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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1905)
IS THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, k PORTLAND. FRIDAY ' EVENING. MARCH 21. .1SC5. mm hops AT.PMT PRICE Oealer Ar in. Market and Some ! . j' U Sales Are : Reported at', r ;; ' 'Twenty-Four Cents. COLORADO POTATOES ARE 7 AGAIN IN THIS MARKET 1 Spring, Lambe .Very Firm - Creamery Butter Holds Well : -Fish Receipts Small. frost mmt, Marck 24. Th. principal faa : tores 0t ibt 1'orllaso aoo teas Is aisrkela today are; - - -'(' . hales ef hens Mqt axade. : ..' ' 5" , r' . . -"- Aestrella valnaa. for Alaska.- ' .- - . Halibut Is advaaevM a half. , , , Kirk receipt mn so mal, 1 olersae potxtoee here aftaln. . y riprlna lambs ra very Sera. ": All eTrraecd nrtli arc act Ire, !. hold at top values. I'oultrjr receipts., still Biall., '.. I'mwir bolter holiltnc well. lore ears of vegetable are la. y- , ,, . . ' ala ef Hopa Beiag Mad. With' plenty af-ordere la tee aarket for bops at tbe preacat rating vaisae dealers ara aeoartng around to flit tana, Mote aalM are rennrtr.1 areend tbe former aiarket, una bow arlliati helns convinced thai tha - ' market' haa abnat reached the . top.-.- Hanrj ,' Miller of Aarera baa porebssed 4u balca of - goad stock 1mm Mr. Yeunf of Wllanartlla at 84r. Julia Places baa beee verf active daring Ike. seat few days la kta aairraaslng, tha fol- ; lowing into bavins beee bouf tit In: S balea ' ef eVever A Metslec, prtesee, SV,e; IO balea " ft Ulleathel. prime, gse: ha Ira at v Jamb Bros, of Oregoa t'ltv. oxedluai to prlnje, ' 22 V. ' Asm- tba arxwwa tba restless feeling ta avowing, and If tba aurkat doe not advance - antbla tba next week or two there la 411 1 ta Hksiat w bratlprof tha s bop TaroS everything now la In good trim tor . roiolnf araaoa'a crop, tha oolr drawback haliif tba 1mr that taa much rain will awaa a moldf - trap with Ma ronaaqorntl' knrar narkat. That . la, bowaTor. murk tlma for tba conditions to rhincr aeraral tlmra brfaw tba crup la bar- fated. U . .. - ! in nl'a '-1' -r ' . ' As' waa-totd-ra -Tba Journal reaterday, Ana- - tra lla on inns ara arrlslnk and awa rsr baa baaa . arurtd for sblptnrat to the far aorlb. Tba , I'asrrt anund narkals baaa llncrat aappllea af I Aaatralla a torka tadajr and nolhlna" bat (ood ' lor. I guoda rsa b sold to adrantafa thara. . I'rlraa on tba Initial ablpajaot of . natralla onloaa to this cJtr ara too kick to admit of local iialra. , . . . i Oalamda ratatoaa Wlik V sVraia. -frd w. KrlTaatrr, , tba UrcrWr, Colo., potato nua. Is sails la tha cits., Mr, Hi , lrouirhr alonaT wllb kirn a hoot a doaaa -ara of raral potatoaa. aanrai of whlrk .UI tlkclr ha acat on tka asut atraasar and probabl aa manr osora to tha anaad. Tba reBsalndar will bo sold la. this markat. Locally tbara a aot mvk dnlnf la potatoaa, .T" Ttak Karalpn Wait a lull flak receipts wora braor ao assail aa . tbay wara todar. Tbara la ..irabcra.T scarcity la all Unaa. No frank aaltajoa csa ba otitataad ' rndar. . but anna ahlpamtnts ara aipoctad from tha Hacramroto rlrcr tomorrow. On acroaat of a furtbar sbortssa tha price of hallbat ad- Tacd another. c a ponnd today. There ara " plenty of fresh eraba in tha market today, bat aappllea tomorrow will ba abort. " Ipriac Lamb Aro Vary Firm. ' - Althaush-reerlpts of aprtn( lamha show allcht Increaaa today, tha tone of the market la atorllent and all aanpilea aro aaally leaoad op at prevailing valars. Tha tone la drcaaed veal eoatlaoea aery a nod, tmt receipts are mara ' liberal. , Ifreaard hoes are bftog aouskt at ireaent prices. There la only a fair ton to 7T tna dressed beef market, . . . ... .-l,. j . Zm Bold at Tap Yalaea. , RecHnts today In 11 rtl market ara fair. bat aa the dcalera here are atlll paylnc hlrb I " prlcea oat la the conatrr, there la ao Immediate rhancs of a drop In prlcea. Pslea wera made along tba treat today at Ibar l!. , saltry Arriaaia Stl3 ImaU. : Prlcea la tha poaltry market are high. this doea aot ranee larrer aajlamenta to aiade ta market. Aa tha hena are new bednalnr to lay, farmer aae aawlllln to arU. Tba toaa . of tha market Is aery rood. Craamary Batter I Heldla Wall. 7"' la ereaiaery hot tar tka toaa of tba market la Terr firm. Tha trade la fully up to tba rcelpte.-ean dealers aaaartlasT that they cannot ' fill their orders era with tae large . a rr Irs Is . . of California prodact. Borao small anipmaota of eoonlrjr store batter' ara now arriving, but oVsund la aery good. Orsngaa Bhaw Haary Tlaajaad. --- IHtiea aaatarday'o rpsrt:tsea oara of arangea thBTe arrlTed la and villi the market la holding firmer. One car of, cahhsgaaad aaullfloaei . and. a ear of mlaed regetablra arrlred la from the srmth this morning. ' - fodarsflrVW (IlsjIIIIihu, uiajili ail ' aa foilowa: .. . 