? - i , it v y THE OREGON SUNDAY - JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 3. 1SCX n. m -km a... .TaaaaW ' BBBTaBBBaTam MM bbbb aHaTa...? M MB ' Aj R nil hter 7 the First Special Prize-- A- '( pleta IiJ 7i The list of prise winners in the presidential election contest of the Central Press association, which termi nated on November J. 1904, is ffam below. The rote was certified by the secretaries of all the states, giving an aggregate vote of 13490,931.' 'j'" -.V?-7::w. ' ' ' V; ''.' .; : . 7 '":: 77 - V-"'.t7" Theodore Langguth. an accountant, who had been previously appointed sisting of Harry J. Strong orD. H. Baldwin ft Co. ana jonn 1. . u stack, immediately commenced tne wore 01 choosing the winning numbers from the estimates which he had previously tabulated according to millions, thousands, and hundreds. His report was submitted to the committee on swards and the awards 'were confirmed by 'the committee, after careful inspection. . . ; : W7';-,-,7'7 7 7- r. - 7 v7 -: ,: . .' , 7r ,7'' .-7-- Owing to there being 5,000 names ss winners snd as a large portion arc of no interest to the Oregon country, The Journal will only publish the names of winners in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. ; - v V First Prise, Winton ' Automobile," Meyer, 197 N. Humboldt St, Chicago; r Second Prise, Mason ft Hamlin f i,aoo F, Meyer; estimate, 13490J60. . - Third Prize, Conover grand piano, Sunlay, Blue Island, I1L; estimate, 13,59073. Fourth and fifth Prises, two Conover cabinet grand upright pianos, value 9000 eacb V, ueyer,J349Q,90Q .and W. O. Stranley, estimate,' 13490,919. . Sixth and Seventh Prises, two Conover cabinet grand upright pianos, value $530 eachRoyal Smith, Sulcarte, ,111, estimate, 13490,917; and D. F Cline, Blue Island, JUL; estimate, 13490,990. ' Eighth Prise, Conover cabinet grand upright piano. .vslue 1500Ceorge A. Frank, Keokuk, Iowa; estimate, . 13490.93. . - :' - , Ninth and Tenth Prises, two Apollo ers, value J500 each F, Meyer; estimate, 13490,930; 13 jSI.000. - ,. ;v .. : . ,Vv : ': : , . ' Eleventh Prise, Conover cabinet grand upright piano, value $45o--F. Meyer; estimate, 13,51,050. """' -. " " Twelfth and Thirteenth Prises, two Apollo grand piano players, value $400 each W. B. Bain, sit La Salle St, Chicago; estimate, 13490473; and Royal Smith, 13491 . 3. 7"s7'v. '7.7,,. 7 j.vj,.7 " 7'-.- " Fourteenth Prise, one Kingsbury upright piano, value - (400 IX F. Cline; estimate, 134197.- -, " :f'-- ---'-v-, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Prises, two Apollo grand piano players, value $400 each D. F. Pine; estimate, 13491, 163; and R. W. Cohen, 4638 Vincennes Ave Chicago, Seventeenth prise, Kingsbury upright P. .a Stanley; estimate, i34"3.. ' i Mi U to H IwhMlTeirMr'ortmM,' Vtiw 111 . A. K. HuillrT..llao4 UU, Or. . - - Hrtm M. mm4 M Tw wmuhm, vain SSt frk. , o. MMo. MtyrlUe. ....., - . J'rW SA and M lwa mmMm, ttO' Mch. 3. A. Thonuu, MMor4. Or.- PtIms from To Im 711, indualm Tl trapko raom, tsIm 8 . . U. t. King, KIiwmus. Or. . ttttm 100 aad 101 Two r(M, nlM 00 Mrk. H. Larr, lUlwaukta, Or. ' Prlira 1(U to 106. incltwlw W Al Vtata carnvraa. vala tm, O. K. fowvll. Brrlla, Or. Prlara 111 ta i;w, lnclaat Twrntr Al VWta ralaa S. Knm. Varlaar.. Or.; Mm IMraaaa, IMwrldaa, Or.jTj. H. Walkar, Try, Ida. ' Priara 1S1 ta IM, mlaala Foor nlUPa, valna tSO oaefc.. It. H. ttailtfe. MoaaMatli. Ur. friar UM la 1A4, laclualra Mil maadoUna, , vain S rack. H. W. mta. TraauUla. Or. Prlara IDT to 9U0, . iarinalr r'onr . hllna, valaa Sns aack. alia. U M. iluaua, H'OHd- Prlaaa ins ta 214. larhalr Tra tax i,ar. ' Or' UU' U'M MC Ktu Baxtuw. rrtaca SIR ta " 190, ImItp Kli valee SJl Jft.' D. i. King, klnaaloo. lHaf Ml to van, laelaalra Ia allrar pUtrS j. Ua arta, ralaa J3n aara. J. inarm, Alban,, Prtaoa ZK ta ZT4. ItKlcuiva 90 AI VUta caacraa, ralaa 30 aaca. A, A. rale. , Port t, land. Or. . Priara 979 to. ITS, lartaalir roar cnltara, Talaa 930 aaca. Joba Can, Dlllard. Or.: Boa wt J. Jtcbolar, Botataatoa, Kaa.; t. A. fcoaa, - Albaar Or.; J. C. Taj tor. Jollot. 111., ara . aatlik to aaa of tbraa prlaaa olntl7. Prlana 97 to SMS, lacluatr lratr (raiiha ptMMMa. alua 430 aaca. A. It. Uaatar, iaiaod 1 Ov, Or. r I'riara 909 to 311 Inetaatre Toa aaetfoaal . kooacaaaa. ralaa 27.M aaca. , Charlaa liaeaard, ,. MMiBMalh. Or. .. Priara 819 to 829, torloalT T aWI rascal. J Taloe SZT.M. Jaaira LH,r. Molalla. Or. . Prtara KM to 841. iwlualre r'our tWIIm, e Talna J6 aacb. A. K. Uunlnr, lalaad Cltr, Or. .. Priara 98 ta MS, ,lnciartra Twpntr-foor Al . 