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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1905)
1L II III I ',-JJ. ILL .11 Entered at tha peate'Sce at Pwlaaa. Or, f uananortatioa through the salh ! Bkatter. nUt (or 1m copies: Per . 10 l par pint. I eeut; 1 la JO pages. 2 easts, 3 lo 44 page, t cent. ' ' ' " aoctiob litw toiouoT, ' '- &r Wllees. l Plret atreet. at 10 a. Ok Sale ' of tton, fornlaologa, aovelUee, etc. J. t. '! wil. . By Portland Auction mm. 111 tire street, at 2 a. m .dale of furullarr, carpet, etc Una, . A. Lowll, auctioneer. t -' Br Oorge Baker As C.. at ,p. m. ef ' hew bold feniahlng. ticorge Baker , Ca.. auctioneer,,. , ' . . ' By a. U S. Gllmea. 41S W'aahlngtos afreet, at 10 a. m. Data a( boaacaoM faratlura. B. L. K. tlllman. auctioneer , V WIATKIE UW1T, ' ' A atorm at eawtderavla nrngrfHiae- Stored rapidly lalaaa from the ocean uurtng the laat 13 bourn, a ad Its Influence la bow beiug fU to la north 4eotSc. etate araat of tka Caacado moaatal. Bala la failing la wealrra Ora goa and wcatrr Whlngtu aad never south- easterly gale are being experienced alone '-.. lb oueet from the California- Una northward lit tap lattery, 'i'he fouowtng msalmsm wind velorltle are lapertadr Sorts Brad. J3 mile. , ' SMeibeeet: Tatouab. 41 mile, auulb. Mouth rut Worm waralaga were dUpuved at tke a. alb of tka Columbia river at p. m. Wd- .-- aeaday and extended ta all other display ata- -rlBa at 1 a'clerk tola . moraine-' r " f w Ik tndlr-atlnna bra fur rata la tha Kortk ' PaHnr etat.-e during Mm Beat 20 hour, wllk L brlafc ta lb anuallr. auatherly wtnda. v. , U.-teX f ataUMgaV UCCTWl. . Prank Kldwln, ST; Aaala Canfleld. S3. , ' ,j Kmlel Hihtn. 3E2; Aaale Haaal. XL , trra Earl Bnl, ; iiattle K. Maatora, 1. lUrry U. Daratoa. a; Ura J.. Hlaur, XI. . Waddlwt Carda. W. O. Rmlth k Ca.. Waak ' lastaa bklf.. ear. Poarlk aad Wasaiataaj ata. BZXTKS. IfWYRTTaV Marrk I.- to Mr. and Mre. M. . lWTtir. 2i Daela atreat, ln deacktera ItallrO. BES.VBTT Slarrfc tt. to Mr. aad Mra. Arthor B. Bennett. S TtrelWi atreet; a dauahter. BROWN Mareh II. to Mr. and Mr, iaaaa M. Rrra. 3 Twelftkr atreen teanr. RI BIKH Mairk ta Mr. and Mra. Crank Rubl.b, Eat Twentj-tlUl aad. Ellaarurtk 'atreet. a daughter. ' . ' " r' 1 HI,NT Mrr 1BL ta Ur. aad Ura. J oka Baat, .Til Dltieeaik atreet. a daughter. SABR! March lu, u Mr., aad. Mra Joseph . riatx-l.' 174 Meade atreet. a eon. lANKIX Marrk 10, to Mr. aad Mra. Orrlll M. Hankin. of 81. Joka. aoa. -, AR.Vrilt Mareh XI. to Mr. aad Mra. W. K. , ,. Wuw.JtuI Malk atreet. a aaaskter. i OOKIAOIOUi BISZAaZS. BrUTOS Mare-1. Tbemae Bart an, 410 Di- Tieloa trert, trpkold terer. . LKWIH -Slarrh fft. John ia-wla,' la Kortt Fort- land, trpbotd farer. L.K WI8 Marb 2". Wllllaa i. Lewis, la Kortk l'ortlBd trpkold ferar. KINO Marrh 'l.?,Ts nllnf.ste toar aMHitha, at BabT koae: eauee. ebroaia aatarlUa. Bar " lal at loaa Fir eeatetarf. MIIJ.F.R Marrk . Mra. Aaala , Miller, seed . an rears. 4;matllla areaae;. eaaaa. arptlc per. ' lioaltl reajiltla fraat BlacarrUff. Burial at Mllaraakl wajeterr. fARMKK Mrrk IT. Alloa AdeMa Parawe. ared XI reara, at Btarrmd, r. i eaaaa, pneumonia. ' Burial at ' Klrerelew cemetarr. BtltXAK H Marrk Z1. Mry h. M. Beroalrh, ard JO rear, at (load (tamarltaa boapltal; ' raiwe, pelele DarlUal.Ua. Burial at Mt. Cat- varr eenererr. IMMONo March 81. Mary fllmmoo. aged M jrrara, at Mt. Taoor aanltannm; ranae, rw bral heaaorrheee. Burial at Granta Faaa, ; tTlMilON-Marek 22. Dirld I. Httmaon. ' Tf year, at 393 HarrlaoS' atreet; eaaae, nre via nin, i mwrripw mflpiiTT. r AN8 Mirrk XI. Mary Bllea MrWatty Evana, ofired W year. H4g Maeaad arreeti cauae. a- ardltl. Borlal a Blearvtew cemetery. -CHATTKRTON Marek 30. Jaae t battertoa, ' .ecd li yaara, at Mas Pranrtare. Cat.; eaaae, nnenianaU. Burial at Rlvervlew aanaMarr. 'BAYBLRN March 21. Mary Kajbara. ased X rear. S Nortk Ta-aty-nrat atreei; eaaae. . f.itjr 4rs-neralloa of heart. Burial st lose Plr cemeler. . ' . Kpn.i.iiAJf Marrk SI. Thome oelunas. ased ' T reara. ISTft Poster atreet; eaaaa. cancer ot atsmack. Burial st OolMmb'a cepetary. - Crasntartan as Oresoa City ear Use, sase ' gellwoudi atodrrn. arleaUfle, eotaplete. tTkargas Adult. ekildraa. $. f lal tors- a. as. 'ta p. a. Portia ad Qresuttoa aaaactedea, raruaas. . iMvsuej. Tka Edward Bolsais Dadertaklsg eaaaaar, faaaral dlroetora aad esibllai.ra. tia) Third aireet. Paoaa MT.,.' . J.- P. Ptalee A Boa enhalBMra. corner Third aad Madleoa Cirsc e eassty sareaar. Telephone Mala . "Pnaeral wreaths aad eat flowers a spu laity at Boa City Oraeahoaaa. Twasty nuad aad , fcaat Mamaaa, ops. Clark Bras, far flower. i - - mw At eevie - e....i : May . M. Boylaa to W. T. Oearae. lots ' 10 sad II. Klerk s, Btewart'a Park ...f 400 j ii mb turaae m I to i eosanaay ia 4. T. Boekaer and wife, lot 3. X and M. blork le, northern Hill a( Huneysua Traat raarnaay to A. Hrgf - ser. 22 W aeraa aeetion B. towaehln .1 aoath, raage 1 eaat 2,470 Joaeph HirniDI aad wife ta T. i. Baa- . nlaas, an acres Ears Joheaoa doaaUoa . Und rlJ 1.400 Chrlatiaa U Bcheree to N. T. Scherer, . kit aad , block 4. Midway; lot 40. ; hlark IS. Lane Plr eesMtery, and ether ,. - ' propertr ; .1 Jasve Kennard asd wife ta B. 8. OeretcL - wet 8S feet of lot S. eaat SI U. teet ' -of lot 12. block XI. Coach addltfos .. 