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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. 'MARCH 3. KZZ. " 13 rxorouB xxLxraon oedotajicx. 'Aa iHmm graattag to Charlea E, Baan . Us Miam'i and MUtat, Uw right, prlve. leg w narUH Co erect pete ana string wire cables Itoim, to ewmcl uni-r ",- grvuad conduits ud Bsnanlot. and to lay wires . Bad oabxaa ia nose, ground rears! u ,, Bad through manholes, a ad to stretch wires . , aad rahhM along, over, apea aad acroro tar "Sv.'- ttrertt. alley, avenues and publia places t xag m ' ill at Feruase, tor uw inauuMm. , a nasiis. signs la, exueeruatloB snd IntelU - evare, through aad aver said wiree and ce . hlea he ariai af esrexriclty. aad ta construct, eatebllah. aualn aad lastall a trereheat aad ' triagraia. ayatea aad to conduct a general " ' uirpaoae od telegraph bantu oa wlthla ta ' .,1. aald taty at rurtiano. aaa ruing ua ai -' p. aaa Una ta ba paid therefor. . The Olty at Pertlaad does erdata ss folio we: " Brcttoa 1. That Chartee K. tmaaer. bts eue. Mam aad asslgne, n) aad be la hereby graatr the right, privilege aad fraachiae ta erect . polos, with the Beceesary supports, crow-arsis . and flitere. aad string wlrea aad ceblee .-. there a. aad to ceaatruet Bsdergroeud eondnits ' kugether with tha necessary aunbolee aad ether etipUanrea. and to lay, place aad atretrh wlrea 'and cable therein, along, over, apoa. ander ' , and arrom Uw streetn. alleys, (man aad public pierce of tee City, of Portland (or Uw i. traaurlastoa of eouBds. signals, ceaversetloa i ami tatelugeace. through aad ever aaM wlrea aad rabies v means of electricity, tad to oa ttrart, eeutiHsh, equip aad loatali a tele. - ehoee ad telegraph eyeless, aad to enadart a ruvnl IrMww -d rrlreraph- analaaaa wltbla ."Tha aald City f Pnrtlaad; BitTtdd. and thli Iraaniiba .ta-Tantod uiina maillllna tbat Uw rhihaa iratoia reaatrwtrd ahall ba rbal ' . ) knows as iba aaUMnaUc ayalra attailar ia kind to tba aatnUMUc tek'pbotM ajrata-m im ia oparaUua and oat la Uw Citf of (wa ' Plrao, Hull t California. . Bxc S. Hald craatap, bl ancraaaora and aa alfna akail conatruct Uw said underaroand wra - , auur la auparwn aau u.."nw vi Uw limiln Bnaid ar aUwr aroaarlr aauatl- ,(BtMl aalkorllT of aa Ottf at PorUaad. .. Wttbta tba flra Uattta at tba aatd fltT of rorUaad. aa tba aaaw rilawd aa tba t 4m al rbnmrr, l- Uw fTaatfj be u . ahall plaaa, UlS. maaitala aad apirata kia main tuw wlna and aUwc raadartara la andrraraand ' inaialtB aad ntaaa, and abail abv wllhia arvra ,jaia tmm Uw data at approval al tbla ordl--aaara raawaa kla awia Una wlna tram Iba atrerai aad alb-ra wttaia Uw UailU bwirta aw Kanat aad Mill atraata aad raanlas Uwuoa -- - MMrlT aJaaar Stark axia amen to Tbirtaaatb atraati boa aairtb- trl akavr TblrtoaaUl atraet ta imj taaaea aaatarlr ab lana irawa; siraei ia r treat aad tbaranftar aaid wiraa ahall ba auia- Italaad and awialad ia aadargroaad caadnlta iaad.aipaa wttaia aald dtntrlct. All aacnaary - ha mtmAm tram aarb ill a B dartara. aad wttb aaeh awaan. apparataa and aDBllaaraa aa but ba iwialalta: Hald jrraataa iaball flw wttb Uw Aadttar af tba Ctu of alaaa In aBDllrato af aU caadalta vajanhotaa, dbrtrtbotiac potoa and aU otbar ean- aii ai ibama ui ipun 11 wiuua iaa nam atraata. allew. nlawwaTa aad pablla atooaa af ; iba aald ettr. ba aacb far and datail tba mUarulra Board or otbrr prop-rlr roootltntod aataaritf wj raaolra aad apprara ta wrltlna. , and all rltia and rbanaaa ahall ba ladl ratad tbarata. Barbae tba aatlra wark at eun Htraettoa lUbarWd hj thU franrbiat aa la. aaacuw bmlt ba aapaXatod mr tba ttomtl-n .Hoard or atbar pramrrtj eoaaUrard aatborlnr ta a- tbat aU tba trrma aad raadltiaaa ot Ula fraaHilaa ara atrtrtlr caafanaad to. AU aalra larartad baraaftar by Tlrtar at tbla franrhlaa and Jcraat ahall caafani la Irajrtb and tba wtraa tli.. ana shall ran in haiirht to tba rraaaaabla ruwa aad raMrnnUaaa aaaatod br aald EarmtlT rd. Said crantca. hht anarraanra ar awliaa aaaU not raamara tba aowa aftar Imra brlna bf from aaa WcaOua to atiotlwr naiaa -Brittf4 aa to da br tha said RraratlTa Board ar atbar arrpwly coaatltartad antbarltr. I Prartdoa. tbat aatblnc la this atlaa aaa. talnrd shall ba ranstrad aa prahlMUr tha City of rartlaad or tba Coaortl tbaraot mm. ai ' Wrnrr ararrJalnc Its anltea powar to raaalra Uw aula Una wlraa of tha frantoa tn aa awroa to am. m"7 - . iJ -rw araawod that aarh poll fa aowar .ahall not ha aaanbwd aaeaat br ordlnaaas ap. , pHrabw allro to all tawpoaiw aaw nwanai wt and r-la. ' rlrc. E That trapa -or Banbolra mar ba con atrartad aloes tha Itua at aaid condnit for tha " purpoaa of affurdint aot-asa thareto, prorlded . rhat aald traaatur nmnbawa saau aa rnaatraetad ta eaaormlu with Uw Inatractlaas and to tba satbrtaetlaa t tba Bxaratrra Board or otnrr aroparlr ooaatltatad autbnrltr af aald rrty; aaid trans ar anabotas ahan ba aa edpard and orrrarad aa to ba Ouah wttb tba aarfar. af tba atrsat aad not to latarfara la anjr waj with tba sat of aald atraata for trsrel ar -traffic . - " ' Bee. d. Tba aald araataa, hW aaoeasaors and v aasiffna. mar, aodar tha dlrortioa of tha Kxaca- tlra itoard ar atbar propari aonatinitaa aa thorltr af Uw Clt of Portland, waka all a sasary auaawtlaaa. 1a any part of tha aald irwsta. allars. or pwblie plarra. tor tba hor poaa of arartlnd and Mlntalakac polaa aad - Ttlwr aapanrta for his i or tbalr wlraa or eoo. dartara. and for rapairlac tba aaow. aad f tha porpoaa af laytnc. raporrraf aad bmIb talntac aald awlertTuaBd plnan a oandultt. sad aaid Baaaoka. and for phuHlHT, rraata-lns, awiataiaJna aad owsraUns said wlraa and eoa nrtora ttwraln. All poka that ara arartad and awlauUard paraaant to tba tenaa of tbla ardl. nanrw aba II be arertrd at tb ada of tha alda. 'walka, aoK-oa abmarwbw dlrrtod by tba Ba . wttra Board or atber Pfopw'T toatltBtad aa ' thartty. to a irond aad aubataattal aunnar. . Tba Exwrntrra Board or atbar pratwrty cawatl totad aatbartty ahall bar tha Heat to caaaa 'tba laratiaa'of aay polo wbaafaar tba poWlc aball raaatra tba hMBttoa of tba tha OXBanaa or aam rvawfai ta ba paid by aatd rant. bw aworaaaara or 'arina. Wbaa aay awaaatioa aaaU baow baa mdatoaraaaat to aba Barbarity baraby araatad. tba araoataa. bis aaorrasors or aaabraa, aball uw BoitbJB af tba auaaa. aaeBaatad to C ' - mm MilHia ta whlrh It ' tA anwk. and all aaid work aball I iwanllBan wrtb tba raasaaabta aad sat. aaa rr ntloa, i aalalliiis. ordtnaaraar ar ardars wbtrb ' ;aar dnriac Uw eoatlnaaaea of tbla fraaiibliii ' ba adnata? from Urn to tW by tba aald . rbaaa-n. or prarMrd by law. aad aald wjark ' of repah-iaa: aald atraata, alarya adpabllo - - bbrbwara sban ha doaa to tba aattaraatloa of .M Coaarll or aarb affKl or offlriabi aa tha . Uw Bay dadsnatat prorldad, that tba aald BTantea. bia aoiwrwaora aad aaajgna, la tha romsiracUon. BMlntaaaara or repair af Bis wr thrtr aald polaa, wbroa ar onarlnlta. wtthla iba ara limits ot ua iny ar fortiaaa, as tha saaw nlsted oa rabraary 21. ltd aball - not axoarata -or obstrart any ona atraat for psora Um a diataaea af te blocka at any ana tbaa. . hop. ft. Nothlna la tba ordlaaaca ahatl ba aonsu asd as la any wla to prarrnt tha prnprr ' -aaUaaipwa of Uw aald eltjr from mrw-nt. BTadtnf, paataaT. ntenklac rapalrinc. artartasT , nr doing aay work that nwy ba doarrablr aa aay af tba atraata. allaya ar pabllr hlcbwaya tf pooatMr la nark aiaaa.r aa not to abstract. trilara or aim at Uw fi'oa aaa sad iiailln : at tba aaid ti b pbnoa aad takwrapb syauai of . said gra ataa. bia aaiiiaaiiia aad aastawa. Hae. E Tba araataa. bia awaaanrs aad aa. slraa, abiiaaiM1 or wbaraaar .irsute earraata fraarblaa by tbla orrllnaara arsatrd, ar tba croand enaaartad tbarswltb. aball prorlda and awt la aa sarb ana aad appllaaraa aa win .rawtrol and rffartaally contain aarb earraata la t arar proper rbaaaaw oa hat or Unrlr owa wlraa. aa aa to p . u i i.jwj i t .. imirrrm. h fand otbar atraataraa bctaasrhnj to Uw City of 'Portland ar any otbar paraoa. flrat or rorpora--' tino wttbta aald ity, aad aball rapalr aad ra - a aald awaaa aad appHaaera and from flaw f ta TJBW raaaaa aaa laivrwrv id aaaw aa mar. iMa ar tbalr owa rbarca aad nptaai aad at ' lliai ar tbalr t-tak. aawrttag and adopttac nark 1 iax ana and apnUsaraa as aball pn-rant tajary ( to -tba piopjrty, atpaa or otbar attiuuna ba. VaaraMT to tba.rity of Portland or , aay Parana, ifarai or earaoraUaa. . t -i lw. T. Wbra'aor It ahall ba airaassry ta . ifrndrn any atraat or allay af aald city or , I la balldraa; aay stiVaalk ar ankisat aay otbor . tiiaMa.inmita tbaraoa. ta raiara aar .oala ar at. aaiay or aaaaa Band waa Briar to dowa la , pasta baasoctac ro aala rrantaa. ala aai-nssnn , i ar aaabrna. on whlrb any Hna or flnra, wlra ar ' Iwtraa hatonai'" to said rrantaa, kla aai-i'iaaora .or aaatras. shall ba stratrhad ar faatnard. tb ; 'aaM aransaa. hi anmoaiws or aaalaiia. shall, waoa raoatTtac 34 War a aatlra fram tha Kxao- thortry raastrra aaob pair ar polaa. and If aald . Brantaa, his aar 1 1 asars and amricas, apna aarb porta, ahall Bralart ar rrfnas to .raasoaa aork tjola or potra. thn ynHi pnla or polaa shall b - ii nam fl br tha Kxarfitrra Board or orhor prop , rrlr rnaatltatrd antborlty. at tba ar arans of jaald grantor, bia aarrrssora or atobjaa. Hae. . Waaaarrr aay pirsaa or aampaa 'ahan baaa abtalnad p.f atlwrtoa of tba nnai'ity ' anaatltwtad sntborltWa aa tba flty of ParUaad , to lauairw Br rairaini inraiNTn any arraal ar . atrarta, Un grantro, bia swuaaiin or aaaUraa. If ba or tbay baaa a Km oa aald atraata, an dna aWlra trass aarb paraoa ar onnrsanr. abail , raiaa. wmm or adlaat hla or thalr Irnas .as aa ta allow aa anobstnwtad naaaaas of aarb ' aaaajma, aball afW said boflr O'rWt aa to do, , . tba jiaonarly ranatltatad sntherltr of tha Orr af Pnritand ahan. at tba rapraaa af said yraataa., bia am 1 1 aani a or aaaina. ranwaa aald llaaa aa far a thar ara aa abatractiaa ta lb , aa-asar af aald balkrlnc. ' Bar. . ayw tba poiiiiws of affaaraarir aarar. 