The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 23, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Rev. J. E. Snyder Opens Campaign In Portland's Black Hole, and
i,.... .Tell Cod That Ha and Hi Co-Workers Mean Busl- . : Al!
-I ' '."'.nsss In Their Efforts to Convert Sinners. V s .
' ;- - Ovar loo men and women gathered la
' tbe chapel ofth People'. Institute at
"". - Fourth aad Burnslda atreets Uat algbt
where the crusade against ata la- tha
north end was begun by . Rev. J E.
Bnyder and bla worker. It waa a eo.
" mopoiltan gathering. " Wll-dred
, - woman wit aa all at refinement aat b
atde tho with careworn 'face and
'.shabby clothes: business nan. ataiwart
: longshoremen,' tarry sailors, old man
-with White hair and bo wad ahouldara,
- and young men oa whose facaa' showed
llnaa of dlaalpatlon wera in tba gmtber-
- las, eome for the purpose of taking; part
. la the services, others out of curiosity.
There was no whispering, and every
" f body listen ad with eloaa attention to .tba
v . ? worda of hope and comfort: from the
' workers frequent "amena" and "hall
; lotahs punctured the addresses. AU
were supplied with songbooks, aad iriea
, . who 'perhaps have not attended church
pr heard a gospel song tor years Joined
t In the old-time hymns. -- - ''
t- Everybody waa given a seat bj the
. attentive ushers, and there wera no re
' werved pews for the . aelect few. One
nan or woasaa was as good as another,
- and all wera accorded the same' degree
-of consideration, tt was truly' a peo
ple's church, - , . !
. i Assisting Rw. Mr. Snyder ware Dr.
, c!. TShaffer, evangelist, and Bev, A, D.
oupwr, luiKnaiinarai vi id. uuuwWi
I Mr, -Marl .Wlgham presided at ; the
'' plane and led tbe singing.
";. "Tell Me the Old, Old Blory- waa the
- opening, song. .This - waa followed . by
Not Half Has Ever Been Told.". In
which the superintendent' sang the sola
. part and the audience Joined heartily in
the chorus; After . another none and
Scripture reading; Bar. Mr. Bnyder aaked
those In the congregation to bow their
heads In prayer. He made aa earnest
plea for the salvation ef souls In the
north end, say Ins;: , -.
. "Liord Qod. wa saeaa business in these
meetings. ' Wa dastlre to be clean and
.have others made clean, - May we saver
mind about our clothe or oar personal
v appearance, for Thou, wilt take care of
- that.' Bleae the matt In sla and sorrow,
in her or outside tonight. Bless that
'.man or woman who la reminded by the
- -' aongs wa have sung tonight of homo
and mothers Touch their hearts. . May
the prayers that were offered 'way back
there In the home be answered."
i - 'Whan ha had finished many eyas were
dimmed with tears. Ji laeyOraee Gilbert
sang a beautiful solo. "Saved by Uracc,'
and the evangelist spoke for 1( minutes
from the theme, "Casting Out Devils."
He gave an old-fashioned exhortation.
urging his hearers to give their hearts te
God, In order to be saved from the devils
which possessed them. His talk w
practical and to the point - a -
"My heart laepe for Joy tonight." said
be. "I believe a great revival -Is com
ing to Portland and 'that thousands will
be converted and this district will not
be alighted. . ,T ,
. "There are many klnda of devils," be
continued, - returning to - his ' theme.
-There 1s the lying, dishonest devit The
old devil baa been lying from the be
ginning. No poweri can cast him out
but Ood. . r- ;
, "There Is the rum devil, of which
many people are possessed. No power
can cast it out or you but Ood.' -
. "There la the unbelieving devil. Many
neans are possessed with It. ,
There are tba devils of' unclean
spirits which besots thousands of peo
ple. There- are . many mora kinds of
devils. But there Is no power which
can rid you of them but the. power of
Christ. Men may be possessed with
legion of devil, but - when be comes la
contact with Christ these will be oast
out. ' 1 y- i " .?'
women la the brotheis and salons of this
district, and no power on earth can con
trol their evil passions and appetites.
They have (tried again and again, but
they have found they cannot do tt
Christ Is the only one who caa east out
these devils. He will make you free
from desire and free from sin. H will
take a place by your mlar ana help you.
Will you .not give yourself to. him?
Don't you want salvation?" .. ,
. Twenty -six in the gathering showed
they were Christians by steading. Oa
bla invitation no other evinced a, de
sire to forsake their wickedness by
standing. .
