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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1905)
c:.::::i daily jcut.ijal. rcr.TLAND, fpjday Evcmuo. uAncii ... i::-. V P- 1 --- " ' ' 1 , I " rO IITI-ltlt ESTATE. .. J .ri r $100 PHIZES FOH Tbo Jonraal win pF fo avar Owtora and .Tiht of Jlavto about Tha Jourmal "Want AAa" wblob, ar mt to this oflloa ud a oawssd for aa to Tha Jonraal. ' J .'.,. rood tha foUowtor lwrtotlot tfullyi -c a- '---j--' Vvry outooi ud Tars af Jtng-I aut b . aoaotapaalaA by a "Want Ad" Uko thoed wUtm tba UHvart elaamtfUasloaa ;a tAao pa, to ha OMd la Ubs th daily a Sunday loams f TM (mrmaL' Th chars for shaa udvartUaauats la si words for 19 adrnts, So advertl-. ACSMptAd FOE 184) 10 MSta ' He Cartoon or Ters of 3lagU to oatarad ta tha ojbW1 ulm accoxn nuM by "Want Ad" aad th awaar for It. Tha drawing; aad nm marl b la bfcvok tak sad oa m aid of th papa only, aad th papas ana a at ba lararoy ths Ssvea ueaas aqaara, Tha vox aooompaaylay each actoa moat aot b or tha glx Una 4a laactm. Tbo psis will b a ward ad mora for th arlflaalitr of tka do alo tha tb asaaatlos.. - .- '.'....' " Tha nam, ac aad addroaa of th child who draws oa of thaaa Oar loon tsd wtitw a Tor of iarl aaaat bo arrtUaa oa ooary oaa saat to this affloa, ia tbo ohUd'a w baa wrlttaa. ' .... xf wotur fathar ar saothor aaaaat gtrt yes on of thai "Want Ada.1 roxaly soma frlaad or Jtalg-bbov oaa' ' 4 B ran Aa look for ou 4riaaiat ia tha Par. i.. , Tb Oartooaa aad "Waat Ada" wamj ba daUTarod to Tha 9nal or ' aaat by mall " '"''' ' ' ; . ' ' arlr orry eaUd oaa wrlW a Torao aad draw a Oartooa. . If yoara bo aoooptad. 70a wUX laoatra L00 la aaoaoy and aT roar plctar U a ?oanal .. r, "f - . rv 3B roK uEirt HouuaciiriHO moova. 1IIK BKlXIXflHAM rwnlrtM JiepU. alaal , and houMkmvlu wiltMi wnnf ud slowaat; -t.iiV butt.MarriMa.1 tnton 4412. ri'KNIHHED heOMtwptnc ad . oj IB wwb r n $i.t- pr.R - werK ij." '' hratrkwpliK ronmi Uaadry, . tatt. U4 .' iibmiMD, nrar.froat. VKIX rurnliibtNl 4-rrwn Mnrrtaoa ICS (urnltar t brfl.. 40 kiuftoa bldf., -. A p. m. - ' " . roK- HINT Firntahrd lmrlM lomn V ! furUthrd rooaw. 3Vk UumcU at., Lawtr TWO unrnrn1h nit ntt fnrnty- raw tt houarkMiriaa. UU VbrTBaa. njar afwat. - ' RINtlLR farnlakM) ronnv B3; oo-iria, Lna la. Ml Tfolli U Hlark. TWO furnlibH kouakavplnc rooma. ra. taao. drr. balb, piMM) 112 atoatb. Kaat 795.. , . FL'RNIKHED bfttwkMpIn Nmna. tit Tktrd at.; walar i kltebaa, aa (roaad llooc KK ' KENT Nlfflr ' rrnlbrd baaMkarplnf mnM. . tminlra root . M3 Aah at. ro a axn-rinunaKxs books, Oaa Inaartloa ta .tkla alualtnattaa, raU ward far tt aaata." THR- MONNAHTK8. 1WH irat t. alnla .. ma from ft to t3; funttalird- bauaakrvplaf anltra Ina fKTA tp $S prr wark; mama par ' -ulrbt, &0O and Z&c: taorUta aolldud. LAR(iE. llcht front tnoaa. 1 brda. aalUbl , for 4 parmaa. with board at t'Jfi por Btanth ', raii: bom rooking aad noma prlrliesfa. Xa Fifth, cor. Madlaoa. . TUB DmCTTB. 12d Twalftb. earaar Waabtn tan. rntlralr nawlr fonilbd rooma at THI ... PKXTKR ANNRX Bow raad tor ecnpaarr. . Fhoaa Graaa 40, ! ' : MARQITAM HOt'KR. 14AV lk Rooma an anlta . or alaatla: houa'karpln rooma; r atoaaa, ;('- hala. alrrtrle Ilrhta; tranalanta aollrltcd. FOR RKNT Nlrlr farntahad a-raom bona. : ', nlrrty iuoatrd.- H- blnrk from ear Hoe, , rf forthrr partiraUra pbon Kaat lnf.T. 170 S TENTH rr.-Ktoalr foralalasj ' aliwla room; raa, bath,- Bbooai . raaaooabte. Call - aflrr 4.80 p. at. KRAMER'S ROOMINO nniTRE Pirat-rlaaa far nlbd raoma tf (aatktaMa aalr. lftfe aad THE OLAWTONR n Ravlrr at., foralabad . roaaw: aadrr aaw aUBaaaaMat; prltaa ra .'. aoaabla.- . , - - r . f KtlR REKT KralhJd rooOia at Vrron room ing aooaa, 1 Jc t aontk p( depot, lioarlmiw, CPKAPEST end beet locared roo-ne In Vortlead. .. . fl week ap. Oilman. Flint ana Alder eta, NirELT fnrnttiM' rooma 'tl t par week and . an. : Mitt Firth, bet. Mala and Maakaon. . RIVERSIDE HOT FX. MS Eaat Oak at. Roa keeplag rooma; lodging. PbeD Beott Sai. EaLT .fnralrheit, qnlrt. tr patent artb at. phoa) Bad tstf. FI'RMKHltD mama. ' alnrte or doable. 114 Knott at. rnone Rant inoB. FINE. eoaiforUbl roema, Xtt Tenth, . eer. TaylQT.. .. . .. - roa Brsrt HOTaia, ' 4-lion M boa lie, aew, Calea kre., aorta, water Inclnera: rent - U. X. IDWABDS. IgB ltl Flrrt at. " S-ROoM. atodera eottage. eaat aide, Iretngwiit dlairlrt. awrll Micbborhood. full cement baaement. furnaea heat, electric call Bella In-foQiat fieri Mr ilirilru, urge iiwb, thiq. .. eiighly rcnvtaled; to prl'ala family only; rent 30. BDWABDS. lS-m Flrat t- 6 ROOM. aew. modern, corner dwelling;, " aaat . aide. ! ro -unci nciarr: rent am, H. E. EDWARDS. 1S5-1B1 Flrat it ' 5-ROOM cottage, eaat aide, clear la. Albtaa dlatrlrt; rent tin. H. JKDWRDftJ ISS-iat Flrwt at. ft-SOOM,- atr. BaodrB, lower Bit. aaat aide, Alblna dlatrtrt. eloee la: rent S. 11. E. KDWABD6. 185-181 1rat at 4-ROOM d-flflng, hath, a llghta, cloaa la, , . wcat ldc( rent ta. . H..E. KDWARnS. lS5-lf Mrat It. ROOM, awidera dwelUag, wtat aide, .ready April 1; rent FCT.IV. , . . ft, K. . KDWABDS. l4-ll Flrat mU.,t TtooM, modern, up pre . dal waal aide; net JH-.B. KDWARtHS.Vll flrat at. a. ROOM dwelling with bath, alae hara. aaat aide; rent 2". ' H. K." tPWARPH. 1SS-101 Flrat at, ; S-ROOM enttage. eaat aide, emee In :rent f IB. H. E. KDWARD8, 1SS-191 Flrat at. ROOM and balhCeatelftreBtrat- aary. walking dlatnnre, rent tan. , - H. B. EDWARDS. lSi-lPl F&at tt. S-ROOM. upper flat, atrlctly Koderav weat aide, cloaa la: rent ten. II. E. EP WARDS. lft.M Flrat at a ROOM bnoao for rent at Archer Place, 130 per month; awner and wit will board with renter If eeneentent. Call room 306 McKay halldlbg. Third aad Stark. I'KADPRRLT TRANSFER-COMMISSION CO. , ! , Piano and furniture aweed promptly by ar perleBceq njea. 110 Third at. Main lfy --FOR SAI.N oe rent, -fnrntahed a-rom honee, . laiOVa IMuaoat t- Bent eery raaeonahle. 4-ROOM ,houe, large yard and bara tor. real, . liniulre of B. Knyder, Woodatnck. U&TTBB FOB BIBT rUBBlTUBB FOB SAXI WE.