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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1905)
-; te: czcon daily jsuijal. fcIsTlaiid. Thursday ; evening, .march & issi ; ; , CITT MVTHJML CITY V0TX0XB, 1 rv'W 4neeiii j ie ' CRT VOTIOXS. tjiTT etonoxs. - CTTT IT0TICXS. CTTT VOTXflXS. BAXLX04V A' A V ' A:"3XV(t rca EifsoTrrur or xajt mun mux.' , : Notice la bere.r riven that tlx Caaadl of th City f' r i. t-" -a." t 1 1f herd on th lb ur el h - h, lft, declared tea uMiit by ord!"" be. 14.607, for the lmmniit ( Kl luWth street, from tk auth line pf Muueomah atraet to Um aotrth bo sf 4umook .trout, in th KlnHf pro ' i.d by oratusnc Me. 14,001, upoa each Int. :pst of lot as parcel of land, which arc . s-ui.y and peculiarly benefited, b bt u fcjwMM. via: - . . , A parrel ( tond- lying between th couth nM i ef Multnomah etreet aad Una 100 fact oath therefrom and parallel therewith and . between (ha - aaat and weet Una of Baal Twelfth .tract. If extended aootberly la lis aairt courss. Oltr at Partlaad, 60.76. -OLLADAYS ADDITION TO BAST PORT ' LA KD BLOCK 134. lot B, Orearoo Reel Eaut , Company, 60. OS; lot 8, Oregoa Root Kauta Company, jo.OB; kt 7. Or. ma Real Estate .. Company, (0.06; lot 8. Oregoa Baal Kauta Company, fU.UD. ' BLAIC'K 130, lot B, Oregon Baal but Company, Baal BsUto Company, aeei astute .uompusy 0.0ft; lot 6, Oregoa 0.0ft; lot T. ' Oregon ft 'aft. ? 1 0.06: - lot ' Offm Baal "Batata Company. 60.0ft. KUtmc faa. tot S. O. v lliti, O.OB; tot t. o. A.' Bltaa. 8O.06t lot T, Oregoa Real1 Batata- Company, : fO.O&i tot 6, Oregoa Baal fault Cum pas X, ' tios. BLOCK , south 88.07 fact of lot 6, Mitla R. Hamilton. (38.82; north 14.63 fact of lot 8, JM Anderson, 116.67; lot 6, 'Jamea Anderson.; lot 7, Jame An mn, 826.20; tot 8. Jams Anderson, 831.60. BLOCK 224, lot ft. John H. MltchaU, U.1& lot , John H. Mltebaa Ayr.M; lot T. Joha B. Mitehall, $KT.lft; lot f. Jakn H. -MttdMll, 1 BLOCK 36A, loV ft. C. V.Thoraoa. . l I; lot . C. V. Tbocaoo, flft.Ttl: lot T, C. r. Tkoraon, BM.IB; left , C. Vj Tkoraoa. f7.T8. BLOCK f57. tot l,i Bornhara Bll7 Batataj Halra of. 1120 111: hf a. Bornhard BalUr Batata. Bain of. 8T.i tot I, kUrta rtST IKVLNUTuti BLACK tot a. alla a. aoiitn , mo.vd. IBOLLADAT'B ' ADDITION TO BAST tOVt . . LANDBLOCK 13B. lot . Oracaa Raal BaUU Coaipaar, fO.M; lot t. Oraaoa Raal , Batata Copaaj, io.06;. lot V Oaagaa-KMt BaUU ' Oonpaar, (0.06; lot 1, Orccoa Baal BaUU . , Company tO.66. BLOCK 138, tot 4. Oroloo ' 'Baal BaUU Oompany, lOCb; lot ft- Oraoa Baal BaUU Company . 10.0ft; tot S, Oracoa . , Baal BaUU Oaaipany,- 10.06) tot 1, Oracoa Baal EaUtr Osaapaay, (0.06. BLOCK 1ST. tot 4. Orrgoa lUal -toartaU Compaay, ftu uft; tot f, i Oaaaoa Raal BaUU Oanpaay, (0.0ft; lot S. t Oreaoa Raal BaUU Oemnanr, '10.06; tot 1, Offon Baal BaUU Company, 60.06. BLOCK Bna, lot 4, Ckarlaa r. Preha. tI28.10; tot ft. - - - Ckarlaa r. Praha, (WJB. BLOCK X2S. tot 4, w. and Bath B. Oonaer Uauu. iaira w, fSlftO: tot a, W. B. aa4 Rath B. Cooar, BaUU, Helra of, 3B0; tot a, Joaaph H. Tkatenar, 69T.16; lot 1, ioaeph B. Tkatrbar. wT.ia. BLOCK 86T, tot 1. Oracoa Raal BaUU Coatpany. -MT.Sft; tot ft. Orasoa Raal BaUU Ootnpaay, MT.aB; tot 8. t. 1. H twaM, 6S7 46; tot JL J. J. riU(ral4, Iia.16. auwa. van. - iov . ' LDirtN - miau awuw 'i Balra of, 119.16; lot S. Cnarlea Rao4 Kauta, Hlra Of, (97. OS; tot 1 J. A. Uartanwa, 64a.M- "WBirr ibtinoton block. iae. tot . t. b, j Bartaaua. tot 4, Tletor A," Arary, j 6V4.60. Total, (2.370. . ' A . aurawaat of atorwaJd aaaiaainoat kaa aaa aaUrod U tba Itackct of City Uaaa. aa4 . la iaow daa and payable at tba offlra of tba "Olry Traawer, in lawful money of tba United f Buua, aod If not paid within SO deya from tka 4aU of tals aotlro, na -prareodlnss will . be takea far tba eoUertloa at the aanu aa ' ara pro rl dad ky tba ekarur af tba City of lortlaaaV - Tba above aiaiai 1 win bear .10 dara after , tba flrat poblleaUoa ' at tola to on c. dbvlin. Aator of tba City of Partlaad. firto arBrt uobTlfaTtoa.- 4Bwii.rT yom -xraorijoarT 9t,urt ' tot mitt - ," Kottr tNrrbr lll that tfca Conwcl! T)f -tba Ctt" of Portland, Oraaoa, at a meetlnc bald aa tba 15th dar af fetareh, 160ft. deckwad - tba iinmwl ay ordinance No. 1406 for tba iiapieiBMiat of Baat Pino atraat. freaa tba aaat Una of Baat Ptftaeatb atrret u tba aaat line of - Baa' Blcfcuanth atnwt. la tba Banner prortdod - kr oraaaanoa Nai 14.867.- npow aarh tot. part of tot aad parcel of land, wbleb ar t paHnllr and aacallarlr baaaflud. U ba a foUowi lAIKBN'fl ADDITION to Kaat PortHail BLACK 16, tot 4, Alfred P. Hatoaa Bauta, Batra of. 6M to- lot . Alfred P. Melaon Batata. Herri of. aa.oar -ntirur -or tot'-o.- ona nri- 9; aoata m a, ciara noru- - t rap, 462:. tot ft, Mary t. . Polbanne, ftSS.U. BJirfioISoN'B ADDITION to Partlaad Oraaoa BliOCK . to 4. W. T. B. Nlebolaoa, , 6-S7; tot t, W. T. B. Klcbolaaa S8.72; I - ft. T. B. NIcbehMm. WM. - BLOCK ft, lot rl-d, W. T. B. Ntobotooa, 6M.M: tot . W. t. B. Nlrbotoaa, W4. 74; aaat H of lot id, i Da I. Brana, 2.l: eaat V,'ot to ft. .' eme T.-rblanark.- BtM; wen or tot f'lTf rl Blcawlooa. lJf; M M L-tot a, W.- T. . NlohobJoa. 66. . - nr. w. MeomRB-a addition u tb otr af Partlaad BLOCK . tot 6, Amanda IT: Beed Vtet.ta Rein of. U0.II: lot A Aamndn W. Araued Kate re.' wire of. tM.4. IAIK ADDITION to Bt fMrtlaod BLOCK VdPJ. m I wraiievajiaw ,a " aevaanaraa . eve-vi ( tot S, WlUlam T. B. Nleholaon. ; lot T. Wliuam T. - n. mrnoaxw.; ax a. William T. B. Nienowna.-fno.ia, BnrnoumN'8 ADDITION. Portland. BLOCK 4, tot 1. William T. B. Nlebolaoa. Ml 88: lot t. William T. R. Ntobolaoo, 69.M; tot 7. William T. B. Nleholaon, 4.7: lot , WllUam T. B Mtrholaon, 6V1.6S. BLOCK r T, tot 1, William T. B. Nlebolaoa. M.08: I lot a. WllUam T. B. Nleholaon. i-lftJB; tot I T. WnUaa T. B. Nlebolaoa. 121.04; tot ., ' William T. B Nlebolann. 674.14. ' of Portlaadr-BIXCK 4. lot t. Amanda W. Read Batate, Belr of. t46.M; tot a, ktary K RnrkeT 63L41. Total. 1.644.66. 4 A automat of aforaeald aaaeaameat . baa km entered la the Dnrket af Cltr Ueaa. and ww am end narabla at tba office of tne Cltr Traaaorer, In lawful money of the United rUafae, aaa ant pam wiwu nayn srom tba data af thle aotlce, aocb proraadlnf will takaa far tb oollertton af tba aaam aa . ara provided by tba charter af tb City of .".hoe, -en -w,,, W-,- -1 day after tb flrt pabUcaUoa at tbl rtlc' ; . ' tbos. c nrrxiN. . Andltor of tb Cltr of Portland. rare of flret paMlaatloa, -PattlMaAJintam. Btarch 21, 160k. saWKiirT' to xnoraanrw HTTB miR. - ' '' wten la beeeb aiaea that the Oafrarll of ine City af Portland, Orecoa, at a aaertlnf held oa the 16th dar ( bUrrb, 190ft. declared 'tba aaaaaement by ardlaaae N. 14.46. tor the --- Umproaemeat of tpehar atreet, from the eaat aline af Tweotr-aUth atraet U tba waat Una of . kiertb Port la ad, in tb manner prorlded by rdlnanr No. 13.80ft, apoa each tot, part of tot a no percwa law, -., - n....VnnnT .klVV DIMWIT It Ut A 1 ft. Ma I ATaaTlimrl. I ' uarw i-a -nj ui mr P "11 V- a 'tLal Ada R.A . uAl-laUA U A In. If m MJtraum rw fw-wi "i" tw v let 14. B. M. LomlMrde $7A.40; nntliTliW - Barn. i umMM-rmn u n - Kkl. Ya4.ft4; aodMded H of tot Id, H. B. : Noble, ll.Sft; andlrlded J4 of tot 1ft. H. B. ' Nobm,' 7ft."; aadinded JiT of aaat l. feet it tot iS, B. B. Noble. S20.4J; andlrlded V, . Of west HO OO rrt oi m urn n 1 Henrr. 6Sft.7; nndlrlded Vt of tot 12, Charle . K. Hrnry" Bna.ea, andlrlded y, of tot 11. . Chtrfee I. Henry. V.m; """IMdedH of tot . 16. Chart. K. Henry. 6W.64: nndl-lded of -. tot 6. Charle K. Henrj. I0I.M: andlrlded 14 of waat teex 01 to . teathator BaUU. Heir of. aadlTtded " f 4 OI HI .li, I'BTIU MI-DWBUMIKT ""WW, ' IWTIfl I-TDiralVJ61-T Mr.en.