The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 24, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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IT1."!1 .V V-1-V."r.1,: i--..V "
- ,v .. . -'
. : v
i . ',4. V.,e kv
.With new panaple lines, special inocesncots nd dosing pzt tzs d dbconiscd
lines, this store preset smy cf powerfaj tcrrids fcr Cturdry. " A
trip to Seventh St tarday will be tims aid money vtcU epent ' Bs here ctre.
MUSIC-Aiterrioon, a to Or Evcnlns; 7 to 9.
V 25c Boys Topsy Hose 10c
; ;VV;. 10c and I2s Percale 5c
10o and UHe Fast Color JVroalea, about fOO yards
" In all. seme patterns poor, soase colors bad, alto
. gethsr.ths beat bargain we ewer haw on the C-
baxgsin-tahle Satarday-only
- . . Limit H yardn ta erstatnar.
. W will plans on sale for Saturday only, 10 di
i -
Topsy Hoas In all slsea for boys and rnlasea.
Satnrdsy only these tia hose for. pair.
vV .- Limit i pair to a customer.'' '':1"V:
...i.' ,..-.. ; ' " . '::- ,,,..' '.:.- , 1
R, M. Grey bu Juet spaaed t Ml. and
ft 71 Morrison street, between Third and
fourth, en of the finest stores in Port
land for axoruelve men's wear, Mr.
bray claim J. I the J loest store sf Its
kind en the Pacific coast, and any ene
who win visit the store wUl see ea what
air. Qray bases this claim. No expense
Kas bora spared la flttlnf up the store,
. and features have been Introduced which
cannot be found In any other store In
the United States, Ons of these features
' and ene most striking- Is the lounging-'
room for saesv -In the rear of the store
and brilliantly lighted la a handsomely
furnished room. In It la a deek-4able,
and on It are found all the daily news
papers and the latest nugiilm - It Is
A Lane ' county .young woman shot
at a target, a cookhouse stovepipe, wtth
a rtne ana ene usual . result . ior
woman shot a boy wbo was oa the
ground - . - - ' -
Ucny Goes
To Tils Stomach
' -v.' 'v t
Tean down th little. Tiefntfh XJbea
' that Operate and control the
. ' Diceatrre Pi
i v .. ' W "' ' ' I
. . , v gnpn JuiucSk v
t Wffl Claaly Itva Asy
amfferet aJPafl
"- ThBar's Worth of Mr
Vrae ei Try,
lilt H
Tear la aotaias la rtatr aetfelaf to ssr. aitaaa
aaw ar lauv. Aay atoaaieh aa&arar ae Soaa
aot kaaw aty rrawey aia aava a fall Soiler'e
- worm nw, ir a mmvj ante aae aaka.
I wilunaly aiaka Ula llaaral offtr aaaaaaa Dr.
aoopa kaitoraUTe la aot aa ardlaary atoaufk
raandy. It eoaa aet. 14m4. J)reat the atoaawk
Itatlt. It anaa beyoae H traata toe earm that
raatiel aad operate the ataaaaeb. The amM
tkat vear aot aae braak em aad Cang
uwrt traabia. - Far ataauck traakla la really
. aely a BauUMB Uutt Uaca ia irrlaaa aarra
- trwvble laaioe. Taat la why erdlaary raidt
fall. That la why air leeway mm aa. Taat la
Tet aa aot
BuaaeVntaad aat wkea I aa
1 So aot bdii tea mtn warn alL
, eerily tauk afcoafc I awaa - the aatoeutle
etaaaMb saw ever arfclch year aalaS fcaa aa
eaeuoi. nave aot taa apare aere to ezpbiia ta
yea hew the seme ouetrol the elneierk. er kew
they aear aa rttaluae aa4 riaint- vYhea na
wriu 1 will area oa a bank wblrk will aaka
laoae paiata raw. sat taia ainca la aanali
alUas aarrea eaoie all forms ef eteauvok
traaoWieSlaeatlea, : keaftilns kearmere. la-
weaMMa wui care taaae aiiairata. ualv
treatwea will So that. Me ether naady thaa
. eaear a aaaurauTa ea ciauw I
' What atla the etaeiaeh aeraeat ' Worry, ere
heMy. Maatal aaaalah eeatraya taelr May Chera
aao aaera aowa taa KMoraM uaea wltknat
valrb the etaaiark has aa mora aetf eaetrol thaa
a aeeee-e. (rearwork will, da It. Irraraiet
kabtta will Sa.lU. aaareettae; will ee lc DaaaV
; pauea wiu oo h an taa enact a (he saaa
atnnwj tallare.
