cr.zr3:i daily jz'J. l. :c:.tla:;d, lioiiday cvx:::i::a, 7, azzi r. 1 . " SI,.!, SLilrD ; tokxasrs unszzxzm.. Marquam .... Columbia .... Ljrrtc Hur . I. rand ,... Baker . ...... "Oor New Ma" "A Oont-nled Woman" "TIM ! Vr.Fj.rly" VauM..ill ,.. .VauTtiM Vaud.iUX 80 few application are being mad . to the civil-- vtce commission (or posl . tlona In th Portland, fire department ttjat the autborlttaa fear .there Will not ' be enou-h allKlblea to keep the vacant ptacea filled. Although an examination for engineer In the fire department haa -' been called, there are only two applies tlona on file, while there are sevsral po altlona to be filled. The same'condltlon exlata In regard to the engineer for . . ' - -. - -1 Tk, m, im atven for tb scarcity of applicant is that the age limn os v j mui wimbwm, ' men from the department. Engineer . am v a p w faa, (Ainiiatant a tavo uth - - w - - - - - - - - ". men under I years of age. There U talk 01 enanging ine as year. , ',v; . ':.)y': v C. Bchwerdtman, a farmer of Hills- j.u hiiaua . hu, a freak hen In hi farmyard. Laxat aprlng. when b went 'to a Ke a orooa ok cwcni.iiviu ..., v. - ji.AnM,il I. t nn, had two Well f TO UIBIVIIIUU lOTIDHl Jiauk -lua Bini,i,-u-. . lived but a few hour. . Teaterday he 1 wa attending to anoinor o winn ' . 1 1 . . tfrAm thai naat when no nan J""- be dUeovared that one possessed four leg. Two of the limb were located where they snouia n aim f t- win, i Th, othar lea III9H mom ... " ...... . w w were hanging from the thigh-bone by ' email ligament and no una wbaU.v,V . wa mad or inero. ... w.w-. ' - .u. nn..ni1l chirk dead. . man iuuuu iuw - - - and brought It to Portland to have It v, mb. Tlia mAmharfl Of Port land tod - No. 14 are urgad tv I : present In our ,ioaff nwm, w..iMiMr ininArrn - morillfiaf. March II. at :, to conduct the funeral Of our-iate nroi.nir, . Hrookea. Visiting brother, and par ticularly the member. of Ko.eburg lodge, are Invited to aaaUt. By order of ! the exalted ruler. John p. Coffey, ec-retary."- "i -tv.'' 'J'fj:rrax .: Funer ?lc. over the bodjr of Charle J. Ml were ni - ' . .1 v ... Intarment waa m ' Rlveralde cemetery. He wa ! of age and had apeni 7'"'" - a w. narformed by Rev. T. U llot, and the Arlon quartet ren - dered aeveral elct10TOKT Hi w" due to acute indigeaiion. r. survived by s widow and two children. ; V In Pakliig of the Columbia stock 1 eompanys production ror mil v " Old. Wortman aV King advertisement In yesterday' Journal It wa erroneously announce -that tonight would be "Men's night" The Item -should nave read "Ad. ma s night." Women are not-excluded, as yesterdays Item would soggest They axe - wanted, thus this correction. , ; , " . . . 1 h. ranadlaa AocletV .of orerm. whteh t. h. W at the uienaora, iiinu... a h.a him Boatnoned until Aprtl 4. All CanadUn residing at Portland and otner cme- ..-j ... ni.aatarf la wrlt to the 'fnrauvu . committee, car , of the Glendora, as goon as possible. " r.": . . . v Max Belley la named as eepondt .in avdtverce suit begun today by Wil liam Sueu asaJn.t Wj U . . thinsw if. chauved with X- jnoni w-aM"r " .prMalng the wlh that Buea. would, be ' killed IB . me eawmm w,.