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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1905)
' V1 1 -. BRQwm&m ews;;on m is page :'.f.VVv 'Cartoonist Tad in the ccomypfctor ehQW what ls liable . . j .T77 - - - 3 & iTr ' ft WAb7poaS - to happen when the Oiler theory strikes the, ranks of pmiliidc cham. . , 4 .'V - I" -lZ Si ps- J ' J"T ''" '''' V' ' ' ' :''' ' : plM ; ,: ;:!?QjE5e3L - . i3r :' 1 ' ::;' " ' ' ';' !' - tw get the count -Jtffri ',v ' ;7xi( JL ! -tV;' "NV ' t IVi? J 'Vflffi': ' I 7 -u' -i -il -1 -Cn-i tu 'n i -t' n.n i ,. 1 1 i' -i 'mmZ-,mZ. ''' j " ."."r. "Z '' T,- ' '" " P "tffV ' ' ' '' - -' 'lV J -"- - ( ' i" ' ' "TTT" J '''"''"''"' '"' '"f . . EASTERN SEASON V r Noted Race Track Inaugurates Running Events at ' New ' ijh!T?rTYorlc: in - April. :7-yy CARTER HARRISON EVENT 2t . FOR OPENING PROGRAM List of Stake Events . Contains ; , ; Many Valuable Purses for Contending Horsemen . .y v . 1 ta.-. JJooal.aeeUl sendee.) r" New tork, March . -The Metropoll- tan aeason opens with Aqueduct on i Entry blanks for tha stakes that will be decided at the meeting hava Just ' been sent out to 'owners and trainers. THera are 10' fixtures In tha list,' the . most Important of which Is tha Carter i Harrlaon handicap, which will be run on the ooeirmg day. There are four sukes for three-year-oldg and upwards. " two exclusively for thrre-year-olds and four for Uhe youngsters that will, thle year make their bow to tne racing puo- "C -lie. - - '-: ." . " The Carter will thla year have H.000 , in adderniuinji puree nf infflOont ' value to attract the ontriea of many ' of tha best horses In training. ' It la at Touching the right chord,; is the secret So r politics, love, making land business. ;It is our, aim to : endeavor to ascer- tainypurjwai and r supplyr theni Avisit .to otir J store; will, teli you whethekv or not we afe'succeeding." ; 7; See our new Har rington hat, the 'El ing big run in; the rEaslr-cn r 'ROfilNSONcaCO. ;:, Hotel Pcrklnt Building. - -1 V; erea furlong, not too, hare ra for o sir in . th muoh Tbre!ehU will b aanounead on Mareh it Tho otlwr auke . for; lhryr-W and ttpwartl art tb QsMm County han dicap! which has f 1.100 and la at a mlla; th Rockaway atakM. Jn . which 4h prlnurg will raco ovr th uix . fur Ion eourwfTOf atM0O purt, and'tha Fluahln atakaa, at a mile, with 11,000 addad.', Tha Arrarn . atakaa and 'th Pecoalo' handicap, ' tha flrat of mix fur- lonca and tha latter a furlong- further, are the Yeats exclusively for three- year-olda. Each baa . 1 1,000 In. added money. f . - For -the 4wo-yaar-olda - there will be tha Canarale, the Rose the Oaone -and the Woodhaven aUkea, all of which will be at four furlongs, except the laat, wbtoh will be at four and a half. Thay call for 11,000 added money In oaeh. Many new. and attractive Improve ment will be made at Aqueduct before the aeaaon begins. Secretary Rallly an nouncee that work will be begun lm mediately. Tha new steeplechase oourse. ZZt.Z . J "IT; w is Bawuwutiu vspoi IBS SJMBJ XI finest that has been seen In tha metro politan district, with the xcepUon of that at Belmont park, has boon entirely completed snd . is ready for racing. The distribution of dates by the Jockey club has set the wise ones fig uring on when the great handicape will be run. It la already, announced that the Suburban will be vun on June II, the opening day at . Sheepahead. The Metropolitan will be carded for Thurs day, May 4. and tha Brooklyn probably for Thursday, May 15. The Brighton will probably be run on Saturday, July I. Ml of the clssslcs at the metropoli tan tracks are well filled and promise rare sport. ' John W. Schorr, the Memphis turf man, who has dona a great deal to'-belp- raclng In the south snd west. Intends ..Ma curtail his, turf operations to a basis wmcn win not piacajim auiwug