: Dr. Shaffer mad a short, earnest plea
for Christian living. Aa after-meeting
for worker wa held aad Instructions
war given regarding the street meet
ings at t:4t o'clock this evening and
tba distribution of Invitations.' Tba
workers wera urged to go into saloons
and brothel and bring the people to the
meetings. . .. ' , ,
Dr.'J. H. Elliott Arouses .Whirl
t wind of Amens at Centenary
It-Jrf Methodist ChurcfuZS:
' - WbemRaf. John H. Elliott. D. D,
proooaaoed tba benediction '"and dis
missed tb great congregation that filled
Centenary M. K. church,, at Beat Pine
and Ninth streets, last night, he had en
rolled as volunteer soldiers in the cant'
palgn against sataa every church mem
ber who sat with bowed Read and list
ened to his words of blessing. There
wer fervent "amens" In response to
his earnest exhortation to begin a i
'son of prayer1 for the conversion of
sinners In Portland. :.
Dr. Elliott went at his work exactly
aa a general prepare his army, for
fighting. His concern was for his own
force, that they ahould be well equipped
.and submit to leadership with implicit
the Centenary
' church r Rev.- & - C- lAnhara, Rev. H. C
H. Heppa, pastor -of -
7f"BeU ay effar a
'.v;,.j Baweay rna
, ( r I 111,-II I II,
fall asOar'i worth ef
I w"v""WttsBatsT
fianlai pay. t
fratral are tke aulwsrS rim
t Isward serve etarertMnee. Tea (aalt la sot
wirk the same wklk slva yarn warslsa cot
wlrk the srv.e wklea aaable rae ts feel, ta
walk, to talk, fee think, U aea. Bat tba INSiDg
ai ire, Uta aotaeulie aewer aerres tbasa are
. tm is ii i issi wars wears oat
- eraaka am.
t I seva sat renei here ta ax plats haw these
. ilnf set tee eontrel ssS onereia the
. tna Heart, ate kldaen. the 11 Tee. Ho'
aad etralae six! ovenndiileesre destreT
I1T aellcata itxva. Haw. thmueh s soad sf
armiiatar. ireaksrai ta aea caster Is eoaveyed
- ta eaek ef the etkar renters. Haw this same
" head ef armpathr niwlawa the eotward eliraa
n f mi Hums wUrh abeeld win aa-t the
- leaahla wlOila. 1 save sat roost te explais
. Imiw Ikaaa ii star ha reached and atreDstb-
. i esad sad vtullaed aad atade well br a remedy
" f eewt rtllrty seare Is srfeetlB sow kaawa
.'. hr eratctlsts arenakeiw as Dr. ghoop'i Baetara
tlv. I have sot ranei ta explala bow tfek)
reswdy hr resMrlnc the eaaaa, pats s eertals
. ewd te all form M amiieaacaa. Inward sad aat
' , ward. arlana freiralaeas,, aleep.
, .ii mimwmm. wrnmmmj. ah ar tneaa uinas are
tuilf arolaUied la tba beak I will seed foa wbea
.1 yos write.
i ta am thts a ndlUaa haatea at reaaed la
' fcaewa aad relied aaoa. Tet roe mar sot save
, . ."an o n. so a awaa this erier ia rea, a
straas-ar, that every onaaibla einiaa for dosht
- aiar ha reowveo. nrnd aa swner aiaka im
rrasrla take aa rtrk. Klaonlr write and aak
It yea ba aerar tried sir resMNlr, I will send
rae aa enter aa rear drsfirlat for a fail dollar
' hotm eat a aaswle. bat the resnler .ataad.rd
" bMtla be keepa emwUntly as hie ataalvea. Tbe
. arassiat win raraira ao roeiMtlaaa. Ha wlil
i. aeevat "f arder aa ebeerfally aa tbeasb root
enUerler be fort him. He will send the blU
., te sie.
Will we aeeeet this nmornunty te leers st
MV BXPRNkB ABaoLPTKLT bow ta be rid for
' ever of all form ( aerreaaneaa aad Ineonala .
- to be ne not aeir ( ua troable. bat of the van
raaat whick arodaeed lf WrIU today.
- vt Far a free erder far "Book 1 eaT DrapwasuT
a fall sotlar bottle Book 1 aa tba Heart.
, ,raa aeeef. addreee Book 1 as the Kldasys.
. hr. Bboop. Bai K ST3. Book 4 for Woaea.
Raiaaa, Wis. State Boak foe Mea.
' . Wklrk seek ye wast beak aa baesaaOssv,
bUM eaare ereeftes eared br a elaale kettle.
. ' rsr sale at tarty tboaaead dreg storaa. ( .
Smtffer. Rev. E. Nelson Allen, Raw.' Wil
liam A. Randall, Rev. J. F, Qhormley
aad Rar. A. J, Montgomery, and they
looked, to him as their commander In a
manner lndd lea ting thai Dr. Klllott had
Hearsed well the science of religious
warfare. '. ...'-'.:.. .;,"
What alOs-tngr said a . noh-church
man. a ha sat In the room aad listened
to tba congregation as they followed
Singer Charles & RykaK. who lead them
In "Ranv Us Again," "Shall W
Gather at the Rlverr "Pas Me, Net.
