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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1905)
i v TIIS OHZGON DAILY JOTOttAi; PORTLAND. , TyESD AY & VENING, UAECU 81. .. lCClii 'Oltl H0t5't. nmnm rom rnwnnt or xait .'.'.. .i , TWELFTH t.-ZIT. Notice to hereby glren (hit th Council of IM City of rurtuaa, upuu. at a meeting " " held on the 15lh day ( btarrh. IttOR. dec tared ...-.......,.. im ml by ortUnne No. M,(tfl, toe the I a tiaprvTriwot of bit lwift street, rrom the 1 " anuih line-' of Multnomah Mwt to th aonth ' line of Tillamouk street. In the nuuir prut ... . Tuied or eraiuenc I.". -apee earn-to. pert oi nl iUH i , , ob wnu, waice r euecUlly aad peculiarly bwaUUd, .to b aa ,' A parrel of Und lying between tk aonth; lis of Multnomah atreet aad a lim 100 foot aoeth therefrom and parallel therewith aad between th at and wn line , of tfcat .. Twelf th street. If extended southerly to, Ita . present mars. City of Portland, t0.7t. Solladayb addition to east poet- ; XAND BLOCK 184. lot ft, Oregon Hsal Kstat touipany. . t-rgoa Kaal Kauu Company, t 1.06;, tot 7a. Oregoa keel KeUt - .' ." " Company, (0.06; tut 8, Oregon Ileal but . Company. (0.06, BLOCK 1.14, lot 6, Oregon , steal " wwiwu, fu.uo; lot a, oregoa - i Baal Ketato- Company, , io.oO; lot T. Ore eon : Baal Batata Company, (out, ; lot 8. Oregon . J . W HWH WWlHf, au.uo. JSMHJK loo. kit f . O. A. Elt.n, (0.06; lot . O. A. Bltan, ' '' " I0 ! ! T, Dragon Heal Batata Company, -2 XuJ!." K"1 -Ute Company, laoft. BLOCK Sua. south nt in fe-t .. ii - 4. Mllla R. Hamilton, (34.82; north 14.82 fert , qi m o. aaae aoaeraon. 115.07; lot ft, ', ;, Jam AndaraoB, i 43.0O; lot T Jam An- drraon, 23.30; lot a. Jamea Andmoa, .1t.oU. BLOCK SM, lot 6. John U. Mitchell, flXB.loi lot fl. John.H. MltchaU. tBT.Ma; lot t, ioaa . H. Mltehalt 7.16; lot 8. Jon B. Mlteh.U, I1 tt BLOCK 234, lot ft. C. V. Thoraon, ' X16 J"!J Tboraoa, 1B.T6: lot T, C, V. Tboraon, tM.U; lot , C. V. Tboraoa, tm.m. BLOCK 267. lot I, Rem bar it Helllr fcatata, Helri f, $1.1B; lot 8, Baron a rd IWEST IBVINUTON BLOCK 4e lot .' JU aOLLAOAT'S ADDITION TO. BART PORT LAND BLOCK UB. lot a. Orerw Rm) KaUta ComnaBT. aO.OS: lot .1 (Vmiu. Ueal iw.u CompanT, io.On; lot t, Orcoa Heal Katat Compnj, u.od; lot 1 Company. Au.06. BLOCK lsV lot 4. Oncoa Beat Batata Goaopanr, ICeoi - lot t, Orx . Beal KUta Coapaay, . 0.06; 1st 2, Ongoa , Baal Eaut Company, 10.06: lot 1, Oroo " BmI but Companj, I0.W. BLOCK 1ST. lot 4. Orejoo Baal batata Company, o.ufti'lot B, It1 Bitat tympany, au.uo, ioc a. Oraoa Baal Kaut Coupaay, lo.OBj lot V Ortxn Baal Batata Company, fo.oft. r BLOCK , v nana r. rrenn. ioi Charlea 1. Prann. tm.'S. him:k, 22S. lot W. S. aad Batl K. Conaar Batata.. Hair of. .it.oui jot a,Jt B. and KaU B. loer, Kit ate. uir of, a5.S0; lot ioI H. Thateba. int.15: lot 1. ioaanh H. Tbatchar, -: . BrX hT iT lot J. Orcaon Baal ?uu 0-npany."4T.Mi lot . Oregon. Heal - iompanyt lot z. 4. . nia- BU)CK 3m, lot fi, Charle BMd.BaUt. Heir of, H29.16: lot S. Caarlaa Bead taut. ' - Hlr '. 7.6; lot 2. J. A, Hertaiaaa, 4s.W. KMT 1BV1N0T0N BLOCK 125. lot S. J. B. S7S.BMl"i lot 4. , victor a. ry, , , rt.aa. Total, i7a4. j A autement' of aforeaald aaasaament 4 hat , i he eutered la, tb Voeaet of Olty Ueaa ' and - . I no dua and payabl at th offlea of th niT araurer, a laafal monay of to Unltad Bute, and If not paid wlthla SO day from t date of tola aoUra. men proeaadlnr will .o take for th eollectkm of th am aa ar proTldad by ., tk ehartar of lb Uty at .: t'ortlaad. . v. Th abor ' aatwaamrnt will bear Intereat '' 10 dayi after th flrat putiU-aium of thi- ' THOB. C. DIVUH. Afuiltar of tha IHte of Pertlss.1. riat' of first poallcatioa, Purtlaad, Oragoa, saaa ava 4S . ....... jiioTOKCTT fob ntraoTziixn tr im . ...... nn nun, . ;t , .;, Notte la bereby jtlrfn that tb Co aril ef X.h City of Portland, Oregon, at a Bwetlng aua am ua join uay ot Mart' a, iiajo, ctecauad th aaaraaoieot by ordinance May 14,0S tor th Improrement of Bast Pin -street, from th eaat lln of Bast Fifteenth atraet to tb eaat liner of Last Klfhteenth street, ta tb manner prarided . by ordlaaBr Bo, 14,287, upon" earh lot, part of lot and parcel ef land, which ar perilly mma aaaaaiaiay oal9a v BW BB louowa, . .. via: , . , lAIKRN'B ADDITION tw Kaat Portland BIJVC . ai. lot 4. Alfred P. Nelson Estate, Heir of. a.T0: lot 8. Alfred P. Nelson Estate. - Heir af, north to of lot 0. John Nel- bob. an.4i; anau h of kt 0. Clsra B. Nortb- iir"P. ?; t Mary P. Pslbcmaa, to. 62, airnuiavfl l auviiiun t rantaaa oreeToa- . . BI,0'K X. lot 4. W. T. B. Nlenokmi . -.. 7j lot t, - W, T. B. - Nlrimtao, .T2; lot 4. W. T. B. NlrhokKra. IttlB: lot S. wrB.-lclVlaoa, tbaVM.'': BLOCK . B, lot '4, W. T. B. Mlcbobmn, tnttO; lot t. W. " T. B. Nlrbobwo, ;t4.74 eaat H of lot 6, Mmn m. sbrsna, aa.i: - w of m a. Jam T. Chlnnnrk.- tU.t0 west H of . lot r . w.' T. B. Mobolaoa, IJ: waat lfe af lot ft. W. T. B. Nlrbobum. 4b.46. . Mr. W. 'McfltriKft'S 'ADDITION to tha CI tr af r-ratao auutn at - tor s, assanoa w. aee raiissB, nsua ok euv.eoi ioc a. a, tm nn a y, Reed Katate. Heirs ef. KU.24. . 1AIKEN 8 ADDITION ta Bast Portlaad BLOCK KI0. lot 1. WllUam T. B. Bl-bolaoa. foa.47 'Kt tlnUk T. B. Nicholson. t.0, lot - - T. William T. B. Klrtroewo, IILM;' lot . WIIMaea T. B. Nlehnhna. AMI IX. ! KICHOIatON'B ADDITION. Portland, Oregoa - huh'k , Kt , wuiiam T. b. Hicbotaoa,; m a. wuiiam i. n. nmoitm. a.M wuiiam i. n. nicaoisBR. aw. so; I T. B. NlrHolma, tM.HT; lot I r,?f.rBNi lot t, wuiiam x. WtTHarn T. - lot K WllUam T. B. Mrbolaon, ., lot . . wiiusm a. l.t Dirnoisoa, azi.u; wt -. n mum a. n. n icooiaon, i.i, ,W. W. MCOCIKB It ADDITION to tha City : of Port landB LOCK 4. lot T. Amanda W. -... Ttnm ratatr nrira nr, imm in a, Mau B. Bark. $31.41. ToUI. 1.344 to. . A statement f aforesaid aaaaaameat has fieea entered In the Dorkct ef City IiWib. aad la bow dua and payable at tb offlr of ta Uty Twiner, In lawfol agoaey of th United Bute, and If not paid wlthla SO day from tb date of this Botlee. sorb proeeedlnar will be taken for th ralleeiloa of th same aa are provided by tb charter of tlx City af fortlaad. ', - Tb ahora aaaiaawtnt' trill' Dear Intareat )0 day, after tn . first publication f Uls -T"1 . -i:. i- , thos. ft ' lEVU,,t '- " ' ' ' Aadlinr of tb City of Partlaail ' nt of first puMleatlon, rcWtlaad, OrefoaJ Auzmuxrt for zitTROvzaSarr or tn. n I aarrra iTtrtT Notlr U hereby Kin that tb Oooocl f tna uty or . rortiano, orettoa, at a meetlnr held on th 15th day of March, 19011. declared tba aaasaament by ordlaanr No. 14.40S. for th l ., liapimeuieut of l'psbr street, from tba vast a li se ot iwenty-auta street to to west no of Xorlb Portlaad,. In tb manner pro Tided by rdlnanre No. 13.528, apoar each lot, part of lot and torrl of land, which are. apeeUlly and Bemliarly benefited, t be a follows, yli: MIRTH PORTLAND BLOCK 18. let 4, Jacob Mirer. .-4.--. lot o, J a coo starer, u.(i. BUM'K 14, andlTtded H of lot 17, BY M. Iamhrd. 1 134 64: nodi Tided U of lot 10. B. M. Lombard. 113.84: andlTlded U f lot 'M. B. M. Lombard. t-".64; andlTlded H ' -- lot 14. B, M. Lombard, . f7.40: jsndlTldad -.V, of est IS,3 feet-of TM li B. M. Lom bard, 1M 43; .BBdlTlde H f Kt 17, H. B. ; soniTioeo. of m( jo, n. IS. andlTlded of lot 1ft. H. B. annil Tided of lot 14. II. at. ejiwiieeu 7a ui an it, 11, a.. dlrlrted U ef eaat 13.38 feet Noble, ta0.43j, BndlTlded 4. 'ret of lot 13. Charlea K. nnairioaa K. Na ikt west M.aA feet JNOOie, Blil. ' Nnbl. ti:i.Ki; . Noble.. t'W.M: ' Noble. t7.: of kit la. H. , llearr. nft.7: andlTlded Vk of lot 12, (tiarle . ' K. Henry. IAS.II2; wwrll Tided H of lot II. .'