a V ' . .Jl K2 LC3 ; fold ani rrivj '.'".; ' !. ' s.-- "'' ' ' " '""V- '- i y:::r r--r fast crouch ..oca! Team Shut Out ' pay's oiocian, i im, in ri,.i Bekereneld. CaL. ' March' tl. - Dun Shay's Stockton State 'tMiin'uiraia tlon Journeyed over 209 miles to meed iaw craoK rorains team yesterday., end ' were treated to 4. coat of whitewash by , id leaguers, ,.' . -The cam waa witnessed by a lerge .gathering or the local fans. wKo al- . tended lha game in spit of tha terrlflo i sandstorm that raged about an hour be fore tha. rama. .; !; , . ' . ..v v. Shay- man had man a'dmirer who, on account of the showing they jmada against Chicago ' early In , . tha - week, .. thought they would , at ' least, score ' againat MeCreedle'a teen, ,but tha pitch .Ing of Oarvln. French and . Eaalck was too much Jor them. - Two lonely, hlta - were all they were able to amaaa oil tb trio of Webfoot slab- artists, , far the - three' leaguers war In splendid form end delivered auch a mysterious assort- roent of bonders that the Stockton lad.' were faded. U...W.. v - . til -. nhl f.lld 0 , . ', V pun o ---". pile', '.-fold tha alab work for Stockton aM .tha hea.vy batamaa ' of the Portland team , . ? bad a awatfaat, - Householder, MoCra die, Vaa Buren and lfolan .batted out x ' two ar mora bits apleoe, while nearly all the other Portlanaers soorod on aplee. ' Co' an4 Olaasoa were released by Manager McCredla yastr4ay, and both , were offered positions by DaAny Shay, l the Stockton saatiager, and It Is likely that CMeafeon will accept McCredla'a , ,mw lefv last ' night for Los Angeles, wbar thy epea the season on Tbur ,' day. ' The lineup yestsrday was as fol ; lows: v-i-. -. .- i., Portland. " . Position. " Stockton. . Molean, BwlndeUa.e..-..... -McMurray .s Oarvln, Eaalck, . j O'Brien. - French, .,..v...i.P. ...... In gall e V Clarke Stanage Hohlafley 2b. Camp he II Ala i..,.v.b.o.... fchay ' Runkle ........ t. lb....... Cartwrlght L Van Buren. . If rr,-i. .Sampson Householder -. . , . .cf . ........ Moreing ... . MoCredi , j . . .rt. ... . . . v HamUton HART EXPECTS TO ; DEFEAT JOHKSON . Louisville -Heavyweight and His v friends Are Confident : of -Winning Frbm Negro. ' 1 : -'J .,, ,: 'i 1 '?- ",.,.f-., T' ' 'v., t- . (loanal Stwetat aervtei.) ; San Francisco. March tl. .Jlarrln ' Hart of Louisville and Jack Johnson. thavt clever heavyweight flgbterwlU meet lif a C-round bauf.' befoM "the ' . Hakes' Vallry 'clirb tomo-ftow alght-and the Hart crowd Is) diip laying a, great deal of oonfldanco-over the ' outcosia. '' Hart has trained with Jimmy Brltt aa a ' . sparring partner and Is. In flrst-clavs ''oondltion. Tb same is said Of Johnson, who has been doing Ills praeUo work In company "with Jack Mccormick and .- "Donver Ed" Martin.- Interest in the " fight, is Increased by the opinion that .the- winner .will probably contest . with Jeffries at an early date for tb heary- - weight ebamplonahln. , . .. . , ' i I S Hi. Ten thousand demons gnawing away - at one's vital couldn't be-much worae t than the tortures of itching piles. Yet there's a rure. Doan'i Ointment naver .t-.falln.-' ' - . i,, -r-' i . .v -. t. ,.) . I- .'I 11 I I. t"tl -J VFC2TLAMDS Vim CLOTIH : Spring 2 TO BEAT v. ..; Lt..i.j Lj . ,v .CwutJ TClia'AL f t A"y Fvundxra From A.'l Cftr the v r:ortnwest Invited t the : i ' . , Propcssd Meet ; ;'("peUil. Waptteb ta Tha Jral.) .'' A Spokane, Wash., March 17 A, bit bowling contest for alt the bowling Kteams In th northwest Is t b bald at the Pf later bowling alleya April Sf, and will last feus days.' . Teams' from Davenport, Harrington, Wilbur, R1U vtlle, Tekoi, Bpragu,' Wallace. ' Butte. MlasouU,. Salt Lake, Saattl, Tfeoms and Portland have been tnvtteoY jnwny sf them' bating already . consented to comaete. '', i-: .. Manager Htpt has guaranteed prises Of ISO cash, and added money wlU swell that amount.