1 Irar afflitaat ainlia aad for tba fmrpitmm af tb ' ' naitl oad nasi at i aams of tba prapany. plant. , aratasa sad aaHwnara rsnati m-tid and oaaratad wadar fhts frararbloa. tha rransaai kts aaiiaaaon , aad aaalaiw "trail koap. aad watntala hni or tbalr I aolaa. aoadolta. plaat. aratara and aarbanaa ta aaod ordrr and rapaa- aad aball rrarVr affMant an hw tbisasbnat tba ajtmura of this grant. If tba rrsntar. hn sai nassn and sastirns. ahsnt fail at aar tiro to bar ta good rapalr tb " polaa. aondnlra. wlraa. rJast, arstaai sad aa. - li.a.i OMaralad anB ..... . raw tfcls raaehlaa. or shall fall snirfn ta . ' rarVal ml tbla frearhbsa tn roadar af flataat aarvtr. tba roawrHI of said Hty amy drw,ra ttoa grant aad all tha rr4n aad Brlailaa-as h'auta i aafnisd farfrltad. Bad anoa adlndlrarloa v af furfatlara h s anart af rlH nl Jurau aiMtna ibas frsnohlaa and all tha rhrhta and prtTlb t't aoatarrad rhaaaby shall baoonj Ball sd rMl. ant aa o ra. af forfrttara harof L . JLVJaJXJ? darraa adjudicating surb forfi-llar th - aald graata, ba) aauroaanrs tar assigns, aball pla old plant, sraiasa.' sarhanaa and proparty ta rood ordrr and rapalr sad ahan rsattst affiibial rrrle taoranr ana tnaroartor. Raa. in. That airapt aa - barataaftar pan. rldod aaM rrantaa. bin. Bar r raoara or aaaipna, nVatl ant. wlraont ' th , aonsrnt af fha- attv. rrldanaad br ' ardlnaaaa, salt nr traasfar th aoataalta, polaa. wlraa or appHaaraa ar- aar it rod or daaeiinttnn, ar aril, laaaa. s salsa ar lisnsfar any f tha rlgbta ar prrrflagea brla tnthorlard or rrsatsd. to any pi man. aaaipany trast or corpora tiaa. aaw ar beraaftar angagad ia tba talepboaa and tatagrapb baalassa. and shall not at aar tint antar into aay ouatbiaa. tlos, dlracUy or ladtrartly, with aay asrsua or parsoaa. or aay caruoratloa. conoaraing tb rata to ba ehargnd lor tolapbaaa aad lata. grapb sarili aa. nltb any ofbear or afaoara, iiioyas or assaagara or aay iswnaoaa ar tar, graph antra coasmH-lad ar bring oparatrd la aald rttyi pnrrldad, bowsror, that aatd graalaa, his aaersaasra ar aastgaa. Bay aaslaa tbbi franciilsa to a rorpor I loa srganiard k bia aadar tb law of tha bia to of Orrgoa. or soa otbar atata of tha I a! tad Statos, for tha parpoaa of rarrylug oa a grnaral taw nbon aad tkrgasib ttualaaas. . and af awning. rooatrarUng, malatslnlag and oprratlug linaa, roodalta. cablrs, wirro and oUirr aloetrtral roadnrtora, togotaar with alt aroasssrr fard ara, asrrlaa wlraa aad boas evaaarUoaa. to ba aaad for tba transmission af aovods. a tana I. and Intolllgaara by awana of alortrk-lty ia tba t'lty of ParUaad: and prortoad, f unbar, tbat aotk af aaid aaalgaawat shall ba glad with tb Aadltor of lb lily of Portland wtthla antj (f Uars sitar tba axarwtloa. ( aaid aasiga- Bwot,.- " BX. II..' Tbat aU tolopboaa Unas, aaaslraatad ar oparatad, uadrr aald fraa-hrsa aball bar roaplata eonprr abstain rlrraits. Bud that lb coadalt arataa roaatrwetad aad laid Bows andar aM fraarhkM ahall ba of aacb ala and roparlty aa to arroBaadau wlraa. rablrd or coaductora aafHrsnl to pro rid (or. tap tboo-, aand (10.000) tstrpbaaaa. ,. ' That tha raat or ebarga for aa nanmitm. IndaiiandiiBt. asrtallle rlrrult, talapbaaa aarrlc la th srstaa astabUsbad or aslauluad aadrr said fraarblaa, as long aa aacb sratoaa doas ao apaarct aaa axeaasga wiia awra uaa aaa thoasaad ( 10. WUOI tatapboam ahall not a&cd 81a . Twaaty4lTa Oaa-HandrsdUai ($MJB Iral- lam par month for a talaphoan lasts llrd la aar aualatas offaro of praaMaa (ar baalaasa por pants. or Two Bo-raatj-lr Oaa-itaadradtba IC2.7S1 JtaUasa par.aaoatb aor a-totapbaaa la sts Had la a arlrata rasldaaca. aad that wbea aald . ayataan aball oomprisa aar thsa ta tboaaand MO.BSOI towobanaa. tha raanirmn or r aorta (or tba afnrtaald aarrlc aball not b Incrraard by mora tbaa a aaa aauai u an taus Bollara par annua (or aarb aa than sand trlaahsaa la aatd city aaaaaetod - with ssld srstaa la sxeraa af tea thsaaaad: pro. nttod tbat a dlaraunt at Twanty-ara i.jai Cants Bar month aball ba asda for norm nt aa or brfnra Uw lath day af th month la which tba amir la rendarrd: and nrartdad. bow. tbat la any eaaa tba rant ahall not exceed M.O0 par month f tg buaiaea bausoa aor (1 (or resl- drncna. Boa. IE Tba aaid rrantaa, dm auocoaaora aad aaslgna, la aasstdarstlna af tba (ranrblsa. rlgbta aad prlrlVrgea graatad by this anllaaac sad aa eamprnsatioa tb orr for, aball, aa th farst day af Jaounry of aarb year during tb tana af Bald (raarhla, pay to th at of PorUaad a eua aaal ta ana par real of tba gross 1 acorns or racelpu of aald graatra, hi sni i osaia a sad saalgna batrttng aaid f raaehlaa and orieratlng Uw aaae, (or each and ererr praoadlog rear daring tba term of aald fraa ehiaa, which . eoapaaastioe. aball. bowrar. smoant to not Iras thsa Iba aaa ot tl.wUO for each of tba fuUewlnr yrara, to-wll: lBurl, lvra), IDIO. 1011. mil lblE ' Wl, aad aol Iras tbaa tba aaa of S3 000 for aarb of the f.alowlar yearn, to-wlt: IBIS, 1rd, 181T, InlH. IB lb. 120. 1WI1, IOEC IBiO, llC.'t.' 1VZ5. IK. nd not lass tbaa toe stun of i,000 fgr each of awfcUowtug ysar. to-wlti 1K.T, 1031. Iffl. And a further com p. neat ton the aald grantee. hla antt tssui s aad- assigns, aball wltliln vu dsrg from tba eonmencement of tha opera tion of tb aald toaimbaa exrhanaa, I no tail, eoalp aad Baintaln a nolle patrol telepbea arstea (nr tba t:lty af Portland, connect." wi,a iiauai iviioirwi Ha pvw ,mvot. talapbsam to be placed la boxen oa poles of tha aald compear or at Blares Oral ran tad -by the dry. the same to be piaeed where as drelg. naiad wltbla Uw dastrirt esrered by thd com May's wiraa. randalta or aolea, ar where othrr polaa or contrail ara available. - bareBly-Eae (T& trlcyhooca ar to ba inatallrd aa aeon ai tba company ba no too ararted nd wires mid. and ss toiepbnnaa ar to be Installed aarb year threes Mar net 11 Soo tberao( are as Installed. Klra S) trdenboaea aay ba atared aa oaa Itar aaa ua eiiy a to anppiy tb boxes ta be slar.f oa Uw polaa therefor. Tba eat Ire poUr tele- phone ratea aball ba tb proparty of tha Citr af Portland at tha termination, - farfeitura anandanateat of this fraaohsaa. - - Th aald graatoa. Ms sati i issue aad aamsia. aball, aa (artbar asapsaastwa to tba city, ona 'aect bia ayatea with tb anerating-roota ot heedrjaartere af tha Ptra Department , af th City of rortlaad by two ar three Unas, na re anoatad. aad ptaca toarpboaa aad si tension In -aarb geaeraj eCbcor'a aoadrraartrra af Uw Klrr Departaaat aad one la each of th general officers' realdeaeas. tba aald grant re ia pro vide Br aura tolapbaaa ayatea when iuirirt by the Olty of Portland. Tba City of Pert lead ahall bare tb aaa af aacb eoedortora and at aarb cbarartnr aa needed by tba tre lUna. poltra patrol telephone aad tnlagispb ayatea and water depart sera t telegraph and te1pboot areteaa la the eiwirt gtound nmilntrs aad rtew catriaa of the coapany and tba rbtht to atrtng wlraa for such parpoaea ew tb graatee'e polea. Tba City Ball, Ctty Ureaatory. CUr Barn. itj JaU aad tber ofSma af tba Otty of rSa-tieed are to be anpplwd wttb aacb teVr bones aa may ba Decree ry for tba nses of lb aavaral sepm lawiilt and of Ocas of tba city. - Aad aald franco tea aay ba larteeted by the faflure at tba aroama. am alraa. to saaka war rant af t aboea Branded, for lead to pa seta tba acta ehee mailaid (or. PraeMed. boweeer, tbat the eaaaiaaallaa aba Bred abaU he ia sd dltka to all atber, either gaaaral ar eccnpe ttoa.. taa aow lojpoaed a pas tba earners at bo leers of slndrar fraarblsea, or which Buy ba hereafter a kd or lmiiaai E IhwTued. tba Uw aald graatea, hla aoccee, aara or aamgaa, ahall keep at all ttawa during the Una for which this fraaebbw a granted, fall and correct books ot auuanut sad arakr quarterly reports la wrttsag to tba Aadltor at Uw Ctty f Pertlaad, aald rspnrta to eoatala aa e i mate statement la saamariBed fores, a well aa la detail of all recetpe (ma all aaawcea, and ail tnendMeroe (r all parpaas. tosmtber with a fall sieteanrut al ail aasett and dehta, as well aa aacb ether raf.ew.sMia aa to Uw rests aad proaia at sold ai ilea and Uw ana aria 1 emdltleae af the aaid era tee, bit sin main or is signs, and the Aadltor at tb City, ai loortland aay las pert or esaalaa, or eanaa ta ba I nee rr ted ar or stained, at all reswaaabte boon, aay aad all books of tuoaut aad roocbers af tb aald graatoa, ba aaccea sera and aaatgna. Provided, (ortbef. (hat no ebarge aball be made or exacted by tha grantee, bia anrre. anro or assigns, from any enhaerlher or pstroa of aald ulepbon ratem on HI at least Three Thousand (3,ouo tclenhoaea are Inatalled and la artual overs Hon aad osa la tba City of Portland. ' ; ttee. IX J The Trorr of eoanruftinr sain tele phone plant, system aud exchange to be con stracted. tnalatalned and operated ander th preretsleas af tb francblsa herein created ahall be commenced la gend fartb wtthrn not Bar than eight men tha from the data of tb granting af aald franchise sad aball ba ran Unorjasly srmni nted thereafter