O OenQe Saviof," and other songs which
wera printed on slip distributed among
the people.-- i , j - ,
Al though , h naa. aever parora
the. chorus choir of TS voice that was
banked behind him on-the enlarged plat
form Bunt tor tb occasion, ii, lounvra
him as though ha bad bad it under his
guidance for weeks. H. D. Crockett waa
at the organ; William Baquetta on the
flute, and Lee Bequeth and Oeorge
Wuest on the Vtolln added ta tb
eellenoa of the musical program. . vr.
Heppe aooompahied ' Singer Rykert
aolo oivtha otaao. ; - --' - ' -.
Dr. Elliott gave one or tnoee uioia
readlnca for which he la famed across
the continent Matt vl:l-H. and. whoa
he spoke to the people not preached,
for he doe not preach but merely talks
in simple isngusga n naa mm m .w,
Uuka xl:l, "Lord, Teach Vm to Pray." m
rot la minutes it. ciudii .ohwiw
s antT-ga of the tT"V dominant
note tn -which was tljat prayer is ubxj
tlve and that all -efforts to save souls
would be Ineffectual unlea there were
absolute dependence on Christ and faith
la his promisee. There wasn't a toucn
of aenaationaJtsnt tn hia-matnoos. -
Revivalist R. A. Walton Speaks
Eloquently at Sonnyside v
:V Congregational Church.
"Who Wants to Be Saved?;, and
Everyone Rises, With Great
; . ; Alacrity. . :'i
Before Revivalist R. A. Walton and
Oospel Singer Pugh had concluded their
services in the Congregational church
So Says Revivalist Henry Ostrom at First Congregational Church
Who Arouses People to Spiritual Enthusiasm, and Prays the '.
Lord to Deliver Them From Hair-Tearing Revival..
Clenchlna his hands above kts lie
end shaking with the- strength ot his
emotion. Revivalist Henry Oatrom de
clared at the first . Congregational
ehurch last night that what the men
and woman ' of Portland needed waa to
get hold of the Bible and stfueese thw
Juice out of It and refresh their aoula.
"Olve tis Ood.". he cried. "give i us
God we are weary of men." ; - -
reopie sat mora than an nour lis
tening, .and-went away with, the lmpres
slon that they bad not been there more
than II or ZO minutes. . The evangelist
ia s tall.' thin man. with a countenance
at Sunnyelda last night those who bad that impresses at first with tta-solem
,-Mr.' H. WeStough Makes
Way Straight at Calvary
Baptist Church.
Just': a. plain business talk, in which
the non-Christian world was asked to
take a retrospect of Itself,- accompanied
by sweet singing Af a cult persuasive
order, marked the evening at Calvary
Baptist church, lt Esst Eighth street.
where Rev. Henry W. Stough command'
ed the skirmish line thrown out against
sin. There was nothing of the old south.
era revival style. . Mr. Stough might be
mistaken for the head of some promt'
nent business concern. If appearance and
demeanor wera studied. His evangel
istic singer, C ' Henry Collsson, high
tenor In one of , Philadelphia' beet
church quartets, was In keeping with the
new order of conversion.
Mr. "Btough did not ask penitents to
eoena forward at the close of his serv
ice; the evening waa devoted to laying
the foundation for future work. The
large choir waa drilled after the service
by Mr. Collsson, and the els or seven
pastors of tha district who will attend
the service held a long conferenoe with
tb leader on tha work of the week.
The church was well filled, and the
corps of ushers and assistant had been
chosen from churchman of the entire dis
trict assigned to Rev. Mr. Stough. All
denominations Joined hands In tba move
ment, and there was no difference la the
degree of seal shewn by any. A half
doses pastor act as aa advisory beard,
backing the work of toe evangelist la all
reepecta and directing aa their long local
experience prompts for more efficient re
sults. r
Mr. Stough has many forceful epi
gram a While he Is Intense, there Is
nothing of the extremely emotional In
bis pulpit work. Plain arguments oa a
moral life, the duty of a good cltlsea and
flleh lilaala era tunMrfl Kv Mtrtaln
measure of pathos, which the erangarlstl yuineraoie. ,
tourne witn caution.
The services at 411 East Eighth street
will be held regularly every evening.
commencing et o'clock. Alt organ
ised work will be pro seen tad during the
dey In the district, and by this evening
the. meetings will take regu form, . ,
heard them were ready to confess their
sina snd plead for forgiveness.
White-haired mea and women, in all
walks of life, boys and girls ef tender
age and those in the bloom of manhood
and womanhood rose in response to the
question: - -.