1.S00 a. k. Hartaiaa et L I )'. H, Balth.. lot 13-S4. loelaslr, htork 27, A. LT ' Mlaer'a addition ' 1 B. s. Rowe and itr ta J. BanBald, lot wnnanj u, i7'tannnr et ai.' ta-m. aj. V' , , . . . O'Onaor, tot la, block 1. King's Second aridltloa 1 Baeld Hratt ta T. T. Cook., lot 12, block, t. Weat Portland 130 , Jobs MeKaae to U P. IQnay, lot ' S. black B, Peninsula addition N. 2.. M Clarteaa I. MrClere and kunad to VTII , Ileal datton. aadleloed l-.S Interest : nortk H Willi. Uattos and wife do- , ': SanroH R. T. tlatlon et al. to Wllllaei li.ttoa. sadlTided nortk V, Wllliani tiit- , , ia aao wire eonatioa lass eiaUB, and other property ' 1 ft., . t. RraAka rn WIIIUm fl.ltMt w.fc , William Uatta and wife donatloa ' Jan M. Brooke ot a I. to vVlTllaai' 'oat'-"" 'north H , of Wlllim 4llon nd wife " r danatioa lead claim,, aad ether prop- -.-eriy 7..... V.... ' - 1 Arleia-Land eompanr t M. B. Caraos, " wm ' - r ri . . . . 1 1. ' nl r, a. Horrmas ta B. Johanna, lot a hiMka a m..'. - - - - aaa 'T. t Rlkat aad wife to W.f l. gilat'. , Iota 1-4. Ineloalea. iota S1S4, tnchjalre. , MoHt lS. Bnrraa tract , c ' I Charlea A. Myers et al. ta Weaters Truet Iaeaatmeat eonipaay, pteea prop- ' , erty beglnnlag' eaatheaat Corner lot a, - - Mock . tilenrm Hark BOO A!saderi R. Murray ta B. MorfooC lota 13, 14 sad 16. blark 16, Leber a - addition 7. us rw ii t . , to necaiity Marlag Traat eompaay, noma H eoatbeeat eeettoa 14, tows- ahlp aouth. range 4 eaat 320 ;' Ev W. Bnrtcb aad hanhaad te William ' Hrewart. laU 4. t, Inrlualee, black L, Btrawberry ddirloa .......'..,....,... 1 Edward B. Joknaon It II. 11 J.dmann. ' . hta f. asd . block 10. ralrerally T. loraea and wlf-To'TrTC-1rBora--ot . I. eaat lSt feat lot t, blork 1. Baila- hfn-y Hill ,0M . B. I. Ilol brook and wife to M. I Hoi- hreek. 14.SD acre hesinnlng aoathweat ( eornar I. W. Loom la aoaalloa land . claim ' ,700 Ornha Mack ta A. W. lasibert. T.l acre "- eeettoa 0, tawaaklp J aoutk, raageS eaat S,20 taiam M. Adams aad he bead t A. W. Uabft, Mil acre aeetloos 14. IS. IS. 23, tewaaklp 1 snath, range S " eaat 100 Boa A. Holder ta A. B. KtHott parcel , land nartkeaat . eeeuea 10, tewmhlp I aouth. raage 1 eaat Annie K. Male and haeliand ta A. B. El liott, parcel land narfhreat aeetloa " 13. ipwoahlp 1 eonth. ranc t eaat - SRC r. R. May M a. May. M t2 aad 23. - Mors IA. realnealar ddltl ,. f I K. Beett ad wife to P. Celllna. weat , , IV eown-kin I aeath. rn I eaat .... 1 Beedall f. Bradford and nlf to M. C. " Jenaton. - IVuX" lent. Is hlerfc, , llllw't Warl ....... ............. 1JIO0 aUa aad knahaad le J. Barry. THE HEW ENGLAND TO i HAVE NEtf CIRCUIT New Jockey Club Is Granted a ; Franchise by the New Hamp- - shire Legislature.; . ORGANIZATION ALSO , , z CHOOSES A NAME First Contineent of Western Horses Arrives at Sheeps W -1 ;. head Bay. .. (Journal Special Bet-rice.) '' New Tork. March !. A nw raclnK circuit, to t compoaed of tracks that will be built In Kw Encland. and ovr which the Jockey club win nava juris diction, la tha latest Intereatlnc pto; of a-osslD that has been occupying the attention of turfmen. : Kumors of such a move have been golnf tha rounds for aome time, but the arantins; or a cnar ter by the New Hampshire lelslatum Just before its ' adjournment on Friday last fives the yarn mora tbaf aem- blnnce of probability. - . . -. - Under the charter, which was obtained by New 'Tork and Boston capitalists,' a race track will be built in the state of New. Hampshire aa soon an a, proper alte can be located.- The capital stock named In the charter la $500,000, and the new track. It la propoaed, will be one of the beat constructed and most thor oughly appointed In the country. The new organisation will ba known as the New England Breeders' club, and under the charter (ranted It may "hold fairs, races and contests of speed, skill and endurancegnd offer purses, , pri and premluma or aweepstakea and charge and receive entries therefor. It shall be the duty of the sstd organisa tion to police Its grounds and malnMtn rder therein at its own expense and by special' police, officers. It shall be the duly of the said corporation to- make. subscribe and enforce rules and reguia Hons for the orderly conduct of Its business and to prosecute all offenders against tha laws of the state for acts committed upon-Its grounds." Whether, under these articles of In corporation, it would be possible to eon- duct racing with betting Is a queatlon upon which opinion, seems to be pretty evenly divided among those who nre close in touch with tire situation in the state of New. Hampshire. ,. . The first of the western contingent to arrive at Bheepshead Bay was the stable of F. Van Meter, including half a dojren colts and f Ulles. headed by the fast fitly Handxarra. , These were followed by several from tha establishment of Joliu A. Drake, which have been In. tbe care of Trainer John Hynes during the win' ter at his Connecticut farm. Thla lot was Immediately tamed over to Enoch WMhard, who will halve charge of the Drake stable aa usual thla yesr. " John K. Madden's string of 10 horses I p, . u.u in "" '. - aiea iwtc ucuvuuicm i hchhuii. vuv ha evidently means this year to race at Aqueduct and at Jamaica, Instead of as uaual beginning his active campaign In thU state at the meeting of tha West chester Racing association. With the conclusion of the meeting of the Ixulstans New Jockey club at the Fair Grounds track next Saturday Chris J. Pitsgerald ' will take his departure for New Tork and Immediately assume his-duties aa. jnaoager of the Brigtiton Beach track and other financial Inter, esta that have been plaoed in his hands by W. A. Engeman, the .owner, of tbe track by tha sea. .. . i . . . - Nominations have cloned for the rich- eat trotting) futurity of .the harness turf. tne sixteenth, renewal -or the Kentucky futurity, for foals of 10I, worth IJ1,- 000. . . .r , Tbe stke will .be divided into eight moneys, besides a substantial reward to the original nominator of the mare, no matter who drives or owns tbe winner. .Htrnrd, nnmlnsMirn Is a wgi r r a it Tflmn all the entries sre In. Among the members of the Grand Circuit, Buffalo Is the first to declare a list of early closing stakes, amounting to a total of 121. 