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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1905)
.X- iyLL... : ..-ill Li ' i. jU It) till. ...... ii CTa V.:cwKMn2 of Csef Trust, Cxy Government Official .-. at Chicago. :.: ARMOUR'S MANAGER IS f . . , STAR WITNESS TODAY Indictments for Criminal Viola V' tion of Statutes Will Prob z ;. -' ably Be ;' Returned. , ,v Aj,f. .-LiUtnd BpeeUt ServteO - v Chicago, March 11. The federal grand jury returned the Investigation of . in bmi truat this morn log. A.: g. Ed warda, one of th leading man of Swift Co., together with vera! other rep , reeentativea or packing house, were a amlned, among them R. C Howe, geo- erej manager, xor Armour at Omaha. ; "There-will be ne - whitewashing of packers, you can depend on that" aid one of the high government offlolala concerned rn the investlnUoa. Thi grand Jury will lft the charge against pacaera to uie . bottom. , The gov em ment haa a atrona case. Z think In dletmenta for etialnal violation ot ted' i- eral sututeswlll be returned." Among the Important witnesses who will appear , before the jury are Mlaa ' M. A. v Diirock, private secretary to J. ' Ogden ' Armour; C. O. Young, general auperintendent of Swift. .Co.. and Ueorge F. Morgan, aaalatant to Toung. Twenty-three witnesses- are preaent loaay ana it is Doped to nave them all finished before night , District Attor. ney Morrison refused to discuss what haa occurred In . today' session and : even refused to . divulge along - what line the witnesses bars developed evt- " oence. " - . . . , - , BOTH IMPERTINENT AND CONTEMPTUOUS" '- t""eSBBHBBBSsSSMBSja '-, Action of Supreme Court Order ing ' Petition Stricken From Records Creates Sensation : V. - IBpeeiel Dtsnateb to Tke fearaeLl -Helena, Mont.. March tt. Holding - that the petition -of Lawyer H Lewnde Maury, attorney -for Receiver McLaugU-.-. lln of. the Parrott Sliver eV Copper- oom- pan?, seeking a rehearlng-ln that noted ... case to be both "insolvent. Impertinent ana contemptuous," the supreme court y haa Ordered It stricken from the records. The petition was died in the oaae - of Jd1chal .Hlckey against - the Parrot t -company, -and., appeal- In -the case " from en order allowing-the ..-receiver . ' compensation, - - together with counsel Xeaa..-; ,.. 'r x. . . .v f- . V- : . Z Maury'a peUtloa declared that the o- preme court oplalon eras based on the ects found In tha-appellant'B brief onlyr and h.xh facts set forth in the -opinion are not as they appsar-ladlspul.l ably In the record. ' Today. John N. Klrkv another attor - ' sey for Hlckey, appeared before - -the "court and nought a rehearing,, denying the-responsibility for the petition- or Its "content- The court took- the- matter under advisement. - The- affair has ere axed a sensation. -- .-. .-v, : ' - MORALES GOVERNMENT ' FACES GRAVE CRISIS g 4 'Jtl (Meial Bervtee.) . Santo Domingo, March t. The failure of the United States senate to confirm the San Dominican treaty has placed the Island government In n critical situation. Revolution ' 1a threatened .at home against Morale on the ground that be tiaa been discredited in the -United State and European nation are threat enlng to seise the custom receipt. .