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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1905)
J.l " . THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND; THURSDAY -CVi:::iNO, MAfXH U KZ1. , 1 . . . " ,!:'"' 1 .. . . 1 v: , .. U ' ' v' 1 - '! . ' 1 ' . - . ' v i : M , v fc i - A t ' i M ' I " ' LAUNCH SHIP FC fjonni POLE TRIP SAYS JIU JITSU . EffAS USED OH Dill t ''...''-' , CORRUPTION SCENTED IN MORE CITY WORK V sr. r Contract Wrt ttt by Portland Officer orV an Admittedly High :v: Bui of -Prices for 'Concrete to Be Used in the Marquam i v Gulch Front DISTRICT ATT0RNEY MANNING I INVESTIGATES GRAFT. Hoffman 6rot;rTobk Sub-Contract Frorrv Pacific' ipbnetruction Company of San francisco, Were RefujellMone by Wan -!rWeind Suit Against Contractors Exposes Scandal. l;r ; ; ' Dtatriet Attorney Msnnlng fs inves , V ' -tinting the i alleged criminal irreru 'laritlea In .ronneetlon with the; Mar ;' 'quam guleh,- Front street viaduct con- iv tracts, as-, shown "yesterdsy In, V The . Journal It Is stated that questionable .'faction vii taken by the elty offlctala In letting -contracts on an admittedly high '1aaia of prices. I end In allowing "atl- wiateg-ror-work dona there- waa-e, ,):; 'graft to' favored contractors. . City , Auditor Davlln- snd others hare been before the dlatrlot attorney to teatlfy, '. and the investigation will , be pursued, ..until the factareJai4.baie to th. Pu .lie. : - - . "'"l The. -records ahoex that the elty en. - tered Into a contract with the Paclflo . Conatructlon company of Ban Fr,"T Cisco for building the viaduct for 5i. 00 . the fit.000 bid of the Paclflo Con- structlon- company at Waahlngtoiv rsp ' (resented by J. S. Maoey, 'manager, hav- Ing been withdrawn, and the certified chncfcor-, depealted wita-tne-btd .. : returned by. vote pf the city executive . board In compliance with a requeat from Maney. and -leaving the bid the . only one to accept -: : :: Thla eontract..called for the payment of 19.71 a yard for the concrete work c" The actual coet of the labor and mi' tBTtele entering Into . concrete work la ; usually reckoned at about a, yard. , The Hoffmsns took the aub-contract from the California ' Paclflo CbnStruc : ' nn.nnv for a yard, preaumed to leave them fair profit for ther 1 work, while the conatructlon company wan to receive from the, city 11.7 'yard, reallelng the difference, I4.M . mw-A mm lu nront. for doing nothing. - . The Hoffmann espected to. reallae about giiOt proflU ftreaonable aunt, when It . la considered that they ha4 to Invert -mnm ( An the work. T: ' limit . , i v w ' . . i'. ' ' 1 . waa kxDoeea Oraft. Wanser flatly refneed - - to7 conaeirt to what ha conalderwl 'graft,- and Inalatea that -the usual method followed by englneera mnat ap r ply that of meaattrtng tha actual work 3 completed, and oe. ailawlng the eon t tractor -.theoretical yardage .. of . one - and oneuuarter yarda for each barrel of - .. utn ih. work. ' When the Hoffmann figured on their . ...w .tf tkn were tM4 -that the city engineer alwaya allowed one and tne Quarter yarda of concrete to eaon ibarrrl. of cement, and. on thla baala. ea. . J.. ,1a k. hm would xeceive lle.iO , for the XA it-. barrelai of . cement that t would be r aired t complete the eonr terete work.-. -t'v- VXI.