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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1905)
rcr.TLA::D. ;Ti:ur:r.Y 'evz::i::g. 13, 13. .: Si AT -PALI Ortan Counties , Makings Es pecial Effort to DrinjvOut Their Varied Resources. CUILDINO STONE SURE- - TO CE GREAT INDUSTRY Marble, Granite, Cement, Clays, uypsum and Lime Have '. Been Proved. . v J ' .fLon. "Wtle are determined to ex ploit building stone and non-metallic mineral products of this state at tha : coming fair. Several of tha eountlea . vara making- a apeclal effort to bring to fc gether large exhibits of tbia class. The following advertisement Issued by' the '; chairman of the Linn county commit tee gathering Its exhibit, ,1s typical of n w, in many part of the state. "Any . one knowing of . tba., existence r mlnenr.stoM.vsu!.: as mumm. ated below, will confer a favor by noti cing uie cnairman at once where same may tt. obtained, or, if possible, by de .uvering same to the chairman or to . County Judge Stewart, at Albany: Or - namental and building stone, such a marble, granite, alate and all other atone building materials, rough, hewn. wed or polished;' rocks which .produce iims or 1 cement; grindstones, - whet ; atones,, pumice atones, fire clay 'and - - sands. ' moulding sands. flint feldsoar: , brick, terra cotta, glass, etc; mica, as beto, gypsum and graphite; gema and . , precloua atones; natural salts, mineral . waters of aU kinds, sulphur and pyrlte, . ( natural mineral paints, asphalt and, as phaltlo rocks, mineral bitumen . and ---wax. mineral fuel and lumlnaata, such as peat, bituminous coal, lignite, an- ithracite, coal dust ana; petroleum; gold. - .stiver, lead, copper. Iron and other mln ... eral. bearing rocks of every kind .and .-. , product." , . , ' " "-T "77.7 There Is a rast Yarietyof building stone in the state and aome or It baa rare merit, but very little work has . , ever been done to open such quarries or develop deposits or building materials. - "White and mottled marble of every de - gree of fineness has been located on both 7 . sides of the Cascades, and a few ship- meats .have been made to ' polishing ; works. A portion tf tha local- marble i ( , aemana is suppiwa ny ins noma prod uct, nut assurance is, had -that if some of the quarries were developed, - there would be a valuable export product. ' Granite Is quarried in a few places: a , principal one la near North Powder, Baker county, where product la found that baa been pronounced, in soma re spects equal to the Barrte- granite. ', Sandstone bss been lesa explored, bat ' the vast sedimentary ' strata In "many 7 parts of the state, especially ' In " the ' Snake basin and Rogue and Umpqua ""Valleys, challenge- exploitation, - . . ' It has been established that the ele ments for an excellent Portland cement are found at four or Ave points; one Of the best deposits Is In Wallowa county; 'two are In the Willamette valley. - The . unrivaled bed of gypsum " Just - above ; Huntington, from which has Been taken the materials nsed In the plaster work at' the fair, is destined to command national attention, for v the quality la 1 pronounced admirable rand "quanttty -? seems to have no limit. Urn. and gyp sum abound la this state.' and should '.be exported In great quantities. Boras and several saline products, are Just - being produced In commercial quanti ties In the remote Interior districts of southern Oregon, where a, great inous try is assured when transportation opens the country. ' Coos Bay, baa been " known for half a-century as a good coal district, and a fair tonnage baa been ablpped annually, but more systematic exploitation In thla section will give to the stste a much mora valuable asset. Coal Is being proved In the John Day basin, with promise of a steady tonnage when rail llnea pierce further Into the Inferior. ... . - ....-.