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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1905)
THIS.. OrJXON DAILY . JOUHIJAU s PORTLAND, FUDAY Z , :.i::2, SPECIAL On t!:3 If You Lt::o , ;.,,':-f' ll: i,lti-.-iiLC v:' -!l .! 1 ;:: i :'" . DEPART "v.. e-. ,t .. , mmm: C; All Qualities and Styles" , ; - (: Genuine ' merchant tailor, cloth for salfTy the yardr Theri largest aiidv best selected stock in Portland. ; Coat cloth by :the;yard. It is elegant matcnaL You; cannot;, to dry:;7':".. goods stores nicer grades of coat cloths than we carry. . SUITS ana Paets atid Spr ling Overcoats , On Easy" Payment ; Plan If You " Like V?;'i -4 We ? carry a tremendousstock of .woolens employlejgpiu other 1 tailor shI itradcizifcc our voolehs ever madfe in hiis city. Look at the prices. They are t what you want :rhey.are,:the .'sg?:gj$:SjM Froin $25 Up . Nothing shall cost you 1 cent if you are hot satisfied :. .f'" . . ,-; Jo Mo AGHESON O, U;;iVERS!TY PARK GROWING RAPIDLY ( Mora Than a Score of Houttt ip.l.Being BuilVEach Costing More Than Thousand. " , NEW CHURCH IS ONE OF- Bi a Li lip r lUDBAururyrfi PracticaTIy "AIResidftntfMr-Are XlLI!l:byPnions Living r ;:t'":J';.ir in District ' tTnlTr1tf Park . li .xprtenelig tha kM mi of a grotrth ether et aid uburba ar this Beaaon. and th Im- ' rormt!ta ntfr af In tha plaea ara aa astenalra aa thoaa belna; mad. In any otbar local Itjr, autclda tha central Alblna district Thera la a building- re striction In this suburb and bo bonsa eaa be eonstrncud . oostlnc lesa tbaa 1.00. . Tha result la that few small houses are erected and nne-tentha of tha residences being built are-full two story equipped with all modem con veniences and well finished. Among the improvements, now under war are: Nash Bros a two-story residence for Dr. Thornton. , on risk near Dawson street, the toet of : tha house , being tM0t,"-,-Ti-"7--'. 1 - W. C Berker, . a tw-story. l.tM house, on Jordan street near risk. - W. t. Danforth, a f 100 two-story house, on tha Iota adjoining tha Barker property. : T "- ' . ' Two eight-room house for jL' O. Temple,, one located on Dawson street near risk and the other an Maria near Dawson.- ) ' - ' , y- , A two-story resldenoa. on Btoekton street,- f Cf Bani Hoyt. at-e east of ti.v.' .. 1 :' ' . .' VI lfi.y-.fina, rr rrniAencM. being located at Dawson andi Hodge (treets, at Dawson and Van Hoatea and at Daw. son and Montelth streets. All are two story dwelling -and the average cost will be tl.toe. ' . - 7 8, A. Blockaon, a residenee on Syra eusa - street. It will be a five-room cottar, and will cost SLOOe. Kd a Johnson, aa ll.sO boose a Dawsoa and Havln streets. - , Julius Temple, two-stary 11400 resl denoa, on DePauw street between Hon- telth and Van Hooten atreata. The most Important Improvement for University Park this season will prob ably be the aew-Congregational church. The local society has purchased two lots at the corner of Glrard and Havln streets and a plan for a modef strue turs has been chosen. - Work will begin paa -r - - Leroy Toung. realdence at tha aon of Anhrel and, Wolsey . streets,' to east 1.JVV.I - . . Val Barker, aa WUlls boulevard. 1,000 cottage of five rooms. ; ...,-; , ' 'V'.'"' i sum SPECAL $2.85 SATURDAY ONLY, FROM 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. ; (. , Choice of any $4.00 or $3.50 Shoo for Men or Women, in Vid, Box Calf or Patent Colt, in all the latest spring shapes. Bals or Oxford. All . sizes v and widths. REMEMBER this U for Saturday only, from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. ; . Regular price, $4.00 i"; Saturday price, , 2.83 :"'r V I ' '.V''.r".rsgt $k($ T;V; on one pair of shoes if bought of us Saturday. It's .worth your while to see us for shoes. '.r;' " i :v: I :?Zjl Wtj Ji:-p-1 '4 PHILADELPHIA SHOE STORE SS. SPBUmaAsT MMAX. XaTATS One of the most Important of recent real aetata deals la University Park was made this week when J. T. McCarthy paid f 0.100 for a large house and seven lots on Porta mouth avenue, between Princeton and Syracuse streets. - Kensel Park, near Mount Tabor, la bulldhig rapidly, and BoveraHargo-aalea have been made and extensive improve ment started . within the week. Ani and tscafTJnslrotnbave recenUy fin ished a 11,000 story and a half house, and are commencing three two-story residences to cost 11,000 each. . JrOlsea la building a I1.S0O resldenoa In this (tract, and T. Delano has work well started on a two-story dwelling which wui cost ii.ovf. , ... : Tha M ontavfll Baptist church la this week holding a aeries of special revival meetings to accommodate the church members who are net able to attend the Chapman services in the city. The meetings are under tha direction of Bute Evangelist H. Wyse Jeaes and Rev. Q. A. Learn, pastor of tha church. The newly established justice eourt at Mount Tabor has during the two weeks of Its existence disposed of five eases and thera are now on the docket If more awaiting a hearing. Moat of these are suits for small debts. - v . A string of dump ears rolled down the East Washington embankment yea- terday while being unloaded. They were rescued but . little the worse for the glide. : .. The Odd Pellows lodge- recently or ganised in at, Johns has chosen the fol lowing officers: - Noble grand,- C H. Thayer;-vice-grand.