-T, . " " " . ' ' tmdlrtded H f tot 6. Dartd I UcbUath.ler - Batate, Htr or, piui.txi. rin n. ai. w KtM tuatbato- t-utft H-ln at. 6i north 60 feet at tot 1. ' 'r"!?1? T 'f t?n.tol B-UU.Jlelr. t,M166.17; tot 4. Darld Ltcbteatbaler BaUU, Heir of, 173.24; . lot 6. Da rid IJrttantbaler BaUU. H-Ij t. 61a ai; mi n. reir " " . BlALCH ADnrnON te itb Cltr of Portland " BliOOK 822.. aortb t t feet of tot 4Y J. O. w. . . . ax At , 19 fatdbt Af lnt A. J. It. " Elil a"4A! north 14 f-t a rt fet f i CT;' J o alack. 0.TIV: aortb 14 feet of went ai T feet f tot . Bernard Fink. f7. 1107?"." L. 4eJ?- . K'M BLOCK To! totrt.-Jaenb I r tot 1. larob M.rrr. ! to 3. " Jieob blaTer. ian.fl; tot 4. Jjaeob Marer. UM. 86: tot-S-. Jaeob Mayer. fiaa.Hcj; 101 o. jiS Tblarer, ll 6: ,1 f J. 2-7 T 7 . .T . J tan avmair lZT nf lot T. Annla. - ftodaklaaoa. 3.30I tot 6. J Baf I Xtm iaaTia-VVH, -te -r"t - w en. , - elnyer. ftMrsT; tot S, E- " irk A. Mayer, 67.01 ; tot . Mark A, Mayar. iM TO tot 4 Mark A. Mayar. 17n.ft7; tot IRli.V Mtrerttal.M: lot , Mark A. ' M.Ter IlAlft. Right of war Portland Pon 1 JSTTdTteJf Ralfw.1 Company a track, ..68OT.60. "t'ateawt.of.yW Jl ' anwa' antereq in w ' iVnew dn aad bayabto at tba office of the . I b? a"" n,J', '1,.. the llnlteA ' klite. i Yf' St d wT.kTn' 60 dVr.-froni m R 'prorbTrW l!ikB1.ko- . aaaeatiaent wilt beat hrat lAdara'fT UnTfliat kabltoatlo. t tbl. aqqitnr nr toe vit - w- Data at- flreC aubJloAttoa. Partlaad, .Ur(nv, rtorot1!) ' A"xrnrr rok tk7K0tx . avXJTT Of JA0T0BT 6TBZXT. Notice la herebr a Ire a that the A editor of tba Cltr ' Portland baa prepared a propoaed naaaoatnaot for to Imororrment of factory treat from the tooth Una af Va(ba atraet U ue norm tine 01 -janrnaaa arreet, ana nnn mm eertnlned what k deem a luat a Door t Ion men t at aant of tb Improvement tn aMordnnc with to pacta 1 ana pacauar nenanu denrea VJ each parcel af toad and .lot or part thereof wlthla tba aaaaaamaat autrict, and ha tlooed tb eaat for aatd lmproremat In tb oaata aat opamiiu. each parcel of tond aad or part tberaof aa lu ahara of each ara Md aaeaameati . Any ob tectloae : to the apportionment bf root aald Improvement moat be made la wrltlnC thn Onaaall aad tiled with, lha Andltor wlthla 16 day from tb dU of tb flrat pab Ueattoa of tbl notice, and aald object! 00 will I at beard and. determined by tb OoantU he for tb paaaif of tba ordlnaaea aaaimlaf tb coat of aald Improvement. WILBON'8 ADDITION TO THB ' CtTT PORTLAHit tuxnja, 1. art a, ueorge uom, 1.6S; tot 8, fleora Oood, 31; lot , Mary K. Wltoua.v 6o7.7o: tot 7, Mary- K. WUaen. aPUl at . lnt in. William Balaia a'J Ik .. A parcel af land lylns between tba aoutb foe a Lipaaar atreet nnat norm linn a -innrman trret aad be twee tb rut Una of blork 1. Wltoaa'a Adrtttloe .x the Cltr of Portuad. . end a Han 100 feet eaat af and narnllal with , the out Un of rectory atraet, Sytoaabar ' Vaaaaill lUt. . NORTH PORTLAND BLOCK S. aontb W feet f tot 1. wuuam tuiot. z.hi: aorta o feet, at tot 1. Joeenh Dolph, 630 ; Jot .2. K, P. Illaaea. 662. 7; aoutb 40 feat of tot 6? Mick Jacobean. 645.04; aortb 10 feet of Jot C William Beldt, ttt.26; aooth 4 of tot 4. 'WlllUm Baldt. a30.O; north of tot .4. ,0aea Peteraon. ajO-ftl; aaat 40 feat af lot .-Herman Hanaan. (3.1ft; waat S6 faat ,f tot 6. Onar Peuraoa. 6&7.a. ' All f block 8. Blarklatone Addition to the City of Portlajid. lylnf- waat of a Uaa loo feet eaat of a parallel with the eaat Un f ractorv atreet. Amend Reed, aft.88. . WTIJON-ll ADDITION TO THB CITT OP POBTIJini a. h 1, William v. Noon. 638 7; tot 4, William C. Nona, loft.64: T tot 5. . Peter Mataod; ofi.12; lot B, Ladd niton. 68.06- lot a. ladd A Til ton. S6.6T. NORTH PORTLAND BLOCK 1. lot 1, Jacob Mayar,; 90 a. aaeoo atayer:, tot ,.oob bto,W..4.V Tou,. ' ' Andltor of tb1 Cltr of Portland, Ore-roa, Date f am. pobllcattoa March 30. 1806. noponcD vmoToawt or holladat ATKJIVJm , ,- . v . " Notice la hereby ajaaa that at tba iriaaUal or tho Coancll oi in uiy oi roruana, urafoa. bald oa me iota day or March, Muo, the loir towlnr rkaolnttoa waa adopted: . luaoirea, lnei u -ihuku ok ma 1 1 ty of Portland. Oreaon. doeau It azoodaant and aar- rn i.n to ianrorn Holladar avanaa. aacent that parttoa af aald aToaaa oaad by tba Portlasd Conaolldated fcVallway Compaay for Tight of way pvrnoaea. lylnc between tba aaat end of tba ateef brtdf and tba aaat Una of Croabr an. from tba aaat end oi the auet DcMlae k the eaat line of Baat t int atreet, fu Ue roliowiuc maaaer, co-wii; rirat Br aradlna tba (treat fall widtk trltk Hecond By parlnc the atraet full width with foil Internocttone with wood blocka treated wlU rarboUneaia aaenarlna on a concrete feaodattoa af not leaa uaa avh inraea la aepu. Third Br eoaatrocUnc I tone b double row. Powta bj uyinff aratMiai eome noetrana. Fifth Br eonatructlna artificial atane enrka. Blxtb Tb Partlaad UooaoUdated Railway Oemaaar a llmm tba ralbi now U aaa aaat af tb center Use of Cs-oeby atreet aad t ra- ptace the aame with I-tnck (roore rail aa arratn . lonnaarion. Bald ImararamaBt to ko Mde la at'tm dance wita tae cnaner ana arouaanoaa or ue t;itr at Portland aad the plana, apeaUtratlana and eat I dim tee of tba CIO Bnalneei. fltod la the office of the Auditor of the City af Portland oa the lnth day of Marab. 1P06, udoraadi . "Cltr Bnriaeer-a krovement end at the audi bride to the aaat Un of Beat Pkrat atraet.. and. tb aatlmatea of the work to a daa aad tne prooaoio tout coat tharaot. The eoat of aald lmnroreaaent to n aaaaaa a prorlded by tb city charter apoa tb prop- arty apecnuiy aaa paranariy nenenteo uareoy, ad which to hereby declared to be all the lota. narU thereof and nnrcabi of land lrtne? betweea the aaat and tb (Uel brM and a Una 100 feet aaat at ana parallel wita tas east 11a oc aeji j iraa auttit neat envet tne weta iinv af Hoiladay arenne aad a Uaa 100 feet aoath taernoc haa parallel inerewita, aaa uno u aoath 100 -feet af block 43, 62, 61 and 60. and the aooth 100 feet af the waat 100 feet of beach 411, Holladar a addiuaa,- ana tb aooth aaaurlv one half nf block 4. IlrhUIlea' ddl even to Beat Portland, and a parcel af hand eoathoaat of aald block 4, McktlLtoa a addltloa ha Baa rartMao. - . - The nmalneer'n eatlmate of tb probable total mat for tb Improvement at aald . UoUa4ar arena la l.lan.oa . --... Tha abor Improvement la t be rtaeaed ha a wood ' block JaiproTemaat ana ahall he mnla talned br tba cltr for a Brtod of elrht rear. provided that tha owner of a majority of Um property oenriiieHi dj entn wnnntHin or ear Pot-Men tberaof a ball aat etltto fee a new or different Improvement, before tb as- atratloa of eoch period. The plana, speclflcattoaa and aatlmatea of the Cltr Engineer ror tne impreTemam 01 aaw Hoi' ladar arena are hereby adopted. . KMorved. Toot the Andltor of the Oltr poruaaa o and a in aecaoy oireetea to fire notice of tn pinpoa Improeament 01 Be aatranra acainet the a bore lmiauaeaieBt mar b filed In wrltlatT with tb nadentened wlthla from tb data af tb flrat ponucauoa ai inia aouee. tr o oar at u vmncii. -- i tartttof of th "ItT -T - I Portland. Orecoav D.U Of Tint TfflTlllrtHlik 1 uun, w. iiatun, Msrcb la, 1006. .- I ' iii i i-- tii ii ' I AanuxxiTT J fob rninoTaiaXST ot.vr- BHTTB aTKXXT. Notlre to herebr clrea that tba Caamelt f tb Cltr of Portia ad, Oreaoa. at a meetUf kelr on the 16th day of March, 1605. declared tb aanaameat by ordlnaaea No. 14.407, for the Imneoeeanent of Ilnahur atreet. from the waat line of Twenty-fifth atreet to the eaat Una of Twente-alxth atreet. la the maaaer Droeided by utdluanre N. 13.627. upon each tot. . part of tot and pa reel, of lead, woken are apacuiiy lad MMeellerlv benefited, tn he aa follnwn. Tin: WILKON'S ADDITION to tha City of Portland . BLOCK T, tot i. Clara Marderr. lot a, Clara klardorf. ATfl.Of.: aortb 14 faat of tot 4. 