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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1905)
i ctl.::d. tiiut.cday evz::i::o. nAiJc:: fci i::x . ' Per jfd's Fcrbmct Stcri vitliLarftcst Stocks r ; ; the Pacific., Coast NcV Art Slicpl FcsL . Embroidery Lcccbns Given FREE 2nd Floor West Annex ::126?Ejfil)rodt -'Store Di IT sin NG FASHIONS 4- ' t " MMMMM 1 A Blending of Benutv in Merchandise: of Oiinlitv and Stvle and Barcrnins of Unmistakable J- 9ltfil L"'' I 'Worth. Thej store's great public is always on tiptoe with expectation as eac tecxirring 1 I uKAINU;rl(U;Al !' attractions have never been bettered And the season is all ahead. Get the full Worth of I KAJNU nOWAI : : ECONOMY SALE : the wanted goods by bujring now when the Wearing and using season, is all before you ; ECONOMY SALE: : OLDS, VORTTiIAN & KING STORE'S 99th FRIDAY "ECONOMY Ajnother Day of Bargains for Housekeepers Barinni of eensidarmbU Import to tb prudent wife, the tewmrt domestic na chf. ivmi J ''- - jot the items wanted oa your ahop i ' in Ht Friday.- Tou'U . - , - ' "' .;' find them oa third' J. i-U .. , ',$JJ CHINA DINNER BETS til. ' lot pleee decorated thin: Oenaaa Chin Dinner ": - regular value tl; aneolaU at -918 Waah Bowla and Pitcher ;. apodal, pair u 654 Cuapldora, aaaorted Mute: apeclal, each. ........ Ud -Inch green mottled tjardlnlers; apeelaL each..lfftf -lneh ruetlo Fern Dlh and lining; apeoial. V each ...J.. .aY... ..................... t...Bl t-iaeh nietle Fera Plshi and Unlhg: apeclal. each '..354 IMuart galvanised Water PaUs; apeclal. each.. 154 Tin Harris Fan. II fcoles; special, each ........244 It-inch' Colander; special, each ......114 No. t QrM Irons; special, each... ...324 m-euart oOTered Padding Moulds, with tabes; spo- . elsl. eeeh ....... 87 l-oaart best granite Iron Saucepans; special,' -- " t 1 1 1 t i j t a-a--a-4 S-quart best graitt Iron CoUee Pots; peelal- each v. I lf-iaart best granite Iron-Pish Pan; "pct-;-- 1 -mart best granite Iron Podding Dish; ipadat, each ............. ..........114 Vmbrella Stands; special, oach ...'......424 A Quartette of Exceedta$ Interest to Women Who Ftore tb Save" in Buy ing the Spiring ' Wardrobe and' Cd . lector. tfD.imy Art Piece . i- mi DAT -IN- THE WEBT ANNEX SALONS.i Saesnd Flssr. -i '" CtUtORfirrM JACKETS- '" ? ' ' "-j-- -t , STAMPED CENTERPIECES ' " ' , - WOMEM-S ,EUTr PETTICOATS '" " ' "ROTAX. WORCESTER" CORSETS. . ". " Read liow one may av In Friday buying:.' '"T' :vr,..,r. .. CHILDREN'S JACKETa In fed. brown, blue, groan., tan and cardinal. In bex - and pleated, trimmed la braid and fancy . atltchlng, eta., ages from S to f years. , : Prices .'...II. t tl.TB M M II.M to tlt.ttr Special .-. M SLIT $LM f00 SAM to Ca WB BSINO A TTMELT LOT OF BAVINOS Ta TOD - THROUGH THE KNITWEAR AIBUE& .; v first floor.,. : 1 7- "' THE "KUTK" PETTICOAT. - :'' A smooth-fitting petticoat, ' fastens With drawstring, does not bunch around the waist and. has' no , opening In the back, materials meroer, iaed sateen. Italian cloth,, gloria ' . .