1 t Orals,. Flaar and Taad. 't'-:, WHf AT -Nominal: clnb and red. BSc; bla atom. P.l'rJ5c: sailer. HjrRc. . . RABI.KV t'eed. rolled. $21.00; brew- lag. . ' ... fOB.t Wbola. rJiW;erackel25.5jr "TtVrV-ll 53 Pf ewt. OATK No. 1 white. 2 00: gray. . . r'MU'll Kastera Oregon latcnta, f 4 j atralshta. Hi:.; nport. a.y)ta..V,; taller. f4.1u; graham. t. $4.00; los, t-t.45; ." , bna. .: hales. 12-71. MIIXerrrrr-H Flrsn, flffAO per ton; rald- dMnr. (J&.U0; aborta. eountry, $23.00; rbop, flam. ,.,. HAV-T1mirtby.-nitimeHa aallee, faaey. f ta.mtl4.nn: ordlnsrj, ( 13.0071:1.00; rsatera Oregon. (n.0Pi 14.i0; mliid. I2.UU; clorer, I1.0; grain, (1 1.0; (beat. If 00. . Butter, Eggs asd raaltry. HlTTy R AT weet. Sic; sour. 2Bc, , - ItrTTKK illy creanjery. best. 3SSe; aernod grade. M'e; eotalde fancy. S2far; orol, nary. 1'7UHUV: f allfurnla. Sttr: storr. lOttltlc. -- r!l(--No. 1 fresh r.-os. IK4lt(t,e. t HKEKB Xrw Kali rreaiu. twin, lde: -- 'oMog Aaierlca, ITirl7Wr; raatrra. lAttl&Vac; - tallf'rnU. I6,c; fbrdiiar. Ir, - I"l I.TIIY fhlckene. mlied. l.telin4e lb; , hena. If'Vt It So, per lb; moatcre, old. I3e per lit; ream. .V par lb: broilers, fl.imAo.oo per . ejoa; frrera, IT per lb; riurko, $.sj lo.oo per " dos; geese. e per lb; tnrkeja, ITtjltw per lb: - . ttrcsaed. SUV 22 per lb. . i. Baps. Weal 'and Hides.. - ' HOPS Contract. Its, ineilcr; 11104 crop. " ie lor choice; for prime and ' aiedlums. wou-4ntret. lann nip, ISl6c; lleT. caara to mcdlom.' 10r 17c; fine, lJ.jise; aM-rn tarcgoa. ' loe. - , j , MOIIAIK Nominal. a.10r. " HMK.tlTKIX-Hbearlnc W; short wool. . S,v:i)v; asedlHD wool, KUigiVe; Ion wool, ' K-l no eaclv TAI.I)W Itlma, per' , 4c; No. 8 and . areaee. f2te. .,,.. HITT1I BARK if pef lb, boring price. IHKKfeV lry bines. No-. I. Id lbs and up. iailV,e per lb; dry kip. No. I, II to 10 lha. ' 14c; dry calf. No. 1. aader 6 ttM, I6ilc; drr '. salted bides, steers, eeond. lbs er errr. ii.f - ",; to 00 Mm. SrNc; uodr ) lbs and om a. HrRU.e: slats and bulla, anund. flTc; lip. lit la ao lha. Or: sounds 10 to 14 lbs, M PV; calf, anond. nnder 10 lbs. lSll le; green lansalledi. Ic per lb Iras: eulK 1c per lb lean; borao hides, ssltad. each. $ I.Tr: dry. each, l .f1 0.1; colt bldea. earb, 2T.fMV; goat ak an; com smb. earh. IOSjIoc; Aurora, with word on, eatb, t. . , ( 'v;'; - Fralta a ad Yerataslaa. 1 - " POTATO KB Beat Oregon, nnettll.oo; bayers. . anancie; acond grade. aOrrwie sHt : bur . lag price. tkettTSc; Kerly Moae, fl.ooiil.nil: sweeta. beat. gl.wOl.aO; erattd. 1.75; sew t aflfornla. 4c per lb. ONHiNit 3 ci4t : borers' prlcea, cooafry, J "i; rarlli. iiailoc per U KKKNir KHI ITrt Anplea, ri tra fancy, fl.M; fanrw Oresoa, TttWc per hot: cheap grades, botlTfte per hoi: orangea. narel. I.Trii2.2A t per ball tangerine,. i.:Ia1.o per box; Japl anesa orangea, oostonr per box: naoans, 4V. . S(5r per Iti: letmma, r holes, fJ.TS per box: fancy. Il fal per box: llmea Mnlcsa. ttfie ,oer ai; i.l nea pries. 4.UUfa.uu; cranberries,, esat- ara. n i tier W l. VKHICTAhl.KB Turnips, Tn0b per sack; rirrota. fl.aatl.lO per aack: beets. 1.25 per seek; Orraua radishes. 2fle per dos: rahbage. ' Orecnn. per ewt: California, f I tt l.oO; VmxV. hotboaae, fl.ffVtl.BO per crate; green pe tc per lb; ( hill peppers, toe per lb: ' relary. H0rr4 On per crate; tomatoea, sllfor nta. !. Fkalda. BM; Meilcea, fz.isx-f H; (Mranlpa, $l.aa.a: pie pleat. rsV per lot I atHng heana. I3r: cauliflower. 1.7Ar.M .. ' per erate; rbticerh. Ac per lb: pompklna, le nee Hv. btvseradob, T(c per lb; snenats. Srtlenokea, 7Nc per 'doe: hothonsa lei toe. . H.VattT per h"T: tiregoa taiuhes. rr toe e pi ana, a spar TODAY'S PRICES -IN THE WHEAT. MARKET . ' w .... . Mar option. Today. Thura. , 'Chlcaajo ,...,U.HA-I tl.UB Milwaukee ... 1.12V . 1.11 m. "Iouia. 1.44A .104 Si Kanaaa t'lty.. .4H ,II4t) New Ya-rk.... I.lwfa v 1.10 . 4-8an rran..o 1.4414 1.11 -4 .. I'ercontaL . ' TdUhr per w; splnsck. T&a per box; aqsssk, lc per lb. i IIRIKD KRriTB Applea, ersporated. TfV per lb; aprlcoU. per lb; aarka. Vc per Ik less; peacbro. KUlk per lb; pears. ( per Ih ! prunes. Italian. 3fcj4'-,r per lb; leach. W per lb; figs. CsUforala black. ftamSo per lb; California white, r per Hi: plums, pitted, rr per lb: date, ooldca, oc par lb I tarda, fl.M per 1Mb box.. - ' ' -. . Orsosrlss, BsU, Ztc 4 ' Ht'OAft 8ck bsala Tuhei Bfl.30; powdered. fd.tKV; fruit grannlated.; dry grapulalcd. V.Ou; beet graaulatrd. -".; extra C, (4.4S; gi.ldrA I', $5.n: bbla,1, 10c; bbla. Sic: boxes, turn anrsnre on aack bast, leas SRo per ewt (or cash. tr days: maple, 14 le par lb. - : HONKY l'srlac. . t"KKKl4l'kae brand, f 14.38,. HAtT Klaa lUlro. 