- Each main will pay II to bowl throughout tha tournament. Tb first day f tb tournament wUl be for tb contests between ' thw ' five ' men teams,, the second day for to tare men teams, tb third for two men teams and the fourth for Individual rolling. ; In addition to the regular tournament' a ladies match wtty be arranged, and a 111 silk umbrella given to ; ta one making tb highest average far three games. Prises will also be given for th kit-has; ssor. ,. .-.-j,v-l: -A reprasentaHvs. from "each club In th -city teagu -wilt be asked to act on tb executlv eommittee. which will-help to handle the tournament and mak It a city affair. - An auto-matte- plnsetter bag bsetr sent for by Manager .Haupt. The- Pflster parlors consist of eight alleys, fitted np in etegent stylt down stairs. , Xlpstalrs Is tha billiard and pool parlor, in which are IT Ubles. It Is estimated that 'the piece cost fts.lOv, th billiard and pool Ubles about 111, 00, 'and th entire establishment Is run at a daily expense of 7I. ' After th toumsment Manager Haupt will banquet all the bowlers at Daven port's. , and the matter of forming a oongress.for , the western bowlers Inde pendent or th A. .B. C. will b dls eussed. ... ,. .. - . '. .' , , - .. - i. - ;. ' , 'axb wajjaJJi jkuts ooajaTT. . ! '-. - toarsVl Spatial SnTtakt ., ' v' 8an Francisco, March 17. ' Jaka Welmer twirled against th Baals for fv Innings yesterdsy and allowed them but on) lonely hit. Pfeffer relieved Weimer and was equally invincible, and th Colts again blanked Harris' bunch, woo worked behind Jo Corbett The cor:. , , k ?. ... ... ' .- ; - - i ... ' ' R. H. . Chicago . ......IIM01l-t ,f San Fran , . . . .9 a 1 1 1 I I 1 Batteries Weimer, - Pfeffer and O'Neill; Corbett and Wilson, -Umpire rarnna. . - y i;;' . iit..;,,:. 3 Chssw BfM Ooaaamtanh'' ; . At Oakland. In tha arorslaa-. th : big lagurfe trimmed Ixbraan's team : b- for a good crowd, by bunching hit In th sixth inning; Th sea-re: ' . . - Cblcago . ......tltttllfaws Oakland 4 1 Batteries O rot he. Landr-ren . and Kllng: Hopkins, Mosklman, CUleapi and ornaa. .. ; i. - onuTi AJDOPV ' , (Jearael teaelsl Ssrrl.) . ' Salt Lak City. March 7. Tha open tnt games tn tb outlaw Paclflo National league will be played on April St with Salt Lke at Spokan and Ogdea at bmm. two series wilt k-a played a In th Coast taasrue-k tha sishftd opening on July 11. Ogdea was granted th Butt Fraaahlse, and will take - tb Butta piayesav antn -waitar wumot aa ma agar." Aa effort I to be mad to sign players from - protected leagues. - The Chicago Natienala play in thla elty next Sunday.-"-, , a .., v, J:L JearjMl astetat trvle.l - Sharon, Pa..-Mareb 17 Th - fight which was to have taken place at South Sharon tonight between Art Simma' and Jimmy Biigga .. has - baas declared bit. .Th 7l0fltaraaAihIUd6iao,-Wblcnar. rangaa ,ina mausn, states tnju atrigga declines ta meet tha Akron lightweight ... , :?! v.-J m .'-""A." . V- v ; '. . '.-.' ..iJ - f. EDS display of rrieh's Fine Tosigery '''; v.- -yf .j .-, '. ;' v. v enticing tv of 'exclusive designs in Neckwemr, Under- v wear, plain and fancy Hosiery, i Shi;016yes, white :''fiuicy Vests, etc, from leading makers. The best qualities u! we saw them through the lens of ex- " perience focused - by economy. -f1 ;You cal'f buy better . ; ,r v,.f...: - ;.. ..yi ' night buy. worse. ; f r if v 1 I r f - lL'"t "J ' K-s m ' Wes-d? yr - .- -, t. ' J I J San . Frtnci;5o Man to . Meet ; Burns in Place of Twin ' '',:.- 8u!varwi THiD WISJC IN'APTJL --;,T0 WTTNSC3 TH2 AFFAia Coxing Contest V."u'l De Putted y':iOn.. New;MIfwaukie In ' Near. Future.1 -- ; r ' Alex Qreggalns. the Saa- Prancisc promoter, who manages Dave Barry, the well-known Bay City middleweight, yes terday accept ad the offer of the North' wast Athletic club for a match with Tommy Burns, of It rounds, to b palled off ta a tent pitched near the to am of Mllwaukle, en tha Oregon City ear line. Tbe promoters of this affair have post ed a guarantee that thla bout will be pulled off and the principals will com mence preparations at once. . . Dave Barry, who has bean eubetituted for Twin Sullivan, recently lost tbs de cision to tbat worthy tn a It-round bout at I Angeles, and is rated at a hard roan to beat. Barry has an excellent record and will make a decidedly inter, esting match