The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 24, 1905, Image 9

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    Sslls Mdf e Hish-Class ClothL
than all thfei stores on 3d street
Review cf Cavtrd tuning Di
trfcti in Viilrcf Town ; -
' ' of Gran:vi!l. ., 7
Big Hogarv Plant Will B Ready
to Open by the First of
pi ! Coming Month. A . '
f ii x ; - , i . .'..'...:,.'' w .
combined, north of Washington
,'i i :A 1"- -3 1 ':. v:. t,'.:'.:'-.. y ' v. - '. f'
1 f7l k' '-NX x. J . Sill v 111 . mTmff ,
Central Idaho Is a land of virgin mln-l
rat resources, operating mines and
Witchery for the prospector, says H.
- Hersinger. editor of the Qrangeville
i News, who is In the city., Many districts
are being brought eat, , and most of
A these are equipped for milling aad heavy
,- placer work. Aside from being a much
Used ' highway to Thunder mountain,
this region, MV. Kerslnger . saya, is
thronged with' mining men.
V; ln Clearwater .district; near Orange-
fill, the Dewey and Evergreeal are de
veloping oonstantly. Arrangements are
' being made by the management of the
? Dewey for a it-stamp milling plant, to
;' be erected this summer. .
Newsome district, next above Clear
, water, is most conspicuous at' Present
. from remarkable developments of the
great porphyry dike property of Schlsser
- tiros, other men are fotng heavy devel
y epment tn this district.
Buffalo Hump, which is next in order,
has several mills. The Big Buffalo'
14 stamps are said to be dropping stead'
- lly-en high grade milling ore.-Jit the
'- Jumbo 10 stamps are dropping," and the
' Atlas and the Wise Boy . mines are
equipped with Id-stamp mills. -The Con
cord owner is arranging. to put a mill
in at an early date. The good ore re-
IV snrnnntsrul In ths Mnthr J-nA
, has enooaraged the management to erect
a mill; work on which is expected to
commence early this spring, la general,
Mr: Hersinger says, the Hemp is more
active this year than ever before in its
; history.
' At Four Mile there la one property
' aestinea to command national attention.
This is the big Hogan mine, on which
the great milling plant of the old Re
publio mine. Republic. iWaah.,' is being
Installed. Over 100 tons of machinery
. for the Hogan went through Grangevtlle
this winter and spring, and more is te
follow. April l'was the date fixed by
. the management- to commence milling
with the enlarged plant. The Hogan
has been using a le-stamp mill for some
time, msklng In this work a record for,
low mining and milling never exceeded
in the northwest, unless at the Barnes
King. ' Kendall or Big Indian mines of
. Montana. With the new equipment the
management expects to make even a bet
- tor record.
.Elk City Is another promising inter
ior district of central Idaho, where ser-
: eral placers ere said to be making good
records. Moose . creek, where a big
placer deal was recently consummated.
ia near xag aty,
. Wsrrens has several quart properties
sna three or four prominent placers.
8enater W.' A.- Clark's eldest son was
. in there several days ago. and is sur
rentlyjrttnorted to lhave taken .an option
on the MvKlnley mine; which, has A good
. a no wlnn ( ore. v v. ..s -
There Is a promising- copper district
near . White Bird, says Mr. Hersinger.
Here a company, of . Pittsburg men Is
putting In a linking plant, and gener
ally preparing -to "do thorough mining.
Across the Salmon from this property
Is the Karstenn mine,' also a copper
proposition. which w being thoroughly
explored: Along this part of the Salmon
, are many high bar placers. Several are
being worked- by drift methods, ss the
sins 11 'operators-are' hot In position to
. get hydraulio appliances. The prospect
- tor some big company te get the entire
' string- of smeller holdings, and bring
water from 1,1 ttle. Salmon. In said to be
Invillng, Among the properties In this
section that are busy are the Roby. Big
Horsesnoe Bend. uranaie.Qeorge a. Al
klre and l.. Smith. The latter Is prepar-
ing to put in a nydrauiio elevator to
handle the dumb.