- V Bnglneer .Wartaer-a- rehiaal to adopt 'T- the methoVVf eotllhatlow prtrvloualy In ' vogue reault4,.dn. etaai-meaaurement of the work eomma a ' tof l..4 yards. ste4Tf ; Tn' -was a oerloua Wow te-jpie Hoffmann. ' because they Joelved from the city un der Bnglneer Wenaer awpchlaaa than . they expected that they ware unable to I'.'"" pay for the material bought. J Demanda r- were made on ne nam " - FIGHTING THE DEVIL (Continued from Pag One.) ". ' fore, for what Intent ye have sent for rr In Ms experience. Dr. Chapman said. . v It had been demonstrated to his sati- tf.flliVrt that, a mm ruin sill "II1 . method awfkf people 4 the cause of . rlghteouaneaa. r i . "! . ,j "We want a revival liere he aald. "for poor and rich, ontcaata and rlght- - eoua. - There la question in my mina that Ood has been preparing "We and you for thla revival.- Of all the cities .liJIbveiverYla1tedjothlng has clung to me aa haa the recollection of my Yvialt here 1i months ago. -I only Itope ' that we will aeeompllsh here what baa - been aocompllahed elsewhere. For I have seen them coming to Christ literal ly by the hundred, bathed In teare, cry ing from the audience ror aaivation. am lusfm man. but I hare a message , from Ood. And I will , trll you now before. .Ooauhatl,lll k you to. do Tbe Clock tht tells. the time, and place J; SUPERB CUT U GLASS SALTS ttxA PEPPERS ; . $1.00 Each y ,t, W' Sterling Silver Tops A moat welcome addition to - the teble end represents 1 1 ve of r - that high qualify and dealgn- ,.. ing.-v Popular -' shapes an I sis., They.sfe In our corner , window for youe spproval. . r Cot Olas Napkin Ring ...L71 - Feldcnheimef Cof. Tnird and Wesbtnctou Sta. ' Jewelers, llrersmltha. Opt lr Una ; Street Viaduct. . : : '..: had ' sub-contracted. Bowlea, weusner and ,the . John. Doe and Richard Roe named In the complaint, for me money due them, which waa refuped. 'Inll WUI Be Ssnastloaal , . Then eame the suit filed yeaterday by Brodia eV Merges and D. R., Murphy, at. tonMvafoclha -Hoffmana,. seeking to enjoin City Auditor Devlin from issuing warrants to the Paclflo- Conatructlon company ot.SanrnncJsco. who had not yet been paid in full on Its $.7I a yard contract and to restrain City Treasurer Werleln from paying the warrants were they to be issued. y ' ' . The gaaertlon that a city engineer haa been in the habit of allowing theoretical yardage, inatead of measuring the work actually completed,. affords opportunity for Investigation. A feature oi iiw in veatlgalon will be the attitude of city officials who had knowledge of these facta and who should have known, that t--ynT6rws-"far" above the cost of. concrete work." - - ; . -t;. I If uch flagrant disregard . lor , me rlrhu of oronertv owners was manl feated in thla contract," said an official today, ."what will be disclosed whe4 other contracts ' are looked IntoT Ap parently. Engineer Wanser, by refusing to allow yardage on lira paaw jorawnj allowed, haa disclosed a system that. when thoroughly aired, will reveal start lytg scandals." . j j vl Contract agguag. The attitude of the executive board. In returning the certified check of l.IO in the $J.O0 bid of the Paclflo Con struction company of Washington, thus giving the Paclflo Construction company at Man Francisco the right of way to do the work for and toe fad that the concrete work was to be done on a basis of ft.TI a yard, when" labor and materials cost about $4.10 a yard, will be inquired' Into thoroughly.- .y- - The civil ault will be fought, with vigor, declares Attorney Merges, who states that ha oply seeks to secure for his clients the money due them. When It comes to trial, ths identity of John Doe and Richard Roe, named as de fendants, will be revealed. It I hinted that these men are prominent politically and. social! X. . . - jre ,m' .be Although City Auditor T. C. Devlin and City Treasurer J. JS. Werleln we-e made defendants. trn the; -action brought by Hoffman BreV they uare connected with the eonsplraey'wr-th -fraud in no way.