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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1905)
'1. " ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY "KVSNlKO. KAT.CH- gj 7 ACilMALLY IICLD CCi'lTEST TO . Cured of Pile G. t w:u:;:2D dvotaii SELECT AN OATOI After Suf ierirx More Thaa Twea ty-Flvf ysars. ' ' ) .1.-.;- aw S-aaw,..asai lEV'Ui'iDEOTAKIhS : iS Efluf C3ATED PtOfninent .MentfFosterand Promote Christian Education , -In the Northwest.'" WhijsTargstShooting LbnMo V hawk Rivsr Small Rifle Bullet I - -;" Pierce Boy's Skull'vY- PHYSICIAN SAYS YOUTH I WILL PROBABLY RECOVER :K:& .,:..ay-v:: . Uig Revival Meetings:-Which Have Been conducted at , Eugene Close, i J i "... (Special Dtapatcb to n JoaraaL) -i-Eugene, Or March JL While target " shooting with a 21-callbr rlfl near Ml- ' ImL on th upper Mohawk river, Mia JSellle Workman yesterday accidentally ' . shot and aerloualy wounded Amos Hutu, '' the l-yar-old von of Mr. and Mrs. J. ; B. Hiiia. ,-.;..;:, ' ,-v";i . . Tha boy waa employed In N. O. Uy- iand'a logging -camj) and tha young wo- - man ta assistant cook for ths rew. A number of - tha . logger wara ' shooting at a target with tha rifle.. Mlaa Work- man was handed tha plaoa and aakad If aha Could hit th stovepipe which nerved a a chimney for tha cook ahanty. She placed tha barrel of tha rlfl across the - limb of a tree and before aha could tako atra it waa discharged In some lnex pllcablt manner, the bullet atriklng .. . . . . . . . .. . ' II. irouni mns over ins rival rye. rn to the ground In an unconscious obndl - tloa and for noma time It Waa thought ha waa dead. He soW abowed alma of life, however-, and a phyalcian at Spring field was sent for. He found that the bullet had penetrated tha akull and ranged backward, lodging near the right ' -ear. ;' w : The boy waa yesterday brought to u gene and placed In the hospital, where he la getting along very well and la thought jto be out of danger. Tha DUI fct haa not yet been removed. . .,- - i ' '' Biff aWvivnl Closed. ' ' -." The bis union revival fneetlnss which lave been conducted here for the paat three weeka by Evangelist W. E. Balder- Wolf, assisted by Harry MaxwelL tenor - soloist, will end tonight Thla after noon tl of the business houaea of the city remained cloaed from 1 to 1:30 o'clock In order .to give the. proprietors , , and employe an opportunity to attend the farewell prayer aervloa at tha M. H. ", vhurch. -There have been about 100 con veralona during tha meeting, ,ad nearly all the churohea In tha city have been materially atrengthened thereby. Tha churches participating In thee meeting were: - Methodist Kplacopai, Presbyte rian, Baptist. Cumberland. Presbyterian and United Brethren. v; III MAtlTAr.' r PROTECTING HERSELF ' (Joeraal Sperlsl Barrioe.) ' Chicago, Mareh Judge Ker-eten la the case of Mrs. Henry C. . Hopklna, eterday Instructed the Jury to render a verdict acquitting her of the murder mt bar .-ha abend, stating that a woman when married doea not become the ehat ' tel or slave of her husband and that ah haa tha aam rlghta as bar husband and la bound to preserve thoae rlghta In tha 'aam degree. -1 Tha woman waa ao- oiliUed, tha evidence showing clearly that It waa a case or aolT-dexenee. ? Jearnel Special Berriee t 7 London. March ' Zl, America and Great Britain conalder that derm say's Samoa claims of IU0.000 are exorbitant and have refused to pay them. Germany has been informed to this effect. :- 1 will gladly (irt 70a fall dc-IUr'a worth of or tttotij to text. r ; Beta Settle Xa. rnw. Tea Bretsist ea sty Orier, wm Baad Tea a 711 PeUart Warth aad Seed Me the SOL Run Down? - ( 1 Way en week ssd worry sad ezeass ssd ttrals asd eeer-ladolaear smk dews eoamtatioas sad awke aaea ssd warn earn eat aad raa Omra sad testleas ssd sli i pleas asd dtsraarased 'as morosei usees taey weakea the tlar, tmder serves ea which life Itaelf depeadi. Met the serves yea erdlasrlly thiak a bast 'ant the serves that govern year awveaMsita asd . awtlea eaatrel' the digestive ssearstae rega- late year uver eperate year tioaeya.. - Tbese are the www that worry wean . asd work Breaks 'down. - , -. t .