-' products not-included, under .the head of metallic. People have Just begun to realise their value, and the elaborate ex hibits Indicated for the falrwtu prob ably have the effect' of bringing -them to the attention of the world.,. t iV(; SUMPTER-BOURNE R. R. ; PROBABLE THIS YEAR (Special Dwpetcs'ta.Tme JeeraaL) .. i. Sumpter, Or.,"-March II; Cltisens of this place are suit working for the con struction of a railway between . Sump- ter and Bournes KlUaa Warner Stewart company has assured the people that If 120.000 of the IMt.tOt required for the work is raised here; -the other money ".' will be forthcoming- Immediately. Pre '." llmlnary surveys have been made for ' thla line, and detailed surveys sre ex pected this spring. After positive an " ' nouncement la made ss to the cost, the locsl people believe they will have no difficulty In raising the bonus' fixed by the men who are behind the work. The plan under consideration la to construct the railroad' from Sumpter -up Powder river to Hanover, thence up Big Cracker toa point near' the E. A K. mine, and loop back on the west side of Big Cracker at an elevation bringing the road up to the level of the Columbia . rinironda mines on ' Fruit creek. "The total length would be alighUy mor ; than seven miles. . . ; -. STOCKTON DECISION V . . - EXPECTED SHORTLY . - H. H. Ames one of the ; principal 4-. .owners of tha Stockton jnlnlnr property, which Is tha, subject of a eult .brought by the Badger Oold Mining Milling r company, Grant county, la la the city - "on . mission connected with this ease. . Mr. Ames said that nntll Mr. Bradley 'testified on the witness stand that the Badger had crossed the Stockton side line on the 100 level, and had done fit.- AAA ,nit.i th lUfflM Of the StOCk- ton, be had no Intimation that such wai in progress. There, were rumors to tne affect that the Badger was aver the line, hut tha management bad never In- " f dlnated the fact, nw bad -there- been Ewnilaa Yoiir DentiA-lco Aaid snd grit,' deadliest enemlei of the teeth, abound in cheap aentirricea, Fine perfumee do not make fine denti frices. Tour teeth deserve better of you tha a to be offered up a sacrifice to your pocketbook. , , . : , , . SOZODONT Tar-"groVrll "V1tTtlg,---grtlT-yesrs t pretty good test. No arid, no grit In Hosodont. . The Liquid penetrsles , the little crevlcts and purifies them: the Powder gives a bright and pollened sur face. ..,---'. v rOEi:SiUQUiDr POWIIKH, PASTE. i;j cuyi;:g t:ov; Very Choicest . Pianos to D Had Prct,iclly Wholesale I I' i '. Prices. . : , :' Savloi All the Way From $75 to $150 Only m Sfytrt Time Loft s In Which to Join a . Co-Opera Ttfve Club. ; . . , " . '; Chlokerlnc. IWeber. Xlmball names that recall the most cultured homes, the nneei musician eingvrs, pinniei, com posers, the most critical mualcal Judges, not only of this country, but wherever culture and civilisation are found. They sre the pianos that do not need to beg fur ralrnnin or recosnltioiu And these pianos, our three leading makes, are included in our co-operative club sale. Members of Club r,K" dre saving on an average 1147 eaon on tnese splendid Instruments. Payments, tilt to ISO cash, according to price, and weekly payments to . . , , The Practical Side - In addition to securing for your home the very finest piano made, a marvel of tone beauty, and an Instrument you can aeiMBd uDoa -to give xou-satisfaction for a lifetime, you have something that can be realised -upon, should auch an un fortunate necessity arise.