-r- -i ployed, r- They were married In- Fort- land, December T. , r : 1 - . .a Atu.r1. damand a naW . ki.iy a a-raded School, a the pre-nt building 1. too ; m.lU and w . ha a block of ground on which the , , proposed building win n , t.M nalnta and oils. F.'SL Beech A Co.. the ploneaw paint company. agenU haVness olU Neal's tnamela. New Era paint, window ana pije . -T- '. ' Klrst street, phone - ; ' C Pre! Hot cake and ' eoffe! rreet 1 A the VegetarUHt Cafe. 101 Sixth .treat, ... A i kAi cake and ta.a . will avrva eereal coffee free to new cuatomera Tues day morning.. Marcn i. "- - nuilnted with our excellent goodsUBrlng . .this -adv j .-. ' . ,. ' 0.0 IramlgranU Wanted To locate .long the Oregon Water Power Rall wy company1 Un between Portlend and Eatacada. For Information Inquire of the Oregon Water Power . Townite f cimpWlsVm .treet. Phone. Mala ; .!. ." EaUeada . Offer Opportunities to manufacturer which meana million 4 of dollar If properly handled. For in formation Inquire of the Oregon Water " Power Tewnslte company, j 114 v First " street. Phone, Main Sis. , ' '. aaa-w--aaB .f f - Tjoat Black Cocker spaniel, female; 4 months olds answers to the name bf - Blossle; went astray in city Park, Sun ' day! reward for her 1 recovery, til Flander treet. between Twentieth and , Twnty-flrt , V.-'-sV.i-Jl. ' VUvl Hygtento Home Treatment for . I w. .,.an on ra of all female trou- ."blea. lady phyalcUn in charge, con- i auitatlon and examination ina, - ' hours, a. m. to P. .; It Mwls Mdg. 'Tourists, ss well as city people, flnan ; dally embarrasaed. will And the. Port- aCaew how te do It. That I Da- !la our buslne fixing up broken watches and dorks and mending jewelry. We keep five saem doing noth- ; Ing. ele. , . i, - ; . -, - em have trouble with your watch keeping timet vvIt m f w may need regulating. If so we will gladly It free of eharge. . ; .'; May be the faaJt of the llast man ' Who repaired It, J or the works my be worn J out. We will give you a V,trde for It. ; ' ' . ere 1 where we make a Kit. When it come to do ing work right that ha been our suor ess. for we only1 hire perwi (not boys)', and a result, we are always kept busy. ; Its as a trial. ..X It j ; , JAEGER BROS. t '!' 0-ewtlars saut Opttoiaaa, KM Morrison St. ku: i-u u.Lll, i eCUT UujVS IT JjiZ Hofjuo Ha Law. Cr-aklng i Saloonkeeper, Convicted -Cefor Trial. WILLING TO LET HIM OFF ON PAYMENT OF FINE Says Thomas McClinn Kept 'Open After Hours and Must ' ; Suffer for It. 1 . Attorney John F. Login want Polio Judge Hogue to' vacate the bench In favor of Mayor . William and appear as a witness against Thomas McOllnn. on of the proprietors of the Tuxedo saloon. aecuaed of keeping open after hours. He also wants the city's executive to pass Judgment on the case. When McOllnn appeared la court this morning to answer the charge preferred by order of Judge Hogue, Saturday.-Attorney . Logan Insisted that the arrest waa In the nature of an ex post facto proceeding. The arrest .was made-on one of the reports nanaea -i:niex 01 muw Hunt by Patrolman Lee the night of Oc tober 3, and formed documentary evi rixnra ' In the 'Investigation (ao calred) held by the police commission after charge againat Hunt were preferred by Councilman A. F. Flegel. ' . "It la not necessary for the mayor to take this bench at all," aald Judge Hogue, after Attorney Logan had made hla requestr"I-now-persooally that this man McGlyno is guilty of keeping open after, hours. " All I want under stood is thlat If the police . jnak any pretense at all of enforcing this ordl must be enforced fairly and evenly. Kobody must fee favored. ."If MoOlynn-ls willing to plead guilty to keeping open on- the night of October S I will fine bins (& and let the matter go at that If not, I wilt fin hla for that, and will also have a charge pre ferred that be was open-the night the last shooting affray occurred in i.ninar town. . I can plaoa witnesses on the stand whose testimony will cause a con lotion in anv court." " .