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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1905)
l - . - , ; r-- , I I .1 .... rc:;tc Forezactt Ciore with Larjest CtocLs on ." the Fartc Coast 'New Art Shop Fea- f ture Embroidery ) Lesions Given Free Second Floor .West Annex 3 - SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE.- Tea Room .1 ', : 1 Second-Floor. ":p ' ,'. AUSPICES PORTLAND Y, ' W. C. A. MENU FOR -WEDNES-'DAY, MARCH 22nd . ,Tea. : Coffee. Chocolate. ., : , Milky served in bottle. Cream of Celery Soup. '-. ' Palac OrM SaUd with Cheese ' r - Straws, Scrambled feggs with Asparagus -v ' ' Tips, - -j ( Four-Minute Eggs. ; Omelette Spanish.' A Boston Brown Bread. Ham BsndwIphAM- Hot Roll. - . Bread and Butter. , ' , Te Cakes. 1 ' Bigger Values, Greater Assortments, arid More -Enthu siasm Than Ever Before - . . ' 1 . Ouf treat March sales could not possibly succeed -without REAL UEKIT and ACTUAL BARGAINS. We present the values, as values are always presented at this "store, on their merits and their- wonderful success is the talk of the town. Sales of a most unusual character. If money saving counts in your plans, in .the buying of new, desirable merchandise, you'll visit the store daily this week.-', ' rr- :-C-:, ;' "': jy.':- : Grand Openings of Authoritative Spring Styles Next Week ! tTHERE WILL BE NO VuiX SHOWINGS OF COIECT FA'HIONS yFOR THE NEW SEASON UNTIL THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING " OPENINGS NEXT WEEK 1 Go and see the minor showings that you may better appreciate next week's surpassing exposition of styles at PORTLAND'S FOREMOST FASHION SHOP . . , . . . - . ; :.:::&--y-'' - ; j . --,,:,,:i:K- .JvV"-.' Result of L C Set::! YotcitJmeJofcy Reainald Carter. BELLBOT ' ' , THE NORTON Ala Arthur Taylor, M. ft A. " 1 -SHOO REN ............... IUT4 Ma Hushea, KNIQHT8 SHOE CO............ v. 3.l , Esther ' Carlson. : MASON-.' " EHRMAN CO........... IlfTl Charles Adler. WOODARD.'- K CLARKE A CO, ; U.ltS. Guy D Pue. PORTLANDS- -, DELIVERY CO. .....4.... H.7M'," Scattering .... w.'..i(.-.. 4lj71 Total i , j, ;V v .' . . SM.0S i Surpassing Sale of Women' 'and Children's Fine Hosiery -v S - ; .Women's FIB " Im- - ' ported ' Blaok All ; Ijice and Lace Boot . Lisle Hose, full rln- ished asd ,tlrst. - ; class In : every rr pact. ' Bl assort ';, ment of patterns, : and - the, best 6e values in Uis eHyr 1 Special Tuesday, ... ' Wednesday and - Thursday' 294 ' Children's Fin Ribbed. . I Lists Hess, the weimcnown SH&W. KNIT; tlnlshed l.i : . loot, . doable knee , and 'sol. Slses t , , T. Tli.-S. IV4. and It only; SSe regular price; special, pair.,.. 19) '.. COMPARE THESE VALTTES WITH THOSE ; ; HERALDED AT A MINOR STORE. mm. ; - Men's Bargains ?; In the Toggery Shop First Flobr, West .'. V!i 7.'- Annex,: C''?7":;-'v:'' .' '' ' MEN'S 75o SHIRTS 47c ; .; Van's Golf Shirts." In plairt blue, tan and -gray naadras. ' . also soma In figured blu and gray effects. You ' cannot buy a better shirt anywhere for 7 fro.' 8pe elal tbla week at, each .474 MEN'S SOo HANDKERCHIEFS TWO FOR I5C -l Men's Pur Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, with hemmed ' - borders, splendid Yaiues at ZOo; special for this ; wk at ...................TWO TOB ZBd ,:v .:;r MEN'S 11.15 SHIRTS FOR C - , .' O A fin new line of Men's Poage Colored Mercerised, Batoen Shirts, with soft collars, entirely new and ' th best we caa buy u sU at To tnak it T-r Interesting tt will sell them this week at th . ' special pric of, ach ..............'......,.93 mens tse sox no.