The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 21, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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" Entered kl ' th posterae or rwiw,
fn traneporuUoa through tas avails eB
cu" Mr: ' . - IB ar It-
1-1 WV SlOgl rtipirm . r v.
-'-Bag paper, I cent; 1 t 90 pages, eeetBi as
, ut m pa. fc-----j- -, '---v ;
tptrtnAVTL .
- Fdltnrur Room :;:..;;rr..-
Business 0 f Bo ...... r.T '"" "'":"""
tokemb adtmtiuho extem"?1;
Vreeiawt-Beagsmia Septal w',,'f CIu
lag, caicsg. ;i - t-.i--- .-,;-y---;---'-j
insoiurnov bates..
mm ay Cm1, " ' .:
Th Dally Joaraal, with Sunday. 1 ,,inn
Th Dnlly Journal. 1 rear....... If
TM Dally JoaMuL. with Mate. Woetbs.
Th Dally Jeurssl. 8 easst ......."" 1M
the Dally Jesraal. with Sunday, mon'S-
The Dally Joureal. """.UX"
Th Dally Jorul. with rtanday. 1 '
The Dally. MC nek. OCIIreeed. ndsy .
Included e. V"-i"i."I
, Tbe Dally, par work, delivered. 6dy
excepted ..
Tarm by Eton. .
Th Dally Juarmal, with Buaday. 1 fnf-IJ-JJ
Tbe Dally Journal. 1 yser. . v ITS
; The Dally JoaraaL with Sunday, R awmtha. S.W
lb Dally JuaruL. with Baudaj, 1
. Tba Dally Journal. ,1 .....
Tka Kuaday Jouraat. 1 yaar. ...V.'i ...
laa ftuMliy jaaraaL. axmtha......
Tk 8ailWack)y Joaraai. ta IJHI"
aolra. riarraa ordm a ad a mall amoonU ara
f. W. DDI i
7 Tb laanuil c fc too4 Jk t tka
fnlluirlnc plarva: j u.
BOHSB. IDAHO B. Ca.; ,W. Me;
1)VeKC"L0. KMidrlrk : Book US2!
, roaipaay, M BTaaUMlk atraetj i. BU.
Ml j tii B aad Carlla atnrt. ' ,r
JI'NEAII, ALASKA Poatot Book alora.
KANSAS CITY Van Now Nowa o"P-
Kprlnf atn(; 0Ut iialae. UB frwik
KMv'vOBaTciTT raataao'a. Clo aqaara.
OfiDKN (ltd Krwa caainaay. . .......
OMAHA WllUrd HoUl Kwa itaoa; Maawtt
. AI.T IIKR CITY Kaayoa Holal Nw atand.
tJSarrow Broa.. 4 Waat Hwawd att. aoatk.
8X. l.ol'lft Philip odc. Laeoat atroat,
- E. . tl, 8 OlWa atraat. -
IAN KHANT18CO W. K. Ardlaf. PaUra Hotl
Kw ataad. and lo6 Mark atrf; old-
amltk Broa.. Bnttar atraat. ao4 Balat
Kraarto k"li Koatrr Oraar. Parry balld-
Ina: N. Whaatk-y. Kaloota atrjrt
fflTTl.l!. Balnlag firaad r-'i" ai.a
Nawa roajnaay. '
KPnKANB. WASH loba W. OarhaB ft Co.
TACOMA. jaASH. Contra! Koaa ooaapanj;
HMrl TtoBM Kawa aland- . . . ..
YICT OBf AT B. C Yletorta Book A Bttloary
rownany. 1
- By J. ij Wllami,' 1H0 Plrat a tract, at 10 .
. . Bala of .fnraltara. arpeta, atoaaa, -at
J. T. Wllaoa, aarttooaar.
By Goorre Bakar Oa.. at raldpra 14t
T. atk atrae aaar Morrlaoa. Hal. . hi far
Mlari of raatdeacw. Uaaraa Baker Co..
Tka atanw cnitrdt "ear Yaa)Tor Ulaad
rratarday aMrnlBC ha aweod aaatward aad
la aow central arar the Brttlab poaaraatona
. ixTtk at Umuna. Tt rauaed trehrral rmiua
Ihrwuthoat tha Berth PaeUe Mateo, and high,
nuailr. aoatlierlr wlnda atom tba auaat and
lu una annlaaa of the- lataetor. At tha
MHilh of the Olumbla rlrer a ma I mum
- erlot-lty of -to aalleo frowr tba eBtbeaet ee
enrrrd. aat of tka (aarado taaaatalua tba
fullowlBS aiaxlmaa. eelorltlea wra reported:
'K.4aa, 42 ailiea. weat: 'all Walla, 3U ail lea.
waat, ad ftpnkaae, 39 aillea, aoatk.
Ih Indira rtoaa ara that tha weather will
' ewitlnae anerttlrd and raloy la thai dlaoirt
, oai(ht and Wednesday, with bat Utile change
la- teaperator. , , -.;
n m y .
'Baajael Monroe, Jfi Pearl Kmert. IT.
" Bona C flrter.' MraWnrrtw f. Ptho. If
, iciaenh nkafer. M; Uaate B. lllnaa. St. ,
; tdala C. Uvldea. M; Amlna W IllUaja, 41. -
Weddlnt Carda. W. 0.4Vm1tk A fw Waab
lactom bid., our. roarth aad Waahlngioa ata.
rmraa. .. 1 '. 1 1 ;
BCHtNlt Mareh . t Mr.-and Mra." Artkar
Atraander Bchaas, f Tharawa aueet. a aoa.
COBTABIOffl PltrtlTa.
PKKrilA-Mareh . Jeaaa Preeaaia, TM East
Thirteenth atreet, N.. amalee,
KuoN Marrh . Marlaa Xoaa, S3S East Third
CARDINr'lX Mrrh at! Charles CardlnelU 33
KlereatH atreet, avaalea. .