-. ' - "WelU-1 understand that your honor wants to act fairly." replldd the lawyer, "but this government is divided into three branches legislative, sxecutlve and Judicial. I think you ehould leave auch prosecutions to the police and act only when complaints are filed."- - Juda-a Hoaue mlled. H Bald h wouiit ha of the same opinion as the law yer, were It not "for the fact that as police JUdge HO IS SO raunnn wm""-. a with auch affairs." "I understand." asserted 1 Attorney Logan, "it Is a matter between you and Chief Hunt" ' ... ' . Laughter foUowed this sally, and even Judge Hogue smiled. The bailiff rapped for order. After a brief conference with M,iiinn hla counsel aaked for a continu ance until Wednesday morning. The re quest wss granted by me court. DEMOCRATS SHY. ' t ABOUT REGISTERING r ana Ataa will have been i - jk , TTn. n Aatiirdav nlcht the Tii.wiviM -r - total waa f.ltT; 1.101 were KepnbUcana, 124 Democrats, ana , .M.-Ma aaturdav. 101 "r.'' r VI-.-Tr rrv. .no refused to' enroll as to party eonneetlons were registered. ,u to naiurea . new registrations were III and changes of residence 4e: " The books had been open days when the office of the county clerk closed Saturday nlgHt and an average ai a al. ka4 KsbaTjvt anrollMaL Of Q aver l 9 ' Ss VaU Jy aaea vs ww - - - - - the 10 days preceding April when the books must vm ap office dsy. If tb rat of registration w. w.a ..n atttinnt tha usual werv w vm mfm k, T". increase that come In the last week, the total registrations wouia am whom, according to the ratio that haa . i..i aa m, mat or I. ill. oven miii... r- - '. would be Republican. In the June elec tion of 1I0 KepuDiicans cai " In Portland for J. N. Wllllamon for a mnra votes were oongraa, : cast to bring the total cast for con gressman in rwtiana to -Democrats. Socialists i .1 lets casting respectively .. . 1 S4S ' ' ' -" - " A heavy Increase Is looked for In the last week, so that It Is apparent that !. Wantihllnana for the tne reiiaiiauwi. w - . coming prlmarie. will be close to the total vote or jrtepupiiv- ..... wafwT.V lOaTaMa, nrj'.. t iha World from Amity. Or., are making their headquarter at the Belvedere, Among inwa in mi vm . are J. A. Ruble, H. C. Patty, R. P. Howard and K. S. Howard. w. Gorman of Btella la regiatared at the Belvedere. . ' W. C. CowgUl of Baker City Is In the city today. V .. . The following weoomen oi me s k. Maarkarar run ere reaistered limn ..w . . ... at th-Belvedere: , E. L. HeaUr. W. H. Bond, C. H. Co. LeRoy Orape, H. Pat terson, T.C Duncan ana n. n. oiauirj. j McDonald of Newberg I reglsterod at the Perklna. ' ' ' C C. Carter la a Dayton cltlsen top ping at the. Perkins. ' . w. w Todd of North TamhiU I the gueat of the Perkins. H. K. Kelly Ot Baiem la mwjpymm mi the Perkins.