-t ' , y; , . ; -; ' , ;: ; jhb . ' Oregon . Sunday, jour.:iAU ForrxAHiv.' sukday. nopjiino, iia? ta s:. . ,,.,y. 3 k to M 111 S il Umm HI ilil : ii iS mmmimm i pwii pi y ji HARVEST OF SOULS .PALLS TO REAPERS Already Very Manjr People Bear , , Witness to the Efficacy REVIVAL SPIRIT SWEEPS "' -: I: 1 OVER THE ENTIRE CITY At Meetings Today All WiU Have -77 -y Chance to: Hear Evan-; . 'i geliets. ,,4 , WHAT THE ' TTNION llEVI- VAL. HAS ACCOMPLISHED IN .'THRBtt DAYS. Th rrtuma below lvi) repr- nt ivportu from five out of the nln Pnrtland dlstricti and ecpt Ui the cmao of Dr. Chapman' dUtrict do not include tha con- d veralona of Friday il(ht: - d 4 Plrat' PrMbteiian. . J. Wilbur Chapmaiv TS convrrta; Centenary d Mrthodlst, John H. Klllott. 17 converta: Fourth Preabyterlan, ' d ' Daniel B. ' -Toy. 1 eonverta; . 8unnyalde ConcrcKatlonal, R. A. Walton. 15 converta; Flrat Con '. "relational.-' Henry Ostrom, T 1 . eonverta. Total. 137 converta. - . Not - yet heard from: Taylor d treat-Met hod urt. Torb Preaby , tertan. Calvary Baptint, People' Inatltute. atreet meeting . and mtocellaneoua work. , .-. . w ' Preference expreaeed by con-, verta:- . ' . Preabyterlan .......... .. 4 1 MeUiodlaf it Baptlal 27 CongTeicmUonal Kvanr Ileal ... Kpiaropat .... Chrlatlan Lrijmeran -... v. . . . . Cumberland Presbyterian..... No preference expresaed.. 11 Total. ..137 . Wednesday. ' Tiiurndar, Friday -thro day a of actual labor and the reen tered converta of 'the? cruaade for Chriat are- numbered by hundred. In the hlatory t great revival Ilk the present It han never been the cus tom to lxilt for "convert "at thalntr- ductory mcetinaa. 1 Rather theae ' 1 navs been devoted to Interesting the people In Mm preachers giving th curious to un derstand that refreshment la really to found In religious discourse genera ating a power which; will, it la hoped, draw them back again and again until th loglo and eloquence of the speakers liave brought them into th fold. Hut something mighty and unexpected ha happened.' Each of the revivalist admits It. Here In Portland wicked Portland, from a ministerial standpoint five out of. nine districts report 127 registered converts and In four of the district the effects of the multiple sermon of Friday fid Saturday are not Included. -' V-unbe f OoaversloB. '; Th most conservative estimate pluces the actual number of soul won over to the cause up to this hour at 100 Or up ward of l a day. it la unprecedented unheard of. , . 'And the revival ha not yetbegun. This 1 the day when the spiritual rwket ent skyward last week Is to burst In all It magnificence. ' The accompanying table shows where the many conversions were made, by slwn ' awl -ahat r-hwrch each - of the Toaverts -' preferred to1 olny It 1 an Interest Ing study in figure. . but mors instructive would be the aturirs of the converted ones, each of whom no doubt wsuld saf that one particular ' point scored "by the preacher StrucK di-epest to Ma or r heart. ' Th fact that the. greatest number of conversion was had at the First Tre byteiian church Is tntereatlng, , but Vtoouht not b regarded In I he slightest ssnn S)4 uncomplimentary to th otber evangeliata. It must ba remembered that lie. Chapman wa the most widely advertised ft the visitors; ' that , th churvlt Jw u cBcrmeus aeaUcg, ca- TTV7 ATVrn.T7T TCT,: QOTTP : TnT?rTT. A TSin 3- 01MT? PT7.WTT7.P TH HT i? P.t T TV77? RT" F.WP.P; 7!-i i ci J : i ::VJh "WO R L D-R E V I VA1 . - IS NOW AT HAND" Rev J. Wilbur Chapman Reads the Future In the Wonderful t Awakening in Wales Which Has .Crossed the Sea. to - '.'V'irrvi ; America and Is Spreading. s. ' 9. WUbar Oaapmaa) . , t have been more or leas In the evan gelistic .work . for. the past 19 year. Seven years of. that time 'I have been without a special charge a a pastor. For eight year I was. both pwator and evangelist. For th past four year 1 have been a member of the Preabyterlan evangelistic committee and I have served as the Committee' aecrtary' Thl has brought n In personal touch' with