No aillii how - I Ii 1 1 - - - - I., i i
t fcaaw a way to newtM their etmath ta
aisar. ' it aj a iat watch tana
thirty yean
wklrk it aw
ef siy Ufa to naifi et" a raawdy
la anre tkaa afty thee-
mnrm taaa a aillli
br. Hhoae'a Reatoratlm.
ir-vwa am iubm cromiie eea aeM
tried aty reaMdy. nwrely write aad aak. I will
aeao yea aa aroer oa year arecren whtoh
will aeerpt aa aladly as he weald crept a eoi-
W . will hui ki. 1 .
erd alard bottle of aay prea. Mpttno, aad be will
' aad the bill to bm. Thai ef trr hi aaada eoiy to
atraasefS to siy reatody. Thoae wha have aura
There, are no eeeantioaa ae reaaireaatata. It
la aaee aad frank aad fair. It the nam.
teat of my Itaaitleaa heUef. All thai 1 aak
yea ta ea to to write write lasay.
i.- ' ' . r" ? ';.';,- . : . i,
Per a free ioa ear tlanh t net n n I
a ' fall oUar boUlo Book i oa the Ueart. '
yae SMat aesreea Bona i oa the ttrtaaye.
Ii. St Bka l. ora " a ,
i hUriae, Wei. State Hook for Mea. .
' whkb book yea waei. atoak aa nkiaaaHhss
Z. .j- 'y .V. ' '
Mild eases' are ertew eared -by eiatta bettle.
ra eeie at iarc taooaaae era( etoree. , .
Dr. Shcop's
Interior View of
also ' supplied - with a telephone no
nlckal-tn-the-alot affair, but free to any
fen Daman who wants to use It There
Is also stationery . and ; other . eon-'
yenieneas.- Including toilet and -wash-1
rooms. 11 r- Oray has not Introduced
this, feature for the benefit of his cus
tomers, but ha wants gentlemen to use
It, whether or pot they are his patrons.
It Is there aa a meeting place for frianda,
or where a gentleman, if be wants tor
can rest comfortably In a food rocking
ehalr, or he can telephone to a, friend or
write a letter. It Is practically a down
town el u broom rf or gentlemen, end In
this respect supplies a want, that as
other store does. -
A visit to the store wiD demonstrate
to any one U .handsome -fittings, and
, i'r
Stockholders' Committee to Ex
amino Into Condition of Har
, riman's : Control. . .. f
. (Jesraal Special garvka.! '
New Tork. March Jt. There Is talk
today of a protective committee of Union
Paclllo atockholders to InveSUgate the
property aad the Hanimaa mai
ment - It Is believed that tbs 'investiga
tion will show that the control reels
iwm uim ii muuPa uiu emu ssaM bajs.j
be made under tbe laws of Utah, under
which the company la ornniaed, ta "put
the real owners la control. The law per
mits tbe ousting of a minority manage
ment on JO days'- notice. - Tee selling of
tbs Union Paclllo and Southern Pacino,
which recently unsettled the stock mar
keV1s traced to tarrlmaa. according te
good authorities. If was saia use real
Istng his loss of control, he was liqui
dating bis holdings regardless of tbe
conseaueooea. t
. Morgan and RocksfeUer brokers have
quietly absorbed the Union Pacific stock
thrown over by ths Harrtman brokers.
and It Is beginning to dawn In the street
tbst Hanimaa no longer represents tbe
Rockefeller interests, ss Intimately as
be once did.
' ' ; lai sal apodal Serrlee.)
Tonopah. Nev- March It. Harry Man-
non. deputy sheriff of Nye county, 1
snot three times and fatally wounded
last night in a desperate batUe with the
bandits called tbe "Black Boys." who
held up a party of Italians at-Monte-4
suma, seven miles from- Tooopan, Tues
day. In the fight one of the desperadoes
was captured. - ' ', :
At the time or tbe holdup toe robbers"
secured 1400 in money and a consider
able amount of Jewelry. They have been
hunted ' unceasingly by f the r sheriffs
posse ever since. Whea tbe sin Italians
hsRsH on ths reed andV showed fight.- in
tbe battle which followed two horses
ridden - by - the foreigners Were killed.