- ' Charles K. Hennr, tM.HO; uodlTlded H of lot 10. Charlea K. ffenry. f0.4: nndlTlded'H f , - , lot 8, t barira k. nenry, nnnpetaad , Va f west M AS feet of lot 13, Darld IJch- tentbaler Ealate. Helra of, tAS.tM: andlTlded , 'it H of lot 2. Darld LlehtenthaJer Katate, . 4. Ilelr of. 03.wi; andiTidM h or lot 10, ' liarld Llchtenthaler BaUt. Itelra of. AH0.0S: undivided Vt of lot , Darld Llebtcatbalrr , ' Katate, Hrlr of. tim.en. . BLOCK 21. kit 2, .. IniTld I.lrhtintbalrr Batata. Helra of. I340.AO: north ftO feet of lot 1. Darld Llchtpnthal-r .. Kattate, iteirs or, sou..!; m a. hth uca - tentbaler BaUte. Helra of, I1BB.1T; kit 4. - Iiarld Llchleothaler Katate, Helra af, I173.2A; ' ! lot A, Darld U.'htenthaler Bsuta, Hair ' "" Iiiual! lot A Peter P. Haaea. 1101. DA. BAM-II ADDITION to th City of Portland HUHJI aai. Bonn t rae oi lot , ." ' Mark, t..47; north 12 ft of lot ft, J. O. ' Mark. t3.6, aorth 14 feet of t ft feet f . kit , 5- 0. Mark. to,7A; north 14 feet of . Weat 81.T feet of tot fl. Bernard fink, $2.47. '. K0KTH POBTLAND BLOCK 12, kit 4, KTer ett rcaton. ll.; lot 8. Brerett Fenton, ' til.M. BLOCK ll. lot I, Jacob Mayer, ' iabn.02; lot t. Jacob Mayer, 23.a7; lot 3, Jamb Mayer, 120.HO; lot 4. Jacob Mayer. ' ilatLtal; lot ft. Jacob Mayer, $1-4.38; lot 4. ' i . Jacob Mayer, I14 A2; wt Va of lot J, Mary Matlle La ram. tla 30; eaat V, pf lot T, Aanl IJodiklnaon. f2.30; lot ft. Jacob Mayer, '; kt . Jaoob Mayer. nrv4.43. RlOCK o. lot 1. Mark A. Mayer, ;142.7; 'kit 2. Mark A. Mayer, fttfnli lot ft. Mark A. Mayer, IAa.rft; kit 4. Mark A. Mayer, ft 17117; art A Mark A. Mayer, $101.00: Jot 0, Mark A. ' Marer. ftlirl TA. Blrht of way Portland Con solidated Railway Company a track,. ftaOT.IM. - ToUl. tA.34H.82. . .' A sttteme- of forMld aament has been entered In tb Imrket of City He, and -mW ilue and narable at tha office of the . City Tresinrer, In lawl money of tba United btatca. and If not paid within 20 days from th data of this notice, suck proceedl will b taken for th cnllernon or tne asm a ' tr amTliTed by th charter of th City of '""TbeafeoT' aaaeesment will ' Bear Interest 10 daya after tk tlrat psb Ilea tin ef tbls .; " THrtB. d DBVUN. ' , . '"Auditor of tha City of Portland. ' flata of first publication, fortund, Orrgoa, ft tl. IIN. .,,' CTTT V0TTCXI. raoMIJO 'tMlTT f 0B ntTBOTB - Mjarr or i-aotobt itkzii aoa.ment. lor- Improreient of raetory ?'-r-of. t"d " P"10" DWDU"?! rt from lb uth Una of Viut, itrietto J1',"J lmproyoeDt of foarth a tree t. treat to north Una of Tharmaa atraet, and baa aa- wbat h drama a luat aoturrioJat U,. Ioiro7,nt m ieeorUnc. w aarUlned f coat or tk improeemeat In aeeordaora with th apaclal ana paoullar baa f Ita darlred. by awh paroai of land and lot o part thereof witnia ana aaBaaBanaBE oiarrfer. l.. . r - w w.u aim fv e pvi wnwi Uoned tb east fur aald lmproTamant In th I Sifii IS dltrlot aad has appor- . ., u aunuiM mmt. iT ..i JTI I Booed tb cost for said ImorsTemant In thai lot or . par taereat aa lta abar of audk n I r",u onaoslt sack paroai f tend and posed anasament. . I " uierawi aa m sure K a sea pro-1 aj ' in ahleotiiwa J tba .malua, .a a I POSOd SaMeaSBMBt. I . ' ' ' I f . u lri -..Vi: " I Aw o tertt-aa to (haaneMMnaist of enat I 11 to-th Oounell and filed with the AndiuS !. f1! miiro-oaatnt mat b mad la writing wlthla IB daya from th data of tha.flaat ioh. I Yi " uxincll and filed with th Auditor wlthla acrocieu a follow I K.1S lineal fee of two lira Uo a of thla ao tie, aad aald obleftlooa will l5 fro,a b Uau of tb flrat publlcatloa riu brirk aad (tocta aii-ahapad sever of 4 k beard and determined br tha (i-il hi! bU aottc. aad , mid blUoaa will b ft locba by feat i inrka elear lmlda for to asasam of th ordlnanea oat of aald ImpeoTamaat. -, - WIIJiON'fl ADDITION TO TWW ntWT . ,A 1 1 .TTT urn Dineir i a .. . fl.05; lot 5, Ueorg Good. 8.glj ibt , Mary I, a. I , eta aa TT2 TT A Barrel of land Irtna between the snitk of Lpsbor atreet aad aorth Una ef Tbarmsa Kat.a Ka i i, a t, Wilson' AdxllUo to th City of Portlasd'. and a Una loo feet east of and parallel with tba east lln of raetory atreatT blT-stai rarrell. ISM: , NORTH PORTLAND BLOCK ft. aonth M fee or un i, nuuam neini. jjni north BO feet of lot 1, Joseph Dolph. t30. t; lot 2. H. P. BllaaM. ftCO.70; aootb 40 feet at lot .ft. Nick Jarnbaon, 1 46.04; north 10 feet af lot 3. William Beldt. tll-26; aoatb H af , lot 4. William ruldt t30.0; north H 1 t . 4. Oscar Peterson, $30.01 1 cast 40 feet of lot ft, Herman Hansoa. ft3.1S; waat 8ft feet of lot ft. Par Peteredb. ftftV.f). , . , All at block ft. Blaektatoae. Addition to th . City of Portland, lyluc weat of a Una loo i feet east of parallel with the east Una .of Kaetory atreet. Amanda Band: tfi.tM. '- WIlJ!ON'i ADDtTlON TO THB CTTT OP POKTLA -I ! BIXM.-K X. lot' L WllUam tt Noon. t28.ftT; lot 4. William 0. Noon, 6fi.ft4: lot ft. Peter Matsoa, tf6.12; lot ftTtadd i niton. IS M: lot ft. Ladd A Tlltna tl KT. N0BT11 PO BTLAN D BLOCK 1, lot i, Jacob mayor, oi.o; mn a. esoop Mayer; B04.U7, lot. ft, Jacob Mayer, ftnr.43. Toul. rnt.ftO. , TH0S. C. DEVLIN, Auditor ar rh Cltr of Portland. flfiU'ML Data ef first publication March 90, 1W. rBorous iitrsoTximrx or hoixaday Notte la bereby (ire that at tha w--at of tba Council of the City of Portland Oreon. held on tha 16th day of March, luuft, tb fak- auwing resuiniioa wsa aoopten; Besolred, ' That the Council of tb City ef roitamxiUp .vrreaoDa 'aeems it xpeaaBt ana par poae to tmproT Holladay arena,' except that pnrtloa of aald arenoe used by tb Portland Consolidated Hallway Company for right of way purposes, lying between th eaat nd of tha steel bride asd th aaat lla f Crosby street, from tb Mat end of tb steel brides to tha eaat Un at But Pint street, la th follow tug manner; to-wlt: Plrst By grading th atraet fall width with fall Intersections to th proper sub-grade. . Beooad By paring tb street full width with fall Intereactkm with wood block treated wltk rarboilaruta aTtnarlua oa a concrete foundation uf not lea thaa b Incbea la depth. Third By . coaatrucUag atoa ; blocaadr double raw. - north laylSat -artificial atoa aMewalka- '. Plfth By constructing artificial atoa curbs. . HI.IB-i-Ta Portland " "--tTi Haltsrax Oomnany to re more tb rail now in aa east ef th center Un ot Crosby street and t ra- pmc u sua wita i-iaa gtoore rail oa a corn-ret foundation. Bald laaprenment to-be mad la aronrdtm. with tba cbarur aad erdlaaacea ef the city ef Portland aad-th pUna, sneclfi ration and ailiaala, M th. ler 1 , ww . .. aufiinm, (Jan, l UTB sfflcs of tb Aadlior of tba City ef Portlaod on ta 1Mb day ef March, 1006, ladonedi "City Bogiaear'a plan and specific Ueaa tot tba 1m BroTmcnt ' f Hotladay arena from the east ad af tb atari bride to tb aaat Ua t Beat Plrst street, and tb estimates of th work to b doa and tb probable toul coat thereof." The eaat ef eald Imnranmeut to be t PTOTaOed by th city obsrter noon ta nroo. arty specially aad peculiarly baaeiltad thereby, aad which la hereby declared to be all tb lota, part thereof and parcel ef land lying between tba east aad af tb a teal bridge and a Una 100 reel sari el ana parallel with the east Ua of Beet First atreet and between the eonth Una of Holla day a yens and a Una 100 feat Booth thereof and parallel therewith, aad also th south 100 feet of black 63, 63, 61 and ftO, aad tb aonth 100 feet ef the wast 100 feat of block 4U, Bolladay'a addition, and tb teata aaterly en half of block 4, McMillan's addi tion t Bast Portlaad, aad a parcel ef land southeast of said block 4, Mr hti Ilea's addition to Bast Portland. - Tn EDgiDeara eat route, af th probable- tntal at . for tb lmnroaenMat. at aald lliilhadna BTenaa la ftlft.lnB.0O. . . Th a bore Imoroeement 1 to a classed aa a