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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1905)
THE OREGON1 DAILY. -JOURNAL, . PORTLAND . VVEDMESDAy! EVENING. UAKCH . O, IZZZ 13 FflOSTS DAUAGE ' fMlirEST. CROPS Lata Cold Weather Has Depress ' Ing Effect Upon Prune and m ' V;. . . Peac.h..Crops. f .,';': HEAVY INCREASE SHOWN IN EGG SHIPMENTS Oriental Flour Shipments Better -Tone in Wheat Is Gain- ,J. . ing Strength. . Freot Street, Msrck . Tbe principal tea ' rures at the .-ertleud wholesale markets toiUjr err: . ,' ': v .. Wheat IK hotter demand. ', , ;. ,, Orb-Dial floor alfuatloe firm ' .. ' -.- . (tonaioeoaMe lorresse In .egf receipts. I'm ll 17 arrlrala atlll email. ' UiMri boga coming Basra lively. . Kmst damages fruit crop. " -,.A, " 1 Hops am firm with sales few. , Hothouse Wtoce ranging up, , . " , . 1 Bat (nr eoJoBS remsla unsold. " . 1 ! Pssalo market dull and raf Jif .v , j : Treats Damage Trait Crop. ' ' rtwtt indlratloos point to null peodue 'Han at all kinds of fruits In tka worlhwsst during the coming season. Tk mm hereto r.Tf kaa been ao epea that all tba trees were bedding Voag before tka ami time. Tba eotd weather m la again sad this, aided kr etroag winds, kaa don mar samage in u pans ox . Oregon. Ida ha ud WutUitm. A to tba park rro. there la little doobt tkat tba crop haa torn considerably dsmaged of lata by the roM snap and a eontlnusBoe ot these conditions ' will brine a boat a almost total tailor. Tba . .-old sasp Waa general and will therefore affect : all sections and vsrietlee of frnlta. Tba cold baa avt bars ami enough to check tha wbeet la an ritvat. at tbla Un. ni aTri oonjr la rrrliK for raliM that are warmer. Laut alht - ihla le faraied h IDO.DT nara la tka Willaai rtte rallrr. amrdlnjr to rrporta rrc-lTfd kara tMa morn ln(. a ad tbla will a eapartaliy aaa fur to praort. . Wlwat U is Battar Baauud. - ' - ' ' " Tbrra la a man (enaral drauad for wbeaT, now tkat the floor market-la mora aetlm. lilllora ara aow la tba market for elifb' anawd prearat Inm. bat tba koldlaca ara ta..-,arJ atroofj paaoa. a wrmv art am mvmBw rallac fttare. OriMtal Flawr iltaatiak rim. r A yrrjr (and tone ta abnwa ta tbe orleaUl lloar market aad tba demand from tbla aaorr la Cfwaiaf aaeb 1T. kllller bar aad floar huvera on tba other aide ara Asartsc oa aa early - pear treat r brtwaea Japaa and Kaasla. 'Tbm la too dmrt eaoa ox too prearai dbuujc. bibto the brclBnln of th war all tba rail fadllttea of too arteat fcara beea takaa- orer by tba .military and tbera kaa beea no cfcuoa to ablp fkmr to tba Utertof towaa. Tha aeaporta bare mtco aapullra whkrb tkey ara oaabla ta kaadlo, aad tbe result kaa beea tkat a largo part too of the floar wbk-b weat to Japaa Juot arortoaa to tba war rotted oa attentat of lack ot traaa ' portatloB. ' i .. ; . . OaaallaiaaU Taoraaoo la Xct. Booalpta. . Rlt( receipts (bow a eonalderakl laereaa today. Barm are jaot aa actlTO la tka cooatry. bat they are Bo offerlaf aa kufb pticaa as foraaerly. Tba poultry anarket roatlaaoa rory firm wltk tka rorelpu aad tko deawod a boot rooal aroond top lauraa. , - Praaaif Hoja Oomlaa Mara Lloaty. Tba cooler weather kaa caoaed a bearler draiaad for driaoid bogs alaas iroot atraet aad tko large oohimo of receipt a today did not abpraaa tba market aad auoUtJaos ralet aa - changed. Art irate of droaard oral are about esual to tko demaad at preoeot prices. Tbero la a bettor tiaM to tbo demaad tor spring lambs, " bat tka receipts oa tba street ara amall. - ' -. Zaps An Firm Wltk tales turn. Tbera coatlaaoa aa Improved tea ta tka, hop saarket. kut tkeaalre an oery amall. Tba bet tec market kaa eaased tfcoae growers aba war weak-kneed to bold aad. altkoegk Oralera are afferlag a allgkt adraaee ooer for mar aootattona. - tkoro Is sot mack diapeoltloo .. 10 sea- v . i..,.. . rotate market .Dal! aa4 ' Ihaggtag. Kotbleg bat a doll, draggtag teas la anted la ' the potato market.. The fact tkat either Uonrade or I'tafc eaa aooerseU Oregea la tba ootalde markela bos stopped a great deal of the ' shipments from hen ta that direct loo. With tbe supplies of Oregon ealoae aaseM vary llav ; lied aad tbe storks eery poor la aaallty, tbera bi net moch doing ta tbo auu-ket aad tbo highest price aow paid la tbe ceeetry "Is t9 pac aooad. - ' Todsy's wtMtesale ououtloos, at rertaed, ara aa foUowa: : : Orala, riaar aad raa. . WJHKAT Nominal; enb and red. Bee; MoO atem. wX4i46c; ealley. Mtwc. HABtKV raed, ftS-M; rolled. $34.00 bcro- CORXWkots, 24. W); cracked. toa. ' KTK-ori.oa pr cwt. OATH-. No. I white. I2S.00: gray. .-' l t lAI R Kasters Orcsos Patents 04.0SI stralghu, 43. r; sxporu. oJ.snajii.oo; ealley,; grsnom. 41.001 10a, H.4S; rye. fitM. OR.isi; bales. 0S.T&. slILLHTfPV Rrsa. flO.AO per ton; mid- dllugs," IS.ou; oborts, ouestry, 23.00; coop, '. li. ' '-' HAV Tissotky. Willamette eaHcy. fancy, f1.owJH.isi: ordtBary. 4l2.uOOIA.fw: . sastera Oteg 413.00rl4.iS) mlicsV-0'H.OU; ckai. . OU.UO; grala. 011.00; -ekeeV 11.00. . . - . .. , ' Satttr, Zggs asd Pssltry. . , . rH'TTT.R PAT-Aweet. Sic; soar, See. "' " BLTTKK City - aressssry, bast. H,c; second grsde. 2Vc; ostside fsncy. Iiio.ay: ordinsty. iTVtc; csUfornU, 2haj3uc; atnre, IS lc. - .. ;- . , ., KiiOS No. 1 fresh Oregon. IMeglSttc fHtKHB New Pull cream, twin. ISr; Veeng Aasrrics, ITtylTWc; esstera. l&tjlnfee; . Csllfornls. lc Cbsddsr, lee. IOII.TRK t-blckees. mixed. 13 c per lb; kens, !4Se per Ib; roosters, old. !2'SI:lc per n; yoniig, laoio in; ereiters, es.ui'iaa.uiff per tko; fryers, Ue per lb; docks, SN.Otxa lo.oo per i dos; geese. V per m; tarkeys, ITfcJlbc par lb; drssssd. aosj22o per Ik. Reps, Wssl aad Hides. - ' ' HOPR-Ceatract. 1006. 104JlTe; 1904 crop, v 24z4Vic for choice; 2a 421 He fur primes sod - piedlsms. . WOOL 109 clip. Tiller, coarse to medium. T9ler:. fine, Ibo20c; esstera Oregon, . 