- These pianos are ea good aa real estate. Everybody irnowA tha reliability and the worth of the puckering, the Weber and the Klm- : Other Bargains ": .f. . Besr In mind every piano we carry is Included ' in this great co-operative, value - gaining, cost - reducing aale of oura. Tou can get that splendid piano, the Hobart M. Cable, so supremely good that recognition is accorded it every where: -the New- Tork aristocrat, the U n ..It.. . f. nu as ,,r. m- f,Vftr4t. In the .wealthiest Domes in ma country: . l . ... w . r.0 Cklt..lnhla' the wonderful Crown Orchestral, the pi ano of many tones; the. dainty little Weser, with mandolin, guitar, banjo and other attachments: the Schumann, Had dorff. and to on, thirty makes of pianoa in all, ranging in price to club biryers from 1117 to 1660, and more for the rarest art styles of fur highest grade iaamimentK -77 t. , . . The pisnos pfffrhasable now In Club -A" for $117. $144, 1160, etc.. are as s-reatlv reduced as the very finest. Not a piano. in this club sells In the regular way for lees than ZOO. and from that on up to 1300. 1 Payments, IS down and Paymenta In Clubs "B," "C TT and f somewhst 'higher, but equally rea aonable, according to the price of the piano. r . Every- Instrument ' fully guaranteed, and money back ahould your Instrument fall Jn any way to prove exactly as rep resented. REMEMBER 8ALK CLOSES THIS MONTH. Kllsrs Piano House, 161 Washington a tree t. corner Park.- any opportunity afforded the Stockton to determine It from onssrvation. Mr. Amea says -the -general aspect of the ss. to his view, Is that tne Badger wants the Stockton, and thought .thla a cheaper method of acquiring the prop erty than to negotiate and pay a money consideration outngnt. .... - l A decision' in 'this case la expected soon, as' the J evidence sunmittea -to Judge Bellinger is not voluminous, and the questions involved are not compli cated. Most of the facta are admitted. so that the oourt ' will have - to - decide practically on tha' sufficiency of ' the notice forfeiting William Koran's naif Interest. - 1 Mr. Ames In also one of tha principal owners pf the Morning property. Green horn district, on irhick heavier work I expected-tneommenoa thla spring.- The mine ha an excellent showing. and is equipped- wilb Bryan mill, bat -the deal made laat ran . oy tne ' rormer owner eontempuUou erectloa of a large stamp, mill,:-'-. . 1 - ...i NICOLA COAL SEAMS' : - . OPENED WITH DRILLS B. B. Roae ha Just returned from trip of three 'Weeks', duration to the Nicola valley coal country of British Columbia. - He states that three drills are working In the valley and two mora ar to"le'"e tkrtea IgoBI "lhe ' UttaaOKtrf Vale company baa . been drilling all winter, exploring a considerable . are of Its ground, and. the general geport Is that good seams have been proved for a considerable ' distance, Tbia company baa II claims. The Diamond "Vale com pany wllli-probably put, another drill .In the- district goon. - " The Nicola Coal company, which has offices, In Portland, has a drill working at the preaent; time, Tha district Is In a prosperous condition, and all operators are - hopeful 'that the Canadian Pacific wilt extend its branch line into tbe val ley thla -season.. This line is within (0 wiles of the coal measures; and baa a cleaar swing bp-the valley for the ex tension. where water level grade Is bad all the way "and no topographical diffi culties are-to- be encountered. Mr. Roae says ho doubt Is felt thst the C P. will build .this extension the present year. after, which ha aaya tha district will commence to output a large tonnage of good coelA Ha-brought -to , thla city a great specimen of 1soal taken. from 14-foot aearn t 6n tha - property of - tha Diamond Vale company, atnd nag It on exhibit at the Portland .office Of s the Canadian Pacific company. OREGON SECURITIES 1: MILL READY TP START .,.,;,,., , " : i (Special Manatee ts TU oaraal) .Cottage Orove, Or., March II. Man ager A. B. Wood of the Oregon Securi ties company left for the mine today, and expected the 10-stamp mill would be started at Once, aa the reps Ira are about completed. '. He baa reoelvedword to the effect that tha west drift on the Champion ven la In good ore and that a good percentage of It 4a f ree. An amalgamator bag left here for tha mine. and It Is sura that heavy work will be commenced In a short time. , ,- . OOAJW Portland men are Incorporating the Black Diamond Coal Coke company for operating in tha Nicola