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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1905)
tt ; c: zcon DAiiY. jourrix rc:rrLAi:D. tiiutday. cvr:n::d. i:at.c:i rv r r ,ir' "1 r- m-mm A".Mv:F82tSl::-'C it mum M f 1 "Tbln. . .."T Mooaahlner'e Daujrhtee' .... 1M sasn-ar el hew lark .Vawdeetlle ...................... Vaudetille ......... y. , Vaudeville Star Itakar ; UMroCBtim todir accepted JJ - a' compromise payment In lieu of ; claim for l.700 against th nut of . .. in iai Leili JUOva. Basaer had filed claim for a not for ,00 and interest. snu ai.wv ior rvice rendered Captain , vo, aoa me .esse was heard .. thl morulas by County Judge Webster. Kd AtendenhaU.' for the eetate, appeared witn a- eertinea copy of teeumony a worn to y Meaner in another caae that , he knew, nothing of tb alleged f 1.000 not of Captain Love, upon which he ' now waa suing..: Retarding the claim for $4,000 for eervlcea. It waa ahown that In the heeling of the contest of the i win recently Beaser had been a wttmaa. and had given no Intimation that ha had eucnve claim againat the aetata, al . though the circumstances were such' aa to have mad it likely that.-had he; be lieved such a claim was valid, he would have stated so before the probate I William Bowen. who escaped ' from the county Jail a week ago, was re captured' yesterday by . Under-sheriff ; Morden near . Bcappooae, - Bowen bad been sentenced t 00 days for simple ; assault; having been arrested by Of near Taylor when about to hold uo man on the street at night, Bowen , confessing to hi Intention. A. week " ago. .while at work piling wood at the ' court house, ha slipped away and got as rar as Bcappooae. If you most travel make your trip on ' of pleasure. . Tou can do this by going .over we Denver Rio Qrande. Spend a day sight-seeing In the Mormon .. 'capital, "'and ' have a day-light a lid trough the Royal Oorje of . the Arkaoaaa, the acme of Katun's grandeur. w. C. McBride. 114 Third strset. Port' land, will mall you illustrated booklet . if you wiu write him,, V (-. The buay man save time and money ; . by getting, a shaving outfit and being hi own barber. . Albert Berni, to drug : gist, aecond and Washington, carries a ., full assortment of shaving requisites, , Including the celebrated "Lewis and ' Clark Special" raaor. which Is - fully guaranteed to give , satisfaction or , money back, ,",'. "., A war against eoyotas has been begun by farmers la the vicinity of Ames, east of the Bandy river. Several years ago . the coyotes were . bunted . down .... and driven out of that neighborhood.' but ', tbey returned aa soon as farm era stopped keeping dogs. Poison will be used la effort to ' exterminate the pests.' " ,'. Judge Bellinger, In th federal court. , heard arguments In a caae that waa appealed from decision of th cor rector of custom, with referenca to tm posing duty on aheep dip. A cargo was ' recently brought to Portland from Lin coln, England, by R. E. Moody and ft tax saaoseod by the custom officials. . Pur paints and oils. T. H Beach gt Co the pioneer paint" company, agents Honour's floor paint, liquid veneer, )ap-a- lac. Berry Bros, varnishes, Blackjack ' harness oil. Neal's" enamels, - New Kra. Chjnbla k Dire. , I.rne.... rand , , -' 'paint, window and plat glass,- .' lit '-Klrst street. Phona 1M4. -. - -- SO.ftOO trnmlgrants Wanted Tw 'local aloha the Oregon 'water pswar at Rail - way company's line between Portland and 'Eatacada- - Tor tnfvritultlotr nvratre ' " of ths Oregon 'Water Power Townslts company.' Hi First tre, Phona, Mala lEatacada -. Offers - - Opportunities to manufacturers which; mean 'millions '' .of dollars If properly handled. For In formation inquire of the Oregon' Water Power Townslts company, 114 First street. Phone.