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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1905)
the Oregon: daiix journal. Portland.; Friday evening, , runcii a TfTTJ PA ACT t BASEBALL TEAUS Item of Interest to ths Fans ,i ."'.Cleaned From the Dif- i ' ;; fererit CampfcV:' ' SEALS AND ANGELS ARE .Uv ! - HOME. FOR THE, WEEK Harris, Morley and Lohman I Have Seven Days' Practice at j " Home Before Opening. v I ' (Special IMspatca t The Jeeraal.) v Bakerafleld.; Cel. ' March . Portland playara ara rapidly kMlrta their, ayatam of elgnal practice and ln atd. play, for alnca Monday that part f the training haa constituted the prin cipal portion , of their exercise. Bat- . ting practice la aiao receiving . erable attention, and pitcher. Krench and Catea who have control or tha spit , bail, ax uaed quite frequently agalnat ibetr team matea. Jonee and BU Vraln are sent againat their team matea In or 52 M " aocUstom the Portlaed wen to southpaw twlrlera. v t .. , ( ' Eaalck and Garvin are being reaerved for tha opening game. They are In fin condition and each haa masterful con trol, and thalr work la curving them to Catcher McLean la intereating to thooe who watch-their dally performance, v. ' George GUpatrlck ha a ahoot Won of hla curves that all the other Portland twlrlera are trying--to' acquire.;. It la a. pippin and hla team mate bava swung ineffectually many tlmee when-he ' waa tossing. ,m. orer. f- '",' HchWley and At have furotahed the local fan with exhibition of fielding that are marvelous. The amount of around covered by these two and the peed with r-'-h hT work together In handling tha ball for a. double play t. .,,nn.i ratifying to the manager. tiu Runkle. the light-haired third ....a.- ta f iaidln- In grand form and hi. ona-handad Dlckup of alow bunt .n.hi lizhtnlag. throw, to flrt often astoalsbes the spectator of whom there axe quite a number who sssemble every day to watch the Portland man - t inn. .7 .i '. . . .'- '' ' ' '' ' The' haw ' road : uniform of the Port land team have, arrived and were worn for the first time yesterday, and .the r maiia a fine aDDearance In the batty suits," which are of dark blue cloth, with ' Portland In i whits letters across the breast. White cap and whit stocking ara worn with thl uniform. , wrkk the Caasxptna , Tig.' Presao. CaL. March 4. Mlk Flsbsr's rtmra are rounding - Into i mld-eaaon form and are ready to put up the game "of their lives In order to repeat their hurformUM . Of. last SaaSOB. Bobby Keefe. . who ;ls tha premier - nttojiar of the team. andTln. the .opin ion of tha Taeoraa, f an, of the league mm -Mil., has .reoorted and- is .In fairly , good, condition oonaldar log th: fact that 'tha has lust recovered from a aevsr airk anclL 1 i - a . .. . . hiaht.r axnect . great thing of Fire man .FltratiiFk.' wh pitched .such splendid game agalnat Chicago ' last rlday., nugerald aad Tbomaa are also cxnected to hold their pwn wren me utber twlrlera. , McAfee, - atew . man. ehowg great fromia ana i iisciy to r maks a record thla year. . ' 2 Nordyke. Casey. Bheehaa and Eagan are In fine condition, and tha stone wall Tiger Infield, will ;ajU be In evidence thla year. .' .' '' . ' i , McLaughlin. Lynch' sad : Doyla will take oar. of th outfield In a satlafM - tory-manner.' I" r- r? r "VV ';.'.. ''i v ' ' ' i.e.' I' " Balm lie in twasmoa. " . gjiU: Barbara. -CaL. March 4. Ten days of. atormy weather hav failed' to poll the temper of Manager Rusa Hall of the Boat tie- baseball team. Half--temper ! like oravenett towel any waywater don"t'touch.; It. On good game was played .with- a National leagu aggregation from Chicago. Since then he baa played' hi regular Seattle nine against picked forces. . Yesterday It ln . nlng saw the picked .men winners at . to 4." Today tha men: did a te-mlle nin. working hard on tola battery men Nick 'William, who played with Over all oa tho ' .