144 lHc. MonAfRNomlnal. ak30v. ' : PHKblVKINS Shearing. lli20c; snort wool. .l.r: medinm wool, SUxioOc; long wool, roVrrI.OA eech. ' TAIiW ITIiae. par lb. 4tj8e; No. aad -. gresse. 2tf 24c. . N I HITTlai BABK 4044 per tb, baying .. pr'ce. H1IKS Dry ..hides. Bo.,,.' 10 lbs ssd np. v,ltlHe per lb; dry kl. So. 1, ft to IS lbs. i . 14c; dry calf. No. 1. under S lbs, lactlSc; dry Ked bides, steers, sound, flu lbs se over, 0V4i VSei ft to X Pjs. sHci ssdrr 00 lbs and - cows, tSic; sugs: snd bulla, soond, 04)Tc; 1 Hp. 15 Is 20 lbs. We: sonnd. 10 to 14 lbs, 044 4lr: dir.. sound, aoder 10 lbs. OQllc: greea tOBssltedi. lc per lb less; culls, le per tb less; ' horse hides. ssltd, each. 01.2&l.7&; dry. t each. 01 tt.50: colt bides, each, SfttSouc; ! . goat skins, common, each. lOfctl&c; Asgora. aitk wool en. each. 2Sczi.00. . .., ' ' traite aad TegetaMsa. . ;-' i i POTATWBtV Beet Oregon, 0tl$l.nn. car lots. ' '' u'!i second grade. llOsrwOo ssck: buying, car lots, aueitfc: Ksrly Hose aweeta. best.; cWed! i fl.T..; new Csllfornls, 4r per Ib. . OHI0NS-Ail.0usjs.2B; buyers' prices, eoontry. 1 ?"" lb 1 Al,t" e4.U04i4.6ist garlic . PRKPH PRt;iTR Apples, extra fSBcy, 1. SO; r , fence Oregim, TUS6c per pes; cheap grades. .'oeclSc per box; oranges, nsrel, 41 Tf.2 20 boxi Japaoees oranges. uinSOSc box; bananas. . per ib; lemooa, choice. 02.74 per no- fsncy, 01 00 peg bos: hmee. Menesn. &r per 1U0; pineapples.; crasbcrrles. east, i Jn. f 11.00 per btl. j VBtiETABl.r.S Turntper' TSIPwxr ': per" esck--1 carrots. 0l.uv4al.10 per seek; beets, 01.26 per 1 or Chimney IMpc, 8ewp Pipe. Flre rootuig. UrslD Tile, Building torKk. KI04) Lining. VKrlOed 1b IsfJIilch. . j Ksrsczi Crick Co. Office) snd Yard Font Antony t. Portland. Or., I'hone Main Its. a-l 4 - , d ' Tha news u4 quosatloBa 4 eeaTsera ui westers aeaHa 4 4 - priiw IB una Inu - or - The 4 d JniHl saw.' fmnlk4 by Over- ; 4 4 beak. BtaxT ' ft Cook Co. Obi. 4 4 eavge mm or xreae Brokers, d ' IOS. Third, STtTaet, , . d sack: Oregoa radiabeai tbe per doa; -cabbage. Oregon, per cwt: t'allroraiav l.iusjl.lo; am.u.v. .WU e - "f .UU ree Biwi pepbera, lo per lb; Cklli peppera, 15a per lb; olery, 3(iiM.iJ - per - crate; . tomatoes. r h naa, so. (Hi; Meiirss, gx 2.1 -ou: paranlpa. il.ootrt J8: pie plant, die per box; siring brans, Ur; ' rsullflowet, Ore goa. ' fl.fiosjl.ttu; t.allfomla, (1.8S . . per crsiei raebaro: ac pr IB; punipilto. lc per lb; borseradtah, TttSc per lb; sprouts, dc; artlcbokea, 6UUT60 per doa; botbeoee lettuce, j $l.5uel.TS per box; Oregoa radl.See. M4ua per auo; greea eniooa, aac po; aos; aaporagns. 7ao per 10; spinacn, too per Boat sqsasa, lc per lb. DHIGO KO 'Rrrr Annies, eranorated. TASc per lb: apricots, BHulUe per lb; sacks, Vb9 per la leaa; peecoes. baglso per lb; pears, I per lb; prunes, Italian. tyHle per . lb; I trench, I'twtVjO per lb; rigs. CalUorala duck, MiKWc oer lb: California white. Per. lb; vlnms. Pitted. iter lb: dates, gold a. V I per lb; faros. 1.50 per l-lb boa. . Oniistlss. atata. Xte . . IVGA R Baek basis Cube. ai.M: ' nowdered. 0.10; fralt granulated, (.0n dry granulated. fXMS; beet granulated. eilra (!, o.a; muoen 1.. eo.aui odm, iuc; vi eost. socf oosw, fie sdrsace oa sack basis, leas SBe per cwt for csab, IS dsys: saaple, IttilOc par lb. HONKT imtflUc. .' ' Itirrta brands. II1M. " KALT line lUles. lis, as, oa. as. 10s. fl.aOi table, dairy, oils, gll.on; low, IU.TD; In ported Uverpool. Ms. SIT.Oo: ' lOUo. 110.511; KMe.- JlO.nO; extra time.' bbb, . 00. 6s, lus. .90?5.nO: bulk. S3U lbs. 04.uoejB.UO; sacks, ios. OOWHoc. .. . .. HALT tsrse Half groond. 100s, per tea. n.oo: AOs. per too. OT.BO; Lteecpeol. fcamp rock, OIO.0O per ta fto-lb reck. 0w: luOs. 0O-T8. lots. tr iU at special nrtcea aabjeet ta floe - AlkMtaj far I renal aDnir tram anaklsaaB Ahr -mBSBsB rital feraas tustloeal. . v . - UKAIX Tsleatts: IS IB St . OB kae lOflL MICM Inaarlal Jauan. No. I. 4.c: Mo. X. 4c: New Orleaeoa. bead. OWtiOe: AdJax. Ofee: t'reole, -4c. ' HKA.v small white. 4c: Israe white, He pink, SVaC beyoo, OXsU; Umas, 0Vc; Mextcaa reds, Tc. ...... NLTK Peaauta, TWt Jnmboa, He per Ib vuiue per. in; rosacea. i cornsnuis, Hf6lBOr ner Aos! walnsra. ISSBlBe nee lb: Bine .nr. IOl9U.en Hi hiekere uhL tne ner lb: cnestnats, eastern, l&tgllMn-per lb; BrssIL sots. muc . vvw- to, iiivrn, iiii't f- ' " i r BecSBS. l4ttlfiO oer Iht alBUOdS.. lSSl IOC ker lb, Paints. Veal Oils. Its. - , R0P1I Pare Manila. 14ei standsrd. : siasl. 10,c; Istw brand slssl. PVc. gsl; water white. Iron bbls, !6Vc per gsl; wooden, lie oer est: heedlls-bt. 17ll-drs. eassa. iPie per gsl; Iron bbls. 10Se per gsl.. - Z22rZZrZVZr-JZL,mZi In. Mile ine nee esl. ' 1 THHPKNTIN& la easaa. 8Se psr gaH bbbJ, ear per gat. . j DL'k'.l V 0 Mu SSLe mmm eSt in. " . T" " ns ni. - - I WHITR I.RAn Toa lots, Tc per ib; aoo-ioi lots, ie per in; less lots, te per in. wiHn ISA! iji -present bsse st az.v. I.INDRRD Oil. Pure raw In hhls. ale per gat; eases. eHe ner a-eli eeonlne kettle bol lea, es He per gal; bbls, 63c per gal; ground eake. car lota.. par -rnir less tnaa esr sote, W.(W per torn. ' - - . . . seta, risk aad rreeisleaa. PRR8H blRATR Front street Beef, steers. 44i&V Pr lb; pork, block. JHte'ic per it; pscken, THCSc per U; bulls. 2W.le per Ib: rows.- ilekte per . lb; million, wethers and lambs with pelts. 2.5".1 .26; ewes, Oct eaaL r.i'H. o- ..uwwi, 71 e" . v .. PtWrC per lb. HANK. BAixin, rrc-portiaaa pecs iiocai) hams, 10 te 14 lbs, 12Via per Ib; 14 tool 4 lbs. lUc per lb: IS to 10 lbs. lilUe pee Ib; cottage. Be per lb; break Faat bares, 12tle per Ib; plcaic. He per In: regular short dears, nn- sowked. per Ib; smoked, loe per Ib; elesr bscka, ansmoked. Be per lb; smoked, ine per Ib; I'nloa butts, JO to 18 lbs. aasmoked, Oe per lb; smoked. Be per lb; clesr bellies, aa- i ... . -. .a. ... n.L(AV,'AHI-JmJl.v.l". ftut,0i C lb: As, lOHs per n; Oo-lb tins. I0e psr lb; steam rendered, 10s. 9e per lb; as, 0a per U; tuns. nc h; tubs. 4.c per lb; 1KB. 4e per Ib. I CANNRD BA1.MON Colnmbla riser l ib tells. I II. HJ; 2-lb tails, O'iiM; fancy l ib flats,' 02.0O;1 u-io tsncr Date, gi.xn: rsacy l-in stsis. acta; Alaska tails, plak, SottSOcl red, tlM; aomlaal 2s. tall. 02.00. riHH-Rock and. Te oar Hi: Soendera. Se ner lb: halibut. Te per lb; eraba. 