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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1905)
l.:ly i c::tla::d, fhiday Evzrniro, r:.rx:i i. m in Tv;o Hive III III JXT'i , I3TS. Oolmlla uxrc -- l.yrtc..... lknr . t.raiMl ... UlMt ......... "ThelRta' "la buawajr ol Aew lark V aad villa ................. ..VMm. ..' Vauanllle Three years after tbe death of Mrs Harriet B. Campbell, who died in 10I, liar will was filed ror probate yester day. It five 11.000 each to the Home ' Miaalan society and the Foreign Mls Hlonary society of the Methodlat Kpis- ropai cnurcn ana the Taylor street M. ic: , . ij cnurco. ur .rortiana. 1 . W. Latham, a son-in-law, receive ll.SOO to be used , In eating for tbe graves of the membera ;- - of the family; liar to Ualton and Orkna . Murray get 1160 each; the grandchildren. , ' Ben C Uolladay, Henry Barnhart, Linda lafcy.. AUaa Calef and Almlra Ktblado, get each, and the three daughters, Mary Ie Lena Barnhart, Maria A. Smith .and Sarah A. Latham, get 11.000 each f and the residue of tbe estate, when the , ' other prqylalons have been carried out. . Oregon's National Guard of floera will '; this evening tender a farewell reception . to the staff and line of fleers . of the Nineteenth Infantry at the armory, Ira . . mediately following, the quarterly . in' apectlon of the local companies and, re - view by Brig. -Gen. .Constant Williams. . General Williams and Ms staff will at . tend the review and reception. Col Jo- , soph V. Huston, commanding tbe Nine- '- teenth, fs popular at Vancouver ami among the guard officers of Portland. k'A dance at the armory will follow tbe . inspection, at which tbe companies in speated will entertain their friends. The floor at this time will be in charge .. of company B,, - -. ' - Charles P. Bays has fried an affidavit alleging that bis wife, Elisabeth A. Hays, of ten threatened to kill .him, his mother and his brother. Ha states that she 'went 'to their house at 401 Couch street intoxicated and threw a hammer through the . window; at another time she went to hie brother's home and threw a Dot tie through the window, each time ap pearing to desire to kill bis motnr, and that many times she threatened to kill all three, the mother and two brothers. Presiding Judge George signed an order - restraining Mrs. -Hay , from notaatipg her relatives. f... : ' Do you read German? If you do and - . are interested in what is going on among ibe Uerroan-speaking folks of tbe north ' west, send 2So to A. K. Kern at Co., and we will forward to you the Deutsche Zeltung. the moat ably edited German ' weekly published in America, for the rest of this year.' The regular price is II per annum. No premium given while this Offer lasts. A. K. Kern Co.. -German publishers, II First street, Port . . . land. Or. Sample copies ire. , JatleeReld ' has asked .. the county r. court for a deputy sheriff to assist Con ' stabler Jackson in serving-papers on. the t r weat elie. Sheriff Word declares that t - , lie cannot spare s deputy from the pres ent force to devote all his time to tbe justice's court. Justice Held insists that - -the work of the court is greatly ham- -- pered by a scarcity of men and a great ileal of time Is lost la securing lempor- .ary deputies. . ';, , ( - 'A novel advertisement are the playing xards -Issued by the Pacific Coast Steamship company. They were eepe- - ciatly made, by Dougherty of New Tors. ... a with a picture or the company's emcur '.'''' eion steamer Spokane at Taku glacier, v' . .Alaska, on the- back. The cards sell for only 15. cents per pack, and can be se - cured at the company's office, lit Wash- - .Mutton eteeet. .-." . s. . ,.;, .i . . Rev. J. I M"Oom, the street preach' ' ert and one of Rev. Mr, Chapman's evan gelist, will lead's rousing united praise . and song service-or sit toe workers that are taking part in the great revival at "7:jfi; ths Salvation -Army corps No. 4, ...1st First street, tomorrow evening at 4 o'clock. - - ' f Pure paints and oils. - F. E. Beach A Co.,, the pioneer paint compaay. agents Senour'aloor paint, liquid veneer, Jap-a-' lac,. Berry Bros.' varnishes. Blackjack : harnesa oil. Neat's enamels, ' New Kra h.lnt . wtnHnw nrf nlat alaaa. 1X& Flrit Sir" i "V At the ; Intnan-Poulsen sawmill this : afternoon Evangelist J.' Li. McComh .ad dressed the laboring men during the regular T. M. C' A. shop meeting. . .- The. services were held In the sawflltng room and a fair crowd attended. ...The singing ' waa by Frank TMckaon. . F. Dresser will erect a store building at Senaldefor which plans are being prepared by Architect K. Schacht. . It will bo frame, three-story, the first floWr to contain a store room, tbe second ', to be living apartments, and tbe third a public hall. ; y'l l . S0.000 Immigrants Wanted To locate alona- the Oregon Water Power s Rail way company's line. between Portland and Kataoada. For Information inquire of the Oregon ' Water Power 'Townalte .. company, 114 First street. . Phone, Main .. tl. -.'.' V ' '. Eataoada Offers Opportunities ' to ' manufacturers which means millions of dollars if properly handled. For In- formation Inquire of the Oregon Water , Power Townsite company, 114 : First street Phone, Main Sit. Ioat Black Cocker spaniel, female; 4 ' months old! answers vto the name Of ' Blossle; went astray In inty Park, Sun der: 'reward for her recovery 467 Flanders street, between Twentieth and . Tweniy-nrsi. . . r---r The Caledonia club will give a social dance this evening at Drew hall. 142 : Second street, between Yamhill and Mor- rlaoit streeu. a royal gooa ume ' sured for those who come. Ooe Duncan, , Chief. - '; . . ' , . Kenyon'g Cough and Cold Cure calms . the cough, quiets the nervous irritation, - sets aw healing balsam., gently stimu lates the secretion, and. promotes the expectoration. It does all this thor- ! L-JB "Q&ertcr-Sizc Collars" i HXAVt COLtaSt ' , msi nr rovn uzza . . TO mil IHCH, M- ; .' ( tTXAo or two tixrm, . n as nr nrs otm ait itoox or col-' ; '' lass. mnto vt T0U C0LLA1 THOU- . BLU WX'TI JOsT ". ' TOOK KM : liewett. Bradley & Co. RABUOABREKI. ' S4i Wathlngion Strut MCAI OtAHO mint,'' Low price, eaiy terms, and will produce gnnuaily ten timet ." present prico per tcr , -J A Sp;ci:I Excursion Will Leave Portland Saturday evening, arriving back lfonday morning. Low round trip ratca arranged by calling on E.S. JACKSON .... . . ' . ; " ... .1 ; General Salet Agent ' ' - i 246 Zttrk Street c oughly well, yet' It- does not clog -the stomach or derange the appetite. . Tou may look In vain for a better cough syrup, and you will rarely, If st all. find one- as-good. - sou by. Albert Harm, th druggist, . Second and Washington. Tourists, as well as city people, .finan cially embarrassed, will find the Port' land Loan Office, 74 Third street, tbe safest and most reliable plaoe to trans act their business. Rates reasonable. B. 8. Cough and Croon Syrup The great children's remedy, in use over to years; Always reliable. ' Bronchial troubles. yor sale by Knight Drug-Co. Notice to the public Mr. Gus-A. Lowlt la no longer connected with the Portland 'Auction Rooms in any capao- ity. Portland. Auction Rooms, A. Bcbu back, proprietor. , . . B. 8. Cough and Croup Syrup The most uaef ul family medicine. - Keep It on hand for emergencies. Colds, coughs. croup.