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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1905)
Lucas' tiorthw;r Association ,- Abrador.a Hine of Six j ,--V. Club Circuit, i. i , CPCXANE TO CE'lEFT i ' y'yy. OUT OF ORGANIZATION u Bellingham, Everett, Vancouver f t. ; and Victoria Form Quar- , ,'. - l.'tet of Towns.'.'- . ' (Beectei DUptteh te Tse Jearaal-1 BeUingham. Wash.. March 14. It haa ifceen definitely determined that Belllng- 'nam, aiverett, Vancouver and Victoria 'wilt eompoM the new Northwest Saee- ball lea cue, which, haa been In process bf 'formation for the laat II won the. The v plan of a six-team lencue haa bean ahem , dened aa - being- Impracticable (ram a '. ) financial standpoint v Oh Monday, March IT. In Belllngham, jthe new league will be, organised and d .'schedule arranged. It la proposed to '- .play the first gam about May. 1, and .'thereafter play f tve gamea each week, or . '130-games forth season. Hlity con ' testa will be played on each side of th (line. All the Sunday playing will be dona la Belllngham and Everett, and probably the Saturdays wlty be given to ,-. Victoria and Vancouver, . It Is generally conceded that W. rt I Lucas will be elected president of'tfia league. D. K. DuKdaJe Is expewted to as sume the management of the Belllngham team. Ha declares that If he does he wtU make a strenuous attempt to wliv the pennant. Everett may choeae Wll ' Ham Hulea, who played second base two years ago for Dugdale. - Victoria wants Qeorgs Howlctt, and Vancouver has se-,- tec ted John i. McCloskey,' the manager - at poise's , pennint. winning - team In . . 1104. v I .. .. . .. v ' iDnno ri acc nc unoccc i WWII UUtdd Wr ilVIWktf l FACE OAKLAND BARRIER I v (Joaraal Special Berries.) . Ben Francisco, March Is. Very little 'class was displayed In the , races at Emeryville yesterday for the. bill was i made op of the poorest 'horses at the ' track. - Three favorites won. Summary: Three and a half furlongs I'm J 04 WOn, Yolo Olnl second, 8Ir fcdward third; .- time, :43 Vs. - j Mile and a sixteenth Dundreary won, . Stashes second. Majutte . third; time, . l:4i. . ...i . - . - Mile and a sixth Mount Diablo won, . Lona Fisherman seoond. Brown Pataey third; time, 1:50. 1 . " Futurity , course I rldlua . wee., David Boland second, BU Oeorge, Jr.,' third; - time. 1:10. . ' ' - ' Six furlongs Sterling '-Towers ' won, ' -Mountebank second, . Redan third; time,' .. .- -:, -- J : 81x and a half furlongs Edge Cliff e "won. Gloomy Gus seeond. Baker third, ; time, .l:Jl ""I3og ""Angelas." MarchJ4. TMterdaySr summary at Ascot Park: Five and a half .- furlonga -Durbar , wen. (ten ler second, Dod. Anderson third: time, 1:07:..: , .-.. .... Four ; furlongs Dr.. oUla .won; Ada Ruseexi ssqond. .Father Catehara -third; ,. um. . Ut ' V -.; , . . MlTflath weVrDvir-'Cttronadb sec- ona, ' uiaicaoo ,nira; time,. imih -Mile, and-. 60 Varda Ella" won. Ooraa letta second; , Balph Reese" third 1 time, ; 1:4a.- ..- .. r Blauson course Colonel Ruppert won. American - second, Aselln third; ttms, J:0. .1- !' ; '.. '. 4 Mile anf a sixteenth Fortunatua won. Erne second, , Angelen third; : time, . l:0.. ,v.. .. ... ; ';; , ? . Z :.,Ai Mot tyftafe, Hot Springs, Art, . March St Oak Lawn reaultai .