wood block Improreaasat ' ana aball be anala- tainea by tne cl ty ror a perioa ef eight years, proTiaed that tha owner af a majority ef the aronertr benefited br . aald lmoroeaaaant ae any aortJoB thereof bU net petitloo far new or different tmproresaeat be for tba x- plratioo of each period. " To plana, spocifb-atlotja aad aatlauitm ef th City Bngbwer far the lmpromnt at aald Bo today arsnns br -hereby adopted. . Keeelred. That the Aadllor ef th aty of roruana a ana na at aereoy atrerted to sit I Kjgj;. "'- UmTmma 9 J w'lTrarT wrtVuartt1 'uneali wl.W20.yTlrnhrt datTaTlbr'fMwl aabtltotloB. of this aotire. - - . . By order of the Council, " ' . . THOB. O. DBVLillf, ' I Aadltor of tha Cite af PnrtlaeilL Pertlaad. Oreeoe. Data ae rtra amhltatiaai I War.. 1 a- " - HJ- I vutanmn tob TjrwKOTnvzvr ot tjt.1 ' " : uxm tTBZXT. Norlc M hereby siren that 'th Onuw-fl ef I tne uiry et rwrtiaao. Oregon, at a . meetlnr held oa th lfttb day of March, 1S0S, dee hi red the am am aunt by ordlnanc No, 14.497, for the ImproT-inent ef Ppabur atreet, from tb Weat lln ef Twenty-fifth atrae to the aaat lla of Twaty-Uth atreet.. ta -the meaner sroTiaed by crdinanc Na. 13JI27, npon each lot, part of lot aad parcel et laad, which r pecU)ly and pecnllsrly benefited, to be at folkiws, t1: WllJiOW'ft AUDfTlON to tb CRT of Portland BLOCK T, tot ft, c-mra Maroorf, 87047; lot ft, Clara Mardorf. (3A.0A; aorth 14 feat af lot 4, Klla L. Waadwsrd. tfl.lA . . ATKINBON'B ADDITION to the City of Port-1 ia nn niArua t, n tu, asmma a. waaeman, I 13thB2; lot ft. W. W, Oondall, (llT.fBi lot ft, Iawrence 8. KaUer, (129.30; lot T, Jnwanh mijn, 1. a J fa , .a na I - aaia, , t T. ua , art a, "'l" aatFtta, eahSTh NORTH PORTLAND BLOCK 13, lot T, Henry Wernbard- Bauta, Helra . ArB.rB; krt 4, ery. n einaaru nsuta, neira ot, ami. on; l kit 6. Henry Welnhsrd Kstst. Heir of.; lot 4, Henry Welnbard BaUU, Helra Ot. Bill.. W1LN0N-8 ADDITION to tb City of Portland I -, riixruri r mt p. Mwara boob, wt.m; lot 12. Mary Blchet, (9 68; south 14 feet of kt JJ, Marr Rlchet. til 4. - - ATKINBON'H AJiblTION to the aty of Port-1 lane nt-in n. z. lot i. mary Kirnet, kit 2. Ntelano Mario. tl16.M4: kit ft. Mr, fl. Ml I I waarirav firr.pz; in- . uenry w. mea. 12B.OT: lot o. li, judtera, (123.40; let ft, H. Nlfr. J61.BT.. . NORTH POBTLAND---BLOCK 13, lot I, H. Blr. aernrauai, ni.m; tot n, i u. St. Lrfimrjera, (122.00: mt ft. B. M. Iembrd. (110.20;. tot 4. B. M. LoTohsrd. (104.07. Bight at way I'urtlaad -Crniaollilated Railway Company al iraCB, filtaa, aOU!, a.OJ.0. A statement of aforesaid sanuaauit lit bee entered In tb Docket ef City Lien, and I now due aso payable at tne erne or the City Trees nrer, In lawful money of the United Ktatea. and If net paid within 80 day from tha date ef thla notice, sack pew tr dinars will be taken for the collection af th asm aa ar proTided by- the charter of th City of I Portland. . - t r -- Th sbore an-eoament will bear Intereat 10 day after-tba flrat pobUeatlou ot thla B41C.;-..... .- . , ., , n ;' .-. J ' THOft,, U. PCrLIN, "' . Aadltor nf the Cltr ot Portland. Ta la a Meat Bnhlteatlon Pnptlanat flia. II I aaarca ai, ai-iat. ..... AfttntKEKT rom nfMOTOarari! or xajt w-vV TTZl. JtT.i -ui. .t. . Notlc Is hereby aiTea that tb Council ef I PBBBT. ' I tha lite af IWliand. Oreeym. at a maetlne I held on th lftth day of March, lOAfl. sec la red I the assessment by ordlnanc No. 14.608. for tb I K pre re stent er Baat taomaos atree, rroa th st Ilnd of Kant ThlrtT-elirhlh atraet to the I weal line or rjaai -i nn-ty-uraia BTreer, in tne I manner prorlded by .ordlnanc No. 14.223. noon I each let, part of hvf had parcel of Und. wh lob 1 urn specially aad peculiarly benefited, ta balJn a follows, tib: ARTMC1I PARK ADDrnON ,TO BAST PORT I.A S D BLOCK ft, lot T, Agnee riohann. Agnea Bormoo', (,V1 97; tot 10. Albert Bartach, I ..; mi n, ngne Horsvm, 44H.14; lot n. az.r; lot 11, inline narocn. 140.74: lot I 40.t 12. Ottilia Bartach. (HI aa. nijiCK 4. lot 1. Jesal B. Robsoa. (31.02; tot J J. t. ftofttt, I Ji-.uo; Kit a, Annie weixe, 444. zr; tot 4, oseph. K. GUI, (AT 17; lot ft, Melrln C, Jleorg. (40. T4; let ft, Melrln 0. George, (71.87. Total. (014.44. A statement ef.aforraald aeaeaameat , baa been entered In th Docket of city Uena. and I a now an ana payanie at tn efflcw of the I ity Tress erer. In lawful mooey of the- Called I tatr. ana u not paio, within 0 onrar from 1- th dat of thl notice, sncb proceeding- will be taken for tb collect lea -of th eame aa ar pmrtdod by. th charter ef bt City of. roTTiaaa. - . Th abere aearasment '. will bear' Interest 10 dan after the flrat nub lira Una af thla oatlcr. .. . . - TrTO). v. pktMN, A ndl lor f th Cliy of Portland, rhit nf flr"t nubllcailon. PortlaaA. Oreroa. March ti. WA . .. '. - , CITT VOTICXK. ' 1 lB0OD AJdlllUXT . tOM ntTKOTX- ZlT ''"'l UT" Pu. Un Wood- atrext, aad baa . a jat apportion, U tk anaurtljnmjit of f th 1 HI pro ea meat 1 aeoardane wltk ii im MHUur paaafiia- dart) by I a II I T I , , M g.ttHV Al tu.uat llin BLOCK t, Tf , to feat of aortb 100 leac aatllcMar uucarua I nvaafnunt la,n, I T-0; want 50 feet of aaat 80 feet f aorth f . ' Lmi Troamar. 1K18; west SOU I feet f eaat 100 fna at iwa-tte 1no tea, I I Walsh. east tw feet of north I ? auotii juo tnt, Joseph and Vic I s point in xnoinpenn atreet at 1 . Klminatur, WM ; aorth 4a feat fl" reti A.O40 llaeal faet of tw. I' Booth W feat of t feat, Mary .ncban- ''"f br. na t.'ao -rtaped aewer of rick, 4ft.4a; east 74 feet ot aoatb (O feet; llattU Jobnaoa. ft- ua; waat 20 feat or eaat tb 60 ftot. Victor, letoffm. loo f( ( so A parcel ef Und lying between th waat una ot room street d a lln ; ion r a, thereof and parallel ibortwltb, and betwee tha north and aoatb line r Pa-ta aa.t i Malted westerly In 1U present course. Ore- goa Kallroad Narlgatlon Company , 44.BL A parcel f laad bounded and described aa follow: Oommencina; at tha UtarsaetaMi of : south ln of f ueter street, sxtaaded westarly In It present course with the waat Un of Poarth atreet aa now aaUbllalwd. aald point being ftO tart aonth and ft.aft feet weat at aouiawcat coroer of block 47, CanTUwr' Ad- Ailioa ta neMihaJU iaiii .. Portland, these waat oa aoatb Un ef Per. tee araaatt aalajwla i. l.. a V. Va. . 1 . """':.' . ' . . e!"" wune ei.ea leet aa we una er old ranu aiee ... a I IL.,, , " TS. .VT. .ZzLTl eaat and aaraUal with aoatb Use ef rwu treat, extended westerly in It present eoura 1US.U feet to weat Use f Peurth street at Bow esUbllabed, thence northwesterly aa westerly Un ot rearth atrsat ta begiauilng, rilen C. Merriaoo. t-ULlo. , , -, Baaterly 100 feat otT parcel el land boanded and described aa fellow: Commencing at a esuouanea, - thence nor tb westerly aa wet to beatonlnat. point en eaat lln of Fourth atreet. ' said 1, iniat. being ilo feet Booth and 0.84 fret southwest corner ef block 47, Ca rather' Addition to Cars there' AddltJoa to tb Olty ef Ported, tbenc weat 5Tl f Jt Weat Une af eld Pnnrth.saa eataawled 'ootherly. '; ffceac eonth . oa the wast lln ef Old fcatarth atraet anrtaawlaai 2 ft, thence east UK.32 feet to tb want tine i. ronrta street a new as tab Uabed, theaea north -res terly an weat lln f fourth KSa'ef0 ,' Q B" Kaatorly' 100 feet f 4 parcel of land boanded na Oeaerlbed ss follow: OommeJng st a paint on weat Una et K north atreetZa now pbfn0f hi, 'corneTo, o'oca Of, uartrtnerr Addition to drainers' Addition to th Cltr of Portland, thaaea -t aad paralkal wlU aoath lloa.f Porter strt extaoded weetarlT 1 lta nrsaeat easnaa. 