ta good faith and ahall be eoapletod within not more tbaa throe ream thereafter Tbat tba aald greater, hla sacceeaora aad aaalrne aball la gend faith ay out aad expend for material and labor need and performed la the construction af aald telephone plant, system sad exchange, larlud Ing afSee sad ice a ate balMlaga, perm. em dalta. manholes, srlrea, cablea,, aerttehbaarda, tolephaale apparataa aad sppllencsa, tba fo. lowing aaa wltbla the period hereinafter men Mooed reapectieelyi Plfty Tbonmnd (to0.B) Pallam wltbla on year after th great at th franchise herein provided for I pawed, ap prored aad I come effectire; Two Hondre and Plfty Tboaaand (rtna.voo) Pollers wlthla two rears after tb great ot tba fraochla. berets provided for la naaaed. apprvrred and bernam effect! ro, and ftee lined red Tboaaand IE'iuB 00) Dallsn within three years after tb grant af the franchise herein provided for la passed, approved and become effective. That tb en Mr total post of ssld pleat, after be lli fully completed, la eetlouted at Oaa Mil lion St.MM.OO0! Doners. Recti eo It. Tn Executive Board af th Cltr of Pertlaad. ar other properly cenetl rated antborlty thereof, ahall have th power and aatborlty to reanltte tha manner of erecting aald aolea. i ual rooting ssld rondatta and atring lug aad laylag aaid wires aad rarrylmt ant th. pro! tona of tblt or ill nance. The tranter, bia tncceasfir and aalgna, shall have tha right and privilege to rhange or exrhange th tele. Bona arsiem autnoriseo to on eunsirocicu a section 1 of this franchise for a manafl srstem onlr anta consejit of the Council or other proper antborlty of tb City of Porte Ismi. nrat ontstnea, . . 13. Held ernntea. us nccesaora ana assigns, brreby agree and rovenanta ta in. deaaiy and nave harmless the Ctty of rort land against all dsmagee. coots asd npanae whatsoever, to which ssld city Buy be snh ject la so nee aa oars of tb arts or nog teres of grantee, hla aocceaeoct aad aaalgas, kla or fbetr areata or aervaata. la say aisnarr arialng from the rlgbea and prlvllegea granted herein. All rlgbta, eotborltr sad grants beretn caa talaed ar enaferred are farther caraBttlaaed aeaa the ervress uaderataadlng - and agree, acnt that th privilege la the streets and rmbiie nraeea. herein reaferred ar oat to annate la ear way as aa enhancement af the greatee'e m"a"'i's or vaaes or ne an am in or Item of aweereblp la th areprsloal thereof rs the event tbat said Hty shall ever aeon Ire by per eh roe any or all of aald grant'., bts sue reasor' or amlrna' propertr. gee. Id. The rights, prlvllegea ami frearhts kereby granted aball term I set at the ernrratios of twewty-dve yeem from the del of the pases r at thl ocm nance, aad aball eoen .' th day Ibis ertlaaare ki niaia of farca and foct.. ' . I Iter. IT. That anas) tk ex el ra Men af In perl far whiek this fraaebbw la graatad. the City of Port lend reaervea the right at Its elee tloa and anoa th perment therefor of a fair valvar ton thereof to be. awde aad Set or mined hereinafter provided. V pareheee" as sn en tlretr aad take aver to It a!f all af tb. Bvottsxlia JlsbaJMa!.M Jifbqg agsv , ,t , ... ... .,-. v. ' . .' .. . . . ". i': . 'Herat rd and aalatalned ander tb right conferred - by tbla grant, whl.h Buy b altaated oa. Hi. a nor a no ander the treet. arraasa aad public puces at ta nty nr rort. Isad enaaaerstod la BectloB 1 of tale ordinance. ereretber wttb all reL persnaal and alxed proparty, apparataa, apptUacea, appnrteaaares ot every find aad deacrlpcloa. Including .all rbose la actioa. contracts, subncrtptloaa aad good will, awktng ap. i unotltetlo aad neer In eoamertioB with eerh plsnt. svMea and ex rhang so' operated and main mined andar the rights aad rraaraiaee oereia grnaien. .rronaeo, however, thgt befaro tb city shall have tb aatborlty to parr nee or tak over aacb plant and property, the cat'srlea whether or not the city ahan acquire or take aacb plaat aad property aball Brst be eu omitted to the voters of the rily at tb regular eiectlna for city of. Beers next preceding the expiration af . tb period for which tbat fraaebbw la graatad. . Ia rase tb valaatioa of aald plant, system aad icbsngo la Ita eattrety raa he paid ant of tb anaaal teveawea of the dry. la sdoitloa to the payment of tba otbar neeeaary ex. peadttwres thereof, .thea the sfnraatlea vote af a majority ef (be elector eoUug at aacb a lection shall be naceeaarv to aeiborlse the aeuulalttoa of aacb plaat, system, each ansa sad proparty by Uw cltr. la roe, hew ever, th valuaUoa af aald plaat, ayatea aad a ebanee ehall an far exceed tb aaaaa I revenue af th city ta addition to the payawat af atber aeraaary -rxpeaairuros leereot is exera amount as to reader It a unwary- ta I scar a Buaicipal bonded Indebtodneaa for aacb. por- m. men taa aainxusatoa ai exera pnni Uw esretors (or the raamltloa thereof ahall peclfy tbcreia' tba aaoaat at the propaaad bonded Indebtedness, the rata of totereet theroea aad whether aacb bended ladebledneas ahall be laxvjrred. Aa affirmative veto of at least twa third (S-I) of tha e We tore votlsg Ikereea at each election aball ba sic rosary to em ere aacb aranisltiwa aad to warrant tba laaaaare-of Buniclpal tamo inereior. u ne termini ng the . valuaUoa el aaid plaat aad prop. eny to ba parrbaaad and Ukea era by Uw rlty there abaU be ex iba Sin therefrom aay vale atloa ot franchlaas r grsnta derived from Uw Ctty ot Pertlaad to ma lota U aad operate ssld plant aad property, bat there aball be lac reded la aaeh vSltwtroa tba vala of all poka, rrooe araa, bracea. wlraa. caodulta. manholee, build ing. rai eetste. awlbrbboarda. teVnbotwa. and all reel, peraeoal aad mixed property. Including all apimrataa, appliance, apearteoanoea, roa trarta, rboaoa In actioa aad good will of every kind aad deacrlptwo, asking up and raaatttat- Bg ana nsea ta COOneciion vita earn a piM. syetea. .eaebaage aad telephone and talesraoh basiatss. Tba price or valneUosl to ba paid by ; the City of PorUaad for said property, plant, a rat em asd wxchaage and telephone aad tele- pa Basin rare ahall ae nxaa aaa owxeiiaiaa thro a rM tre tors, oaa appoaatod by Uw Coaa rll af tba city, a anther by Uw grantee, hi acreaaara and amigae. and tba third appointed by the two aa rboaei. aad tba dec anon la writ. ng or aaid three eraitrators or a . aaaniy ns llea made ta damllcata aad alarned by UWB, ear delivered to Uw Mayor ef Bee City of Port land, and the ether to the grantee, his sneers nor ar amlgne, -stosB be faal aad binding a pea tba portion, sad said price aad valaatioa abaU t-a paid to Uw graatee herein, bis aatisaanr at amUrna, before aald graataa, ba sat manors or aixn. ahall be dearlvsd of Uw msisiloa at right to aalatsln operate sad enjny aaid prsst. arty. phut, ayatea aad exchange, aad apes by tba ctty to aaM graataa, am eev er aaalraa. of aarb a prlea sad valuation so determined aa aforesaid, aatd plant aad prop erty aa veined, perchaaed aad paid for. shall biteas tba proparty at xaa ui; as reme. by vlrtne baraaf. aad nay moot tbarafnr aa atareaaid. sad without toe oiecotlon ar aay UaTtraaxaat at asareyaara. aaoaa sana gmmioe. hie mtiiiiri or aamgaa, neglect tor a rea ooaable Hat a ft or It baa been deterrabaed tbat the city m authorised to and will pur than and take ever aald Plan Bad prooerty and after Boooa to that effect trosa Uw city, to select u BrbNrator. ar la esse tba two arbi trators tbaa by the OoaracU af tba city sad the graatoa. bis eereeeeor or asearna, rg apoctlrery neglect for a rWBabk time after their axantauneat to tolret a third arhitrator, then aad ta either of said caaaa Uw tadgea of k. a,.- fkatrt of tba State af Oregoa ahall appoint three ernttratora to detaraloa ts prlea or value two to ae pant ror ram xuaot aou re ertr. and tba dardsloa of said three arbltratam ar a anxiority of tbaa a ebaara by tba ladgaa of thebaTjrnme Ooert, njada ta writing tad.. plicate aad drlleerea to uw pertxen aa aaove aalcL shall ba final aad binding apsa tba par iieT ir Ui dtv aball . alert not to nroulr ocbnlant ed oroeerlx or shall tat parcba tba asms snd th city aball elect ta grant a aew or additional franchise In Ilea thereof, a out el tension of tha expiring or expired (ran ehta graatad by this ordinance, ana it aa .o plication ba Bade by tba gra aero see-eta, bia sure ms sea ar aaeigns. for aacb Bw oradd. twaal ar jeried rrsncame. nwa ana in enne mid graotre." his in muni and s saigas, shall have tb fbrtal aad preferential right to take and receive aarb, aow, addKmnkl or ex tended tr sachlae, aad If aaM grantee. kU euc- a aaaina. dee not take sara sdditiraaf a extended frnnrla bat tbe aame hv efser hla at tbalr ebwtwa not to take Uw aaae, granted by tba rlty to Bay other carpers ttan, aanlattta r Indlvtdaat, thaw and ta tbat dividual taking aaeh new. aMthnaaJ at extended i..,bha aa.ll to aibtttlaa to tba uamr inaatvei oa tk. v for sweb nanr. at ttotal or extended traacbae. aay to asid graadea, bw ant. amors or aaxdgna, or to the City of PortMad trast (or said' aroatea, ba saiiamsna aad emlgns. at or before the time aacb sew, additional , or extended frnarbm Ukea afreet, end beftr arid graatee, hla ave. jTj. j,. ar aaataa. abaU ba deprived ef the ight to poaaeas, maintain. Prorata aad eritof mid plant aad property, the fair and aaaMable ..i-.7 i mmiA nlant and araaerty of aald rretiteo, hla .ai Lwsnm. ,ar aaaigaa. wtdeb tha Tl,. VnrtXma bv ttrbt BltUlB I mil 1 1 1 the right to parch ae aad take sver. th m IjraUoa - Ke .uoa a ba nald therefor to m.iA