'lata f-amrraa, Talae (26 rack. Uroraa . , moVK 0r- 21 Majrr,. Cilcao; Mra. .tiara It. Kaeaa. Port la ad. Or., kra catltlad u ar af tkraa priara Jotatlr. , rtaa WO to W(0. tachMia-Tni aevtianat ; boufcraara, , Tataa, aack. A. P. Craa. . , Nonacalh. Or. . : t - Prlai 467 to 4TS, tltclaalr Twenty rrapko pboanTaia flk aack. O. J. Uarta, SaaaUa, 5 Prtara 'TT to 481. lnrtnalr Mra ' watcbaa. -palua 914 rack. B. K. train, Barlow, Or. i Pliaat W to W, iorlaair Twrat crapko. , P'J. ''aa HO aackAlwadar UrUltr. Priara kio to S2S, lsrlaai ra Twra ir carrtnc Ha, ralaa t aack. i. A. Mnalnarr, HllaJ bom. Or.: t:. Manrraoa, ttortnanld. Maaa.: . , Wllltaai llamlaa, lllxon, IlUt W. O. Moraland! Rrliriowrr, 111.; O. W. Paaaoa, Wortk. 111. T r. McCajMran. Sagar Oror. IIL) M. l7labo! , Mar.ruaai. Or.: J. W. Oattoa. Vlrdala. III.; , H. Ulmaaa, HalL la.: Artkar Walta. III.; P. i. UVtMm, Chlcaca. aad Bor BoiwrlL on tla4al, Okia, ara catltlad la aaa of tkaaa . prlM iulaJlr. Priara 6.W ta 634, ' tarlkafTV-ftra watrhaa, aln 97.90 aara. . , Prtara MS to- S34. larlaalaa Ona kaadrrd itom aafotr raaara, aalacd at 99.90 rark. J. ( T. Mlnaar. Vlda, Or.; Y, 0. Hatook. MUwaaklr, K. Irarich, Albanr, Or.; I. t. Adaiaa. Motalla, Or.; J. W. Wklttakar, Indcptadaoca. j Or. --, Prtara sas to T34, Iwtaalra-Oaa knadrad ' faaaula praa. Talk S2.M aark. T. H. Mallor, Barlow, or.; D.. A. kirlart, Walla Walla. , Waak.J r. taoaard, Moamaalk, Or.; O. (it. . nrt, Partlaad. Or.; A. Jarlak, Un-rala. Or.; . It. Paolia. Canbr, ' Or. A. T. ' W. McLraa, : Mranaalnaa. Or. ; Nnta, f. S. Hnatkwlck. Ckl- .-am; K. B. llubkard. Tlffla, Ohio; M. Taark ' , nwn. WllaoarllK Or.; Mra. K. Tharatoa, Sarar. . Or.; Mra. A. Sard, Aitrl. Kaa.; W. A. Brat. i antna. Pa., ara aatitlrd to aaa of tkaaa prtaea , Priara TS8 to 934, larlaalr Ona kandrM lrr platrd arr biiooiml r.lua ta5. O. M. , Waad. Orrtawa, Or.; l. R. Wacgoaa, Burma, r. i. W. Cam, rorall, or.: l. I. King, Klnaatoa, Or.( A, B. Mnntar, laltnd City. Or. ' Priara Ad, fa l.feti. larlaaiva Oa tlmiaaad Hmnrll kanka. aln Sl.ftll ark. W. Wrlgat, Mora, .; K. A. Caarll, PoKlaad. flr.i-P. R. "Alriandpr, Partlaad, nr.; 1. O. Baadvll. Ptrt laad. or.: L. Tab., MapMae-Or.: A. Hd.kr, Ixitor. Or.; J. x. Hraikrr. Lafaratto, Or.; , Vaadwaaadra. Paraat Orvrr. )r. t. T. , Hfc. Ufarrita. Or.t I. B. linwrlt. Waara, : J. C. Kkaltoa, Wtatfall, Or.; W. H. Millar, ' linlalla. Or. r J. T. rtraihraat tAfanur, Or., aad inur jk, t-rritatnwa, IIL, ara aatitlrd ta oar af itoaa prla lolnilr. r J. W. .a. Pmall. or.; p. R. Barrlar, i"artla f ur. or.i J. r.raardri Wandbara. or. It. B.4Miwv. UUaea, or.;.J. U. BaodaU. txniaaa, wr, . of Island Cityt value $9400 P. Eighteenth Prise, estimate, 3.5V Royal Smith; estimate, 1 3491.948. grand piano, value !'. Smiley, Orfordvule, value $1,000 -ff. O. estimate received Second Special , - Vl. ;.. grand piano play piano, value I400. Fourth Special St, Blue Island, I1L; upright piano, value . Fifth' Special Prize, value 8350 For, the neretcbr St, Blue Island, HI.; upright piano, value estimate received tober 15. (October piano, value $373 . - .7. v 7., ; i Chicago; estimate, piano; value 8395. Noto A.- B. TTaatrr. lalaad CttT. Or... and HI Stan(l,' Jrffrrara. wto., ara aatitlrd .to aaa of tha prtara Jointly. . 1 - Notr W.-r. Paraana.. Alhaar. Or., and' H. W. Cobrti. fhlram. 1U.. ara ratltlrd to ana af tba priara Joint!. KotaA. Hrt.W. Dnrar, Or., aad 1. 1. Ham on. Lafamta, Or., ara aatitlrd to aaa af ta prlaaa Jotntl. . Nta f. M. trwla.. Monmratk. Or.: Ed. Hnllmar. Broaalllc. Or., aad J. Vt. gTaaarr, Knrtk llrndrrma. IIL, ara aatitlrd to ana of tkraa prlaw )nintlr. T. V. Prttlu Monaanatk. Or.; W. ' Railtk. MoaUrllla. Or.; J. T. Hauraa, Lafartta or.; N. l. Mia tar, Cnldhrook. Or. Kota T. 1. prtUt, Monmnatfe. Or., and J. O. Cra., forrrat. IIL. ara aa titled to aaa af tkaat prtara )olaUy. . K. Toa.nll Waara. Or.; R." M. Smltk, Mooomitb. Or.; W. D. AdaaM. Molalla. Or.; i. Kail, Portland. Or.: R. rrratMra, Voaralla.. Or.: U. W. Whltakrr. lnlmnlMni. nr.; frmwk Or.; II. Wrndt. Jarkaoarllla. Or.; P. .IiaaF. iriin, " r, i u in,, rr. . i gin. aTMWrt . Or. I B. T. Bontktt. A na- nnatk. Or. C. 9. Townlry. W. Butlrr, IjMir. rllr Kalla. Or 1. R. Hnotrr, lalaad Cltr, Or.; Oaonra M. t'maaflrld. Waara, Or.: Mo- Oormirfc, Irrlna, Or.j R. Prrrtmra. Tanralla. Or.Ll).. SfcSalV Uaaaoata, Or.; J, A. Mraalucar, Blllaanra. Or.; J. M. Aklaa, Saarlea. Or. i W. . lioda. Kprloirfield. Or.; John Kra Mr, Waadbara. Or.; P. Prrraalt. Prnaarr, Wa.h.; S. A. Ball, Ball, ton. Or.; W. Bntlrr, Iitoen-lla Pall. Or.; B, M. Rlak. tiooarbrrrr. Or.; Mra.