-University of California team, and later went to Mlnneapolla and Colutnbua. 1 pitching crack bait. ' Shielda. formerly .of Haiti more and St. Jjuta, ah Americaff leaguer who twirls with aoeed and aecunvry. - ' Hendaison or th"Chlcago City league and th two former Ventura boys. Char l Hall and FraSkltsv are; pitching to : the manager's complete .satisfaction. Kalph Frary. formerly with Spokane, la catching -a bally game, as Is alao Curtla, formerly of the.Un1vr)ty of Syracuaa. 4 Mall expecta t0 ee 1r1 men -In first da form by the end of , the month. He think hi work her will how good result when Uhe eomrng season 'open. .' Vorlsy'ilkM Tons Toroa.- ' . - Los Angela. March 34. With th ad dition of. Chase and polbly one other big league player, the Los Angeles, club ' looks strong. Four games have been played sUh Chicago and. two of .the were- vlctorl. Captain DlHon i back on - first and this. In Itself, seems to hav. gives th iilayers an air f confidence. Flood will . play hi usual' good' gatrfo at short and KxSp FmKlnQ, Turning Cray or I Fatted, Romtorod by Hmy aAtnnEALTta , iMllM br HAHF1N A SXAP to ClMSas Scalp. . iMtaatiy armta tfasdrng, kill saraa, atop kalr . fallln. smaob- growtk ef thick, loatro kalr af lb rlrk ralor sue Ifaoty ot jsatk. ., fee ' Ualrkaltk with Hsrsss (kws. It - Kaon Yon lookteg Young i Larra 5X. KMtle. gmtrlst'. Take aotklag ' wltkaut Phil liar gpedalUes Co. slgBatar. . Coed for tsc. cu i. sin tkl. take i say f follnwlr drsscleta and Irt bv. tntlM. Hairkvalik an xaceaka Harnn ll(ratHl SrP. "tk for SOr.i rraalar rirTc. ar aat kr I'kilo liar . Newark, 9- m.-H aa .Ml t kla ui I'ree mb not !. kr endf wltheot tfcl eatlr . b4 Mm. fat tlaitaealla. J r. vrOOBaJW.' M I L,1U!CMl -Sisii si- CIVAKVV ft CO ad Wasalag-toa. irowru Jud' Smith, will be at histoid station. third base.' Jimmy Tomu and Chase hav been playing abort. ' , , . ' la tha outfield there ar Roaa, Bar- aerd -and Crevath. Cravath 1 hitting tha ball better than aver and Barnard promlaea to b among tha leading at Ink er of tha league. It waa thought that tha drafting of Newton would crlppla tha pitching ataff. but Morley haa experienced great In picking up two cracking good young sters. Toren baa pitched II tnntnga uui far and ia yet to be acored agalnat. Nine Innlnga were against Chicago. ' Baum and Halt look good and with Goodwin and Qray alao, tha ola abduld be well oared for. . ,, . i i-l,,'; , .1,. ... . Preueots of Srfkmaa' Ti Oakland. . March -14. Lohman man are all In training with the exception of Husky" King, and ara all.ln mid-aaaou form. Pet haa had hla lada out at th Idora Park ground for everar hour every , afternoon-- ana tne in nv grown enthusiastic over these workout. On of. th. latest arrival ia ucx Franck. veho put In appearance Satur day evening. ' He ha kept In practice all -winter and la ready to break Into th game any day. The team that Pete ha garnered Hogetber looka unusually good to. the fan on t lie Oakland aide of the bay. Jul" Btrelb on first ia an Idol. Jim Kelly, a new man from Bl.. Paul, work like a . veteran around the aecondt atatlon .and -Brlck" Dever eaus la -if." around the difficult cor ner.- Short-top la -safe In. rranca band, la. the outfield Pet - hs Such diamond heroea aa Van Haltren, Kruger; Dunleavy'and King. The. receiving and will be taken car Of by Jimmy Byrne and Walter, . with a little assistance from P?te himself. For slab artists Pete ' has "Ham" . Iberg. "Smiling" Schmidt. Oscar - Oraham, "Doe" Moskl- man and Zamlock.