- , . ' Men's Fancy Hos, In oyster gray, with fancy tripes, ear best J6o value; apeciai prloa the pair. ...17 T Small ares Stationery, Jewelry and Notion; ( yr& ) " FIRST FLOOR. Do sens and' doswns of little things; all needed when sewing begins. Th B a a a a r ' counters ar heaped full of them. Plenty of folks will gather a 'supply. Erry thine Is handily placed for aaeina and select itm.. TWU Hi Hnee IUle need fuls at th price of oner. Th savings are' . worth wh!la- ' ; . i thimbles i&?1-:V:t-.;:..i,Vi.'N shverPlated Thimbles, assorted slses; regular tc; special, each ....M..n..,......M -i.-S ."V; i'-'J' ilo TAILOR BRAID lo. 'y'" Tailor Braid and Velveteen, reversible skirt blndlmr: rsular lie? special, yard. ......... ......... .T) to SKIRT BDXDINO to. --j-'- '-.V 'Brush BWrt Blndlnt. 'Tn Waelt ' orcolors;- regular value tc; special, yard .3) 5 -' H -lie' BELT. BUCKLE SETS Faoy Belt Buckle Sets. with, back and front pin In silt or oxide; regular value lie; special, set... 94 '4: 5 i' ; io kid hair cxniLERs'. te, . Kid Hair Curlers.' I K Inches long, one doaen In a : package; regular value- lo special, package.,.. 64 - 4;, ','' ' ioo shoe -laces' ic ' -'.-r ; V Black' Silk Shoe Lace yard long; regular value - ioo; special, pal .,.'.,64 l'l :v I 10c BACHELOR BUTTONS o BOX " ' ; patent - Bachelor Buttons, 1 dosen in o; asy- t t put on or take off : regular value ltc; special, , bojt .,..,. ,,S4 .'tf.;i -sItarps. shelf paper W 'y: 8belf Paper, 5 yards In piece, lac edge,1 an esters; ... whit, pink, blue, canary and green; special at the piece f ......,.. .. 8d lid WRITINO TABLET 'r;,''l:' Large Else' Ruled Ink Tablet, smooth finish, packet slae; regular value lie; special, each. ......... 84 f e LEAD PENCILS te. Extra "Fine Quality Lead Pencils, ;wlth rubbertipss regular value 5c: apeclal, each.,. ............. .84 Regular lOo Pack Playing Cards, special, pack. .'.64 15o WRITING PAPER o "BOX ; ' i Bos' Cream Writing Paper, ruled or plain; regular. value J5c; specUI. box..........,-, .....94 '.. T'llo WHISK BROOM lto...;.A'V';: ,'-'7 Larg 8 Whisk Broom; regular valuo Ite; special. (j aeh .,.............. ....ii..... 104 V.'l CHAMOIS SKIN lie. 'J''' '' ".'" Plain ' Tallow Untrimmed Chamois Skins, . medium slse; regular value lo; special, each ,..1"24 Regular 25c value; Special, each. .............. .154 Regular tto value; special, each ....... .224 ' ' t:, ' ' fl TOOTH BRUSHES Ho. r Beat Englit".Tooth Bruahe,, wired backs; regular value 26; special, each... ...... .4. 184 4 K .i 1 Jo CUFF LINKS 10. j ' 'r' PUrn Opld.pUted. Cufr Links, xtra quality; reru. . lar value t5o; ipclal, pair, k,t. ,r .904' ": ' Z.y. tto BEAUTT PINS lOo. . .'. '': v'-., Enamel Beauty. Pins In pairs; regular vain Iter special, pair ............ 204 ' . , MEN'S llo WATCH OUARD8 tic . Man's BUck Bilk Watoh Guards." assorted charms; regular value lie; special, each. ............ 354 5o LEWIS AND CLARK SPOONS tic. -Lewis and" CUrk Sterling Sliver Souvenir Spoons;' r-ular value tic, special, each ,.,814 Extra ; Special yaiues in 'Mthe March Shoe Sale On the'Fsir WsyM West Annex, 1st Floor BtylUh and aeaaonable ; Shoes full ' of Fit-and Wear, Footwear mm for all tfia - rn at . unusual -prices for " the opening of a season. ' And the shoes that go to make, tip this coteri of bargains are new and snappy , styles. A hint of rvalues . i'. - ; L . at designs, mad ef cheral . kid, . "Hylo" laat, blucher lace with patent lace facing, one Of the : newest things manufacture., regular M.00 value; special price, the pair, ..'