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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY . EVENING, If AHCII SI. lt:i ( j 13 : . - i- ; ! i . ' tt1 i a. 4 Entered at th poatofSc f Portland. Or. f.c imiupuruttaa through th nulla m eeoos-4 ISietag far single eopleer ; For 8, to er 12- ' mn utf. I aauil: la Uk SO DM. S Bttti M le 44 pifn, i ceaU. ' .... ,. . -. 'Fdltnrlal Rimh -Mala 250 liiuluea Ofneu... .......Maw FOBEIOX ADTEETUUBw BEPBISEMTAtTFE. Vr-lDd HiwBiHl Special Advertlelng AiT lag. Chicago, ..-'.i : mtcumox bates. Tmu by Oarrinr. any Journal. moatae...., , The iMIly Jwritl. wltk Sunday. 1 awaits.. . 5 ho Dally, pee work, llerd. Sunday lOfiailCQ ........ ... ,,. lb lially. per weak, MWJ, xcaptod - . . .a h MaiL I The Dally Journal, wltk Sunday. I ftM...$T.J -.. The Daily Journal, 1 yr... .......... 0O 1 im iiaiiy jdarHi, win bow7 : ,: irk. ,n. i m . . . - SI 'In Dally Journal, wltk Sunday. otka.t. The Daily Joural, mootna. ....... ..... ne uuy Juueael. witn sunosy, anai.,,; . -in I tally journal. 1 mouta.... ...... . The Sunday Journal. 1 year. ..-... Tha Sunday Journal. moo tha. .M - TW sml-Wekly Jeemsl. Th Semi. Weekly Journal, S to 13 nag i i i ... .... h It rkal re- " " port 1 year ,..,,...." .-.21. 00 "Ueauttaure bould b Bad by drafu. Ptal at. noree order and email MwiaU at .corptabh, I. 1 d t "ja'jJS'it, P. . Bos 121. Frtlaa4. Or. wiczas th jovumi, wt ii Fomre. ' folrowlos pair: -BO IKK. IDXHO H. Intyr. 1 -.VHlfAGO Poatoffle Kewa raaipaay 1T8 0a- DKXVEE. COtA Kdrlrti Bonk Btatriwry roaraay. 1J 8Tratatb atraati J. Buck. Hlit-ntb and CBTtla trwta. KI VMMllR. TAU i. MrCrll. -JLKKAU. ALASKA r-oatofnV Book afcjr. v&v-tj.a i'itv i' Kab. k... Mannanr. 18 ANUKI.EH-B. V, Oardnw. ItM SMtk . Soring trertj OUrc 4 Ualaao. kuft Soatk Spring atrert. ' WINSKAHjUS VL I. Karaaaucb. SO Soatk Third atrmt. , . . NPW YORK CITT Brrotaa', Inioa aoaara. . . ItffV 11.. Maw Hvm M.r OMAHA Millard HoUl Krwa ataads alttk statkmrry company. 1 Faraani atroof. WAI.T LA KB CITT Krnyoa Hotl Nwa aUad Barrow Broa.. 4.1 Went aVwood trrt,( aontk T. MJUIS Philip Koodrr, Locuat ktraat m rBAXriSOO W. K. Ardlnr. Palar Hotl Swa at and. and IO0N Markat ktrsatj Uold- Mllk Him,. 2:mi HMttn Btrrot. lat Saint ra aril kotpt: 'otrr Orear, Parry. kuUaV- ln- K. U'kMtUr 2(M Natoaaa atrart. SEATTLn-ltalnr Oraiat w atead; Baatara Nrwa roanpany. - ' ' . - aaokANK, WArxn. Jok W. OarfcaBi A C. i TACtiMA, WAJtil. Oatral Na coaacaivi Hotrl TkCOBM Nr aland. ' - , VICTORIA. B. C Vlrtoria Book A Stationary -) vuimimiT. ' Tli nor Ik Par Hie tmi baa anranrrd aaat ward and la now mtral orrr Manitoba. It Muaod. rjrl ralaa tnrnuchoat ton anrtk - I'arlllr atalt-a, aortbrra t'ahtwnla and Borthora N.t.iU, and brUk t biga aquaiiy. aoatDoriy . wlmln along tbr roaat aad tn caatcra Wank inglea aad nonlbmi Idaho. It b) warawr tbla amralng In wratera Vna tana. aoutlmwirra Idaho. Ctafc aad Nrrada; rkvwhrni la In Rnrky knoanula and Paris roaat atatna loo rsaage ta temaaratara kar bera alight. - . - - fbr Indrratlnaa an for partly cloddy waatbar In thla -diatrlrt Saturday, with light ahowora t tut iyt la wont of tb CaoradVa. front will probably oorao-In oxjword loralltlfa la th tntrirvr ( wratara Urrgoa aad weatrra Waab lagtoa tonight. ' - miiiimi xiczxm. ',. .' Oodfrrr' Ertowa. ' 18; Mlmil Brifert,- M. . Adolpfc i .rueon, J; Hrlga nv. Aagaroos, C. K. Wado. : MrrU J. Pawnhrrrr. T. Jasoa T. Work, ZU; kUrgarrt MeKaa. Bcwa, Wedding Cardi. - tag tun Mdg cor. W. 0. Smith. 4k On. Foartk and Waaklegtaa sta. BDtTKl. BADKB Uarrk CI. to Mr. aad lira. Abrakaaa Badr, IKt t'amthrr atrcct, a saagatr, Cl.KMkVT Marrb HI, to Mr. and Mr. B. - Clenwnt. Ml K.aat Klgbtb atroot. a aim. SKMKNHA March a, to Mr. aad Mra. WtllUql SVnlnnm. TtU IXTialoa atrret, a son.' Bin Kl.KV March IS, ta Mr. and Mrs, Joeapk BtH klny, KM Xorthrup itiHt, a aoa. . . BIChMAN March 14, to Mr. aad Mrs. WHIM Burt man. lilt Ea. Taylor atrrat. a daughter. MANTX March li. to Mr. and Mr. CbarbaJ Alaata. iisj Kaat Tblrty-tkbrd atreat. a aoa. :, ' ' OOVTAeiOUS BIBZAHH. :.v TKUM Mirrk 23. Ainhf ojf Pat rat -4St Trnth tlwt. armrlct . AKUtlJ-hWrch in, Kara Pamll. MS Eaat Mill atrort. dlpbtbcrta. UKV.NOI.lJrl March Si, Lraa H. BryaokU, 100 Kant ian atrotcp nrMk.. PAINTKR March S4. Iiarld U Pa later, KM hat Svrrstk atreat. dlphlaeria. ' ;''v BlATKaV ' ABVKTnoXtV-March SirTtartha'" AraHrtrang, asrd Iff yrara. : Morris atrort; raaao, pul ' Saooary . talwrcaluaH. Burial at .iionaj air ociDctrry. , U' 1.1 N TUCK March 21 Caaradana' McOla fork, asvd TO yoara, 2al Xrtbar atreat; caaso, carr ot atnaaach. - Bnrtal at loa Plr eea. fl rtorr. LVM'K.V Mairh 21. Krlch Loadca. agrd 28 . yara, at Su Vlnornt a noaplul; cause, tubrr rolar prrltoaltla. Burial at Logan, Or, rswautorlnnt aa Orogoa City ear Baa. sear dlwood; asodera. acVutlflc, aoaipWta. Csaraaa , Adalta, Aa; children, 2S. Vlattors S a. aa. to 0 p. m. Portlaad CresHtlea aamilalia arUaaa. urrgoa. , - Tb Edward Hoi ma a Cadertaklag eat faaeral dlrartara aad esibalaiari.,. 220 sinet. Pbaa SOT. . I. P. Plsley A So, raocnl dlrartera aad rmbalaMr. eornae Third and Madiaoa rnia.J . va on waiy ooraoar. -arpaonja aula aV Paaaral wtoatk ead eat flowers' a apodal ry at Boa City 0raboaae. Tweaty null aad kaat MarrUoa, eps. oraxnary. , ; , - ;. f. i BeHtmiw PBaJtrrs. -, . OICRrH March 23. Mrat Oanaaa' BTaagaUoal - cburck. church dm I Ming. Truth botwaea lay ' and Columbia atrcrtii: coat, fs.oota, THORN March 23. KHI1 M., cottag. Kant Muln ; brtwroa Twraty-ncvoad aad Twcnly-thlrd etrta; float, ll.ftoo. tKRKIS March Stt. I. Prrrla. reaidVare. Ra- erarlew drive avar I'attou road; coot, f2,fuo. EA1 EITATI tuxiriii, The Land eosipaay to It. I Aoaaat, lota 1 and 3. block K, Seliwand ... S A. W. Iaibert and wife t (I. ft. Man ning. Iota J, S, and 10, Depot addl- ., tb t St. John !7.. Jame H. MrMlllea and wife to I. C. 322 000 . Aliiawarth. lota 1. 2, t asd S. block 0. - MrMillea'a addition T ooo Agnea M. Oawford te U P. Mlllman, eaat 60 feet lota t and 4, block 12. Carter a addition to rlty , , ' i M. U Bteiaionaoa t al. to i. L. Hart man, truataa. aontk H aortbweat u . nwnlaa 33, towaablp 1 aontk, rang 1 oaat ....i .v. .i,. ; a Patrick " VcCarrea t J. K, Cockrak. hM M, block Itt Point View Victor taiad roaipany to W. L. Orecne. Mocka 10, 27. III. rdlWh ttiarle U. KorU and. wife ta P. H 100 ' 1 , HtrtHig. lot 11. bhxk S, King s saeaud nddlttoS tSOO King eatat to' C. H. Korell, lot 11. ' . block S, King! arond addition .1.... ltoo P. M. Maria, and wife to Nottingham , A Co., lota (-, lacloalve, block 2V. ' elty Portland Troat company to U McCoy, hit 22 and 2. bbnfk t, William Arena addition 070 , mare . inonioaoa et a I. ta M. K. Mart- k.ff. Mat JSI-S feet of Iota ft and a. block TO. Caratkor' addltlaa t Ca; lllianA, Mckenale ml wife ta J. t-i.. ' acre aectUn 1. townahls . 1 . . k. raage eaat I, Alfred h. Hubert and wife to 1. A.' ' and wife, aoutb la lot T. Mock n: Tabor HelrHta ..,.....,,.'... IkaaM HH-ada lo i, t.onrtsrf at aL, let 3M Th4 Dally Journal, with Sunday, I lx. Dally Jnarnal. 1 year Th4 Dally Journal, wltb Hoik!, axoathe. J-J Th Pally J oar Ml. rapnlh.. ............ . Tb Dully JowmI. with Sunday. S Bxeutb. The Dally Journal. nmlki J KHI IS KG ON VLADIVOSTOK Russian Headquarter. Staff Of i ficials Believe , Japanese 1' . Movement Serious. . WOMEN AND CHILDREN. ..; ARE LEAVING HARBIN Third Division of Rojestvensky's V Squadron Sighted From ; ' Port Said.. ' : : ',i IJmr(.al Sprclsl Brrrlco)- ' BL . Petersburg, March , 2 i. Russian officers connrctrd' with ' headquarters staff ' are convinced that ' General Ku- roki s raoTint; northeast with the in tention of Investing Vladivostok. It la reported that ' all women and children are, leaving Harbin,' where business hsuses are closing. . , - It Is .stated , that the minister of f Inane has proposed a series of reforms in the methods of' taxation which will produce . 22,000,009 roubles additional revenue yearly. :.,.::. '; j Advices front Port 8aJd stats that Admiral NehogatoffS fleet which forms the third division of ; Rojestvensky's squadron has Dee it sighted. . . n . , FULTON LAUGHS . AT ALL CHARGES (ContttHied from Page One.) ': on commerce and tried to get an in crease In the Appropriation, - but the committee . said they., coold not recom mend snjr Isrger expenditure than had been agreed upon by th house. How ever I took the matter iup on the floor of the senate and finally secured an amendment to the bill, making the pro posed increase, it wag then neccessary to get the consent of the house to the amendment Mr. -Burton at last con sented to sn Increase of (100.000 in' th original provision for th mouth of tb