2. Sa, s. 6a. 10a. .an; table, dairy. bus, fll.00: loo. . $10. 7: Im txn'trd l.lTerpnol. 60a. flT.00; 100a, 1 M; kiaisi! extra fine. bbla. 2s. Us.. 9a." loa. 4.60i ft.ft": bulk. 3M iba. M OotiS OO;. aack, io. .,. . . - . . BA1.T Oaarae Half ground, itsj per ton, tT.oo; fsia; per -too, 7.ft; lump rock, l,o0 per ton; bo-lb rork, 7.oo: l0a, WIS. a A bo re prices apply to" sales of leas thsa ear lota. Car lot at special prices abject to flue tuatloaal. - . . . - . . ' A. OKAIN IIAOR talcatl. ao.loain.vo per jou. KICK Imnertal Japan. No. 1, d4c: Ko. 2. ae; New Or tear us. bead, 6Vc; Adjax, . 3c, Creole, 4c, . t HKANS Pmsll watte, ac; largo wane. one. mnb. xue: barosu fx 00; Urns, afcc; Mrxicaa reds, Tc. . . . . NL'TH Pea sate. Tle; yumooa, awe per 10; raw. trine per lb: roasted. ; eocoaaate. BAf90c oer dos; walnats. 14IlSc per lb; pine nuts. 10ime per lb; hickory nuta. 10c per lb; rhostauta, eastern. 1&Jlc per. lb; Braxit nuta. lde per lb; filberts. lSajlar. per-lbi ': pecaoa. 14U15c per lb; almonds. 13Q1M per lb. raiata, Oaab Otla, SU. ROrR Purs -Manila. ' 14c; raadard, lSe; last. I04c: latle brasd atsal. 4C. COAL OIL Pearl- or Aatral Taaea, tie per wooden, ITe per cat: headlight, lTO-def. caaea. Sbc per gal; Iron bt hie. InVte per gal. .. OAHOLINB -dcg. eaaea. 32c pay gall ""s bbla. Zrtc per gal; store, eaaea, 44ft per gal, Iron ,bbls. lHe per gal. ,. ... TURI'KNTINB la esse, Boe per gal; bbl. Ho per gal. , RKNK1NIC IW-deg,, caae JBc per gal, iron W! lwc pr gal. " " WHITS WKAIV Toa VoU, Te per H5 500-lb WtS. 7C per lb; less lota, no per in. WIRK NAIIJt Preaaat baa at 1"0. 1 lKnl:Rli 011 Pnre raw In bbla. die per gal caeca, one net gal; genuine kettle boiled, caaea, 6e per gal; ho la, 3e par gal; ground cake, car lots. fX.OO per toa; area (baa car lota, fau.OO per loo, , , Meets, raw aae rravialeesv rnmu uri Tn svont atreet--fieef. ateera. 4to. per Ibtpork, il!"4 . .TJejermilllay. warrrHT, Wc- pr lb; TulK 2e rrrr7uly... Hf.1Sc. per lb: mnttoa, wetber end lamha with pella... 2.0O3.oo: ewaa Jc; real, extra. 8u.c; ordinary t75e per lb; poor. 6rHe pT lb. - ' . HAMA, BACOM. rrr. Portland perk Ooeill bam. 10 to 14 lha. 1e per lb; 14 to 10 lbs, ISc per lb: 1 to lbs. it per lb; cot U re. O- t. Ih; break fatt ba C0IU J IttJfiC Jlef h ; picnic. Re p,r lb; regular short elesra. un sawked. i4e per lb; amoked, loe per lb; clear herka. ansmoked. be per lb: amoked. 10e per lb; I'nlon butts. 11. to 1 lha. ansmoked. e per lb: amoked. be per lb; clear be I Ilea, aa- amoked. lie ner-lt; amoxro. jsc per in. LOCAL lJkkD Kettle leaf. 10a. 10e per Ibi-Aa. lO'.c per lb; no-lb tin. loe per BO-IP linn. 1FC per lu. steam readerad. loa. e per lb; Ba. 9Q it.. ...... ai.. m. lh. fine. flXka ner ID. CANNITO SALMON Colombia river 1 -lb talis. tl-RS; -lb Ulla, I2R0; fancy l ib Bats, 2-0"; V, lb faacr lata. l.28: fancy 1-lb trraU, $2-o: Alaaka Ulla. pink. nitJttOc; red, 1.60; aoiuinal St. tall. 22.00. . riHIl Rock cod. fc per lb: Bonnoer. oc per lh halibut. 4e per lb: eraba. 1 per do; atrlped base. I0fl2e per lb: cst s.k t iw,. lb aslmno. Chinook. 12c; sieelhead. per. lb; 'rosea allrerslde, Tc per lb; herring, nc per id: noien, oc per in: shrimps. 1 Or per lb; hd. dressed. aer lh; pecrh. ftr per lh; ahad roe. per lh: shad. nc ner Hit black cod. o per lb: Colombia river smelt. Sc pe H: al leer easel tr he per lb: lolistera. IX'xcr rresa macaerei. i per in, crawHah. c per "doe; aoandesa. ft per lb; tare-eon. Te pee lh. ' -,- OVHTEBH Kboelwater bay. per git, 12.26; per each.'Te per lb, ' , . ' CI.AMH Hard shell, per box, 12.00; raaof CUaw. 2.0C per box.----- -7 RAINS MEAN MUCH TO WHITMAN -FARMERS Spring ; Seeding Farther Ad--vanced -Than Usual Soil .s in Fine Condition. - - ISpeVfaT Dlrptlch U Tb Journal.) Colfax. Weak.. March 03 That tha rata which haa 'fallen tbroaghoat thla section during the poet 10 day means thousands ot doltare ta tbe farmers of Whltmn county conceded hy all. rlnrlng needing Is fsrthrr advanced la thl county than for psany yaraax. Ula essna. ' and If weather coadltloaa cootluu favorable aa anoaaally targn acreage will be planted to aprlng wheat and the balk of tke crop will be In tbe ground before April 1. rerreera have been rashlag work, working al most day and night for three sreeke pset. aad a vast amount of grain ax In the ground. With the henry freestng w rather of Prbruary, which loose ard the aoll lo .aa an usual depth, followed by the, ml Id weather of the paat throe weeks, the aoll la In fine condition, la only a few localities