1 Vila t Weeetwarel. Hit- ATKINBON'B ADDITION to tn CltT or PBTt- land BLOCK L lot 10, am ma , waaeman, 130.6a; lot 6. W. W, Ooodall, 117.68; tot . Lawrence 8. Xataer, 1128.30: tot 7, Joaenk, U.62Mot a. Joeep -Bappto, 6.6. NORTH PORTLAND BLOCK la. tot T, Henry Webi hard BaUU, Heir cf. 662.63; tot 6. Hewr Welnbard BaUU. Heir of, fl 31.08; lot ft Heart Welnnnrd ICnUt. Heir of. 114.01; tot 4 Henry Wain hard BaUU. Heir lilt U. - - , WILRON'I ADDrTTO!! to tb Cltr Portia! BLOCK T, lot . rxnrara Hone,; 101 ia, ' Mary Blchet, MM; aoath 14 feat of lot 1U, ' Ware lUehet. 62.14. ATKINSON 8 ADDITION to tha Cltr of Port land BLOCK a. lot l, a try Ricoer. fia.m; tot S. fttefano Merto, 3116.84; tot 8. Mr. S. M. Wakefield. U7.P2; lot 4, Henry W. Mia, 128.07: tot 6. II, Naif, 3U3.i&; lot, 4, H. Nelfer. afll.m. MnaTn W1RTI.AND BLOCK IX tot I. n. nil Aerhrandt. 661.78: tot 2. B. M. Lambard. S 122.06: tot 8. R. M, Imbard. 110.2B; tot . . B. M. Tetmkard, lOe.OT. Rlht of way ' PorthiBd Conaolldated Railway Company' . track, 6474.63. ToUI. t2.34.4ft. A aMtement . of a foresaid aaaeaamaut haa been entered la tb Docket af City Lion, and to aow do aad payable at tn office of the City Treeenrer, In lawfnl money of the United Btatea, and If not paid - wlthla 80 day from tb date of tola notice, anch proceed! pa will he taken for tb collection of tb ram a re prervlded by tb charter of tad Cltr, af Portlaad. . ' The abor aaaeaament will bear Interaat 10 dart after the flrat pb 11c lion of that t ' THOB. a DBTUN. ' t . -, 'V " 'Aadltnr of the CltT of Portland. T1 of flrat pablleattoa, Portlaad, Oregon, Mara si, iwo. .... , .i: Ajsxuuirr roK ntrioTrarraT or Zabt ' MOmUaOB ITBZZT. Notice I herebr vlren that tb Cotmcll of th Cltr of Portland, Ornron, at a meeting held an the 18th day f March, lOOfl. aeclarej the (aaeeameat by ordinance No. 14,606, for tl Improvement of East Morrlaoa atreet. from the eaet line of Raat Thlrtr-Hrhth atreet to the went line of Mart Thlrty-ainth atreet. la- th manner prorlded by ordinance N. 14.223, Upon each kit. part of tot and parcel ofeland, which are apeclally and prallrlr bawflud, to b aa followa, rli; , . . BART8CH PARK ADDITION TO BAST. PORT- I,inu BiAHhv a, tot i, aemee nooaon, ' 686.48: lot 6, Ak-ne Raratna, 648 14: tot 6, Aaaee Rohnoa. 6M T: tot 10. Albert Bartorh 64X4T; lot II, Ottilia" Bartach. 60.74,' tot 12. Ottilia Bartach, BlOCK 4, tot 1, Jeaato B. Rooao. 631.03: tot B. E. eott. Jra rai; hit o Annie rtoiae,; lot , oeeph K. GUI. (B737; tot 6. Melrln C Oeora. 60 T4; tot 6, Melvla 0. George, $7 3. 07, , aj-otal. IMia . ' A atatement of .fnreaald aaeeeaaient kaa been entered In th Docket of City 1.1 ena. and to aow dee aad payable at tk office of the City Treaaorer. In lawfnl money of tb United UtM, an lr ant paio witnia au oay imm the. date nf thto aotlce. rnch nroeeediara will be takea for tha collection .of tb earn ae ere prorlded ky tb aharlar of toe City af partlaad. ' r- - ; -- - , . Tka ahevee aaaeeamiat wilt ' heap Interaat 10 day after th , flrat pohUoatloa f Ula 'v THOB. CMTT.IN, ' Andltor of tb City f Portland tot f flrat pabUcaUoa, rartavad, Oregoa, htoraa u, Mauo.- XUTT Or FOUBTK tTXXKT. . Notice to herebr dea that tba Andltor at tb Cty of Portland .hae pre pared a prepoaed aa aaaement for the Improvement af Fourth atreet. rroaa u aoata nee ex Moon a atreet aa we north ' Uaa of Woda atraet. aad baa aaear Ulnad what be daa ma a Jaal apoortlonment of ctet of . tb tmpraaamant la ai-oardaixw with the .pedal and necoUar benefit derived by each parcel at Jaad and tot or" part thareaf within the amaaamaat dlatrlrt and ha appor tioned ua eoat for aald Improvement in tae aatonata aat appaattA aeB' pa reel of toad; and tot or part thereof aa tia. abara at aaob ar puaid aaaeaiiiBt.' , ... 1 . , . . Aa objection -to that apportionment f mat fa Mid lmprevenarnt aaaat be aaade la writing 10 toe uouncil and filed with ue Aaaltor witnia 18 dar from the data of tha flrat aabtlcetioa af , tbl notice, aad aald objeettoa wit) be beard and determined by the eooacll before the pane of tb ordiaaaoa tmaulm tba coat af ld fmjarmaat, ? CARt'TrlKRa' ADDITION TO CARtrTHBU' AWUITION' TO CITT Or PORTUANU BLOCK 78. aaat SiO feet af aortb 100 feet, Balfea Uothrie Inveatmeot Compaay, 76.43; waat 60 feet of aaat 80 feet of aortb 100 feat, Loala tiiaaw, ia.l; waat 36 feet of aaat 100 feet of aortb 100, feet, Anea Waleh. 63.T6; eaat 69 feet f aortb faat of aoath 100 feet, Joaepb and Vic toria Kaermettrr. 68.64; north 48 fedt af auath 62 feet of en it 66 feet. Mary Jaeheov, rick. 68 as; aaat 74 feet of ooth 60 feet. Battle Jutuama. 646.M; waat 86 feet f eaat luo faat af aeatk 60 faat,, Victor Uaotfroy, A oaraal af land trtaa between tb line of Poarth atreet aad a Uaa 100 feet waat thereof aad parallel therewith, and betweea the' north and aoetb Una of ParUr atreet ex Lee fled waatarlr la lu an ut liiami Oee- ri Hal mad A Narlfatloa Compaay, 648.61. pa reel of land bounded aad described aa follow! Commencing at th la tor action of oatk Un of Porter atreet, attended weeurly ' la lu preaent eoura with' tb weet line ef Koartb atreet. aa now eatafaltabad. aald Bolat . bain 00 fret aoath and 8.66 feet waat of vu,Hwv um un v I pnrt a i , temvavr, eru dition l Carathara' Addltloa to the Cltr of Portland, thence waat ea aoath Un af Por ter I tree t. extended weaUrly la lu preaent eoerae 67.68 feet to weet Un of eld Fourth treat, extended aootherly 60 feet, theace aat and parallel with aoath Uaa af Porter atreet. ex t coded weaterly In lu p recent eouree 108.18 feet to waat 11b at Foarth atraet aa aow eeubllabed, thence north weaterly ea weabnrly line t Fonrth atraet U beiiaalng, EUea . Morruon. 66.10. Heater! y1 luo teat of parcel af lead boanded nd daamlbed aa follow r OomtoenclDg at point oa eaat Una of Foarth treat, aald -pmnt- being -410 faat , two th and 0.64 feet at f nathwaat eornar of Block 6T. (u-athera' Addltloa to Carather' Addltloa to tea utr or partlaad, thence areet MM. 1 net to waat Uaa of old Fonrth ptraat. ax tended eootbarly, tbasn aoath on the wet Una ef ' old Foarth .tract . extended 86 feet, tbenoa east 113.39 feet to the weat Una of Foarth atreet a. new -aatabllahed. . tbenoa north weaterly on west line of Ponrth . eireei xa nennniaat. u. un jseoeaitu suuaa. Helra ot , . Jbaatcriy iiw feet or a parcel at land aaaBoea , and described a fortowa: Comaacartag at point On neat Uaa of Foarth etreet a aow eauauanea, eeia pout Drug lou net nau tad 10.66 feet raat af aoath weat corner of block 67,' Cera there' Addition to Carathara' Addition to the Cltr f Portlaad, then re weet aad parallel with aoath Una of Porte atreet eaUaded westerly la lu preaent coarse, 118.46 leet to wast itae of eta roaru atraet, ax tended' eontherlr. theace north oa aald waal Hoe of old Fourth atreet extended 36 feet. tbeaee eaat 113.32 feet to waat line -of Foarth erreatt ee new eetaikllehaul. thaaaaa nnnthoeet ' ea west Una cf-Foarth atraet .to heglaalag. xiarrv h. uoooaaaii. aUB.ia. , Baaterlr 100 feet of a narcel af lead boanded and deeoribed as followa: Coenmrnclng at la. taraeetloa of north Una of Wood atreet and weet line ef Foarth etreet new eataDUehed. aald point being 860 feet aoath nd 80.76 feet eaat of ecarthweart earner ef bloc - 07 'ratber' Addltloa to Camthera' Addltloa to tb Cltr of i'ortland, thence west en north Una.- ef Wood atreet. extended 186 feet to west lis of eld Foarth atreet exUnded aoath erly, I he nee north oa aald weat Uaa of old Foarth etreet. extended 100 feat, thence aat ' and parallel with the asaifh Una ot Porter atraet ri tended westerly feet to. west Un af Foarth . treat new estab lished, thence easterly ea wwit Una af Fourth street to oeclanlne. Char lee Jeehe. 67.57. CAUIITHRR8' ADfimON TO CARCTHKRS ADDITION TO THB CITI Or PORTLAHle BLOCK 7(- l of JPt Swtof Onwoa.A California .Railroad Company' right of war, . , . , it . a-M, VWRa etuHnrien, eJa-t . An of tot 7 weat of Oregoa 4k Catlfernla Rall- roeo compaay ngat at way, aniaaDexs Banmaartner. 644.10. ' AU of tot weet ef Oregoa A Callforrrla Railroad Company', right af waj. Jeramtob Worlck. 