- The most pressing demand la that of Belgium, which waa presented March II, . Santo Domingo to the extent of tll.ttt - a month under- a - former agreement. Morale anticipates similar demand by other foreign power which he 1 help less to resist. He states that be want to pay all the republics debt, but sees ruin ahead, with every port lo the hand of different foreign power and no rev- : enae for the government. " ' ' . The Belgian minister today mad a protest against any further delay in the payment ol the Belgian claims, It la - ported that the German, French . and Italian representatives will follow rult, AMENDMENT VETOED - . V BY POLICY HOLDERS ' ' ' W-"'" ' saHBaMBeBeaBsf ' Uoaraal pseUl Ssrrle. )- ," ' Kew Tork. March 1J. The policy holders committee of the Bqultable life Insurance Company society today unanl ' mously disapproved the amendment to the charter adopted two aaya ago or th director, on the ground that It doe not ' give policy-holder an Immediate right te vote for directors. READY FOR STANFORD ;v ' FUNERAL TOMORROW 1 PeJn AHo. March tS. Final details ef the Stanford funeral tomorrow were '", completed today. The original program f ' la not materially altered.- A on yeeter- day, only relative or intimate frlenda of . - the Stanford family and university orn ' - cial were permitted In th room where the remain lie. , . , w. . tr ADJOURNS WITHOUT f ' .' ( - CHOOSING SENATOR - "-(jearaal iseetal gerrlee.)'.',,-J.". ' ' j' . Denver, March tl. Th Colorado Jeg i Vlslatur adjourned this afternoon with. ' put nhoostng a senator. ' ' MM . t j i nere arewgef worms ana red-pepper bugs queer board ers---that nave looked for, not, in Schilling's Best, but . in making it-' There are; eggs of these queer boarders, too -small rn hr grindinglj . Don V keep" spices warrn. or they'll hatch. , .'. ' Ri.V30VES ROtilriTSOrir H FOR BASE EETHAYAL ' rwesklagte Bares ef The IsaraeLI Washington. March If. Senator Mitchell yesterday directed by wire the removal ,of Harry C Robert son. chief elerk of th commute on' lntr-oceanl oanals, and the appointment In hi place of John Mitchell Handy, who ha filled th place heretofore . of assistant olerk. Mr. Deberbower la appointed assistant clerk. Handy la a grandson of Mitchell and Mrs. Deberbower 1 said t be hi daughter. -V -.. -a ,y . r, . j "Tes, sir; I Instructed that Mr. Rob ertson be removed as chief clerk of the committee, because of base betrayal of eoafldentlai affalra." said -' Senator Mitchell. thU afternoon ihen asked cm-1 NEWCU3Y ASSISTANT, j ' KOT CHIEF AS SAID i :-"V: ' ; .;-v ' --J-i';' Detroit Man Assistant Secretary of 'the, Nayy, Not Paul Morton's Successor; . . tfoaraaT Sseetal SerrUe.! i. - ... Washington, . March IL It la :-an nounced at th Whit House thl after noon that -Truman H. Newbury of De troit ha been appointed assistant aeere tary of the navy, to succeed Charles H. Darling, recently appointed collector of the , port ef Burlington, VL . The first rumor had it that Hay we to retire from th cabinet, te be succeeded by Taft, and that Newbury would succeed Morton a secretary of th navy. . SOBS jror b: n.:t ... (Jearsal Special Servle,.) " ;"' -DatrolttMarch . "I- have-reoelved no notice of my appointment secre tary of th navy," said Truman P. New bury today. . "What advice. I have re garding . th matter are unofficial 'and confidential. ' I know no appointment haa been mad yet. however." ?-- CONSOLIDATE DEBTS : OWED BY VENEZUELA Total i of Twsnty-Oght Millions in Bonds Taken by British and Cermans , . ...... :! -. - -- (Joarnl Special Servlee.) : Washington, March It An ; agree ment, between the . Venesueian govern ment and British and Oerraan bond holder adjusting th consolidating of the Venesueian debt of ltl.000,000 .was signed - today by Veneaueian and Ger man bond-holder. -. Th agreement la now on th way to London for the sig nature of British bond-holders. No word haa been received rrotn Ml- later Bowen to Indicate Venesuela' an swer America' - ultimatum.