-Main lis. ' Governor .Chamberlain has commuted the sentence of Frank Reese, sent from Multnomah county to Salem on February 17, to serve a -ay aentenoe for lar ceny from th stor at Marshall-Well Hardware company.- - - CI as sea Monday and Tharaday aranlngs at Arlon hall. Beginners taken at- any f -time,' Biz assistant teachers. Private J-leaaona dally at hall. Spectators Invited. -Phona Wast 104a.. , , . A few applications of Hedgln's Corn " ? Cnre-wUl bring - prompt relief In all -1 i cases of tender jorns and bunions. 8oid for If cents ft bqtue try Aineri ueini.r the druggist,-' second ana Washington, Lest Black Cocker spaniel, female; 4 ' 'rnontha old; answers to the name of . Bloaale: went astray In city Park, Bun day; reward for her recovery. -- (IT -Flanders street, between Twentieth and jTwnty-flrt . , - ;.', B.T''- S.Horneopathlo- CougH -aad ' Croup Syrup. " A specific for colds on the cheat Keep It on hand for omer- . gencie. For sal by Knight Drug Co. : B. 8. Cough and Croup Syrup. Two generation hav been brought up, on It. A -good now aa ever.. - Prevents croup. For sal by Knight Drug Co. ' i Land acrlp for sale 110 acres, 'cheap. guaranteed. V. U McLeod, 21 Falling . building. ,,'Vv' . . . '. , J ' Masquerade ball, at Merrill's hall, to night. Admission 15 cent. - - ' Try a meal without meat at the Vega ' tartan cafe, 106 Blith street - '1 Masquerade ball, at Merrill' ball, to night Admission 2S cant. . . Analey display. Pfunder. Id and Oak ' As your ' grocer for OoMen Chtddsr. ' Orpheum. vaudeville. burlaque-evtis. "Your Hat for Spring'' Cbcs "V ft. 03.50 IT WEARS "LONG IT LOOKS WELL ;' It Aaiares Comfort .Long m It Wetn ' fUBKRDaftHs'M. Ml iraakisgtes rt.k aaw Tasav. ' Low price, gggjii. terms, and ' will product asnaadjr tea' timet present price per acre. ''; A S?:ci:r Excursion Will Leave Portland Saturday erening, arriving back Monday rooming, Low round trip rates arranged by calling on .1 ' E. S. JACKSON 7 General Sale Agent. 246 trk Street UP AT FAIR GROUKDS Fiftjt Permit Issued for Tempo rary Buildings Near Entrance .;,'.. trr Exposition. ,t . UNSIGHTLY STRUCTURES 'y. FFENlTARTISTiaEYE Homee-rTumed Into Temporary Bazaars and the Commercial ' Spirit Is Rampant. ' I rraic-....,i. w1 structure - have been Issued by the building Inspector this month. All are located on fth streets leading to, or near, the entrances to the Lewis and Clark exposition. ' Resident who live on Thurmen, 8' vlar. Upshur, Twenty-third, --Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth street In the vlolnlty of th ground, expect to- make money aunng toe iair. ; nooins anu tall and small shops are being built on their porchea and In their yards, where they will -serve refreshments or conduct cigar and candy store. These Improvements do not add . to the beauty of the streets and much ad verse - criticism is being msde of . thva by people who desire the city to have aa Inviting appearance. When the permits for these buildings and' additions ere leaned 1 la with -the understanding that they are to be torn down by November 1. itoi. and if 'nor the building Inspector declare. he"wlU seoure the assistance of the fire depart ment and rase them. Space la taa vicinity of the fair ground Is renting at fabulous prtosa. A man leased a -vacant block en TwesUsJ fifth street several monthe age and it Is said that .ha , has already cleared 11.100. from the block without doing any work. He has divided, it Into lota and rented it. -.7.