01-20 per dos; striped ' bass. lOdllSn per lb: est- Ssb. Te per Tb; sslmea. rblaosh. 12c; steelbeads. per Ib; froara slleersldsa, Te per lb: herring, Oe per lbi soles. Oe per lb; sbrlaips. 10c per Ib: sbsd. dressed, per Ib; perch. Re per lb; shsd roe. '""" Per tb ; shad. Oe per Ib; blaehorod, 0c psr In: Cohimbls rlrer smelt. DC per -lb; silver esselt, he fter Ib; lobsters, 12e: freak mackerel. Se per lb; crswOah. 20c per doa; Aon sacra, Oe psr Ib; a tors-eon. Te per lb. S ' OVSTKRelboalwatsr bay,- par gel. 02.26; her ssck. Te per R. 7 CXAMA Hard abell, per box, 03.00; faasr clema, 42 00 per box. MAY CLOSED UP AND JULY LOSES In Chicago Wheat Option of Former Shows a Very f Good Feeling. CLOSE THREE EIGHTHS - CENT ADVANCED TODAY Both Corn and Oats Decline in ; SympathyProvisions 1 Dead. ' TODAY'S WHEAT MARKET. Ol IVoe Close Oela Tedsy. 0.00 0014 Today. .0111 T . .88 Today. 112H Tuee. .. 11.12 Cblcsgo. Marck SB. May wheat earn to tbe front today with s fair showing of strength snd closed e klgber. The opeaing ef Ike . wheat -market wss gen erally lower, lisy going' at Ot.11. a drop of He from the rloslna of yesterday. It ksd a good feeling all tbrobgh tbe aessloa, bat tbe trading wss not hesry. The erratic fluetostibus In tbe wheat msrket ef Iste snd Hay option especially hss fright ened and quieted the bears to some eiteat snd shorts srs covering on every dip tka mar ket takes. - Jest contrary - to tba feeling la tbe Msy, July w lie at waa weak at toe closing aad showed e loss of V4c. It opened e lower at s and closed at Mwl,c. The corn msrket wss wesk and Msg closed down In sympathy May corn went, 44c dowa. The proflaloa market waa dull and lifeless. . Today's official markets: , . - WHRAT. Open. ..011li .. . .SO, .SS Close. 11.12 ... .ssi4 " .4TH -.47 Msy July .... September Msy ........ inly ,. Septembsr . . May July .... September .. Msy i.. ...... July May ..!).., July Septeniber ... CORB. ' .4TT, .47 .4Tti OATS. MEMS pORK. HOT 12. OT ....... .,- LARD. . .... 12.83 1. 11 " T.40 . , soi T.ia SHOUT BIBS. Msy ........ July ........ September -.. , oajt rxsncisco ai.Ai? maixxt- Saa Prancisoa, Msrck 2B.--I0:0 a. B. oes- siea:. . - . Closing .I.4H ,. .27'4B . .tn . 1.17 Msy' wheat...... Decemtier wheat llecejslier bsrley, Msy bsrley tlrerpoel Orals , Market. . - I.lrerpnol. March 9B. Wheat' Msy opened st led lower, and closed ds 44. i lower. . POITLASD BABK STATEkTEBT. I'lesrlnrs BalsiKvo ... T3,.b.4 nmi PACIFIC . COM LEADS Advance Two and Three Eighths Points on.New York Stock .. Exchange .Today. ' NEW .YORK CENTRAL IS TWO DOLLARS ADVANCED Steel Issues Rise a Full (P6int as Does American Sugar ' :::;' " Refinery. " V. ADVANCES. . ' li Amalgsmatcd .... lilAtrhlaoo. com 1 l-' 5 ? 1 Biwsr I IHrsoklya Halt. Ohio ..... ni. i-sui .......... t'enadlaa lso Mlaaourl Pa? . WMctrooolltsn f IIVnusylTsnia Resdlag, com .. 1 HI Hock lalsnd. i)S. P..' com . .. I IHteel, m ,,. ..Hslnlcel, pfd .. H. P.. com N. T. Centrsl , rhesa. A Ohio . arm New York. Msrck .-ifhe stack .atsrkrt opened today with good . aaraace alio cioseo higher sil through tbe ust ' asin was sbowa by Paloal f "?Bi which dosed , points h'.--V ? polots wss maite by New '.''1. .i. kefinlng gained a foil point rh FT iwmm- ' I D4S M rUT Biawo eeasa. " - 1 ksoeo of Lotted Btstes SteeL , , 1 Todsy'a ofOclal stock market! I L . . . ... . Closing I '.' - C. Open. I Amalramatrd Coporr Co ....... ... 1 At'-hlsm,- !" 7V: do oreferred 1 Amertcsa t"sr A Koondry, ooaa . I American Ptorsr, com ,..... j American ".inciter, com ......... i oo prererrco I ukIimm s Ohio, com ,..104 lost. 1 duj,Im U.n14 TeeMlfe OT OT I Canadian Psrlflc, com ,...........14T1n IVOICBge SI Alios, wma f An nrvferred . ... loilcego, blllwsokee A St- Paol.... t hlcsgo A isorlbweeicro. coo. I Denrer A lUo Grsnda, com I flo preferred ........... I Pjrlev oom ......,;................." Metr-llUa Xtreet Railway ..,..11 1 Usohattan Hallway ............ s. I Mcxlcsn Centrsl Rattwaf:,.. i "ewr - Nrs Yofk OntTSl Pe.nel...!. Rsllwsr 140T4 U0 1 Yf. A Z u.. n. IT . L'. V l-rewed Pteel Cor. com Peellle Mall Steamship 0e. ...... .. ' vS Heading, com M4 Mii Kock Island, rota 3 , , do eeef erred .. H aoottacro Hallway, com Hoalbera I'sclOc 0T m Tennessee Cos! A boa ........... IH ' '4 Union PaNao, com ....iznni ds preferred - H Cnited Htsteo Rteej S)e., com S5t lH do nreferrrd ." ko WwcnnslD Central, com ........... .. . 2.IH Westers Union Telegraph : 2 Wsbssk,. eom . . 2314 FRANKLIN WHEAT IS LOOKING GOOD Acreage Planted This Season a Will Be Much Greater Than n Previous Yearn IRpeclat Dtapatcb ta Tka loanaL) " '' 1 , Connell, Wei Mst year ncodi Bust of the c Connell, Wesk.. Msrck 2S. Prank 11 n county 3 seea i.ots),ouo aasoeui-og waest, crop being shipped to tidewater. lust shoot eanogb for seed being retained by tbe fsrmen. Judging from present crop Indi es t Ions the crop tbla year will be fully one nair more. - . All ever rmnstla county wheat looks splen did. Some Seine an covered with a costing of green, while early fall sowing la now nearly six inches nigs ana is growing rapiaiy since tbe rains of last week. The acreage seeded lsst fsll wss greatly la ex rem of aay previ ous yrsr, and tbo winter waa mild enoagb to si low the grain to pess through without dam age. But little fall grata waa frnsea oat and seldom was It aeceessry td reseed any land. The spring waa pleasant sad warm snd fsrro era have made the beat of It by seeding aa faa aa possible. The soil ta light aad dries out qotckly la the spring, allowing aeeding and; earlier than In the heavy land districts. This fsct aeeoaata for the greea gelds and si miles proasarta all over the aertloa adjacent to tbe Soaks river. A large aereege of new land haa been added the acreage at lsst year. ... RECEIPTS ARE FEWt1 BUT PRICES STAND Hog Market Is Dull But Cattle Shows a Very Good - Tone -Sheep Firm. Portland ITnloa Stockyards, March 29 Livestsck receipts: - " . Trees . , Today Ago Hogs ..........70 : 100 fettle . M . - 1113 Kbeep - ' 1,070 Uocsee ..