The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 27, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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1 'I,
f -k
' Daring Crimes Committed in Dif
vv ferent Districts arid No Clue
I to the Malefactors.
nA . - ' ' ' I ' k-'. i I rj' V
, Chinese f Assaulted ; by Three
f V Youthful1' Hoodlums Who
'"'Take His Last Nickel. ;-v
f ,v . v '-''';
V.-. ;. Three -daring trinti were committed
; In the heart of the city last night. The
.. mint dunnt u the assault end
. robbery of Mary Mtoar at ft' Worth
" : Fourth street. r i . i -.-
V Shortly Wore midnight a nan entered
the woman's room and eat down. After
... conversing with her for ft few moment
v he demanded her money, sue repitea
." V .... that ba bad none. -, whereupon he, rose
and bekaa searching the drawers or
dresser, j The woman tried te atop him.
'whereupon be grasped her by the throat.
' effectually preventing her from making
' a outcry, end when aha waa almost
-. unconscious beat- her cruelly. - ! ,,.'
- ' In the dresser the robber found 111,
Which be took. He then lowered htm
. self 'out the window and dropped to
; ' the pavement, a distance of about It
, feet I Ms fllgtit he broke ft pane
of glass and cut his hand; blood' fro nr.
the wound smeared the window easing
and dripped oa the sidewalk. -
Sam Lee.. Chtaeae. was held up at
. : the comer of Fourth and Flanders
streets by three youths and robbed of
11.60. One or the boys accosted mm and
' asked for a nickel. The Chinaman said
. - he had no money.' Two of ths boys then
--- knocked le down, lumped onihlra' and
- held him down while the third searched
.his pockets and obtained the money.
William Weiss made a disturbance In
front of De Martini's saloon, at. First
and , Madison streets, last - night, and
." was arrested.''. He Informed the police
on reaching the station that his
savior - was due to his having been
: . , robbed af Ml la the saloon by a woman
' .with' whom he had been drinking. He
' asserted thst the money was stolen
while she had her arms around him.
A telephone box lif ft store at Grand
, avenue and Morrison streets waa broken
open last night and f7 stolen. . t,.
Assertion 'Made That Standard
Oil Crowd Used : Money ; to
. Get Grand Trunk ' Subsidy. '
--', - , .... ... .v --Wr 1. 1'
(Joarsat Special Berries) .
New Tork. March 7. A acandsl has
'been unearthed -la connection with 'the
Grand - Trunk-Rockef el ler Morgan
and It Is alleged that the American cap
italists contributed tSOO.OM to the .Can'
adlan electoral funds with the object of
," securing the dominion's approbation' -of
. the, areas' Trunk's extension subsidy
schema.-. '..
It ' Is known that ths ' Rockefeller-
Morgan combine has a con trailing lntsr
est In the old Grand Trunk Una, as well
as aubntantlat Interests Is the Grand
Trunk Pacific It waa d Mixed to secure
from the Ottawa parliament lucrative
contracts, desirable townaltes and Isnd
. grants, all the way from IUca Winni
peg to the Rocky, mountains for the
proponed Grand Trunk Pacific extension.
Efforts were also made to 'obtain ft aub
. aldy and a land grant. from the Brit-
-. lah Colnmhiaa-parllament.
. It Is reported that $50,m 'was con
. trlbuted ' to members-of -the Canadian
parliament, ISM.tOO of which went to
Quebeo and the balance to New Bruns
' wick. Nova Scotia and Prince Edward
-. Island. ' In return for cash assistance
Canadian statesmen are alleged to have
promised to grant the desires Of 'the
New York capitalists. , t.
(Continued from Page One.)
. coming rapidly worse. Rioters have de
stroyed ' nearly all warehouses, vodka
shops and the police station, A number
of shops have been set afire. - Troops are
guarding government buildings., Rein-
. forccments have been ordered, ,
ivy..; INJURED BY B0V!3.;V
Saram voa aTelkea, OUaf of eUoe of
Warsaw, Xlowa W 7 Pymamlta,
. r (Jgarnal' Bpeetal ftu-rle.) - ':.''.
Warsaw, March 2 T. Baron veil. Nol
ken, chief of polios of Warsaw, was Se
riously Injured by a dynamite bomb last
night as he was driving to the police
., station.- ' -''-'
Early in the evening man In 'dress
clothes entered the police station at
Praga, ft suburb, and threw bomb into
the courtyard, wounding seven' polios,
two of them dangerously. 1 The man was
captured and found to be a Jew. . .