-rmy roar furniture h any emiatlty for went . carh nr aell It at your reeldenre. Be our . and call ap Portland Aoctloa Booaw, Mala auaoV fo bt rtaultf. . THW FORTTiANIr AUCTION . ROOMS rlH Belt . your famlrur for roa at your reatdeae or tt Sll rbat at. Pbon Mala otaft. FITRMTlTRH ef areo bonee for eat cheap ,., If taken by the let; rrnt Itt; come aad are , . It; a bargala. 47 North Nlath at. ' FH BAfcE FuTBirnr of t roetn eottage. good , -. aa pew, cheap;. reat 113. aba. Beat Coach, , . cor. Third, - , , ELEGANT furnlehed -morn flaf: mint aril Ira . mediately) bargala at KV50. Call WUi Fourth f at. . .. - v - - - ' 73 FOB BEBTFABlia. ' FARH for rent, atock and furniture for eale: .14 arrae. 4 mile from Portlaed; 10-room houee. ; - en car line, t.1H acne, amall frnlf, l.onn ., bearing fruit treea.- eeopa la, will cell with oot fnmltnre. tnlon o.; Woodatoch car; get aft Oatmaa ataUoa, Mg ted hoeer. DOYS AND GIRLS Binmaa CrLurcxa. ROOMINO BOVBK BRADDARTBRB. 1 TAFT- CO.- 12S-3-M -AB1NOTON hlJi.r l8l4-8D-8T. PHONE MAIN IBS. , 'A few ebolea barfalna tor4 todar. Look tbtao ap If 70a want rour atoaer a worth: -1 BOOMS Kaw brick, new furniture, goof - location, awdera la arerr raaoact. gaa. elar ,, trie lights, bathe; leaaa for I jtaar, longer I If dMlred. - ai.lftO. t KOOMH-'Nleelr furalehed, wU located; rent avi. r rice onir auuu. 50 ROOMS Nicely .XuauUhed. doing rood bal aree, good leaae: rrnt onl f I2. PHoe for a few dare oolr A-I..V00; teraia tf.doalred. 80 BO0M8-r.Nrw bojldlng. near fair groanda; leaaa and balldlag fur eale at a grent bar gala.. Call and inveatlrat at anoe. mil. ECU AM BLTl'KH MARKET flood lo- llm. K Ul ... ..1 n . k I . -'. w. . .1.. aunt awu miiin,. 1; leaaa antll Jana. lBUd; rest eel 420. IVloe onij a-nf 11 taaea nuica. CIOAR HTORB on With at.; doing ale little ba'tnraa. good lore 'tan. good . gxturaa; leaaa iHBm fLtr lair on uawu. TAFT A CO. " 122-M4 AB1NOTON BUv.. J 04 14 SO ST. DOIf'T ML THIS CHANCE! If yon' hara tl.fioo, Uka hold af tha beat Eying country hotel and family reaort. with r, danra hall and feeastabW; no better t iwaataaaat" la -Oeegea, - . ' 1 ituoa roaiurr avwea iron j.uuo to ono: eome of then ta exchange for good farau Boalneaa Btopertla bringing 1SH per rent net. Big eetertloa of roaaiTng hooaea and v bitftlaeea chaarea. I handle ouly good propo alttans. aet acheaiea, aad If yon want ta ( ouy wgat, . aea . , . . s S . f.. 1TCBS. 110 nrat at J THR PACIFIC COAST REAI.TT CO. ta la J tha Bald with a ehaiea IUt at proper tloa; wo . kindle -timber laada, ailnea, 'atone qnar vrlee, far ma. atock ranrhea, etty aad eabarkan . paawa, pwjiBaaa onaBjoea ana eearerB prop . ertlea. Iomm. leaeee. Inenranee. at ear of , See, 84S(i Morrlaoaat.; notary poblle: are aa prrora raying r aeinng. raooa aula law. . Dally aberaiaa Pender. . BraiNRsa chancka. , IS.enn TABTT with Ulla amount to Join ate wita my a.i.ani ia niy ooaoeaaton. at me exnoaltloa aTonadar I will alee ma heeno real , eaute aa. ratlataral aad U Intereat IB the iiruoia. avunai n a, mm jwhi. TUB axt boatn 1 Bropoeltloa aa the aaarket la a general greeery, pmrlatoa. eeoekary aad glaaa- ware bualaeaa, balMinga. Mr., in the beat town at tha raUey; eouaty aaat. Only IT,0f. inoBira-reaai , i, . ctaaiiiua Biog. . w. w - Bapey. L8MALL. eleaa atoek of a-eaaral Berrbandae.: win ineoir annul az.otai; a nig ataroont ror eaab ar .teraaa eaa be made, it will pay row to are thla bargain. Call at Warren, Ore gon, and are Unvoice Bad atock. ,U. J, Caav- FOR ' SALE Cheaa. t275 loot OrlenUl buck . board automobile; pointed end In .working . eroer, in arm -ciaaa enape. Baa gooa power, climb any hllL eery apeedyt aalllag rraaon, ''want a larger car. Addraai If -1. JournaL ran a lands in orkcom. .. FKRTTLP aotl, pare water, delightful climate; , land of alfalfa, a price and rloeer. For fall Information addreaa the Utilnmhta Southern . Irrlgatloa Co., K Woraaafar block. Portland. FOR BALB Stork general Bierchandaie. npleadld farming and manufacturing town, population "1.000: rare opportunity; f 4,000 to $4,000 eeah , Beceaaary, r. u. aea 17a, HprtngOeM, or, $150 FIRST-CLASS cleaning and dyeing eetab llahmeat ne haelaea location; a tore and 8 rooma; rent 30; Iraan 3 yeara; oworr In other - Buaineea renaoa tor aetitng. call 91 Foarth. VE.VERAL uefchandta atoee' for aalc, "good couatry . town, doing good bualneaa; larolc $2. an.'; dlaronnt for : u bargala. la quire XM Sixth at., . Portia ad. .' FPU . BAI -Mi t.i" 11 wt uw& Mtwv pnpiiiai i.,n; pun eiir- . rounding cuontry. About 12.600 atock. Bog a, Ktaytoa, Or. ' . - . FOR SALK Omcery, confectionery, baker and - reetauraat; powalatlea Son; good towel about ai.ouv: atcaniaa. aaateaa aea aa, . noeri- aan, ur. , . FOR SALE TonfeetMaery atore, clgara, light gencerice; goo paying nnaineaa; nrmg rooma; aartfea leering dtyv 4SI-ieeU, coretoee. WAVTED Man to take Inteceet la some good mining property, or will aell eoate good min ing atock to develop aame. 31 Eaet KnotL FOR ' S ALB Inlrreat - In - feet - eelllag - patent . nortlty for fair. Call forenoon. SOsy Frost lunm Boon aour timea JUJ J. FOR SAI.F Meat market. TB0; good location, cheap rent; other buatneaaea. Aaawer V 12. car Journal.- . . RESTArRANT. dining room fnmlahed, rent neld until fair la over. S94 Twentralith at. . 6TI MarvhaH. . FOR SALR Neat llttl grnoery. doing fenod baalnena; price $700. 153 Ruaacll at. Snap. FOR SALE or rent etteap-Mlond reatanrant. with kraaa: rent reanoaabte. I no I re a Flrat. 800I payfng wnllaio aloeel leer wot; Tar tn ring intereeu aecapy time.- n 4, Journal. fob Bzrr orriox book. TWO (ice roerae and S$ ofBca avaee, Al lo re 1 1 on. R. W: TraTar, Baal EaUW Broker, Hit Waehlartoa. . ; FOB BEBT MlSCXiXABIotra. FOR BENT A Mr aampla-rnntr. ar ban. top Boor.- Apply elevator are. Ovtdaoa bid. -U FO BaXB 0B BX0HAB0B. .- FOR eale or trade for city property. 