hss winter whest bees Injured by raid weather, aad la moat places the winter whest looks aajoaaally Boe for this season. While the srlater aad aprlng; have bees dry. farmers will agree that with the oaaal amount of rain In April. May and June, and with tbe advantage of getting tbe crop In early, tbe prnapeete for more than aa arerag crop are flattering. . ' i With tbe heavy eeoe. expected aad the la crease la acreage. Whitman bids fair to outdo her mat year' effort. The Pebrnsry cold snap did IMtle or no damsge to the fruit tree, as a good crop) of frulta may aafrly be expected. HOGS WEAK TODAY WITH BIG RECEIPTS Both Cattle, and Sheep Have r Better Tone---No Price W Changes. '-i Portland-rnloa ntortrird. March It.-f-Uve. stork recelpte: - lUgs 3o Caltl ..,..,.,.,......,......,....-.. 2R ftbeep 131 - The" receipt wera very beevy la bog and Ibe market relleru a very weak tone. Both cattle and sheen conllno firm aad active, the receipts ef sheer, being under tbe demand. Ofnelal nrlcee far llveatork today: lloa Beat - esstrra Urega. 1.Tnr 00; bloekera and China fata, $&-VfS.T5; etocker nd feeder, fd.bosrt.oo. 'v Cattle Beet eeatera Oregoa ateer. $4.001 4 25; light end medium steers. tn.nOv22.T6; old aad light rows. 12.Aose2.7b; (tucker, aad feed ers, (loo; hulls. !.&. Khern Beat faacr nhepp, t4S04JS.M; awes, I4.2SV4. . ....... . , - - ZASTtSsT HOGS ITIUOT. .; Chicago. March 24. Uvestock receipt: r . . Hogsl Cattle. Sheep. Chicago .V.....-1 i" 2 000 s,oiin K a nea. City........ ,,o..a l.tsai l.tssj Omaha- J.. K.Ux l.i 4.0W Hogs opened steady with 3,6O0l left over. Rei-elpU a resr ago wera in. 000. Holing prices: Mlie M I0MM6; good, fA 23tft.37)4; rongh, Ift.lowr, i: light. $a.lU05.3i). Cattle ittrong. . ' ? ' , ' - Bam-g-ltaed. : Lemdaa .Boat.. .. ...;1'...... londnn. March 24. Beet aagar: Msrket off M for March, at 14a d; , April, 14 ftmd. lrtce barely maintained. Bear Terh Bagar Market, ' r " Kew Terk. Msrrk 24.. Hagar; Ceatrlfafd, uooe, apu. . ., "V ; INFLUENCED BY , ARGENTINE NEWS Chicago Wheat Market Opens Weaker on Heavier Ship . v ments From' There. ; - ALL OPTIONS ARE THREE - . EIGHTHS CENT LOWER Crop Report of Modern Miller Is Bearish An Improved 1 Tone' In Corn. tnniva w-n e . v uiarea r opea Close . close' . Lose) 'Todar..' Todar. . Thnrs. Todsr. May., SI. VI fl.lllliA f l.-H"A I .raist Jaly ..'.,...,.., .sul( J... ,uoA ,4 ,M Bcptembcr ;.,'.MS- .Mi4 .WV ,0 'Chicago, March 24.Logaa ax Bryaa aayt ' Tba wheat market eoened lower. Indue need by too- largo Argentina ehlpmeate--njd aome wbat larger recelnta la the northwest. Ia lb early , doellnga tha market waa again aun J.ted to pressure. The weather la tba winter beat country la all that could be desired, with lha plant to splendid shape and .making rapid progress. These - factors are' njot-conducive to a bull ' market, and while thia con- dltioa prrralls It seems uureesooshle to ex- perl any adraace sslde from sneculatlT rab lire whea tbe trade, geta orsraold. Improved lBeesUaUe Demand. la com a aomewhat Improrrd- apecalatlea maad gave this market a better tone, (as waa undoubtedly held in chock by tbe weekaese PV railing la wheat. bat en the whole the market showed good form. The export demand la atlll alow. All thinan eonaidered. the aoar. ket ecu well a ad there aeeaxa more ooofldesc sa tba baU aide. Bbort rteaoriag fax Oat. Ia oa ta tbe atrenath In eora liutneed annas abort corerlng. but aside from this tbe market sealed to here no special feature. The caab demand oonttnuea dull with ao Indication of Improvement. The market acta aa though It would coDtlnu la Ita present atata for a time at wait. i Bliaagtb fc BaeoUiuaa. Ia prorialona the atrengtb la thl market came largely from aaoderate abort eorerlng and andonbtedly tba atrengtb la corn contributed aomewhat. To us' tbe market . look Ilk a mooerateiy aara -scalping affair. ... looay' ernctal markett .. , , , ' f WHKAT. - Orjen. ..Hla-b. Tow. rinse. sisr a 1.12 a 1.1 ir. ..... . .unwt -.A .oAA Jiy Dept., ... ..84 .be .a4B CORN. March. Miy... .27 A .41 ,44 ,4H4 :;4H .48 W. OATS. ,4a H .44 .8 July..-, Opt... ".4MS,A .SUA March. '.i .so, -' . ..'IOUjB kept.. 21 122 12 M , ton-f .. T.UuV- 7.27 T.40 ' T-ViB - T.15 - meMm pork. - , - 1211 12.112 . 12.V7H. 1274 12.0O LARD. . " T.I2W-- 7 lib, . , T IH. T.25 T.40 . . 7.27 . T.28 SHORT RIBS. i.H n.nx tm T.12'4 T. . T.10 T.0T( - ....... TOttE IN 'FRISCO STEADY FOR WHEAT Baa Praarleca. March .24. B. P. Hutton V Co. y; The wheat market today wa ateady with epectal trading from ouUlde aa wall aa local traders. Itceemher waa aervoua, bat wall aun portrd at 91.28 May wa not very freely offered aad rlosrd 'He higher than yesterday. The alow eaah attention ahowa ao Improvement and la keeping tba trade In the aaarhy outlon vary aarrrw. The short Interest la large, bat rsiner raonoua aooui pressing aaiee. Barley coattnuca to ba slow, althoogk May advaaced considerably. i . r Today official 11:20 a. market: . t WHKAT. ' Ooen. Mich. Irrm . ru. May.'