Columbia and this wss adopted In con ference. ..... "This Increase mskes th total for the mouth of the river 1700,000, which, la sufficient to keep tb work going until another appropriation can be made, al though" it is not enough to complet the work. .. "lwss not-successful In getting as much for the Willamette river. Coos Ear and Tillamook as I thought they should receive. I tried to got further prosecu tion of th work t the mouth of the Bl- uslnw, but tb engineers would not con sent to Indorse the project, and without their indorsement Jt was impossible to do anything. "The Lewis and Clark fslr Is well ad vertised In the east' .' There will be tremendous flood of visitors during th coming summer. Before leaving Wssh- Jngton I ssw the president, snd asked. him., in view of th fsct'that he will be unable to attend the fair In person, to send som member of the cabinet to rep resent him. H flnsllv promised to sand Secretary 8hsw, who was In Port land during th -national campaign. He wlll'b her at tb opening of th fair.' 'What can you say about the charges that hav been- filed against T. Csdrr Powell r . . "I have no reason at this tlrpe to aap - J."". United States marshal at Nome," replied th senator. . So far as I am advised, xne ensrges are no connioerea auiii-i dent to warrant his removal.- When I the charges ar not considered suff I urged his appointment I had heard noth Ing of any of th matters embodied in tbes charges. ' He was indoraed by th leading men it Portland. No on could hav had flnsr Indorsements. From th character ot th men who vouched for him. and from what 1 know of Powell. I do not believe that th charges against him csn b well founded.- No. I do not know th nature of th .proof which war submitted to sustain th chargea. I apeak from my acquaintance Wth Pow ell and with ths men who Indorsed him." Senator Fulton said that h had been told that . Powell's nhortaga while ..Vt- woe- marl good. SO that th county lost nothing. When asked as to the rumors that United States Marshal W. V. Matthews Is to lose hla position, Senator Fulton replied: . - "I do not think there Is any founda tion whatever for those reports. I feel confident that ther la no serious charge against him. When.. I loft Wsshlngton pn the ltth It was expected that bs would not be disturbed." . Senator Fulton commented with som warmth upon the rumors which have connected his own nam with th land fraud InvMtigsflona. -. "Such- tslk Is perfectly absurd," he said. ' "It Is perfectly absurd," b' re- Deated."nnd any such Intimation la so groundless thst under other conditions I would not dignify It by paying th slightest sttentlon to It Any sssertlon that I am In any manner connected with tb timber land frauds is absolutely un true, snd 1 defy any man to produce the slightest evidence ' In support of th charge. .Indeed. I do not know that any one has ever msds ths charg seriously. ItHa not worthtalfclng sbouf ATTORNEY FAINTS ON : t . RECEIVING SENTENCE 5 (Special DUpatrh te Tbe Jowrual.) ' - Seattle. March (4. His face pal and his body swaying to and fro as though ha wouldTall to th floor, Attorney R. E. Ferree yeaterday entered a plea) of guilty to a charge of obtaining money by falae preterm before Judge Griffin In the superior court, sna wss teniencea to erve-eis month in th .county Jail. FerreeTforged s deed te property and Induced Charles T. Drsger to loan him f 1(0 on It. When he entered the court room he advanced close to th Judge's desk and In a voice hatrdly audible' asked to be allowed to plead without arrstgnraenl. This th court refused to do and Ferree was forced th humiliation of having thoa In attendance hear th inform- Hon. At Its conclusion h staggered closer. to in courv ana leanea ror support th court- and leaned against th rail. When asked to plead his vole . wss so low that tb oourt was forced to bend over li:s cesk t catch th s newer. - ' When ' sentence, -was pronounced Ferree, would have, collapsed hsd not Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Vande veer supported him. ' ', ' II. block S, aabdlTlalca Klrerrlew ad dition 1,060 lobn W. . P. M era 1 1 to i. V. Brown, bit 14 and 14. block 00, Scwood .. 