-' It la - pi umed that when answer comes Caatro will Insist on. waltlnr for a final decision ot" Veneaueian courts biilhe pending asphalt ease. A It I Venes uela la taking out large quantities- of asphalt t rein'-Bermudas lake, - th pro? coed of which are going Into th yenei uelan treasury. . . , -t . t President Castro la nm.A to ha ennfMant Aat no afepa will be taken against the government, either by the United State European power, .venesueian news papers are hoping that th affair may be referred to the United State senate, and tat that nothing but credit oan oom to Castro through a senatorial ureatlga tlon. . - .' - --.. .- , U:, CANVASSERS WERE ' : ' NOT PROSECUTED . .j. . , . .... , ... N eomolalnt was Sled acalnat 3. Parbaugh, K. ' Haaklns ' and Oeorge Hoffman, canvassers in the employ of the Chicago - Portrait " company, who were accused of entering houses at Highland yesterday - and frightening saying they would enlarge and return them, despite the protests or th wo men. The aerenoants were aiaonargea. W bar a regular school In-which wa are tauaht how to behave when w try to gain admittance te nouses, aiq one of them ' to ' Captain Oritamaoher, "and take lesson regularly."- k "Tell that to Judge Hogu ana you win each get three months," grimly re marked th captain, s . They did not tell this story to Judge Hogu. . ONLY ONE ELECTRIC . ROAD THROUGH PALOUSE '. ' (Spedal Dleseteh t Tke feareel.) " ' Spokane.' WaalL. March II. After a week of negotiation, a compromise haa reached between the - Spokane Southern Traction company and the Spe lean and Inland Electric railway, where by the former pull out and leave th Grave lln free to betid Into th Pa louse coantry without competition. The Spokane Traction company .haa reserved the right to build to the north dg of Moran prairie, ang-turn' over tne re mainder of the survey and right of way, to -the Graves syndicate. GAMBLING IS CLOSED IN MALHEUR COUNTY (Bpedel TXepeteh te The leans!.) '. Vale. Dr.. March H. The Malheur county grand jury - brought - In Indict; ment agalnet II saloonkeeper of th eotthty for permitting gambling In their places or business, ah pleaded guilty and were fined It eeh. Sheriff J. B. Iwrenee ha eerved notice to all saloon keeper throughoat the county that It 1 his Intention to enforce the law, and that If they permit gambling la their places of business they may eapected to be ar rested. This action ef th grand Jury baa ceased an ods of gamblers from Val.-. -:T .--.. ;, ! MEXICAN" AMBASSADOR f. V; ; DYING FROM GRIP Washington. March It. Th Vesica n ambassador, Dr. Manuel" de Asp I roe. Is critically 111 with grip, contracted en In auguration day, and not expected to live; TOtnra xax a SnMTJ. ' Sssetal Mssetes) ts Tke tantl) Prove. Utah, March tl. Minnie Niel sen, aga J'. mumniTO suiriae wun I trychnlnfoir6wlng lh 'arrest pnB-rtr"TWAJrW'tir sUUTTBajrCISOtt Pat ridge, a young on In th family where she waa employed a a domestic. charged with assaulting her. Sh de clared ah would sooner, die than appear In court Atainst th aasallaaw . - eemlng the report from Waahlngton "The betrayal doe not relate te hi t- tlmony before the federal grand Jury bere. I do not know about that and do not care anything about it,, Tbla re moval 1' for betrayal , of. matter vliot connected with this case." - The senator poke' with great 'empha sis when he said "base betrayal.' and needed no prompting to answer the In quiry. Hla feeling against . hi former secretary and confidential man, waa, p- parent.--.-.I t, v--j- -., j,.-t.. , A chairman of the committee on In-ter-oceenlo oaaala. the senator has the power to direct aucb ' a . removal, a the complication arising here did not deprive him ot that office in the en- ATHENA PEOPLE ARE READY FOR BUSINESS Believe Will Have a Boom From ::C "f Immigratioii ; This ! "- i, ''rVYtsj.-tyv , Th Athena Commercial association haa applied for membership In th Ore gon Development league. It people are expecting a great advance in population and business as a result of th Lewis and ' (nark fair' and the Immigration movement from the east thia year and are preparing to help, the promotion work along,' :--.