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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1905)
-, - THE OREGON DAILY JOtrRNAU . PORTLAND TUESDAY EVENING. MARCH 81. IZZ3. ' WS& KOEO IRRIGATION PLANS h TO DE DECIDED SOON PEOPLE'S UARKET MY.PATS U DAY EVER HAVE IT? TO KEEP . Oi'J TIlE If You Have, the State- men of This Portland -Man Will Interest You ,' . '; , .: V 7.' After ' Hearing 6ne-Sidd Tes- tundreds of Eastern People Take Consulting Engineers of Govenv Association Which Has the Use :7 menti ReclamationSei lock-WUL-Not.- ."1 mofjy r. Jufwea . HjsSlaugh . tier tof Louis Schumer.; ' nuTaruat i kuw nates tu -the Northwest Meet Here Next Month. Be Disturbed. Ever have a "low-down" pain In the back : . . . In the -small." right over the hlpat That's the home bf backache, . If a caused bf sick! .kidneys. ; . SOUTHERN OREGON A : MAPS AND. DATA ARE V . SENT TO' WASHINGTON JUDICIARY COMMITTEE'S J ' REPORT IS REJECTED INTERESTING EVIDENCE : LITTLE OUT OF THE WAY MIGHT HAVE BEEN HEARD That's why Doan'a Kidney Fills cure . . . . - - - ....a.,,-.,-,. . ssall--Bf-?-sBBw-maammamiii.i . . p- Qutmy sx -Appecrcnee FRANCniSE SHOULDER It . " ? ' v ' ' ',.- .,: What Chicaeo A Northwestern Road Is Doing to Advertise State and Fair. v ' v ;' The Chicago ft Northwestern, which runa a through service from Chicago to Portland, over the Union .Paclflo from Omaha westward, t la taxing a strong .band In tha movement of ' homeseesers from Chicago territory. Personally oon r . ducted excursions are arriving la Port , Jand every week from Chicago Is charge TofRU PuvaU of that road. - "About lie homeeeekera are leaving "Chicago daily over -onr Una for tbe-Pav . cine northwest." said Mr. Duvall. The 1 people who come via the North western usually arrive In Portland on the mora' Ins trains. Those coming from Missouri river point get here oa tha evening trains. All of the tourist cars I have seen are running full. I think the trains morning and evening over the Union Pa cific average about ' II people a aay - homeaeekers. It will continue until May " ll. tha limit of the colonist rata perftd lor thia aorinav" . . M says the people begin leaving tha trains la Idaho, and through Oregon they ST-t off at various, stations. A ' large number' come oa to Portland and go to the Willamette. Umpqua and Rogue river 'valleys. , Appearances . thus far Indicate that tne southern uregon country i di getting its share of the newcomers. They see so many good opportunities along tha line, between Huntington and rortiana that they are Induced to stop before reaching Portland. Boot hern Oregon will be tha last -to- feel tha Impetus of the colonist movement; ; ' Advacttstag the Pate. , The Northwestern is Jiist now be ginning to advertise the Lewis and Clark lair and the Paclflo northwest. Tha first copy of a new folder was received . at the company -Portland office this week.- On -April.- 1 the Northwestern will turn loose an Immense volume of - advertising matter Tor the fair and the homeaeekera' movement. Contracta have been made with 1.000 periodicals north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers and east of Chicago. It is said their circulation - will reach (,06,000 people.' In addition to this ad vertialng the company Is Issuing a Lewis and Clark fair special folder, and a booklet giving - facta about tha Paclflo northwest. Large numbere of these will be circulated throughout the. east during tha months . of April. May and June. " The New York Central baa laaued a special folder for the Lewis and Clark fair, and la circulating large numbers of the publication throughout the east ern states and New England. It contains " " pictures of the exposition buildings and matter descriptive of tha fair and its historical siantflcaaoe. .- a feature - or the folder Is the following summary of tha exposition: -77.. - - ' Jbpoattloa Otty Peatmrea. Opens June 1. closes October II, 1 Ml. Coat. 11.000,000. ........ Area of grounds, 401 acres. " V- Grand -baahr-la- -natural -la;""JI0 " acres in extent - -.- - V Peninsula axUnds Into lake. Five snow-capped peaks seen ' from grounds, ' ..'