- ' . 27 Hecelpts of' livestock today wen very light. Tbe small rnn of hogs Into the yards does not seem to hsve any effect noon tbe market, for tne tone continues very doll snd week. Tbe estUe market la la good shape, wltk amall anivsls. snd top prices continue to rale. The sheep msrket Is qoVt but firm. The offlrisl or Ices rating In ltveetock'todsy: Hogs Host esstera Oregon. 0O.AOI blockers and tBina tats,, eo-eo. siocssre ana teeaere, 04.00414. 7tl. .... Csttle Beet esstera Oregoa steers. 04.0O9 4.10; light and medinm steers, 03-50440.76: old sad light cows, 02.AOQ2.7&; stocksrs aad feeders. 2.00; bulls, $1.00. . ' ' Sheep Best fsncy sheep, '04 0O499.0O; esrss, t4.2fttt4.60; aprlag lambs, SHOOo. WALLA WALLA HENS WORKING OVERTIME Eggs Reach ? . Lowest . Price in Years There for This Period of the Year. '" (Special Dispatch to Tha Voraal.) '' ' Walla1-Walla. Waak., Msreb 20 Srga ksve resched tbs low-wster msrk la this city, Me being tbe ruling price st retell. It ts seldom tost tbe price gets ss low ss this, even la snmmer, when hens work overtime, aad It la a siatter of comment that the price should run dowa ao early la tbe spring. The demaad Is so-oag sad ablpmenta are made dally to coast snd eastern porata. but tbe prion assess to have ao iBdlcatma of ralatsg soon. t Rates to W. 0. W. Convention at tot Angeles. !- ; h, " Account of convention Woodmen of the World and Women . of Woodcraft to be held at Los Angeles April It, 110S. the Southern Pacific Co. will sell on April It, It and 14, round trip tickets Portland, to los Angeles, limit 00 days st rate of tSS. Tickets caa be pup chased at any Southern paclflo ticket Office.) , 1 . - PaVnaAjnCB AT PbQZObTIPbTXsV. -- t (Journal Special Service. I T?hnsaeIphl.BrAoliVl-ri1esl. dent Fairbanks will he the goest of honor at a reception at the Union league this evening. It la the second of a ae rleu of such" receptions arranged by tbe club. the. first having been tendered lo rreliitntRooevclt last January, COURT VILL SELL Heavy Eastern Interests Will Bid --- on Mining and Railway . Property. 1 . " RECENT RAILWAY WORK COMPLICATES THE CASE Lowest Bid Fixed by Court Must Be Nearly Two Hundred 1 . Thousand Dollars. (Spedsl Dlspstch to The Jonraal.) Baker City. March ' - April 4 Is the data fixed for sale of tbe Iron Pike mining property on Snake . river, on the execution of the local dletrlct eOurt. The sale will be made at-the court hourn in this city, and title, to the per sonal and real property - of the Iron Dike snlne and the franchise and prop erty of the , old . North weat Railway company will .paaa at thnt , time. 1 Aa the claims of Conrad, Curtse and their aaaociates againat. the Reed holdlnga RATgregate tHO.OOd, this will be the min imum bid aooepted. , Nathlnar la learned hern aa to what is being done by repreaentattvea of either Interest. But a conteat la expected be tween the Reed and Conrad forces. The railways situation will cause especial In terest, aa there are more than 20 ml teg of the Northwest line graded down the Snake from Huntington, ready for tlea and ralla, and tunneling at Ox Bow waa alao under way when, work stopped. . In view of the Interest orer a Snake route, local men believe the rights of the eld Northwest ' company will have , far greater valoe than the amount Of -the Judgment secured against this franchise and the Iron Dike mine. Both factions of the old Iron Dike and the Northwest company are Brie. Pa., people, and .are expected to be represented at tba sale by syndicates ready to , bid in tbe prop erty. : , .. .. ' k ISOLATED DISTRICT ATTRACTS ATTENTION ';.;'-''.. 'v . 1 1 ! ''.'it . ' (speci.i Dispatch te The Joaraalt Lakeview. Or., March St.-v-Mineral carrying- gold and copper is found In this region st various point and' several local people have been . moved to stake claims and have preliminary develop ment done. . From Paialey, north of here 36 miles, to Fandango "valley, 40 xnllea to the south, there hsve'been maay prose pecta located. 1 At the dbss between Sumrlse valley and FandangoJ in California, where a spur of the Sierra Nevada range Is crossed, exceptional values . In , copper were found at the surface,- and several short funnels- have been driven. Tbe excitement started as a result of find ing thanks of ore that were almost solid nuraets of native Conner, and this float waa traced to small veins. The veins were small at the surface, . how ever, and no heavy work has been under taken there yet. although some believe that the district will ultimately become a rich copper producer. . - ... The. past week samples of gold ore taken from tne vicinity ef willow ranch, Just .across, the .-California border from here, . have revived lntereat. . Float has been noted thereabout for many years, and within the past year! or two some of the ranchmen have traced It to fairly strong Veins. Samples taken from this work show values ranging from 01.60 to $200, but the Information regarding tbe properties ia not clear enough to say whether 'the district has promise as permanent mineral producer. This year there will be considerable work done on the prospects. :'' ., '. On Bidwell creek, - far up tbe range between Goose, lake and Surprise val leys, have been found good copper crop- pings and on some or these a small amount of work has been done, r Coal has also been found In this vicinity, but the quality' has not , been sufficiently tested to prove that It la commercial. Near Paisley, to the north or -this city, more, work bag been done than n anv - other local prospects, i nree or four tunnels Have been driven on fairly well deflned. veins, and it is probable that this 1 worn: win oe presoca ener getically the present year. , . No thorough - mining men nave ever rlren the -country examination, and Ita promise Is a rather vague Quantity. There are Immense flows of rbyollte over great ere, but the older formation found in the Sierra spar uplift pro nounced - proper "for ore deposition. Slates and granite are both found In the mineral son. -. ...