- . i Four furlongs Carrie ' Frances wen. , Eva Jean second, Marlachl third; time, :S0 , " v - - v Five an a half furlongs Beneon hurst won Gay- America seoond, Thiahe third;-time. 1:01 1-. SIJurlofcjEniitfgenrxWQngto aecona, uay iiaetie tnira time, 2-4. ' Mile, Arkansas derby Aglota won. Critical second. King's . Trophy third; tlme 1:411-1. Five end a half furlongs Judge Stew art won, Jim Along second. Jake Ward . third; time, 1:11. -. :--zr. - Mils and 70 yards Ed Sheridan won, . Jigger second. Eclectic third; time, 1:40. sTt Vew Oriaems, New Orleans, March 14. Fair Grounds results: Six furlongs 31enOailnr wonr One More seoond, Fanette third; time, 1:14 t-l. " r - .. .. Mile Marlin won, ' Orand Opera sec ond, Jack Doyle third; time. 1:411-1.. ' Mile Avoid won. Rawhide-- vecoad. Red Raven third; time, 1:411-1. Seven furlongs Terns Ron won. The Trlfler second, Kitty Piatt third; time. l:871-f. v -Mile Annie Alone won. Bannock Bells serond, Juccora third; time. 1:41 1-1. , .Six furlongs W. P Palms r won, 1 Nev. - - ... . - . .IUII .1111 J . ilme, 1:14 4-a. . ' " 9 Mile - and 70 yards Woolaola won, Hershmsn second. Flying Schwab third; -tlma, l:47.-.. i- .-.. i . third. Fief erred Stoek Oaaaed aVoeds. ; Allen A Lewls Best Brand. ' 11 m 11 1 .11 J. ' szmxxs or sUstttals. ' 1- (Saeetsl Dlspslrk te Tee JoarnsL) t - Cotlsge Grove, Or. March 14. A se ries of meetings wl!l be begun next Sunday; at the Methodist Episcopal church" and continue during the week. The pastor, Rev. F. U .Moore, will have assistance about Monday or Tuesday,. These meettnga will be In the nature of the old-time revival meetings. ; LIKEXCHINOOK ',' von' a - col day to TOLU-FIR . , A : t i - .to coughs and coid they disappear like magic 50c , y bottle ' well worth - I6.00.-. -.- r Woodard,CloTkeICo. . Sole Proprletoi ' ' ''' i : r i .y i n y y i , lyy,-. o. v, . yiuAuim:-': pyyy-yyyy . yy y v y-i& lyyyyvyyy myyyyy-yyyyyyw mm 'r&Mm y n..-- -.v,-.f --V7'v-,r-.. A s. 'fiVviTT t.'ftItJe.-;ir r,4T;-f.Mrs.:-r KJi-Wr- . . ALL THE LATEST . "N yS'W A Here Resdy for Yoor.n . V v. SUITS and TOPCOATS - -.V, .Mj W'MSrtHVyH HV'iSrWw I ; - .s-a. -, - ; y .'Wrrtsw .r 5 v ' i if r i IIP - YOU WANT , TO KNOW WHAT 'Sifi?S K TOi SMARTlVI pRSSED MEN - WILL- i ' " 'WlK FV PROFESSOR ARRESTED BY HIS WIFE'S SISTER New Development in Eugene Scandar Scholar Vindicate v-... tT ajM Decker. ! - . . - (SeeeUI Inspsteb to Tke JserasL) 'Eugene. Or.. March 14. Professor K. 8. Haroua. whose wife has Just sued htm fpr divorce, naming Mlas , Maud Decker, a teacher in the professor business college, as co-respondent. Is now tinder arrest, charged with obtain ing money under false pretenses, y The complaint was sworn to by Mrs. Lottie Stewart, a slater of - Haroun's. whose home Is In 'Wisconsin but who has been here sines Isst summer. It Is slleged that Haroun represented to his sister - thst he . wee owner , of a large number of shares of stork In a mining company operating In the Blue River district and that these shares were val uable. He secured the sum of 1100 from his alster upon these representations.. After Hsroun's arrest he at once se cured attorneys snd demanded aa exam ination. It was set for today. Forty-sts studenia of the business col lege praoUcailjr the enUra earollmtnt ' - -;..- 1 I . . " . have signed a paper declaring that they believe the allegations regarding Miss Decker la Mrs, Haroun'a divorce , com plaint to be absolutely groundless, Credit to Everybody. Without any distinction aa to occu pation, the Eastern Outfitting company, 100 Washington street, la selling men's snd ladles' clothing to everybody , on credit. ; This concern has been In busi ness in this elty -for the lust 11 years. Its reputation for honest dealings and Integrity in business Is above reprosch. snd it ranks among the mont substan tial concerns In-thls city. An up-to-dste stark of only first-class merchandise