daily jcu. :::al. "tcitlaijd, tui'ay - evt::h:g.' nAr.cn si, i::x It V-Vr ti ;T-i AX'. ZZZXIt, f'iniua., wmnlc - ira ;. ljrie ... bur ...... , .-. .."Thali Tfce MoooaalMv'a Daarbtrr' ........ . - BUPr ei f.w lurk t. ... ..,.,. Veedevllle ....VaadeTllh MM .... . . f. . ........... , . . VaaaevUle . , "Where Is 8. K.- K.lliyr uki - touchier in filing hi answer to a com plaint signed by V. S. Q. Marquam, m attorney, claiming UUa to a a mall tract of auburban realty near Portland, which is now w poaaessioa or tteuchler. C. J. itahnabeL attorney for tha, defendant. whan be waa employed to defend the suit or Keuey, cam to the conclusion tnat mere waa no 8. R. Keller or. a . least that there waa no 8. K. Keller In these part, and therefore he raised the . question in bia answer to the oomplalnt ana sisiea tnai ae bad made dllla-ent In ,qulry and found that there la no knowl edge of 8. K. Kelley and tnat no one had been found who bad seen a trace of such a person for 10 years, , Beuchler baa bad the property, which la worth only couple of hundred dollars, for 1 years. ; ,. , ana eeourea It by aberurs deed. , Aa?on M. Cohan has filed suit In the V, .federal court against tha Portland lodge I- " J ' - matmm - mm maw rwriwuu. A I U.L tUUl- . . pany. claiming title to the Und upon v,T; wlac the JSJks axe now building their ; . new temple. He claims that he la the jpelr of Nathan Cohen, deceased, and that t when he was a, minor a mortgage waa t . ' canceled In a manner , that leaves him :, owner of the property. The claim Is i! baaed upon a technicality. The prop llllrtr -i - valued .at 4(0,000, Land If - the - .- suit ware to ba won by Cohen ha would have a one fifth interest In It The . . Portland Trust company la made a party v defendant, because it loaned to tba Klka )0.00 on the property last .January. In hta Ufa Fred 8trong waa admlnla 7 . trator of the estate of Ben Holladsy, . deceased, and when h himself died his , esUte had a claim against the' Holladay -: '- , estate for services aa administrator and money advanced. County Judge Web- ster baa allowed claims against the Hoi , laday estate as follows: 11.700 on ae . count of services by Fred Strong as ad ,:; ,,'. mlntstrator. 11.000 extra compensation for. conducting the Seaside house on the coast beyond Astoria, and for-efforts In ' ' trying to sou the Weldler mill property. and 12,000 for mony advanced -to the state by Fred Strong.' James Oleaaon, ' attorney, who had a claim of 11.000 for jinrfeeslonal services, was allowed 01,(00 .'. n .- Vinoenso Tasano, the Italian who was ' " arrested by Deputy Sheriff Cordand for ' shielding Joe Florbello, murderer, of ' '.Amelia Sirtmnnl, and who has been In- dieted for being accessory - after - the , , fact of tha murder, waa arraigned this - morning before Presiding Judge Oeorge, ' and pleaded not guilty. His attorney, ' ' D. R. Murphy, entered the plea, but Dtp ." -uty District Attorney Moaer insisted , ' that Tesano himself plead, and the court . - . 'admitted the contention that- he must ." plead In person. , P. R. True, Indicted ' lor robbery, also pleaded not guilty, .. , , Annaal inspection of the Third In .' fantry, Oregon National Ouard, Is bslng " ' carried -en by CoL James Jackson, under special -assignment.' as required by the ' ' " regulations of-- tha - war department. , V Company H was Inspected last evening. c Company B will be put to tbe test this ; . evening. Company F tomorrow evening, - Company C Thursday evening, battery A -Krtday evening, company- K next Hon. -aaar.' eevrrtng, -field aDd-atarr,)aaaaad - hospital oorpe next Tneeday evening, and company B next Wednesday evening. At v meeting oC the. Portland Adver- , -tlslng lien's league laat evening In the - Commercial club rooms committees were ' appointed as follows: Preaa, C C, Chap-. - i man; membership. R. D. Jorgensea, Tom r . Smith, A. It. Stone; entertainment. Tom ' Richardson, K. C. Brown, ri. 1a Bhafar. t . - Meaolutions of sympathy were voted to ' . Manager A. H. Ballard-of the Columbia . theatre. Mr. Bhafar gave an addseas-on ia Advertising. " ' .''"