- .- , ...,- , COMBINE REPORTED .. ; ,, TaBFASSUREDFACT . (Special Dtapatcb te Tbe ' JosrasL) -New Tork, March 20. Henry C. Davis of tha firm of Houaman Co., -of New Tork. is conducting the giegotlations for combining the northwest smelters. It Is stated on good authority that the under writing enterprise launched to handle these smelters haa already been largely .overaubscrlbed, and that no. difficulty will be found In securing all the capital needed to put such a combine In work ing shape. - Local mining men believe that, a mergec of three or four of the largest Pacific coast smelters will be effected soon; the capital stock for tbo combine Is undetermined. ; There are rumors of gyeat improve ment at Tacoma to make this plant the largest on the coast, and putting It in shape to handle the oriental trade. It is even said that the Tacoma plant has already entered Into a contract for 0.000 tons of refined copper for the orient, which is taken as an Indication of the Immense, trade, that will be built up in this quarter of the world.- SNOW CREEK IS RICH . IN, THE SHAFT LEVELS f ' . i-v v-' v (Special Dispatch to Tba lenraaL) Tipton, Or., March 20. Manager Fred D. Smhh of " the 'Snow creek mine has cat the first station -In his new, shaft, which is 100 feet deeper than the Zelda tunnel level, and Opened the vein at that depth. , The vertical depth of this work la 22S feet The-' rein has' been found to be as strong as it was in the tunnel ' workings, and so far as the drift, which baa Juat been commenced,, has been ex plored on the lower level, values are as good, if not better. In the tnnnel work ings -of the Snow creek : there was a shoot having-a length of shoot too feet, la which the ere body varied from one to nine feet There, were places in this shoot where an oxide ore assaying from too to 1200 would more than All the OVER3ECK, STARR & COOKE CO. . Members Chlcag Board of Trade, . '.- l- OBVAIBT, PBOTlBAOsTB, OOTVOaT. BTOOZ tM BOxTOB. " ' V , 101 Third Btreut. McKay Building. Portland. Of. . i'' . Wm?s0 A BTxUfrTXT OOXagXBBIOaT BTDBIBIBBB. ,: Contlnuona Markets by Private Wire. sitivn, vnunvis, ana vnitca oustes national lis nit ol lortlaoa. , , drift And tha aTeruga valuaa war ex. oeptlonally high. Every Indloatlon About tha vein waa ror deep values, out me camp ta naturally elated over eatabllah ing thla theory beyond queatlon.. Tha, 10-atamp mill la In aftady operation and haa been" handling aotne ore from tha Psyche. ., r.-.,f, MMUXTia AT TXMIeTXA. r 1 - (Specisl Dispatch te The Joaraal.1 . Qreenhorn. W.-. afarcn J- Assurance was given this week by Manager A. B. Ernst of the Virginia mine that early spring would find this property active again. Mr. rnat lives in Beat tie. wnere he returned after his visit in thla Camp, but will soon to east to put the Vlr-; grlnia in better condition. The mine was; equipped with s mew stamp mill last year, supplanting .the - Parker . rotary starapa tried tbe preceding season. - De velopment consists of a shaft ISO feet deep with drifts on the 00 and 110 levels. Most of the ore In the first vein that was above the 00 level haa been stoped out, but between the 120 and 00 la said to be mucn virgin grouno. . a second vein has been ' crosscut on tha lower level, which alao haa promise sol ov .producer. ; v ',..:.:. ; ..' . :, r i, . raiu&ntwt' nomaTABT oxoanot. At a meeting of the American Mining. congress directors, v held in uenver. iamea K. Calibres th, president "Of the Denver 'chamber of . commerce, was chosen permanent' oecretaryeor'the or ganlxaflon. At the name time a mem- berahitt committee -was chosen, -whose duty-it shall be to enlist the moat In fluential mining men of that and .other states In -the organisation. This com mittee 1 will proceed u immediately to strengthen the organisation, so that the bill which Is to be presented to the national congress creating a department of mlnea will have the backing of the! mining men. . , . armor amxooa cioxatg. - (Special Dispatch to Tha JoarsaL) Grants Pass: Or.. Mcrch 19. Tha Gold Bar Mining company la the name of the company finally -organised by K. T. Rtanlea to handle tha Brlsas property. - !..,,-.. e Sn.k.. Knalc Jbf C Imnt of Chlmarn will be' the eastern ... - - . . , .ena receive interest thereon. sgpni si ma cuoijwii . - -uw pose to get In ahape for thorough de. velopment this . year. ,., .. v SOOB W0BK TBOB TsAJs. t (Spedai Dispatch re The Journal.. Salem. Or.. March 2. The manage ment Of the Lewis and Clark mine. Ban tl.m-elei4ea. a! this ennntv. srlvem aa-1 ...-.e .e mimAv aevelonMenf The first contract for too feet of additional work has been let. and will be foliowed by others,-"'."-, v- j-m '.. i -i'.' t-" '..