11H a fet to Wost Una ef old a-onrll, atrial ai. Ur theocanort.a"dt'we;i line of old Fourth street ! f i tbence"aaf 113.32 fret to -WeaTTlse . atraet aa new estsbllahed, tbenca aoatbeaat HarTr'n. ,.n"r la"" " "uu AalTlbotoof .parcel of land bounded tsrmctloa f aorth lln ef Woods atreet and b itnat Jr.hiiS 25 7t 7h 2Tra hLt LiT.t "ili went una or ronrta sti - aald point being 200 feet aaat af soathww -tha TST7ot PUnd thcTr-f oia-.a U L al 'wLnSi iV.!e!L7VoJJil! waitf.. -rid Vtr.1. -rf t12JKLA? -aaT-" - . . . t: r-oirt k aTrLrJl taJli i riff ?Ljl e. Jlr. 1(JL ..v"?f! !,a;i -ti.lA . to Hr rofrT araTTf -ft' liIo iiiT!- JT,. . 7 a-" ' lii!?1 fcJS?.i!?,!J.'r! Lfa5rtt CAnr'oTVi'RrK'Ba' rmW... .i,I i, 1...---"?- "" f mtf' - Vc."r'c". Baumgartner. t-.ri2. ro.0t l-LT. rll. L" 'JomPB" .rjftbt af way,- BUaabeU Baumgartner. 344.10, AU of lot a weat lot Orrcoa A CaHrornla . Ballroad ftempany a right of, way, Jeremiah - aii 5' i!l8,a'ii-v'1"i-il-' -VJ.'.a " . - i.2iS?JLjJ?i 'CS 6a; ' u. . -T aia ,Ci ' " " " a tnewc aoetn en u une juv reet at oi ana pr-W.?rtct-..f04.. L mt: 1 , allel with tea eaat Una ef Kaat Teeth atraet fia,?,' i.' JPortIB y!. eT Caratbera I to a point 100 feet' aoatb ef the aeuth Une - ... - . . -iiiiosi a ma tiry of Pertlaad lying weat of a lln 100 feet at If "i .T" ",."! '. rw,rt,, "tij . " "yav s uuiaai sue i road Company, for rlgbr of way purpoae, I i Tr1? Mai OaUroruU - Railroed Company, I V.. a i-a a a ' ' . I " . "-T-woa m i Osllfsmla Ballroad OempanyB right of Way 1 and Weat of a Ilea 11 Ml reet east aC etui I rralWIW1th the aaat Una ef Fourth a treat, I . A 1-jrceMaf uid Wtwa. tb at Hn. imVhtmihi .L.J'l.l oi tended weaterly in lta preamt coarea. Or - aa nain-oa m narigauon company. .. 1 1 1 AH fhat portion of a parcel ot Und Irtoc -westerly af a Una 100 feet easterly of' and I parallel with th easterly lln ef Fourth I atreet, which I bounded and describ-d ss fol. I . en; neamDinB on we aoutn use -er t-ortee i street sale-adad westerly In lu present rooree I - ana in west un er in uragon California I Railroad Company' right ef way. thence weat I : oh.70 feet, thenc south 100 feet, thenc east I 80.2ft feet to the west line ef the Oregon A I CaUfornla Balrroad Ceaapeny'a right of way, I .tneae nortaaf-ateriy tb Treat Un f th Orecon A CaUfornla Ballroad Company' right f way t pla f begiaalng,. LocreU Nash. (8.17. . - tA pareal of land boanded tad drectihod a initowai unmmeacing at tb lnaersectlon of I tha aontk Mae af Paetae atraat ' I , weoTfriy ia. m prssimi Siiui. slid seat ot Una t ef F north atreet aa now established, said point being 00 feet wroth and 11.74 feet 'aaat I ef tb southwest corner ef block 47. Ca- ratbers' Addition ao Carnthera' Addltioa th aty of Portland, thence eaat en th anwtb ua or porter atreet extended 78.2ft feet. thenc weat and parallel with Porter street -extended aft.02 feet to the aaat Una of Fourth . street na new established, thence northwest . erly oa tn aaat Un f F aorth atreet ta be. .ynniagr..atary .jmimpton aauisv - Metre ef., W-t-rly 100 feet of a parcel ef Und belled f "T?1 " ,',ow.:. V"2e, " iiaewtiian oi vna aoria una oi woooa atreet and tb eaat Un of Fourth atreet aa now eeubllnhed, aald point being tOO-feet aoatb and 60.22 feet baat of the southwest corner er nine nr. I anrthers Addltioa to Csrather' Addition te the City of Portland, thenc cast nn tn uortn una or wood atreet 04.00 feet, t. thenco north at right angle to - Wood VMreei luu n with th aari rtb lln of Wood atreet 108.18 raat lln of Fourth street aa new thence eoatheaaterlr en th eaat feet I th mat established. line of Fourth atrsst to beginning, Olrrar fl. Holme. ftor.tA. All of that portion ef a parrel ef laad tying weaterly ef n line 100 feat eaaterly of and parallel with tha essterly Una ot Fowrth atreet . aa .now published whleb la hrmnded I and Oeaerlbed aa foubwa: Commencing ut ' Intaraectloa ef t north line of. Wood street and waat line of Oregon A California Com- riany a ngat ox way, thenc weat on aorth In of Woods atreet 17 feet, thenc aorth ... .,. - i nr a- . . . I Vi. ,rf rak liVof .ltl I .100 fact north at aorth lln ot Wood. atreet. thenc coat and parallel with north line ef Wood atreet 62.14 feet to point ea west fine ef Oregon A CaUfornla Kallroad Comoanr'a e; Vn .?twr r.'f-r. nroVd company'a right f way 'to beginning, Lear aa. aoaier a loo. . xoiai so' . la. THOS. 0. DBTT,IN, ' Aadltor of the City of Portland, Oregon, DaU et flrat pubUcaOon March 80, 1006.. rD AABXftftftcaiT ro nc0Ti. . , ' ' " " "'' i a- "Nolle la bereby glTen that tba Aadltor ef I the City oft Portland baa prepared a proposed I asaemmeni inr tne improTemeni et rur-r i atreet from the northwesterly line of Randolph I atreet i -a inaa i-nf tert atmiiieaaTeriy totire-1 from, and baa aacerl and baa aacerumeo what be deem a Just apporUeumtnt nf coal Of ta ImproTement the special and peculiar acrordsaca with bemftt derlTfd by f-ach' parcei f laad and lot ot Prt thereof Within th ami mment duv Itrlct. hind baa apportioned the cent for aald laaataal In tka teatll set anneatla aafe parcel of land and lot or part thereof aa lu ana re i suca aropoa-01 smiaaian at. Any object ioo to .the apportionment ef coat far said Imnrorement most . .. "'""a told ImproTement. - I ALBINA niTr.n noutn w teex nr iox 1 ft. LeaU Nlcella. (236.20- north 3A feet of I kt . . lonia nicmia.; sbotu no teet 1 of kit ft. tilt of Portland. (224.61. I AI.BINA BUX'K TO, tot 4. James fl. Mont-i - goaaery Katate. Helra of. (02 64; tot ft, Jamel tn tb Council and filed with th Auditor within bald on th 16th day ef March, 1 800 the In. IS day from th dale of th (rat publlcatloa towing reaolntlea ws adopted: of tbl notice, and aald abjection will be heard Bewilredi That the Cooocil ef the City ef and determined by the Council before the pa a- Portland, Oregon, deem it expedient and par sax of the ordinance smiialng ta eoat af pose, to Imprnr Bast Third treet from Ik , n. Monicomery estate, neirn ar. rw l. I with tne charter and ordinance nf tba City af , BLOCK no. tot 1. Jams B. Montgomery I Portland and the plana, sneclflrattona and -yautc Heir f, (2M 02; north SO feet of I tlmstea of th City Engineer, fll-d rn th ffle , tot 1 Jama B. Montawmery Eaut. Hair l bf tb Auditor nf th (ity f PorlUnd en the THOB. r. nETT,!; ! Aanitnr nf tb fify of wtlan Oreron. Dbj at Amt paJ-ltotlan. Marth 20, .JJMft. CTTT kOTICXS, ; T l0rMXO BTU 16 Ul6wV AS il IBTMOTOjT DXITBICT IZWIB. Motiea ta keeehv atvem thai at ih nae. I bM tk. ISt a W alar all, mup, th tu, : tewing rewjlnlloo waa adopted: . . ' Beaolrad. Tkavb.lka Couaaill a,f tha, rnr uw uawii vs ua viir ox ronuBQ. ifreaoM. I Portland. Oreaon. deema It aanealiuit amt mp. I poe to OMatrvrt a abwer tab kaowa aa Mm I -Tina:ioa wamrt sower, wltk ail neeeaaap catca-oaaui. man. on Ma, wmp-ntteM and branefcea. I Baat Twanty-rUat atrt, . Braae atreat, Kaat Hare teen Lb a tree t. Tbomnaon street. Kaat oarentb a treat. Baa .Rafael atreet, WlUUma leoaa, ntneari acreeii toeae . aoata oo Oa eaa an mlnatea waat from tbaaweat end of asx-oek atraet to the low water mark of th WlliaBMtt rlaar. Bald aawar to 'be Co. .llHMt ,t Em., BMaalaa,!!. ataa,. 1 BH I, I 1 ' two-ring brtrk aad atoa cgc shaped I aewar 411 m nar . IDrneai If V rsaa au I !" rlear Inalda dUmalar soother lr Is Baal MTvateentb atratt from point la Braae atreet to S Bolnt-la Halt Beeenteentk etreet at I Tbomnaon itreet) tkaaea westerly la Thomp- 1 1 Incbea by f feet ld Inches deer I oistom-t wwieny rrmn a poin I Tlmmnsmi atreet at Beat Twelfth atreet la a point In Tnomnaoa atraet at Bast ovrentb atreet: thence soother! rly In Bast Bsrcntb street I to a point la Bast He re nth atreet at Han Bafael "et; thear westrrlr-ln Baa Bafael street 1 to a aalnt In Ban- Bafael atraet at William 873 lineal feet of two-ring brick nd 'ton drcnlar aswer of 4 feet ft Incbea clear mda diameter southerly from point In. WIW llama aranue at Has Bafael atreet to a point la I William arana at Baneock atreet; thenco weat- I " au.J"a"oe trt to a point la Uancork IHS!. J,,J w,mi '! J-T,-t. "- of PUnt I "treat; lfta. ttaaal fet of two-rlnsr brick and "rcumr aawar or. J I lasld diameter to a Dotnt feet ft Inchea clear I aald diameter to a point 2K2 feet west of tb ITTJ0! tr-H J " tet of I tWO-rTnaT brick and tO drcalar aa-ee of I aa, laa laalaa al.aUo I. II I 1 . . - w... ,,.uur, I street from n mint !M M waat of tha, a-r I Ua ef PUnt atreet to a point tn Hancock atreet I' ll.,M ,lr th Pregon Ballrosd A I , , , ""r-'i Jl""' "r; v uneei I "T , ' ' , ." "T" ,ot r""0rln boo 1"?