araaioa. ba mn i.asmws Bad aaBsgna, t ba fixed aad dotal ahead ta the mow aaeasr aa 1. tbla aeetloa above provtdod htlbhl and detaralatrei tba price aad vela a boa af aaM phlnt prorvtT ta tb aw tba city aball smrchaac and tak aver tba aaaaa. Bee. IE Wttbl thirty (SO) days sfter the peaaag of thai ordraaare tba sotd eeanto ahall hie with tbe Aadltor of th Ctty otPortwwd a bond ta th asm of Twentr-flve Thai nasn s inrxOUO) Delhtre. with twa aoffleievit eereOas, to ba arnroved by tba MayoT. aoadltiaaed: Pbrst That tba rrasrlee win eomvaenca, the tmrk af constructive he plaat. ayatea aad ewkarag to a raaaajarted aad Bader tba nravialoan at Oris freer hie, la sxwdfaitb. wltbla aot aura tbaa rbtj am tba fretn the e.,. .4 erwatina af aarb froarbbva, aad that said work aball ba tawtraasasiy r. I. rb aad aball be aoaoteted t with Bute a net liar coadnJt aad swtVrhbeerdnltl eaxmeitr of are leas thai taa tnaanaad ail telephones wlfhln aat aura thsa tare 1 1001 teiepl reor tnsrr.trer. - . . : . Screed That tb graata. his sartimnm asd amhrna. sbsll eraend Use an ma af neanry re twrUrely wltbla the per lode pranrrlaed by feerrtoa IS of tbla ordl none. Third Tbat aarb and every atraet. BlWy ar hlrbway. ar aay pnrthm trr-reW. that Bay be dtetarbed or tors up by uuM gvwatee aadar th provisional af tha ardtaaara aballbo n ptared and pnt la a good order aad QvaydWon aa fa aaae area ta before tt was ss ' dtatarbed ar tara op aad bo tboreaftor Baiauiaed (or a period ef one year. rVmrtb That tba graataa. his soeesasors at sbsll pay s aenera waatsaever to wblrb th rlty aay as ubiected la loim.onoar of tba acta ar nag. we araataa. Ma hht ar tbalr aervaeta or events la aay aaaser arialng (raa th rights 'sad pillagna granted nrrh Tftat aalrl, gnat, ba sastgaa. aball faithfully keep each sad every , tara Bad by this ardlnaara. , Sec. IS. . That Bay neglect, fulnxre ar refaaal ta cam pry with any af tb eoeatttbaa of tola franchise or grant, aay three eon rfbrt j farfataref beroof. aad tb aaM City of Pnrt laad aay by Ita Ceoactl with tb approval af tbe hfrr of , add rtty. declare ttrte groat and all tba rlirtrts end prtvOege herein caa f erred, forfaited and Boon adjadHretloa of foefeltnr by a court of anaaeteat jertadlrtloa thl frnnrhwe and sit tbe privilege aad rbrbta bum far red thereby aball become anil asd void. Pec. SO. Tb aald graatee ahall wltbla thtrtr S) day after this ordlaaare abaU he la fore aa prevwed ta Bertloa Oaa Bead red asd Bight (10g of tba Charter af tb Ctty ef PurUand, 01 la tb offer ef tb Aadltor of tb city a written acceptance of tbla ordi nance and franca me herein graatad aad tb tailor upon the part of tb graata bnri Is to Ala aaeh written aeeeptaaee wltbla the time herein sped Bed. shall be ' dn a.d sa sbaadoosnrut aad rejection ef tba, rlghta and arrvUegea faerela naferred aad tbla ordinance aball tecever be anil snd void aad enrb accent a ne by graataa aball ba aaaaaU Bed snd shaPi be aa acceptance ef all tb tara. ermdiUoaa aad reewketirms eaatatasd . la . this ordinance. " OlTf H0TICIE ' fEOPOSED Wr0TEKrMT PT JWEBTiTlE , , tTBEEZ. ' Notlc I brreby given tbat St tb aieetlng of tba Council of th City ot Portland, Oregon, held an tba Ifith day of March, luuo, tba fol lowing reeolntlon waa adopted: Kesolved. That the Council of th City of Portland, Oregee, deem It eipedlenl and pnr. ponra ta Improve ' Twentieth atreet from tha north Una of Hprlsg strret to tba bwtb Iln of art slreet, ia tb following manuer, to-wlt: - Plrat By bringing tba atraat fall width wltb (all Intersection to proper sub-grad aa (lvaa by the city Engineer, , Second By bringing tb street to grade toll Width with (nil Intersect lone with macadam ThirdBy ennetrnctlng artificial atone- side walks In aororilaur wltb tba City Engineer plana, snevlflcstlons and estlmstes, I'ourth liy conatructlag artificial atona rnrbs In srenrdanc wltb the City Knglaeer'a plena, peciftcatlmw and estiawtoa, I lfth By ronatractlng artificial atone tmm walka In acrnrdanra with tba City Engineer pinna. aperlflcatloTia and mil ma tee. Mxth Rr ronatractlng atone gutters. ' -' Bald Iwproveaenl to n and In aecoedssee with the charter and ordinance of too city of Portland and th plan, specification sad rati. mate of the City Engineer, filed In tba offUe of the Auditor of the flty of Port lend oa the day ef Msrch. 10o., lednreed: "Cltr P.agtneer'a rlans and epeclf Icstloea (or tb la-i prorsmcnt vt Twentieth sweat, pva tb sartfcl Btrticted. OITT M0TI0XE. Ha ( Spring atraet ra tba north Una at Car ter atraet. and tba estimates of tba work to ba dona aad the probable total cost thereof. " She root of aald Improvement ta ba ammarl aa . provided b.v Uw city chart or anoa th taroorriy. specially sod peculiarly 1 benefited thereby,- and which to herao? . declared I he . all the ' luxe. narm thereof and parcels of land lying between a ,llue 100 feet west of and parallel wltb the wret line . of TwenUetk atroet aad a Una 100 feet eaot of and parallel wltb tb. cast Una ot Twentieth street end between thn north line ot Hprlug street aud a Una 100 (ret north of asd parallel wltb Uw north ua ar carter atraat. Th Knrlneer'a entiaate of Uw probable total coat (or th Improvcawat of said Twentieth atraet .a en.OJa.uw. .THe ahnve Imnmeenxaett la ta be emhned aa a mac. dam Improvement and shall b malntaloed hy tb city for a period af five rears, pro vide that the owners ot a majority ot ua nronertv benefited br mid Imoroveawjit or aay portion thereof ohnll Suit netltion (or a OeW or different Irsprovemeqt before tba axplratloa ( such period, a ' ' Tb plane, epeelficsttons aad aatlmata nf tba city engineer ror tb improvement ox aaiu atreet ara aerehr ndrmted. f Iteaoivea, i sal the umtor or taa uiiy ox Portland .be aad ba la hereby directed ta give notice of the twopoeed Improvement of sard atreet aa provided by tb lty ebartar. ItonxoMtranrea s rains t u a novo laproveaeax mar ba rileo la writing wita ta areaeraignea wltbla SI dy from tb data, ot Us flrat pnbllcatlna sf this notice, 7 . j, . '-. . jsy oroer. ox ue tnnncii. THII8. 0. DBvXIN. " ' - Aadltor of tha City of Portland. . Portland. Oregoa,- Data at! first publication. Marrh IE lsHIB. . . .. i ,. BOrOBXD IXW TO BE KK0WV AS TBI - lETIEOTOB DISTE1CT BE WEE, , Motlc ta bmby riven that at tba meetlnr of tb Council at the City of Portland, Oregon, held oa uw iota aay oc Msrca, ivuo, in lot Wwlng reeolntloa , was adopted: " X -'. Heeolvad. That tba Council of the City ef Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient and por posas to'esnstrBct a oewer to foe koowa as th Irvine ton district avwer. with all iilnaa.rr mtcb-Daaine, Baa-bolea, Isap-bolea snd brsnrbea. in kbsc kwrnty-iirst atreet, riraece atrcec, Eaat Heventeeeth atreet. Thompson atreet.- Beat Berenth street, San Kafael atreet, WlUlaau arenne. Hancock street; theoce south 6d - cie- ereee aR- minute weat ream tb want -sag -ot Hancock atraat to tba row water Bark ef tba Willamette river. - Bald sewer to ba con structed aa follow: g.lnS lineal feet of two riug brick aad stone egg-shaped aewag of d teei a ucnaa or u net a incses clear ineiaa diameter aeatberty la Kaat Tweaty-flrst atreet rroa tba south na ai- Htaatoa atraet to a point In Stantoa atreet at Bras atraet; thence westerly la lira see street to s potat In B rases atreet at East beveutrmth atreet: 1.837 lineal teet eg twa-ring brick aad atone egg-aaapea ror of d feet 10 i Inrhea br T feat did Incbas clear Inside diameter artthbarly In Bast Seven teen th atreet from a point la Bra are rreet ta a point ta East Seventeenth atreet at Thompson atreetf tbeac westerly ta Thorn p aoa atreet to a point In Thoniwna street st East Twelfth street; 4,040 lineal feet of two ring brick . asd stone egg-abaped eewer of 5 root M inrn py j feet 10 lacnea Clear Insld diameter weaterlr from a point In Thnmpsoa street at East Twelfth atreet ta a point la Tbompooa atreet at East Seventh street: thence noatberly la Ksst Seventh street to a point ia bast seventh street st aaa eursei street; thence westerly ta Ban Eafaal atraet to a point ta Baa Rafael atreet at William avenue: MTS II ami feet of two-ting brick and ttoa rlrcalar eewer of d feet tnebe clear Insld diameter aoatberlr from a Point la Wll- llsma avenue at Baa Rafael atreet to a point ta Williams are one at Hancock atreet; thence west erly ia Hancock atreet to a potat la Maecoex street 150 feet wat of tb wmt line of Flint treet; 132 lineal feat of two-ring brick sad atone circular eewrr of J fret S Inches clear inside, diameter to s point SXt fast west of tb west Iln of flint street; l.Sflo lineal fart of twWtrig brick and atona circular sewer of 5 (ret clear Inside diameter westerly In Hancock street from a point 2rlS feet west of tba west Una of Flint e rreet ta a point la Hanroea atreet st th asst Iln af th Oregoa Kalrroad d navlri.tlon comneav'a riant ef war: 400 lineal feet ef taa I Ing and three-ring brick and atone rlrcalar-sewer of 4 feet Inches clear Insld diameter from th east line of th Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company's right af way to tha Willamette river at low water Bark, ta accordance wltb the Ctty Engineer's plana, specification and estimates. Said sewer to ba constructed In secordanr Wltb tbe charter and ordinances of tba City ef PorUaad and tb plans, speclflcstlona aad e ti met ce of tb City Engineer, (llrd ta tb office cf'th Aadltor of tb Clty'of Portland aa tha. 15th day r Msrch, DOB, Indorsed: "City Engineer s plans and apeclflcatlorja for tb Sewer to be known tb Irving ton district sewer, and tba estimates ef the work to b don sad Uw probahw total cost thereof." (aid newer le ta be a district sawcr Bad to he (or tb purpose of sewering aad draining all the lots, parts thereof and parcels of Isad lying wltbla tba district . bounded ; and) de err! bed aa follewe: J-, Beginning at tb interarettoa of the ranter nnes or Hirer street and Albtna a venue I thence aoatberly along the center Use of River atreet to tb east Ua af tba 0. R, N. Co. 