Baker - set; 4 . -ua nearly ea atatA Uh at Beker , . street Aa.i frt; taeace northerly pari 1 11 with west alua Una ol Moody atreet. Ml '.,- I voce weeterl? parallel wtUi north , ', Mae af Reket etreet to aaat Una et bund ,. atraat; theaee aoaUarlf aa aaat lis a Mood CARUTHERB' ADDITION TO CA ROTHES. 8' XUDITIOH aa the Clt af Portland BUHK ::f J, WllUia, Drouek. $280. BLOCK K, Auatla. kjuj.on. mskrur 1. hmmp fa this (U A pl.seuaxry -.of PortlaaA fd.a BLOCK U. Hemeop.tbla fleapliat j Laad Coapanj, la. 10: aadlridaA af lot . a. iaax juaod oooioaM. aa.101 and IrUtod V of lot A. I ha 9 Lm4 Ikanui. i Id! mull ' '4J Hrt lot ft, Ibax Land Ooatpaa, H 11 in 1, ID Laaa uompaar v aa.101 aodJUd 14 of lot T. Ibax Load Com. paar. M.10; aadlrldad U at lot a. Ibas una uoouaar. 12. 1U: andlTldad V af tot 1 I ' Aaaa B. CoootU, tilo; andWlJrA H of "'X l? li.Aaaa B. GaaaalL lilO! tradiTtdad i xi a. abm JB, uonoau. aa.iut onai 1 vidad of lot 4, Aaaa B. CoaaalC , auaiTioea vnKig, Aaaa Hi uoanau, aiiu aadlvtdad U at lot . Aaaa B. CIoomIL 12.10 . . adlTldd U of lot T. Aaaa B. Coaoall, i.10j aadlTidad il af lot 8. Anna B. OonaalL 1110. ' . - IILOCK Q. lot I. Clara Ball, a4.10 aorU ... w m viara aw,. au.wi aaaia ai v ax a. wanaaa aarina m Loan noeiaty . H??; ot Oaraua BTlo A) toaa Bootatr, v . A3. 0: lot d. Oarnuui bllu A Loan Bs u u a m. . MiatT, : Vt , Grma aaTlna Loan . - wr er roctieoa, a 41.40. bloc , v Homeopathls Hospital iMspsaasry a( Port- - , lasd. j.UO. BLOCK 0, Homeopathic Boa. Wapeuaerr ' a Portland, - JU-OCK f andifldf H at lot L Ibex Laud 1 t Uompanr, tXIOi andlTlda U ar lot & tbaa " ' r?f 1 J' aoru mi at waai av jes . of lot T. Oarmua BaTtng A Lnaa Boelatr. . fd.aOl aoatk 1 fort af lot T, Utrtaaa Mr. 1 1 Aj Loaa Boelatr. iat; aortli fret "'---' amat to faat of lot T, Clar Ball, ao.BO; - 1 111 dBaBaBjl ft - IaA al. B.ll 4 Ail r' ... want at) faat af lot 8. r. OafUalBalll. Carswa BarlBC 1 Laaa Badat, A - traat af Iaa4 lrln batwaaA tKo aaatk .-(.- Una of IfaaAa atraat and tta Bartkarlr Una A!''0-' Carataara Addlllaa ta Caratbara' AddlttoB. aa akoara aatba-.aiav of rartlaad . - jwt.llk4 bf Ua Tit la Uaarantaa A Troal IJKnuf, lBOa, and katwaaa tba want Una - af Wood atraat aad a llaa 0 faat aaat ot ' aa4 Barallal wttb tba aaat Una af Uorbatt rwm, a. r, amitn, . OtOTRKRa ADDITION TO CABCTIIinir . ADDITION ta tba City af Portion BLOCK '." ft aat AO foot af aorta M toot of block B. . tfaaaaa Oaaboa, (1 11; rt 40 trot af aonU ' 'vTZJUS 1 biocb a, u m. norwooa, 11.00. v i - laoaiaa a. mwinu. B4.o. I' BLOCK 18. Inu Aeataa, (21.60. BLOCK . Sr J 1 . "raii fa so: lot a, k. h, ; "r. aa.fl a, a. n. raraar. aa.oa J"1 5' 5- H- Parkar, fo.lkt aaat 4.8 foot of lot a, yj. H. Parkar. 80.151 aaat 4 8 fool i fJ J J- fO-lB aaat 4 8 faat f I "i Parkar. 8o4; waat 8B.8 f-at f tot , D. W. CaaipbaU. ILOfti wt tft.8 tt 4 anata IT foot of lot A, D. W, Canp hmu. 0.8; waat aft faat at aaat 88.8 fmt a, aooa aw aaa r. L Haaa. fl.OO; , faat at aaat 88.8 faat af aoaU i ft io , joaa aad r. . aUaa, 80.A0! 1 aaat M . faat af araat 11 1 fi mF kt a aora Matbaafla, 11.10; aaat 88 tact af . o.o 1001 or aoota XT. a iat at lot a. w KomaaAla. 80.18; aaat 89 faat of aat 10L8 foot af aartA U at let a. Oariaaa 2' y.'. H of lot a. Oartaaa nt iortaty. 80.3 ; waat 101.8 "faat af aoatk of wit f. UaraMB tarUc aarrn ioi.b aaat at - rr?,u'.-t-rJi j". . import, , , 84.4n tot .0, rardlaaM OaadorpA. 470; lot C B. I. and B. L. U rraaca, Ko , ' ai ax t, juaaif r. aaaa, 4jo: 11 aorta 1 foot at lot IT Ooaodi axiun ' at. OaajpaBy. tid.. 0J0 lot A. Canadtaa Sattlara" Iowa. A Traat (Viuan7 12L' V.,42: BLOCK 4X M 1, . U. it.t fi .7!t. aUtarbak. 84.40; 2!5,.i 'f'P" t"a, 84.40; lot 4, Joarpb IUrk.; 4 40: lot 0, .Prank Polinli. 44.40) Int L Krank PnUrka, 84.40 lot T. Catborlna IMoaaBiia and Jails I- RibmwI c a on. . 1. noj ubo , ao.aui, a. A. it, Ha-mood, 84,40: aaat 8 faat af lot T. A U. UaaimaBd. 80.88; aaat feat af lot 8. A- U. Henamad. 80 .22; west 88 fat of W T. nondaraBana. 8210 waat An feet A treat at land aatweaa brorkl 48 aad 4a. Caratbara' AddlUoa ta Caratbara' AddlUoa . aad aatweea tba aortb Una af Porter etroet nod a Una 100 faat aortb thereof and BeraUel 1 0. rUauaead. 44.00. A tract of lead betweea block. 48 aad 4s. " Caratbara' Addition ta Oaratkara' Addition, aad batweaa tba aoatk 11m of Hooker etrrct 1 and a Una faaaeoath tbrraoT aad parallel tner-1th, Taaodore Sana, 88.08. - CARUTHRBS' ADDITION TO CAROTRICRr ADDITION to tba City af Portlaad BLOCK . ; eaat -AO faat af west 100 foot of lot T. IXI Smith, M.10J aatt 88 M m . 100 faat af lot 8. W. D. Railta. 8X10. '- BUCK,d4. Vat 1. Joaa BpltaroOorrrr, 8440; J"t a rwta.bara.rrM.40; lot i, Jrta Jf. Braaar. At 40; lot A. CaUMrlaa 9? Tbor- via Of lot T. norma 1 canantor. aa.ia: ' MJA Oarmaa Sarin A Loaa Borlat7. 84. JBLOCX 41. aaat TI faat at lot Voka h A-'; traat faat , lat t W. aad At Hoott, 11.86: lot 8, 1 Thomu H. Sraltk. aa.)? ka 1 li-i. i7 r '. a, utaanaa iwa, 44.40. BLOCK AA tot t A. 0. Haarnoad; 4.40; : A. d UmDl, 84.40; kt A PUdaV na aad JaHa L. Hamnumd. 84.401 lot 4. f o, a4.w; rm a. J on x rratacaa, 84.40; I . i ,L,, H'tolalt, 84.40! lot 7, 17 AJ l-'r-rtnT, 84.40: lot 8, 1. A. Craekar' 84.40. 'BLOCK . A&. lot 1. It aery a Baa ft,' 8440 lot 8. Raary B. eUsft. A.40; lot 8. Mekkai -"' B'hPPAXt. A4.40; .let 4. Lae TrwL 84.40: at Ab4-.U 8, . Barter A4.40; lot A '"f'L -40; W T Abatall r' Tr .""."..oo" f ona aatuaa. 44.40: ThOBwa Malnbora. A8.aot aoatk Tan aa at aaat H af lei S. Patrick Afarray, 8l!0; w iv oi 01 101 4. Aaaa ' R. -Jratka. A1.II0: Mat BIJ CT. V ' Ckarlat P. Baywooa, 8I.8O1 waat at 1-8 foot , io a, BMoar ana aury r. MeBwaa. '; lot a, ktu a. itu, 8Ao; lot t. lifollaaa B. Baa. 84.40 lot T.aflan7 B. bforaaa, 84.40. 8. M.lliaa BV MoraaiL f 2; , J?CK da, aaat 100 Urtt iTT. ' U P. 1 aad Barak af. Gathrta, 84 30; wm af lot 1. r. k. UchuVi'aaioi ' .'raal faat ef lot A F. At. Llebtrgthaler. E? ""i M(t oo 'art of aortk H of lot 8, - C.' Koalabort. AJ.10! aaat ?00 feat af , - 7 m. a. joaa woaiar, fxio; lot ' r. at. Uchtaatbalar. 81.A aaat 81 fact of , tot A P. M. Uchtenthalar, 81.80. BLOCK a. aoatk T of lot 1. Hana Valatar, iiao; aortb H of lot L Aadrow Uanooa. H Ja A tree? of Uod lrtnf batwa twa 'flnrt oo feat aad ttso.s feat nertw " aad aaralial with tba aortb Una ef Arthor 'atraat aad betweeB ta waat llaa of Water , atraat aad a Una 108 faat waat th.reof and parallel therewith, Andrew Uaneoa, 11 wt. CARUTHKRa" ADDITION TO CABUTRBKH' ADDITION ta the City af Portland BLOCK - 48, lot A t. W. B.kor, HIO; W 1 .M ward Maadankell. 84.40: 'lot 4, itdward lfVo '." daakaU, 84.40: lot 8, Blchard kartln, 84.40: Jot A AUunaa Marti-, 84.40 lotf. H.oa Laraan, 84.40t halt H ot lot A Haas Lar. L acn. iiaOj north H af lot 8, Ballada Dolaa. A tract af lead lylojf Wtwaea tw4 Haas ' ; raapactlaely 808 aad tao.8 faat north af aad - Barallal with the aartb llaa ef ArUer atraat ." aad betwaea the aaat llae of front atraat aad a Uaa lot faat aaat af aad Barallal therewith, Pallida Dolaa. $1410. . : A ' tract af Uad beiweea twa Unaa 'ro- Bpertloalr 810.8 faat aad 841 foot aortb at and aaralial with the earth Ilea ef Arthur " 1 ewaat and betwaea the wee lino of Water t aamet aad a llaa 108 fat waat thrf aad 1 aaralial therewith,- Bop Ma Brhad, 81.80. A tract af lead tylnc botweea two Haee rearactlrely lao.8 faat aad 841 feet aortb ' of aad aaralial with the aortb. Una af Art hot , atraat and aatwaea tba aeat Uaa af rraat , atraat Bad a Una los faat aaat thereof aad aaralial tharawlth, i.raae Bur aw a, 81.80. A tract af land lylaf htwera twa Mae raaaartlrary 120.8 feat aad 841 feet Berth et end aaralial with the Berth Una af Artbar 'eteakt and net ween tka wait llaa af fmni awoat aad the aaat Uaa at Vint atraat, WU Uaa Pllednor. 8. 86. ' A tract of laod Irlafi katwaoa twa lines reepoetraaly foot aad 88 A fact Borth of and parallel with the aorta Una af Arthaa ' afraet aad betweea tba waet Una af Front etreet and the aaat Jlne af Plrat etreet, Oroaroa ' R.llwer A Nael'atlon Comnaar. AIM. 'Cawt - inoia jn cARUTHrit!- ' el . 'ic of Portlud BUK'K 1, M art 1 k t A a -" a -ard. -.; J I A. ,. . 84.40; lot ( 4. Joaa adlak. 14.40: lot A jobb aaaiaa, aa.aos mc a. Jobt Brdlak, 44.40; ' lt T, Ooka Nk, 84.d; lot A Joha Badlak. 84.40. BIVCK 4. waat H at lot L Jeeto ' h& JS.0 'aaleDaTla. ". tr aaat H of lot A . .'THomaa MoIoImm. MMt 14. t- 4 84.80) waat T8 teat at let T. If. B. Urbtan tbalor, A. 18 1 waat T8 faat of let I, H A. laektaatnalar. Ulll aaal ti - TT ? t r rower a ' f'Taua. 8440: tot A P. A. htarmant. 8440 l-t T. U. B. fc.. y, 4.40j lot A H. B. I r, V40. iUK'K Jl, lot L Wiillam I.. . UMi 1... a v. 111. w, . !! ; lut A WiUlaai Kafdnac. A4.0; W. 4. V -a filadnar,. A4KI, lot 8,. William P. 84,40; lot 8. William meaner. f 1, William Plladner. A4.40: lot A rUadnor, 84.40. BLOCK M, lot Coakaene aa An Inki . a nieaiia Baliway A NarigaOoi CeniDany. 