120 aeree land, Bnnae, Bern, fruit ireea. anno. Cowllla County Land company. Keen. Waah. FOB BALE X0BSZ8 AD CABBlAOEa. RRP FRONT STABLES. M North Fifteenth at.. near Waahlngton r'lrat-cUaa lleery, lioard ' ng and hack;-anectel attention glee driving ' hneeea. ' Wat. Bayaeide, Prop. Phoo Mai - Iiatv'-' ... FOR BALE OR EXmANOB Relgtum Perehn- rmt atallloo yeara old. weight l.snn I be. j raa bo earn at Elk Stable at Fourth sad Ruraalde eta., thla Week. . s UORSKB, wmeona, hameea, n klad of . hlciea Bought, en Ml an rented. Habert at Ball. t4 Fourth. Phone Mala SM. PUK'BALB A top buggy, eery nearly newt a run a eery aice - mare goaa lor- working elngle. . Fhoo Scott twA. 1 TWO driving boreee, trotter and pacer, cheap. lir. iiuooeru, ueanm eiog. . t non ataia 1410. FOB BATT, TABD BCBXP. FOR BALE LAND SCRIP. careemctea roreat n aarte amp ror aalt at low cat .market price. . fy a-rip preure title tn timbered, fanala. graala or oeeert .land, la ani.Quaatlty. without reeideoc or . Imnrneement. Addreaa U. M. Bamlltoo, tha Port lend, Fwrllaud. Or. ... ' TO XXCXABOX. CHFAP art part aerejeet (or building roar souae. a . core eearaai. - Adiattlaemaata aermlaUg a Beai EataM, time rata "U warda tar 11 eeaU." S. Soft T ROOMS, ' bath, baaameBt, gas, eat ateel bridge, - full lot. M VoUBXH BT.. NBAB OAK. , i I1.2SO 10 acre Mar JUstt, feBced, aart iulUralfst ' , t . FOCBTH ST.. iA OAK, rr JS0er-oail!M fee at Pertewouth ataUo. 1 ( , aa folBth bt.. near. oab.. f 1.BO0 U tlS.eoo Oood farm la Willamette - valley. ' , tl FOLBTH BT- NEAR OAK, . i - Quarter Inteceet In 4 rich placer eUima for ai.flno of equipment to worh earn. .. . , , b FOUBTU ST.. MA OAK. Jf i Choice Irrigated ioala river bottoea laada. right oa rallroaii, fja per a era; Icaa ha annual crop valne. Fre water. B2 FOCBTH ST., NEAR OAK. ( ' t1.O0 S roam houee, lot I20i.1in. bath, ' Bull Boa water, fruit, block to MoaUvllla ""V FOCBTH BT.. NEAR OAK. ' " FOR SALE New and I room bouaaai bath. auUouary waahatand, concrete baarBwat. gaa aad electric light, furaaca) souae tinted. paea pantry, large bedroom with eloee ta U reach, wood elerator, atatiuoary waabtuba ta baaeawat; on Union eve. car Una, five -mta- ute service: Bear good school, lawn, atrreta improved : nouaea now open ror iHpmwai - Mat. inatallmnra. . lnmilre Owner. M. H. ' stamier. uti Third at.' or, at realdenca. SU Union are. aorta, oaa Bloc aouta oi aousaa. NEW. ' mod era, 8, . T aad ' -reom hooaea; meat, picket fence. Urge lot, easy terma or ma airann. uv v u. ,. w - are bo shanties la my addition; everything neat and one; com out and aee for yourself. Joe Naah, la the white house at Nashvtlla oa the Mount Scott ear Una. Fhoaa Mala 1801. nn Itvo la s rontad house? Look thla Bp: 443 Oxford at.', take Wood laws car, get off v at Oxford at.. o S bkx-ka eaat: bouse Is - empty, key Bert door; rooma, aew, bath, hall, pantry, aofoot lot; a great bargain; on comfortable term. Dr. Elwln Holme. SIB A bing ton bldg. Phoo Bed 1723. THIS la your chase for a homer I2S dowa aad IIS per month; o-room hard flniehd asodern " enttage and T5 on Improved etreeti oppa elte broom factory en Eaat 'Ankeny car. Two modern B rooms and bath. Thirty -eighth sna er Baiunun; ai.w, r"t W. i. Burden, UbIob - 4018. a. nirir BiRniINt 20 ncrea Sa land luat oatalde dty limits, ea eaat side; owner will ' "mm!' ri eacrfflce heat J'"yt . bargains' la booaee, let, farm. .. N. HPRAGUB. 122M Urand eve.. Boom IS. , SPACE! SPACE! SPACE! f .. . NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS. --LEWIS AND CLAHK KXPOHITIOttV B. W. -TRAVER,. A WASHINGTON. e REAL ESTATE BROKER. run. BAU u nwna. (win, '"V I",-'" - pluBDlog) piped tor gas; wired for electric- cheap; will take part cash aad good lot to build OB. Addread T ". Journal. - - UUtJU V msct - w . w-. houaea. Beech and Michigan, II.SO0; two . lots, a fine orchard and a 4-reom house, . . , . .... i mm Ik tt . rnttenger n auima, riw. mum w. NEW. modern. room hoajao aad an lot on East Thlrty-afth. near car. only 42.2011. Patterson i Stewart. l,O00 aWlmoBt t- Pboaa Lntoa (IL - --. - ror. lot 100x100. 'Beat Eleventh tj ret sou per xoouuii eaej wie, vwn, w 1 rlsoa et- rswNON'S addltloB offere roa tha beat poeal bla Inducementt for yea to obtain a cheap home. Call 30t McKay balldlag sad sbtaia - oetaua. F1N8 acress for saw ta 4. 8. t. 8. 10. 30 sad 26 acre piece; near car, acbool aad good made to city. Frank. Melvla, Comaaerclal - bldg. GOOD Inveatment. corner lot and houee. well located oa car line, reniea ror sci per aaraw. " Price $2,600, Apply Joha Bain, 224 Stark at, LOT with rxtmnletelr turn la bed 8-rooai eottage, oa car line, close In; a eacrifleei must aell; poaaiealoa at car; trait, bib aiarquam oio. ai.BnO H- ACBES, bouse, 1 sore amall trait; T . . .1 . . . 111. ..1. n-1 1 BOOU tocauoa anDufui.. m. . tee. . loaulr . Herlos e .atece,- alenUvllla. Ml Iraxu Will aall new B-room oottaere aad 3 lota la Lsnretwond Prh. S.MX); this place' ' seat 8077. ,wv Fr Keae, oil Jei veaoax. BEFORE you buy a farm or bom or wteh to exchange on tor the ether, plch out from my Big ut. r . racna. iwv rirai ex. HOL'SR new banc, fruit 1. ' rood deed. In. auOO; big team, new 'aheap. Address Till, I wagoa and boa Ire JournaL LOTS ta Irasr at tha entranca to Lewi end Clark fair grounda. R. . W. Trave. real aetata broker, 238 Wsshlngtoa at, A BAB0AIN For aale Two lota with four mom houee, In St. -Johnei 8700, Apply U Ornber, SIT Commercial Stock FOR SALE A beauttfnl aew s-coom house aad lot 60x1110 feet, 670 Prasrott at, tor f 2,360 'Uka Wuodlawa sr Vernon ear, ' Bono 2n ACRES, good Bolt. hone, and anrlna Bdjolnlng; Oregon City, Plumber. WUllsai ave., Portland. Ffltt gAI.E 20 acres, 8 arlrea from Tancouv n. wi 1 inn t niuaia , aeWsotisr. 11 BIT Eael8 mo iruit ire. T-BOOM' modern brick hons for Il.tafX, 7 Sjulra 6B3 Flrat rhone CUJ 84U " In 8-BOOM bans, a lot 100x100; price (l.toa. iBonlr 837 Eaat StatK at., aorta. ' , ItiR a balldlag eon tract or, laoulra at 873 North ' I!h.J mm . rsi FOB 8AXX FARBra. FARM for sale) of 43 ama, IT miles Tram Port land: 1 U ml lea from railroad to town : air a rrea under cultivation; young orchard of 28 - variety fruit Braes; place well furnished; 1.800 . coed fir wood: email houss and hara: good ' water; price ai.ouo: eaay terme. inquire for W. R. Calkins, tUrwood. Oregoa, Wssh lngtoa aeanly. ... S4 nnoao ACRES: 7 acrea clear. S rood oerharda. all anoer good fence. 