- - - It dees as good te treat the ailing ergaa 1 the nretaiar aear mo aismauoa Hver the rpsaHsms eteeaeea the esraeced kids ore. They sre ana eissn. nn-sv-saes is the ' , that eaatrel them. There yea wtfl dad the met .r ta trooBMk . . . ;" It dees as good ta take sttarslaati sad asr- eotles, far thru, at heat. Is bat s tearsersry , )rret which atorely aaaHseaes the aaa day ef rteewaJsg. - Then la analag sow ssevt this eethlag ' . a ay phyolelaa woald dtspata, Bat It roisalatid ' for Dr. sbee te apply tale ksewledge te eat , It tn srartleal aae. nr. Kbooe Reatoratlee la the maUt ef a eaarter eratary of endeavor ' a Mm TBie verv line. eoee noc eoee ' trfu te deaeea ue aeis eat H dare t et one the serve the Isolde- sens - the sewer tmt-sad beild It ap, asd eti methane It asd makee It well. That Is the esd ef all vlul trooMee. That S3 Ue cad ef sleepless Mshta 0 arte rwetieaa ear nav m roe ene or "n anraeaa." the ond ef hrala fas Sed fatleau. ' It ye are wars est. rear Sows and have sever : ' tried any rentedr, anerely write aad aak. I will ' ternd yoa as erdrr ea year drsaelst which he i wilt arrest aa gladly ea he eroeld street a dol- .. lar. lie will naso yoa mm nia aseivea a stand - ard alard bottle of ar braarrlBtlaa. aad ha oill srad the bill to sae. This offer Is nude only te tranavra to nry rmAj. Thooe who have eaee nee toe Beateranre so nn sera inie evMenee. ., Triee are so eoedlttnna so feejulresiaata. It o ' enra aad frank and fair. It ta the aaprvrae trat . ef sty Umltleaj belief, all' thai 1 aak yea te da la w wme-wnw wmj 'ynr a free evdee foe Sorth e-p rr foe Bon fee frmoBerar bottle hook t ea the Heart. , . a fall dollar roe aiast aodrras Dr. Hook a on the Kidneys, i t- nneop. no v via,- noes e re weaaea, . i Haeloe. Wk - eltat hnnh for Ma. kicfe beok yea araaU . Hook ea Rhraaiatlaaa. Mild maes are eftea eared by a slacle WtUs. For sale at forty theaaaad drs( stores. , 0 A C-taXhooae .Representa ; tiye to Prohibition Dlscue ' ion at M cM Inn vl lie. 7 WOMAN'S BUILblNG NOW ' SEEMS TO BE ASSURED Public , School Closet One Dav Out of Respect for Late ; u ' Custav Woldt '- (SpteUl Dlspatcb te Ta toerasL) Corvallla. OrM March XI. Friday even Ing at th collage chapel tha annual local contest for electing an orator to represent O. A. C. at th state prohibi tion contest that held at. Me- MtnnvUle in May will take place. This event haa gradually- become of Wide Interest in thla aection of tha eute, and tha local try out will attract a large crowd. , The speakers that will contest for tha-honor of representing the ure gon Agricultural college thla year are . W, Drllng. Mlaa Alloa wicuuna. John J. Bhroeder. Ray fltout and Roy Harlan. r Kaah of thee will present an oration. An eseellent musical program will be given, aa follows: Vocal solo, Mlsa Oertrude McBee; mala quartet. Messrs. Webber, 'Rouquet, . Hers and Bauer vocal solo. Miss Bertha Willtamsr man dolin duet. Miss Una, . Stewart. P. M. Btokea. . , : - At n meeting held for that purpose a few evenings ago.. at Philomath. Mra. R. H. Lwla won the .honor of represent ing Philomath la, the eUte contest at McM Inn villa In May. Other speakers at tha Philomath contest were Llvlan Bond, A. Whltten. Merrill H tains and Mr. Still well. Second plaoa waa taken By Mr. Whltten. . . Mra. Lewis was aware. ea gold medal, and n atmUar emblem will be given tha winner of th O, A. C. oonteat Friday evening. : ' ' Wasaur standing. ' It bow aDoeara likely that O. A .C Will soon get tha woman building, 'for which an appropriation of SIO.OOQ haa already , been granted by the legislature. Preliminary plana for tne ouuoung nave been brought from Albany by Architect Burgraf for the Inspection of President Oaten and members of th faculty.