for the crack Chicago lad. Th dsita of Anril It baa been settled Vipon for tha bout, and aa both mea have peon - training iaiiwuuy ror me past two months, they ar in. fin condition at present!, and a few weeks' work will put them in tbe pink of condition. : . Burns continues his work at mw, Second and' Burnslde, where his friends and admirers are cordially invited to watch hire at work. Tommy has his own paraphernalia, which her takes with him to each town, and bis exercises ar wall worth wetrbtng. ' ... Dave Barry la expected ta soma to this elty during th present weak,' and wiM resume trafirlng immediately upon his arrival.'' .- ' Th records of both men follow: ( , 'J:.' i: Vea-aasy Bssetd. : Height, t faet 7 Inches; weight,, HI pounds.' . .;!,'; ,' '. jr i- .;.- IttO '" :)-' ' --.: ; '.. ;V Fred Thornton, Detroit. ;.:kO... I rda. Fred Thornton, Detroit.... KO... f rds. iioi .a ,- :'u:- ' .w.. Billy Walsh, Detroit..... .KO... I rds. Archie Steele, Detroit.. ....KO... I rda Ed Sholtreau, Detroit KO... 1 rd. BUly Walsh. Detroit...... KO... f rds. Dick Smith, Mt Clement. ..KO... It rda .2MaW - Dltk Smith. Mt Clemens., .KO... rda Reddy PhUltes, Lansing. . .KO. . . fl rds. Tom MeCuns, Detroit. . . j , .Woo 18 rda. its , - Jhn-O'Brien. Dlray...-,;..KO.;.ll rds. Dick Smith. Dlry.....KO....I rds. Roddy Phillip, Derray....KO.(. rda Harry rep-pars, uetroit. ...a.u... i ros. Tom.McCuno, Detroit. . ...KO..r 7 rds. Jimmy Duggan, Houghton. KO... rds. BUly Moore, Houghton.... won rua Jack Hammond, 8t Maria. KO.,, I rda Jack Butler, St. Marl ... JKO. , , t rda Jack OTDonnell. Evans ton. .KO...H rds. Ben O'Orady. Detroit...,, '.KO. v. t rda Geo. Schosbree, Chioago ,..KO,.. t rds. Mike Schreek, MUwauke,..D..t.. t rds. Tony Caponl, Chicago vD..... t Ma Tony Caponl. Chicago. .r,KO... t rda jo wanuaaki. Bait utt.,KO.. l ra Indian Jo Schlldt. BaUard.KO... I rda. Twl a Sullivan, Tacome, ... .D. .... SI rds. '. Mlddjewelgbt champion Paclflo coast; native country. Ireland: born, litis age, II roars; height., a feet t Inehos; weigut, isrpounaa. ' Mike McClure ........ .-..D. ... .11 rds. Frank Cown .........KO... S rda. Fred Nicboht KO... t rda, Tom Mal -v. .-VTrrrrrt-.i ;i .lI0.7 r rds. Itough-Hous Burnt ..... .KO. , .It rds. Con Bheehan Woa,- rds. Msek Kane ..............KO... t rds. Chas. Turner .......... ...KO. .. t rda. fChaav-yredHeka ..-..-..-.i.Wow.rirras. Harry Foley ............. .U. .. .11 rda. Kid Solomon 1....KO... 4 rds. Harry Foley .......... ..D..... II rda. Joe lying ..' , KO... 4 rda. Jack McDonald .....KO... S rda. Cyclone Kelly .....KO... 1 rd. Billy Woods .... ..... .W-m.p 4 rda. Mike Williams ........ ...KO... I rds. Mike Patten , .. .KO... I rda Jack Weedy ., k .... . 1....KO. ,w t rda Tim Murphy'. ....,,,...'.KOJ. I rda. Cyclone Kelly .n. ....... . .KO . 4 rda Harry Foley ....... ......KO...-T rds. Twin Suillvaa .. ..-10 rda w : PO-TX-JTS A Ul ".(Speelal Dtssateh to Tae Josreal.) lis Angelea. March 17.' Manager Walter McCredle and his Portland baseball team arrived her this morning and will commence a few daya' prelim inary work at Chutes park this after noon. The members of the Webfoot team, in addition to th manager. -ar catchers. Swindells and McLean; pitch era Oarvln. . Esslck, Jones, . French. Cats. Ollpatrick- and St Vraln; Infield era, Clarke, At. Schlafley and Runkle. and outfielders, Vaa Bursa and House holders. ' ,:'.-. --'.i..- Tba new Portland team la la excel lent shape and if confidence among the playera Is any criterion, they will be found In the Srst division, Kvery man In tb club is unhesitating la asserting his belief that the Webfootera have tbe goods, and are going to deliver the same right eft tha reel. . ' It is plain to -be-been that-Jlm Morley la not going to have any clnoh during tba latter part of thla week, for a like lier looking bunch of ball toasers have not Invaded this town for sundry moons than this same Portland team. Virgil Oarvln.. the crack twfrler of tha Wabfootera, Is keeping hrrtmelf In fine condition, and when ha facet '.'the Seraph bunch on the opening day, as he