- For sals by Knight Drat Co. Wa clean and press your clothes and shine your shoes for tl.00-per month. Unique tailoring to. it I wasningron. Main 114. , , , '. " ' - Palo Alto Pink, tbe California per fume. Is sold by Albert Bernl. the drug d 1st, Second and Washington. ; . Land scrip for sale ISO acres, cheap, guaranteed, r D. U McLeod, S24 Failing building, ... Try a meal Without meat at tbe Vege tarian care, lot sixth street.' - -t -iaiUyi display. PrundfrsSd, an d QeJj a your grooer for Golden Cheddar. Orpheum, vaudeville, burlesque. evns. WOMAN'S CLUB ENJOYS . A FIZZY AFTERNOON Warmly Entertains thx Interna tional Federated Organiza- , . : - tlon of ButtintJcye. If the law-making bodies adjourn In anger and refuse to eerry out their mis sion, there need be no worry, ror the parliamentary department of the woman's club ' this . . afternoon, proved itself abundantly able to take up the duties - and perform T- them ' creditably. Under" their auspices the International convention Of the federated clubs of Buttlnskys wss called in the Knights of Pythias hall this afternoon and a goodly portion of business disposed of In due form. The roll - call showed people In , at tendance from all over fhe world. ' By motion the nmrram arranged waa i made about way, always Complying to parlia mentary Instructions,' they managed to elect Mrs. Sullivan Fits-Corbett ser- geant-ht-arms. , Mrs. Carrie Nation was introduced to the chair .by the courtesy committee and straightway made an unseemly dlsturlMfnce by her stnpng re marks and had to be ' suppressed by the sergeant-at-anns. The routine busi ness called out . some interesting com' m It tee reports.' , r -. The delegates responding to roll call were as follows: . Mrs.. Bantam Buff Cochin, from the Henpeckers' club of Gander Ridge; Mary Katherlne McFnd den. of the Happy Hooligan club of Sun ny aide; Mrs. , Leghorn Brown, of tb.e Ladles' Boneleaa Egg club of Hell wood; Miss Arella Blood, of the Knockus club of Sullivan gulch; Elnora Flora bells Tlcklegrass,' of the, Hotel r Propagating club of Hood River; Phoebe Ann Doo- uttie. of the Ladles' Salmon Propagating club or Bt. Johns; Miss LaRosa Denken spiel, of the Knownotblng club of No where; Msry Ann Sauce, chief delegate of the Amalgamated Cook Ladles of Do- meatteviller-Minerva Sappho Sophron Isba Gasblatlcan. of the Gosslpltls club or uoose Hollow; Mrs. Robin Sparrow- erraas. of the Climbers' -- association of Bushland; Mrs. Kalserlne Augusta Vic toria, of the Thornless, 'Odorless Rose club of Irvlngton; Miss Samantha Jlner, of r the Mourning Daughters of Jonah of Jlnerville; Miss Flgeraro Mesonota mla. of tbe Adamless Kden club of Al blna; Mrs. Sullivan Fits-Corbett, of the Amasonisn Athletlo club of Arlata.: Itr. Bacteria Jt-Ray Osone, of the Germ Kx- termlnatlnt i club . of Wellsvllle: : M3ss Ginger Snappy Mustard, of the Cayenne spinster club or Horseradish Hall. Home of tbe costumes were ridiculous In the extreme. V High Standard. . . " Portland hi -second to d-citr-m the united states ror nigh class merchan dlse. lp the clothing line Portland Is recognised aa a city having more high class stores than any other city of less then 100.000 population. - Tbe very finest wholesale, tailors' products' of the land can always be found In immense variety at - several of Portland's best known stores. -, The prices asked by our mer chants are aa low aa the same quality of goods and styles can be found any where. Tbe Chicago, the big store, tt- 1-72 Third street, between Oak ard Pine, is -in . all probability Portland's most representative establishment, car rying the largest stock of clothing In tbe Paclflo northwest. The leading mak ers are always represented In tbe big. fine .stock carried by tbls firm. The Chicago always shows everything good In great variety, and for the fair year stock of nearly 1100,000 is on display. with sli the price advantages, that any store can) give. , Everything that's good to 460 e:uii or overcoat can be round there. ..... Itchiness of the skin, horrible nlaa-ua Moat everybody afflicted In one way or sot ncr. niy one eaie, never falling nr I man's Ointment. At any drug -fClJMI TRADE Impost Duty on Flour in Effect in . July and, Merchants - -ft::;' Stock Up., , vessels Cannot take v ; CARE. OF FREIGHT NOW Portland & Asiatic Steamship Company. May Put on An-,. I...: ., .,- ether Very Soon.- -L "iris probable that the Portland Aslatlo. company -will be .obliged to charter an extra steamer to take care ot the Increased business of ths line. The growing traffic la held to be due -to the fact that on July l tbe Japanese gov eminent will Impose an additional tariff of nearly It cents a barrel on flour Im ports. Before that law goes Into effect Japanese firms are. preparing to stock up, and are buying' in quantities. All the space on the next two freight ers to sail from Portland has been en gaged, and at the rat that orders are oomtng in It la . claimed that enougn freight will soon be contracted for to oil the third vessel of tbe line, which is due to arrive early In May. With these conditions confronting tbe com pany It la almost certain that it will be rorced o charter at lease one u not two extra vessels. .'..' The Aragonla ; Is . supposed to have sailed from Yokohama yesterday ror Portland. Contracts have been dosed to ship on her 40,000 barrelsof flour to Japan. The balance ef her apace has been reserved for general cargo. The Nicomedia Is the May steamer, and It is assured that all of her space will be taken lit the next few days. - . -This morning the Arabia moved over to th Alaska dock., where she . will flnlsb-discharging her cargo today.' In tbe morning she will move to tbe Albina dock to begin loading lor. the outward trip on March 10. . , .- y , ,- FEDERAL UNION. Xn California; Install oi swan B JTola Kanaa With the Sallora. Ah a result of the fight between the saflora and longshoremen it Is said In the next week or two s third labor union will .be organised, which will increase tbe waterfront worker by at least S00 tot. men. This Is to be a federal union, the members of which will en gage In longshore -work. . , Harry Bands, of ths Ball ore' union, is authority for the statement that the new organisation; wiiibezormeo at Portland. He has lost returned from San, Pedro and Eureka and states that the L L. A. Is no longer In existence at those -places. - v t ' "The longshoremen at Ban .pearo ana Eureka were forced to go out of busi ness soon after the organisation or federal, unions. The federal members got all -ths -work of loading and die- charging vessels, and finally tbe long shoremen seeing that they were de feated returned their charters to tbe International body and Joined the federal union. As membera of that organisation tbey are now able to get work along the Mr. Sands does hot believe the long shoremen's local will be obliged to dis band, but he aays the organisation of a federal union composed of waterfront workers will have the effect of .doubling the number 'of men now engaged in that line of work In