al most every Presbyterian minister In the L'nlted State. Because , of thl experi ence for th past year I think I am In position to judge aa to th present condition of th country and the future outlook for what may be properly termed a marvelous work of grace. There wa In the church, up to a few year aien. m disposition to ' criticise evangelistic work. .. to ' discredit evan gelist and to depreciate the results of such meeting a are now being held In Portland. But the whole attitude of the church seem to J changing. Evan gellstte work Is heartily believed In by the great ma of minister, evangelists ar eagerly sought for and the result of such meeting ar gratifying In th extreme." ', - " .'' ., t Between Xoa Angeles and Oakland I spent a. few d&ys in Ksdlands In such meeting as these and today th Congre gational minister wrote me that he had received 71 people Into hla church on a single Sundsy. Rev. Robert F. Coyle of Denver, told me the ether day that he paclty and finally that It. I more cen trally located than many 'of the other and attracted the largest crowd aa a matter of course. :',.' . There Is slgntlcance, however. In the table of preference. In th Teepect that a dosen or more denomination are not yet represented. ?; ' ' ; v '' Oaly rrellatinar Betarm. The central committee, a on an elec tion night, ha received but the prelim inary return. The result In full 1 not yet known. By ' th end of thl week It Is confidently expected and bravely predicted that the convert will be numbered by th .thousand. There will be ni excuse for man. woman or child In Portland today who la seeking feast for th soul If he doe not find It. Tbi morning. the local pastors will occupy their regular pulpits, with one exception that of the First Pres- . , . .... h. Tkr H I tHHT .... . r u. a3ia h i. give iimw tw v-n w . i . boring men' vangollst, At o'clock ' th Marquam will be thrown, open to th men of Portlsnd. who will heaf an address on "tne White Life." by Rev. W. K. Blederwolf end In effective singing under the direc tion of Harry Maxwell. At the same hour Dr. Henry Ostrom will speak to women only at rthe , White - Temple. Music will be a feature here also. Rv. C. T. Bhaeffer Will address girl only st the Flryt Congregational church and one hour later, at ociqck. ne win talk to boy at the T. M. C. A. room. fcearlng; ths Kessags. --- There will be three meetings at the Men Resort and People . Institute. Th firt will begin if 4 ociock. na I for men only. The sermon will be by Rev. Thomas Needham, the sub ject 'Deliverance,'" and the text-trom Cor. II. "But we have the sentence of death In ourselves.? The second meeting will be on the street near the-Resort at :0 o'clock In the Resort, at 7so o'clock, there III be a mass meeting for both sexes. st which Kev. J. E. Snyder will peak on "Sowing and Reaping." At :4 o'clock .the auto-truck will start from ' the Taylor street cnurcn. and In uccenlun street meetings will be held by Rev. J. U McC'omb. at th corners of Third and Alder streets and Third and Tyler streeu. - At t o'clock. In case of. an. overflow, atith -Taylor Street church. Mr. MeCorab will address meeting at Grace M. E. church. At the Trinity Methodlt churcn Xr, H: W. Stnugh will talk t women only at 7 p. m. The evangelists will resume their usual stations for services at 7:10 o'clock. wllh the exception, of Dr. Chap- mao. , He will talk to me only at th 'AS THE CAMERA CAUGHT REV. J. WILBUR CHAPMAN IN THE PULPIT had .received into his church 160 people as a result of ths meetings, and ex pected quite aa many ' more. - Today I have Juat heard from the eaat and was informed that, there .1 a marvelously In creasing Interest In evangelism In. that part of -the country., A letter on my table from London tells the same story and the revival In Wales ha challenged the attention of the Corletlan world, all of which goea to prove that 'we are-at the beginning of a werld-wldeTevrvai. V ' The American revtvsja differ from those held In the old world. In Lon don Dr. 