- . ; ; ' ,';y Pet haa not gl vn up all hope or eelng Buchanan with an Oakland uni form on thla aeason. . .j - . . -t- 1 offered Ferguson.-the-t. Mary-g eollesr . Ditcher. -the 'best contract, that ha yet been proffered him, out i son i think I will get him. aa h doe not want to get into the professional game yet.-- said Lohman today. " I am having soma trouble wlth th.. telegraph company about King. , i- sent- him, a ticket, and money., to oome here on, 19 days ago. and- I gorsTlelegremTHIa evenlni King aaylng h haa not received i aay thins. I will get htm, though, II I nave to sua for him. He la a good plgyer and I want him. , , oaarr of th r San Franclaco.. March H. The Seal are delighted to get bacx to toeir na tive' rock. They romped over grassy Recreation park In great spirit yoeter day.; Park Wilson shouted hla Instruct tiona and tney .were ODeyea -wiin a vim. Although -the. fans thought th local team showed champion form In trounc ing the Chlcagoans, -Cousin" Parka wui not permit- a lull or g. breathUklog in the training. ,j -.-, - Georg Wheeler works out -in two huge blouM. He 1 bent on reducing that 1110 Dounda... There 1 no danger of him becoming fac-felmll ot "Chlmmy der Whale." Bpenber ' I remarkably fast in the right garden' and can peg th rubber terminal In big league fashion. Thar I not a nook in- hi territory that hi nimbi pedal won't bring him to. He'll do. Jo- Ctfrbett caught a cold during th recent atorm in the 'south. It soon de veloped Into a severe attack of tha grip, Joe haa ;been out . of. tne gam xor a week, but -thinks h will be around be fore the Chicago team leave town.. . "Joe . Nealon I : th most ' accurate thrower for a., flrat baseman that I hv aver seen." said gorbett y est era r. -H cover a bunt, throw to second and returns to hi bag ia aupcrb style. He will make a great atlckar too.' When you- see a raan-. fresh .from ,U bushes that wilt "not run', away from tha plate, but '-will coolly ' stand and watch the ball 'stab or miss th plate, h won't ,b long learning now to aoos mem. Th Chicago team ia alao working out oa th home grounds, it will play the Seals on Friday. Saturday and . Sunday afternoons..' . t ; : JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP : GAME FOR TONIGHT kTh Tlcer of th T. M,' C A. -are scheduled to meet th Multnomah club' second team In the final basketball gam of th season, which will alao decide tne llahtwelght championship of th elty. These team hav met twice before, and each haa a gam to Ita credit, and to- Preliminary to tho Multnomah-T. M. r. A. same the, Jewish boy' team and ik. -v u r A , atnlana' taam will nlav at baaketball. ? The lineup xor in main evani wui ,oe a follow: .- . i v .. Tleer." Position, r1 'M. A. A. C if arter.T".V ; .' forward ' . . . . . FTohmait Moor. . forward . .Frank Merrltt. .-.J center ..... .o. Kerrigan Sch warts....... guard Alien Harrison...,,., guard .....,.-..Gammie 14 Vln gaton . . . aubetltOt . . . i: . Referee Mr.' Kechter of Salem. , . BASXXTSAXZi AT SaOAaJs. " ' 'l(SMni Bpertal rtn.. ' , Dallas,' Or., March 4.Th Dallas Athletic, club second team of basket ball defeated the Independence Athletlo asaoclatKm's teanj by a core of II to I, On th Independence gym floor.;v Th line-up: wa a followa: - -Delias...... .-.'. . Independence. Williams . ... .mT. . ... ... Pomeroy Elklns F "";J? yn A. Morton . .1 . .. V C, HV , . . , Walker Bt lie . .... ?i , . . i O . ' ' "i!""0" Q. Morton ' .'O; i ( ' Madlnson Arm You Slaying Up ' KJghta wia iho&myr He It seat aittrenlBf kla amle-t) 5 b4 et It. Uoste el bappx bwUmts aally ase Hariina Goap la kakr'a aath.