..,...,.... .65.00 SOME NEW ARRIVALS IN WOMEN'S OXFORDS. , k : , WOMEN'S 15.50 OXFORDS t.,Li;'-. Women's dark tan," undressed kid oxfords; with, hand, -. turned soles, made on the newest fashioned model, . '.. very dressy and pleasing in appearance, wU worth 1100 the pair; apeclal sale price, pair....... 63.50 ' WOMEN'S 11.71 SLIPPERS Women's on strap Slippers, of ricl kid. with hand turned solas and comfortable, . yet good. styled ,, heels, regular 11.71 value; special price, the -. . pair ,..,.,....,.........., 61.25 BOYS' 1150 SHOES $100. Boys' School Shoes, th solid, good wearing kind. 1 with oak ' solas, - our regular 12.10 -, value; special vv-at; th pair ......62.00; ':" WOMEN'S' tlio OXFORDS 1150. . - . Women's Oxforda for street wear, " with vie! M& . .vamps. duU kid quarters, patent lip, welt' soles, . '- regular tt.00 value; specUI price, the pair, .62.50 - ' ' ' '-; '.-.. , i i.i I Specialarcli Sale of HMt Sheetings 140: J y In Domestlo Aisled-First Floor,, jy- , '' " BLEACHED SHEETINGS BEST QUALITIES! 41 Inches wide: special at. the yard ...... ,.1144 . 41 lnchea wide"; special. at, the yard... .....JJi'rw ,50 Inches wide; special at, the yard..,....Mt.144" , -14 Inches wide; apeclal at, th yard. 164 i t inches wide; special at. the yard. ..18 ; Tt Inches wdie; special at, the. yard. ..M......204 -0 inches wWfspo4tarhe yrd-..i.T;i,244' : v y--'-;. ' brown', sheeting. X ';''f 4 "' ; 14 inches wide; special at, the yard. .......... .144 (3 Inches wide; special at the yard. .......... ,164 71 Inches wide; special at, the yard..,........il84 II Inches wide; special at the yard........... .204 0 lnchea wide; apeclal at, th yard.........r22t4 ; ' 7 .'', 15 PILLOW' CASES loa-vv. ' '- 10,000 Pillow Cases made of heavy, round thread ' sheeting; regular value 15; special, each. ..104, -cs Baby p .GoCarts Go -Carta with reclin ing back, adjustable footreat, - reed body, automobile gear,- pat ent foot brake, een- , tef rlctlon wheel fas " teners. rubber tires; ' . complete with, cash- M ion and parasol at, ; each. .. ,. , . SILOO, SltOO, S14.00,. Si-so, aiTM, SiaAo, sjajoyoo, sit oo. geff fte . Sfl.thrJ ejrl.ftfti JtP CfO, ; SSTM aad S40M.. FOLDING GO-CARTS. Folding oo-Carta, plain, at, eaclu- 63. T5 to 64.50 Adjustable back and foot rest complete with cushion . "',''". V. and parasol at ch, ,.,-'' 'jjJ ' 6T.00 fr.50 68.T5 60.50 8H.OO 12.60, $13.50 TO 622.00 ,.li:-,;' New Today in the. Toilet r ' " n0" TALCUM POWDER le. v;'!': Violet Perfume Talcum Powder, best quality;' regu- - lar lie; special, oan. ........ ....94 ' ' - V ' 10 GLYCERINE SOAP To. . Clear, Transparent Glycerine Toilet Soap; long bare; regulsr lOe vaiuei special, bar. .............. .Tat I Moth Balls: special per box, .... . .... . . . ,5 Japanese uampner Marnies, a superior moth pre- -- vntlvr large boxi -special .-, , .. , 104 Packing Camphor, la tin eane, a preventive against moths snd Insects In clothing, furs, etc; . special, can , ....... ,r,4,,,,,..104 Extra Refined Chinese -Camphor, - In tablets, one - pound or tO tablets-In box; special, box. ....254 Crystalline Camphor, a reliable dlalnfectahVand de- edorlserv Urge sine boxeat special, pee be.r104 Lavender Camphor, extra large-else box; special, per box 154 Crystallsed OrlentaV Camphor,: 1-pound boxes;, ape clal. box i5e Tatine Moth' Bags, moth and dust proof, business suit slae; special, each .............. s .504 Overcoat slse; special, each... .......... ,...,..e04 Ulster slse; special, each. .......754 in tne 3ig Jtiome- fitting V . . Fourth Floor Opening of Magnificent .'. New Goods. - Special '" Sal of Lac Curtain. Rcecial purchase of Urge quantity BrusscTserfecT1 curtains. 