- - r in Datra t Knlwn and d B. Chandler of Lebanon are Woodmen reg istered St tne rersina. v.. ..J u-a F. tr MnanldlnaT of The Dalles are the guest of the Imperial. , Mr. and" Mrs. W. 8. Carry, of The Dalles are registered at the Imperial. . A. C Beely. M. Redmond and Oeorge Larkln are Woodmen of the World at the Imperial. - xorrKAJi scat rsuovxea. J. H. Hoffman,. an attorney of Forest Orove, was this morning admitted to practice before th federal bar of , Ore gon. - ' ' " land Loan Office, Tl Third street, the safest and most reliable piaoe to trans act their business. . Rates reasonable.- Steamer 'Alliance, sails from Couch street dock for Coos Bsy and Kureka at p. m., Wednesday, March IK P. Bsumgartaer, agent. Main ail. , r Restlessness t mind sad body Is do to a general nerve weakness, ij.ij.ij. Tonl will ears it ; Forsals by Knight UTUg V.O. ; . i - - ' C C'C. Ton! rtnre health to ex hausted body and mind.. For by Knight Drug Co. '.:'','l 1 Try a meal without meat at th Vege tarian cafe, 108 Sixth street. . Ansley's display. Ff under, f d and Oak As your grocer, for Golden Cheddsr. i Orpheum, vsudevlUe, burlesque, eraa. 1 . . ! ' ' '. : '.. - :v .').. . . MM 'nine noons , nvi::GTo:i DisTreiCT .With lots" lCOxlCO. south west corner of Hancock and , : East Twenty-sixth ; ' side- v walks, sewers, water and gas . pipes laid: Street to be grav- : eled house wired for Usht- , ing and complete in every , , particular. Ready for occu-. j pancy April 15. - , - ' mmom .On installments if desired, r B. M. LOMBARD 514 Chamber of Commerce PATIflOTIC CLUB PLANS FOR GREAT BANQUET Birthday Anniversary of Jefferson Will B Celebrated in Ap- propriate Manner. r -- .r At 'the successf ul meeting ' w th AairlMa Wtrlntln eluh.hald on Oenerol Oist)lrtB4la4r-',..itaa.d. elded to hold the next -dinner on the birthday of Thomas Jefferson, for. the reason tnat tne puoucity given just Do fore the opening of tb Lewie and Clark exposition might awaken a new and more active Interest In. that exposition. . President Jefferson bad the foresight and the courage to see what possibilities were in tnat w away wiuun sent Out Uie lamoua expeoiuvn. taraatlna- hut hrlef lumnurf Of the OX1 pedltion will be given at tha coming dinner by Prof.. F. Q. Young, the aecre tary of the Oregon Historical associa tion. , - . ' The constlluUon of the United States .AMManaa th. admiration Of ' thS Sn- llghtened world. Who wrote ltt Juge J, a. cieisna win answer, uvrami B. Mead of Washington will tell us what h.v. ham obtained from the expedition. Preaident H. W. Ooode of the lewis ana tiara upwuma w... ...... ha. v n a n..n nnn. ii v 11a oaau' . rha ' ,-haraaier and momen tous eventa in tne uie 01 inuaw son will be . described by John M. Qearln. - . Judge BeUlnger. president of the club, will act as imkumwi. t Th committee of arrangements, con ....i . t..aM r n. Belllnser. W. D. Pl.lili, v& .. and r?nL Oeorce W. Hasen. request those desiring to attend the dinner to advise we sec mar 7 mm mwn mm ivu k... mi later than March is. Waa.U.v, w.. iTL. ... a-th-elnl are -to keep allv th memories of departed Ameri can patriots, and to engraoer a of patriotism in n """'(- FRANK RIGLER BACK ' ! IMPROVED. IN HEALTH Frank Rlgler, city superintendent of acaooia, ua, . -- aaba in J Jim AnarelO. ipanuins wv " where be went to recuperate after a long illness. - 'lie aiatea toaay u. perfectly well, and ready to resume his work In the school. , While In southern California he spent - w a. - w. T ahmIm aphonia mucn .imm iu im - studying educational methods. .. He wa especially interestea in . n thai nltv. where thov have II centers. Not only have they manual training for boy, but there are olaase In domeatio economy for girls. Th manual training in aoa I much more advanced than It is In 1.. h. aaM "for the reason that It has been established longer, r The classes are not so large as they are here. There were only II girls In the class which I attended. By having fewer pu- a 1.. au .ktalnAi plisf Doner rriui.aj w wa-aicua , . - ssaaaaa. e-laa-.