4.401 Tot Oroaon Ballw.y 4, N.rlf.Uoa Company, 84.40; Tot 8. (rraaoa Bailway A Karlatioa (oamaBy, 84.40; Tot T, Oraaoa Baliway A ; hariaaUoa Cenpany, 44.4U, lot A Orooa .? 'UUoa camoaBy. BLOCK BA lot V alkax WrlVltt. Aa all: tot A JoUua li. Bart, 84.40; lot 8. WillUm W ft 1 -- - . . .... 1 . . ' . . ta a, . 'it !"rv, bm a. inn m. atron, o arron r. Boone. B4.eoi seam e. erutu,; aorta a 01 John V. Tat,.l. Ii w r fila . tfTt K"wf a, Lauie Araoia, . awva "a. . aej 1, rraaKua iwaaa, 84.40; t tot A Praoklla Drake. 84.40: anllrldad 14 at tot A Allaa N.laoa, A-BO; ttadlrldod i af lot I. hlneh W. Kebna. 1'x-nt . lot i. Jacob MttlUuuf. 84.401 lot. aUry Taylor, ..40: lit A AUry U Btaal, 84.40; weal H of tot I. Hermlna Hath Ion. 8X80; waet H of lot A Hertnioa il.chl.n. XV eaat hi of tut t, Nannie B. Tkylor. a.S; aat ii of tot I. Nannie B. Taylor, 8A8U. MJ0C& BC lot 1. Bchoot tXatrlet K. 1. k,. A Brbool DlatrUt Ko. 1, 84 401 tot 8. hchool plaUlcl Na. 1. 84401 tot 4. ktvool Dlattict " ev, e, nfooei viowaca no. - 8440: lot . aVhool DUtrKt ho. 1, A40 .School Dl.U-let No. 1. 14 40. BLOCK Ad. tot , Bath L, Pope, 84.40; lot A "k I fope. 84.40; - tot A Vrcatoa W. UlUatte, 84.401 lut A alollle Ruaford. 84.401 lot A. William B. Jolly. 88.60; lot A William n. dour, lot 7, Aiartla Bchada. . AA0 , tot A atarUa Bcbada. la.&u. BLOCK 67 lot 1.' 0. F. 8. Plummer. 88.40: aorth hi of tot A 0. P. B. Plnmmar, 83.80; aouih i af lot A A. Qulrla. A3.B): north V. of lot A A. Qalrlo, At .HO; aoutb H et tot A Hollle . Alger, . A 3. 20; lot 4. Hollle . Alter, 84.40; lot A laaiaa L. Jobmionc. ' 84.401 tot A James L. J oh an Lone, 84.40; aoutb It feat of aaet 8.1 foot ef lot 7. . . Abblo O. Inne. I . 80.10! wast 80 feet of aaat Ml feat of tot I t. ABbla .0, funa, 82.0; waat 5u feet ot eaat OAS feat at lot a, Abblo 0. Inne, 8X10; i aorta u teat at eaat a real ot tot j. u. . P. B. I'lnmnter. 80.10: .aaat AA fort ef tot A 0. P. A rinmmar. 80.86: west 50 feat ef tot t. Naanla B, Taylor. 82.10; waat AO feet of tot 8. Manalo K. TiTlor. 81.10. BLOCK " St;'lot V BuiWC Tl Eatata.-Watrs of,' x M.40; iet x, aaaie o. roat saute, otin or Ottelte Bartsch. 8440i tot 8. PhilUn and k uiia A. t-twioa,; at a, atarr Asera, oa.oui wiarx aa ibti 01 mm 1. ibbuiii Bsiitlat Chart, t2.H0; west A3 feet ef tot e, immeaaei fuptiai inurce,; eaat aati iae or mi 1. rjaate v. roai aaxate. Helra of, 81.80; eaat 44tt teat J of tot A Mitele C. Peat Eatata. H.lra of. 81.80. BLOCK 88, wast 81.8 faat at aortb 20 feet ot lot 1, A.. P. Neaaart. 80.B; sou Ik 29 feat ef tot L A. P. Ncanart. 82.20; eaat TJ feet af aorth 8ft feet of lot 1. Henrr Wain. ' hard, tlM; lat A John Wlducaa, 84.40; tot A a B. Lamrjemon, 4.40; lot A Kmlly 4. x. Moora,; 101 a, tonn verkiaa, 84.401 tot A Kdward J. Hart. 84.40: weal H ot tot T, Paanle K. Dlrdrlch, ..X0 waat H af tot A I'aanle B.' Dladrtrh. 82.801 aaat ii ef tot f, Lauta Coha. 82.20; seat e of tot 8, Loals CofcB, $2.10. BLOCK 0, lot 1. James Humnhray, A4.l tot A Jamas Ham- phrey, 84.40; lot A A. r. Neunert, 84.40; lot 4. Koubb R. Lasx. 84.40: aaat 80 fact af tot A Leais C. Shemo, 82. 0; east so faat af lot A Leats C. Mhomo, A50; waat ao.a leei at ax a, laeneua wxtiar,; waat 44.8 feet at tot A laabaUa Bottler. 8180; tot t. May Back Rln. 84.401 lot A atoy Back His, 84-40. BLOCK 41, tot 1, httckael AfeCal-ett KaUte, Hairs of, 84.40; tot A German baTlnaa A Loaa 8ooty. 14.40; aorth 88 foot ef tot A tienaaa BaTtaxa A laMLB Boeiaty, 80.10; aoota la faat at lot A : Auftuts Alaras, 1.80.iot A AaaTnrU Marka. SlTloi lot 8, W. Aw and I. B. Lea-la, 84.40; t a. W. A. aad I. B. Lawla. t440t tot 7. WlUlam Iaaaaaa, 84.40; tot A WllUam toea- aaa, A tract af Uad aatweaa twa Uses raeaoctle.y 800 tact aad 220.8 teat aorth af aad parallel with tba Berth llae ef Artbar etreet aad aetwaaa the waat Uaa af first atraat and a Uaa 108 faat waet thereof and paraUal -there with, James Bumiwrey, 11.80. A tract at lead lylaf aatweaa twa Haas Nsaectlrely 80S feat sad 220.8 feet aortb at ssd parallel with the Borth Una et Artbar street end aatweaa the aaat Una af Beoond atreet sad a line 108 tact cast thereof aad BsreUel therewith, slay Back ma. 81-su. . A tract ef lead betweea two tinea naeactlrcly 120 A faat aad 841 fact aartb at sad parallel with , the aorth una 01 Art nor street aaa ae twaaa the west Una. ef first etreet aad a Una lot faat west at as Bsrauat tbsrewlta, Aasasta Marks,- 81.80. A tract af land aatweaa twa' llaa reessetlTcly 8-0.8 feet end X41 feet aerta ar ana parallel with the aorth Una af Artbar street and holweea the east Una of aecoad atraat And a Uaa 108 feet eaat thereof ead parallel wmwivi Tw. j- aim a. a,, aana, a . . ' A tract of toad betweea twe lines reapacUrely . 80.8 feet sad 841 faat Berth af and parallel ' wita taa aorta una at arurar atreet aaa betweea the wast Una af Beeoad atreet and a llae 108 feet Woat thereof aad parallel therewith. Isabella Bottler. 81.80. 1 A tract of land betweea twa (loee reapestjTety 820.8 feet and 841 feet BortA af and aaralial with the north Una of Artbar etreet and be tween the east Has ef Third etroet and a Una 108 feet eaat thereof Aad parallel therewith. ueary Timm, ..r. A tract at land betwaea twa Haas respect-rely 800 feet aad 280,8 feet Berth of and parallel 'with the aartb Una af Arthur etreet and between the want Uaa af Beeoad street sad a , tins 108 feet west thereof and parallel Uar. wiiar Boxer ruppirwu. e'-av. A tract at toad trine betweea twa Unas re spectlTely 800 aad 8204 feet Berth af aad parallel with the Berth llaa ef Artbar atreet aad betweea the eaat Una ef Third atreet and a llaa 108 fart eeet thereof ead aaralial tnerewiui. ABtoa Diareoruernr. CABITTHKRS' ADDITION TO CABUTHKrUT a. 1 1 1 11 1 11 ) r, ta nut I HT ok rwTiua-aiji a ta. lot 1. Bdward Brady, 14.40; tot A Ed ward Brady, 44.40: iet s, taraei tuawaa. 84.40 Jot A laabana BoMlar. 44.40; tot A Henry nan, sa.w; eoam ym ei mi, Oealla Timm, 42.90; Boris or ma a. Abbb C Boeaicke, 12.20; lat T, Kdward ttradr. 84.40: lot 8. Clara If. Bardlna. 84.40. BLOCK 83, tot 1, Edcar Popple too, 84.40; tot a, Bdcar Poppietott, 84.40; tot A Kdcar Poppleton. $4.40; eest 74 Si feet af lot 4, Patrtch ltsrray, $2 20; areat 80 tact ef tot A teancga r. nmtiar, si. so; west 1.20; west H 1120: waat H Ii2n; aaat ii . 82.20: ssat ef rot a, J. Henry woirrina, ex.; of tot 8, f. HanrjrJWoltTlnfrti: of lot 8. Anton Blaeaefherssr. U af tot 8, Anton Blarhorberccr. $2.10; tot 7, Theopbll Bllleter. 84.40; eontb 40 feet of lot A Tbeophll BTlleter. tAAS; aorth 10 net of KH a, aboob marniDarxer, BLOCK 84. north H ef tot 1. Chsrlaa P. Hoecter. 82. ID; aoaih H af lot 1. Katie P. Kabeaelek. A20j tot A Katla P. Babe- .t a. a . an. i.a a W f I I, ay . I wm, fw e eip-n, . ww--wvi mn A Joaa P. Cmplea, -84.40; West 8 feet ef lot 8, Mike Kpatela. 84 001 West s feet of tot A Mike Kpatelrt, 84 40; eaat 10V feet f tot A Anna B. Wsltrlna. tatO; ea.t 1014 feat at lot 8, Aans B. Woltrtnx, 80.40; tot T. Aaaa B. Weluinc. 8440; tot 8, Anna K. Woltiinc 84-40. BLOCK An, ot 1. Addle B. Marray, $440: lot A Addta B. Marray. 84.40; tot A Prank H. One. 84.40: let A t7 P. 8. Plammer, 84.40; east 88 -8 feet of tot A J. E. C. Jlbompaoa. 8140; west 71 t-8 feet af lot 8, Jamaa Short, 83,00; east 88 84 fact ef sooth of lot A jT B. C, ThomssoA 80. TO; waet Ti 1-8 feat ef eoath H af tot A Juaea ahorLjI.AO; aorth H of tot A Addle B. Marraj, 82 20; lot 7. AddU B. Marray, $4.40: tot A Joseph Pink. 84.40.. A tract , af land pooaded aad described aa follow.: Commaanaa at Internactloa of west Una at Second atraat with Booth llae ef Booker atreet: theaee eoatberty to aorth llaa of Woods .treat; thaaca west to ea.t line of rlfbt ef way ef Ortfoa A California Railroad Compear; thaaca aartherly along the eaat Una ol said right at way to lu le tecseetlon with tba aoutb jlne ot Booker atreet; then re aaat ta , betlBnlng. I C B. Brnlttl. 1102.00. CARt'TTTrtRS' AODmOIf TO CAKCTHBRB' ADDITlun 10 tan city at rorua no BLOCK 87, all af lot 8 lylnf west of Oreoa A CallforatA Railroad Company's rlxbt af way, Jeremiah Work. $4.00: all Cf lot 8 lying west ef Oragoa A California Railroad Con paayt right af way, Jeremiah Worlcfc. IAW; all af tot T lying west af Oreaoa A Callfor. ala Ballroad Cempanr'a right ef way, KUaa heth Beamgertaer, $A4B ell af tot 8 lying want af Oregoa A California Ballroad Ceea- 5enrS light nf way, Oabrlel Basmgartner, 1.6B. BLOCK M. aast 88 feet ef tot 1. eanla Buc Lea, $8.85; eaat 88 M 4 mho 90 feat of tot V Jeaala Hag I.ea. $1.40; west 118 fact of tot 1. Albert B. gad Bl.le B. Wrlgkt, $0.80; waat 11.8 feet of aertk tn feet ef tot A Albert B. aad Klete B. Wrisbt. 80 54: trath 80 feet et tot A Mellera B. Mot, $AA5i aorth 40 feet of tot A Mel IMS E. nog. $3.4$; eetrtk 10 feet of aaat 80 iet 01 .lot a. . A inert K. Wright. ran " ,-w ei int a, . AJDOrt M. V right. $A80t snath 10 feet af west dflH et ef tot A Blellaea B. Hag. 80.86, wl Vfr feet ef tot 4, MeUara A Timm. 