1 . -i ; Regular 12.00 valae; spe cial, pair. ....,61.58 Regular 1150 value: ape-: eialpair , ,61,89 ReguUr 1171 tali; tpe-" , rial, pair, 62.05 Regular 13.00 value; epe . elal. palr......82-2T Regular 11.10 value; spo eUl, pair 88.4)3 ReguUr 14.00 value: spe cial, - pair. .. . . -62.98 Perfectly Exau isite Suits .' :'.. mm m For Spring Woman's Wear ' A ' Peerlesa Exposition - ef Fashion's . Latest Draas Edict Promulgated -From the Big Salona of Dress Largest and ' Leading Garment , ; Stores Went of Chlcaa-o Th Authorttativa Center of Fashion if ' -' ' ;! in. Women's Apparel. In th West Second Floor, '. r;"::' ' suits that almost equal costumes.'- .; -y In point of beauty and color introduction they are a art Utlc and beau tl- ful aa frock. Yet th servic Is easily within ths bounds of dressy v ' tailored wear. Light-colored Chiffon - Broadcloths sre a great deal In evidence ao light In weight that they may be tucked and shirred like T a 'bit of challie. Jacketa are rather fanciful, A bit. of canvas, a bright touch of velvet and high bodice girdles ar all new features that you " will like. . ..- ;r, . .. , - Th whol effect of th salons Is spring-like. Given ever to th first hint of, blossoming, and full-blown fashions. - Don't trust to a repetition of the . best Why, some , of th suits are not duplicated beyond ' one, end won't be. . ,.. .'V (, - '-,;: - . . , - . :.'-. '. A WORD OF THEM.; .". T.' " '..' Suits thst savor of spring's sunshine with Jaunty JackeU la Eton, Blouse and Norfolk styles, single snd double breasted; lengths ranging from tl to 24 inches. Also the more srlstoeratlo redlngotes for those who, prefer the long coeted - effects these In 14-Inch length. A' choice of Panama. Cloths, Serges, . pretty Tweedlsh Fabrics, light-weight Imported Canvas Cloths, Homespuns, fancy wood Etamlnes and imported rsncy- mUed Coverts. - Serges are a prime favorite among the smart dressers tin eastern atyl centers, and promise to lead all other fabric for dreaay . street wear. Shepherd plaids and checks are far in the lead of patterns, , ranging in slae from the tiny check to the more pronounced almost pUidish errect tnea in black, white and , a run rang or pretty ana delicate oolorlngs that find favor among spring style" authorities In plain colors, the navy has resumed Its place aa leader, with th rich golden browns aa close competitors. . Beautifully tailored. In exquisite workmanship. The price range gives generous choice. From th modest street frock ir- .-" ,r "V-v-;- , t .. ,- '.- 12.30 to s Qrander Sister at $150.00 More than a Score 0 In-Between Prices, Each Representintr: the tsOrTTrfXia! v ' SHIRTWAIST SUITS DEMI TAILORED AND JACKET SUITS. : . "' ' A magnificent and comprehensive collection of th trlggest and Jauntiest in-then smart creations. Mors beautiful and fetching than vr this season In thslr trimmings of handsome laces and fancy strappings. Absolutely new, In every detail. A atrlking "novelty among these Is the Silk Suspender Suit with bodice of Uc and skirt of silk, with silk suspender effect to match over the shoulders. Choice allow of a wid price rang In choosing 613(J ArlU rKUiVl I n A 1 UH ivj atiO.UU. -.' WALKING SKIRTS. - - 1 Cut-fuller than In past seasons; tight over hips and ' flaring toward bottom: some flounced. Replicas ' ' of th skirts of grandma's time, when hoopaklrta . were In vogue, but without the hoops now. Mste- rials favored are Etamlnes, "Serges, Imported AW " paces, - Panama - Ctothav BrtUUnttneav. Silks and. . . Smart Mannish . Mixed Light-Weight Suitings. Priced at 63.50 TO 836.00 .U.