0B0. of which 111.000 la for trotters and the balance for pae era. Thla will perhaps be a larger aum for pacers in proportion! to the total stakes than any , other circuit member wni a eci a re a biggest stake is $10,000. tha Em pire State, which will be contested for by 3:10 trotters. Then there Is tbe Gene sea Hotel stake, of 11,00. fur tbree-yesr-old trotters, and the Lafay ette Hotel stake of $2,000. for t:IT trot ters. A ft.000 purse for l:0t pacers la named Dominion of Canada. In honor of Canadian horsemen, who have so well patronised the Kenllworth track In the past..-.: : . - . .' ... The Iroquois Hotel stake of $4,000 Is for the Z:17 pace, while tbe three-year-old pacers will contest for a $1,000 prise, known aa the Liquid Veneer. All theee events will be decided en the three-helt plan, by which the. money la divided at tbe end of eacb heat , ' GLOB rini OKA Em. The Portland Hunt club will hold a closed paper chase on Saturday,' March 26. The start will be from the Thomp son school house In Upper Alblna at z:4i p. m. promptly. The hares will . be Messrs. Jenkins and Strain. The course and Jumps are excellent, ' ..The laat ran for the Mlns AT Bhpgren cup will be held on Saturday. April g. Hares. Miss A. Shogren and Mrs, F. O. Hnrrum. 4 aerea . begtaalng sonthweat aaribeaet aeetloa ao, towmblp ' anath, rant t eat S.000 William Hherlorh comnaay to O. H. Jeff- erlea, iat , block 18, gherlock's addl- tloa grjo Thomas P. Wood. Jr.. to A. V. Millar. lot 4. blork 130, Btenhena' addlUna .. 1400 American Inveatsieat company ta K. rerrla, lota T and t, HIU View ....... 1000 William U, Mtokea et al. te O. W. Eel- . Irr. lot 0-14, iMlnalva. hloch.0. Bogle- - wood Park ; . 1 W. H. Rtokea t M. A. Keller, Iota 1-, Inclaalee. hloch S, Knglewaod Pars- 1 Owen t'araher to J. Caraber. lata and S. block 11. Carter' addition t elljr; . sorthweat aontbeaat asd lot ,1. . eectlon 4, towaabip I surth, naf 1 weat , - 1 Get roar Inanrane and ahatraeta te aatate from tha Title Onaraatee Treat naayCsamMr ef Commerce balldlss. ; BtraDoie - fikiuts. TH0llPO! Uareh S3. . f, TaoeiaaoB. renalr to dwelllns. Kt Plfteeath heiween Tilla mook and llanenrk atreet; coat. fr70. KkATX March 22. Aurost Krata. repauw to 'ere. earner Slitfc and Alder atreeta; coat, " kS.oou. - - - ' - - . , LOMNAKD N0B1.R March ti, Lemhard Nobh:. .tor. 1'p.har heiween Twentylith and Twentjeventh etreeta; coat, $ Mll.l.rjlt March 33. Il.rrr Miller, addition te .. tora, eorner Plffb and HarrlHaoa atreeta: co. $1.1. , ' K1KBV-March tt. J. Kir nr. repairs te ahon, r .tillaan atreetj coat, . A0. r.mir.RTiiNM.rch 72. J. R. Pdsertns. reparr to reeldence, Rodney aeenn hetwaes Bell wood and Ht-ntoa rtreeu; coat. 1S0. MihiX Macih Ti. V, A. Moan, reel dance.' Moa- , roe Mreet between Bodney aad William eenne.; rnet. 13.000, KR.VNKDY-Mareh M. fl. W. Kennedy, real. dence. Clerk, ma. between Mneteenth aad Twentieth etteet; rot. IX.nfa). X"OTT M irr 72. R. . Scott, cottage. ' Rt Palmrni betweew Rat Twenre-alatk aad Baal Thirtieth atreeta; enet, U.3M. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY AUTO ENTHUSIASTS ORGANIZE A CLUB Local Drivers of Smoke Wagons ;. Plan Formation of Splen did Organization. . ; A large percentage of the automobile enthusiasts of this1 City met . at" the rooms of the Copunerclal club last even Ing, and started the preliminary stops toward organising the Portland Automo bile club. .-. '. .: The leading splriu In the promotion of this association -were Robert, U Ste vens. Dr. A. E. McKay and P. 8. Mal colm, who laaued tha call for tbe meet ing, and In view of the fact that last years attempt? to , organise -was Altai failure, these gentlemen were delighted aa well aa pleased with tbe large attendance;',-' " ? " ' - ', '" Mr. Stevens was nominated for the temporary chairmanship,, but declined, sod Mr, P. 8. Malcolm waa "chosen for the place. . " . Mr. Malcolm made a few remarks rel ative to the objects and Intentions of the proposed organisation, in which he stated In part: 4. "When , tbe : public learns that tnis club wUl place a reatratnfng band upon Jta . members regarding ; the . , rate of speed and tha manner In which 4 he cars should be driven through the' street, they will not be disposed to ..cry for laws that will be detrimental to .auto mnhlltata , ' ... , The chairman appointed a committee consisting of Dr. A. K. Macks y. A. K. Bentley and W. K. Jones, to draw up by-laws and plana of organisation. This committee will secure copies of the constitution and by-laws of well known eastern auto clubs, which will be used as a baala. In framing up that Of the local club; :-j Another meeting will be called in the near future, when plana of entertain ment.jnatter of. selecting suitable club rooms, etc.., will -be discussed. !-Those -whs- attended last - evening's meeting were: J. A. Currey, Dr. C B. Brown.. Da, 'J. M. Tates. E. D. Jorgen- sen. a. K. Bentley a. F. Tucker, P. B. Malcolm. Xtewla KusaelLV. Jk Travis. J.'B. Ainsworts, Robert I Stevens. C K Runyon. Elwood Wiles, W. N. Jones, -D. C. O-Retlly, William WsJlsce, Charlea Ilton.'W. L. Keats. EL R. MlUea. D. T. ironeynuui, H. K. Wood. H. Wlmma. Ben Holladay, Charlea Q. Brlggs. Blummer Hook. Edgar U Lowell. Charlea J. Cock. Fred T. Merrill. C. A. Allsky. J. B. KeUy, W. M. Riddle, Dr. Q, E. Watts. H. M, Covey, Ouy E. Holman C. H. Jackson, a. b. Mackay, W. F.. Lyman. N. E. Ayer, wuiiam Bouts ana A.. J.' QUI. ' , - EMERYVILLIT HANDfCAP 7" GOES TO DR. LEGGO - (Journal Bpaetal Barvlee.) Sen Francisco. March U.