- It Is hoped to have the building ready for use by th tun college opena next autumn. Aa proposed. It will in plan and detail be the flnest building on th O. A. G grounds, and la one that haa long beea needed. .. It will be very similar In de sign io a building of the aam sort at tha University of Michigan. . If built aa contemplated, the woman's building will coat mora than has any one of the several handsome structures that adorn tha local college grounds. A commit tee from the faculty has been author ised, to let n contract for tha construc tion of th new dlflce - 4 The public school waa closed Monday, In respect for - tha funeral of tha. lata Ouatav Woldt. the l-y ear-old son of Mr., and Mrs. Ban Woldt, who 4ied sud denly. Saturday after a aingla daya ill ness. Interment was la Crystal Lak cemetery. Rev. Mr. Bush of tha Pres byterian church conducted tha aemoea. Mr. Woldt. who ia a Portland bus! neas man, came up for the funeral of hla Jltu -son. -... .- . .. ,.v , , - Mas erjaarg TaOer. ' Mra. Perry- Bddy. a respected resi dent of Kings .Valley,. Beaton aotinty, died at her home in that plaoa Monday morning. ' In girlhood aha - waa Mlaa Mary Fraata. daughter df Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fran ts, pioneer aetUsrs of - that locality. Mrs. Eddy was born In Ilia, and had spent moat or her Ufa In Ben ton county. Her aliment waa pneu monla. The Immediate survivor are the husband and Ave children. The fun eral wUl he held Wednesday in "loca: p. m. PULLMAN COLLEGE IS' VISITED BY GOVERNOR Mead Entertained by Public Re- :. ception Inspects Peni - w.tentlary Today. i (BaeeUl Dispatch ts The Jearsat Pullman.- Wash, Mareh tl. Qovernor Albert . Mead arrived her yesterday and daring the entire day was enter tained. H waa aocompanied from B po ke n by hla private eeeretary, A. N. Brown; J. J. Browne, of Spokane, who haa recently been appointed on of th regents mt tha college; Dr. A. K Stunt, chairman Of th Whitman county Re publican central committee, and Charles K. Bcrlber, a Colfax banker. Tha party waa met at tha train by several hun dred people, large numbers being pres ent from Colfax, Paloua. Garfield, Mos cow and Oeneaae, Idaho, Aa tha train pulled In the Cadet band from th Stat college struck ap n lively air and then headed the procea eion up to th college. At noon an elaborate luncheon waa served by the young ladles of the domestic economy department and during the afternoon tha various buildings of th college were Inspected. -- The governor ' expressed .himself aa highly pleased With tbe condltlona found and a poke many words of commendation and encouragement to th faoulty. Dur ing his- stay at th college a request was made of the governor asking for th reappointment of R. C McCroa key of Garfield and V. U KtUnger of Colfax on tha board of regents The governor did not commit himself. - . Last night In Stevens n publlo recep tion waa tendered the governor, . Thla morning he left for Walla Walla where he will Inspect 'the 'auto penitentiary. He will return to Colfax Saturday when a big reception will be tendered him at tha Rldgeway. theatre and on Sunday he will go. to Spokane and from there to the coast. ' CITIZENS OF BARLOW "PRECINCT ARE ACTIVE , 1 (gpseud JMesatck ta. Te Joarasl.) ' Barlow, Or., March