-.' (The best values ever shown In Portund.) j THE BEAUTIFUL HAND-MADE LINGERIE. ' V - - - WAISTS. . " . Soft and filmy ereatlona that seem almost aa deli cate as th summer cloud that flits Across the ether of earth's dome above us; lacy affairs, per ""fectly exquisite In - design and workraanehtp products of the most expert needlewomen In the world. All hand-made and embroidered and worn In preference to silk waists by msny this season ...... .85.00 TO 835.00 The largest assortment of Bilk waists In the oltv , aU absolutely new ,..'..,...85.00 TO 8T5.O0 EXQUISITE NEW 8HIRTWAI8T8. .. Sot wear of dainty women; more delicate, beautiful . and more feminine than ever. The grandest Urg . , eat asaortment ever shown by any western house. Materials are of Handkerchief Linens, Butcher .. Linens. Fancy. Lawns, Madras, Etamlnes and Dainty White Dotted Swisses, 61.0O TO 610.00 -:.'. NEW SPRINO "COVERT JACKETS. -In the trim and Jaunty lengths so favored for spring , . and Hummer evening wear, 22 to to lnchea, hane " ""71 aomely tailored In plain styles or trimmed smartly - - with strappings and - double -stitched effects. ; . Jackets are satin, taffeta and serge lined, mad in ; xqulslt workmanship by th most axpart man tailora in America, Choose Trfrom. .85.00 TO 650.00 CHILDREN'S NEW SPRING COATS. . An. Immense sasortment Just in the largest line ever shown in Portland: in all favored materials and - newest styles, at the lowest jricea for standard . makes In all the weaL Chooa from , , 2.50 TO $25.00 ' ' ". ' " An Exp osition otSpring Dress Goods IN THE SOUTH ANNEX V FIRST FLOOR THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS ANNOUNCEMENT to Portland women cannot be exaggerated. It conveys an Intimation of the assemblage of a clustering crowd Of the world's brightest' prettiest and most exclusive Dress Fabric.. There's not a larger dlspUy or a more representative display in such rendesvous lof fashion as .New York, London or Paris. v , ,. ;' -y ' " " . ... """When we overlook this vast collection we are" fired with enthusiasm, and we winh to convey the antbualasni to you. . It's a true aaylng. "The world la growing smaller,", for the latest novelties thst Parisian belles and Lon don's and New York's fair votaries of fashion are exploiting you'll find at this, PortUnd's Largest and Best Dress Goods Shop. "." .- - - - --.t-- .. . .-. , , ...... ..There Is a well-bred air about them all. a bewitching beauty that fascinates, an attractiveness that chartna, and an elimination of anything that haa a tendency to the blxarre. - Refinement la so. evident throughout that there la not a piece to offend th most artlstlo nor th most sensitive aesthete. : . v- - - - - - Some of th many new weavea we ar showing ar superb. . A few are: ' ' . , and a TniMBKnora iortTnt"T or nxaT kotixtim . TOR THM POPI LAB SHIRTWAIST SUITS, AND HARD TWirnCD BAISPBOOPTWKEDS. , t , Another Big SaJe of Black All-Silk ; ' ... Dependable Taffeta ; V- Again we are going td demonstrate our undeniable leadership in the silk world by placing on sale the best mskes of Dependable Black Taffetas made In America. Thee, value oannot be matched at our "regular low prices, consequently at tne special re ductions we shall hav a big. eager, crowd of Portx Und's- careful buyers Bslow you will find the val ue never before equaled by any other store In Port land: " 10- Inch, reg. 7.ts grade: specUI, yard. ...... v. 50 It-inrh, reg. lie grade; special, yard. ....... .69 11- inch, reg. tl.00 grade; special, yard.. TO 14-lnch. reg. 11.10 grade; specUI, yard .,.69 17-Inch, reg. 11.25 grade; special, yard.. ...... .98 14-lnch, rg. 11.21 grsde; special, yard........ .08 84 -inch. reg. fl.10 grade; special, yard..,.;, .61.10 t4-lnrh, reg. tl.14 grade; special, yard. ..... .61.29 14-lnch. reg. 1.7 grade; special, yard. .61,46 . (Thl laat number is shower and spot proof.) ALPACAS . SICILIANS V : PANAMA.; MOHAIRS TtPP, CREPE ALBATROSS FRENCH SERGE . BROADCLOTHS ; AEOLIENNES t CREPE DE PARIS VOILE V ' - MISTRAL , ET AMINE " CHEVIOTS" NOVELTY MQHAIRS VENETIANS BRILtlANTINES ' r i CREPE EQVPTIA Y "NOVELTY, PANAMA CHIFFON VOILES r. FRENCH BATISTE v POPLIN DE CHENE BtOO TARDS OF NEW 10I St4! SILKS. ' All new style and colors New Loulsln, New Mow ,y hair Sllka, New Chiffon and Mcssalln Taffetaa. i In neat cheeks, stripes, chameleon and plain ef-. . - facta the beat silk sold on tbs coast, and the largest assortment of colors and styles, at our - regular price of 11.26 per yard; but Tuesday we place them On table la Fifth Street Annex ' . at per yard ..,,.81,00 ' BETTER COME EARLY BEFORE THE BEST ' ..ARB ALL SOLD. . . ' . . .; "T""': ':"'"- .-,...,. ' COLORED DRESS GOODS, . , - v 1000 yards of New Spick-Span Suitings, conslatlng of , All-Wool Panama, 1 plain, checked and plaid ef fects; Neat Tailor Suitings In plaids, tweed and Illuminated styles wnequaled value at our ragu . lar price of 11.40 per yard; epecUl for the) week. per yard ,i . TO) Also three grand speclsls in Imported Novelty Bng llah Mohalra. An aaanrtmont laravr than van can it find In all' other ef Portland's stores combined. All new goods, styles and colors' , , - i - i , - ' ' Our 11.00 vslues; special for, per yard ...... .81.50 Our, 01.75 values; special for, per yard.. .... .61.441 Our 11.60 valuea; specUI for, per yard. ..... .81.21 N. B. Thl opportunity should not be missed. For Shirtwaist Suite, Sklru and Traveling Coats , . ' , ..'they have no equal. r - . - - HANDSOME . BLACK DREBS GOODS AT LE8 SBNED PRICES.' ( 'C''---,' Th largest assortment of down-to-date Black Goods - shown anywher. New Silk and Wool Plain and Novelty Poplin d Chine, Crepe de Paris. Aoll . . ennes. Carltaa- alao Turkish Mohairs. . The fab , '. rtcs are the vry latest obtainable from th world's '. greatest ' fsshion centers. . For . dressy gowns, - ShlrtwaUt and Jacket auita these cannot be x- ' celled Our reg. 11.04 vat. reduced to; per yard...... ft. 61 Our reg. 11.40 val. reduced to, per yard.;..,.! 1. 19 Our reg. 13.04 vat reduced to, per yard tl.t..r THIS TS A GRAND OPPORTUNITY TG BUT TUB SWELLEST BLACK GOODS AT REDUCED PRICK YOU MAY HAVE. THIS 8KABON. Remarkable Values In the , , , Worhcn's Knitwear J FIRST FLOOR. :. - ;'- :; -New and seasonable Spring '-.4, Undergsrmenta at dls-: tlnetly lessened prices f Or - tbls week. Women's Herod" ' Knit . Corset Covers, white, low . neck, short sleeves and low neck sivless, silk dtochet trimmed, lie quality; special,, each .23 Women's White Cotton Jer- sy-Rlbbed Union Suits. low neck sleeveless. Uee--trtmmed-kn,-- big - lOo ""Value; spciaI.'s-alt..3T" Boy' - odd line of Knit Drawers, splendidly made ' and Ane spring weight ' all aises but tl. we sold them at lie, 10c, lie: alt slse special, pair.. 184 Misses' Fine Ribbed Cotton - Knit Pants, sixes 11. 1. "10, tl. 14. big value for ' too, tic; special. -pair i ............. ..18d Great Special Sale of all Imported s-?,',,-''.V i THIRD FLOOR. x ' .- W ltrmia a fw only of th many articlea whleh - ara elling at specUI price thU jrecK,;,!-;.'. , v, v ... ' v CAKE PLATES lac.' ' ' Fin fhln Chlaa Cak Plates. 