-.-- , -, The Hamilton hotel, out of which W. 9. Winiamsoa made a fortune during tbe Bt. Ixmis fair, will open -a branch in Portland for th coming' exposition. The rates will be from 11 to II a day. jsuropean. t , rr-. Mr. Williamson haa. secured concee- lon on th Trail to reproduoe the Cas cade gardens and colonnades of etatee aa they were at St Louis. In miniature. as well aa the Baltimore fir. - Still another .of hie concessions Is the wild white swan, which was seen by 10.000,- oe people at Bt. ixtui. Until two or three year sso Mr. Williamson was ' a bill poster in Bt Uouls. .,...,.,' . DIWYEKS MUSI AH0NCE- ' ; PAY UP OR BE SHUT UP Attorneys are the moot negligent of professional men In the matter of pay ing city occupation tax. The first quar ter of the year haa nearly ended end' 71 attorneys have . failed to take out a T","r y" ... Thie Is no exoeptlon.. Nearly everr quarter a large number allow the tax. to become delinquent and frequently eonH pialnte nave to be Issued before they take- out -their licenses. The . license fee range from tl to II a quarter for eachattorney or firm, according to the amount of practice. , . ; 4 The city license Inapectors nave no tified, all.- the -delinquent attomsye-Hhat they must pay and unless they do with in the. next two days they will be ar rested.' ... j. , i , . Masquerade Ball. ,'Mssquerade ball! i ilT f;"'"r Merrill's hall. ' ' ' - Merrill's hall. Seventh street, between Oak and fltark. ; Only tl .cents. ; . .. ' . ; Spruce Up! . Spruce Up! , ; You'll 'have visitors before long. If not visitor, you'll likely hare a roomer or two during the fair. - Brighten ' op the furniture, floors and woodwork with Lostreise. Tou get a can free ' with every journal waat ad. . Lota of colors. This evening the fair of Congregation Ahaval Bholom will be brought to ' a close with a grand masquerades. balL During tbe .week of the. fair a large amount of articles -exhibited has been sold, ae a rule at quite low figures, snd It Is the purpose of the management to get a large Crowd present thie evening, so aa to dispose of all remaining. Many unique prises will be given this evening for. the. beat sustained character, most original character, most tmmlrml char' aeter, beat group snd others. Tre total value of prises will be 1 210. - The fair la being' held In MerrlU'e hall, en Sev enth end BUrk streets. - . Seventy-two miles an hour was th ve locity of a gale which waa blowing at North Heed this morning. Storm warn ings were ordered displayed at the mouth of the Columbia last evening, and extended- this morning ell slong the coast. The atearaer Whlttler, wKh the oil barg Santa Paula, Is still on th outside, where she haa been for the peat four day. Some fear la felt for her safety. Aimawrfannr gMierst Ihrougnwur-The valley, there has been no rise In the Wil lamette during the past 14 hours; "it is till standing at 0.1 feet above the low water mark. " ' , . I Masquerade ball, at Merrill's hall, to night -Admission t cents. ". Captain E. W. Cpencar Gets Con a. a a v ' . ai! tuat id i rmnapon; rmneieoriin Infantry to. Buford. GREAT PARADE IN CITY , ON THE FIRST OF APRIL Sheridan Will Come Direct From Manila Here With the Four ! teenth Regiment. C V Capt K. f. Spencer "was awarded the contract this morning to transport ths troops of th Nineteenth Infantry from Vancouver barracks to roruana, wnere they