.Trr.V.T.l.4Wi 9I 44W I.44 : 91.44W lieeember l.Z7x - I.STJV- 1.27 - 1.27 V BABUev. 1.20 - 1.20 - l.SS 1.20 T A .... .... ''- ,8T May December. . rRIXAXT. BbUPMEBTS AJfD CLZAiKCU. -Ckkego, March 24. IriaasrT receipt: TodayL Year Ago - '-; Buah. Bnah. Wlieat T.-.i if if ."... Cf.OOO r"'-4l5.00f Com 236,000 . 272,000 KhipmenU: Wheat 212.000 - 20fi.AO0 Oorn a20,Ooo 2o.ono Total J ears sees: Wheat and flour, lon.nno bnhU; eora, 2Tf,000 buxhelx; oats, 1,200 bushel. . . ' Chicago, Mareb 34. Cash wheat anchanged IO ae lower, jne oti icibi mernex: . Today ThoA. Bid. .11.11! 1.07'i 1 00 " 1 I2H . 1-07 1.0 Bid. Aak, rte. 2 red. ..i.ix fl.M Nor-2-ee.- rrl.OS -.. 1.10 .; 1.03 ..1.12 ,. 1.01 . 1.0S 1.12" 1.12 No. 3 hard No. 3 bard No. 1 northern.. No. 3 nortbera.. No, 9 aprlng l. 1.14 1.12 1.12 Argsatlae Srmm Bhlpmeata. Cbleago. March 24. Argon tin grain ahlp- Thl Week Last Tear ' - - . . Buah. . Bnah. Wheat ,44.ors) 8.72.ooft Cora 00.000' ftOo,000 CHICASO ORAIX CAR LOTS. Chiracs, llareh 24. Grain ear lot; Car tirade Cat, Wheat....... 42 .. 08 lftot 82 tero ,.i 281 2 t 2M ' Olta 143 28 148 atMMIAJTOUB WHKAT XAJUCET. MlnneapoUa. March 24 Closet Wheal, Alar, 1-10. .. . : xnr tore con-n market. ' Jfew York. Msrch 24. of fee future closed nrtehaneed to h points lower. Todsr ef tit-la 1 coffee market: Bid. APkU Bid. Aak. March ...-.".18.25 .:)4eptemher . .. 75 28.80 April 8.: .'B'o. teber 880 8.HT, 8.N.1 8.nn Mar ..... Jnne Angvtt.: 8.41 8.411 Novemher . 8 411 8.NW necemher , tt.fto 8.8nisnnarr ',., , 8.83 8.7brnrr 8.03 TOO 7 .O0 T On 7.00 f.K Haw Tark Cash Coffee. New York. March 24. rash coffee: Re. T Rio. Tc; N. 4 Want o. Tc. COTTON CLOSED THREE . TO FOUR P0INT.S OFF New Tork. March 84. Cotton future opened t sharp advance, but reacted during tbe ea lon. At the close the Market was 3 .to 4 point lower. .-." Todar official cotton market: ' Opea. Illah. Xow. - Ooae. TTTfT T!W4rnl TMiapisi THMSrTU Trirl TH.1MH4 T84UH8 T84riu) TiweeTl T7lfT T74, jannarj ..., March T.M 7fJl 771 T"il 1 Ttl 7a TH4 T88 TOO T.VJ T72 T3 TK.1 TS Tfi T70' 7V 7M 71T TS8 7M JJ . T2 7fl April Mar June .......... Anrnst Hettembrr October Novemher December ...... TTT. TH4 1174 Llvsrpsel Cettea atarkat. Liverpool. Mnrch 24. Vttna futures closed aarhaed to 1 point lower. V4444444 - ' d The arars and fjaotatlOBs af d asxatarxt Bjxd was 4 vMatosl lxt tkui wsaoera eichanr 4 aural : of Tbd 4 jonrxaU ara fuxmlalsed. by frr 4 boolu Rtarr Cook Oo. OU. rjadro ztosuti or XTXvaa arokara, s 102 Thiri 'atraat. 4 . " May.... July.... Airti.!!! . May - July..,., Kept... .. Oct. May....,' July..... Bept..,..-- TI1RILLIKG RISE . IM STOCK r.lARMET Everything on New York Ex change Hits High Places S .' During the Session..: .. '.. TENNESSEE COAL GOES ? ' . FIVE AND QUARTER UP Rubber Goods a Sensational Mover Chicago A North- v. western a Leader. ' AOVASCKS. ' .fl..TTmrat. -West . , . Penaaylranla , .;:7iiaa , .7(1 I Heading ..... . 2. '.IKoi.k la.,- cei , l.llUKock Is., pfd Amalgamated .' AttlaoB Atrblsoa, pfd . Bugar ........ Huielter ...... Dueller, pfd . Car V reuad .. Hruoklya ..... Bait. Ohio . Colo. Kuel HI. Panl C. N. W....- Cbeaa. at Ohio Canadian Pac . .. 1 li'i , .- i a I. 1.37 H .. .MfW .00 in;, i-.. l.Kfb m. U A M. W.c .10 pi, usb. rr .y .y l.jn C, P... com .... .0 .KTWlMteel. com .... 1 t. Inteel, pfd .....llS .7. . IKnbbea Ooodl ... .2t 0 (Pressed Hterl ., 1.12V Krie4 -com -.'nif l.ltTH peev-wieei, com. l.J" Krlc, 2d pfd ... .87HH.' Steel, pfd. .M214 Krlr. 1st pfd .. Lis l Mouth. Kr.. com. .IWi Ureat Wrst ... .HflHoath. Hy., pfd. .7S IH. Central . ., .K7V!Tenn. Coal . ... 5.JA Louis. aV Nash.. Tex. ft Pae .... I.I1V4 Metropolltaa 1.7.1 , Kubber, eom ... t.Xi Mex. Central .. .00 IkuBber, pfd .... 3.114 Katy. com .... .AO ... .T4 Ksty. pfd U... l. IWabaab. pfd ...1.2ft Missouri rae .. i.S7tk rtax. irni.. pio. i.vw ' X. V, Cent ,.. .UU I New Tork. Msreb ' 24. Bullishness w1 ap parent all throagh tbe etoek asarket at the opening of tbe sesaloa. Prom the aery begin ning of the trading tbe adrancea started and 11 day they eontluued. .' Teaneaaee Coal lroe waa the exciting feature ef the market, open ing at 92 and closing with a gala of H.25. A similar adraace waa made by Chicago ft Northwester a. All Berta of tba marks! abewed beery adrancea during the day. Smelter com mon rose fa. 28 and the preferred ft. 124. 