II. At a meeting held in the school house here Saturday evening for the purpoee of arousing th Interest of the people In Barlow pre cinct In the Lewis and Clark fair, a committee waa named and W. W, Jesse waa appointed chairman. Mary 8. Bar low on the commltte to furnish curio and needlework from th surrounding community. Mrs. Charlea Watt of Can by. - who waa present, la also on the committee to furnish Jellies, ' canned fruits, etc. from Clackamas county. - Tha people of Barlow cxpoct-'t give an entertainment soon for th purpose of raising money to help pay transpor tation expenses. ' ' ' About II homeseekers from Mlnaesot arrived here last Friday, Many more art expected kooa,---; - ;-- - j UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT ; FUND TO BE INCREASED Portland and Other Oregon and Idaho Men Interested in V-'-" . New Work. : (Special Dispatch to The Joernal.) . Salem. Of March IWArticles . in corporating the Willamette University Endowment association were filed with the secretary ef state yesterday. . - The purpose of this associatioa ia t foster and promote Christian education in the north weat. - ,r , Th first undertaking of tfie new com pany will be to increase the endowment fund of Willamette university to use.' too on or before October i. 100a. ' V '. A considerable portion of thin rand has already been aubscrloed By tna in corporators on condition that tha friends of Willamette .uaiverairy win provide the remainder of th funds by Octo ber 1. ' ' -" Th fund wUl be Invested in high- clasa aecuiitlea and the income used to maintain the college of liberal arts of Willamette university. . - Tha campaign for endowment fund will b under, the direction of John IL Coleman, president of the university. who haa recently raised IJS.OOt debt from hie school. - - - . , . ! The names of tha tncorporatora and their bualneaa connections ar as fol low:'- I -.;. " Senator R, A. Booth of Bugene, presi dent of th . Booth-Kelly Lumber com- pany. , .. (.. - Hoa C. P. Bishop, ex-mayor or Balem and owner of the 6alem Woolen mills In Salem and Portland. Hon. W. V. Kenton of Portland, on of the -most prominent attorneys In tb northwest. - ' . -. i i A, M. Smith of Portland; president of th board of trustees and president of Western Clay Manufacturing company. Hon. J. J. Jones, n capitalist of For est Orov and formerly Interested In tne Bohemia mining district. Samuel . Collins, - president " of the Northwest Door company of Portland. Hon. T. 8. McDanlel manager of the Western Investment and Loan company of Portland. Phillip- Buchner. - tree aura r ,of the Eastern and Western Lumber company of Portland. . ' . H. K. Neal. cashier of th Capital Stat bank of Boise, Idaho. . . ,' R. O. Oulnn of Moro, manager, of th Moro Implement Manufacturing com pany.' . - . .- ' ML B. Collins, engaged extensively ta the lumber Industry of Washington. i President 'John H. Coleman haa been working for thla organisation for more than a year .and Is very much gratified at tb aucoeaa he haa met In this work and aald today that ha would now start to work to secure funds for building a meaicai couege, a GRANTS PASS IRON , r WORKS REORGANIZED (Special Olspsteh ts' The JearsaX) -Grants Pass, Or Mareh IL The O rants Pass Iron, works was recently reorganisea and - made aa Incorporated stock, company and it la now known aa the Grants Pass iron Steel company, of which tha officers ar H. D. Norton, president; Joaeph Moss, vice-president; H. A, Rotermund, secretary; R. W. Clark. treasurer, and B. M. Hall, manager. Tbe board of directors are Joaeph Moss. H. C KJuiity,' Ed Baertocker- aud fl. V. The . stockholders embrace a number of the leading business men and capi talists of