valley coal district. British Columbia. "Those pro moting tha enterprise have secured nine elalma In the district, on which It In expected tq commence prospecting work early thla aprlng. D. t. Darrow" Is president of the - company, - William Ecciee vice-president, C. B. Caller m retsry, IX I McLeed treasurer nd R. B. Roae, Oeorge W. Beaver, H. W. Stew art. E. C Robinson, C. T. Henderson, Dr., P. U McKensle. C R. Archerd and W. (I. Taylor director. " ' ,k . , -1 - (gperiel IHesetrh t Tse leeraaLI Dalle. Or..' March It. The telephone line between Merlin and Qallce, recently completed by the Merlin Townslte com- llnes An aout hern-Oregon. It la of great benefit to Uallce, ae It -puts -the camp In touch with the outside world, and It Is expected that In the near future all the large ml nee r this district will connect-with. the Una., ' , Men's. Vork Shirts, single j '-.. . . and. double breasted. i.45t5 Large assortment of Men's Golf . and Dress Shirts"; 50c J and 75c values, ...... ..SO Men's HeaVy Rockford V . Socks V . . .5 Large assortment Men'sj t La dies' and Children ' - Umbrellas . .. . . . ...S5 up Boys' Bib Overalls.. ,V. ,25a) .Boys' Knee Pants. ; ;V; . .5a Boys' 50c Dress Shirts ; , .S3 Pillow siipei each."..,.V.1.....7H' Pillow Slips, 42x11.. ....... .w..9 Bleached Cotton Crash.yd... .49 ,11 and IS Bleached Cotton Huck , Towels ............. J.. 10e Oood Bedspread . .......... ... .69f Gray Cotton Blankets.ur."..,....38 One-yard wide English JPnroalea j.ti' It-incbr Lawns.. 6 press Glnghama, big variety. ;.10 .American Caliooa, slightly lm- - perfect ,S'e I4ght and Dark Outing flannels, - - rrt B4 Swiss . Roffled Curtains, plain and striped, palj, .89 HcCdl's tlagadne 30 a .. year. A" swell monthly, of -fashion. .. Get '. a free copy of .our Fashion aneet ior Apriu 'ei For, the. spring and summer. of 1905 'we have on display,' on the second floor of our store, one of the most stupendous varieties and at prices never-before. shown ' for the same qualities and styles in Misses' and Children's Spring and Summer Wash Dresses. We have them in all sorts of fabrics there is no excuse for. sewing'' . now, when you can purchase a dress all ready, to" wear for the price you would pay for the materials. . We givcyou a few of the. prices of the 500, different styles Jkt fl.lB We are showing In- thla line 'of Misses; Dresses nine different styles In standard percales. In hair line stripes . and ' small dots, also In Scotch ginghams, .In stripes, plaids and plain colors.' made with pretty yokes of white pique, in sises from to II years .- ":- AT 35 A nlca quality . In pink and whit and blue and white check ging ham, trimmed ' with embroidery and soutache braid,' sixes 1 to I years . : Special 35c ; In'all the latest materials and Ja, , , . ., ; , . t . v AT 91.65 Made of white Jlnon. with yeae trial wee - -wiia- .offwry , ..csiov. . ah a-usBied with same, pUlted akirt with seep sew, ataes freai S to I yean - ; SPECIAL $1.65 T AT 2.S5 This pretty di freai very kae -' India llnea, ' all-aver tare fmt. yke with eaibrnMerr. Beasias Mneaa e(fec with plaited skirt, slsts to 14 years ; sncaAL $2.33 . Spring Corsets We' are showing an elegant line of New Spring Corsets' in lines for ' which we mm apggaaMnpnnpBj BkBSgessenssgaW are exclusive agents. Armorald. Corset, the patented rertt . cat bonlrig make. It Impossible to f break down at the sides, mode of the 1 best materials, two atylea long and ' short hip; colors, , drab. whit, and black' ...7-t-- '-.---. Sises It t. St... '....9I.OO 'Sises It to It.. ..y. il.25 P. P. Corset,' style 117. msde of beet -quality of- Alexandria' cloth, tan front, medium - oeep nip. tltftwstioorwim best qwsilty wstrh aprlng tempered steel, ' richly - trimmed with 'Valenclenneat Isce end satin drawing ribbon,' ' white and -.drab , K. 91.00 i, JO i) , '. r s.T.n - , , , -a .