will take pasaaga on the Buford for Manila. . He will alao bring their per aonal property, consisting of uiinka, lug- gmgo. . oeaauig, eio weigwng. pounds, ever to this city. - . . In. the Infantry there are 40 offioers and 2S men, who will leave th barracks olty for Portland on April on the a trainer Charles R. Bpenoer. . . ' Th troops will disembark - at ths Greenwich Dock, and at th request of Mayor Will lama they will parade th principal street before departing for the Philippines. Detail for th parade win be completed In a day or ao. The Buford I being loaded with lum ber from llghurs, and th work- is slow, She will take out about 450,000 feat, of Oregon fir. ' " v - ' Word, has been received that (he trans port Bherldsn lias sailed from Manila for Portland direct with the Fourreenta in fantry. Bhe Is expected to arrive early In May.1 The troops will be stationed at Vancouver. It was the understanding some time ago that the transport would proceed to Baa Fnutclsoo, and .that h ; VESSELS ARE BUSY;- I reatrel .i: ... Xoawy for fa Owsawe. ' Another addition we made to the an root Hat for Portland yesterday af ternoon - when Balfour, Guthrie Co. chartered the German ship Bmelie to load general cargo at Lelth and New- caatle-on-Tyne for Portland. - xoe ves sel is at Lelth and aa She begins-tak ing cargo at once shs will be ready to sail by ths middle of next month. - The Emelie sailed from this port on October 10 with a cargo of grain for the United Kingdom, arnvea at uaeena town on March and by the time she was unloaded : waa encased for a re turn voyage, usually a vessel lies Idle for a month or two before getting a charter particularly has this been true during the paat year, when rates have been at a low figure. . Another 'vessel likely to be kept stead ily In commission the British ship Lonsdale, chartered yesterday tp load lumber for the west coast of South America.. She arrived here about tarre weeks ago from Antwerp by way of Port Los Angeles, and the work of dis charging her cargo haa 'Just been com pleted. She will take Out In tbe neigh borhood of 1.400,000 feet of Oregon Or. The French bark Eugenie Pautrel naa the distinction of losing lesa time In port than any other vessel that Y4Uiea here" this" season, She' arrived -la-, the early pert of the winter with a general cargo from Europe andln Just one month's time . was en tne return inp with grain. . , ' ' ' , Word was received yeeterday after noon that the German ahlp Adolf ssiled from Hamburg for Portland on March If with a general cargo consigned to Balfour, Guthrie Co. ' STAGE COACHES EMPTY. Teiy Tfavopalaiv '" Low passenger rates on ths eteem ers down ths coast have had the effect of paralysing the business of ths stag coach lines operated from Coos Bay to th railroad at Newbers; and Drain. WhO the fare on the steamers was 110 between here and "MarshOeM three TftHMlia or the 4raeeag amhlla sataoa Ised the eUge lines, which charged til, Including th fare on the rr. 11 road. A It was posslbl to make th trip more quickly overland than by the . water route the ateamers carried comparative ly few passenger. ' But atnc- th ateamer rate was cat to M nearly every one. coming and going, takes tne-boats. Mars nil eid arrivals report that the stare eeaha mnve fmplyJ,gjAJnj.lfrO"gbt that vary shortly they will be taken out of commission. . . Three stage lines "run from Harsh- field to points on the railroad, and for- veara the ownera nave enjoyed a lucra tive business, but restoration of steamer rBae Pally aVaa. f r aWralas. REST OF THIS WEEK AT A Special . New Line Just Received 'Of e " ' '' Hall. Trees Hall Racks "Hall Seals la Golden and Weathered Oak, ' ; from ." . ' $8.00 to $50.00 rrmrly Slew Tarh raralvare Oe. nvaos to xri rvmsiiTuaa. bow . Base 'on . veaaasrt Mar - XrfLsA TxaJKa C0VELL .... f.