tha city, -tha following being tna list: JH. si. hbil Ed Baerlocker. Joaeph Moss, H. D. Norton, Edward Lis ter, cramer Bros, K. w. Clark, J. O. Booth. H. C. Kinney. W. B. Sherman. L. B. Hall, R, L, Coe Coe4 Hair-Kid die Hardware company, R. I BarUatt, O. Schallborn. P. H. Harth. OranU Paaa Hard war company. O. H. BlnnaL Coburn Hawkins, W. L Do well, H. L. Ollkey and H. A. Rotermund A new machine shop baa been erected and also a foundry building. A large oupalo haa been added to the foundry, which makes two, a larg and a small one. -. A' It-ton' crane la also ef th equip ment, which is sufficiently larg to en able any carting-required to be readily handled. 1 The machine shop haa had larger machinery put In and Is fully fur nished with larg turning lathes, planera, drill presses, etc, and la arranged for building and repairing all kinds of min ing and mill machinery.! . Tha management of the- works la In the hands of B. M. Hall, formerly of tha Willamette Iron A Steel works of Port land, aaaiated by Ed Baerlocker, from one of th largest machine shops in St LOUIS. : '.; , , - T. W. and J. H. Williams have erected planing mill, th third for Grants Paaa, and thla Monday morning tha whistle wss blown for the first time and another Industry was started to further Increase th prestige of this city. TBS OOUBaT WXDSXjrO.' (Special IMapateh te Th Jooraal.t. Sunnyatda, Wash- March Si. Mr. and Mm. -William Sapp celebrated the fif tieth anniversary of their marrlag Fri day evening entertaining II guests, who left aa a token or their good wishes and congratulations ten fl gold pieces and a' number of pretty silver pieces. Mr. and Mra. Sapp are each 11 years of age. They were married In 8t Louis, Mo., In 1816 and came here from Colfax, Iowa, two and n half years ago. - v Women- 1 who hav the caret of children, and household duties, And the drain upon their vitality so great that : they verv often become! nervous wrecks. This loss of vitality causes headache, backache, sleeplessness, irritability, anxiety, etc. and frequently results in varioua formr of female weakness. -' When you feel - tired and worn oo-f lase .. . - - ', :!T i Dr. Miles ; Restorative Nervine which acta directly upon tbe nerve, re freshing aad strengthening them. It la a nerve food and tonic, which soothes and relieves the tennlon of the r tired nerves and brings rest and refreshing sleep. - 1 1 "Your remedies saved my life. Thev ar all you claim them to be. I am now In very good health for a woman 71 years old, thanks to your remedies, when I feel nervous or don't feel well, I take a few doees of Dr. Miles' Nervine and U sets me right."; - CATHARINK LArtLB. Learrdn. Iowa. Sold on a guarantee thst If first bot Ua fail xa benefit, your money backi ' "Until about tera years ago I bad Sllea foe. about, thirty yearn, at times leedlng and very painful. I got, a dfty cent box of Pyramid 11 le Cum at tha drug store, and used It and waa entirely cured; got another box la case 1 Beaded it. and aa th pile d Id not - return in six month I gave the remedy to a friend of mine, who wanted the doctor to operate to cure him. hey friend aald he would oae the 'pyramids', but he knew they would do nlm no good, but they cured him of piles of twenty-five years' standing, I am fro rrem pile today, and have been alnce ualng Pyra mid Pile Cur. 1 waa oantain In the civil - war. ' James Adama, . Soldiers' Home, Cat. ' The majority ef people labor under the Impression that an operation la ne y In saver cases o ii piles, or nem orrhoida, aad are very skeptical regard- In tne remedial virtue or the remedial virtues of any any medlcV nai compound. Testimony like the above should certainly havaa tendency to dis pel tnia