-r-Dr. Leggo won the handicap from Judge at Emery ville yesterday In one. of the moat eg citing finishes seen in many day. Nl grette, Jennings' ;star. waa barely . able to snow. , summary:, . .. Six furlongs Hulford won, Laura. F. M. aecono, Kienca trurd; time. 1:14. jve ruriongs Abe Myer won. Dar uma second, Busfr -Bee- third,; -time. 1MIZ. . Mil and an eighth Homaa-e won. Dandle Belle second. Hellas third; time, Mile and a sixteenth, handles n Dt Leggo won, iuage second, Nlgrette third unit, i:t74. . . .. . ' v w:.. Seven furlongs Flaunt won, B Man aeepnd, Trspsetter .thlrd; time, Six furlongs David Boland won. feck- ersall second. My Order - third; time. -vUifj,"'. At Los Angeles, March '21. Results of yesterday at Ascot Park - Five) furlongs Febtta ' won. Fer de Lance' second, Bun Mark ' third; time, I .A ... ','' it Slauson course Frank L. Parley won. El Verraco second. Tender. Crest tblrdi ""i ,wlty Mue and a. sixteenth Hans Wagner won. Lord of the Heath .second. Ralph Young third: time. 1:471a. ' . Mile Lanark won. Franglbls aeoond. Lauretta, third: tlms, 1:4 J. Slsuson course Lady Mirthful won, Latolla second, Schottlsche third; time, inm. "' , - .-,--. ' Mile Bronse Wing won. Golden Ivy second, wintrrena third; time, I:41K VprUgs BeswJta. ' Hot Springs. Arkv March tt. Oak Lawn results: Half mile America. It won,- 8a ran pa ri N a second, Lettie third; time. :80 1-l Five and a half furlongs Sorreltop won. Last Fablaa second.. Miss Affable third; time. 1:0. - Five furlongs Jed Grlllo won, Jim Along seconu, r oiiieaoergeres tnira: Ume. 1:011-1. t , . . - Six furlongs Crown Prince won. Otto Stlfel second. Oudon third; time, 1:14. Five and a half furjonga All Black won. Sir Francis second, Jalss Gun third; time. 1:07. - - - Mile and a sixteenth Dollnds, won. Falkland second, Colonssy third; time. 1:40 1-s. . :. " At Sfew Orlsaia. s ' ' New Orleans, March 21. .: Fair Lgrounds results: i nix luriongs uiapnsnous won, Keogn second, yany Thanks third) , time. 1:14 $-8. - , ' Five and a half furlongs Edith 'May won. J. W. O'Nell second, Hannibal Bey iDira; time, i:vi. . i. . Mile and quarter Evelyn Klnsey won, Velos second; Homestead' finished third, but was dlsquaJIfied; Gold Age third; time, l:0fl-n. ' Six furlongs One More won, Barnlaon second. ", Dr. ... Stephens , third; . time. l:M l-i. ' . . - . -Six furlongs Fair Cat Ipso won. Msyor Johnson second. Matador third;, time, 1:14. ' . - , . . ..- v Five furlongs Aubtle won, Capltano second, Hadrian third: time, 1:01 J-6. Hair mile Jack Kerchevllle - won. Black Eyes second, Hand Bag third; time, 44' 4-S. . PIN KNIGHTS LOST w TO THE GOLD LEAFS The Gold Leaf team dropped the first game to the Pin Knights in their match laat - evening, ut braced. up snd won the next two,.! K. Closset of 'the Gold Leafs hsd the high average, 200. . He bowled a very' good; game. Captain Krunerof the Pin Knights had the high est single game, making 241 in his first. The Uambrlnus find All-8tar teams bowl this evening. Pin Knights . (1), (!) (J) Ave. Bussn . .....jHi; 14 17f 11.-. Mallett.. ...... .H 10 141 IhT 1-1 Ollphant ....... I5 174, 1441(0 pale . .....lo2 1A5 114140 1-1 Kruae .241 141 15 1 . ; Totals . .144 127 74$ . Odd Leafs ,"tl Flrken ,,170 Hinneksmp . ....114 F. Cloeaet , ....J71 Van Horn .,.. .12 Call lard , .140 (!) ill 12 fl) Ave. 1B4 178 1-1 232JOO 1 151 IRJ 12 14S , 20 lit 1-1 Touts , ...... no it in -OT TII0R5PAY Only One Week of Preliminary v Works Before Pennant . . Race Is' On. ' CHAMPION TIGERS ARE ; ' FAVORITES IN BETTUVjQ Portland, San Francisco and Los Angeles Expected to Prove L v. Strong Contenders. ; ; "v. One week from today the teams of the Paclflo Coast league will Inaugurate tha season of 106. The games will be Dlaved between Portland and Los. An geles at, Los- Angeles, Seattle and San Francisco at the Bay City, and Taooma and Oakland at the latter city. For the first time in the history of the . cossf league, entire weekly series of games will be played Ifi Oakland. This innovation promises' to be extreme' ly profitable, for the Oakland fans are capable aa well as anxious to be given a chance to support their own ciud. This season calls for games In Oakland during the first and .last weeks of nh season, and if the experiment turns out aa well as expected, it Is likely that next season will see more contests booked for Lehman's town. . Oakland Is a larger city than Tacoma, and the only reason It has been overlooked so far,- Is because of Hank Harris' oesire for continuous baseball In San Fran clacd, which would be practically Im possible without tha Oakland club, to fill in, The 'near approach of the opening day finds all tbe clubs, in ' fine shape, and each is heralded in the home towns as sum pennant chasers it not winners of the flsg. ' - f. ' 1 The' Tacoma dub winners bf last season's flag, are the favorites In the race 'at present snd are likely to go to the post as f tret choices. Second choice seems equally divided between San Francisco, Los Angeles and Port land. !'-; ' " ' . Hank Harris certainly has a fine team (on paper) this .season, but whether or no they will stand the gaff remains to be aeeo, Thla alao spplles to the fa vorites, for minus the services of Over all and St. V rain, the two twtrlers who held the Tigers up In mid-season last year, they are soma what shy on pitch-1 era - Of course r Graham may develop1 another Overall out of the bunch of brush talent selected by Fisher to help out Keef e- and Thomas, 'bait 'players of that , caliber are scarce aa hen's teeth, and events may1 prove that favorites are sometimes uncertain .quantities on which to speculate. ... . Los Angeles, strengthened by the re turn of Frank Dillon, the cream of all minor league captains. Is to be a de cided factor in the race.