0V4-lnch six, tinted and decorated with fold edge and open nanair., special sal price, each..,. ..384 I . . ' TEA PLATES 1.0lC " " -' Prettily decorated China Tea, PUtes; our ll.TI ! . special sals price, th dosen. ;.......... -8105 . - HrniR anii i.hkamjla . au. . . Dacerated. China Sugar and Creamer; our 10c value: special sal price, th pair ...35 '' ";:.'. j SALAD BOWLS tie.' .:'-'v-r - Decorated China SaUd Rowlsr our 4 to valuer Piai sale price, each ....887 .... .! '. v v,4 CTRKAIORS 10c. . i' -;-- '-' r Dacerated and Tinted China Creamera, our llo value; . specUI sal pric. ch.t.,. ............ ...-10 ; ' ; .. JARDINIERES' AT SPECIAL PRICES. , Jardinieres. 0-lncn slse. decorated In assorted colore, eur 10c value; special sale prloe, each ..21) 7 la -Inch sUe. assorted colors, our 40o value; special sale price, each ,...S9 l-lnch sise, assorted colors, our 11.11 value-, special sal price, each i- 61.00 . Don't fall to visit the beautiful Crystal Grotto and view the glittering. daislln array- of Wbby Cut Glass all th newest cuttings. . Libby Cut GUsa, tea whlnh wa ara r'nrtlindqleagenUa gijfen ine man est premium aware ou uiuu, v : In the Art Grotto we Are showing th very Utest arrlvala In Art Pottery new Jardiniere .and Pede 'tala. new Umbrella Stands, new Vase In Leuwelsa and Sicardo artwar. Imported Punch SeU and Stelna, We are agenta for the celebrated Block Llgnta. They save half your gss bill and give twice the light of any other burner on the market .. HATILAND aV CO.'S DECORATED CHINA PLATES v. . At a Great SpecUI Reduction. ' Plates. 10a-lnch slxe, or 134.04 value; spwilssl price, the dosen ......... j ...... .. .828.00 Plates, 10H-lneh slBSr eur tlt.10 value; special aale price, th dosen 826.00 Plates. H-lnch slse, our 110.00 value; apeclal sale .....828.80 Plates, OH-lnch also, our 110.00 value" special sata price, the dosen' .620.80 .Plates, m-lneh slxe our $10.00 value; "special aale prloe, the dosen 62-f.OO I Plates. IH-lnch sUe, our 111.00 value; pec ml aale ' - prices -the dosea .825.60 plates. I H -Inch qlse. our 111.00 value; special salo price, th dosen 826.40 Pistes. Itt-lnch slse, our 121.00 vslue; special sale price; the dosen .818.40 Plate. Ie-inch slse, our 124.00 value; special sale price, th dosen 620.80 -Plates, 14 -Inch, alxewour 121.00 Vaiuei. opeclal sale price, the dosen 81T.BO Plates. TH-lnch slse, our 110.00 value; special sale price, the dosen .-816.80 Platea. TH-lnch site, our, 114.00 value; special rale price, ths dosen . .81120 Platea. 4 H -Inch slse, our 124.40 value; special sal price, the dosen ..,.810.20 Plate. -lnch alse. our 111.00 value; special aale price, th. dosen ..........814.40 fZ:yZ 7" CREAMERS 8c..;--i-VA-:",.---'-7--c Decorated and Tinted China Creamers, small lae, our lOe vslue; special sale price, each. .5d '" '' :'.' ! CUPS 'AND SAUCERS SOc Pl.r Decorated China Cups and Saucers. J very thin and . dainty, our tie value; apeclal sale price, pair, 20 FERN DISH . ',-y Decorated Fern Dish with lining, our IL15 vslue; - speolsl sal price, .each.,,..,... ...... Beautiful Trimmed Hats At a Remarkable Price Reduction , ' -v , for Today : c--y o-'-.;' .. With scores of Hats eomlsj frsh every dy' from our workroom, th Millinery Sa lon have the look almost of a wholesale rather than a reU. : astabllahment And atlll, ti , j - one ' im pu r i u irviui., Y K . i V differ greatly. That fae"- I j J (Zm - EXOLUSIVBNESR Tt J r charm about '" h t ' r found elaewher.' .The '?irta of our t. been directed the p-"t - toward t a beautiful lot of r ' "d NO TWO OF THK8K and navy, wUh dainty . smart snd stylish prea i wear until Easier and af.-.. . a full IS. 00 worth of qtialltir day's apeclal price ticket l.. j i .