- It U 1om Xtm porfjosa. only f re straining thrm 1 from paying to the other dt4eta moetey whfch Is due the cohtracters Iron- thla elty for the building of e bridge, until the plaintiffs have secured", their' money. Hoffman Broa. at the1tlme they teak the contract f OS the concrete work. It Is alleged, were entirely Ignorant of any conspiracy on the part of the other con tractors to defraud the people of a large sum of money and acted la good faith. nothing that I will pot do myself and promise Ood X jwlll do I will speak no word I have not found in thla book.' exclaimed Dr. Chapman, holding up th Bible. v "and I tell you we shall see mighty days la Portland." There were hearty "emena from the audience at this expression.. . - --""With what Intent have e sent for mer ' Dr. Hill tells you how LjJiTaiioiind..,and. msde tusned ewsr tHrinKWtBnirio return. because I could not. But now I am her among you. Why? Because there has been a mighty volume or prayer ror that end. It is but a repetition or the story or the old lady who, prayed Moody and Sankey into England." , . j Dr. Chapman described the scenes of enthusiasm that attended the meetings of his band in Denver and other cities and Interrupted hla sermon with Inter esting Incidents of conversions. . '. ) "God is no respecter of persona,' nor of cities." ha said. . "What He has done for Denver1 He can do for Portland; aye. He oan ahake from center to- cir cumference thla beautiful elty of yours. I promise you I will not say sharp things about the sinners, for Christ did not. bot we will . gather them Into 'the fold. Nor will I preach denominational Ism while here. I cannot. I am my self. I am teaching Jesus Christ, noth-Ing-elseT No-evangellst Undermines church, for every live church today waa bom In a revival. There are some things I can do. I can Show you what la wrong.' I Can re call to you the memories of, youth. Some of you may be rich, but all you have Is nothing to what you had when you spoke tboae words. Now, I lay me down to sleep.' I can bring back to you mother, home, heaven, Christ. Ood will Jielp me to stir your memories. The blind man who was cured. by an eminent surgeon cried. , tllory to Ood, I csn see, I can see.' Tou will say It, I tell you; you will ssy It, ' , - "W hy have ye sent for msT Gen tlemen. I know. I know." - "' There were moments In Dr. Chapman's sermon when scsrcely.aa eye waa dry Especially touching was his reference to the hemes of long go and the mother love. Hla - eloquence and - atraignuor wardneaa created. a fine impression,, Tar OmU sag CeMs rklMrrs take Pise Cars wlUMot ertioB. zs. SECRET OF CHARTREUSE HAS NOT BEEN SOLD Carthusian - Monks Hv Not Dis posed of Control of Their ' Famous Liqueur. .... SlnoetBettIlonfrom Frsiioe of the Carthusian monks various reports hsve been circulated as to the disposi tion of their estates and the secret for mula under which their cordlsl is made. Soma of the American newspapers re- rently .published a dispatch from Psrla to the effect that an Hngnsn syndicate had purchased both and would control the production of the liqueur. Inquiry Tnto this report was made by Batjer A Co., of New Tork. the American agents for the Carthusians, and a state mmtireiH"iiine6rbir'th"rirm" w r Is ring It to be unfounded. - The Car thusian' monks are now manufacturing Chartreuse under the asms of Liqueur Perea Chartreux at Tarragona, A pain., ' Preferred