- gill llw-' fsVaaltae BpeeSlly allara Irrllatlfle eC snip aad skis. lmtacr mtrul alrrp. kevee hmbf s-et and kreltkr. For raahea. rhaSas, mrmn. arirnla, ltcklns. 411 akle mrrt, HAHriNA SOAP la truly vosaerful. Whtt It one for twky It vlll to tot yan. It's tha most anotblaf aad satlat'ln ri tallrt. balk aa earwry eaaae. Ma animal fata. Mdlmt1. AHntl, B. itarlilag. tUrmklog. Ilrallsg, rragraat. A Bream af Plae Salsgti I Inn Cake. Trrlt. Tott'll twranrler. Trc 3. eake; Bfi. 1 rakr. . H-trlt". R'fast sabatU tatra. Kaaoap I aaMlraiM like HartHe. Miianfitar hT PHI1A 11AY PfFXtAt TIF CO., NEWARK. X. f. Take setalsg Bar wltkaat tkM elfDSMT , , , vrapparj woosamB, OIVABXB CO - P emrth id WaaalBg-toa. nnn p For Every Humor TromPimplois to Scrofula " Cuticura Ointment, and Cutkufi Pit! sneesl with irresistible OfCC ta 41 who have goffered lonr end , hopeksslT with humors ot tne, skin,, scalp, and ; blood. r, Everr . hope, every expectanon twsawj br them, has been more thanlol-" flllrd. ' More trreat ewes are oaiiy made by them than by U othtt Skin Remedies comNnca, a smfie set, cortingr but one dollar, being often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases of torturing, db f igurtng humors, eoemaa, rashes, heningavand hiflammations of the skin and scalp, with lost of hair, whtaianelsefailav' - . aiaiaM well. ftm Urn Ckaav MAY TRANSFER SERIES OF GAMES TO PORTLAND (Joaroal Bpeelal Scrvle.) .' , ..' Seattle. March 14. Judg McCredl of Vumnnr. Wash., president - of ' th Portland baseball club, who was In this city , yesterday, la anmlou to hav plenty o baseball In Portland tnis year, because ha figures that the fair will at tract big crowds to Portland. A gat will open from the-fair ground, right Into to ball parkland if th Portland team ahould prove a winner, tha Judge niiM that theT' cannot bav ' too' much baseball there thla summer, no wsniso to know yesterday It th Seattle men would oonent -to havlnv on . rlea booked for Seattle transferred to Port land nest fall, but the director would nter Into no agreement at thla time. If Seattle I not drawing- .well this fall and Portland lap th transfer 'may be made, bud that 1 sll up in th air at thla tlm.V Th Judge went from ' hare to Taeoma, and bo will try to have-one of . th Taooma aerlea transferred to Portland alao.. Tha schedule gives Ta ooma mors game at horn than Seattle and four more than Portland, and If the attendance .at Taooma. should .fall off thl fall aa It did last, tha chance ar that one serle will, bo tranfrred to Portland. If that town should draw as I sow - expected. V V : i CHENEY NORMALS IN . BASEBALLPRACTICE (gpsetal Pispatek The Jearaay . State Normal School. Cheney, wesru, TTT " v,irrt.aK.r'fWwBT1a "St' ttllw"r" ' ill OI.IA U . mvm I - Normal', school ooramnoed .' last . week with a fair number of candidate oui trying for positions. Prospects for a good nine, ar alight at this time. The cbool la In sore need of a pitcher, or two aa the nucleus - around which to build a fat team. There are two or thn fellows In the school who in time ought to develop Into good pitcher, but that doea not help out n situation this year. ' .However, th 'outioog may brighten up ahortly and the Normal b able to put out a baseball team that will reflect credit on in-tniiiuuon. Tha last basketball gam of tne sea- aon waa .Played Between ine nvniui red between tn Normal .place, nd. of L-wltoa, ty and 'resulted In a Tie- eney, girls, the score be- rlrl-of thl Idahol Saturdays torv for the Cheney. i it