Every member of this outlaw gang Is a
murderer. Tbe rendezvous is on tbe
Black desert., . -. . ' '
(Joaraal SpaeUI awrvkn.r -r--
Washington, D. C. March -14. The
Mexican ' ambassador, Don - Morael Al
plras. bad anothsr sinking spell this
morning, and now Ilea at the point of
death., from a cold taken while attend
Ing Inauguration ceremonies. f ,.
(laaraal Special Barries.)
Marseilles, March 2. Fresh rein
forcements of 1.000 men and ammuni
tions have been ordered to Tenqula, aad
4.000 troops to Madagascar early Id
April. 1 . : - V'. t
"T'i . i i a. i '
y aUBBBSsT eVOBS nn.',;
(loaraal taeeial Borrioa.)
Baker City, Or., March 14. At t
o'clock this morning a ' verdict was
brought In by the Jury In the" ess of
William Maddern, a miner-charged with
the murder of William Thorn la Bourne,
oa Januar 20 of this year. .... . , .
Cray' New Haberdashery.
what 1 shown In the t tttlnes Is repre
sented In the goods Mr. Oray handlea.
It la strictly an excluslTS store for sen.
tlemen'a fine wear: la the way) of cloth-
tnjr Mrr Oray haa his own tnaJte, and be
baa seeured tbe eopytichted name of
'Vhawterfleld for" Oregon, One thing
that Mr. Oray Insists on is that bla cus
tomers must be pleased. There Is noth
ing like) forcing, but a eostomer Is re
quested to go ever the whole stock and
select what he wants.' Every garment
baa to. be 'Satisfactory or money la re
funded, thus operating the store on the
lines of those exclusive men's stores in
big eastern cities. In tbe way of men's
f urnisblngs Mr. Gray carries a full atock
of exclusive styles and the latest Impor
tations.' I . :
Tfreatrfcal Luminartea Chra Ser
vicea in Play for Benefit
of Sick Actor. . .
V Mesne! asedal sertksa.) . 1 i '
New Tork, .March ItOne of the
moot remarkable aggregations of actors
Mnd actresses ever formed was seen aa
the 'stags of ths Metropolitan opera
house this Afternoon. They were . tbe
participants la a performance' given for
tbe benefit or Joeepn Holland, the actor,
rwho, by reason of physical disability
Is Incapacitated, from (, further stage
f ATmrHS-JU In m tneaTrrWere" soTT
days ago, and It Is expected
the net profit to Mr. Holland will aggre-
gats fuUy (10.000. Ths Lambs' dub
snd ths Players' club each paid $1,000
for single sestavwhils leading members
or the prof assl ons snd admirers or Mr.
Holland In tbs outside world paid
fabulous prices for boxes and sea
All of tbose who took part in the per
formance contributed their services,' aad
the same was true of ths stags ' r
ehantcs aad ethera who aided la the tes
timonial. .; .,. .v.--.4- 1
1 The program of the entertainment
was mads op of sketches and bits of
plays . now ' being seen In the leading
theatres of the metropolis. Aa original
burlesque was also given. '.
Among the prominent : players wbo
took part were Blanche Walsh. ' Mrs.
Leslie Carter, - Frttat Sobef f, Ethel
Barry more, Blanche Bates, Marie
Dressier. Grace Oeorge. Phoebe Davlea,
Robert Edesou, Arnold Daly, William
Olllette, Frank Pan tela, David WarfteJd,
Francis Wilson. DJgby Bell, Lew Maids,
Joseph Weber, Wilton Lavckay, Henry fi,
Dtxey, Jefferson Do Angelis, Robert
Mantell, Clara Blood good, Sam Bernard.