12-mom hoaae. root 81.600, large bam, atock shed, other on l on ltd in re, on gooa rnua, mil rrom town. Bog 4. BtaytoB. Or. FREE LAND IN OBHOON node the Carey .Irrlgatlow Act." Deed direct from atate. ' Write today. Rook let and map free: R. B. Conk A Cow 281 Alder St.. l-urtlasd. Oregoa. BAROAIN. 1.S60 TO a good firming land. part clear, fenced, noose, barn. 'fruit. 8 mllea fran rxpoaltioa grouada. p II 80-ACRE ranch H eaetera Oregon for sale or trade. See owner. 404 Thirteenth at. fob bali ...atTaxnxiAarxoira. BoATHOrSH F(5r SALE In Brat-elan condi tion, aaltablo - for private family or publl resort on the rive, containing 8 Bed I Minx living roam, kltrhea aad upper deck. Also houseboat containing S Bleeping room. Naptha lannch. 9 feet long. 4-H.-P. rnrine. Apply F. 8. Morrla.' O. W. . By. C,. efSce. BIU.1ARD. AND POOL ubtea ser ron ar far it! ?llvK(riFAl.K. COLLtNDIB CO, . f Third St.. PortUsd. WS prist year same o '.VI raiting rarda. proper nine una srjie, oc, v nwiicw nnn, pt Browa a ocusiaie. aw rare, a-oruaaa, or. 13 FOOT I. X. L. power windmill, with all vvmncctloM complete; will sell cheap. Ad drees T. 13, care Journal.. FOR BALE Block ot Attachable Ball Bean eg Hub company erocu. waenp. atuoruun bob sue. Vancouver, Waah. . FOR - SALR flood erpres wagoa. Inanrrn Western Feed A Furl Co., oa Front t- bet. '(illsan and Hoyl.- .. . . FOB SALE 1 heifer, 2 year old, fresh; aaw BootrB collie pups, i'bobb acotx eoo. FOR SALE od fountain. . 8 ahewcaaesi counter. in nortomp ex. ABCHITICTS. II. C. MTTRICII, architect. Room 8. Reid' Mock. zzia I inc. one. r irer tu aea. WV1 ivy at. Phone Rest 3S31. ABFatAXT FATTsTw.' - ja'mai n ijVsaanaB BLATK BOOBr HsjnrFACmrBXBn, BOWS. PAT1S R1I.BAM. I0B-111 Beeood at. Biaan Bens BManrneturer; agsam tor joas Improved Looei laat ladamsl paper rullag. ZX80KAL. . KANSANSI ATTENTION I Come to my staes nnd reglater or aend aame aad adores ha ' become charter - member, af Kansas society; ft for geaUemen. 60 rents for ladle. 8. W. Traver. Real beta to Broker, tU Wasklngaaa, Partaxnd. Or. . MONTIILT Irregularltlea yield promptly , to our palbleee method of treat ma ut ; we treat die. casea ot women only; eooeultatloa free) pri vate and strictly confidential. X Radium Institute. Third and Morrison, Allaky bidg. BOOKS! ROOKS I BOOKS! Th kind you're looking for; ' Decs memo, ' "A Hot Thmale." "Kosaa fnnfeesloo." 'A Social Leon," Finnte Bill." "The Beauty Snot." 60 each; Hat fre. A. Behmals. 0) First st, . NOW RBADVIThe 'Matrimonial H eg later." pries 10c; revised to March 20; describee seer is 10 new local mem here she wlah to marry, Interatat Introdueiagf Society, Box .1073, ,N Portland. T' .. ' ( WOl'LD Ilka to correspond with a lonertand. Ing lady, between SO and 40, to tak a In terest in a Jewelry atore In Portland. Or. , Address Charles Uammcr, buCIob p, Toledo, 1 Ohl. MANLY vigor roatored by 7r. BoberU' Nerve tjlobnle. One month's treatment, 82; 2 month, 86: aent securely sealed by mall. AgeuU. Woodard, Clark A Co.. Portland, Or. HA VS you aee tba Spencer Company about your ahlrtwalat suit T If sot, hurry ap; 1st- ' est styles: Isdles' own goods mads. ap; geate' ahlrta apscUlty. 126 Tenth at. . DO yoa want to gvt married f It coat yon notb- ing to register your name with an.. Call or addreaa room 4, 234tA Morrison, la writing pwsa aaclos stamp. HOW w do Itl A pint nf th finest hair Wash for 25c; charge paid. Send - 25e t , Western Enter; lias Co., Sox 1S2, Bk:ta Ova, TOt'rl nreacrtntlons are aiore' accuratelv end . reasonably tilled at Eyaael' Pharmacy. 237 w 1- L., a4 " - i, THREE TEARS IN ARKANSAW" beat all hook you aver saw. SDc. Jonea' Book Htors, ftVI Aider st - - . WB do legltimata detective work; debtor and . friend located. I'hohw Mala 60M6.- Box X7. JAMES H Come to Oregoa City. Walter tirlfSs. . SR. OUfZY BOB HXAL1TB. OR. OLNBY,' th celebrated. . aattonally-kBewa - promoter of paycbolugy and expiment of aug geatlva there peatlca, bow 1b thla city, la prepared to consult with patlrnta. H I : nconouaoed the axjet noted dlagnostlclaa aad ' neeler of tba are. Mr treatment la . without drdga or surgery.. He gusrsntee4 to case in most stubborn run or liquor, morphine or too err habits. No Interference with dally duties. IneUntaneoui cure. - The ' sick should avell themselves of this grand opportunity. Dr. B. Olary. 28b Vi WsshlBg- ABT XMFOl PROF. RICHARD MAX MSTBR Portrait aad laadaeapa arllet; Inalmctlon In all painting, water color, etc., and drawing" art gallery ' connected with atudio; pictures (or aal and framing to order. H4S Alder at. Phoaa 161, BAUD TwrrBUstXBTa. CHA8. K, TORK A CO.. 104H Flrat Repairers, platers; York A Bona and DoOar laatrumsata. BICTCLX szAxna. COLI'MBIA, TRIBUNE AND CRESCENT. SP0RTINQ OOODS. EXPERT RhPAIKIKO. F. P. KEENAN. 208 THIRD ST. 1 : BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON. AB8ATXR8, THE I. H. FISK ASSAYINO 0FF1CB--Analytical chemist and meullurglat. Fl gold aad allver, 8U ouopor, M aaBts. 8U4Vi - Washiagtoa at I, A. MOB. saaaTer and asaiytloal cheaiiab 880 Aukeny at., our. Eighth. COAX sUtl WOOD. GBEAT WESTERN COAL CO, Our leader am washed Bootless rniae, 85; lump. 86.60) Australia lump, 84.60; Bock Hprlag lump. 87; delivered; no acmeninga aad . tail weight guaranteed. Phono Main 848. WE8TEBN FEED F0BL CO., cor. Front aad Hoyt etrost. sln ta dnmeetle and steam eoaX bmeksarlth oaoL chirsoel an. ''. Phon Mala. 1018. . ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers ta cmdauud. eoal ad greea aad dry slabavood: B. If , BBd At blaa a., 8 blacks eaat f ferry. East 874. RUPERT FUEL CO. The beet dry wood J tows. Don't forget to pbon Bast 186. 26 Eaat Eighth St., cor. Madleeu. BTEBL BRIDGE Fl'RL CO., deeler Is seal, aard wood sad dry alah wood. Fhoaa Bast 484. OR BOON FUEL CO. I all kind et aval aad 844 Bforrtsoa. Phoaa Mala 88. KIRK HOOTER. 