1 lluhber OooVU closed wltaTxa ailfinca of 4o2l4r I'nlted Btatea Kubber common adraoord ihi aolnta and the preferred 214 points. 'loaay a oniciai aura maraai: . J h. - DHCRIPTIOM . Anaconda Mining Co... Aaisl. Copper Co. , Atchlaon, counnou..... da preferred Am. Car f oundry, ooc do preferred , A". Sugar, common. . . Am. Smelt., coauaoo . . do preferred Baltlusn-e oklo, eo do nraf erred . 11TH 11S 118 7N4. T 80 DO'S 80 1021a 12 103 any, 1004k 100 100 141 141 41 llJ 12m 100 101 120 1UV H m 87 Brooklyn Rapid Transit lanaaiaa racioc, eom,, Chicago At A I toa, com do preferred.. C. At ti. W.. rommoa.. ltt 148 ta 148 80 24 81 24 W si 2:1 ChL Mil. at St. I'aul... 177 1711 177 t'. at - w. V cominoa. 240 Vi 242 i nicago ternilnai Ky Chesapeake t Ohio. . Cora. Kuol ic Iron, on lasi no 4 n bT 57 23 15 b Com. Southern, common do aecoad preferred do first preferred.. Delaware & Hudson. . 188 Delaware, Lawk. A Was V. K. O., rommoa. .. 'do preferred... Erie, ' rommoa. do second preferred. . do first preferred. . . . Illinois Central l-oolarlll . Nashville. Met. St. Hy. MenhaUaa By Mexican Central By.... Ulna., St. p. A Bte. M do preferred Mtaaoorl PaciSc.-. ...... M. K. V T., common . do preferreo. , , New York Central Norfolk We. tern, cba Nort h A merlcun 33 Ml 40 i, 81 . 33 ew 80 5 181 . 1410 140 122 V, 141 IAS Its 24 24 118 117 lr 1UM 1M 107 Hl OflVl 1 85 ll 100 nan 85 100 1I10 N. V., OnL Westeral A8 141 I'cnnaylrapla Ry. p. o. u c co. iTesaed Steel Car, com prripnrn. ...... ... Pacific Mail S. B. Co.., . Heading, common do aecoad preferred. . ' do first preferred.... Ren. Iron A Uteel, coal. do preferred .......... Rock Island, com do preferred, Rubber - tiooos. .. . .. ... do preferred 4 x B4M Southern Ky.. com...... do preferred South era Parlne... do preferred St. I. 8. P., 2d ptd.. St. L. 8. W.. com.... do preferred. .... TeXai AV Teon. Coal A Iroa T., St. U W.. w aa paaaasaaa 57LIS7W4 67 rnloa PaclSc. com.'..... do areferred TJ. 8. Leather, eom do preferred. ........ ,i V. 8. Rubber. com..: 17. 8. Steel Co., com.... do preferred.,.., Wheel. A l com.,.. do st preferred Wwoonsln Central, eom . do pewfaiTtd. . . . ... ... Westers Union Tele...,. Wabesb. . com. do preferred r.'Hi 22 47 45 48 American Raieltrr. preferred, cx-dirldrad 2 ner cent. - - . Chlcaco. Mllxraakes It. 8 nee cent. Paul ex-dindeod Souther Rr.. preferred, cl-divldend 2 per cent. . Total sales for dar, 1.775.800 abarra. Call njoocj, 1 per. cent. , " ! ' 1 ' r toeofai Krjmro STOcEi. ' ' Eaa rrsncisco, March 24. Ofoclal close asornv Inf aeasloa; . , t -.- , - . Bid. 1 ' . : , Bid. Mnntsna 1-1.10 Adam ........1.18 Mldwar 1.8214 Vohnwk ....... .2T McNamara ..... .43 Mile .23 Belmont 1.06 Kendall - .4.1 North Star tit (olumbl, Aft ... ..12 Rescue ........ .12 Jumbo ......... .82 tlold Mt .18 Jnmho It I ..... .20 21m Butler .... .88 Black Butte ... .41 Nevada 11 Silver Pick .... .18 Ton. Kxtea .... 4. BR tlold Anchor .... .71 Red Top .28 liar O'Rrhra ... .08 lk)ldneld .84 Onhlr Toa ..ta - Handntorta ..... .83 I Rail Fmjf ..... ..17 Baaastorm bx.. .14 IM.mood Meld , s rAJfCIaCO LOCAX STOCXS. ' Baa rrandaro, March 24. Local stocks' clos- lac, 10:30 a. m.: , Bid. ' Ask.. fienrre frmta Watee. Hprlna Vallev Water. -48 'hh' 1.1 M l . 281 . 2ft' Central Mxht Mutual Klectrlr 8. P. Oaa A Klertrte Hawaiian fVimmercbil. . Ilonokea Rnear.-.,. Ilntchlnscn Mairar.... .. Kllanea gnrar. ........ . 12 , 87 . !" . 21 . Vakawrll Knar.... ... ..... HT . Alaaka Packer' Pal. Wine Aes'n 88 T8 T . 4 Oceanic Htenmshl; Oceanic Hteamshlp. l'arlnc Bute Tel. ..110 AKUICAE BT0CK1 a LOsTDqW. ' . ldea March 24. 2 p. m.-AnenrMla ad vanced 4. Atchlaon advanced . Baltimore A Ohio advanced , Chesapeake A Ohio advanced , Great Weatera advanced , A I too advanced 1, Rrle declined . llUnola Central advanced . IsMlavllle Naabvtlle declined . Mexican Central declined . Katr declined , Ontario AV W eaters advanoad .-Norfolk A Weatrra advanced . Pennsylvania edranced . Readlnf advanced . ft rata advanced , Routhern I'a rifle adrinred , Bon them RaUwar advaaced , Union l'arlnc advanced . . pre retted ad vanced , I'nlled Btatea Hteel advanced , preferred advanced , Northern Becaritle de clined , console ancJuMured. , k . 11, . YEW YOEE lintltAET, .1-,- "New Tor. Mare 24. flow, Jones Co. asf American arnck In Irfmdoo era. firm at abont to point a nova parity. There la leas demand for stnrka la tha toaa crowd. Thlrte. eight made, for the second week of March bow an a vera re tmnt Increase of 8. no per eenr. The hooka Pwt to the snh-rraeanry etnee Irldaj liSOS.OU). Ah laxpravnaital la reported wr mi ie trffco K I tins. Tt J -u,, I 8 Reit. rrleeJ. ;-: ,-' r- :',: -: 25c Dozen Alaska Herring, 5 'e Lb. Rice Popcorri. lb. X ,10c Can "Van 'Camps 3oups. 3 cans ."". .23 4 'iSc'-Broort'TT,'. . . .V.XTvvvrrf-tv-ri x .35, 6cLb. Best Japanese. Rice, 8 lbs.... ...... .