- P,- Hill; secretary. O. W. Overstreet; treasurer,! W. W. Hicks: warden, -.W. T. Johnson: con ductor, N. J. Bailey. ' . ; BEN SELLING STORE. Many Novelties in Mcq's, Boys, and Misses' Wearing Apparel ' , Diiplayed. ; Tha Ben Boiling etore. at rourth and Morrtstm streets. Is having Its spring opening, and In the way of men'a wear ing apparel and suits for misses and bors it has a line that Is srobablv un- equaled in Portland. - A- talk with Mr. Robinson, the buyer of men's clethlne. Is most interesting, ror in this year's style thera are certain departures from those that have prevailed for several seasons. Mr. Robinson, In speaking of tha goods shown at the opening, and with which the. store Is thoroughly stocked, said; "Our stock Is practically all ln.'.There are many new novelties, and thev are most striking and ara sure to please fas tidious dressers, of which our trade is largely composed. In styles tha coats are longer by an Inch to an Inch and a half. Improving considerably the ap pearance. In addition to lengthening the coats, tha shoulders are broad, well padded and the collars are wider. In colors, the pearl-gray predominates. In shapes, the three-button sack will be popular,, although the douhte-breasted Is UU la high favor. la blue serges we have a most complete Una in alt the lat est cuts for young and middle-aged men, the . coats- being double and single breasted, and tha trousers either with or without the bottom, roll. In topcoats there are many nice novel ties, the mate rial being In mixtures, coverts, tana and the olive-green shades. We are also having -many calls for blacks and they are growing in popularity. Outing suits are particularly attractive this season. Tha flannels have the call, and tha popu lar colors are pearl-grays, brown tana, la Invisible pmlda and stripes. The shapes are la sacks and double-breasted.1 On department of the Ben Belling store which haa struck a popular chord la that which caters to the wants of misses, and Jthe spring stock la in and makes a most attractive showing. '.Mr, Montague, who has charge of the de partment, this morning gave an inter esting talk on the line in bis charge. He said: "In misses' coats and suits there the designs follow the general lines of those which have proved so popular, although they are made la a greater va riety of materials and colors which have already proved moat acceptable. In the misses' coats there are the automobile. which baa really a vary swell affect and will prove popular. There are also tha doable-breasted reefer aad the Norfolk Jacket, , Each of them is aa exclusive pattern aad man-tailored, being made by the bum tailors who make our papular boys' clothing: In material, homespuns. coverts and sergea ara vaed. The colors are all la the light shades, most accept able for spring. v In tha misses' suits the Eton sailors and tha Peter Thomp son. : In shepherd plaids, burnt orange aerga and blue serge and homespuns, are popular. Thera ara also some very pretty designs In pearl-grays. Each It exclusive ana tney are an man-iauorvu. In boys' clothing there Is everything from tha Buster Brown to the, sailor. A feature is the . knickerbocker trouser suits for boys from S to is years of age. Wa Introduced them into Portland, and each year has seen them more In vogue. CITY EMPLOYES ASKED ' FOR CAMPAIGN FUNDS Members of the executive committee of the recently, organised Republican club have seen soliciting funds through the malls from the- employes of - the city who hold poettlone-under civil ser vice rules. This la a violation of the city charter, and makes the solicitors liable to arrest en a misdemeanor charge. The employes have been asked to cos tribute it or more to the campaign fund The letter Is signed by R. . Hoyt, C. W. Nottingham. John Gill. A. a Pattullo, r. K. Beach, AB. . Moody - and J. . a Wells. , .- . Borne of the solicited are very Indig nant that an attempt should be made to collect money from them, and declare that under no circumstances will they contribute. I -. h in - in is l . . xx v li ii ii v iiii s . .r" 1 . :sr -t-t- XriO .' Sung by the king of clothing salesmen, who win J&f t 1 . 1:- ;JtiM$fflmtfM ' "i tcrna in ttatula!larelW anion lsrvwwrarrMTtra en 5 I : LJ MlrM- marla to sell for $15. $20. $25. $30. for root fret 'T. '?WMs KW Credit Yon . ' V Crf Cood U; Rates to W. O. W. Convention at ! V Los Angeles. . Aorount of convention . Woodmen of the World and Women of - Woodcraft to be held at Los Angeles April 10, loot, the Southern racifla-cetwlll aell on April It II and 14, round trip tickets Portland to Is Angeles, limit 00 days at rate of lis. Tickets can be pur chased at- any' southern . Faclflallcket . . .-' " .... A Correction. . ; ; in the '"Auction Salea Tomorrow" no tice la Wednesday's Journal a- typo graphical error mads )t appear J. T. Wilson was auctioneer at tha Portland Auction. Rooms. As Mr, Wilson con ducts a large auction buslneas hlmaelf under his awn nsme, a correction of this sals take Is la order. - We defy competition in this line. Many of these suits were made to order and left on the. tailor's hands, and were bought by us for less than half their original cost. Men who would 1 V dress well should come in and examine our stock.- A complete line of all the - - .-1-. Latest Novelties Suits Every style, every quality -all the products of eastern (union made) tailors. We have them - $7o5(D) to $30 Full, Line of the Season's Latest in Hats AND FURNISHINGS FOR TASTY DRESSERS "Meek :ClotlhSni: Go0 : : "T " X" ' The Store Where Your Credit It Good 109 SIXTH STREET W. Markillie. Manager: