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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1905)
: J ' ; . THE 1 OREGON -DAILY J JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 24. ' 1901 DESPITE REViVALS RODDERS ARE BUSY August Nelttel Robbed, While a 'r - Woman Watches Her Com ".'. ' paniort Doing It " BEAUTIFUL COLD RING TURNS OUT TO BE BRASS T The Thief Who Wants to Rent a -' i Room Picks Up a Lit- ;. aL .4 tl Jewelry.'-rjV-rf''T' ' ' v V ' ' i i""t'-''.' '-' August Nfltiel, sawmill employe, i was held up and robbed of a. watch and chain rallied at ISO laat-night, he ee- ported to the polk-, by a mun whoae act was witnessed by a female companion, ; who walked a, way with the robber. i Neltael eaya the robbery occurred near : ciay and Third streets, about 11 'o'clock, He paaaed the. man and woman, who .: wer engaged in conversation. The man ran after him. saying he waa a detective, oocnseti Nettei of- -insimtnr -the woman . and- began. 40 search him, with .the, n - nounced intention of taking, htm to th poUCQ ,atoUMfc,-rarr,TyrTy T'-y-rp Thinking the "man waa a detective, Neltsel aaid he permitted hlmaelf to be , searched. ' Finding - nothing, but the watch and chain, the robber led him short distance away and then -felled him with a Mow on the chin, partly; stun nine hiiti. He regained hia feet in time to see the man walking: away with the - women, and hurried to the polio station 10 tell what had happened- , Herman Price reported to the police , last nlghU that- he Joet cravat pin valued at fie through the work ef thief -yesterday . evening.--" Price haa -a : room at 111 Clay street. The. burglar went to the landlady and pretended that " he wanted room. He waa given a key, and seisin: an. opportunity aearched the honse. ; Several .artlcles and a small mount of money, were' atnlen. ??:. ' A bay mar valued at (ISO waaatolen .from the stable of John Honghmaa at Mount Angel last night . Taking ; the mare to the stable of John Hubbard, in the same neighborhood., the thief placed (on her a stock saddle worth ISO. He waa traced to Portland, and a report mad to th police. - . . - A -woman called at the police station this mornlnfjindJiiformediChlefIiynt that she had lost a small amount of money through the work of the organ Ised gang of thieves lately, emplpylng the' "ring device" to secure coin. A mall purchase was mae from her and th ring gives in psyment, the woman . parting , with . 11.10 In addition to the ' goods. Afterward she found the ring , was mss. washed wltlTgold," HALLEN'S BAD AIM , SAVES P0K0RNEY . As a result of testimony given In the police court this afternoon charges of firing a revolver within th city limits and of . assault and battery have been I placed against Thomas Hallen. a plasterer, living it tf North Ninth street. ; r A small riot occurred at the house last bight. Fred Pokorney. an Austrian, was knocked down th steps leading- to the front door, and Hallen shot at him as he lay" theri but nia aim was bud. Pokorney saved his life toy flight after the sh6t waa fired.,' The alleged' facts eamei out through a chargat of. drunkenness ' lodged agalnat Pokorhey. He stated on the a tend that he went to the house In the evening to get money he had ' loaned Mrs, Halletb She admitted - having borrowed the money." Then It was that the husband made th assault and fired th she At first Mrs. Hallen told the police she had fired the shot. Later, however, she said her husband handled th re volver. .. ... v.. 1 ',-,(;' -.:- i- . TWELVE FIND THEIR : MARRIAGES FAILURES V. ' .' ' ' i . awaaBBas Mrs. MalindasSlider Threatened - to Kill William With ; ':vv' I a Knife. . V:-'- TVIUIam H. Slider was divorced' from Mallnda. today because - Mrs.. Slider threatened to kill hire with avbutcher knife. On other occasions Mrs. Slider renewed her threats until her husband believed that his life was In danger as long as he continued to live with her, Five other divorce -were-granted by Judge Fraser on allegations of cruelty or desertion' ofv Infidelity.- Th cases were: ' ...-..