to 17. A match game was also plsyed between couple -of-Cheney boys' team which resuuea in sscwrwoi m i. There was a large crowd In attendance, and much enthusiasm wa evinced. COLLEGE FENCERS TO CONTEST.WITH FOILS (Joarsal SpeeUl Sawlet.) -'" New York, March 14. The champlon- ahln, contests ' of. th InUrcollegls Konclngt assoclatlnn begin tonight at the New York Athletlo club, and the crack fenoera of the United States military and naval academies and of tho colleges bej longing to the association are her to take' part, -'West Point now hold both th team and inoivmuer cnampronanipa. but th naval academy haa entered a strong team, a hav yaia, narvaro. r team, a navo 1 ais, nirvaro, ylvanla and other college, and the Point cadet will hav to do their . n raialn tha honors Penne WPBt best work In order to retain the honor, SYOaCAjrs WAsm hut srox. , IHMrtal Diamtrfe. t Tke leeraaL) ' Hnokane. Wash.. Match 4. Mat lanlav. manaser'Of th Bpoicane team. haa received a letter from Billy Hulan, tKa nia star aecond naaeman .or samm sutlng that he would like to play her. Hulen h been at Tonopah, and a um ha cams out. of th mtnea an swered letter which Stanley- naa written him, urging him 1 oom ners, tnrrnrta arlir b made to get him Into the Indiana' uniform, tha difficult po(nt being the matter of salary, we is a high-priced man and will want a top. notch plica to play ball. I . j oo&eaKBjsoxm sias. 4 , 4 Koarsai wsaeiai tmt .. 1 Philadelphia. Pa., March 14. John Hill, th colored pugUlst, who collapsed in the rmg while posing before the Broadway Athletic" club, last .evening, rttrd .early this morning. A weak heart Is Mid to hav been the cause. No arrest hav tt been nwda - . . b s- fy .If TYPIGA1L COLLEGE CLOTHES i," . Osryooni. menV Clothes bearing" this laoel ire k' new sort ef'jm faahlon-8ulta mad for chapa who demand clothing, cut afUr dltlno-. tlv model "not lik 'father's." A very ' complete line, .Ingl. and doub-. breasted, prload at ; . $li.50 to ' Ait.u llaaa aa- ia ALL ST ARS CO DOWN Tr v BEFORE GAHBRINUS Leaders In Contest Capture Two ' Out of Three From Their . . .. Rfval Club, In th leagu . match on tho Portland bowling alloys last evening tha.. dem blinu team' took th: first aaa lasx gam, th Alt-Stars getting .th sec- ond. 'CapUln Ball" of. tha Gambrlnus tma hA tne W,B avmn'ML Wlth- nt th. ail-surs was a, close second I wUh J00. Wlthers had the highest sin gle game, making 14 in ma secona. Testerday waa ladies', day, and quit a numoor OE ins lauiva - i. a,wi mhtm' tnemseivea nvwuu. Mrs. Mott won .tha prlie for' highest "VT. auras' of last 'eyenlnf a match I .. . I , Oambrlnui Kneyeo . ... , ...,.180 iat .iot 1T6 14 1SS 17 Keating . i..... Hoff ma n ...... K. doaaet ,i .18. ,145 if 17 170 1-S 14"15 1511-1 Ball . 141 114 Z02 Tolals . ...:. MO . 7a ' 1 aa-aasMaaaaaar ' AU-Stars-i aHIUU- (I) . -Ar. 1S4-tM I Withers. :::..i54 n it m s-t 1SS 170 1-1 "" Boulanger ....'. j" ,115146 I Totals ,. v ..:...llll..iiiiimhllHI t"? X I X X I ' ' ' ,.'J .'a, CfMl Portland! Greatest Boot Store 125 Sheets Finest Paper ... ... a v. 125 'Finest" Envelopes 'J. 39c a 1 t J These gOOdS are usually SOW J f 7K. n 41 00 nef box. T St from 70C tO 1.W per DO. 4 We do not sell lest than a $ box. Don't fail to. avail your self of this exceptional op : '" 'V-portunity. ;; V J. K. (JILL CO. I . ' Bookseliers' and h SUtioners ;tV; AND ALDER ;sww- Itiiirdl St. iD Qtrsooti 1 r-. 