Trade and industry throughout Russia
are threatened with disaster and conse
quently merchants and commercial
classes are making every effort to obtain
peace. Everywhere they are pronounc
ing la favor of - liberal demands, for
: , cessation of war and for ft constitution.
. . I : A meeting of the leading Industrial men
'fH. ha been called to take united action..
It la stated that at the ministers' coun
ell held Sunday M, Witts made an lm--;
i u. passioned address for peace, declaring
i , that the Integrity of the nation muat be
preserved, ana tnat ir any further - at
f .;, tempts were made' to compel the re.
- serves to mobilise fighting would ensue
. - that would involve the whole nation.
ni nuM Tunnirriu divcd U
"1 ! fJesraal Sseeial aervlea.) ' '"f
New York, March J7-An explosion
J in the Beat river, tunnel this morning
:; blew the top of the tunnel out, seriously
"-Injuring five workmen. The air prea
,;' , sure was so heavy tbav one of the work
. , men was forced upward through . the
; 7' river; where he grasped some debris and
. , was rescued. - - -
, fjonraal pdsl fterrtea.) '
Oslresville, Tenn., March JI. ' A
.freight- wreck ' occurred on the Louis
' villa A Nashville railroad near here o
lay. ' four man are reported killed, and
one seriously Injured. Tea cars Wsre
derailed. ., ... ,-- .
. ', -, ', V r- ' l"" ' ' '
-To the Journal:' The work la
Portland far .surpasses my ax-.
peatattona, and the same may be
. said concerning my association,
,.I am sure. So far as I can see, '
we are to have our best work;
here., I am told that ftt least
ft0,o people attended the evaa
gellstle meetings yesterday. Ths
ever flow meetiag of mea, held en
(ha streets yesterday afternoon.
Was not only unique, but power
foL The street meetings are ths
.tMst we hare, ever seen, Mr. Mc-,
Comb Is a power In- this- work,
Chief: Hunt Will Shortly Appear
Thickly Smeared , VVtth ,
.!";'":vVv Fresh .Coatinv;;'..-
It Is all ever but the formality of
whacking the typewriter Chief Hunt
Is to be exonerated by the police com
mission or every cnarge .preferred
against him by Councilman A. F. Flegeb
- The traascript of evidence, te be fur
nished each ef the members of the po
lice commission, will not be ready be
fore tomorrow. At that .time General
Bee be . and Senator- Slchel - will come
together, shake .hands -at reaching a
unanimous conclusion, and append their
signatures to ths report. - -
When this takes place General- Beebe
"will talk." He haa already, promised
the public that.
And the chief hd will stand forth
radiant In ft fresh coat of whitewash.
but with a few dark spots showing
through, for all that. r,
"The transcript of evidence will - be
completed and the formal report proba
bly be ready tomorrow," said Bsnator
SichsL, "So-far ss I am' concerned, I
believe that Chief Hunt baa been proved
Innocent of every charge made against
him In ths matter of failure - to - en
force the 1 .o'clock . dosing ordinance.
and that will be the nature of my re
port.- I cannot speak for General Beebe.'
General Beebe Jas promised to "talk
for himself after the report la made.
The report will be unanimous, without ft
Ths meeting ftt the First Presbyterian
church laat night for women only was
largely aHeaded. The singing by m
bare of ths girls enoir was very good
and was conducted by . Fred Butler,
Preceding ths sermon he sang alone
And I Shall Bee Him Face to Face,"
and It was met with the sllenoe of deep
appreciation. Dr. Thompson was ths
-speaker of the evening, taking for his
theme the value ef personal service.
"Personal consecration and' individual
work are needed," he said, "to supple
ment the work ot Ntbe evangelists,
There Is none, ao matter bow weak or
small, who- cannot wield an Influence
for. good. It lies within the power of
every Christian to bring as many soul a
to Christ by living ths Christ life, as
any minis tar of the gospel can."
- He spoke of the preseot-revrval as ths
fmost ramaraaDie in uo nisrory ot fore
I . . . . . . ... : - -
land and urged his . bearers pot to let
Lthe first, glow of enthusiasm 4e dowa
or turn to inairierence.