Impression, aitnougn it is odd that such a fallacy should prevail, and still more odd that so many -people ehould think an operation effeota a per manent euro, whereas th contrary la more often the case. Juat aend your name and address to Pyramid Drug Co., U6S Mala 8L. Mar ahalU Mich., and receive free by return mall the trial package la a plain wrap per.. Thousands have been cured In thla y, painless and Inexpensive way, in Dnvacv or ut noma, mo xmra ai Its torture. No doctor and hla bills. All dro are-tats. cants. - Write todax for a free package. - - era sniERs OLCMG FARUERS Sign Notes for Fifteen Dollars Which Crow to Three Hun " f dred and More. ONE VICTIM SAID TO k ! . ' HAVE MADE COMPROMISE i - --.--,--- , , r- r - " Plan Is to Sell Craphophbnes on Contracts Ingeniously v . r Worded. (Special Dlsoateh to The JoanaL) Pendleton. Or March JL By mean of a cleverly as-ranged contract a num ber of farmers living south of thla plaoa hav been Induced' to sign what In ef fect nrf notes for fill each, thinking them to. read for tii Instead. On of tha number, William Bay..' was induced to pay ll&t aa h compromise from tbe full amount and gav a check for this sura which has been cashed her. - The "contracts" which the gullible ranchers wers induced to sign were for th delivery of graphophonas and flats for th- aam. In moat oaaes an order was taken for a machine and flats and tb purchasers presumed they were to get th antlr outfit for II. How ever the contract was no worded that It read fit ach, thua bringing th total up to 315. Th word, each, was at tha opposite end of th contract from the amount and th latter was la black faced type. Under th arrangement the) catch would not -bo observed without a care ful perusal and this th signers all ap parently failed to give. - Several others besides Mr. Ely declare that they signed th paper upon tha agent's representa tion that tha price waa to be 111. Of "those who ordered the machines none hav so far been found who mad th payment demanded except Mr. My. Tbe latter waa Induced to pay fill aa a com promise from th full amount under threat that tha entire, amount would be sued for If -not- so notn promised. . A humorous side - of the affair is (there waa printed In small type the following: "It la expressly understood by th signer of this order that ha aigna It upon hla own Judgment, after duo de liberation by him, without any undue Influence having been used or relying on any representations made by the agent other than written . printed in thla order."-..,- '-;:' - . . , MEN BATTLE WITH L i ENRAGED STALLION Vicious 'Animal - Seizes Up M an With His Teeth and Shakes Him. ;v ; (Joans! Seeds! Service.) ' Ban Jose. March 11. In a thrilling battle between several men and an en raged stallion at Schulser Park, this city, E. I Coe, a real estate man, was aerl oualy hurt- The bora waa being In spected by several horsemen, when he became unruly; and Co proceeded to beat him.;"- Turning quickly, th hors kicked Coe, knocking him down, then picked up the prostrate man In Its teeth and shook him .as a dog abakes a rat. several men roaned to uoe s assist ance. One hit the nors on in neaa with a club, causing It to -drop Coe. Th animal then began kicking hi pros trate form. George Brown, proprietor of the park, started for hla house to get a gun to kilt tha animal with, but be fore h' returned others had beaten tn stallion off and rescued Coe. - The injured man had been warned sev eral tlmea to leave the bora alone Be cause of hla vtclouanesa. - Co la aerl ously Injured, but will recover.' He haa a number of severe bites on his neck and a badly bruised body. - . SEATTLE SOCIETY MAN : HELD AS A BURGLAR (Special Dispatch te The" JoaraaL) ' Seattle. March II. Clyde B. Clancy, son of Capt. Charles K. Clancy, master of tha Alaska steamer City of Seattle, and on of -the moat promising robng man tn local society, waa arrested at Tacoma yesterday afternoon charged With petty-'larceny, committed at the fashionable . Lincoln hotel In this city when be-was a guest there a few weeka ago, . .... .