8J8-Water aty,; afaia snwu. CLAlBTOTAJfT AJTD FALMI8T. MR8. CLARA MALLORY. CLAIRVOYANT, rlalrandla.M. spirit card reader, bora as 41am; honest, roofldentlll readings woe ethers fail; eoneult me. 28 Fifth. MADAME . JOHNSTON Clalresyant palmist. earo reader; i give recta remote a no tm- firtht wivit frtrrr ti u I 80s. 88 Seven th St.. Boar Oak. aihg anam ex rvui ma- aks THR gifted Eerla Slater will UU yea ill yo wish to know. 40S Waahlngton st. CAJLTEBTXia ABD snOiDEBa, A. J. ADTHOR8 aad B. B. WOOD, carpenter enj ouiiaem; repairing sna joooiBg, sxora anJ effli arerie halll Shop W I'lilaaUial, Pbon Cisr J. . HOl'STON. builder. 668 Merrtann; deetrns rraaiw or mica omiaingu; enuarm isiiu fnlly fulfilled; thoroagh work, low Brio; Bkstebe free. BOFF A TT8EN, building end remsdellBg: bnr Biturea aawaaity. aw Clay t4. 0R00XZRT ABO wLAUWARX. WHOLESALE crockery and glassware, Piael. Begele A Co.. 100 to 108 Filth, cor. Btart at. CAXBI40E AND HACK 00MPAXH8. THR CNITED CARRIAGE CO. Carriage. tally-ho rigs aad cirry-ella. in:i aieventa at., ror, Morrlaon. ' Phone Mala 223. oobTMiaaioB mibchabtb. DAVENPORT RROS. Oneral eommbeilnei mer- caanta; rruira ana pcoauce; roniignmente ao llrlted; prompt retorBS. 1 50 Front at. in'RRDINO A FARREIJ.. produr and eomtnla. aton merchant!, ltu rroat at., rortiano. ,'or. Phone Mela 170. CABFET-CLZAjmtO. WE dean your carpets pa ih rVwir, remov ing grcaee apots. morna ana germe or flii esse, dlelnfectlng "and putting your carpet in a aaaltary condition; we run raa tee to mis nn dnet; aa tie fact ion anaurrd. 1'hoae Clay 831 for free demonstration. STANDARD Steam Carpet -Cleaning Co. Carpel r leaped, refuted. newM anu iaifl; msttreseea, feathem reaovsred. Keet Third, north, and Pacific: at. Pbon Esat 2N0. Merrlmaa A North. ' DXESSMAXIBO. SHIRTWAISTS. ' wool or wash silk, made for 81.28: ehirtwatet suits j.o. m aaat mar ket. Phono Eaat KOI. lEISTaJR'S Isdlee Tailoring college; pa ft ere cut tn meaaure. AUshy hall 400. 2115 Morrlaon. MRS. MrKISREN. artlitic draja aad cloak- making. 651 Morrison at. DRFS5MAEINO Strictly Bp to , data; latest designs, 4N cuy at.- - . , v CAXFTT-CXXABTJIO. WR clraa th Sneat carpeta nn tha Boor, 181 Madlaoa at. Phone Hood 102. i ...... t. HCNTER. atesm carpet. M0 Jeff. Main 214. t ill i , 1 'i 1 1 i- . 111 -TV CEaTXJIT COsTTRACTORa. CIIAS. It. CARTER A CO., cement mutrartora. tH-et x-weatieth . 1 eae haet -Wft, All work guaranteed. CLXABTBO ABO FBiaSIVO. BATE yoor-etetheo eleened. iwesaed 'and "re -peirea.ny Mrs., wnarton: ladies an gentle. mem a specially. ia) tint, -phoaa Bed 4iA was C10AB8 ABB T0BAOC0. ESRKR1-OHN8T CIUAB CO. ' , lisiribBtur . of . FIMJ OI0ABS. .s' . . l"ortlaad. Oregoa. - . . cArra. -. ERIt'KSON'il itKSTAL'BANT Merehiiut' lunch II . m. to 12 p. m.( uii'ler new management, f). B. Evana, prop, bscoad ad Burnatd. THR 0Fr!'"W 2S.1 Waahlngtoa at. rhone Mala 771. Plrkctt A Vlgncsux. OTXIB0 ABD CLXABTBO. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING A DTEINO Works; pcactliil hatter la connection: feather bass ant) plumes cleaned aad curled by aa ex i pert. 211 Ft Fourth. PhuBo Clay ,704. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed 81 per month, 'Unique Tailoring Co.; Ml Washington st. U. W. Tt'RNKR. profeeetonal dyer sad cleaner, iVW Jefferson at Phone Mln 2513, DOO AJfD B0X8X B0BFTTAL. ; DrVC.B.niloWNill.T H .n.C.M Dog, bora hoa- PIU1.2H7 Hurnalde. Phooea: Maln4iKd;Eaat 2536. DR. B. 1. CARNEY. D. V. S.. veterinary anr geon. removed to 2h4 ISUaaa, bet. 4th and 6th. ELECTRICAL W0RXB. NC; BTH W EST RLECTRICAL ENGINEERING i Company, 808 Stark St.. Port land- 0, K. tot . everyining la , the electrical uaa. . l'on Mala 1HM).' 1 " . FACIPI0 Electric Co. Engineere. oontractore. ' repairers, electric wiring, supplies. 04 Flrat. cor. Stark. Main Ml. B, It. Tats,: mgr. FOREST RESEXYX BCBIF. x- F0RE8T ilESRRTE SCRIP FOB BALB Ap proved, unrestricted, ready for Immediate pae; Kiweet pel eve. K. P. A F. B, Riley. 008 mmnff or iimroerce. FTJKBITTBJE FAOTOBrxa. 0BHGON Furniture Manufacturing Company - Manerarturera ot rural tar fag -the trad. PorUand. Or. .. - FI'RNlTt'RR manufacturing aad apodal order. U Ruveaakr'e fumltur factory. 874 Front at, ; . ''" "' " F17RVACEB. ' . '':; BOTNTON wirmslr fui najea ears fuel. J. C. Bayer I'umaee Co.. 254 Second. Main 41. WADHAMB A CO.. wholeaale-grocers, mans. firtarera and commlaaloB mer chants. Fourth , and Oak eta. ALLEN A LEWIS, rommlaaloa and produce mer - rrom una lie vie sta-, i-aeuano-. or, HAJfMAB BATE B. KINO'S HAMMAN BATHS Corner Seventh and Wsshlngton eta.; Sneat and largest be tha la the city; elegant he. for the night If desired; expert maeseara and- chiropodist. - HABDWABI. Portland Hardware Co. aolldta opportunity t quote price, l.m 1st, cor. Alder. Mala ISM, BTrMAN HAIR R0LL8. J. J. BORO, msnufaetarer of human hair rail, tr. 4-M K. Ninth. Phono East 2211.. B WITCHES FOR BALE. - SWITCHES made, enmhings bought or mad to . ornee. let k. Tweirta et. rnons Eaat itiu. HOTELB. HOTEL Pendeltos, Prndlctoa, Or. F. W. Walts. mgr. HOTEL Portland, America a phta; 83,88 pet day. HOTEL- St- George, Pendleton: leading hotel. BELTRDKRE. Kuropona plaa;4tb and Alder ata. rwBTJRABCX, LAMBERT. WHITMRR A t. Flro InsnTsnc snd reel eststs, ann aasnra to Arthur W I lees A Co.; offlees. 'west side. )07-l08 Sherlock - bldg.. Main 1008; celt side dept. 404 Eaat Aioer tcitiarus-, nanx) vast 4BI. ISAAC U WHITE, ar In eon Be. 880 Detram oiqg. . . - JAS. Met. WOOD, emnlovevn' llablllrv nnd In, dividual accident tnrety hoad of ill klad. rnoBe t. t Mcaay Diag. H. P. SARTEIJI COMPANY Pirn InauiaiM. 443 Sherlock bid; Oregoa Pbon Clay 628. LOCRSMTTH. w-UeM KEY FfTTTNO. bicycle and macbln repairing. J. H. Richardson. 