'fl.HA; II of tot t ssecpt tte Oregoa tollfornla 44 all BalrrseA Cempanyg right of war. Mell-aa B. Hag. $2.00; tot A Melleaa B. Bag. tAkft) eoetb feet ef tot T eeet ef Outrun A fvlifurels lultrosd (hatan'i rtetit .4 MeUaaa B Hoe. 8A08; Berth 80 feet ef tot f eeet af iiregoa A Call foes ta ' Jtailmad Cnmpanys rlrht , a' V, Albert B. aad Blale B. Wright, 81.40i ell of tot 8 ea.t ot Oreaoa A CUforata Balrnad ntmnaaya right at way Albert B. aad Hale B. Wrixht; AAOfl. RIOCK aa, tot 1. Oregoa Bailway A hiarigallea Oompany, 84.40; tot A Oregon Rallw.r A Narlgatton Company. $4.40; lot A Oreaoa Ballwae A Karlratloa rmntiaar. $440: let 4. Oregwa Railway A NeTlgatloa '1 m a, iwagwa railway rtaTigattoa way. $4.40i tot A Orefeji Railway A atlea Omnaae. $4.40; tot A. nraano cay . A KtrlcattoA OaaapsAj, $4.40 tot - . 'v -' i ' ' ' . 1 iHRiaUi., .aj. a- . T . -at L.eSr T CITT M0TICXA T. Oragaa Bslrway A Narlsatlea Cemnaay, 84.40; tot 8. Oragoa B.lla.y A Karlxatloa Coopaay, 84.40. fiUKX 70, waat S feet at lot 1, Joeepb Cobs. 80.10; wcet 8 feet Of tot A Ineetih rVha 1A III! aeat IIMI feet Of tot 1, Boa W.oer. $4.30; aaat 104.S feet a, noea wooer, aa-av; 10. a, . waiier,; lot a. Hoes waner, eaat 8 teat ef tot A. Koaa Weber. 80.10; earn feet at lot A Bona Weber. 80.10; ant - , 88.8 feat af eaat AS I feel ot let A Magda toul R. MarUloff, 81-40: waat OAS feet of eaat 8A.S feet of tot A, Maxdaleni B. Marls toft, $1.40; west 70 feet Dt tot A Hebaatiaa and Ldla Matcher. $2.86: weat 70 feet of ' a, oeaaaatian ana t-jam aiicnw, ea-ew aast U ef tot t. Joeetil. O-Sn 1X20: nasi H of lot 8, Joseph Coon, $2.20: wast H of 1 TTiioeimine Muruiar. a.wr; wea -a of tot A Wllbalmlna Muebler, $2.10; north - I? sloch To, Unknown Owner, ll.AJ. BLOCK fl. waet 81. feet of tot 1. Barah A. Barnes, $1.80; waet'. 81 feet of tot A Barah A. BarnM. 81.IO: aaat IS A fact of tot 1. , Bosa. H. Weber. 80.10: aaat 78.8 feet of ot x, Boss U. Weber. $4.10; eest 81 feet of lot A. Baas . H. Weber, $A01 weal faat af let A Patrick Marray. $1.08; 88.8 feet of tot 4. Patrick Mutx.y, aaat 81 feet of tot A Lena Apple, eest t feet of lot A. Patrick Murray. eaat $ fact of tot 8, Patiiik Murray. $0.20; aorth 4A&S feet of weat 100 feet of lot 8, Patrick Marray, $3.80: waet 101.8 feet of 1 iet n, crania Taptar. as-sn; waet 101. a taei of eeath 4.45 feet ef lot A Ursula Tapfer,; a.t yt ef lot 7, Mary damns, iu aaat U of lot A Marr Jacobs. 82.80: weal . ta of lot T, Mrs. Mark O'Nell, i20; wast a or rot a. Mrs. Mark O'Neu, n JO. CARrTTRKRa ADDITION TO CAKUTBKRR' . ADDITION to tba City af Port laod BLOCK 7A aeat 90 fmt at north loo fact af block, -Balfonr, Oathrle A Co.. $2.80; weat 20 feet : of eaat 100 fret of north 100. feet, Agnes . Walsh, $1,701 aorth 41 feet of eoath 81 feet ot east v net or block, Mary jackemica. ' $1.50: ea.t 74 feet ef south ho feet ef block. , Hsttis Joknaon. $3.10: eaat M feet of aertk 8 feet of aoutb 100 feet of Work, Joeepb aaa victoria Aiaewettar, ao.ah. BLOCK 77 aouthweat i at block 4oerpn Simon and Cyras A. Dot ph. $8. DO: aorthwaat H of a. 1 a. . l.t ,1 . 1 J m a. i aivia. t. imiriii a. BaBiateaa. aHi.o i , nui .u - i of sort beast U at block. MelTle Htsnford. $1.40; soutk H of aortbcMt ot block. Bruno Nickel. M.40: aortk tt of aoittheaat AO; north ,u or awn. aarraa s, wausee,; soars - S i"' aosUresstJA -M Vnxk, & ET Coldwell, as.' $0.- A tract of lead boaaded aad daaertbad aa foQowa: (on me ndna at Inln ..ctloa ef eoath line ef Porter street with the west Has of Oregoa A California Ballroad Comnany'l right . war.-...Beoes went on. m rrer, tnenee aouui iw l eel. uence eaat aw.xb reel to waet una ef Oregoa A California Railroad Compaay's ngBt or way, tbesce aortbweetarl to Dot ta mos. .nereua naat. A ' tract of lead bounded sad daearfbed aa muwi; uommeneing nt btaraactloa -of eontb Una ef Porter atreet . with eaat line of Fourth .etreet, thanes east ea seals llae of Porter street 78.2S feet, theaee aoatk at right an. lee to farter etreet 100 feet. ..thence weal W 02 feet and parallel with Porter etreet ta eaat line or rourtn atreet. thence aorthwaat to beginning, Ueary Thorn peon Katato, Belie ef, $3.40. - A tract of land bounded aad described' at follows: Commencing et Intersect km ef aorth line of Woode .tract aad eaat Una of Fourth atreet. wains ar rest eoath and feel eeet af euatbweet corner et block AT, Cars there' Addlttoe-to Care Overs' Addition, thenoe eaat oa north Una of Weeda street BAIM feet, thence north 100 feat nt right ancle, ta Wooda atreet. thence weat and Kraiiel wita the aorta llaa of woods street, (1 It feet to eest Una af Fourth atreet, OUrer Q. Ralmea. 88.10. A tract af toad hounded aad d.aui Ibad as follows: Oommeactag at Interaectlaa of north Una of Woods street and weat llaa of Oregon A California Railroad Com pear's right af eray, tbance weat aa aortk line of Woods etreet 82.7 feet, tbance aorth at rigbt ancle, to Woods .street to a point 100 feet aorth of earth llae of Woods street, thence eest and parallel with the aorth Una ot Woods street Dui.ia reel to boibk oa waec una or or.aau a t California Railroad Company, right ef way, tneace eieiuieneieiir aa naginginx- voaiaa M. roatec. BS. 06. , " ' ' ".. - A tract ef lead boaaded aad described as follows! Commearlag aa aoatk line af Per- - tea etreet et in leteraectioa of r earth atreet: t nance west aa aoeta una of porter a 8T.B3 feet to weat Uaa ef aid fourth etreel extended aeulberly; theaee eeath AO feet ea waet Una of old Fourth street eateaded aoatherly: tbeaoe east aad parallel with eoath line ef Porter street 108.18 feet to weat , Uaa of Feorth etreet; theaee aortbweetarl to beginning, Elian C. Morrinoa, $ A tract af lead bouadea and described as follows: Commencing at point oa aeat Una t ef roartB etreet uv root eoath aad B4 fact . eaat of south wee t earner ef block AT. Car. ' atbers addition ta Cars there' addition t thence : weet 10A18 feet -to west Una of eld Fourth atreet ex teed ed aeatherly; then re south 28 feet oa wcet Uaa ef old Fourth atreet ex- ' tended; thence east 118.83 feet to weet line et Fourth attest, as sow established; thence aortbweaterly- to beaiBalag. O. QaBaaeaaltl . Batata, Uetrs ef, 82.20. A tract af lam. boaaded and described aa follows: Commencing at a point oa weet Una af Fourth street ssld polat Being ItW feet eeath .ad 10.AA fret aeat of eon tb weet cociwr of aioex si, carauera' adtuuoa ta ' Oaratbera' addltloa; thence woat and parallel with eoath Una af Porter etreet 118.48 feet to weet Uae ef old Fourth etreet extended anatberlyt theses aortb oa said wast Uns of eld Fourth etreet 28 feet; theaee eest 11832 . feet to weat Una of rearth street; thence aoetberly to Bcglnalnc. Hairy A Ced.hsli. ' 12.411. ' A tract af land aaaaded and described aa follows: Commencina at Intersectioa ef north' line ef Wooda street and wcet llae ef Fourth etreet, said polat being 800 feet Booth aad 29. T8 feet eaat of aoalhwtot coca or of block AT. Caratbara' addltloa to Caratbara' addlttoe thence weet 128 feet oa Berth Una ef Wooda atreet extended westerly ta weet llaa of old . Fourth street. , extended southerly; theaee north 100 feet oa . aald weet line of old .. Fourth street; thence east sad parallel with aoatk Ilea af Porter etreet 118.48 feet to . west Has at Fourth treat; tbenco aoatherly to aegiaaing, cnaries jenae, sn.uu. A tract ef land 1lag betwaea the Berth Uae ef Wooda atreet and the Booth Uaa of tot A block no. caratbara' - addltlea to Car. . atbers' addltloa aad betweea the westerly Una ef Hood .treat and a Uae 100 feet westerly from ead aaralial therewith. City af Part lend. 1.A. CAKl'TTTKIvB' ' AnDiTTOIf TO CABCTHERrT addition' ta ids rity or rwrtiaao nitn 1. 81. tot 1. B. L. Ray. $410: tot A Ferdi nand Coodorph, s.lo; tot A oba Mulr. M.10: -tot 4, Jaawa O. Heater. $3.4At lot A John Mnlr, $H 10: tot A Hermaa Heltkemper, Ad.arL BLOCK 82. lot 1. The Geraun Bar ings A Loan Society. . $4 80; aorth 81 feet ot lot A Tba Oermaa Seringa A I.oaa Bn- Hetr. t4.2S; kcau a feet of lot A rr.nk P. flllbara. $0.18; lot A Prank P. 84.10; lot A Prank F. Gllham. 84.20; tot 8. Joba A. Imehel, $4.0 tot , RebaetttB Ply male. $3.80; tot T, George W. Cordoa. $3.20; tot 8, -The Germaa aarlogB A Laaa society, 12 1 V RiaOCK 80. tot 1. Northera Coontlea tttraatavaat Traat. $410; lot A Northers Coantlee inraetmeat Trust, .st po: lot A Northern Coantlee Itrrestmcnt Trost, $8.00; lot 4. Frank A. Tell, $2.80; tot A. Frank riot . Tall, a-i So; let a. rranx a. Teu. Sinn: il. Mirr C Warraa. 44.20: lot 8. Preatoa w. ouiette. 14. iu; lot a, trarrva. B, -weod, $4.20; tot 10, May P. Inralla, $4 10; north H ef tot 11, Goat J. aad Carea Olaea. $2.10: south H of tot II, Guat.t A. and Caroline Carlaoa. 