..Tha Mlssonrt Paclflo has lines from ' ' ,'. Pueblo or Omaha through Kansas City to BU ' Louis, gluing passengers their choice of routes. - This la the only road over which through rates apply through . both : Omaha and Kanaas City to . St - Ideals or points beyond. - The service . and equipment of thin popular route are 1 - .1 the best. If yon oootemplata an eastern trip write W. C. McBrtde, 1 Third ctreei Portland, for whatever Informa- tlea yon may .desire, -i .. t';-, I - Former residents of -Wisconsin - and t '" v members' of the old Badger society are - requested. "-to attend a meeting to be . , held In Elks' hall, tit the Mara nam building, Wednesday evening. March 21, at -o'clock, . A large and enthusiastic ' gathering Is expected. ' Vt no Wiacon- slnlte Xall ,to atund..-rv , . ,,.. ; : . -. , Cure pain is ana 011s. r. m. jaeacn ex Vv. ffa BinnMP nelnt rnrnmnv. innti '. ''i' ' Benour's floor paint, liquid veneer. Jap-a- -lac. Berry Bros.' varnishes. Blackjack f namess on, nasi vnamms, new era I. ".paint window and plate glass. '1U First' street. Phone Mi. ,t y . A t , in, . ....... " ' K 1 J I r 1 N - wirat street . has ..comnleted v erecting on the- T am hill street side of ', ,The Journal office a fine roll awning, 47 j ' - professor Eaton's dancing school. .; . ' Class sa Monday and Thursday evenings ' at Alton haJL beginners taken at any time. - Stx assistant teachers. - Private lessona dally at halL . SpecUtora Invited. : 'Phone West I0. ' ; '.. ' ' Steamship Rosnoke. S.40A tons, sails for Ban Franclsctv- Los Angeles, ' Coos 'T Bsy and Eureka. March II, T p. ra., from : Columbia dock No. U Round trip Loo .v t -Angeles, l 60; San Franoisco, $IS.0. - Ticket - office . 261 Waahlngton street " Harry Toung; agent Oentlemen, do you ever stop and think ' of the time and money saved, tha free dom from infection, and general satis faction obtained by shaving yourself? Why' don't you see Albert Berni. the "NOT THE 2iHCOMMON: Tne' ladles of Portland i wilt " ' find our Una ofy Neckwear nd Belts of more than ordinary . interest . We have recently re- oetved another lot of them. " , ' v Hcwctt, Bradley a Co. ' HABERDASHERS. . tit Wash In Hon. near Grand Theatre. ' vr 1 - v . : WAY iu OiJ Of. Cht?.r.in r,i tini cf Cw; : C.'r.jtr tnd Prc&chert Ar rivt Tomorrow. -C WORKERS CONFERENCE 0 . TO CS HELD TONIGHT AH Preparation Made for Great Crutade Against; Sin in This City. ' The evangelists sre within a night's ride of Portland, v .. 1" 'c . - Dr. J. ' Wilbur Chaoman and his band of singers and -preachers are approach ing town as swiftly aa a Southern Pa clflo train can bring them, and will ar rive early tomorrow morning. - Immedi ately the campaign which la expected to arouse Portland to unprecedented moral enthusiasm, will begin. In each of the nlpo dlatrlcta there will be.a big meeting -tomorrow - night - but " prior thereto, at 4-o clock, all the preachers and church omcera interested in the vtvat will meet Dr. Chapman at . the T. M. C A. headquarters, , .. - - Tonight at 7:10 o'clock there will ba a rousing conference of- the workers of all denominations in behalf of tbe re vival, season at the First Presbyterian church."-At this "meeting: Rev. : C-.T. SchaefTer will give a full description of the methods employed by the Chapman band, and outline tbe local oampalga as fully aa is possible at thia time. - Plana will be formulated for the reception 01 tbe crusaders tomorrow and the finish ing details for the meetings tomorrow night will be supplied. ! ' Dr. E. P. Hill hss been notlfleU -Uiat among the evangelists Is Rev. Charles Btelale, who carrtes a union card in his pocket and devotes bis time sxoluslvsly to preaching -to the laboring -men. strong unionist himself, he Is accom plishing a great deal of good among the laboring classes, and while -here he will address . .meetings , daily at- tha Men Resort f ' in every quarter of tha city tha com ing of the evangelists is discussed, and there Is no doubt that there will be Im mense throngs to listen to each of the speakers at every one of the meetings. druxalst corner Second and Washing ton streets, about a anaving oumi ana be your own barber T -He makea a spe olaity of fine ragors. at moderate prices, and guarantees perfect satisfaction . or money cheerfully refunded. U, - - - - - eaMBBwaaaaa , - 0.00 Immigrants Wanted ---To locate alone the Oregon water power Kan way company a lino oetween roruana and Eatacada. For Information Inquire of the Oregon- Water Power Townalte company, 114 First street Phone. Mala 11. '-." ' "-y.'