la carried. The prices asked on their goods are reasonable, .and the credit accom modation which this concern holds out as an Inducement to purvhnaers Is so lib eral that everybody should! take advan tage of it To wage-earners snd men of limited means It Is worth a great deal to buy merchandise on credit. The spring stock of this concern Is complete now, 1 snd should be seen by Intending purchasers, . NO VESSELS FORUOAL ' AT NAMAIM0 BUNKERS fgeeetsl plssstea ts Tke liierssl.) Vancouver. B. March 14. With ev erey car fall of coal and the big bunkers loaded to the top, the mine ft the Wel lington Colliery company of Nanalmo have closed down because there ts no where, to put the coal. Cystar harbor Is empty of shipping snd no vessel is ex peeted there for some time. Under the circumstances the miners will have an enforced holiday for the present. . In order to work the Extension mines to the best advantage the management aays the single shift system, which was Introduced at Nanatthb by the Western Fuel rompany, la to be employed, neces sitating the discharging of several hun dred men. - - - - v ...i FWery family ahould heve Its house hold medicine chest- and the first bottle In It should be Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, nature's remedy for coughs and colds. J Chimney Pipe, Sewer Pipe; Flre- Proolln Hrlck. rraonDi. uri rin Tile. Building Hrlck. Flue Lining. VltrlAed Pav- Ing Brick. Diamond Crick Co. ..Office and'Tard Knot Ankeny Ht "-rortlsnd. Or. Phone Main 104. WHITE CHILD RESCUED FROM COAST SAVAGES i . (feerlst Dtesateh te Tke iesraaL) , 'Vancouver. B. C, March 14. After a search of more than a year the Chil dren's Aid society of this elty has at laat succeeded In rescuing 'a white child which for the past six years has been In the custody of soma allegedly de praved upcoaet savages., . The little girl waa recently discovered by s trapper lie. the Indian eamp. who notified the provincial police that be be lieved she had been stolen from her parents. - ShO'Cannot apeak English but la proficient In the Chinook' language. She was brought here snd wilt be cared for by the Children's Aid society.;-. - SEATTLE OWNERS WOULD SAVE STEAMER TACOMA i . i . (SpeeUI DtsBttra te Tke JesraaLt Seattle March 14. The Northwestern Commercial company hss appealed to the department at Washington to ssve the steemshlp Tscoma, 'seised by the Japanese a few weeka ago. from being confiscated aa a prise of war. Assistant Secretary of State Adee wired to Secre tary Trenholm of the company yeater day the facts of the arrest of the ves sel, la U lea oir Aniwa by. adding . '. - - .i ' ' I I . . . , - An American Idea, a culinary discovery. I. .Ton haver- never seen a recipe- as easily pre-; pared at so low a cost. ergy, 10 eeafcs a peeks ge. ; - - . " , AT ALL GROCERS. . I... that she bad been taken to' Nagasaki, to be tried, la a prise court : ' - While It la generally understood when the vessel loaded here that her cargo Of salt beef was for Vladivostok John P,. Hartmen, attorney . for the company, makes the statement that every boa of beef waa; consigned to a well-known Arm la China. . , The fight Is to be conducted, on the grounds that the cargo was Intended for Chinese merchants And la therefore not contraband of warf' w ,. i n i i i 'I ! " i ii ' Wef r r C--4 Ceeda, Ailea di twai' Ul s-nwAk Dr. B. E. i r-... neaetaailfta . Deattat Uat re. , lleves all pain tsi dental opera t lone. . aavi Wsaaiar i Si. eoat rwj, Park aad .'WashBioa, Tc. MODERN, foact.:.' " , ( Opea ali the y". ( A. P. AftXSTK3N2. LL. C , C v-v-