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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1905)
.1 C-zcc:j daily rcr.TLAi:DrrjpAY ".K::n;:a;. hatx:i ci. air ROTicxs. tilt " F CTTT ST0T1CM, city vonoxa. 0TTT X0TICTJL CTTT EOTICES. F-l T eOOasrsaiia . assThsasasahsmi 9 . am rrm tr iaat tts i uur, . slven -at tbe faail of rr 1 Not' la kce the C Ul I , o, a a bMMtw X Bwawtlnc held an ths lb. a . v t rib. I V. derisred tne aaeessiaret br ISO. 1a.ooT, for tM Improvement of Kant Twelfth street, trunk ttaa south Une of Multnomah street lo the aouth ) of Tills ntouk atreet. la tba mauaar pro- ' erned by erojoanoe Ha. 14.IW2, nam Hti M. , part of - lot aad parcel of land, which are enerlelly and peculiarly benefited, la- ka s follows. va : ..'.' A parcel of land lying between tba South IlM , at hbultnomah street and a lino 100. feet i .south therefrom aad parallel therewith' aad -'-!!"wn the "' had west of tt , Twelfth street, if extended southerly ' la It ' present eourae. City of Portland, 8U3.78. , HOU.ADAY 8 ADDITION TO KAHT PORT LAND BLOCK 134. lot I. Oregon Resl Katata Company, 80.06; lot , Oregoa But Estate Company, fl.ofi; lot T, Oregua Real Katate Company, $0.06; lot 6, Oregon Real katate 'Company, $0.06. ' BLOCK la,' lot a, Orecoa Real Katat Company. $0.06; lot 6, Oregon , Reel Katate Company, 10.00;. lot T, Oregoa . Heal Estate Company, $0.06; tot 8, Oregon ' Haal Estate Company; $0.0. BLOCK IM. i tot , O. A. Bltaa, $0.08; lot S, O. A. Rltsa, $0.0J; lot T, Oregon Haal Katate Company, $0.06; lot 8, Oregon Haal Katata Company, $0.00. BLOCK 2o3,, eouth 86.07 feat of lot ,6, Mirth R. Hamilton, :to.8; aorth 14. Bi fort . ' of lot 8, James Anderson, $16.67; lot 6, - James Anderson, tM.00; lot -T, Jaasea Am f derma. 2ft .20; lot 8, Jamea Anderson, $.11.60. . BUHI& 224, lot A John U. Mitchell $129.16) lot 6, Jobs H. MltcbaH,; lot I, Joba . H. MitcbelV, IXT.16; lot 8, Jobs H. Mitchell. . $116.03. BLOCK 25. lot S. C. V, Tboraoa. , 1S.T5; lot . C. V. Tboraoa, $1S.T8; lot T. . O. V. Tboraon. 0rl IS; lot 8, C. V. Thoraon, tfS.TS. BLOCK IttT, lot 0, Barnhard RrlUy atate, llaira of, f 12S.J8; lot Hern hard Hell 1 J Batata. Hair a. of. $0T.i tot T. ataxia . A. etmttb. MM. , , WlisT IRVINUT0N BLOCK 12. lot , JaUa M. Maon. 4i M. - U01XAlAYH ADDITION TO CAST P0RT- - LA NIK-BLOCK 1. lot t. Onoa Raal Katata '.- Compaaj, fl.uB; lot S, 'Oraaoa Rral luMata Compaa ).0R; lot S, Orrgoa Raal Katata Company t io.Ofi; tut 1, Oregon Umt EaUU , Companr. 0.0. BLOCK 13a. lot 4. Orofoa Heal KalaU. Oompant, 0.0o; lot 8. Orecoa Raal Kaiala Com pan . 10.06; lot 1,-OraKoa Heal Katata Company, iu.06; lot 1, Orafoa Heal buta Coaopaay, 0.US. BLOCK 1ST. lot 4. Oreaon HmI Ksnta Oomnani. lO.USl lot S. Oroo Real Katata Company, 10.05: lot t. ecoa Krai estate company, fo.uo; i a, 'ecoa Real RaUta Company, $0.06;lot 1, egov Real RaUta Company, $0.06. BLOCK 2. lot 4, Cbarlea P. Prekn, iai.l0; lot X irei ' ' 202. Ckarlaa V. Praha. IMB.9B. BLOCK 22S. lot 4. - W. 8. and Katb K. Coaaer EaUU, Uelra of, ? 11.501 lot 1, W, B. and Untb X. Coaaer, . :Ut, Jlelra of, tJa.Ha; tot 2, Jooeph H. ., Thatrbar, fT.15; lot 1, Joaapk H. Tkatcher, - $07. la. , BLOCK 2AT. lot - 4. Orecoa Raal Katata Company. $47. Sit; lot S. Orecoa Real Katate inipany. MT.26; lot 2. I. i. ttta- ferald. 0T 5; lot 1, 1. 1. fltagrrald. $128.14. . LOCK iMM, lot 4, Cbaylea Reed Katata, ; llelra of, $129.16; lot $, 'Cbarlea Reed Katata, H.lra of, $T.4S; lot z. J. A. Hartamaa. $48,416. WKHT IBVIWHTON llbOPttHn. tat i J. R, ' Hertmnaa. $46.04; lot 4. Victor A.. Arary, ' $U4.60. TotaL ft70.A4. . a .-A atatemont of atoraaald aaaeaaraeat kaa naea aatpred In tba Uoekat or City Lleoa. and la now due and parable at toe effleo of taa City Treaaarer. la lawful anoney of tba United Mtatea, and If Bot paid wltbln SO daya from ' tbe data of tbla Bailee, aueu proreedlnca will be takHO tnr tba collection Bf ttia oaraa aw are provided by . tba charter of tb City of f rnrtlaad. Tbe abore . aaaeaaitient will Bear Intel Mat 10 daya after tba tlrat pubUcatlon of thla nauva . , ' TH08. C MVL1N. ' Aadltor of tba C4ty of Portlaad. - Date of flrat inbUaaUoa, fortland, Orasoa, Marcb SI, 1UUS. . . , . absuiiizvt rom uroteAzxt or lilt .; a km mm, : Notice la hereby clraa tbat tba Council of , tbe City of Portland, Orecoa, at a meetlac , beld oa tba l&th day of March. 100ft. declared tbe aaaeaameat by ordinance No. 14.&0S far tbe loproeement or Eaat fine atreetr from toa aaat Ina of Kaet fifteenth a tract to the eaat Una of :aat Kichteeotn atreet, la the manner pro elded Ty ordinance No. 14; of tot and parrel at land, wblch are apecially and peculiarly benefited, to pa aa foUowa, via: . . ' , AIKP.N'8 ADDITION to Eaat Portland BLOCK , l, Ml, Alfred P. Nelaon RaUta, Helra - of. $xfo: lot , Alfred P. Neteon Eatatt, Heira of. $S.5; aortb of tot , John Nel " aoa. $fi.41; aootb H of lot a, Clara K. Nortb rnp, $3.4S: lot S. Mar P. PoHiemna. $83,113, MlCHOlJtON't AB0ITION ta Portlkod Orecon BLOCK 8. lot 4. W, . B. Nlcbolaoa, - $.16.T5 lot 8, W. T. B. HIcnolBon.. $8.7S; lot . W. T. . HWrnraorfc- ftS fK; lot 8. W, T. R. Nlcbolaoa. $M.W. BLOCK 8. lot 4, W. T. B. Ntenolaoo, $03.90; kt $, W. T." B. Klcholaon, $.t4.T4; eaat t lot' , .Dan K. Krana. $2.I i eaat e to Jaoiea T. Cblnnock. $M.S0; went -tt of tot " $ W. f. B. Mcbolaon. $19.80; went A of : lot . : Wr-T. R. Rlcbotaon. 48.4o. TV. W.'McXTITIRIe'B iDlllTION ta tba dtf a Portland--FIAICK 3. lot S. Aaaaada W. Reed . Katata. Helra of. $.: lot . Aauada W. . Reed Ratate. Helra of, $.M 34. - A1KKN B ADDITION to Eaat Portland BLOCK 20, lot 1. William T. R. Nlcbolaon. $o4.Tl tut 2. William T. B. Nlcbolaon. $9.00; lot ' T. William T. B. NIcbolaoB. $11.0; tot a, William T. B. Nicholaoa, $5.13. KICHOMON'8' ADDITION. Portland, Orrroa BLO K A. lot 1., William T. B. Nlcbolaoa. $1.38; lot S. William T. B. Nlcbolaoa. $k88: lot T. William T. B. Nlcbolaon. $34-8T;. lot ft, William T. B. Nlcbolaoa, (ill .03. BLOCK T, tot 1, William T. B. Nlcbolaon. $0.Mi; lot St. William T. B. Nlcbolaon. $:a.Ba; tot T. William T. B. Nlcbolaoa. $21.04; lot a. William T. R. Krcbelaon, $74.14. W; - Wf- McOBIRK B ADDITION ta- tbe t of Portland BIXMSK 4, lot T, Amanda W. Reed Relate . Helra of, $8.84; lot , Mar H. Rnrke. $31.41. -Total. 1.844.96. A atateoirnt of aforeaald aaaeaaoarat baa been antered la tba Docket of City Lleoa. and 'ta now due and payable at tba office of taa City Treaaarer. la lawful money of tba United fttatre, and If not paid wlihln $4 daya from tba dale of1hla notice," rh proceedlnin Trill taken for tba collection of tba aama aa 4 are pro Tided by tbe charter of tba City of Tbe abore aaaaament will bear Intareat lo day .after tba flrat publicatloa af tbla Botlea. ' . . TH08. C. DKVLIN. Aadlti of tba City of Portland. Date nf flrat publication, I'orUaad, Orecoa, March 21. 1005. - Atizmmrr tor mioman or vt- , aunt stixr. '. Notice. la berehy elm that thaV CawnHI of the City of Portland, Orecoa. at a meetlnf -held aa tba lath day of March, JIMH. declared 3. tba aaaeaameat by ordinance No. 14498, for tbe ImproTemeat of I'pekur. atreet, from tba aaat line of Twenjr-alitk atreet to tha weat Una of i North Portland, In tbe an an fa prorlded by . ordinance No. 18.88, apontaarh tot, part of lot and .parcel of land, which are apecially and Jiecaliarly benefited, to be aa followa, rlit kliRTIf PORTLAND! BLOCK U, lot 4, Jacob Mayer. $:t4.3; M 5. Jacob Mayer, $8.81. i HIXM-K 14. nndlTlded H of lot 17, BT M. Ismbard. $184.64; anillrlded 4 of lot ltt. . b. ,M. Lombard. $1X84; nndieldVd It of lot ' IA. B. M. Lombard, $tM.k4; uodlrlded V4 of .' lot 14, B. M. Lombard, $7.4V: undi Tided ' t H of eaat 13.39 feet of lot 13. B. M. Lom bard. $20.4S; nndlTlded i of lot 17. H. B. : Noble. $134 M; ancllTlded iot lot ), H. K Noble, ll.t.W.; andinded 4 of lot .IB, H. R. . Noble. $48.M; nndlTlded H of lot 14. H. : Nohie, $70..1; nndlTlded H of out 13.88 feat i of lot HI. H. E. Noble. $20.48; aodlrldcd H of weat nr) Aft fret of tot 13. Cbarlea K. Henry. $M.U7: ondlrlderf H of tot 12, Cbarlea K. Henry, fl3.02i nndlaided S of "lot 11. Charier K. Henry, $M.H0; ondllled U, of lot . Rl. Cbarlea K. Henry, $H0.04; nndlTlded V. of lot t, Cbarlea K. Henry, $101.89; andtTlded U of weal 36. & feet of lot 1$. Darld Uch. , tenthaler Katata, Hi lra of, $56 ttfll nndlTlded 4 of lot IS. Daild Llrbtantbaler Eaute. - lielra of. $03. W: nndlTlded tof lut , 10, Darld Llrbtenthaler Eetate. Helra of. $X0.U3; nndlTlded H of lot 9. Dartd Llcbtantbaler ' Katatr, llelra of, $101.90. BLOCK 31. kit 2. . Darld I.tchK nthalet Batata. Helra af. $.140 (Wi; north 50 fret of lot I, DaTId Ltrhtenthaler katata, Helra of. $00.04; lot 8. Darld Lkh- tenthalr Katate, Helra of. $1M.17; lot 4, - H Iiarid Llchtenthaler Bat ate, Helra of. $173.26; lot 8, Dartd LK-h ten thaler Katate, Helra of, $l8S.n e-4 . Pater P. Haaea. 