Is expected to do, they win nod a hard aat t crack. ... - r ' - Manager - McCredle waa saked what ha thought of Hank Harris' reeent.com. ment on bis team, and replied: " - "Watch ua when we .stack up against that - 'Frlse-bsooh.'5Most of my men ar exceedingly sor at Manager Har-rls'-oomparlaons. and yoa can bank on It that they will enow Harris a few polbtsT on doping baseball clubs. . I willing to pet tnat wen rrencn beats iom Corbett and. Intend to pitch him -against little brother, snd Oarvln will take care er any twiner Harris cares to spring.. BUI Esslck. whom tbs 'Fraaoo manager refers to aa a busher, Is going to pitch two gamee against that club, and when be gets through Harris will wish bs had a few busher ik him. Frennh is slso-analous to go against the Seal twlrs next week. I released Co and Oleason.. They ar fast youngsters, but are not - yet speedy enough for this company. W ar after the pennant aad will give somebody a mighty run for the flag.' . .. ... ' -.-T7ir.r- J;. Pt OAIOPOSTPOWB-. ; Tb opening gam InVth Multnomah Club's baseball league : scheduled. , for reaterday morning was postponed on ac count of the stomy weather. Accord- Ing to th rules of tbe league this con. teat will not be played off until after lb ragulaa ashed ale la blayed. ..in If ts to trap o.'.ns:.:En Rowlnj Cteb'a Coact It Here and at sss. .a . J . i . wiii &iaa inttructson :;Z'.-' ' z: - at Once. . Daa Murphy,' tha crack rowing ooaoh who la to put the Portland Rowing club's oarsmen through their paces, ar rived la.thls eity yestsrday, and the members of the local club are 'preparing for active praetlea as soon aa tha jSlub s equipment is prepared. Coach-Murphy la well known in thla elty, having developed ' the - champion Portland team of a few yars ago, and haa many friends herb who remember him In tha olden days. ' " - ; . - Th securing of a coach af Murphy's well known ability means that th Port land Rowing club Is to have a crew on tbe wa$r thla summer tbat will be a credit to tb club -aa wall as to tbs world's fair city. - . Murphy states that ha want every member of the local rowing club to turn eat irrespective of age or ability, far from all th classes he expects to de velop first-class oarsmen. Styl i to be a deeided factor in tb local aarsman'e practice, . and . th erawa will receive a thorough course of instruction in thla branch. Coach - Murphy , will 'nmt ' for . a few daya after his long journey, after which ha will commence tha work of instruct ing h local .oarsmen. v Minneapolis, Mlno. March 17. Crack fadlvtdya and team bowlers from many points ' throughout Minnesota are rounded: op her for the third annual tournament of the state bowling elation. Tha tournament opens tonight and will continue uqftil tha and of the week. The liberal prise offerings and tha large entry list combine to gIVe promise of th moat notable tournament ever held ' uqder-, tb auspices of tbe state association. ., ... .-- ' ' ' ' AT MJU-T-IS. ,' ,.' (Jearasl tperial trevtee.) . r . Memphis, Tenn-. March 17. The spring mooting , of th New Memphis Jockey club was Inaugurated today un der auspicious conditions. , The sleet ing will oontlnae 1 days, daring wbioD time eight atake events will be run, Tbe city is fast filllsg with boraamen and other followers of the turf, and all in dlcations point to a successful meeting. K oa-JOrTo: "f :h-"CTearo Bseelat fcrvtoe.V"'"''-- ' Kansas City, Mo, March 17. Tonight the first of a series of basketball games for tbe championship of tha world will be played at Convention hall, between tbe Y. M. C. A. team of Buffalo, the holdera af the title, and the Kansas City Athletic club's fire. Both t Be have defeated every team in their re spective territory. . BAST SIOB SmiTI 1U 8T, The east side team defeated the All Stars yesterday by the score of 11 to a, end are now anxious to arrange a game for next Sunday with any team in tbe city. Challenges should be addressed to John King, 14 East Burnslde, - THINK I'URDERER WAS - THE NIPPER BURGLAR (tsedal Owpatea s Tba JasraaL) - Seattle. Maroh 7. Louis Ooldstein. who