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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1905)
.TLA..I3 I -..ID AY II -irTI.O IA CII 1, 1 - rrvi- rn r- f ' Portland's first a t tt3 S3Di3ly, Invent efeSaacon gura vcnzu, eoyc, cmtDnrii and, tots, And for household use. particulars in t PORTLAND'S FIRST AND ONLY GRAND FOR1IAL OPENINGS OF CORRECT AND AUTHORITATIVE T TV" ' OF 1SCJ NEXT WEEII TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. A REPRESENTATIVE . - ... VEST AND BEST IN THE WORLD'S ' LATE NOVELTIES FOR WEAR C' DRRC3Y Il-III THE NEXT STORE ANNOUNCEMENT WATCH FOR IT. . ; - : PdrtlandVrForcmct;7 Store with Largest Stocks New Art Shop Fcatm Embroidery Lessons ; i : i Given FREE "DifferenYTlD'tofe tt. .on .I r the Pacific Coast 7 t 2nd Floor West Anne: . .... ...... j, i Pfaftland Orie THERE'S A TIME FOR WORK AND A TIME FOR REST AND RECREATION, f THIS STORE OBSERVES THIS RLE OF HUMANITY AND OF SCHOOL" OF DOMESTIC' SCIENCE Tea Room Second Floor. Under Auspices of Portland Y.'W."CyA. - , t , . A .. i ; . ; MENU FOR SATURDAY, MARCH 25. Ta Coffee. Chocolate Milk in Bottles ' V : I Al VcgctableSou : Fish Salad - Scotch WoodcotfcTT T : Cheese Omelet ' Four-M inute Eggs i , Boston Brown Bread ' V" Hot Rusks I ': Bread and Batter . Sand Tarts. . ; GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE i OF The "Tair-WayT-Boot - ShopWest- Annex :v First Floor. -" - f -V A WOMEN'S- $5.00' SHOES $1.4. We ? have a decided - to -close put our,- entire stock of , Women's Co lonial Ties, Ruckles and Low Shoes. Stout shoes forstreet jrnd-tiirned-soles for house wear, in patent; dull and matt kid.-' These shoes were made . by , Laird i Schober & . Co., . Philadel- ,TIi5a BnH trr nair rni9nntl ror r -- uiar value "d.. . Speaal, per pair. .. ..91.14 In Ae, Tofsery, Shop First ;F,loor-Wett. ' - '. ,;- Annex. . . . iVft..: , ,.,. .,.,...: j t ,.v MEN'S 75c SHIRTS 47c Men's Uoa bhif87nT)1amliieTaavMMd4 gray madras, also some in figured blue and ' 8Tay effects ; . you cannot . buy a ' better .." shirt anywhere for 75c Special this ' wcekr-each -v; . . . ........ . , 47f MEN'S 20c HANDKERCHIEFS 2 for. 25c Men's Pure Irish Linen. Handkerchiefs,' with " hemmed borders; splendid values. at 2.0c. - Special for this week at, two : for :.25 r i i MEN'S $L25 SHIRTS FOR 83c "' . -. - , t . A fine, new line of Men's Pongee Colored - - Mercerized Sateen Shirts," with soft col-. i lars, entirely new and the best we can buy to sell at $1.25. To make it interest ; ing we will sell them this week'at the ' '. special price of, each . . .... : . . . . 03 MEN'S '25c' SOX 17c. . Men's Fancy Hose, in oyster gray, with v fancy -stripes!-our best 25cr.value.- r : ..Special price, the pair. t .... 17 PICK A PAIR O ft I -. ',1 FROM THE FOURTH: l; ; FLOOR ; STOCKS,: t'-y' SATURDAY; -RARE VALUES IN THE SALE Ooeninc of Macnificent-New Goods, , Spe- ,--- . ' Brus. cial Sale Lace Curtains. - V Special purchase of, large quantity - sels effect Curtain. :2 & , - ; i Regular $2.00 value. Special,! pair. . Regular $2.60 value.v Special, pair.. Regular $2.75 value. Special,' pair.. Regular $3.00 value. . Special, pair. . Regulat $3.50 value, f Special.' jir. . Regular $4.00 value. Special, pair. . 1.58 189 2.05 2.27 2.C3 2.98 tirr vv omen Fine Shoes IMS Curtains 1 hrr ? He3re s a week s gatiiering bbiled down vsdues- it w - Spririg: SliirtaiiSuit New arrivals, just stepped, like a dandy from his band-box, from their cartons to the dis play .racks. -Women's Rain-or-Shine Coats to which their expert man tailors have imparted . the traits of distinctiveness, individuality and exchisiveness. Smart, trim and trig, these' stylish garments have come in the nick o' time ,to protect dainty spring gowns from the' -ever-changing smile-to-tears mood of -Oregoa street wear, calling or shopping, for; the" trolley jaunt; for traveling even the theatre the . Raincoat of 1905 is a fetching and indispensable garment to any woman's wardrobe. Here is the, most comprehensive showing-i-and the largest ever shown by any western house. ' Every new and favored rainproof .material, embracing