- J' r"!" ' tart 4 ltxe AimmMm from th aaat' lln ef iitffJ1'' 1 WUIametU I . vu,"r e--ww m a iwi u inoees rs-sr twara ef tb Oragoa icht ef war water mark. I aornraaBC wita tn mry - Jaagloeer plana, sped flea t loo and astimstea. ' ' u.-T7 Bald tower to be omwtiwoted rn aeewriaaa I Ei, ch!ri the qty of i?, i.'mSST with tb charter and erdlaanr of the City of . - v . . . -. .'a . t , ,,, a uiikt or ta aaturor or tn. city Of Portland on th intn aay or Mares inne,. inaMMi- . inia Bnglnaer'a plana and prvlfteatloae for tk tow to be known ea tb Irrtncrton district sewer. nd tb estimate ef tb work to b doa and KV li U, 'wrc' .rf to JL!' SSTV"Ltl'. "'L A'l i7,, tk. ilirrW raT .t I !'lmt a w,iB.. .! dlattlet bounded and 4- ! Sn rx -r. I ' . v"!, w. w I "outbcrly . tb, center line of Blref atreet I? ' Vl.ww rioe. .-.i if" i V U &"'r " ,b ' . T ."' . "0- rigbt Of Way t B J 1"', easr I rTTeet ir elt-rio-d weaterly i thence essterly i oa T. rrreex ir elf-noed wentsrlyi thence essterly 'aaJlttooB lla 160 feet Booth of and paraDel wita 5JJJ2Tlh south lln of Tilten atreet ta -thY-w-t Tin oi auianoetn irnng- seeond addition; thear rth .kmg tb. wmt line of Blltobetb Irring a wlloHa'rr!?0 IZLZ?.,: I umt Hancock atreet to a point 100 'r' of m,t Ninth atreet; theww north oa a line 100 feet eaat of and par- '' 300 - -th of tW aonth llni of I Tlllamanh atreet; throe east en lln. 100 ft "" of Parallel with tba aoatb lln oi Tuiamoon atreet to a point 100 feet east ot ot -t Blataenth atreet; theme ""' " Use 100 feet ea.t ef and parallel wtt" U" ' Baat Bliteantb atreet to " Una otTlllamonk atreet; thno eaat Jo" rntn ' of Tillamook atraet to a Etat 1,10 " Un of Bast lfeT'eUaBdSlM. .IS ' Tbomnaon atreet; trjenc seat along th eiTnompsea a treat to a point 100 feet sant ef tb eaat lln of But Trnir. thane, north on line lOO ft east ef end parallel with th sut lln of Best I TweatT'fOurlh straet tn . sax too fa aaark I r u. k iia. r ni a'ajlTeaa. -2.. Ion a lln 100 feat nortbof and para Ul with I north Hoe af Oolng atreet to a polat 100 I feet aaat of the east lln ef Eaat Tenth straet; lot t'reacott atreet; thenc west ea a Una 100 feat eonth of and par.U.I with the south lln ' l"recott street to a point , 100 fit eaat a i u eaat una et iiuioa arena; thence aonth oa a Un 100 feel eaat of and parallel with tba eaat lla of Tjnloa a re no ta the renter Una ef Morri atraet; these want on th center Un of Morris atreet to the canter line ef Union arenas; thenc aonth ss tb center lis ef Colon aeenne la ,ha aala II .1 s . , ... (bene wast ea lb center Un of Hacraments InVnce ootT eT tb twntei SmVtWlMtm w-tsthoJTtir lloV of Pay VtreeV totS ZL""J L" LI LL! ! 1 i! to center Un ef AJbinn aTeno to the cantor une et Hirer street, in point et begin 14. contalalna Saft.ft acraa. more or leaa. The cost ef aald sewer to be .amanaid at proTided by tb city charter upon th property aperiallf" and pecatlarty beneftted t bereby. and wotca re nereoy oectarea to ne an tn iota. parta thereof and parcel ef land lying within we autnet nareinneror nennoew ana oeecrllied. The Engine, estlmato ef tb probabl total cost for tb constrwetioa af aald awr It (102. 008.00. ' - Th pains, eaeelfteatlou and eati Bute nf tn uty Bar near ror tha cuialiBcUon ef aald aewer ar hereby adopted. Keaolred. That th Aadltor ef tb City nf Portland be and b I bereby directed .to gle notice of the proposed conatructloa of said eewur aa prariaeti oy in city charter, rfaaimmll BUI'S atnt tha ' amy- n Tina ia wnung wits -las naaeralgni wlthla 20 days from tb data af the flrat psnucatlo ot thla notice. By order of the Council TH08. C DsTtXIW. - - i Auditor of the Catr af Portlaad. Portlnnd. twegoa. Data of first nubllcstloa. maro is, iss, rmopoftiD rBPB0v3ctrT or xajt THTBTT-K00BD (TKXXT. - Notlc la bereby glien that at th meeting igS K. mVJSrV b5.eam -a. antai '7 . towtrut raaolotlon waa adooted: BasolTed. That th Council ef th City ef ntiBM. uirmu. ui iiai l eanewiietir Ban poses to tmnroT East Thirty -second atraet th north line of Eaat Morrison atreet to the aonth line of East Alder atreet. by rradlae the street to tne suaea ae aei ny u laty hnxlnef , and laying wooden sidewalk. naia ImproTement to b mad lo acaordaace Sli. ?? Stk. VSllHl.tL VL c,?rP&neiiafo2i-ti ! '.,,!.. it".1' !"?.'?. th aty of na eau ths offlea et th Auditor of the City af Portland ea the lain nay er mare a, iuiib, indorsed: "City Engtarer'a plana and specifications for th Im proTement ef Esst 1 blrty-secood street from the .7-, "J" T.V snd -tfrStaf' '' i! J' n.iaJ' "' loereoi. Th cost of nn lmtrorement to ha ' a oearided br th dry charter noon tha erne. .arty aia-ciaii aao peculiarly oeueutea tnereby, and which ia hereby dirUred to be all th lota. IN Till' i BB f." tberaof .nd parcel, et Und lying between a lla iia teet east ax as parallel with th east line ox net TBirry-crmd atreet aad a lln 100 fret weat ef aad parallel with tb wee una oi Hai -tnirtr eecnnn street and between ,vi 'Sl?' Th Kiilinrer'a estlmat of tha nrobahle total cost xnr tne impmTement oi aa lu XaUl AblrLi Second atreet I (23S.00. .' . Tha nlsufla STeHaiflaatlan aad aatlntafea a tka mty Hucineer tor tn intprTneat ef aald atreet ar aereoy aoopteo. . - . ReeolTedV That tb And! toe ef- th City at Portland be and a la hereby directed to eiea nolle of tha firopnaed ImproTement mt aald atreet a oro Tided br the city charter. Kenronetrancee agafnat th abor Imutoremeut may ae mea hi writing wita tba nadeewigned within So daya from th date f tb tint punueaimn oi THIS nonce. By ardor f th ConnrIL IUIIB. V. IlKTIiIlT, a editor ef the CUT of Portland. - Portland Data el flrat pubUcattoa, March 1ft, IftOS. noTQtzD ntnoraam or kabt thikd Notice la beeabe siren that at the. aaHu 10a jotincil 01 to 1 1 ly or ronianti, tfregoB, north lln of East Clar atreet fo tba aonth Una of Hawthorn sTtnrae. by grading tb street to th sab-rsde as giren by the City Nngtaee. by rooalrncting sidewalk and bringing lb anr'are of the Itreet ta tha asrabltshed enat nith xrsTel. , Ha Id Improramenli to be mad la aerordeae I3lh day nf March, loos. Indoraed: "fit It giaeera puna and aped neat lone ror th Im- prnrrment or Fa a I Third atreet from the north Ua af Kaat Clay ttrt to tha aouU Ua f tut f Hon cu. Hawthorn arenue, aad tba eatlmatea et tb work to b don . and tb fbi total tos,l thereat,' - ' - - j - Tb coat ef aald Imnrarvmeat to b aasamed a aroTlded by th ally charter npon tha prop. Tr opsciauy ami peculiarly anauua uurcuy. Bod WUlch Is hsreby declared to be all tha Iota. parts thereof aad pares Is at land lying be- iww a une iw leet west ot sua parallel wita tha west Una of Baat Third atraet und a Ua luo fuel east et and parallel with the east. Un ct Baat Third atreet aad between tba mat IS tin ot Bast Clay aueet aad tan south Una of liiwiberne arena. 