- . -'- -' rautr sr. ' laVireGTON DITniCT With lots i lCOxiCO, south- 7 'west corner of Hancock and East Twenty sbcth; side- " walks, sewers, water and gas ; . pipes laid. Street to be grav eled; houae wired fo light lng . and complete in every particular.' Ready for ocjru- , pancy April 15. '' ' On installments if desired. B. M. LOMBARD .514 Chamber of Commerce, rates la the' only thing that can ssve them. Binoe they have received much more liberal patron ag by the reduction of rates the steamboat men are inclined to let the tariff remain at the present ngure. .. ... , ; MAY TIE UP CHINOOK. atajot IVaagan Thiaks the Dredge VQ .:..e lpaa Vttk. Major W. C Laagfltt of th corps of United State engineer expects notifi cation today that the government dredge Chinook will not be opera ted at the Co- lutnbla river bar this ' season. The major also states that he will likely be lng stone for tha construction of the Jtty has been awarded. - - - - - Bids for furnishing KO,eoo tons of stone ware opened at Portland more than two months ago, bat the awarding1 of th contract was postponed until It was learned what disposition would be made of - the " river and harbor bill. Since the dredg will, be taken out of commission It will - mean practically 1100,00 more to spend on the Jetty, and It le probable that a greater quantity of ton will be procured. Juat aa soon as tbs contract .for ths material has boon let th successful blddsr will begin tbs work of making deliveries - ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Staamar Stranger le-taklng. the-IraUl aa a tuunier run vnui rvjnurs an seina made, . ' . -- r For the - next 10 days the. steamer Oregone will carry wheet from points on the 'upper Willamette to Corvallls. When eh returns to Portland she will be laid up for a general- overhauling. This morning the British ship Py tho rn ne shifted from the Pacific ooal bun kers to the Coioma dock at the foot of Pine street, where she will' discharge. Bteamer Aberdeen, captain Kelly, naa been chartered to load lumber at Port' land for San Francisco. She Is at the latter port and will ssll north Saturday, Bchoooer A! vena left Ban Pedro March It and will load lumber at the Portland mill for the return trip.' -" Steamer Jlaaaalo baa been moved on the ways to undergo a general over hauling and to be equipped with an oil bnraln. nlant. Th. at as mar T. J. Pot- tor will take tier prac on the Astoria run. . . : , American ship Benin left up from Clifton this morning to seen re an outfit of supplies before she sails for Nus hagak, Alaska,- ; " . ' ";' . .'. MARINE NOTES. Astoria. March II. Arrived down at 1 a. m.. ateamer Bt PaoL Baa Pranclaoo, March IS. Sailed at 11:30 a. m., steamer Columbia for HortH land. , ' f San Pedro, March IS. Arrived, schooner Irene from PortlaiTd. Astoria, March SS Balled at 1:10 p. m., atearaer Roanoke for Port Lot An- Astoria, March IJ. Condition of thai bar at I a. rough; wind southeaat; weather rainy and very etormy. Yal OAJrTAJjr atarWAADatO. Appreciating the timely arrival of Capt. John K. Nelson of the tug Star, snd his prompt action In rescuing them toniawattuT Sravelast Sunday near Government islsno. u.' w. ana yrank Leaning, James BhrVely and Roy Ship ley called on him yesterday afternoon