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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1905)
Friday cvinniro. i.:at.c:i n. 1 - ' " " . ; ' x; THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL , PORTLAND, MMMMM New Sprias Shoe SelUag for DARK WITH: CRItlE Man Who Imitated Raffles Has - j Friends Among Inmates of I' $; f'-'. .Many prisons. ; For People Who Are Seeking EX ' CELLENT VALUES FOR THE t as . T I K ' ' T I W 1 I I , - ','',":.. 111! II .----- I W 1 . .'Til - s 1 I I f CRICKETER HERE- BUT- , -t t j BURGLAR ELSEWHERE His Real Name Is John Longbot ; ; torn, and His Mother Uvea : . in . Seattle. V . - Detectives ,who ;have.; endeavored to obtain the criminal .record of 'John. F. Klngsley. ' thr "Raffles," who operated . aa cracksmaii'burgla'r and . highwayman In Portland, playing f cricket and asso- ' elating wlth-meiubrofJa' number of 'well cluba, have aucoeeded. In tracing only apportion of the "gentjemaa-bur- ' glar's" previous list , of .crimes. It waa learned., however, that he did : not assume the name-of vKingsley until he cams toPortland.;lu every town or lty where hla -crimes -were committed be was known by other names. ' It to -believed that. hlarsar. name ll ' John Jaongbottom. . . When. In Seattle he r . f ,J. K . Kinjsley . U7VS J MJPat.r , .... . .-',,.. I . - - ' V 2 Days Special on Boys' SHocsf . Extra Kg Redactions on Standard Shoes ' , Such weU bwwn 'brands as the Booker Hill and Red School House Shoe: solid leather throughout These . shoes are wear reslsters, : All leathers, all styles. Sizes, 1 to 554, D, E and EE, -Y''Y.' -i--; YY'YYY 01. ?4 a Pair. Barbtfs Y YY "The Store of Style and Values' 23,0-232 Morrison Street Portland, Ore. leeeee 4 eeeee . eeeeeee they were overpowered by armed men. who had evidently been Informed of the plan and lay In wait Though Klngsley waa foremost In car-l tying out the plot, he mysteriously dis appeared. . as soon aa the offlcora ap peared.' Three of his comederatea were tried and convicted. . They are now serv ing terms In the state penitentiary, and by means of the photograph of Klngsley which was printed In ..connection, with bis crimes In Portland he has been iden tified as, the ueader of the gang or cracksmen who were foiled at Blaine. ' It! was never known whether, learning that their plot had reached the .oars of the officers, and wishing to avoid apprehension above all' else, he betrayed his confederate and was permitted to sane. At any rate, be is still at large and Is likely busy preparing the details of another crime. was always, known by that name and his mother, who lives in that city. Is known as Mrs. Lone-bottom. He was visiting her when officers raided the rendesvous of his confederates In this he, of course. Immediately departed from . in. WMhlnHA. m.tmm MM tmmnm of him has been discovered, though his mother's boms la that - city has been shadowed almost oonstaally. ( ' Detectives snd other off toere have ' never been able ts aooount for the elsvar manner tn which be learned of the pro- P"wu rata ana ie too cny peverai aays prompted by rivalry probably have been ' made against certain ffleera that they promised immunity to -the clever leader of the '"gang. provided he gave them sufficient evidence to secure the con viction of the) other. "'' ' ' The charges have been Vigorously de- pronounced "If a, remarkable coincidence that Klngsley should leave the city alone a few days previous to the raid. j- 11 . U . ' I. W V . VUW ..Vg. .MV . that ha, did not. mention hla Intended departure to the other members of the rang.' who had no knowledge of his ' whereabouts. ' -. - ai me mue am ox duudo, vvssn., '.'several .years ago the 'robbery of a bank waa planned and carried to almost sue Owsatfnl termination.. iKlngaley jni the originator of , the plot and took a, 'prom inent part "In Its 'execution, .. ' Vimii. wiiin immtlMfM t tlu Ji. ing crtroe, ,'. Near "the "bank quantities the sound, had 1 been secreted. " The men wese led by. Klngsley. .They were In The Silverfield Co.'s Opening. The Bllverfleld company, at Fourth and Morrison streets, held the first day of their opening yesterday, continuing today and tomorrow, and It Is without a doubt the most successful opening the company