-,.. . Roea Ml 7 against John M. Edwards, married April 11, ISO, in Astoria; cruelty,- s ' ' , .Peter 'against Hannah Oregereo"n? married " May JT..T 1001... in - Portland; desertion. .. ' ' -. - Jsmes R. against Jna Belle Terwtllger, married - JVo.rm ber, lit t, -i n - Portland aeefUon."lrr: ' . Belle against Frank Johnson, married August' 11 lliT, in Nebraska; cruelty. Cyrus ,M. against Carri J. Quint, married .June 1, 1191. In- Canby, Clackamas county; infidelity. '. r BEEF TRUST MANAGERS . TESTIFY BEFORE JURY - , a - . ." ".'.' -::'.: j ' tJeoraal BpeeUI tervke.) . 1 Chicago; March 1. Michael R. Mur phy, manager of th Cudahy Packing company, of Omaha, was ,th principal witness this morning before th federal grand Jury which 1 Investigating th alleged beef trust. I The managers or several other packing concerns are scheduled to appear before the jury today. v- - It is understood -the Jury Is Question ing witnesses regarding prices of dressed meats st retail and wholesale price cov ering th pat three years. Every pre caution, is being taken to prevent infor mation from reaching tn-pttbH a to th progress of th ca.v-r . L G0TTSTE1N KILLS. - HIMSELF IN SEATTLE ,,q ',, '.'..''-,... ,.... (IsteUI Dtspatek t Tke JearaaL) j Seattle, Wash., March 34. Louis OotUteln, cousin of M. and I Oott-, Do not let this great-? ' est of all opportunities" pass without securing a. rilce'li I g h -gra d e; jPJano .at our - profit-: - sharing price. ' " TOV stJTOW what kind of a piano th Knabe, Kverett, Hardman. oteca, Fischer, Ludwig, Packard, Vose, Cable, Conover. Hamilton. Kingsbury, bmuu at Barnes, and Wellington la, ' ' TOV ZsTOW when we say under our protlt-sharlng proposition we can gave you xrom s's io no. u. muv, mean Just what - we .say. , TOV HOW that our iystem. of easy payments is popular witn me peop nd that we Vnake it nosslble for eve prudent person to posses a nlo piano. TDfTIT not call and select a nJc piano, aa hundreds or otners are aoing, as you need it, and especially during the fair, when your friends cum to visit you. - . , - ( ..-: MKwiIJUIB, this profit sharing iroposltlon will not last always. So if ou want to save enough to give your child a good start in music, you naa better call at once 1, II, 110 and 113 nor Mnmh is all that Is necessary, and the prices, range- from tUI. up, accord ing to the piano. TAatS alOTXOa W have placed 109 &laao in a rent sal club. There are iree-beauUf uLetylecandJthft price are 1231. IlifcS and and a guaranteed saving of 190. The terms are t to Join the club, when one of the above, as you may select, will be delivered In-your bom free, you When pay per monm for twelve months, and then . 17 per month till the balance is paid.. SO HOT let this opportunity pass by unheeded, but call and Investigate and we are quit sure you will not be loug without a plana in your horn. Allen & Gilbert Ramaker Co. com. mxxrm ajtd mojuusov. stain, wholesale liquor dealers of Beat-tlev-who- rrivd-"tiT-tbr" weeks ago from Portland, committed' suicide last night by swallowing , rat poison. . .. Ha was SO years of., age... possessed good health and was wealthy. No reason is known for th act. . He waa pot engaged in-business during his six months' res idence in Portland. . , ' '. Fief erred Stock Oaaaed Oooda. Allen ar Lewis' Best Brand. - CORSET SALE-B(M0i)KY ..71 U- aflV In order to thproughly Introduce ; at once WARNER'S RUST-PROOF, ' HIGH-GRADE CORSETS, we have cut the prices below the list. . - .Models . enough in .Warner's - Rust - Proof. Corsets, to produce the season's fashionable fig ure for all forms scn- effMitedium-and-iargee- ' $2-i-Introductofy price. $1 35" id Loner Murt model lor f -he nvediurrf figure o4 ors, wnue, axto, duck. This Corset comes in white, drab and black Security Hose Supporters attached ; regular value $1.50. . Introductory price To part icularize Warner's Rust-Proof Models is to describe in ( detail the good points of the Ideal Corset1., .." '.. iauBTSaaorJIf HI . For -full figuVe essentially-differentJrom the stout woman's coiset of ; Other makes, Which is almost as heavy as armor. No. 185 flattens the abdomen with comfort and gives the cor t rect fashionable -outline; : worth $2.T5fX Introductory 'y'r' price;- -:".r $1.95 rMedilim full hgure. ibis - model is the peer of any high grade Corset on the face of the globe $2.50." introductory price - $1.95 We Fit and Warrant ' all RUST-PROOF CORSETS - f, old 4 y39 " CORSEt SPECIALS Tap Girdles, in pink, whiter blue; regular value 75c. Yours for ......v.,.35 Short Empire, all colors, all sizes; worth $1.00 for . . ; r. .... . 