1101.(15. , lAM'H ADDITION to tba City af Portland . BLOCK 823. north $.8 feet of lot 4, J. 0. . Mark, $3.47; north IS feet of lot B. J. O. Mack, $3 4.'; north 14 feet of eaat feet of lot 0, 1. O.' Mack. $0.78: north 14 leet of -""weat 31. T feet ,.f lot 6. Bernard Fln. $-a7. KOBTH PORTLAND BIX1CK 13, lot, 4, KTer ett fanton. $11. ; lot 8, Krerett fenton, ' M M BLOCK 18. M i"J. MV1 ! ' $200.92; lot S. Jacoh Mayer. $23.7; lot S. ' Jacob tfarer, $t20.-a); tot 4. Jach Mayer. al28.; kit ,B, Jacob Mayer. $124.88: lot . tncob Mayer, $11IW: weat H of lot T, Mary tlattle Ixrarn. $02 )10! at H of lot f. Annie , Oodaklnaoa, $ea.0; Vt 8. Jacob Mayer $173,101 lot f. Jacob Mayer. $2n4.43. BLOCK - ti. lot 1. Mark A. Mayer. $42.5T; lot 4, . . Mark A. Mayer, $07.01 1 lotjl. Mark A. Mayer. 8I53.7; lot 4. Mark A. Mayer. $lTa7: lot , 5. Mark A. Mayer, $1l.on; lol i. Mark A. , " Marer. $ll 2. Rlcht af way Portland J enildated Railway Company a traak, $307.90. ToUl. Kl.84o.3a. . ' . ' A etatement of iforeaald aaaeaameat baa hern antered la tha Docket of C4ty Uenej aad " - ta now dor and payable at tha office of the ' City Treaanrer. In lawful money of tk Lnlted btatea. and If not. Bald wltbln daya from lh date of thla notice, each pracaedlnca will be take fc the collection of the aama aa are neorli'rd' by tha e liar tea of tba Clta of P'edabo4 caaraament ' arltt bear ' tabreat WPaarl aftrr tb flrat aajbUeatloa - thla otlca., v k tnnt. C. DRTMN. - ' . " ' Aadltor of the City of Portland. --Dafo f f t publlaatlon. I'ortlantL Orrg on, ttarafe 81, WO. t-i- v ' ' -, t rmOPO- AEMMTrT TOR MfrSOTaV tvKT TA0Y0BT TREET. t Notice kk hereby fine) tbat tba Aadltor of tha City of Portland baa prepared a proeoaed aaaeaameat - for - taa I o armament of -Vaaury atreet frooj tb aootb Una of Vaufha atreet ta tb north Una of Tharmaa atreet, and haa aa eertatnad wbat h deeaia Juat apportionment af coat of the lauproTement in aevordanc with tha apectal and peculiar benaflta derlred by each aareal bf la ad and tot or part thereof within tbe a aai lament diatrirt and baa appor tioned tba eoat for aald ImproTamant In tha monota act appeal to ear pa reel of land and lot or part thereof aa lu ah are of luck prw aaaaaament. Any ob tett lone ta the apportionment of eoat roe eale aaipeaTamani muai oe maue la writing to tha Council and filed with tha Audjtor within IB day from the date of tha flrat poo Ucatloa of tbla notice, and aald objectlona will be heard and determined by tba Coancil be fore tbe paaaace af tha ordinance aaaeaalim tha coat of aald lmnroremeat. WIION II ADDITION .TO TBI CtTT Of .. PORTLAND BIMK 1. tot 3. (ieorca flood, l.0: lot S, Oeorce Good, $8.81; kit 6. Mary K. Avilaun, $67.70; lot f, Mary X. Wlleoa. , $68.81; lot 10. William Reldt. $23. 1L ' A parcel of land lylnc between tha aoatb Foe of Uuahnr atroet and north Una of Thurman atreet aad between that aaat Una of block t, .Wtlaon'a Addition to tba City of Portland, and Una 100 feat eaat of and parallel with : tha eaat Una of factory atreet, by 1 Tea tor Parrel!, $6.68. ; NORTH tOHTLAND BLOCK "t. tooth foet of tut 1, WUUam Reldt. $33 81 1 north W feat Of lot 1. Joaenb Dolph. $30.29; tot . H. P. Ellaaen, $6S.7o: aoatb 40 feat of lot , J. .Ji'lcR - Jacobaoo, $46,04: north 10, feet of tot 8, William Reldt. $11. 28; aoatb H . of , lot 4? WUUam Reldt. $X0.90 Berth M ot lot 4, Oacar Peteraon, $30.91; aaat 40 feet of tot 5. Herman Hanaon. $3.18: weat 33 feat of . lot . Oacar Peteraaa. $67.89. All af bkx-k 8. 'BUcklatone Addition tn the City of Portland. lln weat of a 'Una' 100 feet eaat of a parallel with the eaat llaa of factory atreet. Amanda Reed. $6.88. .- WILHON'8 ADDITION TO Trt CITY OP PORTLAND BLOCK 2. lot 1. WlUlam C. ; Noon, $2H.T tot 4, William C. Noon, $68.54; lot 6. retrr 'Mataeo, $66.12; lot 8, Ladd A Tilton, $9.08: kit 9, IJirtd A Tllton, $3.67. NORTH PORTtAND BLOCK 1. to 1, Jacob Mayer, $01.46; lot 2, Jacob Mayer; $64.07; lot 8. Jacob Mayer, $67.43. Total. $774.90. : : V TH08. C. DBVUN, Aadltor Of the City of Portland, OrneeavC pat ef flrat public tioa March 20, 1908. TaVOTOtES ncnOTESTEtTT Of HOliABAT . , ATEMUX. ; .; ' Notic 'l hereby glren that at tba meetlac of tba Council of tba City of Portland, orecon, held oa tb 15th day of March, luuO, tha fut hiwlac resolution waa adopted; thwolTad. Tbat tba Council of tha City of Portland. Orecon. deema It eioedlent and bar poaea to ImproT Holladay aTenue, except that portion o aald arenoe oaad by tba Portlaad Conuolidatad Railway Com pa a r far rlgbt - of Way pwrpoaea. lylnc between the aaat end of tha atari brldce and the -aaat llaa af Croeby laa lo tha eaat Una of Eaat rlrat atreet. lu tha followlnc manner, ta-wlu - - Pint By cradtnf tba atroet fall width with full IntcreecUooe to the proper aub-grade. Hoooad By Baaing Urn atreet full width with fatl tntereottioaa with wood burka treated with raraoTlneam BTaaarlua on a concrete foundation of not leaa than 6H locbea la depth, ' Third By ' coutracttngT atone btech header eoukle row. m Konrth By laying artificial atone aldewalka. tlfth Dy itooatructihg artificial atone enrba. Hlith Toe Portland'' -Conaolldatad RaUway Company to re mora tha ratal now ta aa aaat of .the center Una of Craaby atreet and to re place the earn with T-luch grooved rail, oa a atmtreta fohndattoa, ' . Bald lmproeeaaaat to be made la accordance with tha charter aad ardloancea of tha City ef Portland and tbe plana, aporiflcatloaa aad eattmatea of tbe City Engineer,, filed Id tha office of tha Aadltor of the City of Portland oa too 16th day af March. 1906, indoraed: "City Engineer' plana and apeciflcationa for tha im prove merit of Holladay arenoa from tba eaat end of tha atael bridge to tba eaat Una of Eaat flrat atreet, and the aetlmatoa of tb work to be van and tha probable total eoat thereof." Tbe eoat of aald improrement to ha aaiiamd aa proTlrtwl by tha rltj, charter udqu the prop erty apecially and peculiarly benefited thereby, and which la hereby declared ta be all the Iota, parte thereof and pareela of land lying between the eaat and of tha ateei bridge and a Una 100 feet want of and parallel with the eaat Una of Rant tiret atreet aad between the eouth linn nf Holladey-areno and a Una 100 teat Booth thereof and oarallel therewith, aad alao the aouth 10O feet of blocka 88. 63, 81 and 60, aad the aoatb 100 feet of tbe weet 100 feet of buck 40, HolUaAy' addition, and tb nontb eaatarly one half of black 4, McMlllen' addl tlon to Eaat Portland, and parcel of laad aoutheaat of aald block 4, McMlllen addiUen to Raat FertUnd. - Tha Bogluear'a eatlmate, of tha probabla total 4nat for tbe ImproTement at Beid UoUadar a tco a h $ Tba above IrnprajTement la to be claaaed aa a wood block ImaroTemen ana .aba 11 .be aaala Ulned by tb city for B. period of eight yoara, proTlrted that the Awaer of majority ef the property benefited by a aid Improvement er any portion thereof anall not petition tor new or different Improvement before tha ex piration af each period. . . ' Tbe plana, epeciflcaUona and aatimatos of tb City Engineer for the ImproTement of aald Bot laday arena Br hereby adopted. . Heaureed. That the Auditor of tb City of Portlaad be and be ta hereby directed to. glee notice ef tha proponed Improvement of aald avenue, v - - Kemone trance arrlnet the ahoee Improvement may be filed la writing with the undenlgned within 20 day from tha date, ef the flrat publico tloa of thla aoriee. " By order of tte Council. .- f TH08. C, DEvTJlf. ' ------- : Aadltor of the Cltr ef Portland. : Portland, Oregoa, Data er flrat pub Ucatloa, March 18, 1906. ... . AMEsgimrr toe vmorrmm or it .. .