and presented him with a pair of hand some signal glassee. the sort that mar iners use at sea. The captain thanked the men for the gift. ONLY-TEN PErTCEIwT- DEMOCRATIC VOTERS ' Only SO Democrat registered yester day, although S00 Republicans went to the county clerk's office and enrolled for voting In the city primaries on I May . When buelnaes-eloeed last night, 1,111 lector had been enrolled, of whom 1.I7I were Republicans and SI Demo crat; 10 refused to state their party affiliations. The deputise are busy -today and ths registration at o'clock wilt probably b dose to 1,100. The record shows; - -': 'Re-- Dem Re . publican, ocrat fused. March It March II March IT March IS March 10 March It March II 103. 30 2 83 S01 170 dl t 40 ! 41 80 "isi 110 11 ......... too -1 30 Total ....... i.7i - ; New reglatratlon. 320. " Changes of- residence, If S. EVANGELISTS TO SPEAK ON STREET TONIGHT A feature ef the revival service win be those of the open-air evangelist, Rav. J. L. McComb, who will preach at vart ou corner tonight front a hug truck automobile. H will be accompanied by other speakers and muslolsns. Among the stations selected Je Third end Alder streets, where there .1 alwaye a big crowd. i' - - - . i Those who will tak part rn th auto mobile ei lu are reonastad to assem ble at ths Taylor Street Methodist church. Third and Taylor streets, et 0:41 this evening. After tonight's services a band will accompany tbe open-air evan gelists. , - - Masquerade BaTC -Maaouerede belli - ' ' " ) Merrill' nan. MerriU'e hall. Seventh street, between Oak end Stark. . , , Only li.eente. ; .- - Only tt sen La. - - - V- ; That Is Portland's Record, and ,". the City Is Absolutely v.v yU Free From lt HEALTH OFFICERS HAVE ' DONE TrtEIR WHOLE DUTY Dr. Biersdorf . Says the People Here . Are Remarkably Free, I From Contagiolis Diseases. . On case of smallpox was reported to the city board of health In the paat 10 months. The abaence of the disease from the city Is notable,' mersly because It has made its appearance In other cities In th northwest ' In Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma. and Butte tb nest- houses have been taxed with eases of a virulent -nature, Trafflo between these cities and Portland haa bean very ao ttve all winter, but only one haa been reported in tbe city and stats. The In fected person came from - Spokane and was Installed In tbe past house.. --Dr.-H.-R. Biersdorf. city health off! car, . eald health - conditions were good doc use tnose charged with the preven tion of disease did their duty properly. "We have had,"., he continued, "very little) trouble from scarlet and typhoid fever and diphtheria, compared with past years. . Portland la exceptionally tree xrom .oontagMnia an ' J. :A. . m AT THE .THEATRES. 11 i. Advance Sale Tomorrow. TbaVane-sal-if -seats wm eaer taraorraw sicalag at 10 o'clock tat tbat "add1 Hairy Baraafard, who rnin a the aUraaaal Grand theatre aext Monday nlsM la hkf attest larra,. Thie Maw Mae." raw actor atage today are able to etok their uty la taat er taa character ther an ponraruc. aaaoa ueaa rear may . an Mr. aeaearoia, who keapa tseroaghly wlthkt taa swtare aae aever eaee forget tb char, acta. - - - . - .., , - , , . . . -; Pollard's Repertoire. atollar Of Pollard' UHlpotlaa Opera eostpaay la la the dty asraaa-lag (ne the as- peeraac Taeaaay t tbe Marqaaai Urand' theatre aa er hM elaeer aad aalooe araaalaa ttoa. The Pollard eoaapaay la aude a et so uny aruata, au sneer 14. and aaar aadar 10. aaarly .all ef theat troaa th far eltlea f the Aattpoeaa, afelDoame aad Bydnay. : They civ llcbt eparaa la aaanner that I aeldoai a. celled hy adult eoaasaale. All ef th Pollare seedaethaia aie aaasnifliestl aaasad aad-aea. taaMd. The afreriasa la thla etty will he aa fulknra: Tuesday. Wedaeadar aad Tharadar alfhta. aTe Belle ef New York; Sriday and Baiaroar aisoia "to ueiaaa;" Bataraay auu aea, liaatoee.' Prteea, parqaet. 