Meek Caused weed. A4l at lwia Beat Brand. -.. ,,-. , peary ) Arctic , - Exploration ; Steamship, Charles H. Dar- linff. Leaves, the Ways. t , ' ' v.. - '. .. '." r 1 j u ' 1 ' - VESSEL BUILT TO RESIST PRESSURE FROM ICEBERGS Three Frames of SolidOak Are r Bolted fTogether--Boat . ' Is d'val in Shape. (Jearaal Scwcial BtIc.) -, Bangor, Me March I Peary's Aro tl'o exploraUOn ateamshlp. the Charlea K. Darling, waa auccessfully launched at 11:11 o clock thla noon. The vessel Is considered the beet equipped craft for the purpose ever built and waa con structed with funda supplied by. the Peary Arctlo club of New York. , Lieutenant Peary will make hla next dash for the north pole in this vessel. Many ..persons ..of . promlneaca-ronv-all ever the country witnessed the launch ing and -the event" was one of- the most brilliant and remarkable in the hlatory of the old town of Bucksport.. - Commander Peary haa been watching cloaely the building of his new craft and probably nsver before waa a wooaen vessel so constructed. Nothing like it has ever-been- aeen Hitne aiaia-ox Maine, and. In fact, will be. without ex ception, the strongest wooden vessel thst wss ever built, , t- The vessel Is to be ISl.feet over all, it feet eam, of a mean draught of 11 feetnd a IpplMnement-tof .100 tons. The keel, keelson, stern and stsrn post are of solid white oak timber, well seasoned and brought from the foreata of Virginia. The ribs, r frames, are of whit osk sawedi Into their eurved shape nd made triple, , three frames bolted together, where, but one la usually placed. . ' ... '' The shane of the - Peary ."veasel Is pval, which cannot easily be caught and held br outward preasure. 8he Is a steamship, her sail . power being merely auxiliary. The motive ' power will be a alngle Inverted compound en glne, driving a single 10-foot screw, the steam being supplied by two water tube boilers. Under forced draught, this engine 'should develop . 1,400 indicated horse power. The vessel will be towed to Portland, Me- where her engines will-be set up and her rigging completed. . The start for the north pole will be made on July i. - - - 1 j : . . y ' f AFT VJCE HAY IS - : SAID TO BE PfJIN (Joaraal Kpeell awrltl" - New Tork, March S.-rA story la go ing the rounds of the Republican polit ical circles today that Truman H. New bury of Detroit has been Informed that it is the Intention of the president to appoint him kecretary of the navy at an early date. -.- . '.: The story has it that the resignation of Secretary . Hay la actually In the hands of the president and that Secretary-Ta ft will be ttanaferred fto' the g Utrfr department and Secretary Mdrtos to the war Bortfolie.' - i: I , 4 w-Wewborv is one of the richest young ten- ini'Micbigan and an ardent admtrer of Roosevelt. : ' ! ' ' ; . 1 I " 1 1 T' feXrs to Move cow , THAT ATE DTNAMITE v (special' Dispatch .te Te 'jearaal.) Sltvsrton. Or.. March . There la a dead cow. the property of O. E. WJnger, whose carcass ita owner and his neign- bors are afraid to move. The cow met her death the other day In a ' atrange and unuaual manner. Winger had been bleating stumps In the pasture, and had carelessly left a loaded ahell or dynamite, wnicn isoasy plosive did not explode, but Bossy died. Now Mr. Winger is 'afraid to remove the dead animal, or to take its mae, leat the dynamite explode, sending him to search' for Bossy In spirit pastures. QUEEN ALEXANDRA IS FETED IN PORTUGAL 4-.'