-:- 8KTR 8TRXIT. . Notice la hereby given that tb Council af th Cltyof Portland, Oregonran meeting bald on the 16th day ef March, I0OS, declared the aaaaameot by ordinance No. 14.497, for the Un of Twenty-fifth atreet to the east line of Twenty-sixth atreet, la the Banner provided by ordinance No. 18,627, upon each lot. part of let aad Barret et land, which ore apecially aad neeellarlr bene Cited, ta Be aa fallows, via: WILBON'8 ADDITION to tb City of Portland 4 BLOCK 7. tot 8. CUra Maroorr, 179.97: lot 8, Clara Mardorf, $36.06: north 14 feet of tot 4, . Ella L, Woodward. $8.16. ATKINftON'8 ADDITION to the City of Port . land-BLOCK 1, lot 10, Kami i. Wakemaa. $13i.63: tot 8, W. W. Ooonall. $117.68; lot : 8. latwrence 8.- Kaiser, $125.30; lot T, Joseph Hopple, $116 62: lot A. Joseph Supple, 6M NORTH PORTLAND BLOCK 13. lot T, Henry Wetnhard Kststs, Heira ft. $82. eB; lot 8. Henry Welabard Estate. ; llelra of, $131.08; ' lot .8. Henry Weinhard Katate. Helra of. $11 01- tot 4. Henry Wdnhard Rststs, Helra of. $111.44. WllJtON'8 ADDTTIOJf to the City of Portland . HIXICK T. lot 9, F-evasrd Rons, $94.20; lot 12. . Mary Itlrhet, $0.68; aoatb 14 feet el tot 13. Mary Rlchet, $2 14. ATKINHON H ADDITION to th City of Port land II LOCK 2.- lot I. Mary .Rlchet. $10.90; lot 2. Htefano Verio, $118.84; tot 8, Mr', 8. M. Wakefield. $117.93; lot 4, Henry W. Trios. 8128.07: tot 5. 1L, heifers. $123.48; lot . H. Nelfera. 1 67. NORTH PORTLANIt BLOCK 12, tot 1, R. Hll- (lerorandt, $01.78; lot 2. t. Ik. Lombard. ' $122.99; K)t 8. B. M. tximbsrd. $110.28; lot 4. R. M. tiomhant. $104 97. Right of wsy , Portland Consolidated Railway . Company' track. $474.63. Total, $2,034.48. A statement of aforesaid aaeessment ba lieen entered In the Docket of City Lien, and la now due aad payable at the office ot tb City Treaaarer, la lawful money of the United Mtatea. and If not paid wltbln 80 days from the date of thla notice, nch proceeding will be taken for tb collection of th aama aa re prorlaed by tb (barter of tb City f Portland. Tbe above assessment will bear Interest 10 day after, the flrat publication ef tali T"' ' TH0S. Ci DEVLIN. ' ! - " Auditor of the City of Portland. ' Date of first publication, Portlaad, 'Orrgoa, March 21. 1W. - AaoEBSttZtTT FOE inEOTEaOEXT OF EAST t t xounosT nmmi.f ;' ; r-. : - Notice I berehy glTss that th' Cowncll 'of the City of Portland, Oregoa, at ' a meeting held on the 16th dsy of Msreh, 1908. declared the aaaeaaairnt by ordinance No. 14.608. for tbe Improvement of Rest Morrison atreet, from the east line of Raat TMrtv-etchtb atreet to .the west line of East Thirty-ninth street, la the manner provided by ordinance No. 14.223, apoa each tot. part of lot and parcel of land. Which are specially and peculiarly bene fits, to be as follows, via:- BARTftCH PARK ADDITION TO RAIT PORT LANDBLOCK 8,- let T. Agnes Rohaoa. ' 9.48; tot 8. Agnes Rotasvo, $48.14; lot 9, Agnea Botoson. $53 97: tot 10. Albert Bartarh. -$42.47: tot 11, Ottlllo Bartach. $40.74; tot II Ottilia Rartscb. $H3 85., BLOCK 4. tot K Jessie E. Rorosn. $.11.93; tot 3. . K. fteott. JM.06; tot 8. Annie Welke, $46.26; tot 4. osepb K. 0111. $67,271 tot 8. Melvln C. eotsT' sHl'is. M ""' Uors. r $ 97. A statement ef aforesaid aaaessrneait haa been entered tn tha Pocket of City I Jens, and I now do and payable at the office of tbe City Treasurer. In lawful asnney of tba. United Ntatea. and if not paid within 80 daya from tha data ef thla notice, each peoceediurs will he taken for th collection of th same aa lira provided by th charter ef tee city ot Portland. .. V, The above assessment win beer Interest to Bay after the-first publication, a! , tola notlc. . , ,. THOR. 45, TtETLIN. ,, - Andltor of the Ctf nf Portland'. . Dale of tlrat aubllcaltoa, Portland, Oregoa, ttatcb 31, .$0ft. - . -r noTOBjes aUaEr"Yxirr Tom " ntrori . atxirr or tqurtk street. Notice la herabe arlmn that tb Auditor f th City of I'orUaad baa prepared a proponed aa- eeaameni tor we lmprovemeni ot evawin anew. rrom in aonth llae of Hooker atreet to me north line' ef Wood treet, and haa aacar. talned what he aWma a luat anuortlonnMnt of coal of th Imprvvement la accordance with inv apeciaii na peculiar oeoerim aiwa vj each parcel ef land and lot or Bert thereof within tbe aaaeaaueal diatrirt, aad ha appor tioned tha eoat for aald luproTemeot In tha amounU art oppoalt each parcel ot land and lot or part 'thereof aa It a hare of ueh prv poaed aaeeaeuMnt. ' Any objectlona ta the apportiooment of eoat fo aald Improrement moat be made In writing to tbe Council and filed with the Auditor wltbln !ILdaT from the dau af the flrat aubllcatloo of tbla notice, and aald objectlona will be heard and determined by tbe eouacll before the oaaaace af tbe ordinance aaxiaatng-Ah eoat af aald ImprareinaDt. ' CARCTfH8 , APDITIOIf TO CARCTHER8 ADDITION ! TO CITX OP PORTLAND - BLOCK TO, eaat 80 feet . of north lot feet, Balfour UathrU lnveatment Company, ? 79.4.1; wast 80 teat ef eaat 80 feet af north 00 feet, LoBt Trammer. $18.18; weat 20 . leet ot eaat 100 feet of north 100 feat. : Agnea Walah. $3.76; eaat 89 feet of north 8 feet, ot aoatb loo feat, Joseph and Vic toria Klaametter, $8-94; north 42 teet of - aouth 93 feet of eaat 99 feet, Mary Juchea rlrk. $46.06; eaat 74 feet of aouth 60 feet, llattlo Johnson. $48.98; weat 8 feet ef aaat .' JMt ( oo'a 80 feet, Victor Oeoftrsy. ' A parcel of land ' lying between ' tha west llae ot fourth atreet and a line 100 feet west ' thereof aad parallel therewith, and between ' tbe north and aoatb Una of Porter atreet. extended weeterly In IU present course. Ore- ri Railroad A Varlgatloo Company, $48.81. ' parcel of lend bounded aad described a followa: Commencing at the intersection of , aouth Use-of Porter atreet, elUsded westerly . lb Ita present oouraa with the weat Una of . Poarth atreet, aa now eetabltahed, aald point being go feet aoatb and 6.n feet west f . southwest corner ef block 87, CaWthera' Ad , d I tlon to Carnthera' Addition to the City of Portlaad. thence weat en aouth Una at Por ter atreet. Axtendrd westerly In Its present course 97.82 feet to weat Una ef old fourth atreet, extended southerly 60 feet, thence ' east and parallel with aoatb line of Porter atreet, extended westerly In Ita present course 108.19 feet to west Hoe t Poarth atreet. as now (subllshed, thence northwesterly oa weeterly line of Fourth atreet to beginning, Kllen C. Marrlaon, $46.15. - Haaterly 100 fact of a parcel af land bounded . and described aa followa: Commencing at a . puial en east Una of Pour lb street, said point being 110 feet aonth and 0.94 feet - eaat of southwest . corner of block 07. Carutbera"' Addition to Canitbera' Addition to - the City of Portland, thence weet-108. 19 feet , to wast- Use -eld Keorth atreet. extended southerly, . thence aouth - en the weat Una - ot old . Ponrth atreet extended 25 feet, thence eaat 113.22 feel to the weat , Una of Poor lb street now established, these, northwesterly oa west line of Fourth I street to beginning, Q. tie BenedJtU EStat. nnr vi, f a.-ro. Easterly 100 feet ef a parcel of land bounded . Boo oeaerioea aa followa: commencing at a - point on west line of Fourth street as bow j eaubMBhed, aald point being 100 feet aouth ' aad 10.00 feet eaat of southwest corner, of ' block 07, Carnthera' Addition to- Caruthers' Addittoo to tbe City af Portland, thence west j. aad parallel with aoatb line ot Porter street extended westerly In It present course, 118.48 feet t west tin of old Fourth street, ax tended aoutberly, thence north on aald west Una of old Fourth atreet a I tended 36 feet, tbear aaat 118,82 feet to west Un ot Poarth ' Btraatf aa woaf eetahllaheel, thence Southeast 1 on west line of Fourth street to beglanlng, : Harry M. Ooodahall. $28.14. - Easterly 100 feet ef a parcel of land boaoded aad described aa followa: Commeadnc at is tecsectlon of north line ot Woods atreet and west line of Poarth street as how established. . said point beln 300 feet aoatb and 39.78 feet eaat of southwest earner of block 87, Csruther' Addition to Csrotbens' Addlttoa to ' tb City of Portland, thence west oa aorth line of Woods arrest, extended 189 feet to weet llae of old Fourth atreet extended south erly, thence north on said weet line of old Fourth - atreet extended 100 feet, thence eaat and parallel with the aouth Una r of Porter atreet extended westerly UH.4 feetf., to west line of Fourth atreet aa bow eatab- llabed, thence easterly oa west Una of Fourth atreet to beginning, Cbarlea Jcnke, $87.67. CA RUTH ERR' ADDITION TO 'CARCTHF.R8' ADDITION TO THE CITY OP PORTLAND . BLOCK 67, all of tot west of Oregon ft California Rsilroed Oempsnj's right ef way, . Oohrlch Baumgartner, $38.82. -' All of tot T weat ef Oregon California Rail road Compaay'a right of way, Elisabeth . Bsamcsrtner. $44.10. All of tot weat of Oregon A California Railroad Company' right of way, Jeremiah W or lea. 849.73. -All ef tot A west of Oregoa . A -California Railroad Compel Wsetck. 