The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 27, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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1 ,-t,
' . i
'-' a
. j.;. '.
Opposition to Him in His Own
1, 2 v Party Is Rapidly Crys V, ; ;
," V' ;! tallizing.'. .
' i j ',
Fred Merrill Waiting to See What
(' Albee Will Do, But Declares '
, ; That He's In Race.
Vllayor Williams vldeotly wlU hava
' bard fight for roomlnetlon , at tha
Republican primerl,,end bia atock haa
begun to' decline, , The opposition to him
within hi own party la crystallilng, and
Vth prediction la bow freely made that
oral other Man will the Republican
" nominee. ..." .';' 1 K "V ' ' .'?'. 1 I
t., Tha latest development 1n tha' earn-1
' "palga la the definite announcement ot
the candidacy of. W. B. Glafke. who will
seek the nomination -for mayor In the
Republican prlmarlea. Mr. Glafke was
-firm Suggested in connection With the
- -office many months sg, and hi a f rlenda
were enthusiastic In urging hlarto run.
Tha first public announcement that he
.had conaented to do so waa made thla
:'. morning. ' ,v
V -I shall be a candidate for mayor la
the ' Republican prlmarlea," aald Mr.
' 'Glafke, when seen at ale place of busi
ness on Front street "My f rlenda have
been talking to me about It for a num-
ber of 'months, but until very recently
1 bad no intention of seeking tha office."
.-What will be your platform V j
If I am elected I ahall run the off ice
, on. business principle juat aa I would
. run by own business. I believe la giving
- everyone square deal. , That'a my
-.platform." v.:-;'.,. ,. ,
Olafke X Vopnlajr. -
Among tha commission men on Front
treat Glafke la vary popular, and many
- of them bar Interested themselves so
il rely In his osndldacy. He has never
- : taken any part in politics, though be haa
" always been a Republican. . Inherited
: that from my father," he said with a
smile. "Tha paper had me a Demo
, erst laat year, when aoma of my f rlenda
were, talking- about getting ma to run
r for mayor, hut that waa a mistake, J
vam a Republican." -. - --. ' i
i .a Soma of Qlafke'a frlenda will probably
. endeavor to secure for him tha Indorse
;. ment of tha tiew deal" Republican or
ganisation? Aa yet thla organisation haa
. put forward no candidates for city of
, flees, bnt It will probably do ao an the
near future.. Among tha membera of
: the executive committee several names
hava been discussed In connection with
the party nomination for mayor. - W. B.
. Glafke, Ralph W. Hoyt. Tyler Woodward
'and ex-Mayor H. B. Row have all been
. discussed and each haa aupportera In
the committee. -Glafke 'la tha only ana
of the four who la an avowed candidate.
Other well-known Republican have been
talked of, but aoma one of the four men
; , mentioned -will probably be tha cholo
of the organisation for mayor. ,
J A meeting f tha executive committee
wtH be. held next Wedneaday evening at
headquarter. 101 Second street While
,bo declsiv. actios) ia aspeeted- at that
... time, the- meeting will be Important.
Councilman Albee la atlll puaallng the
,' polltlctana by hla refusal to aay whether
. he intenda to aeek the -Republican nom
, tnktlon for mayor or whether he will
' run as an Independent.' H has decided
' upon hla courae, but does not think the
! time- ripe to make hla Intentions known.
One who would like to know what Alba
'Intenda to do la Councilman Fred Mar
rllL If Albee ahould aeek tha Repub
lican domination Merrill v will 'do tho
una; otherwise Merrill will run aa an
Independent. A rumor haa been cut
"rent that Merrill bed decided to- with
' draw from the race, but thla he denies
In eiraphatlo terraa. (
1 am In tha race for mayor to stay."
aid Merrill -today. Why, there la no
.' more chance of my withdrawing than
" ' of water running up stream In tha Wll
', lamette river. And what's . mora, " I
shair be elected. I am a pretty good ad
- - Vertlser: I aueaa vou know that, and I
' am going to make tha hotteat campaign
.you ever saw. I ahall have on of
' Mark Henna's men out here from the
'east to make speeches for me, and I am
1 -going to have aoma other good campaign
'; epeakera here, too. Don't you think I
, . have pulled out of tha race or that I
will da ao.