- - ' I Jearaal Special Berries.) Lisbon. March 2L Queen Alexandra of Great Britain la being royally enter tained by King Charlea and the queen dowaaer. - She arrived yesterday and was met by two golden galleys -pulled br SO boatmen In eostumee of scarlet and arold. and escorted to a pavilion erected on the quay. The demonstration took the form of a floral parade, which waa followed by a state banquet at the palac.ei.. . , . HUNGARIANS REFUSE TO YIELD TO EMPEROR . tJoaresl Soerial Berries. I Bremen. March 21. At a banquet in the town halt last nlaht. given in honor of the unveiling of a monument ot Emperor Frederick, the kaiser, stated that his ambition waa to create a woria nower for the German empire, not baaed iinnn conauest. out orougni eooui through' mutual striving of nations after common purpose He stated that every new battleship la a pew guarantee of peace to tha world. , Rates to W. O. W. ponvention at ;.. 1 Lot Angeles. -Aeeount ut convention-Wowdmeaot the World ' and Women . of Woodcr.tft to be held at Los Angeles April IS, 1005, the Southern Psclflc Co. will sell mi Anrll 11. IX and 14. round trip tickets Portland to Lea Angeles, limit 0 day st rats of SIS. Tickets rsn be pur chssed at any Southern Paclflo ticket office. ; . ,..;('. KAISER AMBITIOUS TO - CREATE WORLD POWER T (inernal Rperlal aervtee.) Budaoeat. March 21. Julius Andras sy, former premier, has failed to form a new cabinet andireltnquished the task. The deadlock between the emperor and narllament eontinuea and the Hungari ans refuse to make any concessions to ths crown, standing aa a unit In their ' , : trot Of Cheap. ' Hs may well think ha has got off ?tvHjrJi,W Vs't," hBV vWJ"TTejra4rtJ) "av'jV" stlpstlnn or Indigestion. Is still sble to perfectly restore Me health. v- Nothing will ao inin nui lit r,vw s.iiv Pills. K quick, pleasant ana oertaia cure for headache, constipation, etc. 2Kn at Red Cross Pharmacy. Sixth and Osk streets, on the wsy to the post- omce; - guaraaieeo. --r Norman Davenport Lying in Hos pital Apparently Paralyzed V In Lower Umbs. ; . ' PHYSICIAN AND SHERIFF ; BELIEVE HE IS FEIGNING Allege While' Taking Stroll Two Highwaymen Attacked and V' .. Injured Him. "'. : -V' (specUl Dltpstrh te The learuLl Salem, Or March 23. Lying In the hospital, with his lower limbs apparent ly paralysed, and minus 1410 and a, gold watch. Is Norman Davenport, who al leges that he waa the victim of high waymen, in this city last night, Sheriff Culver and Dr. Byrd, who waa called to attend the man, are both Inclined to be lieve that the man la feigning Illness. There are many-reasons whlnh ied-thom toi think this. The sheriff thinks it queer that a ' business man -with that amount of mqney on hla person should be found at night wandering along one of the 'darkest streets in the city. Then the story he told last night does not co incide very closely with the one ha tells this morning. Dr. Byrd s skepticism waa aroused by the fact that an Injury to tha aplne as low. down aa he clalma to be Injured would not cause paralysis, and even If the muscles thkt appear paralysed were really so, other muscles which now ap pear gll right would also be paralysed. If he feigning, however. -he Is a good ftcvor, ivr nia 1 1 mi ta w nui - sive mnj more signs of life than if he were dead. ' Every conceivable, test waa mads on thee,-wlth no result. Davenport claims to come from New York, and had Intend ed to operate a Turkish bath establish ment 'In this city. ' He came from Port land "yesterday noon, and while taking a stroll before retiring was attacked by two thuga. one or whom, he says, used Jlu-Jltsu on him and strained hla back with the above result. . - ' - Norman Davenport met a stranger at one or the dime - vaudeville houses in Portland Tuesday evening and naked htm it he thought a. Turkish bath her would pay. . ..;-4.