- - . J: Because we sell jLjbetterclass of good goods at a lower, price than any other house in the , city. We' quote comparisons from any standpoint. Buying here is not necessary- come in and Jook about, if you sae what you want, buy; if not, no one is offended. Welike callers. We enjoy a. visit from you. ' Surely if your call should benefit you you would not regret it. We are sure jroull ; , ; ,. ? . h find something to "your, liking, both ar to style, quality and price.; ' - C , ' ' -, WE I: VITH ft Tl .65 There are .pine styles Jn- good, quality of percales, chambrays, glnghama and llnettf, la Russlsn blouse and sailors, la stripes, checks and- plain colorings or blue, pink, black and watermelon, from to it yea Special 151.65 AT 92.e5 A novelty ' In Buster Brown Misses Suit,' msde of . satin finished Galatea cloth, light ground, with' pink and blue hair-line atripea, turn-down separata white linen collar, white four-in-hand-lawn tie, leather belt, sixes to 14 years , '; ;r pedal$2.65 A 25n A pretty dress, made from a good quail tr peronler In nary and red. with white polka dot, sises 1 to I years ,. ' v 7-. ' ; Special 25c :.V'.1--V..;.'''J V 7 '''' " ' v in this line the newest, 'up-to-date styles in Linon, Lawns, Swiss and -Point de Esprit' : 'In confirmation dresses styles, but we' defy any one to-come anywhere near the low prices we give you on these, lines. AT 94.35 Made of good quality washable Swiss, V-sbape yoke qf very fine tucking, trimmed with Insertion. fancy ahaped cape, trimmed with lac and Insertion, cuffs and collar trimmed to correspond, walat finished with white silk ribbon sash, sises to. 14. years- . . : Special $435 , . .;. ;! , ., j : ... , as- '. T. P. Corset, style (It, made of fin. Alexandria ; cloth, bias gore, well boned, high bust, long hip, trimmed ' at top with Valenciennes lac and ' Insertion, has four 'hose supporters attached 91.00 ladles Pine Se teen Corsets, short and medium lengths, boned throughout with steel bone, colors drab and blbck; prtc 50d P. P. Corset, style III, made-of finest - l Alewendrto elin erMI wet . -beeak down at the sides, reinforced side front, sll the bones are tipped and cannot rot through, eyelets, for hoea supporters, whit, and drabr.9i.OO 0 iin'.i I ' o ... TRAE)!WG EVltRY lOc PURCIIASlt 'If n . we nave on uispiay A BO Beat -Quality German 9r. eaie. in navy and red, witn wntte pin head dot. trimmed In embroidery and braid, gisas I to S years- A 85 We have eight different atylea. made of best quhllty percales and ginghams, some mad with box plait and loose belt, others- with blouse effect.. In plain stripes and checks. sises 1 to ' y Speddi85c AT 91.1K Made of good quality Scotch gingham, in pink and white and blue and white checks, and plain colors of blue andwatermelen; these dressss we have la 11 different styles; sises froea 1 to-i yeare .-,-. - ,-s Special 01.15 ii; AT 91.35 This ts a line that we are proud of; they are ten styles of dress, msde . from .Scotch chain bray and gingham, in plain plaid and cheeks; also some Scotch lawns in whits ground with blue or pink figures, alsea 1 to years . - , . . Special $1.35 AT 92.10 la this line yon wUl find t-JUlSJMV-mtrt,1Sj stripes and plain eolora. In Kua-J urea. etsn blouse and Buster Brown styles. finished upoa braid, and pearl but toasv alsea to II T Special $2.10 AT 91.75 This la a beauty and on. I of the besL values ever shown Jn whit. Lawn Dresses, mad. of good quality laws, all-over lace yoke, fancy ruffle front and back trimmed with Valen ciennes lace, cuffs also finished .with lace, plaited skirt, sises to 14 yean Special $1.15 New Spring Udies Fine! Black Hose, silk ,.'.-. embroidered. - Special. .25 - Ladies Black Lisle Lace-Hose silk embroidered. . ----- - ' ' Special, 35f; 3 prs.'for fl Ladies' : Fancy Colored Hose, . .' assorted patterns. ' : : , Special ......... .'. . . .25t 'Misses' and Boys'.lxl and 2x1 . Ribbed Hose. 7- - 7.-7 - -' Special, pair . ; .' . . . ...12f Misses' regular 25c Fine fibbed . Lisle Hose. Special.... 