tne largest operators. . Mr. Schorr haa fur nished starters for several western der bies, and thla year hla stable wUl be 4 repreemted by Jack Lory, a three-year old colt which won several races last year. The two-year-olds In the string are composed of material of unknown qual Ity. In former years Mr. Scborr Invaded tha Kentucky stock farms and purchased stars of the yearling crop, but ha will begin tha coming season with sons and daughters of Charade, Russell. Her menoe and Top Gallant Tha chestnut eolt - by Russell Memorial, is a full brother to tha . sprinter, Harry Duke. The best looking celt In tha stable la said to be chestnut colt by Hermenca Derelict. Mr. Schorr's campaign for tha coming season' will not extend very far on the western tracks. Hla colors have been seen for the last time this winter on any of the New Orleana tracka. The stable will be flrat raced at Nashville. then shipped to Loutavllle, after which It will coma oast to race on tha metro politan circuit. Ed. Arvey, of Louisville. Intends mak ing a strong bid for honors on tha east ern turf this year. - His string, under tha management of Lon Bellew, will be headed by MoChordJ, the Gotham Addle Mc, three-year-old,, which made a fine reputation last year. Alvejr will have only one other three-year-old. Saulsbury by Applegate Cork. In tha three-year- old division Alvey expects to bo eapec (ally strong. He has 14 Juveniles ef fashionable Mood, Including a full brother to McChord. for which the name Bonna Cora haa been selected. Myron, another youngster In the string, is by Marlua .II. Maya IL, and therefore a half-brother to Iescuento, , ths speedy three-year-old, now racing at Los An gales. ;. :.'r"J- --j AMONG THE BOWLERS. The Oambrinus team cinched first place In tha league lakt evening by win ning ail three game from ths Bankers. They-eertalnly rolled in Championship form, having two games over lot, and tha third tit. - Their captain, Mr. Ball, rolled tha highest total for three games that has aver been bowled In a match game, Ha made tha grand total ef (77 pins, or an average of f 2i -, which is a : record for any bowler to feel proud ot He -also had ths highest sin gle rmv making 140 In hla ftrstr Ths Pin Knights most tha Gold Loafs Wednesdsy evening. V . v Tha scores -of last evening's match were: - '.', . , : Oambrlnus ' . (1.l) (i) Ave. Kneysa t. 1S 111 , 11 1IH-J Keating . .17 lit. 100110 Bchonenback . v..ltf 171 447 147 1-J K. Closest ,....114 144 111 Ivt Ball. ..,...'....144 114 217 221 t-t Totals t .01 . 0t 10 Bankers (I) (I) tl Ave. K. Case ..(....illO 144 140 1M imitate ..147 140 Irase . 221 141 147 140. i7 174 M lit 141 , 122144 1-1 Rallln ...140 111 Capen . ....Ill .. 171 Totals ' OW44ks)4fSJ 711 '' Q.7zzz daily jour - . SWOOPS THftrwiu. poryepp AirtHt. POOR RIDE DEFECT! COLLECTOR JESSUP -'S f.T, .'-. SJBSBBBSBSBBBaSBmBSSSB ' v'fV Jockey - Michaels Is ' Suspended Indefinitely for Careless Work at the Finish. .;A1.. (Joaraat Spedal Barriee.), "Ban rrancisoo, March 1. Collector Jeasup, tha favorite In the third race yesterday., waa beaUn at tha wire . through . careless ' work, by Jockey Michaels, who had tha mount. Michaels has bean suspended, " Bummanr: . r.- -Six furlongs Rlesca won. Glen Briar second. Brown Patssy third;' time,' 1:17. Six - furlongs Billy -' Tsylor won. Pachuca second, rio Manola third; time. 1:17. . . . ' - Futurity coarse Del foe, won. Collec tor Jessup second, Oronts third; time. Mile and a' Sixteenth Anvil won, Barney Dreyfus second.' Modicum hlrd; time. 1:11. . . 