648.73. All of let 6 weet at Orecoa California 'Railroad Comnaar rlcht at war. Jaramlah wane. oa.o.- - - - All oc that put mm at biocb bt, oaravnera Addlttoa ts (sruthera' Addltloa to tk Cltr ef PerUaad lying west of line 100 feet eaet ef aad parallel with Ue eaat Use af FeorU atreet, need br the Orecoa A Call fore I a Ra It- roe a ompar tor - ngat or way pot-pone. tirego an .cauioraia oauraaa unmpanr. an aa. . .. ... AU of lot 8 lying at af the Oregaa A California Railroad ComDaay' ricbt of way and waat of-a Uaa 100 feet eaet of and para Uel with the eaat Uaa af 'earth atraat. c. a Health, aaju A parcel af toad lying betweea tba east that of Foarth atreet and a line 108' feet east tberaof and parallel therewith, aad betweea th aortb and asath Haa af Porter .tract extended weaterly la Its preaeat eouree. Ore gon Railroad A navigation uompaay, a.. All that portion of a parcel ef tond lying westerly af a Un ino feet eaaaariy r and parallel with the easterly line of Fonrth tlnir allhli to ktanilml and rim rrlTii iT aa fok- tows: Beginning oa tbe so th line of Porte street exunced waaterlr la Iks present eoars atreet exUnded waaterlr la Iky present eon res end tb west una of uie uregoa vauiornw Railroad Companr' right of war, tbeoc weat 68.70 feet, thence asath 100 feet, theace eaat na.28 feet to tb weet Una of tbe Oregaa 4 . California Railroad Osatpeny'a right af war. these aorth westerly aa the weat line of- th Oregoa A California Rallreed Company a right r way to place I neguialiig, LAcreu K-..K a it A parcel of land nounded aad gescrfbed , a. follow: CommcnrtDg at th lntaraactloa ef the aoath line of porter atreet exteaded westerir la In preaeat coara, aad aaat at Use ef Foarth atraet aa ' now ecUbllebed. card point being 6V feet Booth and 11.76 feet raat af tha southwest eoretr of black 67, Ca- . ralbsre'-AOdltion to Vet a that a1 Addlttow-to tb Cltr of Portland, thence eoat aa tb Math line of Porter atreet exteaded 78.26 feet, theace meat aad para Uel with Porter etreet extended 60.03 feet to tbe aaat line of Foarth erly ea tbe east line ef Fcarth .tract to be ginning, Henry Tbompeoa Bauta, tlelr of, 81.07. . ' . Westerly 100 feet of parcel ef toad boanded nd described aa followa: Commencing at In tersection of the north Una of Woods street and th east lln of Foarth ' afreet as aow eatabllabed, said point being 860 feet aoath and 60.22 feet east of the south weet corner nf blork 67. Carnther' Addltloa to Caru there Addltloa to tbe City of Port la nd., thence seat on the norm una ot woooa atreet ne.w net, thence north at rlcht- angle to Wood .treet 100 feet, thence weet gad parallel with the north line ot Wood, (treet 106.13 feet to tb aat line of Foarth Btreet bow eeuhllehed. thence southeasterly on th eaet ' line ot fourth atraat to Beginning, Oliver n Holmea. S7.4ft. All nf that portion of a parcel af had lying westerly of lln 100 feet eaiterly of and parallel with the eaat erly line af Fonrth treat now eaublraned which I hounded j and described a follow: Commencing at Intersection of acrth lln of Wood atreet end west Hoe of Oregon California tons peor'e rlcht of way, thence west oa aortb line of Woods street 62.7 feet, thence north t right angle to Woods street to a point 100 feet aortb of north line of Woods atreet thence eoat and parallel with aortb lln ef Woods Btreet 63.14 feet to point aa west Hne of Oregon A California Railroad Company a right of war. throe amttbeasterlr on west erir Una of Oregoa A . California Railroad company'! rlgbt of war tn beginning. Laara at. roster, i.ou. mii v-hi i , TIIOR. C. DRVT-IN. Addltnr af the Cltr f Portland, Oregoa. Dateef first publleatlo March 30,' 16U6. .. lmOT0SXS ASStBSlCEXT - FOB XsOPKOTaV- -1 MZBTT OF UTII STRXXT. 1 Kerle to hereby rtvea that tb Andltor of th City ot POTllB aa prepnreu a uiaaei u aaeessstent for .the Improvement of Hire street from the Borthweaterly lln ot Randolph atreet .to Un 140 .feet southeasterly there from, and, haa acrttned what be dee ma a last apportionment of coat of tb Improvement In accordance witk the apeclel and peculiar R..aa awieed br each parrel nf tond and tot or part thereof, wlthla tbe aasessment die. frlct, no -aaa-sppwuotsro.. me et to Improvement la the aawanta set opposite each parcel of land and tot or part thereof a lu share af sack proposed aeaeeemeot. Ay objection to the apportionment f mat for said improvement must be made In writing ts 'the Council and fllrd with tb Asdltnr wlthla 16 day from Ue date of tbe arst publication of this notice, aad ssld abjeetlona will be heard aeteemlned br tbe Council before tb osa- aag of the ord Isaacs ajaiaalng tha coat f aald Improvement. i AI.BINA BIVKR LOT Aoutb 40 feet af lot 8. Leal Nlcoll. 6236.; north 3ft feet of lot 6, Louie Hiroiia, .lan.en: aonta a m of lot 9, -r rertiano, "o-ot. . itaii MATI TO. kit 4 James B. Meat geaserr Rsuu, Belr of. 63.66; lot 3, Jamea B. Man tenantry Eauie. ueira . ot. . sen ei. (IA k An, tot 1. Jamea B. bhmtgnmary faiUU, Helra ef. 2Rd 02; north 80 fret of . tot 3, James H. Montgomerr bbui, neir t. 44.ft3. xoui. ...1 teh., - Aad iter ef th City ef Portland. Orecoei, Hat ( ftrtt pbUcttoa. March 80, 180t. K0FO8KD BrvrXX TO Bt ZVOWsT A8 TMM niTnftTOK sistriot mewtM. Notice to harebr circa that at tb neetlng f tb Ceuecll f tb Cltr of Portlaad, Ore goo. Bel -oa the lata aey at at arcs, iiejo, ue oa towing raeulattoa was adopted: ftaeoiveo, l bet tne tooneu or tne mty at Portland, Oeetton. deem It expedient sad par. bosea to aosetreet a aewer to b knoara aa tka ingtoa dlatrlct aewer. with u mi teaary catch-baalaa, man hole, tomp-hoto. aad hranchaa, la Baat Twenty-first atreet. Brass .treat. Baat H tee ate tuth atreet. Thomoaoa BUeet. Beat aerenU atreet. Baa Rafael atreet. WlUlam tin, Haaoock atreet; tbeaee aoath ft de grees an minatea want trot toe wane ena ot Hancock atreet to the tow water mark l tb Willamette riser. Bald ewer to he cntv etrected aa followa I 3, loft llaeal feet ef two nng brick aad atoae egg-abaped aewa ef 4 feet locbea kr fast 6 Incbsa clear laaldc diameter mtberlr la Baat Twenty-ftret atreet from tba aooth Use af BUatoa .treat to point In 8 tan ton atreet at Bra see atreet; thence areolar lv in Drear atreet to potat in urase atreet at Baat Hereateeath etreet; 1,837 lineal feet af two-etna brick, and atone egg-ahaped aewer of 4 feet 104 Inches by 7 feet 414 iBCbaa clear Inside diameter aoatbarly la Baal seven teenth atreet free a polat In Brmaea Btreet to a point la Eaat Seventeenth street at Thompson . atreet-- thence weaterly la Tbomp aoa .treat U a polat, In Toots peon etreet at baat Twelfth street: 4,040 lineal fact ef twe rlng brtck and atoae gg-kaned aewer of 6 feet 4U Inrhee by T feet 10 tacbee clear lnaid diameter waatarlr from a point - la Thompson street at But Twelfth Btreet U a noint la Thnmneon atreet at Baat - Berenth street; thence aootherly la Baat Seventh etreet to point la Blast aeasath atraet at Ban suiaei ; iDOnce weeterir- ia aaa autaei srreex point la Baa Rafael Btreet at WllUam. : 878 lineal feet of rwo-rtne brick aad Mono drcator aewer of d feet 6 Inches clear tnetde dlssaetsr aootberlr from a point la Wil li a ma arena at Ban Rafael atreet to a point la William avenue at Hancock atreet: theace west erly ia Hancock arrest tn a point la uascoek Btreet 160 feet west ef tb waat Uaa of Flint etreet; 133 lueavl tact at tweccing erica a atone circular aewer of 8 feet 8 inch clear I rail 4 diameter to a noint 883 feet weet nf tbe weat line ot mat at i eel; l.aou nasal rest ot twe-crng brick aad a too circular aewer ef feet clear inaaoc diameter westerly ia "aoroee Btreet from a point 888 feet weat of tbe weet line of FUnt atreet ta a point in Hancock rrert t th MM - Un ef the Oregoa hUllreed Narlgkttoa Compear' rlgbt ef way; 400 Uneal feet ef two-rtoa and three-rlng brick and atone circular aewer of 4 feet 6 lnebe clear lnaid diameter trot th aaat Un of tn Orego Railroad A Navigation Oompeoy'a rlgbt of way to th WUtometU river at tow water mark, la ecrordaaoe witk tbe Cltr BDglaeer Diane. peclficatton and eatlmatea. - naiu aer.jft ne conetmcreu in noromsnce with tbn charter nd" ordinance of tb City ef Portland and the alane. BDeeiricsUon and eatl-i mate ef tb Cltr Bngineer, filed In the fflc cf -tb Andltor of tb City of Portland oa the ISth day ef March, innft. Indnrard: "City Bagtacer'c plaa. and etieei Meat lone for th aewer ta be kaowa . tbe Irelngtoa dlatrlct aewer, aad the eatlmate ef the. work t. b doa and. the arobable toUl eoat tBereot." Bald aewer to to bo a dlatrlct aewer and to be tor tha pur pom of ae waring and draining .11 tb tot, parts thereof aad parcels of lend lying , within tb -. district- BsmaaedUaad-A. cribed aa fallow: Beginning at ta intersection or tn center linen ot River atreet and Alblna avenue; thence motherly s long -the center Ha ef Riser atreet to the eoat Una of tbe O. R. A N. Co. 