'Torry speaks In a great central building, like 'Albert hall. - with 10,000 people present "In. America the meet' lngs are held In the churches, the cities are divided Into district, and not only I It possible to have a greater hear ing than could be given In any - single place, but the work la carried on through the ohannel of the church and men are converted In the church of Jesus Christ. Thl work In Portland Impresses me most favorably. 1 have a telegram from Seattle asking If I would consent, to the erection of a great tent structure capable of seating -6,000 people. 'We go to Seattle from here and the work there 1 to be sectional, th am aa In Port land. We are grateful for the attention given our meetings. In almost every city the newspaper have treated us most generously. . The editors have come to see that we are seeking to do a permanent work,- which will help make th life of their city. - . - White Temple at that hour. "HI-.subject will be. "Chased Out of th World." taken from Job 11:11: "He shall be driven from light Into darkneas and chaaed out of the world." . Fred Butler will sing. ' . , . - v ' ... Other Keettxur. . The ether offerings will be ' fol lows, , the name In parenthesis being those of the singers: . . . District No. 1 Taylor-atreet Metho dist, Rev. W, E. Blederwolf, , on 'The Highest Passion." Text, psalm 142:3: "No man cared for my soul.' (Harry U Maxwell.) District No. 4 Fourth Preabyterlan church. Rev. Daniel S. Toy 'on "Clod's Sacrifice for Sin." Text. Zeph, 1:7, "The Ixird hath prepared a sacrifice. He hath bid His guests." (Frank Dickson.) . District No. (People' Institute, BavJ J. E. Snyder. . . . j District No. t Forbes Presbyterian. Rev.-Thomag-Needham; Text,-Oal.-t. "But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." C. N. D. Powers.) District No. 7 Sunnyslde Congrega tional. Rov. R. A. Walton on "A Good Fellow." Text, Samuel II. "I the young man safer (O. F. Pugh.) District No. (-rCalvary Baptist, Rev. Henry Ws S tough, a confidential talk to men only.'" beginning' at 7:45. (W. H. Colllsson. -' District No. t Centenary Methodist, Rev. John II. Elliott on "Foolish Ex- ruses Answered." Text. Luke xlv:8-7. "Come, for all thing ar now ready. And they, all with one consent began to mnke excuses." (Charles E. Rykert ) This make a grand total of 21 meet ing to be held by the evangelist after the regular pnator have performed their morning's labor. , , ' " ' ARRANGING FOR COAST - ; INDIAN INSTITUTE - . Kperlal Illapstob U The Jasmtl.) Chemawa, Or.. March -Superintendent K. I-Chalcraft .was In Portland today conferring with' ' the Lewis and Clark management In reference to ar rangements for holding the Pacific Coaat Indian Institute, which will be held In Portland In August. For the past five yesrs two Institutes have been held, one for 4he -west-and tHe "olher for the mid dle west A the eastern Institute will be held I his yesr at Ajbury Park and th Pacific coast at Portland during the fair,-from over all e United State come the assursnce" that ! Jhe attend ance at Portland will 'be. very large, exceeding . that at Bl lentil last year, when a record-breaking Institute . was held. . : - - 1 . WW MIEN GO WEEPING TO ALTAR Wave of Religious Enthusiasm . Sweeps Over Crowd at Sal- vation Army Meeting... EVANGELIST J: L; M'COMB CONDUCTS SERVICES Many Give Experiences, and Not i a Few Piof tss a Desire-4 tJ ' v ? v". fo Religion. ; v Si) .... , , . -...,. In & crowded, dlna-v lim. ..' it . First1 street.1 Sal vktion 1 Army Pot No. 4, a Penteeostal meteor fell last ni.h . There was no sermon; It was a wave or, fervor from the beginning, m ex change of experiences, mingled with loud ahouta of Joy and hallelujah. Evangelist J. I McComb waa to have preached, but' quickly saw the Impend ing victory and merely Joined a lne iwuinwi rnm-ni. nowever. ne con ducted the aervlcna . ,,..., At the conelualnn nf IK. worker and pleader went through the crowd and a dosen or ' more men and women want weeping and shouting to the front