imported ; Panamas, Cravenettes, -Priestly's and others. Every desired color including attractive mixtures, tans, light and dark grays, bhaes, browns and severe, dressy blacks. Single and double breasted, blouse ef- i fects with girdles and every favored-by-Fashioii style. Trimmed with braids,' : v -silks, buttons and of materials. Grand choosing in wide range. . , . . . . . , . . .f 12.50 to f 45 , New and Charmmg Shirtwaist Suits Ift by .late express from leading New , York modistes. Dressy and plain styles in jaunty, pretty silk and worsted models. -The silks are indescribable in their dainty beauty. Fancy patterns predominate, neat and dressy hairline stripes and pinchecks vie for favor with the favorite Shepherd plaids and checks and bewitching overshot silk embroidered effects. Chif- j TortnanJ taney uffeiaa iirtfery newand wantxKHarte , hnme-Jeautuutly,trmmed in uces, otners tn aeml-tauorea ettects. Among cnem ine ,voguisn ouspenaea amis wiu unen ooaicc or lace bodice, with elbow sleeves of silk trimmed' with laces. : Handsome satin finished silks-sttract theeye Worsteds embrace plain SIO or as lavish as $ 75. There's scores of in LITTLE LODE-STONES THAT DRAW . FOLK TO r V v. J SPECIAL FOR ' SATURDAY ' Fjtfst Floor. 25c SHOE POLISH 15c BOTTLE. Water-proof Liquid Shoe Polish, gives bril- , liant black shine without rubbing i .regular, value 25c. , Special, bottle.. 15 i, v 10c SHOE PASTE 5c CAN. ' Black Shoe Paste,' iorV all 'fine: black V? : i leather; regular value lOc.JjpecialtCan Of , r . ' 1 "WHISK BROOMS. M: - : Medium size, single sewn ; regular value I 15c. hpecial, each, ............... .xw? rVmhle irwn ; rmilar value IScI ' Soe- ' 'v cial, each j. ..... J .... "... !..' .... .12t Large sue, double sewn; regular value 19c. Special, each ................. 13e ' J 10c TOILET SOAP 'r 7 Fine Toilet Soap, extra large cakesj Eldc ' flower. Oatmeal, Glycerine and Honey ; . regular value 10c. Special, cake. . . . . .6f Shops : - 10c GLYCERINE SOAP c. 2 : Oear Transparent Glycerine Toilet Soap, geranium ' odof ; regular value 10c. Special, cake . . .' ft. . .-.,. . . . f, , . .Of ' CHILDREN'S PATENT LEATHER V ' BELTS 19c J . "Buster Brown'' Patent Leather Belts for children, dip fronts, black, white, brown, ; navy and red. t Special at," ' J." each ... . .7;; I'Ai.i. . . . . 10? - - , . , ; - Have the sides, io-delightful springtime. ., Appropriatcior and fancy Panamas, Sicilians, Alpacas, Cashmeres and.Hcnriettas, - between values all fairly priced. " r A SORT OF GRAND OPENING OF -. -. IN THE BIJOU MILLINERY, SALONS . : Saturday Annex Second Floor Pursuant to a policy adopted by Mr. Hamberger, our Mil linery Chief, we have pre pared a grand showing of Children's Hats for spring , and summer wearing tomor row. Hosts of new and fretty creations for wear of ortland lassies have arrived in the salons this week and will pop from their, boxes tomorrowamong them a pretty line of fine Milan shapes for wear of chil dren from 2 to 6 "years of age. ' ' 1 i The Lilliput "Napoleon" shapes arc very fetching on tots of the above ages, ' v. . : Sailors for the older ones, an exhaustive showing ready in all the popular straws, in. 'eluding Milans, Tuscans, Japs and Canton braids. ' Choose any price- from $4.50 down to 25Vnt be-sure of the best value at any ..given pricer T . . , .' New Automobile Caps for Ladies. , SPECIAL SATURDAY A WONDER- - puL BARGAIN - : , Children's $2.25 Hats 25c To close S Children's Serge and Velvet Tri " corn Shape Hats, also a. fine lot of Wool .' Tarns and Pretty Caps, all spring styles ,. suited for immediate wear; values in the lot up to $2.25, Special Saturday , to close .... ...... .25f? Lnuaren m - Hats Registered at Apparel Stores Choose'' as - low ' as A PROFUSION OF LACES "AND GAR. NITURES AT BARGAIN PRICES IN Saturday V v .".' . First; Floor. t :X:Tr.n WOMEN'S 25c BUTTONHOLE EM BROIDERY COLLARS 10c. EACH. ,100 Dozen New , Buttonhole . Embroidery , Collars, in - white,-embroidered in 'black, blue, pink, red, green and orange, to be worn with Vindsor ties; very popular this season; regular" value 25c. Special, i' -rr yard ; . r-r -w-rr r f. viAi'f V'r'Si TT. . . 