---asa-saafa--s- . ' L-Fiefaiied Stock Oamned Dda. Allan at Lewis' Best Brand. , : Soe Pally Ada, Jo rzi. JUST ONE DAY (TUESDAY) - ; 72x90; BED SHEETS for Cost us more than our sell ing pricc--oi3ly 4 to a cus tomer and will only be sold one day Best quality V..-; 7?; ;'. " of Sheeting ; ; T SEE WINDOW ' Permrly w fork rmrmlbara- O. PIVAOS TO BUT rUBSlTUaUi. WatchandClocklnsurance For your repairing.. Any wsleh repaired for I2.S0 Insured asnlimt slL accldenU Tor one yeer, Including, first repairs, rinrka. ti.bO. - HI S xth St, Near Waih ngton f'tnrks railed for and delivered. Tl pbon Mala Uli. . . COVELL'S Clean Beds GOVE TCZ VAGGIr LOAD Bold Thief Loots a Storehouse in Piedmont and Is Hot ; Molested. POLICE TAKE THREE : ; DAYS TO CONSIPER Then Decide There Is no Clue Region Much Harassed -' . by Criminals.' - v & nainllarl hnM thaft Whtoh WBS th culmination of -a number of Piedmont robberies, occurred Friday night when the household goods of E. W. Barnes, living at Wllllama avenue and Bralnard street were taken from a storehouse ana h,iil4 awav In a waaron. ' A reoort was made to tha police Saturday and Detective joe uay waa assign-0.,10 . case, Thl morning Mr. Day stated H1.1 anihina had been discovered oon- oe riling th case, .and ' there was . no clue. - Mr. Barnes has neon in -comer- aaa with tha anartment and asserts that llttl or no attempt has been made to discover the thief. ; - v -.'. ' dumi u Rarnaa .niaiMasaa ai tne property where he lived' and moved to a 1 hla r.mllv llvlna In a tent Alow .... - during the construction tf a new house. The household gooes were sioreu .m small building near tne unu ' ' . tha raulloek On the dOOr Of UlB bouse waa broken and all th goods stored there 'or value were bsjtwm away. Among the -articles taken were ... . aiik dreaa. aeveral sulfa mil, .wa. a alnthlnar. five QUlltS, 0D Indian 1 .t-- w. .!.. hlm tsa-i coats, aeveral valuable oil paintings and numerous small deooratlv articles of considerable value.- ..J,,, Thla district has recently been visited M hikn . thieves, sneak thieves and malicious gangs of boys, but it waa th nrst appearance w -with a wagon, who' boldS loaded the furnlshinga of a nouse ana "," "" Away without leaving a ver IS: TAXZS OB TTTaTOTD. ' One or tne reaauua uu i Mfc Tabor residents desire tbe proposed annexation with Portland Is the unaanl tary condlUon of the dlatrict especially . . . .w. ..lhitrh lvtna? at th . rim. . ki- kill Mo ajlanuata SSW- DBSS OX n- -"--Zr.