' Among the business men there la
, much InteVeat In tha campaign. Many
- of them are anxious that Ralph Hoyt
' should become a candidate, and If he
should do ao he would undoubtedly re-
m reive strong backing. Ex-Mayor Rowe
. haa some influentlai backing, but haa
not decided whether to aeek tha office.
, V.- Tho Democrats are' atlll at sea. . Dr.
j Harry Lane can have the party nomlna-
tlon if ha wlahea It. but ha will not enter
noon a losing light, and therefore will
..' not decide aa to hla course until tha
- ' campaign .haa assumed mora definite
;" -. ehape..
It haa been assumed that the liquor
-' - Interests would unite In -. supporting
. - Mayor Williams, but there are rumors
that a new candidate may be put for
ward. "Fears that Williams may not be
-, - able to et the Republican nomination
- have shaken the loyalty of tha liquor
; t deeler.- end they regard it aa of great
v inmfliBM to Dick a winner.
.': f A meeting of Republicans of the
. Eltfhth ward. Is to be held thla evening
' at Justice Melon's court room, Union
' ( ' avenue and Kast Washington street.
' iindir tha auspices of the "new deal'
Republicans.. The object , is to effect
I ward and precinct organlaatlon and to
t 'bring "out oandldatee for. the city coun-
It Is aald there is no room In the
i federal building for the lindofflce. But
. -some of tha present occupants have a
good deal mora room than tney aoed.
It cures old 'and new
, s, . COUGHS and COLUa,
I;.:: .;i50cy::
- 'A WORTH Vl.00.
: Frtpared and Bold by JL
President and Secretary Taft
V ; Perfecting Details Soon to
Be Announced. '
-.- i ' (Journal Special terries.).,.
Washington, March XL Plan for th
organisation of th Panama, eanal com
mission art rapidly being perfected by
the president and Secretary Taft ' The
announcement of the retirement of th
present members of th commission and
th appointment of their uccaaaor It
expected within a day or two.
It la stated on good authority that
Judge Charlea E. Magoon will b on of
th new commissioners, and act as gov
ernor . of tha canal son and minister
to Panama, and that Chief Engineer
Wallace will, be retained, and mad su
preme In all matters pertaining to tha
engineering -features of th work,
Students, Cannot Longer Indulge
In Competitive and Com-
s- mercial Ventures.
(Jearsal Spedsl :Servke.) -Worcester.
Masa., March IT. -Th an
nual catalogue of Clark university, Clark
college,- rontaina thla Information re
garding the -athletlo policy of th col
lege: . ;- - -.-' '
-"Student ot Clark college will not be
allowed to engage in contests with rep
resentatives of any other institution,
nor will they be allowed to give publle
entertainment without th consent of
the faculty. .
The announcement of thla policy haa
met with the approval of educators.
directors of athletic sports and other,
and It haa also met th approval of tha
atudenta. . . 4--
"It la to the credit of the men con
nected with the college that they aee
clearly that the work of three year'
course cannot be carried out success
fully If they enrage In competitive and
commercial games, which absorb ao
much time a to Interfere ao largely
with tha curriculum of tha college. Thla
college must stand for scholarship." ,
Syndicate Takes Nearly Three
. . Thousand Acres in Kyak '
. District, Alaska. '
A Portland syndicate ha bought
1.10 acres of ell land In tha Kyak dis
trict, Alaska, for .iOO. The syndicate
Is composed of Victor A. .Avery ot the
Avery Hardware' company; Joula - G.
Harke. president of Woodard. Clark ft
Co. Addison A. Undsley, of th Title
Ouerantee m Treat company; Oeorge- U.
HI1L of th same company, and Albert
B.'Maon, of Bealy; Mason Co. , .
The landa ara In two tracts, adjoining
oppoatte aids of .tha Cudahy ground.
where-drilling operation ara camea on
with excellent prospects of striking ell
In peylng quantities. Th landa are
near Bering lake, about J miles from
Cats Us bay. Capt B. J. Rath bone, for
mer eommlaaloner of th Port of Port
land, secured options on th olaima, and
they were examined by J. F. Eahalman,
of the Title Guarantee at urust oom
pany, who made a trip to Alaaka for
that nurpoee. , Th syndicate has not
fully developed plana regarding dispo
sition of the property. It will probably
aell some of the land, and ' with th
money thus realised will begin drilling.