- K. Stanton. Tolrdo, Or.; o. Ella, Pall tllr. Or.: A. R. Hnntrr. Uland Cltr, Or.; 1. W. Carra. PaaaU,4rr.; A. D. Hornrtt, Ear la Crcrk, Or.; J. A. flrwaana. , Portland. Or.; O. M. Swarjart, Klktoa, Or.; Backlry Broa.. Oakland, Or. Priara 1.8.18 to I.M4. Inrloalrr On knndrrd rllrrr-alatrd arat forka. ralna tl.25 aack. J. A. Mraainfrr, HIIMiora, Or.; 1. T. Mlnocy, JTMa, Or.; r, 1, Mom. Vanmarrr. Waab. , I Notr kt D. (-tawrfn, Wkita Halmoa. Wart., aad Will O. Clark. Ottawa. IIL. ar aotltled to ana of tkaaa priara Jointly. Prtara-1 MB to 9.834. lw loalrr Oa tboaaand nbnM "Law t'oat Aairrican Homra." yalue tl.Ot) rark. - C, Brrrlhymr. Daya t rack. ' Or.; W. Ilubhard. Clarkamaa. Or.; John Yratrr, MonaMWIIi. tJr.. w. Butlrr, fAtnarrllr Palla, Or.: at. Bata, Drllaa, Or.: W. U Trolllnarr. Ilalnra. Or.;. f. W. Whltaker. lodrpratlrara. Or.: Brrklry Broa OakUnd. Or.; Mra. C. U Pollnrk. Paliarr, Or.t II. H. Bnta. Dallaa. Or.; U. M. Marahall. Corr1aalllr; Or.; K.J. HrlW brrk, ArK ta. r.: p. .Hlarla aad B. K. Irwin, Harlow. Or.; O. R. Ma toon, norrrdalr. Or.; 0. Ibaard. Moatnnatb. Or.; A. B. Hantrr, laland City. Or.t K. C. Plnary. Canby. Or.; W. p. Cnrdr, Canhr. Or. i R. Pan Inn. Caohr, r.: 1, H. Itrrd. Wrat PortUnd, fir.; W. H. Taylor. Danaa. Or.;, A. R. Hanter. Ialand City. Or.; J, 1. RaadaD, Portland. Or.; p. R.. Alrx andrr. Parkrr, Or.; Ororpr Rnd(rra, Mon month. Or.; M. A. Perry.- Rwrrt Homr, Or.: II. Botlra brr. lrnannn, tr.: W. B. Vandrraandrn, Por rt tlror. Or.; John Oaffrr, Orrtroa City. Or.; P. II Rrrkrtt. McMlnnrlllr. Or.; A. Jarlah, Orrraia. Or.r J. D. Tborn. Ttdrwatrr. itr.s U Talwr. Maplrtoa. Or.; WllUaia Bntlrr, Iitoar. rllr Palla. Or.; Raamnaaro. Trootdalr. Or.; D. 1. K!n. Klnraton, r.; W. N.- Taylor, Pnaall, Or.: 1. W. (arrn, Poaall. Or.i K. W. Rlrjra, Krha, Or.; O. Jobaann, McMlnnrlllr. tir.t P. B. Alrxandrr. Parkrr. Or.; (i. Toaio, Portland, Or.; Van tirnnar, PortUad. Or.: W. MarkUn. War. rrn. Or.: C. Oaalaoa, Warrra. Or.i W. L. Trot linear. ,nalnra. Or.; A. 1, Tkomaa, Medford, ' j0tr- A.- Ktrbola. ' Wrat IJbrrty, la., aad W. Whattrr. of Portland. Or., ' ara aatitlrd to on of thraa prtara Jointly. William Bnltrr. . Latoorrll - Palla: Charlra Lronard.Afonmnnth. Or., ara aatltlad to ona af tbraa prlsra Jointly. Rllra Btorrr, Aablaad. ' O.i J. T. Rrnnraa. Lafayrtt. Or.,' ara rntltlrd to eoa of tbeaa priara Jointly. . f. T. Ilrmhrcr.' lafayrtlp. ' Or.,- and H. Pnllrr, Parantlr. Huk, ara aatitlrd to oar of tkrao priara Jointly. T ! . Mrftamara. Rapid City, S. n.t William fJlleMtu-Afteavla.W. II..Bjrlw..Lnodop Mllla, III. i : b. Alaoa. Kaaaaa 1tr. Mo.; W. sTBonry: Wallara, J. ft; J. . B. Wlnfrry, Runnrna. la. Rokrrt 0. Nrkolrr. Hmalnrtna. Kan.; i. D. Tkorp, Ttdrwatrr. Or,; M. A. Kadana, La) Port. Ind.; W. O. forhran. Bait Lakr Oiy, I'tak; N. Poland, .lalrta- O.v B.- A. 'Olrn. Mnrphyahoro, III.; K II. Iloldrrman, Brarrrtnn. ir.. and O. af tkrar nrltaa totntly. , . ,.H; L- "" Troutdalr. Or., and J. B. Ralff. IJttlr Rork. Ark., ara raHtlrd to oaa af fkaa prima Jointly. , , . . - J!""! Partland. Or ; tlmrr Brhnm. Tnark. Til. t t R. Ilawrn. Waara. Or.; J. fl. Mrltoa. Wratfall Or., aad f. P. Hlarr. hvordn, Or. arr rntltlrd to an of thraa nrtrra Intntlr. marlra .rnil. Hatrhtnwn. Minn.: Jokn ft Hetlts. nnnanrlllr, Ala.: ft. M. Porim. ma, O.; P.. B. vlHhh,r4 im t . a u '"raan, i,r. ; TDompann l.nmhrr r Paettok Ida.; i. V. PtXIer, Broadalaad, IIL; CONTEST Oregon Wins by the committee on awards, con- Kingsbury upright piano, value $350 Nineteenth and Twentieth Prizes, two. Apollo . grand piano players, value $350 each Royal Smith and J. P. Wis.; estimates,. 13,391457; 13491,- .First Special Prize, value $506 For the nearest correct before August.-1, .(July 30). A. R, Hunter, Island City, Or.; cstimate.13,593,763; one Con over cabinet irand upright piano, value $500. ; Prize, value $450 For the nearest cor rect estimate received on or after August 1 and before August 13, (August 14), L. Burkley Vashington, Iowa; estimate, 13419,787; one Conover cabinet grand upright piano, value 450. Third Special Prise, value $400 For the nearest cor rect estimate received on or after August 15 and before September 1, (August 99), W. B. Bain, 918 La Salle St, Chicago; estimate, 13490473; one Kingsbury upright ..." ; ..-''', v Prize, value $375 For the nearest cor rect estimate received on or after September 1 and before September 15, (September 8), W. G. Stanley, 991 Union estimate, 13490,875; one Kingsbury J375. v . , rect estimate received on or after September 15, and be fore October t, (September 16), D. F. Cline, 690 Ann estimate, 13490,990; one Kingsbury 8350. - ,. '" , . . Sixth Special Prise, value 9395 For the nearest correct on or after October t and before Oc 6), F. MeyerL 197 N. Humboldt St, isofiso -one Kingsbury upright :;," M. Baacbmana, Wllaonrllla, Or. : A. V. Vermrr But tor, Ind.: C. II. Krrlrr. IMxnn. III.; Knaa rowlrr. Aakkam,' IILr 4amra T. Ilrrnbm. La- tayatta. Or.; j. M. Huntrr. JL'anbrldcr. III.; tl. H. Wood bo ry. Jajnratowa.T N. II.; A. l" Prrbl. .Anatva, TlL.. and Urarii- W, Fir Id, Vlrtorla, IIL, ara aatitlrd to aaa of tbraa priara Jointly. , Priara 9.KB to 9,904. lartnalra Sixty atlrrr