- . ; - Estacada ' Offers ' ' Opportunities to manufacturers ' which - means r millions of dollars if properly handled. For In formation Inquire of the Oregon Water Power Townalte company. 114 First street Phone. Main tlf. Lost Black Cocker spaniel, female: 4 months old; answers to the name Of Bloaale; went astray In city Park, Sun day: reward for her recovery. IS7 Flanders street between Twentieth and Twenty-first. r-,- - V 1 1 ; f Modern turmoil of life . results . In many nervous disturbances. Take - C C C Tonic. C. C C Tonio cures III ef- facta of too strenuous pursuit of busi ness and pleasure. . For sale by Knight Drug company.. . --" : t B. lt S; Cough - and Croup Svrtjp pre vents oolda developing' into -bronchitis anAjjn-wmonlg.lStqps all colds Prompt I If, nor aaie oy migni vrug oumpaoy. Steamer F. A. Kilbnrn for Coos Bay. Eureka and San Kranclaco from Oak street dock, Thursday,' March 11, at p. jtL . TeL Main t(0. , . - V -i : C Kanaaa Society W Charter member Gentlemen and ladles meet your friends. See R. W..Traver, organiser, at III Washington itreet'. ;;:' ; ... - ,;' Wa clean an press your 'clothes and shine your shoes for 11.00 per month. Unique tailoring Co. 117 Washington. Mala 114. v-r--- - Concert tonight by T. M. C A, Glee club, 26o sod tec , - , Ansley"s displsy, Pf unders, Id and Oak As your grocer for Golden Cheddar. Orpbeum, Vaudeville, burlesque. eVna (HE-SIXTH Of VOTERS HAVE REGISTERED Republicans Who Desire to Vots at ths Primaries in the H Majority... V-. , .' ; '. -.,- r - ' Al tha close of business tonight,' the registration of voters wll have reached about 1.600, or about on Jlxth of. the number who, when the Books opened on March 15, had not' registered their party affiliations. One fourth of the period .during which the registration books are to be kept open haa passed., With "the natural increase that always Comes In the last days of the registra tion pertoa.tno waoie aumoer o eieci- ors eligible win easily oo 'carsa lor by the county clerk. v ' Of the tout registered up to laat night. 1.01 were Republlcana, 14 Dem ocrats and 21 bad. refused to state their party . affiliations. ' New registrations were 141. and changes of residence 111. Today's regiotratlons will Increase these flaures In the usual proportion, as the voters have been oomlng In the average volume. - ' . Tbe record of the registrations top to laat night la: , ' ,t . Rep. :, imib. neiuseo March II... ......MM - 1 I March .14. .uu'Uk, I01.4 21 . March 17, ,.,,. 174 H , 4 i t 11 March. 1. ........ 211 - . , March 20. -..... 110 ; ' 24 Total ..i.V. J. 1.011 ,' . 141 New . registrations. 141. Changes. of realdenoa.. 111. ;- . ; THE FAIR! THE FAIR1 . ' ' v " . ' ' ' '''' ' ..-.''At McrriuV Han." ' ''' The third night of the fair at Merrill's hall was a greet surtess. Tbls evening is Beth Israel nigbt Tna attendance is expected to be very large, The program Is a very tetett ot The fair continues to and inriooea Thurwdsy evening, which' closes with a paanuerade ball: r " New ten-room house ; In Irvinjton i district. southwest J ; comer u. -v ; Hancock street, ( and 'East Twenty - sixth. -C.k . Fiill quarter block; .. . , street sewered, ffrad-" v ed tuid traveled; side' walks and fas pipes - laid.'- For sale on In stallments. V i : , B. M. L0MB A.RD 014 Chamber of Commerce. ' SURVEYORS- SETTING STAKES . S--.'t . ... Railroad ' Parties Seeking. Best , Route Through, the tiex, Per : ces Indian Reservation.- NORTHERN PACIFIC AND : O. R. A N. SEEK OUTLET Former "Has , Determined to Z Bridge the Columbia and Co Straight to Missoula. - - Tha country' embraced in the- Nea rpercea' Indian reservation la the scene thia week of a -atrauglc battle between surveyors of the Northern Paclflo aad Oregon - Railroad ft -Navigation com panies, for possession of tbe best' routs through- the mils sad can yon a jeaaing from the present terminus of the O. R. N. at Culdesao to - the . basin -or tne Clearwater river. Surveying parties of the rival companies are camped clone together near Mahler. . . It Is- reported from Mohler that the O. R. & N. man have for the last week been running lines to tbe head of Uttle canyon, snd In a southeasterly direction from Mohler. toward . the . Clearwater river, crossing the old survey of tbe O. R. st is. running to Grangevllle. , " Smglnser Pollard's surveying party, which haa been working on the penin sula