10 f - . AA ntltBBAV 11. . . .w wnxx'rvn lot. A line of pretty Chiffon Crepe, a soft, fluffy .material,' splendidly.' adapted for .fancy waists" and dresses ; "regular- value ' $1.00. ; Special, yard. ... . . .V. . ... .Y.48 ; . new laces. ' ; t j v. A new pattern this season in the bluebell, pattern; we show these beautiful laces in cream, ecru and white, in galloons, bands, edges and all-over, effects. " Special "front; TTTrppSOf to $6.00 yard TURN-OVER COLLARS 55c AND $1.00. New Irish Baby. Laces, for turn-over col . r lars and cuffs, very fine dainty-designs.-Special from. . . . . . . 55f to f 1.00 yard NEW SPANGLED BANDS -Fine Narrow Spangled Bands in A black. ' Special from 10e yard ,up. i Also new. black andHvhitc Spangled All-Overs. Spe cial from.:..,..., ...... ..$1.50 yard up Tust'recfivell, a line of new Persian Braids, handsome new embroidery trimmings, suita ble forco!lars and cuffs, also for trimming lincridressesafid?hirt-waist suits; ": The Women Fufnishing phopsj Result "of L C. School Vote 1 0 a Today Arthur Taylor,,M. & A. Shogreri;.' Reginald Carter, bellboy The Nor-. 84,114 w toil in hi run r r 82,03 Mae Hughes, Knight's Shoe Co.; 0,181 Guy De Pue, Portland ; Delivery 1 Co. ... ; . V. , , . 2U14 Charles Adler, Woodard, Clarke &. Co. : Esther Carlson, MasonEhrman 1 -' y & Co.. ;vrv.T,7l. .J.v : 3C34118 Scattering ..... . ..... . 41,571 S 4 ' u. Total. ... V' iS44,5. CEDES LIBERAL REDUCTIONS SATURDAY: . : . . ' 7'T-. : '- ---- : . Third Floor. We itemize a few only of the many ar ticles which; are sellings at special prices CAKE PLATES 38c. Fine thin china Cake. Plates; 9j4-inch size, tinted and decorated with gold edge and : - open handles. Special Sale- Price, - each ,;.;;.;:.;..;.38 - . - TEA PLATES $15." T"rTtRTyffeeofatelt-Ta Platest-our- V i r- C-t-'n' - . vaiue. opcciai saie. rnce, tne dozen . . ........ i j . t , 91.C5 SUGAR AND CREAMER 35c . . Decorated China Sugar and Creamer-; ouf? ouc vaiue. opeciai oaie rrice, tne ' pair . . ...Vj. , . ,.35 ". v ; - salad" bowls 28c - Decorated China Salad Bowls; our 40c -value.' Special Sale Price,'eacht".2S4J T- ' v-i-.v - p---- CREAMERS -10c-L7 Decorated and tinted China Creamers ; our 15c value. Special Sale Price eadh,.10e JARDINIEREST-SPECIAL-RICES -Jardinieres, 6-inch size, decorated in assorted colors ; our 35c values, special Sale -Price, each . , . . , . . . : ; . . ,21e 7-mch-wzer-assorted colors; , our 4Qc value. Special Sale Price, each .... .204 9-inch size, assorted colors; our $1.25 ' value. Special Sale Price, each.. . .f l.CO HAVILAND ft CO.S DECORATED . CHINA PLATES. ... At a Great Special Reduction. Plates, 104-nch size ; our $36 value. Special, the dozen ...... . , .$23.C0 Plates, lOJ-inch size; our $32.50 " value. Special, the dozen. .. 4 .$23.CO Plates, 91-mch size ; our $36 .valued . - -Special, the dozen. ... ,$23.0 Plates, 9j4-inch size ; our $26 value. ; T Special,. the dozen... ........... $20.0 Plates, 9-inch size ; our $30 value. - Special, the dozen. .. ...... . . .'. .$24.C0 Plates 84-inch size ; our $33 value. Special, the dozen: .......... ...$23.CC Tlates, 8V5-inch size; our $33 value. - Special, the dozen........ $22,t0 Plates, 8J-inch'size ; our $23 value. - Special, .the dozen t ... . . . . t . . . . , 510.0 Plates, 8J-inch size ; our $26 value. Special, the dozen. . . . , . .". . ,V.?23.C Plates, 71-inch size ; our $22 value. Special, the dozen. . . , . . . . , . J. .?17.C0 Plates, 7S-inch size our $16 value. ., Special, the dozen,;, . . . . . , .$12.CD, Plates, 2 Vj-inch size ; our $1 1 value. Special, the dozen. .......$ 11.20 Plates, 6j-inch size ; our $24 valoc. "Special, the dozen.......'. . .?10.2 Plates. 6'I-inch size; our $18 value. 7 5peciaj, the dozen . -, r. v--.. ...... f 14.4 C CREAMERS 5c, Decorated and tinted -China - Creamers, j -v small size ; our 10c. valueJ?pecial, each Z CUPS AND SAUCERS 0c. Decorated China Cups and Saucers, ver v thin and dainty; our 2.c value.. Spe- Vll, .,............. FERN DISH 7:c Decorated Fern Dish', with Y $1.23 value. - Special, es:!; China