-J '--!,. ' -j-I - "Tea," waa the answer: "but thera are several places here or that kind already. Salem Is the place you should go. Have yoa much money T Unwittingly Davenport replied that he had about 1600 with him, but could get a great dea,more If it was needed. He waa again advised to go to-Salem. and did aa When he left - here yeaterday morning he noticed the stranger with whom he had the 'conversation the pre vious night waa at the depot, accom panied by another man. , While walking ' along ' the street at Salem last night Davenport was set upoa and beaten with slungshots by two men. Every; detective on the force Is engaged today In looking ror the men Davenport suspects, descriptions or whom were fur nished Chief - or Police Cornelius or Salem by Davenport t- . tv" ' i. 1 u 1 - "COMEDY'OFvEB&ORS" 7". MR.ARRACH'S TOPIC v - - i s. thV ecohd 'f " th Marshall Jparrach oajtespearean .recta's 190. piace nis morning atsthe home of ilra.C H. Lewis. Nineteenth, and Glisan streets. The Comedy of Errors" was tha play, and Mr. Darrach Interpreted the ridicu lous element well an,d-kept his, audience In a state of mirth with hla portrayal of the two slaves, who bad to bear most of the brunt of the confusion. The play waa so abort that he recited a number of charming, original poems . at - the close. "The Canoe song ' and "to Mar guerite's Eyes" were very musical, and well given. "Two Waya of Looking at Things" waa an amusing recital of a coach, driver's remarks In response to his passenger s jfoetlo effuslons.OTWJhe teTitter-tiflh scenery: Tie Kissed Her" waa another humorous sketch. Tha third recital will be given Mon day evening at the home of , Miss Wil liams, Its Couch street.. .1 - m 1 - WHO KNOWS. WHERE CLEVER SMARTY IS? "Smarty," the fine Esqulmsux-Splts dog, known aa ' the pride of the local Are department, belonging , to former Captain Eddie Davey of chemical No. 1, Is lost, and the Are ladUlea aa wail as tha owner are searching every nook and corner of the elty for their pet. 8 mart y" Is wall known to me local public, for he was frequently seen run ning with the apparatus in answer to aa alarm. The men believe the dog baa been stolen and are endeavoring to as certain the identity of the guilty par ties and secure ths return of their pet Smarty" was to have been entered in the coming bench show or ths Portlsnd Kennel club and hla owner expected mm to carry off first prise, aa me aog is ons of the handsomest specimen of this species in the' northwest. ' -f, 1 BOTH SIDES PREPARE ' TO, APPEAL CODY CASE . Journal Speelal Barvlea.1 Sheridsn, Wyo March JS. The. Cody divorce case closed this morning with a citation of authorities by .counsel of bote psxtles. The court has taken the case under advisement. A ruling 4a not expected until next week. It 1a under stood that both aides have prepared aa appeal to trie supreme court.: KAISER;0N-T0UR-t)F MEDITERRANEAN SEA ' IJoarsel Special ferrfe.) Berlin, March JS. The kaiser started today on a trip of the Mediterranean on board the steamer Hamburg. The tour Is epected to lsst several weeks. The Hamburg waa eacorted by an ar mored cruiser, the Prlni . Frelderlch KsrU , . SCIENTISTS MUST PASS-r - DOCTOR'S EXAMINATION (Joernal Rpflal gerrlrt.) Lincoln, Neb.. March 21. The senate today passed the Christian Science bill, which haa already passed the house, re quiring all healers to tske a four years' course in medicine and paaa the exam ination required of regular physicians. X&X.Sr0TJM00taV (Special Dispatch to T Joarna Dallas. Ore MarehZS.i-. Brown, a ten of H. M. Brown, well known aa a real ex tat oeaier. was operated upon yeaterday for sppendlcitls. Physicians stste that the chances for' recovery art alight. ; , liliilSlililll '" -' - ili-! -mmmmm m r'E V" ! ' 1 . "V- '.: : """' ""'. ( . -. . :.