between St' Johna and the Colum bia river, Jeft that neighborhood aud denly laat week, and haa Juat appeared at Culdesao. and commenced a survey of the route located by the Northern Pa clflo Ave years ago, . from Lewlaton to tba Clearwater.. It is said tha clash oe tween - the, rival oompaolea, will occur here for possession of the - most- ad vantageous route through tha prairie country beyond Lawler canyon. A Lewlaton .report says the O. R. at N. hss sent a second party or surveyors Into the Held, in charge, of Bngineer Emory Oliver of Portland. - whoso pur pose It Is to begin work at the mouth of Big cany oa and run through to Mohler, while the party , now in tbe field will continue across the prairie country to Gran Seville. , , -- . A few hours or dsys are often or vital importance to a railroad company in blaclhgnteWrVcy"- taWg-qn through tba mountains. ' and thousands of dollars are sometimes saved by hav ing possession . of a pass, or a water grade that Is desired in the marking out of a proposed line of railroad. where thora is room for. but one right of way. The present, contest for the most ad vantageous i route through the Clear water basin, supports tha prediction re cently made -by The Journal,- that the Northern Paclflo Is preparing to bridge the, Columbia, - build a line along' the north bank of that stream and continue Straight throhgh to Missoula. ' cutting out the long circuitous haul from Port land northward around Lake Fend d'Orellle, , ' ',',..., -, , MEET ME ON THE TRAIL, IS THE SONG'S REFRAIN "On the Trail Is to be Portland's popular air. for tha next half year. It is oav ine press aireavay, ana will soon oe In the hands of the publlo, Tbe Lewis and Clark fair is to be heard of through the enlivening strains of musio no leas thsn by the agency of cold type.-' The world will ba asked to "Meet Me on the Trail" to hear It played. - Francis James McHenry wrote - the blece. " and IE. M. -Costal nne-Dworsak composed the music - When the com poser hsd finished his work experts pronounced the product what waa want ed for the occasion, and arrangements were made for publishing On the Trail. A frontispiece In colors, giving a glimpse of the Trail reaching from the mainland to the peninsula at the fair grounds, wsa drawn by Carroll W. Dibble, of the Oregon Engraving company. This bright vlsw of ths pleasure grounds or tna sx position is In keeping -with the air that will soon D neara in scores or pieces. WEDDING RINGS "---it--,- r. .Our msde-to-order klnif can not be exeaUed. W4 will, on short notice, make any -style,; else, shspe or euallty ring you want at any price yea - may name. If you have it made to , your order yon are sure to be pleased. Wright's , prices are right -. ' . - t ANWRIGHT 293I10RRIS0N-ST- RIVAL LEASt AT TDE PA1H Estimate cf John Sebastian, Who . .-'".Is an Expert on Estimat- : 'rsXrowde..':' WILL EE tiO CETBACK ; AFTER THE EXPOSITION Rock. Island's General Passenger ;'; Agent Finds Much to Com- . " ,' . .pliment Here, . "." . ..'- 1 ,'.'' .' ..;.- r '' ,-.-' , '-r rj- .-'.',..' - John - Sebastian, . general ; passenger sgent of the Rock lalsnd railway sys tem,' arrived this morning la a private car from, southern. California.- In the party were Mrs. Sebastian. Mr. and Mrs. F. ,W. Thompson of Ban Francisco and Mrs. Rufua Level y of Springfield, -HI., a friend of Mrs. Sebastian., Mr, Thompson is the Pscifle coast general agent of the Rock Island, and Is accompanying', Mr. (Sebastian on a our of Jh,e coast,' ' -j "Portland ! a good" to'wh-anirEe Rock Island' haa a goodlocatl6n,liT"lt" said Mr. Sebastian this morning .while sitting in the company's office at the corner of Third and Alder streets. And he said it In .a thoughtful, earnest way . ' t ' f John Scbatrtign..