- The editor says there is general Bros-
perlty In thst. country,- both among the
miners and the farmers, and the present
-year will be the best that the country
. .- I ,
'. (Saselat Diesel te Tit JosraaL)
Baker City, Or., March 14.-Prenara
tlon Is being made for thorough work
at the ttuoriae mine. Rock creek die
trict.) the present . year. H. c Arm
strong, one tt 'the officers of the Chlo-
' ride company, and manager of the prop
erty during Its active period, has se-
' cured from the stockholders a leas aad
bond, with the privilege of proceeding
. with development and milling. He will
put a crew at work In the mine Immedi
ately, and contemplates erecting a mill
ing plant before the summer is over.
About 4,000 feet of development has
been done on the Chloride, and the ex
ploration has been 'thorough - and - eco
noroicaL Levels have been established
at regular Intervals, and the lower adit
- which has a length of l.Seo to 1.400 feet
, opens upon a mill site and compressor
plant, the latter being actuated by water
power. High-grade ore Was found In
two shoots of the property. Chloride ore
carrying a higher percentage of galena
than any other Rock creek mine. It is
..estimated that a large reserve' la open
for a concentrator, which Mr. Arm'
-strong intends to erect ;
' (Special DtKSatra to Tee Jeers!)
' Oelser... pr., March S4.-M3mflrmatlon
of the report that Albert Oelser has se
cured a lease end bond on ths Bonans
mine of this district has been received
" here: Mrv Oelser Is expected to begin
work at sn esrly date" reopening the Bo
nanse. and will no doubt employ a Urge
crew of men. -v " ', , I
-The entire camp Is In a state of Jubi
lation over ths announcement As It
was Mr. Oelser who made the Bonamm
In the first Instance, and bis eonndence
In- the famous producer has
.. . Some grocers eU ScbiHing'a
') 1, II illB
ixioneyback some don't.
UTbey haro' their reason
both ways. - 1 ' -'r .'
Witb the most extensive and comprehensive exhibit of select wearables for men and boys ever, congregated by any single clothing establishment in Oregon or Washington. A literal congress of
m the choicest and most popular fashions from the leading wholesale tailors and recognised fashion designers of America. 'Tomorrow will find us with a complete display on. sale. ;;;,'.,''
r tx4i i ii
ui. try v did
mi Y
flJA Suits consist of over 30 separate, and 'distinct patterns,
PaafU including sevcrsl styles of double and single breasted
sack, in black and blue unfanishecUworstcds and serges.
C French and English 'Worsteds, in silk- mixed and on
DaVO finished worsteds, fashioned and tailored to a T, splen-
examples of Americas ability for artistic workmanship;'
F-oratyl-iaglana hrentert Mrlr
We have delegated for special mention a-aiost handsome .
and highly tailored line of foreign materials in pure all-wool
'2 Jy'. and silk mixed, worsteds. 4 ' y'r''
Cfl French Silk Mixed Worsteds and English Cassimeres, V
$OU hand tailored tbr6tighoutrinade with great care as to
correctness of style- and- finish.., .-rW..-.-,'-:jilZZ'r7X
C 3 C t C 4 A Silk lined, critically and correctly fashioned, -
HJO rt V in F. & H. unfinished worsteds, IV K. and
granites, elegant suits for precise dressers for evening of dress
CA- CIA CI'? CA CI C CI 7 CA snw more than lOO superb and distinct black and blue .
PI 'gfOU e)lU plOu $10 t)! a OU Worsteds, Serges in Nobby Designs and Mixtures; unquestionably the .
greatest showing and by, far the best values in all Oregon. ,;v -,':-..;;.-.'' : 1 , ,i v , ;.
We display an extensive line of the latestjads and fancies in all grades of Cravenettes or Overcoats from $7.50 to (S8.00.