JON KB March . K Inter A. Joaea, 144 Boa-
aell atreet. sieaalea.
P1KKD Marra . Reatrlea Plead, 1 10 Pea
; aoyer street, diphtheria.
CI.EXX Mareh 14. Ales Oleaa. seed H years,
at Aatorta. Or.; raaae. palnMntary
Muriel at lnn Plr eeaietery.
BBAKABrw:H Marrh - 17. - Ida Brakabaorh.
aced M yeara. at Hwanralde. Ur.; ranee, pert
tnnltls. Barlal at Hieerelew eentrtery.
. I KIKD March 17. Mneee Pried, seed 6 yeara.
at Nvrth arle eanltaiiuo; raaae, heart
- - diaeaae. Hartal at Beth lararl eeBetery.
KAK Marrh In. Oeorse Thortna Bae. 'asrd tl
.. yeara, nnft North Poorteeaih atreet; raaae,
, trip. Borlal at' Lone Plr eeaMtery.
H AkKPIKLD Mareh . Cbrt.tlaa Wakefield.
acd 2 yeara. at IVIaho Pall.. Ida.; raaae,
anthoas stosMtis. Burtal at Loaa Plr erata-
BIWN'klB Mareh 1. flara Brock le. a red )h
yeaea. at ei. vineettt a noeniiai: eauae, pa
monla. Bnrlal at H4dae(leM. Waeh.
TA1JMTT Marrh III. Jnha W. Tallmtt, ased
. rears, job vntnir'r arreei; eanae, clrr
' hnals of tha Urer. . Barlal at lndlaaapolla,
' lad. -
XI At ,LE3 Mere IT. Charles Maeklen. seed 54
yeora. zin Aioeria .treej; eaaaer'aral njl
' seatloa. Burial at liae Plr ceaietery.
t'UWB Mareh IN. Kiln Close, asrd 6T yeara.
H47 ae.d etr-et; cause, paralysis. Barlal
st Lauretta. . .
Craaaatoiiani oa Orecna City ear Baa,
Ballwnud; awdera. aetentine, eoaipleta, Charse
" Adalta. m; ehlldrea, 2S. Ylaitora a. at.
ta a p. a. rarusaa wramauoa sasamuiia.
- iwuaaa, vreaoub
Tha Edward Bolaaia riadertaktaf ess
raaeral dlreetora sad eatoelaMra. Z3U
straet. Phone SOT. , -
I. P. Plater 4k Boa, faaersl dlreetora aad
ewmiasera, eorasr intra aaa miaiaon aluats
W aca at soaaty sorenar. tepaoas Mala .
Paaeral wreaths aad eat flowers a eperlalty
St Boa City wmakouaa. Twoaty aad
as at Mornaoa. ops. eenaenrry.
Clark Broa, for flowers, zw Morrlaoa, atreet.
,-. X BIAX : MTATE ! TBABtrm. L
Arleta Iad eonnsay ft I I. Jakwar. '
lot 13T sad lea. Arista Park 230
May K. awiyeri to a. a. sniia, int n.
hlork 1. sulMUrtstM tract C, M. Pattda "
. arari... . S
4aepa ninxia ei' at. to v.. c t'arr.
lot Tt blork , eraoa .XTj
Aaariee a. oob to t;, m. t ons, lot a,
Ht-h u, Jssms J anna' addltloa ta Bu.
Juune 1
Alrlna Wllll.sta and baaaand to R. C '
Millar, ant 12, hlork . Ceatral AJtlna no
jairaai isarrar ana wire l t. w. M.r-
t .a. II. lota S and d., Brookdale ... 1,100
Jlrieta Ind eoatoany . to C. A. goals.
i ktn, Arleta Park I1B
a.niea h. ajineaan aaa wire to a . H.
. . K4IK' lots and 4. blork IT; lot 14. -
. I.kvk s. t-eatrsl AIMaa addltloa ......
Br-na B. Pawera and hoahand tm T. 1.
. It Inter, lot 1 and 8. Baatwood. . . . TOO
ii. at. rrrair and wrre to it. r. Boaaa, .
lot II, hlork , t enter addltloa 10
w. M-nr to tv 1. -. nateoaan.-
faxe If and I, blorh a. Moatlrelln ....
tft hinii to a. ttrirnn. lots . M. -.
4. and . Mork S. KkeeUlor ,
t.eee i. w nwiioea to H. H. Matara.
k4a n and :m. hlork SO. ft ret addltloa
e taaatMt (..... 10
rurrr t. MrK.r to O. A. Wladfeldee.
M f, hkirk AX Mtnadar addltloa . . .. t,a
'"T. raaarar, aaa am . as. aw. -a sailor
Forty Per Cent of Those Who Go
-to the Yellowstone Are
Government Spends.Quarter of a
Million In Improvements irt
' 7 National Grounds. 7.
Tba (ovarnmcnt has ppent t(0.000 In
lmprovemsnts - rn Yellowaton park In
tha past yaar, and 169 miles' of stae
road and other convenlencea ara in food
condition, Thar will ba lmmenss travel
through tha park tbla yoar, bp tourists
coming to tba Lewis and Clark sxposi
lion, , .
Reports received at Northern Pacific
headquarters ' from " off lclals of the
Tnllowstone park association Indicate
thai the new geyser in Norrls baslrt
la a permanent attraction., it naa Deen
named the Skyrocket because of the
peculiar appearance It presents, when It
spouts, its coming ns. it is Deueveo,
proved the death of the Constant geyer,
located In th same basin.
Tbe Skyrocket plays at regular inter
vals, three times a week, and spouts
boiling- water to an Immense height. Ah
odd 1 fact. In connection with Its coming
Is that It waa born on Washington's
birthday, when It spouted to a height
of 100 feet, The noise accompanying
tha discharge waa tarlf f le and attracted
tbe attention of troopers In the park.
President H. W. Child or the lenow-
stoo Park company, which operates tha
hotels and -stage lines, dlacovered a
curious fact In compiling figures on the
travel Into tba park last year.