- ABERDEEN IS MAKING BIDS FOR INDUSTRIES . '.r"-tl -ill 'lM.u4ek ' o ' TVss snsaw earn! V - e9lC2S 'aaeaysa sjsaa vm ssnm owmsuw. , Aberdeen.' Wash.. March 11 NegotU tlona are pending for the removal of the X!Z'&2SZZ pose 01 ODtainmg lacuiiica. tur wain "Zir 1. Ae-i. "e ..rtow tiw. - industries. -offering a location containing 10 acres, but Aberdeen will probably se-l e.e. th. Mat if the alto of five aerea. in an advantag-eons location which! la rsaulmd. con be obtained. - - I 0K . I rt w- V. m n . naAm K' the ' klnn.l quarry, people will be from ttO.OOO toi"r' ""I IIA AAA .wsst OlnsBsx aaaHlt Jkawtwasap SB smn SWWS.SB t 1 1 w" ,W aSsxWlB, mm W, akllled workmen with , them to do the I fWVVVVi aVIU sgsasw will, wi iu m (wi ymm v fine earring reoulred. and whtcb, with! eorrvetHenoea f Of cargo ohlpment, can I all be done here. Instead Of being fOL'ND A place to have hair msttresaes reae finlahed after reaching Its destination,! vated, snd returned same day. phoaa atala as waa necessary when ahtoned by rail. They wUI also handle Alaska. msjble.lMrrA K p w.t- Arm , rim$ w.'olreVo'ir.'fhrlr. sent here in he rough. . , j f pleeee rstora to U0 Pine at sad f reeeira - The coal varde will be another de-l Slrable Industry and will require bank ers with a capacity of from 0,000 .to 10.000 tons of coal. FYom ttO.000 to 40.000-wlll be Invested In this business wtmmA t,.e 4U -T-A I uTlZ. of'men 'toWdol quire quit a force of men to do the work. -. ...,,.. -a - VJ . Xi Tw-l. hen rettimaut fmm Tji nino Where he has been in coniltatlcm I with the parties 'Interested and . hvtS I niarfa amiuramanti 'fnrthasi -to . snma here at an early date, and choose a location which will be. satisfactory- tol tnem. ' ' .'' v-..,.-'- -v ,vt- I hUe the chamber ot commerce 1 will take up the matter, and seek to se- cure plant. Choice or Sites for - the new I U1TX B70TI0EB.' rBoposxB rjfnoTTjtinn; or ear btxtk Kotice Is hereby gives tkat' at the mhHu. of tbe Conadl of the City of Portland, Oregoa. nera ew we jm uj wi aasren. xsvo. I SB ffOs lowing resolution wss soopieo: Resolved, That the Cos sell of the City of flsod, Oregos, cleerna It expedient sod pur-1 pwaa t" I811.UT, am mnin eirevx xrom etoe south line of Uawtborae aveaae to tbe north nee 01 iiivunoa sireet. ia im 101 lowing man- Her, w -11. rirst By grading the fall Intersect nione down is shown by the auk atngll linoHJtv hetoetea- the enef.ea -I A. - ' roll width with full Intersections to the aaxah- DreTi2a..f ' . city chart sr upon the prop-1 WAI4TBD-By barber with Its veers' sTperl Ushed grade with gravel, ertr : apeetalry and peeullsrly benefited thereby, ! core. Write Kneolpb Scbwsrt, T81 Corbet U Third By constructing artificial stooe olds- I walks. Fourta By laving crosswalks. si.k o. 1.-1-- A--- 1- - , 1 ying' with tbe City Euglneer a plsas, apeciflcstioos aad eatlmstes. . , " . ' . ,m U I . M MWMMHl.. M .. -u. I aeventn ar eonstrnctiog wovuew aioswsias in i accordaace with tbe City Engineer's pUaa. spec lfica tlona snd estimates. , ' I Said Improvement to be made la aeeordaace I with the cksrter end ordinances of the cite .f barter and ordinances of tae City ef ml ths plsas, specifications aad estl- he City Kngfoeer, filed la the office lad)te; of the Cltr of' port- roriiana ana mstes of the - .t. A-. land oa tbe ISta day . of ' 'March.- 10U8. I Indorsed; vxity Rngiaeer'a plana and spec I- , .. - -w. . r"Z I Blath street from tbe north line of Hawthorne aveane to the aorth lias of Divtshn street, snd k. ,4-. -k mm. ... I probable total cost thereof." . The coat or aaio improvement to oe assessed 1 and which la hereby 'declared to he all the lot. I parta thereof and parcels of Uad Ivlng between I a line low rest west of ana parallel wit the I wesx nne oi un ninis a i reel sbo a une luu i feet east of and parallel wltk tbe eaat lias of eat Ninth afreet and between tbe aorth Use ot Invtstoa street and a Mae 100 feet aorth. ofl"0' . ;. . , ' ' ' .1 ana parallel with'. the aorth line ef Uawtborae I iiTsj-et-w. -J... - .si i-KVi cost for the Improvement ef ssld street ta OP siaoo. t 1 1 ne a oovs improvement is to no Classen as a i ' . . .w.ii k-. w 1 the elty for a period of five years, provided I that the owners of a ma loci tv of tbs orooerfr I nenentea oy ssia imnvovemeBt or any poruoa tnereox sssu not petition tor a new or eiiterent I imipi iiissssnt eeisre - ine . expnrsnoa . ox nerlnd. - - Tbe Dtsaa. seed flea ttoaa sad ssrlmstea of the iity j.ninrieet roe tne improve most oc mm "T r. eeeeby adopted - I P J h. ..I fc-. XtU-Zd .1 el -II "L ..r.ib1.Ahr" X,frJZ?lT t ,Z TZlJlTZZ2l?lL? ir Si- r ,h". .0ro? latprovement of aald notice of street as Brovlded hr the eitv cbsrter. mZ TtSi li. 'wrluiTlttth. 'ZEZmlSS within 10 .ys from the dste ef the- first Hev-oneirsncen agsinst ine aasve improvement oubllcstlna of thla notice. By order ef the CouncIL ' ' "' '' . THUS, C. DKVT.IN, Auditor of tbe Cltr of PnrtUnd. Portland. Oregoa. Date ef first pablloatwa. March IS. I our.. i Quick Benrlce.' RKr"KR:NCKR Ledd O Journal Branch OsQccs ADVTmTTSrwwT, win b received at . . reguUr main otnes rates at tbe following places gsd sent to Its Journal la time for pabllcauon la tha next las us: ..-0TK.' sUiA. rVeetoo, drnggtst. 03d ssd Thar- xsan streets. Mob H1U I'hsrraicy. 000 OUaaa street. eoraer 21st, A. W Allen, pkarmaelat. IStk aad t4sr shall atreeta. B. B. Jacks, confectioners, . 000 Wash- . Ingtoa street, corner igtfc.- , : v ' -V-'.- , -;.;S0UTK.v :,:. -; -B. F. 1 loses Co., draggist, Frsat sad filbba atrseu. ; Cottel llrug- Company, first gad Grant ftreeta. . . ... .. 1 SAST ' USX. ' v .' jrbMl4'S Pharmacy. SM Mlsalaaippl aewy,, nue, earner nasver street. Nichols 4 Thompson, 120 U us sail street, : .' eoraer Alblna avenas. -lancke Drug Company, corner Hsw thorns sod Grand jveaoes. v t. A. Dirk, toesceus, T224 Crosby (eaat sod ateel bridge). B. V. rettoa, eoaferrleaery. 8T. aa Burnatde. eoraer Onion aveaae. Ipgram Bush, tobsorosists, lit Oraad' '.. aveaue. - ' . . ; j - irjinrniBi. . - -. ' f. . Worth, pkarawcist, 080 Belmoai street.' - - y ; ... ...... BaVOOsTXTS. ' 'TV ...v Brooklyn Pharaaacy, eoraer. Powell aad alllwsukls . streets. ...v.t.'; :v,'-,1, THE MODERN TRUST COMPANY Ceaiaeta I very Departmsat of riaaaeial j Baalaaag. -3 i -j TKX OLDEST TU0T fJOWAJfT JM , 0BEQ0X," (CAPITAL $300,000) I Will accept year aeeooat. aabieef to -cheek. I au m,r " - -eevlage aecoaat Wltk It, It will- Issne rjaoBOB Oartiioatsa ef Dsneolt. ranging for ire years : wltk interest at the rate or a per cent per ansum, payable aeml- snnosiiy.. ....... .. .w- 1 . . ' It Will issue Ssesisl Oartiaoatae ef Deoosit. payable oa tea days' - esl I. thirty dayaa call or ninety nays- can, wlta interest at SM, ai aaa a per cent per annum. It Conducts a - general banking ' b Rakes collections, loaos money oa reel es- late. Iifs insurance policies aad ether , I eurltles. ' tlEr I t.Vm tt i'XZZm.'