this city. Consequently the supply will, greatly exceed the de mand, and many men will be Idle the greater part of the time. . Longshoremen do not regard the new move on the part of their adversaries with any degree of seriousness They ssy "it's all s, bluff But it Is ac knowledged that the plan baa met with success In the California towns men tioned. '- r i. ,.. ; : f NORTHBOUNLVCH4NESE-J aTandreds 4otnt Prom Store, the - Salmon Oanaortoo ef Alaska. Fifty-six Chinese ' left Portland last night - for the salmon canneries at Pldalgo islands. Alaska. - The- men went to Seattle by rail' and from there will take passsge on tbe steamship Hum boldt Fully SO more Chinese will be it to the same place from "this city within the next three weeks.: Several hundred more will be sent north to work in the canneries at Nusbsgsk.. Alaaka, operated by the Portland-Alaaka iPack ers' -association. These will - take passage on tbe American sblp Berlin and other vessels under charter to the com pany. 'The Berth has -Just arrived in the harbor from ber winter quarters at Clifton to seen re supplies, and will ssll early next month. Chinese labor In the city Is likely to be at a premium be fore tbe fall. . ' v NOTICE TO MARINERS. dMaTnithie Offlee arret Xzfozmetioa of Interest to the Coast teamen. - -la referring .to changes of aids to navigation the : hydrographio- - office etates that the Columbia river light vessel No. to, stationed off the entrance te Columbia river, was returned to her station on March 1. 10S, and that the llghtbuoy temporarily marking the sta tion was withdrawn. Washington Columbia river month mid-channel buoy established March t. ItOt, a perpendicularly' striped first class can buoy was established In 17 feet of water aa a guide to the mid- channel after crossing -the bar, on the following' bearings: s , -, - .--.v .. . Cape Disappointment lighthouse, N. tl degrees- rtrue N- by- mag.).- .;..!'..:.'.. , ,-. - r- MARINE NOTES. ' 'Astoria. March,' 14. Arrived down at t m . ateanter F. A. Kllburn. ... San. Francisco,' March 14. Sailed laat night, steamer Redondo, for , Portland tnd coast ports. (Sydney, n. b. w aiarcn n. Arnveq prior to date, French bark Villa de Mulhouse, from Portland. i Astoria. March It. Sailed at I p. m.. steamers Northland, for Ban Pedro, and Nome City, for San Franclaco, . Sailed at I p. m steamer St. Paul. for Ban Francisco. . . Astorls. March 14. Condition of the bar at t a. m., rough! wind southwest; ther cloudy. . . ' MAaoio poujut ooMnrti. , This afternoon the steamship Harold Dollar will salt from San Francisco for Portland to load lumber for a Cali fornia port. She has a capacity of ever 1.00n.00e iee. end Is the newest vessel of the Dolls r fleet, having been built id NINE ROOMS iaVIKGTQ,'J DISTIltCT With, lots 100x100, . south 'west corner of .iancock and ' East Twenty -sixth; side walks, sewers, water and gas pipes laid. Street to be grav eled; house wired for fight ing and complete - in every : particular. Ready for occu pancy ApriT 15. On installments if desired B, M. LOMBARD ... , 814 Chamber of Commerce. was made to. Vladivostok htst fall, with a cargo of supplies for the Russian army. On tbe retufn trip she brought furs. Since that time the steamer has made a number of trips from the sound in ma lumber carrying trade. - ALONG THE WATERFRONT. A reward of 1115 has been offered for the recovery of the' body of A. S. MoCormick, the teamsUr who fell off the steel bridge on January. Captain Reid has an offer, from the Columbia River Packers' association for ine cnartermg of the-steamer Fox for operation at