-,. It la believed there will be an ex tension of the Washington dt Columbia River railroad from Athena into the Grand Road and Wallowa valleys. Sur veyor under direction of Engineer -W. Q. Saylea of th Northern Pacific have appeared at Athena, and begun the sur? veytng of a rout southwest from that point. It U known that Mr. Sayle has been driven over th X'matilla-Indian reservation, and ha expressed a high opinion of the rich agricultural re source of that portion ot th county. An excellent grade la afforded through Bprtng hollow to the head of Thorn hol low, nd there la a probability that She Northern Pacloo' 1 looking In that di rection for. a route Into Wallowa county and the Grand Ronde country. At Pendleton W. C Marion, former roadmaater of the W. C R, railroad, and now supposed to be in the employ of the Northern Pacific, haa begun work with a surveying party, setting stake for a lln from, that city toward the bluff at th mouth of Birch creek. It Is said the- Una is to be a lenaioni of th road to th coal fields near Heppner. , . , "i .. ; .. a . . . .Another story concerning the survey from Athena 1 that a short lln la. to be run through the wheat belt and ex tend no further than the foot -of the mountains. ; It la aald half a doaen large Warehouses will be built along the line, to aeoommodat th buelneae that now goes from Athena and Cayua . to th O. - R. N. Una ... '.. RADABAUGH BROKE " HIS ARM WITH BOTTLE Lou Radabaugh was found guilty "of aaaaultlng Mrs. Prank PlaU thl morn ing' by - Polio Judge Hogu and fined 160., An appeal waa taken- to the eir- ouit oourt by Attorney McDevltt Rad abaugh was Migaged In a light with s man named MeBrlde at Peterson's stable on Sixth atreet, between Stark and Oak streets, and, hurled a milk bottle at him, - The bottle mtasad McBrtd and struck Mr. Plats, who was passing, breaking her arm.-No defease was of fered . ' . . 1 Discovering that Radabaugh had been In trouble before, and that he wa once before the grand Jury on the-charge of causing the death of young , .William Pangbum, - Judge' Hogue had a charge of being drunk and fighting also pre ferred against him. He wa released on tl ball and hi trial will take plaoe to morrow. A physician testified ' before the grand Jury that Pangburn' death was due to kidney disease and not to th kick that Radabaugh gave him.- tJflrTHJWflToTT! AND- : IS GUILTY 0F-TRESPASS - Under a barn at Twenty-eighth and LoveJoy streets -: yesterday - Patrolman Circle discovered B. W. Back In a etarv ing condition. ..The. man waa taken to police headquarters, where he at raven ously. He declared he had had nothing to eat for four days. r j , Back, who 1 a Finn,' arrived In Port land two months ago. He became 111 ot starvation while-lying in the brush west of th city and crawled Into town and lay on a porch, - He waa sent to the hospital by th police, lea vine., there about two week ago. ' "I am too ill to work." said Back. 1 had I cant, but knew that would do me no good, so I crawled under th barn." -v..--.--- .. .. ..... .., . Taken Into th police court thl after noon, th man wa covered with burn head to . foot. He wa found guilty of trespass . and ' sent . to th county, hospital by order of - Judge Hogue. . - .. ..i ..1 . ... JAPANESE PURSUING ;)i 1 RUSSIAN REAR GUARD ' - ,.- , ... .