-.a? 15c Can Mince Clams, can... .i ... ....... 10 15c Package Ralstoh Oats, package. .... ,10 15c Can reaches,' 3 cans. .......... . ... . . .23s. ' 35c. Gallon Apricots, gallon r ........ . .25 35c Gallori Pumpkin, gallon. ..25 65c Gallon Blackberries, gallon , ........ .50 65c Gallon Strawberries, gallon....;;... .50s) 25c Package Figprune, package .20 25c Package Postum, package,. .v....... 20 45c Gallon Knight's Dill Pickles, gallon.. 30 40c Gallon Sauerkraut, gallon.;. ..,..' ...30 20c Bottle Hill's Catsup. 2 bottles. . . ". . ; . .25 ';';10c Package Saltiest Salt, If you consider your money worth one hundred cents "on the dollar and 'want value received , when buying groceries, you will not ovelook this CUT KATE LIST. Cut It Out and put it In your pocketbook, it will increase you savings account 30 per ent:vY rrr:"' F H CUT RATE GROCER. Phone' Main 1891. o Northeast Corner ' MM. MM, MM. MM If you want the Best for your Sunday dinner, buy here. . The prices are the lowest in the city, Free Delivery Jo All Parts of the City. V v: ' ;'; ' Es, IS Cents Dozen 17 Ibs; Granulated Sugar . $1.00 Sugovr Cured Hams......'.13d Cottage' Hams . ,9) Picnic Hams .............. iO 10-lb. Pail Best Lard.,;.... 05 6 lbs. targe Prunes........ S5t 8 lbs. Fancy Rice. -.....25 Cero Ffii to," package. .rf.Sf People's Market & Grocery Co. FIRST AND .TAYLOR STS. -I- - Main 1412. - A7J. FARMER fesate and Reun Grocer: JrcLaniLJeHcrson You can :t ter cent by dealing with mr. - . 1 doxen can a Com ................. 5e 1 dawea cans Tomatoaa ...Sic 1 aack betrt Potatoes . .. . , $1.08 S px;kae8 Orandmotbers Muab... .He 1 packs re Scotch Oats ............. 10c Large Naval Oranges, doaen. ....... 15c Kancr Kvap. Peachea. lb.. .......... lOo 2-lb. can Baked Beana. ......... A, 10c 1-lb. can Baked Beans. ic I lb. Schilling's Baking Powder 35c Smoked Salmon, lb. 12 c Naphtha, Soap ,&v II bars Royal Savon Soap..... 2 So bars Baby Rlrphant Soap. ........ 2Sc I bars Owl Soap ...16c 10 lbs. Sago or Tapioca . x-.-;-. 3 6c 1 lb. good Kngitan Breajtrast Tea,. ..ic Bent Sugar-Cured Hams, 1.1b 12e l lb. uunpowaer lea, 3 cans Prim rone Tea.. 17 lbs. D. O. Sugar.. ...2aC . .lac 31.00 .5.80 31.00 12.00 $1.00 ..SO.; . ,40c 1 sack pest D. U. Sugar 1 sack good Hard-Wheat Flour.. "O-lb. pall beat Lard........... 10-lp. pall pure Ieaf Lard 1-lb. pail pore Leaf Lard.. 1-gal. can Table Byrup..,. ... Pellverles on East Side, Tuesdays and Fridays. , . .7" ; : s. The Eternal Question Not so much Gibson's striking picture, but. - .'-'.' . - WSA sTaUXZi tVn TOM VOWOAT -.., " oiarnmf - - . , Dealing at CENTRAL MARKET makes thin question loeo all semblance of a problem. Yori find at CKNTRAL UAR KET the greatest variety of meats, the best of everything, and get all this with excellent nervlce and at tbe most rea sonable prices.. KINDORF BROS. lOnaArua Them Bst 411. , In the tree aad steel trade. Wuslueai la all lines la very gratifying. . J... aorrosT oofteb sroots. eoileok Bostoa. atn rch M.-e-OfSrlat copper closing: Bid. via. Atlantic Celaasat' .$ 18-X ninthaai Centennial Paly Wret Oreea Mold 8l.t 17.35 16 00 ; 8.T8, 1.1. . im 10 28 . 13. n l.M M.uo T81214 28.00 M.7S at Ml 4.AO ta. as (spper Baata rrsnklla .... 11 r. use Out par kllchlf an Mohawk ..... Old Colony lale Koral Parrot Tamarack ... Trinity Victoria Alleaa ....... Winona , . Arcadia a . , rOBTLAJTO BAxTX STATPISxTT.. v (Varlaaa ni! oof on Balance 133,701.00 L mm FOOt SBAXaT . stABKsTI... Uranawl. xfareb t. 4Vae: Wheat. Mar. ( at.o. nnrhanavdi inly, 8a 8sd. nwhantrd. torn- sjaren. sa '. a sigTirr; May, as GET IT IRE ' Bub"' Price. dozen.., . ..20f ..... . . . .... . . 5 packages.... MS Mention this list when ordering. 4 MM 25 Pounds Granulated :Sugar $1.00 r ; With everjr purchase of $10.00 ; i i ; 11 ' c Worth of Groceries here ! for . 1 Sat u rday jf Mond-ay p and : Everything good td eat at the most attractive price of any house in thfdty. v - -- i New York Q rocery- . . . w Corner Eleventh and Morrison EAST SIDE DELIVERY Save Your Grocery Bills No matter who you deal with save your bills. Some day youll be dealing; with Fellow and then we want you to compare his bills with- the o Id. one. Youll know then where, to buy TO SAVE. Specials for tomorrow : . . '; . hfc tt,lT4tcTn Rofled Oats. - 304 ; JO puuufla Ouuil Wluax Tsro I -lb. can Pork and Beams. ' U..: 10 t-lb. can Solid Pack Eastern Tomatoes. - 20a- '' '.' '"' ' " Can Baker's or Ghlrardelll'o Cocoa. "?. :, 35e ' - pox No, 1 Whits or Tallow Macaroni. t cans Standard Tomatoea, , . , 91.00 Gilton can Purs Maple JJTTJP. 