"Forty per cent or our visitora
last year," he states. wer foreigners
people of ' Intelligence and means or
tha most part, from Germany, France,
Austria, Kn gland. Spain, Norway 'and
Sweden, and even Russia. Almost every
government and principality of Kurope
was represented in the-email army of
people wha came across the Atlantic to
tba wonder or nature in tbe Yellow
stone park.
"In foreign countries the. principal
features of Yellowstone park are treated
at length in the school text books. This
CCUUM In a measure for the interest
of foreigners In Yellowstone park. The
records prove that hundreds of these
visitors from afar travel three-quarters
of the way across our country and back
again to the Atlantic seaboard and aee
practically nothing but New York city
and Yellowstone park. Whatever addi
tional Information they glean must be
obtained from - the-r car -windows en
route. t ' .
Miss Cosper Settles With Parent,
Who Is Excoriated
By-. Lawyer. '
E. Cose. who sued his daughter.
Orphs Cosper, for tii&.H, for money
loaned her, last night agreed to settle
the els Ira by paying ills daughter 1100
and taking the furniture which she had
bought with tbe money , secured from
him., - - ..' .. v -.
Cosper filed a complaint in the circuit
courts In whIcEhe alleged- that he "had
loaned his daughter I7.80 at -: tone
time, and 117 at another, the principal
and Interest, amounting to $513.11.' ' Bha
bought furniture to establish a rooming-
house, and had not paid her father the I
TflrfltrT tit advanced. AftacEment pro
ceedlnga were begun, and the house was
rinsed hy-Ahe sheriff,, en orders - from
Cosper. . - . .
E. A. Hufford waa employed by Miss
Cosper to defend tha suit, and went to
Interview Cosper In the hope of effecting
a settlement. Cosper was Insistent on
receiving the full amouirr claimed to bq
due, and then Mr. Hufford delivered a
diatribe, speaking plainly his opinion of
the parent. He cited the facta of his
driving her Into the streets without
provision for her shelter on a stormy
night, and otherwise excoriated him.
Fref erred Bteck OaBmad woods.
Allen ft Lewla' Best Brand.
et I . ea.f 30 feet lot 4. block 28,
m-ftr.'- u tlT.?i--'.V'V Bv""i;:::: 'that "rawhlding" ore means hauling It
- t al.. aandry lota aad block, la kagbj- .
wooa i-srs . . j . . . . , , l
Polly K. Atlller sad htuband 'to B. J.J
t aikla, eaat 1-3 of lot T, hlork I, Hoo
ters sddltloa 1
C. V. Wllaoa to T. Taylor et aL, lot L
block 12. Unenla Park aanei 1 300
Ida M. Tlraaxina and hnaband to W. D.
Hmlrl, lot JO. block iff. Woodlawn ....
Sarah Mtooe to K. Krdlng et aL, lot
a, block 140, roach addltloa
Margaret A. Simmons ssd hnabasd to O.
a.- winoreuiir, lot 7, Diock oz, Hoiu
oar'a. addition ..... C.
Margaret A. Hlmmniis ssd hnaband to
a. joanaon. lot l, Diora Hi. uolla-
tV.tb.nlrl. K. Tagcart to J. V. Ijngan, '
fit a ana as. Dates x, bosciawb id-
.' ne ; . 1
bell M. HMna and huaband to H. B.
Thompson, lot 17, block 2, Dblaa'a dd-
dltlon 9MI
Salem riearlng Mills company to O. O.
HH-sea, amnnoeo l-s Intereat Ir.ta ,
10, block , t'lty View Park addltloa. . 80
Portland Tmat company to L J. Bacon, '
lot 12, block , WUIUau Arenn ad
dltloa loo
Charlrs Oleana and wife to O. G. Agat.
eaat so feet lots a ssd 4, block 1, '
l-krrerdale ,
Latila Uoldaailtb and wife to H. Hahn.
.e sf an sere beglnnlug point la ouoth
' Una Baleh donation land claim I.OOt
Oeear Btauell aad wife to J. M. Pit ten-'
ser, lot o. ssbdlTlaloa block C. Altila '
John Ooaley and wife to J. Wood. 40
seres section . . towaahlD 1 aoath.
rang east :.'..,.... r. T.000
Martbs J. Quick snd buaband to P. A.
siyera, et a, nim-k ao., Wunnyild 82S
Jet-, roar Insarane ana abstracts ta real
stats from tha Title OaaraVfea Treat esav
paay, Chaaiaaf of CaajBierce balMlas. - .,
: BuTLDIBO ytBMTTa, 7 . '
SIXSftTT Mareh 20. K. B. Slnootl. dweUlng.
Uvejor between Twenty. fourth aud TWenly
- fifth rtreeta; eoet. -t V). -
MAHkk'Ir-Marrh iit. W fi. U.rk.l s-.tii..
Ea.t Oak between FourLnalS aad -fKMeuui
TBIMUI.R WILLIAMS March 20. Trimble a
WllllaaM, abop. enrner Maateeath street sad
Vnlon nrenne; enat, a.VW.
un nr.i Btan-a aii; Mra. Mickey, repair to
rwiww. oinmoia netwt-en jiwnailalo snd
(till lith alreeta; coat. A.
MAI.I.1CTT-Marrh 20. J. mra Malletl. two-atory
bonae. lauUlls - aeenae. He II wood; coat,
litem. ,
SWANWI! March 2n. J..ha Swanaoa. enttsse.
eiinemt atreet between A Ihloa arena and
IVielbwIrk afreet: eoat, 1.21.
J-KKrrKHOM March i. . o. Joffcrann, repairs
'- rrnur; eoai, ai.iniii,
BXX1TT M.rrk an. Ales Bmtt. fnqr enttaaea.
enrwe , Kaat - Twenty-fonrth and feat Aah
.trerta: enat. It. Sim.