murdered his Wife a week ago aad them shot himself In tha head, dying la It hour afterwards, aooordtng to the belief of tha police, waa tbe man doing au tha nipper burglar work in Beanie. . A search of the premises occupied by Ooldstein haa revealed eeveral - seta of the most improved burglar nippera, a pair of fin pinchers, for cutting locks nnd-a-fon kit-or burgur tooi They were all cached in a barrel Inside tbe house occupied by tba couple. It hsa also been learned that Gold stela was released a year ago from tha prison at Sing Sing for barglary. Since coming to Seattle, about a year ago, he haa pretended to be a peddler- and it is the belief or the police that be used this occupation to spot houses and to cover up his criminal - career. Tha wife he murdered he married three weeks be fore the tragedy. ,t la believed ah kaw hia peak - - - STEAMER LEWISTON TO GO OUT Of -SERVICE . ' (KseHal Mspateh ta Tba Jnarasl.) Lewlston. ' Ids., March 17. The ataamer Lewlston will go cut of com mission March II. and tbe trip to thla elty Tuesday svening wul be the last time tb old craft will tl up at the Lewlston dock. ' The Lewlston will be moored at tbe Rlparta' shipyards and tha boiler aad cabin removed to tba new boat , being constructed at that point. Tbe hull will be drawn from tbe river and torn to pieces snd it is expected that th new boat will be ready for ser vice aa early as May II. During tbs Intervening period the; river business will be handled by the steamer Spokane, thus giving ths upper river a boat ser vice three times a week. 1 . ".A fspertsl Mspattw t Tbe Jonraal.) , Chemawa." Or.. March 17. A severe hall atonn visited this vicinity about 1 o'clock yestsrday afternoon. How much damage waa done to fruit It is hard to tell. . The storm was looal, coming out of a black cloud that, while It bung overhead . and dealt destruction, . was fringed on all aidea with blue airy. . - SCOTTS EMULSION Scott's Emulsion 'p'r. ? Scott's Emulsion' ; T 7"f 'v Scott's Emulsion j - V" ; Scott's Emulsion ?r "7" ".Scott's Emulsion -uSe old -storyf-told times without number and repeated oyer and oyer again for the last thirty years. Bot it's always a welcome story to those- in need of strength and health.;; There's" nothing the world that stps wasting daseases as quickly as Scott's ' i-mulsion. '-': ,.: :." Wa-asedyeetavsatla,- . , SCOTT 4 SOWaTX. mm rl ttaaM, Nee Ysah. .. v , v - v . : LrutL-illo LI . CM3Y SlILTEIi Automatic Feedsrs Are Charging Two Furnaces -and Others fvf Will De Added Soon, NEW STACK AND FLUE TO SUPPLEMENT OLD ONES Additional Furnaces Will ' Be in Commission by New Fis- ;.-:;:tt Year; July 1 S . (gpadal Dispatch t Tkt loaraaLt v Phoenix. B, C. March IT.--An inter- eating improvement made by tha Oranby ameiter is yie auiomaiio, laeaing aw ice, which has been worked out by Superin tendent A. B. W. Hodges. ". Two have been completed, and are charging Koa. t and t furnaces with success, four more hard been delivered and are being con nee ted. ;, Each feeder bolda about four tons of ore and la actuated by electric energy. - The management estimates that about It men, will be saved on-tta pay roll, which .is taken to. represent about Mv.ooa a year aa the profit aid or me ledger. '. . ' 'J . V . July 1 is , fixed by .the management for completing tba two fnmaces and get ting the large new flue and stack reedy for work. That la tbe beginning of the fiscal year. ; The concrete work for the furnaoes hsa been started,' aad atone work will follow quickly. Bricklayers will be put aa about AprU It. At pres ent th average tonnage handled by the six furnaces is 1,700 to M00. and .with the- new . furnaces ths supertntenasnt says the average WlU be about z,too tons.'.