'lb Kuglneer'a setlauts ef ,th probabl totai cost tor ua imprpTmal vf aald etas streei la The a bore lmorOTmat is to ha - ' sa a ftrkrai Impraeaseat aad aball b aaalntalnad by in city for a period t fir rears, pre Tided that th owner of a nujorlty af th property baaafltud eby aald ImproTement af any purtloa thereof shall not psttiioa fur a new or different iuproremeat be fur IM uatraUoa ef aach period. , . - ' . - The plans, apedrioatioaa and sstlautsa f th uiy aaigiueer tor th lmprOTsment af Irvat are hareb adnotaA BasolTed. That th A ad I tor ef the City of Portia udba and be la bereby directed to glee -an- u. war Dropaaen impreTeuwni ex atrsat aa DroTlded br tha eltw ehartee. Brnooatraocea agalaat the abere ImproTemrat r la i urn u , writ wg with tn undersigned Tll. 4i'.it9m tw ". Lb lust yuwaiiwi ok inia notice. -By order ,f the Council, f " . VMkt nainie "''!! ' Auditor of the City of Portland. . Itat. f firm,, Ma rob lb, lt. 7i . ' " MneYiaTTI Tmnrrara aw aim a ami ami irirrr mm . t . . flOtlC I hei-eft T alvea 'that St lta aaat.. ef the Oouacll et tha City ot Pertland, Oregea. held aa the lftth day et March, 1MB, to tot - .. , , IMI- "raa auopuaa.. aesoiTea, -inat th Umueil af he City f POT llanO. Oreeun. deems It aKBaMtlaa eaat - Pose to lfflDrOT. Twentieth ateaat fma tka north Una Of Horlna. atraea a aha a th 1, of Carte street, la tha , faulowlna saua bH- 'I rirUt B hetnetaaY tha - a.,1 Ja.k I.W 1 a II 1 . - .--aa- a, - . M . aitltlUI lull Intarsactlons to proper anb-trad a aiTea i by tb Uty Begin-. ' , ... I hOOnd--Br brlnalne tka straat ha a Aa Call I " aui run tniarssctMna with BMhrsdsm l'ii mis notice, ana aald objectiona will o bear Third By eonatmetlng artificial atoa aide- i d determined, by tb Council be for th n-slks In accordaoc win. b CltyJfcauiBx'ftI f be ordlnanc asaeaslng th east r -i-eiicuiiana ao atimau. Poorth By eonatrucUng arUfldal stone enrba In acoordaace with tb City rnalsnr't puaa. speclflcatlooa and eatlmatea. .....T7 Fifth By contracting artfflctat tton cross. Walk tn accordance with tka fit. BaMua. plan. specifics tlons aad estimates. . aiaia aty constructing atoa guttora. Bald ImnrOTsmant ta ha uaU T. "rttb, he cartee est tdlaaneea ef the Olty off Portland and th nUna .-iri-.,i. inate of tb City Itugloeer. filed In tb office ef tb- Auditor of tb City of PartUnd on t"-1. of fc,-rch' Indor-edrCItT Ksrtneer'a -iass and specifications for th Inv prorement of Twenrwth straet from the aorth lln of Spring atreet te the aorth Une ef Car ter atreet, and the eatlmatea of th work to h .VT " prooaoa toui eoat trjereoT." The east ef said unproTemnt to be ammaH an prorlded by tba city charter Been th Property epeclally and paenllarly baneflled "'- - aau waira , karrby to - be all the lata. aaeta tk. declared t and narcebt ef land lrina barwe.- a Has urn e S!"' .Sth"4 rrallal with the weat Una ef Twentieth a treat and a Una 100 feet-eeet of r"'".'"' ""- " " ot -xwentieth "fj .lT,,wrV 3" orU" " PHr.g gfttgr1 ." 10.iftoct" 81 and paxmilel bob parallel entn in, eaat una nf Twentieth With the north line of Carter atraat Tk Engineer a eatlraaU sf the probabl total eaat for tha Improraatodt et aald, Twentieth aarraia at ew.UJO.ww. - -. . The ahora Imprsearaant la to b classed aa a macadam Inmrornnktat and aball be maintained if-J.1.'7..'" PfT1"1. ' " yara,,pro- 'aa ua- I 1 1 IM m aK H amjOTlta aja tB) nroperty beaefltrd by aald InrinwTeniant er aay portion thereof ahall aot netitioa foe a aaaal drreotproTSBseat before ! si plrst loa ef Tba ulaaa. snaet firatlarai '-- ..n -i,, ,v. City Bnaineer - far th nasnwsaai er ia turn are BeaolTal Portlaad be and ha fa karat, r aiJaetaai ta at atrwi aa pronooa or tb aty ehnrtor. Remoortrance agalDst the abore Iwprn-outolit uy be filed la writing with the anderatgwad nthla ' days from tba dato af th first wlthla publlcatloa of thU netira. uy eroer ef tb Cam ndl. ...... THOB. C- DBVUN. - ABdltn of tha Cite af Partita aTriolir D- '"- publics ti-a, noran xxPBovzirxBT Or Bt.1T BTWTX arewwaw .... - 1 " WnrLne la , , , Maa that . u of th Council ef the City ef Pertlalid! Oreena. I Portlaad, Oregon, derm it expedient and pur beld oa the lftth day af March, 100ft, th fol-1 none te nana tract a aewer Ihroaxb a tract towing rewlatloa was adopted: . I af land owned by A. . Patuiki from the newer iteaviTeu, i nax xae veuncu of tb City ef Portlaad. Oreaou. rieeaaa It iiadUu aaa aa... BOae tO imDTOTe Mast ninth a I neat tn,a tha aonth Ua of Hawthorn Ttu to the north Una bf DlTlslon atreet, la, tba tollawlag man- Bar, to-wlt: i - First Br rradlne tka atraat CmII aUlh atiw fuU Intersect lone down ta th proper sub -grade ' ahowB by the stab aa set by tha City aaujiaaar. - 1 TVT"'. "ringing in snrrse at the street foil width with fall intersectioa to tha asuba rV tTSTel. Third By constructlrig artificial atone Ma r.itrrtirr-7aTrTili Fifth By Uying with the "Ity Bog ir-croeawalkir 4- r drain Dloa la a ec n a ana I Bngtaaar,' plana, specification I Hefeiltb - BX nUBntl IM tlh ta alMaa 1 1 I. I Iflmtlon and astlmatea. Bald ImproTSmeat to be Bud In B rare-na ana I Zr, "T "Tv7 "T "Tainance i in city f I mateS Of Ui CltX taUrlneer. filed in tha ntfl I . w,a, iiiaoa, apeci i ica twee aao eeu-1 f tb Auditor " a? ta atr ef Port, a,na t. tae j.tto aay at surcn, lWa), VZZZ. V'" ""r ftlan and apeci-1 ti'.'J0-! JVkt ImproTement of Ksst Btreetfroto tba Berth Una ef Hawthorn ... T.,: .. .71 V au-eet. ana J.. , ib,twor . ,to M" had to I?aWlJ!,UJ Tt J- . a h- The cost of Bald Imoroeenkant ta na " 1 IL J"!, , ? r. "Jf , , "'' Ppn ,th prop- nV-STt 'h!fl "TSS"'! hnfu1 thereby, I ZZZ.. Tth-a t . ai. a j rffM V I ea.- taaaaat at atnre at tana lying Detween I Lai. ii iV T"V ? ?iL?-,,lJ1 Vth m "-aa ninta -uj fttfta-ui at ftftrtmj iaj j tr. ? ' -nralW with the east lln of nil itinta atreet and kstwssn tha saetk Una I S1 " nana, aunt Tl HawiaWSt I T'"0. I Tn EnaiDe-r'a estimate of ihs nroraible sotall sTTaia'no imprTset nf aald atreet la &?beT IfnoraT-OKTat Is In be .. a rrsTel ImnroTement and Lball b malntntned by I in ciiy i or n perio er nr year, prorlded I ini tn owner of anaJorlty ef the property I beneflUd by aald Imnrorement or nny portion I tail aha II ant latMtlna fan a aaat aa a, . . I for a new or different I uniawrement ba aalat tarn eapu-BMVw al a The blan. soerlDcatloaa and aatlmaam af th. I City Engineer for the ImproTtweut et aald "CT"! ?m rr"Df O0ta-.... . .. . ' I a .i.-a . "wn Portlaad be aad he In hereby d tree ted tn aire I notice ef the iwoooaed IntDroTement af iid atraat a. -aalaa V. th. .... -I..-. I --- - -- , - . uu . . I -' " an al th. .h ,a , , , I er,.JT.I .7-- Z. .i. ... - ''"Vr"J I awm as-a aaaw-u nil a awuft wr l kaW mum UltUU Bli H lta1! within ft" day from tb dat of the flrat nnKllnatlna . thl. uila . ' ... pabiicatlon nf thla notlc. aty ror i u t'ouocii, THOU. 0. DEVLIN. Aadltor t th City ef Portland. Pertland. Orexoa. D.U af flrat aahtictin. U.a-h in 100T. " ... - ! - - - i PB0 POKED AftllfJaftBXlIT I UK TBTPBOTa- I VXST Or lUBtniMrrprZ ATKXVX. 