MYKK.H Marrh . frmnk Mreea. r..t
Thtrlr-lth hetween K.M Taylor and Kaat
p.iiipiii airert., mei. Bxnn.
BAhKH Marrh i. Jamea Bakee.
Itrnadwae between Kat f.lf bteealk and Kaat
Moeteeatfe swetls; seat. I1.3M.
Secured Option 1 on ' Selby
Smelter and Two at Everett
; and Tacoma, Washington.
Movement Believed to Be Work
of New York Promoter, and
'. Not the Smelter Trust.
Since Frod W. Bradley of the Ta
coma smelter stated In this city that ne
gotiations were being made for north
west . smelting plants, nothing . has
cropped to Indicate the trend of pro
ceedings except - the report from San
Francisco that an option has been se
cured on the Selby. .. It. is reported on
good authority that tbe Selby manage
ment gave Bernard M. Baruch. the New
York broker, the ODtlon at 1 1.7 00. 000 and
after securing- tbla 44 r. Ba rueh took the
train for New York. Before be departed
It . was said on good .authority that he
had secured options on both the Ta
coma and the Kverett smelters: the con
sideration for the first being 1,000,000
and for tha latter ITUO.OOv.
Further information of the proposed
smelter combine la pot made publio at
thla time. There is a general conviction
tbaf tbe American Smelting V Reflnlng
company la not promoting the merger.
nor that Baruch represents the trust, as
the Kverett plant belongs to It Mining
men who have followed developments be.
lleva that tbe proposed merger is an ef
fort on the part of Baruch and asso
ciates to float a great concern embrac
ing the northwest plants,--Independent
of any existing combine. With the' op
tions he secured In bis pocket, the New
York promoter has returned, and If he
la able to carry his plana out, ' will
probably report soon on results. '
It cannot be learned that Baruch has
negotiated for other smelters. The
Mountain Copper company of Shasta
county,- California,- haa a two-furnace
plant at Keswlrk which handles custom
ore and the same company Is erecting
another smelter at' Indian Head, near
San Francisco. Tha North port smelter,
near-Rossland, handlea considerable cus
tom ores When running st capacity, as
it hss six stacks. Tba Trail plant, on
lhaBritlsh .Columbia side, hand! as the
ores of Rossland. and adjacent district,
drawing slllctous products from across
the line when needed. Tbe Boundary
smelters reduce ores from Washington
only when silica la required1 to jnlx with
the base product ofjhat region. ----
Manager Fred D. Fuller of the Bump-
ter smelter, In this state, said no nego
tiations had been entered into for bis
plant, but aa this Is -confining Itself
largely to eastern Oregon and western
Idaho, it may not yet .be regarded to
figure prominently in tbe smelting situ
ation of tba northwest. It seems -that
options have been obtained on but three
smelters and perhaps this Is the extent
of the consolidation proposed by the
New Yorker.
(Special Dispatch to TU Journal)
Denver, CoL, Msrch 2L There la ap
parent alarm In the sine fields- of Colo
rado and Missouri over the British Co
lumbia tonnage received from tba north
by local smelters. This tonnage ia not
large yet, but seems to grow rapidly,
and late reports are to the effect that
tha United States market haa stimulated
wonderfully a number of Slocan mines.
Th9 aNost h JB tws-i bats so n wfttottd to do
liver 1,000 tons of high-grade ore.- Tbe
American Boy baa been making small
shipments, and there are several other
properties with light tonnage in sight.
J .. V "" ' . 1 T ,
which sre getting ready to ship. Bome
era thought the new Sullivan group
smelter being put in commission st
Marysville, B. C, would hold the British
Columbia product at home, but it seems
to increase, rather than diminish. Should
the tonnage continue to grow for an
other year. It seems probable that the
domestic operators wljj be clamoring for
a -duty. , -
' pecUrtUnatch t The Joans!.) '
Sandon. B. C March 21 What is
known to local miners aa the "rawhld
I'ng" season is past for this district
To the uninitiated, it must ha evnla-lnajt
Pover the surface of deep snow, .usually
n a cowhide, placed with the hairy
side down. ' When snow is firm, so that
an animal can walk on-tbe frosen sur
face, a team will draw heavy loads In
this manner, the , distribution of the
burden over the area of a skin prevent
ing breaking through the crust. But
when the warm season comes, with
oft snow in the day, "rawhldlng" stops.
As this system of. hauling requires no
roads and the cheapest of ail vehicles,
it la looked forward to by the Isolated
operator as tha opportunity to do a
largo amount of hauling. , "Rawhldlng"
as a rule Is done where hills are steep,
and the load Is hauled down; nothing Is
taken back on the return trip. .
Manager Fred D. Fuller, of the Sump-
ter smelter, with H. T. Hendryx, a mine
pperator of "the aame camp, spent Sun
day her. They state that spring finds
Sumpter lively. Four carloads of matt
were sent from the smelter one' day last
week, which Is the largest single ship
ment yet made. Receipts of ore con
tinue satisfactory, ' although breaking
roads have Interfered with hauling by
wagon to some extent., The different
mines, furnishing.. ore .to tha-smelter
this winter are In shape for even bet
ter production this summer, and some
new snippers ar expected.
cTAjrzna roa uxcour. '
(Special DUpateb to The JosmalT)
. Pearl. Idaho, March 11. Three shifts
are steadily on dfitxj stHha Lincoln sink
Ing the new triple-compartment : ahaft,
which Is to be the main working shaft of
the nlnev: Manager Edwards Is rushing
connections from this shsft to the main
or bodies, so that - by the time the
. - Are Ten jsmgagadt
Engaged ' people should remember.
that, after marriage, many quarrels can
be avoided by keeping their digestions
In good condition with Klecrlo Bitters.