13 Fourth al. Front ll. SWiF-PlJIiTlNfl PIANOS Ceelllsa" Self-play. I" pit 11 111111111 etl llll laaf iy liaalal I mnalrlana; lo Cecilia piano-player. K. L, wills Mame rteose, aou aw si. SECOND-HAND mnelcal Inatmrsents of sll . kind at lowest prlcee, rsh or iBstallBMata. Fx. her Music Co., 100 Third at. MCSIO Irnann air en a Btano. Miss C. Boder. bark, atudio 420 Taacoaver a vs. Pan Be Eaat lwes. MR. AND MRS. II. A. WEBBER. han)o, mando lin, gnltsr Inntrurtlon.Maln VIS. 173 W.Park. MA88A0X. COMB get my magnetic and mag trest- meata for rhsumatlsBX, 836 Flsader at. FRENCH ladle give bath and Bsssnago treat- aiM Fifth t. Kbone juain mmo. 1 MEDICAL. BALM OP FI0S for all female dweaees. 434 Alder at. Phone Main 4K.TJ. MA0KZTI0 XXALTBO, MRS., h. H. HART sueoessfally treats all die. asaeei mrtbod Tanrnr "ew Tnnugnt" readlng-eonm. 811 IVurmy bldg. Mala 4173. HOT ART rtJBLIO. PREPARATION . f deed and mortgages a pedaliy: prlcaj reduced. K. A. Frame, 018, the Marquam. 1 08TX0FATHT. DR. OTIS F. AKIN. DR. MABEL ARfN, Orteo- Fithlr phyalcians. snx-airt Maelav bid., nurih and Washiagtoa. , Pboa Clav 778. Hour 8 to 8, ,. . 1RM. (iRAFFIS'A LEONARD OataopoChlc rnyairtsna. iraita 3i-azo unwh bldg, 'hone 7fl. 0YXXAXLB. BOSS OF THE BOAD OVERALLS sad BMchno. res' elethlng: anion msd. Neaaudt Brass i manufacturer. Portland. Of. FLATUI0. KA STERN PI.ATIM1 CO.. XU First OoM, allver. cooper, Blrkel aad braaa plating. Jewelry work specialty. THE ORKIM1N PLATINtt WORKS. 4DI Wash liigton st. Phone 2578, Polishing, plating ' and lacquering. FAIBT8, OH AJTD OLAAa. T. B. KKACH A CO. Tha Pioneer Paint Co.! winoow-graaa a g losing. . i t irat St. rnona IBM. SASMl'MHKN A CO Jobber. paint, oil, glass, aash and dunes. Second and Taylor. FLUBBXB8. DONNnRREBII A RADEMACRKR. aaaltary plnmhen. 84 Peurth al. Both phsnea. FOX A CO., aanlUrr pmrnher. 231 Second bet. Mil and Salmon. Oregon Phone Mala Boot. BTTBBXB BTABFS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 Alder sr..- pbnns Mala 710; rubber alamns. seals, atenelle, hag C8 trade ineki ad tat rsulogo. M0XXT TO L0AB. TUB STAB LOAN CO. . AT aatarled wage-earasr, ee get e hi Bute, without mortgage null, 7 amnio, o ee. to ua i:i.:i-i or 8n 45 or 83.; to as 8 aea or ILH5 e ii.SA to ua I 4.0O or 82.00 or tl-O ainntn. i iinstu. weea --''- c.epa y ro B8 a-D.rak--- Hrpay ll&.OO Keuey - xiu McKay bldg. FIVB per reat money wo build yoa B home .- or loan yea money oa your peoweety; amnlbly paymeata; Inveatlgate: often Saturday evea 'inga. Rooms W it Lubba bldg., 227 S Wash. MONEY TO LOAN on real.' iteraonal and eol- mortgagrai note sought, C. W. I"allet, UU -5 FestoB bldg., S4 Sixth at. HI'lHLY reaper-table . place where led lee snd - gents en borrow money en diamonds and . Jewelry, it'ollateral Loan Bank, 2u Waah . ington at. Phone Black 71. 89 IAN8 and nnwarda oa all kind st rlly or tn msrrtod people on their note; hear. , est rule;, an publicity, nd delsj-. ' 218 Abtng. too bldg. Phose Red 1728. - SEE the Dunataurrenco Co.. real (state and Snanelal agenta; money to Joan naj mortgage securities at low ratea la lama I root 83U0 to aiu.miu. itat nrsc at. 83 LOAN'S and apwsrd oa ll head et ec rlly or to sslsrled people sa their note; low eat . retos; no publicity, no delay. 218 Ablngloa uiiig. rnons ttea irjn. MONEY ADVANCED sslsrled people, tea mater, etc., without aacurlty: easy permeate: larg 'Cet bualtirae In 4S ur (net pel cities, Tolmsa, 223 Abltigtoa bldg.' CHATTEL loan In amoant ranging from 825 : to 85.O0OJ roomlng-boase suectslty. New Kr Uti A Trust Co., 208 Ah lug too bldg. LOANS ob furnttnre, piano. ' other aecurltle. . loweet rate: S. W. King, room 49, Waahlng- xob oiag. tioua 410, MONEY TO LOAN la large or amall amounts on gooa aemniy; mweat rate. William u. aecjt. 0OI f ining BUtg. LOANS at mweat ratea 0a furniture, trianoa . any security aots purchased. . Eaa tern Loan ornce, a Bbrriock Bldg. THE CRESCENT IX) AN COMPANY Salary loans, from three to lx months; eonadential. zit uregnaian. MONEY TO IX) AN on I'lai'kama county E. F. ud F. B. Rlicy. Bus Chamber ot lands. Cnau- PORTLAND REAL ESTATE IOANS. 6 AND 8 ' per cent. Wm. Denbolm. 226 Falling bldg MONEY TO LOAN, 8 pec cent. - Northrup A aing, ztu-xii commercial biocb. T0L0AN 8IQQ to 82.500 by Charles Hh-ateL u iuira at., luuiu . MONEY TO IX) AN 810.000 at 8 Mr cent' dty properly. 273 Stark t. - ' FRIJITIBa. Bl'8 HON 'J A CO. Front and Stark sta.. print ing, lithographing, blaak" books sad -ofBc supplies; .work don oa time; most printing sffica la the west. Mala 104. -e- ANDBRSON A DtJNIWAT COMPANY, printing. iinograpoing, Diana uooxa. raoa mib II. 208 Alder l. R00FTB0. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing (ad goal raj Jnbblag. J. Lsatll, 218 Jefferaoa at. Ron.:-. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. Comer Foartaeatb. ana ooriump sis., rwtuM, ur. aATEA. SAFES Th aa who know th good ssd bad . point ot all safe' hoy th Herring Bali- Msrvta. ia. to bixib st, raniaad. ur, FOR open Ing Vsekoat aad aat bargala g t a. a,, xjsvnx, on 1 air sx. - BH0WCA8E8 ABO FTXTURXa. SHOWCASES st every drsertptloai bask, bar ana etac gxturea made to urasr, lorn uut Minafictsrlng Co., Portland. - BT0RA0X ABT) TBAHBFXR. SAFES, plaaoa and furniture movsd, packed - ready for shipping aad shipped;, all work guaranteed ; large. Beatary, brick, f. re-proof wareaotrae ror outrage, uiare ua sxrax Bk -CM. trnen. Phoa Mala 047. C, O. PICK, ttea SS First St.. betwora Start aad Oak t., pbon Sfaj; piano nd fumltur moved aad packed for shlpplag; commedlou (re-proof, brick war ho nee, Fruat aad ciay at. . i ITOBAOB omm to let In our at building, nil vtator ax. Bigier mining ex Company. TIMBER. PI UNO 120 acre, convenient wag. eld -growth: 42,400, . 0. W. Eaat ham. Oregoa city. or. - - I HAVB choirs ptee of Umber land twssafbera Oregoa fur sals ehesp. A 8, cam Journal. FOR HOMESTEADS, timber claim aad ataip - epptr to ma commercial Btaca. TTTXWRITXRa. fa,1-I3a:EWAs 'ARTERS SU reli1 W Nil, repair. Ball, xehsug tysewrtteca. All supplies lor all machines. Staadard machine 826 end Bp to 8100. O yoa want a stenographer or typbitt W have Hat of good applleaata.. . Pboa Black SS7I. FOX typewriter eappllea and repairing. Baa A Roes, ma Star at. Phsn Mala lTO. TOWKt BUFTLT. ct.RAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, noes. 81 are month, lawreao Bros.' Towel Supply Co.. fobhb aad cnoca. raoa ia. TBAVsTZR ABO XAtnJwe, 0RROON TRANSFER CO.. 14 North SIxHh. Phon Main 0B. Heavy bailing aad along. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 3001k Waah lngton at, rnons Main nes. - xh . " i - TIOLUtS. MY SPEC1AI.TT RepslrlBg. erddng and ad- Justing of fin violins, Bootnaoa, room IB, Russell kldg. 1 J. A. WE8CO. dobs-maker aad repel rer; work , Srst elsas. 28 Russell bldg. 4tb and Morrlsoa. WAIXFAFZR. MORGAN ,WAIJ.PAPER CO.. 1S4-1SS Second St., bet. Yamhill nd Taylor, rorxmao. CRT V0CTCIS. FBOPOaAXa FOR BLEXTX8 ABT) TAXVT.8, Sealed propneala will be received by the Water Board of the City ef Portlaed. Oregon, antll 8 p. m., April 12. 108. for furnlahin and delivering ei r"riii.n. iirrrm. on or Kef nee June l.V IIHUI. ninety. three Smith patent sleeve, hranrhiw and valve for tapping water main, aa follow: A Incnee I 2 Inehe. 5-e)3. 8-8x4. 10-414, - . i e I ... .111,1 I A I --e IA I 1 -.1 11111, Ji-"0. -"-.. -.. 1-Milt. 6-18x8, 1-14x10, 1-14x14, 8-208.1-20x12, Tots I. S3. Th vaivtw mnat open by turning so the right. Additional particular and form of proposal ea be obtained at ihe nfoce of D.' D. Clarke, Rnglneer of th Water Board, City lis II. iw. land Oreeea. . Hidden maet ataU th price per alerv kd valve of earn alas, an oeuverea cars, hwti.Ml immn. With each proposal must be deposited certified check for 1 100 no. aoyahle to . the Auditor of the City of Portland. Oreero. snd bonds acceptable to tae, mayor or in city iii h reoulred nf the (ucceeefal bidder. The right Is reeerrrd hy Ihe Water Board te reject any or an oios. lv,euU must be escloaed la an ewvetope. aea led sBaWnsrked "Propneala for Sleeves and Valves," sod addresses to tae usaerslgBea. -By order of th Water Board. FRANK T. ImbtlhV Hnnerlateadeat. ' Portland, Oregon, March 22. 115, FBOPOAALa FOB AODIB9 MACHIBX. Sealed nronraaU, will be recelvod at tba afar of the Auditor or tne .,uj ox -oriuna antll Montay, March 27. 1008, at 8 p. m.,- tor fur nlahlng t th City f Portlaad on adding machine. . Ve iMMieul win be eoneiderea nnl e- rompsnled hy a certified rW piyihle to the order nf Oorg H. Williams, Mayor nf the City af Fortlsnd. eemsl -to l per- cent f the aggregate amount of the bid. Tne ngat xs rejecx any soa Bit chub i Bereay By order ot th , Fieeutlv Board THOS, C. DEVLIN, i .Auditor of the City of Portland. FtrtUad, Oregoa AUxch 74. IKS, , . cm,F?T" AatZESJCXBT FOR c-j - . . .n,tji hx.i. Nolle Is hereby given that the av- ado hy ercU(H-e , I4.4KL entities: " e . ordlnaaca adoptiug the report of Ihe vie"- In ihe matter of the prrisoaed chssse ot I t Ullaaa street from i (he west line of Eaet e od street to tne west line ot Calon are..', aald a tree! to he an extrnekm la Its ore-' t course and width nf Esat tlllass atreet. aa ii 4 out easterly of Union ereouiv by wldenln t SBM and making an assessment of the he..e. a aod dsmagis a t forth In aald report," apiwovvd February 14, 1MJ6, has bees etc re aaalnel Ihe several ownen of snd peraons Interested In the land herein described as Being severally liable iheeefnr. la th I locket st City Una. wklch aald sseeeement are mad due and pay able at the office of the Clly Treasurer, la t.niioa nutes guHi ana silver coin, ana an iens paid hefnr April .1.- lie if the earn will become deltuqucnt end aoch ueueeediuas isrill b taken fr the onlleetuet ot the as ars pro..' tided by th charter of the City ot Portland, aald ssaesamente being sa follows. to-wlt A parcel of laad liTng between the oroooeed rorth line nf East tillsan atreet and n Una 125 feet north thereof snd nsrallel therewith. snd between the west -line ot Talon aveaue and th eeat Hue of East Third (treat, Samuel . Hriple Eetatr, llelra of. 820.00. A parcel sf land lying betneea the west Una of East Third atreet end a Una 100 feet weat , thereof and parallel therewith snd between tbo proposed north line of East Ullaaa street ' and a Una 125 feet north thereof and Parallel - ' therewith,' T. C urecn. 810.00. A parcel of land lying Between th eaet nn of Eait Becuod atreet and n line 10" feet west of and parallel with tha west Has ef Esat Third street' and betweea the propussd north- Hue' of East UUaan street aad a Una . Irt feet north thereof sad parallel therewith, .. ChrlitUa H. Mruasdurfer. 810.00. A parosl ot Mud lying betweea the wrath lino f Hut liliaau street and line VOfl feet , north of sod parallel With th north lino of East Flanders treat and between th weet - line of I ii lou avenue aad a Ha 88 feet west thereof aod par a Lie 1 therewith, L. E. J as too, " 8S.60. . i . . . , ' A parrel sf land lying betweea two lines. r- -' (pectlvely R5 feet and 113 feet west ot snd ' parallel with tha weat line of Union avenue nd between.. .th nonth lino of East tltieau - street snd a Un Ino feet north ot aad par- . , a 111 with ,thn north Una of East 1 Isadora . street. Mrs. N. J. Smith. 83.00. - A parcel of -mad lying betweea th east ' line ' of Eaat Third atrort and a Use 110 feet west of and parallel with th went line ot Union avenue aad between the eiulh line of kisit - Ullaan (tree ad a lis l.V) feet north of and . , parallel with tba north line of East F Leaders street;-Carotin Fie her. 88.60. A parcel ot land lying betweea the weat Has ' of Esat Third atreet and a line loo feet west thereof and parallel therewith and betweea . the aonth line of Ki-t GUasn street nnd a line ISO feet aorth of and parallel wit, ths . '" north line of East Flanders atreet, L, E. J Jostoa. tlO.op. i A parcel of land lying betweea the eaat 11ns of East Second atreet and a Una loo feet weet . pf and parallel with the weet line of Eaat ThlrdMreefhM Oct ween tbo auuth line nf Knot Ullaan street and a line 150 feet Berth of ' nnd para lid with tba north line of Bast Flsa der street. Christian H. kteuaadortrr, 810.00. ToUL 8t0.0P, , THOS. C DEVLIN. " . Auditor of tha City of Portland, v Dnt ef flrt publlcatloa. Portlaad. Oregoa, March 