.. . c , Twenty-three states participate. , Fifteen foreign nations exhibit. - Amusement street called "The Trail." -V Oovernment exhibit cost MOO. 00 1. . Portland la called the Rosa City. Twenty Osaisaad rossa hllrnia, PflJilS. round a -The Trail" la on a bridge spanning the lake. - Bosnia beauty of site unsurpassed, ' Ten exhibit palaoea. . Thirty national conventions meet Wireless Ulegraph station la opera tion. ' " . Comprehensive Philippine exhibit. , , V' Decorative sculpture. . --,( Airship tournament. "Different varieties of crops on -Model .Farm. .. ;-r-- ---, ,' -Roof garden on. Liberal Arts building. '. "Auditorium seats J. 000 persons. - Athletic sports -and games in general. . Gold reduction plant in operation. " Model Mine under Mining building. " . - Bpeclal collection of mlnerala. t - Mammoth palace built of rough logs. 1 Factory for making pens of all kinds. Natural 'park of trees and shrubs. Government building covers 11 acres. Hotel of iOO rooms Inside grounds. Phillppm theatre on -'Trall.'f -, Twelve btata buildings. ' ' ' Z. A. Leigh of the city postof floe" de partment baa announced tha following examinations In tha United States elvll service commission: April it, Inspector of clothing la quartemnaatere depart ment at large, salary $90 a year; April 2. bookkeeping departmental service, salary I860 to I1.J0O; April Jt-17. field asslntant in . forestry, department of agriculture and Philippine service, sal ary ranging from 11.200 to $1.800.. urcd wits Martina ap, gklebealta (enrt--wet sad SlUaheeltb Tablets. A H tle sad vf rsi far ever? Itcklsg, Beratse. . eralr. b:"Klin, rrested. ploilr as kkrtrti liainur, with InMec. salr. Pmderes eker, srU llaat. kesitsf skis sad pure, ft ea, tea blood. nimjUEALTry lJ Tromtmwit 75o U U elteof Hargea leae, eretiri Skteheelth (oim ). 5te kill syrsie, k-.l the skis. s4 Ikiaaealtk Tablets Sv.1 t.eiarl k.inor frm All , dnMrelrti '. tr pimplM. klarkbeses. riitaiaa. ivoshoM.. rko(. f.l. mua ksoda -KotalBS iU.lvt su.k a avmtf ewe. Boe.rl eekee, aoe. - need sc. H" fnc ITree gaaapiee aae saokWU te rHILO BAT CO. woosabb, outmarw OO lreattk v CJdnzsro C Malheur,, Umatilla .and Klamath ' Projects' Will Be Discussed at the Convention, Inigatlonlsts of .the state are'anx- loualy awaiting: the meeting to be held in April by tha board of consulting engi neers of tha government s reclamation service. : Thia body, It la-reported local ly, will .convene on April 21V when the Klamath. . Malheur '. and Umatilla., proj ects will bo definitely decided. In the Meantime- the engineers la chargeqf tli threli places named are hurrying maps and data- to Washington, Tha Klamath and the Malheur water users aasocl tlona nave, been putting forth herculean effort- to have as much of the land signed up as possible. - The bast- work of , public spirited eltlsens has been be stowed In the effort to remove obstruc tions. ,, x..". There is no docbt that tha engineers will approve, most of tha. work projected for Klamath. Thia enterprise, involving tha expenditure of Sl.000.000 to 14,000,- 000. Is the most important ever under- Uken la thia stata by tha government reclamation aerrloa. and has been al ready approved 'In Ita main outline. The fact-that tha Klamath Canal - cow pany has a private enterprise under way within the bounds of the proposed gov eminent : work.' Interfered for a period. but will not probably have tha effect of causing permanent inconvenience. May Oe Around OaaaL - If the. private concern will , not sell oa what ' the government officials term reasonable flgurea, the larger operations may-proceed around the canal company a system. Assurance that such would be the ease baa been given by H. L. Hoi gate, representing the legal department of tha Klamath enterprise, and tha en gineer In charge. Pull approbation or thia project seems assured beyond ques tion, after which the construction work will no doubt commence when weather will permit surface operations la the Klamath basin. . , v At Malheur there has been a more ee rloos obstacle. . Tha holdings of Charles Altachul. aesignee of the grant lands of tha Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Military