'Pprtland men ara also figuring on tak
ing over titles to 10 claims of oil land,
amounting; to MOO acres, near tha Mor
tln river. In Catalla district. Tha land
adjoins extensive holdings of Finch ft
Campbell of Spokane, who ara prepar
ing to bore for olL
Wealthy Woman Marries Student
Half Her Age wno was a
Companion of Her Son.
- - (Joarsal Bseeial Barvtea.) .
Boston. . March . 17. Passing their
honeymoon on a Una estate at Groton,
owned by the bride, la a former widow,
11 year old, and ber bnsoana, James
Packard, St yeara old, who forsook his
tudlea at th Massachusetts Institute
of Technology to marry - Mrs. F. B.
BarnaVd. Packard waa a chum of Mrs.
Barnard's son. Theodore, and by th son
wss introduced to his mother. With the
bride and bridegroom at Groton are the
bride's children, Katherin IB, Josephine
t, and Richard yeara old. Benidee
three, Mrs. Packard baa two mora, Theo
dore, IX year old. ana naroia. agea iv.
Mrs. Packard 1 aald to be . -worth
1200.000. Packard la not wealthy. Be
fore ber first marriage Mrs. Packard
was a noor aJrt and worked aa- a clerk.
TMer beauty attracted the. attention of
Frank, B. Barnard and helmed her his
wife. At his death, laat October. Mrs.
Barnard inherited moat of th estate.
I (Jearsal Special Bervke.) .
New! Tork. March ST. -Nearly ' 110,
000 changed band a th reault of a
race March II. In Ouantanamo narnor;
between cutter of th battleahlp Hear
serge and th battleship Illinois. There
has long been a, rivalry between the race
boat crews of the vessels, and th op
portunlty cam right after th recent
Culebra drills when th ships put Into
Ouantarytmo harbor for a relaxation. A
ensuengs was prumpur ami. mum mv
canted. . "x
Th race was a three-mile .atraight
away event, and according to th de
acrlDtlon received today from the flag-
ahlp Kearssrge. there bad -been I17.7U
wagered on the outcome, stakes being
laid bv th officer and crews Of the
two battleships- and also by thosa of
numerous other ahlp which wer aa-
aembled at Ouantanamo at the time.
Th cutter Kearaarge was th favor
ite. "In th betting, and that those who
barked th flagship's cutter, judged
wisely was abown at th conclusion of
tha spirited contest when th Kar-
serges boat crossed th finish line fun
If lengths 'ahead "of It opponent
Tim. S3 minutes ut u aeoona.
NETTED $35,03 IN
A Society MRaffles" Confesses
-;. to Having Robbed Ouests
! ' Systematically. ;.v
Former Princeton Student Be-
comes Robber Because He ;
; "Needed the Money." : '
IJoarssI aseeisl Berries.)
New Tork, March Z7 "Tea, X bare
robbed a half doaen hotela In New Tork
and Philadelphia. I should , say that
I hava secured more than ' f 11.000 In
jewelry and trinkets. Why did 1 take
up a career of robbery I That' aay, If
It'a all yea want to know. I needed the
money." r-- -t .-r -. -r
Speaking distinctly and calmly. John
Calm us. alias J. T. Standing, alia How
ard Berry, and allaa aeveral other names.
tho young hotel "Raffles," who waa ar
rested la connection with a jewelry rob
bery at the Hotel Netherlands, made a
confession' to' Acting' Inspector Stephen
O'Brien at police beadquartera.
- "I gueaa- you had better - give ma a
cigarette If yoO want ma to talk right,"
aald Calmua, who Is about SI yeara eld.
and handsome fellpw. as he .was start
ing hi story. Belgg supplied, ha took
a long puff, nicking away th ashes,
and aat back comfortably la th lnspeo
tor" armchair.
"Teu were a Princeton - tudent"
queried th detective..: , ...i.-V -
- "Never mind about that," responded
th young man. "Juat be' glad for what
you ara getting. I would go to a hotel
with th knowledge of aome peraon who
resided there, who kept considerable
jewelry about. You aee It was not on
petty seal.