2S0 T. S. McDanlel and wife te K. Pierce. lot It. VI and 1.1. block f. Kaat ' ..Portlaad Height TT.1 t JL MeDasJrl. U.M Anloalo, buna. , I and l, block IS, Kaat for (laud llelgota i . . -. , , , f ano "e yonr tnanrane and anntraet t trm tb Tllle finaeantee A Tr peny, Ckaabut ( Uosierc bklldlsg. I - i n ' ' I a; :- '- . ;f wJ v , 285-287 Washington St j T Between Foarth and Hfth TO FITTINGLY CELEBRATE THE SPRING OPENING OF' THE ONLY OPEN FRONT CLOTHING STORE IN AMERICA, I will ."scll Saturday," and Saturday only, any -Suit in my store for This is the greatest clothing offer ever, made The men of Orepon Juiow the class of clothing I handle. - Nothing - but -the finest ; grades of ' Uncalled-for . and Misfit Tailor-Made Suits worth ' from $20 to $50, find a place in my Mufit Parlor. . I have over -3,000 Suits of this kind in my Washington street store, and every one of 'em is good enough for the president of these United.. States. , They were made to 'orer by leadjng merchant tailorsjor swell dressers who paid - a big deposit orr them and, then, I guess, went brolce and failed to -pay the balance. "You get. -the. Jull benefit of what they paid that's why -T can sell you fine tailor-made suits for less money than you rpay elsewhere for sweat-shop hand-me-downs. ' Gentlemen of Oregon, I am talking to you in the language of truth,. There's a reason for this Suit Slaughter, and you take my tip and don't miss itV Lightning seldom .strikes twice in the same place. A suit Sale like this will never occur again. 'No, sir; not if .you live as long as the fabled Methusaleh. Plenty of salesmen to wait on you. Select your suit vpayTed ; Dollars take it home, and if that suit' don't suit you" and give you cause for mirth and laughter in the cold gray dawn of themorning ; after, bring it back and get your money from STRAI N, JTHE M ISFIT. M AN. , ' CRUSHED BY WHEELS l - - ' r lif O A 11 Wf fi Aa'C 1 ICC oAVIINu UUu o Lire . . - ' , -a n, . . Impelled by Love fOf Playmate, Child Rescues Pet and Is Seriously Hurt. (Journal Bpedal Rervke.) lVos Angeles, March 24. Impelled by childish lov for his llttl playmate, small yellow dog. 4-ynr-old Keyne Hull or 101 Exra street threw himself In front of a Boyle Heights car to save the pet from being -crashed beneath . the wheels. He succeeded, but he himself wss struck by tbe steps and badly In- A Tl, llttl. Toiiow llr-a ml ma no of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hull, with a deep gssh in his head, un conscious from a contusion of ths brain. Physlclsns believe h will die. Rsclng down th street to meet a car on which his father comes from 'work, little Feyne and his brother, a few years older. ' Were ' accompanied by tb dog. liefor the car slackened speed, and as th father, who was -occupying one of th front seats, realised the danger to th dog on th track directly In front of th coach, Feyne called to his pet but the dog did not heed. Paying no sttentlon to Ms own dsnger. the chrld seised the Tognd . dragged him from th track,' not however, be for th steps of the csr struck tbe child &nd nuried him t one side. Th father carried his unconscious boy to ths house. while th dog followed whimpering. DIMINUTIVE FISH PRIDE Of KELSO (Continued, from Page On.) 8melt hatcheries hav t never been necessary so far. ss the toothsome llttl fish returns each -' winter in myriad schools. But the enterprising cltlsens or Kelso hav endeavored. t build t he industry to more permanent proportions and give a broader market. ' At present there-is a demand for Columbia river smelt In all parte of tb country, and by means of refrigerator csr service this demand Is partly supplied,- but If ther were s more "effective mesne of pre serving th fish, the open season mar ket would not be glutted and people would hav smelt much of the year. - w ; A cannery was tried, but without ma terial success. Drying th fish, ilk herring, .'has Been another experiment, but this wss only partly satisfactory. Several farmers on th Cowllts have smoked them with a grestsr measure of success, but this experiment has never been worked out on a commercial scale. Tn, ,,, whl , tabllah a preserv .nt Kelsa -which will ha ahl to receive the thousands of pounds of 'fresh fish and keep them In fair stat for several months hss his fortune- bs an red. As st present the price In th open season la sometimes forced to 1 cent a pound, . not . . paying for the handling. . . ' . . '., . ,- CODY REFUSED DIVORCE ' . AND FLAYED BY COURT ' ". (Journal Special Service. Sheridan. Wye. March It. Judge R. H7 Scott, o the district court, has re fused the petition of Cdlonrl William Y.. Cody. "Buffalo Bill." for a divorce. In rendering the dolnlon the court .staled that, th evidence failed to sup- 3C BIO Boston Painlssi Dentist toiH KOitaxso . known the world over, sr th' only dentists In Portland having this world renowned painless system for extract ing, filling, or crowning teeth ..with out naln. , Have your teeth extracted without paht and replaced with new ones tho sam day. ;.