Wagon Road com' pany, have been a stumbling block, la addition to thia, there iwere other pri vate holdings,' especially those where ir rigation was in progress, wnicn the own ers did not want to Include in tha con tract' with the government. There will be a tax of about 0 aa acre for all land excluded, and the government will also endeavor ' to regulate tha amount ef 4and held. But despite these condi tions, the general ' sentiment of ' Mal heur for the project has been so strong that most of the private holdings except Ithe 10.000 acrea of Altachul. have been feigned. . I Mere Pledged Aaraaga. "'Tteice'ntly 10,000 or 11.000 acres were added to the association's pledged land. and before the meeting In April there la assurance of enough : to have tha project taken Tip by--the government. The Ij mat ilia enterprise has been more uncertain. J. T. Whistler, engi neer la charge of surveys and observa tions, baa mads a new recommendation lately; which la calculated to Irrigate 50.000 to 71.000 scree In Morrow county near Tub springs. This Is a more lim ited tract than was at first content- i..s h... -in rKKir --' mnra fiimr with the board of engineers for lmmedl ate action. - . . Oregon la vitally Interested In the re port to be made by the board' of en gineers In April. Until this has been furnished the public, there Is bound to exist a sense of uncertainty, but after thia body has paaaed on tha three proj ects, the work .will proceed In the regu lar order of business. CHILDREN MEET AND LIKE SETON'S ANIMALS ' "Wild Animals I Have Met was the subject of two lectures given by Km est Thompson Seton at the Marquam Grand yesterday afternoon ana evenlne. An audience largely compoaed of children and completely filling the theatre heard the first lecture, and was intensely In terested la what the noted author told eboarihe wilds. T He revived In the memories of the youths the edventares of Lobo, Rag and Vixen, the dancing bears,' and other ani mals they nave read about In Beton books. The children are Baton's special friends, -and bis visit to Portland will long be remembered by them. His lec tures were - illustrated - with pictures thrown upon a canvas and added im mensely to the realism of his stories. He gave remarkably clever imitations of the calls of animals and birds. H tells the stories la a simple way, that enables tha children to understand and appreciate them. KeUMTfifl), ISmW, sty wasfer tea years Cev area wtta dasdraS seltisoked like a la ease. Bar f Halr- haaltk aaoat tea and sa Bedandregeessr part at my sr. p. nairiaaarkerass nsek seslthler look Ins. p. 11. vaaieis. It ueadruet Positively resaevee daedruaT, sines hair tallta. briegs keck ynetkral en lor te era sale, airied kr HARPIMA gOAP, keala atnee Hraiag, ptmeotes ase kalr fnwts. tars One, kettle., drantots. Take otktaf without rkueitaf Oaslcaatore. Cot eat eaa siga taia r . s Aff..Ceed ter fa sc. cut imv Tike-fe aay ef fnnowlnc dreajlats tad set . fcottW Hilrbr.Uk ssd to, cake Harena aa. hntk for aoa.i ee seat br Phtle B.r oo., juwark. N. I., peroaM, for SOe. aad tkls Isdv.. rrte eras sot lo br draavlala wlik- I mtt tale eaUre edr. sed tOc. tor Hall UtltjMoHk. I HSBRK,..9 . i Asanas...... WOOBAjp), OOe . Teart 6 " V. f an. I m Mi. a M SBBBBb -BBS, Corporation I Built Without Ref ; . erence to Accepted Plans ' V i Which Disappeared.' f It bow looks as (hough tha franchise of tha People's Market association, suc cessor to the Union Market company, for tha use of ths city block at Third and Clay streets for a publlo market will not be revoked as recommended by the judiciary committee of tha city council. J, H.