. I sell property, eara for aad manage your estsU. j With aneseelled facilities It Invites all kinds of Saaaclal bnslaaas tbroughoot the" aorthweet. and partlcalarly extends this layltstioa ts visitors to the Lewm aad Clark - fair, aad those who eoatekplate locating permaacBtly Ib oregoa. Ts sock It will extend every areomme - datioa consistent vrltk.. tousarvstlve bssklsg. Bead for IU nook of .,- , - , - ,,. vl TUinnBATI0BB.M Portland Trust Company of Oregon . ?3E"' . Praatdeat ib. 1.KI rHET... Becretsry j. a OOLTBA.. Amiatsnt Seereurr W, , J, UIIJ,. . .i.Seeoad Assistsat nVeretary SUIIM T. 1AL.I ......Kesl KStatO VrSceT ':.""'' -.'.. inn ' 'aarm soil a a. ' ;'l a..S-i . , -m .... LOST la'diea! gold watch' and chatelaine ptn, I Fr"T "e""" i'aI "Hr o '- roruaae lurieu nau- inciory. reward. CITY BOTICIJ. -r x'BOFObXB JXBBOTCMXWT OT HOIXADAT - -,-t.s . AVKM VX. T i Z " T "T krl&t& dfm oe the 10th day ef Marck, Ivuo, the fol- kiwlng resolatloa waa adopted: Kesolved. . That the Council of the City of 'i-1" .Veul'.-.xciw KTt portion of ssld aveaue need by the Portlaad Osoaolldstsd - Mallwav Gwmonnv for . rtarht of I way purposes, ij ing swiwsea ws csai eao ox I street. the nteel bridge snd tbe east Ilea ef Crosby I from tbe eest end of the steel beluga I te the east'llne of Esst irtrst. street, la .tka ruiiowiug ms.-jer, to-wit: fan toZZeOZTZl? Sscond Ht usvisr the etrset fnll width wtth I fall Intersections with wood blocka treated wltk I esrbollneom svensrlus 00 a canceete Coaindarioai I e m sat less toes ag inches in oepta. I Taira y oonstrucunx stooe aswiaasnas 1 double row. . ' I r'ourth By. laying artificial stooe aldewalke.1 rme D7 Boosvucung sntricisi sumo euros. I Sixth Tbe Portland Consolidated Hail way Comnauy to remove tbe rails now la nee east BOOKKBBPKR aad draftsmaa desires enrpley of the canter Una of Crosby street aad te re-1 meat from 1 o'esock to 4, sfliiiunas. Ad plse tbe asms wltk 7-lnck grooved rail oa a I areas W 4. eara iournal. , . souirete fousoetion. I - - Hsld Improvemoat te be mads Is accords mo I " T.Jf, .j T .M , "u,,, .." taty l TlJor.ltta. b.r..Bl?,i. p!"ilH ti eettnutes of tbe City Kagineer, filed la the omce 01 tne auditor 01 tae un he City of lMrtUnd oa I the 15th day ef March, 1006. Indorsed: ' "City I good cooks, la camp. Call or Write U. riean Bnglaeer's plana and specifics tions for the Im-1 Ing, Hood Rlvsr. ... The cost of Said Impraveme&t XO be BSO au " u " eereoy oecisreo is no an toe lots, parts thereof and ss reels of mad lying between the east aad of the ateel bridge aad a line VW feet cost of and oerallel with tbe east llns of ".?, f' m V l1 1 f C-f Hellsdsy sveeoe and a line 1 00 feet aoath m-l, U W I,, umBWIUI. IBV BUW UI 1 - - - w, w " "' J?" I"' "'" ""-,L 'rt ?f "h oUaday a addluoa, and the aoatb- eioce a, mcmiuea s. aoai- Uoa, .Beat r-orUawl aad a parcel ef lead LJL'., bioK "iUso'a a dailies WJS" .. . ' '' ' , vJ,"n r".' 'B'frrf the probabm total kiaat roruaiM, aaa a parcel at la ad '" .'""y1"""" . ansa s-uauey " '"- , - , The above- tmnrovement la to be classed as a -i--"f--si sou snau oe msis- ?in'LbT.IB PZlnd of sight rears, uroeided .that the owners of- a malorltr ef tbe r0"1.. beaeflted m by , said Impcovsment or ?';, il. .t. 1 pirstloa of each period. . - i.?beplsna. seeeiri.-stloos and eatlmatea ef the ciy Bngtoeer for tJinprov-ment of aald Hoi -'"'"'-"T 7L . -T.V - - -. ; rriT .,'7, I PM-Uaodbe and be ta hereby directed to 1 """" es - pveva .jmpiwrsam os saia . TT.i i . . . T - i "lIZ i I wltbla SO . dsys from the data ot the first .''eetioe of tisnotice. stj or as ox tae wiocu. ; ,... k . .i. . "'T' ' , - - Andltoe of the Cltv of PoetlanA - P.OceOoa. - late eg first publlcatioa. sisrcn in, iien. Chickens 16c and 17c , Rftncti . - . -v; v . 7. ; . . ...tod t ties as tff dsn iriswrtr hilt f all- . sxafmt mM tftJUs Rases eras ........ Beat Creamery butter ..... .0a aad SOa augar-cured, hams . . ..ITc. .. ,lae Picnic hams ...?.,.,,. r.. .......... ..10o r - nttesro hini ......Im B"st augar-cured, hams . ,i. .. I. .. .las j Cottage hams ..llol M....l ios. lara FT v.-'- "ixt Ml iS Bwlss cheese, lb. i. .... .....Mb sad BBo seeks. ssBsesn . sjsJO I .0BO I Cream brick cheeae , . i.imoerger cneeae . ...... .ei -e . B0e I Kdam cn A1,ood."r;uil-d VtV-wholfe-pric LA GRANDE CREAMERY 34S4 Yamhill St. ; (Kstabltahed 1181.) WXUT AMP tock uoim ' ' Seem 4, Ortraad riser. CsTABtBXB pr OOXICZBCX. (TBinrrKd s sals cr sati jcill isortiir Notice Is kerebv r 1 '.k- mImm-j . will -receive st-4 b. s, anul I -wtsy, tbs I- a dy of Aorll, s m e'r-ui-a p. m.. fur sil tbs punt snd ptv "7 of t , Cosst Banes Lumber! r.g Cos.ny. a ,ted at aad Bear f'aiis tity. Po.g cous.y. , Or-jo. . City. Po.g cous.y. . Or., n. '. SVId plant oonslsts of contrsets ci snoot 40,b.-j.oiio I."t ef fine - w fl b-c, fnl k, ...g -f oent, . I .,-; r a- i engine, .....,g mt, dry k... 4 ' auiAiioery necessary for a wi (Mid plant omislsis of rontrsets . covering fir tim.." railroad ' snrttoa sJ.' feet o-oadty etc., etc. --. ts Inveato. of t p aerty aaa be asaa at -my ofrtce st Palis d . -goo. . - All bids must be a -J sad oV-i' d to a SS Trustee l,v J Ail a n m, ... . in.Z 4sy of ApruT loui.". ' . " ' - , . . .Je rtgbt Is reserved to reject any ait all Ida. .tax farther oarticaUrs sddrrs ' OBO. T. JiKKUNilkct. , - Trustee Coast Hangs Lumbering Company, , ralla aty. Oregoa. , fslV -WIFB, M.ry MomeHo. having left ma witkoat lost cause. I will sot bo rsSpooslbls ' say oilla eoatraeted by keg la my oame -after thla date. ' . , (Signed) ' MlPHPiL rgTXOJ ( ,. 