"Get . right with God." . '
... m i - '
Later In the week the evangelists will
Invade the north end concert halls to
areacft. to th daolsens. . especially
women, A committee ceiled en the In
mates of notorious houses yesterday and
asked If they would sttend ft meeting
at one of the halls. The . unanimous
answer was "No!" and the doors word
closed on the Christian workers. -
The decision was thsn made that
vaagellam should go to them and
negotiations are now' In progress to en
gage Kriokson'g stags for certain
preachers, who will take their regular
turns as do the vaudeville performers.
A handaaras clubhouse to coat about -wUl be erected by the Portland
Yacht club near "The Oaks." Plans
hsvs been drawn by the Constructing
Knglneering company of Portland, and
contractors for the Oregon Water Power
Railway company' are figuring on ths
Job. - ...
The clubhouse will be two stories.
The feature of the first floor will be
targe loonging-Toora. This room will
be fOOxlt feet, fronting oa tha river,
with a view of west Portland and the
heights. It will contain a huge 'fire
place and be furnished in accordance
with the most approved Ideas of yacht
ing men. There will be a billiard-room
lloxtt feet, a , women's dressing-room.
an of (lee and ft checkroom. .
The second floor will contain locker-
rooms, baths, closets, directors' room
and three chambers. . The house will be
surrounded by wide verandas and on the
open river side float liOxlOv feet. ;
Dominion Postof floe Inspector Green
field end Registry Clerk Newberry of
Victoria. B. C arrtved In the city this
morning In connection with the extradi
tion of Joe Golden and "Monk" wnson,
sensed of practicing frauds on tae
dominion postal service. t Newberry .at
once identified the men as those who
hsd passed the mutilated order -on him
at Victoria. - ' -
The dominion off lelal went Into the
federal court this afternoon to secure
extradition papers. He, will have to
take them to Washington, and then to
Ottawa, tha dominion capital, before the
men can be taken across tns line, if
they adhere te their resolve to stay here
until they are extradites, they cannot
be taken te Victoria for trial before two
months have elapsed. ' . '.--
Uoeraal BperM servica t L.
Rene, Nev March If, The 7-year-old
son of Zeii Hamilton, who was beaten
over the head with a hammer by hia
father last night, died ' this morning.
His brother, who was beaten with the
same weapon at, the same time, is ex
pected to live. Hamilton shot and
killed himself immediately after tbs at
tempted double murder. Mrs. Hamilton
refuses to make a statement, but It is
believed Jealousy was the causa of the
tragedy. Hamilton had aued for a di
vorce but the -couple were reodbclled'
Uat week,. . '''k.-
Suev '' Honeo "'. Disappears and
Much Money and Jewels
y"s- Are Missing, Too. ; ,
Woman, Wife of Rich Merchant,
and Her Brother-in-Law ,
. Owned Property: j. V
-i t:.:
8uey Hong, the fat. belle 'of China
town. . has- mysteriously disappeared.
simultaneously t 0 la money and
jewels valued at $1,000. the property of
her brother-in-law. Cblng Long, are
mlsslns.' ... " ': t
Chinatown Is la an uproar or excite
ment as tha result of these colncldsaoes.
It Is also perturbed over the absence of
Jim Blng, who left his haunts ft week
ago and baa failed o return, emmv
town has reached the conclusion tnat
the dieappearanoe of tha ma a. the money
and , the Jewels and the woman means
an atonement. i
Buey Hong la the wire or a cnutese
who returned to his fatherland several
Hinik. a lm went nil nrtvata KiibI-
neas. and left his wife la the oars or
bis-' brother. Hop Lee. The brother
oared for her and attended to all her
wants and permitted her to live at hia
home. .- : .''.-.'
In that way the woman learned that
ha kept a large sum of money In the
house, and that he alao possessed valu
able and costly Jewels. Bhe learned his
habits, mvhen he came home, where he
kept bis money and Jewels, and otner
Information that would be useful to ber
In the event that aba desired to move
oulcklv. . iv . ,
Hop lee aia not Know oi ner miaiua-
tlon for an itinerant fisherman, Jim
Ring, who recently arrived from As
toria, bhe met the wanderer in a
clandestine way, and it Is believed that
they Planned an elopement. ...