846.04. ' All of that portion ef block 67, Caruthers' , Addition to Carothera' Addlttoa to tbe City of Portland lying weet of a line 109 feet seat ot ana parallel wita tne eaat line er ronrta atreet, treed by the Orecoa A California Rail . road Company for right of way purpose, Oregoa aad 'California Railroad Company, $126. ' . All of lot 8 lying eaat of the Oregoa A California Railroad Cemnany'e right ot way . aad - weat ot a line 100 feet eaat ot and parallel with the east Una of Fourth street, ' C. R. Smith. $0.84. A parcel ef laad lying between th eaat Una - of Fourth street and a line 100 feet east - thereof and parallel therewith, aad between tb north and aoatb Uae ef Porter atreet ei tended westerly la Ita present coarse, Ore gon Railroad Navlgatloa Company, $44.94. All that portion of a parcel ef land lying westerly ef a line 100 feet easterly of and - parallel - with the eaatarly Una ef Poarth atreet. which la bounded and described aa fol lowa: Beginning oa the aoatb line of Porter .. atreet eg tended westerly In Ita present coarse end thaV west Una of th pregohvjk California Kaiirooa compaay a rigm ot way, inence weet 68.70 feet, tbenee south 109 teat, the ace eaat 99.28 feet to the west Use ef the Oregoa A Callforala Railroad Company'a right of way, thenc northwesterly aa the went line ot tb Oregoa A California Railroad Compaay'a right of way to place sf beginning, LocreU "a anaTWr-nsS-Crr! A parcel of land bounded and described aa . followa: Commencing at 4b laterarctloa of .the aoatb Una ef Porter atreet extended . westerly la Ita present coarse, snd east af Una ef Fourth atreet as now established- said point being 60 feet south and 11.76 feet eaat . ef the seatbwaat earner ef block 67, Ce ratbers' Addlttoa to Caruthers' Addlttoa to - tbe City of Portlaad. thence esst en tba aoatb Hue ef Porter atreet extended 78.26 feet, tbenee west sad parallel with Porter street extended 69.02 feet to th (est line of Fourth ' street aa bow established, thence northwest erly oa the east line of Ponrth atreet to be ginning, Henry Thompson Eatate, Heir of, . $81.97. 1 Westerly 100 feet af 6 parcel of land hounded . and described aa fallows: Commencing at In tersection ef the aorth line ot Wood street and the eaat llaa nf Fourth street aa bow , eatabllahed, said point being S60 feet sooth and 80.22 feet esst of tbe southwest corner ' of block 67, Caruttaeri' Addlttoa to Csru there' Addition to the City of Portland, thence east en tha aorth Un of Wood street 86.90 feet. . tbenee - north - at right snxles to Wood atreet 100 fret, thence west snd parallel with tbe north line ot Woods street 106.13 feet to the east Una ef Fourth atreet aa Bow established, thence Bsatbeasterly oa tbe esst . line ot Panrtn street to beginning, Oliver U. Holmes. $97.46. , s All of that portlou ef a parcel of laad lying westerly of a lie 100 feet easterly of snd parallel with the easterly line of Fourth ' atroet aa new eatabllahed which la branded 'and described aa follows: Commencing, at Intersect loa of north Un f Woods street and west line of Oregon A California Com- fa ay "a right ef way, thence west en north In nf Wood Street 92.7 feet, thence north at right angle to Wood street to a point 100 feet aorth ot north Uae ot Woods street, tbenee esst and parallel.. wits Berth line ot Wonde street 62 14 feet to point oa weet Un , af Oregon A California Railroad Company' right of wsy. tbeneaj soatneeaterlr en west erly line of Oregon A California Railroad company'a right ef way to beginning. Laars U. tester. $1.04. Total WB7.12. - , , TH08. C. DETT.rN, ' Aadltor of the City of Portland, Oregoa, Data ot first pubUcatloa March 20, J90B. . , FEOtOSXB AtSTMRTirr 1 FOR TJCTsVOTsV v -' V xzxr ;of ; rites - btrxr. Notice la berehy rive that the Aadltor of th City, of' Portland haa prepared a proposed assessment for the Improvement ef River street from fbe Bonhwrsterly line of Randolph atreet to Uae 140 feet asutbeasterly there from, and haa earertalned what be deems a hut apportionment of eoat of the Improvement In accordance with tbe special and peculiar benefits derived by each parrel ef land and tot or part tbarsof within the ssaesameat dis trict, and baa appJrtloned th cost for aald Imprevenstnt la ths amoant est opposite asch parcel of land aad tot or part tberaof aa lot ah are of such proposed assessment. Any objections' to th pnorttonmeat f met for eale) Improvement meet be made in writing to the Council and Sled. with tbe Aadltor wlthla IS days from tbe data ef- lbs trnt publication at thla notice, snd aald abjections will be beard and determined by the Council before tbe pas ear a of. tha ordinance ssnssslsg -.the eoat ef aald ImpTOTefnent. ALBLNA RIVKR LOT geaith 40 feet of tot "ft. Lou I a NIcolla. $230.20 north 38 feet of ,ht . Loola Mcella. $168.86: south 65 feet ef lot 9., Cltr of Portlaad. $226.61. Af.ntN AIRLOCK T9. tot 4. Jeme B. Mont. BBiais. xaeire aoa-oei saw a, eanHW tgoaarry Eetate. Helra er. S4S.SI. sji . lot 1. Jamea R. Moatsoaserv tnaiafe. Hewn ot. S266.02; north 80 feet of tot IT J noes R. Montgomery Katata, Heir M ,144A3. TOtaU ,,.,, .-. nByt i!f , Aadltor nf th f11 of Portland. Oregoaj. Dste of Srat peaUoallea, March SO, IMS, FioroBxs rrtrxR to n uon as the LRVDiaTOR DISTRICT SEWER. , Notice U herrbr clrea that at tha meetlac ef the Council of tb City of Portland, Oregon, new. on toe inta usy ot aaaren, leva, to nil- lowing rssolntlon wee adopted; Heaolred, Tbat the Council of the City f Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient aad pur poses to construct a sewer til be knows a the Irvlugtoo district sewer, with slV necessary eatcb-basina, maa-holoa, lamp-bole and branches. in bssi Twenty-nrai atreet, . Mr a see street, Ksst Meventseath street Thompson atreet. Eaat Reveoth sueet. . ban Rafael atreet. WlllUma avenue. Uanceck street; thence aouth 66 de- freea ho minutes west rrom tbe weat end of laneock street to the low water mark of the Willamette river. Raid newer to be eon- etructvMl as follower- 2.1 d. lineal feet of two- ring artck and atone egg-spapea newer- or e feet 6 Inches by feet 9 Inches clear Inside dlamster southerly la East Twesty-flrst street from the south line of Btsntoa street to a nolut In Htanton atreet at H rases atreet; thence weeterly In Braare atreet to a point In B ranee street at Rest Heventeenth street; 1.M7 lineal feet ot two-ring , brick and atone egg-shaped sewer of 4 feet 10 Inches by 7 feel 4 U Inches clear inald diameter aoutberly In East Seventeenth street from a point la Bra ace atreet ta a point la Ksst Seventeenth atreet at Thompson atreet; thence wostsrly la Thomp son atreet to a point la Thompson atreet at East Twelfth atreet; 4.040 lineal teet of two ring brick and a too egg-shaped sewer of 6 feet 4tt Inches by T feet 10 Inches clear Inside diameter ' westerly from S point 1 Thompson street at Raat Twelfth atreet to a point tn Tbompeoa street at Rast Seventh street I thence southerly la Esst Seventh atreet to a point la Ksst Seventh I treat st Man Rsfsel street; thence westerly In Bsn Rafssl street to point. U Baa Rafael atreet at WlUiama avenue: 873 lineal teet of two-ring brick and stone circular newer ot 4 feet 4 infers dear lnald diameter aoutberly from polut la Wll llama aTenue at Ban Hafaet street to a nolnt la Williams arenae at Hancock atreet; thence west erly la Hancock street to point la .Hancock street 160 feet west of th west line, of Flint street; 182 lineal feet ot two-ring brick snd stone etrculsr sewer of 2 feet 8 Inches clear Inside diameter to a point 2X3 feet west ef tbe weat line of Flint atreet: 1.260 lineal feet of two-rtng brick and atooe circular newer -of 6 rent deer Ineloe diameter westerly la n aurora atreet from a point 282 feet weet ot tba weat Una of Flint atreet to a nolnt In Hancock street St the east Use of the Oregon Railroad NaTiss.tion Compe.ay'a right of way; 400 lineal teet of twolng and three-ring brick and stone etrculsr sewer of 4 feet. $ Inches clear Inaide diameter from the east line ot tba Oregon Railroad A Narlgattou Company 'a right of way to tha Willamette river at low water mark, la accordance with tbe City - Kagloear'S plans, specification and estimates. Bald sewer to bo eonatmrted In accordance wttb tbe charter and ordinances of the City of Portland and tb plana, apeciflcationa and, esti mates of tbe City 'Kuglneer, filed In the office of th Auditor of tb City of Portland on tba 1Mb day of March, 1908, Indorsed: "City Rnglneer'a plans and sped flea Hons for th wer to be known the Irving ton district sewer, and the estimate of tba work to ba done aad the probable total cost thereof." 