"Who want ta be aavedr
Few " remained sitting when ' the
preacher In aa earnest, trembling voice
beaeeched them to get right with Ood.'
"How long have you been a follower
of the Savior?" questioned the evange
list of a man bowed with age.
"Fifty years.'' came the clear reply,
land I have always found htm to be my
beet friend."
Others gave similar testimony, and
thay ware greeted
'Amen' from almost every pew,
It was, a representative gathering.
worklngmen perhape predominating.
Business mea. however, were much in
evidence, aad there waa a vast number
of women. When the servloee began at
7:10 o'clock all of the seals were occu
pied; then standing room wa scarce.
and soon there was a crush-
Mr. Pugh began the opening hymn.
"Sunshine la My Soul." It was sung
halt a dosea time. . .Between each verse
the leader would urge the Singer "to
pour out their souls in song.'
Wbea the congregation bad completed
tb last . atanaa the women were re
quested to reader tha same hymn alone;
and did gov-"-" -'"
"That s splendid," announced ' Mr,
pugh. rNow. let the men try if :
Tb ehurch was flooded with more or
less melodious Bote.
"It s the boys' turn nextr cried .Mr.
Pughl "now. boys. altogetherP
And the young Americana responded
with a vim that surprised their parents--One
piping; voice coming frtmr a
10-year-old who occupied a seat in the
"front row." sang out loud and clear
above all the rest. When the last Bote
died away,- the lads war greeted with
vigorous applause.
"Braver shouted the gospel ginger.
fl dare say that Is the first time those
boys ever sang before a public gath
ering." ...,' t ' .
Mr. rugn la a atnger or marked abil
ity. - Broad and deep-cheated, be Is ca
pable of giving his voice almost any,
range desired. Ha gave a couple of
solos which charmed and thrilled h(;
hearers. . ' '-,-
One of Rev. R. A. "Walton's ' Strong
point la his evident sincerity. He did
not talk more than S ailnute. His test
was-on of Paul's sayings In the book
of Roman "I am a debtor." - .- :
"AU owe a debt of gratitude to
Christ," said tha preacher, "becaua of
tha effort he, put forth to cleanse the
world of sin. , -v i 4 r .
"People are beginning to realise' more
then ever the great need ef Christianity.
One of the greatest revivals ever known
Is sweeping over the American Continent
today. People are beginning to realise
that what th nation needs is mora re
ligion. President . Roosevelt had this
In view whea he burned order for three
large buildings to be erected at Panama
and conducted by the T. M. C A. for the
benefit ef the 1,100 young Americans
Who . are building the canal.
The leedlng rallanad enrpersll
nlty. But from time to time the moat
winning amllea ripple over hi face, and
when be resorts to the sarcasm and
humor of which he Is master, bla hear
ers laugh aloud, forgetting tbey are In
the sanctuary. There were about 400
people in -the audience at. the opening
eervtce in tb evangellstto compalgn.
The meeting began with a aong. "That
Is My Business, for My King." sung
by Jobs 'P. Hlllis, to his own accom
panlment on a small organ placed well
forward on the pulpit The -song was
virtually aa introduction of the evangelist.-
who .Immediately arose, close by
the little organ, and began speaking.
He read from tha eighty-fifth Psalm,
aad took for his text tha sixth verse, in
which David. -depressed with the-weight
of hi sin, pleads with the Lord: "Wilt
Thou not revive us again r
. He referred to various sort of reviv
als la the appetites, la . business, in
schools, in polities end why not la
churches? He declared that revivals
were consistent.' aad reasonable.
' "The question Is: . What shall tha re
vival be like? There may be physical
revivals. You -can ' revive - beat la the
stove, but you bora up your fuel. To
may revive heat ta tb body with alco
hol, but you destroy tha powers of the
body. Then, there la the revival by
the man who gets up and runs bis bands
through his hair, and shouts till he feels
better that la oa sort of a revival, but
lb Lord deliver us from that".
He asked for a revival in Portland
that would make men think better, and
do better, and live better. He said re-
vlvals wer necessary from time to time.
for the reason that one generation could
not do tha work for its successor Tho
devil ever shoots with the same gun,
only using a new fuse each time. Re
vivals must be held to bura out the
fuses. With exceedingly humdrous do-
scriptures' he made the audieno laugh
repeatedly, and whea ha had workrd
them Into a thoroughly good humor ha
began Infusing confidence in the suc
cess of the present revival undertaking.
Ha declared la forceful and repeated
sentences: "
"This cause Is a winner. - The goepel
will triumph. , The battle la to the
strong." '. ' '' . :." '
. Hs said a revival was only a battle,
aad never did good cans wis without
repeated battles.
When the intently listening audience
had been stirred successively with
amusement; confidence and courage, the
a vans ells t unilmbared Wa guns ox ar
caam aad satire.