- Alexander, the president of the company has assured the members of the council that ha Is -acting la good faith and .will erect larger . and . mora substantial buildings than were required under the ,f ranchlsa. : . Members of the council aay the build Inge -and-abeds' are not being erected according to the plana submitted at the .time the franchise was granted. Those plana and spool float Ions bava dla appeared from tha city auditor's office, and the company which now holds tha fi aimhlse has been una hie to aacaro duplicates. It is said that tha original plana called for. two sheds, 60x100 feet. one to be placed 'on tha north and the other on the south side or tbe bioea. In tha center waa to be a brick building 61 feet wide by 100 feet long. The'lra- prvmnitsw -a.' 000. When J. H. Alexander and his com pany came Into possession of the fran ehiae la January they decided that It would not be tha proper thing to build a shed to shelter wagons and horses on both sides of tha proposed brick build- in, and thev determined to erect the building on the north side of the block fronting 200 feet oa Clay and tt- feat On both Second and Third streets and place tha sheds on the other half of the block. Both ' sheds have been built and con crete floors and walka have been plaoed over the entire surface covered by them. Members of the council who noted that the sheds were not going up accord lng to tha plana were instrumental in securing .a recommendation - from tha judiciary committee to revoke the fran' chise on- tha ground that the. company was not doing tha work la tha manner agreed on. - Mr.4 Alexander la now preparing plana and wpeciflceOione -for a two-etory brick building too feet long by (t feet wide and when they axe ready ha will present mem to tne council wita aa amendment to the franchise to allow the company to erect the structure on the north side of ths block and permit tha shads to re main where they are. "It would be a shame to revoke that franchise' now," said Mayor Williams. '-'after . .they have expended so muea money. . X believe It la a better plan to put the sheds oa one aide and the build ing on tha other. When thia market Is finished It will be a place where all the peddlers eaa congregate in the morning to do tneir trading. . Thia - will keen tnent oa tne s tree ta and tha piaaa blocks. and I think It will be aa excellent thing. The - company has already expended about 1 1,000 oa . Improvements and tha proposed brick building will cost at , least-lU.ftOO sfkllilonai, -Oa the lower floor of the building will be booths. stalls and lunch counters. la the second story will bo aa .assembly hall and of floea for officials connected with tha as- sociatlon, " CHILDREN WILL AID in u 1 1: AUUKflMcn i n All the Schools Great Interest . Is Shown In Effort for Civic Improvement. Thousands of sackaaea of flower aeVdi snd plants and bulba'ars being received by the trees.' planta and .grounds com mittea of the civic Improvement board of the chamber of commerce and will be divided Into 'packages and sent to the schools, where they wil be allotted to the children. The children are enthusiaatic over their ahare in -the movement for dlvie improvement and promise to. do all they can to make the city mora beautiful and attractive. . They, will plant tha school grounds In" seeds snd flower bulbs,' and will attempt , to beautify - tha " yards around their nomea. casa prises will be awarded to those who Inake . their Dome grounaa tne most attractive. The children are much Interested in the junior Improvement club In each school, a large number have already signed the membership blanka sent out by. the chamber of commerce, and organ isations will soon be effected In the 16 largest schools of the -city. Teachers snd parents are lending their efforts In the movement ' . . The civic Improvement board has turned Its .attention to the merchants who -alio wthlr cellar, doors . opening on the sidewalks to remain open dur ing tha day.. An attempt -will be made to formulate some plan to keep the cel lar doors closed during the busy houre of the day. . : v. DISPOSITION OF FUNDS IN JERRY LYNCH ESTATE Counsel for C B. Lockwood, In ths case involving disposition of funds in the Jerry Lynch estate, have-raised the Issue of -jurisdiction of ths probate court, claiming that the matter should be heard before the circuit court. Judge Webster has set Saturday to listen to argument on this point and Monday for the trial. Attorneys for the estate as sert that Mr. Lockwood has not prop erly accounted ; for all the funds , that came- Into his hands t aa - attorney for