13.10; tot It Blla C BablA 84.20; tot 13. Frank A. Tell. $420. - CARCTHERR' ADDITION to the City of Port ions, as laid out by the math r art land Real KaUte AaaorlirloB BLOCK 100. lot L Ore. Cm Railroad A NarignUoa Company. $420; t A Oregoa Ballroad A Narlgatloa Cote paay. $4.10; tot 8. Oregok Railroad Nael. gattoa Compaay, $430; let 4, Oregoa Rail road A Narlgatloa Oompaay, $4.80; lot A Oregoa Ballroad A Narlgatloa Company, $4.20; lot 8. Oragoa Railroad A Narlgatloa Company. $4.10; tot 7, Oregon Railroad A N.Tlg.tloa Company. $4.10; lot a. Oragoa Ballroad A Narlgatloa Company. $4.10. BLOCK 10L 'tot 1. United States ftartnge A Loaa Company ot Minnesota, $4.20; lot A JVB. Scott. $4.B; lot A Ibe Lend Com asay and Robert H. Thompsoa, $4.20; lot 4. Ibex Lend Company and Robert H. Thompson, $4.10: tot 8. Krerdlng A Farrell, $4.20; tot A J- "cett. $4 1: lot T. J. B. Roott, $410; tot A Halted St.tea Saringa A Loaa Oomnnnr af Mlnacaota. 84.20. BLOCK .102, lot I, tlsala C. Welle. 84.80; tot A Mary Trances tinriey,; wc s, Mary Fraecaa Hnrley. 84-20J tot A Grace t Bro neurh, $410; tot 8. A J. La France. $4.20; tot A 8- J. La Fraaea, $4 20( aadlrlded H ef tot T, Ibex Lead Coalnaay, $2.10: aa dlrlded et lot I Anna B, .CnnnelL $1.10: lot 8. Jacob Uwtl. $4.20. BLOCK 103. tot 1. Peter and aTlata Brener. $4.20; lot A ISO! BBU tajwie a.ria-T, W-' . l"l O, Vnfff Mortgage Company, Ltd., $4.20; lot 4. Lottie Trepp, 84.20; lot 8. Mollis Stanford. 84 20; tot . MolUs tsaforA $4 10; tot 7. Molii. Staatort. 84-10; tot A . MoUla 8 tan ford, , 84.10. BLOCK 104. lot I. Ibex Land Cempany, 84.10; lot ' 1 Ibex Laod Oompany, 84.20; lot A Ibex fond Company. $4.10: lot 4. ibex land Company. $4.20; eaat 80 feat af lot A Ibex Lend Com- Ray. $2.10: es.t 80 fsst of lot A Ibex toad mpany, $1.10; nil af tot A except eaat 80 feet, P. O. Welsh. $1.80; all ef tot 8 oxceot eeet 80 feet. T. O. Waleh. 11 aa. paaer aad Bleie Brener, ga.xn; lot A 1 tot 7, ITwx lAnd Cooieaay. $2. 0 ; kx 8, Ibex latnn company, , u:t 10B. lot 1, Oregoa Hallway A Narlgatloa Company, M. 18: tot 2. Oragoa Railway A Narlgatloa Compear. $S 80; ' lot 8. Oragoa Railway Narisattoa .Comnanr. $810: tot 4. Oregon Kallway A Naelgatloa Company. $4.80; lot A Oregoa Balla.y A Karlratloa Company, $4.10; tot 8. Oregoa RaUw.y A Narlgatloa Company, $4 10; tot T, Oregoa Railway A .Narlgatloa Compaay, $420: lot A Oregon Railway A Nartg.rtes Cottrpany. $420. RUCK 104, tot 1, William M. Gregory end t. V. Beech. $4 tot A William M. Gregory aad J. T. Beach, tt.2n: tot J, William it. Greitdrf aad J. . Beach, $4 ao; lot 4. WlllliNB V firsgnry aad J. T. Iteerh, $4.10; tot fl, William M. Gregory ssd J. V. Beach. AA40; let A William M. Oraaory tad J. T. CITT X0TIOZA Beach $3.88; lat T. William M. Oregory , and J. T. Beach. $1.25; tot 8, William M. Gregory and J. V. Beach. $2.80. BLOCK lor, Oregon Railway A Narlgatloa Company, $40,711, BLOCK 108, tot 7. thomaa Bu- ;. ch.nao,-tlL0: lot A Thomas J. Cottel Ba tata, Heirs of, $ll7l0; tot 8, Richard B. (olllna. $4.18L tot 4. Blrhard B. ColUn.. $4.16; tot 8, Portland Trust Company at Oregoa. 84.80; tot A Port land Trust Cora- ; bob of Oregon. $4.20; weat A3 1-3 feet ot tot T, Leonard boti.d, $1.40: weat tU 1-8 feet of tot 8, teonard Hrhad., $1 40; seat 88 2 3 feet-ef tot T, Joha Lewy, $2.80; eaat d 1-8 teet ef lot. A Jooo Lewy. $2.80. BLOCK 100, tot 1, Annie B. Naweome. $4.2o; north J of let A Bobert William.. AXIS; aoutb 11 feet of tot A Victoria . Flablger, 11.00; aorth H of tot A Victoria aieouer, Sa-KI, aoalh '4 ef lot 8. front end Victoria Preblgar. $2 10; tot d. William - King, 84.20; nil ot tot 8 except Oregon A California Ballroad Coapaay'a right of way, William King. 81.78; all ef lut 8 except Oregoa A Csilforula Ballroad Compaoy'a . right of wny, WlUlam King. $1.70: all of tot T, except. Oregoa A CaDternla Ballroad Compaay's right of way, WllUam King, $Alo; aU af lot 8 except Oregoa A Calltarula Rail road Compaay. right af war, WllUam , Klsgf 82.80. BLOCK U0. lat 1. Henrr J. Thompsoa Beta to. Helre ef, $4 ; tot A Henry J. Tboaipaoa Eaute. Helre of, 44. lu; tot 8, D. W. W.k. field. 84.10: lot 4. Buses Aa. Wallace, $4,201 tot 8. A'ardlaaad Uun, . oorpB, tt.aj; mt A Ferdinand Uuadurpb. , 84.20; lot T. Ferdinand Guudorpn, 84 20; tot A Fardlnaad Gundorph. $4.20. BLOCK 111. .. all of tot 1 except Oragoa A California Ball . road Company's right of wny, Cbarlae C. Bmlth. $2.A0; all ol lot 9 except Oregoa A California -Ballroad Compaay's right of way, , Charles 0. Smith. $1.70; sll of tot 8 except , Oregoa A California Ballroad Company's right ef way. Charles C. Smith. $1.60; all of tot , 4, except Oregoa A California Kaltmad Com. pony's right ef wey, Charles 0. Smith. $1.36; aU of tot 8 except Oregon A California Rail road Company', right of Way, Charles C , Smith. 44.20; aU ot tot 8 except Oregoa A California Ballroad Company's right of way, . I harlee a Smith. $4.20; all of lot 7 except Oregon A California Railroad Company's right . ot way, Charles C. Smith, 8400: all et tot 8 except Oregoa A California Railroad Company'. , right of way. Charlaa C. Smith. 83.20. HLOCK 112. lot 1, Kred Behorse, $4.20: tot , 3. . Fred Heborae, $4.20; . tot A Northera Coantlee Inreetreent Truat, Ltd.. $10.00; lot 4. Vera Haynce $10.00; tot 6, Vera H.ynee, 84.20; lot 8. Nortkera Ceuetlea lareatawnt . Ltd.. $4.20; lot T, Vretl Beborae. -84.201 lot 8, rad Reberee, 84.10. KUII'K 113, lot 1, J. Sweek Katete, Helm of, 84201 - tot A J. Bwaek Eaute, Helre of, $420; none eo 1 re 1 et mt a, 4. aweax astsie, .Heirs of, $3.89; south -40 feet of lot U, M. W. Smith. 30. HA: tot A iL W. Smith. 84.20; weat AT feet et tot 8. man t. Hannah Bloom. ALUS: aadlrliled 14 of hit T. Mathilda, Jennie. Mary aad H. Blnem, 80.85; . aadlrlded 1-S ef tot 8. Mathilda, Jennla, Mary aad S. Bloom, $0.88. BLOCK 115. tot . 1. The Northera Counties Investment Trait. Ltd., 84.80; tot A The Northera Counties Inrestment Trust, Ltd., $4.20; tot A KUm both A. Thomas, $4.20; lot 4, Elisabeth A. Tbomas. $4 20; west fl feet of tot 8. Isaac . Swett, $2.80: east 40 feet et tot A, Theresa urowa, ai. tu; aeura m t . r. ' Rngera, $A10 north H et tot 8, Fred la. Rlgga and Stella M. Big ; Byron P. Cardwell Estate, l,.e .B laaa, P CaJ.aU $4.20. BLOCK 118, tot 1. Joha H. and Mary D. Mlddletoa. $4.10; lot 2. Ney " CharckBMB, $4.20; tot A Amend 'W. Seed u, Iteirs or, t.w; lor e, amsqn vr gcret C , Falling, $4.30; tot 7. M.ry A. Bulllwant. I as. so; mt a. nriurex sou - rrniat-o r Eaute. Helre of. $4.10. BLOCK 117. tot 1. Mary Frances Hurley. $4.10; tot 3, George W. Craw. $4.20; tot I, Mary Fraacss Hnrley, tot A Mary Frances Barley. $4.20; it 0, Pare Spr.ner, $4.20: lat A Dora. Npraaar, $4.20; lot 7, George Blbbeckr. $4.20; lot a, rent rinaiey, ii.n. tuu lis, . tot 1. BlUa Murphy. $4.20: tot 2, Gcorga . Bukowaky, $4.20; tot .1. Carrie Klrklcy. - $4.20; tot 4, George Selkirk. $4.20: east U ot tot $. A aula M. Jacobherger. $2.10: aaet H of tot A Annie M. Jaccobberger. $AIO; . weat 4 of tot ft. Catherine Ana Howe. $1.10; - - , T a ..kaalaa laa UAaaa. I, 111 , , W. am, a.a.1. -."-I -J ' . aa..v, esst H of tot T. John Kltkley. $2.10; aaat H of lot 8, Joha Kirk ley. $110; west u of tot 7. Fred L. Wrleht. $2.10: west H of .Ml, Fred L. Wright. $110, BLOCK Tm. lot 1, lAsaie 1. ncna, f4.u; 101 x, nr 17. WelU, Al.TO; Hit S. S. B. lICAipin. 4.VI tot A J. S. MeAlpln. $4.10; lot $. Benjamin F. and Phoebe J. Job neon, $4 : lot . Ben lamia P. and Phoebe J. Johnson. $4 20: tot 7, Jamie t. wan., sai; sut a, uxxie 1 Walla. $4.10. BLOCK 120. lot 1. Oregoa Rallrosd A KsrlgsUna Con-pane, $4.20: tot A Oregoa Railroad A Narlgatloa Company, $4.20; lot A Oregoa RaUroad A Navigation Company, $4 20; lot 4, Oregon RaUroad A Navlgatloa company, los o. iiregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company, 84.20; tot A Oregoa Rallrosd A NsvlgsUoa Company, $4.20: tot 7. Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatloa Oompany, $4 2: lot A Oregon Railroad A narlgatloa tompany, nixiv e. izi, tot C Oregon Ballroad A NarigaMon Com pany. $410; lot A Oregoa Ballroad A N.l iratlaa Camnanr. 84.20: lot 8. Greens Ball. road A Nsrigattod Oompany, $4.20: tot 4. Oregoa Hallroad A Navlgatloa Company, A4.20: tot B. Oreaoa Re timed A N.rtr.tlon Company, $4.10; tot 8. Oregoa Ballroad A Navigatloa Company, $4 20; tot 7, Oregon Railroad. A Navlgatloa Company, $4.10; tot S. Oregon Haiirood m nangatioa tympany, $4.20. BIOCK 123. tot 1. Oregoa Ballroad A Narlgatloa Cempany, $4.10; tot A Oregon Railroad A Navigatloa Company, $4.20; tot A Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatloa Cempany. $4.10: tot 4, Oraaoa Railroad A Navlgatloa Compeer. $4 20: Tot 8. Oregoa Ballroad A NevtgatloB Company, $4.80; tot A Oregon Railroad A NaT! ratios Comrmny. 84.10; tot ' t. Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatloa Company, . .4.2X1 : lot n, i Frag on naiiroau ax navigaiioa . Compaay. $4.30. BLOCK 123. tot I. La nr. M. Gsmmons, $4.10: tot A Laura M. Gam mons, 44X0! ll iTeernn w. iiiiietie, . A4.20: tot A Preston W. Gillette. $4.20: tot 8, Artbar 0. Church ley, 84.20; tot 8. Arthor a. Chnrcbley. 