"Ones poaaeaaed of th information,
I would ask for a room aa cloa to that
person I wished to rob, a possible. Of
course I would watch my chances, and
when th man or woman with Jewels
would leave their room, why, I would
make my entrance. 1- always carried
plenty of keys, ao thla portion of th
work was not difficult.? -
. . ;.':' :
Sophia Beck, ' Employe of the
Story Cotton Company, Dis
appears With the Coin.
(Joaraal peeiai Berries.)
Philadelphia. March SI. Nearly II.-
00.000 tn bard cash and negotiable
bond, moatlsv th proceeds of th busi
ness: conducted by th Btorey cotton
company, slipped from under th nose
or ino avinonuva inw m puwvwauw
of Sophia B. Beck and out of th coun
try with ber, over ween .ago. .
Sophia Beck waa the stenographer of
th Storey Cotton company. " She la aald
to hav been th personal representative
of Frank Marrln, the backer of the con
cern, and to hav oeen one or in princi
pal in all deal swuag by that concern.
- Th money was obtained by shrewd
transfers f property in tha name of
Frank Marrin and Ewart Storey. - Th
Beck woman, who la regarded by the
secret service agent a th equal of
Cassis U Cbadwlck, If not ber peer.
tinned aboard an ocean liner with it
and waa upon' the high aeaa before any
one realised what had happened. :
Postal Inspector Meyer Of Chicago,
tha man who worked up th postal
scandal at Washington, 1a now close
UDOn th trail of Marrin, allaa Judge
Franklin Stone. Meyer ha positive in
formation that Marrin la going to at
tempt to leave the country within th
next few days. - It is oeiievea ne-ex-
pecta to meet the Beck woman at aome
rendezvous in England. Where they will
also find Story.
Another startling thing occurred to-
dsr when with secret service men and
postal Inspector scouring the country
for him. W. H. Latimer, or "Handsome
Harry" boldly returned to tnia city.
Latimer beaded th provident invest
ment bureau, connected with the Storey
company, and th arrt of Francis
brought him gack. Francis' ball was
reduced today to iso.eoor -
(Jearaal Special ferric.)
Hammond. Ind.. March X7. Because
they whispered while th minister 'Waa
trying to start a hymn tor tna congrega
tlon, three young aociety people of Hoe
ford Park, south of thla city, have been
arrested and fined lor oreeaing up a
Don Leslie, aged IS. whose father la
president of a building and loan com
pany In" Chicago, took- two girls one
hla sweetheart. Rose Wstts, and hla
slater, Nellie, Islle, to revival aervleea
at tha Flrat Free Methodist church at
Crown, Point. Being visitors, they war
ushered ' Into prominent seats,
Tha aervleea progressed nicely until
the pastor. Rev. Mr. Reynolds, who also
acta aa choriater, gav out in nymn.
He started th music and th three
young" people tittered. ' Leeli leaned
over th girl and whispered.
1 Tha preacher, embarrassed, broke
down, and th congregation, at sea
without a leader, nult. The young peo
ple laughed and wer requested by the
pastor to apologise. They refused point
blank. . " . ..'-.' -
Next day the preacher asked Deacon
George Bremmer to swear out a warrant
for tha arreat of tht-.whlsperer. They
wer triad before Jadg Hiram Barton.
Th trial waa most jamuslng affair,
and wound; up by th squire taxing
fine against Leslie and th two girl
mounting to fit apiece.
Manager George L. Baker of tha Em
pire theatre announced thla morning that
beginning In about two weeaa that piay
bouse would be devoted to l-cent stock
productions of the highest order that the
price of admission would warrant. A
long aa it 1 profitable.- th -new- potior
will not be changed. There win b two
performances a day.andat only . oirt
price on dim. - - ? ,.
"If It la a question' of price." said
Mr, Baker. '1 am going to give other
run for their money. ' The Kmplre ha a
targe stage, 'and we have any amount of
scenery. . Good .people can o had at
summer salaries rrora now on, :. ,
- -
ttafnee vitlllnir tar) war with Vene
uela. let'ua Inquire Into th eas and
a it Caairo Isn't mora ))un haJf rlgiit.