1 " . six and a . half furlongs Bdrodon won, Battdor second, Albemarle third; time. 1:2214. Ons mllsii natrwoiw!TnJJpisTjfitig second. Judge jthlrd; Urns, is, 1:4s. , : 1 - ' At Aswt enh Los ABgelea. March 1L Not a single favorite scored st Ascot yesterday, and ths books cleaned up handsomely. Sunt' .,, ,.., ,.. . , Mile and TO yards Mat Lowry won, Mamon second. Gentle Harry third f time. 1:40V. - -. v Slauson course - Rnblana won. Philan thropist second. Mart Gentry third; time. 1:1114. Six furlongs Flra Ball ' won, Albert Fir second. Lord of tba Heath third; time. 1:11. MUa and a sixteenth orehan won, MoOrathlana Prince second Itobador WiroiJjme, j.:it. .rl- Ona mlla Potrero - Grande - won, Bronsa Wing seoond, Blnlcado third; time. 1:4114. - Six and a half furlongs King Thorps won. Bailey second. Seasick third; tlmo. - At Xo4 spdrngs. Hot Springs, 'Ark March 11. Oak Lawn results: , Four- f arionss Barssparllla Maralacchl second, Eva Jean , third; time. :80 - - Five and a half fuf longs Our LUlle won. All Black second. Mordsll. third; time. 1:00. . . Six and a half furlongs Otto Btalfel won. Silver Skin second, Osy . Llset to third: time. 1:21 I S. - Four furlongs, Capitol Hotel stakes yTSity INeiiie won, Lisvenia. inii mcuou, Pirate's Dream third: time. t:o -i ' Six furlongs Canajoharla- won. Fonles Bergeres seoond,' Dewey third; time, 1:11.- " " ' , Mils and 70 yards Stand Pat won, t Know second, Olonets . third; time, 1:41 I-l." - ,-''-'. ; ' T'"v: "Ai STow OslaajMb' '. -' New Orleans, March 11. Fair ground results: .. Mlla and . ono-alghth Daisy - Green won, Tho Bobby second, Nandora third; time, S:01 I-l. - Four furlongs Jsck Kerch evui won. McDougals second, Markle Mayer third; time, :!.-- Onr mile and 70 yard Dixie Lad won, Mr. Jack second. Mainspring third; time. 1:11. -r Six furlongs Floral Wream won. Glengallant aecond, Bella of Portland third; time. 1:10, . -, Six furlongs Safeguard won. Dr. Stephens second, HPompey third; time, 10 4-S, r ?- Five and a half . furlongs t)oncn won. Sir- Carter second. .Miss Creek third; time. 1:11 t-l. . . Six furlongs Ponca won, Flying Char coal second. Censor third;-time, 1.17 soon or cracna Totrsurarr. . (Jearsal acial aerrlea.) ' Boston, March 11. Two hundred of the 400 games between tha British and American checker players have ben played and the score yesterday was. British 40, Americana 10, drawn 14L ' Preferred Steak Oaaaed eosds.' Alien 4k Lewis' Best Brand, iiAi; rcr.TLAi:D. uz:day PORTLAND PLAYER . ACAIH AT WORK After Almost a Week in Idleness McCrediefs Men Resume Outdoor Practice, m GARVIN IS LIKELY TO - . PITCH OPENING GAME Former Brooklyn Twlrler is Fine Shape and May Go . Against Angels. . in (Special OKpatcb te The JosnaLl r BakersOeld, CaL. March 11. Tha Port land players are again aS work In out door practloe, of which they were de prived laat week owing- to the stormy weather. ; Moat of the players are In excellent shape and will, be as fit ss a fiddle when the umpires sail play ball. McCredle 'and his men have only a Hwerk left In which to practice here, and strerttt8usemnirifs"H&ftg the Jocal entbusissts to secure a gams for them with Fresno, 7 Stockton, San Jose or some ona ef the' crack State league- learns -that- wllLhe abla lo PUtlUB a fair contest with ths Oregon men. : Tha seven twlrlers on tho Portland team ahow up In excellent form. Even French, who haa but recently arrived. la In Ona condition. - and as hs worked off tba soreness contracted In tho long railway journey, ha. la as spry ss any of them. - Of the bunch Garvin and Bsslck show tha beat form, aa they have had ths . advantages of a week's practice before . tho arrival of - their teammates. "Spit Ball" - . Ca tea shows splendid form snd bids, fair 10, prove one of the most successful of ths twlrlsrs who use this elusive delivery. . One week from Thursday Portland ' opens at Los Angeles, and as Morley haa practically tha same team that has worn Los Angels - uniforms' for-threa - yesrs, It seems likely that McCredle will work both Jones snd St Vraln against ths Angel tribe, for the Portlsnd manager Is well acquainted