platrd. aucar abrlh, ralna IS crnta aark. C. Ioaard. MonnMatk, Or.; D. M. Marakall, Cnrrtnaylllr, Or. Priara 9.H9S to 9.MM. Inrlualrr Ona tboaaand Rtrpara ' I', Foatrr'a ann( alboma, ralaa IX) rrn la rark. R. M. Kmltb. Monmoath, Or.; W. Batlrr. l4itonnll Palla. Or.t W. I Ackmaaa, I'lalakaBlr Or.i fl Btrmr l1atakant Or.t "Mra. p. Brlraoa. Ballard, Waab.; R. R. Mlllrr, mmma. waaa.t a. i, jonra, rark Place, or.; i. B. Waif. Roaalla. W'aak.; William Lofau. Irll, Or.; H. i. Mtt.. MrMlanrlllr, or.; K. -A. t'rrrll, Portland. Or.; B. K. Hop. PartUnd. Oy.; P. H. IVlr. Klnca Vallry, Or.; V. P. mirrj, awn, i inn, Lrarina, or.; m. Aiorrf, r. ntana, k. Smith. Man Bvwtk, Or.; A. Hrlalrr, Oafar, Or.; Jokn Kan. nrdy, Woodbara. Or.; P. H. Tuckrr, Aarora, Or.; U' Tabor, Maplrtoa, Or.; t. W. Clnwalt, Wamlc. tr. C. Hlnraa, Barlow, Or.; H.-W. Prlta, Trootdalr, Or.; H. Rallry, HlllahAfo, Or.; T.-4V"PatteMa,: Hoc month, Or.jll. J. Kin. Klnfatoa, Or-; O. B. kainnrr. Hood RIrr, Or.; D. Klbby, II oak I na. Or.; H. B. toauf, Wrrtb, Or.; 1. C. Kkalton. Wrat Palla, Or. ' Not. J. H. Marr, Carllale, Nrn. ; Mra. 9. raaprr. PltUbnrr. Pa.; i. T. Itcmhrra, La far. rtt. Or.; A. Pouporo, Poapora. Minn., and P. Mrrrdltb, Tain tor, la., ara ratltlcd to aaa of tktaa jrlan Jointly. , (. i. Laahrrc. JanrarlUr. Wli.; I, D. Kirk, rkiah. CaL; J. C. MrKlnory, Pilot Point. T.; O. Wlldc, Twin Brooka, . D.; II. ilofrnaoa, J. Bakrr, of torn II, 111., and U Urralp, Mi for, Wla., ara rntltlrd to aaa af tbeaa prlaea Jointly. William H. MlUrr, Molalla, Or.; J. T. Hrnv hrra, Lafayrttr, Or., and U I.vHrlarl. Milton, la., ara rntltlrd to on of thm -priara Jointly. Jobn IMrkrna, K her Ida n. Of., aad Himoa Howard,. Lima,. Ohio, ara entitled to ona of tbraa priara Jointly. H. Lonray,. Mllwaokla, Or.,' and D. S. Jen klna, Colfax, Waab., art antltlad to oaa of tke priara Jointly. i - , T. J. Prttrt. MnnMoth. Or., and J." P. Drnneen. Prnflrld. IIL, ara entitled to om of tbraa priara Jointly. Priara 9.9AS to 4 -104. InrlmrtT Plr han drd coplra .'Plano.Trraanrra,' ralu 60 ernte rark. H. U Tyarr.V Boonrllla, Ind.; 0. lark. Oron, III.; Mra. O. Yon nr. Krknk, lm-i Mra. W. R. Tnrk, Vrnaodlna. PU.;' c. B. tjarra. Wlnrbratrr, Ind.; C. Kkame, Dayton, Ky.; C M. Parkrr,. fblrairo. ill.: W. B. 8 war toot, t-biraito: ,. Ella. Palla City. Or.; L. A. Par rand, 8nmnrr, la.; M. II. Lrabo, Marqoam, Or., and A. J. IHrkaon, Valrabom, I'a., ara entitled to one, of tbraa priara Jolatly. i. P. Mlnnry, Vlda., Or., and C. Orkandrr. Poralrllo, Ida., ara entitled . te ona of tbcar priara Jointly. Mra. A. NrbMn, Pnllman. IIL. and R. R. Irwin, Barlow. Or., ate entitled to ona of thee priara Jointly. , , D. A. Hunt, Shanlko, Or.) P. prordca, Orern lal. Minn.; 1. M. Prrra. 02.10 Oottar Oror are., Chloaro; f. Rrlrkaoa. Axtrll. Neb., aad MarUn. Wellralry Hllla, Mask, are ea Utkd to, one, of.thrre priara Jointly. A. n. Burkboliler, Kalton. Or.; 1. M. TrrL flreabam. Or.: t. t. Koraataa. BntcblMmi, Minn. ; S. B. Peter. MllUnrtnn. ill.: B. Oreth. imndre, Or.; P. Barer, Surer. Or.; B. M. Rowan. Araro, Or. P. M. 1-owta, Moonwoth, Or.i M. Tourhman. Wllannrllla. Or J w llroiton, Martanna, Pla. K. BlaarIL Cbrymnr, Wye,; R. Alrord, May wood, Nrk.; 1, A. Hna ltak, Clyatt, Pla.; t. P. Cilia, iurrteonbura. La. I C. kf. Rranfcakrr, Cbeyrnna, Wro.; W. Lane. Pmpketatown. Ul.t 8. N.laoa, aladlaoa. . , n. u nan. Mm, tfnmi R. tllana, Keraoaha, Mlrta,; O. Mallakr, rrrdrrtvkabara, la.; W. Taa Vartrr," Plymonlh. Ind.: H, . Monrr, nillaanro. Or.', W. T. Urry, Orala. Ha.t J. T.. Hrmbrra, Idfayrttr. )r.: H. Katrnat, Cklratn; T. L. Oakn, 428 Drarhnra atreat, t'bl rairo; 8.M. Anl..raon. Maroaib, III.; 0. V. T.lmaD. Toldf. ' nr. r-.war- rymna, Jya.: H. S. huta, Pallaa, Or.; H. (Killlraa, Starkry, Or.i ! J.'Klns. Klniratoa, Or. : A. II. Bulllran. Starkry. Or.: M. J. tiutbrl. Nartk Pawdaay or, .-.- Hnpe, rorflaad. Or.; r uvnmvj, r--aniUOTr, wr.J V. tl. WOO. rtfWB. Or.! B. M. Blak. Ocwhrrry. Or.i W. w. Laa-tna, Bnurnr, (ir u. I). Urmlone Wratbwhy. Or.i P. S. Prla, Klnsa Vallry, Or.: -. Starta and W. f. Nlaiahtrrb-k, Port land. Or.: 4. Parkrr, Tlolbro.. Or.! r. Mtarla and 1. M. Smltk. pilot kork: R. renins, I'anby. Or.t T. J.' Plllrtt. Moftmoath, Or:i It. T. fVoolhhy, Mnaiaoalk. Or.; 1. J. Klnc, Kinfatnn, Or. F. Hla.ln and O. W. Whltk krr, Indrprndrnrr. Itt. : 1. Y, Mlnnrr, Vlda, Or. r. Ktaria and M. DIMrlbrand. Hilton. Or.i W. S. Sklrtnwrr, t.amatnrk. Or. I lr. H. R. Krhrbraa. Manmrntk. or.; Mm. it , rt.rrlnr n aad Pr. A. Klrrhaai. fnnnlllr, or.; fl, Toata, r. Starts, B. W. Cockraa aad i. , 8ELLVO MILL ALL'OST CERTAlii Definite Statement: Made That Woolen Plant Will Locate 7 - There If Built at All. : NO OTHER LOCATION IS REGARDED BY BACKERS Site and Market for Product Se 7 ; cured and Much Stock ia "A '77- Subscribed. . - It la practically aaaurod by thoao In tereated. lip the . woolen mill anterprlaa at Brllwood that plant of trood capac ity will bo Initialled on the alto of tho old Portland woolen mill during; the year.r For ' months thoao . bacldns the project, .hava been quietly at work and yesterday It-waa announced by D. At. UonaugK, attorney for tbe corporation, that uf ficient badtlna had been aecured to make the prospect for aucceaa a cood one, and that tha only - thins necessary to speedily secure the establishment of the Industry at Sell wood was. the sale of additional stock.' which, sale be under stood jwaa practically . arranged - for. apeaklng of the possibility of tbe mill being- established elsewheer wan Bell- wood. Nr. Donaugh said: - ' "T. W. Clark, who la the ona chiefly concerned. Is of tha opinion that Bell wood la ihe only location available and that It Is tbe natural place for bis mtlL Tbe water there la sufficient for all pur poses and the old mill site la so situated that it baa transportation facilities on both the Southern Pacific and O. W. P. lines.. If the mill la established any where it will be In Sellwood." r The comoany beaded by Mrj Clark Is incorporated lor 1100,000 and bas an op tion on the old Portland woolen mills site at Sellwood. ' Mr. Clark at one time considered locating at Kstacada, but later gave up this Idea, tbougb the an nouncement yesterday that Brllwood was the only location -now considered was the first definite statement to this effect and one which cmany-Sellwood people have been anxiously awaiting. . Mr. Clark baa before conducted woolen mills In the "northwest and has the ex clusive trade ' of carriage cloth whole salers.' having made a special study of this fabxJc. and once tbe mill Is In op eration sufficient orders would be se cured from thla on source to require nearly the plant's capacity. taos msuoiova Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist and ether , eyangellcal . denominations of Mount Tabor and vicinity have a re ligious problem that Is troubling them. Seventh Day Adventlat sanatorium has Invented a form , of whole-wheat bread which Is highly regarded by the housewives of the section, and which has been generally sold. " Recently the loaves were delivered with a neat wrap per teUlng of the necessity of observing Saturday as the Sabbath, and a series of Unterestins creed ex-positions have been artnrrt to tne nnmoa nrTnTnrmr-tnyari i- MeUtodlsts. The burning, question now Is, "Better the soggy bread of common worltmanahlD and no religious addenda. or the aanltary and toothsome loaf with Adventlat literature." The sale of the bread Is not apparently affected, accord. Ing to tha testimony of local storekeep ers in the contiguous suburbs, but the bread and tract subject' bas already formed the basis of a sermon In Mount Tabor, and members are divided between appetJte and creed. ' TOO UAMT nT0T. Residents of territory' contiguous to the Albina lines of the Portland Consoli dated company are making complaint against restrictions placed against them In the use of the BL Johns can. Tha complaint la that many St, Johns people use the upper AiDina oars insieaa 01 waiting f,or tbe through cars. -and that since the new system of through serv ice has been begun the people living south of the transfer station have been compelled to use only the local ears. which are sun crowded ny-tne fenin- sular patrons, who are supposed to util ise only the through trains. Tbe crowd ed condition Is an especial nuisance at the morning-and evening rush, hours, and remedies are being sought by tha legiti mate users of the local can nnrx o lumit - Suit has been begun against J. T. Haverly Irrthe east side Justice court by C. Bourke,- rtllea:lns xnat ipe carriei away . lumber from Kast -renin street and dma-ed the plaintiff to the amount pf $250. ' The defense ol tne accused is that the material taken away was chief ly In the nature of Junk, and had been pparently discarded ana oecome.a pun- 11c nuisance. -. , - : u , , XafPBOTBKEjr xxAOvm. ausr The University Park Improvement league met Friday afternoon at tbe Arti sans' hall In Portsmouth. A committee was appointed to secure seed to be plant ed in the waste places of the suburb. The -grass and flower seeds will De placed ton vacant blocks, and 'Uprooted stumps will be made Into bowers.- - A re- Mnrpky. Foraat Orere, Or. v U. K. Brwln, Bar low. Or.; A. II. Raamuaaro,, Troutdala, Or.( , H. Bumraa. starkry, or. V. B. Tano. Flrwnnd. Or.. 'and t J. Koaatka, Chk-ara. -are caUtled ta ona of tkaaa priara Jointly. . .-,. . .. . Priara 4Nftf te I.T44, Inrhialrr-On Ta aand two kuadrrd and fifty copies eont-dta- mnnda, value BO crnta eaca. 1. waian, Hurllorton, la.; A. Jokneon. Motalla.' Or.; W. H. Blajiil. rhtraro; J. M.