Our Pianos in
in Public Places
' CVpngclistic Work
First Prssbyterian church, Dr
Chapman, -evangellat. - and Charlea '
F. Allen, chortatas, and Fred But
ler, soloist.' I
' First Congregational church. Dr.
Oetrom, evangeliat, and John P.
HllHa. soloist
Taylor-fitreet - Methodist church. ,
Dr.. -Blederwblf, evangelist, and
Harry Maxwell, eololat
' Calvary - Baptist chnrch. Dr.
Jitough, evangefst,,ad W. U. Col'
Ibsod.1 soloist. - . , . ''-!
,' Also an Everett grand will b
used for pcial work at th Whit
Tmpl. -. . '
OomlMg t oast tbety b4ow
. . .. bef ore." . ... .. i
Hence In plannfsg for thla great
work, as well aa most things In
which muslo plsy great part.
our house la Invariably consulted '
In reference fo furnishing piano -for
th occasion. -'
'. " - comma czztx ' ajto sc obbisov. '
' CHAfiCE IS 601
Supreme Codrt. Denies Petition
of His Attorneys for;:
Tribunal Holds District Attorney
Has Power to Affirm Act
' of Deputy. ;".
- (Ssedal Dispeteh ta The JearaeL)
fialem. Or., March ST. Frank Oug-
llalmo must bang. Hi last chanc for
life wan loot today when the supreme
court denied tha petition of hla attor
ney for reharlng."-
Th appeal was based en tha ground
that Guglletm waa Indicted by a deputy
district attorney. Th court held that
th attorney had lbs power to affirm th
act of hla deputy. Other decision mad
today wr as follows: '
N. B. Nye, respondeat against in
BUI Nr Oold Mining uid Milling com-i
pany appellant appeal - from Jackson
county. - Hon. H. K. Hanna judge; af
firmed la an opinion rendered by Justice
Moor. . .
Charles Harding, respondent against
Merlin Harding and Clara Harding ap
pellants, appeal from Marlon county;
affirmed tn an opinion by Juattce Moor.
Paclno Export Lumber company, re
spondent against North Paolflo Lumber
eomnanr. SDDellant anneal from Mult
nomah county, decision by A., r. Bears,
It- Judge; sfflrmed tn m opinion bf
Justice Wolvcrton. '
- Grant thomburgi - respondent, agstnat
O. H. Guthridge, appellant; appeal from
Grants county; M. : D. Clifford. Judg;
dismissed. ' ,' ' V ' " - r
ShsraJ A Co appellants, agalnat Lee
Gon and John Kennedy, respondents;
affirmed in an opinion by Justice Bean.
But of Oregon, respondent, against
G. H. Guthridge, appellant: appeal from
Grant county; Norton D. Clifford, judge.
Thla caae waa reversed and remanded
In an opinion by Justice Wolvcrton. -Stat
of Oregon, respondent, against
R. E. Clark and John Milam, appellants;
appeal from Harney county; M. D. Clif
ford, Judge; arnnned in an opinion ny
Justice Bean. -
Henry - VIohl, appellant, agalnat the
North Pacific Lumber company, respon
dents; appeal from Multnoeseh county j
Bears, Jr.. Judge; reverses and a new
trial ordered in an opinion by Justice
Bean. ; , '
Thomas .Allison and others, appel
lants, against R. 8. Hatton. sheriff of
Columbia county, respondent; appear
from Washington county; McBride,
Judge; reversed la h opinion uy Justice
' (Continued from Pag On.)
Commander William Heldt Advisory
Lieut B. K. Xnapp, Banker W. L. Cun
ningham. Clerk C. C. Bradley, Bscert C,
M. Bequette. Watchman H. A. Fredrlch.
Bntry J. W. Bootbe, Managers T. 4,
Hammer. George Funk. Frank Flelda. as
sisted by the following companies of th
uniform rank: Prosperity in, vaiia
lot, McMlmtvlll ill, Prospect 140, port
land 107.
. At .11 o'clock tonight banquet will
be served in Woodmen's hall. Tenth and
Washington etreeta. -Tables occupying
th entire length of th hall were erect
ed today.