75 eeartai parojart ra-eie, a eeata; flrat all row la the baVeay, 60 rents; halaaee baleeay, as eemta; gallery, s oaata, teat a aala gataraay at 10 a. m. . .t .,; ,. . 'IZ ""Thelma" a? Columbia.'''- - Another crowded boom ef resreaeatatlva Part. laad people wit naif the Ooluaahla Stock eoav pany'a prodaetloa of th charming play ThelBw" last alsht. "TWhaa" 1 acleaqldlr adapaad far, the -UnlaasMa Mtaek asaapaay aad mtm eoaid ae wiluea la arala ef what each aae ia sukang ef the differ. at Inter aatleg char. aetata la th story. Thai Mat soma ana ae will ba aaaday. Mattneea Katordaj aad Baaday. y Tht MootpahiDcr't Daughter.1 1 The MnaaklaW Deasatsr. whka at eelas graated by kwsv dnauoa each alsht at the Knew theatre thla weak, at la drama Dare aad ateap'e. There la rn mantle love atorr, and the Inte e aeeae are raUetad by aaranroaa bits of eoawdy. - The play la well ataend and the eoespany a eaanpetrat oh. The alnln( and eanelag poetaMlea were all good. . A aw tinea will he gives aatarday.. , . , , , , ,-, .Trained Dogt at tht Star.' Arnolr tialaad do are srenaatlns aa net at the star thnatri thla week that aainaea ehiM rea of all agea. Tbe doss era alannat haaMa la Intelligence, aad thaw net ia ant the etaree typed aae tbnt ta neaally railed t ailad whea a traraed aog ahsw la .blllad at ya randerllle theatre. ........ v ... . ' r- " ' f-'.-r Tht Grand Theatre, , Ted B. Bo kaa bmS Jnet aa bis a hit aa IthJtfeemia and whletlrnr. Tbe Jamea ampaay oaenTt "VBIaeff g TOWr-'TnibTrt Baraay haa also woa hia way beta sreat sabltt Neat k Ja a rasa wui orter SVntnats at "Dr. Jekyn and lb. Hran." The Wabash in the Lead., .. Joint Agent Norton, who represented tt St. Louis terminal lines daring the world's fair.' has msde a statement of ths number of tickets passing through tb validating office, which shows one fifth of the total number handled were Wabash ticksts. You Get It Free. A ean ' of iAistrelse that eaeellent woodwork, floor snd - furniture finish. Given away free with Journal want ads. tl words for-IS cents. - AJgUSBMWjrTS. COLUMBIA THEATRE ! OOUTMBIA la drsauUsatloa STOCK COHTAHT ef hURia ooatLU'S a atory. .la "THELMA" ' MaMsees Ratarday and genday. "f Last l'artarwe Banday Night. ' Dnwatnwa boa effln. oeea all day at tinny arena eaady ahep. 327 llarrlnaa. .Fhaaa.Mala lie, BraatBg at theatre. Mal.gIL. . ' Kwirtnsa, SOr. lee, Sh, Ue, . . alaUnaee, 26c lSe, lOe. . EMPIRE THEATRE J4-- Order by Phone Mala 11. ' ' Phieied to the doors loot nlrbt. TONIOHT AND AXb THIS WKKK. . MATINKg SATCR1AT. A enrklaf rwl abnw, tbe big New Tork auerwia, nToaaTBSLmu-a DaouBTBa.- atloaal Btelodrawa. Special . , prodnrtioa. Mens Winilng. lAc. Xe. SSe, BOa. . Matinee. lOe, lite. Sc. DAKER THEATRE Third and Taadilll eta. Keating A rtand, Mna- asm. Laeaaat vaneneiiia iitme ia aawnee, o ai. nrta ad nmi ' rooa AaKTOMa. .- - ODtU AkO HABT. ..... iZ. ADOAICK ilBTEa. - - -THS gtaWABDS. . THS IXLIOTT. " - HAM WTLsOW. . ru EtMun. ODwnatalra, ei asatahe, 10. at I ao. ana s.w s. m. &L?LS!a', GRAND m oslt erLiraT lAko jsjfva roar abb oomaax. BarrOS ABO DEAOLS, THOMAS IXMOBE. . ' am eroeiA raT. , MB, ALf BOBS t a. ' Tma eaABDiaoora. . . ll i nlag. Ifle and me; an aeata, ataUaeaataeryt aaaday aad aeildajraa. A Dxmch of! FailJAV ?HC!LL BOYS' SATlN CALF SHOES, newest styles, cood IststTrscl . y ' "Sizes' 18 t0 l3J4, at -. ..1-. .w.....9CkJ' .y ,'' - ; Sizes 1 to 2, at..