Richard Lynch, administrator of the estate of -hie daeaasad i-brother. . Jarrx Lynch. Mr. Lockwood has receipts and records of the Merchants National bank books which ha sava show that averv dollar la accounted for end that ths trial will be establish this fact to the satis faction of tha court wherever It may be tried. lumi wajtts rorjrrwBa. Ralph Cook.' chief of the Seattle flra department and K. L, McAllister, a na val architect will com .to .Portland this week to Inspect the flreboai Oeorgw H. Wllllsms. Seattle Is repairing Its fir boat Snoqualmle, and a water tower and engines similar to those la the Fortlaad Fatty Degeneration of Heart Given as Cause of Detective's - .? Victim's Death. 7 ' Detective Joe Day was justified in killing Louis Schumer, who died at Good Samaritan hospital Sunday night. That waa tha verdict of a coroners jury last night Day paced the floor nervously, while tha jurors heard testimony rela tive to his taking a human life, ana -ex- terwarda thanked tha -jurymen zor ax onerating him. . ) ' At 7:10 o'clock the inquest was be gun by Deputy Coroner A, L, Flnley. A jury waa sworn, and viewed the remains of Days' victim, which Were IdeaUIieu. District Attorney John Manning occu pied the position .or inquisitor ana elated materially in .causing a verdict favorable to Day to be rendered. Dep uty City Attorney FitsgeraM waa pres ent, at -the request of Day and la his Interest but after listening to a few Questions . explained that he had noth' lng to ask that he waa simply inter ested In the city's officers. , , In bearing- tha testimony the jurors g to tha -rights .of aaomcer to firing oa a fugitlva It la said quite eommonlv h. attorneys that the law on such matters la usually ef Interest to a . Jury la deciding such questions. . Bvldeaee -Wttaheld. The luro al failed to receive en lightenment oa the police manual, which waa published for guidance or police officers la the performance of their da ties, and . which Is said to contain a section in opposition to tha taking of a human life, nor waa Bcnumer s ants mortem statement read in which he de nied making any attempt to However. Mr. Manning asked Day what ths chiefs instruction, were with refer ence to making arrests. - -.. "Well, I've been on the force lor many years." said Day, "and 1 don't recau any particular Instructions. . It is left to the judgment or tne orricers. wot we usually use sa much persuasion aa Pos sible." - - - - -. City Physician - Zaa testified that 8ehumera death waa caused by fatty degeneration of tha heart . following something that ha evidently desired to explain, but- ha waa asked whether Schumer could ' have survived tha am putation of his leg, which was Intended. It waa a difficult question to answer. he said, for the man's heart waa ab normally small for one of hla else. The former question 'accordingly remainea partly unanswered. - ' Wetaer a Good Marram aa. Detective Welner, wno took tha stand' In defense of his associate, announced that be himself had shot Schumer through the beel Welner wasn't aware Of tha fact yesterday lore noon, out learned of hla deed before the Inquest began, the autopsy showing that a bul let from hla revolver naa enterea ncnu men's beel. Day used all reasonable means to effect the man's capture, he said, though ha was attempting to bead off tha fugitive when Day shot. No aaeetiotui were asked about hla attempts to get In front of tha fleeing man. or if hla death could have, been avoided If he had succeeded, ! ,' W. H. Lehman, -one of the proprietors of the Paclflo hotel, was the first wit ness called. He waa interrogated by Mr. Manning, who represented tha stata Mr. Lehman' told how Schumer had given him a worthleaa check; for this he had lodeed a. complaint against him with tha police. - He accompanied Day and Welner. and witnessed the .chase and Ita fatal termination. . . isssLarss also" of his passing a worthleaa check. Other witnesses were called, and It was fully determined that ' Schumer - had knowingly paaaed a worthleaa check and had tried to paaa others, THIS guilt was clearly established. . Bay needed With Ylctim, Detective Day