The thought of this axe is that w
ar tha folks. , Wo know tt nearly all
We : have telephone. We bar tele
scope, and we bare wireless telegraphy.
Lord, just leave ua alone a while, aad
we will have It all fixed up, and. turn
It aver to you.' , Tet the biggest man
cannot Invent a grain of rlc that will
sprout; nor make a grain et wheat that
will grow
He scored tb tendency toward petty
diseussion. higher -: criticism aad the
like, and satirised -a university exam
ination of a'ciaaa la theology.
"Donl get -Into, petty .-discussions
about the. Bible." he warned. . "How
ridiculous, for a mother to stop aad
deliver : little discussions on beefsteak
and fried egga, while her c&Udren -cry
for their breakfast." , . ...
His closing sentence-were pita for
a revival of prayer aad Bible study.
wnna tne auoianc stood te sing, he
asked those who wer ready for this
kind of a revival to bold , up their
handa About a dosea band went up.
After the service there, was a meeting
of deacon, elders, ministers and eleae
leader In tha Sunday . school roo
Evening services hereafter will begin
at vciocav i.
employing . mlnlatera-to .preach the doc
trines of Christ to their employes, he
said, aa they believed If drunkenne
wer done away with there would be
fewer wrecks. '
Rev. Dr. Toy Awakens the Con
gregation at the Fourth -
Presbyterian Church.
Crowded to the doors with, men,- wo
men and children, callow youth and
greybeard rubbing elbows, the Fourth
Presbyterian church, at First and Olbbs
streets, was the seen last night of one
of tha Initial revival services. .
The service wa conducted by the Rev.
Daniel 8. Toy, with Frank Dickson, the
singing evangelist, leading the choir. It
waa volunteer choir, drawn from -the
Emanuel Baptist, the Fourth and the
Futon Presbyterian churches. On the
platform aat tn order; the pastors of the
three churches Rev. ta. M. Bledsoe,
Rev, M. D. McClelland and Rev. A. H.
Burkholder. Miss Hlldergarde Plummer
officiated as organist and Mlaa Bdna
Harm an as piano accompanist. rW. Well-
brook acted ss chief usher and waa as
sisted by A. R." Johnson, J. Lawaon and
Karl C. Bronaugh.
The service opened with song by tbe
choir and congregation, followed with a
prayer by tba Rev. Mr. McClelland. Mr.
Dickson then rendered a solo, "Labor
On,"' and Dr. Toy offered a short prayer.
He explained that he was 111 la body and
had not slept an hour tha previous
night, but would endeavor to do bis part
toward quickening rellgloua fervor.
The great need of the ehurch today,"
be began, "la not 'finance, but spiritual
pOWer. Thar i a sens la which every
man and woman who la saved has the
spirit of Christ, but there Is a gift which
not common; that gift -1 tb full
ness of tbe spirit, the blessing of the
spirit That la 'what tbe church of
Jeeua needs today." -
If It .were desired that souls be won.
the teacher must be In touch with
Christ themselves. The warriors - In
Christ's eaaaa must be able to sit down
alongside-the sinners and urge them
to com to Christ with the satisfying
ebnriouaness that their armor waa In-
when the further Invitation was ex.
tended for" Christians hot members Of
any church to rise, probably all but
half a doxen stood. )
The audience was composed largely
f- -Sunday-school children; tho supertn
Undents of tbe various" schools in the
district having made aa especial effort
to secure tha attendance of the member
of their schools and whea tb swinging
revival songs wer started aa Im
promptu chorus of childish voices went
up that almost hushed tb Sf trained
singers. - Standing side by side and ex
pressing their faith In the Christ that
died for men. wer grandfather, their
sons and daughters and their grandchil
dren, and from the little Infant class
fellow whose head barelf rachea"the
pew top to the gaunt old patriarch on
his cane -the audieno was of on faith
and had one hop:
' Beyond the simple Invitation for tho
desiring the prayers of the Christian
people to rise, no effort wa made to
carry the message t the few who were
not professed believers, and the work Of
the evangelist tn chart was directed In
the after- meeting- - to organising the
dosen minister and the three score spe
cial workers who have been selected to
canvass tha district. ,
At the after meeting a thorough cam
paign waa planned to secure the at'
tendance - of non-church members and
all through the district today and during
tb weeks to com preachers and laymen
will extend , a personal Invitation to
those who seldom attend church ser
vice, 'i
Clifton. O. Powers has been placed la
charge of the chorus at . th Forbear
meetings snd already ha II members In
tha organisation and expects to eecar
es meny more before th week ends.
lalcing Ppivdor
After prayer by th Rev. Mr, Burk
holder and eons, "I Surrender All," by
the choir, led by Mr, Dickson, the evan
gelist asked all who desired to feel the
intensity and fullness ef the spirit dur
ing tbe revival to stand. - HI audience
roe as on person, t- i. .