-..-...-,.,. Ail work gnaraataed for tea yars. rrn SILVER FILLINGS. .............. 504 GOLD FILLINGS.... a. TBay to f 1.00 II TO SI UUUU 1 CROWNS S3.00 to S5.00 FULL SET TB7rH........;...9S.0O We hav a specialist In ' charge of each department. Boat artlnclal teeth rn altera, beat crown and bridge work men and gold fillers In th world. obowsT Ajrn vrnxovu won a araoiAX.TT. ... ' Glv us a call and you will -find w do Just aa w advert Is. tb owa. Boston Painless Dentists ' StlH MOaVaUSOaT Op. 2d alar rraak asd Old Iotomo. Hours 2:10 a. m. to p. m. Sunday, f:I a. m. to 12:t D. m. ; . b sure won ar tn th right nine com In snd get bottle of Dr. K, La Grave tooth powder fro. nort the chars - of . poisoning mad against. Mrs. Cody, but shows thst th defendant was . trying to rescue . the plaintiff Trom a stat of Intoxication and administered, not . poison. - but remedies- beneficial to him. Cody's in abiUty te speakvOn this occasion wad not du ito th remedies, but to th ex- oesaiv us of Intoxicating liquors,. The court also found thst th charg of unbecoming actions on th part of th defendant toward th. -colonel's guests wss not proVed, thst ther wss no evidence that Mrs. Cody had ever threatened her husband's lire snd thst she has always been sn over-Indulgent wlfcsnd 'mother, snd that in return for wifely devotion Cody has heaped upon his wife many Indignities.' ,,' . Cody will continue the fight, asking for a new trUtt, and wlll.'sppeal to th supreme courts NOBLEMAN WOULD SELL- TITLE TO WEALTHY MAN ' naanaaanwsw.naannnanx ,.'-', ''V New York, March 4. The editor of the New York Kvenlng Post hss received a letter from. A. Enoch, 104 Rue Nation al Cholet Main et Loire, Franc, which he . prints today on th editorial page with extended comment. He Is th agent for an impecunious French duke who wishes to sell his title, seeking a mar ket In America. . Th agent believe that some rich American will be glad to purchase th dlntlnctirln, as he thinks it will greatly aid th son of such a man In-th matrimonial market . Th agent In very polite terms pro poses to ths editor of the Post to find som one who wants to b a duke and plaoa Enoch lnM-prrepi?ldenc with th prospective buyrr,..Th editor of tb Post I not.bsrred ss s purchaser, but Informed thst he 'can itake advantage of lh ppportunlly. . ,4 TEETH mm.. : f t.; ; a.;.w. tj-: Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK We trMt aaamaarnllo all artnl. - - ehroola at... i f mm.. -l. wia ..n.4. bart.rlTcr. kldSay and throat trouble. W ear STPHIU.IS (witnont mereary) te etay enred foeeeee. In j I. a) rf. . nvo - STRICTURE, wlthoet speratloc m sals, la U immediately. We eas enatar th etraal vtgof any man gada 60 by maana at leeal tra awat naenijar ta awrsalva. We Care Qonorrboea la a Week Tk doc tola of tM taatttnta ar all reculaf graaoat, bar bad many yeara' u par lane, bav bee kaawa la Portland for it yaara, bar a repntatloa ta maintain and will nadir take aa ana saleas certain cure eaa be ef- lecre. , W eneaaa m eoea to aoae eaa r kndae. tak or chars BO fe. Conatotatlon fraa.' Lat ter confidential. Inatrsctty BOOK POB MEN aniwd fr la stale wrapper. If you eaaant eall at office, writ for tlou kak. Bom treataMat t Of Sea bears to and T to I.' Snsdays tad aolldays, 1 to 12. Tho lesdlag epectnlfata la ttiai North wt. J1 ., 'katakllaked ' 10s. ..... . Dr. V. Norton Davis & Co. Tea Say Vetat; . X. Om. Third aad Pin tla. POBTLAJTO. OUMI. A MEASURE OF RELIEF - In your hard war, buying Is af ..forded by this stock through Its Indisputable quality 'and econo mising prices. 'Seeing la believ- '...lnt-.--., . , .r. -.- AVERY & CO. .." . . ..:;.' j .; .. ' : T.. .