V tz c j ere:, 'ti - t rcci: "AT ticrz." Vca cdsrcra cro v -Sr. : -; .V , Your Attention Is Specialty' Invtted - ': fI Grmm4Mnmml Ommmimga Tmmmtm ' W4y, Mmnh at mm am v, yi 1 mm , 1-. , I. '. S ' 73 '; In woman's correct apparel showlnes we lead all .- Western houses. Our policy, of showing our clientele superior, styles and best values,has resulted In . -such rapid Increase of trade that we have been obliged to double the selling space ; ''of this department since the close of last season, and it now occupies the entire . s spacious 2nd floor of the main store ? building, forming , by far the largest ; apparel ' . ' store, for omen -and Misses 'west: of: Chicago; ; vl':: ' ' - .i";-; i:; : ''.Uv!C ' - Here b t complete showing of Fashion's latest fancies In Tailor-made Suits, Coats and Skirts, afternoon - ' . gowns,' evening. costumes 'and' wrapsWearlng apparel "mi'correct modes from both foreign and domestic makers V Among the most magnificent of the afternoon and evening gowns art the famous creations of Mile. Schroeder, the acceded dictator of styles fortthe fashionable " Smart Set " of .New -'York. ; MI. Schroeder'a creations are to be seen ' here - exclusively. .. they are confined to .this great Style House "'. in the West CM fjr- t "7 ? ' .7 ri ft ''to?.; 4 . . . I. (( Is" First showings of :excfusive, ASTiUr ' most French-artistes; such, as .Charlotte, rorAimA ' Reboux." Mori. Carlier, Mme. Georgette, Camille Rogers;Su2anne Blum, . nH other ' loreien masicrs, m v ; With many practical models from our fwnv'v V : expert designers.-: we exicnu invitation .to view i this ; exhibit In-order , ; that women migm gei-reqwuiKw . ' the Soring - and Summer models ;' - . millinery for the coming season. v. .Our form: Sprinf Opentnp on'the atof , Include a nsndiome thowln j of . . A j rCoftumci, : Neekweari WaliU ! and Wo. ' t ' "' . erobriclm the ftoMt imoorted and domertio ityhe , The music'ot J , song birds mingled , ; ,. with the strains ";!v of orchestral ; s ;'; , music' and ; . : T;:: ; ;;: beauUful : rvH' r decorations will " r: enhance the i occasion, and add.;, 7 Interest to th ; "V splendid ' ::; 77 - merchandise 77 7 . 7: displays. Yoo ' V 77 arecordlallj -Invited : : . Orchestrw'U'-r-7 2 to 5 each;;; a. aitemoon " !t V V- w tm mU&m- 3 1 ! ( j 'A- ,T3 .41' Crcnd i end Ccrpasclna th CLD3, wentpa ItlO 7e3d Dess:: bsrbciajcsd lla Perrcr In Orct!v Csf ro el Pccir--7,7;7'7.''T- --'"7;'"!. fir ' " "i f ; '