- Los Angela. like Tacoma. comprises practically . fbe same players who have adorned - those clubs for several years, and the play era - have - the advantage ot knowing each other's style of play. Both teams are not as strong, In pitching talent a they were last season, but for all that they are formidable contenders. When twlrlers are considered, San Francisco and Portland have the cream of tbe league In that department, and It la on, the ability of their pitchers that both Harris and McCredle pin their hopes. - .;-.., . ' ' While the above four dubs are talked of as pennant. chasers, most of the fans have overlooked Seattle and Oakland, and probably settle out these two aa eel lar contenders. In this the average fan Is llksly to ' prove mistaken, for Ruts Hall and Pete Lohman are likely to spring a . surprise on their ' opponents when the season starts. Seattle has as fine a bunch 'of pitch era aa any team in the league can boast of. but that Infield of Hall's does not and Johnny Burns are the only really good players in- Seattle s Inner works. and they have their weaknesses, for nei ther Is what could be termed a rellsble batsman. Voorhles, Dick Psgan, Culver, How do' you do? Do you nccd any thing in furnishing goods or hats today? If so, you will find ' '.'',.''' ' '-: " . ... , t a full assortment of such things at Rotr inson's. Those who buy their - furnish ings here enjoy that cam fort which comes from the as siirance ; that they are correct m eycry way : Robinson C. Co., - Hotel Perkins Building! EVENING. MAKCIt 3. CLAIRVOYANT IU 0LTTZ, dOSK Washlnstoa tret. :. Special 3 days' only KeacinM lor Three Pays Only I DO niBIRV ant.wwVT.w iiigtl 111 u.mih ta auk joa -a charge fall to call ran be nam In fnlL naaaas row friend, enemies or rink I prosriB to tall yos whethav roar hnaband. wlf er wnetaeart M trn or Jala, toll yos sow gals tha Mra of tha an. oa moat deal Tea thonah mllao awavi. how to aneeead hoalnaoa. a Men la lion. lawanlts: how ta aurry the ana af roof choice; hew le re gala youth, ' health and . vitality. Same eni lanaeaes, cares drink nnhtti treaaarea, cares all snrvon dlnaaas, . .. ., ) Hew eaa I baa good rack U . , ' How eaa 1 saeeead la bnalBasst Row eaa I aaaka siy noate happy I How eaa I eooonor my anamlea 1 ' a How can I marry the aee.l cheeeet Haw eaa I iarry, well How aooB eaa I marrrt ' . How eaa I eononer my rlvelf - new eaa make ear ene love l How i I will my loear peopot - Ho I get B How I not a aoftd anal Mas - Tlow eaa 1 resinv bad Inflnaneasf flow eaa I eoatrat eay oner How make dtataet enea think ef met ' ' How eaa I hold my hawhand'a least How.een T hMO me arlfo nieat HOrjltS DAILY, id TO T, AND TTTTAI. stajM wiBHinuTon bt.. con rina AMD WASHINGTON ITS. HENRY VVEINIIARD , Proprietor of the '. City Brewery : zargwat aad Most cjovplsta Brewery la the northwest. Bottled 4Jeer a Specialty ':;-rmtMwuoM9 no, Ta,- OAos Utb aad Bmrsslde Btreeta. ;J; PORTLAND.. OREGON. ; FREE LAND IN OREGON I , la the richest rraln, fVuk an4 snck eacnaa ' tb world. Thssaanej af acre af land st acta! coat ef krlprJea. ' Deed airecr from Stat ef Oregon.- WRITC TO-OAY. . BOOKLET sad MAP FRET.. Drachote Irrirtioa and Power Caro- Jamas and Bacom, who ara trying for third and first base positions,, are but experiments at' the best. .James .and Sagan are the only ones to show any promise at all. according to reports from Santa Barbara. . -.. Lohman 's ease. Is different, for he has practically the same team as last ear, only losing-Bchlafley,' Buchanan and Oattley of his crack team of last season. In exchange for Bchlafley. Lohman se cured both Ham I berg, the king of all slnw hall pitchers, aVOdJlm Kelly, who promises to give. Mohler. a run for tha aeoond base honors this season. Oanley wss traded for Van Haltren, who ia a far. more valuable man, and. Buchanan. the only real loss to Lohman, was drafted by Bt Louis, Oakland'a pitch Ing department will "hot be at fault If the Commuters' land In the cellar, for In I berg, Schmidt, Graham, Mosklman and Zamlock. - they have a quintet that will hold; their-own with any la the league. . - FRANK GOTCH FEELS HIS DEFEAT KEENLY ' . (Jenrasl KpecJLal lertwt.f -' 7 Buffalo, N. i T- March 11 Frank Ootcb wss keenly disappointed to lose his match with Jenkins In New Tork last week, and is reported to. have said he would rather have lost 919.000 thsn tbe title of champion. All the New Tork pa pers agree that Gotch was too confident and that this lost him -tha.matcb, He did not show his best form, and very likely he wss a bit stale from having en gaged in so many hard matches of late. Jenkins says he wll give Ootch an other match, but very likely he will be in np hurry about it. Ootch made- this statement yesterday: "Defeat to ma by Jenkins Is a terrible thing. - But I am thankful for one thing, and that is that I went down honestly, and not a. finger of suspicion can be pointed at me. This fact in the circum stances makes the belief of many critics thst the better men lost the bout a good deal of consolation to ma. , Now. I would rather face the devil than my friends in Humboldt, on the Pacific coast, and in Buffalo, but I will face them clean-hand ed and confident that nothing In the world can prevent me reversing this de cision If Jenkins meets me again." (Special Iip tea ta Tke Journal.) Spokane, March I. Duncan McMillan defeated J he Flathead Indian chief. Two Feathers, in a hotly contested five-round wrestling match; before an audience of S00 persons at the Spokane theatre