Because th largest and beat faciliu's in
hha.coantry anihU. Ih msnnfartnrpTs- tal
avoid variation ia mktarials and la th pro
of oiaauiactura.
250.::3fcr2u ccntel
Rev. W. E. Bierderworf Says So
to People at Taylor Street !
Methodist Church, ,1
r-r --v.
Evangelist Thomas Needham
Holds Attention of Congrega
tion at Forbes Presbyterian "r
' "Had Jacob been '; an American he
would hive been the leader of Tammany
hall' was tho way Kvangelist Thomas
Need ham secured the attention of 400
people ' at tbe Forbes Presbyterian
church-., last , evanla;. Mr. Needham
preached on the struggle of Jacob with
the : angel , In 'the wilderness and con
cluded that Jacob had all the ahrewd
ness, tenacity and scheming powers that
make the Amerlqaa politician supreme.
Step by -step i tb speaker ahowed that
the wrestling- place was on' or con
f ess Ion. defeat, death and aa well en
of blessing In th solitude. ,
.Little of the revival fervor was evi
dent . The speaker felt this, and the
force of "the sermon was directed toward
nerving the church ,: members for th
work to come. When tbe Invitation was
given for Christiana who wer members
of th church to rise in their place not
moXlhjLAJICOrm hr) crowded, the preacher as Id.
, "W ar here to transact business for
yqur salvation.";! th way Rev. W. E.
Biederwolf, evangelist, opened th soul
saving campaign at Taylor Street Math
oaisi enurcn last nignt. There, war no
praiiminarieavno excuse - and ne -introductory
remarks. , -
"I am not here to tell you about my
self," he said, "but to tell you th same
old story you have always beard. As to
myseii. i am 17 year old. weigh-jti
pounds, and am married. ' I think that's
all it is necessary for me to say oa that
subject. - - .. .v.,.-.-.- v-.-
Those who went to Taylor street
church In the hope of bearing a religious
novelty or tb learned conclusions' of
a theological savant were disappointed.
They beard. Instead, a terse, vivid, pic
turesque and intensely. Interesting re
cital of their sin and needs.' and also a
promise. Th church wa well ruled; It
oong services preceding th sermon
were conducted by the choir under the
leadership of Harry Maxwell: Dr. F.
Burghette Short, pastor of th .church,
pianist By means of song and - his
energetic way of leading the choir Mr.
Maxwell succeeded In arousing consider
able enthusiasm before th sermon was
begun. He rendered several solo. '
Mr, Biederwolf read a story from tb
tenth chapter of the Act of th Apos
tles. It told of th centurion, Cornelius,
wfeo prayed and gar alma, and to whom
sa angel of th Lord appeared and Said
that -hi prayer bad been heard. 'He
waa directed to send for Simon Peter,
who, when h. had come, said: . '
T ask. therefore, for what Intent
bav -sent for Mm,"-. ' r. -
Peter's query, wa th them of th
evangelist's remarks. . Ha Ha a tens,
enthusiastic way of telling things, abso
lutely free of dramatic effort, aad sways
aa audience at his wiiL -' . '
' "If you think we are her to' tall you
something novel on th way of thla sal
ration story, hr declared. . "disabuse
your minds of -tany such ideas. Th
world doe aot need any new goepal
tna oia story is good enough, and I shall
not try to tell It to you In any better
way than you bav always heard It from
yonr pastor.
T cannot account for th nraludto
that exlsta against even the thought of
revival, it you ar a Christian, why
snout you object and why do you en
teftaln that prejudice T -The spring Is a
revival, merely an awakening of nature.
which recurs annually. It Is hard to
Imagine a condition of religion that
doea not need a revival." "
Bong ' service during th period of
revival win begin at, i Taylor street
church. It was announced, - as early in
the evening a there I a sufficient num.
bar of members of the choir to proceed.
They will be an especial feature of th
sarvloe. Mr Maxwell, tbe leader, has
assisted the evangelist for the past five
years. I. D. Boyer is chairman of th
committee on mualc. The.xhoir at the
Taylor street church during the revival
service will, consist of th following:
Miss Lake. Mrs. Leach. Miss Bogart,
Miss Wilde. Miss Stelnmets. MJsn Pot
ter,. Miss Cochran,' Miss Beharrell, Mrs.
Short. Miss Flnley, Mis PoweM, Mrs.
Holllngahead, Mrs. A. M. Jhnlth, Mrs.
Wendell. Mrs. Price, Mr. . McKanney,
Mr. BtrreU, Mis Barton, Mrs. Mulr,
Mr. Arlss. Mrs. Tresaler, Mrs. Donagh.