- ' In order that the . arrest might -b mad and Clancy brought to Seattle the Tacoma authorities dismissed a charge of burglary against him. , He waa ao cused of hsvlngi robbed aaveral guests t Donnelly - hotel. Th goods taken there are re found la hla poomeaajoa. -. Clancy -1 18 years of se and haa been one Of the swellest society patrons In the-city for years, prior to a few weeka age -he waa a guest for several montha at the Lincoln, during which tlm a number of thefts from room were committed. Th cases as they were reported baffled th poltce.i. After Clancy's arrest la Tacoma his room there was searched' and aom of the stuff taken from the. X4neola.toiuyL B $27.50 Yucatan Eclipse CccS Stove $19.50 Yucatan Eclipse,- heaviest cook Stove made, oven 20x20,' larger than any steel range qvenrwar ranted perfect; baker? -regular v .": : price $27.50.! ' Special , f 19.50 : 5 Extension bler ; Fifty stylesN neat pne for"f5 Your. Credit Is Good 173175 First Sfe Costoa Psblets Dentist SfllM SCOBJUSOaT ST. known th world over, are th only dentist -ta Portland having this world renowned as tales system for .street. Ins, . fllllna;, . or crowning teeth with out pain Have your -teeth extracted without pain and replaced with new one th aam day.-. J. - v, . AH work raarsasaed fas ta SrLVEB VIVIA NUS ............... BOd GOLD riU,IN08......TB to 91.O0 l TO. II OOU3 -- T . , FILLINO8........S3.00 and SB.OO TUAAHOB ...3.00 to $5.00 Ws hare a ' specialist In charge of each department. Best artlflolal iv sth makers, best crown and bridge work men and gold fillers In the world. taHjwa mmu Bamws wosvr ' Give ua a call and yoa will find w do lust as we advertise, 1 , . XX oxsa. ASTO MKtSAMLM Boston Painless Dentists v SS1M KOXSaSOaT ST, S rraak and OU 1 :1s a. m. to I sv m. ta 11:1 n. m. . .Ts ne bus vow are ta tha rteht elaed come la and get bottle at Pr. Z. I. oravee- tootn powner tree. C.OEEWO Tfcs Orsat Chlosss Dsctor ; la Mtlett tfraat be. ana hla wonderful euraa are so wail known - throoa-hout . the unite states. and beoauas an many peonte ar thankful t him for saving their lie HI I OPERATIONS vV. fM i all diseases, with werf ul Chinese roota. nuda barks and vea-etabiee that are entirely -a- r solenoa In thla eonay try, and thrwngh tbj nee of these bar. ieaVi reaaedtaai This famops dootM knoy the aeUon of ever dlfterent remedlee that bo baa sooewsaf ully weed In different d laeases. Ha ntaranteea to our eats res, Mtjma. lung tronhlea rheumatism, nee. rousneea. afoenaeh, Jrvar, kidney. re male trouble and art prtyato d'aesaM, Hnndreda of testimonials. . . Charges maderate- Oafl and aee him. OOWStTIjTATtOW STUSSV. r Patients out of the, elty writs for blank and slreular. .aeloee stamp. Ad- THE C 0EB W0 CHINESE MEDICINE CO. V . lit Alder street. Portland. Or. Star, way of itlH Alder street leads to ag ftoa. Mention this paper. Tb Tacoma eases were compromised at the request of the Seattle police. He' waa brought here laat night and after some time managed to secure ball. STRANGE PRANKS 'OF , AN INSANE TEACHER (J.rjrfal Speeiai Berrlee.) ' - Boise. Idaho. March II.