the Rooster Rock cannery uurmg me saimon riahing season, lOHN UBBPS ESTATE GOES TO HIS FAMILY The will of the late John Ihba. filed today for probate, devises the property, which is estimsted at 180.100. to the wife and four children. In the following manner: Tbe household furniture to Mrs. Lab be, who slso receives one halt of the remainder for her use during her ureume. wnen it snail go to the chil dren equally. Tbe other half Is given to the children Edward John liabbe, aged 12; Charles Henri Labbe, aged 10; Antolne Gilbert Labbe, aged tl, and Marguerite liouise Labbe. aged 20. None or tbe property goes to the children un til the youngest reaches the age of Zl. Provision is made for the education of the two younger children with fund from the estate, and - Edward and Charles tbbe are named as executors without bonds. . Tbe estate consists of ttOO worth of stocks, IOO of furniture, I7S.000 of. realty and lt.000 interest la an estate of Louise Labbe, widow of S relative. ., " - " i " 1 ii i PACIRC COAST FIRE' CHIEFS TO MEET HERE September 11-11 are the dates .' on which - the fire chiefs of the Pacific Coast association will meet In Portland. The dates were fixed yesterday at a conference- between , Fire Chief David Campbell, of this city, and Chief, Ralph Cook, ot Seattle, who are membera ef the executive board of the Paclflo Ceaat association. . - 4 - .- . - The Seattle fire chief, aeeomnanled by Marine Architect McAllister, visited tbe various fire stations in ths city yes terday and . also made a trip to the grounds of the Lewis end Clark fair. An exhibition' of the fire boat Geora-e H. WUllamawlU be given for their bene fit tbla morning.. Tbe elty of Seattle is to build a . modern steel fire boat, and tbe officials are here to get ideas for Its eonstruetloni See Daily Ass. for All Day Saturday at 3 B ig Specials . Hat or Hall Racks Oak Board with 4 hooks 23tj Oak Board with 5 hooks 29t : Oak Board with 6 hooks 30 All the Furniture . you want at arry old payments you de-" ': sire. .. '. COVELL'S " i4-im rxmnT.Tf Permerly sTew Tom Psraltare Co. W1MXM TO BTTT PVBsTTTVXa. REAL SNAPS Sites tt. 40 and 42. a tot of heavy and medium weight overcoats; also a fair lot or sixes In crsvenettea, to be closed out at toe half price of ita value. We must make room ror our new arriving sprlngi goods. We are showing bis as sortments in Men's and Boys' Suits, Hats, Psnts snd Shirts; also a full line of Ladle'. Men's, Misses' snd Bora' Shoes, sll newly arrived goods. We asve you 10 rents on every dollar, romparlnon high-rent atores' prices. We have strictly ons price msrked la plttln figure. John Dellar GOVELL'S TWO STORKS: Tarn hill Third Young Men's Sui x :-, .-i3'': .v,,:iv: ex Young Men's Newest Spring Suits IN SINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED STYLES. SIZES UP; TO 33 - INCH T9 bring.befere. your .notice, oar. excellentstock of Young Men's' Newest Spring SuitsJj we offer, for a limited time, your selection from All-Wool, Worsted, Cheviot and Serge Suits, in regular values up to Fifteen Dollars, at the saving price of NINE FORTY-FIVE i . : These Suits are, displayed in our south -window. Young men are invited to come and -' . try on some of 'these splendid-fitting garments,.-;;; " . .:rf:::' W-' .' ' ' We arc selling Young's New York -j.-. . v - ';!-:. s.