aeeking forgivenea for their In. r . v . On .the platform' when the services "rs" were ev, J. u JdcComb. the evangelist to whom a murderer con fessed at Oakland, last Monday), and iiiui-o wnu uainiea mm Kev. M. M. Bledsoe, of Immanuel Baptist church, and Will M. lialM. Vertinn Vwb. a L. Johnstone, of the Y. M. C A. There were also the captain and other officers oi me salvation- Army. -.' Behind the nreahe mnA Wi ants wa the Salvation Array band and other musicians, attired In regulation uniform. There waa a big baa drum, cornet. - mandolins, gultara, cymbals and lambourfnes. ' The walls were w. ered with signs: "Be Sure Your Bins Will Find You Out" "Remember Tour Mother's Prayers" and others. The room waa crowded. . - , .., .. '. . ., Mr. McComb read a selection from the Bible, then aekefl fnr MNAn.i . enoe In th way of salvation. Ha won the audience at once. Thn .mnA.' by twos and threes, and at times there were nan a a oxen on me rioor trying to tell their stories. There waa tntlmnnv from Hons. A. Persian boy told of his Mo hammedan father who had been con verted to Christianity hv nl..lAh.,. and had sent him to America. . He reached Portland eight montha ago and ws uDie to ten in good English what the new fslth had don for him, "I wa In Dublin a veae mifn .!. baity led me to n evangellstlo service wnere neara ut. toy, said a young Irlihmin. In m atrnnv K-.. v,.-. ii.. more I listened the more uncomforta ble I became. I said to myself, 'By Jin go, he's telling the truth, and If he sk me. If I'm fhrtMtlnn Ivln. .n'. jt n m any good. He'll know I'm lying.' I couian t stay away ana went the next night. "By that time the 'spotters' snd ... . u . v i - . wuwi. .ill; j had me goin'. I confessed, became con, vrtM4 AtiH Afnv here to teatlfv ia1 k n Christianity haa done for me."' "Ten years ago i waa a xianerman on (he Columbia river." said another who had found salvation, "and moat .of yoiS Mill b nn-M Wh.l 4 h -1 MUM 1... I. went home late, and found my mother on ner snees prayina ior ner Doy. ,1 see thst sign over , there, 'Remember Your Mother' Prayers.' and X remember that night. Since then I have been a Christian." My father had taught me to put salt on fish to keep thm. If the a.1 nf rellslnn rets on '.You. Vnn will keep ss I have done.'. A RusHlan n another part of "th room told. In a broken way of hi con version In a city In the csar's donTaln. A real, living religion ls what his na tive country needs, he ald. - -- . -.n "Sixteen .yesrs ago I left the bonnl 1.111 "f - a r, , I n ,4 nnA n n. tn . . 1. 1 country, settling near Arleta, In Oregon,'' said a prominent cattleman "and I spent thousands of dollars looking for what they called happiness. A year , ago 1 vtsiieo-my nwinir in kuiihiio, anu men I becamo converted.". - ' "I cgme 109 mile to attend the , meeting and- to give my testimony,'' said a rancher, who followed the Scotch man, -"and after coming that distance 1 want to tell the world what religion haa- done for- me. I- live- In a town 100 miles south of here, and there are other there watching these meetings." .''.. "Thirty years Tgo I attended the re vivals In Glasgow. Scotland, and heard Mr. Moody preach,' piped the shrill voice of an old woman, "and there I became converted. And during all those SO year I have known Christ, and I owe my salvstlon to those service B0 year ago.".. ... -...;, They tried to speak together,' o- In-" tensely Interested did they become, and when there seemed a medley of voice or disorder the orchestra began and to Its accompaniment the whole audience Joined in a ' Bong, of hallelujah. , They sang and prayed and testified.' 1 "A year ago: r 'came to Portland -to study to become a mining engineer,' said a handsome' yoortg man who rose, and all' turned to hearv ."and - had wh jt ia railed fin .prospect. I went te the'Y. 'M. 