- Rendered Insan by the worry of Schsol teaching. Mlaa Ida Robert used a - revolver - to compel her sick sister ta arise from her bed, then captured the l-yar-ld daugh ter of tha family with whom aha waa boarding and forced the child aad young woman Into a carriage at the point of a revolver, and rod it miles befor th frensy Was relaxed. ; i The affair happened at Silver. City. The little girl's mother entered tb room just after Miss Roberts displayed th first ' signs 1 of violence. - She . saw the child kneeling upon the floor, the ma niac . school teacher holding a revolver close te her head. Tha mother fainted Instantly. Then the erasy youag wnaaaa ordaxed, I NO PAIN 1m VWJ eSTAala:. IW $3.50 Go:Ca1 ?L95 Wednesday, only- we : offer 500 Go-Carts, like cut, can be folded to b taken on. car, heavy steel -wheels, : extra good spring, - durable axles ; well ' worth $3,50. AVednes 'day ' only' :v: VVr . IRQ1N BEDO, ; meCreatpejcialaThii ''i' ' .,-week. - -1 . Bedroom Seta Tht largest stock in the city. Eastern Sets at 922JSO. i Oregon Sets at. f 16.50. " 1 --..v - if TV 14 I w PRICES REDUCED THE FOLLOWING PRICES ARE -'" It RETAIL, DELIVERED TQ CONSTJUER: f "; : ' t- ' ' ' Newcastle Lump . T. $5.00 $5.50 Newcastle Nut Axitjai(R,t "OEer CoauTroporHonately ' Low. t, - CHAS. H. 249 Washington St. v - , New York and Ne w England Points ' ' - ' Thn Tims Scbsdul Wilt Con vine You. ' tC ' ', ' , 8topOft AUowsd at NIAGARA FALLS. f';, :-v'V ROSS C. CLINE, P. C. P. A;, Los Armeies, Cal. a buggy brought. It was so apparent tbat aha waa ready to shoot th child that th demand waa obeyed. Fourteen men on mounted horses rod beside th buggy, but did not dare attempt a rescue Of the child.- One went ahead to announce - th destination. When the strange oorteg arrived at the' house Mlaa Roberts was willing to b disarmed. and aha was brought her for treatment. BURGLARS LOOT DOZEN ; HOOD RIVER HOUSES (RpeHal IMapateh ta The Joeraal., Hood River. Or.. March Sl.ltoaldenta of Hood River awoke 'this morning to dnd that a doien households had been robbed v during the night. Money. I watches. . and a ' number df treasure war missis. , Among th houaea en- $1.50 Velvet Czrpst C $l;25aYerd ; 1,000 yards Extra Heavy Vel vet Carpet, made by one of the best mills in the, country, ex tra heavy body, high nap,' beautiful patterns ; a carpet sold by every store in the city-at $1.50 a yard-- Special this week We rnake.Vlay Vand line this Carpet-fcd;-an'y-ixoQmJaiJht , , - .house..- . . , i , $5 Dowh$l Per Week Carpets from "45d a yard . up. An immense line of all grades t eat low price?: ; Wc Sell oh Easy Terms 6ns Bulk Sacked i..S4.5tf -''5.00 6.50 )rings 6.50 - -7.00 6.50 ' S 7.00 Co. CLMM, AgmA vv.vyV:?.'! : ? Tclqhones 229 and 237 Announcement ! W wish to announce that we have Just recrlviid large shipment of JAPANESE SHIRTWAISTS. '' We know this cannot fall to Interest you, aa there " ar many beautiful Waists In th ahlpment. They ; , --range la price trom-.?-.,-.' 03100 to Q7.50 w nave aiao Tseepyea L.tnen and nun foe Bhirt. . -waist Patterns, as well as a large quantity of Ldnen V ' Collars, blue and natural pongee. ".-J TliE VESTERfi IMPORTING CO: ' Portland's Seat Carlo MoaV . : ' ' law-170 rtfth Vtreet. Oyp. OM Postoaoe. Chaa. B. Touag, Pre. Jas. M. Kan, Oea. Mgr. '.::.;;-..!-. Pbon Main 141 ,--.'...-....-;.' .v POULOW THE PLAQ Ask th Agant about $-: c;:i FC PILES r -j -t 1 iiiaimiuim iriTtntT. osarfeo'ePllenem-. J up. iMhlac and tmuut. AMWMtBaor. S.U i.ieaNnuHai)H..iMaHMrinMi. i tered wer those of Poetmaater Tates. Dr, F. C. Broalua, C P. Vaughan. A. n. iMoe. Rev. W. t. Rigby, Ralph- Laraway ana nsries morse. . . Hood River has no night watchman and no regularly empldyelty marshal. Whll no elu has sa yet been found. every effort Is bring mad to discover tha perpetrators. ' T Oars ft Cold ha On Bay. -TaSe fatatlve Breaw Onlatae Tibleta. lt srar'tota rerand th. SMsey If It falls u ears, ' kW. Srev' Slgsatar en sees baa. a-e. , Car Seirice I - 5";; " i