laat evening. The Indian, captured tbe first snd-fourth falla afid McMillan took the second, third and fifth, .: - BAST SXSS TBAX tTXAUMOXS. The -East Side baaebalL.teamT which waa formerly known as the Strollers, Is anxious to arrange game for next Sun day with the North -Paclflo Dental col lege team. The En at Sides defested the Rutiker Hills last Sunday by the score of ( to J. Tha feature of the game -was tha pitching of Harry Tsylor'..' V - , SIX-DAY m BTPaJIS, . , v( Journal flpeetal Bervk. I Richmond, Vs., March tt. In the six- day bicycle race now being held here. Ben Munroe hotdwthd lead with 44 miles snd 10 laps. Lawson snd Root ara tied for second place, . . , . onom TOTruAjfxvT. , , ' - (J nam I Special Bert lee.) - ' Boston. Mass.. March 23. The score in the International checker. tournament st .the): end. ot yeaterday'e 'puy stood: Brule's IL Americans 21. drawn 102. r i Sir ftvub Xt m iiiNCJ. 1 I ' JU. n( 111.11 :liT:v 25 c c:3tc::3 SYnc? Bbs keasj wan by mmoma ot Metsm M tswkf anUdraa wbli ToattaJnc for oear rtfty Tanre. i It son i has the ehfld. anftasa the gnma, allays i en pais, earae wind amua. aad IS the beat , BBS' ii ill fm il I a 1 1 hi a a .. , , Tgnn A wtna. , 1 lCCJ; qUDAIl DERiJIQUZ CLAIRVOYANT TIC VKUD KlcniXTESS I THUL, YOUri NAMB Spedsl 3 f ays Only 25c There are aa mtalnhaa t tha nredlcttaa Tea stay wiah taTaow If It la aeelaahle A araaa a caanga la awaites. la tore, la aaaa rlar. . ',' fhJt I sseeed la ma new aadr-taklng rv . Oaa t ahtela aat Mttonar' . - " . ... "hau I aver en lor the nrrarlas af whaltST" fn I treat my rriaadsr' . , Hea I anesjaaal" , ;' ', "Whaa ehall I marry r ' . ' , ' "Haw eftra shall I marrTT i 1 ' "Jhatl I ar he dreareedr . Ll,.. MDaa anothee auM Ik. Lm. nat etAtfallf salonaa to mV "it m, whomr t. , . . "As I loved la rfnV i l there a rival t my are -. . "Wsea shall m Iom affair, rervatts la aJarrtgeT, " .' "waas ahall my doaaeetl trrrrtiwa aeer H"w can I make m life aad hjpeyr" "When ekeU my ahaent friend e-tarr "Way da I set racetr a hrtterr .,' HonP4r10 ta PA1LT A"" gtmbAt. 29VA Morrison SU Corner Filtrt a Tloos of Bostom Zlaaaal Varlenh DLO . Is the went dlaeaaa es earth, yet the aaateat to enra WHKH OV I KNOW WHAT TO DO.- Many bar -plnv P018Gn.Mw3 " tarrh, aad don't I ea tne -the falling ns, ca tarrh, aad don't know i io aiAivu niioun. on. .a- ,. ...... .. , MD Arch at., PhlUdelphla, Pass., far BROWN'S KIAHIU I'lIK, par neniei laeia an month. Bold la Portland aaly by freak Man. Fertlasd. Betel Pharmaey. . ijiti'6hcmj rmOPOIAIA TOB OAST ZBOaT WATBsV IOI . ABB iriCIAX CABTniOS, , Sealed Briieaaato -wlU ta nceleed by the Water Board of the City of Port land, Ore. son, antll S p. m. Wednesday. April 1 lauo, for furnlahlsg aad dellTerlns at - Portland. Oresoa. tha following apprnxlmats aaanUUee easting. et eaat , iron water pipe ana epeciai alas ..'..,- ... a. 450 lineal feet MS leacths a-ineh eaat Iran pipe; weight U66. poaada par tangta ST ton. . . . . . l.aBO lineal - feet in lengths g-iaeh eaat a pipe; weight BM poaada set length ia tona . . - 6.0BO lineal feet Boo length It-lack eaat Iron pipe, weight 070 pouad see least 23 ton. w. pipe; weight l.tsiu Bassos per length aud tona. 6.40 . lineal fact 400 lensths 10-laefe eaat tnm pipe; weight 1,30 sosnds per leagtlq 320 wn. ' ,., , . ToUI. .1.0IM tons.- I H Dec Lal caatinan far eaat Iras water aann ao.uuw neanea. , - - - - Hnedacntinne and form of nrooooaf ens obtained at ta otSca ef D. I), Clarhe. atBgiaeer at the Water Board. Vrty Uau, fertlaad, Ora- Bldden Brnt etats 'the Price at pine tea of 1,000 nounda amf the nrlea af anedel enatinga ee poaad. all delivered t.ab. ear remand, uregoa, deiieery ot hw M eom H lea red m or l.efnoo May IB. 1OU0. and te oon Uuno at be TSt of MM tons Ber awstk antll ocanpieiae. With each BM mnat ha scorn I ted a eer fined check for tl.Ouu, parable to tea Aadltor af tha City ef Portland. Uregoa, and honda. acceptable t is atayor er to city wiu he required ef we eoceeeeiui Dioanr.- Is awarding s eoBtraet the eaat ef inapecung the pipes and apeeiaw. By laapertara te he elected and id sr the eiu. win st Tbe right le reserved by the Water Board te relect any or all bid. ' Tonoaale meat be encloeed is aa envelon Ddoraed oa tha on tat da "Propneala for Water Pipe." and Bddrwetd te the nnderalgned. ' Additional pipe and aperlala may b saedrd thi eeaeoa,. Boon after taoaa deacrlbed are de livered, asd tha eltr rha ootlon af ordering, not later than Jsly 12, 10. all or Krt or ine louovug pipea aaa apeeiau. Tnera re bidder ara reoaeetad ta atnte whether tber will sire each ODttoa snd. If en. oamta prices lor delivery ears rMrtiasd, oregoa, st ttw rale ef find tona per nvalk: .000 ' lineal - feet 200 lengtha 4-lncb eaat Iron pip; weight 230 poo no per htagta 30 .rLIMO nneat feet XTSd lematha -0-terk .eaat troB pip; weight S06 pound par length HO 1U.044 lineal feet m leagtha -lnch eaat Iron pipe; waif ht BM peand par length Z4t S.OM 'line I feet BOO Vrnctha 10-Inch eaat Iron pipe) weight TOO poaada per length 1UU rn. 4 ' ... ... r Tal T1 Me . - I nneclal raatlass for east Lraa water Blnas. ip.nua pounda , - , By order 01 tne water mere. ruKk 1. jnilh.h, napennwwaest. Pertland. Oregoa. hUreh 22. 1000, PBOPOSALS X0B bXXXTM AJTP TAXTCt. Healed trin.eal wilt be received . br - the Water Board ef the City hf Port la ad. Oregoa. antll P. m., April 12, 1006. for fajnlahlng. nd delivering at Portlaad. Oreron. on or before Jane lfi. lOoB, ninety. three Hmlth patent aleevee, braachee aad valves for tapping . water lalna, aa follows: as tachea x 2 laches. 5-0x2. Sdt4. 10-drs. m . iR-io-a a.Ki.a o.19a 1L.1 a in tau 114112. 6-lttl1.16ll0r.