- that betokened conviction. He has not been in Portland for the laat six years and is impressed with tbe great growth and Improvement visible on every hand. "Great prorr aaa will be made here as a result of tbe Lewis and. Clark fair," he continued. - "I have been struck with the extent aad efficiency of the advertis ing that" is being done in tba east for this fair. It is. being done well and thoroughly, not only by the exploitation bureau of the exposltln,. but by the rail road passenger departments. All of them are putting out special literature.". The matter that Is furnished by tbe exposi tion advertising bureau la being widely printed In the eastern papers. ,..',, , T ' rate arssra 'Z Ztaah. ...f'V;: Tou have an advantage in giving the papers something new and different from other expositions. Because the St Lou la exposition was similar to that' of Chi cago,; tha country newspapers did not And its advertising matter newsy add desirable. The Lewis and Clark fair is something that' affords fresh and Inter esting reading matter, tha eastern press la publishing it and tba people are read- r i'i "tt " 1s iMirt now rnrclving 1 an Immense amount or free advertising. I understand it deserves air it is get ting." :'..','..'.-, Mr. Sebastian aad his party. In an au tomobile, visited the exposition grounds and devoted most of the "day -to seeing the sights about the city. They will depart tonight for Taopma and Seattle, and from the latter plaoa will leave to morrow night for Chicago. ' "Reporta received by our department indicate that there-will be a very , large attendance at tills fair." ha said. -The tourist movement will 00 me from all over. the east and south. Our reports from TexaaT -Oklahoma and that part of the country are favorable. It ia bard to make an estimate of the probable at tendance at tbe fair, but I should not regard as unreasonable tbe estimates of between 1,000,000 and l.voo.oov ' wm Bo Mo Setkaek. "-" ' Ho expressed tha' opinion that Port land will not suffer any setback follow ing the close of the fair. Tbe city and country will go i.rlght on growing and will easily absorb ths affects of the ex position year. He confessed to a belief that Oregon will this year get a large number of the farmers and other cltl aens of Illinois and middle west states. Mr. Sebastian baa been for IS years the bead of tha Rock Island railroad's passenger department, and Is atlU a com paratively young man, physically active and well preserved. He haa more than average helcht and la built on the fsrae and roomy plan, witn compact snouiders somewhat rounded which may account for . the way troubles roll off and leave him freah and ready to meet the next dilemma for railroad passenger men are said to cdpe with as many and 'aa great diplomatic problems as the average sec retary of state. He baa full, brown eyea that look frankly and genially at his questioner, but it Is -rathera diffi cult teak to interest blm seriously in anything aside from, a traflla. problem. Me says he Intends coming to Portland more frequently in future. Tha railroad system he rep resents stretches from: El Paso to Chicago and from Memphis to St . Paul. ,:,:, ... 1.. OUTSPOKEN OPINIONS 0 CAUSE OF CIVIL SUIT Fred and Bertha Schnlcke and Susie Long are in court todsy to demand from Ed. Renlcke tz,60e damages for remarks hs is alleged to have spoxen in Benin Icke's house at 61 Spencer street Mon- tavtlla. The words- Renlcke are said. to have been a reflection on the repu tation, of the home and , Its -occupants, and to have Injured their ability to earn a livelihood. C. H. Plggot Is attorney for the plaintiff and H. B. Dickinson for Renlcke.- -'.-.'. : lit appears from tha - pleadings that Renlcke was a caller at the Scbinicke home, and that while ha waa there re cently he became involved in an alter cation In Which he aald that he bad not a very high opinion of the Schlnickee and Miss Long, and that tba borne was on a level with questionable places, - So plain was his meaning, aays the com plaint -that It was the cause of great mentals suffering on tha pert of the persons - who lived there, and that, it having been repeated to others, their reputation - was - Injured 1 materially ALiol li. Lis ALjEuS fathers Parenta. of .Youtha Captured by t Otto Prag Contemplate ; . :r?;-f: Damage Suits, CHARGE UNWARRANTED . ARRESTS WERE MADE Allege That Entire Proceeding Was a Farce and Injury ' to Innocent When Otto Prag descended on a group of Mount Scott boys and under' his au thority as special officer arrested thsm for- trespass, he Jald tha foundation, in airprobebimy. for half a dosea damage suits against the City. - Tester day sev eral of the fathers ef the boys began an Investigation and conferred with Justice Baton,' District Attorney- John. Manning and. others connected with tbe arrests. On March It warrants were sworn out sgalnst ' Frank McCrumb, , Wallace Kadderiyr-Leo Burgaav Tod