'a right of way; thence scatherly along tb eest Uaa of th 0. R. A K. Cofa right of war to a point 150 feet Booth of tha south line of Dixon rtraet If extended westerly; tbeac eaatrrlv along a Una 1B0 feet Breath of aad parallel with tba eoath Iln af Dixon street to tba waat Una ef Elisabeth Irving' Second addition; thence north along tha. weat Una of Bills hath lrvlng'a Second addition to a point 100 (eat north of Uw north Una of Hancock street; tbeac mat oa a Uaa 10O (ret north of aad parallel with th north Uaa of Hancock atreet to a polat 100 feet east of tb east Una af East Ninth street ; thence Berth oa a line 100 feet east of and par allel with tbe raat line of Eset Ninth atreet to a point 100 tort aoath ot Uw south line nf THUaonb atreet; thence aaet en a Una 100 feet eoath ot and parallel with tba sooth Una of Tillamook atreet to a point 100 (act east of tha eest line of East Sixteenth atraet; tbenoa north oa a line 100 feet cast of and parallel with tha east Iln of Raat Slxtreatb atraat to th canter Una of Tillamook street; theoce east along tba renter Ua of TtlUnxoos atreet to a point Ha) feet east of tba east Uaa at East Si'Taoteeatk atreet; thence north oa a Una loo (ret rant of and parallel with tba raat line ef Kent Seventeenth street to the renter line of Tboanana atreet; thene raat along the rent a Iln ef Tbompooa atraat to a point 100 feet east of the east Una of Bast Twenty fourth atreet; thence north aa a Una 100 fret esst af and parallel with tbe east line of East Twenty-foortb atreet to a point 100 feet north of tb north Una ef Oolng atreet; thence wmt oa s Una 100 feat north of aad parallel with tb north Ua of Oolng atreet to a polat loo feet eest of the eaat Una of East Teeth atreet; thence south an a Uaa 100 feet eset of aad par allel with the esst Una of Eaat Tenth atreet to a point 1O0 feat aoath of tba south Una ef Preacott atreet, thence weat oa a Una 100 teet aoath of aad parallel with tha snath Una ef Preacott atraat to a potat 100 (eet east of the eaat Una of Union arenpe; thence aoath oa a Una 100 feet east of and parallel wltb tb eaat line ot Union aeeaae to the renter Una af hi orris atreet; tbenoa weat an tba reater line -ef Harris atreet to tba eeater Una at Union a verm: thence eoath oa tb center Un of Union s venae to Uw center Ita at Seers mm to street (wmt) thenoB vreet aa the center Iln of Secremonto street to th eeater Uaa of Willi ma a venue; thence aoath oa tb center Iln of WlUlaau avenue to tba center Una of Page street; thence weat on tb center Uaa of Page atraat to tba center Una of Amine avenue; thence eoath oa tba center Ua of A lb in s venue to the rente Una of River treat, th point of beginning, containing acres, mora or leaa. Tha coat of aaM sewer to ba aaseeeed aa provided by tb city charter anoa tba proparty aerially and peculiarly benefited thereby, and wblch Is hereby declared to ba all the ' lota, parte thereof aad parrela of land lying wltbla tbe district here tn be fore bounded and dreeiibed. Tba Engineer's aatlmata of tba probable total cost for tb constrocUoa of said Bower la elo2.000.00. Tha plana, sped flea tl oris and estimates of the City Engineer for tba coaatractloa ( aald sewer era hereby adopted. Ureal ved. That tba Aadltor of tb City of Portland b and ba I hereby directed to give notice of tba proposed coastractloa of ssld sower as provided by tb city charter, . K monstrances against the above eewer Bay be (llrd la writing with tha undersigned within 90 days from toe, data-el th lint publication of this notice. By ordar at tba Council. , , THOS. C. PETIilW. ' 'Aadltor of tb Cltr of Portland. Portland, Oregon. Data of flrat publics Uoo, March 18, Ita. . . . . EXTEKBIOaT OP ITAEK STSXZT. Where, the Council of the City ef Portland, deeming It eipedlent to opea. lay oat and a tabllak g new atreet by extending Stark atreet weaterly la Ita preaeat rouroe and width from the wmt line af Twelfth street to the eaat line of Thirteenth street, did 'ra tb 1st day of Pebrosry, 1130, direct the Ctty Engineer to snrvey the mm sad to mark tb boaadaries thereof, and to make s plat of sack survey, snd a written report containing a full and perfect description of sorb proposed street snd boundaries thereof, and ef the portion of eerh lot, tract or part af either to be appropriated for snt-h atreet. aad the City Engineer having Bade aarb aarvey, pat and report, aad filed a orb plat snd report la the office of tha Aadltor of tb Cltr of Portland on tha Tth day of February. lPtc, and said report baring been adopted by ordinance Ne. I4.4IU. entitled: "Aa ordinance adopting the report of tbe City Kn- tlneer In th matter of tha prosoaed opening, i j log ant and establishing of a aaw atreet by extending Btark street westerly In Ita present ecmree and width from tbe west Una of Twelfth street to th esst line of Thirteenth atreet." Now, therefore, all peraone Interested are hereby aot I fled that tba Council of tba CI If of Portland ba appointed L. Aekerawa, W. P. White and Km Bwaa viewers to view said proposed extersuna of asid atreet and auk aa eatlmat ef tb benefits snd dsaegee or es toned by tb opening, laying oat and estsh llhlnr erf the aame. In accordance with aeetloa 340 of tha charter of tha 4-itr of Portland, and asid viewers ta meat at the office of tha Aadltor of tbe City of rortlaad en Tharsdsy, the Sth dsy i f April. W. st the. bear af 10 clock in the forennoa of mid day. Tb nrepaaid n pes lag, la log oat gad estab CITt BOTTCXE. lishing ( Stark street Is SO raat la width asd I more particularly bounded and deecrloed aa lollowe: Beglaalns at a point ta th waat Una of Twelfth atreet Where tba aa would be In tersected by a weaterly extension of the sooth Uaa ot Btark atreet. rn suing theoce oa tbe weaterly extension ot tbe aoatberly Una of Stsrk street to a Point la the eaat Una ot Thirteenth street; thence northerly along the east Una of Thirteenth street a distance 'of 44 (eet to a polat la the south line nf side street; thcac eaeterly along tha aoath Ita ot riarasiae atreet a autsoce ot bi.ts teet to a point ta tba weaterly extenaea of tha north erly line af Btark Street; thence aoutbeaaterly a long the westerly exteaaloe of tba northerly Una of Btark atreet to a point .la tba westerly Una of Twelfth street; theoce Booth along tb westerly line of Twelfth atreet a dlatanee nf S4.S4 feet to a point; thence onUiweeterly along ue westerly line or 1 wetna atreet diatanre of S.S5 feet to the nlaee of basinnliur. The proposed opening, Inylng out nnd eatab- llaniDg of ntara atreet win xneioae ana neceeel tste the appro prlstloa to nubile nee of tb ouowiug aeecrtoea parcels ar tracts or land: All tbat portion of lot of block No. north t4 of 1 of tha Cltr of Portland, lying wlthla tba boundaries of tba proposed opening, laying out and establishing of Btark street, aa above described, and containing o.uio.1 aqasra (aat. ' Also all that portion of lot 8. block lot. Coach's addition, lying' aoath of tba nortk Una af Htark street extended weaterlr la Ita nra. aat rxtuxsav contminina ..'i.v nquara root. Also all t net portioa oi tot a, piocg lOT, Coach's addition, lying aoatberly of tba north Una of Btark street extended weaterly la It prroent rnanw, eonuining i.iue.i square teat. . Alan aU that portioa of lot . bark lOT. Couch's addition, lying aorta of tba sooth Una at Btark atreet extended weeteriy la Ita prea- erjt oourae, nonuiuing ova. square icci. Awn all that portion ot lot 7. block lot. Couch's addltloa, lying between tb westerly extensions sf the north and aoath line of Btark street, containing 4.473.1 stmaro' feat. AU persona claiming da ma rea by res soa ef tbe appropriation . of tba property above de scribed, or sny part thereof, In th proposed ooenitur. taring out and astahUahiiur nf mid atreet are hereby svteeislly notified to file their rlslm (or Burn oa mage with the Aadltor af th city ot rortian nerore tne rjta uay of Apr IK It, tne time appointed (or tha mert- lug ot th viewers herein. , .. e By order al tbe Council. ' THOH. C. TVEVT.!. i Auditor of tb !lty Portland, rvwtutm, oregoa.. lata el Iirst pOQiicsttoa, a area aa, imuo. eopoiid liaTmorxxEirr or jtAtx. ' TKXBTT-aXCOXS (TEEET. : Notlr ia baraby given that at tb meeting of th Council ot th City ot Portland, Oregon, Beta aa tne iota nay or at arm, uejo. ma (os lowlng reeolntloa was adopted: Resolved. That tba Council of th 'City -of rurtiaua, trrrgoa, aeenxn it expedient nasi pur Inaea to Iiuprove East Thtrty second atreet from tbe north Ilea of East Morrison street to tha south Una of East Alder atreet. br trading tha street to tbe stakes aa aet by tb Ctty Engineer, sad larlna weodoo sidewalks. Halo Improvement to Be mad la sccorrlanre with tha charter and ordinance of tbe City of Portland and tba plana, e peel flea tioua and estl ustes of the Cltr Kuglnerr. filed In the nfflre of the Aadltor of the City o( PortUnd on the l.lth aay of Marra. lata), todorsad: "City Euglnerr'a plan and s peel flea lions (or th Im provement ( Kat Thlrty-eecond atreet from th rortb line ft Eaat Word soa street to th aoath Una of East Alder street, snd the estlmstes of tba work to. h dona ; aad taa arobabto total eaat u treat.