-' 1 Sr 'IVcnt Ad" Rates Vinvm AST 0I.AalrT0ATI0at eaetpt ."fertuatloa Want" Mai or Iala, , '.'I Xuill UNA. Oaaaiiag 1 wards te tb ba . Iivrvuil It as 11 WQBM P0 .11 Ciaii Vatklag Us. - jri aTITATIOW WABTK9 sdrthMinhi . . eitW kule a raal. laaanad.. as. tus fra. Baay e usday. , TOKT BATB T huwrtiea (Iseludiad aa Buaday kwaek ta CAT par Jla per waak. . MOVraiT mJTt Maludinc nil Buiidav . laaaa) Tt CAST1 nor lia par siaatk. JPTIBTTIZattVTt njatt la Jearaal t avalaaaa a (Ho by 1 a'tlock wk - day esd by 10 e'alaek Saturday lag ie brcssranra sots arr auraal "want ad." agasta. Ble thana oaa ad. a afara rataa aad M ' Kl k 4allTcad ts Th Journal af. without t urthar coat t you. Da fee anil boa r paoa Wtra Vslea, ' Mala 1ST.. . NEVER BEFORE la the blatory ot It aeventren and a half years' eilatenc kare the depoalla ef "TTU OLDEST ' TXtrflT COMPAJfT XM Bees as large-aa at the preent time. Pull particular are contained la -ear book f : '"lUVlTaATIOaTS." ' i . Which we aha II be glad te eend.yoa. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON t , lOS THIRD 8TEKET., . , .- I. roiIBX.. . ..Pe!dent I'lTTCM'K. .uVlce-Prealdent elary j. o. ....Aaalatant Secreury aonox. KOT1CK TO rRKDITORH Eatate of Wraley n. KtnmL daeeaaed. .ntleo la aarobr alwa ) by-toe-nderalgncd adralnlatratur of the ea. tate of wrairy n, Kaimel, aofeaaea. to tb creditors of. and all prraona baring clalma agalnat aald decoonad, to exhibit tbeai with ' the , aeeeaaary Tow bera, within als amatka after the flrat publlcatloa of thin polio to raid adaalnlatrator at hla realdenre. No. 8J4 tor net l ntreet. In the city or Portland, la ' the county of Multnomah and flats ot Oregon, Dated and ftrat publication o( this notice, March J7, 1000. JOHN C. Adnlnla trator of tbr Ratal of Wealey N. K IVreaaed. II'RKN A BCHt'KREL, Ormjea .iiy, ur Aiurnys I or sal SMats. Waab.. March 24. llHlh. Heiled nroaoaal. In iripiieau, win d receive sere uatll II o'clock a. aa.. April 20, I90R.- foe, lob nrlnt. - Ing at the keadqnartera during th fecal ..year cooing June an.rajnn. I . s. . re tn right to reject or accept any or all nra poeala. latoraiatlon fsmlabad an appl lea lion. HIT) containing nroooaala aboald ! rnerked: -'Tropiauila for Printing." addressed r, u. hulh.ihi.i. c, W. M. SOTirn la kereby jrlren that after thai date, March 21. inno. V. JaaM 'runalnghara. and wife, Julia Cunningham, bar d lead red all partnerahlp with, tb Ariel Mannact art ng agency, and will sot be reaponalbl foe any ncoia prraenien ra tne aaja nrn name, ( Signed JAMRH rtTNMNflllAbl. ' - JULIA CtNNIMiHAM. XXXTTVO VOTICX. STOCKflOLDICRir Mrimso. Toa sansal meeting of tb stockholder f the Orega Pnenlture Manafarlurtog Company will be held at the eompy-s office, iin-t2T2 Mae- . aoam ran, t -net land. Oregon, oa Wednaaday March 20. lOtA. at 'rlecks. m.. (or th ' pnrnoa of lectlraj a board el directors for tb enenlag year and tranaartlng aweb etbar bfT,M" "ay Properly ansa before s eteefc- - eoiojer- anaaung. -, ' PLrmiKB UXH. Prealdrat. PnrUasd. Oregon. March la loos. mci.tAmah camp, So. TT. W. O. . W.. meets tonight In their ball. Kaat Hlxth. a Kaat Abler. All llt In nelghbars cordially welcomed. , w. w. i-rMsnKti. c.c. J. M. WOOOW0RTH.0. PORTLAKP PKfKRATKI TRADRH roL'SCIll Hegntar meeting thla l Friday ) evening t . o'clock, Inlon Mark, Second and Stark aireera, - umT mcipu alip, necreiary. nrBTAAL afOTICX.. . dene. 2ft at Hnrnalde ktrort. Carl Paaue aged TS year, and S aaontha. beloved father ef Mm. tHarlea Jiaver. Paneral win tak place Ratnrriay. March 2B, at 1:1ft s a., from - above renldenee; thence . to St. Joseph ebnreb, Klfteenlh and tVmch n recta, at 110 - a. aa... wber reonrcm high maea will offered for the reooae of bm eon I. Prt, Invited. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery. t. rmopoujjL SKAI.RD. Pin) will be received at tb erbool clerk a ofnee, elty ball, op to 12 clock a ' en Wedneaday.. March 20.. Inn, for eooa tract log an addition to th Multnomah echeol building. Separate kids will b takes s ioiiow: n rat Brick work, ., plaaterlng. Work, etc. ' ' . ' Second Carpenter, work, ete. , ' Third Olaaa aad gmalBg. , ' Fourth Painting, i. - "-' ! '-, . 3 Fifth Plumbiaa and' deal nam. X eortlsed check for H) per cent' a meant of tbe bid nort accompany the ' name. Plana and anaclncatwn can bo at tba aebool clerk' office. The acoorH - board raaerrcT tb right to -reject any or all bid..