1 ha ha . h-a .h. a ,, . ml' Notlc la hereby glreU that tb Aadltor f I af the City of Portland baa prepared 4 proposed I ae area meat for the ImproTe meat of Mlsalsslppi I termi from the north lla ef KUlli-mworih I arena to tb north lln of West Piedmont, BI NNYHIIift and I baa staM whst k drema a lost aa- "', (2 .niT portloament et cost ef the lmprT.ment In ae-1 Mr. DiOan mraiart witit ute awer-iai aau peculiar name- lta derlred by each pareal ef laad and lot or Crt therof within the aeeeaament dhttrlct, and a apportioned the cent for aald ImproTement In the amoanta act opposite each parcel of land proposed or pan toereot na Its abar of aach Aay objections to . th apportionment f coat for aald Improrement moat be made in writ In. to tb Council and tiled with tb Aadltor within in at ra rrem tne oare or the neat aihtiettan sf this nolle, nnd said object tons will be beard and determined by th Co act I before th pas sage of th ordlnanc aaaaaalag lb coat of aid ImproTement. WKKT P1KDMONT BIArCK li tot 18. Th Heetuity rUTinga A Trust Company, (3B.07; lot 17. Th Becnrlty BaTliura A Trnat Com- pant, u.n; ii in. The weiurity rMTInga Trnat tompany, aai.aa; lot 10. Tb Be- ranty nsTinx - Trnat lompaay. aW. 1 1 lot 14v The neetirily Hs rings A frost Com-1 P 1 '. nnty rannra i a iint, ivtifttr, 1274: kit 12. Th St. .14 curlty Harlnxa A Trnat Compear. (23.10; mi it, ine aecunry nsTtng a Trust' 1 tm- rny. 82,4t; Jot 10. Th Security aarlngn I Trnat Company. (40 M. - BLOCK 12 tot I lft. Th Neeurlty tarings A Trust Com-1 nany. AH. 43; lot 17. Th Security BsTtng A I Trust Company. (22 81: mt 14. - Thw avewrlty j - narioaa m iraat toaapaay,, aw. ia, 1 The neenelle . naeinaa A - at fAnaitt I (Ift Tft; lot 14. Tb rUicrirtty SaTlsirs A Trust I ,aa,ean. ..a.o.., na to, lim a a. , , 7 ar A Truat Onmnsitr. (14 71: tot 11 Th I t a. I Ita lie. urtty Satinca A Trust Company, (14 S.: nny.,'24 21; tot 10. The ftemrltr BTings iti tompsny. ..!. ni.ii n ia, mt in aA4 aiu vuaranu xraat tamps ay, aj 94; tll ft BOTTCES. ' lot ft. Tha Title Gaarante Treat ftonsbany, f.76; lot ft, Th Till Uuarsnte A Trust Cwmpeny, ftaft.fto; Wt T. J. B. Ellrka. ftz2 72; lot 4. Th Title Gaarante Trnat Company. Ift.fta. BLOCK X kit 1. The Title tluaran-re--Trwt-impaiiyT-3fV lot ft. -The, Till C.oarantee . A Truat Company, 434.54, , S. Th Title (luarantse A Treat Company. t.W.7; lot 4, Tba Till Buarante A Trust Colli Dnr. t30.flal! lot A. Ta. Tltl. riitaeantae JA Trust Compsny, ft.14.fto; lot 4. Th Till uuarsuie a trust company, tzi.11; lot V, The Till Guarantee Trust Company. t23 12; jot t. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company, 27.44; lot ft, Th Title (luaraatee A Truat Company. ftaT.O. BUCK II, lot 1. Th Till (Jus rente A Trust, Company, t30.24; lot 2, Th Title Ouarentee A Trnat Company, t1.4: let II, The Tltl Osaraate A Trvst Company, ftit.ftft; let 4. Tb Tltl Guarante A Truat Oampaay, ftlt.T; lot ft. Th Till Onarante A Trust Company, tli.47; lot 4, Tba Title Onaraatee A Trust Company, 114.23; lot T. Th Tltl Onarante A Trust Company, ftlT.44; lot I. freight Cheney, IZ7.02; lot 0. Th Tltl Onarante A Tat Company. ft37.4o. BIXKK. 14, lot l.'Tb Title Onarante A Trnat Company. fta:o4; lot ,2. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company, ft302B; let Js, The Tltl Guarantee A Trust Company, t2S.Sft; lot 4. Tb Till Guarantee Trust Company. ftaO.44; lot 6. The Title Unsrantee A Trust Company, lft.3. Total, tla. 3M. . ' THOU. C. PSVUN. ' Auditor ef the City ef Portland. Oreron. ma n nrst pabiicatlon. aurch W, loon. eaASASen IMtSraTWa We, at mm a,a,a,afa. I ' " - mi 0 XAftT WAftlUJIOTOB ftTKIET. noiic is nereny giren mat tn AJiaitor el I the Cltr'of PartlaBWI baa 'oreoareal a aroneaed I 7 - wan.aa., , II .M awl laa aa., aunw I third tra.l tn tha eart Una llMMnwalAa UH.Irrf I addlUsa. aad baa laacrUlaed what be deems 1 luat apporUoanieo. ef oust af th ImproTement i ia accuruanc rim ins apaciai aov peculiar I heasnu derlTed by each parcel ef toad and kit 1 aa nsrt theeanf wllhla tha, dlatriet. I and has anonrtlniaMl tha enat for aald imnraee. i aanl tie tha a aa Mimalla aaeh aMal I f land and lot ar Dart thereof aa lu shara of such proposed ameaameat. Ana aauataaa m tha aaaathanat a itaat . -rr- . v. - r - far aald ImproTement most be made In writing to tb (Aauncll and filed with tb Auditor wlthla 1ft daT frdW the data nt tha first mihllcatlita r sato ImproTement. r hCNN V8II1K ADDITION BLOCK 2, kit 1, ' Bunnyalde Land A ImproreaMnt Company, . j7A6: lot a. Bunnyalde Land A ImproTement Company. ftl.02; lot 8. Hunnysld Land A -- Imnroeement (lemnaae 44 OI: lot a. RtinntalnM i Land A ImproTement Company, 122.42; lot I , Buonysid Land A ImproTement company. 1 Aat kl i lot 19 WreneHck kf Hraack. aj7 A4: lot )&, Huanftln land A ImproTement Com- psny, sa.aa, in i. rraoarics m. atraaca, 2.M3: lot It, Frederick M. Branch. 103.06. BLOCK 1. lot 1. James D. Wharton, ft44.3t; lot X Carrie B. OoMea. I1.4H; lot 8, Buuty alda Land A ImprorenMnt Company, ftl.12; tot ft, Hunnysld Lend A ImproTement Com pany, 120.72; let 9. Frank E. nonthard. t21.&6; lot 1 2. Ida K. Parent. 321.13; aouU ftA feet ef lot 13, Ida B. Parenti (17.40; north 46 feet of lot 13. C. M. Dllley, ftO.71; eonth. oft feet of kit 11 Id B. Parent. (13.20; north t fret of lot 14. C. M. Dllley. to. 40. I CBOSIKR 8 ADDITION TO BAUT PORTLAND I . oiAn-a i , mi i, nsioeri n- v roaiet, n. , o( v. nainert si. i -rosier, ioi v, Hu bert H. Crosier, (32.34; Itt 10, lUUwrt H. Croaler, 330.46; lot 11, Halbert li. Crosier, 34.44: lot 12. Halbert H. Croaler. 136.77. tuNNygiDie addition block t, lot a Kati lUhenelck, 7.4z; lot ft, caarie w. Mania, to. 43; lot 4. Charlea W. Msnts. f4.2ft; lot I. B. J. McMUkm. 434.14; lot 10, Carrl M. Jacobs, (30.30: lot 11, MigKt A. Oatafca, 443.30; lot 10, ftermoar 0. Krlendly, 6.12; lot 17, Ouatare and Annie Peterson. I7.ft7; lot 1ft, .Valol A. lladson. ftS4.32, BLOCK, 8, lot e. Maggie A. Uilitl, $43.14; lot ft, Maggl A. tiataka. 1 .; lot 4. Magrle A. Gataka. ftO.ftO; lot f. Mary J. Magee. fit. 47: weat H of lot 1ft. Mary J. Magee. (7.58; eaat . H of lot 10. L. K. Jeaklne.-I7.a4; lot 11. U E. Jenkins, f1ft.4; kit 14, Kamual H. Rmlta, I CBOrllKR'ft ADDITION TO BABT PORTLAND an na; lot in, namnei tl. umitn. na n. BLOCK 2. lot 1. Bmma M. Kcbmeer. (23.10 lot 2. Kmma M. Bchme-r, (23.62; lot ft. Hal bert H. Crosier. ta3K3; kit 4. Halbert H. l-rwaler, (34.211; lot ft. H. C. Hardman, (3.ft(; lot 4. H. C- Ilardmaa.. (30.U6. Total, I (1.14L1A . . . TH08. C. DRVMN. I Aadltor of tb City ef Portland. 0 Dto sf nrst publlcatloa. March 20, ISOft. raopoftZD mrxs thbotjoh a tsaot or . Xauro ownm t a. b. rArrnxo. Notlc to hereby giren that at th meeting I aff th Council of the City ot Portland. Oregon, I aeia en in lot nay oi aim, jvuo, vne oe 1 towing resolution waa aaopiea: I -- n., tha IWiull .1 tha rtta I la Jet ferana atreet on reel west or a point I ekaa tka said aawar la Jefferana atraet Tsaald 1 ha Inter aarttd he tka treat Una af bka I A. N. Kins s 4dltieeh sa shown ea 4no of Portland. Oregon, publlabed by th Title t Onarante A -Trust Oompany, eerlatered red Tft I If ..laan a,nlha,l. la a preaent coarse I these north T degree 30 minutes eaat to the I north Un ef Madtoea atreet. of all-inch Tl trifled eewer pip, with all necessary catcB-baalna, I man-bole, lamp-hole and brancnea. 1 Held saw ta ha constructed In arrerdane I with tb .charter aad rdianc t- tb city I eJ Pertland and tha nlana. aneclfleatlonn and satlmste nf th City Knglnser, filed In lb r ttae bfniaruuiujr er -r tha lftth a. v nf ataeek IIITrV 1 1 1 il . n mad "iity Engineer's plan and spa al ties tlons for a newer la tract aa tana oounaea nortn aea Boats mm ha hlaaka ta aa Ik Btlaa'a anHltTna aaa by block A Ardmor. from a point 820 fret northerly of Jerrerao atreet to tae aewer IB T.lf.,a.a al . I ..1 tka allatla af tha aal, to b don aad the probabl total cost thereof. Tb cost of said aewer to , a t h. tha at. a nana aana tha aaal. nr-trlall aad aaeallarle haaeflted tkereheTad which la hereby dec la re ta aa all the lots. parta thereof aad aa reels ef Und I ring between line 100 feet west ef and parallel with tba west Una et aald aewer and a Una 104 feet eaat ef and parallel with east lla af ssl sewer sad betweeB lla 100 feet north of and parallel with th north lln nf Jefterson . n att fa, anath a , Wtk the north lln of Madison atreet. Th KngUeef 's eatlmata at th probabl total rrat for ta to m action et aau sewer w glia.Tn. Ta plana, specification and eati mate af th fjf IDflBMr TfMP EM taOlaBKrCXlnaM OI 122-, I torrebr adontedT a i i -... ,k.' iia. . th. eat -a !