Thla afternoon carload of Woodman
will reach th city from Vancouver and
Oregon City, and at 1:40 o'clock at th
Yamhill street station delegations win
arrive from Corral I la. Buena Vista. Phi
lomath, Dusty, Monroe, Toledo, Inde
pendence, Monmouth and other ciuea to
th aouthi
Trains from other part of th tat
'will reach th city this afternoon -and
evening. A feature of . the celebration
will be an exhibition drill by Multnomah
camp, No. 77. of Portland, and Newberg
camp; No. Ill, of Newberg, to be given
this vning. . yy . -
, (Continued from Page One.)
Rclence. "If you have a toothache, aay
ao and have the tooth pulled," he urged,
Both meetings were attended by crowds
which filled the lower floor and balcony
ot the Marquam, although th house waa
so cold that th speakers did not remove
their overeoata. Tomorrow and from
now on the proper heating arrangement
will, b made. - . . ;
' Castro aay Venesuel wilt defend th
Interests ana nonor ot ootn mai coun
try and tb L' Slate. Now how
can Unci Dam resist auch valiant
friendship aa thtT - '
For Intuits and Cnildrsa.
- Bows th
Ready Demand
Four Selected fcr
as Follows:
Sf axplanatton sTeoessary. .
For it la a known tafct that our
house I recognised th high
grade piano house of th north
west . Her I wsere you And th
Knsbe, Steok, Hverett, Fischer,
Packard, , Ludwlg, Vose,4 Cable,
Smith Barnes and many other
noted makes, and what la beat or
all. they are sold at price aa low
and often lower than others eell a
cheaper grade. Juat now w are
in th midst of a manufacturers
profit-sharing sale, tn which from
171 to 1160 can be aaved. aooordlne
to the piano. If you are Interested
at all Tn tha purchase of a piano
you abould not fail to call this
week. ' -,.- j
Rent club saLb ;
W have placed 100 piano In a
rent club sale. In which you pay IS-
ter month for one year, and then
1 per month for th balance. Ijt
vestlgat this. . , .
i we mm U
Endeavorers Appoint Committee
' to Try to Secure Meet-C:
Ing of the.Society..i
';,,;,-;; ' ''
Fruits of Revival Shown by Many
-New Members Who Affil
iate With Church.
'-','-- ; . ('.'--'; -.
(IpeeUl Dispstch t The JooraaL) ' -
Eugene, Or, March.l7.--Th Christian
Endeavorers of thl city ar making
effort to secure th 1101 a tat conven
tion of that aociety. A commute has
been appointed to prepare an Invitation
to th stat union, and it will be for
warded at one to th officer of the
tat union. In urging th matter th
Invitation point out Eugene's central lo
cation, the fact that the local endeavor
era wish to furnish complete entertain
ment t all delegates, and that they will
work enthusiastically to make th con
vention a uccess. Th committee may
and a delegate to Portland to attend tb
executive committee meeting on April
J, to further urge tb matter. , ,
Kay any Baslaoa Collar.
Professor Edward of th commercial
department of tha Albany college has
been in Eugen during th past two or
three dsvs neaotlatln for the purchase
ef th Eugene Business college, which
haa been conducted np to now oy rro
feeeor F. 8. Hereun, who. la th central
saw tn -netlonr divorce caaat
hla Wife having suyd him tor a legal
separation, "naming on of his teacher
as co-respondent Sine hi arrest for
obtaining money under raiae pretense
from his sistsr. th school has become
disorganised. It I probable deal will
b mad within a few day and claases
will b resumed. - -
. - . Trait of th mevtral. .
That great rood was accomplished at
th recent union revival meeting held In
Eugen by Evangellat Belderwolf, waa
demonatratad at th several church
yesterday. At tha Flrat Prabytrlan
nbiiwii alnna shout 70 new members
were admitted. Another big claaa of
convert waa admitted Into membership
at the M. E. church, and the Baptist
United Brethren and Cumberland Pres
byterian, the other Churches pTtripat-
lng, and each welcomed large numoer
of new membera... . . .