- - . ,- '.. '. . Ths" hew Mack is. to b 10 feet from the site of tbe old one. The flu will be about 00 feet long. 11 feet high and It feet' wide, and will require ttt.too brick In Its construction. Tbs stack will have a 'height of liO feet and will require about 400.000 brick, i- The old stack will be need also, the eight fur naces being divided equally between the old and now slacks. - The Oranby management la authority for th statement tbat there will be an equal distribution of freight between the . Canadian Paclflo and the , Great Northern railways, which have, branchea from Phoenix to tbe amelter and con nect the properties with the outside world. Th Oreat Northern recently get its. Has up to Phoenix, aad arrange menta have been made whereby each system will handle half th era, coke and bliater eopper. .......,. ,..,..'. BROAD COPPER BELT IN BLUE MOUNTAINS (Special Dteeetah ta Tee Jaw-d-i V . Baker City. Or March IT. The work of tbe Indiana copper mine, tt miles from thla eity, haa attracted tha atten tion of mining mea to tba eopper belts of the Blue mountaina, and reminda them that there has been remarkably little real development for thla. metal. Copper la widely distributed over the great mineral sone. appearing tn strong veins at several placea, but singular as It may seem, good surface showing have been aiven little attention. I m nana, the newest mining district of ths state, is the scene of what seems to be a determined purpose to opsa the strong eopper veins .there. This la the most northerly district of the eastern half of the stata. 'The Eureka, Fargo snd 'Weetern Union companies, all hav ing auperior . tunnel propositions, and driving to open their veins at depth. and this year wUl n doubt be ready ta take up tbe treatment problem. t .Oregon's: extension ' of ths ' Seven Devils eopper'dtstriot ta found from tha Snake river oppoolta tha Seven Devils to North Powder, covering tba Pear handle- region. ' On 'the Snake are tba Iron Pike and McOougal mines, which have been mora thoroughly explered then any other eopper ml nee af tb state. The Iron Dike haa an Immense deposit, a large percentage of which has been pronounced commercial, although all work ae fat has been In adlta giving aaptha or from lot to tot feet. The McDougal mine haa produced soma ex cellent shipping ore, but the owner has naver tried to market It, holding that tha It-mil wagon haul waa criminal eaerlf tea. Numerous ether pros-pec ta nave been opened near tneae mines, and some will in all probability be worked when transportation Is given th dla- triet. - - Tha Copper Butte district. St miles from Baker, had a small matting plant many years ago. and tha rich alag yst there Indies tea that there waa abundant eopper la tbe ores It handled. . Merely surf see work haa been dona her by J. R. Ollklson and tha other operator who have held On for many yeara. hoping that heavy capital would soma day take hold of their properties. The work af J. W. Messner at the Indiana, where a 600-foot shaft la being sank. Is ths first . substantial reward of. this long wait, and seems entirely satisfactory. Ooose creek district, near tha Conner Butte, haa several prospects on which surface work has been done for the past three or four, years, and a good showing la aald to be had there. Burke- mont, lying nearer the Snake, la the scene of the work doste by Judge Thomas Burke,- far-the- North American Copper company, 'which la now In the courts. Shallow shafts have ben sunk hare. showing sn Immense distribution of copper, but those who have taken hold do not find values sufficiently concen trated to press heavy work. There is scarcely any eopper In tba main part of tbe country about Sumpter. The next appearance of the metal in commercial quantities to tbs south is In Quarts-burg, between the middle and main forks of the John. Day, which Waldemar Llndgren pronounced a prom ising copper district. Hera the Copper npolie has by adit, work opened A great vein, portions of whicb rua exception ally high . In eopper, and will prase operations this year. ' The Standard haa one vein system which as a rule carries commercial eopper wherever opened. No other property of the camp that haa received much . attention- has-, the red metal In appreciable quantity. . t . " Imnaha and Quartaburg, about ten mile apart, in a direct lme, yet aeem to be i in one great. ' fairly continuous mlnerst son, giving to It copper point at either end, ; . CENTRAL IDAHO LINE ENCOURAGES MINERS flpeeUI DeMsteh te Tbe JewtaLt ' tfaved here that the Pacific Idaho Northern Una, which now terminates at Council, will be extended. . Since Oen era! Manager- Bancroft .'Inspected the P. I. N., and th surveying party is known to be working about ' Meedowa between tha Welser aad Salmon basins and an Into tha Little Salmon country. people feel that Idaho will thla year have a a rtA-asuiA saU .Una by which 7: ' 3 QDCll pnEUnrjTo ' ....