8a Id newer I to be a district sewer and to be tor In parnuae ef sewering and draining all tbe lots, parts thereof aad pareela. ot land lying - within the district abounded and de scribed aa follows! , Beginning at the Intersertloa of the renter lines ot River atreet aad Alnlna avenue; thence southerly along tha center line of River atreet to tha east line ot th O. R. N. Co.' right at. way; thence southerly along th aaat Un of th 0. R. A N." Co.1-right -ot wsy . to a point 190 fort south at the south Una of Dixon rtreet If extended westerly; thence easterly along a tin 160 feet Booth of and parallel with the eootk line of Plxoa atreet to the west Un of Elisabeth Irvine's Heeond addition; tbenee north alone the weat line of Elisabeth Irving s Second addition to a point 100 feet north of th north Un of Hancock atreet; thence aaat on a line 100 feet north of nnd parallel with - tbe north line ot Haacock atreet to a point 100 feet eaat of tb eaat line ef Rast Ninth street I thence north oa B line 100 feet eaat ot aad par allel with the east line of. East Ninth street to a 'potnt 100 feet aonth af the- aoatb line ef Tillamook atreet: thence esst on a line 100 fret south of and parallel with the aouth Una ef Tillamook street to a point 100 teet east of the esst line of Hast Sixteenth atreet; thence north on a line 100 feet esst of and parallel with tba aaat line of Raat Blxteentn atreet to : street: thence east i ZnV r l.-l . ,f" h tb east along tne center line ot -iiuansoox au Klat 100 feet east of tha east Una Ten teen th . atreet: thence north o 100 feet eaat of aad parallel with th east Una of Raat fteventeenth afreet to tbe center line Of Thompson street'; thence eaat along the center Un of Tbompeoa street to a point 100 feet east -of ths seat Una of - East Twenty fourth atreet; tbenee north aa a line 100 feet east of and parallel with tb east Una at Rast Twenty-fourth street to a point 100 feet aorth of tha Berth Une of tioing atreet; thence weat on a Une 100 feet north of aad parallel with the north line of Going atreet to a point 100 tee eaat er the east una ot eaat Tenia, atreet; thence aonth oa n Una 100 feet eaat of and Par allel with the east tins of Rast Tenth street ta a point 100 feet sooth of the eouth Un nf Present t atreet; tbenee west oa a Una 100 feet south of aad parallel with the eouth Iln ot prseootf street to a point iw roes east ot "the east line of Union avenue; tbenee aoatb oa a line 100 feet eaat ef aad parallel with tbe east llae ot Vntom arenas to the center Una of Munio street; thence west oa the center line of klorrl street to th center Un ef Union nveaue; tbenee south OS th center Un of Union avenue to the center line Of nacre men to atreet (weat); thence, west on tba renter Une ot Bacramrnte atreet to tne center Une ot WllUama avenue; tbeace south oa- th caster llaa of, Williams avenoe to the center line ef Pass atreet; theses west -on the center Una of Page street to the center line af Amino s Tense; thence south aa the center Iln of Albina avenue to th center Une of River street, the point of beginning, containing 928.S acres, mora or less. The cost ot aald sewer to be ssaessad aa provided by the city charter noon the property specially aad peculiarly benefited thereby, and wblcb la hereby declared to be all the lota, perta thereof aad parcel ot land lying wlthla the district hereinbefore bounded and described, The KngfneeT estlmaf of tb probable total met for the eoostructioa ot said sewer 1 $102,000.00. Tb plane, ararelfl cation aad estimate of the City iLiurlseer for th coostrwettoq of said ss veer are hereby wtoptod. - .- - Rewelvrd. That th Auditor nf ths City of Portland be and be to hereby directed to give notice of th proposed nsjs iiuiitltii aa provided by th city charter, Reanonstrancea as-alast tba may be fikd la 'writing with tha uderatgned within 20 days from tha data ef th flrat pahllcatloB'ef thla notice. , ,-. By order of the OoubcJL . ' , . 'THOR. "C dsvun. - , Aadltor of the City of Portland. Portland, Orrgoa. Dto at tint publlcstleu, March 18. ISOh. . . . , , FROTosxD nraoTOohrr of east . TKIEXT-SICOaTB STREET. Notlc Is hereby glveo that at tha meeting of the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, held oa tb 15th dsy of March, thus, th tot lowing resolution wss adopted: KeaMvea. raat tne umbucm or vne nry. oi Portland, Oreguo, deems It expedient and pur were to improve Enat mirty-eecona atreet trom the north line of Eaat Morrison atreet to the aoatb line of East Aider street, by grading tn street to th atakea aa eat by tb City Engineer, and Isylng wooden aldewalka. Maid Improvement t'J be mad la accordance with the charter aad ardloancea ot the CRy ot Portland and tb plana, Basel Oration aad esti mates f tbe City Engineer, filed In the office of tb Aadltor of tbe City ot Portland oa the l.ttk day of March, 1903, Indorsed: "City Knglneer plan aad speHflcatloea for tb Im provement of Rast Thirty-second e treat from tbe rorth line of Ksst Movrieea atreet to th south line of Raat AMer atreet, and the est lms tea of the work to be doo and tb probabla total eoat thereof." - - Tbe coat ef aald lmttuvrmeot ta b aaseaaed a provided by tbe city charter upon the prop erty apecially and peculiarly benefited thereby, and which la hereby ahelared to be alt the tots, part thereof and pareela of laud lying between a llae 109 feet eaat of and parallel with tbe eaat line of Esst Thirty -second street and a Una 100 feet west if and parallel with ths west llae ef Rast Thirty second street end between the north Un of Kaet Morrlaoa atreet aad the (oath line of East Alder street, Tbe Kaglneer a eatlmate of tba probsble total cost for the Improvement of said Kaet Tblrty aemnd atreet ta $238.00. . The Blase, specifies Uos aad aarlmatsa f th City Knglneer for the improvement ef said atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved. That tba Aadltor nf tbe City ef Portlaad be aad. he la hereby directed to give not lee ef . the proposed Improvement ot aald atreet aa provided by tbe dty charter. - Reaaonetrancee s gal net th above Imprrreemeot may be filed la writing with tha undersigned wlthla 20 days from tb date at tha tint pablieattoa of thla notice. , . , By order ef the Oonncll. THOft. C. TlKYLIrf, ' Auditor ef tbe Cltr of Portlaad, Portland. Oregon. Date at first pubbeeUoa, March 18, 1905. mOFOSID nmrYZafZlfT OF EAST TRttS ,., STREET. . '; .... i; : . Notice ta hereby given, that at tbe meeting ef tbe Coancil -of the City of Portland, Oregoa. beld oa tbe lnth day of March, lPue, the fol lowlnc resolution was adopt ett. Resolved. That the CoctueU of th City f Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and para poaea to Improve Raat Third atreet from tbe north line of Ksst Clay street to tha aonth Una of Hawthorne avenue, by grading the street to the sub-grade aa given by the City Rnglnesr, by constructing aldewalka and bringing the surface of tb street to tb aatabUahed frad with grhvet 8a 14 Improve meat to be mad In accordance with the rhartee and ardtnanrea ef tb City of Portland and the plane, aneclftesttoos and es timates of the City Knglneer, filed In the office of tbe Aadltor ef tb City of Portland oo the lth day of March. 