-, -',-.'. , '' ' v. ..'' ' ;H; IF NOT IN r - V ; DISE'WE OFFER TO. THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND IS v ' r i; THE CHOICEST PRODUCT, OF THE BEST -MANU- r' ' - : ;. i FACTURERS OF THIS AND FOKEIGN COUNTRIES. ' " , , , THiS is THE EXCLUSIVE MEN'S READY-TO-WEAR y v APPAREL STORE. LATEST IN- STYLE, BEST-IN 4 v QUALITY. STYLES IN VOGUE IN NEW YORK AND J; LONDON TODAY ARE THE STYLES WE OFFER TO ' THE MEN OF PORTLAND. ' IT IS NO LONGER NEC- v 1 ESSARY FOR THE GENTLEMEN OF PORTLAND TO v SENDiAWAYFOR CORRECT WEARING APPAREL. ix IS AT THIS STORE AND MORE CONVENIENT V,:- ..'; . v"r.Trow YOU: WE SOLICIT YOUR' PATRONAGE, .WE : r ', . WILL PUT FORTH OUR- BEST ENDEAVORS . TO ; PLEASE YOU, COURTEOUS AND GENTLEMANLY v 1 SALESMEN READY TO SERVE YOU IN EACH DB- -.:r..r'r':: 'Ji PARTMENT. , : i ; BER'S ORCHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE. DECORA- -.T "''y': tions. ' ' : J:::-:?;:'hr' 'y r V4 J e ' it ' FUNERAL SERVICES OF ' FORTY-FIVE VICTIMS :-( ' " : ' Jesrssl Special Urrim. -Brockton. Mass.. Marck . Bualnea waa . suspended, today arhlle publle fa- neral services were held for. 9 vicrims of the Orover shoe factory explosion and fire. Flags- were- 7 half-masted and street care stopped. Services were held . k. m theatre.: the Porter Concro gatlonal church and'the St. Paul Epls- copal church. . Tha body . ef Mrs. Lillian Hurd wxs Identified this morning. - -1 Paino It would be utterly Impossible to Im agine anything more dlstresalng thad La Grippe pains. They sre simply Inde. scrlhable, end seem to be eomposed of sll the misery sensations known. Tet they can be relieved-and In very short timet by taking . . r Dr. Mllo" Anti-Pain Pills , mmatmmt eemetlv on earth for DslnS of any kind. Their -soothing Influence Upon tne nervea .IS Jen innmimrai mi entire system. - "tbsd ta Orinpe pains all over me. knd I waa In such distress I thought I onuM tint endure It. I thought of Dr. Miles' Aotl-Pain Fine, ana arier usins I doses the pain . disappeared, and I aMiMTii 1 1 air Droinax swelling oa his. neek, and uses thera, as they ease the pain, and leave no bad effects like quieting powders." ADEUA LANE, Portage. MWl. ' If ther faH to help, your druggist wllj refund your money on first package. 46 desea, H oeatSv Never sold la sulsv i x s -TT"""-. . i BmSmlmmmmwmmmmmTssaBSTBm'aBaeBa!aaa nsgnaasg iisssssBssasxeassssni em ,t r ..... . , . . .;' , THE PUBLIC IS MOST CORDIALLY INVITED TO AT-.. TEND. WE FEEL NO HESITANCY IN MAKING THE . STATEMENT THAT THIS IS ; THE FINEST-EXCLU- 4 SIVE MEN'S WEAR STORE ON THE PACIFIC COAST, ' THE UNITED STATES; THE VISIT I OUR . STORE TONIGHT. WEB- 1 ; J : T7JL 269 - 271 MORRISON STREET f- f r- f- ), ;.: 'tyrrr-r-f-r- . - i - '. - 7 (-. PRICES REDUCED THE ' ta 1 Ncvvstle i: $5.00: $5e50 Newcastle Nut . . J; V 4.50 '-5.00 Australian (cTO . 6.00 6.50 Rosiyii .: . :v . . 6.00 6.S0; PeaocekSprih ;Kemmeiir:v?i::; 6.50 7,00; Other Coala PR7portiecitiy X-ow. ' . OtAS. K ,:( 249,Wtth!nstonCt MERCHANT -ft--s.-:-t pi '':; . ir?' '..' ' '-t '1 ....... i.l . , V - i, : v i. FOLLOWING PRICES ARE Bulk . ,'5Mt4s ClefSt, Afwt Tdsphones 229 uid 237 '. ifl if t - '. . 1- . '.v 1