-.r.i-"'-. Al Reliable Outfitters to 'ivr-L".y-.,Men and Boys ;' y 'fyfi'f-166-168 Third St, Near Morrison "WantAdw Lost su mast Third.' AMUSJtMJsTT. COLUMBIA THEATRE OOLChTBIA STOCK COMPANY U raawtiaatlea ef 1IABIS COKDXTI faswes sve "T, , "THELMA" - yatlei aatarday aa geaoay. , lost Perferaaace seaday MgaC nmratmrs bet effli-e vm all say at TMly Viirsea eaadr aaep. UT MotHmmi. Pkoae Mala 110. ..evenings at tbeatra. . Mala 111. - , gvenlasa. ooe. Me. S6e. IS. - -UUbm. Bke, lie, 10s. ' ' THE LYRIC WE A TRE KTXNTH AND ALDEB IIBBX1B. Bvary Aflemma aad Rwalug, OKBAT rOfB-ACT PKNATIOSAJtt-, COMBBT MBXADBAatA, The Subway of New York - BnaeUIUes Bwtweea Arts. perfarsiaBeaa at I. T:S aae a. Ueaal srtee ef aSiiaalae, M esata. c4nnouncement ' NEXT Two Positive STAR 8MaiveiousSHENKfainy8 SENOR RICARDO RUIZ , The Xrree and Bes Troape ef Steals Oeaaart TioUaart, Satte XU , Aorobats BTow Flaylas ia rseanr ef Ske Beyat Theatre Amman. , ... .,; M Sladrld. . , SBT AVBBJTieir TO TnTBaTBl BraI.rjrsms, BTJK OTTO 0BXAT ACTS , WX&X AWTBAB OBT TB3I BOA. " A SPECI A L O FFBRINQ CHEST MEASURE ! - ,v, Hats the $3 kind. Special at ion 'cl? TB, -e iroiroAT tknino. stAmm r. uotT . THAT ODD VBI.LXJW, ,... . - Wie Penny Pare. : OV WKW- BLaJT." PRfTaW Lent Snor, eirept last t revs, fl; laat S rvws. Tse. Balrar, srat S fom. Tftri last e raws. sne. yniy, bm see ane. Basse aao vena, aaaia mrw harodaw rftSasT MraieVr MsBWaewBSBBkaelsaBW vt..ew - OS PIHAPOBK" Mattaae. Sstsrsay. Me aae Me. PKirnt Parqaet TSej jperqeet aavBOe aaieaer, aae ana m rm wmm laareh S, 10 t. a. EMPKE-THEATRE "Ti; . Orsv seats sy Pkeae Ma in. Paekee te the lt "'f-. TONIGHT AMI) AIX THUI WSK. MATINEB gATU&DAT, A earkiag fo ahew. tka big ttrm Tars ssee A f mIIii I sxmuiaaw. Prtee-Kreaiac ISe, SSe 'Me. lee. Matlasa. 10t. ISe. Je. . nAKCR THEATRE Third aae TaariiUI ata. KeaUag Plaee, Mas- agan. wiai i , oaX ms Aim enrrza. . . : rovm AsuToas. ODEli AJIO HAAT. ' '' ADOKICK irsTMU. '.v .';'';- f .TtTt IUW11D4, nil MIWIIM. AdaUiMtea. eovaataln. aaatehs. lee. pertarBMBeaa at s:w. i.w mmrn w k, GRAND WEEK MARCH 37 SPBCIAL, , James Keane: vs. nratru us an - - r No Mvanoe In Pricea. THE STAR THEATRE noun, Maaial Seslae. -TWO TTUil rm OOLIOMI, B0SO0B ABBVOKU. . . XisoLir TmAorxD do. OOBDSBO, SABTBXTTA AST) CABX. ' HAJTSOS AID BEXW. Kew"aeheaie e arltjia Imlm, ine, Ine aal XV; saitlaa, eseeet SinW aad soJI eara. lOe. Weekday asews. I.JU a. .av. ,Tao a. si. aae a. sv . Extraordinary W E EK , Featurc'Acts THEATRE Values $ 1 $.00 OF V"' " ' :"- ' -Oe- tf iaasfilaat tbe eatgrowtng ef oor present eaartars we will be installed In crar new band ing. -Ill Wa ah I net on attest, in the new six-story building on tbe eornae ef West Park and Washington attests, - on or about April 1. ' ror a short ttnee only any Jouraal subscriber having a pe . mlum machine eaa exchange same foe any outfit aa high aa for down and er week, betas' allowed li-ftO on tbe lltUe fellow. coluksu fsc:: icra co czzi IBS sVejJITsl BC, NBEUIS, C-Z, ; ' Grand Prtx Paris, less. . Doable Grand Prise St Louis, lrJ4 Closing Oat Matting Sc!w Having a very large atoek et fine linen warp matting on has, we must' positively eloae It eat t make room for oar .aww stock ef goods to arrive for too fair trada, -- We also have a large stock of new " canton, crepe and ' linen em-, broidered petterae v'.for ladies' waists end dresses, pongee sli 1 .snd other fine goods, such as . grass linen, table center pleoai. . ' Japan aae aad Chinese latest auiei tles, carlos, stew at kra eat prtoea. Acircr Ken fi Cc 287. n:o.rc:. Ssedsate Aawrleas Heaeot H C - , KlrkavtUa. Me. OoteopaClj. SB. wnxiAM e. IXAOX OstaapatMe Plrias. AU Ckeee1 r ' ielllaae I laghM and Itark. ; Bcfeatisea' j Partlamt. , " Vt-- r ; BLASIaA tz 1 COMCBBT IVeST r $2.50 X - IR V V store, 60 cents. let than year ago, ' Her maiden trip first aa and Davis, I 1.. , . .. .