Cfl sPcc'a' select line Of special fine Spring Toppers, in water shades of covert rcloth 'also rough materials, in both
4sU box, short or knee lengths and a full display of imported Worsted and Tweed dravenettes, '; ; j': ; ; J; , v .
rA showingof extra fine full fashionedVln French
"and English' fabrics augmented by , a - strong
.showing of choice domestic 'weaves
$X50, f 5.00, ?6.00. ft.50. f 8.50, f 10
STYLES for the rising generation of statesmen,
; etc', is one of the moat sensible and charming to
.'-.".:.-. ; vV;;;: ibe seen in the city. . . ;
r& Off Js a chosen price for tomorrow. "It
PaWaOO puts at your' command scores of
styles in Norfolk,, double breasted, etc., in dark
'colors and nobby "mixtures, in pure all-wool
Suits that are at least 30 per cent under price.
The Boys' Department contains over -1,000
Spring Suits in over 50 styles of materials. ;
?l.85. $2.85, $3.85, $4.85'
,.$5.85. ?6.85, $8.85, $9.85
Boys' and Children's Waists, Hats, Caps, Shoes,
V . .'Shirts, Sweaters, Hosiery, etc.
Voungi Mcn's-Stlte-r-r
'The Spring Suits for young men are exact in ;
style and material. Made with same style and .
; ; finish as merchantltailor-made.
$5.85, $7.85, $&85,
$9.85. UP TO $25.00
Young -Men's Top Coats
A special value in water shades,
tailor-made covert cloths.
- r r,- -. -. y - . ,-- . . ' . 7 -1 . ' ' -
CKXjjiy:f y:'-
.S . I . , f I -'-..v, ; i;
';i;:..:-fTFv:77r .; ; f - '
T7V 1 1
30 Styles, 30 Shades and Colors ;
n ThatTaUc
a a
A lS
(Firtt Grand Prize, Ct
Ix)nis Fair, 1904) h
That's the story they tell ; jftY
the verdict o tne Inost ex
pert shoe committee ever or-'
1 ganized.' The Chicago sells
" the world's best shoes at less '
than' the price of the ordi
nary kind. Over 60 Styles
and Lasts Bluchers, Bals
Congress, also Low - Cut
Bluchers and BalsJ, in pat
ent colt, tan and black and.
mahogany, or Calf,. Vici,
1 Cdtj-.VekHMV- in - tan, black
; V;p. or mahogany. '
$3.50, $3.C0, $2.(5
Every Pair Guaranteed to .
, Give1 . Satisfaction. :,
Don't experiment ay shoes that are war
ranted to wear right don't cost any more when
'.; 'y.:. v.nvv you boy here.' '..'
BOYS' SHOES $1.33, $150,
$1.65, $1.85, $2.00, &25, $2.50 -
waned, the people bellere he will In a
short tiros open new ore bodies and put
the mlllin plant in commission. - .
The secret ot Aiuert oeisers nrst -
cess here was cross-cuttlnt.' He had
kMn 4ririn in a bis? vein for a consid
erable distance, hen It occurred to him
that n ore body lay to one siae.
system of cross-cutting was betrun -to
penetrate to euner wan vi n niui,
sone. - A rich shoot of ore was seen en-
countered. When this was fully devel
oped It proved te be a wonderful pro
ducer. ' This bit ore shoot was suna on.
and a nolsttns; plant cost Ing more than
1M00 erected. By means or tnis me
verUcal working shaft 'was put to the
l.ioe lereL but It seems met me new
mansrement never found much ' new
ere.i They sunn on wnat Aioeri vieisr
had opened. As the lode is wide. It
ha been a theory .of the present man-
aget that cross-cutting wUl reveal other
shoot a Tho ore Jumps arouna conniu
erably In that formation, bat depth does
not lmpoverieli It- Thorough- cross-cutting
will probably be taken up on the
various levels. e peel airy- at f depth,
where development by the former man
ager, W. A, Tnaoaer, was rainer lim
ited. . . ' - - u- . .V;".1-"--:
. V -.. ,
(SseeUI Oiapstrt- te Tb( Jaorul.)