-CU.... I '' '; ' 7 ' Sizes 2J4 to' 5J5," atTnr.t9Ui30. Doys35c "-Wai -;: Boys' Blouse and Shirt Waists of the newest styles, ' ,B.-J,-.I',.-iW..Krw . fit a. , Doys9 20c Heavy Ribbed Hcco. 1 Cz Vv' TEsrtra heawy:v1bbed hose, all sizes.' . 'r Aj -.x extra Values a tm sum at iiso. I3.c3, nso ni i6 W H. MarkeH. C. fyA -y ry'y--121-123 CIXAND AVEfiUI. ' Greatest SatOT Special PANTS, HATS arid SHOES m yuu or rirrs of heavy weights left over from last . season, worth S4.0 anaT ILOO. to be closed out et S2.50 end 4t3UM: cheaper grade ef SI.M value to be sacrificed at SlSO. IT or IMO and IJ00 grade. to sell oat at f l.BO. ; 'XC:L' '""'"''-' '" "' men, mlases and boys, guaranteed satis factory wear; must be cleaned out, aa our spring new goods are In end we are crowded for room. Prices are si most curinoTr-irirrNr to investigate et either one of tne two atoreav Ooev -rtca - aa TaankJS, er JOHN DCLLAD, Prov Soole Bros. Piaca Co. .... .1 : - - t - . 37374 Morrlsoa Street Cor. West Park. - A Stelnway aad IS e' of higa- LECTURE RECITAL Tristan and Isolde sr ; yy ''' ' :' "' !i V' K ' ' '- ' 4' ' . ' '' .' ' ' ' ''. ' Mrs. Raymond Brown , Saturday Cvenlor, March 35th Stein way Piano . Used AJtxrsnwjrrs. THE LYRIC THEATRE SgTBKTB AND ALDBB STRBJITs. Beery Aft mania and B Yen log. OBRAT rOLB-ACT aRKSATIONAI, OOMBOT T r , . MKLODUAMA, The Subway of New York Bperlaltiee Bntnun Acts. . m at ! SO, 1:30 aad til a., aa. Caaal prlea el adailaalna. 10 eaata. THE STAR .THE A TRE Til ug,iu.,, www Tl . ABBOUTB T AISAJ) DOO. ooaoaao, rAsraiiTA ad cabx. KABaOB AAD DBXW. , ew rhadnle ef srhaa geenlnga, Ma and SV: amilneea, eneevt aaadara and bH dara." i WS-ar-hewa; e prm.i"1M m. nna w . . CLACA BBOaV concert r : f n ' tr : ' .. . '. We sswa arfawaa soaae great Vc,. J Pictaro Holder T X eers, wtnk gmae ta txvmK awe) J g:;.lSr2a HOME FURNISHXRS : , 173-175 FIRST STREET A IA . '.VL..... " i Ever Pficd - On eoooont of Inenfflcient room and the outgrowing of our present quarters we will be installed in enr new bund ling. Washington atreet. In the new nia-awry- uuuuina on to comer or West Park and Washington 'streets.' on or a boat April 1. For a short tint only any Journal subscriber- having - mtum machine can exchange same for any outfit aa high as -for down aad SLO per week, being allowed IS.00 on the little fellow. t ,. t sfat tttiaTtril a AUMiAnanu ? aea . . . e lse mma r, Mittuaa Orand Prix Paris, 1100. Double Orand Prise St Louis. ISO. I VATCHEC a-J ftem TSk WAYS OF A WATCI Published Sy the Xlgla VaAioaeJ watok O0.1 1 "After a watch haa been completed so far aa mere human testa render poasibl. It I given over to th ele ments. Flrat. the watch le placed In an oven and eabjected to a high teaa perature; then placed In a rrfrtgnra tor and thoroughly chilled. When It la removed, a record la taken ef the time that It haa 'kept. Ita errors marked, Ita ' faulte corrected, and again It undergoes the teata by fire and ice.- Thla in done over and bver again, until the watch emerges, faithful to the chronicle of seconu. minutes aad. hours, ss custom regu latea." v .,- We Sen Bli Waseaae, , A vast aav A. N. WRIGHT " The Iowa Jewaiar, ' Sag at OUAVIbOM BTagaTT. lira itiEPiioi:: Ta tnewl' sjaaa ef " Save etgaad t fang ta aw tab- as f so be pat to a ee ed Va I I.Ixrch 22. "J , eva : a s Aw. Removal Notice