with the weakness ef Captain Dillon and bis men, when up agslnst left-banded twlrlers. Port land's two southpaws srs showing up well snd are expected to be In uplen did form by tha opening day. Virgil Garvin, late of the Brooklyn Nationals. has been selected by tha manager as tha pitcher who will try to win the flrat game for Portland. In case ths Tsxan accomplish this feat, tha fans up In orsgon will go Into ecstacles, for tt will be the first tlmo In three years that they will have gotten off on- tha right root. . BUI Esslck. who. with Oarvhv la la ths best shape' of ths Portlsnd slabmen. Is also likely to go against ths Angels in the opening series, i All prospects of a gams being Clayed here between Tacoma "and Portland have been blasted by President Bert's refusal to permit the game. WRESTLING TOURNEY 7 BEFORE SPOKANE CLUB (Speatal ftWpitc! te The JooraaL) Spokane. Wash.. March 11. After a long and earnest pow-wow between Man ager Weaver of tha Spokane theatre and tha representatives - of Bsrney Mullln snd Joe Gregg, ths manager said ha bad decided to allow no more boxing bouts In the theatre. - The. representatives' of tha lighters are hoping to fill -the en gagement at aome other -point. These twe men were to give a lt-round Prelim inary boxing bout Wednesdsy night pre ceding the wrestling match betyrjen Two earners ana ih a. MCMiiisn. Two Feathers refuses to train for the wrestling match on the mechanical de vices of civilisation. . It Is said thst the methods of ths two wrestlers are as opposite as they could be. Two Fea thers will have nothing to do with ths gymnasium. All efforts to have him how off there have been unsuccessful. Shortly after daybreak tha, Indian chief Is tip, snd away, taking a hot pace for tba ona a. srnialrT - Hia far ta sMsacaloa cvr::;i::a itx,zvt. McCredle's Call Tossers Resume Practice at C&ksrrfeld Chtef Two Feathira to VVrestleMcMiH&n Aqueduct Track to Join Metropolitan Saotv Racing News and Other Sporting Events. 0 or II mUes. Jack CNelll. hia trainer and friend, usually goes part way and then welts for tha Indian com ing In on tha home run. McMillan la tha center 'of admiration each afternoon at the athletlo club gym nasium, where, ha la doing moat of his training. - , . O'Neill expects to be able to carry out hla contract for bouts with alx differ ent men preliminary to tha Two Feathers-McMillan event. Among tha six men whom ha contracted to meet and throw during the hour preceding, the main event are Joe Helnrlch and C. A. Johnson. . Wrestlers from Fort Wright are expected to finish out the list of six men. -.,'..'. .. : . - DIAMOND GLISTENINGS. . Tommy Hess, who will be remembered aa one of tha backstops on ths Portland team of 1041. haa been sold by ths Wa terloo, la., team to Oakaloosa. Fred Weed, who played outfield and third base for the Portland champions of 1001. and also on tha local club of 1001, haa been signed b Sioux. City In the Western lesgus.- "WUd Bill" Sellsy, whs has earned tha distinction among ths ball playing fra ternity of being the only man of whom there Is on record who ever stols a piano out of a hotel and got swsy with It, hss signed to umpire In tha Paclflo Billy Hogg, formerly of Seattle, Port land and other plaeea, la practicing with Wow TonfAmsweernnnd is gala tu be developing spit bail under tns in struct fen of Clark Griff Uh, Hogg needs something besides that high fast ball of his in order to get s meal In ths big league Con Starkells la another Lueaa leaguer who Is heralded as a "Wig" in ths press accounta of tha Highlanders. The Ta coma boy displayed stssm snough while on the local team last fall, but appeared rather awkward in handling hlmaelf for a player of big leagus timber. ."Slats' Davia sprung a new one the other day, -It was while riding on street oar. which was pounding