-' -. j -r. Tbe coat of m Id Imtrovement to be aaaaa aa provided by tba city charter anna tha nroa- erty specially aaa peculiarly oenrniea ttwretty. ana wnira a a error acwrea to do bii in iota. parts thereof and nereela af lead .lying be twees a Una 100 feet eaat of and parallel with tba raat nna ot Esst TBirtyseond atraat aad Una liny feet wmt cf aad parallel with tba west Una of East Thlrtv-oecnnd atraet aad between tbe north Hn of East Morrison Street gad tba south Una ot East Alder atraat. Th Engineer' a estimate af tba probable total coot ror the mprovemem ot aeia Baal Thirty- second atreet la gVAS.00. The nlsna. anariricattnM and attmra a 'ah City Kngiaerr ror en lxaprevaasst ot oatO atraat are-neroov aooccao. - Breolved, . That, tba 'Aadltor of tb City of l-ortiana ne aaa a a nereoy oirectaa so glv nettes of tbe Proposed Improvement ef aald atreet as provided br tba city ebartar. - eMBaoartraneaa against ue snore improvement Buy ba filed la writing wttb tba undersigned within E0 days - from tb data ( tba Orel pablleatlon at tbla aotlce. : By order of tb Conncll. T TB08. d lTBTUH. - Aadltor af tba at of PortVand. Portland. Oregoa. OaU ot first publics tloa, Marcb IS, 1S00. - - - . e . norosro nr0TiarExt or eaJt nnts Notice fa kereby given tbat at tba Booting of tb Council of tba City of Portia od, Oregoa, beM aa the loth day of March, 180a, tb (or Vowing reeoluttoa wa adopted; Resolved. That th Couacll of tb City at Portland, Oregoa. deems It eipedlent and par. poors to Improve East Third street from tbe north Una of Eaat Clay atraet to the aoath Una of Hawthorne avenue, by grading tb street to tba sao-grsae aa given oy uw city xsnginser. by conetmctlDg aldewalka and bringing tha surface of tba atreet to tb established grad Wlta gas vex. , -.-j. . Bald iBpraventeat to ba BMde la accordance wltb tb charter and erdlaancee of tba Ctty of Portland and tha plana, apeciflratkwa aad aa nmatea Of tne city r-ngineer, niea in taa oxnee of tba Aadltor af tba City of Portland oa tba I nth day at Marcb, 1006. Indorsed: "City En gineer's plane aad specification for tba Im provement ef East Third atreet- from tba north hna of East Clsy street to the south Una of Hawthorne areata, and tba estiawtoa ( tba work to ba dose) aad tba probaba total east taereoi." ' Tba east of said lm Drove meat to ba aaaaa aa provided by tha cltr charter udob tba oroe- erty epeeuuy ana peculiarly none t ilea inert by, Bad which Is hereby declared to be aU tb lota. nana- xaereox aaa aarcea ox uaa. iring rjr- tweea a line 100 feet wmt of aad parallel wltb tba weat Uaa ef Eaat Third atraat aad a Uaa 100 (eat east ef and nersltel with tba eaat Uaa Cf Kaat Third street aad between tbe north Uaa ef East -Clay atreet .,aad tba South Ho ot Hawthorne avenue. - Tba Kntinerr a eeUmate ef tba Brobaha tataa coat for the Improve aent ( said Kaat Third atreet ta fOGS.00. Tba above Improvemrnt ts to be classed as a gravel lmoroTement aad ahall ba malnUtned br Th rlty for a period at five year, provided tnav tne owners, oc a aajomy or tn property beaeflud by aald Improvement or any portioa thereof sbsll aot petition (or a sew ar dlfteroot Impruveawat before . tba expirntioa at . tack period. . , . . - -... - . Tb plane, aperiricatloas and estimate ( tba Olty Engineer for tba improvement of aaid atreet ara harebr adontod. - - - neaoiroa, l nee th gaaitor or tne t.lty ot rorruad be Bad he la hereby directed to give notice ot tba nropoea tainroveawnt at aald street 'aa provided by tb city charter. altmoastrsncm against tbe shove Improvement Bay ba filed ta writing with tba BBderelgned wlthla So dara from tha data ( Uw flrat publication of this aotlce. nj oroer ot tba txnncIL , I , ; , ' THUS. C. DETLIK, . - Aadltor of tba City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. , Data of flrat aabllrotioa. Marcb IB, 1006.. '-.,.., ... PEOPOSED SXWXE TEE0T0X A TRACT 07 UBS OWE ED ITU. YATULLO. , Notice la brreby gives tbat at tba nweMag ef tba Council of the City ot Portland, Oregon, held eo tne iota aay at asrrn, aew, tag (oe towing reeolntlon waa adopted: - Beeolred, That tba Council of tba City ef Portland. Oregoa, dorms It expedient and oor- poaee to oonatrurt a sewer throogh a tract of land awaed by A. S. Fttullo from tba sewer la Jef rereoa atreet ts trot treat ot a point where tbe aald aewer In Jefferson street would ba Intersected by tba weat Un af block IS, A. N. King addition, ss shown oa the "Map nf IVtrtland. Oregoa, pabllsbed by the', Title Oasrsntee st Trast Company, registered TS," If extended aoatberly In Ita preaeat coarse j thence north T degree SO mlaates et to th north Una af Madlaoo atraat, of aii-lnch vitrified sewer pipe, wltb aU nrnmary catch -beains, man-bo lee, lathp-bnlea aad branches. Bald aewer to ba coo true ted ta accordance with the charter aad ordinances of tbe ctt at Portland and tha plans, epeclflratlona and eat low tre nf the City Engineer, filed la tbe office of th Aadltor of tba City of Portland n tbe lot day ot aaren. lo, Indorsed; City Rngiaeer'a plans asd epeelflcatlooe for a .we tn treat of land bounded north and nnath hv Madlann and leffersoa atreet roenertlvelv. esst by blocks Id snd IB. King's addition, weat by block S. Ardmure.. from a point 3 JO .feet northerly of Jefferson street to tb sewer in Jefferson street, aad the estlmstes of th work to ba don and th prooanw total cost thereof.'' The cost of aala sewer to be amassed aa provided by tb city ebartar upon tba property specially and peculiarly benefited thereby, snd which I hereby declared to be all tba lota, parte thereof and parrela ef land lying between line luw teet vrmt ox. aan perniiei wiia taa let Una at aald sewer aad a Una 100 feet eaat of and parallel wfth eaat Ilea af aald ewer and between a line -HXT tart north nf aad parallel with tba north Iln of Jefferson treat aad a Una SO feet north nf and psrallei with the north Iln nf Medians street. : Tba Englnear'a estimate ot th probable total root for tb eo attraction sf aald eewer It SllS.ia. - ' 'Iba plan, specifications Sad estimate ot the City Englaeer for th eoastroctioa of said aewer are hereby adopted. . Heeolved. Thai tbe Auditor nf tbe City of Part la ad ba and ba ta hereby directed to glv notice of the proposed rouetruetloa af aaM aewer a provided by tne elty charter. ; Resaanatreaees a go I net tba above .etwee any ba (lied In writing with tha undersigned nlthln 90 days from the data af iba lint aahllcetka of tbla aotlce. , By order ef tbe Connell. THOU. 0. Hr.rt.lN. . ' . ----- Aadltor nf the I Itr af Portland . Portland, Oregon. - Data ef first puoUcstioB, Msrcb M. UOS. , . . - " -m -v i f ' t y ;k .- CTTT Eoncr. ntorotxs m n rom . ikpeote- MIET 01 ElidT STEEET (TILl). Notice ' I berehy riven tbat the ' Aadltor ei ioe vug ot rortland has propsrea a pro bosed saeasamnt for th Improvement of Pirsl street frua 100 feet sou in of the south line at t rover . atraet t loo raat north of tha north Una af Urover atreet, and - has aacertstaed . what ka drenw a just ap portionment' of cost of tlw Improve nrenl In -'"""'7 wius tn special a a petn...c beneSU derived by each parcel af bud and tot ' OT Hart thaeaaf ,ltt,le Ke ...aSTIlt dlstrirt. snd has apportioned the sost lor ssld Improrement la tha s mounts aet oppuolte each aartwl of land and lot or part thereof as Its are of such proponed Saeeaamrat. . Aay ablectiona to Ue apportlobmant ot eaat for aald Imprevemeat mast be made In writing ..''"a u had Sled with the abojio.. with o IB days from tbe data ot the Brat pub. llretloa A .hi 1 . I J KI Ham. WlU bt beard aad determined by tb Council before K7ae ot toe ordinance- mating ua toi ot mid loiDrvvement. . , . .. - - PORTLAND BLOCK 1M L 1 tteare Wola- bard. H SO; lot 2. lleary w'.lnhaxd, M SOi lot t , fleary Welnhard, 4 1 ml Henry nnyanL- e. iu; aut a. itnnry weuaaru, ' SS.TS: lot S. Henrv W.lnk.rrf M ail: lot f. flane W.l.k.ul , a. . . . - .7 , w.l. - ------ r . ... a.ev, rut e, '. ' bard. $4.20. BlifRK loa, Smltb W a too a run iroraa. S12.VO, rliXICb; lOT. lot 1, Smith Wstaoa Iroa Works, $4. SO; lot Bmltb 4k Wauoa Iroa Work, ' f4 SO; lot . poiiia a wstaoa vroa work a, B4.xu; at , Bmltb A Watsoa Iron it ): lot S. Smltb Wstaoa Iroa Works, -4 So; lot S, rjiaiin a wstaoa iroa works, ae.eti; tot i. Smith at Wstaoa Iroa Works. S4.SU: lot S. .Bmltb Watson Iron Works, 4.S0. SLOCK 1311 int 1 Xleeen. il OO. I... U Oregon Compear,; lot a. Oregoa Com. Eiay, S4.S0; lot 4. Oregon Coapany, 4.SO; I 5, Prank Hornet rom, 4.2o; north a lot - g, Sopjil Hall. SS.10; aeuth ti lot , Jobs - Hebiacher, X10; lot T. H. Williams. 4-So; lot S. R. Wllllama, S4.20, . BLOCK 121, north 111 tee A b.. t .1 t - ... J.t . ' north SO feet af west SO feet of lot . Mucie M. Parker. SO ; asst SO feat of waat 40 xeex ot ax i. Deckle trordon, Bi.a; raat , an feet nr weat 40 feet of lot X Jtockl teardoo. Sl.tB: eaat do feet-of lot 1. A. , luamgardner, $2.64; north IS fret ef east , da feet of lot S, A. Bantngardner SO.BA; . aoath 1 foot of north 30 fret of eest SO feet tt mi X.larl Jlk,0. 15; soolh SO feet ox wt a, Marie Date, z.o; lot s. ala no .bake, $1.05; let S, Jacob Mayer, It). SO;-lot g, Jacob Meyer, SS.bOj south SO feet ot lot T, Jacob Mayer, . S2.S0; north 30 feet ot .' weal SO teet of lot T. Henrv K Medina. 