6 XT'' :. ' ! ,"" $20.00 as. m SF KA ' U5IPJRE. DAVIS LEAVES TOMORROW EVENING . ;. . Letter From President Bert Has tens the' . Departure t of " the - League's New Official. - J. Ira Davis, tho newly appointed urn- piro In th Paclflo Coast league, re ceived a letter from President Bert thl morning requesting him to be la San Francisco on Monday. This - necessi tated a slight alteration In Davis" plana, in. so far aa it will require his leaving tomorrow night lnstesd of Sunday gr enlng.-- . :. . --ri'..---;r--- -- Tho league' chief xcutlv. atatd that ho desired to have a "heart-to- heart", talk with his "autocrat of the dtamond"gnd expects to hold a confer' enca with them on Monday. Thla la a necessary procedure; for tho chief and hla ilssksnaiita aiaat lisis aa standing relative to their policy for th coming season. Th position of trmplr In a baseball league 1 a thankless job from th pub lic' point of view, xor no matter bow hard h work or how conscientious the official may be. ha abeolutely cannot nleaso every one. and tn fact h la mighty lucky official who, after the homo team la dereatea. can coast 01 one ont of ten. of the spectator who doea not look upon- him a a poreb-cllmber or a defaulting bank president. Indeed, th only way an umpire can anaoeed la by strict enforcement of the playing rale, and In th performance of thia duty ho must receive tha full sup- nnrt of tha Jeasue's chief executive. -Hardly on man in to. has tha slight est conception of tha full text of base ball claying rules, and for that matter a maiorltv of th ball player them elves .sr not up' In book lor of the national tUM. . in thia resnect. "Slats" or, more prop orly, I. Ira Davis, la an exception to th anr.l run of ball playara. for n po esses . a thorough knowledge ot the rules of tha game and with one year's experience under Lucas as an umpire, ho also know how to nforc them. Of the three men appointed ' by Prealdent Ttert. .Davis .anoears to . oe.. m . uhi tiValv umnire Of th DUncn, lor nia work In th few game In this city last fall clearly demonstrated hla ability In thla line, and tha fana of thla city are hoping that presiaent Jrt wm bu thla man to Portland for the opening se riflsi lirk t- . In th letter to Davl from Prealdent n-rt. . tha latter state- that h "may aend Davl to Vom Angele for th open Ing game.-and th umplr Is In a Jub lant mood, for tat baa ben hi ambl im. mtmr since a certain scribe, who sherlshlng a irouch of ver tw year took th liberty of asalllng Davl' ability aa an timplr without.ever I-. tiim handle an Indicator. Dsvl I on hi mettl and Intend, to Ua his own woro. io snow m ..-11 uii-ahar. that he la not an authority of tha magnitude h Imagine h5,? ?JS. amharka for California niaht ha will hav a host of ..n.ia in thl city who are confident that he will prove himself th beat urn V" 7JL It 1 Davla' Inten a hia lavsl best as an official, for It may mesn th gratification of hla lZ k... .nat dav handl an indi cator In th major league. . , ... ' 'v'snraTBO nr rwm uaS. V. jJrarsal pc!al Bervlp I " Richmond. Vat, March 14 Ben Munro ntiMi to hold tho lead In the at Amm kixvMa rare now being 'held here, -rh. miai distance covered up to last night 112 mUca, I laps. n o Starti ,i. ... the well-known " Victor " : Baseballs; Masks, Gloyes, etc., with all Boys' Kilee Pants Siiits; and will sustain our repu tation for selling the best-Boys' Cloth ing in the city forthe least;money. v- Scores of new designs in Busters; Nor folk and double-breasted models PRICED -.. -- ; WELTERWEIGHTS TO BATTLE FOR TITLE oe WaJcott Meets Blink Mc Closkey Tonight for the f ; Worid'e Championship. 