ever held and it also takes rank with any opening held by any company In the-clty. The store Is tastefully dec orated with flowers. - A delightful mu sical program Is given hjr a string or chestra. Nu store la the city can look more attractive than that of the Silver field company on the spring opening, and what It represents at the opening is carried n throughout the year. It Is one' of the esclustve stores -for women and,- although It' is exclusive In Its "styles. It Is not exclusive In prices, for it can supply the wants of anyone st prices Jo suit. . A visit to the store is sure to establish this fact and the Bll verfleld company will be pleased to wel come anyone. . ,. .... - The opening this year Is marked by two Important things. Tbey are the large display, particularly In millinery, and the. excluslveness of the styles shown, In the Istter reepect the. store ranks as a leader tn Portland, and Its millinery display, is without a peer. Everything that Is the very latest Is shown and ths display of trimmed spring hats Is sure, to please any woman. - In the lino of 'exclusive spring costumes the store) has forged to the front at a remarkable pace. , The finest exclusive creations of the modiste's art are shown. A glance. at the window display will be sufficient to convince anyone of this fact and a visit In the store and a 'look at the styles will be sure to carry con viction that. the. Bllverfleld company ranks as one ot Portland's, leading stores for.uromen. , . . CAJTT BATBBi The United States engineering depart ment has denied an application by Band Island flshtrap owners for extension of the flshtrap lines 0 ' feet seaward. Oillnetters, seiners and a - number of trapmen opposed ' the petition. Both sides were given a hearing. TROUT STREAMS OUT NOW Weeks: Before -Season . Opens People Have Been Fishing in Creeks Near1 Portland. .: TRIBUTARIES OF THE 5 . CLACKAMAS ARE BARREN No Effort Made' by Those Whose Duty It Is to Stop II- ..--..--. .V.- legal Work. City sportsmen express much indlgna tion at ths utter disregard of the laws governing the taking of trout . Although the fishing season will not be open until April 1. for weeks past the streams about Portland have been fished thor oughly by the lawbreakers and large catches are reported. On Jbbnson creek. Deep creek. Eagle creek and other' tribu taries of t4a Clackamas snd the streams Irr. the mountains west of the city there have been open violations of the law. and the authorities hava made little or no effort to atop the Illegal sport. . "Nearly every stream- within a radius of 20 miles has been fished within the pest month." salds. well-known sporting, goods dealer, in commenting on the situ ation. "The city sportsmen are found on the streams, but the people from the country and the small towna violate the law. All the little country stores have already run short of fishing supplies and have sent additional orders for lines and hooka. The true sportsman never goes fishing until the season Is open." "Before the seasons opens all , the streams will be fished out," said an ard ent fisherman yesterday. "An example should be made of the fellows caught fishing, out of season, and perhaps they would not be so keen to break the law hereafter. Br the time the season opens there will be no trout left In the streams for the fellows who refuse to fish be fore April L If they would all wait until then everybody would have an equal chance of securing a good basket of trout If one fellow breaks the Isw, another will think he haa the same privl lege, and soon everybody will be out fishing. If we are going to have a law, why tmi'-H-ha gaforrfd. ",' , ' r i: . tjus.u.: 1111 11 r 11 U LU 6 . - If sovou hadbetter take durvtio and select one - It .; :; of our- GREAT VALUE SUITS ;at; : ; , ' .'i. I..;. . . , II r-? i., i- i, . Y I 1 I ; .. WINDOWS AND YOU. WILL FIND ;THE t SAME SUITS AS ARE : T v.OJ '. f ; PY;'YY -; ;r;cr 1 A :-! m mi;:'' ". j A wheelman's tool bag Isn't complete without a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eeleo trte OIL Heals outs, bruises, stings, sprains. . Monarch over pain. yiafsiied Btook Canned Ooooa. ' Allen A Lewi' Best Brand. ' . ! V ? . I.. . The' Store That Saves You Money t V. I f.