Blue River, Or., March 24. Mill oper
ations at the Lucky Boy will be resumed
before long, aa the management la ear
pecting the transformers ordered to re
place those damsged by the recent 'fire.
Otherwise, the big mill is resdy for re
sumption. . .. y. .
- In the la teat dsvslopment of the mine
on the main working level, there hss
been opened an unusually good body or
era. . Jt came ,1a. between 109. and 700
feet from the portal tof the tram ter
minal drift, and ia said to carry un
usually good values, the amount of
which is not known. This is the deepest
work on the vein done at the Lcky Boy
mine, and ia a hopeful Indication.
" (Spwlal tMspatck to The fearsal) - --
Blue River. Or.. March J 4. Is a short
time the Union management of this dis
trict will have) the new three-stamp mill
operating. The mortar has a quadruple
discharge, stamps are rapid-drop, ore ia
soft, and a . heavy stamp duty Is ex
pected to be observed in the mill prac
tice. When this mill opens, which will
probably be before the end of March,
Blue River will have another develop
ment plant In operation, paytng for the
work of exploring the mine and blocking
out a reserve for a larger plant
wooocmArr onteu
(pedal Masatcfe te Tee JesraaL)
Cottage Grove. Or March 14. Trie
Women's Circle, W. O. W-. hss arranged
for a special entertainment next Monday
evening at Woodmen's halL The circle
has secured the services of Miss Myrtle
Trevitte, a woman of national repnta.
tlon, as a reader and Impersonator, and
ths event will undoubtedly be very Interesting.
1 For Isfants and Caildraa.
tit Kind Yea Win A!i2)fs C::;tt
. . Bears the ,
tfajwatoife of
Who Paints
and thereby keeps her house as clean
looking as the traditional new pin, ia to
be as fully commended as the "house
wife that's thrifty." .In fact, thrift and
economy Is one of the marked features
.gained by the use of Bay Stat Paint,
Inasmuch as its high quality makes it
cost less than any other kind, and belner
ready mixed In every variety and 1
. shade, leavtng the consumers the aaay
task of applying It.
Fisher, Thorsen & Co.
rBOsr aits
BE. i. r. WOK.
We 4a arswa ssd srMe work elm t aahv
Oar IS rem' aspvlasse Is plat work ea
abtoe sa te ntraes swats esstlartaMy.
Dr. W. A. Whw aaa CasnS s aaia way ts
Mtraet tmth, aseasmily wlthMt aam. Dr.
T. P. WIM la aa expart St St4 flllla ssd
wsaa States r brtdgae srs'srSataa.
WISE BROS., Dentists
rsOisg Mclag. ear, third sad Wssa Sta
Oses ,evestosa tin p. a. Mnodars (ns
te 12. Or. Mais .
BE. W. A. WM.
fm smmi a4 bv F"nrtss of eax a ta-er
Iiim w T mim tar umm ny T- -4.
It soMaS Se -i.mahima the last Im
ail V-l "- m4 aniia. Sad M Sas kvS)i
lSasa"rrnreivae. '
i XWJUITT.a-1 Vsi CTim A BATTLE. ,
-;';: ,y.,- .,"..v..- ,.-:y?
I la tsa fieaaat araia, hmk ess ack SKtias at
tkcwerle. Tkiewskefsorsieflssdstsctssl
east ef irrissnea. Dead dbect fte Stealer
MAP rHEl. Destkvtsi Irrlcacksi and Power Caat.
aaar,4ie-l l-lMtKBilePirtSaMl,Otta,
Greatest Saturday Night
Special Ever Offered
J : .
St ,
Solid Crc
Pictcro Kcli:?
tMssm wd?wrb SLoV
ya si si j sew needs Can
X S" - - T ves-WB aaeeV "
t : v.'":";:.; . ..,