Burgee, and later against several other , youths, charging them with trespass on a vacant block in Cannon's addition and with re fusing to depart when ordered to do so. B. J. Cannon a wore to the complaint and the . original bears the name of ' John Manning and Justice Seton. Otto Prag waa appointed by Justice Seton to make the arrests, and tbe oases were set -for next- Saturday. ' 1 '' ' - - . r An Investigation Into the method of the arrests caused -Msyor. Wlrttams to take from Otto Prag his star as special officer. This week tbe parents of ths boys began an Investigation and dis covered some peculiar circumstances. They first discovered that Mr. Msnntng had no knowledge of tba oomplalnt and that he denied having set his band to the document that bears his name. ' They next ascertained that whan Prag ar rested the boys he took them to neither judge nor police officer, but to the of floe of tbe complainant. Mr. Cannon, where the boys said they were ' "sweated.'' Then on ' farther Inquiry It was dis covered that the boys arrested had not refused to leave the grounds, but with several boo re of other boys had Used tbe block aa a ball ground. ' ' J. C, Clock, general agent Of the Wis consin Central, and -whose - boy was among those arrested on tha second oom plalnt said yesterday: ; . ' . "It looks to -Us as if soma one bad appointed an Irresponsible person to go out into' the country and arrest several smsll boys out of school on a trumped up Charge. Whatever damage has been caused to the old shack on ths ground waa caused by -a gang of Lents boys, who smashed a few window panes, aad ths, boys arrested had not been ordered off. as I understood if nor had they done ' anything but - play on tbe waste tract We are trying to discover who is liable for the taking of our boys to town In tbe charge of an Irresponsible, and who had ths authority to allow a private eltisen to use sweat box methods without a competent officer of the law being present . After the trial will come our turn, and unless I am mistaken,! here will ba some damage suits filed before tola incident is closed." : MAY. HAVE NEW HOME. Dr. Saffsty WDf Vet Oppose of Bast Side Wate Office. ' To move or not to move Is the di lemma tbe oast side water office is still racing, and which faction will pull the office, or whether any . move will be made. Is still uncertain. One set of pe titioners desire the office moved to the region of East Morrison and Grand avenue; another party holds that Union avenue and Burnaido la the proper place. has been before, by leaving the office where it is. - Dan MaJarkev haa offered the use of a room oa Bast Burnslde near Union avenue-- for tbe rental of ISO a month, .and another will soon be made of a room la the Baldwin block at Alder aad Union avenue. Dr. C h. Raffety, who la in charge of tbe east side offioa. aald yesterday: "1 will not oppose any change that Is desired by the majority of the 0.000 persons who monthly pay their rents at the office, but I don't think a petition signed by 71 people should settle the matter, aa there are too many interests at stake. - However I am wot, personally interested, and If the majority . desire a ehanga I am .willing to move any time. Owing to the great increase of water users on th east side Mr. Raffety sug gests that collectors be appointed In the various suburbs, such aa Woodlawn, Albina. Bunnyald and Bell wood, to re lieve tha pressure on the east side office Sea BaChj Asa. fo VERY DAY AT ' tYoii can" buy as much furniture for : the- House J Of flcW Restaurant and Ho tel as you want, and . :" pay as you please. . lSi-iM rxmsr ST.. Fermatrly STew Tort Faraltare Oe. f-bAGB TO mVT FUsVBlTUsTJ. cotes - L " -s - - - - ''- - - - S i-iihj ....' . 1 1 COVELL'S special. on Men's Shoes, genuine box calf. Goodyear . wait guaranteed water-proof, worth ..!. lt.; special... .j, f3,QO. and f 2.KO Men's Shoes.' oil grain tap sola, ' guar . anteedV -all-soltd. worth M.t our price , ; j-TV.' V.-.' f.'.imTroi .54 Ladles'. Wet Weather Shoes, regular 11.00 and ti.eo, values for..... f 2.50 Another 11,00 grade for..., .....$1.45 Misses' and Boys Shoes, 'medium and heavy weights, guaranteed aatlsfsc , tory, other stores charge 11.00; our prtoe .......... ;..fi.5o and 1.25 ' Wa have received a large shipment of new spring styles LsdlesV Men'a and Misses' Tan and Patent Leather Ox fords. We sre , greatly crowded for room and that's why. we must force pur heavier footwear, at low prices., j JOHN CELLAR , , Running Two Stores. V". : Cor. rtrst sad Yamhill aad Third aad - . . . v Savia..