(Journal gpeetal Servl.) Ounshu Paaa March 13. The Jap anese -. are - following the Russian rear guard. , which la moving north from Bantonpu at the rate of eight and a half mile a day. The Japan r operat ing a movement against both flank. ' (UpeeUI IMayetck.te Tke Jeeraal.l Hlllaboro, Or.. March 21 Frederick Maleta. aged 71 years, died at Philips, about six miles from here, Tuesday. He waa born In Swltserland and came to thl county II year ago, where be has sine resided. He leave' on son and a daughter in mis county, ana one sol la California. Interment waa made In th Phillip cemetery yesterday at I 'OlOCkr - 1 - . t; i-'- - -i- - t m "II I II III. .... AJro TAUT TBZOX. Sing Chung, accused of harnessing th power, of th Portland General Electrlo company to hi own building, at ti9 Alder street, by tapping th wire, was J, the pollc court thia morning on a -harg of larceny. The hearing wa postponed to tomorrow and hi bond wa fixed at $290. , Th case i peculiar and bring up a novel point at law. Sing declare be wants to gat a velly good Mel lean man" to make his defense. n E. IL Bibb, It year of age, was ar retted by Detectives Hartmart and Vaughn today on a telegraph warrant from Saa Francis. ..... p , ? to Qtf enn SCCCCL Mother Makes a Complaint gsjnst-:Thirteen-Year-Old A" 8pn as Being Incorrijible. COVERNOrt COMMUTES ' :rf-i - SENTENCE OF REESE Was Confined in Multnomah Jail Commission Arranges to -Repair Buildings. ; 1" :"' '.' '-:':.; y (gpe'pjitlrratusfMLV. 'rT Salem, Or.. Maroh SI. Upon com plaint ot hi mother,- Chester MoConn- vllle, aged It years, was today commit ted to jhe reform school by th county court HI mother complained that he would -not obey her; that, be would not go to school: that he atayed out' at night, sometimes all night, and. that he uaed prolan language to ' her and hi istr. -, . -r- .' l.i ' - -.fc,-lnlai Oomsan. V The sentence of Prank Reese, ' no confined in the Multnomah county Jail, waa commuted by Governor Chamber lain yesterday afternoon.- - Reese, who waa . formerly employed by Marshall. WelU Co of. Portland, waa convicted of petty larceny from that company and sentenced on Febru ary IT,. 101, to serve three months in the county Jail. - The complaining' witnesses, ' the .two detective Who made the arrest, and numerous eitlsen of Portland. peti tioned for hi commutation, ', SVnai ShindJ, .' ' ' " Th1 capltol building commission is making preparations Torthe paJntlnfff the exterior of the capltol building, the extending of the oement walks from th east entrance, cementing the entrance under the east porch of the building. and also repairing the copper covering and ermanental work on tne aome. .The stove foundry buildings within (he walls of the penitentiary will also be repaired. -- Plan and specification for all thl work are now being pre pared and when completed bid will be ANOTHER WARRANT OUT U FOR FEMALE PROMOTER Kwl.l rtlana ty-fe ta The laara.Lt ' seattlrMarctt It. Whr - la Mrs. Lloyd A. Smith of Gray Qanoer Oil com pan y fame, who wa released from a criminal prosecution charging her with defrauding Mrs. M. J. Luts out Of $4,121 three years ago, on Monday last, after the oourt refused to longer await the ar rival of witnesses for th atateT Dep uty Sheriff Liner is looking : for th woman all over th city. - Sh was sup posed to hav taken th train that night for San Francisco, but Liner was at th depot and h did not go. H 1 carry ing a warrant for Mrs. Smith charging her with having defrauded Mr. Rose Dougherty, out Of 1,00 by th not schema "' ' ' " -- -- When the court refused to continue the trtal on the Luts information until th witnesses could arrive, toe prosecut ing attorney decided to take up another of the several charge against th wom an and ' prosecute her under tt. ' Th Dougherty case is eonsioerea nttr oy the state than any of th others, and if Mrs. Smith can be found abe must face a Jury In the superior court, PLEADS GUILTY AND , : -IS SENT TO PRISON . (Special Dlepstel te Th Joaratl.) Chehalla. WaatL. .March II. W. T. Snodgra pleaded