- Rlrrra,. Ualnaavllln, Pla.; tabu Vrddanx. Lima. Ohio; C..H. (Itlla. flallatrn. fann.i I. C. Morrtaay. S. jr. 'Morton, Prrd Mayrra, Chleacn; 11. H. Barrrtt, Wanatrr, Ohio: Jrnee I'a, Urrxf. Mo. V. t. Allrn; Vt'elllntrtoa, 111.; 1. . Kirk, ikias, ur.i . e. M.-fclnnrr. Illot Point. Tex.: J. T. Alra- aailtk, t'oltax. Waah.; Ckarlre B. Lrwla, far- praterrlllr, iil; u. h. air La or, n, ni.r I. W.' Iland. Orrn't, la.; I. U Wavr. Warrior, Ala.; C. A. Rawla, pl.ttanHwth.Nrb.; N. A. and l.? R. Vrnnla, Salrai, Or.: H. Stakk. Orandy. Ulna.: Inr A. Thooiaa, Medfnrd, Or.; I. K. rtruwn. Hrymrtk, III.; 1. I HIlTarman, Kirk land. 111.: William Wlndrra. Alrda, 111.1 I. t. Wood, Ada, Oblo; .P. Hrwrtaoa, Aatan da, Ohio; H. Gardner, Lorrroe, ("ale.: M. C, Kran, Platnftrld, 111.: S.. W. Alpln, Annata, III.) K. Salinna, Stafford. Kaa.; W. ft. pokr man. Blue lalaad. 111.: rred Scholl, rnoaland, IU.! C. IB, Btrtarn. Bhrfflrld, III.; I. A. KowrlL Kosmiaak, 111.; W. II. Bnab. Hprlngflrld, 111.; P. I Hrdlork, Tllliara, la.) K. T. Parla, Una,, Oblo; Vera Clark, Chicago; il). Klfeby, HuakiRa, Or.: B. S. CralC. M. A. Ckarltna, IC Maatln, Itrydra, Or.i Joha Troatar, . W, Hlalork, Ora.r, Or. I R. I, Darla Orrrnhark, Or.; P. V. Mlnnry.- Tlria. Or.j J, A- Thomaa, Mrdfnrd, Or.; Jam, Athena, Or.; A. L'ndrr drhl. Portland. Or.; f.- W, Marpkyr J. -H..Lara-aia, K. R. Hop. Portland. Or. 4'. P. Haraoann, Mlnnranolla, Minn.; 1. P. rawlrr, Lima. Obla, and j. P. Lowrry, lone. Or., ara rntltlrd to oar of thraa priara Jointly. A. Jurlata, llrrral. Or., and 1. Lnrana, Jark aon, Ala., ara aatitlrd Is eae of tkaaa prlaaa Jointly. W. N. Rorknam, Oobmf, Or.: Oiarlra Rrrrl. hrmrr, Iaya ttrark. Or.; H. K. Crawford, Tnrnrr, or.: K. A. Da Vraala. Salem.'' Or.; Rrrkley Brna., Oakland. Or.; 1. T. Mlnaer, Vlda. Or. T. 0. Prttrt t, Moetaoatk. Or.: I. 1. Kins, Klacatoe, Or.; i. . it. Reed, Wrat I'ortUnd, Or. - P. M. Ilrrmrna. UnWtmtty. Or., and P. R. nre. lfayrltr, 111., are entitled to an of tbra fn-lara Jointly. Prtcra to 4 MM. Im-ln.lrr To knMrrd and fifty "Ideal tirsu" aont bovka, ralaa ftO teBU tack. . ,.' . . . - . t '. ' . III lleclth Is 2ii 'Offense : j ; : stHution Kecesssrjf cf the Invalids Can Regain Health and Maintain It 23-24 - The Scene of - There are Interesting things to write about nowadays both -at hem and abroad. Boms of the .most remarkable facts are so close, at hand that they ara overlooked by the guild of reporters and correspondents In the excitement of long trips to the orient and other far away places. - . . This Is all a prelude to a statement Which will probably startle soma of the readers of this article, but which H is necessary to accept as ' absolute ' fact Now here Is the statement expressed briefly: Disease of every character Is the manifestation of a lack of 'harmony in the component parts of the human system. ; .Restore the' functions to harmony, and the disease, Is,, of neces ally, banished. ' . ,Thls Is being done right In our midst more - effectively and with . greater economy of time and money, by new methods than It has ever been done by the most successful . medical practl- tloners along the old lines. 1 That this statement will prove a subject of con troversy Is . to be expected, but the writer of thla article has fortified him self by going so extensively and care fully Into the matter. , that be Is .able to assert positively that this la so.' and In order" to - remove, the last shadow or doubt, from the. mind of every reader of this article, he has compiled state menu of other people who have made like - Investigations.. There. Is . the broadest, grandest philanthropy behind this, because. It Is - an unquestionable fact that' the misery-snd suffering of the world 'la traceable In the vast ma jority of eases to tbe sickness of the principal, or of some dependent person, It- follows as a matter of course, that any system which promises reason able measure of relief to any consider able number of persona, must be balled aa a Oodsend. When any .piece of mechanism, whether it. be the most delicate and, Intricate watch, or the more bulky "but no leas sensitive- loco motive," it out of repair In tha slightest degree, tbe resultant work la defective. Proper results can be achieved only by restoring the -machine to its normal State of perfection. Now we must Spply , . It Is this wonderful art of healing without drugs that he teaches to others He does it that they may be able to assist him In this work of healing the afflicted. xHla course of lectures pre sents to students the accumulated knowledge of years of study and experi ment. It is ona tjilng to compile a lec ture from text books and the writings of others, as la done on ordinary sub jects. It is quite-another thing