He disappeared last atonuay. - wnere
be went no one knew, and none of his
acquaintances has seen him since that
time. -. - Nothing, however, was thought
ef his disappearance unUl Friday, wnaa
ths woman a disappearance was discov
ered. Efforts to. find ft trace of her dis
closed the fact, thst the money and
Jewelry were also missing.-. - -
Accordingly ft warrant was sworn- to
by the mistreated brother-in-law, and
the question then arose what to do
1th the warrant. Chinese have had
unlimited experiences with - the polios
and the detectives, and hesitated about
submitting ft ease where such large rams
were involved to the detectives.
The warrant was at .set placed la ths
hands of . tha sheriff for service. HIS
officers have aa yet been unable to lo
cate the woman. Residents of China
town have offered a reward of 1100 for
Information that will' load to her cap
ture. - '
ha is said to have been the fattest
woman In Chinatown, and le 10 years of
agft,.,. , , k-. , ;- ;
. "'-learaal ftsecUI ferric) ?f '..
New Tork. March IT Officials of the
New Tork Central have decided that If
the electric motors to be used oa the
division between the Grand Central
terminal and Croton are successful, as
ateara locomotives in the future will be
ordered, and that as new engines are
required electric engines will be ordered.
thus gradually the entire motive power
ot the read will be changed from steam
to electricity. It was with the know!
edge of this 'decision that Senator De-
pew at a recent -dinner -ef the- Trens-
nortatlon club ssld; -
"I predict that la it years tnere will
not be s steam locomotive In the coun
try except In muaeuraa." .
within the last rew montns tns new
rTork Central officials have beea making
exhaustive teats of ths nsw : motors
which will supplant steam, on the divis
ion adjacent. to New Tork. These teetg
have been expectlonaily satisfactory, ,
Mrs. M. U Woodcock has Sled with
the oity auditor notloe ef her Intention
to become a candidate for nomination as
msmber - of ths Republican county
central committee from the forty-fifth
preclnoL Be declares sne will secure
the nomination la spite of Frank Baker
and all ber other enemies,
Karly this morning she appeared at
the city ball and called en City Auditor
Devlin, who escaped from her by a
clever rune. Bhe paased from one clerk
to another, hut they were all .very busy
and could not assist her In making out
her notice. She returned with her no
tice made out according to law and filed
It with Deputy City Auditor LoLaa and
left the hall happy. ,
v . , . .
(Jeersal Special serrlee.)
Washington, ' March 17. Secretary
Taft, who Is acting secretary of state,
Assistant Secretary of State MeAdee and
Senator Spooner of the senate eommlttee
on foreign relations, held ft lengthy con
ference with the president todsy.
Tart announced tns proposal or Presi
dent Morales to select e a American to
take charge of customs at Santo Do
mingo, and tha supervision of the pay
ment of American and European claims
waa under consideration, but no conclu-
sloa ws reached. -
(fonrna! Rpeelal Kerrlne.! J ' .
Chicago, March- i 7 Investigation of
ths "beet trust" wss resumed today by
the' federal grand Jury. . The Jury will
have additional advisers from now on
In the persons of District Attorney Bax
ter of Omaha and Aaslstsnt District At
torney Goodman of Chicago. It Is also
declared that when the government hae
finished Its investigation of the peeking
Industry It plans to tske up the-railroad
and private car lines.
. - i (foarael ftpedai gewlos.l
- Rone; March 27. Ths notorious Cat
Snlan brigand, Croce Leplala, haa been
killed by a band of 'Carbineers near
Pelegnnla. where he hsd gone to receive
tlO.oo blackmail from a rich farmer.
He offered a desperste reslstsnce. The
people of the peasant class today are
mourning aim as a aero, .. -
.r :M',f'V ', - , ''' - .'-
Detectives Snow and Kerrigan
Gather In Canj Charged
r v With Serious Offerrse.'
Through", the . agency of Detectives
Snow an Kerrigan a band of alleged
horse Ullages which ha beea operating
In ths vicinity, of Portland bids rair
to receive its Just deserts. Bud Milan
was arrested this moming by the officers
and taken to Oregon City tbift afternoon
by Constable Trembath. He la e erased
of being an accessory te D. W. Mays.
arrested several dsys ago by Snow and
Kerrigan. A. 1 (-year-old boy. Reante
Curry, was ftlso taken- into -caatody at
tne request of the. Clackamas aberur.