8B0UBB A GOOD POSITION. . ' IB Clerical. Teehnleal oe rV.r,. IM We receive calls Jcom the Isrgest eorpornrloa . fates for competent sslrsmea, - executive,-i-lerlcal and techulcal men, paying from 070 to 0.1OU per mouth; wa help capable men to better positions without danger to tbslr - present connections.- We assure yosj of con. j slderstioa for- every position yea are eom- - Detent to fill, no mattee- aksi! m-A y tcll you bow to bring your ability to tbe ; siumtion 01 suDorsos ox employers who aaed high grade men. .Call or write ' . , '.. ' 1 JitTMINKM MBlura r.V.aBIKIj1 urtrraal " ' . I0O4-6O0 McKay Bldg.. )U2 Third St, FortiaasV ' WANTBD Mss to learn barker tradei 8 weeks, P"i positions gnarantsee; twuoa earaed while lesrnlng; writs lor terms. Meier's Berber College. 044 Clay at. Saa Fraacmes. GOOD fraternal Insurance solicitor wsnted: good references required; salary aad com- mission equsl to CT5 per sBootb gusraatasd. -tall S4Q Ksst Belmont St. . Baat Jl. TOO can ears 020 to 070 per week If yes can , sen toe oest asaiiB ana accident xosaraaco on ine marxei. ubiob Mutual Aid elattoa.. 401 Marowam bldg. . I WANTED Men ta . nrensrs . fee Mf . - poeitiooa . wltk good sslsrT ensrsnteed hv l.'neh wle Sam; talk It -over with Edgsr SL Buss, 810 Cbsnv ' ber ot Oommerce. I UKS wanted nwjsasi, tack slgws. dwtrlbete circuisrs, samples, etc.) per uasoent oerapstloa; good pay. Amcricsjl fjanxa, foatlae hMg., Chicago. " . . -. -t , ; . - Standard Spsetfica are scientific aad 1 emoraeing osctor aad druggist; ears asthma, all veneris! aad earoala diaasaes. SlVs-avst. DrrBCTTTBS Men te Vara: paid while learn ing, nsrreit, room sot AUsky bldg.. Third sad Morrison ate. Open rysalogm. WANTKO At onoe, aboemaker. at Wosdlavra Sbeeahop; Kngllsb-spesking Srsndlssvlsa pre. ferred. Address Wosdlswa. Or. .. .. ... j BOY , wanted to work la bakery, or ons who ess . worsen in - ossery. apply ar earn) H. . Behrader. Oregoa City. Or."- . WB want 4 expetleaeed sses for running aaab- ;lng mad seastde Bproce Lamfcer Ce Bssslds. Or. WANTKD-0 or 4 ajoarrymea and atmsseottera I at the Watts Marble Works, The Dallas, Or. 1 "' ' 1 ' . "- . I 8TVK-KCUTTKR wsnted. . Apply - AJvta 1 a. loiro ax. RT WAKTSD Ladtes to - lean Berber trade: S 'eeka eemolete: talrloa sarasd vrhtu 11 - Ing; balrdreaslag, maalcariag aad facial mae- la e weeks :j special terms sow. - welt Meier Brates uonege, Saa rraaelseB. WANTnTT Olrl to assist ia kltcbea fC 7 peeracrea). , Apply oolumbia hotei, rirst aad t.iey. . ' ... ' ' ' LAD! -Tear aaase oa SO flaw vtadtl Sfora; ac. postpaid. Boyal Card Os.. atrs WANTKD Mlddle-sgsd wsaaaa 4e keep aeaaa.- Aaawar v a, care JoorosL WANTsn-nxri for aeaaral Apply 1 ioa uevnyoy st. WAWTRD Position In' a' meat market by msa Addreaa TS, care JoornaL - ACTIVE young man, -, dry' roods aad shoe sal earns n, 4 Tears' experience, eaa trim win dows; good references; either rlty or oat of town. Addreaa 1'. IX, Journal, t .. TOUNO msa' with lto years' sxperlsace . la' ..the blacksmith trade wanta altoatloa la some ' good blsrkamlth shop; state wag as.. Address Sos. 1. Sana. Ieoaoa. Or. . . . 1 ' - TKNonRAPBEB srants peetttoe: S ysara eg- . pnrieace la engineering sod rallroed work; reasonable salary; references. Address W S, earf Journsi. ., , - ; ' 1 1 ..pfTieDcv aaivi nana wsnm pomi ties. aay rapacity; referesces. etc. Address eara sourest. BOOKKEEPER would devote trc.m eaa te three Boors aarh week day daring forenoon ; charge " aoaraia m uneeioyg Blflg. ; WANTBD Situatloa la efSee or etora aa book. keener, ssalstsnt. or 01 lie lee: smA m(. erences. ASdreea. w a. eara Jonraal. A GOOD . hafcer wests situation' ss keeper la ,: elty ot out. Call aorth 43V, Third at., rsom n so. . rsssss VJay lor r. at. CITTtnV The Madlasa. K. T snd rswmbnre - tAicago aystama. wlasaa poslUasv. . Address T " 'kmrMl- ' - : - SITUATION wanted be msa ssd vrlr.. - iik WAKTSD Work by day; have eoe horse; will wora eioter wiia as witooux. .. i inrtee 110s -UaloB ave. . - 1 .... . ...... BXTTATtOXB WAJTT13rZatAlX. W ANTKD Situs tioa by a young lady te wltk boaaework; object, a good home aawlst - IHITI Bl.l VIM.1 m IM M I.M tl Addreaa V IS. ran Journal. A T0UKO lidy wishes a post tMa as easkleg ia a amaii w no iconic noose or a small dry gooda a tors. ..Phone Mala 4180. . . goods a tors. e -H A RSI.IABLB w or any kind o woman would like boss releasing w mtMf emu v. wm, -. urntll. VWBCr. A4 dress W i, eara Journal. .. . , . WORK waated by a . reliable. uMdle-eaed womaa. Is small fsrnlly; pUla cooking. Pbona ' Proat 80S. WANTBIW Day work, boaseeloanlng: espabte, . energetic woman. Address W a, cere Jonraal, I LADT desires situation 4a clerk la departasetit snare; e years experience, w t; Joaraal. "on in resinorant or a orei. x s. journal , , , ' WAJTTtO M3tU7IXlMiBX0Tnk -- W.4TCI? . L r li-rant- for yearn repslr Ing: aay watch renslred far (-.AO: inssred kgslnst all accidenu for eoe year, Including first repairs; clocks, Ill BUth St., near Washington. . Clocks called for and. de livered. Tel. Mala 1ST. TUB POSTLAKD ACCTIOlf ROOMS bays aay u- rsjsws msiw owns, ss. sua lira ax. . - W A NTICDMore soraylng and whltewsshln.- tbe only gseolino compressed sir spraying UMtraaki ttt. . Pbonk But Z317. ' : 1 1 - h?nd; r?X 'cur?. AtloThomo. 2-tL" Si0x.i.2!.r, ! .ri. 030 Wasblagtoa st opp. aid expos! Msa bldg. HIOHFST prices psld for men's cast -off cloth.. ' ckora',. Pboae "E, ,,! tS'LST. I T''S Portland Honaeelesning Co. best work ig , janiiov services, IDoae MS1B . 40J1J. , . '",.'. . 'AT eartalns rsundeeed at hovna; flrst-clsse . e". eire. lua naenies. I 'ROM VBlaB IBS, I SHORT ORfirR Printing House P. J Prdcr, ' seeoao ana Washington, sta. . Cltr 104)8. a. f. a; 1