to. take up new lines of thought, carry them through, untrodden paths of Investiga tion ' and ' inquiry, always searching. wlghlnfraeductlftfandflnally crystal - Ixtng the' results of. this research Into easily comprehended form. This Is Just what professor Hams has done. By careful application for a comparatively short time, ,any one can grasp- the-underlylng principle and see the superstructure slowly Duut up ne- port was received from the school board stating that it would take Immediate steps toward beautifying the grounds recently graded, it was decided to noia an entertainment-April s at Artisans hall and to secure Portland musical and elocutionary talent, the proceeds to be devoted to tbe Improvement work. The lea cue will meet Friday evening witn Mrs. Frank Merrill at University Park. '''.''' uit.idi sToraa. '' ' - '' (The Portland Consolidated railway has pledged Itself to the various improve ment bodies of the suburbs to repair and paint the stations along Its line. Those on the Bt. Johns line are- especially worthy of attention and will be renewed at once. ; . " Tha University Park board of trade, at its weekly meeting -Thuraday, approved the work -of - the local Improvement league recently organised, and expressed Its especial gratification at tbe work al ready accomplished. ' - t. . ' The Arlstoles club of university park met with Mrs. George'Henstock Thurs day and enjoyed a social, evening. Mra, Q. F. Bell has secured property on Bherrett avenue, near Thirteenth street, and will add to the residence dis trict of Sellwood by tha erection ojC s two-story dwelling. . Another Factory for Portland. An Oregon product heretofore almost entirely. wasted Is utilised In the manu facture of a very necessary household article. - . Tha consummation of many years or endeavor and experiment was attained yesterday when tbe wheels began to turn In the .factory ot the Hygltnlo Mattress company at 83 Grand avenue, in this city. The filling of the mattress wnieh they will manufacture Is the fiber of the pine needle. '" Ths " medicinal and "sanitary qualities of .this portion of the pine tree have long been known and appreciated, but It has been found very difficult to utilise them In a commercial way. Many 'experiments extending' over years have been made . te reducevthe needles to a fiber In quannttea commer cially profitable.' , The fiber has been rsjre!g pain f , . KhsttaaatM Pain laetaetly Malleved by s. Painkiller Against i::r.::::y A Qecr Crc!.n cr.d !:;cr.i Ccn Many Remarlibls Cures Without Medicine. . . . - 1 7 J -j y . c. w. wimmra the same reasoning to tha human body, and that brings us st once to the con clusion. that If any mlaadjustment of the delicate members which make up the entire whole can be rectified, then the human machine will continue its work with absolute precision. Just as when it originally came, perfect from the bauds of its Maker. This very thing can be' done. 14 has been done thou sands of time. .It Is being done today. It will be done tomorrow, and more frequently the next day, and with, ever Increasing frequency until It Is tha only recognised way of treating the human body which Is out of harmony that Is diseased. The Harris Treatment without .medi cine bas been applied effectively In re A-t .IT. f fore his ryes. Th ability la in any one - to do tbe ' aame work that Pro fessor Harris is doing. It Is a God given power, but Ood hss given it to every man and woman. t We have simply been dead to the fact and so engrossed In other lines of investigation, that this greatest power, of the human race has been allowed to lie fallow. fihouhl you not wish to take part In this wonderful work of rescuing , the human race from Its suffering snd sor row, do not overlook tbla: The develop ment of this power within you, the knowledge--of hew to-use and" direct-it. will enable you to meet every condition of life successfully. It will fortify you against disease, and enable you to-live in health, and to maintain your loved ones In the enjoyment of absolute health and -all the pleasures that follow in its wake. , professor Harris wishes, to re oaed so long In a variety of ways that Its hygienic qualities have been amply tested and proven. It has remained for tbe present com oanv to attain success In the use of pat ented machinery, which produces from the needles quickly and thoroughly a soft fiber retaining the beneficent quail ties so much desired. - .. " - SThe oornpa.ny Is an Oregon corporation organised upon a firm basis.,. It has s paid-up stock or s&o.oou, witn Air. a. to. Davis as president and manager. Mr, Davis la well known In the financial cir cles of Portland- having" been Identified for nearly 20 years with the Portland Flouring Mills company, most of that