8. A. Brown, of ' Bennettsville, 8. C,
ssvs: "For years my wlfa suffered in.
tensely from 'ffyopepsla, complicated
with a torpid liver,-until sh lost' her
strength and vigor, and became a mere
wreck of her forrner self.' Then she
tried Klerlrlo Bitters, which helped her
at once, and finally made, bar entirely
well Uhm I. nnw .Irrm. rl kMlthwti
Red Cross Pharmacy. Birth and Oj'lc
streets, orl the way to the postofflc,
sen and guarantees them, at toe a hot-
tie., J .
Sat frawls Cnie T-
3OfcaaM 9 ngyi OUiy aax. abb .
Keaainsrs lor Jt Af
Three Davt Onlv fv
. ,
I no ntRtitT ant.cvNf.v ism AMD
eUAkANTKB to aiaka yau a eaarso If 1
fall .to call yoa by nam la fnU. naaaad of
roar Moods, eaemlas or neala. t proaus
t tell yoa whetbaa yoar . koebaad. wife or
swaatbeart la true ar fa las, tall yoa, bow at
sala tha lore af tka one na atoat dealra.
area thoogh aillea away; bow ta; aarrnl la
ouainoaa. spaeauaoa. iswsaira; now , w
aurrx the .ana af roar eholee: how to to-
gala roots, health sad Vitality. awaaorao
sell InOasaeo, cares drlsh habit I
trassares, rams -all aorroua dtaausoa.
Haw eaa I Sara good mear
now esa I
anrmad In hnalnoaat
llow eaa f Baaka say hoaw bappyl .
now eaa I aaaqaor aiy jwntoi . r ...
How eaa f Bxrry the oas 1 esoessl s-.
Bow eaa I oaarry well , .
Hnw nooa eaa I marry f
Row eaa I eoanwer say rleslt - l-
Bow ess I meku say one kwe SSST
How sooa will aiy lover uiuauaat
How eaa I get a letterf
How eaa I sot a good pesltloat
How eaa I nam had Influences f '
Pow eas I eontrol say oaet - :
Row nuke dlaraat onn think of Saaf
How esa I bold ny haahsad's level .
How ean t keen mf wtfn's Vaf
y -."J Kill AKiJ Wwootas.
V IIHU I CaaBtgSJfoeaaastaral
XnilnttdaiaX I dWahatsai.iBgaBiaialloas,
aaaii u imianoaa or aioa
-I J T!", of Btaeaai bmsiI
1 -- n ftd ftehac fnh, tVutt uAM&rm&K
SB , , , t r j -
cast af n-rijration. Deed direct from Stat tt
alAPFREZ. Drathotoi Irriratioo and Power Caca-Bsay,tlO-tl-lMcKAyBoudlDg,rWuMT,Oirga
cyanide plant is ready to treat ore, th
same may be delivered through th new
working. - The hoist to be put on this
shaft haa great capacity, and will handl
all development work and the mill ton
nage for a long time. -
(Special Stspatrh to . Tba JoerasL)
Pearl. Idaho. March J L The Black
Pearl management of this camp has re
ceived a milling plant and haa th build
ing material to erect th mill, but will
not commence to do so until well in tbe
summer.- Development em the shaft lev
els Is being . rushed, and tbe showing
had assures the compsny a reserve soon
for even a larger mill than baa been de
livered. - -
(Special Dlspstck ta Tbe JoaraaL)
Cottaga Grove, Or., March 21. Frank
Jordon, a local mining man. received
newa from hla brother at OrantsePass
of a strike In a claim they own together.
He Immediately left for Oranta rasa.
and no further details of tba atrlka can
ba learned. - '
- - eaasaasBBBBasnaa, ' ' .
oaeUi Dlsnattala Tha JoaraaL y,....
Vancouver. B. March 11. John M.
Harris, president of th Reco Mining
company, of Sandon, has announced that
the Reco will pay a second dividend of
120,000 soon., . .
Railroads Cannot Handle Bus'i-
ness Fifty IThousand
Cars Short. ' '
.. (Jovrnal Special Berries.) ..4 .
- Chicago. March 21. Leading railroad
officials of Chicago say that tha roads
running east and west out of this city
ara 0,000 cars - short of meeting the
present orders. Shipments pf general
merchandise are breaking all ; records.
The volume of westbound general mer
chandise over western roads I beyond
ail precedent and the equipment and ca
pacity of the roads are Uxsd to tbe ut
most, - . i "
The officials say that, larg as th
volum of merchandise traffic now la,
it la barely sufficient to meet the neces
sities of th sections to which It Is
consigned, and tbe merchandise Is con
sumed aa fast as It reaches Its destina
tion. 7' ' " " -
, Country merchants ar accumulating
no stocks, and. Indeed, It la difficult to
get goods delivered fast enough to sup
ply immediate needs. Should the year
bring forth average crops every road In
the country will be In need of large ad
ditions to) Its equipment.
' (Joornal Special Berries.) -New
York. March. ,11 In the little
green room off the stag of Tony Pas
tor's thsstr today were -a few basket
ot flowers and on a desk scores of Ut
ter and telegrams. "Tony" Pastor had
received these and also the personal con
gratulations of many friends upon com
pleting 40 years of sctive theatrical
management. Mr. Pastor la dean of New
.York roanagara and jf n -would not be
giving too fine a line on his-age it might
b added that be was a legitimate actor.
circus clown and variety performer for
quite a few yeara before na became a
theatre manager, in 1I6S.
Among those wbo sent letters or tele
grams ' of congratulations were Nat
Qoodwln, who was one of Mr. Pastor's
early variety performers; May Irwin,
formerly of the Irwin sisters; Daniel
Frohmart, Klaw - Erl anger, 'Hyde A
Behman and Montgomery Bn"Btone."
Mr. Pastor became the manager of a
road company on March 21, 1165. He
opened his Bowery opera house in Au
gust of the samo year. In 1171 he
moved to Broadway, and on October 24, took possession of his present
, house, next door to Tammany hail. .
IanVtfAWIaBMlCa. (.at or pot., a qua.
I - MbbWBaTUII 1 BwM Boy SBBlilS.