Maxlne Ell tot. Viola Allen, , Henry
stiuer ana w. ri. TDompeon. . .,
Z Show girls from the various musical
corned lea in town distributed flowers la
the lobby aad sold programs.
v (Joaraal gpeetal Barviea.) .... . .,
Camden. N. J.. March tt. Becauaa In
juries In a streetcar accident caused the
reaucuon ot nia beerlrtnklng capacity
rrora ss classes dally to II elase
Ixuls Ourber has secured a verdict of
f 1.000 against ths Camden A Suburban
Ralrwny compeiny.Tbe ease- was tried
In the circuit court Counsel for the
railway company argued that a curtail
ment or uurbera enjoyment of beer was
a distinct advantags to aim. physically
ana financially. . uurtwrs lawyer main.
ta tried- that his cHenfn material happi
ness waa lesaened by Just 11 jtlsssee of
beer daily. The beer figures prominent
ly la the Judge's charge.
TT-.j-.-r.-r -i ii i ..
' ' - (Jesraal epMlal servlee.) '
Sona. Bulgaria. March 14. There Is
aa uneasy feenng here owing, to the
fact that Turkey continues-to mass sol
diers In Macedoala. - Thirty thousand
rifles sad 1.000,000 rounds of cartridges
have been dlspstobed to Uskup snd
Isrgs quantities of guns sent to Salonloa.
- - oohas Jeaa w
Uiattee hrao Oalnlae, the world vide Cola
aad Oris reaiady. reameea the eaoaa. Call tc
tbe rail aaaw aad look tor (Igoatore et a. w.
tlroea. Soe.
Women love a clear, nealthr comnlea-
Irm. Pure blood makes IL Burdock
Blood Bitters makes purs blood. ,
Another featdro of the store Is the
character of the salesmen, each of whom
la a polished gentleman, courteous and
anxious to car ror the wishes or his
employer that customers most .be
plea acq Frank Moore Is asststant man
ager, and he la assisted by Travis Cock-1
erliu Edward w. Blum, Charles McCrum
and Walter Bllae aa salesmen, A. M. Es-
tabrbok aa tailor, and Miss Pearl Shaw
as caanier.
At -the opening of the new store two
handsome floral 'designs were shown.
One of these was a massive horseshoe
With the following Inscription: "Wish
ing you abundant suoceee and a hearty
welooene - to - Portland. - Ben - Belling."
Another design-was a large horseshoe
given try the employes 01 the store.
:-" ' ; ii . v V - : ' " ';
, . I. .... . - ,. .
Articlea or Stock to Amount of J
Three una red - EMaara
May Be Retatned. . '-.!." .
(Saaetal Pwseich s Tae JoaraaX)
Balem. Or March 14. Attoruey-Oen-1
era! Crawford rendered an opinion this I
morning on the famous exemption law
passed by the recent legislature. Bel
holds: "Household goods, furniture
snd utensils ar exempt to the amount
of $100 If mil by a householder and
kept for uss In ths family. . .
Ten sheep, two cows and free swine or
any part thereof ar exempt up te tbe
alue ef-U00, nut ig mors uian tail
Dumber could be exempt, no matter bow
many the person owned. ,
"A person msy exempt tools, impl-1
ments, apparatus, team, vehicle, har-1
ness or library aecaasary to enable him
to carry oa his trade to the amount of I
1300, and a taxpayer can choose erti-1
eleS from these lists which may be ex
empt. But the exempted property must I
be selected front the and cannot ex-1
coed eioav? . .. ;
(Apodal Mapeteh te The Joaraal.)
Dallas, Or. March 14. Cumlnle
Brown, a son ef H. -M. Brown, a real
estate dealer of this city, died- sp-1
pendicles late yesterday evening. He
was operated upon three days ago by Dr.
Bird ef Salem, bat the advanced stags
of . his disease made it Impossible to
navs mach hopes for his life. .
Hjomd Cores This Common and pb-
.U-agTteable Disease. -t-T-7
Hyomei cures catarrh by tbe simple 1
method of breathing It Into the air
passages of ths lungs. It kill the germs
of the catarrhal - poison, . heals .. and
soothes ths Irritated muoons membrane,
enters the blood with the oxygen -and
kills the germs present there, effectu
ally driving this disease .from the sys-l
tarn. ..-..