-r-,r. '.;and allk moreens. , , . Regular pHees..,.lt.rS.;HTI,l-" to Kit Special prices. . . ; U4 U0 ; ILM ' HiT to IM4 17-TNCH FINE LINEN CENTERPIECES. , ' V '. . Bumped In aaeerted designs. , RaguUf price I1.25J speolal ......94 . (Free embroidery lessons gtreo. - . ,. FRIDAT ONLT ONE OF OUR LBADINO AND UP- TO-DATB ROTAli WORCESTER CORSETS. Low bust ana long over nips, with hose supporter at-' tached at sides and in front, made of fine whit . '' imported batiste, slaes from II ts It. Regular prlca 1.I; special at i.flJia Result of ;L .C School ybte atrip a. in. Today Ar,sREMi;;....;.i iM7s : ,ir:j. . - KNIO HT SHOE COMPANT '-r t ,W. M1I : : OUpORTLANP bELTVERT COMPANT H,li( ' VWOODARD, CLARKE CO. .....I. tLIlt ! Esther Carlson, . ' ' " . ., uunM r.HRMAN A CO. t jttH, T0U1 .... .: ... .... .... ...lOMtT Scattering ..f.... .......t 41,171 - Grand total V.'. : . . . . . . . .MMW pWomen's,- Misses, Boys', ChUdrcn's KnitH5: Underwean arid Hosiery BARGAINS FOR: FRIDAY; BUYERS. ' .Timely rWelL rather ' ' .'II ' ' I .1. i I ljyfarXbxTr'nsT. wouldn't be In the stocks at this- dependable store If they wefttrtherwlse. ..Mo peed to tell Portlaad folks this. If you're a stranger, ask pour neighbor. Five extra specials lor Friday;, Women's fine black merino' eotton Hoee.' velvet , . finish, medium weight, spliced heels, doubts sols, : French toe; oar reguler lec. hose; special. ' -:.; PsJr . ..... 1T4 ;WomeiTifimr white eotton Union Bnitu. half open front, long sleeves, knee length; lie value; special, suit , .........584 Women's fine ribbed whits Be Island eotton Tests, long sleeves, medium weight, neatly trimmed, tie value; special, each . . . . j . , ...... 2S4 Boya i BaJbriggan Shirts and Drawers, shirts long ; sleeves. French neck; drawers ankle length, rein forced seat; a great lie garment; special. each ... .334 Children's fine ribbed fine Mace Cotton Hose, with tr. wklt feet, double knee, heal and toe. Lot t lie value foe ......... ...1T4 Lot .771 lie value ..A.. ..204 Lota 111, ill lie value, for, pair. ........... .234 .' FnUJT FLOOR WASH OOODS AISLE. , nCHgyi?gpggAgXBLa SALE UF- Dainty Spring and Sum mer Wash Fabrics For the conjuring Into pretty dieasis for Ing to the. Fair." Better get tao sewing dons early. Therelt . be other, matters to occupy the time later, and besides you'll save a bit if you bay of then tot)rrowt...:Lr.$!. J!. . -r. - ' ti nucoaoANDin io.. ';.:;v ; j-. l,0' yards Bilk Organdies, wire sheer ' fabric ah colors; regular value lie; .speclaL, yard 154 r ItWomen: Will , TO THE WOMEN'S vFUXNIBHZNG SHOPS. s WOMEKS See HANDKERCHIEFS 21 CENTS lit . dosen Fine Handkerchiefs, some Swiss ambroid : ered with scalloped, edge, some Swiss tiemaUtch , embroidered, others linen centers with fine Vel . .snciennes edge and insertion; regular value too; spe cial, each . ... 254 Ite RIBBONS If CENTS TARD A beautiful line of - - 4H-lnch Bilk Satin Ribbons, good range of edlora, . will tie nicely and wear to please, regular value Itc. spsciaL the yard mr- , ivm . . . . .. .. 1)4" 1 They Corne In PsirTne Prices Ar Almost Haired on The Beddinc Necessities . FOURTH TLOOR FRTOATT IT. 64 FEATHER PILLOWS li t Live Ooose Feath-"erFnieo'-pmowrWsaTvaltfs Tntf r-spwhu.' ' pair. ..... .M.5 4.44 CAMPING BLANKETS 'tltt Gray Sanitary - Camping Blankets, all fleece wool; regular value 14.40; special, pair ..25 The Man or Woniah Who wouw ue Smartly Shod With j -...,; . That Both Fit arid Wear ; to' Please ; U ''. -MAT GET A-FACTORT PRie'g ON FBTDAT. -FATR.WAT BOOT ' SHOP.' WEBT . THE 1 ANNEXFIRST FCOOKT " WOMEN'S $1.10 SHOKfl llll. ' ' Women's vict kid. Oxford Ties, dull mstt kid tops. stoat sole for street wear, thin turned soles, made on lasts that are "correct fa-erery detail t-regular . value; Special, pair ...C2.38 " Men's wee Bhoes. tan," Russian calf. Vict kid. velour calf and box calf. Blucher rut, ail solid and Good- year sewed; made by the Packard Bhoe pompany; ' regular, value; special, pair 32.59 'r "! Another- of- tbe-Store's Famous Sales of . Women's Handsome New Waists 7 " GRAND SALONS OF DRESS SECOND FLOOR.