'a right of way; theace another lr along tha aeat Uaa of the 0. R. N. CoIV right of war to a noiat 130 fart aoath af tbe Booth Uaa af Dixon rtreet If extended westerly : thence easterly along a line loo fret aooth of and parallel with tbn Bonth Una af Dizaa atreet to the west Una of RUaabeth Irrlng' ftoonad addition; thence north asm tne weat una ot Eiiaaoain xmng Second addltloa to a paint 100 feet north af the north Una of Hancock rtreet; tbeaee aaat Ona line 10 feet north of and parallel with th aortb Haa af Hancock Btreet to pout loo fart eaat of tba seat Una ef Raat Ninth atreet: thence north ea a line 100 feet east nf and par allel with th eaat Una of Eaat Ninth street to a notot loo feat aoath af th asath It a of Tillamook atreet; tbeaee' east a a line 100 feet south af aad parallel witk tbe aoath Uaa f Tillamook street to a poUt 100 feet eaat of th cut Una af Rest Sixteenth etreet; thence Berth en a line 100 feet eaat ef and parallel with tb east line of Baat Sixteenth street to the canter line ef Tillamook atreet; tne nee eaat alone the center line of Tillamook Btreet- to point 100 feet eaat of th east lias at Eaat Bcreateeath atrret: thence north aa a Una 100 feet eaat of cad parallel with the eoat 1 lac of Baat Seventeenth street to the crater ateeef theme. eaai alOXIaL the ceo tar Una ot Thompaoa etreet to a point 100 feet aaat af th eaat Uaa af Baat Twenty foarth street; tbeaee aortb aa a Un 300 feet eoat at and parallel with Ue coat Una ef Baat Twenty-fourth atreet to a polat 100 feet Berth a the aaartb Una af Got OS street: thence west aa a one t feci aorta or aaa paraim wiin the aortb Una af Going atreet to polat 100 test east nf tha aeet line af Bast Teath atreet! thence cnatb oa Un 100 tort east of d par allel with tbe eaat Une of But Teath atreet to noint 100 feat aoath of tb aoutb Un ef Preseott street; thence west on a Una 100 feet aoath af aad parallel with tb aoath Un of Preeoott etreet to a point loo feet east of tb east Un of I'njoo a venue: tbeoc asuth an Uaa 100 feet aaat of and parallel with tba eaat line ef Uotoa a venae to the center Uaa ef Morrto etreet theses west ea tne center uaa ot Morris street to tb canter Una af L'nlon a venue; thence aoath oa the center Une of tlntoa avenue to the center line of Sacramento Btreet (west) ; thence wast aa the center lln of Sacra stent o treet to th center Une of Wlluama a venae; thanes aoutb an the renter Una of WlUUma avenue to tb eats Mb of Page etreet thence weat aa tha canter Une of Page atraet to tha renter Una of Aialaa arenne: thence aoath aa tba eeutar Un of Alblna eveara. to tne crater line of River Btreet. ua noint ot acannnina containing 028.6 acre, nor or leas. - The cost of aald aewer to a i provided br tb city charter apoa the property liariy eaiii uiru xnereny, ana,all the tou. part thereof aad parcel ot una lying witnia the dlatrlct hereinbefore bonnoed and dearrumo. Th Regl note's estimate ef tba probable total root ror tne uuaau au iua ai anta mew xiiaona.on. Tb phi mv Bpecineatlon and eetJmatea af th Oltr Bngineer for tka enaatnettoa af told rawer ara herebr adopted. Reeolved. That tbe Auditor ef tb City af Port land b and ne la herebr directed to give antic of th nrupnecd cowtracttoa at ssld saw or aa provided br tbe cltr charter, aralnst th may be nird la writing wita aaa aauetsiains wltliln 30 days from the dsto at the first publics ttoa of thla notice.- , r, Br ardor at th OounolL ' V, , 1 uuo,. vaiian ' Andltor of tha City ot Portlaad. " Portlaad. Oregoa. Data at flrat pubUeattoa, March la, law. . norosTD mr0Tnar ot ZAtrr v : TanXTT-SXCOKD 8TRXXT, Notice to harebr ftirea that at tha Btseting f the Conadl ot tbe City of Portland, Oregoa, held ea the lftth dar at March, 1806, th fol lowing rreeintioe waa a (looted; , Reeolvsd. That the Council ef tba City af Portland. Oregon, deem It expedient end pur poses to imprav Bast Thifty nauuaa atreet rrom the aortb line of Bast Morrison street to aoutb lln f Eaat Aider street, by grading the street to tbe sukea aa act br tha utr Angtneer, and latins woodea sldswalka. Ssld improvement to he msd la accordance with tb charter and ordinances ot the City ot Portland and tb plana, a pacification and eatl- Blalea or tne utr amgineer, tiau in uie on ice of tb Auditor of tbe City af Portland a th 13th day of March. B0S, Indorsed I "City Bnglaeer'a plan) and pacification for tb im provement of Raat Thirty second atreet from tbe rorth Une of Raat Morrlaoa etreet to the anata Una of Bast Aider street, and th eatlmate of tb work to be axon aad tb prabahto total cost tnereor." TTie met of 'aatd Imtlovement to be a. ptorlded by tb dtr charter apoa th prop erty apeciaiir ana peculiarly ovneutea tnereoy, anal which la herebr dtrlared to be all tbe lot. parte thereof and parcel of lead lying lu Um a Ua 100 feet eaat of .ad parallel with th eeet Hn of Beat Thlrty-aecnad (treet end Una 100 feet Weat cf aad parallel with tbe waat line of Baat Thlrtv-eecond atreet and bat sees tb north lln of Eaat Morrtona street aad tb Math Hun of Best Alder etreet. Tb Kagtneer' eatlmaU of tb probable total cost ror tne improvement t saiu aaat Tainy aeOTeiA el reel Is 62AA0O. The plsns, aped flea ttona and eatlmatea of the Cltr Bngineer foe tbe Improvement of aald (tract re hereby adopted. Reeolved. That th Asdltnr of th City ( Portlud be a a ha to hereby directed to give nolle ef the proposed Improvement af aald treet aa provided by tbe dtr charter. RetBoartrsncea against the above Improvement may be filed la writing witn tae anuei ai.nea wltnl 2o day from tb data af th flrat publication ef tbl norJe. . , ... By rde f tb Council. ... j , THOU, tt DBTIJN. Auditor ef th Cltr of Portland. Portland. Oregon. Date af flrat pebiieattoa. March IB. IIKD. noroao anoTatm or eat tbtbo , .. : STBIXT. . . . Notice to hereby given that at tb meeting ef th (ion rd I of tk Cltr nf Portland. Oregoa. held o tbe lftth dar cf March, 10O6, the fol krttlng ifeeojnttea- waa adopted: i Resolved. That tbe Council nf the City et Portland, Oretroa, deems it expedient sad pnr niisia to larorov Beat Third atreet from the Aortb line ef Raat Clay etreet to the aoath lln of Hawthorn avenue, by grading tk atreet ta tha aab-grade aa girea nr tne city Bngineer, he eeeiatruerlne aldewahtae sad brlnclna tha surface of tba atreet ta tie establtobed frnde wit graeei. Said Improvement to be mod t aerdae with the charter and ardlnancea ef tha City af Portlaad aod lb plana, apeci flea Uaa (ad aa tlmatea af tbe City Rnglneec filed In. tba efflca f the Aadltar f the City of PortUhd oa the IStk day of Marc, lonft. Indorsed: "City Bn glneer plans and perlfletlons for tk Im- Ereiaent of Baat Third .tract tram th north t Baat Clay .treat to tha aoath Ua af Hawthorns arenas, aad th estlmataa af th work to b don had th trvbabla total awl toeeeaf.' . . , ' . . , The eaat ef aald hn prove aaaut to b atiimift aa raresidad br tb cltr charter a pea tbe prop. est anaeiallr and aaciillarlr benolHed tbaarby. aad which to hreby declared to be U- tbe tots. paru taereoc aaa paraaia at laao tying ice twoea a Une 100 feet west ef and parallel with Ibe west Una of test Third atreet aaa a una lui feet eaat af aad nafaltol with the eaat Una cf Baat Third atreet aad berwaea th aorta Un of ' hi Uar atraet aad tha oaU Un f llawthera areaaa. 