guilty to- forgery be fore SuperiorJudge Rice and wa yss tar day sentanced to four year In th peni tentiary at Walla Walla. Snodgra forged half a dosen or more checks, but the one' on which ho wa prosecuted waa for 111 and wa passed on J. L, G ruber, a.' Wlnlock merchant , Other check ran red . in : value from II up to 111. SnMajass was captyrejby8rtff Vt' qiihari at Hoqulam last Friday. The Northern Paclfle angina was her yesterday, looking over th pro posed siding to be built to th sit of th flax fiber factory. The preliminary work In the way of foundations, etc, at the factor ia well under way. f The artesian wrll at the factory f th St Helen Condensing company la down IS ft Very strong Indication of oil hav been found, the rope on the drill being veay greasy after being left alt night In the abaft. " , : :, avMXJuui at (speelat Dlapatck to Toe JsarsaL) Harrison. Idaho. March St. Burglar entered th store of 13. C Rlbsteln last eight and took 1100 worth of eutlery and firearm but did not even awaken the dog or Mrs.' Tlfbitein, wbo sleep In the star. The burglar left two axe with which they pried off th door, and also Bvraf beer bottles. - No other clue. T Oar a Oold la Oa Say. T.k Lasitlee BreBM Qalsls TeMets. srafrlau raraad the mommj It tt tails to B. W. Oreve' slgaator. sa eaeb sea. 1 AS AT AXSXA, .... . (Baectal Mspstrk to Toe Joaraal.) ConrilJIa, Or.. March 21. After ' SO year' faithful service as postmaster of th Alaea office, Col. T. V. Westrew. pioneer f the Alaea valley country. Ben ton county, where b had- resided for 44 years, died Tuesday afternoon. He wa aged II years and was a natlv ef Po land. Colonel. Weatrow wa a bachelor, and. one of the beet known and moat highly respected eitlsen of that Bastion.- Funeral service were held at 18 o'clock' Wednesday morning, and inter ment waa in th Alaea cemetery. ' BAD BREATH oyvraeaths f had area weaslewHa WT Stewart K wmi sllkiad. wedlclaas. My ton a aetaally ea traaa a. fra. "T braatk aartB Sera, l.kea, r aake or Orlp. IM, SM, . Perw nialakalk. TkeaBalaab(a.aBerOflO laanaieea eat ae faas woaaf saaa. Startlag RaoMdy Ce Cblaag v N.T. ml Cwnnu sae ttm eataa ikaai I aa wllllaf If aal I .iMiivJr--V 1 UkUVrt ? "y-"' Ibmtenla) r"v libfll wwaaaj I S A s) I fttuwtaJalll.lM.. Mt. AtJitTurjjj:3c:ni ;S00nPTIOWvAr:o:pGIA ars prevented and cored by the greatest of all, and strictly scientific remedy foe Throat anil Loag Troubles. Coughs; Colds, Dronchitis, La Grippe, etc.' vis ., Gored of ' I had been ill tor Talladega Springy Alsw better until I tried Dr. ' by eonUnulnj Its uss, I SOO aUtel S)tK 3 The SDud Too Have Always in uso tor over years, All Counterfeits, ImiUtlons sad rood are. bat Xpertments that trifle with end endAnwer the healOi of lnfiuiU and GiOdreB-Iaperience aslnst Ctverlment . Cevrtori Is a harmless substitute lbr Castor OH Pare ' gToric, Drops and Soothin; Brnrps. It Is Pleaeaht. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Kareotls) - smbstsvnee. Its age ts Its gwvat, UAmttj T7orns and aHars Fevertshness. It cures Diarrhea and Wind ' Colic It relieves Teethlna Troubles, cures OonethMttiom and inatnlenc7-It andihaates the Pood, regulates the Stomach and Bowels flvlns; healthy and netozal slee The ChUdrens Panxwa The Kotherfs FrJead. . o orjuiN c C ASTO R IA AiaV. k Sean tht The MMnm inUt3 For Over 00 Ycarc I - I NO PAIN Bostonr P&islsss Dentists asm known th world - ever, r the only dentists in Portland, having thl world renowned Palais system for extract ing, rilling, or crowning teeth with out pain. - - - - Have your teeth extracted without pain and: replaced with new one the am day. -. an work gaaraasesd fog tm year. .x rung STLVER FILLINU8 ,,..50 OOLD FILLINGS T5 to Sl.OO II TO 1 OOLD . ; CROWNS ......... SS.OO to SS.OO FULL. SET TEESTM 85.00 W hav a aneclallat In charg of each deprtmnt. Beat artificial teeth makers, best crown, and bridge work men and gold filler In tb world. . r, . . . oaowsT Aim amrnesi woax ; - ' SnOIAXTT. Olv u a call and you will Bod w do Just as we advertise. : TB OtBI, asm aaxTiarta Boston Painless Dentists r MoaatsosT sr. ' Opp. Saw e Staak aad Old reetaoe. Hour 1:10 a. m. to p. m. Sunday, :J0 a. m. to 11:11 n. m.