-. .. snd make It mora convenient for tha pa trons of the system.' '':.'"?.'' . MAY BRING DAMAGE ' SUITS. Qwaers of Wrecked Shacks Wiaa Baoom- pease o Topple nndiag-s. 'irr-' Unless the new chsrter exempts the city from damage suits of every sort as is the case- In sidewalk oooldenta, several auita will probably be filed as the result of the East Washington street fill now being made. ' v" : : ' For four blocka tbe street la lined withancient structures that-in many eases have not been tenanted for yeara. They are built on slender and decayed treaties and the heavy fill has In almost every case pushed the underplnlngs back and allowed the buildings to. settle. In some cases to , fall - and be totally wrecked. '. ''' .- ': . Where the fill Is now' being made are several vacant structures of mora or less value, and' the owners have made no effort to strengthen them. - and In some cases have announced that should the fill cause the buildings to fall suit ill be brought against either- the city or the Paclflo Construction company. which Is doing the work. N MEMORY OF NEALV DOW. County W. C. . V. Melds AH Day iser- rtoe ia Bono of Tstesaa sVaf ormsr. The Multnomah county W. C. T. XT. institute celebrated tbe memory of Neal Ddw In an all day session at tbe First Evangelical church. East Sixth and Mar ket atreeta, yesterday.' The meeting was conducted by Mrs.. Additon,. state president who spoke on civic improve ment laying especial stress on the tin csn - evil ss exemplified by the drive between Mt Tabor and Montavllla. Tbe sentiment of tbe convention waa . ex pressed on this subject by a resolution favoring restriction of the dumping ter ritory. . - Mrs. M. M. Bleeth, state organiser, spoke on child training aad Mrs. J. H. Shane presented plana for making the vacant blocka something mora than garb age dumps. .Mrs. C Nichols read a paper on the life and labors 01. Neat trow. . , - Thomss Paquet has Sold two lota to Nelson Olsen on the sooth aide of Kast Washington street between First and Second for 11.400. These lots win as effected by the big Till which is being made. -' If the . assessment against the property exceeds 11,000 Paquet will have to pay the excess. RIVERMEN REJOICE AT SIGHT OF RAIN n .j . tinued Precipitation Is Expsctsd. ,' t ''-,;..'', ,--' Ixiggers and rlvermen - are satlafled with the weather. . During the past few dsys the river has risen to a good boot ing stage, and now stands at 0.1 feet above sera It rose l.l feet within the past 14 hours, snd all the reporta from points up the Willamette indicate that it will continue to rise for several days at lesst. . Including March IS and up to tin present time It has rained ' every-day. adding 1.0 Inchea to the annual preclp tatlon. The heavleat rain fell la the past 14 hours, the fall at Portland mea aurlng .10 Inchea At Salem for the same period there waa a precipitation of 1.1 inches; Albany, -1.10 and Eugene, 1.14.- Tbe indications sre that It will rain for the next two days, which.- will insures perceptible rise in the Willam ette river, although ths weather man says there is no danger of a freshet . During the wet season to dste there is still a deficiency of 11.70 Inchea la the avers gs precipitation for that period. This fact is also pointed to as sn argu ment that heavy rains are surs to sll VETERAN flREMEN COMING FROM BAY CITY ' -."'' v:.- -President ' Stephen Banner has an nounced to Secretary Reed that tbe Vet eran .Volunteer Firemen's association of Ban Francisco will visit the exposition. leaving San Francisco on August 10. A day will be designated in their honor. 1 The Standard Electric company of this city has been awarded tha contract for the wiring -or tne brtage or nations ana ths manufacturers' building, at a ooet of 11.070. Ths eoly other bidder waa C J. Rowan, whose price waa $0.000.. Fred Biumer. a contractor., from St. Louis. Is here to duplicate the National Caah Register - oompany'a "theatre at St Louis, which attracted much atten tion In the latter city. It will ooet about 110.000, and will be erected near festival hall. Commissioner McBrids of Idaho will be in Portland within a few days to let the contract for the state building. It will be 00 by 100 feet and wilt contain reception rooms as well as an exhibit hsIL. ...... i. ....'