The boy la believed to know ft good deal
or tae work done by the gang.
Muaa hsd a room nt lit Water atreet
and had five horses, which he kept In a
stable at Water street, .when ar
rested. The polios say these animals
were stolen. . Mays recently took seven
horses to Astoria, it is asserted, end
old three of them. His alleged partner
In crime, one Decker, was In police cus
tody for ft time, but the Oregon City
authorities did not know then that he
was concerned witb the crime and he
It Is believed bv the nolica thad Mavs
and his accomplices era responsible for
many mens or horses - committed
throughout the stats snd that ths ani
mals were systematically disposed of by
shipping them first to Astoria and then
out of the state. Last week a horse
wss atolsa from- Mount-Angel and
saddle worth ft from Marquam. Two
days ago two horses and ft set ot har
ness, valued at 1 100, .were stolen from
u. J. Hoi man. -.. . ; .-
rograrn Will B.'' in : Hands of
Committee, From Murt-, i
,--:j; nomah Club.
President Ooode announced' that ath.
letlc events 1a --connection with ", the
Lewis and Clark fair would be conducted
br ft committee from the Multnomah
Athletlo club. , . . '
TM committee will be annotated bv
the club and will have comnlete nharse
of all athletic eventsv serving the pur
poses 'of ladl vidua! -athletlo directors,
for which position there were a number
of applicants, it was not atated how
many members of the Multnomah club
would serve eg committeemen, and tbey
will not likely be appointed for several
weeks. . ' ...,",:'..
Major MoDonell t the Oregoa - Na
tional Ouard, who la .la charge of the
guards at ths grounds, will arrange the
preliminary athletic events,.. Arrange
ments are being made for a number of
events of great Importance) to amateur
sportsmen. -.-.r:. , -
A gats will be built opening from the
fair grounds te the baseball park, and
the fair management will have the -use
of the ball park whenever there Is not
a league game to be played.: The date
will Include about on half of tha bell
When Patrolmen Jones and Courtney
round Bill Wilson drunk at Fourth and
Couch streets lsst night they promptly
arrested him and lodged aim ia the city
Jail. ;'- - - -- -
When Bill awoke in his cell this mora
Ing he had ft "peach of ft hang-over.
Ha felt fine and began te a how the other
prisoner kow )flne he did ' fed. ' He
climbed on an empty box and danced.
While on the box bo 'poked bis head
through the hare ta peer down, ths cor
rldor of the Jail to see what was going
On, - v - - ' . .... . :
On attempting to extricate . hia head
he discovered thst It wss securely fas
tened. He began to kick and yelL While
kicking he aent the ' box flying from
under him, end hung suspended by his
neck. The prisoners tnought he a
Joking Sod -enjoyed the. affair very
much. : ''.-' i '
Wilson struggled frantically, and
veiled until he became black in the face.
The Jailer oa going inalde a short time
Istsr. foaad ft prisoner almost dead.
Wilson wss removed from the wall, and
after he had recovered somewhat waa
taken before Chief Hunt, Judge of the
"kangaroo court. . . -. ,
"Many a time I have told my officers
that It was degrading to stand on boxes
and peer through windows," quoth . -s
chief. Tou have been punished suf
flclently, and may go," . V i-, i
'. (SpaeUI rnaeeteh te The lesraat)
Oregon Ctty,- March XT. Judge T. P.
Ryan whan seen at his office this morn.
Ing, la reply 'to the question aa to
whether he would be ft candidate for the
office of stats treasurer, said: r - - v
Tes. I am ft candidate for the office.
subject to ths Republican primaries."
"Have you any ravonte pouey about
which you cars to Inform th public 7"
Tie, none, except tnat my policy will
be to adhere strictly to- the law, and
perform the duties of the office to the
best of my ability."
His acquaintances In this city all Join
with the Judge In the opinion that he Is
well qualified to fill the office. .
"Nora Stone, who was burned by oil
from ft lamp thrown at her by Blanche
Tompkins, In ths notorious "Joint" con
ducted by "Liverpool Ids," at Fourth
and Davis streets. Is In much the same
condition that she was Immediately after
the deed-was committed. She haa a
chance for ' recovery,, and that Is all.
The Tompkins woman is held on ft
charge , of drunkenness, . awaiting the
cutcome of the affair. If Mrs. Stone
dies, she will probably be charged with
murdeev--r-7 r- m. -rr--v- 1
. - ' 111 l ll M l - I . .