V Cf mt " 'sia n inor,
A I by aapraaa. anpald. taf
Vw "hl l-SS.orlbottlaaai.f.
I Molr an Oi.alar Mat aa aanassni
Special 3 day Only OCA
' Thar .ara na aitBtnans
ta th aeedtiltaas
Bade fey tk nest snd wonderfal psyeble.
hi Mirta. .
loa amy wisa te snow if it
Is sovlaable
B-ass a caaage la tan am. la lor. M
rlaco. -
"Shall 1 eseeed In no naw wadeetaklas
"Can I octal a my hope, sty wishes, sty B
Wtlensf' -,. --
"Bball I' aver enjoy the -Inxarla ef waaUkT"
in i tmat any meBOBT" -"Have
I eaeailasr ' " ntv.r
WTea stiaU I marryr ' i
"How oftea shall I BMrryr . . '-
Mthall I ' ,-
' "Doas s aother snars th lv that rlgktfaBt
oaxmaa to ar ,t
"If so. whoair -
"Am 1 lammA In aa
v T. Mk m aM.
"When Shall m lm sffsbp tarVJoat ta
; Bwt ean I ssahs BT life snd honjo hapa ft
j. wnea anu my anornt rrtena retarar
?Wa aa I ant racelr a latter f
rtorRB-Aria ta a bajxt Ar btjitbay.
29IK Morrison St Corner Fifth
Bama jflooa of Xostoa XMntal s-arlovB.
Invalids Arrive on Every
Train Seeking ? the Aid
j)f:the Cailfornia Healer
Who Is Caring All Man
ner of Sickness With-
li out Any Medicine What-
ever, at -23-24-Se.llng-Hirsch
aTaalaea. doetors. nhrsiolaaa aad mia-
lstars ara eaUlnA- on Mr. O. W. Harris
to obtala railof from their sntaTerlng.
Tha halt, the lavama aad tha bllad. Reader
youth showing ravages of 4Usa I aemll
out vga, Bent ui Droaaa laay mt woi
""Trr.;', ". Xaalar aCarrls. "'-''i":'r :
rihteancs"-of" verv "nature ' and - kind
apply for treatment,- Kvery -disease
known' to man can be and is cured by
this treatment, but there ar some per
sons who csnnot be cured. Kvorr day
surprises come to people who apply for
treatment when Healer Harris informs
them he can do nothing for them. It Is
well that all persons should take ad
vantage 01 tne oner mat is peine; maao
to sick neoDle at thla time, relative to
securing a consultation and treatment
ror nothing or oringing tne aavertine
ment to the office, for this is not going
to last much longer; not that .Mr.
Harris Is not willing to consult with
rou free, but he cannot take the time
away from some other person who Is
waiting ana reaay to tase me treat
ment, The time Is limited on all .free
work, for it coneiumes Just as much
time to talk with one as it does to give
him a treatment. Therefore, those who
cannot afford to pay for consultation.
had nest,-taite aavantage 01 tne oners
that he ia making today, tomorrow mar
be too late.,
- Lectures Three Times a Week -
It Id the Intention of Dr. Harris to
start this course of Instruction not later
than next week, and arrana-ementa
should be made In the next few days,
for aa soon as this claa commences the
price will be advanced to twenty-five
dollars or mora. Remember 4hese lec
tures bring out all the good ther Is In
a man or woman, and teach them not
only bow to take care Of self, but you
have a protession ny wnicn money can
ho earned If one so desires. C. W. Har
ris, SH- Washington street
b Portland
HtT 70a llt-K! thu PfpTtUad Turklst.
Onnd nsale every evening, good thins
to est. Bond thlnsa to
oTtsa ;
snd no aarmondlnse.
Prices ne
higher tka stber places abost tka city,
to Meaier umi loz nun aaa euro.
- " ' ' " 1
T'DZZ. r'i
'' j ' A
it . y i
Jr - - y: ' ''I
n i
-f rS
Dr W Norton Davis.
Wa treat - - . n w loos and
ehroal dlsaaww of bmm; sins Wood, etoajoch,
heart. Dm. iUm, m, kM.a tmnhlas. W
ear 8TPHIU.IS (without awrcary) t stay
cured forTr. In SO te SO days, wa resaorj
STRlCTUBg. wltbost pals. Is R
days. .
. W stoB orataa. s' result f self-abaea. Ws raa raator tba ariu.l r1r
of say bub nder 60 by saaaa of local traat
smbI paeaUar . to arasl. .-
We Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week
ina oocrors at this Inatltat ar an -a-
STSdastes, kav bad .maey year1 aJ pari. aaa.
aaa .fesea knows la Portlaad ro ia y-vj
kavo a rapeUtloB to aialntala and. will aader
tak no esse salens esrtala earss '
W gaaraata t car In every esa w ender.
tsks r chant a f. Coaalstatloa feon.
it wjnnoaniiai. - instraetiya jdw - -- "
BJallad fro la plain wrapper. '
cannot cnu a mwer, - -
M kaak. Bsaw traatawat soccaasfuL
Ofse boars R to B aad T to R. sasdays aad
aojioaya, iv on - ,
Tk3 leadlag reed Hare la th BorUwoat,
t kaUbllahed 1S8S.
Tea Bay Betel. . w, fjor. Third aad Tta Bta.
Actual Contact
: - Is the Only
Way to Appreciate
Modern 1 MarveL
Vica-Prea. and Oen. Mgr.
finCrcnir. j EirrnACTS
tiSwIutirHrJy. f1rvtJnvcr.
Cmhrrf JfrwJi, CaMraLi fYkeil
on. guijii's
-t by removina; the causa
Toub eiLiouBNiss - T:
, by aiding aigestlon :
- by purifying tb blood
bscbipt or rates, aaa. ram box
DK. B0S4NK0 CO., PHILADtXPrllA, P U. S. .