. . ;.. ' Tomorrow st I o'clock Mrs. w. S. Ladd will, break, the ground for the con struction of the T. M. C A. buUdlng st ths fair grounds. The ceremony will be witnessed by the officers of the asso ciation and - many prominent members snd patrons. . Dr. E. P. Hill will offici ate at a. short service, and Dr. A. A. Morrison and Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman will participate. . Miss Constanoe Mo Corkle haa been ' appointed to have cHarge of the building.- xa.t crrr wirn rrrc zjkxzzii. ' Ieon C. Oetejree, secretary of the TTVh License aaaoriat'-in of n 1 raici r-era, t- written to.! 'yor t i 1 r In- I latlon r f 1 1 t "I I . - , 1 i i V ; V' ' Misplcced Want Ad. Barfala.' $10070 rood farardaef part ... alear,. feaoad. aousa, bars, fruit, S mUes from sxposttloa ;- a-Touada. 9 11, JeaoraaL .'. ' .-V'v,' frt'f.Tr.? COLUMBIA THEATRE AU Week. Matlseea Saterday and aeaday. ; ' COLTMBlif STOCK COItTANY, : ' ,f la araauttaatloa' at MAR IK. tOBELLTg t . laaiooa leva atorjr. M .,... .' v "THELMA" ;;.' Seats ea aaie far' in Perforaunees. ' (y. ' tVrwntowa box'efflm eim all say at Del! Men ranaly aop. 1WT Morriwia. I'beae ktl 110. Eveaftiga at ttMatre.. Mala Oil. . Cveahirs. BOe,' 88e,' lf. me." -. . Matlaaea. Sib-: lh liw. .-. ORD SKATS IABXT. T0N1OHT 'AT t-M OTVOCKt I,. Is tbe beeotlfot nauatle draSai. " - " . Aa esrhaatiDg play. Aa exeelleBt eaat. Prttea Farquet. 01 -BO: parquet elrele, L ' Balmny, ftrat all rowa, TBr; laat alx roa-a. BOe. Oaliery, 35e aad SBe. Boaea aad loffna, 010. LMPIKE TKEATRt Oaoria u aakasi -Maeeaae. Order ereta tf Pboae Mala 11T. CanarttT aiMllaBM laat Bleht. TONIUHT AND AU. THIS WgBXv - MATIN Eg SATVaUAT. A enrklag rood show, the Ms tirw Trk tmwsa. TD OOlBaTs-BB'l VAVtoKx.. A eaiatloBal aietodtama. Bpeciel . anaartlga , - Prlees kveatog. 16a. aie.SSc. BOe. ., Matinee. 10c. 15c, Br. . DAIlICRa TIIEATIin Tktrd aad Taahlll ata. Keatlag a rieoe. Maa- Lavaeat vaaeeniie Honaeja AVaaanca. oba, mg ab cr a-rxa. - , rOTJX AXdTOSO. ' ODSXL AMO HA IT. ', . . adobicc imiM, . . - tv i a aw a '," ..,. ra iixioi-i o. .... . , ' . ZAM WTlAOg. . th BiooaanL .- downatalra, Jr; apataim, -10 . Perfanaasees at Z:, T:SO SS4 t.10 p. sa. THT 0XT ILvrBT-iOirr. jAAt P-T A0 CO-rAAT. arro aao pvaolx. T0-0 IU' . i' . I ,, .BOM OeCglA I .t,; " . . . ALW w - . ... ' -'- TmxA fiiAIuururf. Pili as lamias. lOe aad aor; box aeata, lie, Matiaeaa (exeest Soadaya aad holldaya), loe. THE LYRIC THE A TQE - SSTEKTH - AND ALDBB - BTSggTS, - - Bvery Afteraoen aad Kvanlag, SSSAT rOOB-arr BEXSATlOlf AL COITDT. . - , MELODRAMA,. The Suhivsv nf New VotrFr . mil 1 iiiu 1 iitnns ins PaitargMaraa at :. T:30 and S IS p, m. Ueaal sriea ex aanataains. is ceata. THE STAR THE A TRU . . i -. i -'-' : - , nOffln. Kaaiaal Seshia. TWO TrTAa. , TKB O0LTOHA U(M B. AXSOLB'B TtAJSgD IxJvi. : COEDIAO. T AWm iIA AV9 CAXX. .i.v-T" tLAMmiM AAO SUV. Hew ecbedale et prlrea .Brentage, 'loe. se aa SBe; sMtineea, rarest Sandara aad Boll, aaya, loe. Weekday aaewa, t:30 p. ., T.) p. av aad p. st-- . - - stASiBa axon, .. r tWHCanl BVXUT giaaTt - StS-SU BDBKBIDB. On account of insufficient room and ths outgrowing of our present quarters we will be Installed In our new build ing, Iti- Waahlngton street. In the aew six-story building on the - earner, ef West Park and Washington streets, ea - or about April 1. i For a short time only any Journal subscriber having a pre mium machine can exchange asms for - any outfit as high as 140.00 for 11.00 down and II. 00 per week, being allowed I $.00 on the little fellow. . ...... . . --. . . 'J - cclu:.::ia proograpq co.. c; iss mSaUiTat wtn romnAMO, c. Orand Prix Parts, 1100. Double Grand Prise St Louis, 1004. Oradoate -AaMrt-ee IV-honl ef Osteons tfcy. ,4 surasviue, Ma. , 'Osteopathy ' rr st.' wolum o. KACst." (Maneathte MiraMaa. Ail ChraaHe aad 4IB AMaaTtoa BMa. -""a.aiib. nu- ingtM and stark.. Pactlaaa. 7 . rteatlsrally Ira ' Wtthaat Drr In San Ftanciaeo.ls .only III a y that an attempt te being r erease it to M0. ths. t be in this city '-r ' i 1 to know tea r amount 'cf r- ' ch ye -, ! i ' I ' nanoe r t av r ' . s;red I Removal Notice J. any, prlsea wm M sivb wnignt. ong thejr neighbors, ; ..., . A .