-t ... rs have -7--r-a"" private cona. J -r -r- Kesiaenis ei m " "'7 .. J. eompUlned that much of the sewage from hillside Houses cams doWnw ? . , thale surface waanings sum imb property, and only prompt, measures have several times prevented a typhoid , f tha Port Und wef system and th.rnl.hlng of Bull ttun waier turn Uvea toward the speedy adoption of the annexauon a. . . . V .rxOarxAarD mas siu Highland is the flrst ef the suburbs to come to tbe front with a ball team. The district for several years has had a good nine, and laat season a creditable ... .. mada arainsr older teams. It has not yet been decided where the team's bom grounds will b this sea- w... 1. la nmhahla that it Will loin tha carmen and lay out a diamond near i k... am ulrhlvan avtnoai OW" Ins to- the weather conditions no games nave yet seas piarm, wu m, .....a been arranged with the Vancouver team and later tha team will be open to dates with amatsur team of th city and vi cinity. - . ' ' '' ; XAB9 TO SIAOS 'i MSaaaaaB-aaas . t " Th torn -up condition of the district mj.A Was ih urisphlsinif chwn.le&l cam- UIIUOU mtf -.saw - pany Is being materially Increased and it requlrss mucn eaioutaung w a route whenever a call comes In. Ths latest barrier Is presented by the up heaval of Williams avenue, where plank ing Is being laid. Following the usual euatom tbe workmen have strung heavy timber across the street intersections blocks ahead of where they are work ing, planks have been torn up for sev eral blocks ahead of the laborers and the street ear right-of-way has not yet been planked, though the rest or ths street haa been completed for soy. rat blocks. .. . , ;. , , 'V waflri-rO) aUXSTA arimKBT. ,. Albert street Is undergoing a con siderable Improvement ' Until recently this street ran at various angles, poles stood in the middle of the street and fences obstructed t raffle A gang of graders Is now working from William svenue toward Michigan avenue, and the street haa been wwenea 10 a uni form width bf 0 feet for several blocks. A contract haa also been let for the aradlnar and graveling of the street east of Union avenue In th Vernon tract but work baa not yst neen commences. .. WXUa nrSTAJUb BASXBT VLAWt. - ,. A....iia.a r. n. Edwards of St Johns will soon establish a baaket fac tory on Alblna avenue, near tuisseu . ri.. will manufacture hon baskets, grocera' baakets of all sorts and other grsaes or - iota n-j wuia. Though the . plant has not yet been ......a a-uiara hava ham received from one hop district for 1.0 worth of baskets and sumcieni u umm un n- tracted for to keep tne piam going ai full capacity for some months. 1 ' 4 AT THE THEATRES. Oar New Man" Tonight. ' Tnalrbt at the Maroaem Orasd tbestre Port. ba tbeatre-soera are te kave tbe alessora mi a visit from that talent eeoMdlaa, Harry Bereatora, This time we are 40. see hla la a fares palled "Oar New Mas." Those wbe have sees It credit It with tielag amat acmaa liurl fanny, with a surra salon ef droll alma tkntM. Bereatord hlaMeK Is really sa "oil Mtow'1 aa4 hla evssMty la el that anion kind that will wla for blsj tbe aeproeatloa ef every en of bis snallors. He will ban a eseipssy la kls support that la said to bar. hern railed from among th bast slayers la ThespU's fold. ' ' ' ' I ' 7 "A Contented Woman,' "TT The Ad. -Men's leasne a aaertal slrht t tne t'olnsibls eaalght, ea 4be speainoa r the onenlnf ef lloyt s fr-st faiw-eomed.T. A Milenled vfoan.ft In lirsely thronsh th sfforli of thl enthnalaatle yonns arannlaa- rloit that peruana a popni.r aim-a mwiimny n able to eonllnne ihl.