- - - - . .Ve be ear yov are in th vfcrM pi com in and get bottl of Dt. . Orav' tooth powder free. Every IVcaa l eiataaja&aadtatieMkaew rvOaju I Pa,atanjrsaaaaral b I to i aW I le JaManiliaa, Iwmi trritaUaa. av atearatkia rfi rnZttU. " f J.aal!K atlna-" TIHbala, " V seat r .aliieias. BMSwriA J awe Sltm y br aaanam, pnrateVaal 0f VrrMOUi Fci go;isu:.:7Tio;i, G0U6IIS n lcontonla i'Jitw Ikctorii..P loma tlm with Fneiimonia, writes J. W. HcKlnnon of "and was under the ear of two doctors, bat grew no , Klni Mow DlisoTsry. Tbe first dose gave rtuer, tad, was perfsctly eturwd.1 k-. z - ' j- ". sTaStCOSnsOKKDltts, OVABLtorrSOBD AND BOLD arr , ' : i RED CROSS PHARMACY, SIXTH AND OAK STREETS. X2oa? ht. smd which hms baa bono the ia-ntnre r. p ami ssa iiiasuo uiwicr ma yeja1" tonal supervision since Its infancr. Allow no one to deceive von fa this.' . .- -. 77 ... f . . Citere tl CClEiTEA, DAin:;DPovD2i7a Jtf7. Rrsttr Flivor; Ctii$?rth.CaJorfrici. yPWIiiIWiWayHi.v - DR. GUIHl'S E1003 i NEHYE TOIIIC A TULW TO Tak AW MSAI, THU, sea a SkMd (i sm R rrafejoat sn I - r Ws flfJ m4 treaf t,t sef fat). r Waitasat ffm as Caaaa, r. firaata 4)srM ftrtm Tt aver a, tae re te out Satwa m wasfta evaaa, f dte ga?ar Im far U thtkaitmr 4eiaa. . fe Oar 'Maes AMassa Tt 0tmn Lhtr , re Casr, - r.Oar. $ilimtm sW CtlpmtlD, SOLS BY MUMIfTt, OS It Mil ON RCCtlFf or raicE, n. soxj i axu tt. sm. sossjtko oa, nxLAOsxymx, . Headquarters . for I Elastic Stockings ; and Trusses .UE-DAYIS DRUQ CO Third "ci Y:W Eta -aaasSsBi . 1 VVaN A COLDS i : Dr We Norton Davts. IN A WEEK We rert wnemfmllr aB srivsta. sum aad ' ikwk l a( awt ata eta. kasrt, Bar. kidney ae tfcraat Ueable. w ear. STPHIIXI Iwltbest ateif to uy . rare forem. In Si a ) , W. retarre TVICTDAS, wltkoat eperatlu ar ata, I U dart. W. taaa onlaa, tb malt at aalf-ekaaa, IwamlUtair. . We eaa lesUse the anaal vta ef was asoar BO hr ! af aMat west eat an.ll.r u anal. , We Core Qonorrboca la a Week - Tke saepw. ef tkw fsetlnrt are alt resakt. siaesataa, tart a aar yeen baa tii la PnrtUa ta ears. baa repeUttM to s.latal aaA will take ae sue aaies asrula ear eaa eeraa. W, take W geareatse to ear ts eveey east w sae be ar ehane s fat, Oeastattttoe frea. ta r eaeASaarisL lastiextle BOOK VOB MaA ilea waa If rea ew ta bleak. la atala wraaoee. t eail at afftea, - at Ofaes kear te I aad T to a aoUdare, IS to U. Tk leaag eitMUIIats rt tb Vertk sj;gjTB nln0)a aeVaV Dr. V. ficrtca Dcvls C6. Tea a XatoL 1. B. O. POkTLajrD, OBAOOa. O. GEE WO ; The GLreac Chtaese Doctor ts called great te. eaa hi wnwrt- known thraBl ; the .United kuiiM, and beeaue So f people ar tiaao 1 4w bhw- fee , their lives rraaa 0PERATICNS' ' H treats) any s4 all - die salts sowerful Chlaee barb, root. b' bark and a. l I that are entire. a anowa ia mi.. a .---- -- - fa i.hfa-ro;f: th actio or erer ", '"TTi.V 1 that be b ooewfully ! U t " Ra nantleH t ear eir , t.tJma. Inns treubUs, rheanjtln. a- veuaneaa. kobmb, X.l,- 7 male trouble and all private -. Hndrd ef teerHmonlala V.aa iCderata .can enn mmm " ... v..ta.a aat m the dt errlta a blank and alreaJar, apoipe sass SJ . . .. --- , THE U Qtc .WO WllTu-i? MEDICINE CO: tt k lAm ilrul , r1ant tto. BitaJa. way or zti Aioer (ret Menuon inis paper, . 1 - r I r-aw- W P i i Tl I S awrvVvkt7& A 7 I IT" ' n -7: - tfune, a aj 3 v W