45 The swell Brighton Summer Corset; worth 75c-fpr , . . , . . 50 Large Corsets-, S7 to 30, for. . . . . . . -. - . . .29 - This' Corset made of heavy English Jean. . Corsets for slender people, sizes 18-18, at - 4 ID, 15f and : . . , IOi x OLOVE SPECIALS - At 01 f New line of real German- Lamb- ! . skin Gloves ; worth $1.00 go at. ... . . .67 At 25 Odds and ends in fine Kid Glove?; sizes 5J4 and 8 only. ?yrJl X',.;,L 4 ::'.';':-y.y odd thinqs Racine Stocking Feet .......... .1 ....... . 7f Summer Weight, black and white........ .5 Turkish' Wash Rags.,.. . i .v. ... ..... . . . ,2 Knit Waists for boys and girls". , , . . , 10 Sleeveless Vests for women and children. . .5 5V Embroidered -.-Turnover - Collars great range of styles- J'H 5t Silk Chiffon foundations; regular value FRIDAY AND SATURDAY we put on sale ' Our -entire line of Ladies' Imported French ?Kid Gloves English Derby and; French :Piques; worth $1.50, ,$1.75 and $2.00, atr.. ............. ....95 . t Every Pair Fitted and Warranted. " Mail Orders Promptly Filled Give Ua aTrial Order. GREAT CGnCaS ARE PAID TO THE DEAD Remains of Mrs. Stanford Corv signed to Last Resting Place int Mausoleum. . FUNERAL IS EXTENSIVE CEREMONIES ARE SIMPLE 'Sr Eulogy Pronounced ' by Bishop Nichols-Alumni, Students inland : Citizens Attend.-,. . JL R. M. . GR ATS 20th - , . ( 4 (Journal Boeclal Srrrlr.). - Palo Alto, Cal..( March 14. Th re mains of Mrs. Jan Latbrop Stanford wer conslaned to tbelr last restina place beaide these of her husband and son today In the beautiful mausoleum on Btanfard university a rounds. ' imok m in History or California have treaier nonors .bean paid th dead than were paid to the creat philanthropist, Hundreds who had -never seen th woman in life came from air parts of tn stat to py final resoeets Th runeral nrorram. which waa ex Urtslve though simple, opened with the carryinn or th casket from the Btan- inra mansion on ?ne campue to ine treat memorial chapel erected by the dead woman. The cortege thourh devoid of color was solemnly impressive. The student body led the procession, - followed, by resident graduates. . The choir, alumni. faculty- and officiating clergymen wer nonorary pallbearers . to the near. which - was' guarded by -eight athletic students(officlaIvof organisations, and employes or in Bianrora estate. . As the, mournful . procession entered th chapel Chopin's magnificent funeral march was rendered on .the-great organ. Services over, the procession reformed for th march to the mausoleum, where services, though brief, were, again held. Three hymns wer ung, fonowed by an eulogy and th solemn and'beautlful ritual of committal of the body to the tomb, pronounced . by Bishop William Ford Nlchqla. -, ( FIVE HUNDRED A MONTH FOR USE OF BRIDGE ZLOll.. : 'v-r- - Street Railway Company Must Pay for Use of Structure at , : Burnside Street. H Th Portland Cohsolldated Railway company will pay 1500 a month to the county for th us of th Bumalde stret bridge, Th original offer of th eom pany of a lump sum of UO.tOO for i period of years, was rejected. - The for mer monthly toll paid by .the Portland City Railway company waa 110. - Th county court today authorised th lssu anc of an order stipulating that pay ments shall begin April 1. Th court also awarded contracts for th repairs - on the. Burnsld bridge. which, will cost about U.000, as fol lows: Diamond Sand company, 174$ for building th retaining walla; Paquet A Qieblach. l7.20s.2S for the fills, replank Ing, redecklng and th wood block pave ment, and J. B. Tillotson. ll.eSi.74 for th sidewalk on the Iron brldg and for sundry eztraa, making a. total of 111.- fias.O, "to which will b added some mor eztraa,. . ' .',- Work is to be rushed to completion so as to accommooste-.the-trarei auring th spoltlon period this tammer.. .. Th court awarded ine contracts to three firms because no on had offered to do th work for less tbsn 111,000, and by cutting It up among th several bid der several hundred dollars was saved. Paquet at Oleblsch bid 12.120.tS, J. B. Tillotson 7.T4. and J. R. O'Nell I14.761.SS. Th Diamond Band com pany bid $745 for building th retain ing walls, and K. O. Lundstrom I9 tQt me siuiiv, WOMAN DIES IN TRANCE HYPNOTIZED BY MOTHER (Joersal Special (ferries.)