-lSl4, ft-2W0, 1-20Z12.' ToUI. S3. I , Tb valves moat open by tnrnlng t the right. Additional mrtlcular and form of Drnnoml ran en ootaineo at tne 01 ore or u. i. viarie. Rnglneer of toe Water Board. City Hall. Portland. Oregon. - Bidder meat etate tne price per eleeve and v:ve of each alee, all dellvarad l.e.n. ears. rortiand. (iregon. , wits earn proposal mnat ne oenoaitea s rtined check for 1100.OO. snrahle to the Andltar of tha Cltr ef Portland. Oresna. and bond acceptable to tne mayor of the eltr III ha required or tne nncveoarai ninoer. The rlsht la reaerv.d br the Water Board to reject aay or an atria. rropoeani snwt D encmaee in an en re lope. ealed and marked "Pronoaale for Hleevea aad Valve," and addreaaed to tna anderalgsed. By order of the Water Board. PRANK T. IMirxjK. Hnperlntendent, Portland. Oregoa, March 22. 1000. . . MOPOtAXI TOB PI8 tXAM. .J. Healed ajronoaala will he received'' he the Water Board of tha Cltr of Portland, nreaan. antll 2 P. m., April 12. 1B09, for fnrnlahlng at Portland, Oregon, forty-flve thoueand (dil.OuO) Cnnda of pig lead, te be furaianed oa or fore May in, leofl. ..J -J i 'Bidder mnet atata tha price per handred ponnd delivered f o b, eara Portland.' Oregon. With each bid mnat be deonelted a eeetlned check for 41O0.O0. payable tn the order of the Annttor or ine t,iry ot rmrtrans. iirrgnn. and bosda acceptable to the Mayor ef tbe -city .will 1 reajaireq 01 ine aoi i la.rui niaaee. The right I reaerved hr tha Water Board te reject aay or all blda Propneala mnat he enemaen IS an led and marked ''Prnnnaala foe Pla Lead." and idilraeaed to- the nnrienlgned. ' By order of the Water Bnrd. PBANK T. IHIINllt. HnnerlntendenL ' Portland. Oregon, March 22, IMaV. ' . v PBOPOsALiJOB AltolBO MACKIBI Sealed propoaahi will he 'received at the nfriee tne Annuor or ine city af Portland antll Monday, March 2T. IPflfi,' at p. m for fur alehing to tha City ot Pertland oa adding aentne. ' tin rrronneal will n ennatdered anlaaa ae. eemnnnled hy a eectlOed check ear a Me to the order of Oeorge H. Wllllama, Mayor ef ib City nf Portland, canal te Id ser erst ef Ih gaeegate amannt of tha bid. The right t reject any and all bid Is' hereby renewed. . - Br order st the Fveentlve Bnard. . " TRIM, ti nK.VI.fw,- , ' A editor af the Cltr Af Portland. ParUnnd. Umeoa Maaah at, 1bV - rtBABCOAX. . POBTSeUTS TBTTfT POr"-T OT OBXtOB. Be. fee lauaB hi. ' ' JV Olaaat Tan) 0aaar fct Oisjbb. . OAI-iaAL. .-.eds. Wa. sasdaet a nal baeMaa; seatBaas. We raeatea eavlngs eVaatta V msaa ttms ear, ttneate aad eeruacatee - ef ear tie anon 10 dare eaU. AO dam nail nr 00 Sara call, with later! at 1)4. I4 and 4 per eeal per. aaasm, r "wtr---'T. ur i a f. 1 uLnJuXXu.a. b.Nj. I. rowtn .7.. H. U PITTCM 5....... ........ ..lPTidV m. 1.11 riusi, ,,, Unitary I. O. OOLTBA... ......... ..aealetaat saacatary 1 1 CKOBAJfTS' VATIOhTAX. . . ?"- SUrS1' ...vnwerra1 Ytbanew - a. w smxaw sTaWBevan'w wf Drsru and Letter at Credit Imeed ArailablS 0 . . n Pete f the World, t Collection a BpceUlty. . - SEOUlUTT lATTlfog n TBTTBT OOKPAXT, " sag Marrmea gt rartlaad. Or. Tlaaaauli a Oaral Baaklag Itailaaaa Istsrest Allowad en Time Bd Ba rinse amaatsi' , rt aa Trncte tor BaUtas. Drafts asd Letter ef credit Aesllabl ts All .' ,.ulfrto ef tie World, , , C- AnA-1". ...PreeJdeat 'i"w'5M.--..''..rleat Ttea-Peaaldaat ' HtLlM:. .head . Tles-yrealdeat til B. O. JUBIT1,.. , I IBITBD gTATVi BATT0BA1 BABX, f U ' OT POBTL4VD. 0BBO0B. -BOBTSWHT COB. THIBS AJtO OAX'BTS, Tiaaaaem a O.a.ral Baaklag ilam ', ' DBAm IsnUhoT '.. A vsnabta hi AU Cities of the- flnlted BtataS ssd Mrrase, Beag Koag aad kUalla. - . anaanannwanw, OOTXICTTOirp BTABX 0B TATOXABT.X TTBhTt reatdeat ......'.....J. L AiKmnura lce.Pr.ldent.... .....W. B. A TUB Cashier...... ....B. W. SmhlKca AslUr.r- Caahlar.. .A. hf. WBIOBT LAOS TJXTOB, BABXXBg. (Xa-t&allaaod 1s laH. Tranaaota .Coiiaetlnnli amada at all oolnta mm r. ki. tersw.. Letters'. of credit manad avallahra ta Konip .and all point !a the Itnltad Stat. Biaht Brchinso aad - Tetearanhle T..HfM asld as New Tork. Washlnrtea. Cbleaga, It. ' Inls, Den ear, Onuha. gaB yraaetara gad Montana and ftriUih Colamhls. . ' Bzchang soldns London. Parte. Berna. Prank fort. Bong Kong, Xokahasu. Msstla and BoaolBln, - 1 . FIB ST BATtOBAX BABX ' ' OF POBTLABD. OBBSOaT. IMalg Bated Ueonaltory and tlnasclat Ageat sff ' fie Usltad. States. , Prod dent .........A. v. irrrra Caahrer.... J. W. BgWKIRIt AaataUst Caabler..... ...W. 0. AtVOBrt T linni Aaalatant Chler.....B. P. ITTBVBNS - r Letters ef Credit laased AvnllaM la afeiwaa and the Raaters Bute. : Blskt Kkcbaas and Telee-rrelile Tv... . old ob New Tork, Boatna, Chicago, it. Loafau St. Paal, Omaka Ban Pranclaoa aad tha stlnetpnl point Is rn Bwiaaant. i . . Bight aad time bill draws la earn ta eatt en Leddoa, Pari. Berlla. Itaatfial im Ihi ' hfara. Boag Bong. Xahnhama. Caewahaaea. ChrHtlanla. Stoekhohn, BL rwtaraberg. atea- r, Bnrleh, llonoNra. OaUaatless Made es TSveraMs Tnrms. ' -, MOBBIf BBOS. OBBIBTIBUB. . UtVi first sweat, rertlsad, aHKjau MORTOAGB L.OA1N8 Oa Pertland Baal Batata at Lawnet Bates, - TlUaa Insnred. Aaetraata Paiahik.. - X1TLX UABABTaB TBOST Ota - a. 1 jit 1 voTicza. ' AagrtgirTBT roa xztcbbiov or ziun - SLUAB 1TBXAT. Kntlca la harenv riven that ta aaaaawawwt made by ordinance No. 14,443. entitled: "Aa ardlnaace adupUng the report ef tha viewers la tha matter ef tbe propuaed change ot Ban , . . . Ullaaa atraat from tha weat Una of Baat son. ' and atreet te tb weat line af Union avenue. aald atreet te be an extension In It arenenf ' conn and width of Eaat Ullaaa atreet, aa laid -est easterly of Vstos arcane. b widening the ... eama aad making aasecament ot the benefits nna namagea set rorta la aald report," approved tt Kibruarr In. . ha . been ntered against tne several owner af and pnraona iaterected In the laad hareta dearrthed aa being aeveraDy ' - naoie lacrcror, ia ine Meeet nr city La en, which aald aaaeaamenu ara made dna and par aale at tha office ef the City - Treasurer, a United dtavee gold aad silver cola, and an- leaa paid before April. 