2U 105. FB0F0BXD AA8E8AMXJTT FOR ntFROTXV MINT OF XA8T ALDER BTRIXT, ' Notlcs Is hereby gtvea that th Auditor ef the City of Portland baa prepared! a proposed aasessment for the Improvement of Eaet Aider atreet teota th esat Un ot East Thirty-eighth ' street . to th weet Un of Best Tbirty-nlath atreet, and has , ascertained wbst ba deems a lust apportion see tit ef cuel ef th Imarovemeat in aecurdsnce with th special tsd peculiar benefit derived by each pared of kind and lot ' ar part thereof wltkla ths sweeemeet dlatrh-t, aad baa yporthmodth coat fiasMmprove- sf land and lot or part thereof SS lis ah ars sf snob proposed saaessaBSBl. - Aay objscttoos to ths sppurtloBmant of Cost for said Improvement must ha mads In writing to the Council. nnd tiled with the Auditor within IB days from ths date of th tint publication of this notlcs. aad said eojeetkvas will he heard and determined by th Council before ths passage sf th erdlaaaoa (laming tha eaat of aald improvement, BARTSCH PARK ADDITION TO BAST PORT . LAND BLOCK 1 lot I, C. T. Bowen, 8t.6n;. It 8. C. T. Bowen. fo3.78: lot 8, C. T. Rowea. 882.78; lot in. Bertha Tan Viae. lntl.38: lot II, Oeorxe M. Strauss, f.vto- lot 12. Uenrga M.-- Strauss. Bhh.wS. BLOCK B. lot 1. Mary F. Hurley. $83.78; lot X Mary F. '. Hurley, .w; lot 8. Mary F, Hurley, 8o4.3a; lot 4, 0. W. (nd Margaret V. Allen, loo r; lot 6. O. W. nnd Margaret V. Allen, i5a.ot); , lot 8. O. W. BdrMar(sret V. Alien, (4.X ToUL 8754.81. ' . ' " - ' . .7 .7 THOS.- C",- xBVLtw, Aaditor ot the City of Portlaad, Oreewa. Dots et Brat publication. March 20, 1006. roTOSaTASTZR-S X0TICX. Notlcs to hereby gives that oa ths 18th day of March, lhtfl, -4 look up and emponnded et th City Pound, at No. 2A Six torn lb street. In the Hty -of PorUaad,- Oregoa, tha .iulaaalag -described animal: One bay mare, white aaddle mark oa back. and ehod all around, aad ualeae the owner, or other person or peraons having aa Interest therein, shall claim ponseealoa of the earn, aad pay all coat sad charges of the keeping and adrertlelng them, togethec with the pound fees oa said animal. provided by Ordinance -No. 6.025. aa amended, af aald City of Port- ' land. I will aa th 87th day of March, 106, at the hour of 10 a. m., at th City Fuand, at N. 281 Sixteenth atreet, la aald city, aell th . above described animal at public auction- to th highest bidder, to pay costs and charges for tak Log ap, keeping sad advertlaing each - Dated til 20th, day af March." ions - - F. W. BRED. -r - Poundmaster. FB0P08AL8 FOR CAST IRON WATER FTFX .. . - AJTD BPECIAL CA8TTB0B. Be led propsssl wlU ba rscdved by ths Water Board of the City of Portland, Ore- . Oregon, thetoHowlng. (pproalm! qeaetltle r -of csstbua Water pip and ipeclal essllBge, via: 2.450 lineal feet SOS length 8-lnch ct Iron pip; weight. S0 pound ,pe length JI 1.3E0 Uaesl feet 118 lengths 6 Inch eaat Iron pipe; welsht 650 pound per length sit 0raTnret--00 lengmm2-tnc wt ' Iron pipe; weight 870 Bounds per its lb 2i.i toon. 7.860 lineal feet d5 length 14-leb esat Iron pip; wdght 1,220 pooud Be length 400 ton. , ' 6.480 Usee I feet 400 legtba 18-lncH nat Iron pip; wdght 1.300 pound per, teugib 32U ton. -i ToUI.-l.MS ion: Spcctsl caatlngs for Mat In water pip 45. lA) pound. ' SprclncsUim and form ef proposal nn ba obtained at the olnce ef D. D. Clarke, Engineer of th Water Board, City Hall, Portland. Ore gon. Hidden mart state- th price ef pipe per too of 2,000 pounds and the prim at apeelal coatings er ,uad. all delivered f ob. rare IV.rtlSnd, Oregiin, delivery of sent to b com meBred en or l-efor May 15, ino6, knd ta ron tlnue (t ! rat ot boo ton prr moa lb aatll completed. , With each bid mast be deposited certified, check for l.0ij. payable to ta." Auditor of I ho City ot Portland, Oregon, and bends acceptable ta tha Mayor of the city will ha required pt the Micceeeful bidder. . la e warding a coatraet lb rest of Inspecting the pipe aad ape. la Is., -by laepectors to be. , selected and paid hy the city, wUI b takes Into con! deration. i The right la reserved by th Water Board to reject any or all bide. Propoxate must 'be enclosed la a a velap endorsed a the eaisld 'i-ropossls for Wsler. Ilpp." snd addreeeed to the undersigned. Additional pi pea and aperlala may he Becded thin acsaoB, Boon after thow, described era de livered, antl-the -rrty wtetie the option of erderlng, not later than July 12. IhOo. all or part of the following pipes and (pedals. , There for bidders arc requested to ata t whsthel they will give sach option gad. If as. quota price fic aV livery f o b, rare pert laad, Orsgu. at the rat of Ma) Ions per, month: X.OOft Maeel feet enth 4-lneh eaet tros pipe; weight 230 pounds prr hugtbeJU tons, v 13,54n lineal feel 2,7fo length 8 Inch nf Iron pipe; weight 35 pounds prr length ilo tons. lO.MI lined feel 8ST length 8 Inch cnit Son pip; weight 600 poo SO per leagth 81 1 tons. - " ' d.oofi lines! feet 800" length in Inch nat Iron pipe; weight 780 pounds per length 1 , tens. Tetal, 8T4 ton. Special "eatings for Cllt I row wste pipe. 7.i) pounds,, i By srder hf ,tWe Water Bord. " FRANK T. iHilXih. Superintendent. . PorlUnd. i tlrrgos. March 92, lw. , FROFOBAXB FOR F1S LEAD. -, - Sealed propesl will he received . by th Water Beard ef tbe City sf Portland. Orii. until 8 p. m.. April 12, 1003. f. turn l, at Portland, Oregon, forty Are thousand 145.1, pounds sf pig lead,, ta b turaiahed eu sr before May 10. IMA. . Ridden muat atate tb price per h"e'-e4 pound delivered f.a.k. can portlaad. Ore With each hid must ba depwtted a eer i check for ll'W.on. payable to th srder ( . Auditor of Ihe City of Portland, Oeegn. bonds eceeptshln to in aiaror or tn n. a , bs required of the eoceeful bidder. - The rlghA ht-reserved by.. Ua -Water I to reject ssy or all hide. mnwele must be enclosed In ( an' aealetl asd. marked "Frpoala foe rig L gcd sddreaScd to ths n4.ried. , Hy seller or rne e."r t. -ro FRANK T I i -erle' " rartUad, Ci-.o, A -. ic I- J . . . , o.. X ' ,rv.....