1906. Indoraed: "City Kn glneer's plena and specifics t lone for the Im- Kvement nf P.sat Third street from the north i of East Urns street to the aoatfe Haa sat Hawthorns srenwa, and tbe eetlmatoa of tbe work to b doo cad tba probshi total east thereof." The cost of aald Improvement to ba eeaeseed as presided by the city charter apoa tbe prop erty specially and peculiarly, benellted thereby, and which la hereby derlayed to b U tba tots, parts thereof aad parcels of laad lying be. iwecB a Ue 1UU feet wast ot and parallel with '.he west iln of hlset Third au-ae and a llaa luu feet esst ef and parallel with tb east Una ef Eaat Third atreet and between the north Uae of Esst Usy street aad the aouth Una of Uawihora ovrooo. . Tbe hBjrlnevr e estimate er the nronanie mint eoat it for Ike Improve meat ef solo jeaat nira streeP la gaus.oo. . . - Tha above Improvement la to be claaaed aa a STavel lmprvvetuent aad shall ba aaaiaiaiaed by the city fur a period of five J oars, provided tbat the owners ot a majority ot the property benefited by asld imorweenesC er say purtlMi thereof shall not peUUeu lor a new er different lmpruTesneitf feature I he expiration ef (uch period. . iIim nlana. aneclflcatlooa aad aatimatea af th 01 ty Engineer fur the Imoroveuteut of ssid atreet are haurebv adotkLatd. ' ' a . Resolved, That tbe Aadltor of the' City ef Portlaad be and he la hereby directed to give notice af the new posed lmproveuent of said atreet aa nrovldsd bv the cltr charter. rtomotHtraaeos against the above Improvement may be filed to writing with th undersigned within So dsys from tha date at the first publlcalloa ef thla notice. .' By order ( the OouncIL - , . , TUtM. tt DBVUN. 4 - : ' ' - Auditor of tbe Cltr of Portland. . Portland. Oregoa, ' Data of tlrat pubiiustloti. ssarca in, iuu. . . - v PROPOSED ihtTROTEhTTVT OF TWENTIETH ? ' . STREET, ' ' Notlc la hereby given that at the meeting or tne council or uu ciur ot rornana. orecon, beld on the 16th day of March, IPUo, th (al lowing resolatlua -waa adopted: Heeolved, Tbat the CouacM of the City ef Portia ud, Oregon, deems It expedient and par pose to Improve Twentieth street from th aorth Un vt HurUig street to th aorth Un i carter struct, to th following aianuer, to-wlt: -First By bringing th street fall width -with full taberssctloBa- to proper aub-grade oa gives vj tne K siaguaeer. 8ecnd By bringing tb ttraet to grsae fall width with toll intersections with macadam. Third Br eoaBtraetiuc artificial atone alde walka la accordance, with the City hi ngl rarer' plans, specifications and estimates. Fourth By cooa tract lug srtlflclal to accordsac with tbe City Kuclaaar'a Plaaa. speciricsuona ana uaastea. . riru sly cenatruoune srtirioal atone walks ta accordance with tb City Kaxlneer a piana, apecuicatamaa aaa estimates. , ( nixia uy constrocting atuoe guttera. Maid tmnrevsment to be msde is sccerrl ai with th charter and ordinances ot toe City of l-oruaao and tne plana, apecirtcatione wee) eett matae of the City Knglneer, filed In ths office of the Auditor of the City of Portland oa toe lata oay or March, ibog, indorsed; "city Bngineer a L'tans ana soeciricauans tor tn im prvvenMut of Twentleta street from the aorth uae of Boring atreet to the aorth uae of car tM street, and tba eatlmetaa ef the work to be none sue ih nrocisnier iia eiaw- inaaean The cost of said ImproTement to be saaaasa S aa provioeo or tne airy enarter. apoa taa property specially and peculiarly , benefited Iberrby, aad which la hereby declared to be ' all the lota. - parts thereof snd as reels of laad lying between a 11 os 108 fsst west ef aad pars 11 el with tbe west Une ef Twentieth atreet and a Una 100 feet esst ot snd parallel with tha east llae t Twentieth atreet nnd bet seen the aorth Una of Bprlng street and a Uae 100 feet north of aad parallel Ita. the north Uno or Carter street. The Raglncer'a estimate of the probabla total coat for the Improve aaeal at said Twentieth atreet la ao.uin.uu. Tbe above Improvement la ts be classed aa a macadam Improvement nnd ahall ba maintained by tbe city for a ported of fire years, pro vided that the owners ot a majority ef the property benefited by said Imnrevemeot or soy port too to error snsu not oetitton lor different Improve strut befor tha axptrattos of aoch Nsrlod, The plans, sprrfficatiecBV and catlnseUa of th city Knglneer lot the improvement el cold atreet are hereby sdonted, ' , Resolved. Thst tbe Auditor ef tbe Cltr ef Portias be and be la hereby-directed to give -ootlc of the peonoaed la street a a provided by the r Kemoawt ranees against tht buy be filed la writing w t ot sate the above Improvement with tha uudersls-ned within SO data from the data af tha flrat vabilcattoa of thla notice. , By order at the Council. THOU. C. DtTTLIN. Aadltor of the Cltr ef Portland. Portland. Oregoa. Data at tlrat publication. surra is, jew. FE0JF0SEO IlLTEOVEltKtTT 0T EAST KIKTX .. STREET. Notice Is hereby given that at the saeerlng ef the Council of the City of Portland, Orrgoa, held oa tbe 15th day ef March, llajo, the tot towlng resolutloa wsa adopted; Resolved, That the Council of th City af roruano, irrewon, mwans it espeuiens aoa par poses to Improve 'Ksst Ninth street from the south line of Hawthorns avenue to the aorth Une ef Dlvutoa street, ta the following man ner, te-wlt: First By grading tbe street fall width with full intornertione down to the proper sub-grade -a shown by the sukss as set by th city Engineer. " Mecond By bringing tbe surface of tbe street full width with toll intense liceo to tba eetsb Uabed grade with gravel. Third By constructing artiilcial atone alde walka. , Fourth By laying cronswsrka. - Fifth Br laying drain ' pipe la accordance with th City Hnglaeae'a pUoa. Bpeclflcatsias aad satlmates. I Sixth Ry constructing bos aad atom gutters. ' Seventh Ry eonstj acting wrauara sMewslks la accoroance with tbe City gaglneor'B plaaa, asaa Iflcstmoe sad ealinutea. Bald Improvement to be made ta sccordaace wHk the charter and? ordlname of the-CHy of Portland nnd the plane, specif ice tloee sod eetl asntoe of the City Rngtoeer, filed la the office ef the Aadilor of th City ot Port land . oa the . 1.1th day ef March. louo, indorsed: "City Rogineer'g plans and. Apeci flcsttons Tor the Improvement of East Ninth street from tbe aorth line of Hawthorne a Tense to the north line of Division street, aad the-esHBsstsa. ef th work to be dam and th probable total rest thereof.' - The cost of aald Improresaest to ba aaaiaai t aa provided by tbe city charter apoa the prop erty apecially and peculiarly benefited thereby, aad which la hereby declared to be all the Iota, part a thereof and pareela of laad lying between a Una 100 feet west ef aad parallel with the west llae at Raat Ninth atreet aad a Una 1U6 fret eaat sf and parallel with the aaat Un ef Raat Ninth atreet and between tbe north Uae et Division street and a Una 100 feet aorth of and parallel with tb aorth Ha at Hawthorn avenue. The Engineer' estimate ot tb probable, total mat for th Improvement at aald street ts $9,916.00. The shove Improvement I to be cleaned a a gravel Improve meet and shall b maintained by tb city for n period of five years, provided tnat tne ewaer et a majority ot benefited by ssid Improvement or Bnr portion thereof shall not petition for a new or different ImproTement before - the axpiratiea of each period, i , ' The plane, specifications and estimates ef tb City Engineer for tbe Improvement of aald atreet are herebr adonted. Resolved. Tbat tbe Aadltor of the City of Portlaad be aad be la hereby directed to give entice of the proposed improvemeat af asld street t provided by the city charter. Remonstrances against the above Im pro rr went may b filed In wrltlnjr with th undersigned within 20 days tram the data Of tha tint public ttoal of thla notice. , . By order at the ConnciL THOH. C. DBVUN. ' Auditor of the City ot Portland. ' Portland. Oregon. , Date ot flrat pubUratton, March 18, 1905. WtOPOSEJ ASSESSME1T FOR IMTROTI. MXRI- OF- M IMIMLTT1 ATThnrE. . ' Notice la berehy given tbat th Auditor of tbe City of Portlsnd haa prepared a proposed ssseesmeat for the Improvement of Mississippi avenue from the north Une of Kllllngswortb avenue to the north Una ef West Piedmont. and haa aaeertalned