'laa aaiglnecr'a eatlmate af ta areaaDie rout t to the UaiaosaastBt of aald Bast Third street to 60 BU. - ' The above lmpromat to t B waaea aa a (ravel Improvement aad obeli aa maiatalaeu ky the city. for a period at (Ira pcara. provided that tb awaar af majority ot the property beaafltad by aald Imprievemaet at nsy porttoa thereof shall ajot psUtlua tar a new oc different Improvement ksfisi th eaeylrattoa af Back period. . ' . Tb pi; aprclfloattoaa aad aatlnuka of tb Cltr - Uu.loaer fur the improrsauist at aald atreet are herehv adinilaal Bmelved. That the Asdltee ef tha City ot Portlaad be aad he to herebr directed to glra aotica at tae pmaaaag Improve men c at ai atreet as Provided br the cltr charter. Ke amps trances gainet the above lmpravemeat may b filed la writing with tba uaderslgned wlthla 80 daya free tba data at the first pablleattoa at thla aotica, .: : . Br order af the CounclL , ' v , THOB. a PBTUN. 1 . Aadttor af tha Cltv af Portland. Portlaad. Orsgua, Data at tint pablleattoa, marra in, asxe. ..... rxorotxs ixraorEaTErT ot iwmtun Notice to herebr (Iran that at th meeting ef th Council of the Oltr of Portlaad, Orearoe, held aa tho 16th day af March, lauo, tha lui- lewiaa reaoiatio waa aoevtea: Resolved, That the Council ef tha Cltr at Portlaad, uregoa, dee ma It expedient aad par poeee to Improve- Twentieth atreet from the aortb Una, ef spring etreet to the af Carter street, la tha fellow log to-wit: - Pint Br bringing the .treet fall width with ran raternecaone to proper euo-freee aa gl py tae citr ana-ineer. - t . mmo uy brlnjrlatr the atreet ta oraoa rail Width with fnll Interaectlona with macadam. Third Br consti actio artificial atoae el ae wa Ik la accordance with the Cltr Itnglatir'a Die us, apeciricstlooa and astlmataa. s-oartti bt conatroctln artificial Btons care u accuraaaee with ta Cltr Anxlnea a DUaa. epvcincationa saa eacimaus. nrttv By caoatrnctlna aratlrl! a toe walk la ccordaar with the Cltr Bngineer . piana, apeciiicsiKins na ximau. Said Impraveaaeat to be made In accordance with the charter aad erdiaaacea af the Cltr of roruaaa ana tne plana, epecineeuoca ana etr uau of tk Cltr Bngineer. fltod la tb office of the. Andltor of tb City ef Portland oa tae lftfh air of March. 100A. Imaaaaid . "Cltv Bngtaeer elaaa and aoecineattoas far. the Im provement of Twentieth atraet from th aortb un ot soring atreet to the aorta uae ot tar ter atreet, aad th eatlmate of th work to be one ass um prone Dai total cost toereoi.'' TB rest or sata improvement to ae I provided by tbe cltv charter anon property specially and peculiarly benefited thereby, -. and wklck v to hereby declared to he all the tot, part thereof and aarccat af land lying netweea a Uae 100 ft weet of and parallel with th' weat Uno ef Twentieth (treet and a line 100 feet east of and Daraltol with the aaat Uaa af Twentieth atreet and betweea tbe aortb Una of Spring arrant and a line luo irec north ot aad parallel 1U tbe aortb Uae ot Carter street. Th Kasjinear's sstt setts sf tba probe his total art for Ue Imuran aasat af aald Twentieth atreet I 6ft.01.00. Th aneve lm Drove meat to to be etocard aa a aradaxa Imrrnvamaat aad shall h avalnUlned br i tha city for a partod t . fls years, pro vided that tbe owners of majority of the nrooerty nenentM nr raid imnrovemaat or any Bnruoa taereoc enau ant Petiuou nr a diffsmit Impravaasaat before tha axalrattoa of each period. in puna, stereinesrieaa ess aaumaua t toe City Bngineer for tbe Improvement . af said street are acrvhv aeeetea. Keooivea. J set the Auditor or tne cltr x Portland be aad be to harebr directed to give notice oft the propoaed lmpravemeat ef said atreet as pcsvldad br the dtr charter. rlentoesfrvneee acainet the aabve Improvement may be filed la wrt ting ; with tba aadenlgned wlthla 80 day front th data at' tha flrat pebllcanoa of this aotlce. 7' py arar n w TvuraaL - r ' THOrl. C. D1TTLIN. Aedlte of th Cltr ef Pert In nd. PorOeod. Oregoa. Data af . first pubUcaUaa. alarm is. ihud. rmorocxD ntravorxerxn or bast mora, STRXXT, - Motlea ta bareky glrva that t th aaaetlng et th usuaeii at tae city at fart la no, (jeegoa. leua ea ae iota say er atarcn, -usee, las towin reeolirtlou waa adooted: . Reeolved, That tba Council af tb City ef Port Is ne, Oregoa, rleema It expedient and pur poses to improve Baat a lnt a atraet Trot tha aoath Uaa of Hawthorne avenge to the earth Ua at inviaua atreet, u th following ma nar. to-wlt: First Bp rrsenag th atraat rail width with fuU Inter aetttoua dowa to. the pruper aob-frade t ahowa by tha atafcaa aa est . by th city fectitid By bringing tb arfc ef th fall width with fell Interest then to tb Uabed grade with era vol. ThlrtfBrr ooaatraetlagj WB1SB. . Foarth Br toying rresswslks. Fifth By Ikying drala pip la with th Cltr Bngineer pUns, spaclfloalloee aaa eeumntca. Sixth r coati acting bag Bad atoae gutters. Seventh By eenstruetinf woouen slrtewaUia la with t he Cltr Eaglaaer'. plea, soae- vamwei aim p,,t,,, II aid improvement to D mill ill guu with tb charter aad erdlnaaeea ef tha City af rartiaaa ana tae piaaa, apeciiicaiiooe aad eeti matra of the Cltr Boglaeer. Died la tha office f the Andltor of th Oltr of Port- laid aa tb 13th day of March. ' 1005, indorsee: 't;iry aogrneer'a plsns aad ricauooa toe tae' imrnvvemeat oi Ninth street front th aortb Ua af Hawthorne .veaaa to the aortb Uae af Dlvlatoa (treet, ' aad tbe estimate af the work to be dose and tb eeonable total coat thereof. 1 Tne cost ef eald Imp nre-venaent to to amiaii II ae provided by tbe dtr charter apoa the prop erty specially aaa peculiarly aeaentea tnereoy, and which to harebr Aerie red ta he all tba lota. part thereof ssd pareela of land lying betweea Ua 100 feet weet of and parallel with tbe west Haa nf Baat Ninth street aad a Ua 100 feet ast ef aad parallel with the aaat Uaa af vast mata treet aaa Betweea ue aorta une ef Dlvtelna street and a Haa 106 feet aortb af aad parallel with tha aorta uaa et HawUa avenue. I The Bugtnaor'B eatlmate af th pmoakla total mat for tba Improvement af aald tract to.ei6.eo. The mbtm luiuiui at to to h rtaeaed aa gravel Improvement and ahall ha salatataed br the dtr for a partod of flee years, provided that tbe ewaer of a majority af the property Bene filed br aald Improvement or aay porttoa thereof ahall not petition tor a aew er aitucea Improvement bafor th expire Uoa af i arrtnd- Th plan, avaarlflcutloaa had estimates of the City Bngineer for tbe Imprav aat ef add street ara berehv adooted. Resolved. That the Aadttor nf th City af Portland D aod n St aareay aireete to give notice of tba proposed improvement at aald treet previa nr tea rlty snorter. Remonstrances aralnst the above Improve i may b filed la writing with th aaderalgned within 80 days from tb data f th flrat aebucattoa of this aotlce. By ardor at the CoendL - THOB. C. DKfT.Il. -A ad Iter of tha Cltv ef Portland Portland. Oregoa. Data ot flrat pubilcutioa. March la, , loae. . .. PROPOSED AaWnSxIXsTT FOB KXBT Or HIMSlBMXm ATABUB. Notice I herebr ftirea that tb Audi tor f the City of Portlaad haa prepared a proposed ssBaeameBt ror tae irnprovemeni er mieeiaeippi avenue from the aortb Uae. of Klllingawertb arenne to the north II of Weet Piedmont and haa rertalned what he deem a lost ap portion Bar at of cost ef the lln pes cement la c cords see with tbe special and peculiar bene fit derived by each parcel ef toad aad tot or pert therof wllhln tha aaaeeement district, aad has snnortlonsd lb rest for ssld Improvement la tbe amounts tot opposite each parcel ef toad nd tot c part tnereot aa ua aaara ef nronoaed aaaeeement. - Any objections ta the a poor tlna meat of cost for eald Improvement meat be aaade la writing to the Council and 6 led with the Aadltar within in day from tne eats ot tne flrat puMlcatlori of thla notice, and said oh leet loo will b heard (ad determined by th Council before tbe pss aaga of tbe ordinance atataalag the sost sf Bsid Improvement. WENT PIEDMONT BLOCK I. tot 18.' Th It, i mlrr Kavlnc Trust Comnanv. 