15t . . . . -. Infants' Cashmere -. Hose. , silk '. heels and toes; colors, pink, blue, red,' tan, black and "'white; sizes. 4. to 6., " '- Special f ...... , . . ..... 15 Ladies' Out-Size Black Cotton Hose -Special. . . ,.A2yit.. Ladies' Qut-Size Hose,' wsih . white foot. SpeciaT. t..Z' s run nrrr Ml I I , V s f J l W vl v.'. ... . , . fP J ' , 1 , ,-, - , :-.l.-. STAMPS A ' Waste E3)ressss w-' , ;;7 I J'! 7:f A ""'.V.-'di ';' - AT 854 Misses' Dress, made, from good quality percale, yoke of fancy pique, wtth two. -hex plaits, ruffle front and back, trimmed with laoe and insertion. In whit ground, with pink, blue, red and rblack stripes and fig-, urea, sises from to 14 years - Special 05c . "4 -J. blood ginghams, trimmed with ruffleT front and back, embroidery on yoke,' fancy- sleeve trimmed with braid, sises f 1 to I yea Special 60c , AT 93.45 Made of .very fin. India lawn, fancy-lac yeke deep ruffle, fin ished with lace edging, tucked back, full plslted sklrti with two "tucks, "deep" henv sises 'from (to 14 yea Special $3.45 Silks and Dress Gog2d ell a IICWW JTI IO 36-inch $1.73 guaranteed black Swiss Taffeta. iJ v Friday ',znd Saturday. ............. .41.10 e84?-ft-TncT$08 guaranteed xni boilwf blaclTTaf feuTT. f 1.10 23-inch guaranteed black Taffeta ; regular $1.50. , Sale Price - v .v. .... ;.'v .-. .v . . . .f 1.10 ttftQ-inc&Wifvnrnnttd ; black Taffeta; 89c grade ... .... .1. t ...... . . 1. :.. . . .73 69e $1 grade, two-tone Shirt-Waist , Silk.' in . stripped v effect ; just the thing for your spring suit ; 20-inch. .... .60t t9f--69c Silk, for shirt-waist suits, in'all wanted colors,", J with dot ; 20-inch'. .Y,. i . . . . . . . . . .'. '..'..i ... .... . . . .50 4ft-inch Mohair, m all waned'colo.SpMiaf.TT''.etv 38-inch Fancy Mohair Suiting just -the thing' for shirt waist 'suits,, in brown and blye.-....'.Vrv1r(f.ri.-...Ut.w 44-inch Two-Ttne Mohair, with Persian effect, m Trown v and blue ;. ;.v. . . . .v. . . . . . .... 44-inch Checked Bourette Voile, in all colors, just the thing ' for a smart dress , . , ... .................... ... ....... CC Extra . Special -52-inch black and. brown , Mohair ; r 4 value at $1." Special , ......... ... . . . .V. ......... . 80m;rrrp'Etannerm striped trmi frrfr 'A Moire Velour, in alt-wanted colors, just t! . i ' ' " t' :rt; extra value at E3c. FocFri- - - With every JC j Tradinc Stampc B51:I55Jd "MAAVlrW - por every 10c purchase or mul-j tiple thereof we will give you B. & HV stamps. Paste these on the back of a sheet,', which contains foar pages, which we give you, holding ? 50 stamps each. When you; have::nlled one or more pages bring them, to' us and we will give you. in exchange beautiful Silver and Chioaware of the best quality. ,Ypu will soon gecaro a hand sorAe Dinner Set and a full Sup- ply of HighGfade Silverware absolutely free, or, as stated ah(Sv. $2 cash or $2.50 in mer-' Ichandise for 10 pages or 500 stamps. . , ;i y , ,. (.W-. .,.- McCall's Psttcrns The. latest and newest pat 7 terns for spring and sunjr. mer, 10-l5e. Ask for ::..7. them. .. ' !(..-': .,.-:'' 7' - .. j ' W 'X' T. AT 91.35 This Is an excellent In six styles In- percales, chambrays and ginghams. In checks, stripes and plalda, In pink, blue, navy -and red. trimmed . In embroidery and linen braid, full skirt and loos, belt, alsea from years to 14 Special $1.35 94.15 Two-Piece Norfolk Dress, msde in faigyptuur. dsak giuundj mitsi white polka-dot. .skirt Is plaited front and back, trimmed with stars r and pearl buttons, sises to If year Spccisl $4.15 we not only give you the latest ; ; '. ' , , ? . 7 : - r AT 97.85 Confirmation Dress, made or very use quality roint oe Esprit, yoke -of lace insertion and edging, and trimmed with ribbon, ruffle front and back, trimmed with two. rows of whit, ribbon, full skirt, also -trimmed with two rows of ribbon, drop skirt finished with lace, wslst finished with whit. ribbon saah, sises to lt.yeai SPECIAL $7.03 r - . r ' 1 t . m ,:7 Una 7.