Mrs. Brandeburg. Mrs. Tufts. Mra Dav
lea, Mrs, T as alar. Mr. CUrraa. Mr. JTow.
ler. Mr. Paget Mr. BlrrelL Mr. Connell.
Mr. Caroming. Mr. Davie, Captain Pow-
y " : y
liilli Wul 'fcve It' - nsryiilsi im thmfn.' '.' - ree lees fw S-iaala. : "
Tb sVUHaraUe iwily ta llsssfisS Ssim ' -
I year bW aat the until in,"
Dorrr ixakx your morox
'aat wiisisan W s.illan kstar
Waat. Pay anar day taar sea aad asaaMia by the raaMeal at
peat easBaasv ef aifehtlr
taat eaaid ka aevadTTc Vol
It weald Ktaad with yea
: 'ft eaa be
ana wik Hawtsw 7oarMtde ktDa
tta aUaaas Ct eaaaae ean, bmds aad
bwterlssa hair, atse eaadrart aad faOta
afeBeal haw u4 si wid rais
Warvawa raaaim, Aa ssaw.ll ka eaaaa,
srif Skira.HU, teat raItagiaf. H trxt t CUtn. rfc ttwzk
't.T.fii7?T'" "'-f.! W aV
& CO.
1 1 1 SkOk Strt. Nar Wsaajtoa .'
Watch and Clocli
Repairinft Insurance
wsat is m svraras or wsMs in
- . ' CSVOOsT JSSVSiJIOXt : -, .- 1,
. We- repair any Watek far (S.M. ragsrdlass
aa isa anaav ii ia is- waea Droagnt, To sa for
1 1 pan', ear ee w r.aair aaur watea. rreat
tha eaae "ta the amaller. Darts ef tbe watch.
feavtag aotkiot aasne. After the . W.tch Is
lawtasjaiy rapairae aaa resarata yea ra.
ealva sa Inssraaea roues', with the MBaa
it Barreamt ead aaaa alae aaerlts ef eeav
jirym aim. ..... .
This seUcy Isasits veer Watek for ana rear
aealaat kraakasa e- aedoeat ataar -klaeV
isssias ror raa a sanert tiawsiaee. we keep
It la repair, reamlate aad eleaa. it aa etlaa
aa niauiT wiuooas any aruar eaarge. ,
Xsla Sarisgs SUe, Watek CTaaaad f 1.00, aad w
- yea taat went tk
auta far m Mar
a-OW LOV0 Ig m yOXItrr aOOSt vw ea yaar. Tear are set esaseses ta
watea tor ran; net aa ertea as ya era er Draaa it, yast a efkea we will leyakT
Tanr Panev ealla fn.
U OVm. WOU OOODI A parttaaet qeeatiea. Of eaarse we de ear
aat wa eooM ma effar te saaraataa It far a nar. aa ksve it ta aa
wa oo It well at the aurt. ,
AJTOTHXa nuaft AJJOVt TjnxasAVCrCt Te pay $tM, bat aa a year,
sew lertea yoa break It. soesa aaapia asva their watekea is the she aaee a yea, eibara
ore te tea tiraaa. aa an an aaat alt tea tuna, aa seek tuae It easts yea tret
sgala. aa
as Bsirtar
ead Clack la
..We .. ratwr year ttaw-
kave thai
tl.00 te W oe a kave It retmire.
That la sat the ease wlU the Watek
asMe tnr txko at the atart. and kea It I
IOW orTEJll Yrm step late the Jeweler' Ju.t sftar yo bad year Watch tied, asd
say: -how, wast at tne atattrrr' Bailer, Jewel, wseei aaat, toots aat, asaie dirt la It,
and aat ay etaer tklnca. that sat aat af as. pa la a watch, "Walk hew aesefc tkls ttawr
"11.10." Tea aay. "Wsaa eaa I have It!" Aad ea aa: and that la the war It naa. At
the ead ef tha year re kave pal aat treat tS.0O te (10.00 for repairing. That la not
me way wita as. . oa or, ear xoo . lasers ace renclas wiu eaver au kraakage far ea
year. , . . . , , . t
B. MeUgtr "L -
Mr. aMasar as had a larva aad taanaeTeasariaaae ta the Wesek aad aselry ssV
aaas, kavuis baaa iiaamit wuk aea f the Baeet kaaat la tb trade. Oka give aad
skew the bast af referee aea. . , . : .
f rtaVi Oock rtealHnf, " wka doae earreetiy. ataat have eataatkleg atare tha pet.
VtvsVt1ng the anreswau late a beeket ef gasattae, ar baUisg them la water
Ttl Is set tba way to da Clock Bepatrlas.