AXWATS Wtt'PsUlCalsjrwjh',.
Whlls trying to stop ft quarrel "be
tween - mea at Fourth and. Flanders
streets M. Johnson, a sailor, wss .'shot
through , theTiand, al l - o'clock . this
morning.... Johnson said he waa In the
company of the captain. of the tug Sam
son when be was Injured. He does not
know the men who were quarreling. Hie
wound wss aressea oy vr. aiocum. tse
aasiatant city physician, and he was
allowed to leave police, headquarters.
WAjm wo piun rxostr.
" (Special TMapatdk te ,Tke JevraaLl ' '
Oregon City. Or., March 17. Asststant
Prosecuting Attorney. C. Schubel says:
"If sn sttempt is made to pull oil the
prise fight between Tommy Boms 'and
Don Barry at Mllwaukls, warrants will
be Issued for the ervest of -every pereon
In sny way Interested, snd I .shall se
thftt U warraois art axecuted," , . ,
Food Is St:!l Sold at Dawson at
figures That Surest ;
V , f Famine Conditions.1 -
Beef trust Has ; Mighty fight
. Crip on People of Faf a.
Northwest. " .' .
' Although traveling te the Klondike
la ft pleeeure excursion to what It was
ft few years ago, there seems to oe- a
lack of competition, as far aa freight
charges into that country are concerned.
if the ' dally wholesale market reports
of the Dawson City papers, as a cri
terion. . ; -i-.-.v .
For Instance, ft S-dosen Case f eggs
was "quoted in Dawson on March 4 at
til. or 11. 6 a dosen at retail. These
eggs could have been purchased Jn the
Portland market and very likely were,
at about II cents ft doaen, or Mv for
he packer of 10 dosen eggs. . .
Cranberry pies must, - indeed, he a
luxury In the frossp north, for Jersey
are- quoted at 15 cents a pint at retail,
or III a barrel at wholesale. In Port
land cranberries , are , sold - readUy . at
til a barrel, ' .- -,- K .-' -V ,-'. f- '. .
Flour that sells '-la poruand in ths
groceries ftt $1,10 a, . sack Is eagerly
bought op4a Dawson ftt 17 ft barrel at
wholesale, t An additional cents Is
tacked to the retail figure. Soft wheat
flour, the sort that sells here for' II
a sack, .is quoted in a modest way in
the Klondike's chief city at 17.
Beans, the chief article of diet la the
north, ere sold In Dawson at about dou
ble Portland prices. At Is Ho a pound
rice values are over double those ruling
In this market . .' ' - ..
Nearly everyone eats butter, even In
the north, but, what would you say If
the storekeeper 'Were to ask you
a pound for creamery, batter f The sort
sold la Dawson ia not as good as that
sold here, for It is packed in tins. '
Fresh meats are more pientinu in
tha north than they were a short time
ago, and there has been some modera
tion la charges. .- Even tns prevailing
figures are enough to make the.averags
Portland butcher green with envy, and
the housewife to fell alarmed. At whole
sale ta Dawsoa ths following prices, per
pound, ruled oa March JO: Sausage.
ISe; common beet lo; fresh beef, fore
quarters, lie: hindquarters, loor fresh
pork, side, J7H0o; pork, 'trimmed.
10c: frosen mutton. Me; fresh mutton.
10c: veal, local killed, tOc; frosen, tied
Frankfurter eaueaga, . .c; mountain
sheep, 10c .. -' - '' -V -
Chickens ere quoted several points
higher In Dawson than In Portland, as
the following wholesale figures of that
market ahow: Poultry, ft pound, 41H0
4&e: roasters. ic; broilers, fresh, 4tVc;
turkeys, IIHOtscr ducks. c '.
Colds are very frequently eaugnt in
the north, and this, may possibly no-
count for the extraordinary run on the
lemon market . and ' the . extravagant
prices ruling there. On lemons that sell
In this market wholesale at ll.ti a box
the Daweonite la willing o pay $11 a
box. Oregon apples are highly priced
there, for ft ft box Is the ruling whole
sale flgirej-
Japsjiese Dies and His Alleged
; Assailant Will Be Held ;;
-r?-'-vj;5.-for Murder- iJ.