1 ' (Jaafsal Spatial Serrtoe.) "'' I Portsmouth. N. a, March 14. To night's battle at th Rockingham Ath- latlo club of thla city between Joe WaJ cott and "Blink" MoCloaksy Is praetlcar- ly for th welterweight champlonahlp or tha world, a title that WaJcott still hold In spit of all (claimants. Walcott, owing to an injury to hla right hand In a shoot ing accident, has been out or in game for soma month, but his phyaleians say that hla hand la now as strong aa over. and In other respects th "Black Iemon l aa itmnv as aTlf. It will bo tho moat Important battle la Mcdoskey'a career: for. although he haa iiianioal nf, tha good maa af hi sight In tba east, he baa yet 10 isce a rerni rhamnlon. Hi haa been flghUng la good form of late, and Is confident of his abll- ttv - to make V good a no wing tonignt aawinst tha redoubtabla Waloott. Many fiaht-followera from out or town ar ar. riving to see th battle, whlcli promises to bo a whirlwind from start to nnisn, ..- ... 1 . i .." ', TkS' ZrMkSS. Hnsband 80 you have Joined a wo man's political organisation. What part ara you going to tak In ItT - Wife I m going to run too macnina. A GOOD DEAL OF NONSENSE Akoat "sttoo Pnrlflars" aad -Toaloa." Vun sm nt hinnd. evarv bone, nerve and tissue In the body can be renewed In but one way; and that is, from whole anma food nronarlr dlsested. There is no nthur aiv and tho Idea that a modi cine In Itself can purify the blood or aupply new tissues ana strong dit riaicuious ssa on m par wm, mi Ikat rivananala Or Indigestion I I germ disease, or that other fallacy, that a weak stomach which refuses to digest food can be made to do ao by Irritating and Inflaming th bowel by pill and cat names. .A Btuart a uyspepsia noww ?Hr" gestlon, aour stomach, gas and pioatini ttmw nuii ha,.. 11 aa they furnisn tn i...i.a nrininiaa which weak stom acha lack, and, -unless the deficiency of pepsin . and - diastase - is luppimu, I. .tlannt tn fiur StalMCh trOll ki k. .k. - nt "tonics" "Dilla" and cathartlca. wnicn m iiiu-"j .Mi a ana .nin, tf msat. aia, ind aim foods, and experlmenta have shOwn that they will do this In a glass bottl st proper temperature, but or cours are murn mors tnwim l"- -v"."-"- , There ta probably no remedy so uni versally uaed aa Stuart s Taoieta, oe cauae It Is not only tho olck and ailing, but well people, who use them at every meal to insure perisct uis-"" .1 It.llA. .t AIW1 " PeoVio who enjoy fair health . take Stuart's Tableta aa regularly as they take thetr meala. becaua. they want to bun wail, nrevenuon is pt" cure, and Stuart a Dyspepsia Tableta kjlik. .1... indlnstion and th ramo'va it where It exlsla. The regular use of one or two of them after mean nt a mini thalr merit and em. clency better ,han eny other argument., PcrshnUorvQEcc:r.:3 aawTOSZS KAVgOOD Haa atwrad tauaaaaal at raasa el Karraea IM,IUts.vlseainla aa Atra. ska. Thar flw'iwr briln. atraactaaa Ika ctrratatloa, waka lfwl Pfrfrt aad Iwpart .aaaatte visor ta tk wkala balag. All oralm xf laasas ataoe -iatlr. gl.OO 1 n a t.M uiniiiil la rarr m -W as no. Mailed an lad. Bonli frt.d Pmtan Sd. ta . IMI ArHi at.. Phltadalrijila. Pa. ai le Partlaad saly hf rraak Haa, rertlaad UoUl riraiacjr. 7) z &zf( ' AT to Ton are on the -wronr track that IS, If you are starting out In life without the advantages of a aound commercial training. Why don't you avoid - all chances of being slde-trscked in future and equip yourself now for your battle with the world? We offer a completa course la Bookkeeping and Stenography LBEHNKB-WAtKEIf- BUS1NESS COLLEGE Ooxbo Stattk aad Morrlsoa Streets, ... . . . rortlaad, Os,rv-- Onen aU th year. ' Call, br send for Catalogue. HENRY WEIMIIARD . Proprietor sf tho . " , City Brewery trfurgm and Most Oosaplete . Brawery la the Mortawos. . - Bottled Deer a Specialty, CTUaParon ar. it, -Ostoo- lath aad BarpaM PORTLAND. ORBOON,