63687 lot IT. Tbe aecurltr Savlnca A Trust Cora - pnr. 833.20: tot 16. "Th Security Saving ft Trust company, ai .in; wt in. Tne se curity .narings er -irnat tompnny. sat.iii tot 14. Tbe aecurltr Bsvlngs A Trust Cos. rny. (SSM; tot IS. The Secarlty Savlnca Trust Company. 827.64; tot 12, The rarity Savinga A fruat Company,; ' lot 11, Th Security Savings ft Traat Com- rnv. tt 8: tot 10. The Security Savin Trust Company, 60.68, . BLOCK 12. tot - 1. The- Security Savings ft Truet Oa. naay. SH-43; tot IT. -Tb Security 8s vines ft Trust Companr. 82238: lot 16. Tba Security Savinga ft Treat Compaay, (14 82: tot 16. Tbe rteeoiity Savinga ft Truel Company, I8.T0; tot 14, Th Security Ssvlngs ft Truet Company, IS.AO; lot 13, The Secarlty Ssv. Ings A Trust Csmpsnv. (16.71: tot 11 The Security Sarin ft Trust Comnsnv. 16 62; ' tot II, Tbe Serarttr Ssvlage ft Truet Com. pane, (24.81: tot 10. The Seetrrtry Savinga ft Truet Company. S4.1. BI-OCK IS, tot Ift. Th T1U Caaraata Treat Cvmpsv, (36-Mi tot 8. The Tltl Guarantee A Treat Compaay, 30.76; tot 8, The Tltl Ouaranie A Trust Comnany, (21.60; tot 7. J. S. Hlcka, 23.72; tot 6, The Title Guarantee ft Trust Company, 10.M. BLOCK'S, tot L Th Tltto Ouaraa tee ft Trust Company. 36A0; tot 8. Tb Tltl Ouaraate Trust Comnany, 634.64; tot 3. Th Tltto Ouarasu ft Trust Cotnpssy. 30.07; tot 4, Tae Till Gear an tee ft Truat Compaar, 30.06; tot 6, The Title Gaarsotee ft Tract Compear. 8840: lot . The Title Guarantee ft Truat Compaar, 82S.11; tot 7. Tb Title Ouaraate ft Truat Company, S23.121 tot 8. Tb Title Uaa rentes ft Trust Compaay.; tot 6, The Tltl Ou ara ate ft Trust Compaay, 837.00. BLOCK 11. tot 1. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company. 830.84; lot 3. Tbe Title Guarantee ft Truat Company; 821.60; tot 8, The Title Oeareeue ft Trust Compear, lt.SS; tot 4. Th Till Ousranta Trust Compaay. (16.76; tot 6. Th Tltl Ourante ft Truat Company, (16.67; tot 6, The Title Guarantee A, t Trust Company, 16.33; tot T. Th -Tltto Gears at ea A Trust Oomoanv. lit M: lot A Dwlsht Cheney. 37.02; lot 6. Th Tltto 0 oar antes Trust Company. 887.46, . BIXXTt 14. tot 1. Tha Tltto Guarantee ft Trust Company, 638.04: fcvt I TSe Title Oaanaau A Trust CnmMny. S:w.20: tot 3. The Title Guarantee ft Treat Company, t28.S6i tot 4, Tha Till Guarantee ft Treat Compaay. 20.66; tot 6. Th Tltl Guarantee ft Traat Compaay, (18.39. Total, 1,220.30. " THOB. vC.-DgTIJN. ' Auditor of tb City of Portlud, Oregon. Data of Srat pablleattoa, March 20, 1006. norOBXO ASSTSSbTTBT FOB IHPROVaV Mxrr or east washdiotoh stbext Notice to herebr given that tba Aadltar ef ia Cltr af Portlaad baa prepared proposed toe tka, taanrevement of Baat Waaa- tagtoa atreet from the eaat line ef Bast Thirty third atraet to tb weet line ot BuBnyalde Third addition, and has Barer talned what he deem a jaat apnorUoiuneat at aaat of the Improvement la accordance with tbe apodal and peculiar beneflta derived by each parcel of toad and tot or Dart tberaof wlthla the aa tees event dlatrlrt, and ha apportioned the coat for aald Improve- i ,k. -ait enonaite eaen onresi ef lead and tot or part thereof aa lu abara ot lea proposed asseaament. - see hi, UrtinM ,,. th., a nnnet toe men t of coat for aald Improvement mast be made la writing to the Council and fltod with th Auditor within 16 daya front the daU ef - tb tint pablleattoa of thla aotica, sod raid objection will be heard a a oe tannines y tne leuneii paasaga sf lbs ordlaaac amaalng tb Coal of aald improvement. ... t AITNHVSIUB ADDITION BLOCK 8. tot 1 annnreida fnd A ImnrovamcBt Compear, 78.86; tot 2. Suaayalde land ft improvement Owapaay, (6.02; tot 3, HuBnyald Lad ft Improvement Compaar, (4.01; tot Sunnysld I.and A Imnrnrement Cempany, (22.CU; tot 0. Sunoyslde Land ft Improve meat tympany IB. annnvaiO ISM ax mpreivaan wmr taay, Sl.hO; tot 1. rrederick ". i at. L. 1 VeeHeeieh hi. R ranch. 6o3.65. BLOCK 1. tot t. James D. Wharton. 644.33; lot 2. Came a. uoloea.; am numr . mlAmt 1 -mA A, leaneavement Comnany. SI. 12 tot a. sunnyaioe aaaa i mnmaini, pa ay. (20.72; tot 8. Frank B. Soatbard, 821: L ii m. K Paeaat. 621.1.1: aaoth 66 feet mt w in ia K eareot 617.48: north 46 - feet of teH8.-,-M, Dtltoyv -SO. Jl .; soto 36, . feat of lot 10. Ida B. parent,, aotvs ' as r , r Ine IB r li. Dlllrr. 80.40. CROSIRR'S ADDITION TO BA8TPOBTLANT BLOCK 1, tot 7, Hainan VI"7r.' tot a. Balbert H. Croelee, 638.30; .Hal- Den tt. i -rosier, e-ke-oe, i rrosler, s..o lot li. naiorn .U tu ia. ll is Tt.lkeee It Onator. 836.7T. SUNN 1 ail DB ADDITION BLOCK, T. - tot u .... sa as- In A r!harles W. MstttS. 64.88 Ketia ttsnsnaien. tot e, ai'e. - tot 7. R. J. 'McMllleB, 63 14: tot 10. Carri ilBHM. fft.12 7.67 K 8 MOhflVJ n ik I-J SWSI . rnw-wj! la. -1 T 4 Isaac .aa 6M. A ntAle PtrWOtS. tsaab VaWa A. HnllaHMi. tMJU. BL0 W A DtmmmAm. A. rtatak. 111.54 : kit a. risttskA. II. an: lot . Murl A Gataka. 60.80; tot T. Mary J. Magee T 7 r . . an - . - tlR at? t to f tot 40. Mary J. Magee 7.68; aat ta of tot 10, Ix B. Jenkins, I.aa; aw, ii. u. R Jenkins. (16.46; tot 4. Samuel H. Smith, 11 ta K Ueaasaal tl Amattk I12TX '.68; tot 11. CROSlnk'S ADDITION TO E AST PO BTLA NTJ BLOCK Z. lot 1. amma ''""r"; ..,' lot sm M. Bchmeer. (2S.ft2; tot 8. Bal bert H. Crosier. 623 83; tot 4. H.lbert H: - sma vs. tne a w P. Hard mas. 63B.60 tot 8. ' H. C. Hard man, (JO.80. Total. (MU.1S. TB(,j;OTUif, w" - Auditor af tbe City at Portland. Orejoa. Dto et hret pabUcaUoa, March 30. IOCS. norosxB stwxr txiovo a txact or LAJTD 0WTX9 ITil. rATTTLLO. Mettea la karcbv rives that at tb meeting of th Council of tbe City of Portland. Oregoa, held oa the 1MB Oay OI ntrniriea, tare an: lowing aaeeiauaa waa soupum. DiA That the Caondl ef th Cltr Turtle sd.Oregos, deeast It Biped lent and par- anaea ta coaatract a aewer taraoga a treet bt land swned by A. . Petal) from the aevcer I jefferaoa atreet 60 feet west of . potat whr tb aaia ewcr ia srttereuw ewwt ww, ss Intersected ay tse west un 01 nieca .10, a ai tiu'i addlMna. aa ahowa ea tbe "Map ef Pdrtlaad. Uregoa. nobrlahed by the Tltto Oaaraetee ft Treat Company, registered 76." If extended southerly la lu preaeat course; thence north 7 degree 80 mlBate east to th th Uaa af Mtdtaoe sxreet, 01 aia-ancu rannv, alaa. with all BILIMBirr Ctch k.Mgg. mas-boles, lamp-hoto. aad brsocbea. - Bald sswer ta be constructed la accordance with the charter aad ordlaaacea ot tha Cltr af Portlaad and the plana. eneelfV-attooe and estimates sf the t"1ty Botrlnser. filed la th ,((lce af tha Aadltar af tba City ot Portlaad aa th lftth day of- March. 1006. Indorsed: 'City smgioeec B plans tea ipmnnniieB awe a in tract OT nnt seassi awia aaa e0 he Madlaou aad Jefferson streeta reepecUvely. east by block. 