If you have any of ' the following I
symptoms, catsrrnal germs are at work l
somewhere in the mucous membrane of I
tbe none, throat, bronchial . tubes, or I
tissues of tbs lungs,
aaaaiejea. rrt wjlee
aarharya feoai the east
stoppage of tfce aasa at
pals aeroas the eraa
pain in pacs a I uo
hMl axfclne at Htm tmmr i
sala in front ef the Srapolacs ia the tfcreat
head ' BKmth opes while
tenaVaey te take eoM akeplar
baralnx pais la the Urkllae back ef the SaV
throat ate
aawktas Is dear the . farnatlna ef areata ia
pals In the eaoet flri aaae of the uuwat
a eaah la the morning
atltrk la aloe , loaa ot etronstb '' v.
kmlaf of Beak '' , apaaaat ef -n--s -
aartahle appetrU ' eoaak obert and beet,
law apuited at thnaa ' ln
raiaiac of frotfcy mu-. emnrk worae slgsts sad
eooa BMrnlare
fXBartnntlBg yellow - loaa ta vital feree
-matter -- a feelln of tleheaaaa
dlfnealty In braatajag aTnaa the spnor part
treqsent aaiealng , ef ta. cheat
Hyomei will cure the '. dlsesss. de
stroy activity of all germ life in the
respiratory organs, enrich snd purify
the blood with additional oson. and
after a few days use et this treatment
the majority of these symptoms will
hsvs dlssppesrod. In a few weeks the
cure will be complete.
Catarrh or -catarrhal colds cannot
eslat when Hyomei Is used. This Is a
strong statement, but Woods ra, Clarke
Co, emphasise It 'be- sgreelng to re
fund your money if Hyomei does not
cure. 1 a ,
New Suits
style, fit gracefnlly and
have a nnlahed appearmnoe sel
dom found tn salt doubt the
price. Tbe prions are from irt
tZ2r?ZaZi"' $10.00
WsMOs Up lTOOl.aa, V ve w w
BoysSu itstoClose
Every Knee Pants Suit Must Qo !
We will discontinae our Boys' Sait Depart
ment Only the best made knits were car
.riedJa stock : soyoq .eanjitjort.boyjmth
clothes that fit, look well and wear better.
' for Boys': $1C0 and $1.75 Suits "
Boys' Worstad Knee Pant Suits ta
sises T to 10 years,
,t : !.(, for ,
X 1 Qfi forBoys $3.00
i)luO -Boys'-Knaa Faata
wore ted a, etCL, sises
year' Saturday
CO R 0 for Boys' $4.00
tPaaioTCj Boys Knee Pants
and fancy worsteds,
. Barnrdsy less than
r:;- only
Handkerchiefs 3c
lot of odd Haialkernhlert worth
up to 1-Se on ths bargain table
Saturday, 85e uonan, , . g
So does- the clotbiei1- ting bis song of cktbiiig. Oar pong can be sung Idng and load, for no
where can SUCHST7XES,' SUCH QUALITIES BE SHOWN, and we take gTeat'pleasiire
jiMlrtdg tliowmgTqu
way. II your poxcuaae xmw u uuv out mpmnencca wc euo ucic
fV'iii:,;; .,of dointr businesa. ;
OW: Greats Satoirday - Social
The best haDd-made, union
work, late style, petfect-fittiag
suit ....:,' - -" :: "
Oar Line of New Spring Hats are tmequaled
from .er standpoint. Hats. QQ
Men who want tbe
quality of Tobacco
we handle must come
bare. Tears of hand
ling tobacco enables
uslo maintain a rep
utation for quality,
quantity and low
prices. Call at the
Red Front for your
tobwoco. . ,.;
s . mill St mil Bsrvete.,' -
New Tork, March 14- Plans . for sub
ways to cost zM,os,OvO were sub
mitted by the New Tera. City Railway
company and Intetborough company to
the board of rapid transit eommlaslonsrs
today. The in tar borough company's
plana call for a fonr-track extension ef
the present subway from Oraad Central
station to pne Hundred and Ponrty.
ninth street, tbe Bronx on the east skis,
and an extension oa the west sMs from
tbe Times square to ths Battery. The
plans of the New Tsrk City railway
provide for three complete new 'lines
paralleling the present subway to the
cross town Iins at . Thirty-fourth aad
Brooklyn brtdg."' "' " ' i-- ...