- - , THOMAS t. JONES. Architect. REAt.RD BIP8 will be reeelvad at the arbonl elerk'a ofOe. city ball, nit to 12 o'clock m. Wedneaday,' March 20, 1005, for plumbing aad drainage for th Bellweod erbool build ing. ..'..-. . ' A eerrlOed ' cheek f 10 per cent of th I amonnt of tb bid mnat accompany th ame. ; Plan and apeclflcatloaa eaa b aeen at th aebool elerk'a fBe. . ... Tbe achoo) board reaervrs the right ts re ject any an .an diw. t . T. J. JONES. Architect. OOKriCflSIOMawnie Oregon Water Power A Railway company will receive bid for verm. eeanlon at It new asiaeeamit reawrt know aa "The Oak a" np to and Including ftatorday morning. All application ddreaard te tk company Bt Flrat and Abler atreeu. tOOT ABB yOVaTB. i ' Sither teat er Poaad deartlemeata, pats "tl wrda fa IS oaat. ' as an, . LOST Sraallttlie reat'a watch, fob and pocket. eta- of locket. naif dollar, K. J. R. engraved OS Cell Kaat 14AI. Hcwara, LOST Plan and apecllleatlon on Third at. net. Salmon and Stark. - Kcturn to Chap! nrows. m Maronam. newara. LOST Yoong setter wltk tlcenne and tag bear. ing earn j. j. nyrna. Haieiga f. , LOST Pa Uaa le bicycle N. 15.411 from Star theatre. Ketarn t A. u. T. fnce. fc i - KEXP WASTID rtMaLt- WAXTRO Udle to learn barber trade; t week complete; talfloti earned wbll b?ars Ingi balrdreaalng, nmnlcnrlng and facial m ar ea g In 4 week; apeclal tarma now. Wilt Molar Ryvtem Cullrg. Mas Pranelara,: LA0IK8 Tonr name en, 25 One ttlnr .eaYoa. 0c. ptnld. Royal Card Co., Stratford. Conn. KtXP vTAJITID MALE OB PEatAtE. W AJTF l Man- tad wtf for farsi.-- tnqutrt 515 Market at. FOB BEBT SVPITRBISHKB ROOMS. TWO BOOV8 Main 4064, wltk, slcev, Is flat, phone Ul'R B.Ml'IOYMKNT MVl'jARTM K.T ' la eusductrd o ntrlctly nuainoM prlac-iplaa. W'a aaalat oniiH-tont . , (rr Bar. : . , ( Aaalatant bookbrraora Ihaik km-itwr. .... General ouco cb'rha, Mtcwigra purrs. , Hotel cirri. ' Maaaacra. . Kallmad I'lcrka. ' , t:rrapundrnt clerks, , Tlinekrrpcra. AcnHiutaola. t'olltor.. . t'aahler. . , ... . Bblpplng I W-rka. Knlrr olorka. . . . Hill I'larka. ticnorai clerical, technlrat.- commercial men. Apply 111 SINkSS MK.N'S t'LKARIXU HOI SK. oo4-ot Mckay bltlg.. lu:Vi at., Portland. " yonN'Q MAN Bsalne col leg a'udent or grail ' sate preferred, tn prvparo t.- govrnmnt poaltluai; guod aalar ; d)eriug , proawtuM. ' Addrna Interatat Si boo la, Inc.. jit khasj- bur uf Coaoirrs. , WANTED Mr to learn barber trace-; weekt -complete, poaltloae guarantard: tuition earacl while learning (.write tor terma. Moler'a Barber College. 0.1 clay at.. Han FtaoctaevT STAN HARD SPKI'IFICR areaclcnt IBo and eeo. ' nomlcal. cuioraclng Ooctnr and drugglat; euro aalbnia and all- venerlil and vbruulo dlaeaae. t'all 0I 4Klrat, al. XOI Ml ma with AI.1A- ml IcvlrlM bualoea; no contiwililon; If you want a good huaineaa, will pay to aaam-ee thla; Be ahopuar. . or agent. T U, car Journal. , . MANi-t'nder DO, fair edacatloa), to prepare for government . poeltloa; ealary and promotion arnngeawnt good, a Edgar .M, , Jluah, aid. - Chamber of Couiakerce. . M KM wanted everywhere, tack eigne, dlatrlbat' circular, sample, , Me. i permanent occum- --. Hon; good nay. American , tnioo. t'ontiae bldg-.. Chicago. ' t ,- - '! ' DKTKCTIVEH Men t learn; paid while learn log. Barrett, room Wit Allaky bWg.. Third and Morrlaoa et. Open evenluga. , . PORTIANO, Barber College Special loose. . amenta to learn trade: tultlaa sen ly earned ., waiM eamiag. - vsi nan 29 KIVKK drlvara. 13 per day; SO wood chop, per. 11 per cord. Oolumtria Hirer Kmpluy. meut Agency, IKS Morrlaon t. ' PU'MRRR wanted te bay half Intoreat la plumbing bualue In Portland; - price 1W. Addrwa P. 1. car Journal. - - , YOUNil-maa wltk fino for ofSce work tkat can a bow gootl reference; go agent. Ad drea L' 10, care Journal. WB want 4 exnerleneed men for remain oaeh. . making machinery. . Seaside Sprae Lamber . : '. ' . .CHeaalda.. tar. O . .- C .r.Sr WANTRD Men ' for 4 pine timber local tona; a anap. Aopiy. at one aia xenay mag. PRKrWPEKORR wanted. . , Apply . Alvls S. Hank. Third. ' WA-NTF.n-wdoa preaa feeder at Holly Pre, '. 