( Of lUS prOpOSen COUaTTTlCI lO aa antlAal he tka alia niitttr. ...i..., .h.- amy be filed la writing with the nnderaixired "'Lh.'".. ft-Lh?. f .Um By order ef th rVHinrll'.. , THOB. C.' DEVLIN. - " Aanitae nf tka pit. .r Pari I.. A iw.. net. af rirat nakiieatina . . T " ' a kl...h is tans. r00-ED ABoTSftMIlTT rOB rjtPBOVX. MEXT OF XAftT ALDEB ftTBXST. Notice U hereby 1tb that th Aadltor ef un city or PortUnd haa prepared 4 proposed a .w . 7 -t n.:, . r. rTr-'Tw - ,tr ."-."Vh.-T.' .-1-1 atreax I the wast una ar Httnnrslde Third Ad. .... ' - . . . .- . . . mtloo, ana has aarertalneo what Inst apportionment nf cost of tb Improrement In aerordance with the . special aad peculiar benefits derlTed by each parcel ef land and lot ar part tbereor wlthla I be aaaraeroent district, ad haa appertlnned the oust for aald Improve- "T,' . -h-' ' - a-coj r-rce. nt la the mounts set opposite each parcel " aao a "r ,m; ae tta aeat-a at aaen iiriiniit n t at.,, r - An. nhlectaina lo the annnrflnnmnnt nt enat for nalir ImprbTeancrit most be made In writing 10 tD Council and filed with tb Auditor within " irota lit. .an u. ut. ttrat tniuucstnta thla anile, and aald nhUcllona will ka kaarn end de see of Tl determined by tn Council be for th naas of th erdlnanc aaaeaslng the . coat ef said ImproTement. - X BIArUK 4, tot !, Bamnel Ander- ; lor x, iv. itootnia,;, lot 3, na MltchelL Ai.21: tot A Andrew ht.l a. tit ft, tnt ttut a kl.l a IK na . lot 12. Amb-ew Nelson, tin 64; north S3 1-3 feet of. tot. In, - lamia Cneey, o.l; north 33 1-3 feel ef lot 13, Loots Coeey, (1.16; t soy. reet of aonth OS 2-ft feet of tot 13. W. ft. Drake. (21.0A: esat ft feet of snath 08 2-3 feet or tot 13, Ira o, rUtattaek, (2.U0; aoutb 44 t-S feet et tot 14. Ir O. ahattiK k, gio.m. CROHII(B' ADDITION BTJrCK 1 lot T. C'B. rimtttt, ttw, if, weat in reet ot mt a. r. h. Smith. (7.TI. east 85 feet of tot ft. J-nnle I . ( rosier, ain.oo: lot. P. Maw h. nmlih. (21.10: lot to, Snmnel H. Kmlth. (17.74; lot il. uoretia m. layaw. ia.l, aoa .is, Hamoel II. Ilmltb. 127.34. . ftrNNVHIDE THIRD ADDITION BLOCK 44, tn is. i li a tiiiaraniea at inai ikantai. 12.08: tot 1ft. lifl Onarante A Tnai i,.. lieny. mi 14, Xltle tiuarante ai Trust arNN YHIDB BLOCK ft. tot ft. W. M. Mnehle. i-ntnnanT. mi ea XEleO; mt n. w. m. Moehl. (0.13; lot 4r W. M. Moehl. tO. On: tot 7 W. bf Hnaku, (11.0U; tot M. W. M. Moehle, (11.00; lot II. W. H . Moehl. tlX.011 bit la Alaaaa O Meed. (1101: tot IS. Atonsn P. Mead, (tft IX CROBIEB'ft ADDITION BLOCK 3. tot 1. laura Brest a, AVI. 70; tot t. laiirs Break. (20 72; tot k. lanr Break. . 8I4.4S; kit 4. laaac VsndOea aad Maurice. Walton, tlS.00: lot ft. jonn apperiy, f; lot 0, wy. tl B'Jtl T 81 N.N T8IDE THIRD ADDITION BLOCK 4. r'l 1, liter tlBSranie. ITWSf t OmpSTIT, 82.40: tot A 'l.lle Ouarasfee A Treat c Tany. (O.ftrl- tot 3. Tltl i.otrnitec oapany, (O.fts, . Total. (441. 70. It THOS C. PETI.1N, AndUnr of th fitr nf Pnrtlani. Oeaeoa. Dat at tlrat public. tioa March k, lmni. .UXU TAB V TAJ - - - SllOIilThjii .aTrains to the East Daily 3 ' Threngh PnTlmaa standard and toartat sleep ing cars dally ta Omaha, Chicago, ftpeksnai toorlat sleeping ears dally to-Kaasa Cttrl through Pullman tonrtBt sleeping ear (peraos ally conducted weekly ta Cincage. Kecllalnft UNION - CBPOT. Lea res. Arrtrea. , CHICAflO PORTLAND .' ' - r;.-:", SPECIAL. . l:1S 4. m. n. m. ror tb Baat rla Baat- Du"' ' Dally. . -.,'-i 'Ingtaa. - - ' '-' ' ;, .- r: ."SP0KAKM rLTBk. v-, ...'.. -, 'i,'j for Raatern 'Waahing- ' , ' ton. Walla Walla. Lew- ft'-lft ftt I '00 a. to. Istan, Coeur d'Akne Dally, Dally. and' Oreat Northern - - - - '' . O Botnth, ' . . -, :.J- ' -.'. V-'l ' ATLANTIC BXPReftS. a.,. .,.. " ' Columbia BItot PiTWtton. FOB ASTORIA and wsyl 4:00 a, ah pntnta, connecting with Dally. Abonf ''" simr. ror tiwaco sodltx. Rnrtday. North Bceeh, etr. Bac-jlMtarday. . ssk. Aab-st. dork. 0:00 p. m. 1 100 p.m. . TamhiU Kreer Boat. FOB DA TTON. Oreawaj viiy sou xamkiu BlTor fplnb. atrsrs. Bath aad -aiodca, A aba t. dock (Wster pennlttln. I ftlmka Birer BmrtoT FOR UWI8TON, Ida., and way, - polau from :40 a.m. I so p. as. rtatle -I" . Klpsrts. Wash., smrs. jpokan and Lswistou. Dally. 'x. oatnrdal ... Friday.,, TICKBT 0FTICB. Third and -paea Mala Via. - , . C. W. BTTNGBR. City Ttetnrt Agaat.'' A. Ia CBA10. Owmral lmahgnyAgnt7 ' " EAST SOUTH UNION DEPOT. ArriTsa. OVERLAND EXPBBB8I trains, tor Salem. Boss burg. - Ash toad, Bacrn-j mento. Ocden. ftaa FraaH ftiftp m. I 4.AI i " . etore, fttocktna, Laa An4 Ears, au raao, new vr ina and th East. Moralna tratw coo sect at Woodnural dally except headay :30a. aa. with traia for Mt. Ansel. ' ft 1 1 T r t . ft:0B.ft-, Blown all I. Spring-! f I I d. Wtodllng aadl natron. Albany nam enter 4iW p. m. 7 SO a. m. 4.60p. m. nectn at waadburu with W:10a.8 Mt. Annt and ftllTaxJ tea local. ... Corrallla paaaaagar. Bfaerldan psssanger. (8:Bft. .ft. 4 23 a. m. r. saeent Bnnda. rrtaaad-0nrg aburbaa larrloa aad Tauahal iinmiau. - . - - Depat foot ef Jet fee) atreet. - ' t Portland dally for Oeweo 7:M . Bh 1160. 8:0A. 8:6A. 6 20, , T.4n. 10 10 p. m. Dally (except Sunday). 8:30. ft ftO. ft:8ft. lOrkft a. m.; 4:10. 11:80 p. aa. ftunday nly. ft:44 4. m. Returning from Owro. orriTW Pertlaad dafl 8:30 - a. BB.V 169, 8:0ft. 4:15. T:S8. - , 11:10 n. m. Dally (exerpt ftunnviyl 4:2ft. t:2o. :S0. 10-10. 11:48 a. m. Except Monday. U:2S p: m. Booday uiy. 10:00 n. m. . ' laaeea from asms deoot'toC Dalht and Uter- raedlaU points daily (ticept ftnndayj 4:1ft p. m, , ArrtT Fortuad 10:10 a. a. Tb Jndepenoaace-MonaKMtth Motor Uan eneraUa dally to Monmouth and Alrtle, ena nectlng with nontnern rarin eompnay a xruca nt Dallss and ladependene. Flrst-etoaa far from Portlaad to aerexaeato aad Baa FranHacn (20. bertha (A; teoad-claaa fare (It. second -class berths (2.B0. neketa to Eastern noint and Teirraa. aba ' Japan, Chlnn. tlnttomra ana Aawr-auu. loatewwtreets. ' Phone Mala fU. C W. ST1NCED, , ..... , . . COMAN, ' City Ticket Agent. ' uan. raa. Agaan. TIME CARD OF TRAINS ' Portlandt" UNION DEPOT.' Paget Bound Limited. for Tseem. Seattle, OlrnmU. South Bend taWfttftt, tfttvav and Gray'a Barber pnintn. norm mast umlted, r. Taroma. Seattle. Bntt. 8t. Pant. . Mia neaaolra, Cbteaaa. New 1X0 im. .""I'.. T:oftAt. York, Boston and points aa si ana son incest. Twln-Cltr Et press. Tsrem. Seattle, Spo-I rsne. Helena, St.- Paul, Minuet no rla Chiasm. New. York. Boatoa and all BoinU Eaat and r a a. nontneast. - Pnret SoaaA a Baaaaa City -St. Laola BpedsL ror iwoown. Brattle, Snokane. Butte Bllllaaa Dearer. Omaha. Kansas :90 A to. Tin p. at. hit. nr. Louis ana all Botnta cast and aoatb at-J ,' ' . - All , train dally xept - a ftouth -a. .- a . ... unaauiua, ,4 Aanlstaat Osnaisl Passangrr Ageat, Moertoo St.. ror. Third. Partis ad70. Astoria & Columbia r RiveFRailroad Co. t -vw e. ss. I 9 ;ev a. ssa . Dally. I Daily. laa aaa..faf lllBslaf , fpSn aa- """ 7 ft I - ln-BTn, " CN ION DEPOT.- Amraa. ... " . . . t 1 . . -X! 'J I ft '00 a. a. " For Maraara, Ralniee, M '10 a. m. Dally. ... ClaUbanl. Wip-rt. Daily, Clifton, . Astoria, Wax- ,..;. . '.;..- rentoa, Flar!, Ham Blond. '"Fort Steer na. (Jearhart Park. Sessld. Aatorta and ftoaaaor. . f0. fcrr-4 .U,.; I Aatorla Kxpraa. . -.a,-, ' mm - "t-TO, ' 0. r. and P. A.. Aatorta. Or. a A. rr-WABT. CommereUI Aftrat, 4 Alder street. Phao Main aoa..,, .....,V,,,T.. . TVoAat OEloa las Third It. nm i euh Trnnaicontlnftyntal fi Ttln WJnlty . FAST TIME TO "POKANK, T.-FATJrlh J M1NNKAP0MS, CinCA . . . '.j.r. mihfTa ImrllxM trio thmnrh tha ' ii.l Uix ky mounlalna For f ' ulsra, rniee, fnldara. riiv all x. rnrrrt. i- in ThlxA tSxaatt tw-