- - ... 5 , .. .... . ' -'- Pneumonia ixtid CcncUaTiptlc,-; rttos Be y som! Tar sot ear atepis tltt cough, bat koala and atraotth M tha luaga aad aiwrontt tariania ra salts from a eold. , h? "',. That it ao da-g-ar ( Parano-ls, CoiwaiBptioa : or other aerk I fains trouble u fiUmf Hettey mm4 Tar ll takan, at It will cuts tba moat stub born coughs -tha daageroua kind that tatdas oa the lung aad may develop lota paatunonla over sight.' . . . " . It yon have a eoagh or ootd de sot risk Pnawmoala wba Felry'e HMky mud Tar ' win euro 70a quickly aad strengthen your lung. . ; ; . . Ramaniber the nama FeleyS Caetey aad Tar aad rafaat ear aabatiratt offared. P aat tak rhaa i with toma aakaowa pfaparatiM that ooatt yoa tb same whsa. you eaa get rertr Ktmtj aad Tar, that aoata ymt mm mmrm md it aaf sad osrtaia larasalts. Coataiataoopiataa. ' ' CsraJ After FbyeU-ame laUCe . V. ' Rad CwtMoaeM. ' ; ' . .ft. H. Joaaa, Pastor U. E, Caareh, Orova, ua., wrtttt: v "About savea ar aig1yaart tgw I had e vary trrara sold which physicians aald was 'vary Bear paaauDoaiet aad whicb they aftarwardt proooua cad oootomptloa. Taraogli a frisod I waa indooad te try a aampla oi Folay! Honey tad Tar, which gava at to atuch relief that I boaght toawof tba rawalar gisa. Two or three hotttoa eartd ma of what the phymiciana called ooaaaasptloe, and I hart aaver had any troable with my threat er htags alaee that da.' . ; ' . - ; , Thrtt liasa 2Se, 50c, $1.00. . . .' ' Tha SO east tint coataiat two aad ona-hali timee as much aa th small sise aad tha $1.00 bottle almost aix thasa aa aach.. vi -';.' ;:.;;,' means tha realdenta of ths aortherti, half may reach tha state capital without leaving state soil. Ths topography of ' tha eountry and field where tbe sur ! veyore are working indlcatee that the route from here is to be toward the Meadowa and thence through the pass onto ths' Salmon slope, following Lit tle Salmon down to the main stream ef that name. - - Mining men know that thla will open a large amount of aew mineral territory. The railway wilt be taken many milee nearer Thonder mountain, will also give Seven Devils a elossr station, and open email districts tbat have not been beard of much. There la little probability of tha line 'going "toward Seven Devils, bat operators there still hopa . that a branch will' ultimately reach ' them. Council is It milea from tha principal Seven Devils properties. Thla distance la not good freighting ground, but the management of the L dd Metals com pany heals its coke that way and freight teams return with copper matte. YUKON MEN DEMAND A CHANGE IN MINE LAWS (tpaeiai tXaeeteb t The JaarsaL) . Dewsont N. T., Maroh IT. Mining men of thla country are strongly backing the work of Dr. Alfred Thompson, repre sentative of the district in the dominion parliament. In hia. efforts to have ma terial modification of mineral laws made, Dr. Thompson will try hardest of. all ' to chang th atse sf placer claims, so that one claim will have 100 feet width on ths creek, aad extend back 1.000 feet, instead ef ndvlng a width on the creek of but III feet and extend back 1.000 to. 1.100 feet Other changes will be sought making Tukon ragulatlona conform aa nearly aa posau ble to the mining laws ef the British Columbia province, which are regarded asJlgh type ot etcellence. RICH SILVER MINE IN EAST PART OF CANADA (Special Dispatch ta The Jea-raaL) Washington. D. C March IT. Consul General W. . B. Halloway. at Hal If as. Nova Scotia, haa reported that the sil ver mine discovered north ef Massey. near North Bay, Ontario, haa produced