1 and 16, King addltloa. west py Noel a, arnmore, irea a r-"" northerly of Jefferaoa treet to the aewer la .3aajffkatjjyBma.0PeMBo.BTmanW UaS- PVUlIiail"aR V 1 W WuTI ta ha don end th probsbl total caaTbereof.' The cost of aald aewer to be aasesard a prevlded br tb dty charter apoa tbe property Bpeelallr and pecullarlr benefited thereby, and LL-a. I. keeehv aWlarsd to bs all the Iota, aarta tberaof aadtorcel. Uall 'tetveea a line iw tee i rX". . weat Una af ssld newer aad a Una 100 feet eeet af aad parallel with eeet Una ef aald rawer aad betweea a Hne 100 feet north of aad parallel witk the north Ua af Jefferson street and line 80 feet north of aod parallel with tbe aortb line or Madison Btreet. Tba Eaglneer'a est I mats ef tba probable total cost for tha eoaetreeUo at aald awt to The phi, pdftaitoaa and estimate af tbe City Biigluoor for the aaeetraettoa at ssld ewer are hereof adopted. Itesolved. That th Aadltar of the City of Portlaad h and be la herebr directed to give ao tic of the prnpoasd eons truet ion af aald sewer ae provided by tbe dty charter. Remoaatraocee agalaat tha above aewer mar b filed la writing ertth tha aadevalgaed wlthla 80 day from the data et the first publication of tbl notice. - By order ef th Council. ; . . - -- THOB. -itm,INi- -Acdltnc of tb City et Portland. Portland. Oregoau Data t flrat pablleattoa. March 18. 1005. morons AsaxaaxzarT fob imtrotx. marr or east alder btxext. - Kattre to herebr glvea that th Auditor of the Cltr ef Portlaad baa prepared . proposed .aaiaawai nl for the Improvement of Bast Aider street, from the cost Ha of Kaat Thirty-fourth street to tka Vest line of Sunnyalde Third Ad dltloo, and kaa ascertained what he deems lust apportionment af coat of tbe Improvement In accordance witk the special and peculiar beneflta derived br each parcel of land and lot er pert thereof wlthla the aseeasent amtriet, and ha apportioned the coat for aald Imprave aaeat la tha amnunta act opposlto each Barrel ef lead aad tot or part thereof aa It ahara of auch proposed aseeesnvent. . a ' Aav object tone to the apportionment of rest for aald Improvement must be made In writing to the Council and filed with the Andltor within 16 'day. from the date of tbe flrat publication of thla aotlce. and Bald objections will be beard and determined by tbe Council before tbe pee, age of th ordinance aseraelBg th cost of aald 8CNNT8IHB BLOCK 8, tot I. Samnel Aader- eon. sa.iil , lor z. a., tawnjis, e". 1 , tot a, Mrs. Dclan Mitchell, 6" .21 ; tot 8, Andrew Keieoe .181.1: tot 0. Andrew Nelson. 811103: - tot 12. Andrew Nelaon. l6.ft4; , north 33 1-3 feet et tot lA.VLeula Caaey, 60.18; north 83 1-3 feet of tot 13. Leulae Caaey, 31. IS; weat 30 4 feet ef eouth 06 8-3 fret of tot -13. W. B. Drake, 21.00: eaat 8 feet ef aoath (M j-1 feet ef tot 13. Ir O. Bhattuck. gzoo; aoutb 04 2-3 fact of tot 16. Ir O. Bhaituch, CRiWIriB'S ADDITION BIK-K 1 tot T, C. B. uealth M 72i west 1ft feet nf lot 8. C. B. " Smith, ' (7.71 ; eeet 3ft feet nf tot 8, Jennie I' Crosier. 818.00; tot. 6. Samuel H. smith. I'll.H'; .tot 10, Samnel H. Smith. 617.74; tot 11. Loretta U. Taytor. ls.73t tot 13, Samnel H. Smith. (27.86. J iivsvaiiin THIRD ADDITION BLOC BT S4. - tot tS, THtoCuarantee A Trust Compaay. 203; lot 16. TUIe Goaraatr ft Traat Com nanv. 60.T: lot 14. Title Uuaraatee ft Trust Company, t0 6B. - J SCNNtNlliR HltH R a, m i w, n. Binenie. -32.311; tot 6. W. M. Moehto. (0.18; tot 4, W. M. Mnebl. tO.ns; tot 7. W. M. Moebto. : ll.Oh; tot !, W.' M. Morhle, 811.00; tot II. W. M. Moehto. 813.01: tot 14. A loo so T". steed 411.01: lot 1ft. Alnso P. Mead. 810.12. CRiMIIER'8 A0DITI0N KMH'K 3. tot 1. laur - Hreata, 6:16.70: tot 8, .Unra Breeka. (2.7K; lot ii. Is or Break. (18 48; tot 4, Isaac Vandnva and Maur'ce Walton. (16.6ni tot 6, John Epoerly. (lO.Sli tot 4, W. 0. Register. INYSlMt THIRD ADDmON BI1CN dft. tot 1. TIU Onartnte ft ' Trust Company, glntli tot 8. litle Onarantee ft Traat Cem- . neny, 6O.06' tot 8, Till Gnarantr ft Traat i. A editor at the flty of Portland. a. ' Data f first puhllcatlo tosrc toll le-e. iei3v - fc J -' J T J SiiQiiira af faaa m ana. BKt 1 a asnw O a era .. tV-Trains to the East Daily ' Theeogti Pallm ataadar aad agartot sla.' In car dally to Omaha. Chicago, Baakaaei toartot atoeslag cars dally ' ta Ksaaa. city: through Pallman Ssartot sleeptag ear Iparae. . ally eeadsajtod) weakly to Ctoaage. RerUslsg chslr car (seat free) to tbe East dally. UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arvlees. CHICAGO PORTLAND . SPEaAL. 6 t a. av Par th Eaat via Baat- Dally. . tngtoa. . 8PORANB FLTBR. Far Eastera Waah lag- ton. Walla Walla. lew 6:18 . to Doily. , - 6-OOa.l Istoa. Coeur d'Aiese Dally, and . Great .' Northern Batata... : ATLANTIC RTPBKSS 7-16 4, 1 Daily, roc tka Baat via Uuat.l IiIIIkR DUy. , . higtoa. Cehxataia River Dtvtoisn, FOR ASTORIA and wayl potato, eoaorctiar: with 6 00 a.m. About LMJI, stmr.- for Uwaoe - aad SntoftV 1 North Beark. atr. Bas 8s tn rosy. se at. aaa st. lorco p. "YamklU River Routs. FOB DAYTON. City and Tamblll River Mint, stmra. Bath aad Tw a. m. Dally. 7 66 a. av Dally. Mono. Ash -at. doc. x.Saatoy (Water permitting.) SnsiarRivt tsata. FOR UIWISTON. Ida., aad way potato- ttem Rlparta. Wah.7 smra. About 6 :00 B. to. Dally, ex. Frldky. :40 a. 6v Dally. Spokane .nd Le-wtotoa. 7KBT nrriCB Tbk nd Wtabtagto. Tola r.,5.., pneae ataia 71Z. . - - . . r ..- P. W. STtNOER, City Ticket Agoat -A. Is CRAIO. Oaatsrsl Passaagur Aguat. TJNlOlt DIPOT. Arrl OTERLAltD BXPRBS6I teslna. ana Saleaa. Roa. burg, Ashlaad, Baera-I JO p. at. aaenta. Ordea. Saa ma n .'6.6. dam. Stacktoa. Laa i4 getoe, Kl Peaa. New 0r4 leans a a Morning sects at dalle - 8 JO a. with trsln 1 far ML nB.BV. AagsL Sllrartaa. ReaweavUle. Illlil-I field, WtodUBB aadl N.troa. Albany paaaeaga cea-l aacta at Waodbura with 40 a. at. 10:10 . Ml. Angst aa ou to ' toeal. r:S0 a.' at. Corvelll 118:60 p. to. Dally'. I Dally, rBt Sundsy. .M rartlaad-Oaweg Saburbaa Serviee ad ToaOU - Drrtotoa. ,. , , Dene foot of Jefferaoa etreet. J,es Portland dally for Ouseeee T:8 a, m t ' 1160. :06. 8:66, 6:20. 1.48. 10:1 a. ta. Imily cndyl. SJ0, SJO. I ll, 1 A a. m. I 4:10, 11 JO a. m. fUy aly. totoTataB ,M,1fS 8:80 a. v: l 6, ,3:08, 6:16, , T.36 0 .69. 11:10 . .. Dslly (except sc r 4 . 36. T:k. 8:30. 10 10, 11:46 a. m. Except Moadaf. UJS !!? SSL' 22? at. ln- WeW medlste pnlnta dolly leacept Saaday) 4;1S a. m. Arrive Port land 10.W a. nv v The I ndcoendeace- Moo nana tk Morn Uh. south WM ; Beetles -en ie eeria.,a.,a. . am a , a -e- r , t Dslls ad ladepeadeace. . . - - PTret-clam far from Portland to Bail and San rranclKV. (20. berth, to: aaeoad-sissa tare 81. aeoona eta as ear uaa as.ev. eua te. Keataew noint snd BUI 00-. Oaks Japaa China. Bonoralo and -Cltv Ticket Offtee corner Third a ad wtao- Imjtsa etreete, Pbeae MaU T1X v C W. rnNGEB, -.,f A gOMAJB, , -Oty Ttoket Attcat, ... ...: 0m, .raaj AaT, . ;.1!:4-:..5 ..,,.....-'.: v ;-; ' apuir mnn ko OF :, TRAINS : Portland: UNION .DEPOT. V Depsrta. Arris Paget Booad Uarlted. for Taeoma. Seattle. Olvmnta. Booth Bead 8 JO a. aa, ' i -. 48 6. to. aad Oray't Barbor polnnl. North Croat limited. for Tar1 iima, Seattle.) Bctte. Bt. PaaL Mia- nee poll a. Chicago, New (Mp.Sk. :. as. York, Boston and pout Esst and Southeast. Twtn-dtv Ex erim Tasoma. Seattle. Spo kane. Helena. Bt. PaaL 'Minneapolis " Chlcaga, New Tork. Beartoa snd A fta.Sy. all points - Baat am Southeast Pocet Sound Sanaa Clty-St. Laa la Special, for Tseoow. Seattle. Spokane.. BatU Billing, Dearer. Omaha. Kaa :30 a. a. 1M p. to. City. St. Loula and all. pel a to Baat aad Beath eaat, ' All tralna dallr exrerit as South A. P. CHARLTON. . AaalalBnt ftonersl Pasaeaarer Aceac. t2B Morrlaoa it., cor. Third, ror t land. Or. Astoria Columbia' River Railroad Co. 1 yavv-Tw". Laa yea. ' CNION DEPOT. Arrive, . j ... .-, - ; . . - . i 80a.Bh Fo Maygar. Ralnh-t. )i 10 a,'a, Dslly. Clatskaato, . Waatnort, DiUl, .' Cllftoa, Aatorla, War- 1:A... ;r reatna, - Fleed, Ham- .,.--.i.v " mend. Fort Stsvene. . Qearhtrt Par. SewaMto. - . . . A atari aad - Itiilto ' ! : i' . - ... - - .. 8 46 s. D""' Aatorla txacaaa. v-j f i i i ' ' a I. C. MATO, ' 0. r.- P. A-. Astoria. Or.. C. A. STEWART, CommerelaJ AgaaW 848 Alas fsane maia sua, , -,. , ,...- - Tick OAo IS fAtri i j e-, Trnnmtxontlnmntmt Jit ; .. TVttlfieB Orally FAST TIJV1C WB AUt v.Xi4 kewt', ttoytlgrit tr1 through th , f nd Bocltr tnouota.aa. for aiara, ratea, foterd, ot., . ua tu . r X , 4"; I-