o nrow. ..i
" (Spaelal Dlaeetrh te Tee JaaraaL)
Cottage Orove, Or, March ., 14. Men
down from - the Crystal sawmill, Bohe
mia, say that there ar thres feet of
, Covert plackets
.1 ... , .;
: We ar showing a number of very
pretty style la Covert Jackets and
they fit with a' becoming neatness
that, la most nleaarlng. Values that
sell regular for 1 10-00 to W4.00 en
long" as- an
pnees on inc
worm t
, ii. ,.--..P8d
to $150 Softs
Salts !achwv1
7 to 14
..... . .
to $5.00 Soits
Buns In blue serge
sine I to 14 years
' r y "Dressy Silk Shirtwaist Salts '
-Ton Sawal n pesmtrfnl 'BlIk rnUrt-Wslst-Bult-to- eornTietenroai
.robe. Notmsg quite so dainty or approprial for spring has mad
its appears we. yon can aave on
. -.
mm r urging yon tolary'unieaa you
' BaaaiBaBaHMaBBMaaBHaJ Vai i d
Clothing and Fiirnishinss
, A. t&SEXSTEtM. Pr.i r ; 226 ttttTbOl. St.;
snow. .This has caused a ahutdoern of
utald operations, but work Is 'going on
at the mines. This snow will soon so
off. as the earth Is warm, and will not
bold it vary long. , , v ' v f
" ' ".;, ).
Reno, NvV March J4.1-C A Shorn pe,
a prominent resident of Lincoln county,
after a complete tour of his county, cov
ering 11.000 square miles, discovered
that nowber In its confine Is there
such a thing as even a missionary bouse
Where the gospel is preached. probably
It Is the greatest extent of country In the
civilised world where a minister Is not
stationed or where religious services ar
not bald,
There is A population of several thou
sand people in the territory, lnahndlns
such Well-known towns as Del a mar, Pi-
ocbe, Moapa and others. The vast
county covers a -greater area than Mas
sachusetts, Connecticut and' - Delaware
combined. There la no record In any
section of the county that religious serv
ices have been held for year a .
; ; New Skirts v.; ; ';
A lte of ney' Sprrng '. SWrta
that combine the beat styles
snd fabric at on low price.'
Skirts that ar mad right,
look ; right " and are right
every way.. Values) to OJf.
ST.00, for e0.0
Grand Shoe Sale
New Shoes Less Than Fadoiy Cost!
Never was the time mare fitting: for the par,
chase of a pair of Shoes or Oxfords that see
guaranteed to fit at ererr 'point and weaf as
shoe-yoo .buy- at-thefoxmerl
unes aarernseo.
Ladles $150 Oxfords
and lasts in a number of wary
popular styles la resrular t,M t 1
Ozforda. , These were made ssparlkllT
for the O. 1C Co. and ar good -p-'"V
at It-ia, bat w ar selling them
fnr- n in.lM. r..- - - T T.taTa
for Udies' UCO Shoes r-;
. An sixes and lasts in a number- of thai
best styles In 0,,M. Oo' special
shoes) for ladles now sals for -
my w , .... tra T3
mem her, up .
2Sc Boys' and
Kisses' Ease
are pleased-pcrfectly4aweryJ.
to inaac h ggtrfii-wi way
!--; V. -' t- -
Others'as"high as
$1Z50 and $17.50
We Are Showing a complete line of High
Grade Shoes " for men. '; Also ' full line of
; ; Gentlemen's and. Boys' Fnrnishings. , ;
Men whs want the
quality of Tobacco
we handle must com
here. Tears of hand
ling tobacco enables
us to maintain a rep.
utatVon for - quality,
quantity and low
prices. Cell at the
Red Front lor your
tobacco, -. -
I '.' ' (Spaelal Dlepatrk te Tke JaaraaL) '
1 Roeeburg, Or., March 14. The South
ern Pacific Railway company have put '
la operation between here snd Ashland '
a telephone system in connection with
tbs telegraph. It operates over tbe nam
wires. .. Trains will .carry batteries and.,,
instruments so that in can ot accident '
they oan obtain help quicker.
If Successful no doubt tbe plan will
be 4i aed on other divisions. 3. B. Stew
art la superintending ths new system.
" (Jonrut gpaeUl Barviee.t '
Dover. March t a Th myal yacht
Hamburg, with Kmperor . William . on :
board, arrived here thla morning -en
rout to the Mediterranean, .
The Hamburg only stopped to receitv '
dispatches. Royal salutes wer fired
from the castls in honor of the kstiser.
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