took tha stand In his own behalf' and told of tha Incidents leadlhg up to the shooting. He had used every means, he said, to effect tha man's capture before ha fired upon him. '1 told him he had a wife and fam ily." aald Day, "and I did not' want to shoot him. I urged and pleaded with him to stoo. and I attempted to hit him tn the face with my revolver, but he atruck ma Instead." - At the conclusion of the testimony the lory returned tha following verdict ' That I Schumer came to hla death on March It. 105. at Good Samaritan hospital, from exhaustion, due to fatty degeneration of the heart caused by shock following the effects of a gunshot WHAT IS CATARRH? Hyomei Cares This Common and Dis- ggreeabU Disease. ...r: '. .. . -f .. .-')'!. - Hyomei cures catarrh by ths simple method of breathing l( -into the air passages of the lungs. It kilt the germs of the catarrhal poison, heals and soothes the Irritated mucous membrane, enters the blood with the oxygen and kills the germs present there, effectu ally driving this disease from the tys- tent. ' :' . . . . . If you have any of the 'following symptoms, catarrhal germs sre st work somewhere In tha mucoua membrane of the nose,, throat bronchial . tubes or tissue of tha lungs, ...... : effeaalv breath dryness ef ta sese -eain aeroae the ra '. feaakiiMM ef voire -dlookarge -from the Boa. tnppix. at the boss st pain la keek . . . ... OX ISO nlcht head. . . pain li front at- the bead " . teixtrney to fatke eld buroint pais la i the throat hawking te eleer the throat r a la the cheat , eoogk ; atltrs) la aide . 7 IooIbs et Aeeh varlebl. apsetits arhlos ef the (ndv dropping la the threat Month . opea . while 1 teeplag - ' UckllDg beck ef the pal at ...r.. foraMtlna ef eraatt la th eos AryBM ef tae throat ,la the smrnlng . In of strength pm of eoushhif coDsh abort, and back- low Dtrttd st tisws Ins raising ef frothy jae-J eosh won slgkts tad roua nwrninss eipecteratiBg fallow loss la vital fare matter ; a feeling of tlshtaeas dirtralt la bresthlag aeroaa the eppar pert trqaat sneeatng , . tb' cheat q Hyomei will cure tha disease, .de stroy activity of all genn Ufa la the respiratory, organs, enrich and purify the blood with additional oaone, aad after a few days use of this treatment the majority of theaa symptoms will have disappeared. In a few weeks ths ears will be complete. v. ' Catarrh or catarrhal - foM cannot exist wha Hyomei Is used. Thia- ta a strong, statement, but Woodara, Clarke A Co. emphsslse It by sgreelng to. re fund your money If Hyomei (doea not Portland. people endorse this. . Read a of It:-- r.---,' . ; J. Jenkins of SIS Eaaf Sixth street. now retired front active life, aays "1 think very highly of .Doan's Kidney Pills, which I procured, at ' the Laue- Davis Drug Cc's store, corner of Tim- hill and Third streets. I used them for aa acuta attack of backache," which had annoyed me-for some little .time. Three daya after. I - began their, use X knew they had gone to the cause of the dull. draggLng paint across the small of my back, and relict came sooner than I expected. I believe the cure" Is perma nent for I have not felt any symptoms of a recurrence. Other members of my family have also "used ' Doan's' .Kidney Pills with eqnallyxgood. results." - For sale by all dealers, price SO cents. Postar-Mllbura Co .Buffalo,'. N.. TV sols agents for the United States. "- . Remember tha name DOAWfl and take no other.'-. ; ..7 T; .--i-..... ., IGNORANCE nxtMMl IramnM la Ktlaa Hla rntlv tn be wise" doea not apply when buying a MM6, for a wise selection now In the osmg 01 a piano will mean, bliss in your Jiome for many years to come. Why let folly enter, Into the transac tion ax all T -Choose a good, honest re liable make and you will never have cause for regret. We have jnst unloaded a car of EMERSON PIANOS (tried fo M years and never found wanting), and todav we are unloadinar a car of the ever-popular EST BY PIANOS, another of the old dependable makes. 