- I WthTVirnevn nfffnil ltfllri vatw Tlia mirts nr in fetching stylre fn n?yyrt mnrffH. The materials are selected for combined beauty, daintiness and wearing qualities. Two hun dred women may buy their summer waists here tomorrow at less than half their fair regular priceAfortnnate purchase we share the lock with you welcome, try and come for yours in the morning., Such.varaes as these will melt away before .the afternoon throngs as dew before the summer morning suiwA word of description I , ,;';., . ; v ? r. Women's $3.75 Shirtwaists;$1.49 : New Spring Shirt-Waists, in fancy madras with Dolly ,Varden and rosebud designs, ging ham and fancy cotton voiles ; black and white; pink and white, blue and white, tan and -- blue with fancy figures; "regular value $3.75. Special, each ............. ........ .Jtjl.49 " M4 4 tlMMIM The Store Sprint Summer Dress Goods X In the cozy, light and exclusive South Annex Fabric Salons First Floor is so big ,arid complete that whatever the woman's need ; along these lines they are sure to find the wanted fabrics, and always a price difference, for 'tis a fact well known that here one ' pays leu than elsewhere for the best and wanted sort of dress goods and silks. Tomorrow's offerings are unusually price attractive. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EXTRA SPECIALS , ' ; ? . . r -COLORED DRESS GOODS-FIFTH STREET ANNEX.' : ' ": ' ' ';l --T--. New English Novelty 'Mohairs, the swell thing for shirt-waist suits; all the following colors: Grays, tans, greens, browns, t t t . . n f 1 1 ft . " - 1 T 2 50c Mannish Suiting; in large assortment of new styles and colors, all in the wanted hard, finished weaves; splendid value at 50c per yard. .1 Special for Friday and Saturday only, per yard ................................................. .39 navies; all in new 1905 stripes or checked effects. Special for Friday and Saturday only...;............. 89 .Compare these with anything ever shown in Portland. FRIDAY SPECIAIANDSATTO Plaiq and Changeable Atr-Sijk Colored "faffetas, short lengths, 2 to 13 yards our regular well known 85c grade." Special . I X .for Friday and Saturday nly, per yard .......o...544) Colors are white, creamy ivory, pinks, light and turquoise, blue, W . . ,i" If fi caaet, rarstiai, , navies, urns, moa, crowns, carainai, greens, ; ' helio and champagne. ' .. , , , , tj n wllt'payyou ; tOTomf tarly for tlrese, there areH numbers of 10, 11 and 12-yard lengths, and coming at, the start of the season, they will soon go. ; - : " NEW BLACK ENGLISH MOHAIRS SPECIALLY PRICED FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. ; Regular 50c value. . Special for, per yard.........Vt..41e Regular 65c value. ' Special forrper yard . . i-.-r.-49e) Regular 85c value. Special for, per yard 59e Regular $1.00 value.. Special for, Ber yard...........U..794 Regular $1J!5 value. Special for, per yard..,,.....,.....94eN Z '-rhesearealHmported Mohaii.-AntL.X. and durability. , . '-;-jr.