1, loot, . the name will 't become deliiiaiieat aad each sroceadlag will be . 4 ' takta fur the coHectkiO of the mow aa ara pea- " ' Tided hy the charter of the City of Portland, r aid aaeeaaaneata netne as follows, to-wlt: . A parcel of laad Ijlag betwees tha proponed , north line ot Bant Ullaaa atreet and a lino " 1 I'M feet north thereof and parallel taerawlth, . aad between tbe weat Una of L'nioa avenue , and tha eaat Una ot Baat Third street, Bamnei H el pie Batata, Helra et," 120.00, -t- - A parcel of land lying between the weat Una , ; ef Kaet Third atreet aad a line 100 fact went ' thereof and parallel therewith and between ". the neonoced north line of knot Ullaaa atreet and 1 a Una 125 feet north thereof asd peraUal therewith. T. O. Oreen, tlO.W. A parrel of land lying bet wee a tb east Bne ;f Beat Hecoad atreet and a Una 100 feet weat of and parallel with the weat line of 1 Ban Third rn I mil tilirna tha mniaaail north line ef Beat Ullaaa street and a line - Im feet north thereof and naralktl tnaeewtih- . ChrUtlag H. Menaadorfer. f 10.00. - - -" A parcel of Mad lying between tne snath tine nf But Ultn atreet aad a Una 1B0 feet '.nortk of and parallel with fbe north Use of . ' Baat Planders atreet sad between the weat line of l'nioa avennc and a Una 8ft feet west J thereof and parallel therewith, L. B. Juatos, A parcel. af Mad lying betoeea tire Uses re ' per rive ly SB feet end lift feet weat ef end parallel with tha weat line ef Colon aveaae ' nnd between tba nonlh Una of Eaat Ullaaa -atreet and a line IM feet north of and par- . - IM with the north line nr Bait Flaadars street, Mrs. N. J. Smith. 13.00. - A cereal of land lying hetweea tbe eaat mm .' ef Beat Third atreet and a Una 110 feet weat ef and parallel with the weat Una of Caloa ', avenue aad bet wee a the aooth Una of Baat ' ' tlllnan street and .a Una ISO feet north nf and 1 . I parallel with tba north line of Bast tTandare 1 , i, i 1 irv ruin, vwu. . . . t . A parcel of land lying between the weat Una ' of Baat Third atreet and a line 100 feet went " thereof aad parallel therewith aad between tb eonth linn of Baat OHaaa atreet and a ' line 1(W feet north of and parallel with the north line of Bant Passers street, U B. ' Juntos. ' ' . A txirce I nf laad lying between tha eaat Hne et Kaat Beeond atreet and a Una Jon. feet Wat.,v . of and parallel with the weat Una ef Fa at ' Third atreet and betwees the snath line nf ' ' Beat Olman atreet and a Una IA0 feet north ef . and parallel with tha north Una nf Kaet Pkta- ; der ntreet. Cbrlatlaa II. Mraaadorfer, OtO.UU. ' Total, 80.00. , . THOH. C. PBTMlf. ' ' Auditor of the cny of Portland. . rtntc of flrt pabUratioB, Portland, Oregoa. March tl. 1006. - .. ....', .: PB0POBID ' ABSZBBMXKT TOB TMPaOTkV . KXBT OP EAAT ALDXB STBXXT. . Katie la beretir aivea that the tbe City of Port land haa prepnred a propoaed aaeecament lor IM improvement or Kat Airier atreet from the eaat Haw of Baat Thlrtr-tahU. atreet te the weet Una of Baat Thirty-ninth atreet, and haa aaeertalBed what he deems a just apportionment nf coat of tha Improvement in accordance with the (pedal aad peculiar beneflta derived hy each parcel ef land nnd lot part taereoT wunin id a nanecemetii aiatrtrt, ill haa aiinortloned the coat for aald improve, mt In tne amnanta aet oppoalte each Darerl af land and kit or part thcraor aa Its ahara ef aaeh pmnoaid acarasmcnt. Aay otirtiona to tna apnnrtionmctit ef enat for aald Improvement mnat be mnde la writing to tbe (.on aril and filed with the Auditor wlihla IS dava from tha date nf tba flrat Dubllcatini, nf thla notice, nnd aald objection will b heard ana determined hy the "tnncU beta leeege of the ordlni no gauming tb coat af Id lmr. mnrovement. - BAKTHI'H 'PAKK ADDITION TO BAST PORT. , LAMl luHjn i, m 1, 1. .1. twwen, 'V.Ae ; kit B. C. T. Bowes. 03 th; lot 0. (!. T. '-TUiWelt. 11270; lot 10. Berths Tan Vlark, ?0o.3f lot It, Oenege M. Hlrauas, tftdOO; t 2..Uenrg M. Btraue. ldH.04. BlH'K it, lot 1, Mary V. Hurley, fl.7 lot 2. Mry P, Hurley, BlR.M: k.t A, Mary P. llnrlry, tdj.SN; , lot 4, 0. W. aad Margaret T, Allea, Joi ns .lot ft, 0. W. and Margaret V. Allea. $.; krt 6. . W. and Margaret V. Allen, IIW.AJ. - Total. 2TB4.6I. , TH02 C . DEVLIN, -' ' Aadltnr of tha City nf Portland. Oregoa Date ef.lret pabtlcatlon, March 20, 1M. - POtnrDMABTXB'l BOTICB. Notice I hereby gives that aa rhc Iftth dan nf March. 1IHTV, I took op nd eBrnnnnded at tha, City Pound, at o mi sisteenih atreet, is the - ( liv of Portland. Oregoa the foliowi. deacrlbed animal: line hay mare, whit eaddla marti as back. . and shod 111 aroand. and anleee the cwnee. er other peraon or pemon having as Interest therein. Mian riiim pinaieaaMiB or tke earne, and ear all coat and rharaea of the ki.ii,. aad advertlalng them, together with the pound fees on ald animal. provided hy Ordinance Ka. .02ft. aa amended. of -aald Cltr of Porb. laarl. 1 will on tha 27lk day of March, lew, at tke hciw ef A . m.. st the Cltv ponnd. at Ko. 201 Hltleenth atreet, la paid city, nell tbe a no re nrerirr, anmai at ponnc asetlmj tn -tha blpheev bidder., te pay coal, and charge foe taking Bp., keeping aad advertlmaa aalmat. Dated this XOU dT of March. IWvI.' AT- W. RFPTI -1 --. '' ' V ' ... Poo ' V '' ' .. i, . J ""l"-