- Oar way at -Keoalrtaa ln i, as s few tkiaf we eel The Claek Is askea eaart
and each piece rlaaaa eprtn penahad. pteets palltkad. hroshln aad eleaaisg ' wara
pleat kalaa,- aetua tbe autkis- parts, : aad aar saw phte a.aqlr.0 thas, wa esll tt la
nod akspe. Oest bat XM a year, sad gaaraateed. We call for aad daUver to aay Bart
sf the elty, "wltkaat estre eaarse. Tetoakeae kfala MT4.
rgtjiajktwawaBjai.irwd j-Mmmumjmjomx.
Snrur. The. Lifting Bprlag, We ta Tfle.
All Jawek, Sob, Ctork Bpriag. tSe te aX
Mai anrtoe, fi en, Balaaes ftaff. 1.A. Case Bnrinr.
Cloek. Clsasa. , im te l. - waaea cieaaa, ft.
Oeld Rlsss, aeldered.
ISe ts tfe.
Hash ea Breast Pre, lor.
Joist oa Breast Pis, 10c - Aad all etkar week i !, Mi 1j law prleaa,
ea Watok aad caeab Isaanan gar year watek. aleak aad Jewatry work
far year
astsav 10a.
a) wfll aay
. . AttJUnda ef ragrsvlag eoa. . OM gold sad -eWver kassHt ar take, at -
Win ye eatl asd are aeT Win yo draw as a ' RseT ' AaD ww seed ear
WIU yo call aa aa? "kail wa keg far Itt Ot skall wa aw after tt with aa
viae as. leers raapeetfally. , . -, : . ,' i - - - - - - . -
faiaaa ad
IB Sixth StTMt. Nar WajUowtOei
f i
Vc Have a Urgt line
sTaTZXTWAIatT UlTSl also Ladles' Under
die Bwiss-Rlbbed Vest. Fine Idal Vesta, long and
short sleeve, low neck, all colors white, pink, aad
blu; all sun. Prion . , , ,. , ... .,
I'rom 35c op to 5;
atag, Jrwatree.auk. sTke,
orr. oxs wowtowwtea.
mr m atb ,
snbeatfOi In AJitgt Jriott nntO Jpov
ered with sore, a Cnlcaao alreet ca
conductor appllci Bucklen's Arnica
Halve, and was. .arton sound aad
I tree it in my family," writee
Welch, ef Takonsha. Mlob.. "and Sad
perfect." Simply great for cuts and
burns. Only lie at Bed Croaa Pbas-
rnacy. sixth an oak street, on tb
CtT POBtOfOO. - -
Sad It
Aat tt-Aftat mhmmXTr.r:'::":
:arit Car
New York and New England Points
Tb Tim Scbadul WIU Coowtoc Yoa.
i Stan OA ATJoerad at KIAQAKA FALLA. . ' " ''-'.'
ROSS C CLINE, P. C P. A., Lo Anijeies, Cal.
BE. . T. vm.
Wa ea crew aad brides work wltboat sal a.
Oar years' .easerleaee la ataat work aw
blea as te Ot rear aioalk eoaifortably.
tr, W. A. Wise fcia taand a eate arty ta
eztraot teeth, abaslatety arttkaet pal a. Dr.
T. P. Wlae Is as sxpart at fold fllllag sod
erowa aad hrMce wark. iitracUns frse
Wbea states or sridga are etaaiod. .
WISE BROS Dentists
Vaflfa: aMMlay, ear, Tkkd sad Wash Set
Ones eveaisys till Saw. Aiiadaya boo
ta IX Or. Mais stBkV
PK. W, A. wax
ell. Mr. Boyer,. Mr. Patterson. D. A.
Tufts, Mr. Insley, Mrs. T. T. Davis. Mis
Benarreii, Mr. warren, mis orr, Mrs.
AV-K. wusoa, Mrs. H, w. Foster,
Dallas, Or,, March St. Th city f-
tcials hav issued a 'call for a - mass
meeting to be held here on th evening
of March . Tha object f tb gather
ing is to Interest th eltisens ef Dallas
In cleaning . and . Improving dwellings.
burning rubbish, planting trees, Biaklag
-aaacylhlng that will parnaflt 1
aad add to tb. better appear noe f th
elty..'" , , : ; t
Special snorts will be- mad to . in
terest th school children In the new
movement and 1 a successful ' outcome
seems assured. . The new erganlaatlon
la to be know, a tb Orta Iarovw-
? Dr. a e.
taH that re
lievo an pain ia
deatal , eperatloaa.
4V WaAklagWa
WW saw.
nent league, Th meeting wilt be ealt4
arT:irrocis'tnyrTiaTr-': '-'
Fuiwuant t tb action of th council
at It laat meeting th cttlsen of th
town will vote on April I on tb ques
tion of th elty . installing a rock
crusher for tb ' purpose of Improving
th street of Ielles.,r ... . ;