- UTTTLE .TE11PTERS JTHATiiUREL )j (,' in the ? Small Wares Shops .; : , . First Floor. , ' -' . ' ". t . Penny Savers for Friday i;- Shoppers ; : ' . :" '-' Se'OrJU" CANS to. -- - ,-r r- SlM Oil Cans, double seamed; reguUr vain te: special, each .................... ........... .341 ...V.. i, HAIR PTKS IT CARTA-'--v. Shetl or amber Hair Pins, plain, crimped or qoere top. doaen on card; regular value tie; special. ; card , .,......,........1T4 WHTTX BABTmO COTTON U BPOOI' rVhite Basting Cotton, lit yards on spool; special at. spool ......3 llo NEEDLjg BOOKS . To. Needle .Bonlrs cnptalnlng-a selected .assortnteut of every day articles for . household ase; regular value Tc; special, each. .. ...Tt- 10c PAPER NAPKINS 1J PER ltd. Decorated erase paper Napkins. American make; rag- . iilar value 24o per 1 44 r special, per 104. 4 ' ' - ... , I0e SCISSORS lie FAIR.' " -.rr Fun.jnkktitPUted Scissors. 1. 1 f, or I Inch, forty guaranteed;, regtOarSlTim li sseelel ieli i tjajj - ' ' 1 ' le ENVELOPES ie. Plain white wove Envoi open, long shapes, staes and t. SI in pscksga; regular value le; special. S peek .,ages for t4, each ...................... SV . ..." V SCHOOL. TABIJETe 4e. ' ' '' - . Large sisa school eacfe pcaca Tablet, ruled; vpMiAl. eatosoe44et)o t -r-. ' LEAD PENCILS lie" DOZEN. "J Round Lead Pencils. No. S. rubber . tips; regular value Xc each; special, deaen 154) V 0 HAtR BRUSHES 4.' - . Hair Brushes, an pure whits bristles, medium sise; regular value ioc, special, each .i.. .804) ' HAIR BRUSHES Me.'- , -. Extra quality atl pure black bristle Halt Brushes: --regular value lie; special, each ......... ,....294 I4e PERFUMES o OUNCE.. Imported EngilWh Perfumes in bulk, violet, rose. clover, heliotrope and pink;. regular valu too os. special, oa. ...... ........ .f. ........ 25 : iiTOOTBriowDBars tcan. Dr. Oraves uneqoaled Tooth Powder. In tin boxen; BTSgtilayu-valiM llc.Trpuctal, boa? rm ' .-' " So CAKE BOAP to. :",. English alder flower Toilet Boap, large sise oakea; regular value so; special, oaks ................34) lie PIN BOOKB to. English Pin Books, containing 444) black and white beat English Pins, assorted sises; regular value 14c; special, each ...6 Women's $4 Hats, $1.98 M4 SAMPLE HATS. NEWEST MODELS In tailored - straw, chiffon and niallne. In Mack, brown, navy and champagne, each one . a new and fetching spring style, regular values to 14.44; spa-, , elal. each ....$13 TheMan With a Think OF STTLE AND CORRECT DRESS, AND A CARE FOR HIS PURSE,, WILL COME FOR THESE , TO THE MAN'S SHOP FIRST FLOOR v - r -.- ''i-WEST ANNEX ' FRIDAT, ,-; MEN'S 11.14 WASHABLE VESTS Just re , eelved. a line of Men's New Fancy Wanhable Vests for spring and summer wear. In wnite. tan, miaed grey, black and white dots, stripes, etc., resular value 11.10; special, each ......... $1.08 MEN'S Tic SUSPENDERS It CENTS A new line of ' Men's Suspenders, medium and narrow Deles, con----tab on leather ends., in the new colorings blue. - tan. -fancv gray, polka-dot. assorted gray .end stripes, regular valus 7c; special, pulir......5B , . . SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE . Tea Room , . . . , 8ECOND FLOOR . . . -Under the Ausptots of Portland T. W C. A. Por-Friday, iMarch J4th Coffee. Tea. Chocolate. - Milk In Bottles.. , ' - ' Clam Chowder. ' Shrimp Salad. , Ten Room Creamed Eggs. Hem aenawicnes. r Hot Rolls. : . Morha Csk. ' .. 1 , Broad and Butter. Tdtt t,l. II I I 4MMMtllMM e i M.MT