1.38; west SO feet ot lot S, B'nry R. Me- , Minn,; aoriB so tee or eaat go real ef lot T. Socle htl Parker. SO.ItB; east fret of lot . S, Kucle II.- Ptrker. eO.SS. BIXM'K " sot x, m. uaie. 9-J0i lot g, Joseph Bitoou, Truatee, S4.20; at S, John Clayuw. ,4.20; lot -4. John Clnvtoa. S4.10.'' ' A triangular tract of lead tying between ;ne eouiueriy nna of lot 4. block IXC rort land. tba north line at block 10. truthera1 AddlUon to PortUnd. aad' a Una 100 feet ; west of aad parallel with tbe west Una of riret atraet, a Oh a cuytoo, SO. 40. A tract of land lrlne between tha smth. - erly Iln of lot B. block 123, Portland, sud tha northerly (ln of block 10, Cam there Ad dttloa to PortUnd. aad between the east Una of Second atreet aad a Uaa 1O0 (eet .east of and parallel- therewith, aavlnga Lets Society of Ban Francisco, fo.35. . "JUTLAND BLOCK 122, tot 6, Savings A Loan rhrriety af Baa PraacaMw, S4.S0: lot . Bavlags A Loaa Society of San rrsa- . Cisco, f4.2o; lot T, Boo well B. I-amaoa, 4 f : lot 8, Koewrll B. Laawoa. (4 0. BLJL'K . e j, aonn a. nevus,; Hit a, John A. Devlin. 4 S0; lot 8, tlerman Bar. Inga A Loan I Society. S4.S0: lot 4. (leorga t H. Chsnee. $4 .20; lot s. Kate Hrnderooo, i $4.10; lot 0, Orvla aad Margaret K. Kellog, 4 20: lot ' T. Orvla Kellog. 4.SH; lot tt, Ida H. Oleny. S4.2n,. . BLOCK 13d, tot I. -Lucy A. lmdd Estate, lirlra of. lot E Lacy A. Dodd Estate. Heirs of, f4.2n; bit E Gaorga H. Chance, $4.20; lot 4, George H. Chance, $4.20; lot 0. Stephen ' Meade Ketate, Heirs ef, S4.20; aoath 40 feet af ..lot B.-Htephen Meade Batata, Helre ot. ta.SS; north 10 (ret of lot , C. C New- -castle. Bans r weat SO frot of torT.'C. C. Newcastle, 3.80; wmt SO (eet ef lot E C. C. Nrwcaatle, gj.afy; eaat 10 fret ef lot T. Lacy A. Dodd Estate. Heirs- of.e.40: east 10 feet of log S. Locy A. Dodd Batata, . Htr sf. SO. 40, BLOCia 1ST, lot I. Josephine A. Klostrrasn. $4.20; lot . Josephine A. Kloetermaa. At. 20; lot S, Abraham B. Burger, 4.20; lot d. Joeeph Dsy, 4.20j lot 6, Thomas Bplllmaa. fl-SO; at 1 E L. ' Bay, S4.20; aoath 1HJ-S feet of lot T. R. U Ray. $168; ' aorth 81 IS (ret of lot T, Mary B. Arbacklr, EOS; lot S. Mary E. Arburkle, H SO. BLOCK 1SS. all at wmt 100 feet of block exrent a aorth so feet, Arguaeatd Tbarlow, go. HA; all of aaat 100 (eet of back except aorth bu teet, jaaepnine Bolllvan, 84.03; aorth SO feet Ot Vreet lOO feet of hlnrk- Mattte tXnlrt. Smith, S3 00; eoath SO feet at north . SO feat e(-weot 100 rest of block, Limle A. Rlcnarda. 82-80; aoath SO- feet nf aaat loo en ex Dara. varar Miaaoa, H al. BLOCK 130. lot 1, Peter J. Mann, ad.Su; lot B, Peter -f . Maaa.; lot t, Peter J. Maaa. 83 5; lot 4, Mary Robinaoa Estate, Heirs of, io.SO; .lot S. Mary Robinaoa Esute, Heirs ef, 82 06; lot 8, John W. and Helen Mae Cnrraa, M.20: tot 1. Pater 1. Mann. 84.20; tot S, I-ater J. Maaa, 84. SO. BLOCK 140, bet 1, E. L. MendeahaU aetata, Uelra of. 84.20; lot E Lenla r, Cbemla Batate, Hrlra of. 84.20; lot S, Lonla P. Cbemla Kauta. llelrt of, -fH30:-1nt 4. Tool r. Chcmln Estate, Helm of, 84.20; lot tt, Beaton KUlea, 84 2o; lot . V:Jf- ."onj, 84.20; v,, j, M, Watts. 84.20; log- 8, T hi. Witts, 4 20. BLOCK sat I, trevrge it. Hay, B4.Sn lot.E XJletie! 1 . rul. O. an lot 8, Ckarlee L. Parker. 84.); M 4. j S.- Johaatoaa, 84 l; lot S, O. U. Salth aad Ben Ballla. 4.20; eoath 48 feet of lot E O. M. smith aad Bono m Ballla. fd.ftB; north 2 (eet of ot S. Mary Praarea Hurley, 80.1B; eoath SS feat ef lot T, Mary Frances Hurley. 8:100; north 14 feat of lot T, Annie E. Harklna, 1.2o; lot E Annie E. Harklna. at oxi . , CARl'TH ICRS' ADDITION to the City ef Port- dwv , mi i . - i tonal floinean. 84.40; lot E Thomas Gulnean. 84.40: lot 8, John Campbell, S4.40; lot 4. Job a amp be U. (4.,,; J, William Tireoch. 84. 4o; lot 8, Willis a Droeck. 4.4u; ltd T. Mary K. Wlleno, 84.40; lot S. Mary K. Wilson. 84.40, BLOCK 2. lot 1, Kalama Hirer Hoom lora fany, 84 e0: aorta H of Int E Cbsrlea Wslter, ' 22; ,h i to W. J, . Keller ton, ili.20; lot E K Is me River Boors tempenr, . 4.40; lot 4. Tbnmaa Maaa. 84.40; let. S, Thomas Mans, 84.40; Xhnaa Maaa. 84. eo; lot T, Tbaa Maaa, 84.40; lot S. . Kalama River Rnern Cnmnaav. At an aivctr tot 1. Rodnev Ollaaa Estate. Helre of. 84.40; nt E Rodney Ulleaa batata. Hairs nf. 84.40; lot 8. Rodney tllisaa Katate. Helm of, 84-40; lot 4, Esther Senofafcy. 84.40; tot h "l0! Haber 84.40; lot a, U Oatboaw Cottel, 84.40; lot T. Collate M. eraser. 84 40; Y ,lf' faser, 84.40, BLOCK 4. Jot 1, Charles L. Prk-r, 84.40; art X cbariea K Parker, 84.40; kit 2. John Iackel et al.. 4.40; lot 4. John Lock el et al., 8440; tot 8. B. Witter Morris, S4.40; lot n, Wlllltra A. trroomre. 84.40; lot T. Sarah J. HUnahrrrv. 4.40; lot S. Thenaa Ootaeea. 84 40. BIXtTK ft. eaat 100 feet at let ,1. Maria Baker. 84.20; weet 8.8 feet af lot'l, William Klledner, 0.2: weat SB feet af lot X Wllltaa rUL STL.0 LWI' 'rot nf lot 8. William Klledner. f0 21: eaat 100 feet of lot X J. W. Baker. 84.20; east loo feet of lot X Pay 0. Baker Katate. H'irt nf, S4.: lot ( Wlllaai i Klledner, 84.40: fct 's, Willi., filed ner. 84. 40; lot . WllUtm PUerlner, 84.40; tot T. WllUtm PUedner, 84.40, lot S, William Piled ner. 84.40. mlrv a' w i " 'oh sherry, 84.40; let X Kelphln Whslen. 4.vo; mt s, Kehercn Hochfeld, 84.40; lot 4. William rilrtlner, 84.40; lot S, WIIHtm ' PUedner, 84.40: lot , Charlee rritacb, 84.40; , lot T. Lydla H. Taylor, $4.40; lot S. l.rdls H. .Tailor. 8-1.40. BLOCK T. lot 1, Clara Ooldsteln, 84.40; rat 1 Alice I. Taylor. 84.40) ; Weet SOW feet -of lot 8. Pater Taylor, il. on east 80 feet of lot 8, Irving W. Pratt, M.3S; lot 4, Peter Taylor, 84.40) eaat S14 feet oi lot S. Peter Taylor, 02S: eaat feet of kit S. Peter Taylor, 8025: west 100 feet - nf bit S, Canadian tt American Mori gage A -Trast Company, Ltd., 84.2o; - west loo feet of lot S. Alfred J. Parmer, 84.80; lot 8. J. W. Hickman. 84.40. ,.' . A tract of land hounded and described a folio we: Commencing at g polat la tbe net line af Second atreet, ssld feint being 60 feet - aoath ot tbe Interaectloa of tbe aoath tin of Kuermao atreet with tbe oast Una of Second - atreet. thence eoath along th eaat Un of Second street to a polat 100 feet aoath at tbe ' snath Una of Sherman street; thence east - Tl.TI feet along Une 100 feet Booth of aad parallel with tba aoath Una of Manna atreet; thence north 28.1 feet along a Una Tl.TI feet east af and parallel with tb met Una af Second atreet; thence north 64 do -- gross SS - ainatmv west - IA.8 frett thenre . weet A feet along g line 08 feet ennth of aad pars Del with the eontb line of Sherman street; r thenre north IS fret along a Ilea A3.01 feet east of and parallel wltb the east Une nf Second atreet: thence wee along a line SO feet eoath af and parallel with th Booth - line of ShermsB atreet to the place af be ginning, J W. II Ire via s. 82 70. A tract' of land bounded end denerlhed fallows: Commencing st the northweat ear ner of lot I. hlnrk 1. Csrntbers' Addltloa to pertlaad. tbeac emnb along tbe west fine of lots 1 snd X btark T. tnraibers' Addlttoa , tn Portland to a polat loo feet Bouts of sontb Une af Sherman street: thenre weet S4.81 fret along a Uaa 100 feet aoath of aad parallel wltb tbe ennth Iln of Rbertnaa street; thenre north 22.1 feet along e Iln Tl.TI feet eaat of and parallel with the teat liar at Merond atraet; thence aorth 84 de ' greea. 80 nxilnotea. west IAS (rot: 'these weet (eet along a Une SS (ret south ef and parallel with th south Una of Sherman atreet; theece north atorrg a- line SI. 01 (eet eest of snd parallel with tha east. Uaa of Bemad atreet to Ita tateraertlon with th aoath Tine af Sherman afreet; thenre east ' along tha aoath Une of Sherman street to place af beginning. Walter B, Hoffhrd. 84.00. cxsrTHiRS' Arnrnr t rrtiBd bixxti a. tot I. - itoaney tineas- mate. Heir ar, 84.40: lot 2. Rodney ulleaa Rotate, Heir nf. 84 4o; lot .1. Rodney Ollaan Ketate, Ualrs at, Hbu, at , Lais hU CottaL H0. south of lot 8, JmIm k'ar Cot tel. S l north Vt ot lot 8. Charms W. Cot tel. (t-l lot . Rodney flllraa Satete, Hrlra ef. 84.401 I ; Mt T, Eodeey ulUaa Katate, Heir af, 84. 4o; ' kt 8, Kooney Ullasa Katate, Itrlra f. 84.40. BLOCK B. lot L barab 8. k asberry, 84.40; Mt E Sarah J. ' btanaberry, 84.40;' lot a, Sarah J. h o.hrrrv B4.40: lot a a..h J uiiberrf. ..l; t . b J. ittaoalierry. k.t , Har.u J. T. 84.4ti; ; lot H. MI T, bora h J. hi- Sarah J. bian-i.errr, , ,.. E 10. lot 1. hary E. Lu r.; lot 2. t. J. I 'land. C.vo; sot a, ,ry u. niton, l. rtin bV-hsde, 84.40; 1-1 A, t ba. l-t 4, baer . err. ana ilenry lltsuo, 4.t : lot , t . 84.40; lot T. J. M. .ch, . The Title Queraoteo A Iruet Coe . , BLOt.'K 11 l,.t llenee. -..J a.... .. t 40. 4.40; lot X Joseph Ihank, 84.40; a t if 2 Martha A. Coelrdge, ty; weet 20.8 feet of lot 8, Haskell Browo, 81 !au r.Ti ot lot 4, Hashell Brown. fl-S oast TT fset ef lot-4, 'rrd ubsuer, ' 83.20; west SS fort of lot 8. Alfred j! srmr. 82.86; east SS (eet of weat 100 fa t 0 tot S, Leoa Semler, l.DS; aaat 6.B (eat of . , .-" ,.BrBwn. o.2; eest I B fort of kit S, Haskell Browa, 80.20; wrst 101 feet af I t ffPi '.'. N''drrn-iyerr4.4l; lot 8. Oil . EoUi!ib.", l-0- "Loci IE tot 1, Martha ' - iV. CaUln.fv.dwi north H of lot X Adolpb , .. OoltoB. 8i'j eon lb U of lot 2, Dora A. e- bormaa, AEiOt tot - 8. - Mary L.- Tharlow. - -4.40; lot d, K. 0- retiy. 4.40; K.t - , Anthony F. Carroll, 4.40; lot , Anthony f. Carroll. 