- - New Tork, March 24. Miss Luella Huestls, who with ber -mother, Mrs. Jan H. Heuatls, has lain. In a trance for IS days at the Presbyterian hos pital, died this morning. Physicians claim th women hypnotised each other. A stngefeatureofthecasewasthat thffacaUi onheTaiughter was marked by a sudden failing of vitality on the part of the mother, who Ilea In an ad' Joining room. " ; HUNDREDS HOMELESS AT WHITE BIRD, IDAHO ' (Special rHspateh to Tn Jooraal.) White Bird. Idaho, March 24. This entire town has been wiped out by fir. The Joss is estimated st 125.000, with small Insurance, There were no pre tentlous : buildings. All families are destitute- and homeless. - Help Is coming from Orange villa. Th fire started in a small restaurant Th population. Is 600. . . . ; JUDGE WILL HAVE ' -SALOON MEN ARRESTED V Police Judge Hogue this afternoon di rected Warrant - Officer Oolts - to . see that a complaint waa filed agalnat th Tuxedo saloon, conducted by McGinn Johnson, for keeping open after hours. and asked that an investigation be mad to ascertain It any reports of patrolmen against the place were held back. . WOKAJT A1 mums. Mrs. Mamie Bowen tried to commit suicide last night by drinking carbolic acid while in ber rooms at Ti Market street. A physician was summoned In time to savs th woman's life. Her act was du to despondency on account of William Bowen, her husband, who re cently escaped from the county Jail hile - acting . aa. trueiy, . being fw capturad. - Bowen is nerving tint for attempting' with another man -to hold up Police Sergeant Taylor at Twelfth and Morrison streets. - - 'ASTAircara svsrrrA, wobk. 1-7 , v The central executive committee of th cvangellstlo movement held a meet ing' at th Y. M. C. A. today to further arrange th program for th campaign next week. Besides th large number of meetings - already announced, th ministers decided . to , have big street parades and meeting in factor)., shops and .mill at trequent intervals.--rstrr printlng houses In Portlsnd ar wbrklng day and night to get out advertising core OPEN FOR BUSINESS ' ,'' - ; 1 ; ; : , j - , 1 ' .' . V , ' J . , - ' . , - ' ' The store of exclusive fine wear for men. A store which offers to the men of Port', land style up, to the very day, quality the very best Will call attention today specially to bur fine Ready-forWear Clothing, the CHESTERFIELD and the, KENSINGTON, . two makes, manufactured for us.' . We can convince' you they are superior in every way to any other so-called good clothes, if you will permit us" to show you," and you will be kind enough to fit them on if the front of. any coat or suit or, overcoat ..breaks or gets out of shape' in twelve months' wear, we agree to replace same with a new one absolutely free of expense to you. V Correct things in patterns for business wear this season are grays and gray effects or blue serges. Everything that is styl ish and best in furnishings and hats for gentlemen are to be found here. You are in vited to inspect' the stock, and we shall be pleased to meet you and get acquainted. r 269 AND 271 MORRISON STREET V . SHOOTS TWO MEN AND THEN KILLS HIMSELF Attempted Poisoning at Drain Ends In a Shooting Affair With Three Dead. ; C WARRANTS SERVED , 4 IN BRIBERY CASES Warrants wer served this afternoon on Robert Wakefield, J. B. Bridges and George B. Thomas In th alleged brib ery cases against them. District Attorney Manning la having transcription pf th testimony in the coroner's inquest Into th death of Lou la Bchumer made. - and will - prepare in formations against Detective Jo Day and Dan Welner, ao soon aa th aoenmu lated baalaassvot th district attorney'', oflto will permit th clerical work Inci dent to the drawing ef Indictment. When Detectives Day and Welner ar v brought to trial, th evidence at th In. . Quest will b adduoed In full, with lent': facts that wer not brought out at that time.. v v. - r '- .'