rather hard, and a passenger-inquired of the motor-man as to-whether the cause of It waa dus to a flat wheel. Davia Volun tee red the answert "No, that lo one of the new patent xpeed Indicators, which is used In order thst the passengers may tell how fast they are going." Louis Castro hss arrived in Kansas City, where he Is to -plsy under- Arthur Irwin this season. ' Castro left this city last week, and incidentally there are a host or local fans Who regret nis toss to the local team, but be has their best snd sincere wishes for his success In the American association. . - A message received - by President Evens by Msnsger Fisher at Fresno lsst night states that Bobby Keefe will Join the Tigers tomorrow. Keefe haa been 111 at his home snd consequently wss unsbla to report on time. . - The fact thst Keefe Is to he with the champions sgaln will be good news for Tsooma fans, among whom Bobby has a host of friends. Among not a few en thusiasts snd plsyers Bobby -waa I garded aa ths best twlrler in the league last year. With added experience- ana strength he should bo sbie to do better this coming season. - 1 ' KYAJf BXATS SAYUS. . (Jasraal Special Berrke.t Hot Springs, Ark., March 11. Buddy Ryan of Chicago won tba decision over Maurice Bayres at ths snd or a is-round bout at Whlttiogton Park last evening. WAXS Ajn ATTXX, --(Jearsal special' Strvtea.) Philadelphia. March 11. No decision was reached In lie six-round bout lsst evsnlng between Monte Attel of Baft Francisco snd Jimmy Walsh of New Rngland. which took place before the Waahlngton Sporting club, Walah. ap peared to be the stronger. .1 XJe Ftmataa Money. -J ; Finding hsalth Is like finding money so think those who ars slclt, When you have a, cough, cold, sors throat or chest irritation, better act promptly Ilka W. C. Barber, of Sandy Level. Va. He says: "I hsd s terrible chest trou ble, caused by smoke snd coal dust on my lungs', but, after finding no relief In other remedies, I Was cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Coida." Gresteet sale of any cough or lung mmiicme in the world. At Red Croea Pharmacy, Sixth and Oak atreeta, on the way to the poet offlrn. fine and 11.00, guarantsetL.. Trial itzj. PRESIDENT BERT ON r THE CHASE CONTROVERSY . (Joersal perlal Bervke.1 ' - Ban Franclcsa March 11. '1 i see where Bsa Johnson says that Jim Mor ley tried to hold Frank Dillon and then had to give him up. and uses this as a parallel case to that of Hal Chase.'' said President Bert today, - "The cases are not similar st all. The Paclflo Coast league voted to surrender Dillon and a couple of players to ths other leagues when It entered the national agreement. It Is true that Morley tried lo hold DU Ion. notwithstanding the action of ths Paclflo Coast leagus. but hs waa beaten. In regard to Chase, ths Paclflo Coast league contends that he. Newton. Bu chanan and ths other players taken from ths different clubs lsst rail ware not regularly drafted, and therefore are still I the property of this league. This time ins league is wiut money ana not against him, and ths matter haa been passed up to tha national commission for a decision,'' . , . - BUTTE AND SALT LAKE IN CONTEST BY WIRE ' (Specie! Dispatch te The Jesraat) Butts, Mont, March II. Butte and Salt Lake bowlers will snter a tele graphic bowling tournament on Monday nixl. 1rt ' ,l-g 1 - era being promptly wired from team to team IU tho two cities. Five men will roll three games each. It la believed bowlers will be able to keep track of tho-Sguros ef the epyssenls.