44. jo; lot i, lavestorr Mori rare Security Company, Ltd.. $4.20; lot A LIC I. Temnleton. 84.20. BLOCK 124. tot 1. Caroline Vantlue, $4.20; tot 2. Caroline Van. tine. $4.30; tot 8, Amanda W. Reed Batata. . . a a, ee. a-. A a .. a - a- ,1..1 n,UI VI, a-.." -, i. . a,u.avai,.B) . . . a-- , Raute. Hrtra of, $4K; tot 8, Carolina Van. ' tine. $; lot A Carolina Taatlse. $A2o; tot T, Carellao Van tine, $4 10) lot $, Care- 20. BLOCK 128. tot L let A A. J. Gleey, 14.30; aorth tt At tot 8. Joseph Nelleen. losepa nsiisen. S2.iu: eoath 14 of lot X. I A Aita and A R Tl Goldenbers. 13.10: tot A Ada and A. R. F.rmo, $4 .10; tot 1. Ore- son Mmrtsaga Company. $4.20; aoalh tot 8. Alice L. Bowen, $2.10; aorth . a,., a,, a. III. T' ' ' 7. "a tot A Cbartos Hoaghtoo, $1.10; tot T. II. F. and Flora U uarapeca. B4JSi; lot n. Dora B. aad UlUaa A. Da Land. $4.20. BLOCK 131, tot 1. JaUns H. Berger, $4.B; tot A Ide M. Berger, 84.20: tot 3, George S. aad Minnie LlTlosrstoa. $4.20; let 4. Martha Henahaw. $4.20H tot 8. A. U rpaoa, $4.20: tot 8. Fred S. Pierre, $4.20; wet AT feet of tot 7, Oermsa Ssrlng A Loaa Society, $2.40; east 87 feet et tot A Germaa Saving A Loaa Society. $2.40; weet 43 feet ef tot T, J. H. Briatow, $1.80; weat 4.1 fret ef tot 8. J. H. BrUtow. $L80. BLOCK 127. lot 1. William R. Drilkell, 84.30; tot A Willi. m B. Drle kail. $4.10; lot A Percy H. Birth, 14 20; lot 4. Frank and Loalas B. Bammella, $4.20; tot 8, WllUam B. priakaU, $4.20; - tot A William B. ln-l.kell, $4.80; tot T. Jesee H. Bettlemler. $4.10: tot 8. laaae Oemrta. 84.10. BLOCK 12. aaat T8 feet of tot 1, Leula Marott, $3. IB; west 18 feet ef lot 1. Hannah U Hardy. $1.08; weet 23 feet of lot A Han nah L. Bardy, $1.05; north H of eaat T8 feet ef tot A Mary Coleman. $1.66: eoath of net T8 feet of tot A Bridget Kennedy and John Kennedy Estate, Helre of, $1.65; tot A City of Portland, $4.20; lot 4. Coo ataace arid Fred Tillman, $4-30; tot A Mar. cue Boedy, $M.00; eoath H of lot 8. S.reh Cohn, $4.00; aorth ef tot A M. I. Moea, $4.00; tot T, Feeirth Preebyterlaa Cbarch, is.00; tot 8, ' Fourth Prssbyterlaa Cburrh, la. 00. ' BLOCK 128, lot 1. Fred Bpagele, $4 00: aorth 88 feet of tot 1 Leroy J. Bwlta lee. $4,741 aealh 14 faat of lot A Joha Mnlr. $2.28; aorth 41 feet of tot A Jha Mulr, $.T; south B feet nf tot 8, Varies.. B. Boyd. $1.80; tot 4. Marleaaa B. Boyd. $H.00; aU of tot 8 sxeept Oregon A California lull mad Corapany'e rlgkt of way, Naaela M. Starr, $A8: all af tot 8 except Oraaoa A California Ballroad Oompsay's right at way, Nannie M. atarr. $3 00; eeet et tot 7. Haanah McCarthy. $2. lot aeat of tot 8, Hannah McCarthy, 12.10; west H of lot 7. Mrs. Martin A. Etfera, $2.10; tot 8. Mrs.' Martla A. Elfera. $2.10. BLOCK 130, all of tot 1 except Oeegom A California Rail rued Company'a right of way, Charles C.rdl- , Bell, $.: tot A Fred W. ITeha, $4.: aa a CIMa a,.a. A 90. L.t a 4,a... M. Stark. $4 20; west Vk i tot t Alice R. W. later, $2.10; west H ef lot A Alice B. Weleter. $2.10; eaat t4 ef tot B. Robert Uringatooe, illo; eset H of tot A Bobert Uvtnastooe, $A10j eaat to ef lot T. Israel id kin Dautoff. 8310: east to of to. a . Israel and Mary Dantoff. $110; west u of lot T, r, A. iniy. jiuoiee. r nt; weet 4 af tot A P. A. Pair. Trnatee, $2.10. RlcK 131, tot 1. P. Byes, $00i ell f eon lb U ef tot B exreert Oregoa A CaUfnrala Rallmad Cnmpanys right of way, George N. W.lden, 8A40; all ef aorth tt of tot a except Oregon A California Ballroad Cmnnaay'a right of way, Tolly M. Ford, $2. all of tot 8 except feraa A CalUnrnia Railroad Cotn paay'e right af way, Philip Lawtaa. $V40; aU ot let t except Oragoa CaUIersia Aall- " tot 8, F. 1 Wrlgbt, $5.30; tot A J. W. ; n.jLa fteiiroaa A Navtcatloa Cempany, Bwaek Eaute, Halra ot. ; 110.00: tot f, J. J', jJTot 8 Orwo R.luWd Narlgatloa W. Sweek EaUte. Heirs of. $4.10; toi 8. i aj, M w, tot 1. Oregon fiaWYSWrkrUU' S "'C,4 ,Bi'OC,K AMN.ri,KCoT,4n?: U 114, tot I. George D. Wetfcln and B. !. e Wena Railroad A Narlgatloa Company. Kood, 84.20j tot A ttoorga I. W.tklns and l obot A Own nal'rMd A N.rlaitlon 14. D. Hood, 84.20 tot 8, Franklin Drake. R' li . 4 Oreaoa Kallrnad A 84.10: tot 4. Franklin Drake. $4 20; west . ."ff.tloa ConVt-ny MwTonVS et lot 8, Columbia Ueeetment Company No. :!.V"a kTJZ.KZJt-tZ. 84.20: lot I 2. 12,10; weet H of lot S, Oohtmbla Inreel- I r"STl. Vn-j V (..iniki ( maot Company No. A $2. 10; ae4-i of lot 1 Ji . tri-aVvre Blroa-1 A K.rlratlon 8, Mary Lent., $3.10; cast 4k Of tot ,Fr.., L 1 Ori-ii HillroiO A Mary Lents. $2.10; andlrldcd 4-8 nf tot 7.1 "fv. Vomnany $4. lAU-OCK 140. " tot Hannah Bloom. AI M: nndlrlded 4A of tot 8. rr''r,,,P" m?".V' ' . . . CTTT V0TXCKA Tried Compaay's right ef way, Philip Law. toa. $3.00; Mat 48 fact of tot 8 except Ore- goa A Call lor nla Railroad Company's right ot way, Kalella Smith. 12 IS; aaat 48 teet of .outa i feet ef tot 8 except Oregoa A California Railroad Compeer , right of way. Katella Smith, $0.$Oi weat 81 feat of tot Aexoept Oragoa A CaUfornls Railroad Com pany' right af way. minus M. Uragory. $A18; weat 81 feet of aoutb 20 feat of tot 8 except Oregon A California Ballroad Com. peny'e right ot wsy. WUIUm M. Gregory. $0.85; aorth 80 feet of tot except Oregoa A CsUfornls Ballroad Company's right of way, John H. Mlddletoa, 8A4U; all of tot T except Oregoa A California Railroad 1 Com, aanya right ef way. John H. Mlddletoa, $2.00; all of tot 8 except Oregoa A Califor nia Railroad Company a right f way. Glga M. tana. $2 28. BLOCK 132, tot 1. lAura Faalkea. 84.10; tot A Grant Paegley. $42u; tot 8. Alice J. Plimptoa. $4.: t A AU.-a J. PUmptoa, $4.; tot A Aona C, Baroft. 88.00; tot A Ida B. Gore, $8.00; lot J. B. V. Btraoa. $8.00; tot A B. F. atrana. $8.00. BLOCK 133, tot 1. Fred . Llla. 84.10; let A Fred Arilta. U : tot 8. WllUam T. rant, $4 20: tot A William Tarrant, $4.20; tot B. ttrat M. B. church. Trustee, f4l let 8, Flrat M. K. Church. Truataa . lot 7, Fred A. Lits. $4 80; tot A Fred A. Llti, $4. BUkTc 134. tot 1. AdaUns M. Uaderwood. $40; tot A '' I'noerwood. $4.10; tot A Nancy B. Atklasoa H-Batato,- Metre. oA- $410L tot 4. "aocy . . Atklneoa Eatlta. Helre or. ..'; . Sumner J. Barber. $4.20; lot A Sumner 1. , Barber, $4.10; lot f. WUIUm C. Barmar, i ' u, a' u.-ini.m o. Uarmar. $4.10. "BLOCK 138. ' aaat W ef tot 1. fraak Y. . Kchnrk. $2.10; eeet H of tot A FfauB X. ' Rchuek IA101 west , J- J.'.'A""' t .. Aid. Ht in. iL m.t Mt S. W 11 Uaa P. Olda,' $2.10; north of lot 3. A. B. and I.. Bnttner.' $1110: Booth H of "lot A Dan M W. Hoclhlag. $A10: tot 4. Daotol W. Hoe'J- ing, $4.aa! tot o, oeorge aioweu. e-i... -. i Geore btowelU $4.20; hit T. Alexander S. rattutie, f.-i; a, airoo . a -MX BTiU-k1 ! 1U WM.I Ufa feet Of tot li Mary J. -Keimee, $1.0B; eaat 78 feet ur tot 1. Anna HerraU. $3.18; tot 1. Colin C. Clr ria. $4.10; tot A M. W. Smith, $4.20; tot 4 if. W. "Smith. $4 .30; tot A M. W. Smith. 8420: tot A M. W. Smith, $4 10: tot 7, llenry Welnhard. $4.M lot 8. UrBtT"" ' hard. $4.10. Bfa5CK 131- tot 1. M. W. Smith. 84.20; tot 2. Smith, $4,20; Smith. 44.30: lot 4. M. w Smllh. $4.m:' tot A M. W. Smith. $4.i .tot AM. WrrSmltk.- tanj-rf-,1-- "li Si Smith. 84 10: tot A M. W. Smith. 84' Bl-OCK 188. tot 1. Oregon Ballroad A IJ.TI ...I.. IVmaan, 14 ! lot A OTCSOa &.H rra.H A Karleatloa Company. - $4.20) tot a wa.M n.iiaaan A NavleatteB Company $420; Tot 4. firegoa Railroad A Narlgatloa Company, , $4,801 lot A Oregon Ballroad A War nation tompaay, es.x'i " . 1 IkraavM Ratllrnai 84.201 tot A Oragoa Ballroad A Navigation Comoany. $4.10: lot A Oregon Ballroad A Narlgstloa tmpany, $4.10: . tot 4. Oregon Rallrosd A Naetgattoa Companr. $4.90; tot .. Oregoa Ballroad A Navigation Company. $4 20; let A Oregon Railroad Company. $4.10; Tot 1. Gr8.a. P"" ' Navlgatloa Company. $4.80: tot A OfTaon RaUroad A Narlgatloa . Company. 84. JO. BIICK 141. tot A tiregeu Ballroad A Navl gatloa Company, 84.20; tot 2. Or'gon Ball- '.'."lieari'Sf WaHHTflw'iw If'ltoSiT Helrff 4: tot 4. Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatloa 11 Eaute Uelra of. cnmpsBy.' $4.20: tot B. tieegon. Ballroad A Ma.l.ailna iviaMnr. 84.10: lot a. iwagon Rallrosd A N.rig.ttoa Company, $4201 tot V faMarna, llaaBM a. P B .la-BLlnal I DBI m II, . t i0; tot A, Oregon RaUroad. A Navigatloa nd Klla'-Fink';- $4.2r- tot- A - Rlekard sod 1 Ella Funk. 84.301 lot a, aiarroa marr $4.20; -tot 4. Martha Mary Taylor. 84.10; tot 8, Fred Spagele. 4 iai: lot rrea -pa-ax tmt lot I. John Mnlr. 84.80: lot A John Mulr. $4 10. BLOCK 143, tot I. Oregon Railroad ft pavigauoa .tunianr, ev.vt . 1. Oregon Railroad A Narlgatloa Company. $4 20; tot 3. Oragoa Railroad A Navigation Company, $4.; tot 4. Oregon Ballroad A X...I...I (vunnane. 14.20: tot 8. Oragoa Railroad. A Navlgatloa Company. $4.i hit A Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company. $4.20: lot T. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation company. as..ei mi e, ii - a.- e 14 m. RIJICIC 144. it e tot i ietee Glhea.1. 82. tO: weet u. of lot 2. Peter Glhonl. 82.10; east 4 ot tot 1. 8. M. Smith. $2.10; eeet V, of t , A S. M. Smith. $2.10; eaat 4 of tot 8. John Ken-ulan,; east ox fox v. rol.k, $ZI0; weat 4 of tot A JekB 9j Hart. a-, in. areat U of tot 4. Jnka P. Hsrt mss! $2.10; tot 8, M.ry 8. Mlddleton. $1.20: tot 8,TMary S. Mlddleton. 84.20; west of lot 7, Ignore 0. liregnry, il l", ea.x j oi tot t, Sadie A. Wrinkle. $2.10; eaat U at , lot 8, Hadle A. Wrinkle, $2 10: west H of tot A - Abeam Wiley, $A10. BICK 145. tot 1. Oregoa Rsllrosd A Navlgatioa Company. - $4.80; tot 2, Oregon Rallrosd A Narigatlea ComneBy. $4.10: Tot 3. Oregoa Ballroad A Narlgatloa Company. $4 20; kit 4. Oregon Railroad A Narlgatloa Company. $410; tot A Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatloa Company. $4.10; tot 8, Oregoa Ballroad A Narlgatloa Company. $4.1": tot T. Oregoa tUllrned A Navlgattos Company, $4.30: tot A Oregoa i Railroad A ' Navigation Company, 84.2H. "BLOCK let i.-Haiuaa ranoaume, lot a Uaillda Mandntane. 84.28: tot 8. Matll 'da Bandatone. $4.20; lot 4. Matilda Ke ad dons. $4.80; rot a, trregoa Kaiiroea navi gallon Company. $4.10; lot A Oregon Bail roan at navigatloa lampiny, ee.av. en ,, Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatloa Company. $4.20: tot S. Oregon Railroad A Narlgstloa Company, $410. BLOCK 14T. tot 1. lt-e M. AenlBwalL 84.10; tot 1 Sarah V.. Edith and Ramos I U CampheU, $4.); tot A Sarah v Litiik and Samuel L. Campbell. $420; lot A Sarah V., Edllh and Samnel L. Camp hell. $4.20; tot t. H. J. Thompaon EetaU. Helre ef. $4.30: tot 8. H. J. Thompeoa KaUU, Heirs or.; ran or snx i. Adam Catlln. $2.10; cart S ef tot 8. Adam Catlla. $2.10: arest 4- f tot T. Alliance Truat Cam pany ot Dundee. Beotland, fZIO; wrat Vt at tot 8. Alliance Trust Company of poadce, acotiana, e to. oiai. fv i-., all of cast'H ot tot i except Oregoa A Cell fnenia Uallroad Cotrmanr'a risht ef wey. Abraham Pllley. $1.T0; ell ef weet H ef lot f a.B.n Om-m A taallfnrnto Railroad Com- nany'a right of way.- Cyras Culpa n. $1.T0; alt of wortlr-H -of tot 1 except Oregoa A .' California Ballroad Company's right ot way. Harvey S. Green, $1.25; nil of eoath 14 of lot 3 ricept oregoa cantorni. tuiiroaa company a rtgnt ot way, lawrrom pirano. Sl-eai; ail ot an e wnrry oi,vn t wiiiir nla Railroad Company', rigbt of war. Law re oca Sir aad. $3.35; all of lot 4 except Oregoa A CaUnrnla Railroad Com pany'. right ef way. Lawrence Strand, Al; lot A. Lawrence Strand. $4.10; tot A Lawrence B aSWTTBCT H of tot 7. H et aaet $1.08; went Strand. $4-a"i aoath -4 ox east laaarrenee Strand. 81.00: north u. af In. 7 narrev 8. Greea. 81.08: Mi feet ef tot T. Harvey S. Green, $2.10: oast H of lot 8. Cyrus Cnlpsn, $2.10: weet AAf or lot a. Aoram iiiey. e i,xarx,n 148, lot I. ooa r. - sonx of tot A John P. Caplra. $A10; south of tot A William H. 8a t lor. 82.101 lot or lot z, William rx. out William H. Sax lor, 84.30; I ?4 ; eaat J4 of tot j. 2.10; eaat H of tot 8. AI0; weet H of tot S, William H. Sax lor, 14.20; lot 4, A. U Mill., rrru rt. rirroag, Fred H. Strong. Chrietonber Kauf. a , , n . ., lx. aa taaf S l-kriataaaaa Kanrmaa. 12.10; tot 7. Mrs. B. A. Osrens Adslr, $4.10: tot 8. Mra. B. A. Owen. Adair. B4.XII. B1AICB loll, mx 1. rremon w. Ull- lette, $2.08; tot 8. Mary Gillette. $2.(4; ntvth 40 feet of lot A F. D. Matthews. Trna tee. $1.85: aoath 10 feet ef tot A Walter Kletts. 80.40; all ef tot 4 except Oregoa A California Railroad company's rignt ol way, - Walter Kletta. 11.85; all of tot 8 west nf Oregoa A California Railroad Compaay'a right ef way. J. L'nger. $0.80; all ef tot ' 8 esst of Oregoa A California Railroad Com pany's right nf way, Walter Kletta. $0.30; aU ef tot 8 weet of Oregon A California Railroad Company's rigbt of Way, Adeline Wild. $0.10; ell of tot 7 waet ef Oregoa A Jallfornla Railroad Compaay'a rigbt of way, oh a B. Wild. $0.10; all of tot 7 eeet of Oregoa A California Railroad ' Compaay's right af wey, Josephlae O. Orerend, $0.00; all ef tot 8 east ef Oregoa A California Ball ' road Company's fight of way, Josephine G. Orerend, $1.00. BLOCK 181. lot 1. Oragoa - Railroad A -Navigation. Company.. $1U6; lot 2. Oregoa Ballroad A Navlgatloa Company, ' $2.05: tot S. Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company, $105: lot A Oregon Railroad A Navlgatioa Company, $3.05: lot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company, 13. OA; lot 8. Orrgoa Railroad A Narlgatloa Company. $3.05; tot T. Orrgoa Railroad A Naetgattoa Company. $105; lot 8. Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatloa Company. $2.05. BLOCK l2. tot 1. Edwnrd Knowlee. 82.03; smith 80 feet ef tot A Arthur B. Mrltreea, $0.80; north AO feat of tot A Joeepb C. Bayer. $1.25; aoath 28 feet ef north 87 feet of tot A Jaerph a Bayer, $1.18; north 8 feet of tot A Arthur B. McRreea. $0.35; aoath IS feet of tot A Pa Hook Irk. $o.6A: tot A Peter Ilobklrk. $2.05: tot 8. The Title Gnsrantee A Trust Company. $206; tot 8. The Title Guarantee A Trust Compaay. 8105; tot 7. Joseph C. Bayer and Peter ITobklrk. 32.05; tot S, Joseph C. Bayer and Peter Uohklrk. $205. BLt)cK 11. tot 1. Victor K. Strode, iiof,- tot A Kate Strode. $2.05; tot 3. Ferdlnasd Bartela. $lr; lot 4. FerdlnaBd Bartels. $2.05: tot 8, Oecer and Ijwr Bhat tnck, $2.05. a,j g Oecer and Lacy Hhst tnck. $2.(9: let T. Frank aad Mary Ilaeheney. .$103; tot A Phillip Gavorrs. 82 OB. BtsTK I5A tot 1. Ellssbeth A. Thompson, 42.05; . tot 1 KHaarietk A. Thompeoa, 12.05; lot A Jaawa R. -Thompeoa. $3.04: tot -4. James B. Tkimnasn. $1 0ft; Ut A Heaaah C Stew, art, $Jj lot A Uaaaak C Stawart,$X05; CITT V0TI0TS. tot T. Elisabeth A. Thomas, $205; tot 8. Elisabeth A. Tbomae, $2li5. ' BLOCK 1&A tot 1. Joha 0. Hoffman, $2.05; tot A J. Scbcrner, 82i; lot A Ell. C. S.bla. 12.05; lot 4, Ella C-Sabln. $2.08; tot 5. ohB Mulr. $2.05; tot A - A a ton ead Rose Bukowaky. $2,115; tot T. Jebn -Malr, 82.05; 1 , rot b, wuusm at. caoa. Trustee, f BLO:K IbA tot 1. Oregoa Ballroad A tisv!- . geuoa vompany, 43.0b; let s, iiregoa nsii rood A Nevlgatloa Company, $2.05; lot A Oregoa Railroad A Nsvlgsttoa Csmpany, , 82.uA; lof 4. Oragoa Ballroad' A Navigation Company, $2.05; lot 8. Oregoa Ballroad A Navlgatloa Company, $2.05; tot 6. Oragoa Hallroad A Narlgatloa Compaay. $306; tot 7. Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatloa Company. '- $2.( tot 8, Oregon Railroad Marlxatloa 1 Compaay. $3.05. BLOCK 157. tot 1, Oragun ' Railroad A Navigatloa Compaay. $106; tot . 1, Oregoa Ballroad A Navlgatloa Company. $2.03; tot A Oregoa Railroad A Navigation . Compaay, $2.05; tot A Oregoa Ballroad A Navigation Company. $2.05; tot 5. Oregon - Railroad A Navlgatloa Compear, $306: tot ; 8, Oragoa Railroad A Navlgatloa Company, 82.05; tot T, Oregon Ballroad A Navigation Company. $2.05; tot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navlgatioa Company, 82.05. BLOCK 16A kit 1. Oregoa Railroad A Narlgatloa Company, $A08; tot 1, Oregoa Railroad A Navigatloa Compaay. $2.05; lot A Oragoa Railroad A Navigatloa Company. $2.05; tot 4. Oregon Rsllrosd A Navigatloa Compaay. 12.06: tot 6. Oregoa Ballroad A N.Tli.tloa Company, - $308: Tot 8. Oreaoa RaUroad A Nartaatton Company,' $2.05; tot T. Oregoa Ballroad 4V .BTigsuoa vompeay, sa.wo; lot a, uregon : Railroad A Navlgatloa Company. $2.05. BU1CK 150. tot 1. Oregoa Ballnxd A Narl- gatloa Company, $2.06: tot A Oregoa Ball , road A Ksvtxatloe Company. $2.u6: tot A Oregon Railroad A Navlsatlea Company. $305; tot 4 Orrgoa Railroad A Navigation. lompany, 42.00; lot B. oregoa jtaiiroaa Navlgatloa Company, $3.08; tot 0V Oregon ' Railroad A Narlgatloa Company. $2.05; tot T. Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company, $204; tot S. Oregon Railroad A . Navigation . Compaay. $2.08, BLOCK 180, lot 1, Albert ' Pehreubech. $2. OK; lot A Albert Frhrenharh. ; $2.05; tot 3. Albert Fehrenbarh. $2.06; tot 4. Albert, Fehrenbach, $2.05; kd 8, Albert Fehreabact,. $2.05; tot 8. Albert Fehneibeeh, . I2.U6; :at 7. Albert Frbrenbach.1 $2.06; tot n, Aioert -reBreBOaoa, BlilCB. lot. -tot I. Catherine W. Owena.. 12.00: tot A Catherine W. Owens, $X06; tot A. Elraa Sherwood. $2.08: tot 4. Elena Sherwood. ,82.08; lot A. Henry Becke, 82.08; lot A t a... Bl.aa.k an MC . t . . a. T a. Kl.l V. . ij it , 11 in. 11. aevv. an i , iim ir i.v. . - $2,0(1: tot 8. Episcopal Fand of -the Protestant Kpteeop.1 Ckttrvh of the IMoccae of Oregon, Trustee. $2.05. RLOCK 182. tot 1. Ferdl- ' annd B.rtalls, 43.06: tot A Ferdinand Bar. telle. 