84.40; lot T, John ftnery, 4.4o; n. tot S. Jobs Emery, 4.4o. BLtK K 13, west S.8 (rot of lot 1, Wllllaa Ballla, 0.40; ; i east1 83.8 (eat of west 4.1 feet of 'lot l. ": Louis p. Bono. 81.40; aaat SS.B feet of west 43 fret of aorth 0 feet ( lot X louls P. - Brno, SO.IB;. eoath U fort of east 3.B feet ' of kit X '-oils P., Ueno, 80.80: snath 1 font . o, aary august Jtsursln. 81.201 lot of east tW.B feet of lot 1, Ooldl Barell. ft1 l in; north S3 feet of met dS.S ' feet 1 of . t X Ooldle Bsrell. 81. SB; Want 41 tret of - Booth 40 feet of Int 1 ;,. "tlull - Arrfabbbop. of the Diocese of Oregon. 81tKl r west 43 feet of lot S, Roman Catholic Arch. . bishop qf tba Idoree of Oregoa, 81.70: north . 40 feet of east U.t (Mt of lot 1. William Ballla. 8Eo; aorth 25 feet ef aaat S3. 8 of ' : lot . Iarult P. Bern. . I.,10; east 0.1. ft feet """ af south 2S fset of lot X Roman Cat nolle Archbishop of tb Olooeee of Oregoa; 81.S0; " slot 4;- Roman Catholic Archbishop of the ' - 1H arete of -trregon, 4t,4l; lot fC Roman Cstbolie Arrbblshnp oi the Dloress of Ore gon, 84-40: lot ,. Roaan tatbolie Arbbsbor: of tha Diorraa sf ' Oregon, 84.40; lot I. . Roman Catholic Archblebo af th Diners . . ot Oregon, 84.40; west 0.4 feet of esst US ' feet ef oath 11 trot of tot 8. Roman t'atho. -' lie Arrhblabop ot lb Dloress ef Oregon. 80.10; -. west T4.S feet at sonfh 11 feet ot lot S, Aomas CatbollrArchblshop of the Diocese ... of Oregon. 80.TS; eest 23.06 fret at tot 8. William- Ballla: -31. OS; west St 64 feet of v imrtb 30 frot it lot 8. Jennie Belcher, 82. Tn. . BLOCK 14, Mt 1, Pratt Wbltcoatb. 84.40; lot X Pratt Whltcomb, 84.40; lot 8, Pratt . Whttcomb. 84.4)1; lot 4. Isaac Ha mm. 34 40f -' aoath H"oflot Wllllaa H. Oreafrll. 2.20; ' . eaat 2S.S feet oknorth of lot B, William ' H. OreofHL 8 "Wc wast SO feat of aorth - . H of tot Btertwn IVIdrtnx, lot 8, Anthony r. Carroll, 84.40; lot T. Anlbony - : P. Carroll. "44.40 L tot , Ella U Woodward. . .' ' 84.40.. - BLOCK-15, lot 1, Uewg Longford., t ' 84.40; tot X "rorge I.sngrrd. 34.4.1; Int , , Parker P. Marry, 84. 4o; lot d. Darby O Toole. 84.40; lot 8. Thoassla P. Scott. ' 34.40; hit d, Thomttlne p. Scott. 84.40; lot ,' T. Maad a. Hudson. 84.4o; lot 3, Msod 1. . Hodsoa, 34. 40. BLOCK IE tot 1, Harriet . . ' M. Kltmaa, 34.40; lot Harriet M. Biemaa. "84.40; tot 3, Jnha.E. Lota. 34.40; . tot 4. -R. V. Pratt. 84.40; lot 6. WlUry B. Allen. -84.40; lot S. Morrsa Barde, 84.40; aaet ', -' . -of lot T. Chsrle L. Parker. 32.20; eset t f Int S, Chsrle L. Parker. 32.20; west , . of lot V Elinor 0. Hare. 82.20; weat t, nf i tot S. Elinor 0. Hare. 32.20. BLOCK IT. lot 1, Mary DrK Barnhsrt, 34.40; lot 2. ' -Mary D. L. Bsrnhart. - 84.40: eest 100 feet " of lot 8. t'htrlraxl. Parker. 64.2o; weat 8 .12 - -feet of aoath H 0f 0 s, Mary E. Arbacklr, So. 10; west 8.62 feet of north S of lot S. - ' Benson B. Arburkle. 8O.10; esat . 100 feet . f tot 4T William E. Puffer. 4.Ef: wmt S.ilj - feet ot lot d. Mary E. Bmltb, 30.20; tot 6..,.,., Mary E. Smith. 84.4"; ' aoatb at bit S, ' Mary K. Arburkle. 33.20; aorth t of tot ,8. Benaon B, Arbacklr. 32.20)-lot T. Joha J. ' ' aad Aaale U Pshlr. 34.40; Wt 8. Joha J. Bad . Annln L. I thle, 84 40. BLOCK 1H. lot I. (rrman Saving Imi Society, 84.40; lot . , X Both L. Pope, 84.40: lot 8. Cherle E. ; Parker. 34 40; lot 4. Charles K. Parker. 34.4ii - - wmt ta feet of lot 6. Hahrael T. Hlneda, 82.10; eaat rJS feet of lot a, Joha Barber. . 82.30; lot 6. Ben Selling. Truster. S4.4H; . ' wmt H af lot T, John tleorge Seed, 32. W: , South 2 feet af weet 4 of lot 8, Joha George ' -, Seed 0.0; north 4 (eet of west to of tot S. Mary Sard. 3110; east H ef lot T. Willi t a H. aad rrederlrk J. Joyce. 82.30; '.aaatyV of lot S, Wllllaa II, and rTedrrlrk J. Joyce, 32-20. BIXK'K IS. tot 1. Predarlck ' J D. Matthews. 34.40; lot . Prederirh - D. . - Matthews, 34. 40: tot E Edgar Popple ton. --' 84. 4o: lot . Edttr Poanletaa. 84.40: tot. 8. Mlrnile Tarwlg. 84.40;- sostb 331-8 teet ot ' tot 8. Christ la a Keller. 8-I.0O: north IS 2-3 feet at lot S, IHalel and Catherine A, Kelly, -fl.tO; lot T, Daniel and. Catherine A. Kelly, ' i4.4o; lot S, Graham Ubisa Estate, Helre of, 4.40. BIcfrCK 20, Int 1. 1trr J. Mann,, -I.40; Int 2. Orahaa Olsss KstsU, Heir of, , '-' 4.40; tot X Urshsa Olsss Esute. Helm of, ,'' . A.tai lot 4. James J. Allsrd. 34. 40; lot 6. Ell D. Seech rest. 34.40;Oot 4, W. C. Her man. ed.40; . tot T. . Jobs W. iurcs $4.401 .. . lot S, Pater J. Maaa. 84.40. .. . , . , CARrTHERrV ADDITION TO CARITTHRRS' . ADDITION to the City af Portland BLOCK A. all at aorth 4d feet ef tot 1 except weet : 23 feet, Barab J. MrKltrtrk, Etao; eouth '. -. 4 feet af east So feet of tot I, Albert K. , roadtck. 0..1fi weat 23 feet of tat 1. Ore- -- son farailura . Manufacturing - Coapany, . 30.S0; weat -23 feet al tot 2. Oregon Kurulture , .'., Mtmiftcturlng Company, SO.BO; all af lot xrept wmt 23 (eel. Albert - K. Pnenieh. ' , J3.A01 all of north H of tot 3 except weet "' S feet, Cbarlae B. lit It, 3Z60 all of snath - K pt tot S except -stoat 18 feet. - Kettle -.',". A. S. Seatoa. 32. TO; weat 18 feet nf tot S, .- f loratta, eu-aot an or aonn h ot lot , v except west leer, r . r.. iiige, BI.Tti; .. aoath 25 feet of tot 4. O. Cords no. 2.00; weet 81. IS feet of north I of tot 4. fi. Cords no. 83. AA; wret 8W feet of lot 6. Mai- , nick lagrsnd. E1.T8; wret SO fort of tot d. Margaret trio grove, El.Tnj east V) feet ef " lot h, u. fordone. S-i-eO: east 10 fret of i tot S. O. Cmdsoo. 80 40: tot T. Oregon rurat- " , tore Manufacturing Company. 84.30; lot S, . trrrgoa Purnlture Manufacturing Company, 34.20. BlN'K B, o-vth 22 (art af tot I. . V. W. Walking 31.8ft:' south' 2S feet -ot .let 1. l.laalr Applmtone. 83.38; lot V X Julias and - Caroline Walter. 34.20; - , aorth 'a lot S, Portland Trust Company of ' Oregoa. 32 10; eoath H 'of let 3, . Iloch. frld. 32.101 tot 4. VVllllim . H. Cnartney, ' 4.20; raat H of tot B. Jane E. Johnstone, ' 8EI0; west H nf tot 8. Char Irs A. Walter, 11 32-10: lot E Perry H. Baker Estate. Heirt ' nf, 84.20; weet H lot T. Thome s P. Campbell. 32.10) eset u, nf lot T. JtcoS1 , Stalder, 32.10; lot S. James P. Dsvtrs. 34.20; lot S. D. Marx, 32.80; tot 10, Stephen Mead ' Fntete, Helra ot., 33.30: lot 11. Perry tl. Baker Eatgte. Helra ef. $3-80; tot 12. Perry 41 Bake Kedhte, - Heir of. 34.00. BLOCK . C, tot l. perry O. Baker Estate. Helre of , 84.30; Int 2, (rrry fl. Bakrr Kstatr, Heirs .'of, 4.20; lot a. WllHirn Waarher, 4.20: i , , tot 4, Wllllaa Wasrbar. 84.80; lot. 8. Ellen Wells, 84.30; suth H of lot 6. Arrtale snd ; Carhitta Klrhirdoon. 3E 10: north H of lot S. S. OugtlelenwUl Rttate, Hrlra of. 33.10; ' - . aoath SO feet of tot T, J. A. Parentl. 3EAO; north 21 feet of tot T, Emma and Jennla Kafaa, 31. TO; let 8, Earns and Jenois Kafka. - i- 34.20. BIXM'K 1. weet at tot L -A. W. Cheney, 82.10; wrst tj of tot X A.'Wj ' 'Cheney. 32.10: esst H, of lot 1. HerltaM ' Berorlty A Mortgage Investment Company, ' 32.JO; east- H of lot X HerltaM Security -Mortgsge Invest men t Company. 32.10; lot ' X ' Emily J. Srbneldrr, 84 xti; int 4. Rally ' J. Brhaeldrr, 84.SO; tot S, Nlcholaa rV-banos, 34.2": tot 8. Philip New, 84.30; tot T, Susan C. Butler. $4.20; lot 8. Joseph Pink, 84.20. BLOCK K, undivided hi of tot 1. Loadon Baa Praarleco Bank. 32.10; andlvld. 1 4j af tot t, London Ha a tYanriec Bank. 8E10; nndl rlded H of tot 1, Dundee Mortgage ' Truat laveatnwat Company, Ltd.t 8X10; Bn dlrlded H of lot 3. Dnndro Mortgage dl ' - " Trast lavestment Cornpssy, Ltd., Illo: lot S, Carl Aheadroth. 34. 20; lot 4, Ctrl Abrn- -, ' drotb. 84.20; west th of lot E Wllllaa H. Saylor. 82.10; aaet S of tot S. Paaay Barry. 3110: lot 8. Penny Barry. 34.30: aoath ii , of lot T, Paaay Barry, $2.10; Berth Vt of lot .. T. Jemea Barry.. $2.10; tot S, Jaaaa Barry, Ci.ev, . ouna r. tot x. s. c tacaei. ai-ooi -t 2, J. C. Lackel, 31.00; lot 3. J. 0. Lackel. 81.36; lot 4, J. V. Lnckel, 11.26; lot 8. J. C. LackeL $lJgl; lot d. J. 0. L Lack!.' 3136; lot T. J. V. Lackel, 31.20: lot B. J. C Lackel, 82.00: lot S. J. C. Lackel. 31.2B: Int tn, J. ' ' lorxel, hit II, J. C. 1-acket, 81.2S; J. V. lot 12, 4. t. IOckei, fl.wi; lot in, LackeL 31.60; .rot 14, J. C. leackeL rot lo, i. t'. . LurkcL SI.S0: lot IE LackeL 61.801 let IT. Auentte Marks. Sl.2fl Int IS. Angnsta Marks, 81. 30; lot IS. Angneta -Marks, $1.26; Int . Aagaata Marka. -31-261 tot 81. Jokn B. Klegter. 3136; andlvlded 14 lot 22. WllUem Montsg.' 80.SO; andlrided H of lot 23, William M on tag. 800; un divided H f tot 24. Wllllaa Moetag. So. no; andlvlded U St tot 26. Wllllaa Moatae. 80.76: aadlvlded "l ef tot 22, Henry Cleave, anniviorti 'y ei an a.1, rxrnry i loses, Btl.rei; undivided H af bit 24, Henry Oeove, go go; andlvlded H et tot SB, Heavy Cleava, 30.7A, BLOCK a, tot 1. laahells B. and W. A. Lewis. 82.SO; tot 3. la bells B, aad W. A. Lewis, 83.20; east 0 feet af west 63 feet af lot X, Matilda A. Baker . $2.10; eaat 30 feet of weet on reet of tot -4, Matilda A. Baker. 82.10: all hit S except west 63 feet, Edmund B. Hill. 31. St5; all tot d eteept weat S3 feet, Edmund B. III1L 81. TB: weet 8 feet tot weet 60 feet ot tot .1. Carlo Ltrvwratt and Salve tore lamollna.- 80-16; weet 8 feet at weat SO feet et Int 4. Carlo Lavoratt aad Salvaror lai. aollna, $0.16; eaat 4T feat ef tot 8. Carta ' lavoratt and Sslrstar lasnelina. 810.1l east -4T teet at tot S. farlo Ivorsti snd Ha I valors Isaollns, 81.06; west, 60 feet f ml g, r.r. mttnd B. Hill. $2.10; est 60 (aet of kit a. Edmand B. Hill, 82.10; weat 26 (oat af lot T, John II. Mwls, It. OH; arret 26 feet af tot S, Joba Lewis, $1,09; fast I fori ot let tt V V A'r