60 ,-:...:r .- Gallon can Fancy Bagar Syrup, . ' : 91.00 IT lbs. Dry Granulated Buirar. -' Ws deliver on East Side every day. Fellows Grocery Co. raoas KatB BSM 9T4 WMxOaa-tom St. GGUBCEILENS TOM OR R 5 W Joat Arrived Rhlpment of ttxiojcook cmbamxmj lutru, 63 Cents Roll Ranch Eggs, per doz....20c ENTERPRISE CREAMERY ----- :, m'raurr " Between-Washington and Alder. . po wsisHt, stonrjrs m OCs V (Idatablitilied JS-J llfbed WsTXAT AMD 1 bttoox : 4. Crronnd Tloor. Oo OOMMMMOM. OVERBECK. STARR & COOKE CO - Members Chicago Board f-Trade..' ' ' obaxv, netyrnzosTS, oottost. tto7k ajto BOsTOS. -i a. - 10S Third Street, McKay Building, Portland. Or. WB OO A STB10TI.T COJeMeTSlOeT SUtUJIsttlS. Contlnaona Markels by Trlx-ate Wire, Quirk Service. R KFKR K VCKR Ladd - - l TUton, bankers, apd .L'nltoo: States National Batik ..of. rortland. ReoTPrlc. ' ' .'Bub. PUca. 15c Package Currants, package ...... .t . . 10 ' 15c Package "Raisins, 3 packages. . . .... .'.23t , 20c Can Table Bartlett Pears, 2 cans.'.'; ..23 10c Can ripe han4-packed Tomatoest2. V. ;15 40crLb. Best M. & J. Coffeelb. . .. . :25' 15c Can Pheasant Peas, 2 cans. . . . . . A .23j 25c Package Olympia Pancake Flour, pkg 20 20c Can Pheasant Brand Peas, can. IO 40c Can Asparagus. .30 3c Lb.-French. Prunes, 15 lbs. . '. ... . .25 15c Can Extra Choice S,tringless Beans, 3 25? $1.35 Box P. C. BC6.'s Crackers, box; .f 1.05 10c Can Oregon Grape Cream, 2 cans...,15t $1.00 Dozen Oregon Grape Cream, dozen 85? 10c Package A. & H. Soda, package.,. .. ;. .5j 5c Can American Sardines, 6 cans. . . ... .25 64c Lb. Italian Prunes, lb... ,k,, .;5 6c Lb. Creole Rice, 32 lbs...... , '. 91.00 Twelfth and Washington Sts. .MMMM MMM M M M Phone 2287 TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Townsend & Van -I Schoonhoven WXOUSsVU aUTB BITAUXa. . Groceries and Provisions Vew Store. 147 First at., bet., Morrison and Alder. Phone Main 1212. Rastern or Oregon Mama, lb. ...... .13o One sack ood Hard Wheat Flour. .S1.00 . pounds aood Rice..-. bo New crop day prunes, per lb ....Bo i pounds Italian Prtinca. .......... .SSo I- pounda Beedlesa Raisins. ........ .tSo Rest cleaned Currants, lb ...10s New- crop - Tomatoes, standards. . I cans ......150 Tomatoes, Solid Pack. . . .. ,i. loo Two 3-lb pIcks. Gold Dust ..Mo One 1-lb. pkg. Armour's Washing - Powder .77. . . ..15o Fels-Naptha Soap - 6o It bare Royal Havon SoAp..., too bars Baby Elephant Jtoap . , . t ns s do i una eniaer a tjataup. .aoo 1 lb. now crop Kncltsh Walnuts. .. ,15o X Jk TXWL U-nay . . , j,6o lo-io. pail pure Laxrt n a-lb, pall pure lArd Wo ) cans Primrose Cream ISo 1 lb. Bnirltsh Breakfast Tea.... .... .18 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea. !5o I oan'Baked Been. ... ,-r. .So Two i-lb. eui Hominy......,,,..,. a6o I cana Corn, Peas or Btrlnsf Beans. . ,aso 1 pka. Postum or Flff Prune Cereal, .aoo Freeh Ranch Erim, dosen. ......... .aoo . New lot 8moked and Salt Fish direct from the packers; Urge Smoked Bloaters, 1 for.... .0fi tnnan Hxvddles,t pound. ...,13a Baa Sid. Delivery Tuesday aad Prlday. WASHINGTON . 'MARKET 111 TtraX ttreaj. Bet. Wsaklartea aad ttxtk. nea Mala aMlt. Prime Rib Roasts ........ .ISHe. 12U... Slrlnla Bleak Tender lot Steaks ..12He to ISo Porter soeoa ateeks .... Round steaks Plain ateska, I Ike tor 12 Vk to Km ......... ,,...ino oa e . . 2At Lc Muttoa iav, I -eg taxno Mnttoa, Oiorsi. 3 tb for lola or Rib rbopa Bhoolder of Mnttoa -. Mutton Stew .......... Perk Roast ............. Pork rhope Veal Roasts ............ v.v::::i2iX ,.13Hc to liwi e to Ac ftc ...10 to 1H ,,.......12W ..12H to iSe ..12Hc to ino o ...........28a ..14a ' Toe veal chop Kaaaese Meat, 8 Ibe for Hemborser, i in ror 8aar-t'ored Break feat Bacoa Best Creamery Batter ...... rreen Rsack Ens Bread. 1 sMvea for ........... rhlckenn Ssgsr-Cwred Hast ... . ........... ..vie fte .18 to 17e 12tte ' Iimi AV-KsVATIIIO,, TrefS. Standard M arket BSAJI0K KAXXZT tT KA8T I SUSsHIPl. lkeae East Tl. AH talepboaal order pronptly -attended JU. Saturday ChicRen Day Chickens 16c and 17c 1 Ranch eanra .-. .too Beat Creamery batter xXe and 6so Bent suaar-eured.hama ,. 13o Picnic hams .........loo Cottage hams .-..........-....,,.,110 6 lbs. lard 4 So Cheeeie 10a, la'eO aad lo flwlaa cheese, -lb. .......... .BOO asd 88o Cream brick cheese i ....... .Boo I.lmberger cheese ................. . 30o Eklam cheese ....too All goods retailed at wholesale prlcea. LA QRALNDE CREAMERY . " 364 Yamhill St. . - ,T