82.05: lot 8. Coriaao B. Wood. 4305: tot 4. Oeieee B. Wood. $2.05; tot 5. Jacob Kamm. $2. oil; tot 8. Jacob Kama. 82 08; tot 1. aopnie Button,; mi s. Bopoie nai ton. $2.05. BLOCK 183, The Home. $18.40. BLOCK 104, lot 1. The Borne, $2.06 tot A , The Home. $2.08; tot. 8, The Home, 12.05; tot A The Home. 82 06: Int A The Home. $2.05; tot 8. The Home. $X0B: tot 1. The Home. $2 06: lot A The Home. $305. BLOCK 105. sit of lots 1 and 1 west of Oregon A California Railroad Company'a right of way, Joba and Barbara Wild. $0.25; all of ' tot 1 lying east ef Oregon A CaUfomla ' 1UI1 . road Compeny'a rigbt ef way, William L. Greco. $0,110: all of aorth 2n feet of tot 1 t lying aaet of Oroaoo A California . Bsllreed Compaay a right of aray, Wiillam L. Green, $0.85; all ef aoath a feet, ef tot 3 lying eaat of Oregon A California Ballroad Com- tany'a right of way. I'Boce 8. Gregory. 11.20: ell ef tot 8 lying weat ef Orexoa . A ISrlfiicnla Railroad Compaay'a rigbt ef way, John aad Barbara Wild, 80.70i ell of tot 4 lying waet of Oregoa A California Railroad Company'a right of way, John and Barbara Wild, $1.3,1; tot 8, Jamee N. Fulll. , Tore. $2.06; tot A James -N. Fulltleew, $2.05; tot 7. A. F. Jieunert. $2.05; tot 8. Jacob l'nger. $2,105. BLOCK loo. lot 1. Boae K.minaky, $3.08; tot 3. Raee Kamlnsky. 82.uO: lot A J. 0. noffman. SAW: tot A William F. Holta. $2.05; lot A Matthew , Raldt. 1305; tot A Joseph Baaee. $2.05; tot 7. Portland Trnst Compaay. $2.06; tot A . hi. B. Rile. $2.05. BLOCK 18T. aeat U of tot I, J. C. Alaaworth, $1.00; eaat H of lot A 4. v. Ainswiarin, 1 no; west H et mt 1, Ney Chucrhman. - 81 ft waat 14 aMst l, . Ney Churchman. 81.00: all ef lot 8 except xiregoa as lanrornia lunroaa tompaay a rixbt ef way. Alllsa-e Truat Company, 81.85; . nil of tot 4 except Oregoa A California Rail road company, right of way. Joba A, Bluet. $1.25; all ef tot 8 except Oregoa A California Railroad Comoanr'a rlxbt of war. WllUam ' J. Lrhlgh Eaute. Heirs of, $1.45; sll of lot a lying west er Oregon e. ralirnrniu Ball road Comoanr'a right of war. WllUam J, lohlgh Batata. Heirs of. $08: all ef lot 8 lying eaat of Oregoa A CaUfornla Ballroad Compaay'a right of way. Alliance Traat , Company. $0.05; .U of lot 7 lying weat ef Oregoa A CaUfornla Rallrosd Caoipssy's right of way. WllUam J. Lehigh Batata. H.lra of. $0.10; all ot tot T. tying eaat nf Oregoa A California Railroad Company's right ef wsy, W. F. Wlegand. $0.80; all of mi a except oregoa California Haitraea " Company right of wey. w. v. wtrgund. si-ax. mice. ion,- mt 1.- iTestea w. un let le, $3.05: lot 2. WUll.m II.- Churchill. $2.06; tot 8. Mellnda K. Morgan, $2.05; tot , 4. Mellnda B. Morgan, $8.08; lot 8, Mellnda 7 K. Morgan, $3.06; tot A, Mellnda B. Morgan. 8305; lot T, Preston W. Gillette. $2.06; tot a. i-reatoa w. i.lllette, axon. B1XM.K. ins. mt 1, ii. c. i-eiton.; mt z. v. v. l ei toa. 82.05: lot A C.lherine W. Owena. $2.05: lot 4, Catherine W. Owena, $200; lot 8. David Stearns. $3.0Sr tot 8. David Stearns. $2.05; n 7. Portland Truat Company of Oregoa, $3.08; lat 8. Portland Truat Oara- peny of Oregoa. $2.08. BIX1CK I TO, aa dlrlded at nf lot t. ClemUna aad Iydla Kodncy. $1.55; andtvldad of lot A Clem Una and I.ydla Hod tier, $1.65; undivided of tot A Clemtlde and Lydla Rodney, 11.55; aadlrlded of tot 4. Ctomtlne nnd Lydla -Rodney, $1.55; nndlrlded 14 of tot 1, Han nah K. norria. so.sui amurioea 01 lot H.anah R. .Morris. $0.8n: nndlvlded t4 lot 3. Haanah B. Mocria, $0.50; nndlrlded 14 of lot 4. Hannah A Morris. $040: tot - A G. W. and Margaret V. AUea. $305; undivided ef tot 8. Clementina end iJdla Hod ney, $15; nndlvlded V of tot 7, Clem entine aad Lydla Bodaey. $1.55: nndlvlded nt kH x. Clementine aad Lgrdts Bodaey, $1.86: BiHtlvided 14 ef tot 8. Hannah B. Morris, 80.50; undivided H of lot 7. Haa- . nab K. Morris. .80.80; nndlvlded 14 or tot A Haanah B. Morris. $0.80. BLOCK 171. tot 1. Oragoa Railroad A Narigatlea Company, $2.05; lot A Oregoa Railroad A Nevigetioe Company, $2.05; tot 8. Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatloa Compaay. $3.05: lot 4. Oregon Rallrodd A Navlgatloa Company. $2.06; tot - 8. Oregon Ballroad A Narlgatloa Company, $206; tot 8. Oregon Ballroad A Navlgatloa Company. $3.06; Tot T. Orrgoa Rallmad A Narlgstloa Compaay. $306: tot 8, Oregoa -Railroad - A Navlgatioa Company, 8X06. - BLOCK 17A tot 1. Oregoa RaUroad A Nsrl- gattoa Company. 83.08; tot-A Orcgn-Ball road A Navigattoa Compaay. $2.06: lot A Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Oompany, $3.05; tot 4. Oregon Ballroad A Navigattoa Compaay, $306; tot B. Oregoa Railroad A Naelgatiaa Company, $3.06; tot 8. Orrgoa . Railroad A Navlgatloa Company, $2.06; tot 7. Oregon Railroad A Navlgatioa Company, $308; tot H, Oregon Railroad A NavlsaUoa Company, $A05. RLOCK 173. lot 1. Oregon Railroad A Navigattoa Company. $2.05: lot 2. Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company, $205; tot 8, Oregoa Ballroad A Narigatlea company. $3 05; tot 4. Oregoa Ballroad A Navlgatloa Company. $2.08; lot A Oregon Ballroad A Narlgatloa Company. $305; lot -B. Oregoa- Bsllreed A Navlgatioa Caseapeny, : $305; Tot 7, Oregoa Ballroad A Navlgatloa 1 aaaa. in a n s.iiauj a Navlgatloa Company. $105. BI.OCK 174 tot 1, oregoa nauroaa m oevigsiioa impsny, $A05; tot 1 Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatloa Comoany, $2 06 1 tot A Oregoa Railroad A Navigatloa Company. $2.05; tot 4. OrngriB Railroad A Navigatloa Company. $2.08; tot B, Oregoa Railroad A Narlgatloa Company, $2.00; Tot A Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company, $3 08; tot T. Oregoa Railroad A Navigatloa Company, $106; tot 8, Oregoa , Railroad A Navlgatloa compear, $ioa BLOCK 178. tot 1. Oregon Ballroad A Navl gatloa Company. $106; tot 2. Oregon Ball road A Navlgatloa Oompany, $105; tot A Oreaoa Railroad A Navlsatloa Cottmanr. $105; tot 4. Orrgoa Railroad A Navlgatioa Compear, $105: lot 8, Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company. 83 08: tot A Oregon Railroad A Nevlgatloa Company, $108; tot 7. Oresoa Railroad A NavlgaUoa Comoany. $3.05: tot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Coarpaav. giqo. block its. tot 1. c. k. Boell. $108) tot A John Mnlr. $105; tot A John Mulr. $105; tot 4. Joha Mulr. -$105; lot 8. Joha Mulr. 32.06; lot 8, Juha Mulr. 8108; tot T. John Mnlr. $108; lot 8. C. B. Beell. $105. BLOCK ITT, tot 1. Ida MeCabe Taiwell. $108; tot 3. Ida Taawell. $106; tot A John Malr, $2.03; lot A Joha Mnlr. $106; tot AJuha JluUv $10&itot A John Mnlr. $106; tot 7. Joba Mnlr. $2.05; tot 8. George Taawell. $2.uA. BUrCK 17. undivided W of tot 1. G. G. Gammon.. $1.00; undivided ti of tot A tl. G. G.mmooa. $1,011-, andlvided H ef lot A O. G. Gammons. $1.05: nndlvlded 14 of tot A G. A. Gammons,; amllvided i ef tot 8, U. G. Gsmmsna, 81.05; undivided H of tot A G. G. Gammons. 81.00; ' undivided ef lot 7. G. G. Gammons, $1.05: .undlrhVd ti of tot 8, G. G. Gammon.. $1.00; nadlridcd S of tot 1. JaaMS aad Edith Gam mons, $1.00: undivided 14 ef tot 1 James aad Bdlth Gammooa, 31. 1; nndlvlded S of tot A Jamaa and Bdlth Gammona. $1.0O; nndlvlded H of tot 4, James and Bdlth Gam mons, 31.06: sadirided H of tot 8. Jamee and Edith Gemmona. $1.00; aadlvided 4 ef tot A Jamas and Bdlth G a memos. $1.05; nndlvlded S ot tot T. James and Edith Gam mona. $1 "0; andlvided S et, tot . Jnmee aad Edith Oaauacue. $l.ofl. PI.OCK IT, tot 1. Samuel H. VYrena. $2 08; lot A J. T, Cms. 82.05; aoutb H of tot A Annie A. Breck, 81.08: Berth H ef tot A Annie Brack. 31.00; tot 4. Annie Brec. $108; let 8. Tkamaa ScHaelder, $2.05; mirth V ef tot' A Jiweph Beet. $1.05; eoath to ef tot A I'. A Grant Martpum. 81.00; let 1, Trmrooo Bovd. $205) tot 8. Tbomas Boyd. $106. BIM K lao. all of tot 1 Irlng east of Oregoa A Cali fornia Aa'iroad C- ny's right of -war. li.... Owner. all of tot 1 lying weat a . r - - a A fai-'ienia Ballroad (Ism-aes- : 1 t 1 1 v ', frautea W. Cltleiu, CTTT K0 ' i. ekaaaBaaaaajae $01: all of tot 1 lylsg weet ef 0 talltorau Ballroad Company's r jt 1 I'rreioa W. Glll.-lte. $i.u'i; eii ef lying waat f or, a( A California ' -Ceupsuy'e tight of wsy. Prveum . latla. 11.45: all ef lt a la-la, a.., A C.llfornl. Railroad Csnip.uji'. r wsy, 1'ieeton W. Gillette, $i.7u; tot b. 1 ton W. Glllctle, $lu; tot A Pres . IfHIetto. $1U5; lot 7. Preetea W. G. $104: tot 8. .Preatoa W. Gillette. 1 .. . BLOCK 181, lot 1, C. . poaabue, $20..; l..t AC. R, Donahue, 82.UA; tot A Ki. n W. GilletU. $lu6; tot A Preeton W. t- ettc. $103; lot A, Charlaa B. Dunahae. Bit.; tot 6, CharUa B. Iionahue, $luA; tot 7, ti vlra B. Donahue,. I1U6; tot A Charlaa R. Laoa huS. $106. BLOCK lbl ' tot -t. CharVe E. d. mwu. fawi mix a, vnariee a. c. ,oeu $105; tot A. Charlee B. H. Wood, $1.40; kit 8. Charles B. A Wood. $1.40; tot TV Charles K. A Wood, $105: tot A Charlaa K. S. Weed, $106. BLOCK MA let 1. Amaada W. Bead estate. - Heirs ef, 41061 tot 2. iauaa. W a. -. , t I . . . , A. . 