-wera, and It I to be oped the tbeslr will b nerked to th dnnra trlih Ihe nx-t pmaTowUe element of th eitf s rmlneae and Vrnlraalonal saen. , The play is s llrely pnlllk-a'i satire and IH ereate as end of iniwmnt tor Ihe andlrncea this week. Wedneedsy will h Klka' Mint ssd I hla sewertnl ertanlaatloa will tnra ait In fall fore. . "' Th Pollarda Tomorrow. ' The Pollard vlJIIIpntl rp-ra eompany will htfia an ensaennt of Ivo weeka t lha staroeam llran Iheatre ionwrmw (Tnradari allbt Th taaeMI auwlcal eoawd, "Tae Ball v , 0 a r II' Tha tz Store ia tbe Miiila cf the 69-71-73 Third StM Dot Oak A "V" I THE; PULLWORTH America's Greatest, $2.50 Hat . Slices TSaat Talk First Grant? Prize - St. Louis Fair, 1904 Thsfs the story they teH; It's the verdict of the most expert shoe committee ever organized. The Chicago sells the , world's best shoes at less than the price of die ordinary, kind. Over 50 Styles and LattS Bluchers, Bals Congress, also Low Cat Bluchers and Bala., in patent colt, tan and black and mahogany, or Calf. wVici, Colt, Velour, in tan, bUck or mahogany.. : $3.50, $3.00, $2.65, $2.25 $1.05 and $1.65. ; Every Pair Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. n PARENTS any more when you buy joys Shoes $US, ef New Tort" win ha the blU Tsesday. Wed aeaday a ad Tharndsy Blvhts. "The Uelsas" rrlday and Satardar alsbls and "H. at. B. rtnafon" at the ssatlsee Satardar. . Tb aasat ' dlaianlUT and yonnvest prinis doana la lb world I Daphne Foliar, the doll like qneea ef this UlllpnUaa eaera eonipany. Tbea little folks have the srUstte UnpmnMt, vocal sMlltf ef their elders la the ewmle oper world. Seats are aow selUns tor U Brat wek. Grand's Superb Attractionav. la addlMoa te the rekalar bill this week the Orand preoanta Jaaw Kaaae la bta front portrayal ef tbe doable rale f "Dr. Jekyll snd Mr. Urse," This Is posiUeely tbe vry drat vaadenil and It will prove to be a treat at traction. TV m. BOM, "i" mw-w - wlttk-aiaM. reawlna for a emnd wh. Th Lecados do BesTy-welgHt balsnrliitl Mr. and Mm. John T. Power appears la a brand-new little bnsaorooa-pier; Deely and Rheaa, blsck far cesMdlaas, efter aew sad bribt saelodlea; Bhre snd Welters hsee a very pretty little rsral drama; Mr. Boaney alnsm, "The Hweoteat (ilrl la Wale;" the grand tar-op. shows Preaident Kaosevelt la tbe ect et Uklnj the eatb ef ef. ace. . ' ' '.' ,- i Made a Hit. ( . The sew bill wbh .opened this' afternoon St th Baker h) a "emrk-r-Jart" sad made a derided bit from brsinnln te end. It Is ss follows:- Walsh and lioa. eenedy sketca; "The BnTflari" oh r. arvrw mr jm.. ia ...i.h r.a. tha nontb Paw eartooalat: Pearaosi and Pearson, th sdranee ef the heathen Cblnane; AraoMo ssd Cbsppelle, "Dose and- undone;- enn wnaoo. " " -' tbe btosraph Is aew awrlnc ptctnres. ; v Tha Latt Mr. Early." This play wss prodneed for tbs drat time this sriarnoon or - - - - . The plot dils with th dlaeevary ef a famous . . . i u. mmm olarta a tninersi aprioaa v - - ; - hotel audi m rt TtlrT bn ta rrtwi Um fu stavt 4 sjrowtj Umt pd turtmm. s. TilAAil ft ear a Hvan1 m. TTIM A nUrU"vH svlrv w." clear head, an active brain, a jptromt. vigorous, body makes him fit for the battle of life. With Lewis & Clark BY TtrtXA Is an InUrestlnf. Article In APRIL' Sunsef Magazine This article In well lllus-- t rated, and should be rend by people of the North west and then sent to . ; their eastern friend. It -will help to show them, ' the snterprise snd pros- , res of the Northwest belter then many letters , would. Other articles, -" short stories snd vers. ' sou sty iu irsirs BSAXjms. v.