'C. A., and there I became converted. I learned what real religion Evry day medical science become mor simple and more certain, tsimpu city and certainty go hand In hand. For science baa learned that whll ther ar many diseases, yet there are but few real cause of disease. That Is, there are many name by which ws know aches and-, pain and disorders. . But most of these ailments spring from a common cauae. - , For Instance, Indigestion, sour stom ach, heartburn, dyspepsia-and all stom ach troubles diabetes. Brtghfs disease and other kidney disorders heart trou bias, liver troubles, bowel troubles, ner vousness, fretfulness, sleeplessness, lr. rttablllty all of these ailment ar due to a single cause. Painful, disagreeable and dangerous, though they be. they are not separate diseases and they are. not to be treated a auoh. They ar merely outward signs of inward trouble nerve trouble. - - Understand first that we have two en tirely separate nerve systems. .. When we walk, or talk, or act- we call into play a certain set of nerve nerve which obey our mental command. That 1 why -the arm tn be raised, or . the mouth opened, or the eye, -shut, at ths slightest desire. That ia why your fin gers can delicately pick up a pin on moment and hold a heavy hammer the next r---- . -v , But these are not th nerve w are to consider here. : There Is another set of nerves which manage and govern and actuates the heart and 'the stomach, the kidneys and the liver and all of the vital function. You cannot control these nerves. By no supreme effort of mind can yoa mako your heart stop or start nor can you even make it, vary by a single beat a minute. And so with the stomach and the liver and the kidney and th bowels they ar automatic they do - their work at a certain aet apeed whether you are awake or asleep whether you- want. them to or not . ,lt J on 1 the Inside nerve ' that lire ana neaun aepenaa. bo long aa these nerve perform their proper dutiea we are well and strong. When they fall. we know It by the Inevitable symptoms stomach, heart liver, kidney trouble. And these trouble have no other origin, ever, than in these same nerve, For the stomach. the heart the liver, the kidney, have no power of their own. no self control. They owe their every Impulse to th Inside nerve. Th nerve ar the masters. Tbe organa , their lave. .. -- The automatlo nerve are sometimes called, the "sympathetic" nerves. Thl name J given them because or the close bond of sympathy which exists, between I n. .;..' ; . ws and X .changed my views -on what I will do in thl world. . I have decided that t am needed. In the vineyard and will devote my whole life and all my strength to the service of the Ixird."' Gray-haired men and women told th story bf their live and their conver sion. Young women and -yourvg men spoke with no uncertainty. The preach er clapped hla hands, and from the au dience rose Joyful shout of- thanka gtvlng. , . ... . .,..' ,:"',"' t When the ' testimony .had subsided somewhat Mr. McComb asked those to raise their hand who had been con verted 60 year or more. An aged man held hi hand aloft Then -he. asked for .those of 40 years'- religious experi ence, and half a doxen . raised their hands. Then Christians of JO. 20. 10 and five years' experience did llkewl,, and in that way they learned who, lnj the crowd did not jrof ess religion, r -Workers began at once ' and -went among the audience, finding many ..who were repentant Young men, and women talked earnestly with .the re sealant ones for a time, and many went weepinfto the altar. ;, ,. all branches. This explain, why torn.-' sen irouoie oiien -aeveiop into near? trouble wby Indigestion bring on ner vousness why disease become compli cated. It explains, too, why ordinary medical i treatments are wrong wby medicine ao frequently falls. For, despite the discoveries bf dence, the common remedies of the day ar de signed to treat the organ, not the nerv the symptom Instead of the cause. . . - Don't you, though you may not know medlcne at all. see that thl I wrong? That It I mere patchwork? That while tbe suffering organ I enjoying it tern- Hy Free Dollar Offer Any sick one who has not tried my remedy Dr. Shoop's Restorative may have a Full Dol lar's Worth Free. I ask no deposit; no reference, hosecurlty7"There is nothing to ; pay, either now or liter. I wll send you an order on your druggist which he will accept in full payment for a regular, : standard size Dollar bottle; And he wilt send the bill to ,.V.f . A'.