1 . a. a 1 .1 a,Wia nvira ea.w, tot A. Amanda W. Bead Eaute. Heirs of. . $L4u; tot A Amaada W. Bred EsUU. Heirs of, $1.40; Int 7. Amanda W. Rood Batata. Helre ef, $2.06; lot k, Amanda W. Bed ' Batata, .lairs of, $lu9. BLOCK 1A4. tot 1. rreetea W. GilletU. $186: tot A Hreatoe W. GilletU. $206; lot A Preatoa W. Gil. iette, $1.40; tot A Preston W. Gillette, $l.uft; : tot T. PraatoB W. tlllletu. 11.T61 tot . I ; Preatoa W. GlUette. $1.1. BLOCK 1 S3, tot i rrans una nary naeaaer, axis; era Frank and Mary Hacknay. $106; . kit A Frank and Mary Hackney. 81. TO; - lot A Frank and Mary Hackney. . 8I.TU;. tot T, Frank sad Mary Hsckaey, $AU6; kit A Frank and Mary Harknet. $108. BLOCK ISA lot 1. Joba Mulr. $106; tot A Joka Mulr. $106; tot 3. Joha Mulr. $1.70: tot A Joka Mulr, $1.70; tot 7, Joba Mulr. $2.05; tot 8; Joha Mulr, $2.06. BLOCK 17.. lot 1. Joha Mulr, tlut; lot 1 John Mutr. $105; tot A Joha . Mulr. $1.70; tot A Joka Mulr. ,$1.T0; lot 7. Joha Mulr, $106; kit 8. Joha Mulr. $10A BLOCK lm. tot 1, Oregoa Railroad A NavlgaUoa Company.. $105; I04 m. ursBRuag nsHnan m iBVigauoaX t-Vaaponj. $106; Tot A Oregon Ballroad A Navigation Cempany. $1.70; lot 8, Oregoa Ballroad A Navlgatioa Company, $1.70; lot 7. Oregoa Ballroad A Narlgatloa Compsny, $108; tot A Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company. J loo,: BLOCK 1, log 1,' Oregoa Ballroad Narigalloa Company, $106; lot iV Oragaa Ballroad ' A Navixatloa Comnany. 8108: tot 3, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, 1. 10; lot A oragoa Railroad ajav.gst.oa ay.-81.701 - tot 7. Oraaoa RaUroad. A Navigattoa Oompany, $1(B; tot . Oregoa aiiroeo a navigatloa lompeoy. axoa. alltUT BTRKET TKUHAACKB of City ot Pert. . l.nd. Orrgoo BLOCK A. tot 1. Tbomae W. JeukUw, $1.85; tot A Tbomae W. Jenkins. . $106; lot 8. Tbomae W. Jenkins, $106; tot 4, Tbomas W. Jenkins, fli; lot A Themes W. Jenkins, $A1A: tot A Themes W. Jen. kins. $105; tot I, Tbomas W. Jenkins, $180; lot 8, Tboaus W. Jenkins, 8145; lot 8, Thomaa W. Jenkins, $2 46; tot 10, A. l. r Wlltoughhy, $2 30; tot 11. Thomaa W. Jew. kins. 82.40. BLOCK B, lot 1. Mary Jen kins. $1.70; tot A Julia B. Clark, 8180; tot A Ida li. Stokss. $110; tot 4, Thomaa W. Jenkins, $136; tot A Thomaa W. Jenklna. $115; tot. 8. Thomas W. Jenklna. $UI6; tot ' 7. Joaepb Cbarfentaer, $LTl; tot A M. B. Smith, . $1.80; tot 8. M. B. Smith. $1.80. iUM:K-V-to 1. Nerhau Coy, $l.XO! tot ' Nath.a Coy. $106. blxK'K D. weet 11 feet of tot 1. liOBwr V. Woodworth. $0.40; weet 31 feet of tot A Homer V. Woodworth. $0,411; cast 127 feet of tot 1, Thomas Schneider, $180; eset 127 feat of tot A Tbomas Jlehnet. der, $lou; lot A Thomas Schneider. 81.05; tot 4, Tbomae Schneider, $1.88; tot 8, T. T. Barkhart, $10A A tract ef toad' lying betweea two ltaee roanecUrely to feet and 130 feet eoath of and parallel with tba eouth line of Lowell avenue and Between twe Uara respectively 100 feet aad 1X7 feet weet of aad parallel with tba weat Uaa af Pint street, Thomas Schneider, $0.88. - A trer". et lead tying between the soutk Una af Lowell avenue aad a Una 80 feet aoath ef and parallel therewith and betweea the west line of First street end a Una 100 fort west of aad parallel therewith. T. Z. Barkhart. $L30. All of tots ssd 7. block D, First Street TarraoeaClty . ot Portland. Oregoa, lym ying south ot a lino Bo feat aouth ef and parallel with the south line ef Lowell evenue end west of a line 1ZT feet weat- af ana parallel with the weat Una of rirxt a treat, Uaawr ' V. Woodworth, 11.20. PI RUT -STB EET TEKBACltS, City af Port laod. Oregon BLOCK D. tot 8. Homer V. Wood ' worth, 34.86; tot 8. Homer V. Woodworth. II TO; lot 10. Homer V. Weodworth. 815; lot 11, Homer V. Woodworth, 11.46. BLOCK K. tot 1. Frederick A. Waiimle. 81.10: tot A Frederick A. Wslpole, $1 in; lot A Fred- ' erick A. Walpole, $1.30. BLOCK P. tot I. Frederick A. W.tnola. $1.80; tot A Fred erick A. Walpole, $1.80: tot 8. Frederick A. Walpole. $UlA; tot 4, Frederick A. Walpole, $110; tot A Frederick A. Wslpole, $106. PORTLAND HOMKaiTEAD BIAH.K 1. aoath ' 88 feet of aartb 150 feet of tot I. Thomas a, a? a, aa. ...... . u, l J Inlted SUtae Fidelity A G oar an tee Com pany, $4.50; Berth 104 feat ef south 154 ' feet of lot 1, A. Gertrude sad Julia K. Mark!. $180; aoatk 80 feet of lot L James and Kau B. Peterson, $1.75; eeet TO feet ' of tot A Jamee Colli aa, $4.80: aorth 60 feet af aoatk ion feet of west 100 feet ot tot 'A IAI R. Stakes, $105; aouth AO feet of west 100 feet ef let A IsolM M. Foster. - $108; aorth Ad.feet af west 100 feet of lot . A Mrs. B. Wleprecbt. Ilkot lat A Joaephlna (.-rocker, $100 BLOCK A tot I. Barbel ' L. Kay, tIAOu; lot A Pertlaad Treat Com- Kay ef Orrgoa. $14.00; tot A portlaed Truat mpany of Oregon, $18.00; lot A School District No. L $10.00. BLOCK A siibdl vision 1 ef tot 1. William T. Nutting, 8120; eubdlrieloa 8 ef tot 1, Aaaie Nutting, 1: anbdlrisloa 8 ef tot 1, A. Wolf, il.tai; suhdlvleloa 4 of lot 1, J. Schmidt, tl.fW: . aetKllvistoa 8 of tot 1, V. K. Strode, ll.oi); . aubdlvlaloa 8 of lot 1, V. K. Strode, $1 no; ' eubdlvtaloe T nt tot I. Edger K. and Annie T. Ooureea. $165: subdtvtsloa 8 o hit 1. Edger B- and Annls T. Courses. $158; soto : division 1 of tot A J. Henry Srhade. $lki; aorth H of sabdlvlatoa 8 of let 2. Caroline Elmer, $L10; eoath u of s llvialeo 8 ef tot A Vareaa Bollinger, t u; eubdl. siatoa 8 of tot A Michael Burlnt. flft-t; enbdlriatoa 4 ef tot V II. B. Noble, 81.55; euooiviaioa e ox ni a, iimin" eiaev, .aubdlvlaloa 8 ef lot A. Albert Thompsoa; 11 eA; subdivl.loa T ef tot 3. C. K. BoeH. $ J .v.; eundlvtaioa 8 nf tot 2. Irancee U Mace, 31.55. MOVER'S SCBDIVialONS of Lot A Block 3. Portland Homestead BLOCK S, sabdlvlatoa 1 ef lot A Soeea C. Butler. $1.30; aubdlvlaloa 1 of lot 3, Marx Allstack, $1.20; anbdvislon 8 ef tot 8, Leula Kraettner, $1 .10; outwit. I 1 A -e 1 . a T-h. Ulaa ai no mmK.!!.' vtalon S of tot A ioaerh I'rbaurk, $1.60: auh. SI visum a -ox mt a, 4oscpn t muucu, anhdlvtsloa T af tot A Joseph 1'rosav-S. oubdirislea Aef to! 2, Joseph Crbauck. anbdivialon 8 ef let A Loals Kruettaer. enbdlrtalua 10 of lot A Ftoreaca I', Cook, 81.30. POBTLANO HOMESTEAD Subdrvxstoa A ef tot 4. Bra. W. Barteh. $1.W: eabdiriatoa M ef lot 4, Bra W. Burtch, $1.80; anbdivlatea C ef tot 4, Julia A. I Irlrh. $1.00; aandtvlatoa D of lot 4. Ftore J. Iiolaoa, ALSO; subdivision B of tot 4, Julia tkirb, $110; anbdlvlaloa F ef lot 4, Julia 1 irlrh. $1B: enhdlvinloa O of tot 4. Bva W. Bortrh, $110; eubdl. vision H ef tot 4. Bvs W. Burtrb. $110. BI.OCK A aoath 80 feet of aubdlvlaloa A nf tot 1, Cyrus B. llowtott, $0.38; aoatk BO) feet of aubdlvlaloa B of tot 1, Cyrua E. -llowletf,-$1.10; north $0 feet ef auodlvlatnn - A ef tot L Ch.rlee W. Cat tell, $0.10: north 80 feet of snbdlvtaloa B of tot 1. Cherlea W. Gotten, $1.U0: wwt 10 feet nf eundlvlelon C ef tot 1. Charlaa W. Cottel!. So. 18; eaat - 100 feet ef snbdlvlsloa C et tot 1. Mary . B. MarahsU. 11.78; aoath $ fret of weet 10 feet ef eubdlrlalea 0 of let 1. Cyras It How lett, $0.06: aorth $74 feet af weet. 10 feet of eubdlriatoa 0 of let 1. Char lea W. CotteU. $0.05; amrthTVi feet of eeat " 100 feet of anbdlvtaloa D ot kit 1, ylarr B. Marahall, l.30; aoath 88 feet of eaat 100 feet of nbdlrialoa D ef tot L WllUem J, Kelly, $1.45; sabdlvteioa B ef tot 1. J. B. Jrnkel and H. Maadevllle, $1.00; auh- '- drriaioa F of tot 1, Frank Scfcwarbach, 8L80; west SO feet of eubdlvlalea U of tot I. Patrick Marray, $0.T0; east 80 feet ef west 80 feet of eubdlvl.ion O ef lot I, - M. Everest, $0.28; eest 00 feet ef eehdl vleion O of lot 1. Gran villa C. Ruff. $l.lo; ; east 80 feet of anbdlrletoa U ef lot 1, Grsn vllle 0. Raff. 81.101 weet 80 teet of sob. dlvlatoe H et lot I, Joha Beaaett. 10. 7u; ' tot A Bra Melllag. $14.00: eubdlvietou A of tot A Sank W. aad B. W. Fisher, A1.811; ' enhrfivtaloa R af tot A Sarah W. and B. W. Plaber, $0.80; eontb to feet ef enndlvl 1 etoa B ef tot A Sarah W. and B. W. .'liner. 80.80; aoath xu - leei ox saoaivimoa u 01 tot A Sarah W. aad M. W. Fisher. $4-: nerlh 8 fart af autaUvl.loa B ef tot A Aiired F. Scera, jr., suwia; norm 0 xeex ox eur---in. etna Q of tot 8. Alfred F. Sears. Jr., 4J. In; enhdlvtatoa J of tot Alfred F. Bears. Jr . to 75; eubdl ii el oa D ot tot 8. Alfred t. Hear, Jr., $o.T8; snbdlrielon B ef tot A. LoalM E. Praap, $0.T5; anbdlrlaloo F of V tt TV w. war tts. 8H.TA; eHlMllrleloe w. wits, si-ia: su' ston If of tot A Josephlae Krettlger. bdtvlstoa I ef tot 8, Jaeepbins Krst B1.T.-1: anhdlvtsloa J. of tol ,'i, C. W. 1 $1.75; aubdlvlaloa K of tot A C. W. L. 8H.T3; autHllvtoloa L af lot $. Geary - Watts. $0.;6: subdivision M ef tot 3. t ' W. Watts, $0.75; snbdlvtetos N of 1 - Loom. E. Praap. $0lT5; sutxlirlstoa O . 1 Alfre.1 F. Sears. Jr., $u.T8; a-i P of tot $, Alfred F. Sears. Jr., suhdlvlaloa A ef tot 4. Mecehae.' Bank nf Portland. Tl tot 4. Merehanle' .V.Uonel y ' lo TO; anrMtlvlaioa C of 1 $0,711; anlidlvtaioa D wf t $11. TO; anbdiviaion B e' to To; ant-:'va-i4 r . iii.Bl; an 1' : $0 Be; a .e, fa-U, r.t -r. f t.ani fr.r" 4. J ' a Vt 4, M ef ! it I ei.oi; 81.65: $1.55; Bl-Ho;