-- ...... a J " v. M 1 " 1 ' ' awSSkaa lll lll a.ffll Hati to Fit Ydur Faco 30 Styles, 30 .Don't experiment Buy shoes that are . warranted to wear right don't , cost here. ;' ,.v0;;r $1.50, $1.65, $15, $2.00, $2.25, $150 .unraar TS, COLUMBIA THEATRE ;, : ', . ' ' " " CfmM TOSiaHT, ' All week, ssUsMr Batarday aad Saaday, Columbia Stock Company ' Ja Hoyt' aersamlag farce aaaedy, "A Ccatentcd Woman" towioht ad. mar vtobt. -t WXOMUOAT, XXU' SISKT. Bvenlns, SOe. SO. Ske, IV; awttase, SJe, IV. lor. Dowa-towa boa ffl-e pea an day. Dofly Tsrden randy shop. 827 Morrison, Mala Ho; erenln at thestra. Mala 111. uiDniuu obavd , T. BlAvwril THXAIaS. All Week Beclaalns Ttiesday Miht. Marck 28. ths roixaas ixLixnmAJi opxsa co, "The Bella ef New Tort." Tsesday, WaeV aesdaj and Thursday Klshts. "The OeUha." rrlday snd Bataiday- Nlfhts. Tlaafore." Saturday Matinee. Kvaaias prims Parquet. TV; psrmet eirele, DOrrbalcony. o"e. 36r tallery. SB. Matiaa srloas 28e and BOr. Beats now senta. TXSATSS 'rail? 1. . Mar. TOSISXT AT 1:11 O'CLOCK. . IXLSZl Harry B$rcsford llnVr. "Our New Man" It will aiake roe ' fontat yonr troablea. ' Price I-ower . ffpt laat rows, l! laat S rows. 7fte ba Irony. Tbe and Me; b-aUery. Stte, 0e; boses sod loses. T.6Q. GRAND A SRIMJANT BIIJ.I r . JAMES KIAB A "Dr. kr aad Mr. jjr. aTB. AMD MBS. t. 2uJT4WI?5Xa V "ID J. BOX, THE LVOAOOS. , StaXT AST) SHKAW. MR. ill BOBTXR. Inei- matinees (exeejt ftsodsrs ssd boll daya). 10; bos sests. c. STAR THEATRE Mmu yunLT . - Sn-rl Arrohatlr Marr.1. '. StBOR RICARDO ROTZ. - ' BlBNd AM) WAfHrifRM. ' rtArnits. thk mtartrrs. WALDH CARTKR. ROHTOB ARBICKLB. " rTnr; prtwbwhhopr, : Price flrrhMitra. ! haleonr. Ine. Mall bee leseept Sunday nd holidays). lOr t any eart of th sou. Centlnoon prnrmaee Sunday. - ' ' '- - DAKER THEATRE: Third and Tamhlll at. Keatln rinod. vM.s . sfera. larseat VandeTllle House la Amrrira. wtui Awntio. JOHH P. BRACK a CO. i PEABHOR AR0 PtASSoit. . A1K11JX1 AMD CRAPriXXS. - - 4 Vi" ; v. jc am wn.aon. - " -j.i. THX BIOARAra. AdieHulen. llt. npatalr. los, - perfermaaces at J:. 1;W ad t ie a. m. ,1. . '' iJ i w u" i .SVBwBaW --1 Llock end Pino t -) Shades csd'CoIcrt t ) i I" . ."' i Removal Notice On account ef tnsafficlent roots, and th otitfrowlns; of our present awarters we will be Installed In our new build in;. 3(S Washington street. In the bw six-story building on the corner of West Park and Washington streets, ea or about April 1. For a short time bely any Journal subscriber ha vine; a pre mium machin can exchange same for any outfit as hlh as t-0 for $1.0 down and II. per week, belas; allowed t.0 on the little fallow. . COLUMEIA Pt.0K0G2AFa C0nC:2l iss SBisaTM st, iKmrxajn. cts. ' , Orand Prix, Paris, 100. Double Orand Prise St. Louis. If.' HATS and SUOZG Ws claim avlnsT yon from S.C to SS.OO on a WVTt or TOVOOAx', fwa S1.50 to $2.50 on a pair of Ml. ii fou can prove It morn ao by seetns; our prices on sTATS or ntOXAl tbe most compieu line of the very latent style at one third less la price comparison o titer stores ..; ,.t ' . -i Good assortment In SOTS' S U' - - 91.BO, f ar.OO and 93.00. Tbe same Identical aoods cost you .$!. or more elsewhere. We alao tlve a bc.l and bat free with every sul.. JOHN DEtLAa BuaaisTts two syobzsc rtrat aad TaaaMU aad Third aad I THE-LYRIC THEAT: SBTTXTH ANI I' ST . ItTery Aftefn' -d BTeni . The La teat Maw l- iajnaady k- "The Late, Mr. Izu A laaah a mlnnte. Kot a dnll . an.iaiil syrfarmaiH at -SI M, T l aooi wrim . . ' B LAC hi U1ZX oomchrt bTTit r:r: mm ' 1