Proprietor of tli
City Brewery
' Sargast aad Most Oomplet ,
Brewery la ta VorthwMt,
Bottled Beer a Specialty
. TBXBPsbara s. ra. -'.
Ore JMh aad Barmaid treats.
Sealed pmpnasla will he received at the ofnre
of the Auditor of the city of fort la ltd nntll
Monday, Marrk 27, nA, at g p. m f fnr.
nlohlng to tbe tlty of Portland' en adding
Biarhlne. :- r -
tin proposal will be eonaldered ttnleas ar.
rompanlrd by i rerllDed rherk payable to 'the
erdrr of fleorso M. William., Mayor of tha
lity of Portland, eqnal to 10 per rant of the
eersat amnnal t.f the bid.
The right to reject any sad all bids Is hereby
reserved. , . f ,
By order of th Ktemtlve Board. '
Asdlte of the flly ' ef PortUsd. '
rertland. Orrgu March U. 1906.
v J, .. .V-
ha. Ut mJt hJ.
X Oldest Tt Osouv la Ortgsa.
CAJtiAAX, ,tra,
Wa eandaet sanaral bar -log hoslSM. W
racatv aavioga s-"-ita. V rmum V a e-e.
tiBcata ssd oarttaratas 'of dVaasIt sot. a
anoa 10 dan' sail, at days1 sail fo - '
tall, with la tenet at Rfc. RH asd per a. r -
Kk.?- sr:iAx?o:r -
BltNJ. I. fvtnvM., PraaJdaad) '
H. U PrnTKt
B. LBB PAOsrf Soeraury
I. O. BOLT B A.. Asalataat aosratary .
a. rswar'n. it.iia.uuu,j,,..i laiuil
. i nia.,,,itt,, . a i.aia.ns
B. W. HO YT , Caahlor
0BOROB W HOTT. Asslstsnt Csahlor '
Tiaassakj a weaerel Banking Bmlaoaa.
Crafts ssd Letters of Credit laaed Available,
to An Parts of th World.
" ColloetloBS a Bpeefslty.
BRR Msrrlsaa Bt,. Vortlaad. Or.f , u
. TrasnaBta- a waaornl Banking Bsalaaaa, '
Istarost Allowed on Tlma ssd Saving Deposits,
Acts as Treats far Batatas.
Draft sad Letters af Credit Avaliahl la AH
Parts ef tie . World.
C. F. ' AD AMS , . .Frea14ent
L. A. LIWIS... first Vlce-FTosMeBt
A. L. M.f-'JI ..Second Ticn-Prealdont
R. 0. JCB1TB .....Secretary
Traasact a Oanatai Banking Bnsiaaaa.-.
AvsTUhta ta All ntl of tba finite Bta tea
asd Bvrapa, Hons Kong aad Maalla. ...
raixrrxoB-s btabx ob jatobabib rntam
rrtwiaao.. .,.,.. v. AlKSWOHTH
Ctahlar. ,...-.;.,....;...B. , W. . BTHMEER
Asslawat Cashier ......A. at. WBIOBT
- (IstaUlaBad la 1RM.)
Tianaaahl a Baaiaal Baaklas B
CoUoatloaa aaa da at an oolnta en r..uiA
tarsia. , Letters of credit lamed svsllsble la
karope and all points In tba United Ststaa.
- Bight Biehanie and Tatecraphle Traaafera
sold os Now York. Waablnrtos.
Lsala, Den ear, Omaha. Bna rraaelsoa sa
Uonuna aad BriUak Coleatbta, . .
Err bang sold oa London. Parta, BorBa.
Praahfort, Bong Bag. Zakosaaia, Manila and
Boaolala. . '-' . . ..
Usslgastad Depoaltory and f inancial Aavst ml '
, i the U sited BUtoa. .
Praatdeat.. .....A. L. MILLS
Ca.bler. W, KEWKIBK 1
Asalataat Caahlar. TT. 0. ALTO UP, i
eromi v.-nw a. W . HISVSNB
tttors oz mgii umm u avniiannj is
and tha Canteen Bta tan 1
Sight Bsehangs sn4 TalesTapala. Tranafins
an 14 on Naw Tork. Bootoa, Chicago, Be Lost-
St, Pa si, Omaha, Baa PYanel aad tha '
principal points is the Northwest. . .
Bight aad tin bill drawa hi obbm to salt'
as Lea doe. Ports. Berlin, frank fart -ea-the.
Mala. Bong Kong.' Xekoasnw. Oeoenaac.e.
Chrlatlsnls. Btockholta. St, PatarabBrgTMaa.
esw, Enrich, llonohjls. ,.
- Cslljetlsa Mad oa ravarahl TorwA '
1H rtrst Rtraat. rertlaa. ,0
Offsr IH-Weo Tsiiilaiijits la IntHpal ,a j
wgiBB war ABeAf
' Oa Portland Baal Xttsts at Lee eat Bates.
litis InsBTSd. Asstraets raralsaad. .
Sinaa a. chamhss of
Notice Is hereby gives thsttae aaaeaament
made by ordinance No. 1A403, entitled: "Aa
ordlnsaca adopting th report of th viewer
la tha siatter aX-tAO praacud ehaag ef Bast"
(lilaan atreet frost tbe weat Una of Eaat nee. .
ond street t tba weat Una ef Union avenue.
aald atreet ta b aa rateoatoa Is It prra.m
coarse and width of Baat Ullaaa street, ss Isld
oat easterly ef Uatoa avenue, by w taenia tbe
name ana nuking aa aaaaaasioBt' or tne benertta
and dsBMsea set forth 1b ssld resort." ac Droved
t-howey4. IUuB, haa heea entered asatnac '
th arversl owBsrs of sad peraoaa Intereated la
the land herein described as being severaDy
llaMe therefor. I th Docket of City Unas,
which said aaaeesanats are' aaad da aad Day-
able st-tb offli-e of the City Treasurer, la.
l-nite mates goto an sliver rotn. aaa en
leas paid hefor Aprfl . 1UUO, the nsaw will
hreosM dellnqaent ssd sack proceeding will b '
tekf n for th tnllerttus of th sm as ara pro
vlded by the charter ef th City of Portlaad.
aald aseeasmente being as rnuows, iawut-
A parcel of land lying between the .nrsaoecd
north line .of Kaat Uliaae-atreet aad a kin
131 feet north thereat and anrallel therewith.