. : Emphatic assertions of tnnocanc hare bean mad by Wakefield, Bridges and Thomas. ' -; ' i .... ' (Bpedal Dispatch t Te JeanuL) " '-Drain,-Or, March If. Hermann Shocks at 10 o'clock this morning shot and kUled K. V. Cooper and Paul Hows with a ,10-aO rifle and a few minutes later killed himself. , Th scn of th tragedy Is nln miles west of Drain, and particulars ar hard to get. Last Fri day. Cooper took dose of medicine for slight illness and waa Immediately seised with convulsions and other Indi cations ' of strychnin poisoning. The fact that he got an overdose of th drug onl -saved hi J If e. Cooper suspected that some on bad purposely triad ' to kill him. . : f Last night Hows went to th Cooper horn to stay all night. Bbooks panied Mrs. Cooper and th children to a dance. They returned from th dano about I o clock this morning. Tbey re tired, and th children went to school usual at 19 o clock. No on was in the hous except th three men and Mrs. Cooper. Cooper accused Shook of poisoning th madlcln h had taken Friday, and Shook replied. Tou ar a liar," seised th rifl aad shot Cooper. Ha then turned th gun n How and killed him. Shook then packed . his grip a though intending to leave, but stepped outaid and put a bullet through his brain. ' Cooper Is a married man aad leave a wife and two children. It la th old of a stoma In the nasa roopatj suspected that Bbooks was too Intimate with hi wlf. (IDD PIA110S ARRIVE Four More Carloads Received Yesterday by Eilcrs : ' Piano House. . Distribution Commences at Oace Closing Days of the Co-Oper tlve ,Plano Clubs Extremely Busy Ones Members Jolalqg 'From Everywhere. ; f Score of Inaulrles c'oncemlns? the eo- operatlva clubs and orders for piano from out-of-town purchasers come pour ing in Jay every malt. People from out side towns and hamlets and even remote farms and ranches way back in the country hav "gotten wind" of th won derful bargain that this co-operative club sal offers and the way they are 'coming in at the nnui . amounts al most to a scramble. . Jt is no little tMng to be able to save 1100 or even III on the prlc or a 1150 piano. Practical people recognise this. and It doe not take a great deal of In vestigation to convince the most skep tical that this is now possible through the co-operative clubs. - Just aa a aingi aeaier wno purcnases large number of piano at on time secures them at much lower price than th Individual who purchaae. only one, so. th many people who ar dunning together now and buying their piano at practically th sunt time each save arreatlv on the erica of their Instrument. and there I also saved th tremendous spans incurred In handling and sell ing pianos in the ragular retail way. Ana as last aa we can gei in pianos from the factories we are making deliv eries. - Yesterday four carload reached ua from the east, and or the I de liveries were marie the earn day In th city, a well as to wharves aad railway stations. - With our large warehouse down vn the railway tracks stored with Pianos. and additional carloads arriving almost dally, no on needs to wait for his piano. eaie cineea tnis momn. inon iniena Ing to loin should bear this In mind and act at once. The verr finest --pianos - We -carry Chlckertng, Weber, Kimball. Hobart M. Cable, Htory at Clark, Haaelton, Looter, Haddorff. Hcbumann. etc., etc, ar in cluded In this sale. Oood. reliable one that cannot be bought regularly for less tr ayments and IL2 a week. Rverv Instrument fully guaranteed and money back In vry tiurtane where there la not absolute; satlafaetion. Kller Plane House, si waanmgrnn treet, corner Park, other large store. Ran franelscn.. Htorkton and Oakland. Cel.; fipnkan and Seattle, Wash.; Bols J ee F'fT JTLaV ' tMsnjgry r J kt SV aBa efM amy than 1200 ar now only 1117. on these latter only $4 cash u - W. - if w. saw. " 1 We're Ready With Your Boy's Spring Clothes Clothes for big and little boys. Newest ideas from the best makers. We have built up a reputation -as boys outfitters and we are living up to that reputation every day in the week DOUBLE-BREASTED NORFOLK SUITS - ' .. '.' .::..).' ':" .:, , : , i , ' ' ','.'. r i With Knickerbocker Trousers, double breasted and Norfolk styles, in dievioti,' tweeds and cassimeres a large assort - - v; . xnent of designs to select from ;. modest prices'" ' "'" 4.45 to $7.4s BALL AND BAT FREE WITH BOY'S SUIT Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co. .... '1 '-I..'-. r , ..(. , ' - V - , : Corner Third and Morrison Streets ' - " acsaxa matter lor th revival. and iwiion, iaaao. 7,