time servlns aa Ita executive vlce-presi dent He severed this connection the first of the year to invest In, and take the management of this, new industry. The mill for the manufacture of the fiber is in eastern Oregon, where a force of people Is employed in gathering the needles and reducing them to fiber. The product la then shipped In carload lota to the factory here, where It Is made Into mattresses, ptllews and cushions, A by-product of the mill process Is the pure pine-needle oil. which Is s very powerful curative agent.' Thus even such ah unpromising ap pearing thing aa a pine needle is made to surrender to the use of man many valuable features essential to his com fort snd well being. - , - ' , boy chokes Wildcat:? v TO DEATH IN CABIN ' (Speelal tliapatrk te Tbe Jopraal.) - v I Colville, Wash.. March SI. Fifteen y Bar-old Rex Kvans found a wildcat In a cabin. Having no gun.' the boy, after a-terrible struggle. choked the animal to death. The boy arrived home with his' clothing- hanging- rtn-shreds and his body, from neck to feet, a mass of bloody scars. . : PRISONER CAPTURED ' - w - HIDING IN THE HAY . (Jearnal Speelal ervtr.) Tacoma. March li. Albert hell, the bank swindler and mail thief, who escaped from the federat prison on Mr Nell's Island on Wednesday, was cap tured at noon hiding ta the hay of the prison barn.' '. . . . . ; j iia.ii i " 1 V:- r i I ti 2C; Century. ; ? Seilins-lllrsch Buildlns storing to health a great number of cltl sena in this community. . Tbe work is . carried on by Dr. C. W. Harris in person at hla Infirmary. - 3lVi Washington street, Selllng-Hlrsch building in Port land. This man alone and unaided hs won for himself the highest praise from many doomed to a lire of sickness and ' an early death people who had been ' given over as beyond the help of the ' most , skilled practitioner undor the old) methods, : :.,-;,v-. ,., VT '':": :' ? 7 ' "He Is' Ilka a winged angel sweetly wise, born te unlock tbe secrets of tbe skies," says one. - - T Another says: "He quiets tho restless ; ?ule of rare, like a benediction that ' ollows after prayer..' .y ,'..,..-,;' - People not understanding the methods pursued, and without taking the trouble to Investigate, have thoughtlessly 'said thlnga which have made it more diffl-. , cult to accomplish ths good which might ' have been possible with their co-operar " tlon. But no great cause, no good of ,. importance 'to the world has ever been carried , to a successful . Issue without -greater or less opposition at the hands of unthinking prafa, and the fact.that thla opposition has manifested Itself In certain quarters, has served to confirm Professor Harris In hla conviction, that this "system and thla system , only Is ' to be the remedial agent In the century Just dawned. - Had the convictions as to -the merits of this system stopped at. this point, had no, one else coma to have ' faith In it save the ' discoverer, much -would have been added to the fund of -valuable information In the world, buf today hundreds. of people have obtained , a. knowledge of this system which ' makes ' them - Its firm 1 advocates ' and apostles for tha spreading of the new : teaching. - Space here forbids enumerate - Ing ' many , testimonials - from grateful patients These can be found in an 18-page ' magaslne called the Harris Treatment, which Is issued by Professor Harris for the purpose of acquainting ths public with the methods employed . by him for the cure of any and all .. diseases. There are also many startling; truths therein propounded, snd the en-' tire matter is of such a faclnatlng. na ture as Jo be worthy of thoughtful st .- tentlon. ' ','. ;'.'' --- ,,'V-. speetf ully call attention to the fact thai -no patients will be seen on Bunday or -on any evening, as this time is reserved by him for absolute rest. . Cut this out snd retain. It, aa no further articles will , sppear In thla paper for some time. Professor Harris . Is - here to stay, but ' those who corns to blm -within a Short time will receive treatment at less cost ' than they will later on. Tout can also Join this class now for the small cost of 1(. and only a limited number-can be taken. Thla class will commence In a few days, and any one can register ' at Uils price upon the payment of 15. Your money wilt be refunded if you. are. not satisfied, after .you hsve at tended the lectures. This price will bo advanced , as , soon . ss the school ' Is opened,- so all those desirous of learn- -Ing thla art, should register in tbe next few days, .- . , . ' ;,'- re Psrk fd Wshtaton, Portlgad, OnfOI . The School of Quality4 : ; MODERN, PRACTICAL, COMPLETE Opeai flltbe yar. Cafatafaa r 7. A. P. AatMSTRONQ, LL. B., PKINCIPAI . ,- -' ' . . , ; : ;;7 ,- !. '.. '!-' ,1 :' Urw . f J