whst he deems a lost sp- porvioameat ot enex or ine asrarewnBeux in ue cor dance with the apeelal and peculiar bene flta derived by each parcel of laad and lot or Eart therof wlthla tba sssessment district, nnd aa apperttoned the cost for ssM tmpreveasent In the amoanta art oppralta each parcel of land and tot or part thereof aa Its abara af sack Pn7o)ectton?te the pnorttonment lof met for aa id Improvement most be msde la writing to the Council aad 8 led with tbe Aadltor within 19 days from tbe date of the 8 rat publication af tbla notlc; and asld objectlona will be heerd snd determined by th Ceuacll before tbe Das- sage ot the ordinance aaaaaalng tb east of ssid Improvement. WRftT PIRDMONT4-BLOCK 1. tot , 18, The Security Ms rings A Trust Company. $35.87; tot 17, The Berortty SsTings A Trust Coas psity. $S3.29f tot 16. The Security Raring . A Trnat Company, $29.36; tot 1$. Tb He curl ty Parings A Treat Company. $28,111 tot 14. The Security Barleys A front Ossa panr. $38.83; tot 13. The ftecurlty Ravings A Trnat (ompany. $27.94; tot 12. Tbe Be rn rlty Bsvlnrs A Trust Companr. $23.66; tot 11, "The Security Bsvtngs A Trust Oom- " pane. $29.68: tot 10. The 8eeurify Kavlnre A Trnat Compaay, $40 88. BLOCK 12 lot 18, The Kecorlty bavlnga A' Tnsrt Com pany, $31.43; tot If, The Security Bavin as A Trnat Company. $22.18; tot 16. Tha Secarity ' ftsvluoa A Trnat Onmpany, $16.82; tot IS, ' Th Hecurlty Havttira A Trnat - Omnsay, , $16.79; tot 14: Tb necsrlty 8a,inr g, Troat Company, $18.80; tot 13, The Security 8a v Inge A Trust (wmnany. 216.71; tot 13. Tha Becartty Paving A Trust Ceatnanv. $18 HI; tot 11, The Security Be risers A Treat (was paov, $24.21: tot 10, The fteenrity Raving A Trnat Cempsny. $.14.14. BLOCK 12, tot 10, , Tb TlUa wasTsalse A Trwst Ccmgaay. M-S4i. ' tot 9. Tha Title Guarantee A Trust Oopnamy, $30.78; ot 8, The Title Guarantee eT Trust Company, $25.80; lot T. J, 8. Ulcks. $23-72; tot 6. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truel Company, $19.66. BLOCK 2. tot 1, The Title Ousran tee A Trust Company. $36.60; tot 2. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company. $34.64; tot $. Taa Title Ousrantee A True! Company, 8.(0.97 1 tot 4. Tb Till Oaarantee A Truel Company, $30.68; tot 9, The Title Guarantee A' Trust Company, $34.90; let 6. Tbe Title Oaarantee A Trust Company, $28.11; lot T. Tba litis Guarantee A Traat Company, $28.12; let 8. Tbe Title Oaarantee A Trust Company. $27.66; tot 9. The Title ttoaraatee A Trust Company, $37.09.-. BLOCK II. tot 1, The ' Title Ousrantee A Trust Comnssy, $30.24; lot 2. Ths Title Ousrantee A Truel Company, ( $21.96i tat 8, Ths Title Guarantee A Trust - Company, $14.93; tot 4, Tha Title flearanteo ' A Trust Company. $15.79; lot 5. The Title t. (Guarantee A Trust Company. $14.67 ; tot 6, The Title Guarantee A Trnat Company, .$16 33; tot T. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trent -Compaay. $17 60; , lot S. Irwlght Cheney, $27.02; tot 9, Tb Title Soar an tee A Truet ' Company, $37.66. BLOCK 14. lot 1. Ina Title Ouarante A Trust .Company, A18.04; lot 2. The Tllle Ouarantae A Trust Company, $40.29; tot 8, Th ailla Guarantee A Trust Company, $22.86: lot 4, The Title Ousrantee A ''Trust Company. $2o.64; tot 8, Tha Title ouarante Ja Trust company, aut.aai. imh $1,229.39. ... ' . , ' TH0S. C DEVLTN. Auditor ef tb City ot Portland. Oregoa.' Data, ot first publication, March 20. 1906. PROPOSED - ASSESSMENT TOR IhtTROVK- , KENT OF EAST WA8HIR0T0M STREET. Nottoe-es hereby given thst the Auditor at ths tity of Portlsnd hsa pre par ad a proposed aaeaaamrnt for th improrement of Esstjnssb tngton atreet' from tbe eaat Une ot Eaat' Thirty third atreet to the weat Una. of Sunnyalde Third addition, and haa aacertalned what -be deems a Just e poor ttou meat ot oost ot tha Improve luent In accjordanoe with tbe apeelal and peculiar benefit derived by each parcel ef laud sad lei er pert thereof wltbln the assessment district, sad has apportioned the coat for asld lmprove- Mn' tm Iha ibmhIi set OODOSltB BSCb DSrcrl of land and tot or part thereof aa lu a hare et An obtectlons to toe apnnrtloamsTJtrwf-roat ror saia lsuprovement muet oe auaov m wm.a to tbe Council and filed with the Auditor wlthlu IS day from th date ef the first publication ot this notice, and ssid objections will be heard and determined by the Council befor the passsce of tbe ordl ordinance, aaswssinc us, cam all'NN Y8I1E ADDITION BLOCK 2. tot t Bunayslde Lend A Improvameot Company -STuafk. ine u Mnenvelrfai lend A I orarovemeni Compear. .$8.02; tot .A. Buanysldo Laad A , Improve meat Compass, $4,ol ; lot a , ftusnyslde ' InS av Imnroveinent Cempnny. $22.82; lot 9. Bunayslde Lend A Improvement Company, $24.81; tot IX Frederick M. Brunch. $27.64! is IS, Ranatyaide Laud A Improvement Coaa- wewyi - f l.brt -est---t4,-twdaatlh- U , .. Branch., $2 83: lot 13, Frederick at. urancn. J " '' FLOCK I. tot 1. Jsme D. Wharton. 146.8a; Ina a Cleaele R flaMea. 81.68: tot 3. bunny side Lead A Improvemeat Oompsny. $1.12; lot 8, Hoonyslde Und A Injprovement Com arsi vt- i a avaok K. Honthard. 821.56: Wis IM. Parent. 821.13: south 56 feet of tot 18, Ida E. Parent. $1J.48', aortb 46 feet at lot la, C. at. l"nay, fj."; wii teet ot lot' IS. Ida JET Parent, $1,128 aorta - - - . . tm g m TMll hist. ORORIBR'S ADDITION TO BAST PORTEND BLOCK tot T. Hslbert H. Crosier. $22.86; tot 8, Hslbert H, craier, ssn.t j e, ' hert M. Crosier, $32.84; l .t 10, Hslbert H . Crosier.- $30. 46; lot 11. Hslbert H. Croaler, m-iu .i-a ,e xtalhee H. Oealer- A36.I7. SUNN Y8IDR ADDITION BLOCKT. tot 6, KaUe Rabenelck. $78.42: tot 6, Charlee W. . a, as AA' ln A fKarlM w. Mauto. 84.28; tot T. R. 1. McMIUeo, $36.16; tot 10. Carrie M. Jacobs, 839.80; lot 11, BUgsre . wauae, ; $42.89; tot, 10. Seymoar C. Frleadly. $6.12 .C it iiiiO.M ,ni Annie Peterson. 87.67 ' tot 18." Tslols A, Hadsoa. $84-32. BLOCK 8, tot t. Msggle A. Oetska. $43.84; tot 6, u,, a (laeefca- 61. 2o: lot 4. Maggie A, teataka. $0.80; tot T. Mary J. Magee. $15.47; , weat Vs of tot 10, Mary J. Masee $7.58; esat -xi, of tot 10. U E. Jenkln. $7 68! tot U. JU R. Jenkins, 1.4; ant is, nsmnu n. oona, sis. i-l- k,a IK amel U. kmlth. 41172. . CROHIKR'8 ADDITION TO EA8T MRTLAND HLOCK X. lot 1. Emma ax. nenneeer, T ' ' tot 3. Exams M. Sctimeer, $23.52; wa.l w aa imu, fa axt k,t a II albert H, '. Crosier,' $.14.23: lot 6, H. a Herdmea. $38 .66; lot H M. ii. Hardmaa. 53U.9D. , aow. mrri a- -v ; Aadltor ef the City 'ot Portland, Oregoa. Data ef Sret puhllestlaa, March 20, 10- a0TOSEB nXWXR THE0U0H aV TRACT OF XJJT9 0W1IEB BT V S, FATVIX0. Nottc I hereby 'given that at the., meeting f the Council of the City ot Portland, Oregon, held oa the 18tb dsy- of Msreh, luue, tha fet- towlBg rosulnttoa was adopted: - . - pxesolved. Thst tha OaaneU of th City et PorttiBd, Oregon, seems It expedient and par soar to construct a sewer tb rough a tract of land owned by A. S. Patalto from the Bewsr ta Jeffersoa street 60 feet west of a point where the esld sewer la Jeffersoa atreet would ba lotarnecaed by the west line of block 16, A. N. King's addltloe as shown oa the "Map ef Portland. Oregon. pnbUahed by the: Title Oaarantee A Trust Compaay. registered 75," If extended southerly In lu present course; thence north T decree 20 Klnntea eaat to tba aorta Una ef Madison street, ef elx-lneu vitrified aewvr nip, with at necessary eatcA-baatoa, man-boles. lamp-aoUs aad branches. Bald sewer to be rone true ted to accordance With- th charier aad ordinances ot tbe City af Pnrttaad and the plans, speclfteattona and setlmalee of the City Knglneer, filed lu the office of the Auditor ef tbe City ot Portlaad aa tbe 16th day of March, loos. Indorse: "City ttagineer's plan and specif lestlons for a la tract bf toad bounded north and oouta by Msdlnsa dad Jefferaoo atreeta respectively. esst by blocks 14 and 15, by btork 6, Ardmore, fi itllv .r Jeffersoa 'at King's addition, west point oat) reel the sewer i Jeffersoa atreet, and the esdevstas et tbe work to be done and the ututislils total oast thereof.'.' The cost et esld sewer to be assessed aa rarovlded by th city charter apoa tb property apecially and peculiarly benefited tnreby,,nnd which Is hereby declares to be aU the lota, aorta thereof aad parcels ef tend lying brtwrrn aline! 