- and between tba weat Una of Unloa arena a
'i snd th eaat Hp of Kast Third atraat, Baaiasl
ll.lple Rstate-, llelra of. A).0li.
A parrel of lasd lying between th west Ha
of Kaat Third atrert and a lln 100 feet weat
thereof and parallel therewith and between
the pronoaed north line of East U liana street
' ssd a lln 125 feet north thereof aad parallel
- therewith, T. C. Ureea, $10.00.
A parcel of lead lying bet wees th east Urn
' of Kaat Hersnd atreet and lln 100 feet
weat of and parallel with tAe.vMt-llaa-ax.
Wait Thug sueet antrbelweea the propoaid
'"north lis of Kaat OUssa street snd lln
fA feet north thereof aad parallel therewith,
' Chrletlaa H. Meaaadorfer. 10.00. -
A narrel of Innd lrlns betwaea th soeth lln
''"of Kaat""GltasB-Titreef-and I h 100 feet
north of snd parallel with the north lis of
' Beat Flandrra atreet and between to weat
"'ilno of In Ion avenn and a Ho SS fort wa -
thereof stod parallel laerswith, L. B. Juntos,
' A.,
' A parrel of had lying between two line re-
eperttvely Ml feet and IIS feet west ef asd
parallel with th west lln of I'nlo avenn
ltd between Ins annth Its of Host til lean
atreet snd S lias 1A0 feet north of snd par.
- sllel with the north lln of East Hander
street. Mrs. N.' J. Bailth. R3.00. .-! ,
'. A parrel of land lying betwaea the eaat line -of
Kent Third atrert and a Bne 110 feet west '
. of snd parallel with tha west line of Union
nvenos and between the sooth lln of Kaat
Ollean street snd s lln MO feet north of snd '
.parallel with th north line of Eaat flinders
street. Caroline Kb-her, R&M.
- A parcel of land lying between the weat line
of East Third atreet and a lln 100 feet west
' thereof aad parallel therewith and between
.thei sonth line of , East Ollass street and a
line 1B feet north f nd parallel with th
north line of Kaat Mssders atreet, L. B. -
A parcel of land lying between the eaat line
of Mat Second street snd lln 100 feet went
of and parallel with the went Mne of Ksat
Third atreet sod between the sonth line of
Ka.t fill-on street end line- 180 feet north of
and parallel with th north lln of Kast Plsn- -iter
tre,.t. Christina H. Meusedorfer, $10.00. .
Total, R8O.0O.
Andltor of th City of Portland.
Date nf ftrat pablicatloa, Portlaad, Oregoa,
Marrh Rl, 1005. " ' ' '
Notle ta hereby gives that the Auditor of
the City ot Portlaad haa prepared a proposed
mint fnr th Improvement of Eaat Alder
atreet front th eaat line of Kt Thlrtyolgbtli
street to the weat lln of Kaat Thlrty nlnth
street, and ha ascertained what ha deem a
lost apportionment of coat of th Imorevrment
In sccordanc with th aperlal snd penllar
benefits derived by each parcel of land and lot
or part thereof wlthl th sseeesment district,
ad haa apportioned the coat for ssld Improve
ment la tbe amounts set opposlt ch parcel
f land snd lot or port thereof aa Ita hr
f such penpoaed asaeeewnt, JA,m r "
Any objections t th apportionment of east
for said Improvement sinat be made la writing
to tba Council and filed with the Andltor wltbla
IS day from th data ef ta first Publics Hon
of this notle. and ssld objection. i will b heard
and determined by th Council be fare th
psasage sf th ordinance assessing th. cost of.
aald improvement. ,
LABIV-BLOCK 8, lot T. 0. T. Bow.n, RtB.OJt;
kit S. C. T. Bowes. R63.7S: lot 0, C. T.
Bowen. RdS.Tfl; lot 10. Berths Van Viae.
ttm.SB; lot 11. George IL Htraitaa, 1M BO: lot
Z George si. Strasss. RtW.lW. BLOCK .
lot l" Mary V. Hurley, ,3.78i kit S, Mary V.
Hurley. R6S PHi lot S. Mary T. Hurley, RS4.SS;
- lot 4, O. W. and Margaret-J. Allen, I ".;
Vrt 8, . W. snd Margaret V. Alien, $rA&i
lot a! Q, W. and Margaret V. Allan, t).A.
f Totsfc RTM.R1.. THofc c MtX, v
Andltor of the City of Port land. Oregoa,.
'Dntf f Best, publics lion, March 80. IBiB.
Notice Is hereby gives that oa th lth day
of Marrh. It", "V ""d emponnded st
th City Poud. t No. Jl Sliteenth street, la"
the tityof PortbiBd. Oregoa, tha following
dceerlbed aalmal:
On bay mare, whit saddle marks s back,
nd abod all (round, and nnlesa the owner, ne
other person ny persona having . as Interest
therein, shall claim posseaaloa of the samo,
snd pay all east snd ebargiw of tha keeping
nd -edrertl.lng them, together with th poand -fee
on aald animal, aa provided by Ordinance
Na. 5.9JT. amended, of aald City nf Port
land. I wlll'sh' th artk nay of March.' louA,"
st the bene of 10 s. m., st th City Posnd, at
No. 31 Mlateentb tlwl, I aald city, aril tk
shove deecrltted animal st public snetlea ta -the
highest bidder, to pay coata and ehsrgea
for taking Bp, keening asd sdvertUIng-tuch
"list thl SOU day f Varch'. IMS.
, - F. W. BERD, V.
- (