'T would be wise to select one of these or pur chase a BTE1NWAY or A. B. CHASE. We should be pleased to ehow you any of these and many other popular makes. CRXHJIT iu bu ix. . ... . Soule Bros. Piano Co. m ajto gr Mcommxsoar arrmxzT, - ENERGY is 7 the . .world's, power. It makes the wheels go' round. To generate a fall head of -steam, coyer, two heaping tablespoonfols ' with ' cream, let stand one minute to soften. ' 10 cV.padc, . ': AT ALL . GROCERS. wound . In : the left leg. ' the said - shot having been fired by Joseph Day, a de tective In the employ of the city police department who waa detailed to arrest the said Louis Schumer for. passing forged checks. In an attempt to stop the said Schumer from making his escape after he had' been arrested. - "And tt Is tha opinion of the Jury that tha action of the detective In, jtbia mat ter was Justifiable. 1 - "A. B. 8TCART, v ! "OEOROB H. KEENK, "PAT MURRAY, - .-' v..,' . . "J. H. REAOAN. Schemer's body will be shipped to Se attle at, the request pt hla .widow. . CHANGES IN OFFICERS - - ;0F GREAT NORTHERN - A complete reorganisation; . ef the traffic department of the" Great Northern railway has coma with tha. appointment of - Ben Campbell as fourth vice-preside t in charge of traffic. Ths old-time system of general passenger snd freight agents has been dona away with, and SPLEK3D BASGAIKS Cl KB mmmmmmmm r '.. '.s p - " ,, .-.-.. i . v Our' Shoe rpartmerrt -''' '' There THE OSLY $3 HAT- THE 'WEiCH" erkcr ftr tux row u 7 mm 77' We handle a lincof;t Men's Clothing ttia is; the 5 equal of ' any H teilorymadeai J'-' theland i see" if we are not j& right about-it Buffum & 311 MORRISON ST. We So eroira aad brldae work Witheat pain. Oar IS years' a sails ate ta plate work ee ebles a to fit your Bwetb easifartabl, Ir. W. A. Wis has teaad e aaf way t street teeth, ahaelstely wltkoet rain. Dr. T. P. Wise Is aa expert at gold Ailing aad si a aad bridsa , t-,,ng fn waea pistes or eridgei are ordered. WISE BROS., Dentists raUiag BsUIng, ear. Xhlnt aad Wash Sta Opea evenings till t p. at. Snodaa from .. te U. Or. llala SOW. BE. . he- dlgallled title ef "wsaager" has Jeea-SubatltBted.-, in several .'law stances. ... F. I. Whitney, formerly general pas senger agent. Is now- passenger- trafflo manager. W. W. Brought on, who was general freight agent, now signs him self I freight t trafflo manager. J. C Eden, aaalntant trafflo manager, with headquarters st Seattle,' who formerly had charge of business as far seat aa Jennings. Ida., has been given Jurisdic tion from Seattle te St. Paul. The of Bcaof industrial agent, which Is 'tilled on the Haniman lines In the Paclfle Northwest by CoL R. C Judson, has mi . 1. wisx. mm If yoo are troubled with this probrem.-corrre in and we will gladly relieve you, as well as give you "the assistance of our knowledge of JHow to Dress Wel.,!.-. Our new.:; Li.:- V SPKDRIG SUDTS Are here, and the-showing was never larger styles-more varied, quality the' best you should see our 7 SPRING SUITS, hand-tailored, padded shoulders, all the latest . , Salt bean our stamp and guarantee. . We bought these Suits to sell for $15. Other lines $25, $20, $15, $9.75, $7.45. STCT.& KEKWTA2, Sr.I2TS, KOSlEfiY, YOUTHS' AD SOYS' SUITS am mm mm ana m a a -ni ;. . . . . ' . , .- ".' " . - . is complete and we have Shoes from $1.50 to $3.50. is no better Shoe than our $3.50 Shoe. V Ixorpison: CoxflJisrSi; Come and : i, Pendleton GET the habit of osing wood for fueL Yon save money by do Lag so. Hie -kind of wood w sell Is easily kindled and greet foil : heat yaloe Try us with an order. - , BANHELD-VEYSEY FUEL CO. Phone Kiia 353 V: 80.TKr4 $ti at ad aa th Osaat Weatharai snl filled by th appolntmnt of M. J. Grand Fork a It is said among railroad men that sir. Campbell baa used excel lent Judgment In every one of bis ap potntmenta. . , f: Reduced Rate to California. ' Tha Southern Paclflo company baa placed on sale round trip tickets te Los Angeles at the rate of tSS. limit daya - Thia affords aa excellent op per- tunity to visit the many beautiful win ter resorts of southern California at sBOderate east. - - ' Ol : : v.. -rv. . hand-made ; buttonholes, mixtures, serge lined, every . Every.. Statement Here is an Absolutely -True One. p. w. a. 'wax i Hi iraei may ae insisuiea. j .. ... c v ; i. . 1