100 feet west of aad parallel with tbe went Ilia at said sewer aad a Uae 100 feet eat af aad parallel with seat llaa ef aald sewer aad be twee a a Una 100 test-aorth et and parallel with the north line ef Jefferson street aad a llae SO fret north of and parallel with the north llae of Madleea atreet. The Baglwear'a estlsxeu ef th probable total cost for tha oooatructloa et aald ,awr M $115.78. i. The plane, specifics tvon aad estimates et tb City Engineer far the tuusataetioa ef aald ewer are hereby adopted. - Resolved. Thst the Aadltor of th7 Ctty of Portal ad be and he ta hereby directed to give got lee of tbe proposed eoostructioa it said newer as provided by the dty charter. Remoaatrancea against tha above sewer msy be filed la wrltlag with the undersigned Ithln 20 dsye from the data ( lb first pebilcatlon of this notice. By order of the OouncIL THOH. C. DRVTJN. Aadltor of th City of Portlaad. Portland. Orsgon Data Of first publication. Msreh 18, 1905. FE0T02ED AB8X88XZNT FOR' nfPEOTX---MIBT OF EAAT ALDER STREET. Notice la hereby glvea that the - Aadltor of the City of Portland baa prepared a proposed ibi BBasoat for the Improvement ef Bast Alder atreet, from the east line of Ksst Thirty-fourth atreet to tbe west Una of Hunnyalde Third Ad dition, aad haa ascertained wbat be deems a Just apportionment of cost of the Improvement In areordsnce with the special and peculiar benefits derived by each parcel of land and tot er pert thereof within the assessment district, and baa apportioned the eoat tor aald Improve. Brent la tbe amoanta art enpoeite each parcel ef land and tot or part thereof aa Ita share ef such proposed aaa lea si est. Any objections to tbe spnortloametit nf eoat for aald Improvement moat be made In writing to the Council and, filed with the Aadltor wlthla 15 day from the date of th first publics tlon of thla notice, snd ssid objections will be heard snd determined by tbe Coo sell before th paea age of the ordinance aaaaaalng the coat ot aald Improvement. - 8UNNYH1HK BI.0CK 8, tot 1. Samuel Ander son. $201; kit 2, " R. Loomls. $0.81; tot 3. Mrs. Delana Mitchell, $0.21; tot 8, Andrew Nelson, $16.73; tot 9. Andrew Nelson, $16.08; ' lot 12. Andrew Nelson, 816.84; north 08 1-8 feet nf tot 16, Lenta. Casey. $0.18; north 28 1-8 feet of tot 12. Louise Casey, $1.16; west 30 feet of soatb 66 8-3 feet of tot i 13, W. 8. Drake. $21.06: eaat 3 feet of aonth I- 60 2-3 feet of tot 13. lr o. fthatturk. $2.09; ' aonth 60 2 $ fret at tot IS, Ira 0.. Bbittuck, " $10.88. CKimiKB'rl ADDITION BLOCK. 2, tot T, C. B. Kmlth. (25 72; west 16 feel of lot 8, C U. ; Rmith. $7.11; esat .11 feet of lot 8, Jennie C. Cromer, $18.00: tot. 9. Samnnl II. Smith. tzl.10; lot 10, fthmuel It. Hmltb, $17.74; t II. Leretta M. Taylor, $18.73; tot 12, ' ftameel II . Smith, $27.26. . SlfNNyftlDN THIRD ADDITION BLOCK 4, tot 16. Title Guarantee A Trust Compaay, . $2.03; tot 16. Title Guarantee A Trust Cum 1 nanv. $0.67: tot 14, Title oaaraato A Trost (Vvaipasy. 90 66. UNKiVnlDB BLOCK S, lot A. W. M. Moehle, $12.36; tot 6, W. M. Moehle. $0.13; tot 4, . W. M. Moehle. $0.08; tot 7. W. M. Moehle, Sll.0i tot M. W. M. Moehle, $11.09; tot 11. W. hi! Moehle. tlXOi; lot 14. Alonso P. Mesd. $1201; tot 15, Atonso P. Mesd. $10.12. CROHlBR'ft ADDITION BLOCK 8. tot 1, laora Breeka. $35.70; tot 2. Laura Breaks. $25.72; tot i, Laura Breeka, $16.48; lot 4. lass Vandnva and Manr'c Walton. $18.00; tot 5, - - . - I .. Iinni. t . UT II 836 (T. - -erl t'NNTSIPR THIRD AJ1DITI0N BLOCK 08, let 1, Title Mnarante A Trust Company, ' $200; tot 8, litis Ouarante A Treat Com pany. $0.68: tot S. Title Guarantee A Trnat Cempasy, JG.s. Total, $461.79. . . THOft. C. DEVLIN. "Aunilne nf the City ot Portland. teaaaa , ttteet first pohiloallea aVareh 2, 19US, I J I , - I 1 f I " G 3Trains to the East Daily 3 Through Putlrsse tandar had toorhtt sleoex Ing earn dally to Omaha, Chicago, hpokaae; tourist sleeping vara dally to Kaaaas City: through Pullman tourist sleeping vara (aeraoa sUy conducted weekly chair car (nest free. ro vsnsrage, Beeualag to ths Ksst dally. UNION DEPOT. ; : Arrlr CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPECIAL, For tbe Ksst via Buht Ingtoa. 9:18 a. ts. 1X6 B. ax. Dally, Daily. SPOKANE TLTRR, Tar Kaetsrn Washing, ton.' Walls Walla. Lsw- 6:18 p. as. Daily '..V',',.'' .. Daily. . la to a, Coear d'Alene and Crest Northers pointa. ATLANTIC EXPRRS8 T:1B a. 8a. Dally, , For the Eaat via Uunt-I 8 :1$ b. hi. Daily. - Ingtoa. - Columbia Rfver TJtvlaloa. TOR ASTORIA and wsy potnta. connecting with 8:00 b. to. Dally. ex. Sunday, About stmr. for Horace ' and 9:eo P. at. as to. A ah -at. doi Haa-IHaran in on p. m. TsmhiU River Rewto. FOB DATTON, Oregon City and Tamhlll Rlverl potats, atmra. Ruth aad! 7 00 a. to. Daily. ex. Sunday T:Spw as.. Daily. - saooev. esn-et. ooca. (Water parmlttlngl RiTr Revrto TOR LRW18TON. and way pointa Rlnarla. Wees Ida About S.tmp. av raaflv 6:40 8. I from Dally. ... Spokane and Lewi at on. I ex. Prlday. TICKET omCR. Third and Waahixsrbsa, Tebw - - nheos Msln TiS.. PriT' BTTNORR riv'an7Xa A, L. CRAI0, Gsnarsi Paniraier Agent. EAST vu SOUTH ONION DEPOT, Arriv OVERLAND EEPR2 trains, for Salem, Jtsee burc. 1 AahUad. . Racr-I 840 P. a. menbs, Ogdea. 8aa Trsa-leVjag a. casco, Btocauaa, lava sm celss. El Paeo, New Or-j leans an taa aa MarolnaT train necta at Wootftenml dally except semday S:80 8. to. with train ror nt. Asset Sllvertea. s-.oo a. av Browssvme. S p r t a g-t field, WanatitBs; Natron. - Albaay psseerurar aoo-l neeto at woodbara with 4Mb, av - - T:88 a. as. n$:ts a. m Mt. Angel ton local. Cows ills 118:86 a, as, 4:0P'- Shertdsa psssspger, 8:28 a. sx. sDally. IIDairy. except Bared ay. Imllaaa Oeasii Sahurbsa Sarvlee aad Taanhltt Depot too of Jefteruna atreet. ' ' tave Portland dally for Oswego 7:86 a. m.t 1160, 86. 8 AV 5:20. 6:28. t 48. 20:10 Dsily tsxeept Bnnday), 6:, 6 80, 8:38. lO.bS ITIb.; 4:10? 11 JO , ss.Sa'.aalv. 8:00 fcrUtowlag froto fhjsa airtva lwttaaal att ft:M a. at.; 16,3:08. SIS. -IM $ J f ar n. aa-r ' t 10 p. m. Dally (except II iy) 6 28, a, N to-in tlh a. m. BX9Ppt MOsaaslBJi a. m. aonaay oniy, jorw a. aa. ' LeavsaT frovs asms depot for Drntimf aad tator. amdtsle points dally Irxcept Sxindsy) 4:10 p. as. - Arrive rortisno ':" a- " . The Indepesdeace Moomoarth afur m.t dslly to Meusaooth snd AlrBS, neetloe with Southern Pacta nwpisys at Delia and Inoepejsde nca. , Pirst-elssa fsre from Portland to Bauamiato aad Sea Traactoco 826-rtha $8; susad ma 818, aaeood-eiaaa beet ha $280. Ticket to Reetera point aad r ill spa, asto lopaa, China, Hoooniu aaa searrajia City Ticket OT8 1kUtoTl? C. W. ' ftTTNOER, , W. R- eOSSAJt, Oty Ttokat Agent. TIME, CARD 6F TRAINS Portland PNtON PRPOT. ... 1 Paget Bound Limited! 'i acorns, evwvrf Olrmpla, SoatS $J0a.aV 4.-4SP. pa. ted orsys pelnta. North Coast limited, for Xa cocoa. Seattle. Butte. St. Paul. Min neapolis, Chicago, Nsw York, Boston sod points East and Sou threat. $ TaB.2R Twls-Cltv Ex areas, far Tsosma. Seattle, Spe-I tans. Helena, at. Paul. Mlnueuporle Chicago. New York. Bostoa sad all pointa Eaat and U$a,aJ T40a.i Southeast. Pugvt Sound . Ka C1ty-8t. Leul BpecUL ror Tsaomn, iwertis, ftnokano, Butte Billing, Denver. Omaha, Ksassi 8'jea.m, rop. to. Ctty. St, Leo la aod all pointa Kaet ana Booth esst. . All trains dally except eg SourR branch. A- D. CHARLTON. A aetata nt Oaoersl Paaaaggar Aceot, 228 Morrti isea BL. oar. Third, Fsrtaxe, Or. Astoria, & Columbia River Railroad Co. -7sV. Say's " Leaves. - PRION DEPOT. Arrtvsa. 8 AO a. SL For Mavwa, Rainier, Tl r16 a, 88, Dally.. Ciatsksule, Westport, Daily. ... cnftoB ietoris. War- j . reotou. riavst. Baas. ;'.,"?r mond. ." Tort Steven, - ',':' OearhaH Part. Seeslda. i i' J..""S lf Astoria aad Saaskors. '-J v TOpCpt.. tlMSatTh" Dally. . - AttorU Egpraa, , . 3. e. mt a. 11. -f. ant r. A. Astorto, Or. C. A. ftTKWART, Commercial Agwnt, 848 Aide Street, iiwn Mala 80S.. , ,it. , ajj)il::i: : Tiohat Ofllea 128 TkM aTt, J at J essa, TrangBoontlnaynts,) Train Daily - FAST TIMC TO SP0KAKW. FT. f AtTla, JiV " MlNNBAPOUS. CI'" 0 A , ... - all. roiirtt i e. Daylight trip through th r -nd Rocky mountain. For fat t alsra, rates, foidara. etc, tall . r M. bictisost, CS r:t:l ! IM tRtlat 81I8S. sraol-ahaJa ' . . .-