-t r i 1 Evening Special 7: 7 " " .asawai i 1 aSjCsBssmH I .'. ''"I Spe ial Price S Reg. '"',' if' ' ef - '; '-.''' ''''', i- ''' a v-.'.' '"' ' V Price $2 'i This Blacking Case Is mads of Bard wood. 14 inches square and II inches high, nicety finished, top covered with figured veloor In red. green or bias. Has cast-Iron foot rest and large compartment for shoes. , ' V, 7 :; : oNiroNE To a customxr CORNER FIRST AND TAYLOR STS. VVHILEiimETOC ' tanatPtrSuc inn x"m ujii t - matr tup piiif cm hva a a a e- Miiiuwn mil i ww. niku rnvu ; i nu i OAmt out I o A3 rr& MARKED $15 AND $20 IN OTHER WIN DOWS "NOT FAR AWAY, ' WHILE UP. TOWN YOU WILL PAY STILL MORE; THEY ARE LARGELY HAND; TAILORED FIT PERFECTLY AND ARE THE: EQUAL OF SUITS SOLD IN ANY STORE IN iTOWN AT FIF TEEN iDOLLARS. , DOZENS OF STYLES TO SELECT FROM AND WEi CANFrTVTH fcslTOUT; AND LEAN MEN AS WELL' AS THOSE OF REGULAR BUILD. '1 i ' H A I. L A IN D I3ATS WITH ALli BOYS' SUITS When 'Yo u-Sce Itvim Ou iAd Ws aa-K, y. ' 1 -,-Ef v .-...4 ... ,.f, Li, ...v. '. So ly '.' .' .' .'.' . 'v. ''""-'"'.' "'""''..' "i - ' '." ;' THIRD 1 STREETS ST. JOHNS- FUTURE BRIGHT WITH HOPE Commercial Club Reviews Past - Successes and Prepares for v , Those to Come. RATIFY CHARTER AT A . SUCCESSFUL BANQUET Eloquent Speakers Outline Plans for Advancement of .the! City -AlontWorthy Lines.; The Commercial' club' of St. Johns at Its ratification charter banquet last evening beard a number -of nice -things about itself and the city it represents from influential Portland men.; who were guests or nonor. xne Banquet was a complete success, and resulted in a clos union of the business interests -of ths place in their efforts for - new ' Indus tries. ., - , l The guests of honor-were Judge L. R. Webster, T. C Devlin, W. M. Cake, Tom Richardson, H. U. Powers, William Kll- lingsworth and C Knapp. ' J. C. Crome) acted as toastmaster and introduced the president,- A S. Douglas, ' who spoke briefly of ths progress of St Johns and welcomed the guests of honor, who had aided in this progress. .. .'" Tom Richardson In his reply Informed the business men of the city that their activity ana enterprise had already be come known throughout the northwest. and stated hla opinion that the city of Bt. Johns would enjpy greater prosperity In the near future, had in the past . . " ,. The lumbering Interests of the state were treated by Secretary V. C. Knapp of the Peninsular Lumber company; W. KUllngsworth' spoke of the - commercial future of the peninsula. Other speakers were ' Judge' Cake, who ' discussed.' civic government; T. C. Devlin, who consid ered the needs of better highways; Judge Webster, who responded to the toast, "Educational Institutions;" ' Professor Long, who pleaded the cause of harmony. ana T. v. Monanan, who considered the past and future of St, Johns. '' Ths present -city eharter of 8t Johns was compiled by a eommitlee of council men consisting of T. J. Monahan. W. H. Hutiburt and C D. Hughes.' City 'Audi tor Devlin of Portland aided the com. ml t tee, a did leaders' of the Portland Commercial cluhi The charter was taken to Balem by a committee from the Com mercial club of Bt Johna and was passed by the logtslsture - at the session Just closed, after -hard, work In its favor had been done by the' local committee, con sisting of T. J. Monahan, W. H.' Ki'iuj, L. B. Chlpman and R. Bhepard. '""'' m,:' Z lt y' '. fm ' YYi l : P I ' s a w TsTUncOsTsl. The following number of peo ple have signed ths petition re questing the i- new telephone franchise to be nut to a vote at the June election: , March 31. ......... ......'..''. tit March Jl.... I7 March II (24 '' ". '" T0U1 I Y'kifeii . .y.. . . J, Im. : ,.' t ' - , '- :.' .' NEW SPRING STYLES and l SHAPES ) are all in, and we arc Y Y v ; selling for : . - y iiii A better hat than you can. buy op town for $2.00 an undisputed fact A hat that fits the head, the face, the figure and the cxs1c TTiat's because "the styles are various, ? each one the latest, and all giving distinctive expression. S IS Alibur Newsprint Shoes are )$20 liere in black and tans, prices )$S.5Q THE ONLY . 93 HAT TUB "WELCH' 0tswff sW ItSIt 2 ft., L Everjr " Statemsot Hare Is an Abtolatel7 ', Tnie One. .:;..v,, . r.f.. U I 4V ..J , '.,. -j