Peter Hmmetaad died at 7:10 o'clock
yesterday morning while seated in th
smoking room at th union depot. For
a long time he had been a victim or con
sumption. Ho wss about to take the
train to Modesto. Cel.. in the hope of
nrolonaing his life, when the end came.
Hla Identity waa discovered by letters
found In bis pocket, several wer aa
dressed to Peter Hero meet ad, . Roeemii,
Minn. On waa from his slater, living
at Halloek. Minn. Only her first name.
"Anna.' was signed to th letter.
The body waa removed to Coroner Fin
ley' undertaking rooms. - A -wire baa
been sent J. C. Steel of Modesto, whose
address was found In Hemmestead's
pocket . 'h -,
Rates to W. O. W. Convention at
Los Angeles. , i.
'Account of convention Woodmen of
the World and Woman of Woodcraft
to be held at Los Angelea April IS,
100$. the Southern Pacllio Co. will sell
on April II, II and 14. round trip ticket
Portland to Lo Angeles, limit 00 day
at rat of lit. Ticket can be pur
chased at any Southern Pacino ticket
office. i -.v ,
-Biggest, Best and;
Brightest Reports
Evangelists' Meetings
Now Bin Held In Portland.
Just to Show You How Good
rM 1- pgpr -.
The Journal
I and th high Ideal it lUads
;for, wt will givt you a ;
Subscribe now or send It to your,
friends. -
The Journal
; F,lfth and Yamhill Strtta.t
. ; PHONE MAIN, oo.
Voodard, ClesliC Co.
Leather Gom 3
..':.'!''.'''.. v fUftVMMMI ! .
': If not, com and e usl W will
giv you - -'-" ."'Of
Bargain on a
' 1 ' 'Wi . V, 1
and teach -you how to tak pictures, develop and print them, f re of charge,
2S per cent discount on Century Plate Cameras. ; .m,Mi.J-X
33 1:3 per cent discount on Eastman Plate Cameras. . '
' -Ansco" No. 4 Pocket Kocusing Camera, the beat pocket camera made,
nly S18.00. v-vy:,-,- i--gm
, rrom now until April L we will develop all film brought to
11456 "ter "' r- ", -
Complete Line Pyrograplc Outfits
92.25 93.90 9S.OO 93.50 94.O0 94.50 99.00 90.00 cn. '
Skin to burn at. ch ...... ......... ..........65 754 9100
BUctrlc Baffrt ?
Horn No. Dry Coll Medicinal "
Battery ......! X-9W.OO
Horn No. t Dry Cell Medicinal
BatUry fll.OO
Champion Dry Cell Medicinal
Battery i. ......... ......S5.00
Barclay No. 1-Wet Cell Medicinal
Battery .96.00
Florence Wet Cell Medicinal
Battery r. .
dimes Wet Call Medicinal
Battery ............. 9iP0
w. sra, Northwest Agent for
Sadam't Mmbrufd Microti
Call for booklet . on Microbe and
bow to kill thm. -.- -v- --:
I Welcome, Brother Woodmeh!
--1, ' ,'!' .. 1 ", - r 1 '
;' ; ' J '
Wants every, visiting Woodman
in this city to call on their' --V;';
'.' And see how we have "hewed the,- ,
'. . " prices on . . e '
$25.bpr$30.p0 and:$46.00 -7
1 Misfit failor-Made Suits
Latest Designs fa,
Hand Bags
etc., prices to suit all
, ANSCO NCvi 4, ' .: -.
- EUeirie Poekat
Veat Pocket -
la ........91.00 91.35 91.50
Bver Ready No..l. ........... S1I.OO
Ever Ready No.- Hi . r. ..tu. .92.50
Ftowr and Lawn Crat$ Sd, .
rresa tnoak. oompM
lo package .,....44
10c packag '.tv. ....8f
lie packag .,-..,............','. ,lttv
too packag ,16t
U -lb packag , .77... . 1 Od
1-lb packag .................. -20)
fiiA 49 sBi D m-m ansfe tft af A ssksn s
An nearly on. Specitil, prices on
the ivm w hav left
: 285-287
Street, ' ;
i Between r '
Fourth and
Fifth, . ,
- -i-
:' ' - r WaVO iL
j- ' '. x
; - i - r.