phenomenally rich ore. . Be saya that four carloads of tbe ore sent to a New Jersey smelter yielded (0.t0t net and two more carloads have been sent which assays. Indicate will run at least lis, 00 to tbe oar net The discovery is near the Bruce mines, which have been well-known for some time, but never yielded such or aa that taken from tb new strike. Th siss of ths vain or ere body la not Indicated, .,. nfc- I Jo -Ml gpertal Ren-ice.) , London. March IT. Vincent ' Astor. son of Colonel Astor, Is dangerously 111 here. Tne aoy is neir to one er tbe largest fortunes tn the world. and ta a millionaire In his own right. like riadlav afeae-yv Finding health la like tndlng money ta think those who sra ate a. When rou have a eouah. cold, sore throat or chest Irritation, batter act promptly Ilk W. C. Barber, ef Sandy Level, Va. He aays: "I bsd s terrible cheat trou ble, reused by smoke snd coal dust on my lungsi but. after finding no relief In ether remedies, 1 was cured bv Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs snd Colds." . Greatest eale of any cotigh or lung medicine In the world. At Kea erase rrtarmacy, Sixth and Oak streets, on ths way to tha post. office. Oo and 11.00, guaranteed. TrUl BUi In "'h'Ai v. r' ( i- Dr Ws Norton .Davis IN A WEEK W, feM rilli -M mImi. b m aaS 1 ahnala n or mtn; atae biead, sue . krtJ!-'- kioaay thrott ImIIm. v ear tTrHTUJa (wllaeat -aMrcarr) ta stay aaieS (imm,. ! r. ,..-. w. m... tTaicrcaa, wltaoat apai.n.a ar sals, la II ears. -. . . .we etse dralaa, tt MsaH at ' aelf-eaaae. haBMKHit. We eaa stare tb aaxaal v t ' at aay au saSar 50 av ( paeauar te een alrta. Wc Care Gonorrhoea in s Weck . Tea eeeteis af thla tastltats are.att rwahw Caaaus, save a auar years- aspanai ease am a ta PwttaaS for 14 bat s vapatatlae ta awlatala eaaV wUl ln-w take ae sua aalaaa aartala ear aaa be ai - lerraa. . - ... We sasraatsa t aan la mn ease we aaWf- take er rharaa a fae. Ceaattaoa Iraa. l t a enaadratlal. Insveetlre BOOX VOa al)4 me la ptala wraapar. . ' ttea kUak. Besss weetaeat sesoaatal.. Ottea beers t ta I aad T ts a aarl sad t baUeays. it te !' . v , ' T a laadlag aarlthata is the Wcsttwest. , ' .....-,, v .astabUabad lata. ' DNortcn Davis &0kJ Ta Bay Betal. . T. Oaa. TkW aad tw 8av roa-ruum. oaoa. HENRY VE.U..ARD fl . ' ' Proprietor at tha V'- ,. City Brewery ftaiweat aad autst Cotea '. - aawery (a tha SJervawee. Cotttod Zztx a Speci-ty OStoa lata aad ' ' POBTl-tirD. OBJDOON. I have a t-room modern Colonial houae, with full basement and lerse attle; plumbed for gas and wired for electricity; It has cement walk In front snd on side. Is eenvenlent to two ear lines In Upper Albtna and within It minutes' walk of the steel bridge; is In a very sightly situation and very da. alrable for a home. It la worth IJ.taO. bot It must be sold, and no raasonabl offer will be refused, and terms wlU be made ta suit , lok this ap at once. WHALLEV ' tlS KeKay Bldg. Dr. B. 0. mm aaetttalfla BsaUgt that r. liavea aQ peia la dental eperattaaa. Stays BV, aaa. Baoaw-bi PcrcfcntebrvoEcccnci azsroan UAxnoovam ana -- a at eaea at Rare Ha Debility, lasaaala s-4 4 . ear. They elaar tka brala. HiMSli la elraewttae, ak alsaatlea ptrtmct aad i I aaitle visor ta tha whole e-ring. . All a a aa aa ataeaed lirannUr. ' tUOO has: t boms gaa ataeS to case er re 4 s-neey. f) 00, Mallrd aaslad. Saab fca. Paraua MM.' (a., Ka ana sc.. niaat . Pa. Said la rvrtlaad aalv ar hul Parttaad Hatel rharmaer. Oisaiaie aaae- --t el Umajia'a t; 1 aa kr awe- - - ( reel la stale r I by aaaM, r"- ..J i ai as. r mU . w. . 04aala aaat aa free land i;icic::: I is the ricbesl gram, wait snd aack tm" ' " tbewerU. Thaa-aeiosaasef bud sta eset of BThjanse. Dead enat fn-a t a i Oietaa. WBITt TO-OAV. KOCill X t MA nil. D-cAsa-Ii-haatm-ani tr -f . aasfiawu-iaalca-ylailJarar:: Uaws . . . J VJ n r; ctK -I 1 1 rzr rrrriv nr Uil z m ' " " ' ' I . ' I i . ii l n 1 l. ' ' t . w " JeAI ( aMwartMK ef waaeea - L-.:'L!?;:-. ratab-e, aad aa a. m mm uaitmyM--" -tl aeai ar aaMM !s a i iriwy- -f . .. 4 a T It a. 4 at a t - . 'A f r" ' 1- ' ' .' 1 ' S . '' ' ' ! ,