KaUuragi Fugi, the Japanese atabbed
in the abdomen la brawl In ft lodging
house nt Fourth and Flandsrs streets
early Monday morning", died at St Tin
cent's hospital last night Hie alleged
assailant. Sakutaro Hanoaka, Is held at
the city prison. ' An Inquest Is In
progress under the direction of Coroner
Flnley this afternoon, ss ths result of
which Hanoaka will undoubtedly, be
Charged with murder. - - t
Hanoaka waa arrested at Harrisburg,
Or. Friday, whence be fled after the
crime. Tha charge against him Is as
sault with a deadly weapon with intent
to commit murder. ,: .' . -
Three other. Japanese are under arreat
on suspicion of complicity. T. . Shlral
received a severe cut oa the neck, ftad S.
Shlma was stabbed In. the forearm. O.
T. Kado la held as ft witness, : Hanoaka
la aald by the police to have practically
admitted the crime, saying It was done
with a pocket knife found, on him when
arrested. The Dollce think the eaaa la
lying, as tha wound was deep and made
with a sharp blade, whereas the pocket
knife has a -short blade and la dull.
Hanoaka waa sent to the penitentiary
for a crime committed at Astoria, and
Furl testified against him. Since then
the alleged murderer Is said to have
harbored a .'revengeful feeling toward
the dead man, A peculiar fact Is that
Fugi did not accuse Hanoaka of his
murder, saying he was out while trying
to stop the nght between other Japanese.
The wounding 'of Shlral ftnd Shlma
lends color to nis statement. ', . .
- . - i ii i .i i , ..
llaedal fHeastea te The lenrsall r
Roseburg. .Or.. March . 17. Develop
ments In . the murder of Jacob Rsutsr
show that Reuter waa shot about sunset
Thursday, while standing at the door
of his house, by some one some distance
off. He had hold ef the doorknob when
struck by four bulleta. Standing a mo
ment he uttered a groan and reii orr
the porch. Both father and brother, who
were sick within, hearing the shots, got
out of bed and , found - Reuter dead.
Oolng down to tha river, three quarters
of a mile to the nearest ranch, . they
asked for aid, which waa refused. The
body was left -out In- ths storm during
the night The next morning the reia
Uvea obtained assistance. r, . .. . .
t ."' ' (looraal SDeeial' serviee.) ...
New Tork,. March 17. After one of
the stormiest voyages of her career, the
Hamburg-American liner. Pretoria ar
rived today from Hamburg, which port
shs left on March 11. Constant westerly
gales and head sea a was ths Pretoria's
experience. ,. One aeeman - waa washed
overboard. Three births occurred In the
Steersge during the paaaage. ; .
Among the psssengers wss Lieutenant
Wsrgo of the Ruse las army, en route
to Ban Francisco to look after Russian
transport affairs,. .-. , . ,
Piefeiied Stock Oaaaed Sooda,
Alien I!1 Best Brand. .
s. . 'v i mi r V A ii-
vi; '.;',:;-c.'- :..;?;nJl Z-7''K-
j iriocicratc : m6acnj
comfort as th person whose pursed
is'flusti ancl&o
the bank?'.
v v There is rib
rX ivve xreai cyery poay aiiKc ana
everybekiy can' r
( .This "is "Theeople
and no distinction is made , be
tween tte, rich arid ijoor.
V in'Ji
We; give you credit!
ril.rniTiftr., nn
' . 1 - , , ..... . . .
louu cnougur
Getyou&Spring; Outfit:
rnere mwwnen you actually
need it-and pay tor It at your
!':-v"'f y viiiviivvi
. : J U wAftg '
1 eiy ladies suits,
" unacrwear, corscis, cic. v; 'Wi,
;f AC l Men's hats
-anu xxauscrs,
't, ' t ' ... -
stoves' lairipsii
" wtMtwwy wewweAw
' 1
i 1,1
390 Washington' Street
r, i . j - -'v
;Vr' ' V '..l-i. ',J,:
reon whatever!
riiirt brink t V
. ... , v. '' . t., tvtJj.t BSd
. --'.v -5, .ior - ,:
Ullwll tO - Ui .' 1.1.1141,
' i ' 'V.-'",- .,.'-' '
trunks V watdies.
wwa ' . .1
4 '. .' -.-.rf.w.M ' 'v ... 't 1
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