-almeet so sasUy aa if tbsy were on ths ground. If the tournament proven successful. It Is proposed to Invite the leading bowling teama of Seattle. Portland and Spokane to Join In a general tournament. BUTTE OUTLAW TEAM - TO HAVE DANNY SHAY (SpecUnIpUB to The Jearoitr Butts. Mont.. March 11. With ths raising of ovsr 11,000 among the bust ness men of Butte today the formation of a six tsam outlaw league known as the Paolflo National leagus embracing Spokane, Boise. Bait Lake, Ogden, Hel ena and Butte . la practically assurso. Wllmot. manager for Butts lsst season. goes to Ogden, where tt Is understood h will manage the club there. Danny. Shay of Lodi, Cat., formerly with 8L Louts It Is announced unof ficially, will be at the bead of the Butte team... " cbtxoao 4, ms Ajraaus l esMBsMSBBaai V (Jesreal Special gervlee.) Los Angeles. March II. Ths Chicago Nationals Yanlgan team- defeated Jim Money s Angels yesterday by buncbtug their hits off warren Hail in tne nrst Inning, when they scored all their runa Hall waa invincible . In the- neat four innings, whsn hs was succeeded by Boy Toren, who also held tne leaguers sare. Boh.. Wicker was a pusals te Morley's men. The scors; . ...L. ..- R.H.R. Tanlgsns ,.4 0000000 04 0 1 Los Angeles. 0 1 0 0 '0 0 0 0 01 4 1 Hits Oft Hsll 0, off Torsn 1. Batteries Chicago Tanlgsps, ' Wlcksr and ONsll; Loa Angeles, W. Hall, Toren and Spies. - Umpire Settley. . '' ' LABS FSiAT A TIB AMB. , . The Eagles snd the Tigers plsysd a tie game st Fourteenth and Kearny streets Saturday afternoon. The teams lined tip aa follows: Eagles. .position. Tigers. Regner ....... ,C. .......... Hurley Hlnks P........... Drumsr Muller 8. 1.ixn.ti , Woods Leavy. ........ IB. ."..M.W. J. Hurley Gleaaon i.IB.. M Amm.r Coreoraa IB.. .......... Push Kelly n .T. . I F. ,..tiit. Msnlly Pltigerald ...... .C. F. ...... . Cosgrove Jacobs i.R. F.,.,...., Drlscoll Bxrxars a Omaha. Neb.. March II. W. R Crosby of O' Fallon. III., secured the high scors yesterday In ths Interstate shoot undnr ths susplcss of the Omaha Oun clult. His score waa lit. Fred Gilbert '-f Spirit Lake, Iowa, and W. Heed of Con cordia. Kan., were tit! i - rvcond with 1U BBh " , - Jm J. A. I- WAVERLY TO HAVE A ' CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNEY Arrangements - are now being per fected by the Wsverly Golf club where by they are to hold their first contest for ' ths' championship of ths Paclflo ' coast on ths Waverly links soma time -In June. The exsct dsts of the tourney has not yet been-decided upon, but it will be shortly sfter tha opening of tha Lswls and Clark fair. - f Golfers from . Oregon.- California. . Washington, Idaho and British Colum bia have signified their Intention of competing In the matchea and It will be one of the greatest affairs of the' kind ever held la the northwest. ... wi Joi 10 (iearaal BpseUt Berries.) ': Sioux City. Is. March II. Judging, from the list of entries ths Iowa stats bowling tournament which began here ' today will be the most notable affair of Its kind ever pulled off In Iowa. Ths tournament will continue until Friday. Largs prises have been hung up for individuals, two, three and five men teams. labor under tha delusion that for tune comes by chance. It doss)' not. . Industry and - prudence la what makes men rich. Wlss men build up a fortune Ilka the build ers of the pyramids of Egypt, - who- wrought with- untiring per severance until at last the top- most stone wss placed. - If yeu wiab to succeed In the commer cial world you must study and ' work until you maater the situs- tlon. There is no better place to prepare yourself than at the BEHNKE-1VALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE where bookkeeping and shorthand ars thoroughly taught by compe tent teachers. . ... ; Cor. Sixth aad Morrison Sta, Ope all tha yea. Bay aad Bight, ; Not .'an unemployed graduate. Call or ssnd for catalogue. ' Park and .Washuigloo, Portia nj, C. The School of Qualfty" MODERN. PRACTICAL, COr.71' : Opea aS the yosr. Cstslsgws tree -A. P. ARMiTaONO, it'. ., 9t :: A- It PMM'U ft" p-w a . ',.: si rx.j i i nk. i i.gul twv 1 i 3-