24T Pin at. - - BJTOATTOirS WAJfTrn M Atr, 0" WAKTKD Position by young smb. exnerleneed. w- cqalnted U orer.Lnlled State. a-clek. . a bd-wuiiv noiri, miTRiiTi ina oona IK -t - t required. . Addraaa Room u, International A OOOII breadhaker. foreman, wanto altuatlon .. In city or tout; good knowledge In French -- bread; very good la roll; medium la cake. Pie call 148 rourth at., for P. B. I'kon 168. - . -i -- - . " BXPKRIENCKPi baker driver wants noaltlna with - n good bakery : can work Bp rood ' rout ea eaat Ida. . Addrea T 20 Journal, -- YOl'Ntl sun wlahea a poaltlon ef now kind; hare had about 4 year experience In grocery; reference. Addrea V IT, care Journal. WANTKn By barber with 1H yearn' experi.. enee, to anian traoe. write ttaooipa ornwart, TBI Carbett at. WANTBPj Wefk by day: hav n borne; will - wnra either wua or witnoat. ASdrea um , I'nroa are. . . . CtlMPRTRKT ateam and electrical engineer wlebe tedy employment. V 13, Journal. RrrvATioBs wAwtm-niULK. - - A 'IMK)U lady conk , want altuatlon la city or . nt.. bet. Third and Fourth, for Mrs. M. H. WANTRIe A poaltloa aa hooar keeper, con venient ta crtool. Adarenn 15. car Journal. 1'IRKT-CI.ASH ''ehambermald wUhe poaltloa. miVt sicuna u, roacn .-pop. rsone bujo. . WOMAJ4 went work, hunaorVnulBg. by day." rsone ft ooo pu. noom . v tanrun Asnorxa. 104 NORTH THIRD ST. Ken worthy Rmpmy- meat ta., pcoenres sosttioa ror unemployed and furnmbaa help far emplayera. Main SIM. SCAXrilNAVIAll-AMIiRICAif CMP. ' Office Real eatat. rooming hnuaea aad snalnea chances sprcialty. 2T0 Barneld. Mala ton. PACITIO COAST KMPI.OTMRMT AORNCT Removed to 12M urth Second st. . Psose Red 101. -...' HAKBEJCS ICMPliOTMENT OFPICB. r- FOB SIM. M X. Second at- Phone Mala 152. PIO.XERR EMPLOYMENT Cft Labor contra e. tara; help ire u employer, zia storrnwn. HRLP - wanted and supplied, male er female. K. u. iiKAKa,, stiDk waaningtoa at. nay aw. 18S MORRISON Columbia Rlrer Rma. ageneyt killed labor furulebed. .Pbon Mala 22. AIIKR Kmpwytaent Bureau Help furniabed tree. 152 Flrat at. Pbon Main 101T, . .-. . 1 -I -! ji. 1.1 . ROOMN-v-ln all part ef tbe rlty. . furaiaked. . Apply zm ttaodnougn bids. KkPOSITlON ACCOMMOOATIOit BCRBAC. . L'BdardlrcOMI ef rh Lewla and Clark Fair - - .. ' :4 Corporation. . ; ; Pbon Mala 020a. ' FL'RNISHKD. Bnfnrnmhed ' and bonaekeeptng room la an aarta-ot tba elty Irorn 55 per month B. Iewla and Clark Fnrnlabed Room latKHB. iai nortB main, sear union oepou WANTED 4 r 5 anfurnlehed rnnna, want sMl tat convenience, u, sn rirat at. " . WABTEDAOEBT. GOOD, live agents .wanted to veil Iota a cam- mraaion is on ot tn cnoiei auonrn i Portland. Addrm P. O. Bos TOO. elty. WABTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED The addreaa ef peraon who aa - Ka ror lllumlnntlag pnrpo; can aave ytna . per cent os your monthly gaa bill, and . Improve light 60 per cent; coats nothing te In veatlgate; here I i opportunity for a Uv a rent to kindle the city of, Portlasd. O. J. -Wagoner. 1 Qraad. Or. - . THE POBTt.ANP AUCTION ROOMS beys any thing. . PBone Maia aess, at sn First St. WANTED More praying and whitewashing; the only raeollne , rompreeaed air aaraying - ; ontOt on the roaat. M. . Morgas A Co., 970 i Mllwankle at. Phone Eaat ZlilT. t '..' ; BtrY fncr Oxfnre and fnrnltnra-ef all , kind., Y. X. tlark'a Aaetloa honae. IT- -028 cVhahlnftae t.; op p. old expualtloa bldg. , HIOHEMT price paid for men' et-off -dntk-- ing. ancie nq nta at no norm -inrro. rnone . Black SOM. Order promptly attended to. WANTED flood aeennd-hand baa dram, peril nd leighueii; at ate elite or drum and price. Addreaa tr Ml, rare JenrneV " "" IACE esrtalM lanndered st ' bora; flrat-elaa work. - Mr. Ida H actum, moo union ism. BHORT fjRDKR Printing- Howe P. J. Ryder., necono ano waanington am. v iay ore, .. . BOOMS ABO B0AR1X yoiINO men, if yea want to board and root In a permanent ana nrn-em nouee, wber rate an exceedingly low. and will remain tb aame next rammer they re Sew, call at tbe Aeter Honae, ' 231 ftvteutk t-, eoraer f Madlaon. ' in. main kbii. . TlIK LINDEl.L New Fnmlly hotel. Market m bet. Third ano ronnn; a ream nei. elertr light, porcelain bnthat. elegant outalde rams with flrt-cla" board: two people, IM-tuuV kVk month. Phnn Mala Sfidl. 1 FOR REXT A large, lry. front room- with Irate ramiiy, wltk or without board; rent , very reaannihle. Pbon' Scott 205. ROOMS' ' wtrh board Comfoetahle fnrnlabed room Wltrt (no home cooking; reanonablc) central, mi Thirteenth ... , 2 0.1'IMnv, ner Twenty srth, .1 block a front fair, rooms on soaru, patuv (irrtric llgkta PaOB, ,. : .. , , t r - i , i , V'--- r .-,-r . T : f i