- C I. Shoop. M. D. porary relief, th nerv that 1 really Ick may be getting wora and worse! Doe thl not explain to you why re lap o frequently follow a supposed our?' Does this, not account, for the uncertainties of medicine? . ., ' More thsn-thirty .year ' ago this thought earn to met - , , "if life and health depend upon per fect heart action, upon proper stomach digestion. Upon correct kidney filtering. why doe, not life Itael.t depend upon mm s m -if-:; ROOSEVELT PRESENTS - y DIPLOMAS TO MEDICS u '; "Jeenl Bpedsl B-rrlce.) ' Washington. D. C, March S6. Presi dent Rooevelt this morning presented i diploma to 23 graduates of the United -State naval . medical school, following the ceremony with a 10-mtnute address. ROJESTVEfilSKY SAILS" x LEAVING MADAGASCAR ' . " IJflnnikr'Rnerlal grrvleal"- ... London, March 25; A dlKpaych to Lloyd from Tans,' -Tav, " Madaaacar, say' that' Rojeatvehsky' fleet ' nailed ' from there todsy. - Its destination I un " known. . , ' ',...''..''.. ' ; Colonct "Bu,tehr; of -- Baker ' Ctty. staunch Democrat,' who hs been back " to Washington, say Roosevelt Ms dur ing all he can . to glv' everybody "a . quar iaeal. ' ' . ' S. ' 1 " ' ' ' these life governing ; power nerve. , these inside nerve." I realised, too, that all ailment which ' result from one cause may, of.courae. be cured by one remedy. I resolved not to doctor the organs but to treat the one nerve system which operates them all. For those who treat only the symp toms need a different, remedy for each. . Such, treatment are only palliative, the reiut de- not last - A cure can neyer come la disease- of Che stomach, heart, liver or kidneys, until the Inside nerve power is restored ; When that-la done, Nature remove the symptom. - There la no need of doctoring, them. . My remedy now known by Druggist everywhere aa Dr. Shoop' Restorative I th result of a quarter century of en " deavor along this very line. It doe not ' dose the organ or deaden the pain but It doe go at one to th nerve the Ih side nerve the power .nerve and bullds lf up, and atrengthen it and make It " well. . , . ' . - . : Ther Is no mystery no miracle, t can explain my treatment to you ax easily aa I can tell you why cold freeies . water and why heat melts lo.-- Nor do I claim a discovery. For every detail of my treatment la baaed on trutha ao fundamental that none can deny them. And every Ingredient of my medicine ia . aa-ofdas the hlllait grow on. X simply applied the trutha and combined tha In gredients into a remedy .that 1 practi cally certain. In more than a million home my -remedy Is now known, and relied upon,; lei you may not oivt neara oi it. Ji'i . I make this offer to you. a stranger, that every possible excuse for doubt may be removed. Send no money make'' no promise tske no risk. ' Htmplywrlte and ask. If you have never tried my remedy. I will send you aa Order on your druggist for a full dollar bottle not a sample; out the regular standard pottle ' he keen constantly on hi shelves. -The druggist will require no conditions. He will sccept my oruer as cneerruuy as though your dollar lay before him, -H i will send the bill to me, . .. Will you socept thin opportunify to . learn at ray expense absolutely how to ' be rid forever of all forma of nervous- . ness to be rid not only nf the trouble, but of the very cause which produced It? Writ today. , - . i for rre enter for S fall dollar bottle . Rook a Dyspepsias . Honk X o. tn Heart. yes siust Mrex Dr. Hook ( on th h laser. RlMiop, Boa mx Bonk 4 for Wosws. Haein. Wuu "' State 1 Bonk I for Mea. " ' which seek jou w.ot. Book as llbrss Mil raoes ar sftes enred br I ln(l kottle. Par Ml at forty Ibwaaad drug stores. - ' ' -v -I- ' : r" 1 ,i ,: ' r ' et-